Methodist Constitution PDF
Methodist Constitution PDF
Methodist Constitution PDF
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electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior
permission of the publisher Methodist Publishing.
ISBN 978–1-85852–378–1
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 iii
Book VI Regulations Adopted by the Conference 2 731
Part 1 Qualification for Appointment under S.O. 010(3), and
Duty to Obtain Disclosures................................................. 2 733
2 Model Trusts – Consultation Regulations............................ 2 736
3 Criteria for Authorising Persons other than […] Presbyters to
Preside at the Lord’s Supper........................................... 2 738
4 The Church and Sex Offenders: Procedures Necessary for
Offenders to be Involved in the Church Community ........ 2 740
(2) Users are invited to report any errors or omissions, in relation both to the text of this
volume and to the index, to the Officer for Legal and Constitutional Practice, Methodist
Church House, 25 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JR.
‘Note regarding Safeguarding, for the purposes of the connexional year 2012-2013
The Conference in 2010 discussed a report, Recruiting Safely – for Work with Children,
Young People and Vulnerable Adults and adopted the report’s Policy and Guidance for
Good Practice of the Methodist Church 2010. The Government then rescinded parts of
the Vetting and Barring Scheme (VBS) in England and Wales pending review. Following
publication of twin reviews (CRB and VBS) in February 2011, the proposed changes were
placed before Parliament in the Protection of Freedoms Bill. The Methodist Church policy
was adapted to reflect these changes and launched as an interim policy, Recruiting Safely,
in November 2010. The interim policy requires as follows:
a) All those who regularly work with children or vulnerable adults, including those
who do so on a rota, must have criminal record checks;
b) All those who work occasionally – but not incidentally - with children or
vulnerable adults must have criminal record checks;
c) All those who manage or supervise those who work with children or vulnerable
adults and (if not otherwise included) all candidates for ordained ministry,
all local preachers going on trial and all new worship leaders must also have
criminal record checks.
The Conference in 2012 directed that a finalised version of Recruiting Safely be produced
after publication of the Protection of Freedoms Act regulations and guidance and the
implementation of the new on-line tracking system. This policy should coordinate as
closely as possible with the Church of England policy of the same title.
In the meantime Recruiting Safely (2010) remains the current policy. The Connexional
Team will issue any interim amendments as necessary prior to the finalised version of
Recruiting Safely.
Further information may be available from District Safeguarding Groups and Officers, from
the Connexional Team or through the Methodist Church Website:’
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 201
Part 1 Deed of Union
Clause Page
Section 1 Interpretation........................................................................ 208
1 Particular Expressions.............................................................................. 208
2 General Provisions................................................................................... 212
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 203
Book II The Deeds
204 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 Deed of Union
The Deed of Union, adopted by the uniting conference in 1932 (see s. 8(1) of the 1929
Act (Vol. 1, p. 96), and recital (6) of the Deed itself, below) is printed as amended from
time to time by the Conference under its powers in that behalf, and in particular as
extensively rearranged and revised in form, although not in substance, in 1990. The
amendments and rearrangement affect only the operative clauses 1 to 47; the formal
parts at the beginning and end (parties, testatum, recitals (1) to (7), testimonium and
attestation clauses) are unaltered, and provide the historical setting.
of the Bermondsey Settlement in the County of London Master of Arts Doctor of Divinity
the President for the time being of the Uniting Conference referred to in and holden
pursuant to the provisions of the Methodist Church Union Act 1929 HENRY MALDWYN
HUGHES of Wesley House Cambridge in the County of Cambridge Master of Arts Doctor
of Divinity the President elected in the year 1932 of the Annual Assembly or Conference
of the Wesleyan Methodist Church WILLIAM YOUNGER of Llanfaes 41 Mead Walk Anlaby
Park in the City and County of Kingston-upon-Hull the President elected in the year 1932
of the Annual Assembly or Conference of the Primitive Methodist Church and WILLIAM
CHRISTOPHER JACKSON of 45 Northumberland Street Higher Broughton Manchester
in the County of Lancaster Master of Arts the President elected in the year 1932 of the
Annual Assembly or Conference of the United Methodist Church SEND GREETING.
Recitals. (1) Methodist Church Union Act 1929. WHEREAS by the Methodist Church
Union Act 1929 it was enacted that the respective annual Conferences or Assemblies
of the three several Churches denominations or connexions in the said Act and in this
Deed referred to respectively as the Wesleyan Methodist Church the Primitive Methodist
Church and the United Methodist Church and collectively as ‘the said Churches or
denominations’ respectively holden in the year 1931 or any subsequent year might
(by resolution to be passed in the Wesleyan Methodist Conference or Assembly by
the votes of not less than three-fourths of the members present and voting in the
Pastoral Session and also by the votes of a like majority in the Representative Session
of the said Conference or Assembly and in the respective Conferences or Assemblies
of the Primitive Methodist Church and the United Methodist Church by the votes of
a like majority of the members present and voting in such respective Conferences or
Assemblies) decide and determine that each of the said Conferences or Assemblies
holden in the then next succeeding year should after the conclusion of its ordinary
business adjourn its proceedings to the same day and place to be appointed by the said
resolutions for the purpose of holding in such next succeeding year a united meeting
of the members of such Conferences or Assemblies and that it should be lawful on
the day and at the place so appointed for the said Conferences or Assemblies to unite
and sit together as one united Conference (in the said Act and in this Deed referred to
as ‘the Uniting Conference’) AND WHEREAS by the said Act it was also enacted that
it should be lawful for the Uniting Conference by resolution passed by the votes of not
less than three-fourths of the respective representatives of each of the said Churches
or denominations present at the Uniting Conference and voting upon the said resolution
(the representatives of each of the said Churches or denominations voting first separately
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 205
Book II The Deeds
and then as one body and in the case of the separate voting of the representatives
of the Wesleyan Methodist Church the representatives of the Pastoral Session and of
the Representative Session voting separately) to declare that the said Churches or
denominations should be united in and form one united Church or denomination under
the name of ‘The Methodist Church’ and under such constitution and upon such terms
and conditions as might be declared and defined in a deed poll setting forth the basis
of union to be settled and adopted by the Uniting Conference as in the said Act provided
AND WHEREAS by the said Act it was also enacted that it should be lawful for the Uniting
Conference by resolution passed in like manner as aforesaid to settle and adopt a deed
poll setting forth the basis of union and that such deed (in the said Act and in this deed
referred to as the Deed of Union) should declare and define the constitution and doctrinal
standards of the said united Church or denomination under the name of ‘The Methodist
Church’ and the terms and conditions of such union aforesaid and should contain all
such provisions as to the constitution election powers duties and privileges of the
Conference and all such other provisions (including powers from time to time subject to
the provisions of the said Act to alter amend or repeal any of the provisions of the Deed
of Union or of the constitution of The Methodist Church as declared and defined thereby
and to adopt any new provisions with respect to any matter to which the Deed of Union
related or to the constitution of The Methodist Church) as in the judgement of the Uniting
Conference might be necessary or desirable for the government and discipline of The
Methodist Church and the management and administration of the affairs thereof provided
that the Conference should not have any power to alter or vary in any manner whatsoever
the clauses contained in the Deed of Union which defined the doctrinal standards of The
Methodist Church AND WHEREAS by the said Act it was also enacted that the Deed of
Union when the same had been adopted by such resolution of the Uniting Conference
as aforesaid should be forthwith sealed and delivered by the President of the Uniting
Conference and by any of the Presidents elected in the year in which the Uniting
Conference should be held of the said respective Annual Conferences or Assemblies of
the Wesleyan Methodist Church the Primitive Methodist Church and the United Methodist
Church who might be present at the Uniting Conference and be willing to execute the
Deed of Union
The above recital (1) summarises the relevant provisions of the Methodist Church Union Act 1929 (Vol. 1,
p. 89), which has now been repealed and replaced by the Methodist Church Act 1976 (Vol. 1, p. 3). For the
most part this recital, recounting as it does the provisions of the 1929 Act, prescribing the procedure to be
followed in constituting and holding the Uniting Conference, needs no explanation or qualification. In the third
part, however, dealing with the contents of the Deed of Union, the final proviso, excluding amendment of the
doctrinal clauses, does not state the present law, which is contained in section 5 of the 1976 Act (Vol. 1,
p. 10).
206 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 Deed of Union
said Churches respectively to be holden in the year 1932 should after the conclusion of
its ordinary business adjourn its proceedings to the 20th day of September 1932 at the
Royal Albert Hall London for the purpose of holding the Uniting Conference and carrying
into effect the powers conferred upon the three Churches by the said Act.
(4) Sitting of Uniting Conference. AND WHEREAS in pursuance of the recited powers
in that behalf conferred on them by the said Act the said Conferences or Assemblies
assembled at such adjourned meetings as aforesaid have duly united and sat together as
one Uniting Conference
(5) Resolution to Unite. AND WHEREAS the Uniting Conference in pursuance of the
recited powers in that behalf conferred upon it by the said Act by resolution duly passed
in manner in the said Act in that behalf provided and in the case of the Wesleyan
Methodist Conference or Assembly confirmed by the vote of the Legal Conference
aforesaid has declared that the said Churches or denominations shall be united in and
form one united Church or denomination under the name of ‘The Methodist Church’ and
under such constitution and upon such terms and conditions as may be declared and
defined in a deed poll setting forth the basis of union to be settled and adopted by the
Uniting Conference as in the said Act provided AND WHEREAS such united Church or
denomination is hereinafter referred to as ‘The Methodist Church’
(6) Resolution settling and adopting this Deed as Deed of Union. AND WHEREAS the
Uniting Conference in pursuance of the recited powers in that behalf conferred upon it by
the said Act by resolution duly passed in manner in the said Act in that behalf provided
has settled and adopted this Deed as the Deed of Union setting forth the basis of union
and declaring and defining the constitution and doctrinal standards of The Methodist
Church and the terms and conditions of such Union as aforesaid
(7) As to execution of this Deed. AND WHEREAS it is intended that this Deed shall be
executed pursuant to the provisions in that behalf in the said Act contained by the said
YOUNGER and WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER JACKSON who may be present at the Uniting
Conference and willing to execute this Deed.
doth hereby declare as follows that is to say:
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 207
Book II The Deeds
Operative Clauses.
Section 1. Interpretation
(iii) ‘Church Council’ means the principal meeting responsible for the affairs
of a Local Church, constituted in accordance with the provisions of this
Deed and of Standing Orders;
See cl. 40 below and Section 61 of Standing Orders.
(iv) ‘Church Courts’ means the Conference, Y Cyngor, the Synods, the Circuit
Meetings, the Local Preachers’ Meetings, the Church Councils and the
boards and committees appointed by or reporting to those bodies;
See cl. 40 below and the notes to the definitions of the bodies named.
For Y Cyngor, see S.O. 491.
(v) ‘Circuit’ means the unit of one or more Local Churches in which one or
more […] presbyters are stationed;
See cls. 38 and 39 below and Part 5 of Standing Orders, especially S.O. 500.
(vi) ‘Circuit Meeting’ means the principal meeting responsible for the affairs
of a Circuit, constituted in accordance with the provisions of this Deed
and of Standing Orders;
See cl. 40 below and Section 51 of Standing Orders. Also Section 58, adopted by the Conference in 2011 to
allow for modified circuit constitutions.
(vii) ‘class leader’ means a person appointed by the Church Council or by a
responsible committee under its authority to meet a class and exercise
pastoral care over those committed to his or her charge, and to fulfil such
other duties as may be prescribed by this Deed or by Standing Orders;
See cls. 9 and 10 below and S.O. 631.
(viii) ‘the Conference’ means the annual Conference of the Methodist Church,
as constituted under this Deed;
See cls. 11 to 37 below and Part 1 of Standing Orders.
208 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 Deed of Union [1]
(viiiA) ‘Conference Diaconal Committee’ has the meaning appearing from clause
25A below;
See the note to that clause.
(ix) ‘conference-elected representatives’ has the meaning appearing from
clause 14 (5) below;
(x) ‘connexional’ means relating to the Methodist Church in general and not
only to one or more particular Local Churches, Circuits or Districts;
(xA) ‘the Convocation’ means the Convocation of the Methodist Diaconal
Order, as constituted by Standing Orders;
See S.O. 751 to 753.
(xi) ‘the date of union’ means the date of the execution of this Deed, namely
the 20th September 1932;
(xiA) ‘deacon’ when used in relation to the Methodist Church includes
‘deaconess’ and means a person ordained in accordance with
Standing Orders to the office and ministry of a deacon, admitted into
Full Connexion as a deacon and received into full membership of the
Methodist Diaconal Order, or a person recognised and regarded as a
deacon admitted into Full Connexion under the provisions contained in
this Deed;
See S.O. 728A as to reception into Full Connexion and ordination, and Section 75 of Standing Orders as to
the Methodist Diaconal Order.
The Conference of 1998 admitted all existing members of the Methodist Diaconal Order into Full Connexion.
As to persons ‘recognised and regarded’ see cl. 45A below and as to the usage of the word ‘deacon’ in that
context see also S.O. 732(4).
The Conference in 1997 resolved that ‘deacon’ should be the term used thereafter to refer to all members
of the Methodist Diaconal Order.
See (xix) below for the inclusion, with effect from 2012, of ‘deacon’ within the definition of ‘minister’.
(xiB) [deleted]
(xii) ‘District’ means the unit of one or more Circuits constituted by that name
in accordance with the provisions of this Deed and of Standing Orders;
See cls. 38 and 39 below and Part 4 of Standing Orders, especially S.O. 400.
(xiiA) ‘district Policy Committee’ means a committee appointed by the Synod,
by that or any other name, to fulfil the functions assigned to the district
Policy Committee in this Deed and Standing Orders;
See Section 43 of Standing Orders.
(xiii) ‘home districts’ and ‘home circuits’ have the meanings given in clause
38(b) below and ‘home Synods’ and ‘the home work’ have corresponding
(xiv) ‘the Irish Conference’ means the annual conference of the Methodist
Church in Ireland;
(xivA) ‘lay’ when used in relation to the Methodist Church refers to a person
who is […] not a minister;
(xv) ‘Local Church’ and ‘Society’ are equivalent expressions and mean
(subject to any exceptions provided for by Standing Orders) the whole
body of members of the Methodist Church connected with and attending
one particular place of worship;
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 209
[1] Book II The Deeds
210 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 Deed of Union [1]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 211
[1] Book II The Deeds
2 General Provisions. (a) In this Deed, unless the context otherwise requires:
(i) the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
(ii) the masculine includes the feminine and vice versa;
(iii) references to Sections, clauses or sub-clauses by number or letter,
without more, or to ‘this Section’, ‘this clause’ or ‘this sub-clause’ are to
the Sections, clauses and sub-clauses so identified of this Deed or of the
clause in which they occur;
(iv) references to persons ‘present and voting’ or to ‘votes cast’ exclude
those not voting for or against, whether or not they are required to be or
are enumerated or recorded as neutrals or abstentions or otherwise.
(b) The provisions of this Section are subject to and shall pro tanto be displaced by any
contrary express provision applicable to any particular part of this Deed.
212 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 Deed of Union [4]
(c) The headings or titles of Sections, clauses or sub-clauses shall not be taken as
part of this Deed nor affect its construction or interpretation.
(d) References in this Deed to Local Churches and Circuits shall apply, so far as
circumstances permit, to corresponding ecumenical bodies in which Methodists
participate and which are designated under Standing Orders made in that behalf, and
references to Church Councils and Circuit Meetings shall, so far as aforesaid, apply
respectively to the principal meetings responsible for the affairs of such bodies.
See S.O. 512.
3 Purposes. The purposes of the Methodist Church are and have been since the
date of union those set out in Section 4 of the 1976 Act.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 213
[4] Book II The Deeds
Section 3. Membership
7 Children and Young People. Within the Societies of the Methodist Church
provision shall be made for the Christian nurture of children and young people. The aim
shall be to develop faith and commitment to Christ, as they share in worship and learning
based on Holy Scripture.
See also S.O. 050(2).
8 Admission to Membership. (a) All those who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and
Saviour and accept the obligation to serve him in the life of the Church and the world are
welcome as members of the Methodist Church.
(b) Subject to clauses (d) and (e) below a candidate for membership requires to be
approved by the Church Council in accordance with Standing Orders and shall then at the
earliest opportunity be publicly received as a member of the Methodist Church and (if not
already confirmed) confirmed at a service conducted by […] a presbyter in the presence
of the Local Church and including the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.
(c) If any have not received Christian baptism that sacrament should be administered
either before or in connection with the service of reception and confirmation.
See also S.O. 050.
214 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 Deed of Union [10]
(d) Provision may be made by Standing Order for the reception into membership and
confirmation of persons approved by the Church Council in accordance with sub-clause (b)
above but unavoidably absent from the service provided for by that sub-clause.
See S.O. 050(6).
(e) Provision may be made by Standing Order for:
(i) the admission into membership of persons received from other Methodist
churches or who are members of other Christian communions;
(ii) the admission by way of dual membership of members of other Methodist
(iii) the re-admission of former members.
Any such Standing Order shall prescribe to what extent, if any, the requirements of sub-
clause (b) above shall apply in each such case.
See S.O. 051 to 053.
10 Cessation of Membership. (a) Any member of the Methodist Church who without
sufficient reason persistently absents himself or herself from the Lord’s Supper and from
the meetings for Christian fellowship shall be visited by both his or her leader and […]
a presbyter, except that no visit is necessary when the address of the member is not
known. The name of any such person who by such prolonged absence severs himself or
herself from Christian fellowship shall be removed from the class book by the Pastoral
Committee and he or she shall thereupon cease to be a member of the Methodist
Church. The Conference may make provision by Standing Order for an appeal or appeals
against a decision by the Pastoral Committee under this clause.
See also S.O. 056.
(b) There is and always has been power for a competent church court to remove a
person from membership upon finding a charge proved in disciplinary proceedings, and
Standing Orders may continue to regulate the exercise of that power.
See S.O. 1134.
(c) Provision may be made by Standing Orders for resignation from membership.
See S.O. 057.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 215
[11] Book II The Deeds
Section 4. Government
11 The Conference. The governing body of the Methodist Church shall be the
Conference constituted and meeting annually as provided in this Deed.
12 Eligibility. Subject to clauses 14(3), 14(4), 43(c), 44(c), 45(b) and 45A of this
Deed no person shall be a member of the Conference who is not:
(i) a member of the Methodist Church; or
(ii) in the case of a lay person elected by a Synod, a member of another
communion who holds office or is an elected member of a meeting under
the constitution of an ecumenical area or local ecumenical partnership
in that District authorised by the Conference or (if so empowered) by the
Synod; or
(iii) in the case of a lay representative appointed under clause 14(2)(x) (but
only in circumstances authorised by Standing Orders), a member of
another communion.
Cl. 14(3) concerns members representing the Irish Conference and the General Conference of the United
Methodist Church.
Cl. 14(4) concerns associate members representing other autonomous Conferences and Churches.
Cls. 43(c), 44(c), 45(b) and 45A concern persons ‘recognised and regarded’ as Methodist presbyters or
deacons in Full Connexion.
As to (iii) see S.O. 102(6).
13 The Sessions. The Conference shall meet in Representative Session and in […]
Presbyteral Session, each constituted as provided below.
The Conference in 2009 confirmed amendments to the Deed, with the effect that from the close of
that Conference, there ceased to be a Diaconal Session of the Conference and instead the Conference
Diaconal Committee was created, with the constitution and functions defined in cl. 25A below, including
the responsibility and power to make final decisions on certain matters on behalf of the Conference (see
cl.25(e)). The role of the Diaconal Session as an occasion where deacons conferred more generally was
recognised to be performed by the Convocation of the Methodist Diaconal Order.
For the definition of the Presbyteral Session see cl. 1(xxviiB) above.
14 The Representative Session. (1) (a) Numbers. The Conference in its
Representative Session shall consist of […] presbyters, deacons and lay persons to the
total number prescribed by Standing Orders, of whom at the opening of the Conference at
least the minimum number similarly prescribed shall be deacons.
See S.O. 100.
(b) Of those who are members of the Conference at its opening otherwise than by
virtue of sub-clause (2)(vii), (3) or (4)(d) below at least one half shall be lay persons.
(2) Membership. The Conference in its Representative Session shall comprise:
(i) the persons who when it commences its sitting hold office as the
President, the Vice-President and the Secretary of the Conference;
216 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 Deed of Union [14]
(ii) the persons who last held office as the President and the Vice-President
of the Conference;
(iii) the President-Designate, the Vice-President Designate and (if any) the
Secretary-Designate nominated by the last preceding Conference;
(iv) assistant secretaries and other officers of the Conference, as prescribed
by Standing Orders;
(v) the Chair or [...] Chairs of each home District;
(vi) the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order;
(vii) the President of the Methodist Church in Ireland and the Secretary of the
Irish Conference;
(viii) the members and associate members appointed by or on behalf of other
conferences and churches as prescribed in sub-clauses (3) and (4) below;
(ix) the conference-elected representatives, as prescribed below;
(x) representatives of connexional committees, funds and institutions, as
prescribed by Standing Orders;
(xA) representatives, as prescribed by Standing Orders, of a Methodist Youth
Assembly to be established in accordance with Standing Orders;
(xB) [deleted]
(xi) members elected by the Representative Sessions of Synods, as
prescribed below.
As to (iv) see S.O. 116A, 116C, 117.
As to (x) see S.O. 102(1)–(2).
As to (xA) see S.O. 102(5).
(3) The Irish Conference and the General Conference of the United Methodist
Church. The Conference of the Methodist Church in Ireland and the General Conference
of the United Methodist Church shall each be entitled to appoint annually to the
Conference two persons.
(4) Other Conferences and Churches. (a) Persons may be appointed as associate
members of the Conference by or on behalf of other autonomous Conferences not
represented under sub-clause (3), by other churches in Great Britain, by other Methodist
churches and by united churches in which Methodists have joined.
(b) The numbers of such persons and the identities of the appointing bodies shall be
prescribed by Standing Orders, which may make provision for the representation of some
or all such bodies to be according to a rota.
See S.O. 107.
(c) Associate members shall not be entitled to vote nor, except as otherwise
resolved by the Conference at the time, to be present during any closed meeting of the
Conference, and shall not be counted for the purposes of sub-clause (1), but shall for all
other purposes, including the right to speak, be members of the Conference.
(d) Provision shall be made by Standing Orders for the appointment annually as
members of the Conference, from among those appointed as associate members by or
on behalf of other autonomous Conferences, by other Methodist Churches or by united
churches in which Methodists have joined, of two persons who shall thereupon cease to
be associate members.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 217
[14] Book II The Deeds
(6) Synod Representatives. Except as provided in heads (i) to (xA) of sub-clause (2)
and in clause 17(a) all members of the Representative Session of the Conference shall
be elected by the Representative Sessions of the home Synods, the numbers of […]
presbyters, deacons and lay persons to be elected by each Synod being specified by or on
behalf of the Conference in accordance with rules prescribed by Standing Orders.
See S.O. 105.
15 The […] Presbyteral Session. (a) The Conference in its […] Presbyteral Session
shall consist:
(i) of all those members of the Representative Session of the Conference
who are […] presbyters, […] and any persons appointed under clause
14(3) or 14(4)(d) who are authorised by their Conference or church to
exercise generally (whether or not by the name of presbyter) a ministry
of word and sacrament, but excluding those received into Full Connexion
during the course of the Conference; and
(iA) of, as associate members, […] any persons who are appointed as such
under clause 14(4) who are authorised by their Conference or church to
exercise generally (whether or not by the name of presbyter) a ministry
of word and sacrament; and
(ii) subject to sub-clauses (b) and (c), of such other […] presbyters as attend
under their own arrangements with the permission of the […] Presbyteral
Sessions of their Synods or (in the case of any […] presbyter who is not
a member of a Synod) of such person or body as may be specified in
Standing Orders; and
(iii) of any […] presbyters appointed by the last preceding Conference as
assistant secretaries or other officers of the Conference in its […]
Presbyteral Session who are not members of the Representative Session
of the Conference.
As to the last part of (ii) see S.O. 151.
(b) […] Persons who are members of the Conference under head (iA) or (ii) of
sub-clause (a) shall not be entitled to vote nor, except as otherwise resolved by the
Conference at the time, to be present during any closed meeting of the Conference.
218 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 Deed of Union [18]
(c) Any meeting of the Conference in its […] Presbyteral Session convened under
clause 24(i) shall be a meeting of those only who are members under head (i) of sub-
clause (a) above.
16 List of Members. (a) Before the assembling of the Conference in each
year the Secretary of the Conference shall make out a list of the conference-elected
representatives and other persons entitled to be members of the forthcoming
(b) On the assembling of the Conference in each year and before any other business is
transacted the Secretary of the Conference, if present and willing to act, failing whom the
person who has most recently held office as such, if present and willing to act, and failing
any such person then some person chosen by the Conference for that purpose shall
lay before the Conference the list made out by the Secretary of the Conference under
sub-clause (a). If the completeness or correctness of that list is forthwith questioned
by any person who (in the opinion of the Conference) is entitled to be a member of the
Conference the Conference shall forthwith supply any omission or correct any error but
subject as aforesaid such list shall be taken to be final and conclusive as to the persons
of whom the Conference consists other than the persons (if any) appointed by the
Conference as herein provided to fill up the casual vacancies (if any) in the number of the
Conference-elected representatives or as substitutes for any members who are not able
or willing to attend.
17 Substitutes. (a) The Conference shall have power to elect a substitute for
any member who is unable or unwilling to attend except the President of the Methodist
Church in Ireland or the Secretary of the Irish Conference or a member or associate
member appointed under clause 14(3) or 14(4) above, but in the case of a member
elected by the Representative Session of a Synod only upon nomination in accordance
with Standing Orders:
(i) if the member is a deacon, by the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal
Order; or
(ii) otherwise, by an officer or officers of that Synod.
See S.O. 417.
(b) When the Conference meets first in […] Presbyteral Session it shall in that session
have power to elect such a substitute for any such member of that session.
18 General. The government and discipline of the Methodist Church and the
management and administration of its affairs shall be vested in the Conference, and the
Conference shall have and may exercise and shall perform all the powers, authorities,
rights and duties necessary or desirable in its discretion for such government, discipline,
management and administration; and without prejudice to and not so as to limit or
restrict in any way the general powers, authorities, rights and duties conferred or imposed
by this clause or any powers, authorities, rights or duties confirmed or imposed by any
other clause of this Deed upon the Conference it is hereby expressly declared that until
the Conference otherwise resolves the Conference shall have and may exercise and shall
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 219
[18] Book II The Deeds
perform the particular powers, authorities, rights and duties specified in clauses 19, 20
and 21.
19 Standing Orders. The Conference shall have power from time to time to make,
amend or revoke Standing Orders or other rules or regulations for the constitution and
procedure of the Conference, for the summoning and meeting of the Conference in the
interval between its ordinary meetings, for regulating the stationing of ministers […]
and probationers, for the determination of their privileges and obligations whether as a
whole or by categories, including eligibility for membership of the Conference, and for the
government of the Methodist Church in general and shall also have power to adopt in any
special case that may arise any means that it may deem necessary to meet it; provided
that no such Standing Order, rule, regulation or means may be contrary to law or to this
Deed or to the purposes of the Methodist Church.
20 The Stations. The Conference shall annually station as ministers […] and
probationers such persons as it thinks fit and in the exercise of this power it shall be
lawful for the Conference notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the trust
deeds of any of the said Churches or denominations existing at the date of union to
appoint a […] presbyter to the use and enjoyment of any place of worship for more than
three years successively.
See Section 78 of Standing Orders.
21 Other Particular Powers. The Conference shall have power at its discretion:
(i) to continue or found or authorise the founding of connexional funds or
institutions for the promulgation of the Gospel at home and abroad,
for assistance to Circuits or Local Churches or for the benefit of retired
and superannuated ministers […] or the widows, widowers or children
of deceased ministers […] or for other objects and purposes of or in
connection with the Methodist Church and to direct the application and
management thereof and to approve any scheme for the amalgamation
of any such funds or institutions, whether founded before or after the
date of this Deed, and whether belonging to or connected with any of
the said Churches or denominations existing at the date of union or to
the Methodist Church and for the transfer in connection with any such
amalgamation of any of such funds from the existing trustees or other
persons having the legal control thereof to the trustees of any other of
such funds or institutions;
(ii) to continue or establish such printing or publishing offices carried on or
to be carried on by or on behalf of or in connection with the Methodist
Church (hereinafter referred to as ‘Book Rooms’) as the Conference
thinks fit;
(iii) to manage all matters connected with the Book Rooms and publications,
connexional property, missions, colleges and schools of the Methodist
(iv) to elect committees for the management of the various connexional
institutions; provided that the election of any such committee is not in
220 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 Deed of Union [23]
23 Functions of the […] Presbyteral Session. (a) In addition to any powers
conferred by any other clause of this Deed the Conference shall in its […] Presbyteral
Session have the powers and perform the functions specified in the following sub-
As to powers conferred by other clauses see e.g. cl. 17(b) (appointment of presbyteral substitutes).
(b) While the Conference meets in […] Presbyteral Session before the Representative
Session it shall in that session have power to appoint the […] presbyteral members
of any committee required by Standing Orders to be appointed by the Conference from
among its own members and to function in both that and the Representative Session.
(c) The Conference shall in its […] Presbyteral Session make such other appointments
as may be prescribed by Standing Orders.
See e.g. S.O. 139, 150 (scrutineers, business committee).
(d) The Conference in its […] Presbyteral Session shall have exclusive jurisdiction over
the following business:
(i) continuance or discontinuance in training or on probation or reinstatement
of each student or probationer in training or on trial for […] presbyteral
(ii) any appeal to the Conference arising out of any charge against a […]
presbyter or probationer or a student in training for […] presbyteral ministry.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 221
[23] Book II The Deeds
(e) The decisions of the […] Presbyteral Session in the exercise of its jurisdiction
under sub-clause (d) and all appointments made by the Conference in that session
in exercise of its powers in that behalf shall be reported to the Conference in its
Representative Session and there incorporated in the Journal provided for by clause 36.
(f) The Conference shall in its […] Presbyteral Session engage in pastoral
consideration of the number and state of the Societies and in pastoral conversation on
the Work of God and on pastoral efficiency.
(g) Acceptance of candidates for [...] presbyteral ministry shall be by the Conference
in its Representative Session, but no candidate shall be proposed for acceptance except
upon the recommendation of the […] Presbyteral Session.
See S.O. 716, 717.
(h) Admission (including re-admission) into Full Connexion as a […] presbyter, whether
of probationers or others, shall in all cases be by the Conference in its Representative
Session, which shall by the same act resolve that any person thus admitted and not
already ordained shall be ordained by the laying-on of hands, but no person shall be
presented for admission into Full Connexion without the judgment of the […] Presbyteral
Session that he or she is fit for such admission and, if appropriate, for ordination.
See S.O. 728, 730(14), 761(13).
(i) The Conference shall by Standing Order prescribe the circumstances in which
a […] presbyter may or shall become a supernumerary on the ground of age, years
of travel, ill health, compassion, difficulty of finding an appointment or otherwise. A
[…] presbyter may be directed to become a supernumerary by any competent church
court upon finding a charge against him or her proved, and may in cases of urgency
arising between meetings of the Conference be permitted by the President to become a
supernumerary on the ground of ill health, but otherwise all permissions and directions to
become supernumeraries shall be given by the Conference in its Representative Session.
All cases requiring a decision of the Conference shall be considered first by the […]
Presbyteral Session, which shall recommend to the Representative Session who shall
become supernumeraries and on what grounds. Any permissions granted by the President
shall be reported to the Conference in both the […] Presbyteral and Representative
See Section 79 of Standing Orders.
(j) The deaths of all […] presbyters shall be reported to the Conference in both the
[…] Presbyteral and Representative Sessions and obituaries shall be approved by the
Conference in its […] Presbyteral Session and reported to the Representative Session
and there incorporated in the said Journal.
See S.O. 153, 487.
(k) The resignation of a […] presbyter or withdrawal of a […] presbyteral probationer
shall be reported to the Conference in both the […] Presbyteral and Representative
See S.O. 760.
(l) The Conference in its […] Presbyteral Session shall have such functions in
relation to the stationing of […] presbyters and […] presbyteral probationers as may be
prescribed by Standing Orders.
(m) The Conference may in its […] Presbyteral Session discuss any subject in the
222 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 Deed of Union [24]
Agenda of the Representative Session or any other subject within the jurisdiction of
the Conference and communicate its views thereon to the Representative Session by
resolution or otherwise.
24 Transaction of General Business. (a) In this clause ‘general business’ means
decisions on matters of policy or principle, the adoption, amendment or repeal of
Standing Orders, other general resolutions and all other business of the Conference not
involving decisions on matters within clause 23 or 25A as to particular persons.
(b) The Conference in its Representative Session shall have jurisdiction over all general
business, but subject to the following sub-clauses of this clause.
(c) In this clause ‘shared business’ means any general business which concerns any
of the matters listed below, and for the avoidance of doubt includes any direction as to
the process by which a resolution which is shared business is to come into effect, or the
date or dates on which and the extent to which it shall do so, or as to any consultation
which is to take place:
(i) any special resolution to which section 5(3) of the 1976 Act applies; or
(ii) the procedure of the […] Presbyteral Session of the Conference; or
(iii) the continuance, composition, functions or procedure of the […] Presbyteral
Session of the Synods.
Section 5(3) of the 1976 Act (Vol. 1, p. 11) requires a special resolution of both the Ministerial and
Representative Sessions of the Conference if the Deed is to be amended so as to affect the continuance
of the Ministerial Session of the Conference as a separate body or the definition of its rights and privileges
relative to the Representative Session. See cl. 1(xxviiB) above for the provision that the Presbyteral Session
shall be the session referred to in the Act as the Ministerial Session.
As to certain types of general business affecting the Conference Diaconal Committee and the Convocation,
see cl. 25B below.
(d) Shared business shall be dealt with as specified in sub-clauses (e) to (j), which
relate only to such business except as provided in clauses (k) and (l).
(e) Shared business may be raised on notice of motion in the Representative Session
of the Conference, but any consequent resolution shall be referred to the Conference of
the next following year.
(f) Resolutions referred under sub-clause (e) and all other items of shared business,
including the confirmation of provisional legislation on a matter of shared business, shall
be presented first to the Conference in its […] Presbyteral Session. They shall then
be presented to the Representative Session with a report on any debate or resolutions
thereon in the […] Presbyteral Session, including a fair summary of the principal
As to provisional legislation see S.O. 122.
(g) If any proposition has been adopted by the […] Presbyteral Session in an amended
form those presenting the business in the Representative Session may at their option
move it there in its original form or in that adopted by the […] Presbyteral Session.
(h) Adoption by the Conference in its Representative Session of a resolution in a form
already approved by the […] Presbyteral Session shall dispose of the business.
(i) Adoption by the Representative Session of a resolution in any other form shall
be conditional upon ratification by the […] Presbyteral Session, which shall be
reconvened for the purpose only of deciding whether to concur with the resolution of
the Representative Session or to reaffirm its own decision, and may deal with that
matter with or without notice, adjournment or debate, and in the presence or absence
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 223
[24] Book II The Deeds
of the members of the Conference who are not members of that reconvened session.
Concurrence by the […] Presbyteral Session shall dispose of the business.
(j) If the […] Presbyteral Session as so reconvened reaffirms its own decision the
Representative Session shall have the final decision whether to concur with the […]
Presbyteral Session or to abandon the business.
(k) Any proposition before the Conference which relates both to shared business and
to other business shall also be dealt with as specified in sub-clauses (e) to (j).
(l) If a report in the Agenda of the Conference proposes some resolutions within sub-
clause (d) or (k), and some not, those presenting the report to the Conference may at
their option present to the […] Presbyteral Session those resolutions only which are
within those sub-clauses or all the resolutions, and in the latter event they shall all be
dealt with as specified in sub-clauses (e) to (j).
25 Reference of Business and Correction of Records. (a) Either session of the
Conference may refer or delegate to the other, for comment or decision, any matter
within the jurisdiction of the referring session. The majority required for delegation of a
matter for decision shall be that required for a substantive resolution on that matter. Any
comment or decision on any such matter shall be reported to the referring session and
any such decision so reported to the Representative Session shall there be incorporated
in the Journal provided for by clause 36.
(b) Either session of the Conference may exercise, in relation to the earlier proceedings
of the other session of the same Conference, the same powers of correction of records
as in relation to its own proceedings and also any powers which have been conferred
by Standing Orders on the Conference, acting on the recommendation of any committee
or sub-committee charged with responsibility for Methodist law and polity, to make
consequential provisions or to rescind or amend resolutions for purposes arising out of
that responsibility.
For the committee/sub-committee charged with this responsibility, see S.O. 338, and, as to resolutions
moved by those bodies, S.O. 131(25) and (25A).
25A The Conference Diaconal Committee: constitution and functions. (a) There
shall be a Conference Diaconal Committee constituted in accordance with sub-clauses (b)
and (c) below, which shall, in addition to any powers conferred by any other clause of this
Deed or Standing Orders, have the powers and perform the functions specified in sub-
clauses (e) to (k) below.
The Conference in 2009 confirmed amendments to the Deed, with the effect that from the close of that
Conference, there ceased to be a Diaconal Session of the Conference and instead the Conference Diaconal
Committee was created, with the constitution and functions defined here, including the responsibility and
power to make final decisions on certain matters on behalf of the Conference (see (e) below). The role of the
Diaconal Session as an occasion where deacons conferred more generally was recognised to be performed
by the Convocation of the Methodist Diaconal Order.
(b) The committee shall consist of
(i) the President and Vice-President of the Conference;
(ii) the Secretary of the Conference or his or her deputy;
224 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 Deed of Union [25A]
(iii) subject to sub-clause (c)(i) below, all those deacons who were, ex officio
or by appointment or election, members of the Representative Session
of the last preceding Conference or, if the committee meets during the
Representative Session itself, of the current Conference;
(iv) any persons appointed by the President in accordance with sub-clause (c)
(v) any persons appointed in accordance with Standing Orders as officers of the
(c) The President shall have power, acting in consultation with the Warden of the
Methodist Diaconal Order and in accordance with Standing Orders made in that behalf,
to appoint persons to serve on the committee in substitution for or in addition to those
deacons falling under head (iii) of sub-clause (b) above where:
(i) a casual vacancy arises because a person falling under that head has, since
the last Conference, died or ceased to be a deacon or otherwise become
ineligible by reason of disqualification or incapacity to be a member of the
Conference; or
(ii) for any other reason it appears that the number of deacons able and willing
to attend a meeting of the committee is likely to fall below the minimum
number of deacons prescribed by Standing Orders to be members of the
Conference; or
For the minimum number of deacons, see S.O. 100.
(iii) it is necessary to reach the minimum number prescribed by Standing Orders
for the committee when exercising its jurisdiction under sub-clause (e)(iii)
For this minimum number, see S.O. 1145(2)(a).
Any persons appointed for the purposes of head (i) or (ii) above shall be deacons.
(d) (i) When the committee meets to hear an appeal in a matter of discipline
the person who shall preside shall be determined in accordance with the
relevant Standing Order.
(ii) At every other meeting of the committee the President or the Vice-President
shall preside, or, if both are absent [...] the Warden, or such other person as
the committee may choose, shall during [...] their absence [...] preside.
(e) The committee shall, in relation to deacons and to students and probationers in
training or on probation for diaconal ministry, have the responsibility and power, on behalf
of the Conference, to:
(i) make all decisions as to the continuance or discontinuance in training or on
probation of each student or probationer;
(ii) consider and determine any application for reinstatement by a former
student or probationer;
(iii) hear and determine any appeal to the Conference arising out of any charge
against a deacon, probationer or student;
and its decisions on such matters shall be final.
(f) The decisions of the committee in the exercise of its powers under sub-clause (e)
shall be reported to the Conference in its Representative Session and there incorporated
in the Journal provided for by clause 36.
(g) Acceptance of candidates for diaconal ministry shall be by the Conference in its
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 225
[25A] Book II The Deeds
Representative Session, but no candidate shall be proposed for acceptance except upon
the recommendation of the Conference Diaconal Committee.
See S.O. 716, 717.
(h) Admission (including re-admission) into Full Connexion as a deacon, whether of
probationers or others, shall in all cases be by the Conference in its Representative
Session, which shall by the same act resolve that any person thus admitted and not
already ordained shall be ordained by the laying-on of hands, but no person shall be
presented for admission into Full Connexion without the judgment of the Conference
Diaconal Committee that he or she is fit for such admission and, if appropriate, for
See S.O. 728A, 730(14), 761(13).
(i) The Conference shall by Standing Order prescribe the circumstances in which a
deacon may or shall become supernumerary on the ground of age, years of travel, ill
health, compassion, difficulty of finding an appointment or otherwise. A deacon may be
directed to become supernumerary by any competent church court upon finding a charge
against him or her proved, and may in cases of urgency arising between meetings of the
Conference be permitted by the President to become supernumerary on the ground of ill
health, but otherwise all permissions and directions to become supernumeraries shall be
given by the Conference in its Representative Session. All cases requiring a decision of
the Conference shall be considered first by the Conference Diaconal Committee, which
shall recommend to the Representative Session who shall become supernumeraries and
on what grounds. Any permissions granted by the President shall be reported both to the
committee and to the Representative Session.
See Section 79 of Standing Orders.
(j) The deaths of all deacons shall be reported to both the Conference Diaconal
Committee and the Representative Session of the Conference and obituaries shall
be approved by the committee and reported to the Representative Session and there
incorporated in the said Journal.
See S.O. 182, 753(2).
(k) The resignation of a deacon or withdrawal of a diaconal probationer shall be
reported to both the Conference Diaconal Committee and the Representative Session of
the Conference.
See S.O. 760.
226 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 Deed of Union [29]
(b) Any business falling under sub-clause (a) above shall be dealt with by way of special
resolution and the appropriate consultation required by section 2(1) of the 1976 Act shall
include submission for approval or disapproval to the Conference Diaconal Committee
and, in the case of business falling under sub-clause (a)(ii) above, the Convocation.
26 The President. The President of the Conference shall be a […] presbyter and
shall be elected by the Conference by a clear majority of the votes cast. He or she shall
be designated at the preceding Conference by ballot and by a clear majority of the votes
See also S.O. 110.
28 Who presides at the Conference. (a) [...] The function of presiding at meetings
of the Representative Session of the Conference is one to be shared between the
President and the Vice-President [...]. While only one of them is present that one shall
preside, and while both are present they shall preside alternately.
(b) If the President and the Vice-President are [...] absent from any meeting of the
Representative Session then the person who shall during such absence preside shall be:
(i) the person who has most recently held the substantive office of President
or Vice-President [...] and who is present and willing to act, and if two such
persons are equally qualified the one whom the Conference may choose,
(ii) failing any such person then such other member of the Conference as the
Conference may choose [...].
(c) At every meeting of the Presbyteral Session the President shall preside. In
the absence of the President [...] the ex-President who has most recently held the
substantive office and who is present and willing to act, and failing any such person then
such other member of the Conference (being a […] presbyter) as the Conference may
choose shall during [...] such absence [...] preside [...].
(d) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-clauses (a) to (c) above when the
Conference in either Session meets to hear an appeal in a matter of discipline the
person who shall preside shall be determined in accordance with the relevant Standing
(e)The person who presides over the Conference under the provisions of sub-clauses
(a) to (d) of this clause shall during the period of such presidency act as the President
with all the powers rights and duties of the President.
29 The President and the Stations. (a) If any person stationed as […] presbyter or
presbyteral probationer for any year dies or ceases to be in the active work the President
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 227
[29] Book II The Deeds
may station another person as […] presbyter or presbyteral probationer to take the place
for such year or the remainder of such year (as the case may be) of the person so dying
or ceasing to be in the active work. The President may, after consulting with the Warden
of the Methodist Diaconal Order, exercise similar powers in relation to the stationing of
deacons and diaconal probationers.
(b) If in the opinion of the President it becomes necessary or expedient during the
year to make any change in the stations of the […] presbyters and […] presbyteral
probationers, whether by removing any person from a station, changing the station of
any person or stationing any eligible person (including a […] presbyteral student) not
previously stationed the President may effect that change in such manner as he or she
thinks fit. The President may, after consulting with the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal
Order, exercise similar powers in relation to the stations of the deacons and diaconal
(c) Any action by the President under sub-clause (a) or (b) above shall take effect
and be as valid in every respect as if it had been made by the Conference and shall be
deemed to be the act of the Conference to all intents and purposes and a note thereof
shall be entered in the current Journal kept under the superintendence of the Conference
and shall be signed by the President and Secretary for the time being of the Conference
and such Journal being duly subscribed and attested as provided in clause 36 shall be
taken and received for all purposes whatsoever as conclusive evidence of such action.
29A Exercise of Presidential Powers. (a) In order to ensure that so far as possible the
powers and duties of the presidency are exercised collaboratively by the President and
Vice-President the Conference shall have power to direct by Standing Order that all or
some, as specified, of the powers rights and duties of the President or a former President
conferred by sub-clause (i) of clause 23, sub-clauses (b), (c) and (i) of clause 25A, clause
29 and (excepting the last sentence of sub-clause (c)) clause 42 of this Deed may be
exercised from time to time by the Vice-President or a former Vice-President.
(b) The exercise by the Vice-President or former Vice-President of any of the powers
right and duties of the President or former President under the provisions of sub-clause
(a) of this clause shall be taken for all purposes as acts of the President or former
President as the case may require.
30 The Secretary. There shall be a Secretary of the Conference, who shall be a […]
As to the designation and appointment of the Secretary, see S.O. 114. See also S.O. 300 as to the
Secretary’s position as General Secretary of the Methodist Church.
31 Duration of Office. (a) The President and Vice-President of the Conference shall
take office upon election, and subject to the provisions of this clause shall continue in
office until the election of their respective successors.
(b) The Secretary of the Conference shall take office on the first day of September next
following appointment and in the interval is the Secretary-Elect, except that if during that
interval there is a casual vacancy in the office of Secretary then the Secretary-Elect shall
take office as Secretary forthwith.
(c) A casual vacancy arises in the office of President, Vice-President or Secretary of
the Conference if the holder of the office dies or becomes incapable of acting or unfit to
228 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 Deed of Union [32]
act or ceases to be a […] presbyter or member (as the case may be) of the Methodist
Church and a prospective casual vacancy arises in the office of Secretary of the
Conference if the Secretary-Elect dies or becomes incapable of acting or unfit to act or
ceases to be such a […] presbyter.
(d) If such a casual vacancy or prospective casual vacancy arises during a meeting of
the Conference in its Representative Session it shall be filled by the Conference, which
shall for that purpose determine its own procedures.
(e) Subject to sub-clauses (b) and (d) any such casual vacancy shall be filled by the
substitution as President, Vice-President or Secretary of the Conference (as the case may
be) of the person who has most recently held the relevant office and is qualified, able and
willing to act.
(f) Subject to sub-clause (d) any such prospective casual vacancy shall be filled by the
continuance in office of the Secretary of the Conference, if able and willing to act.
(g) Failing any person to fill a casual vacancy or prospective casual vacancy in
accordance with sub-clause (b), (e) or (f) the vacancy shall be filled (until the taking effect
of an appointment by the Conference) by the appointment of a qualified person by such
committee as may be specified by the Conference.
The Methodist Council is the committee specified for this purpose (S.O. O13A(1)(vii)).
(h) Upon the occurrence of a casual vacancy in the office of Secretary of the
Conference the President of the Conference shall act as and be the Secretary of the
Conference for all purposes until it has been ascertained who has filled that vacancy in
accordance with the above sub-clauses.
(i) If the President-Designate or Vice-President-Designate has died or is for any reason
not appointed President or Vice-President respectively the Conference shall determine its
own procedure for the purpose of making the relevant appointments.
(j) In relation to the provisions in sub-clause (c) concerning the incapacity or unfitness
of the President, Vice-President, Secretary or Secretary-Elect of the Conference:
(i) any issue whether such a person is unfit to act on grounds apt to be the
subject of a charge involving his or her standing as a […] presbyter or
member shall be determined in accordance with the regulations of the
Conference for the time being in force in relation to disciplinary proceedings;
(ii) any issue whether such a person is incapable of acting or unfit to act on any
other grounds shall be determined in accordance with regulations from time
to time made by the Conference for that purpose;
(iii) pending determination of any such issue there shall be power to suspend
such a person from all or any of his or her functions in accordance with the
relevant regulations.
As to (i) see Part 11 of Standing Orders.
As to (ii) see S.O. 013(12), 013A.
32 Other Officers. The Conference may appoint such assistant secretaries and
other officers as it thinks fit and fill any casual vacancies which may occur in any of those
See S.O. 101, 116A, 116C.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 229
[33] Book II The Deeds
33 Meetings. (a) Subject to the following sub-clauses of this clause every ordinary
meeting of the Conference shall be held at such place and shall commence its sitting on
such date as the last preceding Conference may determine.
(b) In the case of great emergency, so judged by the President of the Conference, the
Conference shall notwithstanding sub-clause (a) meet at such place and shall commence
its sittings on such date in the year beginning on the 1st September next following the
last preceding ordinary meeting of the Conference as the President of the Conference
may, after consulting the Vice-President and Secretary of the Conference, direct.
(c) If by reason of a direction given under sub-clause (b) the Conference meets before
any one or more categories of members to be elected or appointed by or on behalf
of any Conference, Synod, committee, institution or other body have been so elected
or appointed then the person or persons who were members of the last preceding
Conference in the relevant category or categories shall be members of the Conference in
that category or categories.
Sub-cls. (b) and (c) deal with the alteration of the date or place fixed for the next ordinary meeting; compare
Section 16 of Standing Orders, which provides for additional meetings between the ordinary meetings.
34 Voting. Except as in this Deed or Standing Orders otherwise expressly provided
or as the Conference may otherwise direct the vote of the majority in number of the
members present and voting at any meeting of the Conference shall be taken as and be
the act of the Conference for any of the purposes for which such act is hereby rendered
necessary and be binding and conclusive on and against every member of the Methodist
Church to all intents and purposes whatsoever and in the case of the votes being
equal the person presiding at the meeting (whether or not he or she has already voted)
shall have a casting vote, which if the vote has been taken by ballot shall be exercised
forthwith, but otherwise the person presiding may at his or her discretion either forthwith
exercise the casting vote or direct that the question be decided by ballot.
Special majorities are needed for amendment of the Deed itself (s. 5 of the 1976 Act, Vol. 1, p. 10) or of
the Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2, para. 27). Other specific majorities are required, for example, for certain
procedural and other resolutions by virtue of the rules of debate in S.O. 131, or for certain appointments
(e.g. S.O. 313(3)).
35 Validation of Proceedings. (a) All acts done and votes given at a meeting of the
Conference or of any committee thereof or of any other committee or board appointed by
the Conference by any person acting or voting as a member of the Conference or such
committee or board shall notwithstanding its being afterwards discovered that there was
some defect in the appointment or election of that person or that he or she had become
disqualified be as valid as if there had been no such defect or disqualification.
(b) No meeting and no vote, act or proceeding at any meeting of the Conference or of
any committee thereof or of any other committee or board appointed by the Conference
shall be hindered or rendered invalid, void or voidable by reason of the absence from
such meeting of any person or class of persons or representatives forming part of the
Conference or of any such committee or board or by reason of any informality in the
summoning of the Conference or any such committee or board or by reason of the failure
230 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 Deed of Union [36]
to give due notice of the meeting of the Conference or of any such committee or board to
any person entitled to attend the same.
(c) No omission by inadvertence or mistake to comply with any provision, whether
in the 1976 Act, this Deed, the Model Trusts, Standing Orders or otherwise, requiring
submission or reference to or consultation with any Synod or other body or any person
or consideration of any report before the adoption or confirmation by the Conference of
any resolution shall amount to failure of appropriate consultation for the purposes of the
1976 Act or the Model Trusts or invalidate any purported adoption or confirmation in good
faith of any such resolution.
See also S.O. 110A(4), 126(2).
36 The Journal. (a) Notes, minutes or copies (as the case may require) of all acts,
orders, resolutions and proceedings whatsoever of the Conference shall be entered in
a Journal, either directly or by reference to the Agenda of the Conference or to other
documents presented to the Conference for that purpose. In this clause ‘incorporated
documents’ means the Agenda and any other such documents.
(b) The contents of the Journal shall, unless otherwise ordered by the Conference,
be circulated among or read or summarised to its members for confirmation during its
sittings in the form of a daily record of proceedings kept for incorporation in the Journal,
or in such other form as the Conference may direct.
For the Daily Record, see S.O. 123.
(c) At or after the end of the Conference the Journal and the incorporated documents
shall be subscribed by the President, Vice-President and Secretary for the time being in
the presence of two or more members of the Conference as attesting witnesses.
(d) Having been so subscribed and attested the Journal and the incorporated
documents shall subject to clause (f) below be taken and received for all purposes
whatsoever as conclusive evidence of the acts and proceedings of the Conference.
(e) The Journals and incorporated documents of the Conference held in any year and of
all preceding Conferences shall be and remain in the custody of such person or persons
as the Conference may from time to time direct.
See S.O. 125(1).
(f) The Conference held in any year may exercise, in relation to the proceedings of an
earlier Conference, the same powers of correction of records as in relation to its own
proceedings and also any powers which have been conferred by Standing Orders on the
Conference, acting on the recommendation of any committee or sub-committee charged
with responsibility for Methodist law and polity, to rescind or amend resolutions for
purposes arising out of that responsibility. A note of any exercise of such powers which
affects the contents of the Journal shall be placed with the Journal affected, but the text
of the Journal itself, once subscribed and attested, shall not be altered.
For the Conference’s power of correction of records in relation to its own proceedings see cl. 25(b) above.
For corrections for the purpose of achieving accuracy see S.O. 123.
For the committee and sub-committee charged with responsibility for Methodist law and polity see S.O.
338(1)–(5) and (6) respectively, and as to resolutions moved by those bodies see S.O. 131(25) and (25A).
(g) Any rescission or amendment effected under sub-clause (f) above shall relate back
to and have effect from the adoption of the resolution rescinded or amended, provided
that no such rescission or amendment shall affect the validity of any act done meanwhile
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 231
[36] Book II The Deeds
in good faith, without knowledge of any ground for the exercise of the power to rescind or
amend or in the reasonable belief that such power was unlikely to be exercised.
This clause as a whole was adopted in this revised and rearranged form in 2001, so as to achieve a
comprehensive simplification consequent upon the substantive amendments made to this clause and cl. 25
in 2000 and 2001, which included, inter alia, the power to correct the record of, or to amend or rescind a
resolution of, a preceding session of the Conference or of an earlier Conference (see cl. 25(b) and sub-cl. (f)
37 Publications. All Standing Orders adopted or amended and all other general
resolutions passed by the Conference held in any year and such other parts of its
proceedings as the Conference or its President, Secretary and (with respect to the
Representative Session only) Vice-President may direct shall as soon as may be after its
close be printed and published.
See also S.O. 124.
