Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
In communication systems, we use different ways to transport the electrical signal
from the transmitter to the receiver. It can be sent over a metal conductor in the form
of a voltage or current signal or transmitted through air in the form of electromagnetic
radiation or could be converted into a light signal and sent through an optical fibre.
Whatever be the mode of transport, the transmission of signal through all these media
is governed by the classical theories of electromagnetic wave propagation. You have
already learnt the basic electromagnetic theory in the course on Electric and Magnetic
Phenomena (PHE-07). We would suggest that you go through Units 13, 14 and 15 of
that course before you start studying this unit.
The physics of electromagnetic signal propagation, their radiation, absorption, etc. are
contained in the four Maxwell’s equations. You know that these equations represent
four fundamental laws of electrodynamics. You have also learnt that the Coulomb’s
law and Ampere’s law do not hold for time varying fields. This is because, the action
at a distance is delayed in time from the cause producing it. For instance, a conductor
carrying time varying current produces time varying magnetic field. However, the
change in magnetic field due to change in current is not felt instantaneously in the
entire space. In the neighbourhood of the wire it is felt early while at farther distances
it is felt later. Further, the time varying magnetic fields produce electric fields. Thus, a
wire carrying oscillatory (ac) current produces oscillatory electric and magnetic fields
that propagate radially outward. These propagating fields are called electromagnetic
waves. They carry momentum, energy and information from the current carrying wire
called antenna to the receiver. You will be learning about these concepts in this unit.
In Sec. 3.2 we shall take a brief review of the basic concepts in electromagnetism, viz.
Maxwell’s equations. In Sec. 3.3 we shall discuss the wave equation that governs the
propagation of electromagnetic waves. Transmission of signal at lower frequencies
can take place by surface waves. We discuss the surface wave propagation in Electromagnetic Wave
Sec. 3.4. At microwave frequencies, the signal is transmitted in the form of Propagation Theory
electromagnetic radiation through a hallow metallic conductor, which guides the wave
to the destination. This is called waveguide. In Sec. 3.5 you will learn about the basic
construction of waveguides. In all forms of transmission occurring via
electromagnetic radiation, the most important component on the transmitter and
receiver side is the antenna. The shape and size of antenna decides the directionality
and range of signal transmission. In Sec. 3.6 we take a brief review of antennae.
F = qv × B. (3.1)
The force depends on the direction of motion of the particle (v). The force is
maximum when the direction of motion and direction of magnetic field are
perpendicular to each other. In such a case, the magnitude of magnetic field equals
the ratio of maximum force and the product of charge and particle velocity. Magnetic
field is produced by electric current and also by time varying electric field,
constituting a displacement current.
Charge Density ρ: The electrical charge per unit volume is called charge density
Basic Physics of Current Density J: The charge crossing per unit area (placed perpendicular to the
direction of flow) per second is called current density. If there is the flow of current I
in a conductor of cross-sectional area A, then J = (I/A) î , where î is the unit vector in
the direction of current flow.
Polarisation P: Consider an atom with many electrons revolving round the nucleus.
The total negative charge of electrons equals the positive charge of the nucleus. In the
absence of external electric field, the centre of negative charge cloud coincides with
the nucleus. When we apply an electric field on the atom, the electron cloud gets
shifted. The cloud of outermost orbiting electrons undergoes maximum displacement.
Let the charge of this cloud be −q and the displacement of its centre with respect to
nucleus be d, then −qd is the dipole moment of the atom. If there are many atoms in
the system, then the vector sum of dipole moments due to all the atoms in a small
volume ∆V divided by ∆V, (i.e, the dipole moment per unit volume) is called
polarisation P (r, t).
Displacement Vector D: Two physical quantities described above, viz. electric field
E and polarisation P combinedly define the displacement vector D by the relation:
D = ε0 E + P, where ε0 = (10−9/36π) in MKS units, is the free space permittivity.
Electric Flux D.ds : Consider a small surface area ds at point r. On multiplying it
with the component of displacement vector D(r) normal to the surface, we obtain
D.ds, called electric flux linked with that surface element. Integrating it over the entire
surface gives the total flux linked with the surface.
Magnetic Flux B.ds : B.ds is the magnetic flux linked with surface element ds.
When integrated over the entire area of a surface, B. ds is called the magnetic flux
linked with the surface.
∇.D = ρ (3.2a)
This is Maxwell’s first equation. It is valid for all static and time varying fields.
