2 Changing Cost of Crop Production Srivastava Et Al

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Agricultural Economics Research Review

Vol. 30 (Conference Number) 2017 pp 171-182

DOI: 10.5958/0974-0279.2017.00032.5

Changing Crop Production Cost in India: Input Prices,

Substitution and Technological Effects

S.K. Srivastava*, Ramesh Chand and Jaspal Singh

NITI Aayog, New Delhi-110 001

The study has examined economics of crop cultivation at the aggregate level over the past 25 years,
identified sources of cost escalation and evaluated the effects of factor prices, substitution and technological
effects on the production cost. The results reveal that a disproportionate change in gross return vis-à-vis
cost resulted in varying rate of return from crop enterprise during the past 25 years. During 2007-08 to
2014-15, the average cost inflation reached the highest level of 13 per cent, more than half of which was
contributed by the rising labour cost alone. Further, at the aggregate level, use of physical inputs increased
only marginally and a large share of the increase in the cost of cultivation was attributed to the rising
prices of inputs. The estimated negative and inelastic demand of inputs revealed a great scope to reduce
the cost by keeping a check on input prices, particularly labour wages. The estimated elasticity of
substitution indicated imperfect substitution between labour and machine and the present level of farm
mechanization is inadequate to offset the wage-push cost inflation in Indian agriculture. It is therefore
necessary to accelerate appropriate farm mechanization through the development of farm machinery
suitable and economical at small farms and improvement in its access through the custom hiring. The
study has also revealed a slow rate of yield improvement to offset the rising cost.

Key words: Production cost, cost inflation, input price effects, factor substitution, technological effects

JEL Classification: Q12, Q14, Q16

Introduction resources among alternate crop choices but also enables

The agriculture sector, which engages 64 per cent an assessment of farm profitability, which in turn
of the rural workforce, assumes a predominant role in influences their decision to invest in agriculture.
improving the overall welfare of rural society. During the past five decades, Indian agriculture
According to the latest available data in Situation has witnessed a significant change in input-use away
Assessment Survey of Agricultural Households from traditional inputs like human labour, bullock
conducted by the National Sample Survey Office (NSS- labour, farm-grown seeds, manure and traditional
SAS), nearly half of the farmers’ income comes from methods of irrigation towards modern inputs like
crop cultivation. The economic viability of crop improved seeds, chemical fertilizers, farm machine and
production sector, therefore, becomes an essential large-scale use of tubewells for irrigation. It is pertinent
condition to sustain interests of the farming community. to evaluate the effect of such transitions on crop
In this context, accurate information on the cost of production cost and profitability of crop enterprise. It
cultivation (COC) is indispensable. It not only helps is also important to ascertain whether the change in
the farmers to decide on the allocation of limited COC, if any, is due to the changes in level of input-use
* Author for correspondence or its prices. The changing relative price of the factors
Email: shivendraiari@gmail.com of production prompts farmers to partially substitute
172 Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 30 (Conference Number) 2017

