DLL - All Subjects 2 - Q3 - W4 - D5-Guballo
DLL - All Subjects 2 - Q3 - W4 - D5-Guballo
DLL - All Subjects 2 - Q3 - W4 - D5-Guballo
A. References Summative test files Summative test files Summative test files Summative test files Summative test files Summative test files Summative test files
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Awit Awit Song Awit Song Awit Song
lesson or presenting the
new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose Pagbibigay ng pamantayan Pagbibigay ng pamantayan Setting of standard Pagbibigay ng pamantayan Setting of standard Pagbibigay ng pamantayan Setting of standard
for the
C. Presenting examples/ Pagsasabi ng panuto Pagsasabi ng panuto Giving of instruction Pagsasabi ng panuto Giving of instruction Pagsasabi ng panuto Giving of instruction
instances of the new
D. Discussing new Pagsagot sa pagsusulit Pagsagot sa pagsusulit Supervising the test Pagsagot sa pagsusulit Supervising the test Pagsagot sa pagsusulit Supervising the test
concepts and practicing
new skills #1
E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2
F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
G. Finding Magpakita ng katapatan sa Magpakita ng katapatan sa Show honesty in answering the Magpakita ng katapatan sa Show honesty in answering the Magpakita ng katapatan sa Show honesty in
practical application of pagsusulit. pagsusulit. test questions pagsusulit. test questions pagsusulit. answering the test
concepts and skills in questions
daily living
H. Making
and abstractions about
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Itala ang mga puntos ng mag-aaral. Itala ang mga puntos ng mag- Recording the test resulte Itala ang mga puntos ng mag- Recording the test resulte Itala ang mga puntos ng Recording the test
aaral. aaral. mag-aaral. resulte
J. Additional activities Bigyan ng paghahamon ang mga Bigyan ng paghahamon ang Challenge the pupils for the next Bigyan ng paghahamon ang Challenge the pupils for the next Bigyan ng paghahamon ang Challenge the pupils for
for application or mag-aaral para sa susunod na mga mag-aaral para sa test. mga mag-aaral para sa test. mga mag-aaral para sa the next test.
remediation pagtataya. susunod na pagtataya. susunod na pagtataya. susunod na pagtataya.
A..No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B.No. of learners
who require additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my Stratehiyang dapat gamitin: Stratehiyang dapat gamitin: Strategies used that work well: Stratehiyang dapat gamitin: Strategies used that work well: Stratehiyang dapat gamitin: Strategies used that work
teachingstrategies __Koaborasyon __Koaborasyon ___ Group collaboration __Koaborasyon ___ Group collaboration __Koaborasyon well:
worked well? Why did __Pangkatang Gawain __Pangkatang Gawain ___ Games __Pangkatang Gawain ___ Games __Pangkatang Gawain ___ Group collaboration
__ANA / KWL __ANA / KWL ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw __ANA / KWL ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw __ANA / KWL ___ Games
these work?
__Fishbone Planner __Fishbone Planner ___ Answering preliminary __Fishbone Planner ___ Answering preliminary __Fishbone Planner ___ Solving
__Sanhi at Bunga __Sanhi at Bunga activities/exercises __Sanhi at Bunga activities/exercises __Sanhi at Bunga Puzzles/Jigsaw
__Paint Me A Picture __Paint Me A Picture ___ Carousel __Paint Me A Picture ___ Carousel __Paint Me A Picture ___ Answering preliminary
__Event Map __Event Map ___ Diads __Event Map ___ Diads __Event Map activities/exercises
__Decision Chart __Decision Chart ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) __Decision Chart ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) __Decision Chart ___ Carousel
__Data Retrieval Chart __Data Retrieval Chart ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ __Data Retrieval Chart ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ __Data Retrieval Chart ___ Diads
__I –Search __I –Search Poems/Stories __I –Search Poems/Stories __I –Search ___ Think-Pair-Share
__Discussion __Discussion ___ Differentiated Instruction __Discussion ___ Differentiated Instruction __Discussion (TPS)
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Rereading of
___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method Paragraphs/
___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method Poems/Stories
Why? Why? ___ Differentiated
___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs Instruction
___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Discovery Method
___ Group member’s Cooperation in ___ Group member’s Cooperation in ___ Lecture Method
doing their tasks doing their tasks Why?