3.2.2 Gauss’s Law for Magnetic Field Electromagnetic Wave
Propagation Theory
The second law states that the total outward normal magnetic flux through any closed
surface as shown in Fig. 3.2 is zero. This is because of the fact that, in magnets, there
are no monopoles. We can write it as:
∫ B.ds = 0 (3.3)
where B denotes magnetic flux density. Applying Gauss’s theorem, the equation is
reduced to:
∇.B = 0 (3.3a)
Consider any closed current carrying path. The line integral E.dl along the path is
known as the electromotive force (emf). Faraday’s law states that the emf induced in
With Stoke’s theorem we
any closed path equals the time rate of change of magnetic flux through the area convert line integral into
enclosed by the path. We can consider the area to be any surface s having the closed surface integral as
path c as its open boundary. The law can be mathematically expressed as:
∫ E.dl = ∫ (∇ × E) .ds
c s
∫ E.dl = −
∂t∫B.ds (3.4)
c s
The negative sign arises due to the fact that the emf induced by the change of
magnetic flux is such that the current produced by it opposes the change in the
magnetic flux. This is known as Lenz’s law. Using Stoke’s theorem, the line integral
can be converted into a surface integral leading to
∇×E= − (3.4a)
∇× H = J (3.5a)
Maxwell realized that for time varying currents, the Ampere’s law is not compatible ()
with the equation of continuity given by: R V Key
+ ∇.J = 0 (3.6) Fig.3.4: Charge accumulates
∂t on the capacitor plates during
From the Ampere’s Law the charging of capacitor
∇ . J = ∇ . (∇ × H ) = 0. (3.7)
Basic Physics of Hence the continuity equation would give (∂ρ/ ∂t) = 0, i.e., accumulation or
rarefaction of charges is never possible. This is against our day-to-day experience
where we observe that charge density changes with time. Charging of capacitor is the
most common example of charge accumulation with time (Refer to Fig 3.4).
Thus Ampere’s Law is valid only for time independent fields. Maxwell generalised it
by adding another term, Jd to Eq. (3.5a). Then it can be written as:
∇ × H = J + Jd .
Substituting this in Eq. (3.7), we have ∇.J = − ∇.Jd. Using the equation of continuity
(3.6) and the Maxwell’s first equation (3.2a) we get
∂ρ ∂D
∇. J d = = ∇.
∂t ∂t
leading to Jd = ∂D/∂t This is known as the displacement current density. The
generalised Ampere’s law can thus be written as
∇×H = J + . (3.10)
You should note that just as current density J is the source to produce magnetic field,
the displacement current is also a source to produce magnetic field. In vacuum there
are no charges, hence J = 0, and the magnetic field of an electromagnetic wave is
produced by the displacement current.
∇.D=ρ (3.11a)
∇.B = 0 (3.11b)
∇×E = − (3.11c)
∇×H = J + (3.11d)
Value of some constants: The Maxwell’s equations are to be supplemented by the constituent relations, relating
1 J, P and M with E and B. In general J, P and M at time t depend on E and B at all
ε0 = sΩ −1m −1
4π × 9 × 109 times preceding t. However, for harmonic fields with time dependence of the form
µ 0 = 4π × 10−7 Ω s m −1 . e−jωt, it is always possible to write
(µ 0 / ε0 )1 / 2 = 3 × 40π
= 376.73Ω
P = χE
M = χM H
D = ε0 εr E
B = µ0 µr H
Spend SAQ 1
5 Min.
A sphere of radius r0 and relative permittivity εr has charge distribution with charge
density ρ = ρ 0 (1 − r 2 / r02 ) . Obtain the electric field at r < r0 and r > r0.
After recapitulating the basic concepts let us now discuss about the wave equation.
Electromagnetic Wave
3.3 WAVE EQUATION Propagation Theory
Using the constituent relations D = ε0εrE, B = µ0µrH and J = σE, the third and fourth
Maxwell’s equations (Eqs. (3.11c) & (3.11d)) can be written as
∇ × E = − µ0 H,
and ∇ × H = σ E + ε0 εr E.
Taking curl of the first equation and using the second, in conjunction with vector
identity ∇ × ∇ × E = − ∇ 2 E + ∇ (∇ . E ) , we obtain the wave equation in the uniform
εr ∂2 E σ ∂E
∇ 2 E − ∇ (∇ .E ) − 2 2
− =0 (3.12)
c ∂t ε 0 c 2 ∂t
where c = (µ0ε0)-1/2. For harmonic time dependent fields, of the type e−jωt, we may
replace (∂E/∂t) by – jωE and Eq. (3.12) can be written as Here we have assumed εr
to be real quantity.
