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Internship Report Pakistan Oilfields Limited Submitted By: Muneeb Ur Rahman Department: Process Chemical Engineer SCME NUST Duration: July 2018About the Report ‘This report will be aiming to give a detailed review of the industry in which! am currently doing my internship, Pakistan Oilfields Limited. tt will discuss the basic structure of the industry and the way of operation through which it proceeds, The report will also explain the different unit ‘operations and the kinds of industrial processes which are taking place in an oll and gas industry in- general. A brief overview will be given about the interconnection of various units and streams. ln the end, | would especially like to thank all the people in the Process department who were ‘of great help during my one month internship period at this place.{t was indeed a very healthy learning experience and | enjoyed it whilst my stay at the plant in Khaur, Attack. Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportAcknowledgements It takes a lot of dedication and struggle to prepare a report cavering all the operational units and compiling necessary information. | have tried my best to make this report look as simple as. possible for better clarification ‘After Almighty Allah, | would really like to pay my gratitude to the people of process department as this department was of miy primary concern. They paved my way for a better understanding of the basic aspects of industry. They were also a Source of constant support and provided all the necessary guidance needed to prepare this report, Indeed, it couldn't have been prepared properly without their help. Some of them are, Engr Faisal Sabir (Process) Engr Talal Joiya (Process) Engr Mudassir Mahmood (Process) M, NaveedUliah (Process) M. Waseem (Process) M. Ali Raza (Process) M. Rashid (Process) Engr M Junaid (HSE) M. Bilal (HSE) M. Saeed (KCOF) Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportPOL; An Introduction Pakistan Cilfields Limited (POL) is a leading oil nd gas exploration and production company listed on all the three stack exchanges of Pakistan. The Company's prime focus is to deliver performance through excellence in the field of exploration, drilling and production of crude oil and gas. Pakistan Oilfields Limited (POL), a subsidiary of The Attack Oil Campany Limited (AOC), was incorporated on November 25, 1950. AOC was founded in 1913 and made its first oll discovery in 1915 at Khaur, District Attock. AOC has, therefore, pioneered exploration and production of ‘oil and gas in this region neariya century ago. in 1978, POL took over the exploration and production business of AOC. Since then, POL has been investing independently and in joint ‘venture with various exploration and production companies far the search of oil and gas in the country. In addition to exploration and production of ail and gas,POL also manufactures LPG, Solvent Oil and Sulphur. POL markets LPG under its own brand named POLGAS as well as through its subsidiary CAPGAS (Private) Limited. POL also operates a network of pipelines for transportation of its dwn as well as other companies! crude oil to Attock Refinery Limited. In 2005, the Company acquired a 25% share in National Refinery Limited, which is the only refining complex in the country producing fuel products as well as lube base oils, Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportOrganizational Departments © Process (Plant) ‘* Electrical (Engineering) ‘+ Mechanical (Engineering) © Instrumentation * Laboratories © Admin & HR er © Audit © Accounts Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship Reportis of Organization Natural ture of gaseous hydrocarbons found issuing from the ground or obtained from specially driven wells. The composition of natural gas varies in different localities. Its. chief component, methane, usually makes up from 80% to 95%, and the balance is composed of varying amounts of ethane, propane, butane and other hydrocarbon compounds. Because of its flammability and high ¢alorific value, natural gas is used extensively as an illuminant and a fuel, Crude Oil ‘An oily, flammable liquid that occurs naturally in deposits, usually beneath the surface of the ‘earth; it is also called crude oil, It consists principally of a mixture of hydrocarbons, with traces of various nitrogenous and Sulphurous compounds. Little use other than as lamp fuel was made of petroleum until the development af the gasoline engine and its application to autemo les, trucks, tractors, and airplanes. Today the world is hes dependent on petroleum far motive power, lubrication, fuel, dyes, drugs, and many synthetics. Sulphur Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship Report‘Sulphur is found in group Via of the periodic table. Solid Sulphur occurs principally in three forms, allof which are