38 The Home Work. (a) The Local Churches in Great Britain, the Channel Islands,
the Isle of Man, Malta and Gibraltar forming part of the Methodist Church shall be formed
into Circuits for mutual encouragement and help (especially in meeting their financial
obligations) in accordance with directions from time to time made by the Conference,
and the Circuits shall be arranged by the Conference in Districts in like manner, but the
Conference shall not direct the division or combination of existing Circuits or Districts
or the formation of new Circuits unless and until the Synod or Synods of the District or
Districts involved have been consulted.
See also S.O. 401 and S.O. 501.
The Malta United Area has been designated by the Conference as an ecumenical area within the South-East
District (cf. S.O.512). The Gibraltar Circuit is a Circuit in the South-East District.
(b) The Circuits and Districts formed in accordance with this clause shall be referred to
as the ‘home Circuits’ and ‘home Districts’ respectively.
39 The Overseas Work. (a) All Local Churches forming or from time to time
recognised and regarded by the Conference as forming part of the Methodist Church
outside Great Britain (other than in Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, the Channel
Islands, the Isle of Man, Malta and Gibraltar) and all overseas missions shall so far as
may be lawful be organised, governed and regulated in such manner as the Conference
may from time to time determine.
See also S.O. 128 and Art. 14 of the Constitution of the Methodist Missionary Society (Book IV B, Part 3).
(b) In addition to the Districts from time to time existing in the home work the
Conference may from time to time, in any case where it may think fit and so far as may be
lawful, constitute a District consisting of any number of Circuits or Local Churches situate
outside Great Britain (other than in Northern Ireland or in the Republic of Ireland).
In 2009, the last existing overseas District of the Methodist Church was granted autonomy as The Methodist
Church The Gambia; there are therefore now no overseas Districts.
232 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 Deed of Union [42]
40 Church Courts. District Synods (which shall include all the ministers […]
stationed in the District), district Policy Committees, Circuit Meetings, Church Councils,
Local Preachers’ Meetings, General Church Meetings and any other meetings and
committees shall be constituted in such manner, of such persons, and with and subject
to such powers, duties and provisions as may consistently with this Deed be provided in
that behalf from time to time by the Conference.
For Synods see Section 41 of Standing Orders, for district Policy Committees Section 43, for Circuit Meetings
Section 51, for Church Councils Section 61, for Local Preachers’ Meetings S.O. 560 and for General Church
Meetings Section 62.
42 Chairs of Districts. (a) [...] Every District [...] shall [...] have at least one
Chair, the number of Chairs for each District being determined from time to time by the
Conference. Every Chair [...] shall be a […] presbyter and shall upon first appointment as
such to the relevant District be elected by the Conference by a clear majority of the votes
cast. [...]. Standing Orders may provide for the appointment by District Synods, and the
functions, of deputies for Chairs [...], and for the appointment by or on behalf of District
Synods of persons to undertake specified duties on behalf of Chairs [...] or deputies
temporarily unable to fulfil them.
(b) Subject to sub-clause (bb) below, the Chair [...] of each District shall, ex officio,
preside over the Synod of that District and [...] over all other district meetings having
relation to that Synod, when present. If there are more Chairs than one, the right and
responsibility of presiding over any meeting of the Synod or of any other such body shall,
unless otherwise agreed among the Chairs, be determined in accordance with clause (e)
(bb) [...] (i) Any Chair [...] entitled as above to preside may at his or her absolute
discretion, without leaving the Synod or any other such meeting, invite another [...] Chair,
or a deputy or other person appointed under the last sentence of sub-clause (a) above,
to preside for a period. [...] (ii) The President of the Conference, if present, shall have the
right to preside at the meetings of the Synod of which he or she is a member.
See also S.O. 424 and 425.
(c) [...] Each Chair of [...] a home District elected by the Conference held in any year
shall enter upon his or her duties on the first day of September after being elected and
continue in office while appointed to that station under clause 20 above; provided that if
[...] a Chair of any such District becomes incapable of acting or unfit to act or ceases to
be a […] presbyter he or she shall be disqualified from being Chair and shall thereupon
vacate office as Chair and a casual vacancy in the office of Chair of that District shall
be deemed to have arisen; provided further that if any casual vacancy arises in a home
District, whether under the provisions of this present clause or by death or otherwise,
after the end of the Conference it shall be filled by the substitution as Chair of that
District of such other person, being a […] presbyter in the active work stationed in the
District, as the members of the district Policy Committee choose, being able and willing to
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 233
[42] Book II The Deeds
act; and it shall be the duty of the President of the Conference, upon receiving notice of
any such casual vacancy to convene a meeting of the district Policy Committee over which
the President, or an ex-President designated by him or her, shall preside to ascertain their
choice, and thereupon to appoint and declare the […] presbyter thus chosen to [...] hold
the office of Chair of such District until the entry upon his or her duties of a new Chair
duly elected by the Conference under sub-clause (a) above (whether already so elected
when the vacancy arises or to be elected by the next succeeding Conference). Until the
casual vacancy has been so filled the President of the Conference shall act as [...] Chair
of the District.
(d) In relation to the provisions of sub-clause (c) concerning the incapacity or unfitness
of a Chair:
(i) any issue whether a Chair is unfit to act on grounds apt to be the subject
of a charge involving his or her standing as a […] presbyter shall be
determined in accordance with the regulations of the Conference for the time
being in force in relation to disciplinary proceedings;
(ii) any issue whether a Chair is incapable of acting or unfit to act on any other
grounds shall be determined in accordance with regulations from time to
time made by the Conference for that purpose;
(iii) pending determination of any such issue there shall be power to suspend a
Chair from all or any of his or her functions in accordance with the relevant
As to (i) see Part 11 of Standing Orders.
As to (ii) see S.O. 013(12), 013A(2).
(e) [...] In a District which has more than one Chair, any reference in this Deed
or Standing Orders to a right, duty, privilege or responsibility (however described)
of the Chair of a District which can by its nature apply only to a single person shall
be construed as applying to such one of the Chairs of the relevant District as may
be determined by the district Policy Committee of that District in accordance with
and subject to Standing Orders or other regulations from time to time made by the
Conference for that purpose. If a case arises which is not covered by the preceding
sentence, the relevant reference shall be construed as applying to that one of the Chairs
of the relevant District who has been longest stationed in that appointment. As between
Chairs of equal length of service in the appointment, the issue to which Chair the
relevant reference is to be construed as applying shall be determined by drawing lots.
234 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 Deed of Union [45]
(d) Ministers of the Irish Conference who under the provisions of this clause are
recognised and regarded as […] presbyters of the Methodist Church admitted into Full
Connexion shall be subject to the rules and discipline of the Conference of the Methodist
Church while filling any appointment in the home work or serving in any of the overseas
stations of the Methodist Church.
See also S.O. 732(1).
44 Other Autonomous Conferences. (a) The Conference shall have power, if
satisfied that the constitution of the proposed new church will embody and safeguard
Methodist doctrines, to concur in the establishment of an autonomous Methodist Church
comprising or including one or more Districts, Circuits or Local Churches until then
forming part of the Methodist Church, and so far as the law allows:
(i) to grant and transfer to the conference or other governing body of the newly
autonomous church the authority and power of the Conference in relation to
the members of the Methodist Church concerned; and
(ii) to convey and transfer to the newly autonomous church or its trustees or
to other appropriate transferees for its use and benefit all or any properties
in the relevant area vested on behalf of the Conference of the Methodist
Church in the Methodist Missionary Trust Association or other trustees,
persons or bodies.
(b) […] Persons authorised by any other autonomous Methodist Conference to
exercise generally (whether or not by the name of presbyter) a ministry of word and
sacrament, if stationed in the home Districts or overseas, shall during the period of such
stationing only be recognised and regarded as […] presbyters of the Methodist Church
admitted into Full Connexion.
(c) They shall be eligible for membership of the Conference and of other church courts
during the period of such stationing as if they were ministers in Full Connexion with the
(d) Ministers of other autonomous Methodist Conferences who under the provisions
of this clause are recognised and regarded as […] presbyters of the Methodist
Church admitted into Full Connexion shall be subject to the rules and discipline of the
Conference of the Methodist Church while stationed in the home work or serving in any of
the overseas stations of the Methodist Church.
See also S.O. 732.
45 […] Presbyters from other Churches. (a) Such other persons as the Conference
may from time to time specify, if stationed as […] presbyters in the home Districts or
overseas, shall during their period of such stationing only be recognised and regarded as
[…] presbyters of the Methodist Church admitted into Full Connexion.
See also S.O. 732.
(b) They shall be eligible for membership of the Conference and of other church courts
during the period of such stationing as if they were […] presbyters in Full Connexion with
the Conference.
(c) Persons who under the provisions of this clause are recognised and regarded as
[…] presbyters of the Methodist Church admitted into Full Connexion shall be subject to
the rules and discipline of the Conference of the Methodist Church while stationed in the
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 235
[45] Book II The Deeds
home work or serving in any of the overseas stations of the Methodist Church.
See also S.O. 732.
45A Deacons of other Churches. (a) Such persons as the Conference may from
time to time specify, if stationed as deacons in the home Districts or overseas, shall
during the period of such stationing only be recognised and regarded as deacons of the
Methodist Church admitted into Full Connexion.
(b) They shall be eligible for membership of the Conference and of other church
courts during the period of stationing as if they were deacons in Full Connexion with the
(c) Persons who under the provisions of this clause are recognised and regarded as
deacons of the Methodist Church admitted into Full Connexion shall be subject to the
rules and discipline of the Conference of the Methodist Church while stationed in the
home work or serving in any of the overseas stations of the Methodist Church.
See also S.O. 732.
46 Power to unite with other Churches. The Conference shall have the powers
specified in section 6 of the 1976 Act in relation to schemes or arrangements for
unification, amalgamation or association of the Methodist Church or any body thereof with
any other Christian church or organisation.
For s. 6 see Vol. 1, p. 11.
Section 12. Amendment
47 Amendment. The Conference may amend this Deed by the procedures and with
the effect specified in section 5 of the 1976 Act.
For s. 5 see Vol. 1, p. 10.
IN WITNESS whereof we the said John Scott Lidgett, Henry Maldwyn Hughes, William
Younger and William Christopher Jackson have hereunto set our respective hands and
seals the 20th day of September 1932.
236 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 Deed of Union [47]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 237
Part 2 Model Trusts
Paragraph Page
1 Interpretation........................................................................................... 241
2 Managing trustees................................................................................... 245
3 New model trust property.......................................................................... 245
4 Temporary managing trustees................................................................... 246
5 Management issues................................................................................. 246
6 Resolution of management issues............................................................. 247
7 Division of management........................................................................... 247
8 Terms of management.............................................................................. 247
9 Amendment of terms of management........................................................ 248
10 Evidence of terms of management............................................................ 248
11 Delegation by the Methodist Council.......................................................... 248
11A Change of status of Conference property................................................... 249
12 Model trusts to be governed by purposes of Church.................................... 249
13 The trusts................................................................................................ 249
14 Religious worship..................................................................................... 250
15 Cemeteries and burial grounds.................................................................. 251
16 General powers of managing trustees........................................................ 251
17 Investment.............................................................................................. 253
18 Proceeds of sale and other dispositions.................................................... 253
19 Standing Orders....................................................................................... 253
20 Special powers on disposal of property...................................................... 254
21 Trustees to comply with Standing Orders.................................................... 255
21A Proceedings for Enforcement.................................................................... 255
22 Declarations of preference........................................................................ 256
23 Redundancy............................................................................................. 256
24 Protection of trustees............................................................................... 257
25 Receipts.................................................................................................. 257
26 Protection of purchasers........................................................................... 257
27 Amendment of model trusts...................................................................... 258
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 239
Book II The Deeds
In this Part formerly appeared the 1932 Model Deed of the Methodist Church. Although the present
Model Trusts are no longer in legal form a deed, being Schedule 2 to the Methodist Church Act 1976,
they are printed at this point because they replace the Model Deed and, like it and the Deed of Union, are
subordinate to the main body (sections 1 to 31) of the 1976 Act and (unlike those sections) can for the
most part be amended by the Conference (see para. 27 below).
The paragraph titles set out above and printed as side headings to the text of the paragraphs below are
editorial insertions added for ease of reference only and do not form part of the Schedule as enacted.
The Methodist Church Act 1976, and these Model Trusts which form Schedule 2 to the Act, extend to
Scotland, but with certain modifications, for which see s. 29 of the Act (Vol. 1, p. 26). Apart from that in
paragraph 16, the modifications have not been incorporated into the text set out below but appear in the
notes in italics at the relevant points.
In their application to the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man the Model Trusts, as part of the 1976 Act,
are modified in certain respects by the Orders extending the Act to those islands (see the notes to s. 30(1)
of the Act, Vol. 1, p. 27).
For the consultation required in the home Districts outside England and Wales before amendments are
proposed, see S.O. 919A, and for the ‘appropriate consultation’ before confirmation, see S.O. 126(1)(a).
240 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Model Trusts
Since this Schedule is part of the 1976 Act the interpretation provisions of s.2 of the Act (Vol. 1 p. 7) also
apply. In particular, it should be noted that throughout the Model Trusts ‘the Board’ (with capital ‘B’) means
the Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 241
[1] Book II The Deeds
‘Conference property’ means any model trust property or new model trust property
or any part of any such property which the Conference, judging it to be of special
significance to the Church as a whole, has (with the prior consent of the then
managing trustees) declared to be Conference property;
See, e.g., as to the New Room, Bristol, S.O. 220, and as to Westminster Central Hall S.O. 223.
‘Conference trustees’ means, in relation to any Conference property or any part of such
property, the persons or body of persons, being members of the Church, annually
appointed by the Conference to be the managing trustees of such property or part
‘Connexional dwelling’ means, in relation to any Connexional organisation, a dwelling
for occupation by the Secretary or any other officer or any employee of such
‘Connexional organisation’ means any Connexional Committee, Connexional Institution
or other Connexional organisation for the time being constituted under the Deed of
Union and Standing Orders;
See also S.O. 906.
‘Connexional property’ means any model trust property (other than Conference
property) or any part thereof for the time being held, used or applied for
Connexional purposes in accordance with the model trusts;
‘Connexional purposes’ means, in relation to any model trust property or any part
thereof and in relation to any Connexional organisation, all or any of the purposes
of a Connexional dwelling, or of any other property (not being local, Circuit or
District property), for the time being used or applied or held for the purpose of
being used or applied, in accordance with the model trusts, solely or mainly by or
in connection with such organisation, and includes any other charitable purpose
comprised in the model trusts which the Conference may by Standing Order
designate as a Connexional purpose in relation to such organisation and to model
trust property;
See, e.g., as to the Aldersgate Memorial S.O. 221.
‘Connexional Trustees’ means, in relation to any Connexional property or any part of
such property, the person or persons for the time being constituting, in accordance
with Standing Orders, the Connexional Trustees for that property or part property;
See S.O. 904.
‘Disposal’ or ‘disposition’, in relation to any model trust property, means disposal of
the property or any estate or interest in it by any means, including conveyance,
assignment, transfer, demise and letting, and ‘dispose’ has a corresponding
‘District’ means a District of the Church constituted under the Deed of Union and
Standing Orders;
‘District manse’ means, in relation to any District, a dwelling for occupation by [...] a
Chair of such District;
‘District property’ means any model trust property (other than Conference property) or
any part thereof for the time being held, used or applied for District purposes in
accordance with the model trusts;
242 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Model Trusts [1]
‘District purposes’ means, in relation to any model trust property or any part thereof
and in relation to any District or group of Districts, all or any of the purposes of
a District manse, or of any other property (not being local or Circuit property), for
the time being used or applied, or held for the purpose of being used or applied,
in accordance with the model trusts, solely or mainly by or in connection with such
District or group of Districts, and includes any other charitable purpose comprised
in the model trusts which the Conference may by Standing Order designate as a
District purpose in relation to such District or group of Districts and to model trust
See S.O. 966(4).
‘District Trustees’ means, in relation to any District property or any part of such
property, the body of persons for the time being constituting, in accordance with
Standing Orders, the District Trustees for that property or part property;
See S.O. 966(1).
‘general property’ means any model trust property (other than Conference property) or
any part thereof for the time being held, used or applied for general purposes in
accordance with the model trusts;
‘general purposes’ means, in relation to any model trust property or any part thereof
(not being for the time being local, Circuit, District or Connexional property), all or
any of the charitable purposes comprised in the model trusts;
‘Local Church’ means the body of persons for the time being constituting a Society or
Local Church under the Deed of Union and Standing Orders;
‘local property’ means any model trust property (other than Conference property) or
any part thereof for the time being held, used or applied for local purposes in
accordance with the model trusts;
‘local purposes’ means, in relation to any model trust property or any part thereof and
in relation to any Local Church, all or any of the purposes of a place of worship, or
of any other property, for the time being used or applied, or held for the purpose of
being used or applied in accordance with the model trusts, solely or mainly by or
in connection with such Local Church (whether or not in conjunction with members
of any other church pursuant to a sharing agreement under the Act of 1969) and
includes any other charitable purpose comprised in the model trusts which the
Conference may by Standing Order designate as a local purpose in relation to such
Local Church and to model trust property;
‘managing trustees’ means, in relation to any model trust property or any part thereof,
the managing trustees from time to time and includes (except in paragraph 4 of
this Schedule) the temporary trustees of that property or any part thereof, such
trustees being ascertained in accordance with the provisions of Part II of this
‘Methodist Council’ means the body of persons of that name for the time being
constituted by the Conference under the Deed of Union and Standing Orders for
the despatch of connexional business in relation to (inter alia) property affairs or
other the body of persons constituted for the time being under Standing Orders
to discharge the responsibilities of the Property Division, and includes, where
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 243
[1] Book II The Deeds
appropriate, any person or persons to whom any functions of such body under any
provision of this Schedule may have been delegated by such body in accordance
with any Standing Order made pursuant to paragraph 11 of this Schedule, and
‘board of the Property Division’ has the same meaning;
See S.O. 212(10) and, as to delegation, S.O. 331(4).
‘Methodist practice’ means the constitutional practice, usage and discipline of the
Church as regulated for the time being by the Deed of Union and Standing Orders;
‘model trust amenity’ means a place of worship, cemetery or burial ground, house
or other dwelling, vestry, hall, classroom, school room, day school, office, hostel,
college, bookshop, playground or any other building or amenity and includes any
kitchen, convenience or other building, room or structure ancillary to any such
aforementioned premises;
‘model trust operation’ means the laying out, building, furnishing, equipping,
maintaining, repairing, altering, enlarging, demolishing, rebuilding, refurnishing
or re-equipping of any model trust amenity for use for or incidental to any kind of
charitable purpose comprised in the model trusts, and includes the conversion
of any such model trust amenity or any part thereof to another category of model
trust amenity for use as aforesaid;
‘new model trust property’ means any property or any part thereof which shall after the
commencement of this Act become model trust property pursuant to any provision
of section 10 (Power to adopt model trusts) or of sections 12 to 16 inclusive of
this Act and shall not be affected by any direction made pursuant to paragraph
3(2) of this Schedule;
For ss. 10 and 12 to 16 of the Act see Vol. 1, pp. 15, 17.
‘place of worship’ means any church, chapel or other place for religious worship by
members of the Church;
‘Property Secretary’ means the person appointed in accordance with Standing Orders
to fulfil the duties assigned in this Schedule to such an officer or to the General
Secretary of the board of the Property Division;
See S.O. 331(1).
‘purposes of the Church’ means the purposes of the Church for the time being under
section 4 (Purposes) of this Act;
See Vol. 1, p. 10.
‘statutory or other legal provision’ means any Act, any instrument or document made or
having effect under or by virtue of any such Act, any other instrument or document
affecting legal rights or obligations, any trust (whether arising under a trust
instrument or otherwise), and any rule of law, being an Act, instrument, document,
trust, or rule in force at the commencement of this Act;
‘trustees’ means the Board in relation to any model trust property or any part thereof
held by the Board upon the model trusts under paragraph 4(2) of this Schedule
and the Board as custodian trustees together with the managing trustees in
relation to any other model trust property.
As to the meaning of ‘the Board’ see the note at the head of para. 1.
244 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Model Trusts [3]
3 New model trust property. (1) Any new model trust property or part of such
property is general property until a direction affecting it has been made under sub-
paragraph (2) of this paragraph, or until it earlier becomes Conference property.
(1A) For the purposes of this paragraph and of paragraphs 5 to 10 of this Schedule
‘trust body’ means any Church Council, Circuit Meeting, District Trustees or Connexional
Trustees or the Secretary.
(2)(a) Subject to (b) below and to the next sub-paragraph the Methodist Council may,
after appropriate consultation, direct in writing under the hand of the Property Secretary
or of any other person authorised by it in that behalf that any new model trust property or
any specified part of any new model trust property shall fall within the category of model
trust property specified in such direction and that the trust body similarly specified shall
be the managing trustees thereof, and any such direction shall have effect according
to its tenor, but without prejudice to any subsequent change of category or of managing
trustees arising by the operation of paragraph 2 of this Schedule or otherwise.
For the ‘appropriate consultation’ required see S.O. 902 and the regulations in Book VI, Part 2.
(b) If it seems fit to the council, because of the desirability of a joint managing
trusteeship or for any other reason, its direction under this sub-paragraph may take the
form of a Memorandum of Terms of Management determining the matters specified
in (a)(i) and (ii) and (b)(i) and (ii) of paragraph 8(1) of this Schedule, and in that event
Paragraph 9 of this Schedule shall apply.
(3) In exercise of the power conferred by the foregoing sub-paragraph the Methodist
Council shall give consideration to any declaration of preference, made pursuant to
section 12 (Future model trust settlements) of this Act or deemed to have been so made
by virtue of section 15 (Gifts to Local Churches or Circuits) of this Act, in respect of any
new model trust property or any part thereof but shall not be bound to give effect thereto.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 245
[3] Book II The Deeds
4 Temporary managing trustees. (1) If and during such period as there shall be
no managing trustees of any model trust property or any part thereof by reason of there
being no person or persons respectively constituting any of the bodies or holding or
entitled to exercise the functions of the office mentioned in paragraph 2 of this Schedule
(or corresponding to any such body or office pursuant to section 24 (Construction of
references to abolished bodies and offices) of this Act), or for any other reason, the
Methodist Council may, by a written instrument under the hand of the Property Secretary
or of any other person authorised by the council in that behalf appoint any local or other
body of the Church or any officer of the Church or of any such body as the temporary
managing trustees or trustee during such period of such property or part thereof.
For s. 24 of the Act see Vol. 1, p. 24.
(2) If during any period (hereinafter referred to as ‘the suspense period’) there shall
be no managing trustees or temporary managing trustees of any model trust property
or any part thereof, the custodian trusteeship of the Board and the model trust vesting
provisions shall be suspended in respect of such property or such part thereof until the
expiration of the suspense period and, during the suspense period, the Board shall hold
such property or such part thereof upon the model trusts so far as circumstances permit.
As to the meaning of ‘the Board’ see the note at the head of para. 1 above.
5 Management issues. (1) For the purposes of this paragraph and of paragraphs 6
to 10 of this Schedule –
‘Management Certificate’ means a certificate issued under paragraph 6 of this
‘Management Memorandum’ means a Memorandum or amended Memorandum
of Terms of Management under paragraph 8 or 9 of this Schedule.
(2) For the purposes of this Schedule a management issue occurs in relation to any
model trust property or any part of a model trust property (other than new model trust
property and Conference property) whenever the Methodist Council, acting of its own
motion or upon the written request of any trust body, declares in writing under the hand of
the Property Secretary or of any other person authorised by the council in that behalf:
(a) that –
(i) no trust body claims to be the managing trustees of such property or part
property; or
(ii) more than one trust body claims to be the managing trustees of all such
property or part property; or
(iii) any trust body or the council is doubtful as to the category of such
property or part property or as to who are the managing trustees thereof;
(b) and that –
(i) no Management Memorandum dealing with the questions raised under
(a) above is in force; or
246 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Model Trusts [8]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 247
[8] Book II The Deeds
248 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Model Trusts [13]
11A Change of status of Conference property. The Conference may at any time
declare that any Conference property or any part of such property shall cease to be
Conference property, and if it does so shall at the same time give a direction under sub-
paragraph (2) of paragraph 3 of this Schedule as if such property or part property were
new model trust property and the Conference were the Methodist Council. Every such
declaration shall have effect according to its tenor and every such direction shall have
effect in accordance with and subject to the said sub-paragraph, except that no writing
shall be required beyond the record in the Conference Journal and that no consultation
shall be required beyond any which may already have taken place.
13 The trusts. Subject to the provisions of this Act and of this Schedule, the
trustees shall hold the property upon the following trusts, or such of them as shall be
capable of having effect having regard to the character and condition of the property,
namely upon trust:
(a) To apply, at the discretion of the managing trustees, any moneys available
for such charitable purposes in the purchase of land or any chattel or other
property for the purposes of a model trust amenity or a model trust operation
or for any other purpose for which model trust property may be held or applied,
or directed to be held or applied, under any provision of this Part of this
(b) To permit any place of worship to be used for religious worship and for public
and other meetings and services held in accordance with Methodist practice
and the provisions of the next following paragraph;
(c) To permit activities for children and young people to be held in accordance
with Methodist practice in any suitable part of the property, but if in a place of
worship, only at such time as not to interfere with public worship;
(d) To permit any further meeting to be held in or upon any part of the land
comprised in the property only if the holding of such meeting is not contrary to
Methodist practice;
(e) To permit any day school to be used for the education of children and young
persons under such system of management as the Conference may prescribe
or approve or as may be required by law;
(f) To permit any suitable building or part of a building comprised in the property
to be used as an office, hostel, college, bookshop or other institution for or
incidental to any purpose of the Church;
(g) To permit any house or other dwelling to be used as a Circuit or District
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 249
[13] Book II The Deeds
manse, or Connexional dwelling or for such other purpose of the Church as the
Conference shall by Standing Order prescribe;
(h) To permit any vestry, hall, classroom, kitchen, convenience, building, room,
structure, or other appurtenance and any vacant land to be used for or in
connection with any of the above purposes or for purposes ancillary to any of
such purposes;
(i) To permit any land laid out as a cemetery or burial ground to be used for such
(j) To permit any land laid out as a playground to be used for such purposes;
(k) To change the use or application of the property or any part thereof from any
one or more of the above purposes to any one or more other of such purposes
or to permit the property or any part thereof to be held, used or applied mainly
for any one or more of such purposes and partially for any one or more other of
such purposes;
(l) To carry into effect any sharing agreement affecting the property or any part
thereof and made after the commencement of this Act under the provisions of
the Act of 1969;
(m) To permit any land comprised in the property or any part of such land thereof
when not required or expected to be required for any of the above purposes
by the managing trustees, to be used or applied temporarily or occasionally
or intermittently, but without creating any lease or tenancy, for any charitable
purpose which is not contrary to Methodist practice;
(n) To permit any chattel to be used in furtherance of or incidental to any purpose
of a model trust amenity or model trust operation or for any other purpose for
which model trust property may be held or applied or directed to be held or
applied under any provision of this part of this Schedule; and
(o) To hold the same or any part thereof for or incidental to any such purpose of
the Church as the Conference may from time to time authorise.
As to (g), see S.O. 929.
14 Religious worship. (1) The managing trustees shall permit such services and
meetings for religious worship to be held in any place of worship at such times in such
manner and to be officiated at by such […] presbyter or such other person as shall be
required or permitted by Methodist practice and by the provisions of this paragraph.
See S.O. 521(1), 920(1).
(2) Notwithstanding that any of the members of any communion or body hereinafter
mentioned may not subscribe to the doctrinal standards, the managing trustees may
with the consent of such person or persons as the Conference may by Standing Order
prescribe –
(a) hold, and permit the participation by members of the Church together with any
members of any other Christian communion or body in, any occasional joint
service or meeting in a place of worship or on any other premises comprised in
the property;
(b) permit any member of any such communion or body to officiate and to preach
at any such joint service or meeting.
For the consent required see S.O. 920(2).
250 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Model Trusts [16]
15 Cemeteries and burial grounds. Subject to the provisions of this Schedule,
it shall be lawful for the managing trustees to sell, subject to such restrictions and
conditions as they think proper and either in perpetuity or for a limited time, the exclusive
right of burial (and of the right of one or more burials) in any part of any cemetery or
burial ground comprised in the property, and also the right of erecting and placing any
monument, gravestone, tablet or monumental inscription in such cemetery or burial
16 General powers of managing trustees. Subject to any statutory restriction and
to the provisions of this Schedule, the managing trustees may –
(a) borrow such sum or sums as they consider necessary or expedient for the
execution of any purpose of or the exercise of any power or the performance
of any duty conferred or imposed on them, under this Schedule or any other
statutory or other legal provision and may mortgage or charge the property or
any part thereof to secure any sum borrowed by them;
(b) sell the property or any part thereof for the best price that can reasonably be
(c) grant or renew any licence for the use of the whole or any part of any land
comprised in the property for such period and for such reasonable payment
and otherwise subject to such conditions as the managing trustees shall think
(d) build, repair, alter, enlarge, demolish or rebuild and furnish any building,
structure or works of any description whatsoever and generally improve any
part of any land comprised in the property, except where such land or any part
thereof is in the actual possession of a mortgagee as such under a mortgage
which contains a provision to the contrary;
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 251
[16] Book II The Deeds
(e) let or re-let at a rent, or on a lease for a premium, rent, royalty, share of profits
or other consideration or any combination thereof, the whole or any part of the
land comprised in the property or any timber, mineral or other rights therein;
(f) sell any timber, minerals or other products of or substance in or on any part of
any land comprised in the property;
(g) provide facilities of any kind for any tenant or occupant of any land comprised
in the property or any part of such land;
(h) dispose of the property or any part thereof for development under a building
lease or other arrangement including or not including provisions for the
acquisition by the trustees of a freehold or leasehold interest (to be held on
the model trusts) in all or any part of any new premises to be comprised in
such development;
(i) bring or defend any action relating to the property;
(j) refer or join in a reference to arbitration of any disagreement or dispute
which may arise between the trustees and any other person in relation to the
(k) delegate all or any of their powers or duties under these trusts to the
Conference or to any Connexional, District, Circuit or local body of the Church,
or any Committee of any such body;
(l) appoint and dismiss such Committees, Stewards or Treasurers or other
officers or servants as may be necessary and expedient in respect of the
property or any part thereof;
(m) determine what is necessary or expedient for the purposes of the management
of the property;
(n) [applicable to Scotland only] so far as circumstances permit, exercise the same
powers in the same manner and to the same effect as the powers relating
to the manner of executing instruments conferred upon charity trustees by
section 82 of the Charities Act 1993; and
(o) [not applicable to England, Wales, Scotland or the Bailiwick of Guernsey] apply
income in paying premiums on a policy or policies of insurance to indemnify
the managing trustees (or any of them) against personal liability for acts
or omissions affecting the property, provided that this power may not be
exercised unless every such policy excludes cover in respect of (i) fines, (ii) the
costs of unsuccessfully defending criminal prosecutions for offences arising
out of the fraud or dishonesty or wilful or reckless misconduct of any managing
trustee, (iii) liabilities which result from conduct which the relevant trustee
knew, or must be assumed to have known, was a breach of trust or of duty
or as to which that trustee was reckless about whether or not it was such a
breach, and (iv) any liability to account where the relevant trustee has received
a benefit.
As to (i) and (j) see S.O. 931(5), (6).
As to (l) see S.O. 912.
For additional paragraph (n), applicable to Scotland only, see Methodist Church Act 1976, section.29(2)
(f) (Volume 1, p. 26). In that paragraph the words ‘section 34 of the Charities Act’ were amended in 2001 to
read ‘section 82 of the Charities Act 1993’.
As to (o), the Conference of 2010 deleted this item in so far as it applies to England and Wales, as the
situation is now covered by statutory provision i.e. section 73F of the Charities Act 1993, as added by
section 39 of the Charities Act 2006. The 2012 Conference deleted it in so far as it applies to Scotland and
252 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Model Trusts [19]
Guernsey. See S.O. 911 as to the exercise by trustees in England and Wales of the statutory power under
section 73F.
17 Investment. Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, the managing trustees
may invest any moneys requiring investment in or upon any investment for the time being
authorised by law for the investment of trust funds or in any common investment fund or
deposit fund for the time being constituted by or pursuant to the scheme contained in the
First Schedule of the Act of 1960.
See S.O. 914.
For the First Schedule to the Act of 1960 see Vol. 1, p. 56.
18 Proceeds of sale and other dispositions. (1) The trustees shall hold any
property to which this paragraph is applicable upon trust for such purpose or purposes
of the Church and in such manner as the Conference shall declare by Standing Order
made pursuant to sub-paragraphs 1(e) and (2) of the next following paragraph, or as the
Conference or the Methodist Council shall direct pursuant to any Standing Order made
pursuant to the said provisions of the next following paragraph, as the case may be.
See S.O. 916 and 955.
(2) This paragraph shall apply to –
(a) all moneys which shall be paid or payable to the trustees (whether by one or
more or successive or recurrent payments) on or pursuant to any sale, letting
or other disposition of the property or any part thereof or of any interest
therein made by the managing trustees in exercise of any power in that
behalf conferred on them under any provision of paragraphs 15 or 16 of this
Schedule; and
(b) all existing Circuit Advance Funds.
As to ‘disposition’ see the first note to para. 20(1) below.
19 Standing Orders. (1) Without prejudice to the generality of its powers as the
governing body of the Church conferred by this Act and the Deed of Union, and without
prejudice to any other provision of this Act or the said Deed expressly requiring or
authorising it to prescribe any matter or thing by Standing Orders or otherwise, the
Conference shall by Standing Orders declare, prescribe or regulate, in the manner
provided in the next following sub-paragraph, the following matters or things, namely: –
(a) when and in what manner and subject to what procedure, requirements or
conditions the managing trustees may exercise any power conferred on them
under any provision of paragraphs 15, 16 or 17 of this Schedule;
(b) the duties and terms of appointment of any Committee, Steward, Treasurer or
other officer or servant appointed by the managing trustees pursuant to sub-
paragraph (l) of paragraph 16 of this Schedule;
(c) subject to the provisions of subsection (2) of section 6 (Contributions to
investment funds and deposits in deposit funds to be authorised investments)
of the Act of 1960 but otherwise without regard to general law or the effect
of any statutory or other legal provision, what part of the property shall be
deemed to be capital and what part of the property shall be deemed to be
income for the purposes of the administration of these trusts;
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 253
[19] Book II The Deeds
(d) subject to the next following provision of this sub-paragraph, the manner in
which the managing trustees may apply capital and income for the purposes of
these trusts;
(e) the purpose or purposes of these trusts or of the Church for which and the
manner in which the trustees shall hold any property to which paragraph 18 of
this Schedule is applicable;
(f) subject to any statutory requirement or regulation, what accounts shall be
kept by the managing trustees and what arrangements shall be made by the
managing trustees for the audit of such accounts;
(g) any such other matter or thing being consistent with this Act and Methodist
practice as the Conference may deem expedient in relation to the property and
the model trusts, which (for the avoidance of doubt) may include provisions
enabling any managing trustee or trustees to contract on their own account
with their co-trustees, to receive and retain remuneration or other benefits
out of trust moneys or from elsewhere for acts done in connection with
those trusts, or to purchase trust property, and so that any such provision
shall prescribe the circumstances in and extent to which they may do so and
any conditions as to disclosure, approval by their co-trustees, abstention or
otherwise which must be met.
As to (a) see Part 9 of Standing Orders generally, and Sections 92 and 93 in particular.
As to (b) see S.O. 912 and the Standing Orders listed in the note to S.O. 912(2).
As to (c) see S.O. 915 and as to (d) S.O. 916 and 917.
As to (e) see S.O. 916, 955 and 970.
As to (f) see S.O. 913.
As to the last part of (g) see S.O. 919.
(2) In the exercise of its duty under the foregoing sub-paragraph the Conference may
from time to time make any Standing Order declaring, prescribing or regulating the whole
or any part of any such matter or thing or providing that the whole or any part of such
matter or thing shall, in the circumstances specified in such Standing Order, be subject to
the direction of the Conference or of the Methodist Council.
(3) Without prejudice to the generality of sub-paragraph (1)(g) of this paragraph, and for
the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that the Conference may by Standing Order
empower the Methodist Council:
(a) to require the trustees of any model trust property to restore and reinstate
in such manner as the council may direct any part or the whole of that model
trust property if it has been altered, demolished or destroyed in breach of trust
or of any Standing Order, direction or authority made or given under or pursuant
to any provision of this Act or without, or contrary to the conditions of, any
approval or consent required by this Schedule or by any Standing Orders made
under it; and
(b) in default of compliance with any such requirement, to carry out the required
works of restoration and reinstatement and charge the cost to the trustees,
who shall pay the amount so charged.
See S.O. 985(4).
20 Special powers on disposal of property. (1) If the board of the Property Division
shall consider that any purpose of the Church would thereby be advanced, it shall be
254 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Model Trusts [21A]
lawful for such board to authorise the trustees of any model trust property, by a written
authority under the hand of its General Secretary or of any other person authorised by
such board in that behalf to dispose of such property or any part thereof, in any manner
whatsoever to any person upon trust for such purpose of the Church without the payment
or provision of any consideration or for the payment or provision of less consideration
than might otherwise be reasonably obtainable in respect of such property or such part
thereof, and it shall be lawful for such trustees to enter into any transaction pursuant to
such authority.
The functions of the ‘board of the Property Division’ (which no longer exists) are now exercisable by
the Methodist Council by virtue of the definition of the latter in para. 1 above, but the name remains in this
paragraph, which is unamendable (see para. 27). For similar reasons the functions of the ‘General Secretary’
of the board are now exercisable by the ‘Property Secretary’, as to whom see S.O. 006(2A).
For the conditions upon which model trust property can be disposed of to a Housing Association under this
paragraph see S.O. 935.
(2) Where any model trust property or any part thereof comprises or includes a place
of worship or a former place of worship, then, if the board of the Property Division
shall consider that any purpose of the Church would thereby be advanced or tend to be
advanced, such board may, by a written authority given under the hand of its General
Secretary, or of any other person authorised by such board in that behalf, authorise the
trustees of such model trust property or such part thereof to dispose of such property
or such part thereof subject to any restriction (to be specified in such written authority)
of the use of any land and any building or part of any building comprising such place of
worship or former place of worship; and any transaction entered into by the trustees of
such model trust property or such part thereof pursuant to any such authority shall not be
capable of being impugned by reason of any such restriction.
As to the ‘board of the Property Division’ and its ‘General Secretary’ see the first note to sub-para. (1)
See also S.O. 943(4).
(3) In the foregoing sub-paragraph ‘former place of worship’ means any property which
was formerly a place or part of a place of worship but which, in the opinion of the board
of the Property Division, ceased to be such a place or part of such a place not more than
twenty years before the date of any written authority affecting the said property given by
the said board pursuant to the powers contained in the foregoing sub-paragraph.
As to the ‘board of the Property Division’ see the first note to sub-para. (1) above.
21 Trustees to comply with Standing Orders. The trustees shall not exercise or
perform or concur in the exercise or performance of any discretion or power conferred or
duty imposed by any provision of this Schedule, or by any other statutory or other legal
provision, save in accordance with any Standing Order and any direction or authority
respectively made or given under or pursuant to any provision of this Act:
Provided that, in the event of any conflict between any such Standing Order or any such
authority or direction and any provision of the Act of 1969 or any sharing agreement made
pursuant thereto and affecting any such model trust property, the provision of that Act or
agreement shall prevail.
21A Proceedings for Enforcement. Without prejudice to any other power in any
person or body to take proceedings with respect to the model trusts each of the following
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 255
[21A] Book II The Deeds
shall be entitled at any time and without the concurrence of any other person or body
to commence and prosecute proceedings in any court for the enforcement of the model
trusts or for the restraint of any breach or prospective breach of the model trusts or
of any Standing Order, direction or authority made or given under or pursuant to any
provision of this Act, namely:
(a) the Board;
(b) the Property Secretary; and
(c) any other person authorised in this behalf by the Methodist Council.
See S.O. 985(3)(ii).
23 Redundancy. (1) The Conference may resolve that in the opinion of the
Conference any model trust property (other than any such property held by the Board
upon the model trusts under paragraph 4(2) of this Schedule) or any part thereof has
become redundant or that its retention is not a practicable means of advancing any
purpose of the Church, and may (by the same or any subsequent resolution) further
resolve that in the opinion of the Conference such property or part thereof ought to be
sold, and upon the passing of such further resolution the Board shall, by virtue of this
Act and without further assurance, cease to be the custodian trustees upon the model
trusts and shall become the trustees of such property or part thereof to the exclusion
of the managing trustees thereof, and shall hold such property or part thereof upon
trust to sell the same and to hold the proceeds of sale upon trust (after discharge of
any incumbrance or of any liability in respect of which any previous trustees or managing
trustees and the Board as the previous custodian trustees shall be entitled to indemnity)
to apply the same for any purpose of the Church in accordance with such scheme as may
be made or approved by the Conference or by the board of the Property Division.
As to the ‘board of the Property Division’ the first note to para. 20(1) applies to this paragraph also.
As to the meaning of ‘the Board’ see the note at the head of para. 1 above.
(2) The provisions of sub-paragraphs (2) and (3) of paragraph 20 of this Schedule shall
apply in the case of any disposition of any model trust property or any part thereof by the
Board pursuant to the foregoing sub-paragraph as if any reference to the trustees of such
property in any of such provisions were a reference to the Board:
Provided that where any model trust property or any part thereof comprises or includes
a place of worship or a former place of worship and, pursuant to the provisions of the
foregoing sub-paragraph, such model trust property or such part thereof is to be sold
by the Board to a person who worshipped in such place of worship or former place of
worship as a member or adherent of the Church immediately before the Conference
256 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Model Trusts [26]
resolved that such property or such part thereof ought to be sold and who proposes
to use such place of worship or former place of worship for the purposes of Christian
religious worship, nothing in sub-paragraphs (2) and (3) of paragraph 20 of this Schedule
as hereinbefore in this sub-paragraph applied, shall enable the board of the Property
Division to authorise the Board, when selling such model trust property or such part
thereof to such person, to impose any restriction excluding the use for the purposes of
Christian religious worship of any land or any building or part of any building comprising
such place of worship or former place of worship.
As to the ‘board of the Property Division’ the first note to para. 20(1) applies to this paragraph also.
As to the meaning of ‘the Board’ see the note at the head of para. 1 above.
As to ‘disposition’ see the first note to para. 20(1) above.24
24 Protection of trustees. (1) The amount of any sum properly borrowed for the
purposes of these trusts upon the personal security of the managing trustees shall be
deemed to be charged upon and secured by a lien against the property or such part
thereof in respect of which such sum was borrowed, for the amount of such sum in favour
and for the indemnity of such trustees, but no such charge or lien shall have any effect as
against a purchaser, mortgagee, lessee or other person under a sale, mortgage, charge,
lease or other disposition made for value in execution of these trusts, whether made with
or without notice of that charge or lien.
(2) The trustees shall not be –
(a) liable for any involuntary loss suffered by them nor for any injury done by any
other person to the property;
(b) accountable for more money than comes to their hands; or
(c) responsible for the repair and upkeep of the property, except to the extent of
funds available or supplied to them for that purpose.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 257
[26] Book II The Deeds
‘interest’ means, in relation to any model trust property or any part thereof and to any
purchaser, any interest in or charge on such property or such part thereof or the
benefit of any covenant or agreement expressed to be entered into by the trustees
or the managing trustees of such property or such part thereof;
‘memorandum of consent’ means a memorandum signed by the Property Secretary
or by any other person authorised by the Methodist Council in that behalf and
attested by two witnesses present at the time of such signature, consenting to the
transaction therein mentioned;
‘purchaser’ means, in relation to any model trust property or any part thereof, any
person acquiring an interest from the trustees or managing trustees thereof
in good faith and for money or money’s worth, and includes the successors or
assigns of such person.
(2) A statement in a document to the effect that –
(a) any person named as a party to such document and purporting to execute the
same as the sole managing trustee of any model trust property or any part
thereof, is such sole managing trustee;
(b) any persons together named as a party to such document and purporting to
execute the same as the managing trustees of any model trust property or any
part thereof, are such managing trustees; or
(c) any three or more persons together described as the managing trustees of
any model trust property or any part thereof and named as a party to such
document purporting to be executed by any two or more of such persons
pursuant to section 82 of the Charities Act 1993, are such managing trustees;
shall, in favour of a purchaser, be conclusively presumed to be true.
See Methodist Church Act 1976 s. 29(2)(g) (Vol. 1 p. 26) for the wording of (c) applicable in Scotland.
Under s. 82 of the Charities Act 1993 (formerly s. 34 of the Charities Act 1960) charity trustees can
confer authority on two or more of their number to execute documents in the names and on behalf of the
trustees for the purpose of giving effect to transactions to which the trustees are a party.
(3) If, before any transaction creating or purporting to create an interest has been
entered into, a memorandum of consent in respect of such transaction has been
executed, then such interest shall not, as against the purchaser, be capable of being
impugned on the ground that such transaction was not within the powers conferred on
managing trustees under the model trusts or that such transaction was entered into in
breach of Standing Orders.
(4) For the purpose of this paragraph, if a memorandum of consent shall purport to
have been signed and attested as mentioned in sub-paragraph (1) of this paragraph,
then, on proof (whether by evidence or as a matter of presumption) of the signature
such memorandum shall be presumed to have been so signed and attested, unless the
contrary is shown.
27 Amendment of model trusts. (1) Subject to the two next following sub-
paragraphs, the Conference may by special resolution amend, repeal or add to the
provisions of this Schedule except the provisions of paragraphs 12, 17, 20, 21, 23, and
24 thereof and the provisions of this paragraph.
See section 2(1) of the Methodist Church Act 1976 (Vol. 1, p. 9) as to ‘special resolution’, and as to
258 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Model Trusts [27]
‘appropriate consultation’ see S.O. 126. For the additional consultation required in the Home Districts
outside England and Wales before an amendment is originally proposed, see S.O. 919A.
(2) The Conference shall make any amendment or repeal of or any addition to the
provisions of this Schedule by deferred special resolution if such amendment repeal
or addition relates to or affects the provisions of paragraph 14 of this Schedule or any
amendment of or addition to such provisions.
(3) No amendment or repeal of or addition to the provisions of this Schedule shall
authorise the use or application of the property or any part thereof for any purpose which
is not a purpose of the Church or incidental to a purpose of the Church.
(4) After any amendment or repeal of or addition to the provisions of this Schedule
pursuant to sub-paragraph (1) of this paragraph, any reference to this Schedule or to the
model trusts in this Act or in any other statutory or other legal provision shall be deemed
to be a reference to this Schedule or to the model trusts respectively subject to such
amendment, repeal or addition.
(5) The Conference may procure that any such amendment, repeal or addition may at
any time and from time to time be embodied in a deed poll under the hand and seal of
the President of the Conference for the time being and the Conference shall procure that
any such deed poll shall, within three months after the execution, be sent to the office of
the Commissioners for the purpose of being enrolled in the books of the Commissioners
pursuant to section 25 of the Charities Act.
For the wording applicable in Scotland, see Methodist Church Act 1976, s. 29(2)(h) (Vol. 1, p. 26).
Section 25 of the Charities Act 1960 has been repealed and re-enacted as section 30 of the Charities Act
1993, to which the provisions of this clause should therefore now be read as referring.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 259
Part Page
0 Introductory................................................................................................ 263
1 The Conference........................................................................................... 307
2 The Methodist Council and Connexional Committees..................................... 347
3 The Connexional Team................................................................................. 371
4 The Districts............................................................................................... 411
5 The Circuits................................................................................................. 453
6 The Local Churches..................................................................................... 501
7 […] Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing............................... 529
8 […] Presbyters and Deacons (2) – Terms of Service....................................... 599
9 Property...................................................................................................... 613
10 Agendas..................................................................................................... 655
11 Complaints and Discipline............................................................................ 659
By cl. 19 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) the Conference has power to make Standing Orders for
(inter alia) the government of the Methodist Church.
By para. 19 of the Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2) the Conference has a duty to regulate by Standing Order a
number of matters relating to the management of model trust property.
Part 0 Introductory
Section Page
00 Interpretation........................................................................................... 264
01 General Provisions.................................................................................... 273
03 Continuance in Training and Probation........................................................ 291
04 Ministerial […] Competence...................................................................... 295
05 Membership............................................................................................. 299
Book III Standing Orders
Section 00 Interpretation
Standing Order Page
000 The Acts and the Deeds............................................................................ 264
001 The Methodist Church............................................................................... 264
002 Terms defined in the Deed of Union........................................................... 264
003 Church Courts and Jurisdictions................................................................ 266
004 Officers and Members.............................................................................. 267
005 […] Presbyters and Deacons.................................................................... 267
006 Property.................................................................................................. 269
007 Other Terms............................................................................................. 270
008 General Provisions................................................................................... 271
009 Saving..................................................................................................... 272
000 The Acts and the Deeds. In these Standing Orders, unless the context
otherwise requires:
(i) ‘the 1929 Act’ means the Methodist Church Union Act 1929 and ‘the
1976 Act’ means the Methodist Church Act 1976;
(ii) ‘the Deed of Union’ means the Deed Poll dated the 20th September
1932 executed by John Scott Lidgett and others pursuant to the
provisions of the 1929 Act, as amended from time to time under the
powers in that behalf contained in the 1929 Act, the 1976 Act and the
Deed of Union;
(iii) ‘the Model Trusts’ means the provisions of Schedule 2 to the 1976 Act,
as amended from time to time under the powers in that behalf contained
in the Model Trusts.
For the 1929 Act see Vol. 1 p. 89, for the 1976 Act Vol. 1 p. 3, for the Deed of Union Book II, Part 1 and
for the Model Trusts Book II, Part 2.
001 The Methodist Church. In these Standing Orders, unless the context otherwise
requires, the expression ‘the Methodist Church’, when used without geographical
qualification, means the united church or denomination referred to by that name in the
Deed of Union and the expressions ‘the Connexion’ and ‘the Church’ are sometimes
used in the same sense.
002 Terms defined in the Deed of Union. (1) In these Standing Orders, unless the
context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the meanings assigned to
them by clause 1 of the Deed of Union:
(i) ‘in the active work’;
(iA) ‘admitted into Full Connexion’;
(ii) ‘Church Council’;
(iii) ‘church courts’;
(iv) ‘Circuit’;
(v) ‘Circuit Meeting’;
(vi) ‘class leader’;
264 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory [002]
(2) The Methodist Churches to be specified for the purpose of the definition of ‘other
autonomous Conferences’ in clause 1 (xxiv) of the Deed are the following:
The Methodist Church of Benin
The Methodist Church, Brazil
The Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas
The Methodist Church of Côte d’Ivoire
The Methodist Church in Fiji
The Methodist Church The Gambia
The Methodist Church, Ghana
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 265
[002] Book III Standing Orders
003 Church Courts and Jurisdictions. In these Standing Orders, unless the context
otherwise requires:
(i) [deleted]
(ii) [deleted]
(iii) ‘overseas Districts’ and ‘overseas station’, have the meanings assigned
to them by clause 1 (xxv) of the Deed of Union and ‘the overseas
Districts’, ‘overseas Synods’, ‘overseas Synod’ and ‘overseas work’ have
corresponding meanings;
In 2009, the last existing overseas District of the Methodist Church was granted autonomy as The Methodist
Church The Gambia; there are therefore now no overseas Districts.
(iv) [deleted]
(v) [deleted]
(vi) ‘the Island Districts’ means the Channel Islands, Isle of Man and
Shetland Districts;
(vii) ‘Local Church’ means (subject to the provisions of Standing Orders 605
and 612) the whole body of members of the Methodist Church connected
with and attending one particular place of worship, and the word ‘church’
is sometimes used in the same sense;
(viii) ‘local’, in connection with church courts or with officers other than local
preachers, means relating to a Local Church;
(ix) ‘Pastoral Committee’, in relation to a Local Church, includes where
appropriate the meeting or committee having under the provisions of
Standing Order 644(11) the responsibilities of a Pastoral Committee.
266 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory [005]
005 […] Presbyters and Deacons. In these Standing Orders, unless the context
otherwise requires:
(i) ‘[…] presbyter in Full Connexion’ means a […] presbyter of the
Methodist Church admitted into Full Connexion, and ‘deacon in Full
Connexion’ has a corresponding meaning;
(ii) ‘student minister’, or ‘student’ in relation to training for […] presbyteral
or diaconal ministry, means a person who has been accepted by the
Conference as a candidate for […] such ministry and is undergoing
training but is not a probationer, and ‘student presbyter’ and ‘student
deacon’ or ‘student’ […] have corresponding meanings […];
(iii) [deleted]
(iv) to ‘appoint’ when used in relation to the action of the Conference means
to assign a minister […] (presbyter or deacon) or probationer to fulfil
ministerial […] duty in a particular Circuit or other station within the
control of the Church;
(v) ‘circuit […] presbyters’ means the […] presbyters in the active work
who are appointed to a Circuit to discharge the responsibilities specified
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 267
[005] Book III Standing Orders
in Standing Order 520, being those whose names appear under the
heading of a Circuit in the stations in accordance with sub-clause (4)(a)
of Standing Order 785 as the Superintendent or among the ministers in
category (i) of that sub-clause;
(vA) ‘circuit deacons’ means deacons who are appointed to exercise diaconal
ministry in a Circuit, being the deacons in the active work whose names
appear, in accordance with sub-clause (4)(a) of Standing Order 785, under
the heading of a Circuit in the stations appointed by the Conference in
category (i) of that sub-clause;
(vi) the circuit ministers […] (presbyters and deacons) of a Circuit, and the
probationers assigned to fulfil ministerial […] duty in circuit work in that
Circuit whose names also appear in the stations in the category referred
to in heads (v) and (vA) above, are referred to as being ‘appointed to’ that
(viA) ‘ministry deployment figure’, in relation to a District, has the meaning
appearing from Standing Order 785(6);
(vii) the ministers […] and probationers appointed to a Circuit, together with
any other ministers […] or probationers whose names appear under the
heading of that Circuit in the stations and who are not merely residing
in the Circuit for the purposes of the stations under the provisions of
Standing Order 785(8)(c) or (d), are referred to as being ‘stationed in’
that Circuit;
(viii) ‘the ministry’ means the body of persons defined in the Deed of Union as
ministers, or the office and work of such persons, and ‘ministerial’ has a
corresponding meaning, but ‘ministry’ normally has a broader meaning, to
include […], where the context so requires, the ministry exercised by lay
people in the Church;
(ix) ‘the diaconate’, when used in relation to the Methodist Church, means
the body of persons defined in the Deed of Union as deacons, or the
office and work of such persons, and ‘diaconal’ has a corresponding
(x) ‘the presbyterate’, when used in relation to the Methodist Church, means
the body of persons defined in the Deed of Union as presbyters, or the
office and work of such persons, and ‘presbyteral’ has a corresponding
The definitions of ‘presbyter’ in Full Connexion’ and ‘deacon in Full Connexion’ should be read in
conjunction with those of ‘presbyter’, ‘deacon’ and ‘admitted into Full Connexion’ in the Deed of Union (Book
II, Part 1). Note that ‘presbyter’ or ‘deacon’ does not include ‘probationer’. See further the note to S.O.
