MCQ 04 Optics
MCQ 04 Optics
MCQ 04 Optics
06 The following instruments are useful in the determination of the axis in astigmatism.
A The Maddox rod.
B The astigmatic fan.
C The stenopaeic slit.
D The cross-cylinder.
E The major amblyoscope.
A. requires optical correction if it is an asymptomatic simple type of 0.25D
B. requires correction if it causes 'eyestrain'
C. should be corrected for distant vision only
D. causes more reduction in visual acuity in compound hypermetropic type than mixed astigmatism
E. can be corrected by contact lenses
18 Astigmatism:
a Is termed with-the-rule when a positive cylinder is required at axis 90.
b Is termed against-the-rule when a negative cylinder is required at axis 45.
c Of the order of 0.25 to 1.00 DC is not commonly found in the general population.
d Of l.00 DC will reduce distance vision to approximately 6/9.
e Cannot be corrected with contact lenses if above 3 DC.
22 a False. Visual acuity should be measured for near and distance, both unaided and with current
b False. This should normally be done at the end of the refraction.
c False. In patients with nystagmus a high plus lens should be used as complete occlusion sometimes
increases nystagmus and may reduce acuity.
d True. This detects manifest squint.
e True.
23 a False. History is important to ascertain the patient’s age, occupation, and special requirements.
b True.
c False. Myopes are especially intolerant to changes in lens form.
d True.
e True.
24. Asthenopia
A. is caused by continuous accommodative effort
B. is more likely to occur in myopia than hypermetropia
C. is more likely to occur in 2D hypermetropia than 0DS/+2DCx45°
D. doesn’t occur if the amount of astigmatism is small
E. occurs in anisometropic subjects more than pure hypermetropic subjects in general
24 A = True B = False C = False D = False E = True
Asthenopia is caused by accommodative fatigue when there is continuous accommodative effort. It is
more likely to occur in hypermetropia than myopia, as hypermetropic subjects need to exert more
accommodation for near vision. In astigmatism, the image is always blurred, and there is always a
stimulus to accommodative effort. Since accommodation cannot correct astigmatic errors, a small
astigmatic error may continuously stimulate accommodative effort. Similarly, in anisometropic subjects,
the accommodative effort of the two eyes cannot be dissociated. Hence, there is always a stimulus for
accommodation, causing asthenopia
27 aT bT cT dF eT
28 Hypermetropia
A is most commonly caused by abnormal shortness in the length of the eye
B is commonly caused by abnormal curvature of the cornea
C usually causes reduced visual acuity in children
D may cause 'eye-strain' in children
E may cause convergent squint in children
29 In hypermetropia
A the abnormal shape of the eye is usually confined to the post-equatorial segment of the eye
B degeneration of the choroid is common
C fundus appearance may simulate optic papillitis
D it occurs more commonly in females than males
E there is an increased risk of angle closure glaucoma
30 Ametropia
A includes myopia
B includes hypermetropia
C includes emmetropia
D includes astigmatism
E always occurs in both eyes
39 a True.
b True.
c True. This means that they do not have to accommodate for the distance.
d True.
e True, The myopic patient should see the red letters more clearly to ensure under-correction.
40. Myopia
A. is of the axial type in keratoconus
B. may be due to the eye being abnormally short
C. is associated with convergence of parallel rays entering the cornea at a point behind the retina
D. can be corrected by a convex lens
E. requires a stronger lens for correction the further away the lens is from the eye
42 Index myopia
A is caused by increased curvature of the cornea
B may be caused by an abnormal refractive index of the lens
C may precede senile cataracts
D is the commonest cause of myopia
E can be corrected by a concave lens