Investigative Report On Daycare
Investigative Report On Daycare
Investigative Report On Daycare
On January 13, 2023, representatives from the Mississippi State Department of Health conducted a follow-up visit
regarding an investigation conducted at your facility. The findings of this investigation provided evidence that the
facility failed to comply with regulations as stated in the Regulations Governing Licensure of Child Care Facilities.
Documentation of this investigation was forwarded to the Child Care Central Office for review and assessment of
monetary penalties and is enclosed for your review.
By the criteria as established in the regulations, a total monetary penalty of $2,675 is assessed. As stated in Rule
1.25.9 (4) of the regulations, unless appealed, all monetary penalties shall be payable within 30 calendar days of being
levied (date of receipt of this letter). According to Rule 1.25.9 (5) of the child care regulations, an operator has the
right to appeal a monetary penalty imposed pursuant to this section of the regulations. Any appeal of a monetary
penalty must be filed with the licensing agency within 10 calendar days of the date of the receipt of this letter.
Notice: Any Class I or II violation that is repeated within the same licensure term could result in a doubling of the
monetary penalty(s).
You may go to the following link and pay your monetary penalty of
$2,675.00 electronically. You may pay by Master Card, Visa, American Express, Discover, Debit Card, or ECheck
(Electronic Check). Payment must be made within 30 days of this notice unless appealed as stated above. The Child
Care Licensing Division is no longer accepting paper checks, money orders, or certified checks for payment of fees
and monetary penalties. All payments must be made online electronically.
Should you have questions, you may contact the Bureau of Child Care Licensure at 601-364-2827.
cc: Enclosure
District -------- Date 1-13-2023
LBFH Childcare Center and Christian Academy
FaciI ity Name________________ L.1cense N o. ________
Time In 7 :55am :26amTime Out8
Nicole Womack and James Brice Gwendetta Mc Field_
Upon arrival _________ met with _________
This is a follow-up for the investigation conducted on October 21, 2022 based on the
additional information provided in the video footage from the facility.
Revised 7.26.2021
While observing the video footage from he facility on October 21, 2022, MSDH also
observed a total of nineteen (19) children left unattended in the classroom with no
caregiver in sight on several occasions for minutes at a time.
What measures will you as a facility out into place to correct the immediate violation and
how will you prevent the reoccurrence of the violations?
Per the owner, there will be caregivers with the children at all times.
2 Revised 7.26.2021
Person Responsible:
IGwendetta McField
Technical Assistance/Notes:
MSDH Investigators provided technical assistance on the following:
-discussed maintaining staff-to-child ratio at all times
-discussed maintaining staff-to-child ratio according to the youngest when age groups
are mixed
-discussed that no one staff shall monitor 2 classrooms at one time
-discussed playground safety and building s and grounds up keep/maintenance
-discussed maintaining room capacity throughout the facility
-discussed appropriate discipline techniques and positive redirection of the children
-discussed constant supervision of the children
-discussed at no time are children left unattended
"Class I and II violations may result in a moneary penalty. Repeated violations may result in the
doubling of a monetary penalty, suspension or revocation of the license."
3 Revised 7.26.2021
Subchapter and Rule:
Subchapter 8: STAFFING
Rule 1.8.2 Ratio: 1. The minimum ratio of caregiver staff-to-children present at all limes shall be as follows:
Rule 1.8.2 (5) Ratio:
5. At no time will a single individual be responsible for lhe supervision of children located in more than one classroom al any given time.
Based on observations of camera footage from Little Blessings from Heaven on October
21, 2022, children were observed moving from one room to the other room without adult
supervision. MSDH Investigators also observed, Thirty-one (31), one(1) and two (2) year
old children combined in one classroom with 2 caregivers, making them over staff-to-child
ratio by 18 children.
Per the owner she will maintain staff-to-child ratio at all times during all hours of operation.
At no time will 1 caregiver watch 2 classrooms at one time.
Person Responsible:
IGwendetta McField
Time for Completion:
4 Revised 7.26.2021
Subchapter and Rule:
Subchapter 8: STAFFING
Rule 1.8.3 Grouping: When children are placed in groups, the maximum group size shall be determined by
the following chart.
Based on observations of camera footage from Little Blessings from Heaven on October
21, 2022. MSDH Investigators observed, Thirty-one (31), one(1) and two (2) year old
children combined in one classroom. The ratio for one (1) year olds is nine (9) children
with one (1) caregiver.
Per the owner, she will not mix age groups. The facility will remain in staff-to-child ratio at all
Person Responsible:
jGwendetta McField
Time for Completion:
5 Revised 7.26.2021
Subchapter and Rule:
Subchapter 9: PROGRAM OF ACTIVITIES Rule 1.9.6 Infants, Toddler, and Preschool Activities: 5. Television viewing, including video
tapes and/or other electronic media, cell phone, or other digital media, e.g., computer, iPad®, iTouch®, etc., for children, age two and
older, is limited to one hour per day, must be of educational content and a scheduled part of the approved daily plan of activities
posted in the facility. The use of an " audio player" to play music is acceptable.
While observing the video footage from he facility on October 21, 2022, MSDH also
observed the children ages 1-2 yrs old, were observed watching tv for 51 minutes.
Per the director she will remove all televisions from the classrooms, and will limit the
preschoolers to 1 hr. per day.
