TD Sba
TD Sba
TD Sba
2. Identify at least ten (10) hazard signs/symbols that you are likely to encounter in a
mechanical, electrical or building and furniture technology lab.
According to a there are nine (9) categories of information that must
be present on an MSDS in Canada. These categories are specified in the Controlled
Products Regulations and include:
(d) Include a sample of a material Safety Data Sheet that would be appropriate
to any one (1) of the three labs of Industrial Technology (Mechanical
Technology, Electrical and Electronics Technology or Building and Furniture
4. What precautions must be taken when storing materials and supplies safely in lab?
In order to effectively manage chemicals, small labs should establish a program based
on the following three principals:
Minimize Exposures Take the necessary precautions when working with and
storing chemicals. As a means of minimizing the potential for exposure,
pursue opportunities for product substitution.
Do Not Underestimate Risks Ensure that the risk associated with each
chemical is assessed, understood and communicated. It is prudent to assume
all chemicals are hazardous and handle them accordingly.
Use Proper Control Measures Eliminate the hazard through engineering
controls, personal protective equipment, and administrative procedures.
Ensure that all staff is properly trained in accordance with regulatory
requirements (e.g., Laboratory Standard) so that they can operate safety at
their job.
SBA Assignment # 4 – Getting Professional Help
1. For the following professions, obtain the contact information for your local community,
town or parish. Example Hunts Bay Police Station (Kingston): (876) 923-8908
2. Complete the attached report, using an example that is related to the industrial technology
field. Eg, a construction site, industrial plant, engineering workshop.
SBA Assignment # 5 – Accident, Injury and Emergency
Accident - something bad that happens that is not expected or intended and
that often damages something or injures someone.