the related factors (e.g., farm labour with machinery) gram and arhar from pulses group, rapeseed & mustard
in order to maximize their profits. The evaluation of and groundnut from oilseeds group and sugarcane and
effect of factor substitution on crop cultivation cost is cotton among the other cash crops. These crops covered
useful in devising suitable strategies for controlling the 66.11 per cent of gross cropped area (GCA) in the
cost inflation in the country. country in the year 2014-15. The state-wise area
covered under the selected crops is given in Appendix
Most of the studies in the present literature have
1. For evaluating the effects of factor prices and factor
used cost concepts as a supplementary tool to estimate
substitution, plot- level data were used for the period
farm profitability or to assess the economic viability
2000-01 to 2012-13 for the selected crops. The
of a technology or to evaluate the impact of policy
technological effects on production cost were evaluated
reforms (e.g., subsidy, MSP) on production cost. But
using state-level panel data for the period 2000-01 to
barring few (Sen and Bhatia, 2004; Raghavan, 2008),
2012-13 in the selected crops.
no study in recent years has focussed exclusively on
the changing structure of COC in a comprehensive The trends in average cost and return from crop
manner. A properly-designed study on economics of cultivation were examined by constructing all-India
crop production assumes a significant importance, level aggregated time series of selected crops across
particularly in the recent years when Indian agriculture major producing states using crop area in respective
has witnessed a positive turnaround in its performance states as weight. The concept of Cost A1+ imputed value
since the year 2004-05 (Chand, 2014). With this of family labour (Cost A1+FL)1 was used to represent
background, the present study examines the changes the cost. The cost and return were expressed in real
in average real COC and relative profitability at the terms using Consumer Price Index for Agricultural
aggregate level during the past 25 years and identifies Labour (CPI_AL). The relative profitability of a crop
the sources of cost inflation and contribution of enterprise was examined from the ratio of CostA1+FL
different factors in rising COC. The paper also and value of gross output during the period 1990-91 to
evaluates the effects of factor prices, factor substitution 2014-15. Based on the structural change in cost-output
and technological improvements on production cost ratio, the crop performance was examined during three
by estimating price elasticity of input use, elasticity of distinct sub-periods, viz. 1990-91 to 2002-03, 2002-
factor substitution and yield elasticity of cost in selected 03 to 2007-08, and 2007-08 to 2014-15.
crops, respectively.
To estimate annual cost inflation and identify
sources of change in COC over time, cost index (with
Data and Methodology
base 2004-05=100) was constructed. Relative
The study is based on the state-level aggregate and contribution of different factors in cost inflation was
unit-level data on cost of cultivation collected under estimated using the following formula;
the Comprehensive Scheme on Cost of Cultivation of
Principal Crops of Directorate of Economics and … (1)
Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare,
Government of India. Presently, the COC data are where,
collected for 21 principal crops across major producing Zit = Contribution of ith factor in cost inflation in the tth
states in the country. However, consistent time series year
data over a long time period is available only for a few
wit = Share of ith factor in cost (A1+FL) in the tth year
crops. The present study uses time series data on COC
for ten crops across 19 major producing states for the Ii = Inflation rate of ith factor cost in the tth year over
period 1990-91 to 2014-15. The selected crops are previous year, and
paddy, wheat, maize and jowar from cereals group, i = 1, 2,…, n inputs.
Cost A1 comprises of all paid out cost components such as value of hired human labour, hired bullock labour, maintenance and
upkeep charges on owned bullock labour, upkeep charges of owned machines, hired machine charges, seed cost, pesticides cost,
manure cost, fertilizer cost, canal irrigation charges, depreciation of implements and farm buildings, land revenue cess and
other taxes, interest on working capital and miscellaneous expenses on other inputs. Imputed value of family labour was
estimated by multiplying working hours of family labour with prevailing wage rate.
Srivastava et al. : Changing Crop Production Cost in India 173

The effect of factor prices and factor substitution where, is the cost share of the ith input. The
on COC was evaluated by estimating the price elasticity
of factor demand and elasticity of technical substitution cost function is assumed to be continuous, so Young’s
between factors (labour and machine) in the selected Theorem concerning symmetry of the second
crops. The price elasticity of factor demand simulates derivatives restricts
the response of input used to the changes in its prices, aij = aji for all i ≠ j .
while elasticity of technical substitution explains how
changes in relative prices of factors affect the share of The result of this derivation is a system of N C 1
factors and income distribution. These elasticities were equations consisting of N derived demand equations
estimated by fitting the transcendental logarithmic and one cost function.
(translog) cost function in selected crops for the period Homogeneity of the first degree implies
2000-01 to 2012-2013. The translog functional form
captures many of the attributes of a cost function that
are implied by the economic theory. Because of this
flexibility, it has been widely used for studying
production relationships. Before logarithms are taken, for all i and j .
the function is:
It is also possible to impose constant returns to
. scale – equivalent to imposing homogeneity in y – and
details of this procedure can be found in Diewert and
Wales (1987). The global concavity can also be
imposed on this specification by forcing the matrix [aij]
… (2) to be negative semi definite. A technique for
accomplishing this can be found in Jorgenson (1986).
where, w is a vector of prices for the inputs to
production and y is a single output. N is the total The elasticities of substitution are given by
number of inputs and a’s are the parameters of the
One disadvantage of the previous form is that it is
not linear in parameters. A standard technique when
dealing with power functions like the translog cost
function, is to take logarithms. The resulting function … (5)
is linear in parameters and standard statistical
techniques can be used for estimation. After taking The price elasticities (own and cross) are given by
logarithms, the function is:
… (6)