However, this quantity in
∇ 2 E − ∇ (∇ . E ) + ε eff E = 0 (3.13) practical dielectrics
c2 comprises real and
imaginary parts−the
where ε eff = ε r + (3.14) imaginary part contributing
ε0 ω to the dielectric losses.
∇2 E + ε eff E = 0 (3.15)
From Eq. (3.14) you must have noted that the effective relative permittivity depends
on the conductivity. For understanding the physical significance of this parameter, let
us drive an expression for conductivity σ. Consider a conducting medium with free
electron density n0. When it is subjected to an electric field E = A exp (−jωt), the free
electrons acquire a drift velocity v, governed by the momentum balance equation:
m = −eE − νmv (3.16)
where −e and m are the electronic charge and mass, ν is the number of collisions an
electron suffers per unit time with heavy particles or phonons. In a collision an
electron loses an average momentum mv. Hence in ν collisions, it loses mvν
momentum given by the second term of Eq. (3.16). In the steady state, v varies in the
same way as E, i.e., we can take v = A1 exp (−jωt). Substituting this in Eq. (3.16) we
get Unit Area
v=− (3.17) v
m(ν − jω) v
Now consider a fictitious unit area placed perpendicular to v as shown in Fig. 3.5. We Fig.3.5: Current density
may visualise a cylinder of length v behind this area. This cylinder has volume (v × 1)
and contains n0v electrons. In one second all these electrons cross the unit area
carrying a charge −n0ve. Thus the current density is
Basic Physics of J = − n0 ev (3.18)
n0 e E
= = σE (3.19)
m(ν − jω)
n0 e 2
with σ= (3.20)
m (ν − jω)
ωp is called the plasma frequency. It depends only on the total number of carriers.
In general, εeff is complex. For << 1 , we can write
ω 2p
ε eff = ε r − . (3.23)
You must have noticed that the value of εeff decreases with ω.
Spend SAQ 2
3 Min.
In the presence of an electric field of frequency ω = 1013 rad s−1 inside a conductor,
the induced current density is π/3 out of phase with electric field. Estimate the
collision frequency.
Before proceeding further, let us discuss the physical nature of plane waves.
E( x = 0, t ) = A cos ωt (3.24)
where A is the amplitude, ω is the frequency, ωt is the phase, of the field and v is the
velocity of wave propagation. The field at x at time t is the same as that it was at x = 0
Fig. 3.6: Wave propagation at a previous time (t − x/v), since the field take x/v time to travel from x = 0 to x. You
in + x direction
know that in this equation, k = ω/v is called the wave number and the argument of
cos function (ωt − kx) is called the phase of the wave. At any time t, the phase is
constant over the plane with constant x, i.e., over the entire yz-plane. The plane of
constant phase is called a wavefront. The wave travels perpendicular to the Electromagnetic Wave
wavefront. Propagation Theory
For a plane wave propagating along an arbitrary direction n̂ ( n̂ is an unit vector) the
wavefront would be a plane perpendicular to n̂ .
Refer to Fig.3.7. The field at Q (r, t) is same as at point M at time t (since both Q and
M are on the same wavefront). This field is same as that was at the origin O at time
t − .
E(r, t ) = A cos ω t −
= A cos (ωt − k.r ) (3.26)
where real part of the right hand side is implied. The amplitude and frequency of the
waves are determined by the sources producing them, whereas velocity of wave
propagation is determined by the properties of the medium through which they
Now we can obtain more insight into the nature of electromagnetic waves from
Maxwell’s equations. Since B, H, D and J in the steady state have same (r, t)
dependence as E, we can replace the ∂ / ∂t and ∇ operators operating on these
quantities by − jω and jk respectively. Then from Eq (3.11c) and (3.11d) we get
k × E = ωµ 0 H,
k × H = −ωε 0 ε eff E. (3.30)
Pre-multiplying these equations by k we get
k.E = 0,
and k.H = 0
These relations imply that the electric and magnetic fields are transverse to the
direction of wave propagation k. Further, from Eq (3.30), we can conclude that E is
perpendicular to H. Thus E, H and k are mutually orthogonal.
The ratio Z = (E/H) is known as the impedance of the medium. From Eq. (3.30) we
get that, Z = Z0/η, where Z0 = (µ0/ε0)1/2 = 377 ohm is the free space impedance.