002(1) above.
For the definition of ‘minister’, with effect from 2012, see cl. 1(xix) of the Deed of Union.
Note that persons ‘recognised and regarded’ under clauses 43(b), 44(b), 45 and 45A of the Deed of Union
are ‘presbyters’, or ‘deacons’, but not ‘presbyters in Full Connexion’ or ‘deacons in Full Connexion’ as those
expressions are employed in these Standing Orders.
As to the arrangement of names in the stations see also S.O. 785(4).
As to presbyters, deacons and probationers residing in a Circuit see S.O. 785(8), 774(10) and 775(3).
268 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory [006]
006 Property. (1) In these Standing Orders, unless the context otherwise requires,
the following expressions have the meanings assigned to them by section 2(1) of the
1976 Act or paragraph 1 of the Model Trusts:
(i) ‘church property’;
(ii) ‘land’;
(iii) ‘model trust property’;
(iv) ‘property’;
(v) ‘trust instrument’;
(vi) ‘circuit property’;
(viA) ‘conference property’;
(viB) ‘conference trustees’;
(vii) ‘connexional property’;
(viii) ‘connexional trustees’;
(ix) ‘district property’;
(x) ‘district trustees’;
(xi) ‘general property’;
(xii) ‘local property’;
(xiii) ‘place of worship’;
(xiiiA) [deleted]
(xiv) ‘purposes of the Church’.
For (i)–(v) see Vol. 1, pp. 7–9 and for (vi)–(xiv) Book II, Part 2.
Note that the definition of ‘land’ incorporated by this reference includes, in particular, buildings.
(2) In these Standing Orders ‘chapel’ has the same meaning as ‘place of worship’, as
defined in clause (1) above.
(2A) In these Standing Orders ‘Property Secretary’ or ‘connexional Property Secretary’
means the person appointed in accordance with Standing Order 331(1) to fulfil the duties
assigned in the Model Trusts to the Property Secretary or to the General Secretary of
the board of the Property Division, and in any particular Standing Order includes also
any other person authorised by the Methodist Council to exercise or fulfil the powers,
functions or responsibilities of the Property Secretary under that Standing Order.
(3) (a) In these Standing Orders, unless the context otherwise requires, the
expressions ‘trustees’ and ‘managing trustees’ have, in relation to model trust property,
the meanings assigned to them by paragraph 1 of the Model Trusts, but in relation to
other property both expressions mean all the persons in or among whom the title to and
general powers of management of the property in question are for the time being vested
or distributed.
(b) In these Standing Orders, in relation to model trust property, unless the context
otherwise requires, ‘custodian trustees’ means in relation to property in Great Britain
the Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes, in relation to property in the Isle of Man
the Trustees for Manx Methodist Church Purposes, in relation to property in the Island
of Jersey the Trustees for Jersey Methodist Church Purposes and in relation to property
in the Bailiwick of Guernsey the Trustees for the Bailiwick of Guernsey Methodist Church
Purposes. For the purposes of this sub-clause property other than land is situated in
the territory where the managing trustees of the property meet, except that any general
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 269
[006] Book III Standing Orders
property is situated in the territory specified for this purpose in writing by the Property
For the definitions referred to in (a) see Book II, Part 2.
The Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes were incorporated by s. 3 of the Methodist Church Act 1939
(Vol. 1, p. 37) and their constitution and powers are prescribed by the Act. In particular they are empowered
to receive and hold as trustees or custodian trustees any real or personal property for any purposes
connected with the Methodist Church or any of its component bodies or organisations (s. 10). They are the
custodian trustees of all model trust property (1976 Act, ss. 9–17, Vol. 1, pp. 12–20), except in the Channel
Islands and the Isle of Man.
(4) In these Standing Orders, in relation to model trust property, unless the context
otherwise requires, ‘capital’ means any property deemed to be capital for the purposes of
the administration of the Model Trusts, ‘capital money’ has a corresponding meaning and
‘income’ means any property deemed to be income for those purposes.
See S.O. 915.
007 Other Terms. In these Standing Orders, unless the context otherwise requires:
(i) ‘connexional year’ means a year beginning on the 1st September and
‘year’ means a connexional year unless a calendar year or some other
year is indicated;
(ii) (a) ‘training institution’ means a college or other body, whether or not
wholly Methodist, at which training for lay people […] or ministers […]
is carried on in connection with the Methodist Church;
(b) ‘theological college’ means a college, whether or not wholly
Methodist, at which ministerial […] training is carried on in
connection with the Methodist Church;
(c) [deleted]
(d) ‘oversight tutor’ means an office-holder who is a member of the
Methodist Church appointed by the Conference to have responsibility
on behalf of the relevant oversight committees for the formation,
discipline and pastoral care of students undergoing foundation
training and of student ministers […], and to carry out the specific
duties prescribed elsewhere in Standing Orders.
(iii) ‘the Daily Record’ means the record of the proceedings of the Conference
270 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory [008]
(vi) ‘the Connexional Team’ or ‘the Team’ has the meaning appearing from
Standing Order 302.
008 General Provisions. In these Standing Orders, unless the context otherwise
(i) the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
(ii) masculine words and expressions include the feminine and vice versa;
(iii) [deleted]
(iv) reference to ‘Parts’ and ‘Sections’ by number or to ‘this Part’ or ‘this
Section’ are to the Parts and Sections so identified of these Standing
(v) references to a motion or resolution carried by a majority expressed as
a fraction or percentage of those present and entitled to vote or of those
present and voting are to a motion or resolution carried by the votes of
that fraction or percentage or more of those present and entitled to vote
or of those present and voting, as the case may be;
(vi) references to persons ‘present and voting’ exclude those not voting for
or against, whether or not they are required to be or are enumerated and
recorded as ‘neutrals’;
(viA) references to a majority of any kind, without further qualification, are to
be read as references to a majority of that kind of those present and
voting, understood as in (v) and (vi) above;
(vii) [deleted]
(viii) in Standing Orders prescribing the purposes, responsibilities or
functions of any church fund, body or court ‘ecumenical work’, and other
expressions in which ‘ecumenical’ is used to describe any activity, include
any charitable work or other charitable activity carried on in partnership or
co-operation with one or more other Christian churches or bodies, but in
such ways only as not to involve any conflict with the advancement of the
Christian faith in accordance with the doctrinal standards and discipline
of the Methodist Church, and ‘ecumenically’ in relation to the carrying on
of any such work or activity has a corresponding meaning.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 271
[009] Book III Standing Orders
009 Saving. The provisions of this Section are subject to and shall pro tanto be
displaced by any contrary express provision applicable to any particular Standing Order or
Orders or to any part of a Standing Order.
272 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory
(2) Subject to the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (or any
statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force and any
regulations or orders made or having effect thereunder)
(i) no person who has been convicted of or has received a simple or
conditional caution from the police concerning an offence mentioned in
Schedule 1 to the Children and Young Persons Act 1933 (as amended) or
who otherwise poses a risk to children or young people shall undertake
work with children and young people in the life of the Church;
(ii) no person who has been convicted of or has received a simple or
conditional caution from the police concerning sexual offences against
children shall be appointed to any office, post or responsibility or engaged
under any contract to which this sub-clause applies unless authority for
the appointment or employment has been obtained under clause (5)
See also S.O. 1101(1)(i)(b).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 273
[010] Book III Standing Orders
(ii) [deleted]
(iii) first appointment to a station as a […] presbyteral or diaconal
probationer or, if no such appointment has been made, admission into
Full Connexion as a […] presbyter or deacon;
(iv) first appointment to a station as a […] presbyter or deacon recognised
and regarded as such under the Deed of Union or first entry upon the
stations as a […] person authorised by the Conference to serve as […]
a presbyter or deacon;
(ivA) first appointment to undertake specific acts of ministry under permission
given by the Conference to a person granted the status of associate
presbyter or deacon;
(v) re-admission into Full Connexion as a […] presbyter or deacon;
(vi) any other appointment or re-appointment to any office, post or
responsibility or any engagement or re-engagement under a contract
of service or for services which is at the date of appointment, re-
appointment, engagement or re-engagement specified for this purpose by
the Methodist Council, either generally by reference to categories or by a
ruling in the particular case.
The Conference of 1999 directed that the appointments and engagements specified under this head by
the council, together with any rulings made in particular cases, should be published in Book VI below. See
Part 1 of that book. See Part 1 also for the directions requiring enhanced or standard disclosures, and
in particular the note on page v relating to the proposed vetting and barring scheme due to introduced in
England and Wales during the connexional year 2012–13.
See also S.O. 1101(1)(i)(b).
(4) Clause (2) above shall have effect in relation to persons in any jurisdiction within
the home Districts other than England and Wales as if, in any such jurisdiction in which
any of the legislative provisions there mentioned does not have effect, there were
substituted a reference to the legislation, if any, of similar substance in force in that
jurisdiction from time to time.
(5) (a) If a church court or other appointing body wishes
(i) To grant permission to undertake work with children and young people in
the life of the Church to a person who is not prevented from undertaking
such work by legislation but, in the absence of authority under this
clause, is disqualified from undertaking such work by virtue of clause (2)
(i) above; or
(ii) to appoint to an office, post or responsibility a person who is not
prevented from holding such office, post or responsibility by legislation
but, in the absence of authority under this clause, is disqualified from
holding it by virtue of clauses (2)(ii) and (3) above,
the secretary or convener of the body concerned may request the Secretary of the
Conference to refer the proposed permission or appointment to the Safeguarding Advisory
Panel appointed under Standing Order 232. Any such request shall be accompanied by a
written statement of the reasons for which it is made.
(b) On receiving such a request, the Secretary of the Conference shall refer it to the
convener of the Safeguarding Advisory Panel, who shall arrange for the determination of
274 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory [010]
the reference in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 232. If following the
reference an authorisation to permit or appoint is given, the body concerned may, but
need not, proceed to grant the permission or make the appointment notwithstanding the
provisions of sub-clause (2)(i) or (as the case may be) (ii) above.
(c) No such authorisation shall be given unless the nominated members of the
Safeguarding Advisory Panel are satisfied that:
(i) the circumstances are exceptional; and
(ii) the granting of the permission or making of the appointment will not
expose children or young people to the risk of harm.
(d) If an employing body wishes to engage under a contract a person who is not
prevented from holding such office, post or responsibility by legislation but, in the
absence of authority under this clause, is disqualified from being so engaged by virtue of
clauses (2)(ii) and (3) above, the secretary of that body may request the Secretary of the
Conference to refer the proposed contract to the Safeguarding Advisory Panel and the
procedure set out in sub-clauses (a) and (b) above shall be followed. No authorisation to
employ shall be given unless the nominated members of the Safeguarding Advisory Panel
are satisfied as set out in clause (c)(i) above and that the entry into the contract will not
expose children or young people to the risk of harm.
(6)(a) Subject to paragraph (b) below, a minister or a person holding any other office,
post or responsibility or engaged under any contract to which sub-clause (ii) of clause (2)
above applies who acquires a conviction or who receives a simple or conditional caution
from the police of a kind specified in that sub-clause subsequent to being appointed
to the office, post or responsibility or engaged under the relevant contract shall cease
to exercise any of the duties of a minister or of a person holding that office, post or
responsibility or engaged under that contract unless authorised to do so under clause (7).
(b) In relation to a person employed under a contract of employment, paragraph
(a) above has effect only so far as is consistent with the terms of that contract and
employment legislation.
(c) Any person to whom paragraph (a) above applies must inform the responsible
officer for the purposes of Standing Order 013 (if a person holding an office, post
or responsibility) or his or her employer (if a person engaged under a contract of
employment) of the fact of the conviction or caution as soon as is reasonably possible
after it is acquired or received.
(7) If:
(i) a church court or other body wishes to obtain authority for a minister or
other person falling within clause (6) above to continue to exercise any
of his or her duties; or
(ii) such a minister or other person wishes to obtain such authority;
the secretary or convener of the church court or other body or that
minister or other person (as the case may be) may request the Secretary
of the Conference to refer the matter to the Safeguarding Advisory Panel
and the provisions of clause (5) above shall apply with any necessary
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 275
[010] Book III Standing Orders
(8) The provisions of clauses (6) and (7) above shall cease to have effect if as a
result of a conviction or caution by virtue of which clause (6) applies to a minister or
other person a complaint within the meaning of Standing Order 1101 has been made
against that minister or other person or the matter has been referred to the connexional
Complaints Panel under Standing Order 1121(14) and the responsible person has
exercised the power of suspension given by Standing Order 1105.
276 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory [011]
011 Conduct of the Lord’s Supper. (1) A Circuit which considers that any of its
churches or a significant number of church members or other Christians in the local
community is deprived of reasonably frequent and regular celebration of the sacrament
of the Lord’s Supper through lack of […] presbyters may apply for the authorisation of
persons other than […] presbyters to preside at that sacrament when appointed to do so
on the circuit plan, or on other occasions when authorised by the Superintendent.
(2) (a) Subject to clauses (4) and (5)(a) below all such applications, with reasons
for making them and the consent of the nominee, shall be submitted by the Circuit
Meeting for consideration by the district Policy Committee. The Superintendent of any
Circuit making an application may attend the committee while that application is under
(b) Persons nominated for authorisation to preside at the Lord’s Supper shall be
members in the Circuit, or deacons or probationers appointed or expected to be
appointed to it. The district Policy Committee shall be provided with information as to
the suitability of all persons so nominated, and shall make its recommendations to the
Synod. Such information shall be provided by the Circuit Meeting in the case of members
in the Circuit, by the appropriate member of the Connexional Team in the case of […]
presbyteral probationers, and by the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order in the case
of deacons and diaconal probationers.
(3) All such applications shall be sent, with the recommendations of the district Policy
Committee and the comments of the Synod thereon, to the convener of an Authorisations
Committee appointed for the purpose by the Methodist Council, and the Authorisations
Committee shall report with its recommendations directly to the Conference, which shall
grant such authorisations as it thinks fit, to take effect from the beginning of the next
connexional year. Appeals against the committee’s recommendations shall be heard by
a further committee appointed for the purpose from among the members of the next
Conference by the Methodist Council. The report of the appeals committee shall be
presented together with the general report of the Authorisations Committee.
For the criteria applied by the Authorisations Committee see Book VI, Part 3.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 277
[011] Book III Standing Orders
011A Marriage. (1) The Methodist Church believes that marriage is a gift of God
and that it is God’s intention that a marriage should be a life-long union in body, mind and
spirit of one man and one woman. The Methodist Church welcomes everyone, whether or
not a member, who enquires about an intended marriage in any of its places of worship.
(2) Divorce does not of itself prevent a person being married in any Methodist place of
(3) Under no circumstances does the Conference require any person authorised to
conduct marriages who is subject to the discipline of the Church as a minister, […]
probationer or member to officiate at the marriage of a particular couple should it be
contrary to the dictates of his or her conscience to do so.
(4) A minister, […] probationer or member who is authorised to conduct marriages
but who for reasons of conscience will never officiate at the marriages of couples in
particular circumstances shall refer such couples to an authorised colleague who is not
so prevented.
(5) The Methodist Church opposes discrimination on the basis of gender or race.
Accordingly, if a couple is seeking to be married in a Methodist place of worship no
objection to the performance by a particular minister, […] probationer or member of any
duty in respect of their proposed marriage shall be entertained on such a ground. No
minister, […] probationer or member shall perform the relevant duty or duties in place
of the other person concerned or otherwise assist the couple to make the objection
See further Christian Preparation for Marriage: Methodist Church Policy and Guidelines, at Book VII C, Part 8
below, and Guidelines for Inter-Faith Marriages, ibid., Part 9.
012 Accounts. (1) Methodist money shall not be held in private accounts but in
official bank accounts requiring the signatures of, or electronic authorisation by, two
persons for withdrawals.
This amended provision is in accordance with the guidance on internet banking from the Charity
Commission for England and Wales. In the absence of guidance for other jurisdictions it is considered that
compliance with this published guidance is likely to constitute good practice in these jurisdictions also.
A guidance note has been prepared by the Methodist Council, on the direction of the Conference, on the
safe use of internet banking.
278 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory [012A]
(2) Accounts shall be kept of all money held at connexional, district, circuit or local
church level including that of organisations at any such level. The accounting records
shall include (i) entries showing from day to day all sums of money received and
expended and the matters in respect of which the receipt and expenditure takes place,
and (ii) a record of assets and liabilities. An annual statement of accounts complying with
section 42 of the Charities Act 1993 shall be prepared, including either a statement of
financial activities and balance sheet prepared on the accruals basis and notes to the
accounts or (but only if it is permitted by law and the responsible body so resolves) a
receipts and payments account and statement of assets and liabilities.
Detailed guidance as to accounts is integrated into the Standard Form of Accounts available from the
Connexional Team.
(3) All such accounts shall be audited annually by an auditor in accordance with
section 43(2) of the Charities Act 1993 or examined annually by an independent
examiner in accordance with section 43(3) of that Act, as appropriate. The appointment
of the auditor or examiner shall be made by the body specified in the Standing Order
relating to the fund concerned or, if no body is so specified, by the body responsible for
the fund. The auditor or independent examiner shall report to the appointing body and to
its committee, if any, responsible for finance. The report shall comply with any applicable
regulations and in particular shall state in writing that cash in the hands of treasurers
and at the bank, and all investments, deposits and loans outstanding have been verified
and that receipts and payments have been properly accounted for.
As to the appointment of auditors or examiners in specific cases see S.O. 636 (local funds) and 913(2),
(3) (property funds).
(6) The appointing body under clause (3) above shall adopt and set out with its
annual statement of accounts a reserves policy for each of its funds, and a policy for
the management of any Advance Fund, in accordance with guidance provided by the
Connexional Team. The initial adoption of, and any change in, every such policy requires
the approval of the body designated for that purpose by the Methodist Council.
012A Duties of Treasurers. (1) A treasurer of any Methodist fund is responsible for
the oversight of the fund and of the assets representing it.
(2) Every such treasurer shall ensure that:
(i) any relevant trusts are fulfilled;
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 279
[012A] Book III Standing Orders
(ii) subject to (i), all lawful directions of the Conference are implemented;
(iii) subject to (i) and (ii), the fund is raised and administered in accordance
with the lawful instructions of the committee concerned;
(iv) any relevant advice of the Charity Commission is taken into account;
(v) Standing Order 012 is implemented.
(3) For these purposes a treasurer shall arrange for and participate in the preparation
of budgets and the monitoring of income and expenditure, or shall ensure that adequate
and effective systems are in operation for the discharge of those responsibilities by
(4) Every such treasurer shall at all times have access to and the right to call for all
relevant information, books of account and records.
(5) In addition to any requirements in Standing Orders relating to particular cases the
meeting, committee or other body responsible for the fund concerned may assign to a
treasurer additional duties not in conflict with the responsibilities set out in clauses (2),
(3) and (4) above.
(6) A treasurer shall report on all the above matters to the meeting, committee or
other body concerned.
013 Suspension. (1) Subject to clauses (12) and (13) below, clauses (3) to (11) of
this Standing Order regulate the exercise of office in the Church, including:
(i) in the case of […] presbyters, deacons and probationers all powers,
responsibilities and duties of any appointment to a station within the
control of the Church, but not their status as […] presbyters, deacons or
(ii) in the case of local preachers all responsibilities as such, and the right to
attend Local Preachers’ Meetings, but not their status as local preachers
so named in the circuit plan;
(iii) any exercise of any other lay office in the Church, except in so far as
application of this Standing Order would involve a breach of a contract of
(iv) membership of any meeting or body constituting the managing trustees of
any model trust property.
(2) In this Standing Order:
(i) ‘office-holder’ means a person exercising office in the Church within the
meaning of clause (1) above;
(ii) subject to clauses (12) and (13) below ‘the responsible officer’, in
relation to an office-holder, means, in the case of persons falling within
clause (1)(i) above, the Chair or other person to whom Standing Order
1130(6)(b) or, as the case may be, (c) requires a copy of any charge
brought under the provisions of Part 11 to be sent and, in the case of
a lay person, the Superintendent of the Circuit in which that person is a
(iii) ‘the Pastoral Committee’ means a connexional Pastoral Committee
280 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory [013]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 281
[013] Book III Standing Orders
clauses 8(ii) and (9) below the committee shall ensure that the office-holder is informed
of, and has an adequate opportunity to deal with, the reasons why suspension is
requested, has been imposed or is sought to be varied or extended, and the facts relied
upon in support of those reasons, and subject to that shall determine its own procedure.
It may discharge, vary or extend any suspension already imposed and may itself
impose any suspension within the scope of clause (3) above. If it imposes or extends a
suspension clause (3A) above shall apply to the committee as it does to a responsible
officer in like case.
(7) (a) Where an office is held by virtue of an election or appointment (including the
stations) for a finite period not exceeding one year, the maximum term of any suspension
imposed under this Standing Order, including any extension, shall be until the expiration
of the period of office arising from the latest election or appointment made before, at or
not more than three months after the beginning of the suspension.
(b) Where sub-clause (a) above does not apply the maximum term shall be one year.
(8) There shall be no appeal from a decision of the Pastoral Committee under this
Standing Order, but without prejudice to:
(i) fresh recourse to the procedures of this Standing Order on the basis of
facts not previously existing or not previously known;
(ii) the right to apply for the discharge, variation or extension of
any subsisting suspension on the ground of change of material
(9) Any application under clause (8) (ii) above shall be made to the responsible officer
unless another reference, appeal or application to the Pastoral Committee under clause
(4) or (5) above or this clause is already pending or has been dealt with, in which case
it shall be made to the Pastoral Committee. Application may be by the office-holder or
by any two persons, being ministers […] or members, or (if to the Pastoral Committee)
by the responsible officer. The office-holder or the applicants may appeal to the Pastoral
Committee against any decision of the responsible officer on such an application.
(10) The Pastoral Committee may be differently constituted on different references,
applications or appeals.
(11) When a minister […] or probationer is suspended under this Standing Order
the Circuit or other body responsible shall continue to provide his or her stipend and
shall also reimburse the minister […] or probationer for all expenses within Standing
Order 801(2) which continue during suspension, until the suspension ceases, and he
or she shall for the same period be entitled to continue residing in the manse or other
accommodation provided. Any Circuit or other body making any payment or providing any
accommodation under this clause may apply for a discretionary payment under Standing
Order 365 (7).
(12) In their application to the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Secretary-Elect
of the Conference and to Chairs of Districts clauses (1) to (11) above shall apply with the
following modifications:
(i) ‘the responsible officer’ shall have the meaning given in Standing Order
282 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory [013A]
013A Incapacity and Unfitness of Senior Officers. (1) For the purposes of clause
31(c) of the Deed of Union:
(i) any issue whether the President, Vice-President, Secretary or Secretary-
Elect of the Conference is incapable of acting or unfit to act on grounds
not apt to be the subject of a charge within Part 11 shall be determined
by the Strategy and Resources Committee of the Methodist Council, in
this clause called ‘the committee’;
(ii) if the responsible officer believes that the President, Vice-President,
Secretary or Secretary-Elect of the Conference is so incapable or unfit he
or she shall refer the matter to the committee;
(iii) any two persons, being ministers […] or members, may request the
responsible officer in writing to exercise his or her powers under (ii)
above and, if dissatisfied with the response, may refer the matter to the
(iv) the President, Vice-President, Secretary or Secretary-Elect may appeal to
the Methodist Council against any decision by the committee that he or
she is incapable of acting or unfit to act;
(v) on any reference or appeal under (ii), (iii) or (iv) above the committee or
the council, as the case may be, shall ensure that the President, Vice-
President, Secretary or Secretary-Elect, as the case may be, is informed
of, and has an adequate opportunity to deal with, the reasons why it
is alleged that he or she is incapable of acting or unfit to act, and the
facts relied upon in support of those reasons, and subject to that shall
determine its own procedure, and on any such appeal the decision of the
council shall be final;
(vi) [revoked]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 283
[013A] Book III Standing Orders
(vii) the committee to fill a casual vacancy not otherwise filled shall be the
Methodist Council.
As to the Methodist Council and its Strategy and Resources Committee see S.O. 210 and 213.
(2) For the purposes of clause 42 (c) and (d) of the Deed of Union:
(i) any issue whether a Chair is incapable of acting or unfit to act on grounds
not apt to be the subject of a charge within Part 11 shall be determined
by the Pastoral Committee, as defined in Standing Order 013(2)(iii);
(ii) if the responsible officer believes that a Chair is so incapable or unfit he
or she shall refer the matter to the Pastoral Committee;
(iii) any two persons, being ministers […] or members, may request the
responsible officer in writing to exercise his or her powers under (ii) above
and if dissatisfied with the response, may refer the matter to the Pastoral
(iv) on any reference to the Pastoral Committee under (ii) or (iii) above it shall
ensure that the Chair is informed of, and has an adequate opportunity
to deal with, the reasons why it is alleged that he or she is incapable
of acting or unfit to act, and the facts relied upon in support of those
reasons, and subject to that shall determine its own procedure and its
decision shall be final.
(3) For the purposes of clauses (1) and (2) above ‘the responsible officer’ in relation to
the Vice-President, Secretary or Secretary-Elect of the Conference or a Chair means the
President and in relation to the President means the Vice-President [...].
013B Racism. The Methodist Church believes that racism is a denial of the gospel.
See also S.O. 050.
014 Gambling and other Activities. (1) Subject to any specific resolution of the
Conference it is not permissible in any circumstances to raise funds for Church purposes
by any form of gambling which could not be permitted on Methodist premises under
Standing Order 924.
(2) Entertainments and diversions forbidden on Methodist premises by Standing
Orders 925 and 927 shall not be held elsewhere in the name of the Church and no
entertainment inconsistent with Standing Order 927(1) may be arranged by any Methodist
(3) Activities relating to intoxicants and forbidden on Methodist premises by Standing
Order 922 clauses (1) to (3), shall not take place elsewhere as part of any publicly
advertised event using the name of the Methodist Church unless:
(i) the body authorising the use of the name of the Methodist Church has
authority to do so and, having considered its social responsibility and
the witness which will be given, has explicitly approved the activities in
question, or
(ii) the event is organised in conjunction with partners who are not governed
by any similar restrictions, and (in either case)
284 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory [015]
(iii) all public announcements of the event contain an explicit warning that
intoxicants will be available, and
(iv) suitable alternatives are provided.
015 Archives. (1) All minute books, account books, and baptismal, burial and
marriage registers, and any other records relating to district, circuit and local church
affairs which are deemed worthy of permanent preservation by the district archivist
and recipient archivists, when no longer needed for current reference in the conduct of
business, shall be deposited on permanent loan with a public authority having appropriate
repository facilities.
As to certain connexional records see S.O. 125.
As to district minutes see also S.O. 415.
As to the functions of the district archivist see S.O. 473.
(1A) Subject to Standing Order 125, connexional records no longer needed for current
use and worthy of permanent preservation shall be deposited on similar terms in the
connexional archives. In the process of deciding what records should be so deposited
the managing trustees or other persons responsible for them shall obtain and take into
account the advice of the liaison officer for Methodist archives.
As to the liaison officer for Methodist archives see S.O. 337(4).
(2) The responsibility for supervising and arranging the deposit of church records shall
rest with the responsible supervisor.
(2A) For the purposes of this Standing Order ‘the responsible supervisor’ in relation to
local church and circuit records means the Superintendent, in relation to district records
means the Chair and in relation to connexional records means the relevant secretary or
(3) Unless the deposited material has already been made public, and subject to clause
(3A) below, there shall be a restriction on access of thirty years from the date of the last
entry in the relevant document except where the responsible supervisor for the time
being otherwise informs the depositee in writing, either on the occasion of the deposit
or subsequently. Any variation may lengthen, shorten, remove or suspend the restriction
otherwise applicable and may be general or relate to specific documents or categories of
documents or to inspection by specific persons.
(3A) A restriction on access of seventy five years from the date of the last entry
in the relevant document shall apply to records of a confidential nature, including
correspondence, papers and machine-readable records containing personal details of a
sensitive nature relating to individuals in respect of complaints, disciplinary procedures,
interviews, invitations, stationing, pastoral matters, case-studies and assessment files,
and the responsible supervisor shall inform the depositee accordingly in writing whenever
such records are deposited.
(3B) For the avoidance of doubt records deposited before the 1st September 1994
shall be subject to the provisions of clauses (3) and (3A) above.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 285
[015] Book III Standing Orders
(3C) Records deposited on permanent loan may be removed temporarily for display
purposes or for legal reasons provided that satisfactory arrangements are made for their
safe custody.
(4) Nothing in this Standing Order derogates from the rights and duties of the owners
of any records or of the managing trustees of any records which are model trust property,
including their rights of access.
016 Nominations. Where provision is made in these Standing Orders for the
nomination or proposal of a name or names by a committee or officer to an appointing
or nominating body for appointment or nomination respectively by that body then in the
absence of provision to the contrary members of that body may add other names before
the vote takes place and unless some other procedure is specified may do so orally when
the business is called.
016A Single Transferable Vote. (1) When the Conference or any other body is
required by Standing Order to hold an election by single transferable vote or resolves to
do so (as it may at any time unless Standing Orders require otherwise) it shall be done in
accordance with this Standing Order.
Elections are required to be held by single transferable vote under S.O. 103(2) (Conference-elected
representatives) and 110(6) (President and Vice-President).
(2) The name of every candidate shall be listed on the ballot paper. Every voter shall
enter on the ballot paper the number 1 against the name of the candidate to whom he
or she gives first preference, and may enter further numbers (2, 3 and so on) against
the names of some or all of the other candidates in order of preference. No voter may
place more than one number against any name, nor the same number against more than
one name; a voting paper shall not be valid unless the voter’s first preference is clearly
expressed, and no preference shall be effective which is expressed in breach of this
clause or is lower than one which is so expressed.
(3) When the number of valid voting papers has been counted the number necessary
to obtain the required majority shall be determined, and, unless some specified majority
greater than a clear majority is required by the Deed of Union or Standing Orders, shall
be calculated by dividing the total number of valid voting papers by one more than the
number of places to be filled, and taking the number, to two decimal places, next above
the exact quotient.
(4) The candidate or candidates (if any) who have the required majority of first
preference votes are thereby elected.
(5) Subject to clause (4) above vacancies shall be filled by the transfer of votes in
accordance with the following clauses, and after each transfer the further candidate or
candidates (if any) who have the required majority of votes are thereby elected.
(5A) Any candidate who has died, withdrawn or become ineligible for election or
incapable of acting is thereby excluded, and the returning officer’s ruling on any question
of ineligibility or incapacity shall be final.
(6) If at any time there is no elected candidate, or none has more than the required
286 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory [016A]
majority of votes remaining, then the unelected candidate with the fewest votes is thereby
excluded or, if there is a tie, the tied candidate with the fewest first preference votes
or if there is still a tie the candidate with the fewest second preference votes, and so
on through successive preferences until the tie is broken, or if there is ultimately a tie
throughout the preferences then the tied candidate chosen by lot to be excluded.
(6A) The votes of a candidate excluded under clause (5A) or (6) above shall be
transferred in accordance with the provisions of clauses (8) and (9) below unless the
number of continuing candidates after that exclusion is equal to the remaining vacancies,
in which case they are all thereby elected.
(7) If at any time one or more elected candidates have more than the required majority
of votes then the surplus shall be transferred in accordance with the provisions of
clauses (8) and (10) below, taking first the candidate with the largest surplus, and if there
is a tie casting lots.
(8) A transferred vote shall go to the continuing candidate with the highest effective
preference on the voting paper. If there is no such candidate the voting paper is not
available for transfer of votes.
(9) Votes transferred from an excluded candidate under clause (6A) above are
transferred at face value.
(10) The transfer of surplus votes from an elected candidate under clause (7) above
is effected by transferring all the available voting papers in the batch most recently
allocated to that candidate, but at a reduced value in votes obtained by taking the face
value of each such voting paper before the current transfer, multiplied by the number of
surplus votes for that candidate and divided by the face value of all the voting papers
(available for transfer or not) in that batch. The value of each transferred voting paper
shall be calculated as exactly as is reasonably practicable and the total number of votes
transferred to each recipient shall be rounded down in the second decimal place if
(11) The face value of a voting paper shall initially be one vote, and at any time
thereafter shall be one vote or the fractional part of a vote which it carries by virtue of the
operation up to that time of clauses (9) and (10) above, and which shall be endorsed on
its face or on the face of a bundle of equally valued voting papers.
(12) In the above clauses, for the avoidance of doubt and, if required, by way of
(i) ‘effective’ in relation to a preference has the meaning given in clause (2);
(iA) ‘valid voting papers’ means all voting papers completed in accordance
with clause (2) except any which express only preferences for one or
more candidates who have all at the relevant time become liable to be
excluded for one of the reasons specified in clause (5A);
(ii) ‘required majority’ has the meaning given in clause (3);
(iii) a ‘continuing’ candidate is one who at the relevant time has not been
elected or excluded;
(iv) ‘available’ in relation to the transfer of votes has the meaning given in
clause (8);
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 287
[016A] Book III Standing Orders
017 Annotations. The annotations to these Standing Orders in small type are
inserted for information and assistance only; they are not part of the Standing Orders and
except where otherwise stated have no authority, save that the notes to the Agendas of
particular meetings and committees in Part 10 are authorised by the Conference.
017A Office of the Conference. The office of the Secretary of the Conference shall
be the office of the Conference for the purposes of the Methodist Church Act 1976 and
any other legislation.
See section 21(2) of the Act, Vol. 1. p.23.
018 Employment of Lay Persons. (1) This Standing Order applies to all connexional,
district, circuit and local bodies of the Church and all other bodies under the authority of
the Conference insofar as any such body employs lay persons.
(2) Every such body shall comply with the legislation for the time being in force
governing the supply to each employee of documents and information as to the terms of
employment, and with the relevant Standing Orders.
For the relevant Standing Orders see in particular S.O. 438A and note also S.O. 570 and 575.
(3) Every such body shall publish and implement an equal opportunities policy
statement substantially to the effect of that distributed under Standing Order 438A(3)(iv).
The Conference of 2010, in receiving the report upon the Notice of Motion ‘. . . .Racism is a Denial of
the Gospel’, encouraged Districts, Circuits and Local Churches to incorporate a commitment to equality
in all future job descriptions and adopt a model Code of Conduct for employees. The Connexional Team is
currently developing a ‘Dignity at Work’ policy.
288 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory [019A]
018A Notice of Disputes. (1) Every church court shall at once inform the
Connexional Team if any of the following situations arises, unless Standing Order 931 (5)
or (6) applies and is being implemented:
(i) any action is brought against the church court;
(ii) any dispute or difference between it and another party is submitted to a
statutory tribunal or similar body or to arbitration, or becomes the subject
of an appeal or official enquiry;
(iii) it contemplates bringing any action or making any application to a
statutory tribunal or similar body or referring or joining in a reference to
arbitration of any dispute or difference between it and another party.
(2) Clause (1) above shall also apply if the party or prospective party to the action,
application, dispute or difference is not the church court itself but one of its officers or
members and the subject-matter is within its responsibilities.
019 Data Protection [...]. (1) All connexional, district, circuit, [...] local and other
Methodist bodies, and all societies, institutions and other organizations subsidiary or
ancillary to the Methodist Church shall comply with the Data Protection Acts for the time
being in force and with any regulations or orders made or having effect under [...] such
(2) In particular, every such body shall be registered, where required to do so, with the
relevant Commissioner or other authority, as specified in clause (3) below.
(3) In England and Wales, and in Scotland, any such body may be registered separately
by giving the required notification directly to the relevant authority (the Information
Commissioner’s Office) [...], and shall do so if the [...] notification by [...] the Trustees
for Methodist Church Purposes (‘the Board’) is not sufficiently comprehensive for its
purposes. Every such body which is thus registered directly with the Commissioner shall
notify the Board in writing of that fact. Every such body which has not so notified the
Board will be registered under the Board’s [...] notification.
In other jurisdictions, any such body must register separately with the appropriate
authority as required by the relevant legislation.
Further detail about the applicability of the Data Protection legislation is provided in a booklet available
from the Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes.
(4) The Synod, Circuit Meeting, Church Council or other responsible authority of
each body registered under the Board’s [...] notification shall indemnify the Board, as
Data Controller, against the consequences of any breach of the [...] Data Protection
legislation, regulations or orders committed by any officer (ministerial […] or lay), meeting
or committee of that body or by any other person or persons holding data relating to its
019A Conflicts of Interest. (1) This Standing Order applies to situations, not
covered by Standing Order 919, in which a trustee of Methodist property or member of
a church court has a financial interest in any question falling to be considered by the
relevant trustees or church court.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 289
[019A] Book III Standing Orders
S.O. 919 deals more specifically with the position of managing trustees of model trust property.
For the definition of ‘church courts’ see Deed of Union, cl. 1(iv) (Vol. 2, Book II, Part 1).
(2) This Standing Order has effect so far as any applicable trust instrument permits.
(3) In the remainder of this Standing Order provisions applicable to a church court or
its members shall, subject to clause (2) above, apply equally to trustees within the scope
of this Standing Order.
(4) A member of a church court with such an interest shall, if present, disclose it to
the other members present before the discussion of the relevant question opens, if it
is on the agenda, or, if it is not, as soon as it is raised, and shall not preside over any
discussion or vote on any resolution relating to that question. Such a member shall
withdraw from the meeting while the question is discussed and any resolutions voted
upon unless, after disclosure of interest:
(i) a majority of the other members present approves that member’s
remaining and contributing to the discussion; or
(ii) a majority of the other members present approves that member’s
remaining on terms that he or she shall not contribute to the discussion
unless asked by the person presiding over the discussion to comment on
a particular point or points, in which event his or her contribution shall be
limited accordingly.
(5) For the purposes of this Standing Order a member has a financial interest in a
question if it involves or may involve a decision whether or not the church court shall:
(i) enter into any contract with that member; or
(ii) do anything which will or may lead to the receipt of any remuneration or
other benefit in money or money’s worth or the incurring of any liability
by that member or to the loss of or release from or a change in any such
remuneration, benefit or liability; or
(iii) sell property to or buy property from that member
whether, in any of those cases, the member in question acts alone or jointly with one or
more other persons.
(6) A member of a church court shall not be liable to account to that court or to any
fund administered by it for any benefit received (whether directly or indirectly) from such a
financial interest if the liability would have arisen solely from the existence of that interest
and he or she:
(i) is not present at the meeting at which the relevant decision is made and
has not sought to influence that decision; or
(ii) is present at the relevant meeting and has complied with clause (4)
290 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory
030 Scope of Section. (1) The provisions of this Section relate to students and
probationers in training or on trial for the […] presbyterate or the diaconate and in this
Section ‘student’ and ‘probationer’ shall be construed accordingly.
(2) The provisions of Standing Orders 031 to 034 shall apply when the oversight
committee concerned recommends discontinuance (that is to say that a student cease
training or that a probationer be not continued on trial or be not recommended for
ordination, as the case may be) but there is no charge which would, if established, put in
question his or her standing as a member of the Church or as a local preacher.
As to oversight of presbyteral and diaconal probation, see S.O. 725.
(2A) The provisions of Standing Orders 031 to 034 shall also apply when a case has
been referred by a complaints team appointed under Standing Order 1122 with a request
to consider discontinuance but subject to the following modifications:
(i) the words ‘the lead member of the complaints team’ shall be substituted
for the words ‘the officers of the relevant oversight committee’ in
Standing Order 031(1A);
(ii) the words ‘the lead member of the complaints team’ shall be substituted
for the words ‘officer of the oversight committee concerned’ in Standing
Order 031(2).
(3) For the purposes of this Section the oversight committee concerned is:
(i) for […] presbyteral students the […] Presbyteral Candidates and
Probationers Oversight Committee or the local oversight committee
appointed under Standing Order 321(4);
(ii) [deleted];
(iii) for […] presbyteral probationers, including those who are in part-time
circuit appointments, the […] Presbyteral Candidates and Probationers
Oversight Committee or the district Probationers’ Committee; and
(iv) for diaconal students and probationers the Diaconal Candidates and
Probationers Oversight Committee.
For the district Probationers’ Committee see S.O. 484.
For the Presbyteral Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee see S.O. 321, and for the Diaconal
Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee see S.O. 326.
(4) If during the annual review of the progress of students and probationers the
question of discontinuance of a student or probationer arises for the first time at some
stage later than that referred to in clause (2) above then so much of the procedure
prescribed in Standing Orders 031 to 034, or an analogous procedure, shall be followed,
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 291
[030] Book III Standing Orders
and with such adaptations, as the church courts considering the case think fit.
(5) If there is a charge against a student or probationer within the terms of Standing
Order 1101(1)(viii) then it shall be dealt with under Part 11 whether or not there are
circumstances such that, but for the charge, the provisions of Standing Orders 031 to
034 would have applied, and if there are also such circumstances every church court
dealing with the charge shall also consider the question of discontinuance, shall have the
same powers in that regard as if it were responsible for dealing with that question under
Standing Orders 031 to 034 and shall in that regard follow as much of the procedure
prescribed under those Standing Orders, or an analogous procedure, and with such
adaptations, as it thinks fit.
031 Initial Committee. (1) When this Standing Order applies a connexional
Review Committee, consisting of five persons, shall be appointed by the Secretary of the
Conference, who shall appoint one member of the committee to be its secretary, and that
committee shall be convened by its secretary to consider the question of discontinuance
and make a recommendation to the Conference.
(1A) The member of the Connexional Team responsible for student […] presbyters,
student deacons, […] presbyteral probationers or diaconal probationers, as the case
may be, shall be responsible with the officers of the relevant oversight committee for
collating and presenting a statement of the grounds for recommending discontinuance
and any reports or other documents which it is intended to place before the connexional
Review Committee. These shall be submitted to the secretary of the committee who shall
immediately supply a copy to the student or probationer concerned.
(lB) The secretary of the connexional Review Committee shall ensure that students
and probationers are aware of their right to be accompanied each by a friend and shall
encourage and assist them to avail themselves of that right. To that end the President
shall maintain a list of persons, including senior […] presbyters and deacons, willing to
act as friends.
(2) At the meeting of the committee the case for discontinuance shall be presented by
the appropriate member of the Connexional Team or officer of the oversight committee
concerned. The student or probationer shall have the right to attend and respond and to
be accompanied by a friend, who shall also have the right to speak. The committee shall
not meet until at least fourteen days after the secretary has supplied to the student or
probationer the statement of grounds and any other documents obtained in accordance
with clause (1A) above.
(3) Members of the committee who wish to raise any matter not referred to in the
written statement of grounds shall do so before the student or probationer leaves the
meeting and both the person presenting the case for discontinuance and the student or
probationer shall be given an opportunity to deal with it (for which purpose the meeting
shall be adjourned if necessary); no fresh matter shall be raised after the student or
probationer has left.
(3A) The meeting may also be adjourned at the request of the person presenting the
case for discontinuance to enable him or her to make further inquiries in respect of
292 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory [034]
material put before the meeting by the student or probationer of which less than seven
days’ notice has been given and to report the result of those inquiries to the meeting.
Copies of any additional documents relevant to those inquiries shall be supplied to the
student or probationer concerned not less than seven days before the adjourned meeting.
(4) The secretary shall take notes of the proceedings which with the written statement
of grounds shall form the basis of the committee’s report in the case of an appeal.
(5) The recommendation of the committee shall be communicated to the student or
probationer in writing.
034 Decisions upon Appeals. The secretary of the Review Committee or, if there
has been an appeal, the reporting officer of the Appeal Committee, shall report to the
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 293
[034] Book III Standing Orders
294 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory
040 Failure to Fulfil Obligations. (1) Where it is alleged or appears to the Chair
that a minister […] in the active work has persistently or repeatedly failed adequately
to fulfil his or her obligations, but there appears to be no ground for a charge under the
provisions of Part 11, the Chair may, upon receipt of a [...] reasoned request in writing
from the Superintendent, a circuit steward, or any other member of the Circuit Meeting
concerned or on his or her own initiative, request the Chair of another District to appoint
a Consultative Committee to consider the matter.
(2) A Chair so requested under clause (1) or (4) or directed under clause (3) shall
appoint such a committee, consisting of [...] five [...] persons, being stationed in or
members in the District or neighbouring Districts. They shall not include the Chair
referring the case nor any members of a curtailment committee which has referred the
case under Standing Order 544(9), nor any person from the Circuit in which the person
[...] concerned is stationed. The committee shall include a convener and the appointing
Chair, who shall preside.
S.O. 544 concerns the curtailment of the period of a minister’s invitation or appointment to a Circuit.
(3) If the Chair declines to refer any [...] such request to such a committee, appeal
may be made by the [...] person making it to the President, and if the President or the
Vice-President on his or her behalf upholds the appeal he or she shall direct the Chair
of another District to appoint such a committee and shall refer the [...] request to it in
accordance with clause (1) above.
(4) The Chair shall also request the appointment of such a Consultative Committee
if a case is referred by a complaints team appointed under Standing Order 1122 or
by a district curtailment committee under Standing Order 544(9) or by the Stationing
Committee under Standing Order 782(8) or 783(7), and in such a case the procedure
prescribed in this Standing Order shall apply, with any necessary changes.
As to S.O. 544 see the note to cl. (2) above. S.O. 782(8) and 783(7) concern ministers for whom no
station can be found.
(4A) Where the person [...] concerned is a deacon, his or her Chair shall inform the
Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order of any request or direction made under the
above clauses.
(5) The person [...] concerned shall receive from his or her Chair a written statement
of the failures alleged and, if the committee is convened following a referral by a
connexional complaints team, a copy of the documents on the basis of which the
complaints team made its decision and of that decision. The committee shall meet with
the person concerned and discuss with him or her the matters which have been referred
to them, and shall have power to require a medical or psychological report, to interview
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 295
[040] Book III Standing Orders
the [...] person making the request, and to make such other inquiries as may be required
in order to arrive at a full understanding of the case. The person concerned may be
accompanied by a friend.
(6) The duty of the committee shall be to establish whether there has been failure of
the kind alleged, in whole or in part, and if so to determine what should in its judgment
be done to remedy the cause. To that end the committee shall have power to require the
person concerned to comply with any reasonable conditions which the committee judges
may deal with the cause of the failure established. The requirements of the committee
shall be communicated in writing to the person concerned, that person’s Chair and also,
in the case of a deacon, the Warden. The person making the [...] request under clause (1)
above or the lead member of the connexional complaints team (as the case may require)
shall be informed in general terms of the outcome of the process under this Section and,
in the latter case, the lead member shall convey that information to the members of the
team and the person making the complaint under Part 11.
(6A) In performing its duty under clause (6) above, the committee shall ensure that
the person concerned has copies of all documents before the committee (including
responses to letters written by the committee) and is informed of the substance of any
information given to the committee orally and of the names of the persons who have
provided information. The committee shall seek information from any person whom the
person concerned reasonably requests the committee to approach and shall supply
the person concerned with a copy of any written response and inform him or her of the
substance of any oral response. The committee shall give the person concerned a fair
opportunity to comment on all documents and information before it, where possible at a
meeting with the committee and if not, in writing. The committee shall seek expert advice
on the physical and mental health of the person concerned if his or her state of health is
relevant and it is appropriate to seek such advice in the interests of fairness.
(6B) Notwithstanding the provisions of Part 11 relating to the duties of the district
Complaints Support Group in cases in which the committee is convened following a
referral by a connexional complaints team, it shall be the responsibility of the chair of
the committee to ensure that, taking account of the support given by that group where
relevant, the person concerned, any person making [...] the request about that person
under clause (1) above and any person making a complaint which has led to a referral by
such a team, and those connected with them, are entrusted, during the process under
this Standing Order and at its conclusion, to appropriate pastoral care.
(7) It shall be the duty of every minister […] concerned to meet the committee when
called upon to do so and to comply with its requirements made under clause (6) above.
(8) The cost of any of the remedies prescribed by the committee under clause (6)
above shall be a charge upon the Methodist Church Fund under Standing Order 365(6)
(9) If as a result of the action of the committee under clause (6) above it becomes
necessary for the person concerned to be without appointment the committee shall so
direct and the provisions of Standing Order 774(9), except the last sentence, shall apply.
S.O. 774(9) concerns the position of a minister without appointment because no station can be found.
296 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory [042]
(10) The committee shall appoint a person or persons to monitor the progress of the
actions it has initiated under clause (6) above and shall satisfy itself that the cause of
the failure is being addressed.
(11) The person [...] concerned may within one week of receiving the written
communication under clause (6) above appeal against the action of the committee to the
President, and the President or the Vice-President on his or her behalf [...] may appoint
a committee to hear the appeal and advise [...] on a reply. The reply of the President or
Vice-President upon the appeal shall be final.
(12) If at any time it appears to the Consultative Committee that the matters raised
are such as to warrant consideration whether a charge or charges should be brought
under the provisions of Part 11 they shall immediately refer the case to the relevant
connexional Team member as defined in Standing Order 1101(1) to be investigated under
Standing Orders 1122 to 1124 as if the chair of the committee were the complainant
and no further action shall be taken by the committee under this Standing Order unless
the connexional complaints team after investigation decides not to refer the matter for
the preparation of a charge or to follow one of the alternative procedures specified in
Standing Order 1123(5).
042 Inability to Fulfil Requirements. (1) If in any case not dealt with under
Standing Order 041 the committee judges that its action under Standing Order 040(6)
has failed to achieve its intention it may review the case and give further directions under
that clause or may refer the matter to the convener of the connexional Panel responsible
for Pastoral Committees, who shall appoint five members of that panel, of whom not
less than two shall be […] presbyters in the case of a […] presbyter, and not less than
two deacons in the case of a deacon, to constitute a connexional Pastoral Committee to
investigate the matter and reach a judgment.
(2) Clauses (1) and (2) of Standing Order 1102 shall apply, with any necessary
changes, to the appointment of the Pastoral Committee and the conduct of the
investigation, but subject to those requirements the committee shall have power to
regulate its own procedure. The convener shall ensure that the person concerned is
aware of the right to be accompanied by a representative and, where the convener thinks
it necessary, shall encourage and assist him or her to make use of that right. If requested
by the person concerned, the President or the Vice-President on his or her behalf shall
suggest the names of three persons willing to act as representatives in the case.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 297
[042] Book III Standing Orders
(3) The Pastoral Committee may in a matter referred to it under this Standing Order
adjudge that the minister […] shall be without appointment at his or her own charges
or become a supernumerary (and in such a case shall direct what allowances or other
payments and what other provisions shall be made), or may impose some lesser
requirement. In all such cases the committee shall determine at what date its judgment
shall take effect.
(4) The person concerned may appeal from the Pastoral Committee to a connexional
Appeal Committee, and thence to the Conference, or, in the case of a deacon, the
Conference Diaconal Committee, and in relation to such appeals Standing Orders 1140
to 1145 shall apply, with any necessary changes.
(5) Any payments to be made as a result of a direction under clause (3) above shall be
a charge upon the Methodist Church Fund under Standing Order 365(6)(iii).
(6) If as a result of proceedings under the provisions of this Section a minister […]
offers to resign, the relevant advisory committee may recommend that a payment be
made from the Methodist Church Fund under Standing Order 365(7)(iii).
(7) The case of a minister […] who has been designated ‘without appointment’ under
Standing Order 040 or this Standing Order shall be reported to the Stationing Advisory
Committee. If the person concerned seeks to return to the active work he or she shall
apply to the President, in which case the application shall be considered and determined
as set out in clauses (1) to (10) of Standing Order 761, with any necessary changes.
298 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory
Section 05 Membership
Standing Order Page
050 Admission............................................................................................... 299
051 Members of other Methodist Churches...................................................... 300
052 Other Cases............................................................................................ 301
053 Re-admission after Discipline.................................................................... 301
054 Oversight................................................................................................. 302
055 Transfers................................................................................................. 303
056 Appeals................................................................................................... 304
057 Resignation............................................................................................. 305
For the provisions concerned with baptism, see cl. 6 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) and S.O. 010A.
The provisions of S.O.s 050 to 052 are supplemental to those of cls. 7 and 8 of the Deed of Union (Book
II, Part 1) which prescribe the main elements of the procedure for admission to membership of the Methodist
Church, and those clauses should be referred to for their precise terms. In summary: (i) candidates for
membership not already baptized should receive baptism; (ii) candidates require the approval of the Church
Council; (iii) those approved by the council should generally be publicly received as members and (if not
already confirmed) confirmed at a service; (iv) provision is to be made for the Christian nurture of children
and young people.
The basis of membership in the Methodist Church is stated in cl. 8(a) of the Deed of Union (Book II,
Part 1).
050 Admission. (1) The Church Council shall itself or through the Pastoral
Committee arrange preparation classes for all candidates for membership. Such
preparation shall include an introduction to the doctrines, discipline and formal
statements of the Methodist Church, including its belief that racism is a denial of the
gospel. The classes shall be led by a […] presbyter or other suitable person and shall
be such as to prepare each candidate for the commitment involved in membership of the
Methodist Church and to enable the leader to report to the council, directly or through
the committee, as to the matters of which the council must be satisfied under clause (4)
See S.O. 013B for the statement of belief as to racism.
(2) The Church Council shall keep in constant review the names of the children growing
up in the Local Church and provide for their needs at each stage of their development.
When they sincerely desire to serve Jesus Christ and are receiving regular instruction in
the Bible and the Faith they shall be treated as candidates for membership. Before such
children are admitted into membership the classes in which they have been meeting shall
take the form of, or be supplemented by, the preparation class required by clause (1)
(3) Where candidates for membership are pupils in a Methodist independent school
the Church Council responsible under clauses 8 and 9 of the Deed of Union and this
Standing Order shall be that of the nearest appropriate Local Church, as arranged
between the chaplain of the school and the Superintendent of the Circuit.
See also S.O. 621 and 631(3).
(4) Before approving admission to membership the Church Council shall be satisfied of
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 299
[050] Book III Standing Orders
each candidate’s sincere acceptance of the basis of membership in the Methodist Church
as shown by evidence of life and conduct, by fidelity to the ordinances of the Church and
by the maintenance of Christian fellowship in the means of grace.
As to persons received from other Christian communions see cl. 8(e) of the Deed of Union and S.O. 052.
As to re-admission after discipline see SO 053, and after resignation SO 057.
(5) A public service of reception into membership and confirmation should be held at
least once a year either for a Local Church or for a group of Local Churches, and further
such services may be held at any time. A service will not include confirmation if all the
candidates have already been confirmed.
(6) If any candidate approved by the Church Council is unavoidably absent from any
such service the […] presbyter or probationer exercising pastoral responsibility in
relation to the Local Church shall arrange for his or her reception and (if not already
confirmed) confirmation at a suitable time and place in the presence of members of the
Local Church.