In the empirical analysis, five production factors

— labour, machine, seed, fertilizer and irrigation were
taken into consideration. The model consisted of four
share equations each for the factors, namely labour,
machine, seed and fertilizer. The coefficient of
…(3) ‘irrigation’ was estimated using homogeneity constraint
While it is possible to include terms to account for in the model.
technological progress, the specification used here While analysing impact of technological
assumes that cost is independent of time. Using improvement on production cost, it was assumed that
Shepherd’s lemma, the derived demand equations are technological effects get manifested in crop yield.
Therefore, the impact of technological improvement
… (4)
on production cost can be evaluated by estimating the
174 Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 30 (Conference Number) 2017

association between crop yield and production cost. to the cost during 1990-91 to 2014-15. Based on the
In the present study, yield elasticity of production cost trend in the ratio, three distinct phases were delineated.
was estimated for the selected crops by fitting log-linear An increase in cost per 100 rupee of output during
state-level panel cost functions for the period 2000-01 1990-91 to 2002-03; a phase of sharp decline in the
to 2012-13. The general form of the cost function is production cost after 2002-03 till 2007-08, followed
given by Equation (7). by a phase of steep increase in the production cost
Production cost = f(crop yield, seed prices, fertilizer during 2007-08 to 2014-15.
prices, labour wages, machine use During 1990-91 to 2002-03, the real COC
prices, irrigation prices, animal use representing all the selected crops increased by 2.06
prices, trend) per cent per annum, whereas the real gross returns
… (7) remained stagnant. As a result, cost incurred to produce
The appropriate models among fixed effects, 100 rupees of crop output increased from ` 51 in 1990-
random effects and pooled data regression were 91 to ` 66 in 2002-03 and the net return declined at
selected by following standard panel data modelling the rate of 2.77 per cent per year (Figure 1). The
process (Gujarati, 2005). subsequent period till the year 2007-08 witnessed
revival in the real output, which witnessed a
Results and Discussion substantially higher growth rate of 6.56 per cent against
a modest increase in real COC. This reduced the cost
Trends in Cost and Returns of producing100 rupees of output to historically lowest
The trends in average real COC and return from level of ¹ 48 by the year 2007-08. The crop profitability
the selected crops during the past 25 years are depicted witnessed a substantial improvement during this period.
in Figure 1. The average real COC witnessed a steady However, the impressive growth in the real crop
rise with annual growth rate of 2.14 per cent over the output could not sustain after 2007-08. The value of
past 25 years. The rising COC is expected as it implies crop output deflated by CPI_AL during the year 2014-
growth in input use through higher investments in crop 15 dropped to the 2006-07 level. On the other hand,
cultivation. What matters from producers’ point of view the real COC increased rapidly by 3.22 per cent a year.
is whether increase in cost is accompanied by at least These changes led to the reversal in the declining cost
a similar increase in the returns?
of production from ` 48 /100 rupee output in year 2007-
The ratio of cost to gross return revealed a 08 to ` 64 by the year 2014-15. Based on these results,
disproportionate change in the gross return as compared it can be concluded that during recent years, the growth