To apply the concepts learnt so for, you may now like to answer the following SAQ.
Spend SAQ 3
4 Min. ω ω
− j ωt − 2 x − y
c c
An electromagnetic wave has electric field E = A e . Obtain the
propagation vector, wavelength and phase velocity of the wave.
After considering the basics of propagation, let us now discuss the wave propagation
in dielectric medium.
At optical frequencies, ε r depends on the frequency of the wave, hence dielectric Electromagnetic Wave
behaves as a dispersive medium. Glass, for instance, has a different refractive index Propagation Theory
for different colours of light in the visible region and is a dispersive medium. The
propagation of signals of finite frequency width in such media leads to distortion of
signals as different frequency components travel with different velocities.
ne 2 (ν + jω)
σ= (3.32)
m (ν2 + ω 2 )
ω2 ω 2 (1 − jν / ω)
k2 = ε − p (3.33)
c2 ω 2
+ ν 2
2 1/ 2
where ω p = (ne / mε 0 ) is the plasma frequency.
Hence, the imaginary and real parts of k are equal and the wave is strongly damped.
This can be expressed as:
ω p ω 1 / 2
k = k r + jk i , with k r = k i ≅ . (3.34)
c 2ν
k i−1 is known as the skin depth and is denoted by a symbol δ. It scales as ω−1/2, i.e., as
the frequency increases, the waves tend to travel only in the area near to the surface of
the conductor. Typically, for copper δ ~ 0.85 cm for 50 Hz while for 100 MHz, it
reduces to 0.7 × 10 −3 cm.
ω ω 2p 2
Hence, k~ ε r − 2 (1 − jν / ω) (3.35)
c ω
In the first approximation we can take ν/ω = 0. Then the wave propagates (i.e. k is
real) only when ω > (ω p / ε1r / 2 ) .
For ω < (ω p / ε1r / 2 ) , k is imaginary and there is no propagation of wave. This limiting
frequency, (ω p / ε1r / 2 ) is called the plasma edge. For good conductors plasma edge
frequency falls in the ultra-violet range. This is the reason why visible and shorter
frequencies do not propagate through the conductors.
Basic Physics of 1/ 2
Communication ω ω 2p
kr ≈ εr − 2 ,
c ω
ω 2p v
and ki ≈ 2 . (3.36)
2c ωk r
This treatment is also valid in ionised media (knows as plasma) with εr =1.
Spend SAQ 4
4 Min.
In the ionosphere (earth’s atmosphere above 90 km from the earth’s surface) electron
density has a peak value of n = 1012 m−3. Estimate the lowest radio wave frequency
that can propagate through it. Ignore collisions.
∫ E.dl = E xI l − E xII l.
This must equate the time derivative of the magnetic flux linked with the loop. As the
area of the loop is reduced to zero, the flux linked with it also vanishes, resulting in,
∫ E.dl = 0
In a special case when medium II is a perfect conductor (σ = ∞), the electric field
inside it is zero (otherwise infinite current will flow), hence, the continuity condition
demands that the tangential component of the electric field, E||, in the first medium
must also vanish at the boundary.
b. Continuity of tangential component of H Electromagnetic Wave
Propagation Theory
Consider the boundary between two media I and II at y = 0 and choose the path
ABCDA across it as shown in Fig.3.8. We evaluate ∫ H.dl along this path.
According to generalised Ampere’s law
∫ H.dl = ∫ J + . ds
c s
In the limit, where width of the path b → 0, the surface integral on the right varnishes,
Similarly we can show that HzI = HzII. Thus the tangential component of H is
continuous across the boundary.
Fig. 3.9: A cylindrical Gaussian surface across the boundary between two media
∫ D.ds = D yI A − D yII A
According to Gauess’s law this must be equal to the charge enclosed within the
cylinder. In the case of a dielectric, there is no charge enclosed, hence
DyI = DyII (3.39)
That is, the normal component of the displacement vector is continuous across the
boundary. In a special case when medium II is a conductor, finite surface charge
density ρs is possible. In that case, the charge enclosed inside the Gaussian surface is
ρs A, hence
Applying Gauss’s law for the magnetic field, ∫ B.ds = 0, over the surface of Fig.3.9,
we obtain
ByI = ByII. (3.41)
This means that, the normal component of magnetic field is continuous across the
Basic Physics of In essence, the boundary conditions imply the continuity of the components of electric
and magnetic field parallel to the interface (E||and H||) and the components of D and B
normal to the interface (D⊥ and B⊥).
