Yourself, Now:: An Inspired Exerpt
Yourself, Now:: An Inspired Exerpt
Yourself, Now:: An Inspired Exerpt
{Describing the day's experiences:}...there was a moment where i was filled with an eagerness, excitedness, & joy. I did my best to "breathe" it in & out, which [sustained] the incomparable feeling. At that exact moment i felt warmth & looked up through the car's ceiling window. In a cold & grey day in which we experienced temperatures that allowed for snowfall, the sky parted for the first time. The bright, warm sunlight poured onto me like a reflection of what i was experiencing internally. And it was, of course. You caught a glimpse of what everyone is capable of. You spent the entire day focusing on a thought that makes you happy - makes you excited. Then you spent several moments taking your momentary experiences - breathing in the cool air; driving down a road with a loved one and a beloved animal soul; observing nature's beauty through a small window - and you made the moment your desire. Keep doing this. Keep making your moments the "dream you want to come true". More importantly, when you feel that awe inspiring emotion, that moment beyond words, feel it as long as possible as often as possible. What you were breathing in today in that car was Love; Spirit. Could you explain that, please? You were touching - or rather you were touched by - what you think of as Higher energies. In that moment you were connecting to the levels of emotions & thoughts & senses that normally exist out of reach. You were connecting to a state of being - a higher vibrating dimension - of awareness in which the environment is instantly the expression of yourself. Who you were at that moment was expressed poetically: Warm, welcoming, shining sunlight; filling every space... But you get the picture. I believe that i do, yes. I have recently read some "Seth" material {channeled by the author Jane Roberts} that mentioned something similar. I'm also reminded of someone {from an online dialogue} claiming to be an avatar, and that nature responds to her mood & such. In truth, you are all avatars and your environments are a poetic expression of who you are, as a whole. Every detail in everything that surrounds you, (as well as your response or reaction to it) is a part of who you are right now. When you no longer hear the ticking of your clock, you're no longer concerned with time. That's who you are now. As soon as your awareness of that ticking returns you are now a person more concerned with the time. You are aware that you are constantly changing, recreating yourself at every blinking moment. How you experience your surroundings is a reflection of the very same. {Describes a specific experience:} Have you never experienced an absolutely amazing rainbow, felt inspired & bound up with awe, while the person next to you noticed nothing more than a change in the scenery of what is just the road for his car to drive across? I know it seems obvious that this is merely a case of choosing one perspective over another, and it seems obvious that the rainbow was merely there & could not be changed. This is a rather mistaken interpretation. The rainbow is not a constant that simply happened to be there. You and your friend, in this scenario, both chose to be at that spot, in that car, and on that road. Both of you chose to place yourselves in front of that rainbow. This was all done because it reflected who each of you were at that point in time. And, as we mentioned, your reaction to your selected surroundings were part of that chosen experience. Every moment of every life works in this way. The time delays perceived in the manifestations of material objects and situations & opportunities are mostly irrelevant.
