Tle Vi-Wk1
Tle Vi-Wk1
Tle Vi-Wk1
Teaching Dates: November 7-11, 2022
Quarter and Week: Quarter 2 Week 1
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entrepreneur? Lifestyle
entrepreneur? Solopreneur?
B. (Establishing purpose for Motivate the child by Do you want to become an Do you want to have a business? What are buyers/ sellers? Are Do you earn money?
the lesson/ Motivation) presenting a K-W-L Chart about entrepreneur someday? they related?
C. ( Presenting examples or What do you see in the How can they be a good What are type of business do you Look at the picture.
presentation/ instances of pictures? entrepreneur? want to get into?
the new lesson) Can you guess who is in the
Do you have an idea what are What is your habit? picture?
different types of entrepreneurs?
D. ( Discussing new concepts Identify the Qualities of an ideal Discuss the types of Discuss ways on how to start own Identify the Buyer and Seller As a student how do you earn
and practicing new skills) entrepreneur on pp. 3-6 entrepreneur on pp. 3-6 business On pages. relations. On pages. money?
Do you have an idea what is an TXT 5-13 & TXT 2-3 TXT 5-13 & TXT 2-3
industrious?innovative? What is the meaning of Social How it is important to you to
honest? Entrepreneur?Serial A business involves selling a Can you identify the buyer? earn money?
persistent? caring? helpful? Entrepreneur? Lifestyle product or services.
faith in goodness and Entrepreneur? Solopreneur? How about the seller? What is the easiest way to
righteousness? organized yet Do you have an idea what is a earn money?
flexible? confident? strategist? Will you give an examples of product? Will you read the meaning of
proactive? prudent? Social Entrepreneur? Serial a buyer. As beginners entrepreneur,
determined? knowledgeable? Entrepreneur? Lifestyle Will you give me an examples of How can you grow your
driven by high-quality Entrepreneur? Solopreneur? product? Will you read the meaning of business?
philosophy? risk-taker? a seller.
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What is services? Group Work:
Will you give me an examples of Let the pupils identify ways,
those Qualities of an Ideal Will you give me an example of on how to earn money
entrepreneur? services? Report it in class.
E. Developing Mastery (Leads What qualities should an What are the types of How do you start your own What is the relationship Role Playing
to Formative Assessment entrepreneur must have? entrepreneur? business? between the buyer and the
3) seller?
F. ( Finding to Practical When you hear the word When you hear the word Observe the entrepreneurs within Look at the group of people With the help of your teacher,
Application of concepts entrepreneur, what comes to entrepreneur, what comes to your community. What are the below and their relationship. conduct an informal survey to
and skills in daily living/ your mind? your mind? products or services that they sell? Can you identify who the determine the products with
Valuing) sellers and buyers are? Can the highest sales in your
What the person is doing?, what What the person is doing?, what Create a chart like the one below. buyers and sellers change school and community. Find
he or she is wearing?, where he he or she is wearing?, where he Business/Store name Products Services their roles? Show their out why these products have
or she is?, and what things, or she is?, and what things, Sari-sari store A Variety none
relationship in the form of a high demand from customers.
materials, or equipment he or materials, or equipment he or Stall B Garden none diagram in your notebook. Complete the table below.
she is using? she is using? Stall C none Dental
Group 1 Group 2 Group
Group 4 Business/
Store name
Products with
highest sales
Reason for
farmer baker/ car garment
bakeshop owner
fruitshak owner car merchandi
e vendor manuf ser
fruit flour dealer autom shopper
vendor ative
students household suppli dressmake
member er r
G. ( Making Generalization & What qualities should an What are the types of How to start own business? What is the relationship What are the ways in earning
Abstraction about the entrepreneur must have? entrepreneur? between the buyer and the money?
lessons) seller?
H. ( Evaluating Learning) Identify 5 qualities of Identify the types of Discuss briefly how to start own a Describe the buyer-seller List down 5 ways on how to
entrepreneur entrepreneur business. relation. earn money.
I. ( Additional activities for List down 5 entrepreneurs you List down 5 entrepreneurs you
application or remediation) know and their qualities. know and their type.
V. ( Reflection)
A.( No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation)
B.( No. of learners who requires
additional acts for remediation who
scored below 80%)
C.( Did the remedial instruction
really work? No of learners who
caught up with the lesson)
D.( No. of learners who continue to
require remediation)
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