WE = (3.42)
WB = (3.43)
Using the Maxwell’s equations, we can investigate how the energy flows from one
region of space to another when fields vary with time.
From the generalised Ampere’s law we have
J =∇×H − .
∂B ∂D
H.∇ × E = −H. Hence J .E = E.∇ × H − E. . (3.44)
∂t ∂t
= H. µ0 H
Using vector identity and third Maxwell’s equation we can write
1 ∂
(H.H ) 1 ∂
= −µ 0
2 ∂t
E . ∇ × H = ∇ . (E × H ) + H . ∇ × E = ∇ . (E × H ) − (B . H )
2 ∂t
∂ B.H ∂
∂t 2 J . E = ∇ . (E × H ) − (W E + W B )
= − WB Hence, ∂ WEB
∂t Hence, + J . E = ∇. (E × H) (3.45)
where W EB = (W E + W B ). We can interpret the left hand side as the sum of the rate
of increase of field energy density and the energy absorbed per unit volume per
second. Hence the right hand side must represent energy entering in the unit volume
per second. Thus, from the definition of divergence, E × H represents the energy
flow density, i.e., the amount of electromagnetic energy flowing per unit area per unit
time. We can define this by a vector known as the Poynting's vector.
S = E×H (3.46)
and H = k × E / ωµ (3.47)
Here, you must remember that S is the vector product of real part of E (that is the
actual value of E) and the real part of H since it is a product of real energy transfers.
Electromagnetic Wave
i.e. S = Re E × Re H Propagation Theory
= Re E × H + E * × H
] (3.48)
You know the vector
where * denotes complex conjugate.
Re A × Re B
= Re A × B + A* × B ]
Re E × (k × E) + E * × (k × E) ] 2
Re k (E.E) + k.(E.E * ) ]
where Re denotes the real part of the quantity.
Substituting values of E and H and remembering the fact that for electromagnetic
waves k.E = 0 we get
[ *
Re k A02 e − 2 j (ωt − jk . r ) + k A02 e − j (k −k ) . r ] (3.49)
The time average of the first term over a wave period is zero. Further A = A0 e − k r x is
the amplitude of the wave, hence
S av = kr (3.50)
where kr is the real part of k.
E = A( y )e − j (ωt −k x x ) (3.51)
Conductor ( eff )
The wave equation governing the fields in two media can be written as (cf. Eq. 3.15)
∇ 2 E + 2 ε ′eff E = 0
where ε ′eff = ε eff inside conductor and ε ′eff = 1 in free space. Using = jk x to write
∇ 2 = 2 − k x2 , we obtain for Ex
∂ 2 Ex
− α2 Ex = 0 (3.52)
where α 2 = α12 ≡ k x2 − for y > 0 (3.53a)
2 2 2
ω 2 ε eff
and α = α2 ≡ kx − for y < 0. (3.53b)
The well behaved solutions of Eq. (3.52) that vanish at y → − ∞ and y → ∞ are
jk −α1 y − j (ωt − k x x )
E y = x Ae e for y > 0 (3.55a)
jk α 2 y − j (ωt − k x x )
and Ey = − x Ae e for y < 0 (3.55b)
Substituting for Ex and Ey we get the magnetic field of the wave Electromagnetic Wave
Propagation Theory
ω −α1 y − j (ωt − k x x )
H z = j 2 Ae
e for y > 0 (3.56a)
c µ α
0 1
ωε eff − α 2 y − j ( ωt − k x x )
and Hz = − j 2 Ae
e for y < 0 (3.56b)
c µ 0α 2
Applying the continuity of Hz at y = 0 we get, 1 / α 1 = −ε eff / α 2 or
ω 2 ε eff
k x2 = (3.57)
c 2 1 + ε eff
This is the dispersion relation for surface wave. At radio wave frequencies σ is real
(≈ n0e2/mν), σ/ωε0 >>1 and εeff ≈ j ε0.
Hence k x2 ≈ (1 + jωε 0 / σ)
ω ω2 ε 0
or kx = + j (3.58)
c 2σc
kx has a large real part, giving phase velocity of the surface wave vph = ω / k x ~ c.
