French Grade 7
French Grade 7
French Grade 7
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ISBN: 978-9914-43-934-2
Curriculum is a tool which a country employs to empower its citizens. The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development in
meeting its core mandate ‘to develop curriculum and curriculum support materials’ has spearheaded curriculum reforms in the
education sector. The reforms are based on rigorous research, monitoring and evaluation activities conducted on the 8-4-4
system of education to inform the Competency-Based Curriculum through a phase-in phase-out model. The reforms were
informed by the Summative Evaluation Survey (2009), Needs Assessment Study (2016) and the Task Force Report on Re-
alignment of Education Sector (2012), 21 st century learning and approaches, the East Africa Protocol on harmonisation of
education, among many others.
The curriculum reforms aim at meeting the needs of the Kenyan society by aligning the curriculum to the Constitution of Kenya
2010, the Kenya Vision 2030 and the East African Protocol, among other policy requirements as documented by the Sessional
Paper No. 1 of 2019 on ‘Reforming Education and Training in Kenya for Sustainable Development’. The reforms adopted the
Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) to achieve development of requisite knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that will drive
the country’s future generations as documented by the Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BECF). Towards achieving the
mission of the Basic Education, the Ministry of Education has successfully and progressively rolled out curriculum
implementation for Early Years Education, Grades 4 and 5. The roll out for Grade 6 and Junior Secondary (Grade 7-9) will
subsequently follow.
It is my hope that the curriculum designs for Grade 7 will guide the teachers, among other educational stakeholders, for
progressive achievement of the curriculum vision which seeks to have engaged, empowered and ethical citizens.
The Government of Kenya embarked on the national implementation of the Competency Based Curriculum in January, 2019 for
Early Years Education (Pre-Primary 1 and 2, and Lower Primary Grade 1, 2 and 3). The implementation progressed to Upper
Primary (Grade 4, 5 and 6) based on the reorganization of the Basic Education structure. Grade 7 curriculum furthers
implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum to Junior Secondary education level. This level marks the zenith of
Middle School education whose main feature is to offer a broad opportunity for the learner to explore talents, interests and
abilities before selection of pathways and tracks in Senior Secondary education level.
The Grade 7 curriculum designs for the respective learning areas will enable the development of 21 st Century competencies.
Ultimately, this will lead to the realization of the vision and mission of the Competency-Based Curriculum as documented in the
Basic Education Curriculum Framework (KICD, 2017).
It is my hope that all Government agencies among other stakeholders in education will use the designs to guide effective and
efficient implementation of the learning activities as well as provide relevant feedback on various aspects of the curriculum.
Successful implementation of the Grade 7 curriculum will be a significant milestone towards realization of the curriculum
mission ‘Nurturing Every Learner’s Potential’.
The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) Act Number 4 of 2013 (Revised 2019) mandates the Institute to
develop curricula and curriculum support materials for basic and tertiary education and training, below the university. The
curriculum development process for any level involves thorough research, international benchmarking, and robust stakeholder
engagement. Through this systematic and consultative process, KICD conceptualised the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC)
as captured in the Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BECF). The CBC responds to the demands of the 21st Century and
the aspirations captured in the Constitution of Kenya 2010, Kenya Vision 2030, East African Commission Protocol and the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development has developed the Grade 7 curriculum designs taking cognisance of the tenets
of the CBC, key among them being the need to ensure that learners are provided with learning experiences that call for higher
order thinking, thereby ensuring they become engaged, empowered and ethical citizens as articulated in the BECF Vision. The
Grade 7 designs also provide opportunities for learners to develop the core competencies as well as engage in Community
Service Learning. The designs present assessment rubric linked to sub strands in the individual subjects. Teachers are
encouraged to use varied assessment tools when assessing learners.
KICD obtains its funding from the Government of Kenya to enable the achievement of its mandate and implementation of the
Government and Sector (Ministry of Education (MoE) plans. The Institute also receives support from development partners
targeting specific programmes. The Grade 7 curriculum designs have been developed with the support of the World Bank
through the Kenya Secondary Education Quality Improvement Program (SEQIP) commissioned by the MoE. The Institute is
grateful for the support accorded to the process by the Government of Kenya, through the MoE and the development partners for
the policy, resource, and logistical support.
