11 - Chapter 2
11 - Chapter 2
11 - Chapter 2
2.1. Introduction
Asia is the major performer with TFP growth rate of 3.1percent and Africa registered
the weakest performance with 0 .9 percent growth.
Using farm level cross-sectional survey data Wadud and Ben (2002) 15
measured farm-specific technical inefficiency of rice farmers in Bangladesh.
Technical inefficiency effects are modelled as a function of environmental factors,
irrigation infrastructure and farm-specific socio-economic factors.
The study estimated a Translog stochastic frontier production model with the
specification of technical inefficiency effects model which included farm-specific
factors like age, education of farmers, land fragmentation, irrigation infrastructure
and land degradation, using the single stage formulation applying maximize
likelihood techniques. The study revealed that technical inefficiency effects tend to
be significantly influenced by the factors measuring environmental degradation and
irrigation infrastructure. Younger farmers, who adopt new technology, are
educated and those who have easier access to credit are most likely to operate
farming activities efficiently. Moreover, larger the land plot size the greater is the
technical efficiency. Land management and land tenure policies in reducing the land
fragmentation remain critical to improving technical efficiency and hence household
Bhalla & Alagh (1983)17 made an attempt to examine the levels and changes
in labour productivity in agriculture in 281 districts of India during 1962-65 to 1970-
73 and to statistically explain the inter-district variation in labour productivity in
these regions by factors like intensity of use of capital and other important inputs.
The variation in male worker productivity is explained using double log regression
analysis. The study found that tractor alone was able to explain fairly large variation
in labour productivity in both periods. Since high growth districts were the
predominant users of available tractors and tube wells, capital intensity per worker
was the main determinant of labour productivity in these districts. Fixed capital alone
was important, but additional variables like gross cropped area and fertilizers
resulted in significant increase in the explanation of variation in labour productivity.
As investment in modern equipment like tractors and tube wells was limited and
even the working capital requirements were quite low in traditional agriculture,
labour productivity depended more on the vagaries of monsoons than on quantum of
fixed and variable capital.
Bhatia (1992)18 tried to understand the changes in input efficiency in the
production of wheat in the major growing states of India during post-green period,
1970-71 to 1990-91. Using time series data on wheat for Punjab, Haryana, U.P, and
M.P the partial Factor Productivity of land, labour, fertilizer and total factor
productivity are computed using multiple linear regressions. The study found
improved input use efficiency over the years; labour productivity and land
productivity have improved resulting in the reduction in unit cost due to the use of
land saving technologies of high yielding variety seeds, fertilisers, insecticides, etc.
and the marginal productivity of fertiliser came down particularly in Punjab due to
its over use.
In order to address the issues like the contribution of growth to total output
growth, the sources of productivity growth and the returns to agricultural research,
Kumar and Roségrant (1994)21 attempt to assesses Total Factor Productivity growth
for rice in different regions in India and examine the sources of productivity growth.
Index number approach to growth accounting has been used. Divisia -Törnqvist
index for TFP was calculated. To estimate the impact of probable variables on TFP,
the TFP index was treated as the dependent variable and regressed by nine relevant
variables. Time series data from different regions were pooled and dummy variables
are included for regions, keeping the eastern region as the reference region.
Estimation was undertaken using a fixed effects approach for the pooled cross
section time series regional level data set for 1970-71 to 1988-89. The study
revealed that increase in area and production of crop was highly associated with their
relative profitability Rice area increased slowly since 1980s mainly through
substitution from coarse cereals. Market infrastructure, research, canal irrigation,
balanced use of fertilizers were found to the important source of TFP. Future
productivity gains in rice production would have to be achieved from the eastern and
the southern regions of India.
On studying the relationship between farm prices and aggregate agricultural
production, as well as agricultural productivity in 20 Indian districts belonging to
seven states taking into account seventeen harvests, Schafer (1997)24 examined
whether changes in farm prices were an important, or even the sufficient factor in
effecting changes in cultivated area or in aggregate agricultural production.