Figure 1. Trends in average cost and return from the crop cultivation in India
Srivastava et al. : Changing Crop Production Cost in India 175

Table 1. Cost of production in selected crops across the major producing states in 2014-15

State Paddy Wheat Maize Jowar Gram Arhar Groundnut Rapeseed Cotton Sugarcane
& mustard

Punjab 515 562 934 - - - - - 2473 -

Uttarakhand 644 934 - - - - - - - 79
Haryana 911 842 - - 1962 - - 1686 4156 -
Jharkhand 878 1505 987 - 1299 - - - - -
Rajasthan - 1029 1567 2283 2636 - 3033 1923 2948 -
Kerala 1223 - - - - - - - - -
Madhya Pradesh 1151 801 1083 2917 1943 2968 - 1276 4624 -
Bihar 875 1036 952 - - - - 1356 - -
Gujarat - 993 - - - 3578 3195 1423 2827 -
Karnataka 915 2085 1040 1933 1947 - 3639 - 3059 91
Chhattisgarh 938 - - - 2176 - - - - -
Andhra Pradesh 892 - 745 1431 - - 3424 - 3311 145
Uttar Pradesh 1089 1220 1609 - 4166 2772 - 2512 - 100
Tamil Nadu 1123 - - 2338 - - 2917 - 2974 134
Himachal Pradesh - 1594 1713 - - - - - - -
Maharashtra 1527 1811 2376 - 4189 5014 - 3585 146
Odisha 1175 - 1061 - - 4336 - - 5228 -
West Bengal 1234 1311 - - - - - - - -
Assam 1139 - - - - - - 3339 - -
Overall (`/quintal) 1016 1011 1296 2279 2283 3703 3379 1933 3356 114
Output-cost ratio 1.40 1.74 1.23 1.28 1.70 1.51 1.32 1.82 1.22 2.29

in output of the major field crops has remained the production cost of a crop across the states arises
inadequate to offset the rising COC leading to a due to difference in production technology (resulting
downward trend in the average net returns from the in differential COC), access to irrigation, and the level
crop cultivation. In real terms, the net returns received of productivity. Therefore, in the states with low level
by the farmers in 2014-15 were even less than the of productivity, the production cost can be reduced
returns which they received ten years back in 2005- substantially by improving crop yield.
06. The effects of declining returns from the investment
in crop enterprises are reflected in the rising resentment Sources of Changes in Cost of Cultivation
among the farmers across the country during the recent The sources of changes in COC have been
years (Narayanamoorthy, 2013). As rising COC is not identified by estimating the contribution of different
translating into the improvement in crop output, inputs in the average cost inflation during the three
strategy to raise farmers’ income should include both sub-periods of the past 25 years. This in turn depends
output acceleration and cost reduction measures. on respective share of inputs in COC (weight) and
The results presented in Table 1 show that extent of rise in the COC during the period under
production cost varies substantially across the crops consideration. The composition of the average COC
and the producing states. For instance, the cost of during the three sub-periods is presented in Table 2.
producing a quintal of paddy varied from ` 515 in The evidences showed that during the past 25 years,
Punjab to ` 1234 in west Bengal in 2014-15. Similarly, Indian agriculture witnessed a steady shift from animal
the cost of producing wheat in Karnataka was 3.7-times labour towards machine-use. The share of human
the production cost in Punjab. The large variation in labour in CostA1+FL witnessed a fluctuating trend
176 Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 30 (Conference Number) 2017

Table 2. Changing structure of cost of cultivation: TE 1990-91 to TE 2014-15

(per cent)

Year Share in cost of cultivation Cost

Seed Fertilizer Labour Animal Machine Insecticides Others #

TE 1990-91 10 12 39 14 7 2 16 3737
TE 2002-03 8 11 42 12 10 2 15 9768
TE 2007-08 9 11 41 9 13 2 15 14856
TE 2014-15 8 11 47 5 14 2 13 34232
*`/ha (at current prices); # Others include manure, depreciation of implements and farm buildings, land revenue cess and
other taxes, interest on working capital and miscellaneous expenses on other inputs

