Ofun Eko 2
Ofun Eko 2
Ofun Eko 2
The synopsis is presented under the following subtitles:
1. Introduction
2. Pre-initiation Divination
3. Post-Initiation Divination
4. Brief History
5. Readings of the message
6. Affiliated Irunmole/Orisa
7. Possible Names
8. Possible Profession
9. Taboos
10. Glossary
The information you are about to receive from this reading of your
Odu, which was revealed during Itenifa ( Ifa initiation) is the workings
of the dynamic forces within you, which were formed by your
emanation and at the point of your existence on this terrestrial plane.
Also, it bothers on the cosmic forces that are spiritual and beyond
your control.
The dynamic forces are your potentials, natural qualities and strength
of your character to be controlled in order to strengthen your public
image and boost your popularity. Whereas, the cosmic forces or
components are from Ayanmo, Akunleyan and Akunlegba, these
three components are loosely described as Destiny or Heavenly
The Ayanmo is interplay to forces, which are usually divine, and in
consonant with the inventive precepts of Olodumare (The Almighty
God of creation). Ayanmo of your life cannot be changed. Once you
are created with it, it remains so till the expiration of your life on this
planet earth. Ayanmo includes sex of an individual, race, family,
parent, growth, and other natural rules of which an individual must
tow and obey.
Akunleyan are the virtues and values chosen in heaven consequent
upon your actions/activities in your previous evolution or existence.
They are actually things chosen by you and most of the time form
your likes and dislikes or taboo.
Akunlegba are the gifts or virtues added by various Irunmole at the
presence of Onibode (celestial sentinel) in heaven or just before you
emanate into the world. They are like spices, additives, preservatives,
and vehicles of propagation of Ayanmo and Akunleyan or things that
complement the Akunleyan in order to fulfill your destiny on earth.
The reading of your Odu helps to determine or reveal your talent
limitations, assets, shortcomings, possibilities and probabilities. You
should use the appropriate ebo (sacrifice) which has same polarity
and magnetism to your Odu in order to discover love, fortune health,
hope, happiness, fulfilment in life and longevity.
You should also avoid such things, which may hinder your talents, or
discoveries by observing your taboos as explained to you during your
Itenifa (Ifa initiation)
Pre-initiation Divination (Àdáwọgbódù)
Pre-initiation divination (Adawogbodu) is usually done before a
would-be initiate enters the Ifa grove. The essence of this divination is
to reveal the present situation of things about the person. It states
further and justifies the need or necessity for the initiation.
Sometimes, a clue or hint is revealed about any unforeseen problems
that may arise in the course/process of initiation. Sometimes too it
gives a guide or direction to be followed or observed during the
The appropriate ebo (sacrifice) is done immediately, so that a hitch
free initiation is achieved, and to correct or amend any sad or ugly
occurrences that might have beset the would-be initiate.
Post Initiation Divination (Ìta)
Ita, in simple translation means the post initiation divination usually
done on the third day of Itenifa (Ifa Initiation). The significance of Ita is
to reveal the situation of things surrounding the initiate which may
likely happen in the near future. It acts as a support to the Odu
revealed at initiation. Through this divination, a babalawo is told by Ifa
if all the rituals and rites of initiation had been divinely endorsed by
the Irunmole and ultimately by God.
Ita, also re-emphasises and re-validates certain messages that are
sacrosanct in the main Odu reveal at initiation.
Sacrifices (ebo) are made immediately in order to engender good
tidings and possibly prevent any unhealthy occurrence that may arise
in the near future.
1. Ifa says that it foresees wealth for you from the day that you were
initiated into Ifa. Ifa says that you will be blessed with great
followership. There is the need for you to propitiate your Ori at the
boundary of a farm and eventually, it will bring about blessings of
wealth for you. You need to offer 3 pigeons, 3 guinea fowls, 3 roosters
and money. You should also ask Ifa what you will need to feed your
Ori. On this aspect of your Odu, Ifa says
Dia fun Ajala
Ti nloo we’ri ola l’aala oko
Won ni ko ru’bo
O gbebo, o ru’bo
Ire aje, ire aya, ire omo nbo Alajala re’le
Ire aje, ire aya, ire omo maa ba Alajala lo o
What a splendor!
What a pleasure!
This was the Ifa cast for Ajala
When he was going to bathe his head for prosperity at the farm
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The ire of financial success, ire of spouse, ire of childbearing are
accompanying Ajala home
What a splendor!
What a pleasure!
The ire of financial success, ire of spouse, ire of childbearing are
accompanying Ajala home.