This is because often you are each in the process of perfecting your latest version of who you are now. That is the delay. It's like shopping for an outfit. You are mostly aware of the final image you want to see in the mirror. You begin to piece together all of the pieces of that final image, sometimes deciding on a possible substitution along the way. "Perhaps the blue pant would look better," you think. And regardless of the images in your mind, you'll willingly try the blue pants to see how they look in the reflection. The image you have in your head, whether it's the original one or the new one with blue pants, is there. It's instant. It exists now. The same holds true for who you choose to be at every turn. You know, right now, who you want to be. But, you decide to try out other variations anyways. You'll take a moment to feel a little sad or a little annoyed. You'll look at something you'd ultimately want to avoid, or eat something you hope to eventually avoid. You'll put on the blue pants, even for just a moment, just to see it in your reflection. There's nothing wrong with experiencing things, mind you. It's a great way to be sure of what each of us prefers. However, if you are certain you want to be a specific version of yourself, you must be sure to BE THAT VERSION OF YOURSELF. Choose it. Be conscious of it. (Let's use the same analogy.) If it's important to you to see yourself in the mirror wearing that one, perfect outfit, it should be important enough to want to see it in every reflection. Every window you pass, every mirror you come across, you'll WANT to see that outfit on you. Now, perhaps you'll be flexible about the hairstyle you see in the reflections from time to time, but the "you" you're choosing to see - choosing to show the world - always has that perfect outfit. If, on the other hand, you pass by windows and take no notice, you probably don't want to reflect that image as much as you convinced yourself that you did. So, it's about choosing at every moment. It's about awareness of self. You are living with each breath, but how many of those breaths are you aware that you're living? Love & Serenity
outside of my faith would burn in hell for all eternity, i would be right. To some degree each of us has at some point placed our self in a detachment from the All & punished our self. This blink of a moment would seem an eternity, & since time is essentially all one mass, the future & now & eternity are all the same thing. That doesn't sound right. Well it is. In some way, on some level, on some dimensional reality we all facilitate the truths of another. This is how we are able to experience everything. So all things are true. That's a little hard to grasp, but it makes sense [to me]. But what about those convinced that there is absolutely NO GoD at all? How can they be right? To believe is to make real. But again, it's still a perspective issue. Most atheists see the concept of a GoD in the fashion of a fairytale character or mythological archetype. The image is very much a cartoon, and having a cartoon commanding destiny and creating the world is ridiculous. That GoD, therefore, does NOT exist, & the atheist is right. Believing that [he/she is] the only entity in charge of his/her own life is also absolute truth to that atheist, and from YOUR perspective - that we ALL make up GoD - the atheist is still correct. Wow. Wow, indeed. So if the same atheist is convinced that there is NOTHING after death? You already know, the atheist is still correct. The individual personality of that incarnated soul, from a certain perspective, simply ceases to be and there's nothing more for him/her from that moment forward. That is, unless the person changes his/her opinion. Harmony & Unity
So give of yourself! Grow that amazing greatness and send it out to the world. And when the time comes to direct the power onto the self, keep yourself humble. Be meek and ask for Divine help. -- Indeed, always ask for help from the Divine. We are One with all things, and it's with the aid of the Angels, with Ascended Masters at our side, with Spirit in our hearts that we accomplish the best change. It is with a union with GoD that anyone affects the world for the greatest good. So pray! Speak with the Universe! Together we shall elevate & transform Life on Earth!
the past or possible futures is among them, but so is reading a person's feelings or their "aura". Again, it's all possible for the average person to do. Okay. And what is the purpose for having such incredible powers? Well, it's about interrelating, of course. You are all meant to work together with one another, raising each other into higher states of being. You are meant to function more as a whole, as a species. Without being intrusive. Imagine for a moment if everyone had access to psychic ability, to the fullest degree that most people can imagine. The first thing to go away would be deception. Right away everyone's visible (or sensed) energy field would be an open book to reveal emotion & health and so on. You would have no need to ask someone how they're doing. It would be crystal clear to you. With such available information exposing us all, that which is upsetting each of us sticks out, and the people surrounding us are available to council & seek ways to restore the wellbeing. Again, with psychic ability that would be easy to do. It certainly would. Each of you uses "psychic power" all of the time. Humans are quite capable of sensing dangers or reading another's emotions. You simply have been taught to negate your natural abilities. At one point it may have served the human race to ignore its potential, but it's time to reconnect to it. It's time? Many people on Earth now feel ready to open up to their senses, but not just as individuals. You are aware of this as you read this right now. For years - decades, really - humankind has been trying to shift, as a whole, into a new way of being. Yes, i do feel that is true. I think it's like a new step in human evolution, in a way. It is, but it isn't. Human beings at some points along the way, in some form or another, have achieved many of the feats that you imagine. Teleportation & telepathy are not new, & neither is communication with unearthly beings. So in a way, the shift that people want is not really a new step in evolution. What could be new to humankind is the UNITY of the species that many people hope for. You yourself hope to be a messenger for this Unity. Yes. I refer to it as Oneness. If humankind chooses to work with itself, then putting "psychic powers" to use would in fact seem like a new step in evolution. The species will have changed in such a way that would gain momentum, in terms of the changes that it would accomplish. Changes like...?
