Iwori Irosun-1

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Lagos, Nigeria.
July, 2010
Lagos, Nigeria.
July, 2010
The synopsis is presented under the following subtitles:

1. Introduction
2. Pre-initiation Divination
3. Post-Initiation Divination
4. Readings of the message
5. Affiliated Irunmole/Orisa
6. Possible Names
7. Possible Profession
8. Taboos
The information you are about to receive from this reading of you Odu, which
was revealed to during Itenifa ( Ifa initiation) is the workings of the dynamic
forces within you, which were formed by your emanation and at the point of your
existence on this terrestrial plane. Also it bothers on the cosmic forces that are
spiritual and beyond your control.
The dynamic forces are your potentials, natural qualities and strength of your
character to be controlled in order to strengthen your public image and boost
your popularity. Whereas the cosmic forces or components are from Ayanmo,
Akunleyan and Akunlegba. These three components are loosely described as
Destiny or Heavenly gift/virtues.

The Ayanmo is interplay to forces, which are usually divine, and in consonant
with the inventive precepts of Olodumare (The Almighty God of creation).
Ayanmo of your life cannot be changed. Once you are created with it, it remains
so till the expiration of your life on this planet earth. Ayanmo includes sex of an
individual, race, family, parent, growth, and other natural rules of which an
individual must tow and obey.

Akunleyan are the virtues and values chosen in heaven consequent upon your
actions/activities in your previous evolution or existence. They are actually things
chosen by you and most of the time form your likes and dislikes or taboo.

Akunlegba are the gifts or virtues added by various Irunmole at the presence of
Onibode (celestial sentinel) in heaven or just before you emanate into the world.
They are like spices, additives, preservatives, and vehicles of propagation of
Ayanmo and Akunleyan or things that complement the Akunleyan in order to
fulfill your destiny on earth.
The reading of your Odu helps to determine or reveal your talent limitations,
assets, shortcomings, possibilities and probabilities. You should use the
appropriate ebo (sacrifice) which has same polarity and magnetism to your Odu
in order to discover love, fortune health, hope, happiness, fulfillment in life and
You should also avoid such things, which may hinder your talents, or discoveries
by observing your taboos as explained to you during your Itenifa (Ifa initiation)
Pre-initiation Divination (Àdáwọgbódù)
Pre-initiation divination (Adawogbodu) is usually done before a would-be initiate
enters the Ifa grove. The essence of this divination is to reveal the present
situation of things about the person. It states further and justifies the need or
necessity for the initiation. Sometimes, a clue or hint is revealed about any
unforeseen problems that may arise in the course/process of initiation.
Sometimes too it gives a guide or direction to be followed or observed during the
The appropriate ebo (sacrifice) is done immediately, so that a hitch free initiation
is achieved, and to correct or amend any sad or ugly occurrences that might
have beset the would-be initiate.
Post Initiation Divination (Ìta)
Ita, in simple translation means the post initiation divination usually done on the
third day of Itenifa (Ifa Initiation). The significance of Ita is to reveal the situation
of things surrounding the initiate which may likely happen in the near future. It
acts as a support to the Odu revealed at initiation. Through this divination, a
babalawo is told by Ifa if all the rituals and rites of initiation had been divinely
endorsed by the Irunmole and ultimately by God.
Ita, also re-emphasises and re-validates certain messages that are sacrosanct in
the main Odu reveal at initation.
Sacrifices (ebo) are made immediately in order to engender good tidings and
possibly prevent any unhealthy occurrence that may arise in the near future.
Iwori irosun
1. Ifa says that when you are coming from heaven you choose
as part of your destiny the Ire of success and
accomplishment. You will also be blessed with abundant
financial success that is the message of Ifa for you. Ifa says
that your success and wealth will come through business
transaction. Consequent upon this, there is the need for you
to concentrate on engaging in business enterprising. Ifa
advises you to offer ebo with four white pigeons, four guinea-
fowls and money. There is also the need for you to have the
icon of Aje with you. On this, Ifa says:

Iwori gosun-gosun sowo odo poroporo

Dia fun wowo-wenwen
Tii se yeye aje
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ire aje ma ma nw’awo bo wa o
Wowo wenwen, iwo ni yeye aje

Iwori pounds and pounds the camwood with mortar
Ifa’s message for wowo-wenwen
Who is the mother of Aje, the Divinity of Wealth
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
The blessing of prosperity is looking for the Awo
Wowo wenwen you are the mother of Aje

2. Ifa says that you will not lack children in your life. You will be
a proud mother of your own babies. Ifa says that if however
there is any problem of becoming pregnant or begetting your
own baby there is the need for you to offer ebo with two
matured he-goat and money. One of the she-goat will be
used to feed Ifa. The reproductive organ of the she-goat will
be used to prepare Ifa soup for you. On this, Ifa says:

Enini nii weri emo

Toto bala nii we’di igbin
Dia fun iwori
Ti yoo maa ka osu lodo odun
Iwori, o ba ru ewure
Koo ru egbaa
Koo ye osuu ka

The early morning dew wet the head of the brown rat
Water droplet wet the shell of the snail
Ifa’s message for Iwori
Who will counting her menstrual period every year
Iwori please offer ebo with she-goat
And with 2000 pieces of cowries
For you to stop counting your period everytime

3. Ifa says that whenever you are excited or angry, you have
the tendency to speak your mind and damn the
consequences. Ifa however cautions that this is not in your
best interest. There is the need for you to watch your
utterances inorder to avoid a situation where you will put
yourself in terrible trouble. Ifa says that when this trouble
comes it will affect all the members of your family. Ifa
advises you to offer ebo with two matured he-goats, plenty of
camwood and money. After the ebo all the members of your
family need to paint there legs with the camwood. On this
aspects, Ifa says:

Iwori gosun sowo odo poroporo

Dia fun eyele
Tin rode lo bu iku gbe
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni laruuse ogun

Iwori pounds and pounds the camwood with mortar
Ifa’s message for Eyele the pigeon
When going outside to insult Iku Death with impunity
She was advised to offer ebo she complied
Before long not too far
Join us where will enjoy victory over adversity

4. Ifa says that anytime you are pregnant it is not advisable for
you to be visiting any market place. This is inorder for you to
avoid dilemma and pandemonium in the market. Ifa advises
you to offer ebo with two matured he-goat and money. On
this, Ifa says:

Eyele lo kun osun si ese mejeeji roki-roki-roki

Dia fun ijala
Tii somo obinrin ode ijebu
Eyi to diwo-dise sinu
Won ni ko ma roja ninu oyun
O koti ogbonyin s’ebo
Otun ijebu e ma ma mapo
Osi ijebu e ma ma gbeda
Maarin-maarin ijebu e ma ma mese asagede tele
Gbogbo otooto ikoye
Igun ni mo pe
Emi o p’ogun o!

The pigeon rub camwood on his two legs and the leg turns
Ifa’s message for Ijala
The woman from Ijebu land
When she was heavy with pregnancy
And she was advised not to go to the market during
She failed to comply
The second in command in Ijebu land
Please don’t carry your arrow pouch
The third in command in Ijebu land
Please don’t unleashed your sword
All the able bodied youth in Ijebu land
Please don’t start reciting dangerous incantations
All the warriors of Ikoyi
I am only calling Igun, the Vulture
I am not summoning war and uprising

5. Ifa says that you are going to have several antagonist and
enemies in your life. Ifa however assures you that while
coming from heaven Sango had vowed to assist you in
conquering all your enemies. For that reason, there is no
need for you to fear any of these enemies. Just be sure and
know that you have Sango as your pillar of support against
all enemies. Ifa advises you to offer with three roosters,
three hens and money. You also need to feed Sango with
one tortoise. You however need to place the Sango on top
of a mortar for seven days. You equally need to put 200
pebbles on top of the mortar together with the Sango icon.
On this, Ifa says:

Iwori gosun sowo odo poroporo

Dia fun olukoso lalu
Jenrola omo arigba ota segun
Eyi tii firi wowo sete
Nigbati nbe nigbatemo ogun araye
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Kilarira fi sete?
Igba ota l’arira fi sete, igba ota
Ta lo nperi oba
Too! Emi o perii re alado

Iwori pounds and pounds the camwood with mortar
Ifa’s message for Sango also known as Olukoso Lalu
Jenrola who overcome uprisings with 200 pebbles
He who dew to overcome conspiracies
When he was in the midst of uprisings
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
What did Sango used to overcome conspiracies
200 pebbles were what Sango used to overcome
Now who is planning against the Oba
Never! I do not plan against you Alado

6. ifa says that a time is coming in your life when you will face
with serious infirmity. Ifa says that when this time comes
there is the need for you to offer ebo with two knives, one
matured he-goat and one tall banana stem. The officiating
Ifa priest or Priestess needs to cut the banana stem to your
exact size. He/she will cut the head of the he-goat and put it
beside the banana stem. The two items will be wrapped
together as if it is a corpse. The wrapped item will then be
buried at the backyard of your house. If it is not possible to
bury this thing in the backyard of where you are living then
you need to go else where for this thing to be buried in order
to replace you. On this, Ifa says:

Odu ikoko abegbe kurudu-kurudu

Dia fun olofin
Ti nsogbogbo arun
Tin nnaju ati dide
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni lajase ogun
Ajase ogun lawa wa

The giant pot with broad size
Ifa’s message for Olofin
When suffering from serious ailment
And was longing for the time that he will get well again
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of victory
It is in the midst of victory that will are situated