Regression method is employed. The expected price at time t was estimated by
Nerlovian Model. The study could find only a weak positive correlation between
farm prices and agricultural area. No statistically significant relation could be
established between farm prices and agricultural productivity. No significant
relationship between agricultural production and farm prices was found. However,
there is relationship between infrastructure, proxied by irrigation or length of roads,
and agricultural production. This supports the view that prices do not have a proven
short-term effect on aggregate agricultural production but infrastructure plays a good
role. Policy implication is that non-market factor, including provision of better
infrastructure and socio-economic environment influences productivity rather than
the accepted wisdom of market factors.
Assessing the TFP growth, measuring the changes in real cost of production,
identifying the sources of productivity and estimating marginal rate of return to
public investment on wheat production in different states (Punjab, Haryana, UP, MP
and Rajastan) in India were the aims of Mittal, Surabhi & Lal, R.C (2001) 26.
Secondary data on inputs, their prices were collected for the period 1971-72 and
1995-95. State level time series data on area, yield, production, irrigation, HYVs,
rural literacy rate, village electrification, sources of irrigation etc. were taken from
published reports of GOI. Using the accounting framework the Divisia-Törnqvist
index is used to compute the total output, input and input price indices.
Cross section time series data were used in the estimation of TFP
decomposition model using three stage least squares (3SLS) estimation framework.
The study found that the TFP index for wheat rose at the rate of 0.9percent per
annum and contributed about 24percent to the output growth. Research investment,
quality of inputs and rural infrastructure are the most important determinants of TFP
growth. There is a need to target public investments to agricultural research, ground
water irrigation, electrification to areas where the yield levels are still low.
For analysing the temporal and spatial variations in the sustainability status of
the crop sector in Indo Gangetic Plane (IGP) and identifying sources of Total Factor
Productivity of food crop sector in the region Kumar, et. al (2004)28 used district wise
secondary data for the period 1980 – 81 to 1996 – 97 for the states, Punjab, Haryana,
U.P, Bihar, and W. Bengal. Growth accounting approach was adopted for computing
TFP growth. Divisia-Törnqvist index was used. To find the determinants of TFP, its
index was regressed on a number of variables. In order to find the impact of
infrastructure on total factor productivity an Infrastructure Index was computed using
six major infrastructural facilities – transport, energy, irrigation, banking, education
and health. Energy, transport, irrigation, and finance are economic infrastructural
facilities while education institutions and health facilities are considered as social
infrastructure. The major findings of the study are: The TFP index of the crop sector
in IGP rose by 1.2percent annually during 1981 to 1987; productivity alone
contributed 1/3 of the increase in output; productivity growth attained in 1980s was
not sustained in 1990s and The public policies such as investment in research,
extension, education and infrastructure (road, electrification, educational institutions,
health facilities, banking etc.) have been the major sources of TFP growth.
Majority of regional studies during the 1960s and 70s focussed on testing the
Shultzian hypothesis that traditional farmer utilises resources efficiently. Reddy
(1967)29 tested the hypothesis and approved it for Andhra Pradesh. Agricultural
production in India may not be increased simply by increasing all inputs in the
traditional state of art but should introduce a modern technology package. The
package should consist of new inputs, agricultural education, special skills, and
techniques, and guidance in farm planning. Primary data for 1957-58 in West
Godavari district for rice and tobacco in 3 villages were collected and used CD
function to estimate the marginal factor cost and the marginal value product.
Efficiency is defined in terms of marginal factor cost and marginal value product,
MFC MVP ≤1 .
Iqbal and Azeemuddin (1993)30 assessed and evaluated the impact of tube
well irrigation on input utilization in the paddy crop and to find out its relationship
with output and assessed the productivity and profit of paddy growers in Tribal and
Non-tribal area of AP. Using Cross-section data for 1992 the study could find that
variables like season, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and hired labour components were
significant in influencing the value per acre of paddy crop. Manures and acres were
found to be nonsignificant.
The objective of Kumar et. al (1984)31 was to estimate the yield per hectare of
wheat in the three agro-climatic zones (low hills, mid hills and high hills) so as to
determine the levels of land productivity in different soil and climatic conditions of
wheat in Himachal Pradesh. Average yield for three years was computed as a
combined average of yield of individual years. Sample data for three years from
1979-80 to 1981-82 were analysed. The yield of irrigated wheat is highest in the low
hills. The yield of irrigated wheat has been found to fall as the altitude increases.
