Marking Scheme Bio Paper 3 07

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SULIT 1 Praktis Bestari JUJ 2007


Question 1
1 a) (i) KB0603 – Measuring using number

Score Explanation

Able to record all the four times correctly.

Sample answer

Water sample Time taken for methylene blue

solution to decolourise / minutes
P 10
Q 23
R 42
S 57

2 Able to record any three times correctly

Able to record any two times correctly.


No response or wrong response


1 (b) (i) [KB0601 - Observation]

Score Explanation

Able to state the correct observations based on the following criteria

1. State the time taken for methylene blue solution to decolourise for any
two of water samples.
2. Compare the time taken for methylene blue solution to decolourise for
all the water samples.

Sample answer
1. The time taken for methylene blue solution to decolourise for water
sample P is 10 minutes.
2. The time taken for methylene blue solution to decolourise for water
sample Q / R / S is 23 / 42 / 52 minutes.
3. The time taken for methylene blue solution to decolourise is the shortest
for sample P and the longest for sample S.//otherwise

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SULIT 2 Praktis Bestari JUJ 2007

2 Able to state any one of the observation correctly

Able to give an idea for the observation.

Sample answer
1. Time taken for methylene blue solution to decolourise is 10 minutes.
2. Time taken for methylene blue solution to decolourise is increase.

0 No response or wrong response


Score Observation 1 Observation 2

3 √ √
2 √ Idea / otherwise
√ X / otherwise
1 Idea Idea

0 Idea X / otherwise

1 (b) (ii) [KB0604 – Making Inferences]

Score Explanation

Able to state the inference for each observation made corectly and accurately.

Sample answer
1. The amount of dissolved oxygen in the sample P is low.
2. The amount of dissolved oxygen in the sample P is lower than sample S.
 Inference must equivalent with observation.
 If observation wrong ,inference reject
 If observatian is an idea, inference can get mark.

1. Able to state any one inference made corectly.

2 2. Able to state two inferences but incomplete
3. Able to state an idea of inference for both two observations

Able to state an idea of inference for any one observation made.

Sample answer
1. Water contains oxygen
2. P contains low oxygen.

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SULIT 3 Praktis Bestari JUJ 2007

0 No response or wrong response


Score Inference 1 Inference 2

3 √ √
2 idea Idea
√ X / otherwise
1 Idea No answer
Idea X / otherwise

1 (c) [KB0610 – Controlling variables]

Score Explanation

Able to state all the variables and all method to handle variables correctly.
Sample answer

Variables Particulars to be implemented

Manipulated variable How to alter the manipulated variable

Water samples/ Source/ type of Repeat experiment using different water

water samples samples / Change the water samples /
Collect water samples from different

Responding variable How to determine the responding

Time taken for methylene blue Record/ measure the time taken for
solution to decolourise methylene blue solution to decolourise
using stopwatch
Controlled variable How to maintain the controlled variable
Volume of water sample Measure 250 ml of water sample using
measuring cylinder for each experiment
Concentration of methylene blue Fix 0.1% methylene blue solution

Able to state 4-5 correct answer.

Remark :
2  Reject particulars to be implemented if variables is wrong.

1 Able to state 2-3 correct answer

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SULIT 4 Praktis Bestari JUJ 2007

No response or wrong response or only one correct

Score 3 : 6 correct Score 2 : 4 - 5 correct
Score 1 : 2 - 3 correct Skor 0 : 1 correct

1 (d) [KB0611 – Making hypothesis]

Score Explanation

Able to state the hypothesis correctly based on the following criteria:

P1 : State the manipulated variable
P2 : State the responding variables
H : State the relationship between P1 and P2

3 Sample answer
1. Different samples of water, different time taken for methylene blue
solution to decolourise.
2. The time taken for methylene blue solution to decolourise for sample P is
shorter than sample S / otherwise

Able to state any two of the criteria (the hypothesis less accurate)
P1 : State the manipulated variable
P2 : State the responding variables
H : State the relationship between P1 and P2
Sample answer
1. Sample water affect the time taken for methylene blue solution to

Able to state any one of the criteria or idea of hypothesis.

1 Sample answer
1. Water affects the time taken for methylene blue solution to decolourise.

0 No response or wrong response

4551/3 SULIT
SULIT 5 Praktis Bestari JUJ 2007

1 (e) (i) [KB0606 – Communication]

Score Explanation

Able to construct a table and record the results of the experiment with the
following criteria:
T – Title with correct units.
D – All correct and accurate data
S - Names of all water samples.

Sample answer

3 Water Time taken for methylene blue solution to

Samples decolourise / minutes
P 10
Q 23
R 42
S 57

2 Able to construct a table with one of the given criteria being incomplete

1 Able to constuct a table with two of the given criteria being incomplete

0 No response or wrong response

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SULIT 6 Praktis Bestari JUJ 2007

1 (e) (ii) [KB0607– Using space and time relationship]

Score Explanation

Able to state the relationship between the time taken for methylene blue solution
to decolourise and the amount of dissolved oxygen in water samples accurately.
P1 - the time taken for methylene blue solution to decolourise
P2 - the amount of dissolved oxygen in water samples
H – correct relationship
Sample answer
1. The time taken for methylene blue solution to decolourise will be short if
the water sample has a low content of dissolved oxygen / otherwise

Able to state the relationship between the time taken for methylene blue solution
to decolourise and the amount of dissolved oxygen in water samples but less

Sample answer
2 1. The time taken to decolourise will be short if the water sample has a low
content of dissolved oxygen.
2. The time taken for methylene blue solution to decolourise is short with the
amount of dissolved oxygen in water samples

Able to state an idea of the relationship between the time taken for methylene blue
solution to decolourise and the amount of dissolved oxygen in water samples.

Sample answer
1. The time taken to decolourise is short with dissolved oxygen in water

0 No response or wrong response.

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SULIT 7 Praktis Bestari JUJ 2007

1 (f) [KB0605 – Predicting]

Score Explanation

Able to predict correctly and explain prediction based on the following criteria
K1 – Time taken longer
K2 – compare sample S
K3 - amount of dissolved oxygen higher

Sample anwser
1. The time taken for methylene blue solution to decolourise is longer than
sample S because the amount of dissolved oxygen in water sample is
2. The time taken for methylene blue solution to decolourise is more than 57
minutes because the amount of dissolved oxygen in water sample is
3. The time taken for methylene blue solution to decolourise is 60 minutes
because the amount of dissolved oxygen in water sample is higher.

Able to predict based on any two criterias

Sample answer
1. The time taken for methylene blue solution to decolourise is longer than
sample S because the amount of dissolved oxygen in water sample is

Able to give an idea of a prediction on the observation or predict based on any

one criteria.
Sample answer
1. The time taken for methylene blue solution to decolourise is longer.

0 No response or wrong response

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SULIT 8 Praktis Bestari JUJ 2007

1 (g) [KB0609 – Defining by operation]

Score Explanation

Able to state correctly and accurately the definition of biochemical oxygen

demand based on the results of the experiment using the following criteria :
C1 : decolourise
C2 : 1ml of 0.1% methylene blue
C3 : dissolved oxygen
Sample answer
1. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in water sample is the content of
dissolved oxygen needed to decolourise 1 ml of 0.1% methylene blue
soluton in each water samples.

Able to state the definition of BOD based on any two criteria

Sample answer
1. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in water sample is the content of
dissolved oxygen needed to decolourise methylene blue soluton in each
water samples.

Able to state the idea of the definition of BOD or state the definition based on any
one criteria.

1 Sample water
1. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in water sample is the time taken for
methylene blue solution to decolourise in each water sample.

0 No response or wrong response

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SULIT 9 Praktis Bestari JUJ 2007

1 (h) [KB0602 – Classifying]

Score Explanation

Able to classify all the water samples according to the levels of pollution

Sample answer
Water Status
S Clean
R Slightly polluted

Q Very polluted

P Severely polluted

2 Able to classify any 3 water samples according to the levels of pollution correctly.

1 Able to classify any 2 water samples according to the levels of pollution correctly

0 No response or wrong answer or only one correct

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SULIT 10 Praktis Bestari JUJ 2007

1 (i) [KB0608 – Interpreting data]

Skor Kriteria

Able to state the relationship between the amount of dissolved oxygen in water
samples and the level of water pollution correctly based on the following criteria:
C1 - amount of dissolved oxygen in sample water
C2 - level of water pollution
C3 – correct relationship
Sample answer
1. The amount of dissolved oxygen in P water sample is the lowest so P is the
most polluted water sample.

Able to state the relationship based on any two criteria :

Sample answer
1. The amount of dissolved oxygen in P water sample is the lowest so it’s

Able to state an idea of relationship or state the relationship based on any one

1 Sample answer
1. P is the most polluted water sample.
2. The amount of dissolved oxygen in P water sample is low.

0 No response or wrong answer

TOTAL SCORE = 11 X 3 = 33 marks

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SULIT 11 Praktis Bestari JUJ 2007

Question 2
KB061201 – ( Problem statement)

Score Criteria
Able to state the problem statement correctly :
C1 : Manipulated Variable
C2 : Responding variable
R : Question form and have relationship

3 Sample Answer :
1. What is the effect of temperature on the height of the coloured liquid
in the manometer/activity of yeast?

# Without question mark (?) – score 2

Able to give a statement of identified problem but incomplete.

Sample Answer:
1. What is the effect of temperature on yeast?
2. How does temperature affect yeast activity?

Able to give idea of a statement of identified problem.

1 Sample Answer:
What is the effect of temperature?

0 No response or wrong response

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SULIT 12 Praktis Bestari JUJ 2007

KB061202 ( KB061203 – Making Hypothesis )

Score Criteria
Able to state the hypothesis correctly by relating two variables.

Criteria set:
C1 : States the manipulated variable
C2 : States the responding variable
R : Show the specific relationship and direction between the
3 manipulated variable and the responding variable.
Answer must have C1, C2 and R

Sample Answer :
1. As the temperature increases, the height of colour liquid in the
manometer / activity of yeast also increase.

Able to make a statement of hypothesis which relates the manipulated

variable to the responding variable.
Answer must have C1 and C2 but without correct relationship

Sample Answer :
1. The temperature increases the height of colour liquid in the
2. The temperature affect the height of colour liquid in the

Able to state an idea of a statement of hypothesis.

1 Sample Answer:
1. The height of colour liquid in the manometer increase.

0 No response or wrong response

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SULIT 13 Praktis Bestari JUJ 2007

KB061203 - Planning ( Planning for investigation)

Score Criteria
Scoring Criteria:
Able to state 7-9 planning investigation of experiment following:

• Problem statement (PS) – idea

• Aim of investigation / Objective (Ob) – Relation between C1 and C2

Sample answer
1. To investigate the effect of temperature on the height of colour
liquid in the manometer/activity of yeast.

• Statement of hypothesis (HP) – idea

• States variables – (Vb)

All three variables must be correct :
Manipulated variable : Temperature
Responding Variable : The height of colour liquid in the manometer /
activity of yeast
Constant Variable : Volume of yeast suspension/ pH / light intensity /
time taken

• List of materials and apparatus (AP)

• Technique (Tq) – Correctly and accurately (Bonus 1) = 1 mark

Sample Answer:
Measuring the difference in the heights of coloured liquid in the
manometer using ruler

• Procedure / Method of investigation (PD)– must have at least one

criteria either P1 @ P2 @ P3 @ P4 @ P5

• Data presentation // presentation of result (DP) – Have table with title

and unit
Sample Answer :
Test Temperature Height of coloured liquid in
tube (°C) the manometer (cm)
A 0
B 20
C 30
D 40
E 50

Second Bonus : 1 mark

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• Conclusion (CS) – Must same with hypothesis, If hypothesis is wrong,

reject conclusion.

Sample answer :
As the temperature increases, the height of colour liquid in the
manometer / activity of yeast also increase.( Hypothesis is accepted)

If students only write Hypothesis accepted in conclusion , reject

Scoring Criteria :
2 State 4 - 6 items

Scoring Criteria:
1 State 1 - 3 items

0 No response or wrong response

KB061204 ( Method / procedure of investigation)

Score Criteria
Able to state all five criteria P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5 :

Criteria :
3 P1 : Ways to conduct apparatus and materials:
K1 : Label boiling tubes
K2 : Fill yeast suspension
K3 : Fill the manometer tube with coloured liquid
K4 : Connect the stoppers with rubber tubing to manometer tubes
K5 : Clamp to retort stand
K6 : Place boiling tube A in a beaker of ice
K7 : Start the stop watch
K8 : Notes the level of coloured liquid in manometer after 10 minutes
and record the height of coloured liquid.
K9 : Repeat experiment using different experiment.
K10 : Plot a graph of the heights of the coloured liquid in manometer
against the temperatures.

Remark :
Able to state any five (K) step to get P1.

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P2 : Ways to control controlling variable

i) Fill the boiling tube with 15 cm³ of yeast suspension. //
ii) Time taken

P3 : Ways to determine responding variable

i) Record the height of coloured liquid in the manometer.

P4 : Ways to change manipulated variables.

i) Repeat the experiment using different temperatures.

P5 : Precautionary:
State one precautionary in the experiment.
Sample Answer:
i) Make sure the set up apparatus is air tied.

Sample Answer:
Method / Procedure :
1. Label five boiling tubes, A,B,C,D and E.
2. Fill all the boiling tubes with 15 cm³ of yeast suspension.
3. Fill the manometer tube with coloured liquid and mark the
level of coloured liquid at the beginning of experiment.
4. Connect the stoppers with rubber tubing to manometer
5. Clamp the boiling tube and manometer tube vertically to a
retort stand.
6. Place boiling tube A in a beaker of ice. Record the
temperature after five minutes.
7. Start the stop watch and note the level of coloured liquid
in manometer after 10 minutes.
8. Record the height of coloured liquid in the manometer.
9. Repeat step 4 by placing the boiling tubes B, C, D and E n
water baths at the temperatures of 20°,30°,40°, and 50°.
10. Record the results in the table below.
11. Plot a graph of the heights of the coloured liquid in
manometer against the temperatures.

2 Able to state 4 criteria

1 Able to state two to three criteria

0 No response or wrong response

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SULIT 16 Praktis Bestari JUJ 2007

KB061205 (Listing of Materials and Apparatus)

Skor Perkara
Abble to state all the materials and apparatus:

Sample Answer:
Materials : Yeast suspension*, coloured liquid*, ice cubes

Apparatus :
Boling tubes* Glass tube
Rubber tubing* Clips
3 Manometer tubes* Rubber stoppers
Thermometers* Retort stands,
Ruler* Strings,
Measuring cylinders,

Must list 2 * materials and 5 * apparatus.

Able to state two of the * materials and 3 * apparatus including manometer


Able to state two of the * materials and 2 *apparatus including


0 No response or wrong response

3 X 5 = 15 marks
B1 = 1 mark( technique)
B2 = 1 mark( Data presentation)
TOTAL = 17 marks


4551/3 SULIT

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