(2) Nevertheless, if such members retain strong links with their home churches and
wish to retain their membership there, they may be admitted into membership of the
Church without such a transfer upon compliance with clause (3) below.
(3) Before admitting such a person to membership the Church Council shall:
(i) satisfy itself that the applicant is currently a member in good standing
with another Methodist church overseas (‘the home church’); and
(ii) obtain confirmation that the discipline of the home church permits the
dual membership contemplated; and
(iii) inform the applicant’s minister, class leader and pastoral committee in
the home church, or the persons with comparable duties, of its intention
to act under this Standing Order and of the effect of doing so.
(4) Having complied with clause (3) above the Church Council shall admit such persons
to membership of the Methodist Church and they shall then have all the privileges and
duties of members and be subject in all respects to the discipline of the Methodist
Church as members. In particular clauses 9 and 10 of the Deed of Union, Part 11 of
Standing Orders and Standing Orders 054, 055, clauses (1) to (5), and 056 shall apply,
subject to clauses (5) and (6) below.
(5) It shall be the responsibility of the Church Council and Pastoral Committee of
the Local Church of which such a person is for the time being a member, and the
[…] presbyter and class leader with pastoral responsibility, to co-operate fully with
the corresponding bodies and persons in the home church in maintaining pastoral
care of that member, and in particular the Pastoral Committee shall consult with the
corresponding body in the home church whenever a question arises as to a disciplinary
300 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory [053]
charge under Part 11 or as to lapse of membership for persistent absence under clause
10(a) of the Deed of Union and shall inform that body of any action taken.
(6) When such a member returns to the territory of the home church the Pastoral
Committee shall record the fact that he or she has ceased for that reason to be a
member of the Church, but shall do so in a separate category from lapse or transfer and
shall inform the appropriate officer of the home church.
052 Other Cases. (1) Where Standing Order 051 does not apply members in
good standing of any recognised Christian communion may be received as members in
accordance with clause 8(b) of the Deed of Union. Standing Order 010A and clauses (5)
and (6) of Standing Order 050 shall be implemented.
S.O. 010A concerns baptism, and 050(5) and (6) provide for the public service of reception.
For guidance produced by the Faith and Order Committee as to the procedure to be followed, in particular
in relation to the service of reception, see Book VII C, Part 13 below.
053 Re-admission after Discipline. (1) The Conference, mindful of the purpose for
which the Methodist Church was raised up and believing in the possibility of repentance
and forgiveness, declares that any person expelled from membership under Part 11 may
at any time be admitted again after application to a Church Council. Re-admission shall
take place only if the council, in the light of all the relevant evidence, is satisfied that
the person concerned is sincerely penitent and has made, or is prepared to make, such
reparation as is possible.
(2) In all cases where a person ceased to be a member as a result of a decision of a
Discipline Committee or a connexional committee or the Conference under Part 11 or by
the action of the President or the Conference under clause (6) of Standing Order 760 or
clause (2) or (3) of Standing Order 727 the Chair of the relevant District or the Secretary
of the Conference (as the case may require) shall be consulted before the person is re-
admitted. Where the person was previously a deacon, diaconal probationer or student
deacon, the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order shall also be consulted.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 301
[054] Book III Standing Orders
054 Oversight. (1) The names of all persons, whether children or adults, who have
been baptized shall be entered into a baptism register kept for the purpose in each Local
Church or Circuit.
(2) A roll of baptized children shall be kept and periodically reviewed by the Church
Council of each Local Church. The council shall satisfy itself that all possible oversight of
such children is maintained and suitable instruction given, as they are able to receive it,
to prepare them for Christian discipleship.
This clause concerns the Baptismal Roll, commonly called the ‘Cradle Roll’, kept with a view to the
pastoral care and Christian nurture of baptized children. As to the baptism register, see clause (1) above.
(3) The names of all children for whom thanks have been given in a public act of
thanksgiving after their birth or adoption shall be entered into a thanksgiving register kept
for the purpose in each Local Church or Circuit separately from the register of baptisms.
(4) The names of all persons who have been confirmed in a service of public worship
shall be entered into a confirmation register kept for the purpose in each Local Church or
(5) The Pastoral Committee shall record in a book or roll, to be kept for the purpose,
the names of all the members of the Methodist Church belonging to the Local Church,
and shall examine the roll name by name not less than once in each year.
The provisions of this Standing Order in relation to pastoral oversight of members are supplemental to
those of cl. 9 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1). This clause should be referred to for its precise terms,
but in summary it covers the privilege and duty of members to avail themselves of the sacraments and the
duty to meet in fellowship, and the requirement for all members to be in a Class under the pastoral care of a
class leader and to receive an annual ticket of membership.
As to the duties of circuit presbyters and presbyteral probationers in relation to pastoral care see S.O.
As to the Pastoral Committee see S.O. 644.
As to members who are pupils in a Methodist independent school see S.O. 631(3) and 050(3).
(6) The number of members returned for each Local Church shall be recorded in the
minutes of the Church Council after each annual review.
The annual return is of membership at the 1st November (S.O. 644(8)(i)).
(7) The Church Council shall establish a community roll or card-index system in which
the names of all those who are within the pastoral care of the Local Church shall be
recorded. This shall include baptized children, children in family church or Sunday school
and adolescent or adult adherents as well as members.
Note the requirements of Section 69 of Standing Orders as to including on the roll persons convicted of or
cautioned in respect of sexual offences.
(8) Every effort shall be made to lead those who are not members to the commitment
involved in membership and to this end the roll shall be reviewed not less than once in
each year. A name shall be taken off the roll only when it is clear that the person has
completely severed connection with the local community of the Church.
See also clause (11) below.
(9) The procedure of transfer set out in Standing Order 055 shall apply to those whose
names are on the community roll as well as to members.
(10) The number on the community roll, including members, shall be recorded in the
minutes of the Church Council after each annual review.
302 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory [055]
(11) The name of a person who has ceased to be a member pursuant to clause 10(a)
or (c) of the Deed of Union shall be retained on the community roll unless he or she
requests that this shall not be so.
By cl. 10(a) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) any member who is persistently absent from the Lord’s
Supper and the meetings for fellowship is to be visited by his or her class leader and a presbyter. The name
of any such member who by prolonged absence severs himself or herself from Christian fellowship is to be
removed by the local Pastoral Committee from the class book, whereupon he or she ceases to be a member
of the Methodist Church. (For appeal, see S.O. 056 below.)
Cl. 10(c) of the Deed of Union gives authority for Standing Orders to provide for resignation from
membership. See SO 057 for the provisions made under that authority.
As to the circumstances in which a name is to be removed from the community roll, see cl. (8) above.
(12) The numbers on the membership roll and the community roll shall be reported by
the Superintendent to the secretary of the Synod and by him or her to the Chair of the
(13) In all returns of membership the number of members shall exclude persons in
training for membership.
As to members in training see S.O. 050(1) and (2).
055 Transfers. (1) The utmost care shall be taken to give notice by forwarding the
record card in the event of the removal of members and non-members from one Circuit
to another and to ensure that they are visited on arrival by a […] presbyter or presbyteral
probationer of the Circuit to which they have removed. An acknowledgement slip should
be sent by the recipient […] presbyter or probationer. When a member removes to
Scotland from another District and there is any doubt about the Circuit or Local Church
to which membership should be transferred or there appears to be no Methodist church
in the area then the secretary of the Methodist Synod in Scotland should immediately be
As to the transfer of local preachers see S.O. 563(5)(ii) and 564B(4).
(2) It shall be the duty of a class leader or pastoral visitor to send to the […] presbyter
or presbyteral probationer exercising pastoral responsibility in relation to the Local Church
the name and new address of any member of the Class who is removing.
Notes for giving this information are included in the class books.
As to members who are in Methodist independent schools see S.O. 631(3) and 050(3).
(4) Members formally transferred from one Circuit to another shall invariably be
received and their names entered on a membership roll in the receiving Circuit, even if
they do not meet in worship or fellowship and it accordingly becomes necessary to visit
them in accordance with clause 10(a) of the Deed of Union. When a transfer cannot
immediately be made a letter of pastoral commendation shall in all known cases be
sent to a […] presbyter or presbyteral probationer in the new Circuit. A member who has
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 303
[055] Book III Standing Orders
removed to another area shall be transferred immediately to the nearest church until
such time as a firm decision is made by the member concerned.
As to ceasing to meet see cl. 10(a) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1).
(5) Enquiry shall be made in the Pastoral Committee as to what removals of members
have taken place either to or from the Local Church and whether in each case a proper
transfer has been made.
The Conference of 1990, in replying to a memorial concerning the difficulties sometimes experienced
in obtaining transfers of membership from overseas Methodist churches, indicated that in such cases a
Local Church, if satisfied that there has been a serious attempt to obtain a proper transfer and that there
are adequate grounds for accepting that the person concerned is a member in good standing, may properly
use its discretion in accepting the member ‘as by transfer’, taking care to inform the overseas church of the
action taken.
(6) Notes of removal for and information regarding Methodists removing overseas
shall be sent to the appropriate officer of the overseas church as listed in the Minutes of
Conference, or if no name and address are listed, to the Secretary of the Conference.
As to Methodist members arriving from overseas see S.O. 051(1) and the note to clause (5) above.
056 Appeals. (1) When a Pastoral Committee removes the name of a person from
the class book under clause 10(a) of the Deed of Union the chair or secretary of the
committee shall within fourteen days send notice in writing to that person that he or she
has ceased to be a member of the Methodist Church, and of the reason, except that
no such notice need be sent if the person’s home address is not known and there is
reasonably believed to be no other way of communicating with him or her. The notice shall
be accompanied by a copy of clauses (1) to (3) of this Standing Order.
Note that cl. 10(a) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) defines the circumstances in which a person can
be removed from the class book.
(2) A person who wishes to appeal against such a decision on one or more of the
grounds set out in clause (3) below may do so by notice in writing specifying the ground
or grounds relied upon and posted or delivered to the chair or secretary of the Pastoral
Committee within 28 days of receipt of the notice required by clause (1) above. The
secretary of the committee shall forthwith send any such notice to the convener of the
connexional Panel responsible for Pastoral Committees.
For the connexional Panel and its convener see S.O. 231.
(3) An appeal may be brought on any one or more of the following grounds:
(i) that the appellant has not persistently absented himself or herself from
the Lord’s Supper and from the meetings for Christian fellowship;
(ii) that there was sufficient reason for any such absence;
(iii) that the visit or visits required by clause 10(a) of the Deed of Union were
not made.
(4) Any such appeal shall be considered and determined by a connexional Pastoral
Committee of Appeal consisting of five persons chosen from the connexional Panel by
the relevant convener, which shall include at least two […] presbyters and at least two
class leaders or pastoral visitors. No person may be a member of that committee who is
a member of the Pastoral Committee appealed from or who for any reason might be, or
might reasonably be supposed to be, open to partiality or embarrassment in adjudicating.
304 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 0 Introductory [057]
(5) The appeal committee shall ensure that the appellant has all material information
as to the grounds for the decision of the local Pastoral Committee and an adequate
opportunity of contesting them and dealing with the evidence in support of them and
that he or she and the Pastoral Committee receive a fair hearing. Subject to those
requirements the appeal committee shall regulate its own procedure and may, in
particular, require the appellant to state the nature of his or her case with sufficient
particularity to give the Pastoral Committee an adequate opportunity of meeting it.
(6) If the appeal committee finds that the appellant has established ground (i) or
(ii), as specified in clause (3) above, alone or with ground (iii), it shall allow the appeal
and the appellant shall thereupon be reinstated in membership as if never removed. If
the appeal committee finds that the appellant has established ground (iii) only it may
allow the appeal, with the same effect as above, or may remit the matter to the Pastoral
Committee with a direction that the appellant be visited in accordance with clause 10(a)
of the Deed of Union and reinstated in membership until that has been done and the
Pastoral Committee has reached a fresh decision or, if satisfied that all the requirements
of clause 10(a) except as to visitation are met, that the appellant would not have
responded satisfactorily to any visit, and that he or she still has no genuine intention of
resuming the duties of membership, may dismiss the appeal.
(7) If the appeal committee allows the appeal it may also make recommendations for
pastoral consultation with a view to the transfer of the member concerned to another
Class or Local Church or for other pastoral measures it considers desirable.
(8) The decision of the appeal committee shall be final.
057 Resignation. (1) Subject to clauses (2) and (3) below a member may resign by
notice in writing to the Pastoral Committee.
See cl. 10(c) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) for the authority to make this Standing Order.
(2) If a member seeking to resign is the subject of a charge under Standing Order
1130 the resignation shall take effect only by the leave of the church court responsible
for investigating the charge and subject to any conditions which the court may impose,
which may include a condition as to matters to be considered by any Church Council to
which application is made for re-admission to membership.
As to re-admission after discipline see S.O. 053.
(3) In cases not within clause (2) above the Pastoral Committee, on receiving notice
under clause (1) above, shall decide whether to accept it forthwith or to defer acceptance
until the member has been visited by a […] presbyter or class leader.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 305
[Section 06 Training – revoked]
306 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference
Section Page
10 Constitution............................................................................................. 309
11 Officers.................................................................................................... 315
12 Proceedings and Records.......................................................................... 321
13 Conduct of Business................................................................................. 329
14 Arrangements........................................................................................... 341
15 The […] Presbyteral Session..................................................................... 342
16 Additional Meetings.................................................................................. 344
18 The Conference Diaconal Committee.......................................................... 345
The Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) provides for the Conference to be the governing body of the Methodist
Church, meeting annually (cl. 11) and for its powers and duties (cls. 18 to 21).
The rules as to what constitutes the membership of the Conference are contained in cl. 14 of the Deed and
Section 10 below, which should be consulted as to the detailed provisions. However a list is provided below for
President and Vice-President [i.e. at the commencement of the Conference]
Secretary of the Conference
Immediate ex-President and ex-Vice-President
President-designate and Vice-President-designate
Assistant Secretary of the Conference
Officer for Legal and Constitutional Practice
Journal Secretary
Record Secretary
Convener of Memorials Committee
Chair of the Business Committee
All District Chairs
Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order
President of the Methodist Church in Ireland and Secretary of the Irish Methodist Conference
Two other representatives of the Irish Methodist Conference
Two representatives of the General Conference of the United Methodist Church
Two persons chosen from the associate members [defined in Deed cl. 14(4)(d)]
Four representatives of the Methodist Children and Youth Assembly
Nine Conference-elected members
Representatives of the Methodist Council:
Chair of the Council
Connexional Treasurer
Chair of the Strategy and Resources Committee
Connexional Secretaries
One commissioned chaplain
Two persons serving overseas
Faith and Order Committee representative
Law and Polity Committee representative
Representative of the Stationing Committee
Six persons representing the concerns of racial justice (including at least two aged under 26)
Book III Standing Orders
308 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference
Section 10 Constitution
Standing Order Page
100 Numbers................................................................................................. 309
101 Conference Secretariat and Other Officers of the Conference....................... 309
102 Representatives of Connexional and Other Bodies...................................... 309
103 Conference-elected Representatives.......................................................... 310
105 District Allocations................................................................................... 312
106 Representatives and Delegates to Other Bodies......................................... 313
107 Associate Members.................................................................................. 314
The Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) provides for the Conference to meet in sessions (cl. 13) and contains
certain provisions as to its membership (cls. 14–17), as to the conclusiveness of the list of members (cl.
17) and as to representation in the Irish Conference (cl. 43(a)).
100 Numbers. (1) The Representative Session shall number 306 persons of whom
at least 14 shall be deacons, one of those deacons being the Warden of the Methodist
Diaconal Order.
See cl. 14(1) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1).
The Standing Order in this form first took effect fully for the 2010 Conference. For later review of the
numbers, see cl. (2) below.
(2) The Conference shall from time to time, and not less than once in every five years,
review the numbers specified in clause (1).
101 Conference Secretariat and Other Officers of the Conference. (1) Unless the
Conference of the last preceding year otherwise determines the assistant secretaries
and other officers of the Conference in its Representative Session who are as such to be
members of the Conference pursuant to clause 14(2)(iv) of the Deed of Union shall be
the assistant secretary of the Conference, the officer for legal and constitutional practice,
the record secretary, the Journal secretary, the convener of the Memorials Committee,
and the chair of the Business Committee appointed under Standing Order 136(1)(i).
For the Memorials Committee see S.O. 138.
(2) The assistant secretary shall be a […] presbyter. The other officers may be […]
presbyters, deacons or lay persons.
For the assistant secretary see S.O. 116A.
(3) The officers to be appointed for the […] Presbyteral Session, being […] presbyters,
shall be the assistant secretary of the Conference, the record secretary and the
assistant record secretary (who shall also be responsible for presenting the report of the
Memorials Committee).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 309
[102] Book III Standing Orders
Body Representation
(i) Methodist Council (a) The chair of the council.
(b) The lead connexional Treasurer.
(c) The chair of the council’s Strategy and
Resources Committee.
(d) The Connexional Secretaries [...].
(e) One […] presbyter who is a commissioned
(f) Two persons, each of whom is serving overseas
under the direction of the council or is a
minister […] whose ministry is based on an
overseas District or is a lay person who is a
member in such a District.
(g) Six persons representing the concerns of racial
justice, at least two of whom shall be under the
age of 26.
(ii) Faith and Order Committee One representative.
(iii) Law and Polity Committee One representative.
(iv) Stationing Committee One representative.
(v) [deleted]
(vi) [deleted]
(vii) Methodist Women in Britain One representative.
For cl. 14(2)(x) of the Deed see Book II, Part I.
As to Methodist Women in Britain see S.O. 242.
(3) [revoked]
(4) [revoked]
(5) The Methodist Children and Youth Assembly shall be represented by the Youth
President together with three lay persons elected at the preceding Methodist Children
and Youth Assembly in accordance with Standing Order 250(13).
As to the Methodist Children and Youth Assembly see S.O. 250.
310 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference [103]
be elected for a period of three years in a rotation of three persons each year. Every
Conference-elected representative shall hold office from the close of the Conference at
which elected until the close of the Conference held in the third year after the date of
election, and shall thereupon go out of office. He or she is not eligible for re-election at
the Conference at the close of which he or she goes out of office, but is eligible at any
later Conference.
For cl. 14(5) of the Deed of Union, see Book II, Part 1.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 311
[103] Book III Standing Orders
not meet, the Secretary shall nominate a person to fill during that Conference only the
temporary vacancy thus created. The nomination shall give effect to the principles of
clause (2A) above and shall be submitted to the Conference, which shall be requested to
elect the person so nominated.104
104 [revoked]
105 District Allocations. (1) The representatives elected under clause 14(6) of
the Deed of Union shall be elected by the Representative Session of each home Synod.
The total number of representatives to be so elected, and the apportionment between
categories of members, shall be calculated, based upon what will or may be required to
ensure compliance in the composition of the Conference as a whole with clause 14(1)
of the Deed. The numbers to be elected by each home Synod shall be arrived at in
accordance with clauses (1A) to (3A) below and shall be specified by the Secretary of the
Conference on its behalf in a list circulated to all Synod Secretaries by 15th July of the
preceding connexional year and published in the Minutes of Conference. The calculation
shall be based on the best information available at that date as to how many of the
persons listed in Standing Orders 101 and 102 will at the following year’s Conference
be, respectively, […] presbyters, deacons and lay persons, and shall not be invalidated if
those numbers subsequently change.
(1A) The allocation of diaconal representatives required in order to comply with
Standing Order 100 shall first be made in accordance with a rota approved annually
by the Methodist Council. The rota shall take into account the proportion of deacons
in the active work and diaconal probationers expected to be stationed in the various
Districts and shall ensure that, over a period of time, all Districts with eligible persons are
(1B) [revoked]
(2) The following minima shall obtain in the allocation of the remaining seats that
require to be filled:
(i) Scotland and Shetland: six persons in all, distributed between them in
accordance with clause (3A) below;
(ii) Channel Islands and Isle of Man: two persons each;
(iii) Each other District: four persons.
(3) The numbers to be elected by each Synod, after the diaconal representatives have
been allocated in accordance with clause (1A) above, shall, subject to clause (2) above,
be in proportion to the number of members in the District involved as listed in the most
recent membership figures by District published in the Conference Agenda. The number of
lay people to be elected by each Synod in order to satisfy the provisions of clause 14(1)
of the Deed of Union shall similarly be in proportion to the number of members in the
District involved. The remaining seats shall each be filled by a […] presbyter or a deacon.
See Book II, Part 1 for cl. 14(1) of the Deed of Union.
(3A) Subject to clause (2)(i) above the number of representatives to be elected by the
Synods of the Scotland and Shetland Districts shall be calculated in accordance with
312 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference [106]
clause (3) above as if they were a single District, adding together the number of members
in each. The distribution of seats between them shall be by mutual agreement and the
Chairs involved shall give notice to the Secretary of the Conference not later than the
close of the preceding Conference how many of the minimum number of seats, and how
many additional seats, if any, above the minimum, are to be allocated to each District for
the following Conference.
(4) In specifying the allocations made under clause (2) to (3A) above the Secretary of
the Conference shall state which Districts will be entitled to additional representatives
or to fewer if places become available by reason of dual qualification or if an error within
clause (5)(b) below requires correction, with the order of priority, arrived at in accordance
with clause (3) above.
(5) (a) The provisions of this Standing Order prescribing the method of arriving at the
allocations are directory only; subject to sub-clause (b) below the allocations specified
by the Secretary of the Conference under clause (2) to (3A) above shall be binding
notwithstanding any error in the calculations.
(b) If an error in computing the total number of seats available, as at the date of the
circulation of the list under clause (3) above, to be filled under clause 14(6) of the Deed
of Union is discovered after that date it shall forthwith be corrected and a note of the
correction shall be entered in the Journal of the Conference and signed by the Secretary
of the Conference.
(6) A Synod may elect representatives allocated under clauses (2) to (3A) above for
one, two or three years, and Synods are strongly encouraged wherever possible to seek
some continuity in their representation. If in any year a District is allocated six seats or
more then in that year the Synod shall elect at least one representative for three years.
For the purposes of clauses (2), (3) and (3A) above representatives who under this clause
will be serving for a second or third year shall be deemed to be re-elected for that year
and shall be included in the relevant minima and allocations accordingly.
(7) If a person elected for more than one year under clause (6) above becomes entitled
in a second or third year to be a member of the Conference in another capacity, ceases
to be eligible for election by that Synod under Standing Order 417(1), dies, resigns or
becomes disqualified, his or her place shall be filled by election by the Synod, which shall
determine the term of office of the person so elected.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 313
[106] Book III Standing Orders
(ii) The power and responsibility of making appointments to fill any vacancies arising
during the quinquennium by the death or resignation of any such representatives or by
the inability of any such representative to attend particular meetings is hereby delegated
to and laid upon the Methodist Council.
(4) The Conference shall from time to time decide whether any right of the Methodist
Church or of any person or body on its behalf to appoint delegates or representatives
to any assembly other than those specified in the above clauses shall be exercised. If
so, the Conference may itself appoint the delegates or representatives and may appoint
a committee to bring nominations for that purpose, but in so far as any such delegates
or representatives are in any year not appointed by the Conference itself the power and
responsibility of appointing them are hereby delegated to and laid upon the Methodist
314 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference
Section 11 Officers
Standing Order Page
110 President and Vice-President..................................................................... 315
110A Designation and Election.......................................................................... 316
111 President’s Powers................................................................................... 317
112 The Island Districts.................................................................................. 318
113 Support for the President and Vice-President.............................................. 318
114 Secretary of the Conference...................................................................... 318
115 Dual Election........................................................................................... 318
116 Deputy Secretary..................................................................................... 319
116A Assistant Secretary.................................................................................. 319
116B Precentor and Correspondence Secretary.................................................. 319
116C Officer for Legal and Constitutional Practice............................................... 319
117 Other Officers.......................................................................................... 320
The Deed of Union provides by cls.26–31 (Book II, Part 1) for the appointment and certain of the functions
of the President, Vice-President and Secretary of the Conference and for their tenure of office and the filling
of vacancies.
110 President and Vice-President. (1) The President and Vice-President shall
preside at the Conference and act as the representative embodiment of its authority as
prescribed by the Deed of Union and in accordance with Standing Orders.
(2) [...] They shall play a significant part in the oversight and leadership of the Church
in responding to God’s Spirit and developing prophetic vision, offering to the Church a
pattern of collaborative ministry in which their distinctive gifts and particular callings
as ordained or lay persons are combined. To that end they shall consult together, so far
as circumstances allow, concerning the exercise of their respective responsibilities and
meet regularly for mutual support.
(3) [...] They are to strengthen the bonds of the Connexion by a ministry of visitation
to Districts and Circuits, to connexional committees and institutions (including schools)
and to the Connexional Team, offering encouragement and support and sharing insights
gained by such visits.
(4) They shall work in conjunction with the General Secretary and support his or her
ministry of strategic management and the development of the Church’s vision. Through
their membership of the Connexional Leaders’ Forum they shall offer support and
encouragement to its members in the exercise of their responsibilities and contribute to
its discussions concerning the well-being and calling of the Church.
(5) Before each meeting of the Conference the Secretary of the Conference shall
convene a meeting of the persons who are designated to hold office as President and
Vice-President at that Conference and in the year following, at which they shall agree
upon and record the allocation of their respective responsibilities for that year, including
those prescribed by Standing Orders. Such agreement may subsequently be modified by
mutual consent as circumstances require.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 315
[110] Book III Standing Orders
110A Designation and Election. (1) Before the opening of the Conference the
Secretary of the Conference shall in writing invite members to submit nominations, on a
form provided, for the designation of the President and Vice-President in accordance with
clauses 26 and 27 of the Deed of Union.
(2) Each nomination shall be signed by five ministerial […] and five other members
of the Representative Session of the Conference. No person shall sign more than one
nomination for the designation of the President nor more than one nomination for the
designation of the Vice-President.
(3) Each nomination, in addition to specifying the name and District and Circuit in
which the person nominated is stationed or is a member, shall contain a reasoned
statement up to 100 words in support of the nomination.
(4) Clause (3) above is directory only, and omission of or inaccuracy in any or all of the
information given shall not invalidate an otherwise valid nomination.
(5) Nomination papers shall be collected during the first three days of the
Representative Session, unless the Conference otherwise determines, and shall be
displayed for 24 hours before a vote is taken. Before the vote is taken, the Secretary of
the Conference shall seek from each nominee an assurance of willingness to serve, if
elected, and shall report the outcome to the Conference.
(6) Voting shall be by single transferable vote and the chair of the Business Committee
or his or her representative shall be the returning officer.
For the procedure for election by single transferable vote see S.O. 016A.
(7) Subject to clause (8) below the Conference shall at each annual meeting vote on
the resolution that the President-designate be elected President, and similarly as to the
(8) If such a resolution is not carried, or if the President-designate or Vice-President-
designate has died, or ceased to be qualified for the office, or is incapable of acting or
unfit to act or unwilling to be elected, then the Conference shall by ballot elect some
316 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference [111]
other qualified person to be the President or Vice-President, and clauses (1) to (6) above
shall apply to that election as to a designation, with such variations in procedure as may,
in the judgment of the Conference, be required by the circumstances.
111 President’s Powers. (1) The President or, in respect of the Representative
Session, the Vice-President shall have power to assist at any Synod, if requested to do so
by the Chair or by a majority of the Superintendents in the District.
(2) The President shall have the right if requested to do so to visit any Circuit,
to inquire into its affairs, and to take any steps open to him or her which he or she
judges beneficial. He or she may delegate his or her powers in this respect to the Vice-
President or to any other appropriate person or persons including the Chair of the District
concerned to act on his or her behalf. The steps open to the President or his or her
representative include referring any matter to the relevant Connexional Team member
as defined in Standing Order 1101(1) for it to be dealt with by a connexional complaints
team appointed under Standing Order 1122 except in a case in which the relevant
request to the President came from such a team and related to that matter. If, under
Part 11, a formal complaint is laid or a charge brought, no inquiry into the subject matter
of the charge shall be pursued under this clause until the matter has been disposed of
under that Part, unless a team appointed as aforesaid has requested the President to
pursue such an inquiry.
(2A) If the President or his or her representative exercises [...] the powers [...]
specified in clause (2) above:
(i) in response to a request made under Standing Order 1123(8) or
1124(11) by a connexional complaints team; or
(ii) in response to a request made by a court which has heard a case under
the provisions of Part 11 (whether at first instance or on appeal)
then at the conclusion of the inquiry the President or his or her representative, as the
case may be, shall prepare a written report stating the result of the inquiry and the
steps (if any) which he or she has taken, with reasons for taking the steps in question or
declining to take any steps. [...] He or she shall send a copy of the report to the Secretary
of the Conference, to be held under the provisions of Standing Order 1104(1) as if it were
a decision of the relevant team, to the lead member of the relevant team or the chair of
the relevant court (as the case may require), to the person making the complaint and to
the person complained against. [...] He or she may also send a copy of the report to any
other persons who ought properly, in his or her view, to be aware of its contents.
(3) The President shall be informed by the Chair of the District of every case of the
breakdown of the marriage of a minister […]. The President shall annually appoint
one or more persons to be responsible, on behalf of the President, for ensuring that
arrangements are made for such pastoral and material help to be given as may be
possible and appropriate in the circumstances, particularly to the wife or husband and
family of the […] minister.
For other powers and duties of the President see the references in the Index.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 317
[112] Book III Standing Orders
112 The Island Districts. The President and Vice-President shall visit the Island
Districts in accordance with arrangements laid down by the Conference from time to time.
The Conference of 2000 resolved that the arrangements should be as follows:
a. for the Channel Islands District an annual visit by the President and Vice-President should be the
b. for the Isle of Man District the previous pattern of a visit by the Vice-President and the ex-
President should be continued with the possibility of a visit by the President every third year; and
c. for the Shetland District an annual visit by either the President or the Vice-President should be
113 Support for the President and Vice-President. (1) The Methodist Council shall
ensure that the President and the Vice-President receive the support and assistance
they need in the fulfilment of their duties, and that the financial provision made for that
purpose is adequate.
(2)(a) Where the circuit stewards or comparable officers in the President’s station
consider that the appointment of a President’s Assistant is necessary during his or her
year of office, they shall immediately after his or her designation apply to the council. If
the council agrees, an assistant shall be appointed for the connexional year beginning
during the President’s year of office. The cost of the appointment, including necessary
accommodation, and the cost of having the duties of the President’s station performed
so far as is possible and necessary, whether with or without the appointment of an
assistant, shall be treated as expenses of [...] that office under Standing Order 361(3)(ii).
(b) The provisions of sub-clause (a) above shall also apply if a deacon is designated to
become Vice-President, but so that (i) an application under that sub-clause, as so applied,
may also be made by the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order, and (ii) the Warden
shall, before the Council comes to a decision, be consulted about any such application
made by others.
(3) The cost of secretarial or other services supplied to the President and Vice-
President in the discharge of their duties, shall be treated as expenses of their office
under Standing Order 361(3)(ii).
114 Secretary of the Conference. (1) The Secretary of the Conference shall be
the executive officer of the Conference and shall fulfil those duties on behalf of the
Conference which are assigned to the Secretary by statute or in the Deed of Union, Model
Trusts, and Standing Orders or required by resolutions of the Conference. He or she
shall play a part in the oversight and leadership of the Church, and in particular shall be
responsible for encouraging good governance in connexional bodies, Districts, Circuits,
Local Churches and other institutions.
(2) Subject to clause 31 of the Deed of Union the provisions of Standing Order 313
shall apply to the appointment of the Secretary of the Conference as if holding an office
under that Standing Order.
By virtue of S.O. 300(1), the Secretary is also the General Secretary of the Methodist Church.
115 Dual Election. The Conference may at any time, if it thinks fit, designate or
elect the same person as both President and Secretary of the Conference.
318 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference [116C]
116 Deputy Secretary. (1) If the Secretary of the Conference is temporarily unable
to fulfil the duties of the office because of accident, illness, absence from the country,
sabbatical leave or other cause then a deputy shall have authority to exercise all the
functions of the Secretary, including those exercisable as managing trustee of general
(2) A certificate signed by the President or the Vice-President on his or her behalf of
the Conference shall be conclusive evidence of the existence and duration of any such
temporary inability.
(3) The assistant secretary of the Conference shall be the deputy, unless the President
or Vice-President who certifies the inability appoints (as he or she shall have the power
to do) [...] some other person.
(3A) The Secretary may delegate to any of the Connexional Secretaries [...] or other
senior members of [...] the Connexional Team, as appropriate, or, after consultation with
the President and the Vice-President, to some other person the exercise, in general or
on a particular occasion, of any of the functions assigned to the Secretary by Standing
Orders. He or she shall prepare and maintain a list of all such general delegations made,
identifying in each case the relevant person and functions concerned.
The power of delegation under this clause does not extend to functions conferred upon the Secretary
otherwise than by Standing Orders (e.g. those under the Model Trusts). See also S.O. 302(3) as to the effect
of this Standing Order in relation to the General Secretaryship of the Methodist Church.
(4) Nothing in this Standing Order infringes upon the provisions in the Deed of Union
for filling casual vacancies.
See cl. 31(c)–(h) of the Deed (Book II, Part 1).
116A Assistant Secretary. (1) The provisions of Standing Order 313 shall apply to
the appointment of the assistant secretary of the Conference as if holding an office under
that Standing Order.
(2) The assistant secretary of the Conference shall be one of the Secretaries in the
Connexional Team or another senior member of that Team.
116C Officer for Legal and Constitutional Practice. (1) The provisions of Standing
Order 313 or 314, as appropriate, shall apply to the appointment of the Conference
officer for legal and constitutional practice as if holding an office under that Standing
(2) The Conference officer for legal and constitutional practice shall be a senior
member of the Connexional Team.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 319
[117] Book III Standing Orders
117 Other Officers. Subject to Standing Order 136(1)(i), all other officers of the
Conference shall be elected by the Representative Session of the Conference of the
last preceding year. The Secretary of the Conference shall be responsible for bringing
320 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference
The Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) makes provision for voting in the Conference, for the validation of its
proceedings and as to the contents and effect of the Journal (cls. 34, 35, 36).
120 [revoked]
121 Agenda. (1) The Secretary of the Conference shall prepare the Conference
Agenda. Secretaries and conveners of committees reporting to the Conference shall be
responsible for supplying their portions of the Agenda and for the costs involved.
(2) Every such secretary and convener shall ensure that if any report brought by that
committee recommends a major change in the policy of the Church on an issue, the
report shall contain a statement of the ecumenical implications. The secretaries and
conveners of working parties reporting to the Conference shall similarly ensure that a
report recommending such a change contains such a statement.
The Conference of 1999 also adopted a Motion directing that those responsible for bringing second or
subsequent editions of any reports to the Conference should indicate in the report the amendments made
since the previous edition.
For reports proposing amendments to the Model Trusts see also S.O. 919A.
122 Provisional Resolutions. (1) If the Conference judges that any resolution which
it has adopted is of such significance that it ought to be considered by the Synods and
confirmed before coming into effect it may declare that it shall be a provisional resolution.
If the resolution is being dealt with as shared business under clause 24(c) of the Deed
of Union, such a declaration by the Conference in either of the sessions dealing with the
business shall be effective.
(2) Notice shall be given of any motion for such a declaration either by means of
a notice of motion which complies with Standing Order 132 or by the inclusion of a
resolution to that effect in the report upon that business contained in the Agenda. Where
notice is given before the adoption of the substantive resolution to which it relates the
motion shall not be considered by the Conference until after such adoption.
(3) Provisional resolutions shall be submitted to the Synods of the home Districts
and to the Law and Polity Committee, each of which may approve, disapprove or approve
with amendments. Provisional resolutions shall be submitted for confirmation to the next
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 321
[122] Book III Standing Orders
annual meeting of the Conference with a report of the opinions of the Synods and the
Law and Polity Committee, and shall take effect only if then confirmed.
As to amendments to provisional legislation see cl. (6) below.
(4) The Conference may direct that the whole or some specified part of the text of
any report leading to the adoption of a provisional resolution be submitted with it to
the Synods. Unless it does so the Secretary of the Conference shall ensure that a brief
summary of the arguments for and against the resolution and of the implications of
adopting or declining it is prepared for the same purpose. The resolution and the above
text or summary, as the case may be, shall be distributed by the district officers to all
members of the Synod before its meeting. The district Policy Committee may arrange
for such consultation within the District as it thinks fit before the Synod expresses its
(5) Provisional resolutions submitted to the Synods under clause (3) above shall
be dealt with in their Representative Sessions and, if falling within one or more of the
categories defined in heads (i), (ii) and (iii) of sub-clause 24(c) of the Deed of Union and
dealt with under that clause, also in their […] Presbyteral Sessions.
(6) On receiving the reports of the Synods and the Law and Polity Committee upon
a provisional resolution the Conference may confirm it unamended or may decline to
confirm it, or may confirm it with amendments, and in the last event may, by the procedure
of clauses (1) and (2) above, declare that the resolution as so amended shall itself be a
provisional resolution.
For other resolutions of the Conference requiring confirmation see S.O. 401(5).
For the procedure for the adoption of special resolutions and deferred special resolutions see s. 2(1) of
the 1976 Act (Vol. 1, pp. 8, 9) and S.O. 126.
123 Daily Record. (1) A record of each day’s proceedings, except those of the last
day of a session and those of any proceedings in closed session, shall be printed so as
to be in the hands of the Conference before the time appointed for its confirmation.
(2) Subject to clause (3) below any suggested corrections must be submitted to the
Conference for approval when its adoption is moved.
(3) The Conference may entertain a resolution for the correction of a day’s record
after its adoption if moved by an officer of the Conference or on behalf of the Conference
Sub-committee of the Committee on Methodist Law and Polity, and the Representative
Session may do so in relation to the record of the […] Presbyteral Session of the same
Conference or to the Journal of an earlier Conference.
For the authority to correct the record conferred by this clause see cl. 25(b) of the Deed of Union (Book II,
Part 1). Note cl. (4) below as to the limits of this provision.
As to the Conference Sub-committee see S.O. 338(6).
(4) The provisions of clauses (2) and (3) above authorise only corrections made for
the purpose of achieving the accuracy of the document in question as a record of the
proceedings of the Conference, not matters within the scope of Standing Order 131(25).
124 Publication of Proceedings. (1) Subject to clause (9) below the general
resolutions and other proceedings of the Conference required by clause 37 of the Deed
322 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference [124]
of Union to be printed and published shall be issued as a book under the title of ‘The
Minutes of the Annual Conference and Directory of the Methodist Church’ and the year of
the Conference concerned.
For cl. 37 of the Deed see Book II, Part l.
(2) It shall be prepared for publication by the Secretary of the Conference.
(3) [deleted]
(4) Persons whose names and addresses are listed in the Minutes of Conference shall
be entitled to have printed any degrees, distinctions or professional qualifications, held by
them, of which they have given particulars to the Secretary of the Conference. In the case
of degrees the name of the awarding body shall be stated and the prefix ‘Hon’ shall be
added to all honorary degrees.
(5) Every minister […] in the active work and every probationer shall possess
a copy, the cost of which shall be an expense recoverable, in the case of persons
in appointments within the control of the Church, from the Circuits or other bodies
responsible for provision of their stipends.
(6) A copy shall be presented to every supernumerary, the cost being defrayed by the
Methodist Church Fund.
(7) A copy of the memorial service which incorporates that section of the Minutes of
Conference containing the obituary notices of those ministers […] and probationers who
have died shall be presented to the nearest relative of every such person whose obituary
is printed in the issue of that year, the cost being defrayed by the Methodist Church Fund.
(8) A copy shall be presented to any minister’s […] widow or widower who makes
application, the cost being defrayed by the Methodist Church Fund.
For committee lists to be included in the Conference Agenda and Minutes of Conference see S.O. 204.
For inclusion of names of ministers now in United Churches or autonomous conferences see S.O. 736.
As to obituaries see S.O. 153 and 182.
(9) Those general resolutions of the Conference embodied in Standing Orders shall be
published with the Deed of Union, the Model Trusts and other appropriate texts under the
title The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church. Amendments or an
amended edition shall be published annually and prepared for publication by the Journal
secretary. Every minister […] in the active work and every probationer shall possess a
copy and receive annually the amendments or amended edition, the cost of which shall
be an expense recoverable, in the case of persons in appointments within the control of
the Church, from the Circuits or other bodies responsible for provision of their stipends.
(10) Ministers […] without appointment shall each be entitled, if they obtain the
publications specified in clauses (1) and (9) above, to recover the cost of one copy of
each per annum from the respective Circuits in which they reside.
(11) A brief summary of the transactions of the Conference shall be published annually
for wide circulation in the Church. This summary shall highlight possible action points for
individuals and Local Churches or questions that could be addressed at local level. The
cost of publication shall be a charge on the Methodist Church Fund and arrangements for
it shall be made by the Methodist Council. Responsibility for the content of the summary
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 323
[124] Book III Standing Orders
shall lie with the person or persons appointed to edit it, who shall be responsible for
taking the following action:
(i) consulting the Secretary of the Conference on the factual content; and
(ii) ensuring that the master copy reaches Methodist Publishing so that it
can be distributed by the end of August.
The Conference of 1999 directed that the following note be inserted here:
In 1999 the Conference, after debate, adopted a motion directing that reports and publications referred for
consultation in the Districts and Circuits should be published by 30th September following the Conference
where the business is to come back to the following Conference, and by 30th November in any other case.
In giving this direction, the Conference acted on the basis that the responsibility for meeting the deadline
lay both with those preparing the material for publication and with the Methodist Publishing House [now
Methodist Publishing], and that there might be circumstances in which, despite the best endeavours of all
concerned, the deadline could not practically be achieved.
For Methodist Publishing, see the details at the beginning of this volume.
(12) Any member of the Conference reporting the public proceedings of the Conference
for the news media shall be personally responsible for the information given.
125 Custody of Records, etc. (1) The Journal and all documents required to be
subscribed and attested with it shall be in the permanent custody of the Secretary of the
Conference, but clause (5) below shall apply.
(2) The following records and documents shall also be in the permanent custody of the
Secretary of the Conference:
(i) the Conference Daily Record, and other documents officially circulated to
members of the Conference for the purposes of its business, but clause
(5) below shall apply;
(ii) reports of committees (but not those of groups constituted under
Standing Order 136(2)(v)) meeting during the Conference, so far as not
included within clause (1) above;
(iii) any legal opinion obtained on a matter of connexional significance, unless
comprised in clause (3)(i) below;
(iv) any deed poll executed in accordance with the provisions of section 24(3)
of the 1976 Act;
(v) a reference copy of each year’s edition of The Minutes of the Annual
Conference and Directory of the Methodist Church;
(vi) a reference copy of each edition or revision of The Constitutional Practice
and Discipline of the Methodist Church.
As to circuit and local records see S.O. 015.
As to (i) see S.O. 123.
As to (iv) see Vol. 1, p. 24.
As to (v) see S.O. 124(1).
As to (vi) see S.O. 124(9).
(3) The following records and documents shall be in the permanent custody of the
Property Secretary:
(i) any legal opinion on a matter of connexional significance obtained by the
Property Secretary or his or her predecessors, the Trustees for Methodist
Church Purposes or by any body with past or current connexional
responsibility for the general oversight of Methodist property;
324 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference [126]
(ii) any deed poll executed in accordance with the provisions of paragraph
27(5) of the Model Trusts.
As to the Property Secretary see S.O. 006(2A).
As to (i) see S.O. 331 and the second note to 006(3)(b).
As to (ii) see Book II, Part 2.
(4) The copies of the agendas and minutes of Synods sent to the Secretary of the
Conference in accordance with Standing Order 415(2) shall remain in his or her custody
until in his or her judgment it is appropriate to deposit them in the connexional archives
on suitable terms.
(5) Where this clause applies the Secretary of the Conference may, if he or she
considers that there is inadequate office space to retain the whole of the records
or documents in question, deposit some of them with the connexional archives, but
upon the condition that they remain in his or her legal custody and may at any time be
consulted or removed on his or her authority.
See S.O. 015 as to archives generally.
(6) The Deed of Union shall remain with the connexional archives, but on the same
condition as records or documents deposited in accordance with clause (5) above.
This clause refers to the original deed poll executed on the 20th September 1932 under the authority of
the Methodist Church Union Act 1929. For the current provisions of the Deed of Union, see above, Book II,
Part 1.
126 Special Resolutions. (1) (a) Subject to clause 25B(b) of the Deed sub-clauses
(b) to (d) below shall constitute the provisions prescribing the ‘appropriate consultation’,
as defined by section 2(1) of the 1976 Act, required before the confirmation of ‘special
resolutions’, as so defined. Special resolutions amending the Model Trusts shall also be
submitted to the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Scotland and Shetland Synods.
Cl. 25B of the Deed of Union provides for the consultation required for certain business affecting the
Conference Diaconal Committee or the Methodist Diaconal Convocation.
(b) The Conference, after considering the advice of the Conference Law and Polity
Sub-committee on the point, shall direct, as to each such special resolution, whether
consultation shall be in accordance with sub-clause (c) or (d) below, and in default of such
a direction sub-clause (d) shall apply.
(c) Special resolutions within this sub-clause shall be submitted for approval or
disapproval to the Methodist Council unless moved on its behalf, in which case
submission shall be to the Law and Polity Committee.
(d) Special resolutions within this sub-clause shall be dealt with under clauses (3) and
(4) of Standing Order 122 in the same way as provisional resolutions, except that there
shall be no power to approve with amendments.
For matters requiring special resolutions see ss. 5(2), (3) and 6(2)(b) of the 1976 Act (Vol. 1, p. 11) and
para. 27(1) of the Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2). Note that cl. (6) of S.O. 122 is inapplicable to special
resolutions, which must be confirmed without amendment.
(2) The consultation required before the confirmation of ‘deferred special resolutions’,
as defined in section 2(1) of the 1976 Act, shall take place as prescribed in clauses
(3) to (7) below. The provisions of clauses (3) to (7) are directory only, and no failure to
comply shall of itself invalidate such confirmation if reasonable steps have been taken
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 325
[126] Book III Standing Orders
(3) Deferred special resolutions shall be submitted to the Synod of every home and
overseas District, to the Circuit Meeting of every Circuit, to the Church Council of every
Local Church and to the connexional committees on Faith and Order and on Law and
(4) Each Synod shall consider any deferred special resolution during the year following
the passing of the resolution.
(5) Each Church Council and Circuit Meeting shall consider any such resolution in or
before March in the second year following the passing of the resolution and shall report
its approval or disapproval both to the Synod of the District and to the Conference.
(6) Each Synod shall in the second year following the passing of any such resolution
consider the reports of the Church Councils and Circuit Meetings of the District under
clause (5) above and shall, after giving its own final consideration to the resolution, report
its approval or disapproval to the Conference.
(7) The connexional committees on Faith and Order and on Law and Polity shall during
either or both of the two years following the passing of any such resolution consider the
resolution and they shall report their approval or disapproval to the Conference in the
second such year.
326 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference [129]
129 Conference Statements. (1) It shall be open to the Methodist Council or any
committee which reports to the Conference to present a document intended, if adopted
by the Conference under this Standing Order, to be a considered Statement of the
judgment of the Conference on some major issue or issues of faith and practice, and
framed with a view to standing as such for some years.
(2) The body producing such a document shall on first presenting it to the Conference
move that it be dealt with as a draft Conference Statement and commended to the
Connexion for study, discussion and response.
(3) If that motion is adopted the Conference shall give directions as to the distribution
of the draft, the form and duration of such study and discussion, the timing and
consideration of any such response and the year in which the matter shall next be
brought before Conference, being at earliest the next year but one. The Conference may
at any time vary those directions.
(4) (a) After such study and discussion and in the light of any such response the
responsible body may present the document to the Conference for adoption in its original
form or as revised.
The Conference of 1999 adopted a Motion directing that those responsible for bringing revised editions
of reports to the Conference, including those falling under this clause, should indicate in their reports the
amendments made since the previous edition.
(b) When such a document is presented for adoption notice of any proposed
amendments to the text must be given in the Agenda or an order paper before the
business is reached, and the Conference shall then decide whether to dispose of any
such amendments in the ordinary course or to refer them to a revision committee and
adjourn the debate.
(c) If the Conference decides to refer it shall appoint a revision committee consisting
of a chair nominated by the President (after consultation with the Vice-President),
one representative of each District and three Conference-elected representatives.
The committee, meeting if possible when the Conference is not in session, shall
consider all the amendments and report with recommendations as to how each
amendment shall be dealt with and as to any further changes consequential upon those
recommendations. The proposer of each amendment and two representatives of the
body presenting the document may speak to the amendment in the committee by such
procedure as the committee may direct. The Conference shall deal with the proposed
amendments by reference to the report of the committee, adopting or departing from its
recommendations, which it may deal with as a whole or by sections. For the purposes of
the rules of debate in Standing Order 131 the recommendations of the committee, as
moved on its behalf, are at that stage substantive resolutions and any proposal to depart
from them is an amendment.
(d) All decisions of the Conference on amendments to the text of the documents,
however dealt with, shall be taken by simple majority. After all such amendments have
been disposed of any member of the Conference may move that the document be
adopted as a Conference Statement. Such a resolution shall be carried only by a majority
of not less than two thirds of the members of the Conference present and voting.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 327
[129] Book III Standing Orders
129A Revision Committee. (1) If the Conference considers that any text presented
for adoption or approval is likely to be the subject of a number of proposals for detailed
amendments it may, if it thinks fit, without prior notice of motion resolve to follow the
procedure set out in Standing Orders 129(4), sub-clauses (b) and (c), notwithstanding
that the text is not being dealt with as a Conference Statement within Standing Order
129, and that procedure shall then apply so far as may be. Once the Conference has
adopted that procedure any motion to refer any or all of the amendments to the body
originally presenting the text shall not be put to the vote until the revision committee has
(2) If in any year the Conference considers that proposals are likely to come before the
next following Conference which would require the appointment of a revision committee
under Standing Order 129(4) or clause (1) above, but that the number or nature of the
amendments to be expected is such as to make it desirable that they be submitted and
the committee appointed before that next Conference assembles, the Conference may so
direct and may make any ancillary provisions and any consequential modifications of the
procedure under Standing Order 129(4), sub-clauses (c) and (d), or clause (1) above, as it
thinks fit, and in that event Standing Order 129(4) and clause (1) above shall have effect
subject to those directions and provisions and with those modifications.
328 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference
130 Introductory. The rules of debate comprising the clauses of Standing Order
131 shall regulate the proceedings of the Conference, except that since much of the
business of the Conference may be conducted in the form of conversations clauses (3)
and (9) to (14) shall apply only when a formal resolution is under consideration.
131 Rules of Debate. (1) In this Standing Order ‘the President’ means the person
presiding for the time being over the Conference in accordance with the provisions of
clause 28 of the Deed of Union.
(1A) Any member who wishes to speak shall catch the President’s eye but shall not
proceed further until called upon by the President.
(2) Every speaker shall address the President.
(3) No member may speak more than once on the same question without leave of the
Conference, except in the exercise of a right of reply under clause (18) below. For this
purpose an amendment or procedural motion raises a fresh question.
As to procedural motions, see clauses (11) to (16) below.
(4) (a) Subject to sub-clause (b) below every resolution or amendment shall be
circulated beforehand in writing in the Agenda, or by other form of official report, or by
notice of motion.
(b) Sub-clause (a) does not apply:
(i) to procedural motions under clause (11) below or resolutions to extend
sittings of the Conference beyond the time already determined;
(ii) to resolutions submitted by the Law and Polity Sub-committee under
clause (25) below;
(iii) to business taken in closed session;
(iv) to further amendments moved after a resolution has already been
(v) where the Conference has dispensed with circulation under clause (19)(a)
(ii) below or Standing Order 129(4)(b) or 129A or otherwise;
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 329
[131] Book III Standing Orders
Under S.O. 129(4)(b) or 129A a revision committee may be appointed without prior notice.
(vi) if the President judges it necessary for the effective conclusion of a
debate to admit a resolution or amendment without prior notice.
(c) Where sub-clause (b) applies, except by virtue of head (i), the resolution or
amendment shall be produced in writing when proposed, and immediately handed to the
(5) Every resolution or amendment, except a resolution moved on behalf of a body
authorised to report to the Conference, requires to be seconded in order to be submitted
to the Conference. With the same exception, all movers and seconders of resolutions or
amendments must be members of the Conference.
(6) Persons presenting reports may speak to the resolutions in them and may give
information on any development of major importance which has arisen since publication.
Otherwise reports circulated in the Agenda or otherwise shall be presented without
introductory speeches.
(7) When a resolution or amendment has been duly submitted it may not be withdrawn
without the leave of the Conference.
(8) The seconder of a resolution or amendment may reserve the right to speak.
(9) (a) Any amendment of the terms of a resolution may be proposed if it is relevant
to the subject-matter of the resolution, unless the same result could be achieved by the
rejection of the resolution.
(b) If an amendment is carried the resolution as amended becomes the substantive
motion, and as such may itself be amended under this clause.
(c) When an amendment has been duly submitted no other amendment may be moved
until it has been disposed of, but any member may give notice of a proposed amendment
and may state whether it is to be moved in any event or if not in what circumstances.
(10) A resolution may be disposed of by adoption (with or without amendment),
rejection or withdrawal. Until it has been so disposed of no other resolution may be
submitted except a procedural motion.
(11) The following are procedural motions, which may be adopted by the Conference at
any time:
(i) that the vote be now taken;
(ii) that the question be not put;
(iii) that the question be referred to the Methodist Council or a committee;
(iv) that the debate be adjourned;
(v) that the Conference adjourn.
(12) If a resolution and amendment are before the Conference:
(i) a motion that the vote be now taken relates only to the amendment;
(ii) a motion that the question be referred or that the debate be adjourned
relates to both;
(iii) a person moving that the question be not put must state whether that
motion relates to both or only to the amendment.
330 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference [131]
(13) A motion that the vote be now taken requires a majority of two thirds and shall be
voted upon without discussion, but the President shall not be bound to put it to the vote
if of the opinion that there has not been adequate opportunity for necessary debate.
(14) A motion that the question be not put may be discussed concurrently with the
question to which it relates.
(15) A motion that the debate be adjourned may specify the time of resumption or be a
motion for adjournment to a time to be resolved upon later.
(16) A motion for the adjournment of the Conference shall specify the time of
(17) (a) Subject to any Standing Order relating specifically to particular forms of report
a report contained in the Agenda or in a document supplemental to the Agenda shall be
dealt with as a whole or as to each part by a resolution in one of the following forms:
(i) that it be referred back to the reporting body or referred to the Methodist
Council or a committee;
(ii) that it be received;
(iii) that it be adopted.
As to particular forms of report, see e.g. S.O. 129, 129A, 133.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 331
[131] Book III Standing Orders
(ii) the mover of the substantive resolution, unless the question to be put is
an amendment to which he or she has already spoken;
(iii) if the question to be put is an amendment, the mover of the amendment.
(b) The person entitled to speak last under sub-clause (a) above may deal only with
questions or arguments put during the debate.
