Tle Vi-Wk4
Tle Vi-Wk4
Tle Vi-Wk4
Teaching Dates: November 28-December 2, 2022
Quarter and Week: Quarter 2 Week 4
B. Performance Practices safe and responsible Practices safe and responsible Practices safe and responsible use Practices safe and responsible Practices safe and responsible
Standard use of wikis, blogs, and audio use of wikis, blogs, and audio and of wikis, blogs, and audio and use of wikis, blogs, and audio use of wikis, blogs, and audio
and video conferencing tools video conferencing tools video conferencing tools and video conferencing tools and video conferencing tools
C. Learning Competencies Posts and shares materials on Posts and shares materials on Participates in video and Explains the advantages and
(write the LC Code) wikis in a safe and responsible wikis in a safe and responsible audio conferences in a safe disadvantages of using online
manner manner and responsible manner tools to gather data
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1. C_nf_r_ _c_ _g How does it work? How is it
2. C_l_ab_r_ _ i _ g useful?
3. C_ord _ n_ t_ _g
What are the examples of Wiki?
What is a wiki? What is a blog ? What are audio and video What are the advantages and
conferencing? How does it disadvantages of using online
What kind of website is a wiki? What is the purpose of blogging? work? tools to gather data?
What are the advantage and
How does it work? How is it What do you call to a person who disadvantages of audio and What are the some safety and
D. ( Discussing new concepts
useful? makes a blog? video conferencing? responsible practices in suing
and practicing new skills)
Can you give me an examples wiki, blogs, audio and video
What are the examples of Wiki? What are 4 common types of of application or website use conferencing?
blogs? in video and audio
What is the most popular wiki conferencing?
What are the safe and What are the safe and What are the safe and What are the advantages and
responsible manner in using the responsible manner in using the responsible manner in using disadvantages of using online
wiki? blog? the tools to gather data?
E. Developing Mastery (Leads video and audio conferences
to Formative Assessment How to post and share materials How to post and share materials ?
3) on wikis in a safe and on blog in a safe and responsible
responsible manner? manner? How to participate in video
and audio conferences in a
safe and responsible manner?
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F. ( Finding to Practical Posting and Sharing Materials Posting and Sharing Materials on Participating in video and Using ICT Safely and
Application of concepts on Wikis Blogs audio conference Responsibly
and skills in daily living/ You will post and share You will experience posting Your Teacher will closely Observe how your classmates
Valuing) materials on a wiki site. materials on a blog. It is assist you in participating in a work on the activities. Check if
With your teacher’s help, you necessary for you to create your video and audio they are observing the safety
will collaborate with your own blog.However, for advanced conference.To illustrate how and responsible practices in
classmates to create a full wiki users, you may create your own video and audio conferencing using the different online
page. blogsite with the guidance of is done, Google Hangouts will tools.
your teacher. be used.
G. ( Making Generalization & Using communication
Abstraction about the Wikis can be accessed in a tap Different topics can be discussed We should be careful in using technology is one of the best
lessons) of a finger or a click of a mouse. on blogs. But like any other ICT, video and audio conference gifts in our present days. We
Having these in mind, a safe and responsible usage of tool. We should use this tool can now communicate easily
responsible author may pertain blogs is highly encouraged. in a safe and responsible to everyone, wherever they
to the practices listed above to Respecting other ideas and manner for our own good and are or wherever we are. We
make sure that his wiki is opinions is a basic rule in others. can get all the information and
adhering to its main purpose: communication, especially in the data we need. We can also
“To share factual and truthful online world. gather data that we need in
information that is founded on our research using online
the idea of collaborative trust”. tools. But using online tools in
data gathering has its
advantages and
disadvantages. It’s better to
know the pros and cons of
using it for us to really
maximize it.
H. ( Evaluating Learning) True or False. / or x Yes or No. Advantage or Disadvantage.
1. Wikis are available to anyone
who has an access to the 1.The blogger is responsible for 1. Ask permission when 1. It is cheaper
Internet, make sure that your all his posts in his blog. He joining in video and audio 2. Easier to gather data
articles are well written and well should always consider the conferences. It is basic in 3. Unreliable responses
researched. You must also get implications of a post. He entering a conversation. It is a 4. Limited interaction
your information from reliable should also consider the effects show of respect. between the respondents
sources only. of it to others; whether it can and the interviewer
2. In writing a wiki, a topic must help or it can devastate others. 2. Sending a spam or letting 5. Flexible design of a
be placed in its proper category 2.The blogger should always be anyone use your account to questionnaire
to allow readers to search it respectful. He should not insult send spam to others is not
easily. Wikis tend to change other bloggers as well as his llowed 3-5.
over time, so arranging them readers.
chronologically is not necessary. 3.-5.
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I. ( Additional activities for
application or remediation)
V. ( Reflection)
A.( No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation)
B.( No. of learners who requires
additional acts for remediation who
scored below 80%)
C.( Did the remedial instruction
really work? No of learners who
caught up with the lesson)
D.( No. of learners who continue to
require remediation)
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