Tle Vi-Wk2
Tle Vi-Wk2
Tle Vi-Wk2
Teaching Dates: November 14-18, 2022
Quarter and Week: Quarter 2 Week 2
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Will you give me an example of What is your hobby or interest?
What is the meaning of a social services?
entrepreneur? Serial
entrepreneur? Lifestyle
entrepreneur? Solopreneur?
B. (Establishing purpose for Motivate the child by Can you create your product? What are the things you should How to be successful in
the lesson/ Motivation) presenting a K-W-L Chart about remember before you do your creating your product?
having a business. product?
C. ( Presenting examples or Where can they find different Show samples of different Present the procedures in making Show a sample business
presentation/ instances of entrepreneur? products the product. proposal.
the new lesson) Costing sample
1.List of ingredients for a chiffon
Do you have an idea who is in Can you see some products that
the picture? you might want to produce and 8 pieces egg P 48.00
sell? 1/2 C sugar P15.00
1/2 C milk P16.00
What are the common 3 tsp baking powder P2.00
2 1/4 C cake flour P14.00
items,other than food that most
1tsp. flavoring P1.00
people buy in your school or 1/2 C oil P10.00
community? 1 tsp cream of tartar P2.00
Total cost of P108.50
What do you see in this picture? Can you make these items too? Ingredients
2.Operating expenses
Labor P 150.00
What products do you see? Gas P 75.00
Transportation P16.00
Water P5.00
Pastic (5.00/pc) P120.00
Total cost of operating P366.00
3. Cost of ingredients
cost of Ingredients P108.50
operating expenses P366.00
Total cost of operating P474.50
4. Determined the yield: 1 cake
pan=24 slices
5. Selling Price: P474.50+20%mark-
up=P569.40/24 slices=P23.75 slice
D. ( Discussing new concepts Who can be an ideal Group Work: Here are some recipes of sellable Can say something about the
and practicing new skills) entrepreneur? food products that you might want proposal presented?
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I will group you into five. to try. Do you know how much
What products are sold near the each ingredient of the brownies Group Work:
school or community? Identify ways, steps or guides to would cost? Check them out in Make their own business
create their own product. your local market so you will know proposal for their chosen
Are the products simple or Create a plan of their own how much the final product would product and report it in class
complex? product cost.
See page 7
What products and services are Report it in class.
most in demand in your school
or community? See page 9-11
E. Developing Mastery (Leads How can you start your own What are the things you should Did you able to make your Describe an ideal
to Formative Assessment business ? consider when planning a product? entrepreneur using manila
3) product? paper
F. ( Finding to Practical Why do you start your business Why is planning in creating a Are you ready to market your How do you apply what you
Application of concepts to help your family? product important? product? Prepare your products have learned in your daily
and skills in daily living/ and sell them to your classmates. living?
Valuing) You may talk to your Canteen
Manager to allow you to sell some
of your good in the canteen.
G. ( Making Generalization & How can you start your own What are the things you should How to be successful in creating How will you able to make a
Abstraction about the business? consider when planning a your product? good business proposal?
lessons) product to sell?
What are the things you should
H. ( Evaluating Learning) True or False: Think of a product you want to Evaluate pupils’ product through a Evaluate pupils’ business
1.In deciding what type of create to sell. Make a plan about Rubrics. proposals using a rubric.
business to get into, it might be it.
good to start with a hobby or
2.Whatever you decide on, you
have to remember to keep your
costs down while maintaining
the quality of your product.
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I. ( Additional activities for Bring the materials you’ll need in
application or remediation) creating your product tomorrow.
V. ( Reflection)
A.( No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation)
B.( No. of learners who requires
additional acts for remediation
who scored below 80%)
C.( Did the remedial instruction
really work? No of learners who
caught up with the lesson)
D.( No. of learners who continue
to require remediation)
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