Table 3. Contribution of factors in average cost inflation in India

(per cent)

Period Contribution in cost inflation Cost

Seed Fertilizer Labour Animal Machine Insecticides Others* inflation

1990-02 7 11 46 10 11 3 11 10
2002-07 12 8 34 8 21 3 20 6
2007-14 7 9 53 2 16 2 5 13
Overall 9 10 46 5 15 3 12 10
*Others include manure, depreciation of implements and farm buildings, land revenue cess and other taxes, interest on
working capital and miscellaneous expenses on other inputs

during the successive periods and attained the highest machine, fertilizer, seed, insecticides, and animal labour
level of 47 per cent by TE 2014-15. The labour was with their respective contribution of 16 per cent, 9 per
followed by machine, fertilizer, seed, animal labour cent, 7 per cent, 2 per cent and 2 per cent. Thus, the
and insecticide with their respective shares of 14 per evidences revealed that labour cost is the predominant
cent, 11 per cent, 8 per cent, 5 per cent and 2 per cent. source of cost inflation, particularly in the recent years
and managing this factor of production alone can
During the past 25 years, the average annual
substantially reduce the COC.
inflation in CostA1+FL (2004-05=100) was about 10
per cent per annum (Table 3).The rise in COC was not
Effect of Input Prices on Cost of Cultivation
uniform during the period under consideration. The
average annual cost inflation declined from 10 per cent The effects of input prices and input-use on
during 1990-91 to 2002-03 to 6 per cent during 2002- increase in COC were seen from the trend in cost
03 to 2007-08. But, the post 2007-08 period witnessed expressed at current and at 2004-05 prices2. The trend
a sharp increase in COC at the annual rate of 13 per in CostA1+FL at the base year prices represents changes
cent. The decomposition of cost inflation among in the physical use of inputs. Figure 2 shows that at the
various factors revealed that labour alone contributed aggregate level, physical use of inputs has changed
53 per cent to the increase in COC during 2007-08 to only marginally3, whereas COC at current prices
2014-15. The labour cost was followed by cost on witnessed a sharp increase which turned exponential

The CostA1+FL at 2004-05 prices was arrived at by deflating cost of individual inputs with its implicit price deflator and
summing over all input costs.
The trend in CostA1+FL at 2004-05 prices does not capture change in the use of individual inputs which might have witnessed
differential (increase/decrease) trend in its use
Srivastava et al. : Changing Crop Production Cost in India 177

Figure 2. Trend in costA1+FL at current and 2004-05 prices

after mid-2000. These changes imply that a large share Thus, inelastic demand of inputs explains a rapid
of the increase in cost is attributed to the rising prices increase in COC, especially during the recent years.
of the inputs. At the same time, inelastic demand for inputs reveals a
great scope to reduce the COC by controlling input
Further, the input prices also exert an indirect effect
prices because reduction in input prices would lead to
on the cost by influencing the actual use of the input.
a less than proportionate increase in input use which
Such effects can be predicted from the price elasticity
in turn will result in the cost saving for the farmers.
of inputs used in the crop cultivation (Chand, 1986).
In the present study, the price elasticities of inputs used Interestingly, labour, a predominant source of cost
in the cultivation of selected crops were estimated by inflation, exhibited the lowest price elasticity among
fitting translog cost functions using the SURE all the inputs in most of the crops. This implies that in
estimation technique. The estimated price elasticities a situation of falling wage rates, COC will reduce
for labour, irrigation, seed, fertilizer and machine are substantially. This fact also strengthens the argument
given in Table 4. The average estimated price to manage the labour use in agriculture and devise a
elasticities varied across the inputs used and the crops strong strategy to offset the cost-push effects of wages,
taken into consideration. The elasticity values were which have risen sharply during the recent years
negative and less than one, which imply that the (Chand and Srivastava, 2014). On the other hand, cost-
increase in prices of the inputs would lead to less than reducing effect for the machine, which exhibited the
proportionate decline in their use. Therefore, in a highest price elasticity among all the inputs used in all
situation of rising input prices, COC will increase. crops, would be the lowest. Nevertheless, these results