The imaginary part of kx gives the attenuation rate of the wave in course of its
propagation. It scales as ω2, i.e., the higher frequency waves are attenuated more. The
quantities characterizing the decay rates of wave amplitudes in the two media, α1, α2,
α1 = α1r + jα1i, (3.59a)
α2 = α2r − jα2i, (3.59b)
1/ 2
ω ωε 0
where α1r = α1i = (3.59c)
c 2σ
1/ 2
ω σ
and α 2 r = α 2i = (3.59d)
c 2ωε 0
The characteristic distances, over which field amplitudes fall off from the interface in
the free space and in the conductor are α1−r1 and α −2 1r respectively. Since α 2 r >> α 1r ,
the surface wave field is strongly localized in the conductor within a skin layer of
width ~ α −2 1r ; whereas it extends to a larger width (~ α1−r1 ) in free space as shown in
Fig. 3.11. α 2 r is the same as ki in Eq 3.34 at ω<<ν.
Spend SAQ 6
5 Min.
A surface wave of ω = 2 × 1015 rad s−1 propagates over a metal-free space interface.
The metal has εr = 10, ωp = 8 × 1015 radians. Estimate the wavelength of the surface
wave. If the wave amplitude on the surface is 104 Vm−1, estimate its value at a depth
of 0.1 µm inside the metal. Ignore collisions.
After learning about the propagation of surface wave at the boundary of the two
media, let us discuss about a very important mode of guided wave transmission at
microwave frequencies. Here, the hollow metallic conductors called waveguides are
A waveguide is a hollow metallic pipe through which an electromagnetic wave can
propagate without spreading, i.e,. without diffraction divergence. The waveguide
could have rectangular cross-section or a circular cross-section, accordingly it is
called rectangular waveguide or a cylindrical waveguide. These are shown in
Fig. 3.12. The axis of a waveguide is usually denoted by z-axis. The reflecting
metallic walls of the waveguide provide confinement to electromagnetic waves in
x-y or r-θ directions. This may be understood as follows.
∂2 A
+ α2 A = 0 (3.62)
∂x 2
where α2 = 2
− k2 (3.63)
α = nπ/a (3.64)
where n is an integer.
nπ − j (ωt − kz )
E y = A1 sin xe . (3.65)
The propagation constant k of the wave, on using the value of α from Eq. (3.64) in
Eq. (3.63) can be written as
ω2 n 2 π 2
k2 = − 2 . (3.66)
c2 a
You must have noted that the boundary conditions have quantised α, the quantity that
characterises the x variation of the field. For a given value of n, the field has a
specific x variation and a specific k. For another value of n, x variation is different
and so is k. The field structure with a particular value of n is called a mode. Thus the
waveguide has many modes of propagation. The modes that have Ez = 0 are called TE
(Transverse Electric) modes. Two integers subscripts are affixed to TE. For example,
TEnm, n characterising the x variation and m the y variation. In this case there is no y
variation, hence a mode is denoted as TEn0.
n2π2 2
ω2 = 2
c + k 2c2 . (3.67)
The minimum value of k2 for a propagating wave is zero, hence the minimum
frequency that can propagate in the TEn0 mode is
ωn = (3.68)
This is called the cut-off frequency. For TE10 mode the cut-off frequency is (π c/a),
for TE20 mode it is (2π c/a) and so on. The cut-off frequency increases with the mode
Basic Physics of Note that at a given frequency, different modes have different k, hence different phase
velocities vph = ω/k. The phase velocity can be written as:
v ph = 1/ 2
ω 2n
1 −
In Fig.3.14 we show the x variation of field for different modes. For the TE10 mode, A
is maximum on waveguide axis and Ey is in same phase over the entire cross-section.
For TE20 mode the field amplitude is zero on waveguide axis and has two maxima at
x = a/4 and 3a/4. The fields for x < a/2 and x > a/2 have a phase difference of π. For
the TE30 mode, the field amplitude has three maxima.
Fig.3.14: Field structure of TE10, TE20 and TE30 modes in a rectangular waveguide
Spend SAQ 7
4 Min.
The electric field of a TE mode in a rectangular waveguide is
E = yˆ A1 sin x e − j (ωt − kz ). Obtain the magnetic field.
You have found out that for the given TE mode, Hz ≠ 0, i.e., the wave has a magnetic Electromagnetic Wave
field component along z. Similarly, there are other kind of modes for which Hz = 0 Propagation Theory
but EZ ≠ 0. These are called transverse magnetic or TMnm modes.
The above discussion presumed metal walls with infinite conductivity. In real
situation, waveguide wall conductivity is large but finite. Consequently,
electromagnetic fields penetrate within the skin layer causing power dissipation. This
leads to attenuation of the wave as it propagates. The attenuation-constant increases
with frequency, so these waveguides are not suitable for optical communication. We
have to use optical fibres that employ the phenomenon of critical reflection to guide
electromagnetic waves.