My special thanks to the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Education; the Principal Secretary State Department of Early Learning
and Basic Education; the Secretary, Teachers’ Service Commission (TSC) and the Chief Executive Officer, Kenya National
Examinations Council (KNEC) for their support in the process. Finally, I am grateful to the KICD Governing Council for their
consistent guidance during the development of the curriculum designs. The Institute assures all curriculum implementers,
parents, and other stakeholders that the designs will ensure effective implementation of the CBC at Grade 7.
FOREWORD ..............................................................................................................................................................................iii
PREFACE ................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................................................................... v
TIME ALLOCATION ..............................................................................................................................................................viii
NATIONAL GOALS OF EDUCATION ................................................................................................................................... ix
LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL ..............................................................................................................xii
ESSENCE STATEMENT .........................................................................................................................................................xii
SUBJECT GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOMES..................................................................................................................xiii
STRAND 1.0: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ......................................................................................................................... 1
STRAND 2.0: READING ......................................................................................................................................................... 21
STRAND 3.0: WRITING .......................................................................................................................................................... 37
STRAND 4.0: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES ........................................................................................................................... 53
GUIDELINES ON COMMUNITY SERVICE LEARNING CLASS ACTIVITY .................................................................. 70
AND NON-FORMAL ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................................................................ 74
ii) Promote the social, economic, technological and industrial needs for national development.
Education should prepare the youth of the country to play an effective and productive role in the life of the nation.
a) Social Needs
Education in Kenya must prepare children for changes in attitudes and relationships which are necessary for the
smooth progress of a rapidly developing modern economy. There is bound to be a silent social revolution following
in the wake of rapid modernization. Education should assist our youth to adapt to this change.
b) Economic Needs
Education in Kenya should produce citizens with the skills, knowledge, expertise and personal qualities that are
required to support a growing economy. Kenya is building up a modern and independent economy which is in need
of an adequate and relevant domestic workforce.
c) Technological and Industrial Needs
Education in Kenya should provide learners with the necessary skills and attitudes for industrial development. Kenya
recognizes the rapid industrial and technological changes taking place, especially in the developed world. We can
only be part of this development if our education system is deliberately focused on the knowledge, skills and attitudes
that will prepare our young people for these changing global trends.
vi) Promote respect for and development of Kenya’s rich and varied cultures.
Education should instil in the youth of Kenya an understanding of past and present cultures and their valid place in
contemporary society. Children should be able to blend the best of traditional values with the changing requirements that
must follow rapid development in order to build a stable and modern society.
vii) Promote international consciousness and foster positive attitudes towards other nations.
Kenya is part of the international community. It is part of the complicated and interdependent network of peoples and
nations. Education should therefore lead the youth of the country to accept membership of this international community
with all the obligations and responsibilities, rights and benefits that this membership entails.
viii. Promote positive attitudes towards good health and environmental protection.
Learning foreign languages is a prerequisite for global citizenship; the national goals of education advocate promoting
international consciousness and fostering positive attitudes towards other nations. Proficiency in foreign languages empowers
one and provides limitless opportunities to enjoy the privileges, rights, and benefits of global citizenship and contribute
positively to its very existence. At Upper Primary, learners were equipped with the necessary listening, speaking, reading, and
writing skills. French at Junior Secondary builds on the linguistic competencies acquired in upper primary. The proposed
learning experiences provide the opportunity to experiment with and explore the language in contextualized communication
situations. The content is delivered using interactive and participatory methods of learning aimed at unlocking the learners'
multiple intelligences. The expected results are heightened awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the French language.
The learner will exit Junior Secondary as an intermediate user of the language. Importantly, this will form a crucial foundation
for those advancing in French to Senior Secondary.
