ICO Foundation Clinical 2
ICO Foundation Clinical 2
ICO Foundation Clinical 2
daughter. Her vision was temporarily very blurred but has now
improved to 6/9. The slit lamp appearance is as seen in the
photograph. Which ONE of the following statements is MOST likely
to be TRUE?
Select one:
a. She should be on bed rest until the hyphaema has resolved.
b. A secondary haemorrhage is most likely to occur after 5 to 6
c. Associated pain can be adequately managed with aspirin.
d. The anterior chamber angles should be examined.
The peak incidence of secondary haemorrhages is days 3 to 4 post
injury and is usually due to retraction of the clot and fibrin that has
occluded the traumatised vessel until that time. The risk of
secondary bleeding reduces with age and is highest in children
under 6.
She has intermediate uveitis, which may be the first evidence that a
patient has an autoimmune disease and may be an initial
manifestation of multiple sclerosis (especially presenting at this
age) or sarcoidosis, so as a bare minimum these should be
A 69 year old man complains of loss of vision in his right eye. His
fundal appearance is shown in the photograph. Which ONE of the
following statements is MOST likely to be TRUE?
Select one:
a. He has an arcuate visual field defect.
b. Nutritional supplements would have slowed progression.
c. There is a masking defect on fundus fluorescein angiography.
d. The abnormal area is outlined by a halo of autofluorescence.
The age related eye disease study (AREDS) showed and overall
reduction in progression to severe AMD with nutritional
supplements but this was mostly due to reduction in neovascular
AMD with little influence on progression of geographic atrophy
The correct answer is: The abnormal area is outlined by a halo of
A 72 year old man presents with left sided headache and sudden
loss of vision in his left eye. Which ONE of the following statements
is MOST likely to be TRUE?
Select one:
a. Treatment with IV steroids should be started immediately.
b. The CRP is likely to be around 2.7mg/dL.
c. The optic nerve head looks normal.
d. A temporal artery biopsy will show intimal thickening.
A 72 year old man presents with sudden loss of vision in his right
eye. On examination the visual acuity is counting fingers, he has a
relative afferent pupil defect, the intraocular pressure is normal and
his fundus appearance is shown in the photograph. Which ONE of
the following statements is MOST likely to be TRUE?
Select one:
a. This is a non ischaemic central retinal vein occlusion.
b. He is at risk of secondary angle closure glaucoma.
c. An ERG will show increased amplitude of the b wave.
d. He should have an urgent C reactive protein (CRP) measurement.
The patient has had a central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) and the
level of acuity and presence of a relative afferent pupil abnormality
suggests it is likely to be ischaemic. He is therefore at risk of
neovascualrisation of the optic disc, the peripheral retina and the
iris angle leading to secondary glaucoma.
The b wave of the ERG is generated from the inner retina. When
perfusion of the inner retina is reduced as occurs in CRVO the b
wave amplitude is reduced relative to the a wave which is
generated from the outer retina.
The correct answer is: He is at risk of secondary angle closure
Select one:
a. This appearance may be seen following a seventh cranial nerve
(facial) palsy.
b. The abnormality is more common in females than males.
c. The conjunctiva is likely to remain healthy.
d. Epiphora is most likely to be due to functional nasolacrimal duct
Because of the larger size of the tarsal plate in men women more
commonly get an entropion and men an ectropion. Loss of tone in
the orbicularis muscle following a seventh nerve palsy commonly
causes an ectropion as well as an inability to close the eye.
The correct answer is: This appearance may be seen following a
seventh cranial nerve (facial) palsy.
Question 11
A pathology report describes areas of tumour cells arranged in a
ring around a central lumen containing cytoplasmic extensions
from the tumour cells. Which ONE of the following is the MOST
likely diagnosis?
Select one:
a. Retinoblastoma.
b. Sebaceous cell carcinoma.
c. Merkel cell tumour.
d. Nevus of Ota.
Select one:
a. Fluorescein angiography will confirm a healthy optic disc.
b. The patient has had maximal pan retinal photocoagulation.
c. The patient has acute multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy.
d. The patient should have their HbA1c checked.
The peripheral lesions in this photograph are old scars from laser
Mild cases may only show reduced iris perfusion and pupil
abnormalities but when more severe there may be uveitis,
keratopathy and hypotony.
The correct answer is: Hypotony is a sign of moderate ischaemia.
Question 16
Regarding bleb leaks following trabeculectomy, which ONE of the
following statements is MOST likely to be TRUE?
Select one:
a. They can occur years after the original surgery.
b. It may be associated with a high IOP.
c. They cannot be diagnosed by a Siedel test.
d. There is a lower incidence following use of mitomycin C.
The correct answer is: They can occur years after the original
Question 17
Regarding carotid-cavernous fistula (CCF), which ONE of the
following statements is MOST likely to be TRUE?
Select one:
a. Orbit ultrasound cannot differentiate a CCF from dysthyroid eye
b. There is an increased incidence in patients with pseudoxanthoma
c. Treatment requires intracranial surgery.
d. A dural carotid-cavernous fistula may resolve spontaneously.
The conjunctive, cornea and sclera can all be sites of primary active
disease. Intraocular involvement is secondary to disease elsewhere
in the body usually from haematogenous spread
The most important steps to take are those that minimize the risk
of infection including minimal lid manipulation, use of a face mask,
hand washing and using gloves.