η − ∆η
θ c = sin −1 , (3.70)
it suffers total internal reflection and remains confined in the core. The wave theory
of propagation in optical fibres reveals that a fibres also support many modes of
propagation and each mode suffers from dispersion effects.
Fig. 3.15: Schematic of an optical fibre with a core and cladding. A ray incident on the core-
cladding interface suffers total internal reflection when angle of incidence exceeds the
critical angle
After learning about the guided wave propagation confined by conductor boundaries,
let us now briefly discuss about the transmission through free space with the use of
Basic Physics of
A simplest antenna is a small length of straight wire with a cut in the middle. In
Fig. 3.17 wire AB is an antenna. It is cut in the middle and points C and D are
connected to inner and outer conductors of a co-axial cable respectively to feed
current from a current source. Such a wire is known as centre-fed dipole antenna. In
this case the circuit is completed through the free space impedance.
An important aspect of the fields produced by an antenna is that the fields produced at
a distance d away from an antenna element at time t depend on the current in the
element at time t – (d/c), preceded by the time of propagation of the signal (fields).
Here c is the velocity of light in vacuum.
In the antenna theory, magnetic field can be expressed in terms of a vector potential as
From Maxwell's second equation, ∇.B = 0 we may write B as a curl of a vector since
divergence of curl of a vector always vanishes.
B =∇× A. (3.71)
The vector potential A(r,t) due to a static current element (called a dipole) of length
dl and current I located at r = 0 is given by
A(r )= I dl (3.72)
3.6.1 Vector Potential and Radiation Fields due to a Small Dipole Electromagnetic Wave
Propagation Theory
Consider a small dipole antenna of length ẑ dl, shown in Fig. 3.18, carrying a time
dependent current I = I0 e–jωt and placed at r = 0. The vector potential at (r, t) due to
this antenna is similar to the expression given by Eq. (3.72). However A at r at time t
depends on current in the antenna at an earlier time t− r/c, preceded by the time of
flight r/c. Hence, the vector potential takes the following form:
µ I dl − j ωt − c r
A (r, t ) = zˆ 0 0 e
. (3.73)
4 πr
µ I dl jω 1 − j ωt − r
B (r, t ) = 0 0 − rˆ × zˆ e c (3.74)
4πr c r
where r refers to spherical polar coordinates. B has two terms: the first one, whose
amplitude goes as 1/r is called radiation field which is significant for electric field.
The other with 1/ r2 dependence is called the induction field; it is significant for
magnetic field. At r = c/ω ≈ λ/6 (λ being the wavelength of the wave), the two terms
are of equal magnitude. For r >> c/ω the induction field can be neglected, and we can
µ I dl jω − j ωt − r
B= 0 0 (rˆ × zˆ ) e c
. (3.75)
4πr c
Using the fourth Maxwell's equation, the electric field can be written as
E= ∇×H . (3.76)
ω ε0
I dl jω − j ωt − r
E=− 0 2
(rˆ × (rˆ × zˆ )) e c
. (3.77)
4 π r ε 0c
Here, you should note that the intensity scales as the square of wave frequency,
inversely as the square of distance and goes as sin2 θ where θ is the angle between the
direction of observation and the direction of current flow in the antenna. It is
Basic Physics of maximum transverse to the direction of current flow and vanishes in the end-on
direction of the antenna.
Fig.3.19: Radiation pattern of a short dipole antenna (a) in the xz-plane (φ = 0); and (b) in the
xy-plane (θ = π/2)
2π π
Z 0 ω2 I 02 dl 2
W= ∫∫
0 0
P r r 2 sin θ dθ dφ =
12 π c 2
where Z0 = (µ0/ε0)1/2 ≈ 377 Ohm for free space. Expressing W as I 02 Rrad / 2 , we obtain
the radiation resistance of the dipole antenna
Rrad = 80 π 2 . (3.80)
In the above treatment, we have assumed that the current distribution along the length
of the antenna is uniform. However, in actual centre-fed dipole antennae the current is
maximum at the centre and vanishes at the ends.
Spend SAQ 8
3 Min.
An antenna of length dl = 1 m carries current I = I0 e−jωt with I0 = 10 A and
ω/2π = 100 MHz. Estimate the radiation intensity in the side-on direction at a distance
of 20 km. How does it scale with ω?
