6.question Bank With Answers (2 Marks) - 1
6.question Bank With Answers (2 Marks) - 1
6.question Bank With Answers (2 Marks) - 1
5.Define Electrostatics.
Ans: Electrostatics, the study of electromagnetic phenomena that occur when there
are no moving charges—i.e., after a static equilibrium has been established.
Charges reach their equilibrium positions rapidly, because the electric force is
extremely strong.
The Skin Depth is dependent on the frequency of the current/signal and the
resistivity of the material. It inversely proportional to the frequency and directly
proportional to the resistivity.
The Skin Depth can be calculated using the following formula:
14.Define polarization.
Ans: The dipole moment per unit volume is called polarization.
Polarization occurs when an electric field distorts the negative cloud of electrons
around positive atomic nuclei in a direction opposite the field. This slight
separation of charge makes one side of the atom somewhat positive and the
opposite side somewhat negative.
Magnetic Flux Density is amount of magnetic flux through unit area taken
perpendicular to direction of magnetic flux. Flux Density (B) is related to Magnetic
Field (H) by B=μH. It is measured in Webers per square meter equivalent to Teslas
19.What is toroid?
Ans: A toroid is shaped like a solenoid bent into a circular shape such as to close
itself into a loop-like structure. The toroid is a hollow circular ring, as can be seen
in the image shown below, with many turns of enameled wire, closely wound with
negligible spacing between any two turns.
The intrinsic impedance of the free space is the ratio of the permittivity to the
permeability. For air medium, the value is 120π or 377 ohm.
ID = JDS = S (∂D/∂t)
The Poynting vector, S = E×H, represents the rate of flow of electromagnetic energy
per unit area per unit time.
34.Define polarization.
Ans: The dipole moment per unit volume is called polarization.
Polarization occurs when an electric field distorts the negative cloud of electrons
around positive atomic nuclei in a direction opposite the field. This slight
separation of charge makes one side of the atom somewhat positive and the
opposite side somewhat negative.
The Applications of Ampere’s circuital law are :1.MFI due to 1.solenoid 2.Straight
wire 3.Thick wire