By the end of Junior Secondary School, the learner should be able to:
1. listen actively to varied audio stimuli on issues relating to day-to-day life
2. use spoken language to interact with others on various topics
3. read simple texts on everyday contexts with comprehension
4. create simple written texts on various topics using varied media
5. utilize digital literacy skills responsibly in learning and communication
6. address pertinent and contemporary issues using relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired
7. transform their learning experiences into service learning in the community
8. align their learning experiences to the development of the core competencies
9. appreciate cultural diversity for national cohesion and international consciousness.
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Below Expectation
Ability to identify The learner identifies The learner identifies Learner partially The learner identifies
informal words and informal words and informal words and identifies and uses informal words and
expressions expressions in simple expressions in oral social appropriate informal expressions but needs a
oral interactions with interactions with peers words and expressions lot of prodding yet still
ease. in social interactions misuses them.
Ability to use The learner uses a wide The learner uses the The learner uses some The learner uses words
informal variety of appropriate correct expressions to words and expressions and expressions in
expressions in words and expressions address the target in informal informal interactions but
social interactions in the informal context audience in formal and interactions. Shows makes numerous errors
of oral communication. informal contexts of un-sustained attention that affect
Ability to The learner pronounces The learner pronounces The learner The learner pronounces
pronounce sounds the semi vowel sounds the semi vowel sounds pronounces the semi the semi vowel sounds
in words correctly in words accurately and in words accurately and vowel sounds in words in words with
with excellent clarity clearly. fairly accurately and inaccuracies that
occasional lack of occasionally impedes
clarity meaning
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Below Expectation
Ability to use The learner exhibits The learner displays The learner makes a The learner's choice of
vocabulary and fluency using appropriate appropriate use of few errors in vocabulary used to
expressions vocabulary and expressions vocabulary and vocabulary and discuss family is
when discussing family expressions when expressions when largely inappropriate.
and friends. discussing family. talking about family.
Ability to The learner can pronounce The learner pronunciation The learner can Learner mispronounces
articulate the vocabulary and while speaking is quite apt. adequately articulate words. Occasionally
sounds expressions excellently words and expressions the message is
while speaking. that make sense. distorted.
Ability to The learner can detect and The learner can detect and The learner can The learner attempts to
describe people classify the descriptive extract the descriptive partially detect the identify the description
words from the recorded words heard from the descriptive words in the from the recorded text
text describing members of recorded text that describe recorded text which that describes members
a family. The classification members of a family. The describe family of a family. The
is quite detailed classification adheres to members. The guided Learner does limited
the basic instructions classification is classification with
provided. reasonably well done difficulty.
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to The learner is The learner always The learner chooses The learner chooses
choose spontaneous in chooses appropriate appropriate vocabulary vocabulary and
vocabulary and choosing appropriate vocabulary and and expressions in expressions to describe a
expressions vocabulary and expressions when describing a room. Errors room, but the choice is
choice expressions when describing a room; makes made do not affect the inappropriate most of the
describing a room and minimal errors in the use intended meaning. time. Consistently makes
often adds self-learnt of the speech and errors that affect the
words. expressions intended meaning.
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Below Expectation
Ability to choose The learner uses the The learner can use the The learner uses some The learner uses limited
appropriate appropriate vocabulary to vocabulary to identify of the vocabulary but vocabulary to identify
vocabulary identify common market common market items makes some errors that common market items.
items with a lot of ease. and say what they need affect identifying
with minimal errors common market items.
Ability to make a) The learner talks about b) The learner talks about c) The learner talks aboutd) The learner talks about
dialogues on buying and selling with buying and selling with buying and selling but buying and selling but
buying and selling excellent fluency and even fluency and can conclude makes errors that struggles to express a
includes a clear a transaction effectively obscure coherence to a need and sustain the
introduction and limited extent conversation
Ability to e) The learner confidently f) The learner progressivelyg) The learner h) The learner is hesitant
communicate and efficiently adapts adapts the conversation to progressively adapts to adapt the
effectively conversation effectively to the role assumed and conversation to the role conversation to the role
the role assumed and the effectively simulates the assumed and the assumed and displays
simulated situation situation simulated situation unease in the simulated
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Below Expectation
Ability to identify The learner quickly The learner identifies The learner identifies With a lot of prompting,
common hobbies identifies a wide range of most of the common some of the common the learner identifies just
common hobbies learnt hobbies learnt from hobbies learnt from the primary pursuits
from print and digital image and digital print and digital devices learnt, from image and
devices devices digital devices,
Ability to justify The learner justifies The learner justifies the The learner justifies the The learner makes
the choice of choices of particular choice of particular choice of particular attempts to justify the
hobbies hobbies with ease and hobbies and shows hobbies and shows choice of hobbies; shows
shows exceptional reasoned tolerance and moderately reasoned minimal tolerance and
tolerance and understanding of others' tolerance and understanding of others'
understanding of others' choices and points of understanding of others' choices and points of
choices and points of view. choices and points of view
view. view.
