Agroforestry Primer 08
Agroforestry Primer 08
Agroforestry Primer 08
hen applying the three principles of
agroforestry design (farmer-centredness;
aptness to place, people and purpose; and
synergy), it is important to recognize that each landscape
is unique and should therefore have its own unique
agroforestry systems. Trees in these systems can have very
different functions, ranging from being flotilla species in
systems that focus on food production, to being the flagship
species in systems that are designed to restore degraded
forested landscapes.
Annual crops with trees
ACT systems are most appropriate for farms that have low productivity,
particularly when caused by the following factors:
u loss of physical space for the flagship species (because trees will
occupy space where crops could be)
u reduction of crop yield due to shading
u in semi-arid regions, potential water competition between trees
and crops.
Design guidelines
The benefits of tree flotilla species to the farm, crop and farmer will be
highest if the following rules are followed:
On flat areas, especially small fields, trees are usually scattered in with
crops. This allows the crops to directly benefit from the trees – particularly
nitrogen-fixing species – without receiving too much shade.
Planting niches should be identified with the farmer and other household
members, making sure that the practical aspects of management are
considered. For example, fodder trees should be close to livestock pens.
Fruit trees should be planted close to the house, both for ease of harvest
and for security reasons – the same applies to other high-value species.
The components (crops, trees, livestock) and how they are best arranged
differ from farm to farm, but we list some general guidelines below:
u The chosen species should have deep roots, grow quickly, preferably
fix nitrogen, and have a light crown that allows sunlight to pass
through easily.
u Highly productive, fast-growing types of trees such as eucalypts and
acacias use a lot of water, and they can reduce water availability for
other components in a system. These kinds of trees can best be used
on farm as a block or woodlot.
u High-yielding perennials that need a lot of light, such as oil palm,
are not suitable to be grown under trees, but they make excellent
shade trees for smaller plants such as cacao and coffee (see Multistrata
cacao agroforestry systems in Central America and the Philippines in
this chapter).
u In semi-arid areas, termites can cause serious damage to seedlings
and mature trees, so mitigation measures like selecting termite-resistant
species and employing protection strategies are very important.
Strategies include removing dead and damaged wood from trees
quickly after damage, mulching to provide alternative food sources,
and careful management of the tree (especially when it is young) to
keep it healthy and able to resist termites. Pesticides can be used, but
they tend to kill natural enemies, and are most effective when used to
kill termite colonies rather than to protect individual trees, which
is undesirable. Several botanical extracts can be used to control
For more information on controlling termites in agroforestry, see Nkunika P, Sileshi G, Nyejeo P, Ahmed BM 2013.
Termite management in tropical agroforestry. Lusaka: University of Zambia Press.
Management guidelines
u Several factors affect the amount of time it takes before trees begin
to interfere with crop growth, including soil fertility, climate, crown
shape, root types and the shade tolerance of the crops in question.
Farmers need to be trained to understand how the various elements
of an agroforestry system respond to tree pruning and thinning (see
Chapter 7, Management of trees in agroforestry systems).
Livestock with trees
Box 7. The untapped potential of living fences
Somarriba E and Quesada F. 2009. Agroforestry farm planning: manual for farming families. 1st Edition.
Costa Rica: CATIE.
Somarriba E, Orozco-Aguilar L, Cerda R, López-Sampson A. 2018. Analysis and design of the shade canopy
of cocoa-based agroforestry systems. In Umaharan P. ed. Achieving sustainable cultivation of cocoa. London:
Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 1–31.
Livestock, especially browsers like goats, can cause serious damage to
crops and trees if not controlled. In sloping landscapes, free-grazing
livestock can seriously affect soil stability, and thereby undermine the
sustainability of the entire farm.
Zero grazing offers farmers several advantages. It can improve livestock
management or make it easier, in the following ways:
Zero-grazing systems also have some potential disadvantages. They are
labour intensive, and availability of labour may limit the number of
animals that can be kept. Furthermore, buildings and equipment cost
money. The investments needed may be recouped by greater future
profits, but nevertheless may be unacceptable to more risk-averse farmers.
Although the monetary costs may be reduced by using local materials and
building methods, they will rarely be zero.
