ADMAT WR-2 - Verbal Ability - Stu
ADMAT WR-2 - Verbal Ability - Stu
ADMAT WR-2 - Verbal Ability - Stu
Class Exercise
Direc ons Read the por on of the poem ‘Do not go 4. The proverb “It ain’t over ll the fat lady sings.”
gentle into that good night by Dylan Thomas and an- suggests:
swer the ques ons given below: 1] The devil has all the best tunes.
2] If something can go wrong, it will go wrong.
Paragraph I 3] A disparaging descrip on, o en used to
describe people by their detractors.
Do not go gentle into that good night, 4] The final result cannot be decided or as sumed
Old age should burn and rave at close of day; un l a given situa on is completely finished.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right, 5. The proverb “The proof of the pudding is in the
Because their words had forked no lightning they ea ng” suggests:
Do not go gentle into that good night. 1] A person shouldn’t cri cize another for a fault
they also have themselves.
1. A Rhyme Scheme is the ordered pa ern of 2] A person who commits bad deeds will pay for
rhymes usually at the ends of the lines of a poem it in hell.
or verse. What is the rhyme scheme used in the 3] A person can only know if something is good
given extract? or bad by trying it
1] aaba 2] aba 4] In order to achieve something, you need to
3] baa 4] abaa act and take risks.
2. Which of the following figure(s) of speech has/ 6. What is the meaning of the idiom ‘To Run Around
have been used in the given extract? in Circles’?
I. Simile 1] to escape someone or something by running
II. Metaphor away.
III. Euphemism 2] to achieve something a er a long period of
IV. Allitera on me.
1] I & II 2] II & III 3] to keep doing or talking about the same thing
3] III & IV 4] II, III & IV without achieving anything.
4] be very strict in managing an organiza on or
Direc ons: Answer the following ques ons that are opera on.
based on idioms/proverbs.
Direc ons: For the words given below, select the op-
3. The idiom “The elephant in the room” suggests: on containing the group of words that are related to
1] a small but irrita ng flaw that spoils the the given word.
2] an obvious major problem or issue that 7. Hirsute
people avoid discussing or acknowledging A. He y
3] Any fic onal item that viewers have been B. Bulky
induced into believing as real. C. Furry
4] A majorly incompetent person leading others D. Shaggy
who are similarly incapable. 1] Only A 2] Only B 3] Only C
4] A and B 5] C and D
8. Gratuitous 13. A. A media agency must help adver sers fish
A. Jus fied where the fish are – at the lower possible
B. Apprecia ve cost.
C. Complimentary B. The ‘fish’, in the analogy, are the target
D. Superfluous market.
1] A and B 2] A, B and D C. It is common sense for fisherman to fish
3] B and C 4] A, C and D where the fish are to be found.
5] C and D D. Likewise, marketers will get anywhere adve -
ing in media where none of the target
Direc ons: In the following passage, several words are market will see the adver sements.
highlighted and numbered. These words may or may 1] A and D 2] B and D 3] B and C
not be the correct words to be used in the given con- 4] A, C and D 5] A, B and C
text. Choose from among the given op ons the correct
word in case of each ques on. If no change is required, 14. A. Glacier forelands can be viewed as field labo-
choose the fi h op on. ratories in which a ‘natural experiment’ is
The Bri sh would o en think of their conquests in India B. Close to the glacier, the landscape is freshly
as ambiguous (A). It gra fied a cherished privilege (B) exposed and devoid from life.
about the Englishman’s amateurish innocence and it ob- C. Farther away, it has been exposed for longer.
viated (C) the need to confront awkward ques ons – like D. Plants are colonizing it, soils are developing,
how such aggression could be jus fied. Clive himself, and slopes are more stable.
normally neither headstrong (D) nor cau ous, would 1] A and B 2] Only B 3] A and D
agonise long and hard over whether to assume what he 4] Only C 5] B and C
called ‘the sovereignty of Bengal’.
15. A. Earlier this century, Bri sh and Indian
9. Which of the following words best fits in Blank A? archaeologists uncovered the remains of
1] suspicious 2] fortuitous several early ci es in what was than north
3] frivolous 4] egregious India.
5] no change required B. These remains were dated to 2500-1800 BCE,
a period before the me when Aryan
10. Which of the following words best fits in Blank B? migrants were thought to have entered
1] esteem 2] tribute 3] sanc on north-west India.
4] conceit 5] no change required C. The society and culture a ributed to these
ci es is now referred to as the Indus valley
11. Which of the following words best fits in Blank C? civiliza on or the Harappan civiliza on.
1] advocated 2] adulterated D. Tiles or seals have been found depic ng an
3] obligated 4] obtruded as not yet undeciphered script and religious
5] no change required symbols of various kinds.
1] A, B and C 2] A, B and D
12. Which of the following words best fits in Blank D? 3] A and D 4] B and C
1] impetuous 2] temperate 5] B, C and D
3] charisma c 4] provoca ve
5] no change required 16. A. Deserts look barren, desolate and lifeless for
many of the me.