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify The learner can orally The learner can orally The learner can orally The learner can orally
common ailments identify all common identify all common identify most of the identify a few common
ailments learnt with a lot of ailments learnt with common ailments learnt. ailments learnt.
ease and give details on the ease.
Ability to express The learner sufficiently The learner expresses The learner expresses a The learner expresses a
one's state of expresses a state of health a state of health using state of health in state of health using
health in communication using a appropriate communication using an minimal vocabulary
variety of vocabulary and vocabulary and appropriate but limited and inappropriate
expressions; supplies great expressions. vocabulary and expression but requires
detail in expressing a expressions; makes some frequent prompting.
current state of health errors that may interfere
with coherence
Ability to The learner articulates The learner articulates The learner articulates The learner articulates
articulate sounds sound [jɛ] correctly in all sound [jɛ] correctly in sound [jɛ] correctly in sound [jɛ] correctly in
words learnt with ease and all words learnt with most of the words learnt. very few words learnt.
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Below Expectation
Ability to give The learner quickly and The learner can The learner sometimes The learner can determine
examples of confidently states whether determine whether a hesitates while deciding whether a reader sounds
fluent reading a reader sounds natural, reader sounds natural, whether a reader sounds natural, obeys the punctuation,
obeys the punctuation, obeys the natural, obeys the stress, intonation rules, and
stress, intonation rules, punctuation, stress, punctuation, stress, maintains a constant pace
and maintains a constant intonation rules, and intonation rules, and while reading with constant
pace while reading maintains a constant maintains a constant prompting
pace while reading pace while reading
Ability to read The learner articulates The learner The learner can The learner reads independent
fluently words exceptionally well articulates words well articulate most words words laboriously, displaying
while reading with the while reading with correctly but does not little understanding of the text
correct intonation, rhythm the correct intonation, always maintain the and consistently makes
and pace rhythm and pace correct intonation, errors in intonation and pace
rhythm and pace. that result in distortions
Ability to work The learner exhibits an The learner shows The learner shows The learner accepts to read
in teams exceptional level of understanding and limited understanding of alongside peers but shows
understanding and willingness to seek the text but is willing to limited understanding of the
willingness to seek information or assist seek information or be text; is unwilling to seek
information or assist others as they read in assisted as they read in information or help as they
others as they read in pairs pairs. pairs read in pairs
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Below Expectation
Ability to The learner can to The learner can The learner can answer The learner answers
comprehend simple correctly answer all correctly answer all comprehension comprehension questions
texts comprehension questions comprehension questions from texts from texts read. Answers
from texts rea; responses questions from texts read. A few answers are sometimes wrong and
are spontaneous and read. given are incorrect. supplied after persistent
detailed. prompting.
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Below Expectation
Ability to read The learner reads names The learner reads names The learner reads The learner reads names of
names of of media devices written of media devices in names of some media media devices in written and
media devices and audio-visual written and audio-visual devices in written and audio-visual materials but
materials with ease materials audio-visual materials with considerable assistance
from the teacher
Ability to The learner reads andReads The learner reads The learner reads The learner pronounces
articulate correctly articulates a vocabulary with the vocabulary, but the words correctly with some
words and wide variety of correct pronunciation, pronunciation, assistance but does not
expressions vocabulary intonation, and rhythm intonation, and rhythm usually have the correct
correctly independently, is not always correct intonation and rhythm
spontaneously and with
Ability to read The learner takes the Uses The learner can use The learner The learner hardly uses
using various initiative to discover and learning applications to occasionally uses learning applications to
electronic use appropriate learning practice pronunciation learning applications to practice pronunciation
media applications to practice practice pronunciation
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to The learner always uses The learner uses Learner sometimes uses The learner hardly uses
choose appropriate vocabulary appropriate vocabulary appropriate vocabulary appropriate vocabulary
appropriate when simulating buying when simulating buying when simulating buying when simulating buying
vocabulary and selling situations and selling situations and selling situations and selling situations
Ability to The learner responds The learner responds The learner responds The learner responds
comprehend correctly to all questions correctly to all the correctly to some of the correctly to very few
simple texts on buying and selling questions on buying and questions on buying and questions on buying and
from reading texts with a selling from reading texts selling from reading texts. selling from reading texts
lot of ease.
Ability to The learner always listens The learner listens to The learner gets The learner is constantly
work in teams keenly to others and others and speaks when distracted sometimes and distracted when listening
speaks when contributing contributing to the group does not always speak to others and stutters
to the group discussion discussion when contributing to the when contributing to
group discussion group discussions
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to build The learner reads a wide The learner reads The learner reads some of The learner hardly
vocabulary on variety of materials on recommended texts to the recommended texts to reads recommended
hobbies hobbies to build build vocabulary on build vocabulary on texts to build
vocabulary hobbies hobbies vocabulary on hobbies
Ability to The learner promptly The learner accurately The learner accurately The learner attempts to
comprehend and accurately responds responds to all questions responds to most of the respond accurately to
simple texts to all questions on on hobbies. questions on hobbies questions on hobbies.
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Below Expectation
Ability to read The learner can easily pick The learner can pick out The learner can partly The learner can pick out
for out specific information on specific information on pick out specific very little information on
comprehension common ailments from common ailments from information on common common ailments from
reading texts and correctly reading texts to answer all ailments from reading reading text; cannot give
answer all questions in great questions eventually texts with; can correctly correct answers to basic
detail. correctly. answer questions from questions
the read text.
Ability to read The learner reads simple The learner reads simple The learner reads simple The learner reads simple
fluently texts accurately with texts accurately, texts accurately but has texts with a lot of
excellent phrasing, maintaining the some challenges inaccuracies and has
expression and pace that appropriate pace and maintaining the consistent challenges in
enhances comprehension. expression that enhance appropriate pace and maintaining appropriate
Self-correction is automatic. comprehension. expression that enhance pace and expression.
Self-correction is applied comprehension. Comprehension is greatly
in some instances. hampered.
Ability to The learner searches for and The learner searches for The learner searches for The learner searches for
research explores a wide variety of and explores the and explores some and explores other sources
sources of information on recommended sources of sources of information of information on common
common ailments; proceeds information on common on common ailments ailments after consistent
to analyze the information ailments prompting
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to write The learner writes The learner writes The learner writes short, The learner attempts to
short interactions excellent interactive good interactive texts interactive texts with write short, interactive
and dialogues texts using accurate using vocabulary and irregularly sustained use of texts. Vocabulary and
vocabulary and expressions that are vocabulary and expressions language are mainly
expressions that are appropriate for appropriate for informal inappropriate for
appropriate for informal informal interaction texts. informal texts.
Ability to write The learner writes short The learner writes The learner writes short The learner writes short
using the informal texts using informal short texts using texts using informal texts using expressions
register expressions and elision informal expressions expressions and elision and elision that often
though the text lucks and elision; makes a though the text lacks result in distorting
sustained coherence few mistakes that do coherence and vocabulary meaning even after
suitable for everyday not affect coherence. on informal interactions are assistance
interactions. misused and distort the
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to use Learner writes descriptive The learner writes The learner writes descriptive The learner is aware of
correct word texts using appropriate word descriptive texts texts using appropriate word the word order but
order order and successfully using an appropriate order most of the time. repeatedly uses the
experiments with new word word order. wrong order when
orders. writing descriptive texts
Ability to The learner confidently uses The learner employs The learner makes some The learner attempts to
describe a the descriptive expressions the descriptive attempt to describe a room, describe a room, place,
room, place, learnt to describe a room, expressions learnt place, or items using or items using descriptive
or item. place, or item. adequately to descriptive expressions and expressions and
describe a room, vocabulary learnt through the vocabulary taught, and
place, or items. writing contains quite some the writing contains
other grammatically related many repeated errors.
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Below Expectation
Ability to list The learner generates a list The learner generates a The learner generates a The learner generates a
different types of of various electronic list of electronic media list of electronic list of media devices
media devices media devices as well and devices and matches most devices and matches but fails to match most
matches them with all of them with their them to some familiar illustrations to the
their multiple illustrations illustrations illustrations names
Ability to create The learner experiments The learner creates The learner creates one The learner creates
texts using a using different electronic accurate and well-edited or two texts using texts with prompting;
given electronic medium to create accurate texts on a provided electronic media designs an unstructured
medium texts and images which are electronic medium. provided; texts may text that invariably
well-edited using various have a few errors. needs re-organization
visual effects and editing.
Ability to interact The learner composes The learner composes The learner composes The learner composes
through media clear and comprehensible comprehensible texts to editable texts to interact introductory texts to
devices texts to interact regularly interact with teachers, with teachers, peers interact with teachers,
with teachers, friends, and peers through digital through a digital peers through digital
classmates through a platforms as instructed platform as instructed platforms.
digital platform.
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Below Expectation
Ability to state The learner can quickly The learner can identify The learner can identify . The learner can identify
places and and accurately identify all the places and three quarters of the less than half of the places
activities in school all the places and activities in school places and activities in and activities in school.
activities in school school
Ability to write The learner creatively The learner creatively The learner writes short The learner writes short
creatively writes short texts on writes short texts on factual texts on places texts on places and
places and activities in places and activities in and activities in school activities in school with
school with an school with some amount of very little or no creativity;
exceptional amount of creativity. errors hamper intended
creativity communication.
Ability to produce The learner creatively The learner makes clear The learner makes clear The learner makes
clear and legible uses varied media and legible labels using and legible, and creative labels that are not
labels devices to make clear and various media. practical labels always clear.
legible labels
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to The learner composes The learner writes The learner writes The learner writes
select shopping lists with a shopping lists with shopping lists with shopping lists with
adequate variety of vocabulary on adequate vocabulary on limited vocabulary learnt minimal vocabulary on
vocabulary in market goods. market goods. on market goods. market goods.
Ability to The learner easily creates The learner creates The learner writes The learner produces
create using shopping lists with all shopping lists with most shopping lists with some shopping lists with items
media items correctly put in items correctly put in items put in inappropriate categorized haphazardly.
their respective their respective categories.
categories. categories.
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Below Expectation
Ability to use The learner uses appropriate The learner uses adequate The learner uses The learner uses limited
vocabulary vocabulary beyond the class vocabulary to create texts appropriate vocabulary to write texts
list to write texts on on hobbies vocabulary to write on hobbies but requires
hobbies. texts on hobbies but constant prompting.
lacks creativity.
Ability to The learner creates very The learner creates The learner sometimes The learner creates a few
create texts well-organized and organized and coherent creates texts which texts with much
coherent—texts where a texts Using appropriate lack proper prompting, but the texts
wide range of vocabulary is vocabulary organization and lack proper organization,
excellently applied. coherence. and coherence is greatly
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Below Expectation
Ability to The learner uses a variety of The learner uses The learner uses limited The learner uses words and
describe relevant words and appropriate words and stock words and expressions to describe basic
common expressions with ease to expressions to describe expressions to describe common ailments with
ailments describe the common the common ailments the common ailments considerable assistance.
Ability to The learner creates texts on The learner adapts texts The learner writes texts The learner writes limited
create common ailments with a on common ailments with on common ailments but texts on common ailments,
texts developed plot, characters, a relevant plot, key with lots of repetition. but with a lot of assistance.
and expressions creatively characters, and The plot is shaky The plot, characters, and
and coherently. The learner expressions coherently. characters and expressions are not well
uses extensive vocabulary Vocabulary on health and expressions are defined. Creativity may be
on health and wellbeing and wellbeing is adequately undeveloped. Creativity evident, but coherence lacks.
to express feeling. used. and coherence are
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Below Expectation
Ability to use The learner uses The learner uses The learner uses some The learner uses the a few
singular and appropriate singular and appropriate singular and appropriate singular and singular and plural forms of
plural forms of plural forms of nouns plural forms of nouns in plural forms of nouns in nouns correctly, makes
nouns and in identifying varied identifying most media identifying media errors in identifying some
media devices devices devices primary media devices
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Below Expectation
Ability to The learner always asks The learner asks questions The learner asks The learner asks
express appropriate questions and and gives information in a questions and gives questions and gives
information gives information in a consistent and polite (sometimes) information with no
politely polite manner manner information politely. thought for politeness.
Ability to use The learner very quicly The learner analyses the The learner analyses The learner analyses the
partitive articles analyses the communication situation the communication basic communication
in context communication situation and uses appropriate situation and uses situation and uses some
and uses varied but partitive articles appropriate partitive partitive articles
appropriate partitive articles
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to The learner The learner identifies The learner identifies and The learner identifies and
identify verbs in spontaneously identifies and uses verbs in the uses verbs in the present uses verbs in the present
the resent tense verbs in the present present tense tense in some situations tense in a limited number of
tense in texts and correctly in varied situations; this with
creates them in varied situations considerable assistance
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to The learner quickly and The learner identifies The learner identifies The learner identifies few
Identify constantly identifies interrogative pronouns most interrogative interrogative pronouns in
interrogative interrogative pronouns in in texts on health pronouns in texts on texts on health
pronouns texts on health health
Ability to use The learner confidently uses The learner uses the The learner progressively The learner can correctly
correct verbs the correct form of verbs, correct form of verbs, uses the correct form of conjugate verbs with lots
to describe a conjugated in the present conjugated in the verbs, conjugated in the of guidance but makes
state of health tense. present tense. present tense, makes a many errors in the
few errors in the application.
description of state of
Community Service Learning (CSL) is an experiential learning strategy that integrates classroom learning and community
service to enable learners reflect, experience and learn from the community. CSL is expected to benefit the learner, the school
and local community. Knowledge and skills on how to carry out a CSL project have been covered in Life Skills Education
All learners in Grade 7 will be expected to participate in only one CSL class activity. The activity will give learners an
opportunity to practise the CSL project skills covered under LSE. This activity will be undertaken in groups for purposes of
learning. Learners will be expected to apply knowledge and skills on steps of the CSL project to carry out an activity of their
choice as per the guidelines provided in the template. The learning approach will take the form of a whole school approach,
where the entire school community will be engaged in the learning process. Teachers will guide learners to execute a simple
school based integrated CSL class activity. This activity can be done in 1-2 weeks outside the classroom time.
The learners will be By the end of the CSL class The learner is guided to: 1. How does one
guided to consider the activity, the learner should be ● brainstorm on issues/pertinent and determine
various PCIs provided in able to: contemporary issues in their school community needs?
the various subjects in a) identify a problem in the that need attention 2. Why is it necessary
Grade 7 and choose one school community through ● choose a PCI that needs immediate to be part of a
suitable to their context research, attention and explain why community?
and reality b) plan to solve the identified ● discuss possible solutions to the 3. What can one do to
problem in the community, identified issue demonstrate a sense
c) design solutions to the ● propose the most appropriate of belonging
identified problem, solution to the problem
d) implement solution to the ● discuss ways and tools they can use
identified problem, to collect information on a problem
e) share the findings with (questionnaires, interviews,
relevant actors, observation)
f) reflect on own learning and ● develop tools for collecting the
relevance of the project, information/data
g) appreciate the need to ● identify resources they need for the
belong to a community activity
● collect the information/data using
various means
● develop various reporting
documents on their findings
● use the developed tools to report on