Zero grazing can also have adverse effects on the health of animals and
their keepers. For the farming family, close contact with livestock brings an
increased risk of zoonotic disease. The livestock, too, are at greater risk of
disease and transfer of parasites. For the animals, however, the effects on
health and welfare can be more far reaching. Unfortunately, zero-grazed
animals are often kept in inhumane conditions, with inadequate space,
lack of bedding and insufficient shelter from the weather. Confinement is
not healthy for any animal, and a lack of exercise can lead to long-term
discomfort and psychological impacts. Where possible, steps should be
taken to minimize these animal welfare problems. Those supporting and
advising farmers can contribute to this by pointing out the advantages of
avoiding adverse effects like foot damage, joint damage, skin damage,
increased aggression, other behavioural changes and poor reproductive
performance. All of these are distressing to the animal and result in
reduced longevity and lower productivity.
Design guidelines
Livestock type
Any type of livestock species or breed may be kept under a zero-grazing
system. However, zero grazing requires relatively high capital investment
and ongoing managerial and material inputs. Therefore, farmers are more
likely to use the system for animals that generate substantial returns, such
as dairy cows or sheep reared for meat that will be marketed. Eggs, which
can be produced in large numbers from improved hen breeds, often have
ready demand and can command a high price. On the other hand, the
ease and efficiency of feeding small livestock, such as rabbits, can make
them an attractive simple option, both for the family diet and for sale.
The siting of a zero-grazing unit will be influenced by several factors,
which need to be balanced. Closeness to the homestead makes monitoring
of animals simple, but if many animals are kept, and feed and water
sources are not close, the labour needed may be beyond the capacity of
the farming family. Other considerations include road access, electric
power and availability of local building materials. Each farmer needs to
consider their own situation with respect to location and try to identify the
most appropriate compromise.
Management guidelines
For an example of planting for year-round fodder see Nitin IM, Lana K, Sukanten W, Suarna M, Putra S. 1989.
The concept and development of three-strata forage systems. In Proceedings of the IDRC workshop Shrubs and Tree
Fodders for Farm Animals, Denpasar, Indonesia, 24–29 July 1989. 92–102
Feed management
Decisions regarding the appropriate feeding of livestock always involve
a compromise between production objectives (which can be multiple
and conflicting) and the range and quantities of feeds that can be
made available. Some cut-and-carry systems operate efficiently on feed
resources that are collected locally from common land (such as roadside
grasses), while others may be wholly dependent on planted forages and
other feed or food-feed11 crops. Trees and shrubs, particularly legumes,
provide high-quality, nitrogen-rich feed to complement crop residues.
Watering is often overlooked, but is of critical importance for housed
livestock, which are unable to find water for themselves. Water
requirements have been discussed in the livestock section under the
High needs for care and maintenance subsection. Common sense is also
helpful: if a farmer expects a dairy cow to produce 20 litres of milk each
day, but only offers her 10 litres of water, disappointment is going to be
the only outcome!
Food-feed crops are those consumed by both people (food) and animals (feed).
Multistrata perennial
Both systems take advantage of species’ differing needs for water, light and
nutrients. Simultaneous systems deliberately combine species that reach
different heights, dividing into different layers the vertical space between
soil and sun. Plants and trees are selected in such a way that, at any given
moment, each species or group of species ideally occupies a specific
layer based on its relative height and its need for sunlight (see Chapter 7,
Management of trees in agroforestry systems). However, as tree height
changes over time, management is needed to maintain the different layers.
In successional systems, this resource-sharing strategy is taken further by
planting species with different life cycles. Over time, the species succeed
each other; plants with shorter lives develop alongside longer-lived ones.
When they are pruned or complete their life cycle, they leave a beneficial
legacy: organic matter in the soil, and the results of their interactions
with other plant, animal and microbial species. These improve the soil’s
structure, fertility and moisture content.
Design guidelines
the planting of the successional stages. This avoids productivity gaps and
cash flow shortages. It is important to avoid production gaps between the
end of one succession’s lifespan and the productive period of the next.
Livestock can be included in the system, but plant species then need to
be protected from damage and overgrazing. In uplands with steep slopes,
zero-grazing strategies are more appropriate, as they prevent livestock
damage to both the land and the system.
Management guidelines
Light triggers plant growth and, therefore, extraction of nutrients from the
soil. In low-fertility sites, and if fertilizer has not been added, excess light
will stress the plant, leading to poor growth and low yield. Signs of stress
include discoloration or death of leaves, and general weakness; highly
stressed plants can die. Farmers can achieve maximum production for a
given level of soil fertility by managing light penetration.
To assess whether the shading of the system is optimal, extension workers
can follow an easy, three-step procedure:
Assess the exposure to sunlight of the system at different times
of the day. Even on the same farm, different areas can receive
very different amounts of sunlight, depending on their position
in the landscape.