Table 4. Prices elasticity of inputs used in crop production

Inputs Paddy Wheat Maize Jowar Gram Arhar Groundnut Rapeseed Cotton Sugarcane
& mustard

Labour -0.21 -0.27 -0.21 -0.17 -0.14 -0.21 -0.16 -0.25 -0.20 -0.23
Irrigation -0.25 -0.47 -0.10 -0.40 -0.30 -0.29 -0.04 -0.49 -0.38 -0.46
Seed -0.29 -0.26 -0.34 -0.36 -0.21 -0.28 -0.28 -0.18 -0.60 -0.44
Fertilizer -0.46 -0.38 -0.38 -0.39 -0.38 -0.34 -0.46 -0.44 -0.42 -0.29
Machine -0.62 -0.53 -0.58 -0.55 -0.55 -0.59 -0.64 -0.54 -0.65 -0.69
Note: The estimated parameters of the models are not given due to paucity of space and can be obtained from the authors
178 Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 30 (Conference Number) 2017

Table 5. Elasticity of substitution between labour and machine use in different crops

EoS Paddy Wheat Maize Jowar Gram Arhar Groundnut Rapeseed Cotton Sugarcane
& mustard

Value 0.73 0.60 0.72 0.68 0.54 0.78 0.47 0.61 0.68 0.62

reveal an ample scope to reduce COC by controlling years despite reduction in the use of human labour in
the input prices. farm operations.

Effect of Factor Substitution on Cost of Cultivation The imperfect substitution between human labour
and machine use in agriculture also signifies the fact
Apart from controlling input prices, crop budget that it is technically not feasible to replace all manual
can also be managed to some extent by substituting farm operations with machine. Other reasons for the
the dearer inputs with technically feasible relatively smaller (inelastic) value of EoS might be the slow
cheaper inputs. For instance, farmers can substitute progress in the development of efficient labour-saving
human labour with machine for several farm operations farm machinery as well as its suitability and
if relative labour wages (to machine-use prices) rises. accessibility to the predominantly small and marginal
It was observed that average labour-use in crop farmers in the country. Based on these results it can be
cultivation witnessed a 13 per cent reduction during concluded that at present level of farm mechanization,
2000-01 to 2014-15. Farm mechanization has played substitution between labour and machine is not
a major role in reducing labour use in agriculture sufficient to offset the rising labour cost in Indian
(Reddy et al., 2014). However, inspite of declining agriculture. Greater efforts, therefore, are warranted
labour-use, its share in CostA1+FL has increased during to accelerate the development of suitable farm
the recent years (Table 2). Therefore, it is pertinent to machinery and to improve its economic access to the
evaluate the effect of substitution between labour and farmers through the institutional innovations like
machine use on crop budget. This was examined by custom hiring centres.
estimating elasticity of technical substitution between
labour and machine (EoS) in cultivation of selected Effect of Technological Improvement on
crops. Production Cost
The EoS between human labour and machine hour While evaluating impact of technological
varied from 0.47 for groundnut to 0.78 for arhar (Table improvement on production cost, it was assumed that
5). The positive but less than one value of elasticity technological improvement is manifested in the yield
implies that labour and machine are inelastic substitutes of the crops. In a log-linear cost function, estimated
to each other. A 10 per cent increase in the ratio of coefficient of crop yield represents cost elasticity of
wages-machine use price would result in 6.4 per cent yield which explains per cent change in production cost
(smaller) increase in ratio of machine use –labour use
due to one per cent change in crop yield. The estimates
in crop production. Therefore, in the situation of
of state –level panel cost functions for different crops
increase in labour wages relative to machine-use prices,
are given in Table 6. It is to be noted that cross-section
labour is not completely substituted by the machine
(state) effects were fixed to account for state-specific
and the share of labour in cost increases. The empirical
differences in production environment and climatic
evidences showed increase in labour wages-machine
conditions. Further, inclusion of ‘time’ variable in the
use prices ratio from 0.82 in 2001-02 to 1.03 in 2012-
regression captured the temporal changes in production
13 and this was accompanied by the increase in ratio
cost due to the factors other than those included in the
of the share of labour and machine in crop outlay from
2.6 to 3.5 during the same period. Thus, inelastic
substitution between labour and machine along with The estimated coefficient of yield was negative for
inelastic demand for labour appropriately explains why all the selected crops indicating an inverse relationship
the share of labour in COC is increasing in the recent between yield and cost of production. These results
Table 6. Estimated coefficients of log-linear cost function for different crops

Variable Paddy Wheat Maize Jowar Gram Arhar Groundnut Rapeseed Cotton Sugarcane
& mustard

Dependent variable: Cost of production (`/qtl) in logarithmic form

Explanatory variables :
Intercept 7.402*** 6.593*** 7.440*** 5.327*** 4.578*** 7.552*** 4.832*** 6.099*** 6.722*** 4.971***
(0.323) (0.395) (0.455) (0.810) (0.495) (0.891) (0.476) (0.528) (0.510) (0.958)
ln(Yield) -0.758*** -0.933*** -0.812*** -0.251*** -0.251*** -0.638*** -0.651*** -0.962*** -0.621*** -0.428***
(0.061) (0.049) (0.054) (0.065) (0.053) (0.131) (0.060) (0.088) (0.053) (0.122)
ln(Seed prices) - 0.146* 0.094** 0.005 0.287** -0.040 0.413*** -0.064 0.042* 0.059
- (0.083) (0.041) (0.075) (0.134) (0.137) (0.150) (0.073) (0.024) (0.095)
ln(Fertiliser prices) 0.065 0.310*** -0.179 0.159 0.025 -0.321 0.037 0.304* 0.304** -0.202
(0.086) (0.102) (0.165) (0.303) (0.146) (0.216) (0.069) (0.164) (0.143) (0.221)
ln(Labour wages) 0.238*** 0.332*** 0.453*** 0.326** 0.392*** 0.585** 0.386*** 0.529*** 0.412*** -0.247
(0.055) (0.074) (0.080) (0.139) (0.073) (0.238) (0.080) (0.123) (0.089) (0.249)
ln(Machin-use prices) 0.082** 0.067* 0.023 -0.052 0.133** 0.005 0.179*** 0.125* -0.055*** 0.521***
(0.033) (0.037) (0.035) (0.094) (0.055) (0.100) (0.063) (0.073) (0.028) (0.129)
ln(Irrigation machine- use prices) 0.052*** 0.121*** -0.014*** 0.012 0.021 0.035 -0.004 0.078 0.036 -0.124
(0.017) (0.024) (0.021) (0.046) (0.037) (0.067) (0.028) (0.057) (0.029) (0.192)
ln(Animal-use prices) -0.001 0.004 0.120 0.255** 0.066 0.046 0.209*** 0.122** 0.125** -0.002
(0.032) (0.026) (0.039) (0.099) (0.052) (0.114) (0.058) (0.054) (0.055) (0.066)
Trend 0.002 -0.011*** -0.006 -0.014* -0.012* 0.030** 0.004 -0.012 -0.019** 0.027***
(0.003) (0.003) (0.005) (0.008) (0.007) (0.012) (0.006) (0.008) (0.007) (0.006)
Model (Fixed/Random/Pooled) F F F F P F P F R P
Cross-section effect Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y N
Period effect N N N N N N N N N N
Srivastava et al. : Changing Crop Production Cost in India