(c) Before putting the question the President shall call the Conference to order and
read the resolution or amendment to be put. Except on a point of order no member shall
speak after the question has been put until the vote has been taken.
(19) (a) Subject to sub-clause (b) below, no decision of the current meeting of the
Conference may be rescinded except by substantive resolution, and no such resolution
shall be adopted unless either:
(i) it is submitted on behalf of the Law and Polity Sub-Committee under
clause (25) below; or
(ii) it is moved upon notice in writing previously given and officially circulated
(unless by a majority of two thirds the Conference has dispensed with
notice) and obtains a majority of two thirds.
For the purposes of this sub-clause a resolution rescinds a previous resolution if, and
only if, it is expressed to do so, or it directly reverses the previous resolution, or the
President rules that in substance it is inconsistent with the intention of the Conference in
adopting the previous resolution.
(b) Any resolution which, on the advice of the financial committee given in accordance
with Standing Order 136A, would result in amendment of the provisions of the
connexional budget for the Methodist Church Fund proposed under Standing Order 212(2)
shall, if moved after the budget has been adopted, require a majority of two thirds, and,
if carried, shall have the effect of amending the Conference’s resolution on the budget
without the operation of sub-clause (a) above.
(20) A resolution to suspend a rule of debate or other provision within the Conference
rules of procedure, as contained in Standing Orders 122, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134(3) and
(4), 134A, 136(2C) and 136A(3), requires a majority of two thirds [...].
(21) The President shall call to order any speaker who departs from the question or
violates the courtesies of debate.
(22) Any member may raise a point of order on the ground that the rules of debate
or regulations of the Conference have been violated. The speaker then addressing the
Conference shall give way until the point of order has been decided. The President
decides all questions of order.
(23) (a) The following interventions in the ordinary course of business may occur, but
only for substantial cause and by leave of the President:
(i) a member who thinks himself or herself misrepresented may interrupt the
speaker to correct the misrepresentation;
(ii) a member may interrupt the speaker or intervene at the end of a speech
to ask of the speaker a question of fact immediately connected with what
is being or has been said;
332 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference [132]
(25A) The Conference may also entertain any resolution contained in the report of
the Committee on Methodist Law and Polity which arises out of a resolution of an earlier
Conference and which seeks:
(i) to amend the earlier resolution for a purpose within head (ii) of clause
(25) above; or
(ii) to rescind the earlier resolution on a ground within head (iii) of clause
(25) above.
For the committee see S.O. 338. For the authority of the Conference so to resolve, and the effect of such
a resolution, see Deed of Union cl. 36(d) and (e) (Book II, Part 1).
(26) The response of the Conference shall not normally be conveyed by clapping.
132 Notices of Motion. (1) Subject to Standing Order 131(4) any two members may
upon notice of motion complying with this Standing Order bring before the Conference any
lawful resolution within the competence of the Conference.
(1A) Every notice of motion shall be handed to the Secretary in written form and signed
by the following persons:
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 333
[132] Book III Standing Orders
(i) where the proposal is to amend a resolution and those responsible for
presenting that business to the Conference are prepared to accept it, the
proposer and seconder of the motion;
(ii) where such a proposal to amend is not accepted by those responsible,
the proposer and seconder and four other persons;
(iii) in all other cases, the proposer and seconder and eight other persons.
(2) Only on matters of urgency, so judged by the President after consultation with the
Vice-President, shall notices of motion in the Representative Session be accepted after
[...] 4.30 pm on the [...] third day of the session, except that a notice of motion proposing
to amend a resolution circulated or materially altered on or after the first day of the
session shall be accepted if lodged before the close of business on the day before the
resolution is to be dealt with.
133 Memorials. (1) The Conference may adopt, with or without amendment, or
reject any reply proposed by the Memorials Committee or (if Standing Order 134(4)
applies) by its convener.
For the committee see S.O. 138.
(2) In relation to any one or more memorials to which replies have been proposed by
the committee any two members of the Conference may, on notice of motion submitted
on the first day of the relevant session, move that instead of dealing with the committee’s
proposed reply in the ordinary course of business the Conference shall debate a
resolution based on the relevant memorials, and if such a motion is carried the President,
Vice-President and Secretary of the Conference shall make arrangements accordingly.
See also S.O. 138(5).
(3) If there is a debate pursuant to Standing Order 138(5) or clause (2) above any
resolution or amended resolution then adopted by the Conference is its reply to the
relevant memorials.
(4) Subject to clause (5) below the Conference shall reply to every memorial,
although it is open to the Conference as its interim reply to refer the memorial to the
Methodist Council or a committee for consideration and report. Rejection of a proposal
that a memorial be declined is not itself a reply. It is the responsibility of the convener
of the committee to ensure that if the Conference rejects the proposed reply of the
committee under clause (1) above or fails to adopt any resolution under clause (3) above
consideration of the matter is not closed until a reply has been adopted.
For the convener of the committee see S.O. 101(1).
(5) The committee may recommend that the Conference instead of replying to
a memorial refer the questions raised to Synods and/or to Circuit Meetings for
consideration or action without itself expressing a judgment on the substance of the
issue. In such a case, the committee shall recommend whether Synods and Circuit
Meetings are to report their conclusions to the Conference and, if so, a timetable for such
334 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference [134A]
134 District Resolutions. (1) Resolutions and reports submitted under Standing
Order 419(2) in due time shall be printed in the Agenda. If a report is included the cost of
printing shall be a charge on the District.
(2) [revoked]
(3) Such resolutions shall be moved and seconded in the Conference by
representatives of the District and shall, subject to any recommendation from the
business committee, be debated.
(4) If it appears likely to the Business Committee that the Conference will not, in the
time available, be able to debate all such resolutions adequately, it may recommend to
the Conference that one or more of such resolutions be dealt with instead as memorials.
If the Conference adopts such a recommendation, the convener of the Memorials
Committee shall, after such consultation as he or she thinks appropriate, frame a
proposed reply, which shall be printed for the Conference in an order paper.
For the Memorials Committee see S.O. 138 and for its convener S.O. 101(1).
134A En Bloc Business. (1) (a) The Business Committee shall consider, taking
into account the recommendations of the Memorials Committee made under Standing
Order 138(5A), which resolutions to which sub-clause (b) of this Standing Order applies
are unlikely to become provisional resolutions or to give rise to opposition or debate or
to require amendment other than within sub-clause (e) below. It shall, no later than the
opening of the Representative Session, table a list of such resolutions with notice of its
intention to invite the Conference in due course to adopt all such resolutions en bloc.
(b) This clause applies to all resolutions in the Agenda or otherwise circulated
before the opening of the Conference except those for the confirmation of provisional
resolutions, or for the adoption or confirmation of special resolutions under Standing
Order 126, and except resolutions relating to Conference Statements under Standing
Order 129.
(c) Subject to sub-clause (e) below any resolution, including any recommended reply
to a memorial, which becomes the subject of an amending notice of motion shall be
removed from the list. In addition, by giving notice to the Secretary of the Conference in
writing before the close of business on the third day of the Representative Session, any
six members of the Conference may, without proposing an amendment, require any item
or items, except a recommended reply to a memorial, to be removed from the list. The
Business Committee itself shall be free at any time before the resolutions are moved to
remove any item or items from the list.
(d) The resolutions remaining in the list shall not earlier than the fourth day of the
Representative Session be moved en bloc and voted upon without discussion.
(e) A need to make minor corrections to the text of any resolution on the list shall not
necessitate its removal, and it may be moved under sub-clause (d) above as corrected.
The Business Committee shall decide all questions as to the application of this sub-
(2) The Business Committee may also advise, in the exercise of its functions under
Standing Order 136(2A)(c), that such resolutions based upon the recommendations of
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 335
[134A] Book III Standing Orders
reference groups as it considers appropriate for such procedure should also be moved en
bloc and voted upon without discussion. Sub-clause (1)(c) shall apply to the removal of
any resolution from that procedure, provided the notice is duly given before the close of
business on the day upon which such advice is circulated to the Conference.
135 Closed Sessions. (1) The Conference may at any time meet in closed session
and shall do so when hearing any appeal arising out of any charge within Part 11.
(2) [revoked]
(3) During any closed session other than one for the hearing of an appeal within Part
11 no one may be present except members of the Conference entitled to vote on the
business under consideration and any other persons or classes of persons whom the
Conference may for the time being resolve to admit.
As to closed sessions for the hearing of appeals see S.O. 1145(7).
136 Conference Business Committee. (1) There shall be a Business Committee for
the Representative Session of the Conference, consisting of:
(i) an ex-President or ex-Vice-President, appointed by the previous
Conference upon the nomination of the Methodist Council to serve for
a period of three years, who shall chair the committee and who shall,
whether or not a member in any other capacity, be a member of the
Conference during the period of appointment; and
(ii) three ministerial […] and three lay members of the Conference elected
in accordance with clause (1A) or appointed under clause (1C).
The Secretary and Assistant Secretary of the Conference shall be in attendance but
without a vote and a connexional Treasurer and the connexional Press Officer shall attend
as consultants when required.
(1A) Where there will be a vacancy in the elected membership of the committee for the
next Conference, an election shall be held after nomination by members of the current
Conference. Each nomination shall be signed by a proposer and seconder. It shall contain
the District and Circuit in which the person being nominated is stationed or is a member,
current appointment or current offices within the church, age, occupation, and any other
relevant information (up to fifteen words). No member shall nominate more than one
person. In electing such members, the Conference shall consider the composition of
the committee with regard to age, sex and ethnic origin. The election shall be by single
transferable vote and the chair of the Business Committee or his or her representative
shall be the returning officer. The returning officer shall declare the persons elected to
serve, together with two persons in each category as reserves in the event of any person
who received a higher number of votes, or a continuing member under clause (1B), not
being a member of the next Conference or not being able or willing to attend. Such
reserves shall serve for the period for which the person originally elected would have
served and shall not be eligible for immediate re-election.
(1B) Committee members shall be elected for three years and shall not be eligible for
immediate re-election. If an elected member is not a member of or is unable to attend
336 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference [136]
the next ensuing or one of the subsequent Conferences the appointment shall lapse and
the vacancy shall be filled in accordance with clause (1A) or (1C).
(1C) If it becomes clear during the course of the connexional year that there will be a
vacancy on the committee which cannot be filled in accordance with the above provisions,
the Methodist Council shall have the power to appoint a member from amongst the
members of the next Conference. Such appointment shall be for that Conference only.
(2) The committee shall meet before and during the sessions of the Conference as
may be necessary and shall have the following responsibilities:
(i) to draw up the order of business in the Conference and to allocate time
to each item;
(ia) to identify the resolutions which it proposes shall be moved en bloc under
Standing Order 134A;
(ii) to recommend to the Conference which notices of motion should be
debated in the Conference and at what time, and which should be dealt
with in some other way, and for what reason;
(iii) to review at the end of each day the business allocated to the day but not
completed and to advise the Conference how it should be dealt with;
(iv) to recommend to the President and Vice-President items of business
for which they might invite members of the Conference to indicate to
the committee in advance a wish to speak, and to offer advice to the
President and Vice-President so as to enable a representative range of
views to be heard in any such debates;
(v) to identify matters which are appropriate to be dealt with through any of
the processes set out in clause (2A) below and to make the necessary
arrangements, including assigning the members of the Conference to
such groups as may be required.
(2A) (a) The committee may arrange for matters of general concern, not being dealt
with in the formal business of the Conference, to be discussed in workshops or similar
groups and shall advise the Conference on the procedure by which any issues raised in
those discussions may be taken forward.
(b) The committee may identify items of Conference business which, because of the
detail involved or the complexity of the issues, can profitably be explored in depth in
hearings or group discussion before being debated in full Conference, and may advise the
Conference whether, and if so how, the results of such exploration are to be reported.
(c) The committee may advise that certain items in the business of the Conference be
dealt with in reference groups, with the expectation that the recommendations of such
groups will be dealt with by the Conference en bloc under Standing Order 134A(2).
(2B) The committee may recommend that the Conference deal with any business by
referring the questions raised to Synods and/or to Circuit Meetings for consideration
or action without itself expressing a judgment on the substance of the issue. In such a
case, the committee shall recommend whether Synods and Circuit Meetings are to report
their conclusions to the Conference and, if so, a timetable for such reports.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 337
[136] Book III Standing Orders
(2C) The committee shall arrange for the budget for the Methodist Church Fund
proposed by the Methodist Council under Standing Order 212(2) to be presented and
considered not later than the fourth day of the Representative Session. The formal
resolution for its adoption, and the consequent resolution as to the allocation to
the respective Districts of the assessments, shall be moved on the final day of the
Representative Session.
See S.O. 136A and 131(19)(b) as to resolutions which could affect the budget as proposed or adopted.
(3) All recommendations of the committee shall be reported daily to the Conference for
approval or amendment. The [...] person presiding shall have the power to limit the length
of any debate on procedural questions arising from the committee’s report.
136A Financial Committee. (1) The Methodist Council, with a view to the discharge
of its functions under Standing Orders 211(3)(vii) and 212(2) during the periods of
the Conference, shall appoint a financial committee annually, consisting of the lead
connexional Treasurer or his or her representative, the Connexional Secretary responsible
for central services, three other members of the council who are also members of the
Conference, together with such other members of the Connexional Team in an advisory
capacity as the council may decide.
(2) The committee shall meet before and during the sessions of the Conference as
necessary, shall identify all resolutions in the Agenda or otherwise circulated to the
Conference which would have financial implications, other than those for which provision
has already been made in the budget, and shall notify the Conference accordingly.
(3) In relation to all such resolutions which, if adopted, would result in increased costs
the committee shall advise the Conference, prior to any debate or vote upon them,
(i) whether, if adopted, the costs can be accommodated within the council’s
proposed budget;
(ii) if not, what additional resources are estimated to be required to carry
them out, and the timescale within which the work might be started and
(iii) whether the cost of the proposal, if adopted, should be substituted for
some other item of expenditure, or treated as an addition, and, in the
latter case, the source of the additional funds required;
(iv) if there are several such proposals before the committee, what priority
should be given to each.
The committee’s advice shall, except in emergencies, be conveyed to the Conference in
137 Committees of Reference. (1) Whilst the Business Committee may identify,
under Standing Order 136(2)(v), general items of business appropriate to be discussed
in the Representative Session in groups, the provisions of this Standing Order shall apply
where it is determined under clause (3) below that a matter shall be referred to a formal
Committee of Reference.
338 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference [138]
(2) The Methodist Council shall annually approve a list of the names of persons, all of
whom are expected to be members of the ensuing Conference, who may be appointed
to serve on Committees of Reference in accordance with clause (4) below. The list shall
include, and identify as such, the names of an appropriate number of persons who may
act as conveners.
(3) [...] Either session of the Conference, or before that session meets the President
(after consultation with the Vice-President in the case of the Representative Session)
may refer any matter to a Committee of Reference for consideration and report.
(4) Each such committee shall be appointed from the list referred to in clause (2)
above by the relevant session or, in a case arising before that session meets or where
the urgency of the case so requires, the President, who in a matter concerning the
Representative Session shall first consult the Vice-President [...]. It shall be composed
of a convener and eight other persons, all being members of the relevant session.
138 Memorials Committee. (1) The Methodist Council shall annually appoint a
committee to consider all memorials from Synods and Circuit Meetings and make a
recommendation on each to the Conference.
See S.O. 133, 419, 491(2) and 516.
(2) In addition to the convener appointed by the preceding Conference the committee
shall consist of:
(i) [...] a former President or Vice-President appointed for three years, who
shall be chair;
(ii) the President-designate, Vice-President-designate and Secretary of the
(iii) the Connexional Secretaries or their representatives;
(iv) one district Chair, and one synod secretary, each appointed for a period of
three years;
(v) three ministers […] and ten other persons, each nominated by a district
Policy Committee according to a rota.
(3) Each member nominated by a district Policy Committee shall serve for a period
of three years and shall in the first year of appointment be an elected representative of
the District to the ensuing Conference. If any such member should cease to be a church
member or minister […] in the District or should otherwise be unable to complete the
full term of membership, the district Policy Committee shall nominate a substitute for the
remainder of the term.
(4) The convener may invite other persons to attend the meeting of the committee in
order to give information or otherwise assist the committee. Persons invited under this
clause have no vote.
(5) The committee may, instead of proposing replies to particular memorials which it
considers to be of special importance, recommend to the President, Vice-President and
Secretary of the Conference that arrangements be made for a resolution or resolutions
based on one or more of them to be moved and debated in the Conference.
See also S.O. 133(2).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 339
[138] Book III Standing Orders
(5A) The committee shall recommend to the Business Committee which replies to
memorials shall be proposed to be moved and voted upon en bloc under Standing Order
(6) The report of the committee shall clearly identify
(i) those memorials which require to be considered by the […] Presbyteral
as well as the Representative Session of the Conference, being shared
business as defined by clause 24(c) of the Deed of Union; and
(ii) those memorials which concern any of the matters specified in items (i)
or (ii) of clause 25B(a) of the Deed, upon which the process prescribed by
that clause will apply to the proposed reply.
Memorials from Synods must be sent so as to reach the convener by the Wednesday after the second
Saturday in May (S.O. 419).
Memorials from Circuit Meetings must reach the convener by the 31st March (S.O. 516(4)).
(7) The committee shall meet in London shortly before the meeting of the Conference
and its report shall, if possible, be printed for circulation in the Conference. If, however,
in any particular year it should seem advisable to the convener of the committee and the
Secretary of the Conference the committee may meet in the Conference town on the first
day of the Conference.
(8) In respect of memorials remitted by the Conference for consideration and report by
the Methodist Council or other committees the reports shall be included in the Agenda of
the next following Conference unless the Conference specifies some other year.
340 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference
Section 14 Arrangements
Standing Order Page
140 Conference Arrangements Committee........................................................ 341
141 Expenses of Representatives.................................................................... 341
142 Charges................................................................................................... 341
145 Distribution of Written Communications..................................................... 341
146 Printing Expenses..................................................................................... 341
146 Printing Expenses. The cost of producing the Daily Record and other material
that is in the judgment of the Secretary of the Conference necessary for the Conference
to conduct its business shall be a charge on the Methodist Church Fund.
For the Daily Record see S.O. 123.
See also S.O. 361(3)(i),(ii) and (ix).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 341
Book III Standing Orders
The Deed of Union provides by cls. 15, 23, 24 and 25 (Book II, Part 1) for the constitution and powers of
the Presbyteral Session.
150 Business Committee. (1) There shall be a Business Committee for the […]
Presbyteral Session of the Conference.
(2) The committee shall consist of:
(i) the ex-President;
(ii) two other […] presbyters appointed by the Conference in its […]
Presbyteral Session to serve for three years, one retiring each year, with
power for the Methodist Council to fill casual vacancies;
(iii) such […] presbyters as are elected under Standing order 136 to be
members of the Business Committee of the Representative Session.
(3) The Secretary of the Conference shall be the convener, but without a vote.
(4) The committee shall meet before and during the sessions of the Conference as
may be necessary and shall have the following responsibilities:
(i) to draw up the order of business in the Conference and to allocate time
to each item;
(ii) to recommend topics for pastoral consideration or conversation under
clause 23(f) of the Deed of Union and subjects in the Agenda of the
Representative Session or other subjects within the jurisdiction of the
Conference for discussion under clause 23(m) of the Deed of Union, and
in that connection, where appropriate, to frame resolutions for debate;
(iii) to review at the end of each day the business allocated to the day but not
completed and to advise the Conference how it should be dealt with.
151 Permission to Attend the Conference. A […] presbyter who is not a member
of a Synod and who wishes to attend the […] Presbyteral Session of the Conference
under clause 15(a)(ii) of the Deed of Union requires the permission of the President in
order to do so.
See cl. 15(a)(ii) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part I).
153 Obituaries. (1) During the […] Presbyteral Session of the Conference there
shall be held a service of commemoration and thanksgiving for those […] presbyters,
[…] presbyteral probationers and student […] presbyters who have died since the last
preceding Conference.
342 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference [153]
(2) The names of the deceased […] presbyters, probationers and students […] shall
be read by the Secretary of the Conference during the service.
(3) The Secretary of the Conference shall each year receive from the secretaries of
the Synods the obituaries of deceased […] presbyters and presbyteral probationers
which have been approved by the Synods, and from circuit Superintendents those of […]
presbyters and presbyteral probationers who have died subsequently. The Secretary of
the Conference shall, if necessary, revise the obituaries and shall include them in the
Agenda. They shall be presented to the Conference in its […] Presbyteral Session for
adoption, with any further revision accepted by the Conference.
(4) Obituaries received too late for inclusion in the Minutes for the current year shall
appear in the Agenda of the succeeding year.
For procedure in the Districts see S.O. 487.
154 Annual Inquiry. In the […] Presbyteral Session, when inquiry is made into the
character and discipline of […] presbyters and […] presbyteral probationers, the names
of the Districts shall be called one by one and the respective Chairs shall answer on
behalf of their Districts. The right of any member of the Conference to bring a charge
under Part 11 shall not be affected by the operation of this Standing Order.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 343
Book III Standing Orders
This Section contains regulations made under cl. 19 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) for the
summoning of the Conference between its ordinary meetings. Compare cl. 33(b), which provides for the
alteration of the date or place fixed for the next ordinary meeting.
160 Summons. In case of great emergency, so judged, after consultation with the
Vice-President and the Secretary, by the President, he or she may summon an additional
meeting or meetings of the Conference in the interval between the conclusion of its
ordinary meeting and the assembling of the next ensuing Conference.
161 Place and Date. Any such additional meeting shall be held at such place and
shall commence its sittings on such date as the President may, after consulting the Vice-
President and the Secretary of the Conference, direct.
162 Constitution. For the purposes of such an additional meeting the Conference
shall consist of those persons who were members of the Conference at its last preceding
ordinary meeting.
163 Status. Any such additional meeting shall, so far as may be, have effect and be
conducted as an adjourned meeting of the last preceding Conference for all the purposes
of the Deed of Union and Standing Orders.
See, for example, cl. 31 of the Deed (Book II, Part 1) as to the duration of office of the President, etc., and
S.O. 131(19) as to rescission of resolutions.
344 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 The Conference
This section needs to be read in conjunction with cls. 25A and 25B of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1)
which deal with the constitution and powers of the Conference Diaconal Committee.
180 Officers and Members. (1) The preceding or current Conference shall, upon
the nomination of the Secretary of the Conference, appoint recording officers of the
Conference Diaconal Committee, and one of them also as its reporting officer. So far
as not already members of the committee they shall, whether or not deacons, thereby
become members under clause 25A(b)(v) of the Deed of Union.
(2) The Secretary of the Conference or his or her deputy shall be the convener of the
(3) The Warden shall be responsible for notifying the President or Vice-President, as
the situation may require, where it appears necessary or appropriate for the President or
Vice-President to exercise the power conferred by clauses 25A(c) and 29A(a) of the Deed
to appoint additional or substitute members.
181 Meetings and reports. (1) The Conference Diaconal Committee shall meet
as necessary to discharge the responsibilities laid upon it by the Deed of Union and
Standing Orders.
(2) The committee shall meet in closed session for business requiring decisions upon
individual cases or other confidential matters, and in any other case where Standing
Orders so require. It may resolve to do so on other occasions as it deems appropriate.
(3) The committee may refer any matter to a sub-committee of its members for
consideration and report.
(4) The reporting officer shall be responsible for recording the decisions made by
the committee, reporting them to the next following or current Conference, as the case
may be, in its Representative Session and, where the Deed of Union or Standing Orders
require, ensuring that they are entered into the Journal of the Conference.
For the Journal of the Conference, see cl. 36 of the Deed of Union.
182 Obituaries. (1) The obituaries of those deacons, diaconal probationers and
student deacons who have died shall be prepared by the Warden in consultation where
possible with the Convocation, and shall be presented to the Conference Diaconal
Committee for adoption, with any further revision accepted by the committee.
For the Convocation of the Methodist Diaconal Order see Section 75 of Standing Orders.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 345
[182] Book III Standing Orders
(2) The reporting officer shall be responsible for reporting them to the Conference for
incorporation into the Journal of the Conference.
(3) The obituaries shall be printed in the Minutes and any received too late for
inclusion in the Minutes for the current year shall appear in the Agenda of the succeeding
183 Annual Inquiry. (1) In the Conference Diaconal Committee the Warden shall
annually give assurances on behalf of the Convocation as to the character and discipline
of the deacons and diaconal probationers.
(2) The reporting officer shall be responsible for reporting the assurances to the
Conference for incorporation into the Journal of the Conference.
(3) The right of any member of the committee to bring a charge under Part 11 shall not
be affected by the operation of this Standing Order.
For the Convocation of the Methodist Diaconal Order see Section 75 of Standing Orders.
346 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Methodist Council and Connexional Committees
Section Page
20 General Provisions.................................................................................... 348
21 Methodist Council..................................................................................... 351
22 Special Properties.................................................................................... 360
23 Other Committees.................................................................................... 362
24 Other Bodies............................................................................................ 365
25 Methodist Children and Youth Assembly..................................................... 367
Cl. 21(v), (viii) of the Deed of Union empowers the Conference to appoint committees, to delegate its
powers to them, to prescribe their powers and duties and to adopt their acts as its own (Book II, Part 1).
Book III Standing Orders
For Conference Trustees see Model Trusts para. 1 (Book II, Part 2) and for Connexional Trustees see S.O.
201 Ex-officio Membership. In this and the next Part of Standing Orders and in
Standing Order 971(1) the phrase ‘ex-officio members’ refers to the President, Vice-
President, Secretary, ex-President, ex-Vice-President, President-designate and Vice-
President-designate of the Conference.
202 Expenses and Loss of Earnings. (1) This Standing Order applies to all boards
and committees appointed by the Conference (in this Standing Order called ‘parent
bodies’) and to all subordinate committees, sub-committees and working parties
appointed by or on the authority of a parent body.
(2) All sums payable under this Standing Order shall be paid out of the funds
administered by the relevant body, or if none out of the Methodist Church Fund.
As to the Methodist Church Fund see S.O. 361.
(3) The expenses of the members of all bodies to which this Standing Order applies
(including sums necessarily paid to carers), incurred in attending the meetings or doing
the work of the relevant body, shall be reimbursed, if desired.
(4) A loss of earnings allowance shall be paid, if desired, in accordance with clauses
(5) and (6) below, to all members of the Methodist Council and of any other bodies to
which this Standing Order applies and which are specified for this purpose under clause
(7) below.
(5) The amount of any such allowance shall be the amount of the loss of earnings
actually sustained by attending a meeting of the relevant body, or the maximum
determined under clause (6) below, whichever is the less.
348 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Methodist Council and Connexional Committees [204]
(6) The Methodist Council shall determine annually for the next connexional year the
maximum daily allowance for loss of earnings.
(7) Each parent body shall specify annually for the next connexional year which bodies,
if any, from among that parent body and its subordinate bodies, shall qualify for loss of
earnings allowances.
203 Appointments. (1) This Standing Order relates to all bodies appointed by the
Conference, subject to any contrary legal requirement.
As to the provisions governing Action for Children see S.O.240.
The provisions applying to the board of Methodist Homes are laid down by its governing document, but cls.
(2), (4) and (5) below apply to the Conference nomination to the board (S.O. 241).
The membership of the Central Finance Board is governed by regulations 2 to 6 of the Second Schedule to
the Act of 1960 (Vol. 1, p. 65). The chief departures from the general provisions of S.O. 203 are that district
representatives are effectively appointed by the Synods instead of nominated by them for appointment by
the Conference, and that the appointment is for such period as the Synod may specify or, if no period is
specified, for three years.
(2) The nominations to be brought before the ensuing Conference for appointment to
these bodies shall be made not later than the second Saturday in May.
(3) In appointments for which nominations are brought either by the bodies themselves
or by Synods no person may be so nominated to the same body in the same category for
more than six years in succession, except by a two-thirds majority of those present and
voting in the nominating body on a ballot vote taken after all proposals for nomination
have been made, those for re-nomination containing a record of attendances and the
special reason for re-nomination.
(4) Where nominations are made by the bodies themselves consideration shall be
given to the composition of the body as a whole with regard to the age, sex, and ethnic
origin of its members, and (subject to Standing Order 010) the diversity of experience and
opinion in the church, including minority views.
(5) Where nominations are made by the bodies themselves members of the
Conference are entitled to add other names by notice of motion on the first day of the
Representative Session.
(6) Where each home Synod is entitled to nominate a person or persons for
appointment under this Standing Order any such Synod may also nominate and the
Conference may appoint a substitute for any such person.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 349
[205] Book III Standing Orders
205 New Members. The secretaries or conveners of such committees shall inform
all newly appointed members of the fact of their appointment.
207 Special Days. The Methodist Council may recommend to the Conference the
observance by the Church of special days for prayer and the consideration of particular
350 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Methodist Council and Connexional Committees
210 The Methodist Council. (1) There shall be a Methodist Council appointed
annually by the Conference which in addition to the ex-officio members shall consist of:
(i) the chair of the council appointed in accordance with clause (2)(d) below;
(iA) the assistant secretary of the Conference appointed under Standing
Order 116A;
(ii) the lead connexional Treasurer appointed under Standing Order 311(1);
(iii) four district Chairs nominated by the Chairs’ Meeting with a view to
meeting the needs of the Council and reflecting the varying experience of
the Chairs across the Connexion;
(iv) one representative of each home District, being either a lay person or a
[…] minister (other than a district Chair), appointed in accordance with
clause (2)(a) below;
(v) the Connexional Secretaries or their representatives;
(vi) the chair and two of the members of the Strategy and Resources
Committee appointed under Standing Order 213(1)(i), nominated by the
(viA) the chair or deputy chair of the Ministries Committee in accordance with
Standing Order 32A2(2);
(vii) a representative of the Methodist Diaconal Order, nominated by the
Convocation of the Order;
(viii) two representatives nominated by the Methodist Children and Youth
(ix) two representatives, not being members of the Connexional Team,
nominated by the Committee for Racial Justice.
(x) up to four other persons appointed by the Conference in accordance with
clause (2)(c) below, so as to ensure that appropriate areas of skill and
experience are available to the council.
For the ex-officio members see S.O. 201.
(2) (a) The persons appointed under head (iv) of clause (1) above shall be nominated
by their respective Synods for a period of four years, being in each case a person who
would be entitled under Standing Order 417(1) to be a representative of that District
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 351
[210] Book III Standing Orders
to the Conference. If a person ceases to be so qualified, the Synod shall make a new
nomination for the remainder of the term. The Conference shall periodically approve a
rota for the purpose of determining from year to year which Districts shall be represented
by lay persons and which by ministers […].
See S.O. 203.
(b) The persons appointed under heads (iii) and (vi) to (ix) of clause (1) above shall
each be nominated for a period of four years by the body concerned.
(c) Where the council proposes that an appointment be made under head (x) of
clause (1) above, the council shall be responsible for publicising the vacancy, inviting
suggestions for possible nominees and bringing a nomination to the Conference. Any
appointment shall be for a period of four years.
(d) The chair of the council shall be appointed upon nomination by the council for
a period of three years, subject to Standing Order 316, and shall not be eligible for
reappointment. He or she shall be chosen from amongst those persons, not being
members of the Connexional Team, who took office as President or Vice-President during
any of the five Conferences preceding the appointing Conference.
(3) The Secretary of the Conference shall be the secretary of the council. He or she,
both in that capacity and as General Secretary, shall be responsible in conjunction
with the Assistant Secretary, the chair of the council and the chair of the Strategy and
Resources Committee for preparing the agenda of the meeting.
(4) The council shall meet not less than three times in each year.
(5) The council may invite observers from other churches and Christian bodies.
(6) Only persons who are eligible under the Deed of Union to be members of the
Conference and members of the Connexional Team who are members of another
communion shall be eligible to be appointed as members of the council.
For eligibility under the Deed of Union, see cl. 12 and the qualifying clauses listed there (Book II, Part 1).
(7) The chair of the connexional Audit Committee appointed under Standing Order
213A, the Conference officer for legal and constitutional practice appointed under
Standing Order 116C, [...] the secretary of the Faith and Order Committee and the
members of the senior leadership group as defined in Standing Order 304 not appointed
as members of the council under clause (1) above shall have the right to attend and
speak at meetings of the council, but shall not be voting members.
211 General Powers. (1) (a) Between the close of any Conference and the opening
of the next succeeding Conference the Methodist Council is authorised to act on behalf
of the Conference, provided that with the exception expressed in sub-clause (b) below
such action is not contrary to the Deed of Union or Standing Orders or to any subsisting
resolution of the Conference.
(b) The exception referred to is that if legislation is at any time enacted in any territory
within the Home Districts in consequence of which any Standing Orders or subsisting
resolutions of the Conference are illegal, or no longer achieve their intended purpose,
or fail to give effect to legal requirements, the council may, so far only as it judges
352 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Methodist Council and Connexional Committees [212]
necessary to meet any such defects within that territory before the next meeting of the
Conference, revoke, amend, add to or suspend any such Standing Orders or resolutions
or take other actions which would, but for this sub-clause, be contrary to their effect.
(c) The council shall not delegate any powers exercisable only by virtue of sub-clause
(b) above.
(d) If the council takes any action authorised only by sub-clause (b) above it shall
be reported to the next Conference and shall cease to have effect at the close of that
Conference unless meanwhile ratified by it.
(2) The council is charged with responsibility to keep in constant review the life of the
Methodist Church, to study its work and witness throughout the Connexion, to indicate
what changes are necessary or what steps should be taken to make the work of the
Church more effective, to give spiritual leadership to the Church and to report annually to
the Conference, bringing to the notice of the Conference matters to which it believes the
Conference ought to give urgent attention.
(3) For the purpose of discharging the responsibilities set out in clause (2) above the
council shall:
(i) ensure that the decisions of the Conference are fully implemented;
(ii) scrutinise in detail on behalf of the Conference the reports from those
bodies required to report to the Conference upon the discharge of their
governance responsibilities;
(iii) [revoked];
(iv) consider policies for future connexional work, ensure that its Strategy and
Resources Committee is aware of their implications for the Methodist
Church Fund budget, and report to the Conference;
(v) ensure that policies are considered and work is carried out in awareness
of the Church’s world-wide ecumenical relationships and commitments;
(vi) supervise the advocacy, raising and disbursement of those funds which
are authorised by the Conference;
(vii) advise the Conference on any special financial appeal to the Connexion.
212 Particular Functions. (1) The council shall be responsible, upon the
recommendation of its Strategy and Resources Committee and with the advice of the
connexional Audit Committee, for the adoption of the financial statement required by
Standing Order 360 and its presentation to the Conference.
For the Strategy and Resources Committee and the Audit Committee, see S.O. 213 and 213A respectively.
(2)(i) The council shall receive and consider the report of the Strategy and Resources
Committee on the budget for the Methodist Church Fund, and make recommendations
to the Conference on expenditure and on the amounts to be contributed by the Circuits
through the Districts to the fund in the next connexional year. On the basis of the
committee’s provisional assessment of the total sum required, the council shall give
notice to the home Districts each November of the contributions which it proposes
to recommend to the Conference, and its recommendations shall conform with these
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 353
[212] Book III Standing Orders
(ii) The council shall also receive and consider the report of the Strategy and
Resources Committee on the budgets for the other major connexional funds under its
oversight, and present to the Conference a consolidated budget for those funds and the
Methodist Church Fund.
(3) The council shall from time to time recommend to the Conference the minimum
stipends to be paid to ministers […] and probationers, including such additional
allowances (if any) as are to be paid to […] Superintendents, district Chairs, and persons
in appointments to which Standing Order 114, 116A, 116C, 313 or 315 applies, and the
amount of the levies to be determined for and the maximum amount of expenses to be
reimbursed from the connexional sabbatical fund, and the initial payment to be made in
accordance with Standing Order 804(2).
(4) The council shall appoint an Allowances Committee consisting of nine persons, of
whom three shall be […] presbyters and one shall be a deacon, which reporting to the
Ministries Committee as provided in Standing Order 32A1 shall make recommendations
to the council on the matters specified in clause (3) above and other matters related to
allowances for and terms of service of ministers […] and probationers.
(5) The council shall appoint annually a medical committee, whose responsibilities
shall include those specified in Standing Orders 790(2) and 793(1).
(6) The council shall each year recommend to the Conference what date it shall fix for
the commencement of the next Conference and what date it shall provisionally designate
for the commencement of the next Conference but one.
(7) The council shall nominate to the Conference representatives for appointment to
the World Council of Churches, the Conference of European Churches, Churches Together
in Britain and Ireland, Churches Together in England, Action of Churches Together in
Scotland, Cytun (Churches Together in Wales) and the Group for Local Unity.
(8) The council shall receive and consider any representations which the Chairs’
Meeting may from time to time submit upon matters of connexional or district concern.
For the Chairs’ Meeting see S.O. 230A.
(9) The council has full responsibility throughout the home Districts, subject to the
supreme authority of the Conference, for all model trust property affairs and the building,
legal and financial aspects of shared schemes under the Sharing of Church Buildings
Acts 1969, and for that purpose is empowered to draw up its own regulations, subject to
the approval of the Conference.
(10) For the purposes of the Methodist Church Act 1976 and the Model Trusts the
council is the connexional organisation authorised by the Conference to act generally on
behalf of the Conference in relation to property affairs and constituted to discharge the
responsibilities of the Property Division.
As to (9) and (10) generally see the Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2), passim, and as to (10) in particular the
definition of ‘Methodist Council’, (ibid. para. 1).
(11) The council is empowered to give directions that artefacts, publications and
records which are model trust property and which the council judges to be of historic
significance to the Church and specifies for this purpose individually or by category shall
354 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Methodist Council and Connexional Committees [213]
not be sold, leased, lent or otherwise disposed of or parted with except by permission
of the council and on terms approved by it. A list of property so specified shall be
established and maintained in accordance with Standing Order 337(1)(ii). The council may
make provision in the budget of the Methodist Church Fund for grants to the managing
trustees of property on the list to ensure its proper care and safety.
See also S.O. 936.
(12) The council shall be the employer of every member of the Connexional Team who
is serving under a contract of employment.
(13) The council shall be responsible for the administration of a central scheme
of covenanted giving for the benefit of local church, circuit and other Methodist funds
to which the Methodist Church Funds Act 1960 applies, and also for the provision of
administrative services in connection with the recovery of tax on other forms of giving for
the benefit of such funds.
For the Methodist Church Funds Act 1960, see Vol. 1, p.49.
(14) The council shall nominate to the Conference appropriate persons for
appointment as secretary and treasurer of the Methodist Missionary Society.
213 Strategy and Resources Committee. (1) The Conference shall each year
appoint a Strategy and Resources Committee of the council consisting of:
(i) a chair appointed in accordance with clause (2A) below;
(iA) seven other persons who bring specified skills and experience to the
exercise of the specific items of governance that are the responsibility of
the committee as set out in this Standing Order;
(ii) the connexional Treasurers;
(iii) [deleted];
(iv) the chair of the Connexional Grants Committee or his or her
(v) the chair or deputy chair of the Ministries Committee in accordance with
Standing Order 32A2(2);
(vi) a district Chair, nominated by the Chairs’ Meeting;
(vii) the Secretary and the assistant Secretary of the Conference, [...] the
Connexional Secretaries and the other members of the senior leadership
group as defined in Standing Order 304 as non-voting members.
(2) The council shall bring nominations to the Conference for appointment under head
(iA) of clause (1) above, in each case stating the particular skills and experience of the
person nominated. Subject to Standing Order 316 each person shall be initially appointed
for a period of not more than four years and may be appointed for further periods of one
or more years thereafter. No person may be nominated in this category for a continuous
period of more than six years.
(2A) Subject to Standing Order 316 the chair shall be appointed in the first instance
for six years and may be appointed for further periods of one or more years thereafter.
Any nomination for appointment beyond six years shall require a resolution of the council
carried by a majority of 75% of those present and voting and reported, with a reasoned
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 355
[213] Book III Standing Orders
statement, to the Conference. No person shall hold office as chair for more than nine
years consecutively.
(2B) The committee shall advise and assist the council in fulfilling the council’s
responsibilities for the strategic oversight and use of resources with regard to personnel,
finance and physical assets. In pursuit of this it shall undertake and where authorised
act on behalf of the council in the specific tasks set out in this Standing Order, in which it
may in turn be assisted by sub-committees appointed by the council.
(2C) The committee shall act as an advisory body for the General Secretary and
Connexional Secretaries as they devise strategic policies which they then present to the
council or the Conference on their own authority,
(3) The committee shall be responsible for detailed examination of the financial
statement required by Standing Order 360 and for recommending its adoption by the
(4) (i) The committee shall propose to the council the budget for the Methodist Church
Fund together with a rationale for it in terms of the priorities and mission strategies
of the Methodist Church, recommending the total amount required to be levied by the
Conference for the next connexional year and the payments to be made from the fund,
taking into account the priorities judged necessary by the council.
See S.O. 361.
(ii) The committee shall also propose to the council the budgets for the other major
connexional funds under its oversight.
(4B) The committee shall act to advise and enable the council to fulfil its legal duties
and obligations as an employer. It shall have responsibility for all personnel matters for
those with Methodist Council employment contracts, and shall act as the responsible
body for implementing the Church’s duty of care towards those ministers […] appointed
to serve in appointments under the direction of the council and those ministers […]
appointed as officers of the Conference and located in the Connexional Team.
(5) The committee shall supervise the work of the General Secretary and Connexional
Secretaries in leading the Connexional Team.
(5A) It shall also exercise oversight of the general work of the Connexional Team, and
shall report thereon to the council and Conference as appropriate.
(6) The committee shall undertake such other tasks as the council may delegate to it.
213A Audit Committee. (1) The Conference shall each year appoint, upon
the nomination of the Methodist Council, a connexional Audit Committee, having the
constitution and responsibilities specified below, in order to assist the council in its
functions under Standing Order 212(1).
(2) The committee shall consist of five persons, including one appointed by the
Conference to chair the committee. No person shall be eligible to be a member of the
committee who is a member of the Connexional Team or of the council.
356 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Methodist Council and Connexional Committees [213B]
(3) The committee shall meet as frequently as need be, but in any event at least once
a year and also whenever the auditors appointed under Standing Order 012 require it to
do so.
(4) When required to do so by the committee, a connexional Treasurer and any
appropriate members of the Connexional Team shall also be in attendance at meetings.
(5) The responsibilities of the committee shall be:
(i) to advise the council upon the appointment in accordance with Standing
Order 012 of auditors for all the funds for which it is responsible, and
(subject to that Standing Order) upon the nature and scope of the audit
(ii) to review the unified statement of connexional finances required by
Standing Order 360(1);
(iii) to review, in direct consultation with the auditors, their annual report;
(iv) to review the effectiveness of the financial and other internal control
systems with regard to moneys and other assets for which the council is
(v) to submit an annual report to the council.
213B Connexional Grants Committee (1) The Methodist Council shall each year
appoint a Connexional Grants Committee, its sub-committees, and bodies subsidiary to
the sub-committees to be known as grant streams.
(2) The committee shall be responsible for all connexional grants, for which it will
establish a clear published application process and set criteria, but not so as to include
grants made to meet expenses or in return for services or membership, and in the
following clauses of this Standing Order ‘grants’ means grants within the committee’s
(3) Apart from grants for chaplaincy work or property projects and from the World
Mission Fund, grants shall be available only for work of connexional significance.
(4) The committee shall consist of a chair, one representative from each of the sub-
committees and three other persons.
(5) The committee shall meet at least once a year.
(6) It shall have the following functions:
(i) to formulate and implement a grants policy in line with the decisions of
the council and the Conference;
(ii) to operate within an annual budget for all grant making set by the council,
taking into account current priorities and all relevant sources of income;
(iii) to set clear criteria for all grant-making processes, including the
thresholds for grants approval by the sub-committees and grant streams,
the definition and interpretation of ‘connexional significance’, and the
general allocation of unrestricted funds for specific purposes;
(iv) to monitor all grants made by the sub-committees and grant streams;
(v) to recommend to the council the number and focus of the grant streams
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 357
[213B] Book III Standing Orders
(2) [revoked]
(3) The council may authorise any of the committees appointed under clause (1) above
or Part 3 to invite observers from other churches and Christian bodies.
215 Delegation and Working Parties. (1) Subject to Standing Order 211(1)(c)
the council may delegate to the Strategy and Resources Committee or to any other
committee any of its own powers and functions, except those of hearing appeals from
such a body, and in particular may sub-delegate its powers to act on behalf of the
Conference under Standing Order 211(1)(a) or otherwise.
(2) The Strategy and Resources Committee or any other committee may appoint
working parties as necessary, the members of which need not be members of the
appointing body. These working parties shall consider specific issues remitted to them.
216 Overseas Work. (1) In every overseas District all the work shall be
administered by the district Synod under the authority of the Conference exercised
through the Methodist Council. The council is authorised, in consultation with the Synod,
to make such local adaptations of Methodist organisation and discipline as are in the
358 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Methodist Council and Connexional Committees [216]
interests of the work and are consistent with the spirit and principles of the Methodist
Church, and to issue codes of regulations and by-laws for the conduct of their business,
subject always to the supervision and authority of the Conference.
See S.O.770(1). Note however that in 2009, the last existing overseas District of the Methodist Church
was granted autonomy, as The Methodist Church The Gambia; there are therefore now no overseas Districts.
(2) The council shall also exercise the powers conferred on it by the Constitution of the
Methodist Missionary Society, and these Standing Orders shall be read and construed
in conjunction with that Constitution. In the case of any conflict between the provisions
of the Constitution and those of these Standing Orders the provisions of Standing
Orders shall prevail, except that no such provision shall prevail over or derogate from the
provisions of Articles 1, 2 and 6 of the Constitution.
See Book IV B, Part 3, and in particular Articles 5 and 10.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 359
Book III Standing Orders
220 The New Room, Bristol. (1) The Conference shall annually appoint managing
trustees for John Wesley’s Chapel (the New Room), and 4 Charles Street (Charles
Wesley’s house) and 5 Charles Street, Bristol.
The New Room is Conference property, as to which see paras. 1, 2(dA) and 11A of the Model Trusts (Book
II, Part 2).
221 Aldersgate Memorial. (1) The Conference shall annually appoint a committee
for the affairs of the Aldersgate Memorial and such other assets and funds as are related
to it.
(2) The committee shall consist of:
(i) the ex-officio members;
(ii) one Connexional Secretary and the Property Secretary;
(iii) two persons representing the London District;
(iv) the Superintendent of the City Road (Leysian Mission/ Wesley’s Chapel)
(v) [deleted]
(vi) one of the [...] Chairs of the London District;
(vii) the secretary and treasurer of the managing trustees of the Aldersgate
Memorial and one other managing trustee;
(viii) the convener of the committee, appointed as such by the Conference.
As to the Property Secretary see S.O. 006(2A).
(3) The purposes of the Aldersgate Memorial shall be connexional purposes of the
In consequence the Aldersgate Memorial is connexional property (see para. 1 of the Model Trusts, Book II,
Part 2) and is managed by connexional trustees (para. 2) appointed by the committee (S.O. 904).
360 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Methodist Council and Connexional Committees [223]
(4) The Aldersgate Memorial and any related assets or funds shall, without restricting
or excluding the provisions of the Model Trusts otherwise applicable, be held for the
following purposes:
(i) the commemoration of the Aldersgate conversions of John and Charles
Wesley in May 1738;
(ii) the purposes of the Methodist Church with particular reference to the City
of London.
222 [revoked]
223 Westminster Central Hall. (1) The Conference shall annually appoint the
managing trustees of Westminster Central Hall.
Westminster Central Hall is conference property, as to which see paras. 1, 2(dA) and 11A of the Model
Trusts (Book II, Part 2).
(2) The trustees shall be one of the [...] Chairs of the London District, the
Superintendent of the Westminster Circuit and not more than 22 other persons.
(3) The trustees shall appoint a secretary and a treasurer from among their own
For the regulations governing the proceedings of the trustees see S.O. 910(5).
(4) The chair of the trustees shall be the [...] Chair of the London District appointed
as a trustee, unless the Conference appoints another person upon the nomination of
the trustees and with the concurrence of the persons who will be the [...] Chairs of the
London District in the relevant connexional year.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 361
Book III Standing Orders
230 The Connexional Leaders’ Forum. (1) Leaders appointed by the Conference
to exercise oversight in particular bodies or spheres of responsibility shall work together
collegially in the oversight of the whole Church. The leaders listed in (2) below shall meet
together as often as practicable to watch over one another in love in order to support
each person in the exercise of his or her particular responsibilities, to engage in prayerful
theological reflection, to share insights and develop vision, and to confer about how the
vision and policies adopted by the Conference might be implemented in the Church.
(2) The Connexional Leaders’ Forum shall consist of:
(i) the General Secretary;
(iA) the assistant Secretary of the Conference;
(ii) [...] The President, Vice-President, ex-President, ex-Vice-President,
President-Designate and Vice-President-Designate of the Conference;
(iii) the District Chairs;
(iv) the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order;
(v) the Connexional Secretaries as defined in Standing Order 304;
(vA) the members of the senior leadership group as defined in Standing Order
304 not otherwise forming part of the Connexional Leaders’ Forum under
this clause;
(vi) the chair of the Methodist Council;
(vii) the chair of the Strategy and Resources Committee;
(viii) the chair of the Ministries Committee;
(ix) the Youth President.
(3) Other persons appointed by the Conference to fulfil connexional duties shall be
invited to form part of the Forum on particular occasions, as appropriate.
230A Chairs’ Meeting. There shall be a meeting of the Chairs of the home Districts
not less than three times a year for the discussion of stationing issues and other matters
of mutual concern and reflection upon the work of God in the Districts and Connexion.
The expenses of these meetings shall be pooled and charged to the District Expenses
Funds of the Districts, assisted by a grant from the Methodist Church Fund.
231 Connexional Panel. (1) The Conference shall annually appoint a Panel of
persons from which members may from time to time be chosen to serve on:
(i) connexional Discipline Committees convened under Standing Order 1131
or 1141, connexional Pastoral Committees convened under Standing
Order 013 or 042 and connexional Pastoral Committees of Appeal
convened under Standing Order 056 and
362 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Methodist Council and Connexional Committees [232]
232 Safeguarding Advisory Panel. (1) The Methodist Council shall annually appoint
a panel of persons consisting of a convener and up to eighteen other persons, to be
known as the Safeguarding Advisory Panel, with the functions set out in clause (2) below.
The members of the panel shall all be members of the Methodist Church and shall
(i) at least ten persons having experience in safeguarding matters and the
consideration of disclosures, and
(ii) at least five persons who, by virtue of seniority, experience or office held,
will in the judgment of the council command wide respect.
(1A) For the purposes of this Standing Order:
(i) a ‘disclosure’ is a disclosure document, received from any body with
official responsibility for providing information about the criminal records
of individuals, which contains convictions, cautions or any other adverse
(ii) ‘the safeguarding officer’ means the person in the Connexional Team
responsible for issues relating to the protection of children, young people
and vulnerable adults.
(2) The functions of the Safeguarding Advisory Panel shall be:
(i) to consider and advise the safeguarding officer in respect of any
disclosure or any related matter or application for the purpose of enabling
the safeguarding officer to make recommendations to the relevant
appointing body about the steps to be taken following that disclosure;
(iA) to determine any appeal brought by a person dissatisfied with a
recommendation made in respect of any disclosure or other matter as
mentioned in sub-clause (i) above;
(ii) to make recommendations to the Secretary of the Conference as to
the action to be taken in respect of any minister, […] local preacher
or member of the Church who, pursuant to the Church’s policy for
safeguarding children and young people, signs a form in which he or
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 363
[232] Book III Standing Orders
(3) The convener of the panel shall nominate such members of the panel (including
himself or herself but not being fewer than three in number) as he or she thinks fit to
make any determination or recommendation in discharge of the panel’s functions set out
in sub-clauses (ii) to (iv) of clause (2) above. Where advice under clause (2)(i) above is
required, the safeguarding officer shall convene a group of not fewer than three members
of the panel having regard to the expertise required in the particular case.
(3A) (a) When discharging the functions specified under clause 2(i) and (ii) to (iv)
above, the group nominated shall contain two persons referred to in clause (1)(i) and one
person referred to in clause (1)(ii).
(b) When discharging the functions specified under clause 2(iA) above the group
nominated shall contain one person referred to in clause (1)(i) and two persons referred
to in clause (1)(ii) one of whom shall be a former President or Vice-President, who
shall chair the group. No member of the group shall have been involved in making the
recommendation or determination which is the subject of the appeal.
(c) Requests for consultation by members of the Connexional Team under clause 2(v)
above shall be made to the convener in the first instance.
(4) For the purpose of carrying out those functions, the relevant members of the panel
(who shall as far as possible act together) shall make such inquiries, meet such persons
and obtain such expert advice in each individual case as the relevant members shall
think fit.
(5) The panel shall report to the next ensuing Conference each determination or
recommendation made under clause (2)(iA) to (iv) above. Any such report shall be made
to the Representative Session in closed session and shall be confined to the number of
appeals under each category of case, the number of persons concerned who were lay
and the number who were ordained, the number of appeals allowed and dismissed, the
number of authorisations given and refused and the number of recommendations made
and their nature in each case.
(6) In addition to any report under clause (5) above, the convener shall make a general
report to the Conference in its Representative Session at least once every three years.
This report shall deal with any questions of principle raised in the matters dealt with,
but without reference to any personal details, and it shall be open to the Conference to
debate those questions.
364 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Methodist Council and Connexional Committees
240 Action for Children. The Conference shall exercise any powers it may have
under the constitution of Action for Children to appoint and remove any member or
members of the board of that body. Clauses (2), (4) and (5) of Standing Order 203 and
Standing Order 206 shall apply to nominations for any such appointments. The names of
members of the board appointed otherwise than by the Conference shall be reported to
the Conference each year.
As to Action for Children (previously NCH) see S.O. 007(v).
The relevant clauses of S.O. 203 deal with the timing of nominations, the consideration to be given as to
the composition of the board as a whole, and the power for Conference members to add other names. S.O.
206 deals with particulars of nominees.
241 Methodist Homes. The Conference shall exercise its powers of nominating
any member of the board of Methodist Homes in accordance with the constitution of that
body as amended from time to time. The provisions of Standing Order 206 shall apply to
the proposal of any such name as if it were a Conference appointment.
(1) [revoked]
(2) [revoked]
242 Methodist Women in Britain. (1) There shall be a body known as Methodist
Women in Britain which shall encourage and support activities primarily but not
exclusively by and among women which are within the purposes of the Methodist Church,
subject to any Standing Orders applying to such activities.
(2) Without limiting the generality of clause (1) above the activities of Methodist
Women in Britain shall include the furtherance of fellowship and training and of mission
at home and overseas.
(3) Methodist Women in Britain may report to the Conference through the Methodist
(4) There shall be a president of Methodist Women in Britain, chosen biennially by
consultation among district representatives of Methodist Women in Britain during the year
next but one before the year of taking office. The president shall hold office as such for
two connexional years and during the year before taking that office and also the year after
leaving it is the vice-president.