Juyal. R.K (1987)32 was to enquire into the effect of health on productivity,
using district level aggregate data in respect of 54 districts of Uttar Pradesh. Scores
of variables effect productivity such as labour related, like literacy, type of
employment, health. Others relate to non-labour or physical variables, like
urbanization, roads, consumption of electricity, fertilizers. A set of 17 variables was
included. And, stepwise regression was run. It was shown that among the variables
concerned with attributes of labour, health variable has positive and significant
contribution toward productivity.
Sau (1990)33 analysed the productivity differentials in rice across the major
rice producing states of India and in rice and food grains across the districts of West
Bengal. It uses econometric method. Productivity in agriculture as measured by the
output per hectare depends mainly on two factors: the level of inputs used and
resource base and infrastructure development of the region. The indicators of inputs
used are: Percentage of gross area irrigated to gross cropped area; Fertilizer used per
hectare of cropped area; Percentage of HYV area to gross cropped area and credit
availability per hectare or per capita. Infrastructure, in its broad sense covers the
items that provide external economies to the farmers as a whole. Its indicators are:
Road mileage per square kilometer; percentage of electrified villages and Literacy
found that input productivity played an important role in the growth performance in
80’s and 90’s. The performance of West Bengal was better than Orissa.
study found that inter-district disparity existed in proportion to the area under
Sidhu and Byerkee (2001)41 tried to find out the major sources of growth in
wheat productivity in the post green revolution period after HYVs were widely
adopted; the prospects for continuing to exploit these sources of growth; slower
growth in productivity reflect changing input-output ratio that provides a disincentive
for investing in improved technology; increased yields and changing practices
reflected in changes in costs of production and TFP in wheat; extent of increase of
productivity in wheat been captured by producers or passed on to consumers in the
form of lower prices. Data collected from the Comprehensive Scheme for the Study
of Costs of Cultivation of Principal Crops in Punjab has made use of. Total
productivity index has been worked out. This index is superior to the usual approach
in India of equating productivity with yield per unit of land area, which does not
account for increasing importance of purchased inputs in substituting for land in
wheat production. More over, the TFP index has been proposed as way of measuring
sustainability. The study concluded that important source of productivity has been
labour saving technology. The use of Bio-chemical technologies has only modestly
increased TFP. Further productivity gains in wheat production could be achieved by
more efficient use of inputs such as fertiliser and water.
Adams and Bumb (1993)42 tried to know the sources of district wise
agricultural productivity in Rajastan for 1971 covering all crops. Seventeen variables
were included. Land Productivity was estimated using Factor analysis. The result of
the study showed that land productivity depended directly upon three things: supplies
of conventional inputs, the cropping pattern and cropping intensity, and the use of
modern mechanical and chemical technologies. Infrastructure and institutions are
facilitative or intermediary variables.
Singh and Singh (1993)43 examined the growth rates of area, production and
productivity of gram in different districts of Bihar; estimate the factors affecting the
area, production and productivity of gram. Based on the district wise secondary time
series data on area, production, productivity, prices, irrigated area, and annual rainfall
from 1960-61 to 1989-90. Compound growth rates have been estimated. In order to
study the impact of various factors on yield a Cobb Douglas type function was fitted
using the output per hectare as the dependent variable and annual rain fall, area under
irrigation, current year prices (Rs./qtl.) and one year lagged prices (Rs./qtl.) as
independent variables. Conclusion was that though the area under pulses were
mostly pre-determined and as the area under irrigation increased it was gradually
substituted by cereal or cash crops; the production could be increased either by
motivating the farmers of non-traditional pulses growing area or by introducing
pulses crops in no-traditional crop seasons.
