More Than 60% of Fatal Accidents Could Be Avoided by Actions That Should Be Performed Before The Starting of The Construction Site
More Than 60% of Fatal Accidents Could Be Avoided by Actions That Should Be Performed Before The Starting of The Construction Site
More Than 60% of Fatal Accidents Could Be Avoided by Actions That Should Be Performed Before The Starting of The Construction Site
it, like scaffoldings, formworks, guardrails, and other). This means that the managers and designers
should answer questions like the following:
l How should the project be physically built while avoiding or minimizing the risks to the
construction workers?
l How much time is needed to build the project (and each of its parts) while reducing the risk from
too many workers in the same workplace or from tasks that may cause risks when performed at
the same time?
For this purpose, the new OSH legislation should be inserted into the existing construction legislation
on the responsibilities of managers and designers. The importance of this responsibility for OSH of
those involved in the design and planning phases (i.e. before starting the execution phase) was
illustrated by a study in the European Union in the 1980s, which concluded that more than 60% of
fatal accidents in the construction industry could have been avoided by action before launching the
construction site (Figure 10).
As for the maintenance of the construction project, the OSH should also be of concern, especially to
designers, who should answer questions like the following:
l How can the construction project be maintained without putting at risk the workers involved in
its maintenance?
l Exactly where (which parts?), when (which periodicity?) and how (e.g. means of access to the
parts) should maintenance take place?
Although the Convention refers expressly to cleaning and painting, other issues should also be
considered, for example inspection of the construction project, including the equipment (e.g. air
conditioning) installed in it.
Construction site
Inspecting OSH in the Construction Industry