A representative is an ex-officio member of the Conference (S.O. 102(1)(i)(vii)).
(5) Methodist Women in Britain shall act on behalf of the women of the Church as
the British unit of the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women and
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 365
[242] Book III Standing Orders
through the Methodist Council shall nominate to the Conference representatives to the
assemblies of the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women.
243 [revoked]
244 Methodist Independent Schools Trust. (1) The Conference shall exercise its
powers contained in the articles of Methodist Independent Schools Trust (a company
limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales) (“the Company”), being
the incorporated [...] governing body of schools held on the trusts of The Methodist
Independent Education Trust Deed of 1903 (as amended), to appoint the trustees of the
Company, in accordance with and subject to the Company’s articles, as follows:-
(i) the chair of the Company;
(ii) three persons nominated by the Company on the recommendation of the
Chairs of Governors of the schools held on the trusts of The Methodist
Independent Education Trust Deed of 1903 (as amended);
(iii) up to five persons nominated by the Methodist Council; and
(iv) up to five other persons nominated by the Company.
(2) The Company shall bring nominations to the Conference for the appointments to be
made under clause (1) above.
(3) The Company shall appoint one of its members to be the deputy chair of the
Company in accordance with its articles.
245 Methodist Relief and Development Fund. The Trustees of the Fund shall be
appointed by the Methodist Council. The council shall appoint one of its members as
a representative responsible for linking between the council and the Fund, who shall
attend Board meetings of the Fund. The working relationship between the Fund and the
Connexional Team shall be set out in a Memorandum of Understanding.
The Fund was established by Declaration of Trust on 29th March 1985. The Declaration of Trust was
amended by supplementary deed by the Conference in 2008, and the Memorandum of Understanding
referred to above was entered into in February 2009. The purposes of the Fund are to receive, hold and
transmit moneys for relief, rehabilitation and development under Methodist, ecumenical or other appropriate
oversight primarily overseas but, in cases of exceptional need, also in the United Kingdom.
The Conference of 2001 agreed that the Methodist World Development Action Fund should be wound up
and that any amounts received for that fund after 31st August 2001 be treated as funds for the Methodist
Relief and Development Fund and be used for development education and development projects.
366 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Methodist Council and Connexional Committees
(9) There shall be a Youth President’s Advisory Group consisting of the Youth President-
designate, the ex-Youth President and those elected by the Children and Youth Assembly
to be representatives to the Methodist Conference and nominated by it to be appointed
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 367
[250] Book III Standing Orders
by the Conference as members of the Methodist Council. The Group shall give support
to the Youth President and the representatives to the Conference and the Council in
reflecting the mind and concerns of the Assembly and in presenting business to the
Methodist Council and the Conference. It shall also advise the Assembly on how the
various sessions of the Assembly may best work and interact.
See cl. 14(2)(xA) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) and S.O. 102(5). As to the Methodist Council see
S.O. 210(1)(viii).
(10) The sessions of the Assembly shall through procedures agreed by all the sessions
jointly elect the Youth President-designate, who will become the Youth President from the
start of the next connexional year. To be eligible to be elected a person shall:
(i) be a member of one of the sessions of the Assembly;
(ii) if not already a member of the Methodist Church, have signified the
intention of seeking to become a member; and
(iii) be aged 18 years or over but under 24 at the date of taking office as
Youth President.
If the Youth President-designate has not become a member of the Methodist Church by
the date of taking office as Youth President she or he shall be disqualified from holding
office and the Children and Youth Assembly shall determine its own procedures for filling
the vacancy.
(11) The sessions of the Assembly shall through procedures agreed by all the
sessions jointly elect the three representatives to the next Conference required under
Standing Order 102(5). To be eligible to be elected, a person shall
(i) be a member of the Assembly at which the election takes place; and
(ii) if not already a member of the Methodist Church, have signified the
intention of seeking to become a member.
The Youth President, after consulting any available former Conference representatives
still under 23, shall appoint an eligible person as a substitute for any appointee who
cannot take his or her place in the Conference by reason of not being a member of the
Methodist Church.
(12) The Assembly shall through procedures agreed by all the sessions nominate two
representatives to be appointed by the Conference as members of the Methodist Council
for the next connexional year. To be eligible to be [...] nominated a person shall
(i) be a member of the relevant session at which the nomination takes
place; and
(ii) if not already a member of the Methodist Church, have signified the
intention of seeking to become a member.
[...] All such persons shall be nominated to serve for a period of two years.
The Youth President, after consulting any former Council representatives still under 23,
shall appoint an eligible person as a substitute for any nominee who at the time for first
appointment by the Conference is ineligible by reason of not being a member of the
Methodist Church.
(13) Subject to Standing Orders, the sessions of the Assembly defined in clause (3)(ii)
and (3)(iii) of this Standing Order shall have the power to regulate their own procedures.
368 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Methodist Council and Connexional Committees [250]
(14) The Connexional Team is responsible for assisting in the arrangements for the
meetings of the Assemblies and ensuring that the work of the Assemblies is grounded in
such proposals for a curriculum for children and young people as are from time to time
approved by the Methodist Council.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 369
Part 3 The Connexional Team
Section Page
30 General................................................................................................... 372
31 Appointments.......................................................................................... 375
32 […] Presbyters, Deacons, Lay Employees.................................................. 380
32A Ordained and Lay Ministries and Offices.................................................... 386
33 Other Committees.................................................................................... 388
34 Connexional and Other Institutions............................................................ 395
35 Special Provisions.................................................................................... 400
36 Finance................................................................................................... 404
Book III Standing Orders
Section 30 General
Standing Order Page
300 The General Secretary.............................................................................. 372
302 The Connexional Team.............................................................................. 372
303 Purposes of the Connexional Team............................................................ 373
304 The Connexional Secretaries..................................................................... 373
300 The General Secretary. (1) The person who is for the time being the Secretary
of the Conference shall also, by that fact, be the General Secretary of the Methodist
For the Secretary of the Conference see cl. 30 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) and S.O. 114.
(2) The General Secretary shall be the executive officer responsible for leading the
mission and strategy of the Church. He or she shall play a part in the oversight and
leadership of the Church, and in particular shall be responsible for developing strategic
management and the Church’s vision of unity, mission, evangelism and worship. To that
end he or she shall be available for consultation in Districts and Circuits in order that
insights may be shared and difficulties addressed.
(2A) The General Secretary shall lead and direct the Connexional Leaders’ Forum.
For the Connexional Leaders’ Forum, see S.O. 230.
(2B) The General Secretary may delegate to any of the Connexional Secretaries [...]
or other senior members of [...] the Connexional Team or members of the Connexional
Leaders’ Forum, as appropriate, or, after consultation with the President and Vice-
President, to some other person the exercise, in general or on a particular occasion,
of any of his or her formal responsibilities. He or she shall prepare and maintain a list
of all such general delegations made, identifying in each case the relevant person and
responsibilities concerned.
(2C) The General Secretary shall work in conjunction with the President and Vice-
President and be responsible for advising them of developments in connexional policy
and ensuring that they are adequately briefed for the exercise of their public role, and in
general receive adequate support for the fulfilment of their duties. To that end he or she
shall meet with them at regular intervals in order to share information, to co-ordinate
activities and to develop a shared vision of the Church’s calling.
(3) Although the same person is both Secretary of the Conference and General
Secretary references in this Standing Order and in Standing Order 116 and elsewhere
to one of those offices relate only to that office and not to the other, unless the context
requires otherwise.
301 [revoked]
302 The Connexional Team. (1) There shall be a Connexional Team whose
members work collaboratively to provide a coherent and effective service on behalf of the
372 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 The Connexional Team [304]
(2) The work of the Connexional Team, the assignment of particular tasks and the co-
ordination of the work shall be supervised by the Methodist Council through its Strategy
and Resources Committee.
(3) The Connexional Team shall consist of:
(i) the Secretaries as defined in Standing Order 304, who shall work under
the direction of the General Secretary;
(ii) all other ministers […] appointed under Standing Order 313 or stationed
under Standing Order 315 to work as members of the Team;
(iii) all other persons employed by the Methodist Council to work as members
of the Team;
(iv) all other persons specified in Standing Orders as members of the Team.
As to (iv) see e.g. S.O. 330(1A), 337(3).
303 Purposes of the Connexional Team. (1) The overall task of the Connexional
Team is to assist the Church in furthering the purposes of the Methodist Church, in
particular enabling it better to fulfil its calling of responding to God’s love in Christ and
working out its discipleship in mission and worship.
(2) The Team is charged with providing appropriate support for Local Churches, Circuits
and Districts as they work to fulfil the purposes of the Methodist Church. Such support
shall include acting on their behalf or offering them such services and resources as
the Team can uniquely or best provide. In providing such support the Team shall act in
accordance with Standing Orders and any directions of the Conference given from time to
(3) [revoked]
(4) The Team is authorised to act on behalf of the Church in relation to national
institutions and public issues in harmony with the existing statements and resolutions of
the Conference.
See also S.O. 211(1).
(5) The Team is responsible for assisting the Methodist Council in considering future
(6) The Team shall have particular responsibility for the areas of work which are
prescribed in the Deed of Union or specified in Standing Orders, or approved from time to
time by the Conference and the Methodist Council.
304 The Connexional Secretaries and the Senior Leadership Group of the
Connexional Team. (1) The Connexional Team shall include Connexional Secretaries,
appointed to that office, who shall assist the General Secretary in the execution of his or
her overall responsibilities. Under his or her direction they shall have [...] responsibility,
together with the other members of the senior leadership group defined in clause (5)
below, for the work of the Team and ensure that it is effectively carried out, in accordance
with the Deed of Union, Standing Orders and the directions from time to time of the
Methodist Conference and the Methodist Council, and, with the wider senior leadership of
the Church, shall support him or her in leading the development of the Church’s vision of
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 373
[304] Book III Standing Orders
unity, mission, evangelism and worship. They are authorised when so required to act as
his or her representative.
(2) [revoked]
(3) [revoked]
(4) The number of Connexional Secretaries shall be determined from time to time by
the Conference, which may determine that there shall be a single Connexional Secretary.
(5) The senior leadership group of the Connexional Team shall consist of the General
Secretary, the assistant secretary of the Conference, the Connexional Secretaries and
the three senior members of the Connexional Team with overall responsibility, under the
General Secretary, for the work of the Team in the respective areas of:
(i) discipleship and ministries;
(ii) mission and advocacy; and
(iii) support services.
374 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 The Connexional Team
Section 31 Appointments
Standing Order Page
311 Treasurers............................................................................................... 375
312 Contracts of Employment.......................................................................... 375
313 Ministerial […] Appointments by the Conference........................................ 376
314 Other Appointments authorised by the Conference...................................... 376
315 Other Ministerial […] Staff Appointments................................................... 377
316 Curtailment of Appointment...................................................................... 378
310 [revoked]
311 Treasurers. (1) The Methodist Council shall nominate and the Conference shall
appoint a lead connexional Treasurer and one or more other connexional Treasurers, who
shall together have oversight of the funds specified in Standing Orders 361 and 362 and
Section 97 and shall ensure that the unified statement of connexional funds required by
Standing Order 360(1) is prepared.
For the duties of treasurers generally see S.O. 012A.
For the responsibilities of the connexional Audit Committee see S.O. 213A.
(2) One of the connexional Treasurers shall be the treasurer of the Methodist
Missionary Society.
(3) [revoked]
(4) Subject to Standing Order 316 each connexional Treasurer shall be appointed in
the first instance for six years and may be appointed for further periods of one or more
years thereafter. No person shall hold the office for more than twelve years consecutively
except by a resolution of the council carried by a majority of 75% of those present and
voting and reported, with a reasoned statement, to the Conference.
312 Contracts of Employment. (1) This Standing Order applies to the engagement
for remuneration of any person within either of the categories specified in clause
(2) below to serve in a post which is within the Connexional Team, or as a tutor in a
theological college.
(2) The categories referred to in clause (1) above are:
(i) ministers and deacons of other churches (whether or not recognised and
regarded as […] presbyters or deacons of the Methodist Church under
clause 44, 45 or 45A of the Deed of Union), other than ministers of the
Irish Conference; and
(ii) all other persons not within Standing Order 313 or 315.
(3) In every such case there shall be a contract of employment in writing between the
Methodist Council and the employee, complying with the law and with Standing Order 314
where applicable, and containing such other provisions as the council considers proper.
(4) The Conference pursuant to clause 21(viii) of the Deed of Union hereby delegates
to the Methodist Council its powers of appointment under clause 21(vi) of that deed in
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 375
[312] Book III Standing Orders
so far as they relate to posts to which this Standing Order applies and also any other
powers it may have in relation to persons in such posts and which may be necessary to
enable the council to exercise its rights of termination or otherwise under contracts of
employment entered into pursuant to clause (3) above.
(2) For a new appointment, which shall in the first instance be for a specified period
not exceeding six years, the nomination by the council and the appointment by the
Conference shall each require a simple majority of those present and voting.
(3) For a re-appointment, which shall be for a specified period not exceeding five years,
the nomination by the council and the appointment by the Conference shall each require
a 75% majority of those present and voting. The council shall vote by ballot.
(4) Where the majority required under clause (2) or (3) (as the case may be) is not
obtained in the Conference, the Conference shall determine its own procedure, which
may include requiring the council to submit a new nomination to the following Conference,
and shall include appropriate arrangements for ensuring the performance of the duties
of the office until an appointment is made (whether under this Standing Order or by the
procedure specified).
(5) When new appointments or re-appointments are under consideration in the council
they shall be discussed in the absence of the persons concerned.
(6) The council shall complete its work as early in the connexional year as possible
and shall notify the Circuit or other authority responsible for the person’s current station
that the appointment is to be proposed.
(7) When it is proposed to nominate a deacon or diaconal probationer for an
appointment under this Standing Order the Methodist Council shall consult the Warden of
the Methodist Diaconal Order, before submitting the name to the Conference.
314 Other Appointments authorised by the Conference. (1) This Standing Order
applies to the appointment of a person within either of the categories specified in clause
(2) of Standing Order 312 as a Connexional Secretary or as secretary of the Faith and
Order Committee.
376 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 The Connexional Team [315]
For the Connexional Secretaries see S.O.304 and for the Faith and Order Committee S.O. 330. See also
S.O. 116C for the application of this clause to the appointment of the Conference officer for legal and
constitutional practice.
(2) The provisions of Standing Order 312 shall apply to all appointments under this
Standing Order.
(3) Subject to clause (9) below the appointment by the Methodist Council of a
Connexional Secretary or the Conference officer for legal and constitutional practice
requires the prior authority of a resolution of the Conference on the recommendation of
the council, specifying the name of the appointee, the date upon which the appointment
is to take effect and the period (if any is to be fixed) for which it will continue unless
earlier terminated under any contractual provision in that regard.
(4) The provisions of clause (3) above apply also to the appointment of the secretary
of the Faith and Order Committee, with the omission of the word ‘prior’, but any such
appointment made, and any related contract of employment entered into by the Methodist
Council before obtaining the authority of the Conference, shall be expressly conditional
upon obtaining such authority at the next annual meeting of the Conference and shall be
void if such authority is declined.
(5) The Conference shall not authorise the making of an appointment under this
Standing Order except upon the recommendation of the Methodist Council, and no further
names may be added in nomination, by Notice of Motion or otherwise, or considered.
(6) [revoked]
(7) If an appointment is terminated for any reason before the end of the period (if any)
specified in the resolution of authority or otherwise than by notice given by either party
the Methodist Council shall report the event in appropriate terms to the next meeting of
the Conference.
(8) [revoked]
(9) If because of the termination of the appointment of a Connexional Secretary for
any reason it is not practicable to comply fully with the requirements of clause (3) above
the Methodist Council shall nevertheless have power to appoint a Connexional Secretary
despite such non-compliance. In that event as many of the provisions of clause (3) above
shall be implemented as is practicable.
315 Other Ministerial […] Staff Appointments. (1) The Methodist Council may
recommend that a […] presbyter or deacon in Full Connexion, minister of the Irish
Conference or probationer be stationed to serve, full-time or part-time, in the Connexional
Team in an appointment other than those within Standing Order 114, 116A, 116C or
313, or as a member of staff in a training institution or other body within the control of
the Methodist Council. Such a recommendation shall be for an initial specified period
not exceeding six years. The appointment shall be included in the stations in the same
way as an appointment to a Circuit and no separate resolution of appointment by the
Conference shall be required.
For the Connexional Team see S.O. 302.
As to ‘training institution’, see definition in S.O. 007(ii)(a).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 377
[314] Book III Standing Orders
(2) The council may recommend a re-appointment for one or more further specified
periods, each not exceeding five years. Such a recommendation shall be determined as
soon as possible in the final year of the current period, and shall require the votes of not
less than 75% of those present and voting.
(3) [revoked]
(4) Nothing in this Standing Order shall derogate from the ultimate authority of the
Conference over stationing annually.
316 Curtailment of Appointment. (1) This Standing Order shall apply whenever it is
desired on either side to curtail the period of an appointment of
(i) a minister […] to a station under Standing Order 116A, 116C, 313 or
315; or
(ii) a person to an office under Standing Order 210(1)(i), 213(1)(i), 311 or
and the person appointed and the body designated in the relevant Standing Orders
as being responsible for making, recommending or nominating to the appointment are
unable to agree or when a connexional complaints team appointed under Standing
Order 1122 considers that the question whether such an appointment should be
curtailed should be examined. When requested to do so by the person appointed or by
the officer specified in clause (2) below or by a team so appointed the President or the
Vice-President on his or her behalf shall appoint a curtailment committee to consider
the matter. The committee shall consist of the President or his or her representative,
who shall preside, and six other members of the Methodist Council or, where the matter
relates to an appointment under Standing Order 210(1)(i), six members of the Strategy
and Resources Committee who are not members of the council. The committee’s
judgment shall be reported to the body responsible for the appointment and as further
required in clause (3) below.
(1A) Clause (8) of Standing Order 544 shall apply to the constitution of the curtailment
committee appointed under clause (1) above, and clause (10) of that Standing Order to
its procedure, in each case with any necessary adaptations.
(2) The officer referred to in clause (1) above shall be:
(i) in the case of the assistant secretary of the Conference, the Conference
officer for legal and constitutional practice or a Connexional Secretary, the
(ii) in the case of a connexional Treasurer, the chair of the Strategy and
Resources Committee of the Methodist Council;
(iii) in the case of the chair of the Methodist Council or chair of the Stationing
Committee, the Secretary;
(iv) [deleted]
(ivA) in the case of the chair or an appointed member of the Strategy and
Resources Committee of the Methodist Council, the Vice-President of the
(v) in all other cases, the Connexional Secretary responsible for the oversight
of the appointee.
378 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 The Connexional Team [316]
(3) In the case of a minister […] appointed to a station, the judgment of the
curtailment committee shall be reported to the Stationing Committee, and in the case
of a diaconal appointment also to the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order. In the
case of such an appointment under Standing Order 116A, 116C or 313 a report shall
also be made by the curtailment committee in appropriate terms to the Conference. In
the case of an appointment under Standing Order 210(1)(i), 213(1)(i), 311 or 322(1A) a
report shall be made by the committee in appropriate terms to the Conference and the
Conference shall have power to curtail any such appointment if and to the extent that the
report so recommends.
(4) Nothing in this Standing Order shall derogate from the ultimate authority of the
Conference over stationing annually.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 379
Book III Standing Orders
(2) [revoked]
(2A) If it becomes apparent that the number of members of the committee appointed
under head (ii) of clause (1) above who are able to attend any of its meetings in a
particular year will be insufficient for the proper conduct of the committee’s business, the
council shall co-opt as necessary further members who have appropriate prior experience.
Such co-opted members will be members of the committee for the year of co-option only.
Any such co-options shall be reported to the subsequent Conference.
321 […] Presbyteral Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee. (1) The
Methodist Council shall annually appoint a connexional […] Presbyteral Candidates and
Probationers Oversight Committee consisting of:
(i) six representatives of oversight committees of theological colleges and
other training institutions;
(ii) seven representatives of district Candidates Committees and district
Probationers Committees, with not less than two from each type of
committee within that total;
(iii) one district Chair;
(iv) six persons who are not […] presbyters;
(v) three Team members responsible respectively for […] presbyteral
candidates, initial […] presbyteral training and […] presbyteral
probationers overseas, and the secretary of the Stationing Advisory
380 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 The Connexional Team [322]
(vi) one representative of Synod Cymru when the business requires it;
(vii) one […] presbyteral probationer and one student […] presbyter for all
business other than the discussion of individual cases;
(viii) further deacons where necessary to ensure that the committee includes
at least two.
(2) The persons under heads (i) and (ii) of clause (1) above shall be nominated by the
committees concerned in accordance with a rota approved by the council.
(3) Reporting to the Ministries Committee as provided in Standing Order 32A1
the committee shall be responsible for the recruitment of candidates for the […]
presbyterate, the administration of the regulations for candidates, and decisions about
training requirements. It shall have oversight of the whole period of a person’s training
from acceptance as a candidate by the Conference until reception into Full Connexion and
ordination, and in particular shall perform the functions prescribed in Section 72.
(4) The committee, in consultation with the Diaconal Candidates and Probationers
Oversight Committee, shall appoint a local oversight committee of at least seven people
for each training institution. Where appropriate the same local committee may be
appointed in relation to two or more training institutions. If a course of training approved
under Standing Order 722 is attached to a theological college the oversight committee of
the college shall have jurisdiction over student […] presbyters following that course.
(5)(a) The committee, in consultation with the Diaconal Candidates and Probationers
Oversight Committee, shall co-ordinate and guide the work of the oversight tutors of
the training institutions in so far as it relates to the oversight of student […] presbyters
and deacons. The oversight tutors shall ensure that reports and other services for the
connexional and local committees are provided as required.
(b) For every training institution, whether under the authority of the Conference or
otherwise, the Conference shall appoint, upon the nomination of the Methodist Council,
one or more oversight tutors to assist the local and connexional oversight committees
in performing the functions specified in Standing Orders. Where more than one oversight
tutor is appointed for the same institution one shall be identified as having oversight
(c) In relation to institutions within sub-clause (b) above any reference in these
Standing Orders to the principal shall, unless this clause is expressly excluded or the
context otherwise requires, be construed as a reference to the relevant Methodist
oversight tutor.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 381
[321] Book III Standing Orders
(iv) one Team member responsible for […] presbyteral and diaconal
selection and training;
(v) one Team member responsible for the stationing of probationers;
(vi) one Team member responsible for overseas personnel;
(vii) the chair of the Stationing Advisory Committee;
(viii) the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order;
(ix) the chair and a lay member of the Diaconal Stationing Sub-committee;
(x) the chair of the group responsible on behalf of the Stationing
Committee for overseeing the matching of particular […] presbyters to
(xi) the convener of the Stationing Action Group appointed in accordance with
clause (8) below;
(xii) a Connexional Secretary.
As to (iii) see S.O. 417B.
As to (vii) see S.O. 323.
As to (viii) see S.O. 754.
As to (ix) see cl. (7) below.
(1A) A lay person shall be appointed by the Conference as chair of the committee.
Subject to Standing Order 316, he or she shall be appointed in the first instance for
six years and may be appointed for further periods of one or more years thereafter. Any
nomination for appointment beyond six years shall require a resolution of the Methodist
Council carried by a majority of 75% of those present and voting and reported, with a
reasoned statement, to the Conference. No person shall hold office as chair for more
than nine years consecutively.
(2) [revoked]
(3) The chair of the committee and the Secretary and assistant secretary of the
Conference shall attend the committee only in their official character as specially charged
with the general interests of the whole Church and shall not be eligible for appointment in
any other capacity.
(4) The committee shall, as prescribed in Section 78, recommend to the Conference
the stations for the ensuing year of […] presbyters, deacons and probationers to the
several Districts and Circuits, including […] presbyters and deacons in chaplaincies and
appointments not within the control of the Church. Reporting to the Ministries Committee
as provided in Standing Order 32A1 it shall advise on stationing policy, and in particular
shall assess priorities for the appointments to be made by the Conference of the next
connexional year and, after appropriate consultation, for the appointment of additional
[…] presbyters and deacons in the Circuits and Districts. It shall obtain and consider
information and opinions offered by district Policy Committees and the Connexional Team.
It shall keep under review the stationing code of practice [...].
As to the appointment of additional presbyters and deacons to Circuits see S.O. 529, 438(1).
(5) [revoked]
(6) Discussion in the committee about particular ministers […] and appointments shall
be absolutely confidential.
382 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 The Connexional Team [323]
(7) The committee shall appoint a Diaconal Stationing Sub-committee to advise the
Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order upon the recommendations to be made for
diaconal stationing under Standing Order 783 and related matters.
(8) The committee shall appoint an Action Group to deal with stationing difficulties and
emergencies as they arise.
(9) The committee shall have power to appoint other sub-committees to carry out
aspects of its work, but all actions of such sub-committees shall be subject to the
approval of the committee.
323 Stationing Advisory Committee. (1) The Methodist Council shall annually
appoint a Stationing Advisory Committee.
(2) The committee shall:
(i) explore the opportunities for ministry in various areas of society and
community life and in ecumenical agencies and, where appropriate,
encourage […] presbyters and deacons with suitable qualifications to
consider applying for such appointments;
(ii) receive, co-ordinate and interpret reports of such ministries;
(iii) consult with the members of the Connexional Team who have
responsibilities for work done by […] presbyters and deacons in
chaplaincies and appointments not within the control of the Church;
(iv) consider applications from […] presbyters and deacons in Full Connexion
and probationers for full-time service in chaplaincies and appointments
not within the control of the Church, and from employing authorities;
(v) report on such applications and opportunities with recommendations to
the Stationing Committee to be presented, if they are approved, to the
Conference as an integral part of the stations;
(vi) advise on the movements of […] presbyters and deacons within such
appointments and between them and Circuits in the light of the initial and
subsequent reviews of deployment prescribed by Standing Order 781;
(vii) perform the functions prescribed by Standing Order 802 in relation to
part-time appointments;
(viii) [deleted]
(ix) perform the functions prescribed by Standing Orders 790(3) and 793(1)
in relation to applications to become a supernumerary or to return to the
active work;
(x) advise the President or the Vice-President on his or her behalf on
recommendations which would involve a […] presbyter’s or deacon’s
moving during the course of the connexional year;
(xi) perform such other functions as may be required from time to time by
Standing Orders.
For the incorporation of the committee’s recommendations into the draft of stations see S.O. 782(4).
As to (i) see S.O. 540(4).
As to (xi) see e.g. S.O. 774(11).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 383
[323] Book III Standing Orders
(3) If any application or potential application under clause (2)(i) or (iv) above involves
the possibility of the curtailment of a current period of invitation or appointment or
deemed invitation or appointment of a person in a circuit appointment the committee
shall consult the circuit Invitation Committee and take its views into account.
For the circuit Invitation Committee see S.O.541.
324 [revoked]
(2) The Methodist Council shall bring nominations to the Conference for appointment
under head (iii) of clause (1) above.
(2A) If it becomes apparent that the number of members of the committee appointed
under head (iii) of clause (1) above who are able to attend any of its meetings in a
particular year will be insufficient for the proper conduct of the committee’s business, the
Methodist Council shall co-opt as necessary further members who have appropriate prior
experience. Such co-opted members will be members of the committee for the year of co-
option only. Any such co-options shall be reported to the subsequent Conference.
(3) The committee shall recommend to the Conference Diaconal Committee the names
of those to be accepted as candidates for the diaconate.
See S.O. 713 and 714.
384 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 The Connexional Team [328]
326A Appeals. The council shall appoint an Appeals Panel consisting of persons
who are not members of the […] Presbyteral or Diaconal Candidates Selection
Committee to deal with appeals under Standing Order 715 or 722(3). The council shall
also appoint a convener of Appeals Committees.
327 Lay Employees. In the discharge of its general responsibility for all matters
relating to the development, training and support of lay employees employed under the
provisions of Standing Order 570, the Connexional Team shall, where appropriate:
(i) develop and co-ordinate the provision of training for such lay employees
and monitor its use and effectiveness;
(ii) ensure the provision of pastoral support and assistance to such lay
employees and develop the opportunities for mutual support of lay
employees at every level of church life, by means which include the
convening of regional and connexional meetings of all such employees;
(iii) offer these opportunities for training and support to such persons not
appointed under Standing Order 570 as may wish to benefit from them;
(iv) promote interest in the ministry of all lay persons and encourage the
development and support of new forms of lay ministry, particularly those
directed towards the mission of the church;
(v) provide information and advice to Districts and Circuits and to persons
considering the possibility of offering service in this area, and establish,
where appropriate, a link between the two;
(vi) ensure, so far as local circumstances permit, some parity of treatment
between lay employees.
328 Youth and Children’s Workers. The Connexional Team is responsible for the
development, training and support of youth workers, youth and community workers and
workers with children and the appointment, where necessary, of appeal committees as
provided for by their contracts of employment.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 385
Book III Standing Orders
32A0 Ministries Committee. (1) The Conference shall appoint annually a Ministries
Committee consisting of no fewer than 12 and no more than 14 persons, including the
Secretary of the Conference, who shall act as convener and a chair and a deputy chair of
the committee.
(2) In appointing the committee the Conference shall ensure that as far as possible
the members of the committee between them represent the interests of:
(i) the ordained and lay ministries and offices of the Church, including local
preachers and stewards;
(ii) the […] Presbyteral and Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight
Committees, the Stationing Committee and the Allowances Committee.
(3) The committee may invite such other observers or consultants, from within and
beyond the Connexional Team, as appropriate.
(4) All members of the committee shall be eligible to serve for a period not exceeding
four years.
(5) Nominations for the post of chair and deputy chair of the committee shall be
brought to the Conference by a Nominations Group consisting of the Secretary of the
Conference, the chair of the Methodist Council, and a District Chair nominated by the
Chairs’ Meeting.
(6) Nominations for the other members of the committee shall be brought to the
Conference by a Nominations Group consisting of the Secretary of the Conference, the
chair of the Ministries Committee and a District Chair nominated by the Chairs’ Meeting.
32A1 General Responsibilities. (1) The [...] committee shall work collaboratively
with the Methodist Council and the Strategy and Resources Committee to enable the
Church to develop and maintain a strategic vision for the use of ordained, accredited,
commissioned and informal ministries and offices throughout the Connexion.
(2) The committee shall be accountable to the Conference for:
(i) developing and supporting the processes relating to the oversight,
accountability and professional development of those engaged in the
ministries and offices of the Church;
(ii) developing and supporting programmes for nourishing, equipping and
resourcing those engaged in the ministries and offices of the Church;
(iii) developing and supporting the Church’s structures and resources for
learning, training, scholarship, research and development;
386 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 The Connexional Team [32A2]
32A2 Particular provisions. (1) The [...] committee may convene resource
groups and may recommend to the Connexional Team or the Methodist Council the
establishment of other relevant bodies and consultations.
(2) The chair or deputy chair of the committee shall be a member of the Methodist
Council, and of the Strategy and Resources Committee as may be agreed between them,
and in either case the one may alternate for the other.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 387
Book III Standing Orders
330 Faith and Order. (1) The Conference shall appoint annually a Faith and Order
Committee consisting of:
(i) a senior member of the Connexional Team, representing the Secretary of
the Conference;
(ii) the secretary of the committee, who shall be appointed in accordance
with Standing Order 313 or 314;
(iii) up to twenty other members.
(1A) The secretary of the committee shall be a member of the Connexional Team.
For the Connexional Team see S.O. 302.
(2) The committee will appoint specialist resource groups (which together form a Faith
and Order Network) including persons who are not members of the committee in order to
assist it in the completion of its tasks.
(3) The committee shall encourage reflection on the theological implications of all the
work undertaken by the Connexional Team, shall seek to stimulate theological reflection
and study throughout the Church, and shall disseminate the results of its work as widely
and accessibly as possible.
(4) The committee shall consider and report upon all matters remitted to it by the
Conference touching the faith or order of the Church, and bring to the notice of the
Conference any matter of faith or order to which it should give attention.
(5) The committee shall in particular consider and report upon all matters so remitted
which arise in connection with proposals and projects for inter-communion or organic
union between the Methodist Church and other Christian churches at home or overseas.
(6) When the Church is involved with another denomination in a local or area scheme
for uniting congregations or groups of congregations or for sharing a building or personnel
the faith and order aspects of the scheme shall be scrutinised by the committee.
See also S.O. 334 for the functions of the ecumenical officer and the Methodist members of the
Methodist-Anglican Panel for Unity in Mission.
(7) The committee shall consider and report upon all matters touching faith or order
which concern the relations of the Conference with other Methodist and ecumenical
bodies to which the Methodist Church relates.
388 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 The Connexional Team [332]
(8) The committee is empowered to deal with any communication that may be received
during any connexional year on the above-named and kindred subjects and to report to
the succeeding Conference what, if any, action it has taken with reference thereto.
(9) The committee is authorised to make proposals to the Conference for the revision
from time to time of the forms of service authorised by the Conference for use in
the Methodist Church, and forms of worship intended for regular and general use in
Methodist public worship shall be submitted to the Conference for approval after a period
of experimentation on the recommendation of the committee.
(10) All matters directly concerning the faith or order of the Church presented to the
Conference by other bodies shall be scrutinised by the committee.
Deferred special resolutions must be submitted to the committee for consideration and report (S.O.
126(2), (3) and (7)).
(11) The committee shall report annually to the Methodist Council and, whenever its
business requires, to the Conference.
The Conference in 2007 resolved for the purpose of clarification that if a doctrinal matter arises in the
course of complaints and discipline proceedings under Part 11 (at that time Section 02) of Standing Orders
the Faith and Order Committee shall be consulted as appropriate but any decision in those proceedings
themselves shall remain a matter for those authorised to take it under Part 11.
331 Property. (1) The Methodist Council shall appoint a Team member as the
person to fulfil the duties assigned in the Model Trusts or in Standing Orders to the
Property Secretary or to the General Secretary of the Property Division.
See paras. 3(2)(a), 4(1), 5(2), 6(1), 8(3), 20, 21A(b) and 26(1) of the Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2) and
S.O. 918(2) and 985(3).
(2) The council shall discharge its responsibilities in relation to property in accordance
with the provisions of Part 9 and shall exercise the specific functions prescribed in that
See the Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2) passim and S.O. 212(9), (10).
(3) [revoked]
(4) The council may by resolution delegate to the person appointed under clause (1) or
to any other committee or officer all or any of the functions of the council under the Model
Trusts. Any such delegation may be general or in relation to a particular transaction, may
be for a fixed or indefinite period and may at any time be revoked, extended, restricted, or
otherwise modified by the council by resolution. Every resolution of the council under this
clause shall be included in the report of the council printed in the Conference Agenda.
For the power to delegate such functions see para. 11 of the Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2).
(5) Any function of a committee to whom it has been delegated under clause (4) above
or under Part 9 may be exercised by the committee itself or by any sub-committee or
officer of the committee authorised in that behalf by the committee.
332 Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas. (1) The Methodist Council shall
annually appoint as one of its committees a Listed Buildings Advisory Committee, which
shall have the responsibilities and functions prescribed in Section 98.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 389
[332] Book III Standing Orders
(2) The committee shall be constituted in such a way as to have expert knowledge of
historic church buildings, and shall consist of a convener, as specified in clause (3) below,
together with not less than eight other persons chosen with the above object in view and
having among them in particular:
(i) knowledge of the history, development and use of Methodist chapels;
(ii) knowledge of Methodist liturgy and worship;
(iii) knowledge of archaeology;
(iv) knowledge of the history and development of architecture and the visual
arts; and
(v) experience of the care of historic buildings and their contents.
(3) The convener shall be the Property Secretary.
As to the Property Secretary see S.O. 006(2A).
(4) The Connexional Team shall keep a register of all chapels, ancillary premises
and manses which are listed buildings or in a conservation area, and shall supply to
managing trustees, for inclusion in the relevant log books, to the appropriate bodies
specified in Standing Order 930(5)(a), and to district archivists copies of the relevant
parts of the register, giving them the necessary information and guidance to enable the
significance of such listing to be taken into account whenever a scheme involving a listed
building or property in a conservation area is under consideration.
See Section 98 as to works to listed buildings and S.O. 943(4) as to the treatment of their contents on
333 [revoked]
334 Local Ecumenical Development. (1) The Methodist Council shall annually
appoint representatives to the Methodist-Anglican Panel for Unity in Mission, or such
successor ecumenical body as the council shall from time to time designate, to exercise
the functions specified in this Standing Order. They shall include a member of the
Connexional Team, designated as the ecumenical officer of the Methodist Church.
(2) The Methodist representatives to the Panel shall act on behalf of the Methodist
Council in performing the following functions:
(i) keeping under review the development of local ecumenical relationships
in Britain and advising the Connexional Team accordingly;
(ii) providing guidelines for use of the Synods in establishing ecumenical
partnerships in extended areas that do not require shared governance
and in designating local ecumenical partnerships and other local
schemes involving constitutions for shared churches, and monitoring their
operation, and, through the ecumenical officer, receiving and scrutinising
all proposals for new schemes;
(iii) offering advice in new or difficult situations.
(3) By virtue of section 1, sub-sections (4) and (10), of the Sharing of Church Buildings
Act, 1969, the consent of the ecumenical officer shall be required for the making or
amendment of any sharing agreement under that Act or any legislation amending or
390 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 The Connexional Team [335]
replacing it. Where any such agreement requires consent to its termination to be given on
behalf of the Church the ecumenical officer is authorised to give such consent.
(4) The ecumenical officer shall be responsible for providing information to the
Conference and other bodies about ecumenical partnerships in extended areas that do
not require shared governance and for the making of recommendations to the Conference
on applications for the designation of ecumenical areas under schemes involving
partnership at circuit level, and on proposals to give or revoke a direction under Standing
Orders 512 and 611, as to all of which the ecumenical officer shall first obtain the report
of the district Policy Committee.
(5) The ecumenical officer shall compile a list of all new schemes approved by the
Synods under Standing Order 412(2) and of all sharing agreements authorised by him or
her, and shall ensure that they are reported to the Conference.
335 World Methodism. (1) The Methodist Council shall annually appoint a World
Methodist Committee, which shall consist of:
(i) the chair, secretary, and assistant secretary [...] of the committee and the
secretary for the exchange of pastorates, who shall all be appointed as
such by the Methodist Council and shall be the officers of the committee;
(ii) the British [...] representatives to the World Methodist Council [...].
(1A) Connexional Team members shall be entitled to attend the committee as the
business requires.
For the British delegation to the World Methodist Council see S.O. 106(3).
For general information about the Council see Book IV B, Part 4.
(2) The officers of the committee shall act as an executive committee with power to
add to its numbers for special purposes.
(3) The committee is responsible for:
(i) keeping in review the Methodist Church’s relationship with other member
bodies of the World Methodist Council and advising the Methodist Council
upon matters of concern;
(ii) overseeing arrangements for the participation of the Methodist Church in
the World Methodist Council and its committees;
(iii) arranging international exchanges of pastorates under the auspices of
the World Methodist Council, recommending them to the Conference and
appointing, if it thinks fit, a reference group to assist the secretary for the
exchange of pastorates;
(iv) any other matter remitted to it by the Methodist Council.
(3A) All proposals for exchanges of pastorates shall require the approval of the
Conference. Applications shall initially be made to the secretary for the exchange of
pastorates and each must be accompanied by the written support of the Chair of the
District and the Superintendent of the Circuit.
(4) [deleted]
(5) The committee shall report annually to the Methodist Council.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 391
[335A] Book III Standing Orders
335A Oxford Institute of Methodist Theological Studies. (1) The Methodist Council
shall annually appoint a committee which shall be responsible for the advancement within
Great Britain of the educational and other charitable purposes of the Oxford Institute of
Methodist Theological Studies, shall co-ordinate and oversee the British contribution to
the work of the Institute, and shall hold and administer all funds raised or received by the
committee for such purposes and be responsible for the care and maintenance of the
Institute’s archive material.
The Oxford Institute of Methodist Theological Studies was established in 1958 with the purpose of
furnishing a place of meeting in Oxford where representatives of the many branches of Methodism from all
over the world may periodically meet to explore theological and ethical questions and promote convergence
of understanding among Methodist and other Churches which are heir to the Wesleyan tradition.
(2) The committee shall include the British officers of the Institute, a member of the
[...] World Methodist Committee, a treasurer appointed by the council and such other
persons as the council shall from time to time determine.
(3) The committee shall report annually to the council.
336 Racial Justice. (1) The Methodist Council shall appoint as a Team member a
secretary for racial justice and a Committee for Racial Justice, of which the secretary for
racial justice shall be the convener.
For funds, see S.O. 361A.
The Conference of 2011 suspended this Standing Order, in the context of the development of a new
framework to support the Equality and Diversity objectives of the church, envisaging the establishment of
(amongst other groups) a Racial Justice Forum.
(2) The committee shall have within its purview the concerns of members of black and
Asian communities and of the whole Church for:
(i) public policy affecting racial justice;
(ii) the contribution of members of black and Asian communities to the life of
the Church and its varied ministries.
See the second note to cl. (1) above.
337 Methodist Heritage (1) The Methodist Council shall annually appoint a
Methodist Heritage Committee, to discharge the following responsibilities:
(i) to protect, advocate and advance the interests of Methodist heritage
throughout the Connexion;
(ii) to advise the council on the exercise of its powers under Standing Orders
212(11) and 936, to establish and maintain the list provided for in the
former, and to monitor and report to the council on compliance with those
Standing Orders;
(iii) to formulate and keep under review a policy for the development and
advancement of Methodist heritage, with a particular focus on the role
of Methodist heritage as a tool for the contemporary mission aims of the
Methodist Church;
(iv) to oversee all Methodist archives and other historical material and to
advise managing trustees and others responsible for such material;
392 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 The Connexional Team [337]
(v) to give general support to the development, interpretation and promotion
of sites of historic importance to the Church;
(vi) to give support specifically to those which have been identified as being
of particular significance to the wider Connexion, namely:
The Old Rectory, Epworth, Lincolnshire
The New Room (John Wesley’s Chapel), Bristol
Wesley’s Chapel, John Wesley’s House and the Museum of Methodism,
City Road, London
Englesea Brook Chapel and Museum of Primitive Methodism;
(vii) to act as the Committee of the World Methodist Historical Society (British
(2) (a) The committee shall consist of:
(i) the chair, appointed as such in accordance with sub-clause (b) below;
(ii) four trustee representatives, one each appointed by the respective
trustee bodies of the sites referred to in clause (1)(vi) above;
(iii) the liaison officer for Methodist archives appointed under clause (4)
(iv) a Connexional Secretary (or his or her representative);
(v) up to 6 other persons chosen to ensure that the committee has expert
knowledge, experience and skills recognised as desirable, in areas which
may include:
historical research
archiving and record management
care and conservation of historical buildings, artefacts and records
heritage and museum work outside the Church
funding, fundraising and marketing
heritage tourism
the World Church
information technology in heritage and education contexts
education and lifelong learning
events and activity programming
The Methodist heritage officer appointed under clause (3) below shall be the convener of
the committee but not a voting member.
(b) The chair shall be appointed by the Methodist Council to serve for six years.
(c) The other members of the committee, except where appointed ex officio under head
(iii) or (iv) of sub-clause (a), shall not serve for more than six years in succession.
(3) The Methodist Council shall also appoint a Methodist heritage officer, who shall be
a member of the Connexional Team. The officer shall share with the Methodist Heritage
Committee overall responsibility for the coordination of the Church’s interest in and work
relating to Methodist heritage and its links to the Church’s contemporary mission aims.
(4) The Methodist Heritage Committee shall appoint a liaison officer for Methodist
archives, who shall oversee, and seek to enable, advise, support and connect, the various
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 393
[337] Book III Standing Orders
bodies responsible for the production, supervision, deposit and safekeeping of Methodist
archives, other historical material and modern records across the whole Connexion, and
in particular the Connexional Team and District Archivists.
(5) The committee shall also appoint a specialist group with expertise in the archiving
of historical material and in modern records management to advise it upon the discharge
of its responsibilities under clause (1)(iv) above, and may appoint such other groups as
are deemed appropriate to enable it generally to fulfil its responsibilities.
As to connexional, circuit and local records see S.O. 015, 125, 473.
Standing Order 337 was adopted in this form by the Conference in 2010. It replaces the previous S.O.
337 dealing with the Archives and History Committee.
338 Law and Polity. (1) The Methodist Council shall annually appoint a Committee
on Methodist Law and Polity. The Secretary of the Conference shall be ex officio a
member of the committee.
(2) The committee shall, as may be necessary, consider questions which concern the
laws of the Connexion, together with other matters relating to Methodist legislation and
administration which may require special attention.
(3) The committee shall advise the Conference as to the interpretation and application
of its laws and Standing Orders and, in case of necessity, suggest any alteration or
modification or put forward other proposals for legislation.
(4) The committee is entrusted with the duty of examining and correlating the various
elements of the constitution of the Church.
(5) The committee is charged in particular with the scrutiny of all new legislative
and administrative proposals as to their coherence with existing usage and with other
proposals which may at the same time be under consideration.
By S.O. 122(3) and 126(1), (3) and (7) all resolutions requiring confirmation by a subsequent Conference
must be submitted to the committee for consideration and report, except where S.O. 126(1)(c) applies.
As to its functions in relation to the correction of Conference records and rescission or amendment of
resolutions of an earlier Conference, see cls. 25(b) and 36 (f) of the Deed of Union and the notes to those
clauses (Book II, Part 1).
(6) With a view to the discharge of the committee’s responsibilities during the periods
of the Conference the committee shall annually appoint a Conference Sub-committee,
which shall consist of the committee’s secretary and other members of the next
Conference, who need not be members of the committee.
See also S.O. 123(3), 126(1)(b) and 131(19), (25).
394 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 The Connexional Team
340 Methodist Training Forums. (1) The Methodist Council shall approve the
establishment of a Methodist Training Forum for each network of training institutions
(‘Regional Training Network’) set up by the Conference. Each forum shall make an annual
report to the appropriate connexional bodies, as directed by the council, in order to:
(i) indicate the training needs identified across the region covered by the
(ii) indicate how it is planned to meet them;
(iii) report on the distribution of funding and training work carried out through
the forum;
(iv) submit a development plan for the next year’s work of the forum,
including financial proposals;
(v) report the named members of the forum under the categories in clause
(2) below.
(2) The membership of the forum shall consist of:
(i) a chair, who shall be the Chair of one of the Districts relating to the
(ii) a representative of each institution in the network which contributes
to Methodist training, including any ecumenical Regional Training
(iii) the Chair of each District relating to the network or his or her designated
(iv) the Training Officers relating to the network;
(v) a member of the Connexional Team;
(vi) up to three other individuals as determined by the forum itself to be
necessary to ensure appropriate representation of other relevant
concerns, one of whom shall be a representative of an ecumenical
partner if none is appointed under (ii) above.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 395
[341] Book III Standing Orders
341 Cliff College. The Methodist Council shall appoint the Cliff College Committee
to serve as the governing body of the college. The council and the committee shall
maintain, administer and develop the work of the college in all its aspects in accordance
with their respective powers under the trusts applying to the college and its associated
property and funds.
The college, with associated property and funds, is held upon the trusts of two deeds dated the 30th
December 1903 and 30th November 1930.
342 State Funded Schools (including academies, free schools and children’s centres
where appropriate). (1) (a) The Methodist Council is responsible for the oversight of
Methodist state funded schools and for Methodist responsibilities in the oversight of
state funded schools which are ecumenical projects with other denominations.
(b) The Methodist Council shall also be responsible for matters within the state funded
schools relating to standards, ethos and school improvement.
(2) The Connexional Team shall, as may be necessary, consider government legislation
which affects the governance of these schools and any directive or proposal by a local
authority or other body or denomination which may affect individual schools.
(3) The Team shall give information and counsel to the Policy Committee of each
District in which schools are situated to enable it to carry out its responsibilities to watch
over the interest of those schools.
(4) Any proposal to alter the category or status of a Methodist or ecumenical school
must be reported by the governors to the trustees, the district Policy Committee and the
Connexional Team member with responsibility for these schools.
(5) No Methodist state funded school may be discontinued at the instance of its
governors or trustees until permission has been given by the Methodist Council. The
governors and trustees shall submit any recommendation for discontinuance to the
district Policy Committee for its advice before seeking the permission of the council or
taking any steps towards closure.
(6) Any proposal to promote a Methodist state funded school or to join in promoting
an ecumenical school shall be reported by the Superintendent of the Circuit concerned to
the district Policy Committee, the Connexional Team member with responsibility for these
schools and the connexional Property Secretary.
As to the Property Secretary see S.O. 006(2A).
(7) No arrangements for new leases of Methodist property to the Local Education
Authority or to the governors of an ecumenical state funded school for the purpose of a
school shall be made and no arrangements for the renewal of such leases shall be made
until after consultation with the Connexional Team member with responsibility for these
schools and the connexional Property Secretary.
As to the Property Secretary see S.O. 006(2A).
(8) Trustees of Methodist property used as a state funded school shall ensure that the
premises are adequately insured and, in the case of controlled schools, require that the
trustees’ interest in the property is safeguarded in the insurance policy taken out on the
premises by a local education authority.
396 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 The Connexional Team [343]
(9) Applications for grants or loans from the Methodist Day Schools Fund shall be
made through the district Policy Committee.
(10) Every Instrument of Government for a Methodist or ecumenical school shall
include a place as ex-officio Foundation Governor for the Circuit Superintendent or his
or her nominee, and shall require to be approved by the Connexional Team member
responsible for these schools.
(11) No proposal for a Methodist or ecumenical school shall receive approval unless
the school’s admissions policy complies with the Statutory Admissions Code and gives
priority to children living nearest the school. All admissions policies for Methodist or
ecumenical state funded schools require the approval of the Connexional Team member
responsible for these schools.
343 Independent Schools. (1) This Standing Order relates to the schools subject to
the Methodist Independent Education Trust Deed of 1903.
The schools affected are Ashville College, Culford, Farringtons, Kent College (Canterbury), Kent College
(Pembury), Kingsley, Kingswood, Queen’s College Taunton, Rydal Penrhos, Shebbear College, Truro, and
Woodhouse Grove.
The Trust Deed provides that the schools shall be administered as to Ashville College and Kingswood
School and Rydal Penrhos by Governing Bodies constituted in accordance with the Schemes relating
respectively to those schools and as to the remaining schools by the Methodist Independent Schools Trust
appointed annually by the Conference, as to which see S.O. 244.
(2) Connexional policy in relation to those schools shall be within the purview of the
Methodist Council.
(3) [revoked]
(4) In recommending to the Conference the appointment of […] presbyters as
chaplains to such schools the Stationing Committee shall take into consideration any
invitations duly given and accepted. For that purpose Standing Orders 543 to 545 shall
apply with the substitution of references to the school for those to the Circuit and with
the following further adaptations:
(i) The functions of the Circuit Meeting and its invitation committee shall be
exercised by the head teacher or by the Governing Body or the Methodist
independent Schools Trust, as may be appropriate, having regard in
particular to responsibility for making appointments to the teaching staff.
Any doubt as to the appropriate person or body shall be resolved by
the Connexional Secretary responsible for secondary education affairs.
Whoever of the above exercises such functions shall at each stage inform
and consult the other and the Connexional Secretary.
(ii) In clause (1)(a)(i) of Standing Order 544 delete ‘after consulting the
church stewards of the Local Churches in which the person concerned
exercises pastoral responsibility’.
(iii) For clause (1) of Standing Order 545 substitute ‘(1) No […] presbyter
shall be appointed chaplain to the same school for more than five
successive years except upon an invitation given in accordance with
clause (2) or (3) of this Standing Order.’.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 397
[343] Book III Standing Orders
(5) Every such chaplain shall act in respect of ministerial duties under the direction of
the Chair of the District.
An instruction to this effect must be printed at the appropriate point in the stations (S.O.785(7)).
344 Institutions in the Higher Education Sector. (1) This Standing Order applies to
the appointment of a […] presbyter as:
(i) the chaplain to Southlands College; or
(ii) the Westminster chaplain, Oxford Brookes University.
Under the Trust Deed of 10th December 1969 as amended by the Conference of 1998, the Methodist
Council was to appoint a Board of Governors and a group of Property Trustees for Southlands College. The
1969 Deed was amended by a Deed dated 24th February 2006, with the approval of the Conference of 2005,
so that the Property Trustees were no longer to be appointed, but the Methodist Council might delegate
its powers as managing trustees to the Board of Governors (by then known as the Governing Body). The
Conference of 2010 approved further arrangements in relation to Southlands under which a lease for a term
of 125 years is proposed to be granted to Roehampton University, which will then assume full responsibility
for the management of Southlands College, and the remaining assets held on the trusts of the 2006
Deed will be declared by the Methodist Council to be held on the trusts of the Southlands Methodist Trust
(formerly known as the Methodist Council Charitable Fund (Southlands), governed by a Trust Deed dated 5th
October 2000, which is itself to be amended as part of the new arrangements).
In April 2000 Westminster College, Oxford, was merged with Oxford Brookes University and the
Westminster Institute of Education was formed as a School of the university, now integrated into the Faculty
of Humanities and Social Sciences. In accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association, as
amended on the 15th December 2000, the Conference appoints the directors of Westminster College Oxford
Trust Ltd.
(3) Those responsible for the process shall act in consultation with the relevant
member of the Connexional Team.
(4) The initial invitation to a […] presbyter shall be for a period of five years, no annual
invitation being necessary during that period.
(5) In the fifth year the invitation may be extended for a specified number of years not
exceeding five, and in the final year of this extension, and of any subsequent agreed
398 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 The Connexional Team [344]
extension, shall be open to further extension, on each occasion for a specified number of
years not exceeding five.
(6) No […] presbyter shall be appointed chaplain under this Standing Order for more
than five successive years except upon an invitation given in accordance with clause (5)
(7) Standing Order 544 shall apply to appointments made under clause (2) above, with
the following adaptations:
(i) for references to the circuit Invitation Committee substitute as to the
Southlands College chaplain: the Methodist members of the Southlands
Liaison group;
as to the Westminster chaplain: the Dean of the Westminster Institute of
(ii) in clause (1)(a)(i) of Standing Order 544 delete ‘after consulting the
church stewards of the Local Churches in which the person concerned
exercises pastoral responsibility’.
(8) Each such chaplain shall act in respect of ministerial duties under the direction of
the Chair of the District.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 399
Book III Standing Orders
350 [This Standing Order dealt with Network and is now revoked. The provisions adopted by the
Conference of 2010 as to Methodist Women in Britain are to be found as S.O. 242.]
351 Mission Alongside the Poor Programme. (1) The Conference has declared
its commitment that the Methodist Church, in faithfulness to its missionary calling
to evangelism, social caring and political justice, will strive to use its resources for
all in society, recognising that this will mean especially taking sides with the poor
and disadvantaged, and has challenged the Methodist people to respond seriously
and imaginatively to the issues raised by that commitment. To give expression to its
commitment the Conference has instituted and continues the Mission Alongside the Poor
(2) The purposes of the programme are:
(i) advocacy of the Church’s commitment to the poor and disadvantaged;
(ii) assistance by way of grants for personnel or property schemes, primarily
to Local Churches and Circuits, to assist them in mission alongside the
(iii) the maintenance of the Mission Alongside the Poor Fund as one of the
sources from which such grants may be made.