Nanavati and Patel (1994)44 examined the relative position of districts after
the green revolution for 1970-71 to 1984-85 taking food and non-food crops in
Gujarat. Land productivity was estimated using secondary cross-section data. The
method of analysis was simple in that coefficient of variation of output among
districts was worked out. It concluded that the share of food and non-food crops in
SDP remained 50:50; govt. policy towards agriculture should be on the basis of agro-
climatic zones. Shiyani and Maurvi (2002)45 estimated total factor productivity
growth for 4 major oilseed crops viz., groundnut, castor, mustard and sesame in
Gujarat. TFP is measured as an index of total output to index of total factor inputs
and encompasses the impact of technical change and change in the level of all inputs.
Time series data on area, production and yield per hectare of four oil seeds have been
collected. Data on crop inputs included human labour (man days), bullock labour
(days/hectare), seed (kg/hect.), insecticides/pesticides (Rs/hect.), miscellaneous cost
which includes the cost of transportation and other paid out expenditure (Rs/hect.),
depreciation cost of farm buildings and implements (Rs./hect.), and rental value of
owned land (Rs./ha.). The Tornquist Theil index was used for computing the total
output index, total factor productivity index. The growth rate of total output indices,
total input indices and total factor productivity indices were worked out. The acreage
and yield per hectare of all the crops improved substantially during the 40 year
period. Positive rate of growth was found in the case of castor, while others showed
negative growth rate.
Jain and Idnani (1996)47 was to envisage the cost return structure according to
size of holding; determine the resource productivity of rainfed paddy in different size
of holding and; to suggest measures to improve the productivity of rainfed paddy.
Secondary data on 80 cultivators in Chatisgarh region of Madhyapradesh was
collected. A Cobb-Douglas production function was fitted for human labour, bullock
labour, capital inputs and fixed inputs on paddy production. Estimating land
productivity the study concluded that rainfed cultivation was profitable only for
medium and large scale farmers. Kawadia (2000)48 was to decompose labour
productivity to identify the factors contributing it. As cultivators and agricultural
labourers cannot be distinguished average product of workers is termed as labour
productivity for all crops. The method used by Bhalla and Alagh (1983) was
employed. Labour productivity growth is decomposed into growth rate of land
productivity, cropping intensity and land labour ratio.
quintals is regressed on human labour in man hours, area in hectares, fertilizer in kg.,
capital expenditure incurred on bullock labour, machinery and pesticides in money
terms. It concluded that technical efficiency ranged between 46.5 and 96.7 mean TE
being 82percent. Extension services and training programmes do contribute to TE.
Govindarajan et. al (2004)50 analysed the productivity variation over time and space
effects using error component model and to suggest suitable policy measure for
improving the rice productivity. It covered the period: 1980-2002. The area of study
was Cauvery Delta region consisting Kumbakonam of Tanjore district, Mannagudi
taluk of Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu. Both primary and secondary data were
used to estimate land productivity. Productivity is hypothesised to depending on
inputs, time, region and other random factors. Time effects are changes in
technology, management efficiency, soil quality, climate, status of management,
input quality such as water, labour skill and the level of service provided in the
region. The productivity variation can be decomposed into input effect, regional
effect, time effect and stochastic effect. The variation in output due to changes in the
level of input used is the input effect on output. The regional difference in output
due to variation in availability of say water, quality water, management services is
the spatial effect. The variation in output due to change in time period was termed as
the regional effect. Productivity decomposition is carried out by the CD form of
Time Varying Stochastic Frontier Production Function (TVSFPF). The study found
that except for seeds, all other inputs contributed positively to productivity. There is
very little space for improving productivity as majority of sample farmers have
reached more than 80 percent efficiency levels. Farmers should be taught to adopt
modern practices of farming by intensifying the extension activities of the State
Department of Agriculture.
There are studies focusing on one or more crops or on the agricultural sector
as such. Invariably all studies attempt to estimate land productivity defined as the
output per hectare. One earlier study on Kerala economy on productivity theme was
that of Oommen (1962)51. Defining productivity as yield per acre the author worked
out land productivity of important crops except rubber in Kerala during 1950-51 to
1960-61. A simple linear regression was fitted for time to find the growth rate. The
study found that though productivity of cereals and pulses generally showed a rising
trend, many other crops especially cash crops, did not show a steady rise in
productivity. Factors behind productivity are identified as irrigation, improved seeds,
fertilizer consumption, and disease controls.
