Philippine LIt - Unit 1
Philippine LIt - Unit 1
Philippine LIt - Unit 1
Philippine Literature
and Its Overview
Nature of Literature
Early Philippine
Folk Literature
Types of
Philippine Folk
Folk Speech
Folk Songs
Folk Narratives
E n g a g i n gA c t i v i t y :C o m p l e t et h e
graphic organizers for your
answers. Use key words only.
Literary Forms
Early Philippine Literature Early Philippine
Nature of Literature
Kahayon and Zulueta (2000) put According to Santiago (2011), our ancestors
ideas together from the different writers to used their native writing system, which is known as
describe the nature of literature. baybayin among the Tagalogs. This syllabary is
Literature comes from the Latin word used to write their literature like songs, riddles,
litera which means letter. The term “literature” is proverbs, short poems, epics, and others. She
interpreted in many ways. It may mean written added that early literary forms were handed
material found in a book, or in magazine. It may down to the younger generation orally.
also refer to a work that embodies human Folk literature, also called ancient
experience - his emotions such as love, desires, literature, according to Eugenio (2001) is
goals, frustrations, loneliness, hatred and others. It a literary expression that embodies the beliefs
may also talk about man’s environment, his and tradition, dances, songs, arts and crafts,
fellowmen, his community and tradition, and his and others that reveal the culture identity of
God. In other words, it’s all about man and his our folks, Philippine folk literature may be
story written in a very artistic way. classified into three: folk narratives, folk speech,
According to Chan , et al. (2002, and folk songs.
p.7) literature is derived from the Latin word
literatura which means writing and literatus Types of Philippine Folk Literature
that denotes learning. It refers to both oral
and written master pieces which are marked by
“mobility of thoughts, universality and 1. Folk Speech: proverbs and riddles
2. Folk Songs: folk songs, of the narrative, lyric,
and miscellaneous types
Importance of Studying Philippine 3. Folk Narratives: may be in prose or in verse
Literature (Kahayon & Zulueta, and includes examples like myths, heroic
2000) narratives/folk epics, legends, and folktales
through the study of Philippine Literature
students will:
1. become more aware of the Philippine literary
heritage and this awareness will consequently Riddles – also known as bugtong (in Tagalog)
lead to students’ appreciation of the works of and tigmu (in Cebuano), are either in verse or in
art that have been handed down by our prose which describe objects. Generally, riddles
ancestors to the present generation; are composed of words that rhyme. They can be
talinghaga, ambahan, or tanaga (Santiago,
2. have a deeper understanding of the Philippine 2011).
culture, which is embodied in the literary
pieces, which may we used to understand a) Talinghaga: riddles that make use of
themselves better and help them assimilate metaphor to describe that intended objects.
other cultures; Hiyas na puso,
3. become familiar of the Philippine literary works Kulay ay ginto,
and the more they get acquainted with these
Mabango kung amuyin,
works, the better they understand the
limitations of these works (as constrained by Masarap kung kainin. (Mangga)
time and other factors) and can make the
necessary moves to overcome them; and
Nakayuko ang reyna,
4. have an opportunity to show their profound
love, as Filipinos, (sense of Nationalism) for Dinala laglag ang korona. (Bayabas)
Philippine literary works.
Examples of Epic:
A c t i v i t y# 3 : 1. Ulaging (A Bukidnon Epic)
2. Darangan (A Maranao Epic)
3. The Maiden of the Buhong Sky (A Manuvu
A. Compare and contrast the folk songs “Usahay”
and “Matud Nila” in terms of:
4. Labao Donggon (A Panay Island Epic)
In terms of: Usahay Matud Nila 5. Hudhod hi Aliguyon (A Ifugao Epic)
1. Situation
2. Persona
A c t i v i t y# 4 :
3. Persona’s
response to the Text Analysis: Complete the table with the required
situation details.
4. Dominant
emotion Title of Ethnic Epic Conflict Qualities
the Epic Origin Hero of Hero
5. Theme
Myth – a kind of ancient literature that tells 2.
about gods and demigods and the creation of the Hudhod
universe and its dwellers (e.g., Ifugao Creation; hi
Why B’laans are Ignorant). Aliguyon
Legend – a prose that explains the origin of
certain place or thing (e.g., The Durian Legend;
Mindanao: The Origin of its Name; The Origin 3.
of the World). Darangan
Folk Epic – long narrative that tells about