Povidone iodine is a very effective antiseptic agent and is probably
the most effective prophylaxis against the development of
endophthalmitis (as it is before cataract surgery).
The correct answer is: Povidone iodine must be instilled in the
conjunctival sac before treatment.
Question 25
Regarding multiple sclerosis, which ONE of the following
statements is MOST likely to be TRUE?
Select one:
a. The diagnosis can be made after a single episode of a suggestive
neurological disorder.
b. It is an autoimmune disease.
c. Computerised tomography (CT) is more sensitive than magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) in identifying active plaques.
d. Visual evoked potential is only helpful in diagnosis after an
episode of optic neuritis.
Drugs are the most common agents blamed for the development
of Stevens-Johnson most commonly antibiotics and specifically
penicillin and sulfa compounds. Other causes reported include
infective and malignancy related but 25-50% are idiopathic.
A hard stop means the cannula has passed into the lacrimal sac
and come up against the solid lacrimal bone.
Lacrimal scintillography and the Jones 1 test are the only tests
conducted under physiological conditions. Any investigation that
involves syringing through the lacrimal drainage system may
overcome a partial obstruction and therefore not always give an
accurate result. Functional epiphora is generally due to
malposition of the punctum or lower lid laxity from a variety of
causes and the isotope will not even be seen in the canaliculi..
The correct answer is: A hard stop when a cannula is inserted into
the inferior punctum indicates a patent common canaliculus.
Question 32
Regarding the diagnosis of the lesion in the photograph, which
ONE of the following statements is MOST likely to be TRUE?
Select one:
a. The other eye is likely to be normal.
b. Active necrotizing retinitis may occur adjacent to the scar.
c. This is retinal scarring from toxocara infection.
d. Active inflammation requires a depot sub conjunctival steroid
Select one:
a. Left untreated this lesion commonly invades the orbit.
b. This condition is seen most commonly in pre-menopausal
c. This is a pre-malignant lesion.
d. On histological examination the epidermis is acanthotic with
patchy hyperkeratosis.
The correct answer is: Patching for two hours a day is as effective
as full time patching in moderate amblyopia.
Question 36
Regarding the medical management of glaucoma, which ONE of
the following statements is MOST likely to be TRUE?
Select one:
a. Topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitors should not be used in
patients with advanced renal disease.
b. Alpha agonists are safe to use in children.
c. A prostaglandin analogue should not be prescribed following
uneventful cataract surgery.
Select one:
a. A caeco-central scotoma is identified.
b. The patient probably has an inferiorly abnormal optic disc.
c. The most likely reason for low test reliability is the duration of
the test.
d. It is a left visual field.
It is the right visual field because the blind spot is on the right
Multiple false positives and negatives are the likeliest reason that a
field test is unreliable.
The correct answer is: The patient probably has an inferiorly
abnormal optic disc.
Question 39
Regarding traumatic optic neuropathy, which ONE of the following
statements is MOST likely to be TRUE?
Select one:
a. Blunt head trauma induces shearing forces which disrupts the
vascular supply to the optic nerve.
b. It cannot be diagnosed in an unconscious patient.
c. It is most commonly caused by a penetrating injury to the orbit.
d. It can be diagnosed by direct ophthalmoscopy of the optic nerve
head after a recent injury.
The most likely reasons for a poorly dilating pupil are mechanical
including posterior synaechiae, fibrotic pupil margin and
pseudoexfoliation. The use of tamsulosin for the symptoms of
benign prostatic hypertrophy is becoming an increasing reason for
a poorly dilating atonic pupil.
The correct answer is: Pseudoexfoliation syndrome.
Question 42
Which ONE of the following criteria is included in the World Health
Organisation requirements for a screening programme?
Select one:
a. Facilities for diagnosis and treatment must be available.
b. The diagnostic test need only be done for a defined period in a
c. Any disease can be subject to a screening program.
d. The screening test should have a high specificity but low
The Goldman analyser has both static and kinetic components and
needs an experienced technician to produce good results. Gross
defects can be identified with static use then the size of the defect
explored kinetically.
The correct answer is: Goldman visual field.
Question 44
Which ONE of the following is an absolute contraindication to
performing an MRI scan of the orbit?
Select one:
a. Titanium clip to a berry aneurysm.
b. Cochlear implant.
c. Gold implant for lagophthalmos.
d. Claustrophobia.
Gold implants in the lid like metallic orbit floor implants develop a
fibrous coat, which prevents them moving under the influence of
the scanner.
The correct answer is: Cochlear implant.
Question 45
Which ONE of the following is a water-borne organism causing
ocular disease?
Select one:
a. Vibrio cholera.
b. Histoplasma capsulatum.
c. Chlamydia trachomatis.
d. Leptospira.
Orbit metastases only account for 5-10% of orbit tumours and only
occur in 2-3% of patients with cancer.
The correct answer is: Prostate adenocarcinoma.
Question 48
Which ONE of the following procedures is MOST effective in the
prevention of post cataract surgery endophthalmitis?
Select one:
a. Thorough lid cleaning for a week prior to surgery.
b. Correct placement of the surgical drapes.
c. Topical antibiotics for 24 hours pre-operatively.
d. Putting povidone iodine into the conjunctival sac 5 minutes
before the procedure.