Person Responsible:
!Gwendetta McField
Time for Completion:
6 Revised 7.26.2021
Subchapter and Rule:
Subctlapef 11:8llll.06NGSANO GROUNDS� 1,11.80Jldoot � Area; Allar\NddliJdan ladliliH ant� IOhaw ,n adoqualeOUIOOOt� ...... Al� tnd �� lnlendedtof use by� 2·12)'Mr'lofagt
shall '1'ICMII ll'le •lal'ICf.ltds Ml lOM in hi Hal'ldbock tor P\.lbic Pie� Sel'ety, Pubfic:aliotl No. 325, � by lho U.S. � PrOducl Safatt ComriNion Of it, SUCOM1« .. lhowfl In ApplnClb " D." 5. The OUldoo!' pil)90lffl arN shall be he ot l'luNOS
and not le• lhlln 30 feel (rTIN.lilft'd horizontally parale( IO lhe gtOtA'ld) lrom electrical transtotrners. �'IOhage � rhos, efectriefll subltalCltll, t'lltro«1 htb, or $01.1rcM ot IO-lc fumes orgues. �erds. inculing bul not imiled 10 lit c:on61onet W.U and utility
mUls, motors. laMS, and/or cebing bO inacett� 10 (:hildfen, Fondng 81 least k)U"foej hii;lh lhall be provldod 8tOl.lnd thoouldoor playground aret. Fencing higherthen 1our feel but noC 10 exceed eight tee'I may be requlrod H lho lioenslr,g tu1horil., deleffl'inas
that a hazard emts. � IWist wirn and boftt lace away fr om Int piayground. A.tan .itemaiwl, elf4)C)Sed bcltl ends may bt Cl.II IO no mo«t lhan two •xposed ll'i'ffds. Thon Ille boll Mdl lhall be� smoojt capped. °'
Rulo 1.11.11
(2) � swinri'IQpoob .. pn:MiMcl .,.._� by a li�tooe MOIi and 811 lodiedo,te. Al� _.,bt p6ace,i:t$1 a� Mfeet tromNpoot«lge.
Based on a tour of the facility the gate to the air condition unit was open and assessable to
children. MSDH Investigators also observed a bottle of bleach near the children' s play
equipment. Also, the gate to the pool area was unsecured and open allowing children' s
Per the owner, she met with the caregivers on January 4, 2023 and discussed buildings and
grounds upkeep and removal of hazardous material. The owner also stated that they
replaced the fencing and the pool area is being filled with dirt, the pool will be completed by
January 17, 2023.
Person Responsible:
IGwendetta McField
Time for Completion:
jJanuary 4, 2023
7 Revised 7.26.2021
Subchapter and Rule:
Subchapter 14: DISCIPLINE AND GUIDANCE Rule 1.14.1 Prohibited Behavior: The following behaviors are prohibited
by anyone (i.e., parent, caregiver, or child) in all child care settings: 1. Corporal punishment, including hitting, spanking,
beating, shaking, pinching, biting, and other measures that produce physical pain.
While observing the video footage from he facility on October 21, 2022, MSDH also
observed caregiver #2 push children by the head, pop a child on the forehead and another
child on the hand. Investigators observed unattended children fighting and kicking each
other in the face while on the rug in the classroom.
Per the owner they completed Childcare Regulations training with the MSDH and met with
her caregivers on January 4, 2023 to discussed appropriate discipline techniques and
positive redirection of the children. The children will be closely monitored.
Person Responsible:
jGwendetta McField
Time for Completion:
!January 4, 2023
8 Revised 7.26.2021
Subchapter and Rule: pg. 10 Loose-fill surfacing materials (5) Good drainage is essential to maintaining loose-fill
surfacing. Standing water with surfacing material reduces effectiveness and leads to material compaction
and decomposition
Based on a tour of the facility on October 25, 2022, MSDH Investigators observed
standing water on the playground.
Person Responsible:
IGwendetta McField
Time for Completion:
9 Revised 7.26.2021
MSDH Child Care licensure Investigation Form - Additional Findings
October 25, 2022
District _5_______ Date ______
LBFH Childcare Center and Christian Academy . 25CEPFSWA-64 78
Fae,.1.1ty Name_
. ______________ License No. _______
Time In 12:21 pm Time Out3 :22pm
Findings not related to complaint allegation/self-report:
While MSDH Investigators conducted an follow-up visit from October 21, 2022. The
Investigator met with the the director. Per the print-out of the children' s sign in and
out sheet.The facility was over capacity and ratio in classroom #5 on October 21, 2022.
Based on the print out of the children' s sign in and out sheet, it was observed that
both toddler class was combine with two caregiver with a total of (31) children; the
room was over ratio by thirteen (13) students.
Revised 7.26.2021
What measure will you as facility will put into place to correct the immediate violation,
how will you as a facility will prevent the recurrence of this violation?
The director will meet with staff on classroom management and proper supervision, and
maintaining staff to child ratio at all times. Upon completion of this training, the director
will provide MSDH Investigator with agenda, meeting minutes, and roster.
Person Responsible:
IGwendetta McField
Time for Completion:
Technical Assistance/Notes:
Technical assistance was given to the director on Subchapter 8: Staffing- discussed
maintaining the staff to child ratio, Subchapter 11: Building & Grounds - discussed the
importance of maintaining the room capacity at all times by MSDH Investigator.
"Class I and II violations may result in a moneary penalty. Repeated violations may result in the
doubling of a monetary penalty, suspension or revocation of the license."
2 Revised 7.26.2021
Subchapter and Rule:
Based on the observation of the facility, the capacity space called for only (13)thirteen
children in the approved space; there were (31)children occupying the space with two
caregivers. The room was over capacity by (18)eighteen students.
What measure will you as facility will put into place to correct the immediate violation, how
will you as a facility will prevent the recurrence of this this violation?
The director will meet with staff on maintaining the room capacity throughout the facility.
Upon completion of this training, the director will provide MSDH Investigator with agenda,
meeting minutes, and roster.
Person Responsible:
IGwendetta McField
Time for Completion:
3 Revised 7.26.2021