2 Walk through the system at different times of the day and observe
the light penetration on the ground. This will tell you whether the
system is too dense and if it requires thinning or pruning.
can manage. How fertile is the soil? Can they afford to buy and
apply additional fertilizer? Based on the available sunshine
hours, decide on an optimal shade regime to achieve that
productivity level.
Using the assessments made in the above three steps, work with the farmer
to develop an optimal monthly routine for managing the canopy and stock
Multistrata cacao agroforestry
systems in Central America
and the Philippines
Cacao was first cultivated as a shade crop under the canopies of native
trees. In many countries, however, the availability of full-sun varieties,
coupled with pressure to increase production, eventually led to
replacement of these systems. Yield in unshaded systems can be five times
greater than in shaded systems, but they also demand a lot of nutrients,
leading to soil exhaustion. As a result, cacao farmers tend to open new
fields when establishing plantations, often leading to deforestation.
Because of its shade tolerance, cacao is one of the crops most suited to
agroforestry systems, especially for farming families who prefer diversified
income streams to reliance on one crop. There is also renewed interest
among large chocolate producers in agroforestry, because climate change
is beginning to affect plantations in traditional cacao growing areas. Cacao
plants are highly sensitive to variation in climate, particularly temperature,
but also changes in rainfall and in the number of hours of sunlight.
Concern is also growing over deforestation caused by cacao expansion.
Design guidelines
The layers optimize the use of light, water, nutrients and space. The
emergent and canopy layers maximize light utilization and provide shade
to the cacao trees, which absorb both direct and diffused light.
Below ground, the range in root depth allows the system to exploit more
water and nutrients, and protects the soil against erosion and landslides.
Deep rooted trees bring up nutrients such as nitrate, phosphate and
organic acids from deep in the soil, and make these available to shallow-
rooted trees, including cacao, through their litter.
Management guidelines
The amount of shade required in a particular plantation depends on the
degree of self shading, phenological stage, site conditions and canopy
characteristics, as explained below.
Self shading
In the crown of a cacao tree, upper leaves and branches cast shade
on lower leaves, while neighbouring cacao trees cast shade on each
other. Both are examples of self shading. If self shading is high, then less
overstorey shade is needed. If this happens, fewer shade trees will be
required and the farmer loses the option of producing additional goods
(timber, fruit, etc.) and services (cultural, environmental) in the cacao plot.
Self shading is determined by factors related to the form and size of the
cacao tree, and to planting configurations and spacings, alone and in
combination. Important ones include:
u age of cacao plants (young plants have small crowns, hence low self
shading – overstorey shade is needed)
u pruning frequency and intensity (infrequent and light pruning results in
tall cacao trees, crown overlap between neighbouring cacao trees and
high self shading)
u whether the trees are grafted or grown from seed (grafted cacao trees
tend to be shorter and more open crowned than trees grown from
seed, resulting in less self shading if the plantation is well managed)
u tree spacing (triangular planting arrangements allow more cacao trees
per hectare than square or rectangular configurations. Self shading is
higher in such ‘packed’ planting configurations).
Temporal dynamics
In addition to the changes in self shading that occur as cacao plants grow
older and bigger, the light requirements of a cacao tree vary according to
its annual cycle: light is particularly needed at the flowering and pod-
filling stages. For optimal cacao performance, shade must be adjusted to
the monthly rhythms of the cacao plant by timely pruning or pollarding of
the shade trees.
Site conditions
Several site factors influence the amount of light reaching the cacao plot
and the optimal level of shade required:
u the latitude, exposure and slope of the land determine the amount of
sunlight reaching it
u high prevalence of cloud reduces sunlight
u the topography of the surrounding land and the height of the
surrounding vegetation affect the degree of lateral shade cast on a plot
u soil fertility: in infertile soils, farmers can only grow low-shade cacao
if they apply fertilizers. If they are unable to buy fertilizers, then more
shade is needed, because it reduces sunlight and demand for soil
u rainfall: for each location, it is important to establish the annual
rainfall below which the introduction of trees to unshaded cacao
would result in poor crop performance due to competition for water
u altitude: cacao can be planted from 50–1,200 metres above sea level.
The optimum elevation is around 400–800 metres. Above 500 metres,
cacao requires less shade than at lower elevations
u temperature: the higher the
temperature, the more shade is
required, so cacao trees generally
require more shade during the dry
season. This has implications for
pruning practice: shade trees should
be pruned at the onset of the rainy
season and allowed to regrow during
the dry season to provide the required
shade during this period.
