Ge 5
Ge 5
Ge 5
WEEK 16-18 20. Use Ill Linear Programming Johnson & Mowry, Ch Evaluation
(9 HOURS) mathematical Linear Inequalities 12 requirements. (i) 1
concepts and Geometry of Linear problem set (ii) an
tools in other Programming Activities. (i) lectures Aufmann et al., Chapter integrating project
areas such as Simplex Method (ii) role playing (iii) 11 Sample Inteqratinq Proiect
in finance, written exercises (by qroups)
voting, logic, IV. The Mathematics of Aufmann et al. Chapter 4 Create a poster aimed at
business, Finance recruiting students to join a
networks and Simple and Aufmann et al., Chapter club that promotes
systems (S) Compound Interest 3 mathematics as an important
21. Support Credit-Cards and tool in everyday life.
the use of Home ownership Standards/Basis for Grading
mathematics V. Apportionment and Aufmann et al Chapter 5 to Use.
in various Votinq (i) Numerical scores for
aspects and Introduction to problem sets
endeavors in apportionment Aufmann et al., Chapter (ii) Rubrics for the project
life (V) Introduction to Voting 8
VI. Loqic
Logic and quantifiers
Truth tables and
Biconditional and
related statements
• Symbolic and-Euler
Vll. The Mathematics of
• Graphs and Euler
Weighted graphs
Euler's formula Graph
Vill. Mathematical
• Modular Arithmetic
Group Theory