Direc ons: In the following ques ons, there are four B. In general terms, they have few plants and
sentences labelled A, B, C and D. Iden fy the state- animals, but those that are found in deserts
ments that are INCORRECT in terms of grammar and are remarkably diverse.
usage and select the appropriate op on. C. Indeed, despite their bleak reputa on,
deserts harbour a mul tude of natural
D. A desert’s wildlife, the living content, form 2] Each cell measured about ten feet by ten
an integral part of its landscape. and was quite bare within except for a plank
1] A and D 2] Only A 3] B and C bed and a pot of drinking water.
4] Only B 5] C and D 3] It was like men handling a fish which is s ll
alive and may jump back into the water.
Direc ons: In the following ques on, three groups of 4] Francis, the head jailer in a white drill suit and
words are highlighted. One or more groups of words gold spectacles, waved his black hand.
may have an error. Find the op ons with the correct 5] A dreadful thing had happened – a dog, come
groups of words to replace the underlined parts. goodness knows whence, had appeared in
the yard.
17. The Himalayan Mountains have been described
in the past as a barrier to communica on 19. To walk through the ruined ci es of Germany is
that isolate northern India from Asia. But in to feel an actual doubt about the con nuity
effect they were rarely barriers and the north- of civiliza on. _______________. The same
west of the subcon nent was con nuous com- desola on extends, at any rate in considerable
munica ng with peoples and places in western patches, all the way from Brussels to Stalin-
and central Asia. grad. And where there has been ground
A. isolate … carried on con nuous communica- figh ng, the destruc on is even more thorough.
on … people In the 300 miles or so between the Marne and
B. isolates … was in con nuous communica on the Rhine there is no such a thing as a bridge or a
… people viaduct that has not been blown up.
C. isolates … kept communica ng con nuously 1] Even in England we are aware that we need
… peoples three million houses, and that the chances of
1] Only A 2] Only B 3] Only C ge ng them within measurable
4] B and C 5] No change required me seem rather slender.
2] For one has to remember that it is not only
Direc ons: There is a sentence missing in each of the Germany that has been destroyed.
given paragraphs, indicated by a blank. Select the op- 3] The people of Britain have s ll not grasped –
on containing the sentence that fits the blank correct- thanks to their own compara ve immunity
ly and is relevant to the context of the paragraph. – the frigh ul destruc veness of modern war
and the long period of impoverishment that
18. It was in Burma, a sodden morning of the rains. now lies ahead of the world as a whole.
A sickly light, like yellow nfoil, was slan ng over 4] We do not yet know the full extent of the
the high walls into the jail yard. One prisoner damage that has been done to Germany.
had been standing in his cell. Six tall jail officials 5] It is quite true that the scale of the Allied
were guarding him and ge ng him ready for the blitzing of Germany is even now
gallows. Two of them stood by with rifles and not realized in this country.
fixed bayonets, while the others handcuffed him,
passed a chain through his handcuffs and fixed 20. Early one morning the sub-inspector at a police
it to their belts, and lashed his arms ght to his sta on at the other end of the town rang me up
sides. They crowded very close about him, with on the phone and said that an elephant was rav
their hands always on him in a careful, caressing aging the bazaar. _______________. I did not
grip, as though all the while feeling him to make know how I could do so, but I wanted to see what
sure he was there. _______________. But he was happening and I got on to a pony and started
stood quite unresis ng, yielding his arms limply out. I took my rifle, an old .44 Winchester – much
to the ropes, as though he hardly no ced what too small to kill an elephant, but I thought the
was happening with him. noise might be useful in scaring it. Several of the
local people stopped me on the way and told me
1] These were the condemned men, due to be
hanged within the next week or two.
about the elephant’s doings. Bri sh colonialists 3. They were dispossessed _____ their share of the
had ensured that these people had no weapons family property.
and this made them quite helpless against the (a) of (b) in (c) a er
elephant. (d) across (e) with (f) on
1] Would I please come and help him do some
thing about it? 1] cda 2] ade 3] ebc
2] A er all, what could have been done? 4] cab 5] bea
3] It was a cute baby elephant!
4] I remember that it was a cloudy, stuffy morn 25. 1. We will make decisions _____ the best inter-
ing at the beginning of the rains. est of the Brooklyn Nets.
5] It had already destroyed somebody’s bam 2. He has previously come _____ scru ny for his
boo hut, killed a cow and raided some fruit- flagrant viola ons of the law.
stalls and devoured the stock. 3. She had been very vague _____ her future
Direc ons: Select the op on with incorrect spelling. (a) from (b) under (c) with
(d) as (e) in (f) about
21. 1] Peremptory
2] Dissipate 1] bef 2] acd 3] cab
3] Pervaricate 4] ebf 5] dfc
4] Accommoda on
Direc ons: The ques ons given below consist of two
22. 1] Perseverance capitalized words which have a certain rela onship to
2] Ambiguous each other. The two capitalized words are followed by
3] Flippancy five numbered pairs of words. Choose the pair in which
4] Asseduity the words are related to each other in the same man-
ner as the words of the capitalized pair.