___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of
___ Pupils’ eagerness to
___ Group member’s
Cooperation in doing their
F. What Mga Suliraning aking naranasan: Mga Suliraning aking naranasan: __ Bullying among pupils Mga Suliraning aking naranasan: __ Bullying among pupils __Kakulangan sa makabagong __ Bullying among pupils
difficulties did I encounter __Kakulangan sa makabagong __Kakulangan sa makabagong __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __Kakulangan sa makabagong __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude kagamitang panturo. __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
which my principal or kagamitang panturo. kagamitang panturo. __ Colorful IMs kagamitang panturo. __ Colorful IMs __Di-magandang pag-uugali ng __ Colorful IMs
__Di-magandang pag-uugali ng mga bata. __Di-magandang pag-uugali ng __ Unavailable Technology __Di-magandang pag-uugali ng __ Unavailable Technology mga bata. __ Unavailable Technology
supervisor can help me
__Mapanupil/mapang-aping mga bata mga bata. Equipment (AVR/LCD) mga bata. Equipment (AVR/LCD) __Mapanupil/mapang-aping mga Equipment (AVR/LCD)
solve? __Kakulangan sa Kahandaan ng mga __Mapanupil/mapang-aping mga __ Science/ Computer/ __Mapanupil/mapang-aping mga __ Science/ Computer/ bata __ Science/ Computer/
bata lalo na sa pagbabasa. bata Internet Lab bata Internet Lab __Kakulangan sa Kahandaan ng Internet Lab
__Kakulangan ng guro sa kaalaman ng __Kakulangan sa Kahandaan ng __ Additional Clerical works __Kakulangan sa Kahandaan ng __ Additional Clerical works mga bata lalo na sa pagbabasa. __ Additional Clerical
makabagong teknolohiya mga bata lalo na sa pagbabasa. mga bata lalo na sa pagbabasa. __Kakulangan ng guro sa works
__Kamalayang makadayuhan __Kakulangan ng guro sa kaalaman __Kakulangan ng guro sa kaalaman kaalaman ng makabagong
ng makabagong teknolohiya ng makabagong teknolohiya teknolohiya
__Kamalayang makadayuhan __Kamalayang makadayuhan __Kamalayang makadayuhan
G. What innovation or __Pagpapanuod ng video presentation __Pagpapanuod ng video Planned Innovations: __Pagpapanuod ng video Planned Innovations: __Pagpapanuod ng video Planned Innovations:
localized materials did I __Paggamit ng Big Book presentation __ Localized Videos presentation __ Localized Videos presentation __ Localized Videos
use/discover which I wish __Community Language Learning __Paggamit ng Big Book __ Making big books from __Paggamit ng Big Book __ Making big books from __Paggamit ng Big Book __ Making big books from
__Ang “Suggestopedia” __Community Language Learning views of the locality __Community Language Learning views of the locality __Community Language views of the locality
to share with other
__ Ang pagkatutong Task Based __Ang “Suggestopedia” __ Recycling of plastics to be used __Ang “Suggestopedia” __ Recycling of plastics to be used Learning __ Recycling of plastics to
teachers? __Instraksyunal na material __ Ang pagkatutong Task Based as Instructional Materials __ Ang pagkatutong Task Based as Instructional Materials __Ang “Suggestopedia” be used as Instructional
__Instraksyunal na material __ local poetical composition __Instraksyunal na material __ local poetical composition __ Ang pagkatutong Task Based Materials
__Instraksyunal na material __ local poetical