R2 0.87 0.92 0.93 0.71 0.69 0.73 0.72 0.91 0.727 0.681
Hausman test 14.53** 15.550** - - - - - - 11.390 -
(7) (8) (8)
LR test: Cross section F - 16.880*** 10.506*** 2.912** - 8.556*** - 17.069*** - -
(10,124) (6,76) (4,52) (4, 52) (5,64)
LR test: Cross section: Chai square - 122.870***(10)54.966***(6)13.140**(4) - 32.871***(4) - 66.097***(5) -
Observations (13*11)143 (13*11)143 (13*7)91 (13*5)65 (13*6)78 (13*5)65 (13*5)65 (13*6)78 (13*9)117 (13*6) 78
***, **, * denote significance at 1, 5 and 10 per cent levels, respectively
180 Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 30 (Conference Number) 2017

show that yield improvement through technological less than proportionate increase in its use and the net
interventions offers an opportunity to absorb the rising effect will be lower COC.
cost of production of crops. It is worth mentioning that
Apart from input price effect, elasticity of
yield elasticities of production cost were less than one substitution (EoS) between labour and machine is quite
for all the crops which implies that increase in yield important in influencing COC. The EoS between labour
resulted in less than the proportionate increase in cost and machine use was positive and less than one in all
of production during the past decade in the country. the crops under study indicating imperfect substitution
This draws attention to the nature of technological between labour and machine. One consequence of this
change in Indian agriculture. A one per cent increase has been increase in the share of labour in COC in the
in yield resulted in 0.25 to 0.96 per cent reduction in recent years, despite declining labour-use for farm
COC of different crops. The yield effect on reducing operations. The evidences revealed that the present
cost was quite strong in the case of wheat and rapeseed level of farm mechanization is inadequate to offset the
& mustard but quite weak in the case of gram and jowar. wage-push cost inflation in Indian agriculture. It is
therefore necessary to promote efficient and appropriate
Conclusions and Policy Implications farm mechanization suitable for small farm situation.
The aggregate cost of production and output of Institutional innovations like custom hiring centres and
ten major crops grown in India showed three distinct online taxi type model for machinery services to the
patterns during 1990-91 to 2014-15. The period 1990- farmers seems to hold scope to reduce COC.
91 to 2002-03 witnessed a steady rise in the real cost Nevertheless, the possibility of a perfect substitution
of cultivation (COC) accompanied by a relatively between labour and machine in Indian agriculture is
slower increase in the crop output. This mismatch remote and therefore efforts should be made to improve
resulted into a decline in profitability and net returns crop productivity to absorb rising COC.
in real terms from crop production during this sub- The cost elasticity of yield has indicated an inverse
period. The subsequent period till the year 2007-08 association between yield and cost of production in all
witnessed a significant acceleration in growth of output the crops. However, the elasticity coefficient in most
of the selected crops and the real cost of production crops barring wheat and rapeseed & mustard was low
reached a historically low level. The crop profitability which revealed that the pace of improvement in the
registered a high growth during this period. However, crop yield was less than the increase in COC during
this could not sustain and growth in the crop output the past decade in the country. Such evidences indicate
remained inadequate to absorb the rising COC after the slow pace of technological improvement in Indian
2007-08 till 2014-15. Over the 25 year period since agriculture and underline the need to accelerate efforts
1990-91, the aggregate cost of cultivation of the to raise yield at a faster rate to offset the effects of
selected crops increased at a faster rate than the increase rising COC and maintain a fair profit margin in crop
in output during 1990-91 to 2014-15. cultivation.
The average annual inflation in COC reached the Acknowledgements
highest level of 13 per cent during 2007-08 to 2014-
15. More than half of the cost inflation during this The paper is partly drawn from the institute project
period was contributed by the rising labour cost. on Changing Structure of Crop Production Cost and
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