(3) Grants from Methodist funds for the Mission Alongside the Poor Programme,
whether for personnel or property schemes, must be wholly for a purpose or purposes of
the Methodist Church, and shall meet the following criteria:
(i) there must be evidence of relative poverty whether in an urban or a rural
(ii) there must be a commitment to work alongside the poor and
disadvantaged, thereby enabling them better to respond to their own
sense of God’s calling.
(4) Grants may be made under clause (3) for applications within the purposes of the
relevant fund which would not otherwise qualify for a grant.352
As to grants from the Methodist Church Fund see S.O. 361(4), from the Methodist Mission in Britain Fund
S.O. 362(3), from the Methodist Fund for Property S.O. 362(5), from the London Mission Fund S.O. 363(8),
and from the Connexional Priority Fund S. O. 974(1A).
352 [revoked]
400 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 The Connexional Team [355]
353 New Towns and New Areas. (1) In a new town or city officially designated
as such by the appropriate government department or, at the request of the Chair or
Chairs of the District or Districts concerned, in a new town not officially designated, or
when an expansion scheme to house a population of 20,000 or more is planned by a
local authority, the Methodist Council may appoint a New Town or New Area Commission
to encourage the Methodist Church towards policies of imaginative experiment and
ecumenical co-operation and to reinforce all such sound planning and effective action as
will build up the Church and extend its outreach into the life of the new communities.
(2) A commission shall include representatives of the Connexional Team and of the
District or Districts and Circuit or Circuits concerned, as well as other persons with
appropriate expertise, and its chair shall be the Chair or one of the Chairs of the District
or Districts concerned.
(3) The commissions shall meet at least annually during the planning and major
development phases of the new towns and new areas. They shall act as advisory
committees to the Circuit Meetings, district committees and connexional bodies
(4) When the planning and major development phases in a new town or new area are
completed the commission may resolve that the work of the Church there shall in future
be under the supervision of the district Policy Committee for such time as the committee
judges it necessary. While a new town or new area is under the supervision of the district
Policy Committee it shall submit an annual report on its progress, approved by the district
committee, together with complete copies of accounts to the Methodist Council.
(5) A commission may be reconstituted at any time if the district Policy Committee
considers it advisable.
354 Prison Chaplaincy. (1) The Connexional Team shall have the oversight of all
work done by persons appointed as chaplains in pastoral care of Methodist inmates of
prisons and prison staff. Such chaplains shall send a report of their work to the Synod
and to the Superintendent Chaplain of prisons, appointed by the Methodist Council.
(2) The Team shall be responsible for the nomination of prison chaplains. The
Superintendent Chaplain of prisons shall consult with the Chair of the District in which a
prison or young offenders institution is situated concerning a suitable nomination to be
forwarded to the Prison Governor for appointment as Methodist chaplain.
(3) In the case of any […] presbyter to be appointed to full-time chaplaincy, the
Superintendent Chaplain shall first secure the agreement of the Stationing Committee
to the opening or continuation of a station for such an appointment, and after selection
has been made by the appropriate authority shall forward the name of the person to be
appointed to the Stationing Committee.
355 The Forces. (1) The Methodist Council shall annually appoint a Royal Navy,
Army and Royal Air Force Board, (‘the Forces Board’) through which it shall exercise
general oversight of:
(i) the work of all […] presbyters who are set apart to serve under the
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 401
[355] Book III Standing Orders
(1A) The Forces Board shall also exercise a general oversight of the work of […]
presbyters appointed to serve as Reserve Chaplains, Officiating Chaplains and Cadet
Force Chaplains.
(2) The board shall through its secretary make such arrangements with the government
authorities as may be necessary for the well-being of Methodist members of the forces
and their families.
(3) (a) The secretary of the board shall be responsible for recommending both to the
government department concerned and to the Stationing Committee the name of any
person to be appointed as a full-time chaplain to the forces, subject to any policy as to
overall numbers of such chaplains agreed by the committee.
(b) Chaplains shall be regarded as […] presbyters in the home work. Deacons serving
in support of chaplains shall be similarly regarded. In either case they shall be members
of the Synod of the District specified for that purpose in the stations and, in the case of
[…] presbyters, subject to its discipline, but each shall, nevertheless, attend the Synod
of the District in which he or she is serving and shall be eligible for election by that Synod
as a representative to the Conference.
For reports to be made to Synods see S.O. 442.
(4) Such chaplains, deacons and lay workers are not appointed to the Circuits in
which they are for the time being located, and their services may be utilised for circuit
purposes only so far as is consistent with the discharge of their proper duties. In order
that opportunities of fellowship and service may be offered to them, the secretary of the
board shall notify the Superintendents and Chairs involved of any change in the Circuit or
District in which they are located.
They should be invited to circuit staff meetings (S.O. 523(1)).
(5) The financial support of the work of forces chaplains is provided from government
(6) [revoked]
(7) The secretary of the board shall be responsible for maintaining the Forces
Membership Roll and for making the annual return of members held on it.
402 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 The Connexional Team [358]
356 Transfer of Authority. (1) Every request for a new relationship involving the
modification of the authority of the Conference over the Synod submitted by an overseas
Synod shall be considered by the Methodist Council in consultation with the Synod
concerned and reported to the Conference.
In 2009, the last existing overseas District of the Methodist Church was granted autonomy as The
Methodist Church The Gambia; there are therefore now no overseas Districts or Synods.
(2) Before making its recommendation the Council shall consult the Faith and Order,
Law and Polity and World Methodist Committees.
For the Faith and Order, Law and Polity and World Methodist committees see respectively S.O. 330, 338
and 335.
(3) In all cases where the Conference is satisfied that autonomy is the appropriate
next step in the growth of the church and that the requirements of clause 44(a) of the
Deed of Union are met the Conference shall exercise its powers under that clause to
concur in the establishment of an autonomous Methodist Church and to grant, convey
and transfer any relevant authority, power and properties accordingly.
(4) In all cases where the Conference is satisfied that the appropriate conditions exist,
it shall exercise its powers under clause 46 of the Deed of Union to approve a scheme or
arrangement for the unification, amalgamation or association of an overseas District with
another Christian church or organisation, and take any further steps necessary to give
effect to such approval.
For the Deed of Union see Book II, Part 1.
(5) The Conference will seek the closest possible co-operation with any church or
organisation so established. The terms of such co-operation shall be entered into by
freely negotiated agreement.
357 Employment. (1) The Connexional Team shall keep under review all
arrangements for the employment of lay persons in the light of developments in
employment law and good employment practice.
(2) The Team shall provide standard terms and conditions for contracts of employment
within Standing Order 438A, standard conditions of occupancy and such other guidance
as may from time to time be required, including any special terms and conditions to be
included in contracts of employment of workers under Standing Order 570.
358 Returns and Information. (1) The Connexional Team is authorised by the
Conference, as occasion may require, to obtain from Chairs and Superintendents such
statistical returns and other information as are necessary for the business of the Team
and Chairs and Superintendents shall furnish all such information in due form.
(2) The Team shall prepare every three years a report on the annual membership
returns for presentation to the Conference in the […] Presbyteral and Representative
For the function of the Presbyteral Session in this respect see cl. 23(f) of the Deed of Union (Book II,
Part 1).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 403
Book III Standing Orders
Section 36 Finance
Standing Order Page
360 Unitary Finance........................................................................................ 404
361 Methodist Church Fund............................................................................. 404
361A Racial Justice.......................................................................................... 405
362 Specified Funds....................................................................................... 405
363 London Mission Fund............................................................................... 406
364 Other Restricted Funds............................................................................. 407
365 Reimbursements and other Special Payments............................................ 408
367 Accounts................................................................................................. 409
368 Central Finance Board.............................................................................. 409
360 Unitary Finance. (1) The Methodist Council shall submit to the Conference
annually a unified statement of connexional finances, clearly distinguishing between
restricted and unrestricted funds and conforming to the law and accounting regulations,
so as to give an overall view of those moneys and other assets for which the council is
See S.O. 212(1).
(2) The council may include additional funds in the unified statement where, in its
judgment, to do so will assist the Conference, if the trustees or other bodies with
authority to do so agree.
(3) Every restricted fund included in the statement shall be administered in accordance
with its own trusts and purposes, and the money and other assets representing it shall
be applied, with the income thereon, in furtherance of those purposes.
(4) The general or other funds formerly administered by or in connection with a Division
or connexional committee which ceased to exist on or before the 31st August 1996 and
for which thereafter there are no separate trustees or other body with responsibility to
administer the same and dispose of their assets shall be administered by the Methodist
Council as restricted funds in accordance with clause (3) above.
361 Methodist Church Fund. (1) The Methodist Council shall administer the
Methodist Church Fund.
(2) The fund shall be maintained by an assessment levied by the Conference on each
Circuit in the home church through the several Districts, by contributions from Methodist
colleges and schools and other organisations, by donations and legacies for the general
purposes of the Methodist Church and by dividends and interest.
As to the assessment see S.O. 212 (2), 432(3), 515(3), 532(2), 635(2).
404 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 The Connexional Team [362]
(iii) costs incurred in guarding the rights and privileges of the Conference, so
far as not chargeable to another fund;
(iv) grants, not otherwise provided for, to Districts, Circuits and Local
(v) grants in support of ecumenical work and dues and subscriptions to
ecumenical bodies;
(vi) payments in accordance with Standing Orders 365 and 366;
(vii) allocations or grants as required by Standing Order or determined by the
Methodist Council for any connexional purpose;
(viii) the cost of the work of the Connexional Team;
(ix) all other connexional expenses not chargeable to other funds.
As to (ii) see S.O. 113.
(4) Provision shall be made for grants from the fund for the Mission Alongside the Poor
See S.O. 351.
361A Racial Justice. (1) As part of the Church’s witness to the gospel and in order
to promote racial justice, provision shall be made from any appropriate funds for grants to
Methodist and ecumenical bodies and projects and to other organisations (whether local
or national) in order to support work against discrimination and marginalisation on racial
See S.O.013B for the Church’s declaration as to racism.
(2) To the extent that the trusts affecting the funds referred to in clause (1) above so
require, grants may be made only to bodies having charitable status.
See also S.O. 336.
362 Specified Funds. (1) The Methodist Council shall raise and administer the four
restricted funds specified in clauses (2) to (5) below, for which contributions, including
public collections, subscriptions, donations and legacies, shall be invited for particular
aspects of the work of the Church.
(2) The purposes of the Methodist World Mission Fund shall be the purposes of the
Methodist Missionary Society, which are:
(i) to initiate, maintain and encourage Christian mission in other countries;
(ii) to encourage the establishment of churches overseas which will
themselves undertake that mission within and beyond their own borders;
(iii) to engage in a continuing relationship of mutual help and enrichment
with churches (including united churches) in the life of which Methodist
missions have played a part;
(iv) to foster and take part in ecumenical relationships in the field of world
mission, including the work of the World Council of Churches and the
Churches’ Commission on Mission;
(ivA) [deleted]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 405
[362] Book III Standing Orders
(4) The purposes of the Methodist Fund for Training shall be:
(i) the provision of initial and further training for […] presbyters, deacons,
lay employees and other lay persons;
(ii) the provision of maintenance grants for persons undergoing such training
and their dependants;
(iii) the maintenance, management and staffing of the Methodist theological
colleges, and the Methodist contribution to the cost of joint theological
(iv) the examination of candidates for the […] presbyterate and the
diaconate and of […] presbyteral and diaconal probationers.
See Section 32, S.O. 340 and Section 72.
(5)(a) The purposes of the Methodist Fund for Property shall be:
(i) the support of work in aid or on behalf of trustees of Methodist property;
(ii) grants and loans for property purposes to trustees of Methodist property
in the home Districts.
See the Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2), S.O. 212(9), (10) and Part 9.
(b) Subject to sub-clause (a) above provision shall be made for grants from the fund for
the Mission Alongside the Poor Programme.
See S.O. 351.
(6) The income of Junior Mission for All shall be allocated as to four fifths to the
Methodist World Mission Fund and as to one fifth to the Methodist Mission in Britain
See Article 11 of the Constitution of the Methodist Missionary Society (Book IVB, Part 3).
363 London Mission Fund. (1) The Methodist Council shall raise and administer
the London Mission Fund as a restricted fund and shall appoint trustees of the fund, to
be known as the London Committee, for that purpose. In making the appointments, the
council shall ensure that the area of each of the four former London Districts is fairly
(2) [revoked]
406 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 The Connexional Team [364]
(3) There shall be advocacy of the fund in each Circuit within the area of the former
four London Districts and in such chapels and preaching-places as have been assisted by
the fund.
(4) Income shall be solicited by way of donations and subscriptions.
(5) The consent of the trustees shall be obtained to the erection of any buildings or the
purchase of any site for which aid is sought from the fund.
(6) No help from the fund shall be given to Circuits which neglect to comply with the
foregoing requirements.
(7) [revoked]
(8) Provision shall be made for grants from the fund for the Mission Alongside the Poor
See S.O. 351.
(9) This Standing Order does not apply to the Malta United Area or to the Gibraltar
Circuit, which are not eligible for any grant from the London Mission Fund.
The Malta United Area is a designated ecumenical area within the South-East District. The Gibraltar Circuit
is in the South-East District.
(10) In this Standing Order ‘the four former London Districts’ means the London North-
East District, the London North-West District, the London South-West District and the
London South-East District as those Districts were constituted immediately prior to 1st
September 2006.
364 Other Restricted Funds. (1) The Methodist Council shall raise and administer
the Fund for the Support of Presbyters and Deacons, the objects of which shall be to
provide assistance at the discretion of the council, or of any committee or officer to whom
it may delegate its powers in this behalf, to:
(i) supernumeraries;
(ii) persons who have been permitted or directed to become supernumerary;
(iii) ministers […] in the active work or without appointment, probationers
[…] and student ministers […] who are in acute financial need;
(iv) ministers […] who are in need as a result of illness or impairment or the
illness or impairment of their spouse or any dependent children, for the
purpose of enabling them to continue in or resume the active work;
(v) probationers who are in need as a result of illness or impairment or
the illness or impairment of their spouse or any dependent children, for
the purpose of enabling them to continue on or resume probation or to
complete probation and enter the active work;
(vi) student ministers […] who are in need as a result of illness or
impairment, or the illness or impairment of their spouse or any dependent
children, for the purpose of enabling them to continue their ministerial
formation and training; and
(vii) ministers’ […] and probationers’ widows or widowers who are in need
and to make grants to the Methodist Ministers’ Housing Society.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 407
[364] Book III Standing Orders
The Methodist Ministers’ Housing Society is a society registered under the Industrial and Provident
Societies Act 1965, admission to membership of which is subject to the approval of the Conference.
See also the note as to the Methodist Ministers’ Pension Scheme at S.O. 790(1).
It was envisaged that, following the revocation of the then S.O. 773 and 751(6) by the 2001 Conference,
eligible persons might wish to make an application to this fund in relation to the cost of removal to their
permanent residence.
(2) The council shall administer the sabbatical fund which shall be raised by means
of an annual levy on each Circuit or other body responsible for payment of the stipend of
any […] presbyter or deacon in Full Connexion appointed to a station within the control
of the Church. The amount of the levy shall be that from time to time prescribed by the
See S.O. 744.
(3) The council shall administer the Mission Alongside the Poor Fund in accordance
with Standing Order 351.
(4)–(5) [revoked]
(6) In pursuance of its powers under the Deed Poll dated the 5th June 1882
establishing the Necessitous Local Preachers Fund the Conference directs the trustees of
that fund to pay the income of the fund to the Methodist Council to be applied according
to the trusts of the above Deed. The council shall have power to delegate to any two or
more persons, whether or not members or a committee of the council, decisions as to
the application or distribution of such income according to the said trusts.
The income of the fund is directed by the Deed to be applied for the benefit of such necessitous local
preachers according to such rules and in such manner as the Conference may from time to time direct.
365 Reimbursements and other Special Payments. (1) If at any time (subject to
clause (2) below) a circuit minister […] or probationer has by reason of illness or injury
been unable for a total of 26 weeks during the preceding 24 months to discharge the
responsibilities of his or her appointment any Circuit involved shall on application be
reimbursed out of the Methodist Church Fund for all sums (less the credit for Social
Security benefits and statutory sickness pay) paid by the Circuit to that person under
Standing Order 801(4) in respect of any continued or further periods of incapacity during
the next twelve months (any such twelve months being referred to in clause (2) below as
an ‘eligible year’).
(2)(a) In calculating the total of 26 weeks referred to in clause (1) above there shall be
(i) individual periods of incapacity of four weeks or less each;
(ii) after the occurrence of an eligible year, any incapacity occurring before or
during that year.
(b) The fund shall not in any event be liable to reimburse the same Circuit in respect of
any payments made to the same minister […] or probationer for the next twelve months
following an eligible year.
(3) [revoked]
(4) If a circuit minister […] or probationer dies after the end of February in any
connexional year leaving a spouse and/or dependants entitled under Standing Order
408 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 The Connexional Team [368]
801(5)(a) to remain in the manse until the end of that connexional year a sum shall be
paid out of the Methodist Church Fund to that spouse and/or dependants equal to rent at
the rate then currently charged by the Methodist Ministers’ Housing Society for the period
from the end of that connexional year until the date six months after the death.
(5) Any Circuit involved shall on application be reimbursed out of the Methodist Church
Fund for all sums (less the credit for Social Security benefits) paid by the Circuit to a
circuit minister […] or probationer under Standing Orders 807A(5)(a), 807B(4) and
S.O.s 807A(5)(a), 807B(4) and 807C(5) concern payment of stipend while on, respectively, maternity leave,
paternity leave and adoption leave.
(6) Payment shall be made out of the Methodist Church Fund of all sums required to
be so paid:
(i) to any person by virtue of any Standing Order relating to disciplinary
proceedings or of any direction given by a competent body and authorised
by any such Standing Order;
(ii) as determined under Standing Order 774(9) by the Stationing Committee
or the President or Vice-President, in respect of any minister […] or
probationer for whom no appointment can be found; and
(iii) as determined by a district Consultative Committee under Standing Order
040(8) or by a connexional Pastoral Committee under Standing Order
As to (i) see Part 11.
(7) Payment may also be made out of the fund at the discretion of the council or of any
committee or officer to which the council may delegate this discretion:
(i) to reimburse any person or body for or discharge any payments, expenses
or liabilities incurred or arising in connection with any actual or potential
disciplinary proceedings against any person, whether or not a charge
is brought, or in connection with any other case involving financial
irregularity or improvidence on the part of a minister […] or probationer or
where an application is made under Standing Order 013(11); or
(ii) in accordance with any recommendation of the Stationing Advisory
Committee or the connexional […] Presbyteral or Diaconal Candidates
and Probationers Oversight Committee under Standing Order 774(6); or
(iii) in accordance with any recommendation of an advisory committee under
Standing Order 042(6).
As to (i) see Part 11.
366 [revoked]
367 Accounts. All accounts submitted to the Conference shall, except by approval
of the Conference, be closed for each year on the 31st August.
368 Central Finance Board. Pursuant to section 5(3) of the Methodist Church
Funds Act 1960 the Conference:
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 409
[368] Book III Standing Orders
410 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts
Section Page
40 General Provisions................................................................................... 412
41 The Synod............................................................................................... 415
42 The Chair................................................................................................. 425
43 District Policy Committee.......................................................................... 432
44 District Life.............................................................................................. 438
45 District Candidates Committee.................................................................. 441
47 Property.................................................................................................. 442
48 […] Presbyteral Session of Synod............................................................. 444
48A Districts with Modified Constitutions.......................................................... 446
49 Yr Eglwys Fethodistaidd yng Nghymru/The Methodist Church in Wales.......... 450
For the meaning of the word ‘District’ see cl. 1(xii) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1).
cl. 38 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) provides for the home Circuits to be arranged in Districts as
directed by the Conference, and by cl. 39(b) the Conference may constitute Districts overseas.
Book III Standing Orders
400 Constitution. Subject to Standing Order 401 the names and enumeration of
the Districts shall be set out year by year in the stations appointed by the Conference and
they shall be composed of the Circuits there specified.
See the note above as to cls. 38 and 39 of the Deed of Union.
400A Nature and Purposes. (1) The primary purpose for which the District is
constituted is to advance the mission of the Church in a region, by providing opportunities
for Circuits to work together and support each other, by offering them resources of
finance, personnel and expertise which may not be available locally and by enabling them
to engage with the wider society of the region as a whole and address its concerns.
The District serves the Local Churches and Circuits and the Conference in the support,
deployment and oversight of the various ministries of the Church, and in programmes
of training. It has responsibility for the evaluation of applications by Local Churches and
Circuits for approval of or consent to their proposals, when required, or for assistance
from district or connexional bodies or funds. Wherever possible the work of the District
is carried out ecumenically. The District is thus an expression, over a wider geographical
area than the Circuit, of the connexional character of the Church.
(2) Since every member in the District is as such a member of the Methodist
Missionary Society, the purposes of the District include the promotion of understanding of
and support for the work of the Society to the end that every member may share actively
in world mission.
See Articles 2 and 4 of the constitution of the society (Book IV B, Part 3).
401 Changes in Composition. (1) In this Standing Order any reference to a change
in the composition of Districts is to a change in the District in which one or more Circuits
are placed. This Standing Order applies to all such changes, except those effected under
Section 48A, but not to transfers of Local Churches from one District to another arising
solely out of changes, within Standing Order 501(4), in the composition of Circuits which
themselves remain within their respective Districts. If proposals involve both a change
within this Standing Order and a change within Standing Order 501 each such change
shall be dealt with under the relevant Standing Order.
(2) All proposals for the division or amalgamation of Districts or other changes in their
composition shall be considered by the Methodist Council, which shall consult the Synods
and Circuit Meetings involved, formulate a draft recommendation, obtain the resolutions
412 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts [402]
of the Synods and Circuit Meetings on that draft and report those resolutions to the
Conference with its own substantive recommendation.
(3) When any recommendation for change in the composition of Districts is before the
Conference any Synod or Circuit Meeting involved has the right to make representations
to the Conference.
(4) Upon making any change in the composition of Districts the Conference may
give consequential directions, in particular as to transitional arrangements, including
directions as to the making of appointments to district committees and offices.
(5) If, in the judgment of the Conference, any change resolved upon by the Conference
is substantially out of accord with the reported resolution of any Synod involved it shall
take effect only if confirmed by the Conference of the year next following.
402 District Committees. (1) Each district Synod shall annually appoint a district
Policy Committee, and may determine the name by which it is to be known in the District.
The committee, by whatever name, shall fulfil the functions assigned to the district Policy
Committee in the Deed of Union and Standing Orders and such other duties as the Synod
may from time to time direct. In addition to the Chair of the District and the secretary
of the Synod and any member of the Methodist Council nominated by the Synod, the
committee shall consist of a secretary and such other persons as the Synod shall
(2) Notwithstanding clause (1) above the Synod may determine that particular
functions assigned to the Policy Committee shall be fulfilled by some other committee or
by an officer appointed by the Synod.
(3) Each district Synod shall annually appoint the other committees specified in
Standing Orders and such additional committees as in its judgment will best serve the
purposes of the District and fulfil the functions required by Standing Orders. Details shall
be published annually and reported to the Secretary of the Conference.
As to other committees required by Standing Orders see S.O. 440(4) (city centre church or project
management committee), 445 (M.I.H.), 472 (manses) and 484 ((presbyteral) probationers).
(4) In the following clauses of this Standing Order ‘district committee’ means any
committee appointed in accordance with clauses (1) and (3) above.
(5) The Chair of the District and, unless the Conference otherwise directs, the
secretary of the Synod shall be, ex officio, members of every district committee. If there
is an assistant secretary of the Synod he or she may attend any meeting of any such
committee in the place and with the rights of the secretary in the latter’s absence.
By cl. 42(b) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) the Chair of the District is, ex officio, the chair of all
district meetings having relation to the Synod.
(6) Subject to Standing Order 451 the persons who are eligible to be members of
district committees are those who, if ministers […] or probationers, are members of or
(in the case of forces chaplains and chaplains’ assistants) entitled to attend the Synod
or, if not ministers […] or probationers, are members in the District or members of
other communions involved in partnership schemes within the District which have been
approved by the Conference.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 413
[402] Book III Standing Orders
As to the entitlement of forces chaplains and of deacons serving in support of chaplains to attend the
Synod see S.O. 355(3).
S.O. 451 concerns the district Candidates Committee.
(7) [revoked]
(8) Except where membership of a committee is determined by district, circuit or local
church office, all members of district committees shall be elected by the Synod and the
election shall have effect for a term of one year or the life of the committee, whichever is
the shorter.
(9) The elected members of a district committee may be re-elected annually. After six
years’ continuous service they shall not be eligible for re-appointment before the expiry of
one year, except that (i) secretaries and treasurers shall not of necessity relinquish their
committee membership until they have completed a term of six years in office, and (ii)
where special experience and exceptional service on the part of a committee member or
officer makes it desirable, the Synod may by the votes of not less than three fourths of
those present and voting re-appoint annually beyond six years.
(10) The appointment of elected members shall take effect from the close of the
Synod at which they are appointed and in clause (8) or (9) above ‘year’ means the period
from appointment or re-appointment until the close of the Synod at which appointments
are made in the next following connexional year.
403 Connexional Affairs. (1) Each district Synod shall annually appoint a
treasurer or treasurers for the District Expenses Fund and all other funds for which it is
responsible, the other officers required by Standing Orders and such additional officers as
will in its judgment best serve the purposes of the District and fulfil its obligations to the
(2)–(3) [revoked]
(4) The appointment of the above officers shall take effect from the 1st September
next following. After six years’ continuous service an officer shall not be eligible for re-
appointment before the expiry of one year, except that where special experience and
exceptional service make it desirable the Synod may by the votes of not less than three
fourths of those present and voting re-appoint annually beyond six years.
404 Expenses. (1) All district expenses, including those of the Synod secretary,
shall be paid out of the District Expenses Fund.
(2) Subject to clause (3) below payment of the travelling expenses of members
attending district committees shall be at the discretion of the Synod.
For expenses of attending Synod see S.O. 416.
(3) The travelling expenses of members attending the Synod or district committees
from the Malta United Area or the Gibraltar Circuit shall be a charge on the Methodist
Church Fund.
The Malta United Area is a designated ecumenical area within the South-East District. The Gibraltar Circuit
is in the South-East District.
414 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts
For the definition of the word ‘Synod’ see cl. 1(xxxiv) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1).
cl. 40 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) provides for the establishment of district Synods and by that
clause the Synods are to be so constituted and to have such powers as the Conference may provide.
410 Constitution. (1) Subject to Standing Orders 785(8) and 791(3) and clause (6)
below the Representative Session of the district Synod shall consist of:
(i) the Vice-President and all ex-Vice-Presidents of the Conference, being
(ii) all ministers […] and probationers stationed in the District, all ministers
[…] residing for the purposes of the stations in the District and any other
minister […] or probationer entered in the stations as a member of the
(iii) [deleted]
(iv) one circuit steward of each Circuit in the District, or a substitute elected
by the Circuit Meeting;
(v) lay representatives (which may include other circuit stewards) or their
substitutes elected by the Circuit Meeting of each Circuit in the District,
the total number for each Circuit being determined by the Synod;
(vi) all members of the district Policy Committee;
(vii) the lay representatives, if appointed, of the Synod to the Methodist
Council, the district Lay Stationing Representative, the district property
secretaries appointed under Standing Order 470 and any officers
appointed to the Synod to be responsible for World Church affairs;
(viii) two persons appointed by the last preceding meeting of the Methodist
Children and Youth Assembly from the young people connected with the
life of the Methodist Church in the District who attended that Assembly
and who are members of the Methodist Church;
(ix) all eligible lay persons who are Conference-elected representatives to the
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 415
[410] Book III Standing Orders
(x) all lay representatives elected by the Synod to the last preceding or next
following Conference;
(xi) in Districts in which there is a training institution, representatives elected
by the student ministers […] in each institution from among their own
number, two for up to thirty such persons, three for up to sixty and four
for more than sixty;
(xii) such lay district officers as the Synod may determine;
(xiii) Synod-elected lay members, in numbers determined by the Synod;
(xiv) such numbers of eligible lay employees appointed in the District or for
the purposes of Y Cyngor under Standing Order 491(5) or 570, as may be
determined by the Synod;
(xv) the secretary of the Synod;
(xvi) the assistant secretary of the Synod (if appointed).
For eligibility of lay persons see cl. (3) below.
As to the dates of appointment of members of the Policy Committee see S.O. 402(10).
As to ministers without appointment see S.O. 774, 775.
For the Policy Committee see S.O. 402(1).
For lay representatives to the Methodist Council see S.O. 210(1)(iv) and (2)(a). For the district Lay
Stationing Representative, see S.O. 417B.
For the Children and Youth Assembly see Section 25 and S.O. 417A.
For Conference-elected representatives see S.O. 103.
For the election of district representatives to the Conference see S.O. 417.
For training institutions see S.O. 007(ii).
For the secretary see S.O. 414.
(2) A minister […] or probationer may be a member of more than one Synod when
appointed to serve in more than one District, save that for matters of […] presbyteral
discipline a minister or […] presbyteral probationer shall be accountable to one of
those Synods designated for that purpose on the Stations, and for matters of diaconal
discipline a deacon or diaconal probationer shall be accountable to the Convocation of
the Methodist Diaconal Order and the Warden of the Order.
For the position of forces chaplains and deacons serving in support of chaplains, see S.O. 355(3).
(3) Subject to head (xi) of Standing Order 410(1) a lay person is eligible to be a
member of the Synod only if he or she is:
(i) a member in the District; or
(ii) a member of another Christian communion who holds office or is an
elected member of a meeting under the constitution of a partnership
scheme in the District authorised by the Conference or (if so empowered)
by the Synod; or
(iii) an officer appointed on behalf of the District who is a member of the
Methodist Church or of another Christian communion.
(4) A circuit steward entitled to attend the Synod as such may not decline to do so
while claiming the right to attend and vote in some other capacity.
(4A) In exercising its discretion under heads (v), (xii), (xiii) and (xiv) of clause (1) above
the Synod shall secure that the total number of lay members shall be not less than the
total number of ministers […] in the District in the active work.
416 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts [412]
(5) In appointing Synod-elected members the Synod shall consider its own composition
as a whole with regard to age, sex and ethnic origin. They shall be appointed by the Synod
in its Representative Session and serve for three years, one third retiring each year. Upon
retirement they may be re-appointed once only for a further three years, after which they
shall not be eligible for a further appointment to take effect before the expiry of one year.
When a casual vacancy occurs during a three-year term (whether first or second) the
Synod may fill the vacancy with immediate effect, but the person then appointed shall
serve in the first instance only until the end of that three-year term, when he or she shall
be treated for all the purposes of this clause as having completed a first three-year term.
(6) In the Shetland District and the Isle of Man District the Representative Session of
the Synod shall consist of the persons specified in heads (i) and (ii) of clause (1) above,
together with all other members of the Circuit Meeting of the Lerwick and Walls Circuit
and the Isle of Man Circuit respectively.
(7) The constitution of the Synod shall be published annually and reported to the
Secretary of the Conference, sufficient notice of any changes being given to enable Circuit
Meetings to elect their representatives under head (v) of clause (1) above.
411 Meetings. (1) The Synod shall meet at least once in each connexional year in
Representative and […] Presbyteral Sessions, and not later than the second Saturday of
For the constitution and functions of the Presbyteral Session see Section 48.
For the duty of ministers and probationers to attend see S.O. 741, and, as to supernumerary ministers,
S.O. 791(5).
For the circumstances when a postal ballot may be conducted see S.O. 417(2B).
(2)–(3) [revoked]
(4) Where the Synod meets in […] Presbyteral Session more than once in the
connexional year the earlier meeting shall, so far as the Chair at his or her discretion
thinks practicable, deal with all the business of the […] Presbyteral Session except (i)
that from the district Probationers Committee and (ii) such matters for report as are not
known at the date of that meeting.
(5) The Chair shall have authority to call an additional meeting of the Synod on any
application by members of the Synod which appears to him or her to require it.
(6) The Chair shall send to all members of the Synod notice requesting their
attendance on the days appointed for every meeting of the Synod, specifying the
business to be brought forward and making particular mention of any subject remitted by
the Conference to the consideration of the Synod.
(7) The Synod in its Representative Session may admit visitors, if it so desires.
412 Functions. (1) Subject in Wales to Standing Order 491 the Synod is the
policy-making court of the District, serving as a link between the Conference and the
Connexional Team on the one hand and the Circuits and Local Churches on the other.
It shall have oversight of all district affairs. It shall formulate and promote policies,
through its various officers and committees, to assist the mission of the Church, to give
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 417
[412] Book III Standing Orders
inspiration to the leaders in the Circuits and to ensure the interrelation of all aspects of
the Church’s life throughout the District. It is a forum in which issues of public concern
relevant to the witness of the Church may be addressed. The Synod’s business is the
work of God in the District, expressed in worship, conversation, formal business, the
communication of Conference matters to the Circuits and the submission of memorials to
the Conference.
As to memorials see S.O. 419.
As to district property see S.O. 910(2), 913(2), 966(2).
As to Wales, see also the note to 497(1).
For the functions of the Presbyteral Session see S.O. 481.
For the guidelines as to the business of the Representative Session of the Synod, see Book VII B, Part 6.
(2) The Synod has authority to establish ecumenical partnerships in extended areas
that do not require shared governance, to designate local ecumenical partnerships within
the District and to approve the constitution of any of the latter such partnerships, such
designation being made where possible in conjunction with a Sponsoring Body on which
the Methodist Church is represented.
(3) No such approval shall be given unless the district Policy Committee has complied
with S.O. 434(3)(v) and so reported to the Synod. After the Synod has given its approval
its decision shall be reported to the ecumenical officer and a copy of the constitution
shall be sent to him or her.
See S.O. 334.
418 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts [413]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 419
[413] Book III Standing Orders
414 Officers. (1) When the Chair of the District is unable to attend any meeting
of the Synod a chair for the occasion shall, unless the President or, in the case of the
Representative Session, the Vice-President is present as a member of the Synod, be
elected by the Synod from among the […] presbyters then present.
cl. 42(b) of the Deed of Union (Book Il, Part I) provides that the Chair of the District is, ex officio, the chair
of the Synod, except that the President of the Conference is to preside when present at meetings of the
Synod of which he or she is a member.
For the power of the President to assist at any Synod, if requested, see S.O. 111(1).
(2) There shall be a secretary of the Synod elected by the Synod for the next
connexional year.
(3) When a lay person or deacon is elected as secretary, the Synod shall also elect
a […] presbyter as […] presbyteral secretary, who shall act as secretary of the […]
Presbyteral Session, and shall fulfil in respect of that session the duties specified in
Standing Orders 415 and 419(1).
(4) The district Policy Committee shall nominate one or more persons for the office of
secretary and (if required) […] presbyteral secretary.
(5) The Synod may also elect an assistant secretary.
420 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts [417]
415 Minutes and Records. (1) The secretary of the Synod shall provide three
complete copies of the minutes of every meeting of the Synod, duly signed by the Chair
and the secretary.
(2) The Chair and the secretary of the Synod shall each retain one of these copies until
no longer required for current reference in the conduct of business; the third with a copy
of the agenda shall be sent no later than the third Monday of May to the Secretary of the
See S.O. 125(4) as to the custody of this third copy.
(3) The secretary of the Synod shall be responsible for supplying to the Secretary
of the Conference the information as to elections and other matters required for the
business of the Conference.
416 Expenses. (1) Ministers […] in the active work and probationers are entitled
to receive from their circuit stewards the amount of their expenses of attending the
(2) Supernumeraries and ministers […] without appointment are entitled to receive
from the secretary of the Synod the amount of their expenses of attending the Synod.
(3) Lay representatives of Circuits attending the Synod may, if they desire it, claim their
travelling expenses from the circuit stewards.
(2) Subject to clause (2B) below the election shall be made by the Synod by ballot
vote after nomination. In electing such representatives members of the Synod shall have
regard for the composition of the membership of the District as a whole with regard to
age, sex and ethnic origin.
(2A) All nominations made under clause (2) above shall be signed by at least two
members of the Synod and shall include the nominee’s:
(i) Circuit in which he or she is stationed or a member, or, if falling under
head (iv) of clause (1), partnership scheme;
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 421
[417] Book III Standing Orders
(3A) If a vacancy, other than one to which clause (3B) below applies, arises which
cannot be filled under clause (3) above, the Chair and the secretary of the Synod shall,
within the terms of the allocation specified under Standing Order 105(1B), nominate in
writing a person to be appointed by the Conference as a representative of that District
under clause 17(a) of the Deed of Union.
(3B) Where the vacancy arising under clause (3) above requires to be filled by a
deacon and it cannot be filled under that clause, the Chair shall inform the Warden of the
Methodist Diaconal Order. The Warden shall nominate in writing a deacon to be appointed
by the Conference under clause 17(a) of the Deed of Union, seeking first one who is a
member of that Synod but, failing that, some other deacon.
(4) The secretary of the Synod shall inform the Secretary of the Conference which
representatives of the District will be aged under 26 at the date fixed for the opening of
the Representative Session of the Conference.
(5) The district representatives shall meet the Chair for consultation as he or she
considers appropriate but at least once shortly before the date of the Conference.
417A Children and Youth Assembly Representatives. (1) The Synod shall make
provision for ensuring that young people connected with the life of the Methodist Church
422 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts [419]
within the District attend the sessions of the Children and Youth Assembly in accordance
with Standing Order 250(6).
For the Children and Youth Assembly and as to who are eligible members for this purpose see S.O. 250.
As to the reimbursement of their expenses, see cl. (5) below.
(2) [revoked]
(3) [revoked]
(4) [revoked]
(4A) [revoked]
(5) The Synod shall make provision for contributing towards the reimbursement of the
costs of attending the Children and Youth Assembly incurred by those who do so under
clause (1) above.
417B Lay Stationing Representative. The Synod shall annually appoint a district
Lay Stationing Representative to share with the Chair the responsibility for matters
related to the stationing of […] presbyters and deacons in the District.
418 Connexional Bodies. (1) Subject to clause (2) below, suggested names for
nomination as district members of connexional bodies shall be brought to the Synod by
the district Policy Committee, members of the Synod having the right to add other names.
The bodies concerned and the district representation involved are as follows:
Methodist Council, by rota (S.O. 210(1)(iv) and (2)).
Central Finance Board: one person (Methodist Church Funds Act 1960, Second Schedule, regulation
2 (c), Vol. 1, p. 66). The ‘nominations’ to the Central Finance Board are direct appointments not
requiring any action by the Conference and are for a period of three years unless the Synod specifies
otherwise when making the appointment (ibid., regulation 5).
S.O. 203(3) and (4) specify matters to be taken into account in making nominations and appointments,
and lay down special provisions for nominations to serve beyond six years.
(2) Where the nomination is for appointment to the Methodist Council under Standing
Order 210(1)(iv) the district Policy Committee shall invite the Circuits to bring names
to the Synod, any two members of the Synod having the right to add other names. The
provisions of Standing Order 417(2A) as to the information to be provided about the
candidates shall apply, the relevant date under head (iii) being the 1st September next.
Where more than one name is proposed the election shall be by ballot. In electing its
nominee the Synod shall be made aware of and have regard to any information received
from the Conference or the council as to the particular skills or experience which may be
required and the responsibilities of the appointment.
419 Memorials and Resolutions to the Conference. (1) The Synod may in either of
its sessions make memorials to the Conference on any connexional subject. A memorial,
if approved by a majority of those present and voting, shall be signed by the secretary
of the Synod and a note shall be added stating the number of persons voting for and
against the resolution. Memorials shall be sent immediately to the convener of the
Memorials Committee. Memorials received by the convener later than the Wednesday
next after the second Saturday in May will not be presented to the Conference.
For procedure of the connexional committee see S.O. 138.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 423
[419] Book III Standing Orders
(2) The Synod may in either of its sessions submit a resolution to be moved in
the Conference on any matter of connexional interest. Such a resolution shall be
accompanied by a reasoned statement and shall reach the Secretary of the Conference
by the Wednesday next after the second Saturday in May if it is to be considered by the
Conference of that year. The Chair of the District shall determine which of the district
representatives should move and second the resolution in the Conference.
For the procedure in the Conference see S.O. 134.
424 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts
By cl. 42(a) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) the Chair of each District is to be a presbyter elected by
the Conference by a clear majority. He or she is the chair of the Synod and all meetings connected with it
(cl. 42(b)). Cl. 42(c) provides that in the home Districts the appointment shall run from the 1st September
following election and continue while the Chair is appointed to the station, and deals with disqualifications
and the filling of casual vacancies.
421 Term of Appointment. (1) A Chair shall be appointed initially for a specified
period, not exceeding six years.
(2) Every appointment for an extension shall be for a specified period, each not
exceeding five years.
(3) The provisions as to curtailment in Standing Order 544 shall apply to the
period of appointment of a Chair as they apply to the period of invitation of a […]
presbyter, reading ‘District’ for ‘Circuit’ where appropriate, and with the following further
(i) The functions of the circuit Invitation Committee shall be exercised by the
panel constituted under Standing Order 421A(2).
(ii) The functions of the Chair of the District under clauses (5) and (11) of
Standing Order 544 shall be exercised by the President.
(iii) The committee appointed under clause (6) shall not include the Lay
Stationing Representative of the relevant District.
(iv) Provisions which can have no application shall be ignored, including
(without necessarily being exhaustive) those relating to church stewards,
deacons or presbyteral or diaconal probationers and the last sentence of
clause (9).421A
The provisions in this Standing Order are to be read in the light of the ultimate authority of the Conference
over stationing annually, S.O. 423B(5).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 425
[421A] Book III Standing Orders
422 Extended Appointments. (1) In the existing Chair’s last but one year of
appointment (unless the existing Chair has given notice of an intention to become
supernumerary or of a wish not to remain in the appointment after the end of the current
term) the nomination committee constituted as set out in Standing Order 421A(2)
above shall convene to consider whether or not to recommend that the appointment be
extended. The advice on consultation contained in the guidance as to the stationing of
[…] presbyters from time to time approved by the Conference shall be followed as far as
the circumstances permit.
(2) The convener of the nomination committee shall notify the Secretary of the
Conference of the result of the committee’s consideration.
(3) If a recommendation for an extension is made by a majority of not less than 75%
of those present and voting, the convener of the nomination committee shall notify the
convener of the district Policy Committee. Any such recommendation shall state the
proposed period of years of the extension.
(4) Where no such recommendation is made, the Secretary of the Conference shall
convene a nomination committee constituted as set out in Standing Order 421A(3) above,
which shall consider whether or not to recommend an extension. If it decides not to do
so, it shall proceed to propose a fresh nomination in accordance with Standing Order
423 New Appointments. (1) Where a new appointment is to be made, the Policy
Committee shall prepare for consideration by the nomination committee a district
statement of needs and opportunities and, based upon it, a person specification
indicating the qualities required of the person to be appointed. The existing Chair shall
be consulted, as shall leaders of such other churches as the Policy Committee believes
426 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts [423A]
appropriate. The statement and person specification shall be sent to the Secretary of the
Conference for circulation to the nomination committee before its meeting.
(2) The task of the nomination committee is to seek to discern the will of God through
a process that is accountable and just, while respecting the proper confidences required
to enable […] presbyters to offer their gifts and graces in the service of the Church. To
assist in this process, the district members of the nomination committee may meet the
existing Chair to gain a better understanding of the particular requirements of the office.
(3) The Secretary of the Conference shall ensure that the vacancy is widely known in
the Connexion and the secretary of the Synod shall publish it within the District and notify
members of the Synod. The dates when the nomination committee is to meet and the
means by which a nomination or expression of interest may be made or shown shall also
be published.
(4) Nominations or expressions of interest shall be made or shown using standard
forms obtained from the Secretary of the Conference, who shall at the same time supply
a copy of the district statement and person specification.
(5) For each candidate, the Secretary of the Conference shall obtain on a standard
(i) A statement of personal information;
(ii) A reference from the candidate’s district Chair;
(iii) A reference from the candidate’s circuit stewards or other appropriate
person where the candidate is not in a circuit appointment.
No other information shall be sought at this point.
(6) The nomination committee shall proceed, by a process of shortlisting and interview
conducted in confidence but in an atmosphere of mutual accountability, to the point
where it is able to bring a recommendation to the district Policy Committee.
423A Voting in the District. (1) The recommendation of the nomination committee
under Standing Order 422(3) or (4) or 423(6) shall be brought to the district Policy
Committee, together with a reasoned statement. District members of the nomination
committee shall be called to the meeting and may contribute to the discussion, but shall
not vote unless the member concerned is also a member of the Policy Committee. Where
a new appointment is being recommended, the […] presbyter proposed shall be invited
to meet the Policy Committee but the meeting shall in no circumstances be seen to be a
further interview.
(2) A recommendation for an extension of the current Chair’s appointment is adopted if
approved by a majority of 75% of those present and voting.
(3) A recommendation for a new appointment is adopted if approved by a simple
majority of those present and voting.
(4) Where the recommendation is not adopted the Secretary of the Conference shall
begin the full nomination process again.
(5) Where the recommendation is adopted the secretary of the Synod shall ensure that
the recommendation of the Policy Committee, whether for an extended appointment or a
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 427
[423A] Book III Standing Orders
new appointment, together with the reasoned statement, is printed in the Agenda of the
ensuing Synod. No other names may be brought to that Synod.
(6) In all cases the Synod shall vote by ballot and the Secretary of the Conference
shall be informed of the result. In the case of nomination to a new appointment, a
simple majority of those present and voting is required. For nomination to an extended
appointment, the required majority shall be 75% of those present and voting. Where the
required majority is not obtained, the Secretary of the Conference shall convene a new
nomination committee which shall follow the process set out in Standing Order 423,
consulting the district Policy Committee as necessary.
423B Voting in the Conference. (1) The nomination of the Synod, together with the
reasoned statement, shall be printed in the Agenda of the forthcoming Conference and
no other names may be brought to that Conference. The majority required shall be that
specified in clause (2) below.
(2) In cases of extended appointments, the required majority is 75% of those present
and voting. In cases of new appointments, a simple majority of those present and voting
is required.
(3) Where the required majority is not obtained, the Secretary of the Conference shall
as soon as possible convene a new nomination committee which shall follow the process
set out in Standing Order 423, consulting the district Policy Committee as necessary. The
process set out in Standing Order 423A shall then be followed, in order that a name may
be brought for appointment at the next Conference. Clauses (1) and (2) above shall apply,
except that the required majority shall in all cases be a simple majority.
(4) [revoked]
(5) Provisions in Standing Orders 421 to 423B for appointments for periods of years
operate only to obviate any need for earlier application of the procedure under those
Standing Orders and do not derogate from the ultimate authority of the Conference
over stationing annually. An appointment under this Standing Order shall accordingly be
embodied in the stations presented for adoption to the current meeting of the Conference
(if clause (3) above applies) or to the next following annual meeting (in all other cases)
and the adoption of the stations shall constitute the election of the Chair for the
purposes of clause 42 of the Deed of Union.
424 Responsibilities. (1) The prime duty of a Chair is to further the work of God in
the District; to this end he or she will use all the gifts and graces he or she has received,
being especially diligent to be a pastor to the ministers […] and probationers and to lead
all the people of the District in the work of preaching and worship, evangelism, pastoral
care, teaching and administration.
For the specific functions and duties of the Chair see the references in the Index.
For the Chair’s rights in relation to certain appointments see S.O. 545(4)(a) and 574.
(2) The Chair, in conjunction with the members of the Synod in its respective sessions,
shall be responsible to the Conference for the observance within the District of Methodist
order and discipline.
428 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts [426]
(3) It is the duty of the Chair to exercise oversight of the character and fidelity of the
[…] presbyters and […] presbyteral probationers in the District.
The Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order, acting in conjunction with the Convocation, is responsible for
the oversight of the character and fidelity of the deacons and diaconal probationers (S.O. 754(2)).
See S.O. 1110(4) for situations where the Chair may be required to act as ‘local complaints officer’ for the
purpose of the complaints and disciplinary process.
425 The Circuits. (1) Chairs are directed to visit at least once a year, if possible at
the time of holding a Circuit Meeting, each Circuit within their respective Districts to which
only one […] presbyter is appointed, or to arrange for a Superintendent in the same
District to do so in their stead.
(2) It is the responsibility of the Chair to uphold the authority and rights under the
Methodist constitution of the Superintendent, and to offer supervision and support
as appropriate in the fulfilment of his or her responsibilities. To this end the Chair will
endeavour to establish close relationships with all the Superintendents in the District,
that they may have the benefits of his or her wider experience of the District and
knowledge of connexional decisions and policy.
(3) Each Chair is authorised to visit officially any Circuit in the District in order to
share in the exercise of oversight with the Superintendent, circuit staff, circuit stewards
and other members of any circuit leadership team, and the Circuit Meeting, and to
offer appropriate leadership and support. He or she shall do so with due notice to the
Superintendent and others concerned. The Chair of the District may preside at any
meeting for circuit or local church purposes at the invitation of the Superintendent, but,
subject to Standing Order 545(4)(a), may not do so without his or her consent unless,
in special circumstances, the Synod or district Policy Committee so directs, and in that
event the Superintendent shall take all necessary steps to give effect to the decisions of
that meeting.
S.O. 545(4)(a) deals with the District Chair’s right to be invited to and chair a Circuit Meeting where the
extension or expiration of the period of invitation of the Superintendent is under consideration.
For the rights of the President in circuit affairs see S.O. 111(2).
426 Permanent Deputies, Temporary Deputies and Assistants. (1) The Synod may
appoint a person to the office of deputy to the Chair [...].
(2) Any appointment made under clause (1) above shall comply with the following
(i) the appointment shall be on terms that the deputy is to perform the
duties specified in a description of the deputy’s role which has been
approved by the Synod;
(ii) the person appointed shall be a […] presbyter in the active work who is
stationed in the District;
(iii) the appointment shall be for a specified period not exceeding three years
in the first instance (but capable of extension for a further period or
periods each of which shall not exceed three years) and upon terms that
it shall terminate if the person appointed ceases to be qualified under (ii)
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 429
[426] Book III Standing Orders
(iv) the duties to be performed by the deputy shall not include duties
expressly required to be performed by the Chair [...] by any provision of
the Methodist Church Act 1976, the Deed of Union or the Model Trusts.
(3) The Synod may appoint more than one person to hold office as a deputy at the
same time, but each appointment shall comply with the requirements set out in clause
(4) If the Chair of a District [...] or a deputy appointed under the preceding clauses
of this Standing Order is temporarily unable to fulfil all or any of the duties of the office
because of accident, illness, absence from the country, sabbatical leave or other cause,
the Synod or the district Policy Committee, or in cases of emergency the President or the
Vice-President on his or her behalf, may appoint a person, being a […] presbyter in the
active work stationed in the District, with authority to fulfil such of those duties which
the Chair [...] or deputy is unable to perform as may be specified in the appointment. An
appointment made by the President or Vice-President shall continue only until such time
as the Synod or district Policy Committee is able to confirm the appointment or to appoint
another person under the provisions of this clause.
(5) A Chair [...] may at any time appoint a person to assist him or her in such way as
he or she may think fit.
(6) Unless the assistance is purely clerical or administrative, any appointment made
under clause (5) above shall comply with the following requirements:
(i) the person appointed shall reside in the District for the purposes of
the stations or shall be a member in the District and the terms of
appointment shall provide for it to terminate if this requirement ceases to
be satisfied;
(ii) if the person appointed is to act publicly on behalf of the Chair [...], the
appointment shall not take effect until it has been approved by the Synod
or the district Policy Committee;
(iii) the duties to be performed by the person appointed shall not include
duties expressly required to be performed by the Chair [...] by any
provision of the Methodist Church Act 1976, the Deed of Union or the
Model Trusts.
(7) Nothing in this Standing Order infringes upon the provisions in the Deed of Union
for filling casual vacancies.
See cl. 42(c) of the Deed (Book II, Part 1).
427 Scotland. (1) The Scotland District may also be known as the Methodist
Church in Scotland.
(2) The Chair of the Scotland District may be known as the Chair of the Methodist
Church in Scotland. The Chairs of the Scotland and Shetland Districts shall consult
regularly over joint matters as appropriate.
428 Stipends and Allowances. (1) Subject to clauses (1A) and (1B) below, the
stipend of a Chair set apart to that office is a charge on the Methodist Church Fund.
430 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts [428]
(1A) Where a District (other than the London District) has appointed more than one [...]
Chair [...], the stipend of one only of the [...] Chairs is a charge on the fund, unless the
Methodist Council agrees otherwise.
(1B) The stipends of two of the [...] Chairs of the London District are a charge on the
fund. The stipend of a third [...] Chair of the London District is a charge on the London
Mission Fund.
For the London Mission Fund, see S.O. 363.
(2) There shall be paid out of the Methodist Church Fund to the Chairs of the Island
Districts allowances each equal to the special allowance for a Superintendent for the time
being recommended by the Methodist Council.
(3) All expenses incurred by Chairs in the discharge of their responsibilities as such
are district expenses within the provisions of Standing Order 404(1).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 431
Book III Standing Orders
For the appointment of a district Policy Committee or its equivalent see S.O. 402(1) and (2).
430 [revoked]
432 Funds. (1) Contributions payable to and grants received from connexional funds
within the District shall be within the purview of the committee.
See Section 36.
(3) The district treasurer for the Methodist Church Fund shall remit to the Connexional
Team by the 15th day of each quarter all contributions to the fund received from the
See S.O. 532(2) as to payment by Circuits.
See S.O. 012A for the duties of treasurers generally.
432 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts [434]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 433
[434] Book III Standing Orders
(3A) The committee may delegate any or all of the above responsibilities to an officer
appointed by the Synod.
(4) The fulfilment of the responsibilities of the committee and the Synod specified in or
appearing from clause (3) above is part of the purposes of the District.
435 Nominations. (1) The committee shall nominate persons to the Synod for
appointment as district officers and as members of district committees.
(2) The committee shall nominate persons to the Synod for election as Synod-elected
members of the Synod.
See S.O. 410(1)(xiii) and (5).
(3) The committee shall propose to the Synod the names of persons to be nominated
by the Synod for appointment as district members of the Methodist Council and other
connexional bodies.
See S.O. 203, 418.
(4) The committee shall also submit a nomination to the Synod for the appointment of
a district Lay Stationing Representative.
See S.O. 417B.
435A People with Disabilities. The committee shall nominate for appointment by
the Synod an adviser in respect of people with disabilities, who shall be responsible for
encouraging the inclusion of people with disabilities within the worship, work, fellowship
and outreach of the Church, by raising awareness of the issues and offering practical
advice to Circuits and Local Churches in the District. Whenever possible the adviser shall
be a disabled person.