2. Ifa says that there is a possibility for you to be lost but the person who
will find you will be an important person in your life. It is through the
help of Ifa that you will be found again. There is the need for you to
always propitiate Ifa. On this, Ifa says:
Bi babalawo ba jawe
Eran ni ogberi yoo pe
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti yoo rin
Ti yoo sonu
Ti agbe yoo hee wale
Won ni ko rubo
O gbebo, o rubo
Nje Ojugbona lo mo ‘bi Edu n lo
B’Ojugbona o ba de
Ifa o jeun
Nijo a de’gbo o
T’Ojugbona lo soro
Ati Oluwo eni
If a babalawo plucks a herb
An ignorant person would think that he is an animal
This was the Ifa cast for Orunmila
When he would wander about and get lost
And a farmer will bring him back to his home
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied.
It is Ojugbona that knows where Edu is going
If Ojugbona does not arrive
Ifa cannot eat
When we get to the grove
He who is important is Ojugbona
And one’s Oluwo
3. Ifa foresees ire of wealth for you. There is the need for you to feed
Sango. Ifa says that you have the tendency to behave unpredictably or
in strange ways. As a result, people will be passing negative
comments against you. Ifa says that your blessings will boom in direct
proportion to the negative comments passed against you. On this, Ifa
Ofun mogunda-mogunda
Ofun mongede mongede
Dia fun Were
Ti won bi lode Oyo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gbebo, o rubo
Were le n pe Ewegbemi
Bee ni o bu’ni je
Ofun mogunda-mogunda
Ofun mongede mongede
Cast Ifa for Were, a lunatic
The one that was born in the land of Oyo
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied.
They thought he was a lunatic
Yet he did not bite anybody.
4. Ifa says that there is the need for you to go and feed her Ifa. Ifa says
that you are not always comfortable and you do not feel at ease. You
need to offer ebo and feed your Ifa with a she-goat. The feeding of the
Ifa, of course must be done in the midnight. On this, Ifa says:
Ofun mogunda-mogunda
Ofun mongede mongede
Dia fun Eni-Ara-o-ro
Ti yoo tanna bo Ikin re loganjo
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gbebo, o rubo
Ko pe ko jinna
E wa ba ni ba jebutu ire
Ofun mogunda-mogunda
Ofun mongede mongede
Cats Ifa for He-who-does –not-feel-at-ease
Who would feed his Ikin in the dead of the night
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Not too long, soon after
Come and meet us in abundant ire
5. Ifa advises you to be truthful at all times. Ifa says that you have no
business engaging in lying, cheating and deceit. Ifa says that it
foresees that your woman will give birth to a baby soon and the child
should be named Ajala. On this, Ifa says:
Eni ba puro
Iro nii ro
Eni ba seke
Eke nii ke
Emi o tete mo
Nba maa mu sootosooto
Ti nba won naja eko dale gberegede
Dia fun Sooto-sooto ile Ife
Ti yoo bi Eriwo-Osin fun Ajala
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gbebo, o rubo
O sooto nile Alara, Ajero,Owarangun
Alara, Ajero, Owarangun wemo fun
Eriwo Osin omo ire ni
Eyin o mo wipe Sootosooto Ile-Ife
Lobi Eriwo Osin fun Ajala
Eriwo Osin omo ire ni o
Liars shall be incapacitated
By their lies
Cheats shall be cut down
By their dishonesty
Had I known
I would have chosen the truth
The trader in Eko market
These were the Ifa’s messages to the Truthful person of Ile-Ife
The one who gave birth to Eriwo-Osin for Ajala
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
She was truthful in her dealings with Alara, Ajero and Owarangun
She was blessed with children
Behold, Eriwo Osin is a well behaved child
Don’t you know that it is the Truthful Person?
Who begot Eriwo Osin for Ajala
Eriwo Osin is indeed a well-behaved child.
6. Ifa assures you that you will be victorious over all your enemies. Ifa
says you have to be careful because some people have set a trap for
you. For you not to have fallen into the trap, Ifa advises you to offer
ebo with one rooster, one hen and money. On this, Ifa says:
Mo yose e temi fonda
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa yoo yo Akapo ninu ibi o
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ewe wa dewe Oloyoboyo o mi o
Nifa o yo Akapo tie ninu ibi o
I have never cleverly remove my legs
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
Who will remove his devotee from trouble
The herbs that we use were Oloyoboyo leaves
Ifa will remove his devotee from trouble
7. Ifa says that there is a woman close to you who need to offer ebo so
that she will not be changing from one relationship to the other. This
woman maybe your spouse, your relation or your close affiliate. Ifa
advises you to offer ebo with one matured she-goat, 2 hens and
money. On this Ifa says:
Ofun foni fonda
The Awo of Eko, the Earthworm
Cast Ifa for the Earthworm
She was advised to offer ebo
Inorder to have a stable home
Eko has her home
Eko has her whereabout
But she sleeps in the main road
8. Ifa says that there is a woman very close to you who is looking for the
fruit of the womb. Ifa says that she will be blessed with many children
because her suffering had touched the sympathetic mind of the
Divinities. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with 3 roosters and money. Ifa
says you need to propitiate 200 hundred Divinities with one rooster and
feed Ifa with one matured she-goat. On this,
Fun mi ni aasaa mu
Iwo kii be
N o ma reni so’so
Nba reni so iso nko
Nba ba won naja Eko dale sunsun-unsun
Dia fun Gbaga-Iroko
Tii somo Olojee Isaaju
Eyi ti yoo mu Akuko kan pe Igba Egungun bo
Nitori omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Alara gbo, o wowo fun
Ajero gbo, o wowo fun
Orangun ile Ila gbo, o wo’mo fun
Omo alara, n o lo bi Ikin
Omo Alaaye lo bi Ela
Ope segisegi lo bi Eriwo, Osin f’Ajala
E wa womo Eriwo-Osin berere
Give me tobacco snuff to use
Why can’t you buy yours
I have no one to look after my stall for me
If I have someone to look after my stall
I would have transacted business in Eko market till night
Ifa’s message for Gbaga-Iroko
The offspring of Olojee Isaaju
She who will use one rooster to feed all Egungun because of
And Alara had and gave her a baby
Ajero had and gave her a baby
Orangun ile ila had and gave her a baby
The child of Alara was the one who gave birth to Ikin
The child of Alaaye gave birth to Ela
Ope segisegi the holy palm tree was the one who gave birth
to Eriwo Osin for Ajala
Come and behold the multiply children of Eriwo-Osin
9. Ifa says that you have a close friend who had be working tirelessly to
undermine your effort. This friend is so close that you will never
suspect that he/she is responsible for most of your problems. Ifa says
that this friend shall be exposed and sanctioned. Ifa also says that
most of your problems usually emanate in the dead of the night. The
assurance here however is that you shall overcome. Ifa advises you to
offer ebo with matured he-goat and money. After this you will mix
ashes with salt, used the mixture to imprint Ofun Eko on the floor of
where you sleep and placed your bedding on the imprint salt and
ashes. This is where you will sleep overnight. Please do not sleep in
your usual place that you normally sleep on the day you are offering
this ebo. On this, Ifa says:
Eke ni o kun’ni
Ika ni o kun-nnyan
Ti won ba n yole e da
Oun abenu nii ma yo won-an se
Dia fun Akuko Gagara
Ti oun Eko jo nsore
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba’ni laruuse ogun
Ajase Ogun la ba’ni lese Obarisa
Lying is not profitable to anyone
And wickedness is not rewarding either
If they are breaking the oath secretly
Their conscience will continue to torment them persistently
Ifa’s messages for Akuko Gagara, the Giant Rooster
Who was the friend of Eko, the Earthworm
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of victory
Victory is the reward guaranteed for Ifa devotees
10. Ifa assures you that you will be blessed with abundant prosperity and
accomplishment. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with one Okete (giant rat)
and money. You also need to propitiate your Ori with one Okete and
you will also feed the Elders of the Night with one Giant Rat. On this,
Ifa says:
Solo Igbin
Oja se afiro
Babalawo dindin bi igba epo
Dia fun Ewu aronrotan
Ti yoo rokun ota mo Ooni lori
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni wowo ire
Solo Igbin
Oja se afiro
Babalawo dindin bi igba epo
They cast Ifa for Ewu Aronrotan
Who will adorn the neck of Ooni with the bead of prosperity
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all Ire of life
11. Ifa says that there is a woman in your life who will be given trouble to
you and the members of your family. This woman will be responsible
for some of the social, physical and physiological problems that you
will be having in the family. You need to be very careful with this
woman and learn to never to confront her. The pragmatic thing for you
to do to avoid her as much as you can and to offer ebo. Ifa advises you
to offer ebo with one mature he-goat and money. You also need to
feed the Elders of the Night with plenty of palm-oil. On this, Ifa says:
Ofun rere
Eko rere
Dia fun Adepeju
Ti nlo ree wa’po lebu
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
Igbati Adepeju wa eyin leku
Loyun ba nya
Ofun rere
Eko rere
They cast Ifa for Adepeju
When going to extract palm-oil in the distillery
She was advised to offer ebo
When Adepeju was extracting the palm-oil
She ended up losing her pregnancy
12. There is a person very close to you who comes from an influential
family background. This person believe so much in the affluence of
his/her family to the extent that he/she had allowed it to entered into
his/her head and it influencing his/her action in life. Ifa warns this
person to be careful not to damage itself/herself because of his/her
over reliance on the success of his/her family. In the same vain you
also need to be careful not rely too much on your own family success.