Changes like this: Every person on Earth having sufficient food and shelter. That is, the biggest "problems" of humankind would have actual solutions. With these solutions in place, an entire race of people would need new goals to strive for. That is the momentum. For, large groups all over the Earth would be involved at once to create solutions, and once the issues are resolved the desire to accomplish something great will remain. And after humankind has completed "fixing its problems", the desire to expand will lead you to new chapters in your history. For that's what we are talking about when we discuss evolution. It's about expanding who & what you are. It's redefining your self or your entire race by including more than you had to define yourself previously. Expansion. Growth. Evolution. Peace & Harmony
"connection" or "allowing" at the time the information stream is channeled. You yourself have experienced times when what you wrote lacked "inspiration". [And so,] your own words began to fill the pages. Your "human" thoughts alone dominated the layout of the message. {After a short break:} I must admit, a lot of this feels like my own creativity. Like my own mind talking with itself. {Humorously sarcastic:}But that's crazy! Right? No, i guess not. -- I'm pretty sure that you want to tell me that my imagination is still a part of [GoD]. Yes. That particular bit of information reached you faster than you can write. And i apologize for the hand cramps.
to be. Certainly you see this, but like so many others you convince yourself to sit idly by & wait. But what are you waiting for? {An exchange regarding advice is exchanged, and then:}...Even if you start by merely listening. Listening may be one of the most important things you can do. In fact, listening is what you need to be doing more of. And you know what i mean. You mean achieving stillness. Inner Peace. You seem to be forgetting that you yourself have written 'if you stop & listen you can hear the voice of GoD.' Fill yourself with Peace more often. Trust your intuition to turn off the television sets. It keeps you placid & complacent, when what you seek is to be truly awake. -Stop. {I was just about to allow distracting thoughts to disturb the flow of words:} You need to hear what i'm telling you, and just like [with] the t.v. & computer you are seeking other distractions. You're right, you're right. I'm sorry. Don't apologize. Simply slow down & absorb the message. It's YOUR message! Meant for you, right Now. -That's better. What were we talking about? We were about to discuss feelings. You have written and of course read a fair bit about the importance of one's feelings. It's your Spirit's way of guiding you along while you experience your human incarnation. I understand. But, you must use it/them. Elevate your emotions & put them to good use. And avoid worrying about those little emotional ruts. Be thankful for the dips. They show you that as bad as it feels, you have successfully avoided feeling worse. They also are an indicator of a couple of things: One) There is something that you are experiencing which you need to emotionally surpass, and Two) That you are on your way back up to good emotions soon... well, let's say "better" emotions. (Or more accurately, better feeling emotions.) So i need to be paying better attention to my feelings. As should most everyone. As one becomes better acquainted with their own emotions, they can become more discriminating in the emotions they choose to experience. And as one becomes more discriminating about their emotional experiences (assuming, of course, that the chosen emotions are ones that feel better,) then the body begins to align more closely with the Higher Self, which we often refer to as the Spirit. (This term we take from your own vocabulary.) Now, as an individual becomes more aligned with whom they are originally - the Higher Self - that's when intuitions get stronger & creativity flows more freely. Creativity is part of the "creating" power within each of you, and this means becoming more adept at creating not just things of beauty such as art, but also aids in stimulating the manifestational abilities. This means getting better at creating the life you want to live. As for the intuitive aspect, as it strengthens a person learns to listen more closely to their health by paying attention to the body, and increases in "luckiness" by observing synchronicities. Also, one is able to begin fine tuning the sensitivity to the world around them. This includes things like clairvoyance and detecting auras.