7. ifa assures you that you will be blessed with many children
and grand children. Ifa says that you will never lack children
in your life. That is one sure blessing that Olodumare has
given to you. Ifa says that you need to have camwood in
your house at all time either for your own children or grand
children. There is the need for you to be rubbing the body of
your babies or children babies with this camwood. Ifa
advises you to offer ebo with two hens, four rats, four fish
and money. On this, Ifa says:

Iwori gosun sowo odo poroporo

Dia fun ajala
Omo agosun sile d’omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni wowo omo

Iwori pounds and pounds the camwood with mortar
Ifa’s message for Ajala
Who will prepare camwood in anticipation of her babies
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long not too far
Join us in the midst of children.

8. ifa says that if you are having bad dreams there is the need
for you to take immediate steps because having bad dreams
or nightmares can easily make you sick. Ifa says however
that you are going to overcome whatever is responsible for
such unwelcome dreams. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with
two pistings, two roosters. On this, Ifa says:

Iwori godo
Iwori gosun
Iwori gosun-gosun sowo odo poroporo
Dia fun semi
Omo agodo pekun lenpe
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Semi ma peku ara yaw a gagaaga

Iwori pound the mortar
And Iwori pounds the camwood
Iwori pounds and pounds the camwood with mortar
Ifa’s message for Semi
Who pounds the mortar to kill the Leopard in Enpe land
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Behold Semi had killed the Leopard
They are all happy and rejoicing

9. Ifa says that you will be blessed with many children. If there
is any problem becoming pregnant or having your own
babies it is just a temporary developments. Ifa advises you
to offer ebo with four rats, four fish, two hen and money. On
this, Ifa says

Iwori gosun-gosun o dawo odo poro

Dia fun onigoosun omo ogbun
Ekun omo ni n sun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E ba ni ni wowo omo

Iwori pounds and pounds the camwood with mortar
Ifa’s message for Onigoosun
When weeping in lamentation of her inability to have her own
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long not too far
Join us in the midst of many children

10. Ifa says that you shall be blessed with success from outside
your area of abode. Ifa says that apart from success, you
shall also be given honour and prestige where you are
going. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with two pigeons, two
ducks and money. On this, Ifa says:

Eyele nii kosun sese

Nii da regerege oju si
Dia fun ofeeleje
Ti n sawo lo salade oyo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ofeeleje, awo rere
Ofeeleje iwo lawo oyo
Ofeeleje, awo rere

The pigeon rubs its legs with camwood
And leaves his face untouched
Ifa’s message for Ofeeleje
When going on Ifa mission to Oyo land
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ofeeleje is a benevolent Awo
Ofeeleje you are the Awo of Oyo land
Ofeeleje is truly a benevolent Awo

11. Ifa also reiterate the fact that you are going to have your
own baby. Ifa says that anything that is considered to be your
taboo, you must run away from it. Ifa also advises you to be
rubbing camwood on your legs regularly. At the same time you
need to offer ebo with two guinea-fowls and money. On this, Ifa

Eji nlanla pa ni, ko lapo

Iri woowoo pa ni, ko lofa
Ojo nlanla nii pa ketuketu
To ba pa ketuketu
A maa pa keyekeye ti nbe lori igi
Dia fun ese kan soso iwori
Ti n sunkun wipe oun o romo bi
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Iwo iwori maa gosun sile
Omo de weerewe

The rain shower drenched us but it has no arrow sheath
The dew fell on us but it has no arrow
Heavy rainfall fell on the guinea-fowl hunter
After drenching the guinea-fowl hunter
It also fell on the birds hunter on top of the tree
Ifa’s message for one leg of Iwori
When lamenting her inability to have children
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Now Iwori just be preparing camwood for your usage
Plenty of children are coming your way

12. Ifa says that there is no aspect of life that you will not
succeed. Ifa says that if there is any problem in your life such
problem is also temporary. You shall certainly overcome such
problems and success will surround you. Ifa advises you to
offer ebo with two pigeons, two hen and money. You also need
to propitiate the elders of the night with fresh boneless beef.
On this, Ifa says:

Oni mo ngbo poroporo lode igodo

Mo ni kini nse won lode Igodo
Won laje rere ni ntona ipese bowa wolu
Ola mo ngbo poroporo lode igodo
Mo ni kini nse won lode Igodo
Won laya rere ni ntona ipese bowa wolu
Otunla mo ngbo poroporo lode igodo
Mo ni kini nse won lode Igodo
Won lomo rere ni ntona ipese bowa wolu
Ireni mo ngbo poroporo lode igodo
Mo ni kini nse won
Won nire gbogbo ni ntona ipese bowa wolu
Dia fun won lode Igodo
Teti i won ti ngbo rere
Tete i won o si gbo rere mo
Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se
Won gb’ebo, won ru’bo
Yoo gbo rere
Kasai gbo rere o
Eti akapo
Kasai gbo rere