brittie, yellow in color, odorless, tasteless, and insaluble in water. Itis a chemically active element and forms many compounds, both by itself (sulfides) and in combination with ‘other elements. It is part of many organic compounds. Sulphur burns in air with a blue flame forming Sulphur dioxide, Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG is 2 mixture of gases, chiefly propane and butane, produced commercially from petroleum and stored under pressure to keep It ina liquid state. The boiling point of liquefied petroleum ‘gas varies from about -44°C to 0°C (-47°F to 32°F), so that the pressure required to liquefy it is considerable and the containers for it must be of heavy steel, When prepared as fuel, LPG is largely propane; common uses are for cooking and heating and lighting. It is also used for powering automotive vehicles. LPG is an attractive fuel for internal-combustion engines because it burns with little air pollution and little solid residue. Solvent Oil Solvent oil is one of the 5 majar oil products closely related to people's daily life. Its application sectors also have a constant expansion. The variety with the greatest consumption is coating solvent oil (usually called paint solvent oil), There are also extensive uses in cooking oll, printing ink, leather, pesticide, insecti je, rubber, cosmetic, perfume, chemical polymerization, medical and IC-component cleaning sectors, Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportAbstract ‘The input for the plant here at Khaur is raw sour crude which is sent to three stage separation process to be disengaged into sour gas, sour crude and water, After separation, Crude is processed in stabilization unit where light hydrocarbons are removed and until their Reid Vapor Pressure is maintained for storage purpose. Gas is then sweetened by sending it to Amine ‘Sweetening Unit where sour gases are removed. The glycol dehydration process removes water ‘vapors from the sweet gas coming from amine unit. This gas then meets the sales standard and is stored and transported via pipelines to Meyal. Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportHealth safety and environment In any environment the possibility of environment cannot be ignored. Accident occur due to human mistakes. Safety means to prevent the hazard of accident. ‘There are two possible hazards in Khaur plant. Both are discussed with their important characteristics and the methods to eliminate them. They are © H2S Gas Hazard © Fire Hazard H2S gas hazard Hydrogen sulfide is extremely dangerous gas also called silent killer gas. Itis color less and toxic gas. It is an explosive gas. tis 1.189% heavier than air, Generally, i is found in oil and gas sector and comes out with petroleum fluid during exploration. + Oiland gas wells © Gas plants * Refineries ‘+ Petrochemical plants ‘= Sulphur recovery plants = Sewerage + Underground mines Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportPhysical and Chemical Ps © [tis colorless gas * [tis odors like rotten eggs = itis acidic in nature © Itissoluble inwater © Itis flammable + It specific gravity is 1.189 ‘* Its boiling point is -76F © Its melting point is -116F SOOF ‘+ Its ignition poi © Its lower explosive limit (LEL) is 4.3% Its higher explosive limit (HEL) is 46% Monitoring and Measurement Hydrogen sulfide concentration is measured by parts per million of air (PPM). According nal Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) USA, one can work 8 hours a to Occup: day safely in the presence of H25. Deteetion of H2S For the detection of H25, there are many methods such as © Lead Acetate or Coated Strip Electronic Detector Installed System Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportFire ha ‘The most common of the hazards but can be tackled with much less difficulty if property trained individuals are available, Fire is a chemical reactian between oxygen, fuel and heat. These three elements should be present in a certain ratio for a fire to take place, ‘© Human Error (Carelessness) + Sky lightening © Oryerass © Smoking = Friction Static Charge Cause of Fire © Leakage Classification of fire Class of Fire Type of Fire Description A Solid Solid material like wood B liquid Flammable liquid fuel c Gas Gases like LPG o Metal Metals and Appliances E Electric Short circuiting Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportMethods of fire Extinguishing ‘There are three mostly adopted methods of fire elimination. These are Removal of heat from the fire is called cooling method. For A class fire cooling method is used. Itcan be done by showering water on burning material. onhering For 8 class fire or fire from chemicals, smothering methad is used. In which we remove the ‘oxygen from the fire place, For class C or fire from electricity, we use method of starvation. In this method we cut off the fuel supply and then use CO? gas as fire extinguisher. Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportWORK PERMITS For any job that needs to be done in the plant wark permits are issued by the senior staff members for coordination and safe execution of the job. The following types of work permits are being issued. a. Hot work permit b. Tank/ Vessel Entry Permit c. Excavation and clvil works d. Cold work permit e. Vehicle entry permit f Electrical work permit Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportPariwali Production Facility: An overview Initially, raw sour crude extracted from the wells is directed towards different headers of the plant which are classified according to their pressure. Then the Following are the crude headers named after the wells from which they are extracted. Well Pressure Jhandial (HP well) 800 Pariwali 5 (HP well) 800 Pariwali 6 (MP well) 200 Crude ‘The line from Jhandlial is sent to the new separators, On the other hand, Pariwali 6 contains a lot of water and is therefore first treated in a knock out vessel. In that vessel, water is removed and then crude air mixture is sent ahead. ‘The Pariwali 5 line goes to HP separator and from there, oll-water mixed stream goes to MP ‘separator after the separation of water. The line from Pariwali 6 also joins the output of MP separator since it has medium pressure around 200 psi. From here, the crude is first preheated via a heat exchanger and then sent to LP separator (with pressure around 40-50 psi). Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship Report110% sour gas separated from MP separator goes to M unit (LP compressor) and 90% goes to S/T unit (MP compressor). In stabilizer, the lighter hydrocarbons along with the acid gases will leave the stabilizer tower from top. This gas will go to M unit first and then to5/T unit where its pressure will be increased to 800 psi. Im ad ion, gas from new LP separator goes to M unit, gas from new MP separator goes to S/T unit and gas from HP separator joins the output of §/T unit. All these new gases\will go together in HP separator along with sour raw-crude. The separated ‘sour gas from this separator then goes to amine sweetening unit follawed by glycol dehydration unit, Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportPariwali Production Facility Raw, sour gas is processed into marketable ail and gas. To achieve this the following processes are used: a) inlet separation b) Oilstabilization ¢) Amine sweetening 4d) Glycol dehydration Inlet Separati * Separator is a pressure vessel used for separating a well stream into gaseous and liquid components. ‘* Based on the vessel configurations, the oil/gas separators can be divided into three categories. a) Horizontal Separator b) Vertical Separator ¢) Spherical Separator ‘+ Inteams of fluids to be separated, the oil/gas separators can be grouped into a) Gas/Liquid Two-Phase Separator b) Oil/Gas/Water Three-Phase Separator. + To meet process requirements, the oil/gas separators are normally designed in stages, in-which the first stage separator is used for preliminary phase separation, while the second and third stage separator are applied for further treatment of each individual phase (gas, oil and water), Depending en a specific application, oll/gas separators are also called deliquilizer or degasser. The deliquilizers are used to remove dispersed Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship Reportdroplets from a bulk gas stream; while the degassers are designed to remove contaimined gas bubbles from the bulk liquid stream. Separator Components ‘© Deflector Plates: They absorb the incoming momentum, © Baffles: Are used to improve flow distribution. ‘= Separation enhancement device located in the primary separation (gravity settling) section for major phase separation. ‘+ Mist extraction: Are located in gas space to further reduce liquid content in the bulk gas stream. * Weir:To control the liquid level ar interface level. + Vortex breaker: To prevent gas carry under at outlet of liquid phase. © Coalescing Plate: To separate the oil and water into distinct phase. HP Sep ator It is a horizontal three phase separator. The incoming raw stream enters this separator after passing through ESDV (Emergency Shutdown Valve) and strikes a diverter plate, This collision ‘causes a momentum loss as plate absorbs the momentum and due to the sudden change in direction of flow, gas separates from oil/water liquid stream, This liquid stream falls down and passes through a coalescer mesh. This mesh provides some retention time for the oil/water streams to separate. Oil being heavier than water, forms layer on top of water which is ‘separated as it spills aver a weir and goes into the ail draw off section. The level control valves are used to send water to V-140 flash tank and oll to V-110 MP separator. The separated gas is sent to amine unit after passing through a mist eliminator. Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportMP Separator ‘A horizontal two phase separator which operates on about 20 psi pressure. Like the HP separator, this separator also uses a diverter plate to separate the oil/gas mixture. The ‘oil/water streams go to LP separator after being preheated in a heat exchanger. The gas from ‘output of this separator goes mainly to S/T unit and little amount to M unit (10%). It is again a three phase separator operating at low pressure (40-50 psi) which makes additional ‘gases separate from oil. Before entering this separator, crude is preheated using a heat ‘exchanger as it helps to separate three phases into their respective streams. From here, the ‘crude oll-gas mixture goes to stabilizer and water is returned back to flash drum, We are also sending little amount of gas along with crude to the stabilization unit, Without it, pressure of ‘crude is so low that it couldn't have been pumped to the top of stabilizer. Separator Type | Operating Pressure | Design Pressure | Design Temperature In pst In psi ince HP 3 phase 780-800 1413 80-85 MP 2 phase 400 200-210 80-85 LP 3 phase 125 40-45 80-85 Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship Reporta) b) Oil Stabilization Oil stabilization is done for twa reasons a) To remove light/volatile hydrocarbons that stabilize crude oil (helps to reduce evaporation losses when it is stored and transported). b) To remove acid gases This is obtained by two different processes occurring simultaneously. Distillation: Since oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons, there is heating and partial vaporization of oil so that lighter hydrocarbons are evaporated and the remaining are stabilized, Stripping: It is a process in which a gas stream removes dissolved gas components fram a liquid stream. For this purpose, fuel gas is used. The input crude oil (coming from V-130) enters the stabilizer tower from top. It is a non- reflux distillation tower. The process of distillation occurs due to the heat provided by the vapors entering the base of tower coming from the re-boiler. Some introduction is given here of the equipment employed in this unit. Stabilizer There are 14 trays installed. Ol flows downwards aéross the trays and two gas streams flow upward. The rising hydrocarbon vapors partially vaporize the crude and fuel gas strips of the acid gases. In valve trays, perforations are covered by lift-able caps. Vapor flow lifts the caps, thus creating a flow area for the passage of vapor. The lifting cap directs the vapor to flow horizontally into the liquid, thus providing better mixing. A level of crude is kept at each tray over which the rising vapors go. The down-flowing sweet and stabilized oil is collected from bottom of tower. Due to hydrocarbon vapors, the stabilizer has temperature gradient and lower trays have higher temperature. Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportRe-boi itis kettle type shell and tube heat exchanger. Heating medium is sun oil which is taken in tube side, heats the crude coming from stabilizer unit V-600 in shell side below the tube bundle. A ‘shell side weir keeps the tube dip in oll. So that hydrocarbon vapor can be generated. Oil spills over the weir and drawn off in oil section. The generated hydrocarbon vapors leave the shell of re-boiler to feed the stabilizer unit with heated hydrocarbon gas. Heat Exchanger It is a shell and tube heat exchanger. In the tube side, there is sweet crude coming out of the re- in shell side there is sour crude going from MP separator to LP separator. This has. boiler an ‘two benefi a) Sweet crude is cooled which is important for storage b) Sour crude going to LP separator gets heated because preheating results in better separation. Fin fan Cooler It isa horizontal tube fin heat exchanger. After passing through heat preheater, stabitized crude ‘oil flows through tubes of cooler as it is cooled by a flow stream generated by a fan that passes across finned surface of tubes, After this, crude oil is sent to storage tanks, Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportPossible problems Following problems can arise if flaw rates of gas or liquid/all are not steady. High vapor rate is a condition of flooding where pressure drop increases which causes efficiency ‘todecrease. Flooding condition can be achieved by the excessive carryover of liquid to the next tray. This kind of flooding is called entrainment or jet flooding. Down Flooding If liquid rate is high in this condition, down comer flooding can be achieved because the down ‘comer is not able to handle the high loading of liquid, Weepitig A low vapor rate is the weeping condition. Weeping occurs when the vapor flow is insufficient to maintain a level of liquid on the plate. Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportAmine Sweetening ‘= Itis a process in which acid gases are removed from the sour gas coming from HP separator V-100. It is based ona reversible chemical reaction between acid gases and weak organic bases known as alkanolamines, This reaction is referred toas neutralization reaction. ‘+ The amine used in this process is MDEA (Methyldiethanolamine) asit has a high selectivity far H2S in presence of CO2 and doesn’t react with CO2 to form by-products. Also, due to its efficiency, it requires less pumping and heat as compared to other chemicals. We Used $0% solution of MDEA in amine unit. © The equipment employed in this unit is discussed below. Filter Separator Itis a horizontal double barrel separator which mainly removes solid particles and hydrocarbon droplets coming from separation unit to avoid amine forming. The incoming sour enters into ‘the upper barrel which is divided into two compartments. Here, solid contaminants and ‘entrained hydrocarbons are removed while liquid hydrocarbons are accumulated in lower barrel. Then sour gas enters into second compartment in upper barrel. Here, itis passed through a mist eliminator where remaining entrained hydrocarbons are removed and drained ‘to lower barrel, Amine Contactor. In amine contactor, the aqueous solution of amine absorbs and reacts with acidic gases to form ‘water soluble salt compounds. Here, ami is showered from top and sour gases flow in Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship Report‘counter current flow from bottom to top. Amine becomes richer as it flows downwards and gas become sweeter as it rises upwards. It is a vertically mounted tower with 20 valve trays installed in it. At each tray, rising gas blows ‘open the tray’s valve plates by pressure. Flow rate of lean amine is kept 30.GPM. A weir on ‘each plate maintains the level of amine liquid. High Pressure of about 800 psi and low temperature around 50-55 °F |s favorable for this absorption phenomena. Sweet Gas Scrubber itis a vertical separator used to remove entrained amine mist. itis valuable as it plays an important part in reducing the amine losses. Rich Amine Flash Ta ‘The flash tank is vertical two phase separator. Using gravity and retention time, this separator ‘operates at low pressure to remove sour hydrocarbon vapors from rich amine. It prevents the foaming formation and amine losses. It reduces pressure from 800 to 80 psi, Rich, Amine Heat Exchan Rich amine from flash tank is passed through plate and frame type heat exchanger. This heat ‘exchanger has two tasks. a) To warm rich amine from contactor to prepare it for regeneration. b) To cool lean amine from re-boiler to prepare it for absorption Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportAmine Regenerator In this unit, amine is regenerated at low pressure and high temperature. It is a stripping tower ‘with three internal packing beds. Rich amine falls downwards while steam strips the acid gases from the falling amine. In this tower, random packing is used instead of valve trays to maximize ‘the contact time between rich amine and stream. Specially shaped metal rings are used. The ‘steams heating breaks down the water soluble salts into acid gases and amine. The streams ‘then strip the acid gases from amine. Above the rich amine inlet, there is a packing bed where uid entering from top of tower. any amine vaporized in lower beds is condensed by reflux| This helps in amine recovery. Amine Ri It is a kettle type heat exchanger. Tube side heating medium is Texatherm 46 (highly refined mineral oil C-15 to C-50), Lean amine is circulated on shell side which is heated from the heating medium. Heating of aqueous lean amine vaporizes some of the water into the steam which is fed to the amine regenerator for stripping purpose. A weir is used to control the level ‘of lean amine in the re-boiler and remaining is drawn off to the amine tank through plate and frame heat exchanger. Lean Amine Accumulator It has aqueous solution of amine that contain 50% water and 50% MDEA, The tankis filled by aqueaus solution of amine by 44% volume of tank, It then passes to the fin fan cooler, particulate filter and carbon filter. Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportAmine Carbon Filter ‘The carbon filter removed the dissolved hydrocarbon fram the lean amine using porous charcoal elements. It is important because it cause foaming problem in amine tower Pumps are pair of plunger pump. These pumps inject a MAX AMINE 70B as antifoaming agent, if foaming starts in the amine unit. Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship Reportation Unit col Deliydr ‘= Glycol dehydration is a water removal process based on the physical absorption of water vapor. The physical absorption take place at high pressure and low temperature in the glycol unit, The glycol dehydration process uses triethyleneglycol (TEG). This is because of the following reasons: a} Ithas high thermal stability. b) tis efficiently regenerated high glycol concentration because of large boiling point difference. ¢) It has low vaporization losses. ‘* The glycol dehydration process removes water vapors fram the sweet gas coming from amine unit. Removing of water contents from sweet gas is necessary to meet the sale specifications. Excessive water contents lead to corrosion in pipes and hydrate formation. ‘The units installed in this section are discussed below: Glycol Contatior ‘An absorption column where sweet gas coming from amine unit gets dehydrated by contacting lean glycol. It has 9 bubble cap trays. Glycol is showered from top and absotbs moisture from uprising gas. A bubble cap tray has a riser or chimney fitted over each hale and a cap that ‘covers the riser. Vapor rises through the chimney and is directed downward by the cap, finally discharging through the slots in the cap and bubbling through the liquid on the tray. The alycol becomes richer as it flows down and gas becomes dryer as it rises through the bubble cap trays. Glycol foaming is a problem that may occur if solids and hydrocarbons are present in large quantity, Iftoo much gas or too much glycol are introduced in the tower, then slycol carryover or floading respectively can be the result Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportIt is ahorizontal two phase separator. The rich glycol from the contactor enters the flash tank and strikes a diverter piate to remove hydracarbon gas. These gases pass through mist eliminator to remove any glycol droplets. in flash tanks, cooling is produced as a result of pressure drop. As a result, hydrocarbon layer forms over glycol that can then be drained thraugh its respective valve to avoid foaming, Glyeo! Particul fate Filters Twa particle filters have been installed of cartridge type that remove solid contaminants from rich glycal coming from flash tank, This helps to reduce foaming and possible wears of pumps and other equipment. As glycol passes through filter elements, ittraps solid particles white glycol passes through. Glyciil Carbon Filters ‘Carbon filters remove hydrocarbons from rich glycol using porous carbon /charcoal. If filter doesn’t produce desired quantity of hydrocarbon free glycol, then we know that filters need to be replaced, Unlike particle filters, OP indicators can’t indicate whether filters need to be changed or not. Heat Exchan It is aplate and frame type heat exchanger. Rich glycol after preheating at reflux coils enters ‘the heat exchanger for further heating, It absorbs heat from lean glycol coming from the re boiler and hence lean glycol cools down as required for storage. There is cross flow between ‘the two streams, Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportRe-boiler and Regenerator ‘The regenerator consists of a bed of metallic packing, Rich glycol is showered above the packing by means of a sparger. Steam enters the bottom of packing from the re-boiler and moves in upward direction. The steam vaporizes and strips the absorbed water from glycol. This rising stream is condensed by reflux coil above the packing and thus glycol vapors drain down towards re-boiler as a reflux. This reduces the glycol losses. The showered rich glycol goes below the re-boiler. Now this has become partially lean glycol. The remaining water is removed by exchanging heat with the hot oil moving in the coils. Here, after passing through a weir, the lean glycol goes to Stahl column. Stah! Column ‘The Stahl calumn is a mini stripper tower that removes remaining water vapors from glycal by using fuel gas as a stripper gas. Lean glycol from the re-boller 5 ‘over the top of packing in the tower as rising fuel gas removes vapors from it and goes through re-boiler to vent stack, ‘The fuel gas first passes through a pipe in the re-boiler to get warm and then enters the column from the bottom. After Stahl Column, concentrated glycol goes through heat exchanger to get ‘cooled and then is transported to glycol accumulator. Glycol Air Ce There are 6 paralle! tube fin coolers under the accumulator that are used to cool glycol with atmospheric air once glycol leaves the tank. Cooling helps to reduce operating temperatures of the two PD pumps, thus increasing their durability. Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportPlant Utility ‘+ Plant utilities are additional supporting equipment or systems which are not directly involved in the processes but aré beneficial and necessary for proper functioning of the industry. In chemical process plants, plant utilities play an important role in supporting the operation of the Facility. * Following is.a brief overview of the main utilities in Pariwali Production Facility: a) Heat Medium System b) Instrument Air System ©) Fuel Gas System Heat Medium vystem In this system, the medium for heat transfer is a thermal oil which is being heated in a boiler after which the pumps circulate it through the system, The heat from this oil Is needed by the re-boilers to prodtice stripping streams in the associated towers. Given below Is a brief overview of the equipment empioyed in the functioning of this system. Heat Medium Boiler This boiler, indicated by H-880, is a direct fired heater. In this heater, a forced draft of air ‘generated by a fan combines with fuel gas in the burner chamber and extends into the boiler lined with refractory bricks. Here, thermal oil is present in a coil spiral which is heated by the hot fuel gas after which the stack af combustion gases is discharged to the atmosphere. Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship Report30 ium Surge Drum ‘This surge drum is.a horizontal tank which provides a storage volume for the thermal oil given that it expands with heat. A fuel gas may be inserted into this drum to act as a blanket thus preventing oxygen from entering and avoiding any possibilty of a. Oil combustion - Formation of oil or oxygen degradation products Heat Meditum.Pumps ‘Two centrifugal pumps in parallel are installed upstream of the heat medium boiler. These pumps draw thermal oil from the re-boilers and direct it towards heat medium boiler, labelled H-880. System Applications From the re-boiler, the hot oil branches in two lines 3. One flow enters the tube side of the glycol re-boiler, b. The other flow enters into two feeder pipes from which hat oil goes into tube side of the amine and stabilizer re-boiler, Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship Report31 Instrument Air System This system provides ‘to pneumatic transmitters, controllers, control valves and pneumatically powered diaphragm pumps. This air must be dust free, moisture free and be available at required pressure,Given below is a brief overview af the equipment employed in the functioning of this system. Air Compressors ‘These compressors are two stage. reciprocating and belt driven that supply air for the instrument air system. Each of these compressors is mounted on top of wet air receivers. Air ‘coolers and filters are Installed inside these compressors. These have a maximum discharge ‘capacity of 200 psi and run alternatively in a lead-lag manner. Air Dryers Since the compressors increase relative humidity of air, dryers are installed to remove excessive moisture from the air so that it doesn't condense in piping or actuators. This dryer isa dual chamber, unheated and regenerated equipment containing a desiccant that adsorbs ‘contaminants from the air passing through it. Pre and after filters are installed for dryer to. prevent desiccant from contamination and to avoid plugging by dry desiccant dust respectively. ‘These filters operate alternatively, at any time, one is the drying desiccant chamber while other is the reactivating desiccant chamber. Air Receivers/Vessels ‘These horizontal receivers, V-810, provide 240 gallons of storage for the wet compressed air flowing from the compressors and alsa serve as the base frame for supporting the compressors, Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportFuel Gas System ‘Aslipstream of sweetened and dehydrated sales quality gas is withdrawn downstream of the sales gas separator in the glycol dehydration process. This slipstream of gas then passes through pressure regulators, after which it flows through scrubber for removal of entrained liquids and then enters the piping which distributes gas where it is required. This gasis referred fuel/purge/stripping gas. Fuel Gas Scribber The scrubber used here is a vertical separator which uses an internal filter core to coalesce ‘entrained mist from the gas, Removing entrained liquid is essential for stable combustion ‘operation of burners and pilot flames. Details of this scrubber is provided in the glycol section of this report, Fuel Gas Disitibut From the scrubber, the fuel gas flow branches into a distribution header on this skid and a fuel ‘gas supply to the headers on other skids including LP, MP and HP separator skids, heat medium system skid and to skids of amine, glycol and stabilizer unit: ‘This gas is employed in the following applications ‘* Firing the heat medium boilers ‘© Feeding the LP and HP flare stack * Providing a gas blanket in vapor space of storage/surge vessels Pakistan Ollfields Limited Internship Report33 ‘= Acting as a purge gas to displace air from process vessels during startup procedures ‘+ Serving as a stripping gas in the Stahl column of glycol unit and in the stabilizer unit Flare System: ‘The flare system gathered wastes gases and liquids discharged by safety/relief valves and blow down valves, Liquid and gases are separated, liquids are pumped away while gases are burned at the flare stack. The plant is equipped with twa