Ifa advises you to offer ebo with one matured he-goat and money.
The chewing sticks that I used to brush my mouth while up
to twenty
The people that I know are up to thirty
Ifa’s message for Eko
The child of Ajaniwarun
Her mother was wealthy
And her father was very prosperous
She was advised to offer ebo
So that she won’t die in the main road
13. Ifa says that there is woman very close to you who is morally bankrupt.
The said woman is not decent in her love relationship because of her
lack of insincerity and decency. Ifa says that the woman in question is
having an illicit love affair with a man who is by every standard lower
than her husband. Ifa warn her to stop forthwith. However, if a
problem had already occurred as a result of her infidelity she needs to
confess her wrong doing in order to save her life. Ifa advises the
woman in question to offer ebo with a matured she-goat which has two
lumps on its neck. The same she goat will be slaughtered to feed Ifa.
On this, Ifa says:
14. Ifa says that you need to learn to be the friend of all. You must never
keep malice or hold grudge against anyone. By so doing, you will live
to your old age and a very happy and rewarding life. This is the reason
why you must be plain to everyone and at the same time you must try
and be generous to all. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with four rats, four
fish, two hens, two roosters, two pigeons, two guinea-fowls and
money. On this, Ifa says:
Bun mi laasa mu
Iwo kii be
T’ahun to ahun
A ba la o nika o seje
Dia fun Gbongan-Iroko
Tii yoo ba won naja Eko dale
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Igun ni mi
Emi kii se Olodi enikan
Gerere kasai ba won naja gerere
Give me tobacco snuff to consume
Why can’t you purchase yours
What belongs to the miserly is enough for the miserly
Even if you cut open his finger, it will not bleed
Ifa’s message for Gbongan-Iroko
Who will transact business in Eko market till night time
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
I am Igun, the Vulture
I keep malice with no one
Gerere, I shall not but transact business with them
15. Ifa says that people love to implicate you over issues that you know
little or nothing about. Ifa says that the same people who try to
implicate you will also try make sure that they drag you down. Ifa
advises you to offer ebo with one matured he-goat and money. After
this, you need to procure one male tortoise, one big land snail, one big
crab and one bunch of alligator pepper. You will burn all these items
together and grind them into fine powder. You will be using it to
consume porridge regularly. On this, Ifa says:
The Earthworm has no eye the Awo of Oyo land
The hefty man, the Awo of Owinnlale
Owinniwinni the Awo of Adasuu
They cast Ifa for Orunmila
When they were implicating him on all issues
They claim that it was Ifa who knew the head of the lunatic
In the congregation
And Orunmila was he who knew the footprint of the
psychotic on the road
And that Ope-Agunka was he who knew the bird that will lay
eggs the next day
He said that why were you implicating me this way
They responded that was he not the one who said that he
knew Obara and he also knew Ofun
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
He declared that if it were to be my portion
Implication will not kill Alabahun, the Tortoise
Igbin, the Snail will never consume the sand and die
The day that Alakan, the Crab consumes the clay
That was the same day that it would excrete it
All the evil that you heap on me
I have bent down and excreted them out of my system
16. Ifa says that anytime that you want to perform any ceremony; you must
never dance when the ceremony is going on. This is in order to avoid
disaster that may lead to untimely death during the ceremony. Ifa
advises you to offer ebo with three roosters and money and make sure
that you observe these taboos very well. On this, Ifa says:
Ka wi fun ni ka fe
Aye a ye’ni ye’ni
Ka soro fun ni ka gba
Niyi omo eniyan
Awifun ife, afofun igba
Nii fowo agai bomi enu
Dia fun Eko
Ti n sawo o retalede gbangba
Won ni ko ma joo
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Eko jo latalede gbangba
Oku e la ri bo
If we heed warning
The world will be agreeable for us
If we follow advise
That is the prestige for human being
Refusal to heed warning and advice
Will make one have everlasting regret
Ifa’s message for Eko
When going to the main frontage
He was advised not to dance
He refused to listen
Eko danced in the main frontage
His corpse was carried home
1. Ifa – for protection, success and realization of destiny
2. Ori – for protection, direction and realization of destiny
3. Esu-Odara – for guidance and consummated fortune
4. Obatala – for leadership and victory
5. Obaluwaye – for protection against ailments
6. Sango – for victory and leadership
7. Osun – for child bearing and child rearing
8. Egbe – for comradeship and leadership
9. Egungun – for overall success and ancestral support
Aboru Aboye