Today, I am hearing the sound of mortar being pounded in
Igodo land
I asked what was happening in Igodo land
They responded that it was good wealth that was coming from
Ipese root to the town
Tomorrow, I am hearing the sound of mortar being pounded in
Igodo land
I asked what was happening in Igodo land
They responded that it was good spouse that was coming from
Ipese root to the town
Three days time, I am hearing the sound of mortar being
pounded in Igodo land
I asked what was happening in Igodo land
They responded that it was good children that was coming from
Ipese root to the town
Four days time, I am hearing the sound of mortar being
pounded in Igodo land
I asked what was happening in Igodo land
They responded that it was all the good things of life that was
coming from Ipese root to the town
Ifa’s message for the inhabitant of Igodo land
Who had been hearing good news before
But who are no longer hearing good news
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
They will hear good news
They cannot but hear good news
The ears of Ifa devotees will surely we hear good news

13. Ifa assures you that you will live long in your life. Ifa says
that you are destiny to die young. Ifa also says that you will
bring success from outside your place of abode. Ifa advises
you to offer ebo with one matured he-goat, two pigeons and
money. On this, Ifa says:

Dia fun majala
Ti nsawo lo iju arere
Ebo ni won ni ko se
o gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ina jo’gbo
Ina joko
Majala yoo rele yoo lo wi
Awo ire ni majala

Ifa’s message for Majala
When going on Ifa mission to Arere wilderness
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Fire burnt the forest
And fire consumed the farm
But Majala, the Smoke will go home to tell the story
Majala is truly a great Awo

14. Ifa says that you have the chance of succeeding through
an influential person. Ifa says also that you will be with
accomplishment and elevation. Ifa advises you to offer ebo
with three pigeons and money. You also need to feed Ifa with
one hen. On this, Ifa says:

Papa nile emo

Odan nile afe
Alawo-bawo las alagemo
Oosa lo yan igi obi laayo
O mu gbogbo igi oko iyooku leru
O mu gbogbo igi oko laberi were
Dia fun areregosun
Tin lo gbawo nile olokun seniade
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nje emi o le sawo oba titi
Ki n bosi ku o
Areregosun, abi-sawo oba jinbinni

The savannah land is the home of the brown rat
And the plain is the home of the striped rat
The chameleon is endowed with multiple colours
It is Obatala himself who made kolanut tress is favourite
And made all the other tree in the forest subordinate to the
kolanut tree
It turned the other entire tree inferior
Ifa’s message for Areregosun
When going on Ifa mission to the domain of Olokun Seniade
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
I cannot serve as the Awo of an Oba
For me to die in abject poverty
Areregosun you are the Oba’s Awo
Who is endowed with ornament and success

15. Ifa says that you will be blessed with many children. Not
only this, many women who are close to you young and old will
also be blessed with many children because of you. Your spirit
and destiny are such that assist other women in receiving the
blessing of child bearing. Ifa advised you to offer ebo with four
rats, four fish, two hens, plenty of camwood and money. On
this, Ifa says:

Iwori gosun-gosun dawo odo poroporo

Dia fun won lode abon
Won ji ekun omo ni won nsun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nje atarugbo, atomidan
Atiyawo olele
Omo la o fosun yii kun

Iwori pounds and pounds the camwood with mortar
Ifa’s message for the inhabitant of Abon land
When lamenting there inability to have children
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
Both old and young
And even newly wed bride
We shall all rub our babies with this camwood

16. Ifa assures you that you will never die young. Ifa says
that no matter the situation you will still be alive for several
years to come. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with two roosters,
two pigeon and money. On this, Ifa says:

Esinkanrin moba iwo

Oro mogbe ijesa
Okan soso isoro
Kii je k’aye oloro o baje
A bii loro
O sun loro
Gbogbo e, gbogbo e loro-loro
Dia fun aluko-dodoodo
Tii somo olododo ikefun
Won ni ko sebo si laiku ara a re
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nje bi a ba seyi tan o
A o seemi-i si o
Omo isoro kii ku soro

Esinkanrin moba iwo
Oro mogbe ijesa
One Oro devote will never allow the life of other devotes
to go into ruins
He was born into Oro
He died an Oro devotee
Everything in the name of Oro
Ifa’s declaration to Aluko dodoodo
The marron turacco
The offspring of Olododo Ikefun
He was advised to offer ebo of longevity
He complied
After celebrating the festival this year
We will celebrate that of next year
A true Oro devote will never die young

17. Ifa says that you will not die young and you will be
blessed with prosperity in your life. Ifa says that three of you
will succeed together. This is the reason why you need to
identify the other two people mentioned by Ifa. Each of you
needs to offer ebo with two pigeons, two roosters and money.
On this, Ifa says:

Tirun ba pe lori
Irun a dewu
Tirungbon ba pe lagbon
A maa ta erigi
Ti alawen-enwen-en ba pe lara okika
A dako alagemo
Dia fun oluwo
Tii yoo gbogboogbo
Bi gunnugun tii gbo sile aye
Dia fun ojugbona
Ti yoo lalaala
Boorun se e la loke
Dia fun sarepamo
Tii yoo dagba-dagba
Ti yoo waa diwin akunlebo
Ebo ni won ni ki won se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
O ni iba oluwo
Iba ojugbona
Iba a sarepamo ogijan

If the hair stays very long on the head
The hair will turn gray
If hair stays long on the lower jaw
It turns to a beard
If a lizard stays too long on Okika tree
It will turn look like a male chameleon
Ifa’s message for Oluwo
Who will grow old and feeble
The way of vulture of grows old and feeble
The same message was given to Ojugbona
Who will succeed the way the sunshine in heaven
The same message was also given to Surepawo
Who will live so long on earth
That he will become an Orisa to be propitiated
They were all advised to offer ebo
They complied
I pay my reference to Oluwo
And my reference to Ojugbona
I also pay reference to Surepawo Okijan

18. Ifa assures you that you will be a proud mother and grand
mother of many children. Ifa says that a time will come in your
life when you will become pregnant and you will not notice it
that you are already pregnant. Consequent upon this, ifa warns
you never to argue over pregnancy or parenthood of any child.
Ifa advises you to offer ebo with two hens, four rats, four fish,
and money. You also need to feed Ifa with one hen and feed
Esu Odara with one rooster. On this, Ifa says:

Ere keekee nii d’ododo

Iri woowoo nii d’ojo
Ojo lo pa ketuketu
N lo degbee keyekeye
Dia fun iwori
Tii soko irosun lailai
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Iwori iwo lo o sasuu re
Bosu yii ba le
Loyun o dosu mefa

It is jokes that eventually turn to reality
It also dews that eventually turn to rainfall
The rain fell on the guinea-fowl hunter
And he became the coequal of all other bird hunters
Ifa’s message for Iwori
Who was the husband of Irosun for a long time
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Iwori you are the one who miscalculated you wife’s
menstrual period
When this month ends
The pregnancy would have become six months old

19. Ifa says that you are going to succeed together with a
friend of yours. This friend may be your husband, your
childhood friend or your confidant. Ifa cautions you and this
friend never to go and draw money with force from anyone. As
a matter of fact one of your very serious taboo is for you to go
and draw money from anyone with force. Ifa advises each of
you to offer ebo with one he-goat and one she-goat and money.
On this, Ifa says:

Panpa jegede
Dia fun eyele
A bu fun adaba
Awon mejeeji nsunkun awon o laje
Ebo ni won ni ki won se
Ki won ma si lo sin omo
Omo o won nbo wa ba won nile ni
Eyele nikan ni nbe leyin to ntubo
Okeere ni mo gboku panpa jegede o

Panpa jegede
He cast Ifa for Eyele the Pigeon
And for Adaba the Dove
Both of them were weeping in lamentation of their inability
to have financial success
They were advised to offer ebo
The were also advised never to go out to draw money
from people
They were told that there money will come and meet them
in their home
Only Eyele the Pigeon complied with the advice of the
It is from a distance that I learnt of the death of the dove

20. Ifa says that you are going to succeed beyond your
widest dream. This is because Orisa Oko had promised to
ensure that you succeed more than your contemporaries. Ifa
advises you to offer ebo with two pigeons, two hens, two
guinea-fowl and money. You also need to feed Orisa Oko with
a guinea-fowl. On this, Ifa says

Ejeeji laa godo

ejeeji laa gosun
Dia fun akinoso
Tii somo orisa-gbowuji
Ti nmenu sunrahun ire gbogbo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nje kinlawa nbo la nile e wa?
Orisa kan jingbinni
Nlawa nbo o la nile e wa o

In twos do we pound mortar
And in twos do we pound camwood
Ifa’s message for Akinoso
The child of Orisa-gbowuji
When lamenting his inability to secure all Ire of life
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Now what Orisa do we propitiate for success in our
ancestral home
It is Orisa Oko
That is the Orisa that we propitiate to succeed in our
ancestral home.
21. Ifa says that you are most likely going to have problem
with your menstrual flow. It may be that your menstruation will
not be regular or your menstrual flow will be excess or
inadequate or you will be experiencing pain when you are
menstruating. Whichever one the case may be, Ifa says that
you will overcome. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with three
roosters, six needles, one yard of white clothe and money. You
will put the needle inside the white clothe and you will take the
clothe to a flowing stream, river or sea so that the water will
take the clothe away. If this is done, the problem will be
overcome. On this, Ifa says:

Iwori gosun sowo odo poroporo

Dia fun onidoo
Omo a fomi weje nitori omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
Eba ni ba jebutu omo

Iwori pounds and pounds the camwood with mortar
Ifa’s message for Onidoo
She who uses flowing water to wash off her period
because of childbearing
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of many children

22. Ifa cautions you that if your husband is also an Ifa devote
you must never be putting kolanut on your husband Ifa for him.
If you are doing this for your husband it will be very difficult for
him to succeed in life. On the other hand, if your husband is not
an Ifa devote and you are the one helping him to feed Ifa on his
behalf, as long as you are the one placing the kolanut on Ifa
and you are the one breaking the kolanuts on his behalf he will
never succeed like you. Ifa says that there is the need for you
to break 16 kolanuts for Ifa at the outskirt of the town where you
live. You will break one kolanut for one Odu from Eji-Ogbe to
Ofun-Meji. That is when success shall be yours. If your
husband is not an Ifa devote, your husband must also feed Ifa
this way but he must do it by himself without your assistance in
anyway whatsoever. On this, Ifa says:

Popo nigodo
Popo nigosun
Dia fun orunmila
Ti nsawo lo sife akelubebe
Yoo fe ajere, tii somo olofin
Ebo ko le kola dele ni won ni ko se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Repeatedly does one pound mortar
And repeatedly does one pound camwood
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going on Ifa mission to Ife Akelubebe
And will have Ajere the daughter of Olofin as his wife
He was advised to offer ebo
So that he will be able to return home with all his success
He complied

23. Ifa warns you never to be the surrogate mother for

anybodies child. You must also not keep other people children
in your house to raise for them. This is because if you decide
to do this and any problem occurs everybody will implicate you
that you deliberately did what cause the problem even if you
know nothing about the problem. Ifa advises you to offer ebo
with one matured he-goat and money. You also need to feed
Esu with one rooster. On this, Ifa says:

Iji yee, oye gboo

Dia fun ese kan soso iwori
Ti yoo fomo irosun sebo o
Ebo isolenu ni won ni ko se
O koti ogbohin sebo
E o ri ese kan soso iwori
To gun osun sile
Ko too gun omo tuntun monuu re

Iji yee, oye gboo
Ifa’s message for one leg of Iwori
Who will be accused of using the child of Irosun as ebo
She was advised to offer ebo
So that she will not be implicated over what she did not
know anything about
She failed to comply
Cant you see one leg of Iwori
Who pounded camwood
And also pounded a new born baby with it

24. Ifa says that all the Awo who surround you are good Awo.
Ifa says that Ifa will bless them with success and
accomplishment. There is the need for you to continue to
emphasize to all the Awo around you to be dedicated to Ifa. Ifa
advises you to offer ebo with two pigeons, two hens, two
guinea-fowls, two roosters and money. On this, Ifa says:

Iroke mi niroke ide

Irukere mi nirkere ola
Iboju ifa a mi, magunregejege
Dia fun aro
Tii somo won lode ilode
Eyi tin lo ree gbawo nile osikan
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Aro n da, aro n ki
Eyin o mo pe ifa ire l’aro n ki?

My Iroke is made with brass
And my Irukere is that of honour
My Ifa cover is perfect and dignifying
Ifa’s message for Awo
The offspring in Ilode land
When going on Ifa mission in the home of Osikan
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Aro is consulting Ifa
And he is reciting the Odu
Can’t you know that Aro is a benevolent Awo

25. Ifa says that you will blessed with all the Ire of life. You
shall also become a leader. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with
four rats, four fish, two hens, two pigeons, two guinea-fowls,
two roosters and money. On this, Ifa says:

Orunmila lo di iporo ngodo

Emi naa lo di iporo ngodo
O ni kinlo wa se won l’otu ife
Ti won fi ngodo poroporo
Won ni aje tuntun ti ntona ibese
Ni won ri lotu ife
Ni won fi ngodo poroporo
Orunmila lo di iporo ngodo
Emi naa lo di iporo ngodo
O ni kinlo wa se won l’otu ife
Ti won fi ngodo poroporo
Won ni aya tuntun ti ntona ibese
Ni won ri lotu ife
Ni won fi ngodo poroporo
Orunmila lo di iporo ngodo
Emi naa lo di iporo ngodo
O ni kinlo wa se won l’otu ife
Ti won fi ngodo poroporo
Won ni omo tuntun ti ntona ibese
Ni won ri lotu ife
Ni won fi ngodo poroporo
Orunmila lo di iporo ngodo
Emi naa lo di iporo ngodo
O ni kinlo wa se won l’otu ife
Ti won fi ngodo poroporo
Won ni Ire tuntun ti ntona ibese
Ni won ri lotu ife
Ni won fi ngodo poroporo
Dia fun olufe akelubebe, omo alale-lako
Igbati nsunkun oju oun o rire
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna

Orunmila declares that repeatedly do one pound the
I respond that repeatedly do one pound the mortar
Orunmila enquire that what was happening to them in Ile-
That was making them to pound the mortar repeatedly
They said that it was the new wealth that they will receive
That was what they saw at Ile-Ife
That was making them to pound the mortar repeatedly
Orunmila declares that repeatedly do one pound the
I respond that repeatedly do one pound the mortar
Orunmila enquire that what was happening to them in Ile-
That was making them to pound the mortar repeatedly
They said that it was the new spouse that they will receive
That was what they saw at Ile-Ife
That was making them to pound the mortar repeatedlly
Orunmila declares that repeatedly do one pound the
I respond that repeatedly do one pound the mortar
Orunmila enquire that what was happening to them in Ile-
That was making them to pound the mortar repeatedly
They said that it was the new children that they will
That was what they saw at Ile-Ife
That was making them to pound the mortar repeatedlly
Orunmila declares that repeatedly do one pound the
I respond that repeatedly do one pound the mortar
Orunmila enquire that what was happening to them in Ile-
That was making them to pound the mortar repeatedly
They said that it was the new Ire that they will receive
That was what they saw at Ile-Ife
That was making them to pound the mortar repeatedlly
Ifa’s message for Olufe Akelubebe
Who is also known as Omo Alale Lako
When weeping that he was not blessed with Ire
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all Ire of life

26. Ifa says that you are a great mother. You however need
to offer ebo so that your children whom you have suffered
tremendously for will not be the source of your sadness in life.
Ifa advises you to offer ebo with one big mortar, one she-goat
and money. On this, Ifa says:

Ona kan ti igbara wa

Ona kan ti igboro wa
Dia fun odo
Tii somo iya e

One road come from this side
And another road comes from that side
Ifa’s message for mortar
That were the problems for their mother

27. Ifa warns you never to drink alcohol in life. Whenever you
are pregnant there is the need for you to offer ebo so that all
your children will not be born through caesarian operation. Ifa
also warns that you must never use a bat, you must never eat
it, you must never play with it, you must never do anything with
it. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with one matured she-goat and
money. The Awo will slice open this she-goat from the chest
down. The heart will be removed and plenty of palm-oil will be
poured into it. The complete she-goat will be given to the
elders of the night. Doing this will prevent premature death
during pregnancy. On this, Ifa says:

Ma godo poro
Ma gosun poro
Dia fun adan
Ti nrele ana re mayegun nile olotu
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonhin sebo
Bi e ba ngbo poroporo lode adan
E ma ma ya’be o
Iku oun arun ni nbe nibe e

To pound the mortar repeatedly
And to pound the camwood repeatedly
Ifa’s message for Adan the Bat
When going to her in-laws house
Where they consume alcohol
She was advised not to go
She failed to comply
If you are hearing the repeated sound of mortar in Igodo
Please do not go there
It is death and affliction that are there
28. Ifa says that were you are leaving a time will come when
evil principalities will completely overwhelmed the community.
Ifa says that it is only ebo that can pull the community out of
trouble and disaster. Ifa advises the community to offer ebo
with four matured he-goat, four clay pot and plenty of Elu
leaves. The Elu leaves will be place inside the four clay pots.
The four he-goats will be slaughtered and then the head of
each he-goat will be placed inside each of the pots. Instead of
Iyerosun, camwood will be used to imprint the Odu and this
stanza will be recited. The camwood will be placed inside the
four pots. The four clay cooking pots will then be buried in the
four corners of the community. That is when all evil
principalities will disappear.

Aruko idi abaya kurukuru

Dia fun won loko ejelu
Nijo ajogun ka won mole pitipiti
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ogun lo de le n sun roronkoto
Ogun lo de le n somimi suu
Ee ma s’ogun nile yii mo o
Ajogun e mo yaa lo o
Iwori e e kasun
Ajogun a peyinda

The hoe made with Idi tree had a big chest
Ifa’s message for them at Ejelu village
When evil principalities overwhelmed them completely
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
So it was uprising that is making you to cry uncontrollably
It is uprising that is making you to shed tears without end
There is no more uprising in this land
Let all evil principalities go away
Iwori go and count the remaining camwood
And let all the evil principalities turn their back and go
29. Ifa says that there is going to be a time that somebody will
fall terribly sick and the person will be very close to you. Ifa
says that whether this person is properly taking care of or not
he or she will get well. It is those who surround the sick person
that needs to offer ebo so that they will not die instead of the
sick person. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with one matured he-
goat, plenty of camwood and money. On this, Ifa says:

Iku dudu nii kosun dudu

Iku pupa nii kosun pupa
Iwori so osun kun
Koo ma baa kun ilepa dodoodo
Dia fun okunrin ibule
Dia fun eni ara ree da, ti yoo woo
Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se
Okunrin ibule nikan ni nbe leyin ti ntubo

Black looking death is he that rubs black camwood
And red looking death is he that rubs red camwood
Irosun be careful with the camwood that you want to rub
So that you will not rub mud that was dug from a grave
Ifa’s message for the invalid
And also for the strong health person who will take care of
They were advised to offer ebo
Only the invalid complied with the ebo

30. Ifa advises you never to take the same root to and from
wherever you are going. Anywhere you take when going out
please ensure to take a different route when returning home.
Ifa says that many enemies are watching you and watching
your movement but Ifa assure you that they will not be able to
overcome you. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with one-matured
he-goat and money. On this, Ifa says:
Popo nigodo
Popo nigodo
Dia fun onigoosun omo abon
Omo ariwo ganngan peena igi
Ero ti nrele igosun
E ma gba tokankan
T’oju-odo ni e ma yaa ba lo o

Repeatedly does one pound mortar
And repeatedly does one pound camwood
Ifa’s message for Onigosun
The offspring of Abon
He who has a sharp axe to fell trees
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Travelers going to Igosun land
Please do not take the straight road
Take the route from Oju Odo to your destination

31. Ifa says that if you intend to travel anywhere you will
succeed on your journey to and fro. You also bring good things
back from your journey. Ifa however advises you that
whenever you want to travel out of your vicinity, ensure that you
leave your child behind to take care of your house for you. Ifa
advises you to offer ebo with two pigeons, two hens, plenty of
camwood and money. You also need to feed Ifa with one hen.
On this, Ifa says:

Igodo poro
Igosun poro
Dia fun orunmila
Ti yoo r’ajo
Ti yoo fi faremu omo re de’le
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Enikan kii r’ajo
Keni ma b sile eni o

To pound the mortar repeatedly
And to pound camwood repeatedly
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
Who will travel on a journey
And leave Ifaremi his child to take care of the home
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
One cannot go on a journey
For one not to return to his home

32. Ifa says that Egungun is very important in your Odu. You
need to take the propitiation of Egungun very seriously so that
your success will be easy to achieve. Ifa advises you to offer
ebo with three pigeons, three guinea-fowls and money. You
also need to feed Egungun with Eko cornmeal, moinmoin bean
fritter, akara, bean cake and plenty of alcohol. On this, Ifa says:

Iwori gosun sowo odo poroporo

Dia fun onigoosun, omo abon
Omo eleegun seketewere
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Awa o tete mo ‘pe eegun loro ilee won
Onigoodun omo abon
Ase eegun l’oro ile e won

Iwori pounds and pounds the camwood with mortar
Ifa’s message for Onigoosun
The offspring of Abon
The owner of the elegant Egungun, Masquerade
Who was asked to offer ebo
He complied
We never knew on time that Egungun is their principal
Orisa in there ancestor
Onigoosun the offspring of Abon
So Egungun is your ancestral Orisa

1. Ifa – for fulfillment of destiny, protection, guidance and

2. Esu-Odara – for guidance, victory and protection
3. Ori – for fulfillment of destiny, success, achievement,
contentment and self actualization.
4. Aje – for financial success
5. Sango – for victory over enemies
6. Osun – for childbearing and child raising
7. Orisa-Oko – for success and leadership
8. Egungun – for family perpetration, elevation and success
9. Obatala – for success, leadership and relevance


1. Must not show disrespect or insult elders – to avoid problem

and disaster
2. Must not go to the market during pregnancy period – to
avoid trouble and uprising
3. Must not use bat for anything – to avoid problems of
pregnancy or child delivery
4. Must never maltreat or eat pigeon – to avoid crisis uprisings
and disaster
5. Must not draw money from others with force – to avoid
disaster leading to untimely death
6. Must never loose hope in life – to avoid unconsummated
7. Must never argue over pregnancy or child parenthood – to
avoid unconsummated fortune and crisis
8. Must never consume alcohol – to avoid unconsummated
fortune, crisis and disaster
9. Must never stay in your inlaw’s house when you are
pregnant – to avoid complication during delivery period
10. Must not allow other people’s children to stay in your home –
to avoid crises and complications.
1. Business Enterprise, Trading, Marketing, Salesmanship and
Public Relations
2. Orisa/Ifa Priestess
3. Transporter, Travellers, Tourist and Hotelier
4. Counselor, Welfare Officer


1. Ifaremi – Ifa consoles me

2. Ifakorede – Ifa brings all Ire of life

Aboru Aboye
Solagbade Popoola
July, 2010.

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