Canopy characteristics
The shade cover should be similar in the different parts of a cacao
plantation. In practice, however, many cacao plantations have patches
with either too much shade or no shade at all. In part, this results from
variation in the vertical and horizontal distribution of the canopy cover
and its botanical composition. Tall trees cast less intense shade than
short ones, and tree species differ both in the time of the year when they
become leafless and in the duration of leafless periods.
Case studies
Five basic types of shade canopy are used in the region:
cacao under shade of one species, either a timber species
(for example, Cordia alliodora) or a nitrogen-fixing legume
(for example, Inga species)
Cacao agroforestry in Claveria, the Philippines
Claveria is an upper-watershed town in eastern Misamis Oriental
Province on the island of Mindanao. Land-use practices in the region
affect lives and livelihoods of people living in the 13 downstream coastal
municipalities: soil erosion from poor land management contributes to the
siltation and pollution of downstream water bodies, and affects the quality
and availability of marine resources.
Oil palm agroforestry
Agroforestry systems for commercial oil palm are multistrata systems that
offer an alternative to farmers and companies that want to produce palm
oil, but do not want to specialize in just one crop – or who would like their
oil to have a smaller environmental footprint.
Management of oil palm agroforestry systems requires considerable
knowledge, so training and technical assistance for farmers are important
elements of creating, implementing and maintaining systems that will be
successful and profitable.
Design guidelines
Oil palm agroforestry is suitable for all soil types and land types that are
suitable for oil palm – that is, well-drained soil in flat areas.
The components and spacing are designed around the flagship crop,
oil palm. Flotilla species are selected based on how each farmer prioritizes
objectives such as incomes, food provision, and contributions to soil
health and biodiversity. In Brazil, farmers selected cash crops such as
cacao and fertilizer species, including inga, gliricidia and Mexican
To simplify the harvesting and transport of fresh fruit bunches from the oil
palm, it is advisable to plant oil palm rows in sections, with light-loving
crops and trees interspersed between the sections. In Brazil, farmers
have opted for double, triple or quadruple rows of oil palm, keeping the
conventional 7–9 metre spacing between the palms.
Oil palm is the most productive oil producing plant and has very high
light and nutrient requirements. It is therefore important to avoid creating
competition for these resources. As in all multistrata systems, competition
for light is managed by selecting species that reach different heights,
effectively dividing the horizontal space between soil and sun into
different layers (see Multistrata perennial agroforestry in this chapter), and
by actively managing the system once the components grow. Oil palm
trees should not receive more than 10–15% shade, so high-strata trees
should be placed at maximum distance from the oil palm rows and be
carefully chosen for a crown shape that is as porous to light as possible.
Shade-loving crops like cacao, ginger, turmeric, some woody ornamentals
and – possibly – coffee can be grown underneath oil palm trees. As oil
palm seedlings have very fast-growing, aggressive, shallow roots, perennial
components such as cacao must be planted simultaneously to make sure
that they establish good root systems and are able to thrive.
The components need to be arranged both to avoid shading the oil palm,
and to ensure appropriate light levels for other components in the system.
Sun-loving plants should not be planted directly under oil palm. However,
it is generally advisable to err on the side of planting too many at the start:
it is easier to get rid of surplus plants than to establish them later.
Management guidelines
Rainforestation farming
System description
Design guidelines
u On Leyte Island in the Philippines, abaca has been a particularly
successful cash crop for rainforestion farming. This endemic relative
of bananas is harvested for its high-quality fibre, which is widely used
and valued internationally in products such as teabags. Traditionally, it
is grown under nitrogen-fixing trees such as Erythrina fusca and narra.
It is fast growing and quick to recover after extreme weather events
such as typhoons, and is most productive in an environment with
around 50% shade. The fibre extracted from the abaca’s pseudostems
amounts to only around 2% of the plant’s biomass; the rest is left on
the farm as mulch, so abaca can be cultivated in one spot for around
40 years. One option for integrating abaca into a rainforestion farming
system is to plant it a couple of years before planting canopy trees,
so that it then provides useful shade for the tree seedlings when they
are small.
Management guidelines
u In years when there is no seed
production, wildlings (small seedlings
from natural regeneration) can be
extracted from the natural forest.
This practice is not harmful in places
where natural regeneration is abundant
(for example, under mature trees).
Wildlings are often damaged during
extraction and transport, but if they are
placed in a shaded recovery chamber
– a small, closed structure of bamboo
and acetate plastic sheets, with
relatively constant temperature and
high humidity – their survival rate
will be close to 100%.