Mittal2013 Iitr
Mittal2013 Iitr
Mittal2013 Iitr
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Investigation of explosion characteristics of coal dust was undertaken as a part of regular research
Received 7 February 2013 program at CSIR-CBRI, Roorkee, India, for designing explosion safety measures for coal dust handling
Received in revised form installations. This paper presents results of detailed experimental work on determination of Limiting
22 April 2013
Oxygen Concentration (LOC) and influence of reduced oxygen levels on explosion severity data for two
Accepted 25 April 2013
types of coals with varying volatile matter as 27.18% (coal A) and 19.69% (coal B) from Jharia coalfield of
India determined at ambient conditions with 20-L Spherical Vessel established at CSIR-CBRI. The effects
of coal particle size and moisture content were evaluated. Data presented will be used for hazard
analysis, designing explosion preventive measures, and explosion severity reduction by involving the use
Coal of inert gases for installations handling pulverized coal with similar nature. The importance of ignition
source energy in determining LOC data is highlighted. The data collected lead to an extension of the
current data for coal dusts as found in the literature. Limiting oxygen concentrations were found as 7% for
coal A and 8% for coal B for the size representative to that used in pulverized coal boilers and moisture
content w4%.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction of the dispersed dust cloud which will just not allow an explosion of
a dust/air/inert gas mixture.
Handling of pulverized coal suspension in power plants, coal The possibility of dust explosions in process equipment can in
mines, cement manufacturing plants and other related activities principle be effectively eliminated by substituting the air by a gas
is associated with the risk of coal-dust explosions. The current which makes flame propagation in the dust cloud impossible. This
environmental regulations have introduced confined or partially technique is commonly employed in industry to prevent dust cloud
confined systems for transportation and storage of pulverized coal ignition. Since the use of large quantities of inert gas in a plant may
increasing the probability of coal dust explosions. Such installations be expensive, it is important to limit the inert gas consumption to
should conform to relevant regulations like ATEX 95 related to the extent possible. For most dusts it is not necessary to substitute
explosive atmosphere (ATEX 95, EU Directive 94/9/EC, 2009), the entire atmosphere in the actual area by inert gas e.g. nitrogen
which in turns needs the evaluation of explosion parameters for and it is essential to know the critical gas composition for inerting
safety, hazard analysis and for designing appropriate explosion the dust. In some cases it may even be of interest to use smaller
safety measures for different circumstances under which explo- fractions of inert gas than required for complete inerting, because
sions are likely to occur depending on the particular technological this will reduce both the ignition sensitivity of the dust cloud, and
application. The data needed for explosion hazard analysis and the maximum explosion pressure and rate of pressure rise.
safety include the basic explosibility parameters e maximum The purpose of determining LOC is to estimate the highest
pressure and rate of pressure rise, as well as explosibility limit permissible oxygen concentration below which dispersed dust
parameters such as dust concentration, oxidant concentration, ignition is not possible at ambient temperature and pressure. This
ignition energy and minimum ignition temperature. The dust parameter is measured in a 20-L Sphere (BS EN 14034-4, 2005;
concentration limit, often referred to as Minimum Explosible Siwek, 1985) which is internationally accepted for use in deter-
Concentration (MEC) is the lowest concentration of dust dispersed mining explosion severity data of dusts and is well suited to
in air that can propagate explosion. Another limit measurement of determine LOC of dusts. As a part of research program on deter-
use in hazard analysis and safety is the Limiting Oxygen Concen- mination of explosion characteristics of various dusts an exhaustive
tration (LOC) e the experimentally determined oxygen concen- investigation was undertaken on coal dust explosibility data using
tration at the boundary between propagation and non-propagation CSIR-CBRI 20-L Spherical Vessel (similar to Siwek 20-L Sphere)
0950-4230/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Mittal / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 26 (2013) 1106e1112 1107
Table 1
Proximate analysis and calorific values of coals.
curves shown in Fig. 2. These were analysed and predicted data are
presented and discussed in next section.
Fig. 7. Effect of oxygen concentration on maximum explosion pressure for pulverized Fig. 9. Variation of maximum explosion pressure at optimum dust concentration with
coal A for various dust concentrations. oxygen concentration for pulverized coals.
M. Mittal / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 26 (2013) 1106e1112 1111
4. Conclusion Pex [bar] Maximum explosion pressure for the dust concentration
The Limiting Oxygen Concentration data and explosion severity Pmax [bar] Maximum explosion pressure
data at reduced oxygen levels for coals determined with CSIR-CBRI t [s] Time
20-L Sphere reported in this paper may be used for hazard analysis V [m3] Vessel volume
and practical design of inerting systems/other explosion safety
measures aimed at preventing dust explosions or suppressing the
disastrous effects of explosion. The data on explosion severity References
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Symbols used
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KSt [bar m/s] Explosibility index Woskoboenko, F. (1988). Explosibility of Victorian Brown coal dust. Fuel, 67(8),
P [bar] Pressure 1062e1068.