George (1979)53 worked out land productivity for food and non-food crops.
Simple linear growth rate was used to estimate the trend in output and area of crop
cultivation. The period covered is 1952-53 and 1974-75. Time series data was
utilised. Growth rate in agriculture was contributed more by increase in area under
cultivation than by increase in productivity during the period. The price non-price
factors responsible for increase in productivity were examined and found that price
relations have adversely affected the cultivators in respect of most of the crops. Large
increase in the growth rate of area under non-food crops, accompanied by negative
growth rate in productivity should be a matter of serious concern. The stagnant
growth rate of food production especially rice, despite large increase in the supply of
irrigation, calls for closer look at our irrigation projects. In view of favourable
response of individual crop areas to price, there is need for evolving a long-term
input-output price policy consistent with the land use capability and the requirements
of overall economic growth. Long-term policy agricultural research is called for it
will enhance technological progress and thereby agricultural productivity.
Jeemol Unni (1981) 54 analysed the reason for the shift in cropping pattern
away from rice to coconut for the period1960-61 to 1978-79 using secondary data.
Land productivity was computed by simple statistical values like ratios, percentages
etc. The result of the study was that coconut was substituting for rice in wetlands
because of relative profitability of coconut single cropped paddy land than double
cropped converted faster. Higher labour fertiliser cost in paddy while paddy prices
A first comprehensive study on Kerala agriculture economy is that of Pillai
(1982)55. The aim of the study was to analyse in summary measures the growth of
agricultural output in Kerala during the period from 1952-53 to 1978-79 as against
the overall performance of the state economy. It also looked at (i) whether the green
revolution in Indian agriculture brought any noticeable impact on Kerala’s
agriculture, (ii) whether this sector was yet poised for sustained growth with stability
and (iii) whether agricultural growth started decelerating in the recent past. Time
series data has been used to construct index of area, production and partial
productivity of all crops, food crops and non-food crops separately. Annual
compound growth rates as a summary measure of growth and range and standard
deviations as measures of variations to examine the stability or otherwise in the
growth were used. The study concludes that there has been a gradual decline in the
share of agriculture in the total SDP, particularly from the mid-sixties. During the
mid sixties per worker contribution to SDP of the primary sector has been on the
decline and that of the secondary sector on the increase. There has been a shift in the
cropping pattern in favour of plantation crops. Among the food crops, increase in the
production of tapioca has been substantial. Pulses, pepper, cashew nuts and coconuts
declined. Sugarcane and banana experienced moderate gains in yield. Rice, tapioca,
rubber and tea recorded impressive increase in yield.
George and Mukherjee (1986)57 analysed the changes in the growth pattern of
rice in Kerala over and across time (between 1960-61 to 1974-75, I period and 1975-
76 to 1983-84, period II), across seasons (autumn, winter and summer), and across
space (major rice growing districts), irrigation and relative prices in explaining the
changes in area, yield and production of rice. Regression is run to estimate compound
growth rate of area, yield and production. Additive decomposition model was used
to identify the contribution of area, yield in explaining the changes in production
over the period following Minhas and Vaidyanthan (1965), Dharam Narain (1977)
and Vidya Sagar (1980). The study concludes that it is unlikely that the area under
paddy in the state could be increased. While maintaining the parity between paddy
prices and wage rates might prevent farmers from keeping land fallow, price
incentives are unlikely to induce a shift in the cropping pattern in favour of paddy.
There is scope, however for increased production through changes in technology,
particularly HYV and fertiliser application. However, this can be effective only if
irrigation facilities, both surface and ground water are utilised efficiently. Thus, the
strategy for increased rice production in Kerala should be based on improved
utilisation of irrigation facilities, use of HYV and efforts to maintain farm level
income either through remunerative output prices or through stable cost of
production. It is important to explore the possibilities of increasing yield through
institutional mechanism, particularly consolidation of holdings as proposed by Raj
Index numbers were constructed for each crop with 1962-63 as the base in
order to overcome the problems of different units of physical output. A measure of
aggregate output was obtained on weighting index number of output of each crop by
its share in the total gross cropped area for the year 1962-63. These aggregate
measures are then used for the analysis of the performance of Kerala’s agriculture.
The study concludes that the decline in agriculture during the 70s has wiped
out the gain in growth during the 60s. The stagnation in Kerala’s agriculture is
attributed to the inadequate as well as ill conceived development of critical factors
such as water management and land development and increasing environmental
degradation taking place in Kerala since mid 70s.
Thomas et. al (1991)60 analysed the trend in area, production and land
productivity and estimated the output response behaviour of tapioca in the state.
Secondary data supplied by GOK, Statistics for Planning for the period 1960-61 to
1986-87 is used for the analysis. Trends are estimated by a semi logarithmic function.
Area and yield response are studied by alternative linear forms of Nerlovian type
function. The lagged adjustment model proposed by Nerlove postulates that actual
acreage under a crop in each period is adjusted in proportion to the influence between
the desired area and actual area in the previous period. The result of the study is
summarised in the table below.
agricultural production since 1970s. Technical change in agriculture is due to
fertilizer (embodied/chemical technology). There is continuous neglect of extension
activities. Spread of HYV technology is shrinking – spread effect is low and lab to
land linkage is missing.
The study found that none of the sources of productivity had affected
productivity of paddy. HYV seeds, chemical fertilizers, rainfall, plant protection
measures are identified as the determinants that influence productivity. Productivity
in Kerala since mid 70’s is attributed to the sustained decline in area under paddy, a
process in which marginal paddy lands with comparatively lesser productivity had
been going out of cultivation. Growing pressure on land, land price differentials and
rise in paddy fields for non-agricultural purposes have resulted in the area under
Job and George (2002)65 assess technical efficiency in rice production of the
State using primary data collected from Kuttanad for 1996. Maximum Likelihood
Estimation is resorted. Farm specific Technical efficiency is worked out as the ratio
of the production function per hectare of the ith farm to the frontier production per
hectare of the same farm. Mean efficiency is found to be 85.01 for puncha, 84 for
Virippu. Extension service and training programmes are recommended to increase
farm level Technical efficiency.
Job and Nandamohan (2004)66 attempts to analyse the changes in the growth
pattern of rice in Kerala across time and across seasons; between the period 1975-76
and 1998-99., and for autumn, winter and summer. Secondary time series data on
area, production and productivity were compiled. Methodology is based on the
computation of compound growth rate, decomposition of growth, and measures of
instability. Compound growth rates of area, production and productivity or rice in the
three crop seasons for the state was estimated using exponential growth model. Rice
production was decomposed into area and yield effect. Area effect and yield effect
ware computed using a multiplicative model. Result of the study reveals that area
under rice and production showed significant negative trend and positive trend in
productivity. The factors responsible for the decline in area are weather, which is a
short run phenomenon and price of rice. Before mid 70s rice was one of the
profitable crops that got reversed on the combined effect of falling price and rising
cost of production. As rice production is labour intensive, labour cost is the most
important item of cost and more than 90 percent of labour used in rice cultivation is
hired labour. Apart from the above, rising land value for housing and brick making
industry and increasing urbanisation have contributed for the contraction of rice
producing area. Rising labour cost coupled with the unmanageability and
unavailability of labour had also prompted the relatively resourceful farmers to
convert rice lands to be used for other relatively labour non-intensive crops.
between 60 to 98 percent. Mean efficiency being 92percent. The factors that
determine TE are: age, which means experience counts, education. The variables that
determine TE regressed are: raw materials, family and hired labour, fertilizer, usage
per acre tractor use, irrigation, electricity charges, extension services, sources of
credit, farm size in acres, quantities of farm output, infrastructure and data relating to
schooling, age, size of house hold.
Only a few studies have taken into account the variety of crops covered in
this study. Similarly analysis based on a longer period, extending 45 years from
1960-61 to 2004-05 as we proposed to cover in this study is not seen in other studies.
Further, the methodology of analysis, particularly the cointegration approach, which
is the contemporary technique used for time series data analysis and the cost function
approach undertaken for estimating TFP and its decomposition into technical change
and returns to scale were not undertaken by any studies so far. The present study is
an endeavour in this direction
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