Swine Handbook Swine Handbook Basics Basics
Swine Handbook Swine Handbook Basics Basics
Swine Handbook Swine Handbook Basics Basics
Background Basics
A breed is defined as a group of
animals with a common origin
which are distinguished by
characteristics within a specie.
Breed character is defined as the
characteristics that allow the
breed of the individual animal to
be easily determined.
There are eight major breeds of hogs. The three most common are the Yorkshires, Durocs
and Hampshires. The Yorkshires are the most popular breed and are white with large, erect
ears. The Duroc breed are red hogs with droopy ears and are known for their fast growth
rate. Hampshires are meaty black hogs with a white belt around their shoulder and erect
ears. The Berkshire breed are black hogs with six white points (nose, tail and legs), they have
erect ears and a short, dished snout. The Poland China breed is marked like the Berkshires
(Black with white nose, tail and legs), but they have droopy ears. The Landrace breed are
white hogs with very large, floppy ears and are known for their mothering ability. The Chester
White breed are also white and known for mothering potential, but have medium sized,
droopy ears. The Spotted Swine breed are white hogs with prominent black spots.
Now that you have explored the history and benefits of Carcass: The dressed (body) slaughtered for food.
swine, let's go through the steps of selecting a pig for
Castrated: To remove the testicles from the male pig.
your 4-H project. You will need to get ready before you
bring your pig home. You will need a place to put him,
Crossbred: Swine with sire and dam of different breeds.
such as a pen with some available shade. Fifteen square
feet per pig is necessary. You will also need other Cured: To prepare for keeping or use; as by drying, salting.
equipment such as feed buckets, feeder or feed trough,
water trough, wheelbarrow, and shovel, dewormer, and Dam: Female parent.
sprays for lice and mites. Rubb er boots are also good to
have. Estrous cycle: The regular intervals between heat periods.
The intervals are usually 19 to 21 days with the
The truck used to bring him home should be clean with average sow, if she has not conceived previously.
straw or wet sand for bedding. It should be secure so the
pig cannot jump out. When you are ready to buy, take Farrow: Giving birth to pigs.
along someone who knows pigs. You would be better off
to buy a pig from a commercial or purebred farm in your Gestation period: The time between mating and birth.
area. This way you know your pig has been
Gilt: Female pig under one year of age that has not farrowed
treated and what he has been fed.
a litter of pigs.
When do you buy your pig? How old should he be? How
Heat period or estrus: The time when a gilt or sow desires to
much should he weigh? Use the following guide to figure be mated with a boar. The heat period lasts two or
it all out: three days.