flare systems. Low Pressure Flare Low pressure flare system handles flow fram safety re f valves which open at set pressure below 75 psig. h Pressure Flare: Low pressure flare system handles flow from safety relief valves which open at set pressure above 75 psig. It is a horizontal two-phase separator. Using gravity and retention time, this knock out vessel separate the gas from the incoming liquid, Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship Report34 Khaur Crude Oil Decanting Facility Ani Introduction Crude oil received in truck lorries sent by different companies e.g. NASHPA, OGDCL, MOL etc. from different oil fields is decanted at a decanting facility in Knaur established by POL. The main reason for decanting these truck lorriesin Khaur and not sending them directly. to the refinery in Rawalpindi is that is t's huge hazard. The population of Rawalpindi has increased drastically over the years and to carry such tremendously huge amounts of crude oil in the city can be a threat. So far this reason, POL pumps the crude oil through jeline to Rawalpindi. The decanting facility receives sour and sweet kind of crude oll. These are pumped separately throughout and stored separately as well. Following is the process which explains the whole working of the KCOF. The truck lorries received at the gate are first weighed on a weighing bridge. They are given a decanting point number station at which they are tobe decanted according to the quality of their crude oil ie. sweet or sour. The operator present at the station measures the specific gravity of the oil received, its temperature and dip of the tanker. If all the things match the specifications he has received, he then starts to decant the lorry. On average, it takes about 90 minutes to decant one lorry. The crude oil received is transferred to surge tanks via pipelines. There are no motors. Present to pump the oil to the surge tanks, it flows due to gravity. The oil received in the Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship Report35 surge tanks (in total 6 with a capacity of 452 US barrels each) is then pumped by centrifugal decanting pumps to the tanks. There are in total 9 tanks with different capacities. Different tanks store oil received from different fields due the different nature of the oil Coming back to the tank lorries, when the lorry is fully decanted, it then goes to the left over point, where the it passes over few jumps and shakes while the operator opens the valve to callect the left over crude inside the larry and then this crude is. also added to the pipe line. Then the lorry goes back to the weighing bridge, where it is again weighed, the weight before and after the decanting process is compared and the net-weight of the crude received is calculated. Oi It i hen cross checked with the readings received by the company which sent the lorry for decanting. If the readings match, the lorry is allowed to leave otherwise not, KCDF Local well, Pariwali shandial Dhulian, Meyal Local, POL mix Pumping ‘There are 26 pumps in total at this facility. Out of these, 8.are used for decanting in which 6 are for sweet and 2 for sour crude. 9 pumps are booster pumps that act to give pressure to crude for metering purpose and also some head to main pumps which reduces th load. After booster pumps, there are metering pumps to determine number of barrels being pumped or to Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship Report36 show how much amount is being sent to ARL. Then there are 9 main pumps aut of which 4 are PD pumps (multistage plunger pumps) and 5 are multistage centrifugal pumps. These are used ‘to pump crude to ARL. Main pumps clude plunger pumps and centrifugal pumps which are VFD controlled and can be operated from with inside the contral room. Plunger pumps are used for increasing the pressure in the line while centrifugal pumps are used for flowrate. All the pumps can be controlled from the control room, but only main pumps are VFO controlled. The crude that the booster pump sucks from the tanks, travels thraugh smith meters which record the flow of the crude and generate a report accordingly. By this metering, the company obtains the number of barrels being pumped daily to Rawalpindi. The company pumps its own crude which it receives from the PPF plant and other fields 23s well, Almost 25000 barrals is decanted daily and pumped as well. Not more than three: main pumps are operational at a single time. if more pumps need to be operated, special permission is needed fram the pawer house as they have to start another engine to ribute the load equally within the safe limit. Allthis can be observedonthecontraller’s computer an a software. Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship ReportTHE END Contaet: Pakistan Oilfields Limited Internship Report
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