One of the important parameters of antennae is the antenna gain. It characterises the
directivity of the radiation. It is the ratio of maximum value of Sr to the average value
of Sr, or the ratio of maximum intensity obtained in certain direction by the antenna to
the intensity obtained from an isotropic radiator of the same power.
For any practical antenna, the power per unit solid angle will vary depending on the Electromagnetic Wave
direction in which it is measured, and therefore it may be written generally as a Propagation Theory
function of the angular coordinates θ and φ as W (θ, φ). The power gain of the antenna
is then defined as the ratio of W (θ, φ) to the power per unit solid angle radiated by a
loss-less isotropic radiator. The gain function, denoted by G (θ, φ), is Isotropic radiator
radiates in all directions
W (θ, φ) uniformly. Then power per
G (θ, φ) = unit solid angle is
Wi W
Wi = source Wsr −1
4πW (θ, φ) 4π
= (3.81)
The gain function is a very important antenna characteristic that can be measured, or
in some cases, calculated.
For most antennae, the gain function shows a well-defined maximum, which is
denoted by GM, and the radiation pattern of the antenna is
G (θ, φ)
g (θ, φ) = (3.82)
The radiation pattern is seen to be simply the gain function normalised to its
maximum value. The maximum value GM is referred to as the gain of the antenna, but
this is only a gain in the sense that the antenna concentrates or focuses the power in
the direction corresponding to the maxima. It does not increase the total power
Closely associated with the power gain is the directive gain of the antenna. This is the
ratio of W (θ, φ) to the average power per unit solid angle radiated by the actual
antenna and is denoted by D (θ, φ). The average power per unit solid angle is
ηAWsource/4π, where ηA is the antenna efficiency and Wsource is the power input, as
before. Thus the average is seen to be equal to ηAWsource and therefore the directivity
is related to power gain by
G (θ, φ)
D (θ, φ) = (3.83)
In particular, the maximum value of D (θ, φ) is termed the directivity or directive gain
given by
DM = (3.84)
Let us now summarise the points you have learnt in this unit.
• Electromagnetic fields in any medium satisfy four Maxwell’s equations:
i) ∇. D = ρ ,
ii) ∇. B = 0 ,
iii) ∇ × E = − , and
iv) ∇ × H = J + .
• A plane electromagnetic wave is expressed as E = Ae − j ( ωt −k.r ) , B = k × E / ω
where k.A = 0, k = ε1eff/ 2 .
• The effective relative permittivity of a medium is ε eff = ε r + ( jσ / ω) ε 0 where
ε r is the relative permittivity and σ is the conductivity.
1/ 2
• Refractive index of a medium is η = εeff .
1/ 2 Electromagnetic Wave
ηe 2
• The plasma frequency is defined as ω p =
Propagation Theory
• As frequency increases, the wave tends to travel through the area near the surface
of the conductor. This is characterized by the skin depth
1/ 2
ω p ω 2 ω σ
δ= =
c 2ν c 2ωε 0
• The wave propagates through a conductor only for the frequency ω > ω p / ε1r / 2
• The dispersion relation for nth mode in wave guide is
ω2 n 2 π 2
k2 = 2 − 2 .
c a
• Any unshielded conductor carrying current can act as an antenna.
• The intensity of antenna radiation patterns is expressed by
I dl ω 2
S = 0 3 sin 2 θ rˆ
4πr 2c ε 0
• By using antenna array with an appropriate phase difference, the gain of the
antenna can be increased.
Basic Physics of Equating the flux to charge enclosed we get
ρ0 r r3
Er = − .
ε0 εr 3 5r 2
For an exterior point, r > r0, the Gaussian surface lies outside the charged
sphere, hence the charge enclosed within it is merely the charge contained
within radius r0
∫ ρ dV = ∫ ρ (1 − r′ )
0 / r02 4πr ′2 dr ′ = 8πρ0 r03 / 15.
Equating the electric charge enclosed, with the flux for (r < r0), we get
ρ0 r 2
Er =
3 ε 0 ε r r0
For external point (r > r0), the Gaussian surface is outside the conducting
cylinder. Hence the change will be confined only between 0 & r0.
2πρ0 r 3
∫ ∫
∴ ρ dV = ρ(r ′) 2πr ′dr ′ =
2. In a plasma
ω2 ω p
k2 = 1 −
c 2 ω2
Here k = ω/4c, hence ω p = 15ω / 4
Since ω p = (ne 2 / mε 0 )1 / 2 we get
15 ω2
n= mε 0 .
16 e 2
Reference Material: