No Name Submition
No Name Submition
No Name Submition
At the end of the laboratory experiment the learners should be able to:
1. Classify substance as acidic or basic by using pH papers and pH meter.
2. Test the acidic or basic character of solution by using pH indicators.
3. Calculate pH of a solution, and alternatively, hydronium, and ion concentrations.
Define pH:
1. Place 10 mL of the sample and determine the pH of the given samples using pH meter.
2. Record results and interpretations in the table provided below
4. Leslie and her lab mates are given an assortment of food and beverage based lab samples. They are asked to
identify each sample as either acidic or basic and list all characteristics of that sample that helped them identify it as
one or the other. Their first sample is lemon juice which they have determined to be acidic. Which of the following is
NOT a characteristic of lemon juice they would have recorded in their data table?
a. turned blue litmus paper to red
b. A pH of 2
c. Slippery to touch
d. Sour to taste
6. What is the role of the kidney in controlling the balance of acid-base in the body?
The kidneys have two main ways to maintain acid-base balance - their cells reabsorb
bicarbonate HCO3 from the urine back to the blood and they secrete hydrogen H+ ions into the
urine. By adjusting the amounts reabsorbed and secreted, they balance the bloodstream's pH.