Direc ons: Choose the correct sequence of preposi-
ons that best completes the given sentences in each 26. PORTION : FOOD
ques on.
1] Medicine : Drug
23. 1. Both the clubs are upwardly mobile and man 2] Dose : Medicine
aged _____ experienced people. 3] Medicine : Measure
2. People were carrying their loved ones _____ 4] Measure : Drug
city to city. 5] Drug : Dose
3. Ship-breakers dismantle old vessels _____
parts for recycling. 27. SNOW : BLIZZARD
(a) against (b) by (c) across 1] Tornado : Cyclone
(d) into (e) from (f) up 2] Trial : Witness
3] Sand : Beach
1] bcf 2] bed 3] eaf 4] Murder : Punishment
4] ecb 5] fed 5] Spatula : Cooking
24. 1. The FBI is inves ga ng Trump’s poten ally 28. GUN : SHOOT
unlawful removal and destruc on of White 1] Drive : Cycle
House records _____ he le office last year. 2] Shovel : Dig
2. The athletes will compete _____ 15 venues in 3] Chalk : Board
and around Birmingham. 4] Water : Cool
5] Bat : Ball
Direc ons: In the ques ons given below, a capitalized 36. 1] It is a chilling thought that I could be among
word is followed by five op ons. Choose the op on the millions of ordinary law-abiding Indians
that is CLOSEST in meaning to the capitalized word. 2] who’s personal informa on is reported to
have been effec vely stolen
29. BLITHE 3] by Bri sh spies in collusion with their Ameri
1] Obscure 2] Spontaneous can colleagues as part of a vast,
3] Flexible 4] Tenuous 4] perhaps illegal, fishing expedi on to find po
5] Carefree ten al terrorists.
41. ………………………………………, 2012 will be 44. 1. In the 1970s, corporate bureaucracies
punctuated by sta s cal evidence of Asia’s and government hierarchies of the developed
growing share of the global economy, and by world appeared to be securely entrenched,
symbols of rela ve Western decline. the products of centuries of economic devel-
1] Like most of the 30 years that preceded it opment and na on-building.
2] As most of the 30 year’s that preceded it 2. In this economy, work and place are changing
3] Like most of the 30 years that had preceded in ways that a mere twenty years ago seemed
them unimaginable.
4] As most of the 30 years that had preceded 3. Today, the economy is global and makes use
them of new technology; government and
corporate bureaucracies are both more flexi-
42. Indifferent as he was to modern ameni es, ble and less secure ins tu ons.
…………………………………………… to snuff out the 4. Democracy today takes form
candles for good and install electric lights in his within a public culture that is pro
Paris bookshop in 1959. foundly influenced by the new poli cal
1] it took some convincing for George Whitman economy.
2] some convincing was necessary for George 1] 2413 2] 4213
Whitman 3] 4123 4] 3214
3] George Whitman took some convincing
4] convincing George Whitman was not easy 45. 1. Despite the fact that both share the same
core principles, many scholars wish to do
Direc ons: The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4) be- away with na onalism and replace it with a
low, when properly sequenced would yield a coherent world commi ed to promo ng rights at the
paragraph. Decide on the proper sequencing of the or- global level.
der of the sentences. 2. There is a contradic on, many claim,
between the modern na on-state and liber-
43. 1. Although commonly used for minor inju alism’s promise of universal human rights.
ries in a topical ointment made from 3. The former circumscribes the globe into
chili peppers, capsaicin can be a s mulant and communi es, provincializing liberalism’s
is on the list of substances banned reach.
by the Olympics. 4. The la er, however, ignores the fact that
2. Humans aren’t the only ones tested for illegal human beings live in, have always lived in,
drugs at the Olympics. and are shaped fundamentally by the com-
3. Hansen and Camiro had won bronze in a muni es to which they belong.
show-jumping event but were stripped of the 1] 2413 2] 2314
medal. 3] 2341 4] 3124
4. Horses compe ng in the equestrian events
are also scru nized, and at the 2008 Olympic Direc ons: Select the idiom that fits in the given
Games in Beijing the horse Camiro, ridden by sentence.
Tony André Hansen, tested posi ve for
capsacin. 46. While other areas are at a walking distance, the
1] 2413 2] 2314 new housing project that is being constructed
3] 4123 4] 3214 is really _____and it will take at least two hours
to get there from the nearest railway sta on.
1] back of the beyond
2] on the back burner
3] a monkey on one’s back
4] flat on one’s back
Choose the ar cles that fit in the blanks appropriately. Number of A empts (All ques ons Correct/50
to be a empted)
47. The parents took their two kids to _______
school in _______ family car to a end _______
monthly Parent-Teacher mee ng
1] a; a; the
2] the; no ar cle; the
3] the; the; the
4] no ar cle; a; the
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