436 [revoked]
437 Redevelopment and Circuit Model Trust Money. (1) The committee shall
carry out the functions specified in Standing Order 962, appointing as necessary for that
purpose ad hoc or regional groups, which shall report to the committee.
(2) The committee shall carry out the functions in relation to circuit model trust money
prescribed by Standing Order 955, assessing needs and resources of property, personnel
and money as aspects of one totality.
438 […] Presbyteral and Diaconal Appointments. (1) The committee shall
consider and make recommendations to the Synod on all applications from Circuits
434 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts [438A]
(2A) In duly constituted ecumenical areas and Circuits where an application for
an additional appointment of a deacon or diaconal probationer under Standing Order
529 relates to an approved local ecumenical partnership, the Chairs shall confer with
the sponsoring body or, if none exists, with the appropriate authorities of the other
communion involved and report the results of such consultation to the committee.
438A Employment. (1) This Standing Order applies whenever a lay person is
employed under a contract of service by a district, circuit or local body of the Church or
(unless excluded by its constitution) a Local Ecumenical Partnership.
(2) The district Policy Committee shall appoint a Lay Employment Sub-committee to
be responsible for the oversight of the management of all lay employments to which
this Standing Order applies within the District. The sub-committee shall, in addition to
the ex-officio members, comprise or have ready access to persons of sufficient breadth
of knowledge and current experience of employment law and personnel management to
enable the sub-committee competently to discharge its functions and shall, if reasonably
practicable, include a person employed under a contract to which this Standing Order
applies. There shall be a chair and a secretary of the Lay Employment Sub-committee
appointed by the district Policy Committee.
(3) The Connexional Team shall, at no charge to employing bodies, provide such
guidance on personnel management law and practice as may from time to time be
required, and shall publish and distribute to district Lay Employment Sub-committees lay
employment document packs including, in particular, standard forms of:
(i) application for employment;
(ii) contract of employment, including general terms and conditions of
(iiA) special terms and conditions of employment for particular appointments
or circumstances;
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 435
[438A] Book III Standing Orders
(4) [revoked]
(5) The Lay Employment Sub-committee shall discharge the following functions:
(i) scrutinise and make recommendations upon all district, circuit and local
proposals for schemes of appointment for lay employees under Standing
Order 570, as required by Standing Order 575;
(ii) receive and distribute as necessary to district, circuit or local employing
bodies proposing to enter into contracts of employment the standard
forms and notices required under clause (3) above, together with such
other notices and forms for guidance as may be expedient for the
efficient conclusion of the proposed contract and management of the
(iii) give or withhold approval in accordance with clause (6) below to all
proposed contracts of employment to which this Standing Order applies,
and maintain a register of all such contracts made;
(iv) [deleted]
(v) advise employing bodies in the District on all matters concerning
contracts of employment and management of lay employees including, in
particular, those relating to disciplinary proceedings;
(vi) give or withhold approval in accordance with clause (9) below to all
proposals to terminate contracts of employment on any grounds;
(vii) be responsible for drawing the attention of employing bodies to good
employment practice and procedures, and to the desirability of complying
with them.
(6) Every new contract of employment to which this Standing Order applies shall:
(i) require the prior approval of the Lay Employment Sub-committee;
(ii) unless the sub-committee consents to any variation, be in the standard
(iii) unless the relevant member of the Connexional Team consents to any
variations, include any relevant special terms and conditions published
under clause (3)(iiA) above;
(iv) if the employee is to occupy residential property provided by or on
behalf of the employing body, and unless the relevant member of the
Connexional Team consents to any variation, include the standard
conditions of occupancy.
As to (iv) see also S.O. 929(5).
(6A) The Lay Employment Sub-committee shall have the power to delegate to its chair
436 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts [439]
or secretary, for urgent cases, the power to give or withhold approval in accordance with
clauses 5(iii) and (6) above.
(7) Any requirement of Standing Orders for consultation with another body in relation
to terms and conditions of employment to which this Standing Order applies shall be
deemed to be satisfied if the contract is in the standard form and includes any relevant
terms and conditions published under clause (3)(iiA) above, and in that event approval
shall not be withheld by the sub-committee and shall be deemed to have been granted if
no decision is given within fourteen days after the application has been lodged.
(8) No formal disciplinary proceedings shall be taken in respect of a lay employee,
nor letters of warning written, except after consultation with the Lay Employment Sub-
committee or its chair or secretary, provided that in cases of emergency a lay employee
may be suspended, in accordance with disciplinary procedures, from employment pending
such consultation.
(9) No contract of employment to which this Standing Order applies shall be
terminated unilaterally by the employing body without the prior approval in writing of the
Lay Employment Sub-committee.
(10) The approval of the Lay Employment Sub-committee shall be sufficiently evidenced
by the signature of its chair or secretary.
For other provisions affecting employment see S.O. 018, 443, 570–5 and 670–2.
439 Grants. (1) The committee shall consider and make recommendations to the
Synod and the Connexional Team on all requests from Circuits for grants, except that
where a project is being dealt with under Standing Order 960 any applications for grants
in connection with that project shall be dealt with under that Standing Order along with
the project.
(2) Grant applications may be made for periods of between one and five years.
Where grants are awarded for periods greater than one year they will normally be on
a diminishing basis, and a review and satisfactory report from the committee, at a
frequency and in a form specified by the Connexional Team, will be a condition of the
grant being continued.
(3) Forms of application for grants shall be completed in duplicate and forwarded by
Circuits to the district secretaries concerned not later than the end of December.
(4) The Superintendent and one other representative of each Circuit applying for a
grant shall be invited to attend the committee when its application is being considered,
but shall have no vote.
(5) The committee shall ensure that the purposes for which grants have been obtained
have been fulfilled.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 437
Book III Standing Orders
440 City Centres. (1) (a) A Synod may, after consultation with the Methodist
Council, designate a church or project within the District for inclusion on the official city
centre list in accordance with guidelines approved from time to time by the Conference
and shall notify the Connexional Team of each church or project so designated. The Team
shall maintain the official list accordingly.
(b) A Circuit (including a single-church Circuit) may be similarly designated and listed if
in the judgment of the Synod, after consultation with the Methodist Council, it is suitable
for inclusion as an entity.
(2) The Church Council or Circuit Meeting of each church or Circuit designated under
clause (1) shall consult with the district Policy Committee about the most effective way in
which the interests of other Circuits in the city, the District and ecumenical partners may
be involved in the work of the Church Council or Circuit Meetings, as appropriate.
(3) Each project designated under clause (1) shall be a mission or ministry project
carried on by a Church Council, a Circuit Meeting or a Synod in furtherance of the
purposes of the relevant body.
(4) The relevant Church Council, Circuit Meeting or Synod, after consultation with
the district Policy Committee, shall appoint a management committee for each project
designated under clause (1). The committee shall be large enough to encompass the
interests of the Circuit or Circuits which cover the city, the District and ecumenical
partners and to include a range of appropriate professional expertise, but small enough
to be effective.
(5) Every five years the Synod shall carry out a review of the mission and ministry
of each church, Circuit or project designated under clause (1), in collaboration with the
responsible Church Council or Circuit Meeting (in the case of a church or Circuit) or
management committee (in the case of a project).
(6) (a) It shall be a district purpose of any District in which capital money arises from
the disposition of any property subject to Standing Order 944 to apply such capital money
and its income in continuing the work of God in the relevant city centre, as directed by the
Synod. Any such money is model trust property.
Any such money is district property and the managing trustees are the district trustees; see para. 2 of the
Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2) and the definitions of ‘district property’ and ‘district purposes’ in para 1.
S.O. 944 concerns disposals of city centre premises.
(b) The district Policy Committee shall in full consultation with the Circuit in which
the property was located, (if still constituted as such with one or more remaining Local
Churches), bring to the Synod proposals for the application of capital money and income.
438 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts [444]
(7) Any decision to remove a city centre church, Circuit or project from the official list
shall be made by the Synod after consultation with the Methodist Council and notified to
the Connexional Team.
(8) Where a Synod carries on a city centre project, the provisions of Standing Order
534 and Section 54 shall apply, as closely as circumstances allow, to invitations
and appointments to serve in such a project as if it were a circuit appointment. The
management committee appointed under clause (4) above shall exercise the functions
of the Circuit Meeting and its invitation committee, and the management committee shall
appoint two of its members to exercise the functions of the circuit stewards in relation to
the invitation process.
This clause applies where the Synod carries on the project. Where it is carried on by a Church Council or
Circuit Meeting, the normal provisions referred to in the clause apply.
441 [revoked]
442 Chaplaincies. The district Policy Committee shall arrange for the Synod to be
informed of the work of all chaplains serving in the District.
443 [revoked]
444 Formal Education. (1) The district Policy Committee shall, where applicable,
have charge of the interests of Methodist state funded schools within the District and
shall consider any application for a loan for the building or repair of any such school,
including those which are joint projects with other denominations, and submit its
judgment on every such application to the Connexional Team, reporting to the Synod.
For the responsibilities of the Team in relation to state funded schools see S.O. 342.
For the functions of the committee in relation to any proposal to transfer or discontinue such a school see
S.O. 342(5), and in relation to applications for loans S.O.342 (9).
(2)–(3) [revoked]
(4) The committee, in consultation with circuit officers wherever appropriate, shall
nominate to the Synod one or more ministers […] for appointment as being responsible
for the oversight of Methodist students in universities and other institutions of higher and
further education in the District. The name of any person so nominated shall be notified
immediately to the member of the Connexional Team responsible.
For consultations before the invitation of ministers in such cases see S.O. 540(1).
(5) The committee shall take all possible steps to ensure that parents and those
having pastoral responsibility report to the responsible minister […] the arrival of
Methodist students at universities and other institutions.445
The Conference has directed that it shall be understood that, in fulfilling these regulations regarding work
among students, the committee is to ensure that the Methodist Church within the District takes its place,
alongside other denominations, in ministering to the student population at large, including overseas students
whether there is a Methodist International House or not. Circuits concerned are urged to seek the stationing
of persons who are particularly suitable for this task and so to organise the work of the circuit staff that the
person responsible has adequate time for pastoral and evangelistic work among students.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 439
[445] Book III Standing Orders
445 Methodist International Houses. In Districts, other than the London District
(where special arrangements obtain), where there are Methodist International Houses,
the Synod shall appoint a Methodist International House Management Committee, which
shall be responsible, both to the Synod and to the Methodist Council for the oversight of
the day to day running of the House in harmony with the aims approved by the Conference
and for ensuring its economic viability. It shall report to the Synod and, as required, to the
Connexional Team.
Each M.I.H. outside London is district property (S.O. 966(4)) and the district trustees are accordingly its
managing trustees (Model Trusts, Book II, Part 2).
440 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts
450 Responsibilities. (1) Subject to clause (1A) below the district Synod shall
appoint a district Candidates Committee to carry out the functions specified in this
Section and Section 71 of Standing Orders.
(1A) If the District Synod has reason to believe that the number of candidates in any
year will be such as to require the appointment of a panel from which the membership of
the committee on any particular occasion may be drawn, the Synod may instead appoint
such a panel containing a maximum of 24 persons. If the Synod so appoints, the district
Policy Committee is responsible for ensuring that a committee constituted in accordance
with Standing Order 451 below meets to carry out the functions of the Candidates
Committee in relation to each candidate.
(2) Two or more district Synods may from time to time appoint a Candidates Committee
having a common membership with authority to act in regard to each of the appointing
451 Membership. The committee shall consist of the Chair of each District
appointing it, a secretary and not less than ten nor more than thirteen other persons, of
whom not less than five shall be lay, not less than three […] presbyters and at least one
a deacon. The […] presbyters and lay members, but not necessarily the deacons, shall
be appointed from among those who are eligible to be members of district committees
of the appointing Districts under Standing Order 402(6). The Secretary of any Synod
appointing the committee may be appointed to it but shall not be a member ex officio.
For the exclusion of the Secretary of the Synod from ex-officio membership of a district committee see
S.O. 402(5).
452 [revoked]
453 Meetings. The committee shall meet when required and not later than the date
determined by the […] Presbyteral and Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 441
Book III Standing Orders
Section 47 Property
Standing Order Page
470 Responsibilities....................................................................................... 442
471 Advisory Panel......................................................................................... 442
472 Manses................................................................................................... 442
473 Archives.................................................................................................. 442
474 New Chapels............................................................................................ 442
476 Scotland.................................................................................................. 443
This section enacts certain specific provisions in relation to property matters within the District. However,
in addition, Part 9 of Standing Orders provides for the general exercise within the District of very significant
functions in relation to property projects of Circuits and Local Churches, and therefore Part 9 should also be
consulted. See in particular the definition of ‘the appropriate district authority’ in S.O. 960(1).
471 Advisory Panel. The Synod may appoint an advisory panel of persons qualified
and experienced in property matters, estate management, town planning, administration
or building design, to be consulted as desired.
472 Manses. The Synod shall appoint a district Manses Committee to carry out the
functions specified in Standing Order 965 and generally to consider all matters relating to
the decoration, sanitation, fittings and general suitability of all manses in the District, and
to all furnishings required by Standing Order 803.
See S.O. 802, 803.
473 Archives. The Synod shall appoint a district archivist whose concern shall be to
advise Circuits and Local Churches as to the proper custody or disposal of all documents
and records. Special attention should be given to cases where properties are passing out
of Methodist use. The archivist shall be responsible for monitoring the proper deposit of
records locally, for keeping lists of items deposited and for notifying the liaison officer for
Methodist archives of any deposit of material which appears to be of wider connexional
For provisions as to the disposal of records no longer in current use see S.O. 015.
For the liaison officer for Methodist archives see S.O. 337(4).
474 New Chapels. The district property secretaries shall call for and consider
reports on the progress of the work and the state of the structure of those chapels
442 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts [476]
within the District which have been opened, and the shared schemes which have been
inaugurated, within the previous five years and, if necessary, refer such reports to the
Connexional Team.
475 [revoked]
476 Scotland. (1) The General Committee of the Relief and Extension Fund for
Methodism in Scotland shall consist of:
(i) the Chair and secretary of the Methodist Synod in Scotland and the […]
presbyteral secretaries responsible for home mission and property affairs
(being the ex-officio trustees of the fund);
(ii) the other trustees and the secretary and treasurer of the fund and the lay
secretaries responsible for home mission and property affairs;
(iii) the Superintendent of each Circuit in the District;
(iv) lay persons nominated by the Synod and appointed by the Conference.
The fund is governed by a Deed of Trust registered in the books of the Lords of Council and Session at
Edinburgh on the 4th November 1869. The constitution of the committee has from time to time been altered
by the Synod, with the consent of the Conference, as authorised by the Deed. The Deed narrates resolutions
of the Conference of 1869 as to the raising, administration and purposes of the fund, constitutes and
appoints trustees, declares the trusts on which they are to hold the fund and makes ancillary provisions. The
following summary of some of these narratives and provisions is set out here for convenient reference only
and has no authority:
(1) The purposes of the fund are to assist, by way of grants and loans without interest, in
(a) the liquidation of debts on chapels and manses in Scotland,
(b) the purchase or erection of places of worship or sites,
(c) the acquisition of manses or investment of money to meet rents.
(2) Money from the fund is to be granted only to schemes sanctioned by the connexional Property
(3) The trustees are to submit to the committee an annual report and statement of accounts, which the
committee is to transmit to the President, and the committee is to report annually to the Synod and
the Conference.
(4) The committee is to meet in connection with the spring and autumn Synods and at other times if the
Chair of the District thinks fit.
(5) The committee is at its autumn meeting to appoint one or more secretaries and one or more
(2) Annual collections on behalf of the fund shall be taken in all places of worship in
Scotland on a Sunday, in addition to donations and subscriptions received from trust
funds and personal contributions.
(3) The arrangements for raising the fund shall not interfere with the Standing Orders
relating to the Methodist Fund for Property, collections and subscriptions for which shall
be gathered and forwarded as though no separate fund for Scotland existed.
See S.O. 362 (5).
(4) In the Synod the business of the fund shall be considered in connection with that
of the connexional funds.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 443
Book III Standing Orders
480 Constitution. The […] Presbyteral Session of the Synod shall consist
of the […] presbyters and […] presbyteral probationers who are members of the
Representative Session. Probationers have not the right to vote.
For the membership of the Representative Session see S.O. 410, 785(8), 791(3)–(5).
As to forces chaplains see S.O. 355(3).
For meetings see S.O. 411(1), (4).
481 Functions. (1) The members of the […] Presbyteral Session meet to recall
and reflect upon their ministerial vocation, to watch over one another in love, to make
recommendations to the Conference concerning […] presbyteral probationers and to
consider the work of God in the District. To that end they shall deal with the business
contained in the agenda in Part 10.
For the specific functions and procedure of the Presbyteral Session in relation to probationers see
Either session of the Synod may submit memorials and resolutions to the Conference (S.O. 419).
(2) The […] Presbyteral Session may invite deacons and diaconal probationers who
are members of the Representative Session of that Synod to attend for all or part of its
business and to speak but not to vote.
482–483 [revoked]
484 Probationers Committee. (1) The Synod shall appoint a district Probationers
Committee consisting of the Chair of the District, the secretary and (if appointed) the […]
presbyteral secretary of the Synod, a district probationers secretary and eleven other
persons of whom one may be a deacon, four shall be […] presbyters and the remainder
(2) The Superintendent and a circuit steward from each Circuit in which a presbyteral
probationer is stationed shall have the right to attend the committee when that
probationer is being discussed and to speak, but not to vote.
For the functions and procedure of the committee see S.O. 725(4), 728(1).
For the provisions governing diaconal probationers see S.O. 725(5).
485 [revoked]
444 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts [487]
487 Obituaries. (1) The Superintendent shall immediately inform the Chair of the
death of any […] presbyter or […] presbyteral probationer occurring within the Circuit.
(2) The Chair shall instruct the Superintendent to prepare, or to arrange for the
preparation of, an obituary for inclusion in the Minutes of Conference and to forward a
copy to the Chair for presentation to the […] Presbyteral Session of the Synod. It shall
be within the competence of the Synod to make any modification of the obituary which it
may consider desirable.
(3) Upon the motion for the approval of the obituary opportunity shall be afforded
to members of the Synod of paying personal tribute to the deceased […] presbyter or
(4) Immediately after the Synod its secretary shall forward all obituaries to the
Secretary of the Conference.
For procedure in the Conference see cl. 23(j) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) and S.O. 153.
(5) The Superintendent of any […] presbyter or presbyteral probationer who dies
between the Synod and the close of the Conference shall prepare an obituary and forward
copies to the Chair of the District and to the Secretary of the Conference.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 445
Book III Standing Orders
48A1 Adoption resolutions. (1) Subject to the further provisions of this Section, a
District may at any Synod pass a resolution that this Section shall apply to that District
with effect from the beginning of such connexional year as the resolution may specify and
that the affairs of the District shall thereafter be governed by a modified constitution in
the form of a draft identified in the resolution.
(2) A resolution under clause (1) above must be brought on behalf of the district
Policy Committee by two of its members and notice of the resolution must be given to
all members of the Synod no later than three months before the date of the Synod at
which the resolution is to be debated. A copy of the draft modified constitution must be
supplied free of charge to any member of the Synod who requests one.
(3) A draft modified constitution may provide for the governance as a single District of
more than one existing District.
(4) In the debate on a resolution under clause (1) above, no proposal for the
amendment of the draft modified constitution shall be considered unless written notice of
the proposed amendment has been given to the Synod Secretary no later than 14 days
before the date of the relevant Synod, unless the Synod otherwise agrees.
(5) A resolution under clause (1) above is only valid if it is passed by three quarters
of those present and voting at the relevant meeting of the Synod. If the draft modified
constitution provides as set out in clause (3) above, the resolution is only valid if it is
passed by such a majority of those present and voting at the meeting of the Synod of
each relevant District and the terms of the draft modified constitution identified by the
resolution passed by each District are identical.
(6) A resolution under clause (1) above will only take effect according to its terms if the
Secretary of the Conference confirms before the relevant 1st September that the draft
446 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts [48A3]
modified constitution complies with the requirements of this Section. Such confirmation
may be given prior to the passing of the resolution but if the draft modified constitution
is passed in an amended form after confirmation has been given, a further confirmation
must be obtained. If no such confirmation has been given before the relevant 1st
September, the resolution will not take effect until 1st September next following such
(7) If a draft modified constitution provides as set out in clause (3) above, the Districts
which have passed the relevant adoption resolution shall form one new District from the
date on which the adoption resolution takes effect and the form in which the constitution
and enumeration of the Districts is set out pursuant to Standing Order 400 shall reflect
that change.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 447
[48A3] Book III Standing Orders
(2) The procedure specified under clause (1) above must include a provision that any
amendment to the modified constitution will not come into force until the Secretary of
the Conference has confirmed that the modified constitution in its amended form will
continue to comply with this Section.
448 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts [48A5]
(2) The provisions referred to in clause (1) above are the following:
(i) [revoked]
(ii) Section 43 (District Policy Committee);
(iii) Standing Order 442 (chaplaincies);
(iv) [revoked]
(v) Standing Order 444 (formal education);
(vi) Section 45 (district Candidates Committee); and
(vii) Section 47 (property).
(3) A modified constitution shall contain provisions to ensure that as respects all
the functions given by the overriding legislation (as defined in Standing Order 48A4(1)
above) and Standing Orders to the district Policy Committee there is an identified body
responsible for the performance of each of those functions, by whatever name that body
or (if more than one) those bodies may be known.
(4) A modified constitution shall contain provisions to ensure that as respects all the
functions given by the overriding legislation and Standing Orders to the Synod Secretary
there is an identified individual responsible for the performance of each of those
functions, by whatever title that individual or (if more than one) those individuals may be
(5) A modified constitution shall contain provisions for the appointment of District
(6) Subject to the foregoing provisions of this Section, a modified constitution may
make such provision as the Synod approves with regard to:
(i) [revoked]
(ii) the constitution of the Synod;
(iii) the functions, powers, duties and membership of the committees or other
bodies constituted to carry out the purposes of the Section 48A District;
(iv) the functions, powers, duties and terms of employment (if applicable) of
the officers of the District.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 449
Book III Standing Orders
490 Definitions. (1) The work and witness of Yr Eglwys Fethodistaidd yng Nghymru/
The Methodist Church in Wales shall be carried on in two Districts: Synod Cymru,
comprising one Circuit working mainly in the Welsh language, and the Wales Synod,
comprising Circuits working mainly in the English language.
(1A) Within Synod Cymru the one Circuit called Cylchdaith Cymru, will be divided
geographically into areas, each called an Ardal. The Local Churches within an Ardal shall
meet together from time to time as they may agree.
(2) The terms ‘the Wales Synod’ and ‘Synod Cymru’ shall in these Standing Orders refer
to the Districts, or, where the context so dictates, to the district Synods of those Districts.
(3) The name ‘Yr Eglwys Fethodistaidd yng Nghymru/The Methodist Church in Wales’
shall refer to the sum of the work and witness of Synod Cymru and the Wales Synod.
491 Y Cyngor. (1) Y Cyngor is the leadership and co-ordinating team for Yr Eglwys
Fethodistaidd yng Nghymru/The Methodist Church in Wales, facilitating and encouraging
Synod Cymru and the Wales Synod to collaborate in the service of Yr Eglwys Fethodistaidd
yng Nghymru/The Methodist Church in Wales.
(2) Y Cyngor shall be constituted as follows:
(i) the chair of Y Cyngor, who shall be appointed by Y Cyngor, Synod Cymru
and the Wales Synod in turn being entitled to bring a nomination;
(ii) the Chairs of Synod Cymru and the Wales Synod;
(iii) representatives of Synod Cymru and the Wales Synod in numbers
determined by Y Cyngor;
(iv) a treasurer appointed by Y Cyngor.
(3) Y Cyngor shall have the following responsibilities:
(i) the co-ordination of overall mission and training strategies in Wales;
(ii) the oversight and co-ordination of ecumenical strategy, policy and
relationships in Wales, in line with connexional policy;
(iii) the authorisation of representatives to speak with ecumenical partners
and government on behalf of Yr Eglwys Fethodistaidd yng Nghymru/The
Methodist Church in Wales;
(iv) the facilitation of effective working relationships with the Connexional
450 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Districts [497]
494 Candidates. A candidate for the […] presbyterate in the Welsh language work
who is eligible for and desires to pursue a university course may be permitted to do so
by Synod Cymru if, in the opinion of the Synod, he or she possesses exceptional qualities
likely to render the intended course of special advantage both to him or her and to the
Welsh language work. Any cost involved shall be met by Synod Cymru.
495 Ordination. (1)(a) When all the requirements of […] presbyteral training have
been fully met those preachers on trial for the Welsh language work who have completed
their probation may be ordained during the meeting of Synod Cymru in a service at which
the President or a deputy, being a presbyter, shall preside.
(b) Those so ordained shall be proposed to the next Conference for admission into Full
(c) The ordinations authorised by sub-clause (a) and the proposal to the Conference
required by sub-clause (b) above shall require a resolution giving a direction to that
effect by the Representative Session of the Synod, on the recommendation of the […]
Presbyteral Session.
(d) Before the meeting of the […] Presbyteral Session the district Probationers’
Committee shall consult the connexional […] Presbyteral Candidates and Probationers
Oversight Committee, and the secretary of the connexional committee shall be entitled to
attend the meeting of the district committee at which the recommendation to the Synod
required by clause (1) of Standing Order 728 is made.
(e) In the event of any disagreement between the Synod and the connexional
committee in relation to a particular probationer his or her ordination shall be postponed
until the Conference has resolved the matter. Thereafter, if there is to be an ordination
service, it shall be held in accordance with sub-clause (a) above.
(2) Each ordinand shall be ordained by the laying-on of hands with prayer by the
President or a deputy, being a presbyter, assisted by other ministers in accordance with
Standing Order 729, one of whom may be nominated by the ordinand.
496 [revoked]
497 Joint Circuits and Ardal. (1) In this Standing Order, a “Circuit/Ardal” means a
group of Local Churches which is both a Circuit in the Wales Synod and an Ardal in Synod
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 451
[497] Book III Standing Orders
Cymru which operates bilingually in the Welsh and English languages, or is formed to do
so, and which is recognised by Synod Cymru and the Wales Synod as a joint Circuit/Ardal.
See S.O. 498 for joint Local Churches.
(2) Each such Circuit/Ardal shall appear in the stations both in Synod Cymru and in the
Wales Synod. The Chairs of the two Synods shall consult on any issue of policy before
them which affects the Circuit/Ardal.
(3) […] Presbyters, deacons and probationers stationed in the Circuit/Ardal in
accordance with clauses (3) and (4) of Standing Order 785 shall be members of both
Synod Cymru and the Wales Synod, except that each such […] presbyter and […]
presbyteral probationer shall be answerable in matters of discipline solely to the one
Synod as agreed between the Chairs.
(4) A member in such a Circuit/Ardal shall be eligible for membership of either Synod
and the Circuit/Ardal Meeting shall be responsible for ensuring that the Circuit/Ardal is
adequately represented in and appropriately supports both Synods.
(5) The Circuit/Ardal Meeting shall decide, after consultation with the Chairs of the
two Synods, which District shall have jurisdiction over approval of property projects under
Section 93, oversight of manses and review of circuit model trust money and any other
matters which require allocation to one District only.
498 Joint Local Churches. (1) A joint Local Church may be formed, with the consent
of the relevant Circuit Meeting or Meetings, by the amalgamation of one or more Local
Churches or Classes in Synod Cymru with one or more Local Churches or Classes in the
Wales Synod, or by the coming together of members transferred from Local Churches in
the two Synods; in all cases with a shared commitment to operate bilingually in the Welsh
and English languages. Standing Order 605(1) shall apply.
(2) Such a church may be in a joint Circuit/Ardal within Standing Order 497, but
otherwise shall be in both an Ardal in Synod Cymru and [...] a Circuit in the Wales Synod
and the chapel shall then appear in the preaching plans of each.
(3) Where a joint Local Church is in two Circuits, the ministers, […] probationers, […]
circuit stewards and members in each Circuit shall owe a collective responsibility for
supporting a joint church; and church stewards and members of a joint church shall owe
a collective responsibility for representing the church and contributing to the life of the
two Circuits.
(4) Where a joint Local Church is in two Circuits, there shall be local negotiation to
agree the details of how Standing Orders are to be applied, including agreements on
the Circuit which shall act in respect of local property schemes, the route through which
pastoral discipline is to be exercised, how membership is to be returned and how the
joint church is to contribute fairly to both circuit assessments.
(5) If agreement under clause (4) above cannot be reached locally, the Chairs of both
Synods shall together determine procedure.
452 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits
Section Page
50 Principles and General Provisions.............................................................. 454
51 The Circuit Meeting................................................................................... 459
52 Circuit Ministry......................................................................................... 466
53 The Circuit Stewards................................................................................. 470
54 Circuit Invitations and Appointments.......................................................... 472
55 Other Officers and Committees.................................................................. 481
56 Local Preachers........................................................................................ 483
57 Lay Employment....................................................................................... 494
58 Circuits with Modified Constitutions........................................................... 497
For the meaning of the word ‘Circuit’ see cl. 1(v) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) as applied by S.O.
Cl. 38 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) provides for the home churches to be formed into Circuits as
directed by the Conference.
Book III Standing Orders
500 Nature and Purposes. (1) The Circuit is the primary unit in which Local
Churches express and experience their interconnexion in the Body of Christ, for purposes
of mission, mutual encouragement and help. It is in the Circuit that […] presbyters,
deacons and probationers are stationed and local preachers are trained and admitted
and exercise their calling. The purposes of the Circuit include the effective deployment
of the resources of ministry, which include people, property and finance, as they relate
to the Methodist churches in the Circuit, to churches of other denominations and to
participation in the life of the communities served by the Circuit, including local schools
and colleges, and in ecumenical work in the area including, where appropriate, the
support of ecumenical Housing Associations.
(2) Since every member in the Circuit is as such a member of the Methodist
Missionary Society, the purposes of the Circuit include the promotion of understanding of
and support for the work of the Society to the end that every member may share actively
in world mission.
See Articles 2 and 4 of the constitution of the society (Book IV B, Part 3).
501 Constitution and Changes in Composition. (1) Subject to the following clauses
of this Standing Order, the names and enumeration of Circuits shall be set out year by
year in the stations appointed by the Conference.
(2) In this Standing Order any reference to a change in the composition of Circuits is to
a change in the Circuit in which one or more Local Churches are placed, and this Standing
Order applies to all such alterations.
(3) All proposals for the division or amalgamation of Circuits or other changes in their
composition or for the adoption of a modified constitution as defined in Standing Order
580 or both shall be considered by the district Policy Committee, which shall consult the
Circuit Meetings and Church Councils involved. In the case of changes in composition
the committee shall formulate a draft recommendation, obtain the resolutions of the
Circuit Meetings and Church Councils on that draft and report those resolutions to
the Synod with its own substantive recommendation. The Synod shall make its own
recommendation to the Conference, reporting with it the resolutions received by the
district Policy Committee and stating whether or not it approves any associated proposals
for a modified constitution. In the case of proposals to adopt a modified constitution
which do not involve a change in the composition of Circuits the committee shall inform
the Secretary of the Conference whether it approves them.
454 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits [502]
(4) Where changes within this Standing Order involve Circuits in more than one District
the relevant district Policy Committees and Synods shall consult, with a view to making
joint recommendations where possible.
(5) When any recommendation for change in the composition of Circuits is before the
Conference any Circuit
(6) Upon making any change in the composition of Circuits the Conference may
give consequential directions, in particular as to transitional arrangements, including
directions as to the making of appointments to circuit committees and offices.
(7) If, in the judgment of the Conference, any change resolved upon by the Conference
is substantially out of accord with the reported resolution of any Circuit Meeting involved,
or, where more than one District is involved, with the recommendation of any Synod, it
shall take effect only if confirmed by the Conference of the year next following.
502 Chairing and Notice of Meetings. (1) (a) The Superintendent has the right
to preside at every official meeting (however described) connected with the Circuit, or
with any Local Church included within the Circuit, or with any committee, institution or
organisation having official connection with the Circuit or with any of its Local Churches.
(b) The Superintendent shall appoint annually in writing,
(i) a deputy, being in ordinary circumstances a […] presbyter or deacon
appointed to the Circuit or to an adjoining Circuit or a lay person who is
a member in the Circuit and in the opinion of the Superintendent and
circuit stewards is suitably qualified, with the right to preside over the
Circuit Meeting as and when requested by the Superintendent and the
circuit stewards;
(ii) deputies, being each in ordinary circumstances a […] presbyter or
deacon stationed in the Circuit or a lay person who is a member in the
Circuit and in the opinion of the Superintendent and circuit stewards is
suitably qualified, each with the right to preside over [...] one or more
specified Church Council in the Circuit as and when requested by the
Superintendent and circuit stewards after consultation with the stewards
of the relevant Local Church.
(c) The Superintendent may additionally appoint in writing, subject to the same
qualifications and conditions as in (b)(i) or (b)(ii) above as appropriate, a deputy for
a particular meeting of the Circuit Meeting or a Church Council, if that should prove
(d) The appointment of a deputy under (b) or (c) above shall specify whether or not
the right extends to presiding over the meeting during the transaction of its business as
managing trustees.
(e) In the absence of the Superintendent or a deputy appointed under (b) or (c) above,
the Superintendent’s colleagues as defined by clause (9) below have the right to preside
at official meetings within (a) above, beginning with those persons who fall within category
(i) of Standing Order 785(4)(a), followed by those within category (ii).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 455
[502] Book III Standing Orders
(f) The provisions of Standing Order 520(2) in relation to church courts apply as much
to those exercising the right to preside at official meetings within (a) above as to the
(g) Where a diaconal or lay deputy appointed in writing by the Superintendent presides
at an official meeting within (a) above the Superintendent shall ensure that:
(i) if the meeting is a Circuit Meeting, a […] presbyter appointed to the
Circuit is present, whether or not the meeting is dealing with the
transaction of business as managing trustees;
(ii) if the meeting is a Church Council, a […] presbyter appointed to the
Circuit is present when it is dealing with the transaction of business as
managing trustees, and a […] presbyter or […] presbyteral probationer
exercising pastoral responsibility in the Circuit is present when it is
dealing with the transaction of other business;
unless, in either event, no such person is available.
(h) Failure to comply with (g) above shall not invalidate the meeting or any decision
taken at it.
(2) Circuits and Local Churches may appoint lay persons or deacons as chairs of
committees, who shall preside unless on any occasion any right conferred by clause (1)
above is exercised.
(3) Such appointments, when required, shall be made by the Circuit Meeting in
the case of circuit committees and by the Church Council in the case of local church
(4) Any body to which this Standing Order applies may fix the time and place of its next
meeting, and if it does so no further consultation or consent is required for the calling of
that meeting as so fixed.
(5) Subject to clause (4) above official meetings shall be convened and held only after
consultation (in the case of circuit meetings or committees) with the Superintendent or
(in the case of local meetings or committees) with the […] presbyter who is in pastoral
charge of the Local Church, with any presbyteral probationer or any person authorised to
serve the Church as a […] presbyter under Standing Order 733 who is (in either case)
exercising pastoral responsibility in it and (as to both circuit and local bodies) with the
appropriate chair where one has been appointed under clause (2) above.
(6) Subject to clause (4) above such a meeting shall be called only by, or with
the consent of, its chair or the Superintendent or (in the case of local meetings or
committees) the presbyter who is in pastoral charge of the Local Church or, if a chair
has been appointed under clause (2) above, that chair, except that if they [...] all refuse
to call or consent to the calling of a meeting required by the Deed of Union or Standing
Orders, or requested in writing by not less than one third of the persons entitled to
attend as members of that meeting, then that meeting may be called by its secretary or
convener, or by any three other members. [...].
(7) In all cases due care shall be taken to ensure that notice of meetings to which this
Standing Order applies reaches all persons entitled to be present and that decisions and
recommendations of the meetings are notified to the person or persons entitled under
456 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits [503]
clause (5) above to be consulted before the relevant meeting is convened. Fourteen
days’ written notice shall be given to every member of meetings of the Circuit Meeting
or a Church Council at which the business includes annual appointments, the approval
of budgets, the appointment of church stewards or decisions to be taken as managing
trustees of model trust property.
Cl. 41 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) contains provisions for preventing proceedings from being
invalidated by absence, informality or lack of due notice.
(8) If the person whose duty it is to preside at any such meeting fails to attend it,
the meeting having been properly called on due notice in accordance with clauses (4) to
(7) above, the Superintendent or one of his or her colleagues, if present, shall preside;
otherwise those present shall elect a chair from amongst themselves.
(9) For the purposes of clauses (1) and (8) above a Superintendent’s ‘colleagues’ are
the persons, being […] presbyters and […] presbyteral probationers, listed in category
(i) of Standing Order 785(4) and any persons listed in category (ii) authorised to serve the
Church as […] presbyters.
(10) The above provisions of this Standing Order are subject to those of Standing
Order 019A and 919. If, in compliance with either of the latter, the person presiding over
a meeting vacates the chair for any business it shall be taken by the person (or next
person) present who is entitled to preside under clause (1) or (2) above, is not debarred
from doing so by Standing Order 019A or 919(1) and is willing to serve; failing any such
person those present shall elect a chair from amongst themselves.
503 Eligibility for Appointment. (1) The provisions as to eligibility for appointment
to any office or membership of any official meeting, committee or other body (however
described) in the Circuit shall be those set out in relation to the office or body in question,
and may incorporate by reference one or more of the following categories of persons:
(i) ministers, […] probationers and other persons (including those
authorised to serve as […] presbyters or deacons under Standing Order
733) stationed in the Circuit in accordance with clauses (3) and (4) of
Standing Order 785, so far as not otherwise eligible;
(ii) subject to Standing Order 010, members of other communions who hold
office or are elected members of a meeting under the constitution of a
local ecumenical partnership in the Circuit authorised by the Conference
or (if so empowered) by the Synod, if they would have been eligible had
they been members of the relevant Local Church;
(iii) subject to Standing Order 010, persons named on the community roll of a
Local Church in the Circuit.
S.O. 010(1) prescribes the doctrinal qualification for office in the Methodist Church, and the remainder of
S.O. 010 deals with disqualification from appointment on the basis of convictions or cautions in relation to
the criminal offences specified there.
(2) In a duly constituted ecumenical area authorised by the Conference eligibility for
office or for membership of official meetings, committees or other bodies connected with
the area shall, subject to Standing Orders 512, 530 and 553, but notwithstanding any
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 457
[503] Book III Standing Orders
other provisions of Standing Orders, be governed by the constitution of the area, so far as
it makes provision for such matters.
504 Duration of Appointments. (1) Subject to clauses (2) and (5) below all
appointments and elections connected with the Circuit shall unless otherwise prescribed
by Standing Orders be for one year and shall take effect from the date specified in the
resolution of appointment.
(2) If a casual vacancy occurs the meeting with authority to appoint shall fill the
vacancy with immediate effect for the remainder of the term of the appointment vacated.
(3) Subject to clause (4) below no person shall hold the office of circuit steward, or
of secretary of the Circuit Meeting, the Local Preachers’ Meeting or the circuit Pastoral
Committee for more than six successive years.
(4) If the operation of clause (3) above would make it impossible adequately to fill an
essential office in the Circuit, the Circuit Meeting or other appointing body may, by a 75%
majority of those present and voting on a ballot vote, re-appoint annually beyond the sixth
(5) This Standing Order does not apply to the appointment of persons employed or
engaged under a contract, nor to ex-officio membership, nor to the office of local preacher.
505 Connexional Funds. (1) The Circuit Meeting shall appoint a connexional funds
treasurer, who shall receive from the Local Churches and private subscribers collections
and gifts for those connexional funds for which no treasurer with specific responsibility is
(1A) The connexional funds treasurer shall be a member in the Circuit or elsewhere in
the Connexion or in another Methodist church or be within category (i) or (ii) of Standing
Order 503(1).
(2) A report on each connexional fund, by way of audited accounts, shall be presented
to the Circuit Meeting by the treasurer specifically responsible for that fund, or if there is
none then by the connexional funds treasurer.
458 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits
For the meaning of the expression ‘Circuit Meeting’ see cl. 1(vi) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1), as
applied by S.O. 002(v).
Cl. 40 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) provides that Circuit Meetings shall be constituted in such
manner, of such persons and with and subject to such powers, duties and provisions as the Conference may
For guidelines for the business of the meeting see Book VII B, Part 6.
510 Constitution. (1) Subject to clause (2) below and Standing Orders 511, 512
and 512A the Circuit Meeting shall consist of:
(i) the ex-officio members specified in Standing Order 552;
(ii) any other persons stationed or residing for the purposes of the
stations in, or whose names appear under the number of, the Circuit in
accordance with clause (4) of Standing Order 785, except that any person
stationed in one circuit but residing in another for the purposes of the
stations is a member, under this head, of the Circuit Meeting of the latter
Circuit only;
(iii) [deleted]
(iv) such persons, if any, as the Circuit Meeting judges it appropriate to
appoint from among those employed by the meeting under Standing Order
(v) the secretary of the meeting;
(vi) the secretary of the Local Preachers’ Meeting;
(vii) from each Local Church one church steward and the church treasurer;
(viii) representatives elected by the Church Council of each Local Church from
its own members in numbers specified by the Circuit Meeting;
(ix) additional persons as the Circuit Meeting may desire and appoint to
ensure that all areas of the life of the Circuit are adequately represented,
provided that the total number appointed under this head shall not
exceed the total of the numbers specified by the Circuit Meeting for the
purposes of head (viii);
(x) in Circuits in the London District one of the [...] Chairs of that District.
As to the listing of presbyters, deacons and probationers in Circuits in the stations see S.O. 785(4).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 459
[510] Book III Standing Orders
(2) The persons eligible for appointment under heads (iv), (v) and (ix) of clause (1)
above or heads (v) and (viii) of Standing Order 511(2) are those who are members in
the Circuit or elsewhere in the Connexion or in another Methodist church or are within
category (i) or (ii) of Standing Order 503(1).
(3) The Circuit Meeting may invite other church members in the Circuit and non-
members who are active in the life of the Circuit to attend its meetings and shall in
particular, wherever possible, encourage young people to do so. Those who thus attend
are not members of the meeting; they are entitled to speak but not to vote nor to propose
or second any resolution.
(4) If a representative appointed under head (viii) of clause (1) ceases to be a member
of the Church Council a vacancy occurs.
(5) Decisions under head (viii) of clause (1) shall be taken before the beginning of the
year to which they relate.
(6) In Circuits consisting of more than one Local Church the number of representatives
appointed under head (viii) of clause (1) for each church shall be allocated in such a way
that no church has more representatives than another church with a greater membership
and that there is at least one representative and no more than eight per church.
(7) A Church Council may, when electing its representatives under head (viii) of clause
(1), appoint not more than two of its own members as substitutes, who may attend a
meeting of the Circuit Meeting as members in place of representatives who cannot do
so. If a substitute is to attend, the Superintendent and the secretary of the meeting shall,
if possible, be informed before they prepare the list of members under Standing Order
514(2), and in any event any substitute shall ensure that the meeting is informed before
it is asked to adopt that list.
The same rules as to eligibility for membership of the Circuit Meeting apply to the substitutes as to the
representatives themselves.
511 Single-Church Circuits. (1) In Circuits which comprise only one Local Church
the Circuit Meeting and the Church Council may elect to have the same constitution, and
if both bodies so elect then both shall be constituted as set out in clause (2) below.
(2) A Circuit Meeting or Church Council constituted under this clause shall consist of:
(i) the persons who are members of the Circuit Meeting under heads (i) to
(iv), (vi) and (x) of Standing Order 510(1);
(ii) the persons who are members of the Church Council under head (v) of
Standing Order 610(1);
(iii) the church stewards;
(iv) the church treasurer;
(v) the secretary of the Circuit Meeting and the secretary of the Church
Council, who may be the same person;
(vi) the secretary of the local Pastoral Committee;
(vii) not less than six nor more than fifteen representatives elected annually
by the General Church Meeting, or, where the membership does not
460 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits [512]
exceed 49 and the joint meeting so resolves, all members of the Local
Church who are willing to serve;
(viii) additional persons as the joint meeting may desire and appoint to
ensure that all areas of the life of the church and Circuit are adequately
represented, provided that the total number appointed under this head
shall not exceed the maximum number who can be elected to or become
members of the joint meeting under head (vii) above.
(3) Standing Orders 510(2) and 610(2) shall apply to both bodies when they are
constituted under clause (2) above, so as to achieve identity of membership.
(4) When the Circuit Meeting and Church Council are constituted under clause (2)
above meetings of the two bodies may be convened separately or, if required by the
business or so desired, together, but in every case distinct and identified minutes shall
be maintained for the business of each. Decisions which under heads (vii) and (viii)
of clause (2) above are to be taken at joint meetings and any other decisions at joint
meetings which properly relate to the responsibilities of both bodies shall be identified as
such. Invitations under Standing Order 510(3) or 610(3) may be given by the appropriate
body for a separate meeting or by the joint body for a joint meeting.
(5) In no circumstances may local and circuit funds, model trust property or other
assets be mixed or confused or decisions in relation to them be taken or recorded as
having been taken by other than the body having jurisdiction to do so.
(6) The Circuit Meeting and the Church Council shall cease to be constituted under
clause (2) above if at any time either body so resolves.
(7) Decisions under clause (1), clause (2)(vii) or (viii) or clause (6) shall be taken
before the beginning of the year to which they relate.
512 Ecumenical Areas and Partnerships. (1) Where an Ecumenical Area has been
duly constituted it shall appear in the stations as a Circuit. If the Conference so directs,
when designating the area or later, the meeting responsible under its constitution for the
general management of the area shall become the Circuit Meeting for the purposes of
clause 40 of the Deed of Union, paragraph 2 of the Model Trusts, Section 54 of Standing
Orders and Standing Orders 553 and 566 to 566B and for any other purpose for which
a Methodist Circuit Meeting may be required. During the currency of such a direction,
which the Conference may at any time revoke, there shall be no other or separate Circuit
Meeting constituted under Standing Order 510 or 511.
Cl. 40 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) gives the general power to the Conference to constitute and
regulate official meetings of the Church, including Circuit Meetings. Paragraph 2 of the Model Trusts (Book
II, Part 2) provides that Circuit Meetings are the managing trustees of circuit property. Section 54 relates to
invitations, S.O. 553 to the appointment of a circuit Pastoral Committee in certain situations, and S.O. 566
to 566B to the admission of local preachers.
As to invitations in ecumenical areas see S.O. 547(2).
(2) In each designated Ecumenical Area, the Conference shall encourage the
appointment of one of the ministers (from any of the participating Churches) as the
‘Lead Minister’ in the ministerial team which shares in the oversight of the churches
in the area. Where the Lead Minister is a Methodist […] presbyter in Full Connexion
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 461
[512] Book III Standing Orders
512A City Centre Circuits. (1) For the purposes of this Standing Order an ‘eligible
Circuit’ is one in which the Circuit itself, a project carried on by the Circuit Meeting, or a
project carried on in the Circuit by the Synod, is designated under Standing Order 440.
(2) This Standing Order applies where the Circuit Meeting of an eligible Circuit resolves
that by reason of constraints on the human and other resources available to it, and of the
opportunities for mission and ministry presented to the Circuit, the responsibilities of a
Circuit Meeting would more appropriately be discharged by a body constituted under this
Standing Order and the Conference at the request of the Synod directs that this Standing
Order shall apply to that Circuit.
(3) When this Standing Order applies:
(a) the Circuit, including the designated project, if any, hitherto carried
on in it, shall continue to exist as a Circuit but shall be treated for
the purposes of Standing Orders 440 and 944 as if it were a single
designated project carried on by the Synod, save that Standing Order
440(8) shall not apply;
462 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits [515]
514 Meetings. (1) The meeting shall be held at least twice a year.
(2) Before each meeting the Superintendent and the secretary of the meeting shall
make out a list, by name, of the persons who are in their opinion members of the meeting
under Standing Order 510, 511 or 512 as the case may be distinguishing those, if any,
who are not of full age. At the meeting, before any other business is transacted, that list
shall be laid before the meeting which shall, after making any correction which seems to
the meeting necessary, adopt it, and the list as thus adopted shall be final and conclusive
as to the persons of whom the meeting then consists.
Note also S.O. 510(7) as to substitutes.
For chairing and notice see S.O. 502.
(3) The Circuit Meeting may resolve from time to time to go into closed session and to
exclude visitors from all or part of the proceedings.
515 Responsibilities. (1) The Circuit Meeting is the principal meeting responsible
for the affairs of the Circuit and the development of circuit policy. It shall exercise that
combination of spiritual leadership and administrative efficiency which will enable the
Circuit to fulfil its purposes as set out in Standing Order 500, and shall act as the focal
point of the working fellowship of the churches in the Circuit, overseeing their pastoral,
training and evangelistic work.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 463
[515] Book III Standing Orders
The Circuit Meeting approves preachers on trial for admission as local preachers on the recommendation
of the Local Preachers’ Meeting (S.O. 566(5)) and arranges for their admission at a public service (ibid.,
cl. (6)).
(2) The meeting shall encourage leadership within the Circuit which involves the circuit
stewards and other lay persons along with the ministers […] appointed to the Circuit.
(3) It shall be the responsibility of the Circuit Meeting to assess the contribution to
be made by each Local Church towards the general expenditure of the Circuit, including
the circuit contribution to the Methodist Church Fund, the sums required for the payment
of stipends and allowances for ministers […] and probationers, and other expenditure
budgeted by the Circuit Meeting. The Circuit Meeting shall assess the contribution of
each Local Church in a manner that is appropriate in all the circumstances, taking into
account the needs and ability to pay of each Local Church and not merely their respective
membership figures.
For other functions of the meeting not prescribed or noted elsewhere in this Section see S.O. 011 (conduct
of the Lord’s Supper), S.O. 605(5) (provision of worship for isolated Classes) and S.O. 950 (management of
circuit property).
516 Memorials. (1) The meeting may, subject to the provisions of this Standing
Order, address to the Conference a memorial on any connexional subject.
For procedure of the Memorials committee see S.O. 138.
(2) Notice of a memorial must be given in writing to the Superintendent not less than
seven days before the date of the meeting at which it is to be brought forward.
(3) The memorial, if approved by a majority of the persons present and voting, shall be
signed by the chair of the meeting and a record shall be taken and added of the number
of persons present and entitled to vote and of the numbers voting for and against the
(4) A copy of the memorial shall be sent so as to reach the convener of the Memorials
Committee immediately after the Circuit Meeting. Memorials received later than the 31st
March will not be presented to the Conference. A copy shall also be sent to the secretary
of the Synod for the information of the Synod.
(5) A memorial from an overseas Circuit may be submitted to the Conference only if it
has been previously reported to and considered by the Synod.
(6) The meeting may also receive and vote upon any proposed resolution addressed to
the Synod.
517 Procedure. (1) Voting shall be open, except that voting by ballot shall be used
on the following occasions only:
(i) when these Standing Orders so provide;
(ii) if the Conference so directs;
(iii) if the meeting by the votes of two thirds of those present so resolves.
Standing Orders provide for voting by ballot when extending local or circuit appointments beyond six years
(S.O. 607(4), 504(4)), when extending presbyteral and diaconal invitations under S.O. 545(3H) or 546(12)
and when recommending candidates for the presbyterate or the diaconate (S.O. 711(3)).
464 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits [518]
(2) Subject to clause (1) the meeting may regulate its own procedure, but unless it
adopts other rules of debate the rules comprising clauses (5) to (7) and (10) to (25) of
Standing Order 413 shall apply, with the necessary substitutions.
(3) Notwithstanding clause (1) above and any applicable rules of debate any member
who maintains that a decision is or may be illegal or in contravention of the Deed
of Union, the Model Trusts or Standing Orders or (in the case of managing trustees’
business) otherwise a breach of trust shall be entitled to have his or her dissenting vote
recorded by name.
See, e.g. S.O. 985, in particular cls. (5) and (6).
518 Irregularities. (1) When the rules of debate in clauses (5) to (7) and (10) to
(25) of Standing Order 413 apply in accordance with Standing Order 517(2) they shall
take effect subject to the provisions of this Standing Order.
(2) No resolution or other act or proceeding of the meeting shall be rendered invalid,
void or voidable by reason of any non-compliance with any of the provisions of clauses (6),
(7), (10), (11), (16), (20), (21), (23), (24) or (25) of Standing Order 413.
As to the validation of proceedings see also cl.41 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) and S.O. 126(2).
(3) If before any resolution or other act or proceeding of the meeting has been acted
upon, or the minute recording it approved and signed, it comes to the attention of the
chair that there was any irregularity of a kind described in clause (5) below in or leading
to the making of that decision, then unless satisfied that the irregularity could not
have affected or influenced the decision the chair shall ensure that the decision is not
irrevocably acted upon until the meeting has been reconvened to reconsider the question
and come to a regular decision upon it.
(4) If any such irregularity does not come to the attention of the chair until after the
decision has been acted upon, or the minute recording it approved and signed, or if the
chair is satisfied that the irregularity could not have affected or influenced the decision,
then the decision shall be as valid as if regularly made in all respects.
(5) The irregularities referred to in clauses (3) and (4) above are the following:
(i) failure to achieve the majority required by clause (17) or (22) of Standing
Order 413, where applicable;
(ii) an incorrect ruling that a greater majority is required than is the case;
(iii) miscounting of votes;
(iv) failure to put to the meeting a resolution, amendment or procedural
motion which the mover and seconder are entitled to have put;
(v) failure to comply with clause (18) of Standing Order 413 by requiring
unnecessarily an immediate decision on a motion that the question be
not put.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 465
Book III Standing Orders
520 Responsibilities. (1) The […] presbyter or […] presbyters appointed to the
several Circuits are appointed by the Conference to preach and exercise pastoral charge
in those Circuits on behalf of the Conference as set out in Standing Order 700(7). In
so doing they shall exercise their particular responsibilities in conjunction with those of
the appropriate courts and lay officers in the Circuit to which they are appointed and in
the constituent Local Churches of that Circuit. With them they shall act in accordance
with Standing Orders 515, 531, 614 and 633 to uphold Methodist discipline and to
exercise oversight of the worship, pastoral care and mission policy of the Circuit, and the
allocation of specific pastoral work and responsibilities to particular ministers […] and lay
As to the position of forces chaplains see S.O. 355(3), (4).
For specific responsibilities of the Superintendent see S.O. 521 below and the references in the Index.
(2) It is the duty of the Superintendent appointed to each Circuit to enable the relevant
courts, officers […] and ministers to fulfil their specific responsibilities under Standing
Orders and to ensure that they do so.
(3) It is the duty of […] presbyters in Full Connexion to be willing to baptize infants in
appropriate circumstances.
521 The Plan. (1) It is the responsibility of the Superintendent in consultation with
his or her colleagues to make the circuit plan of preaching appointments.
As to the duties of local preachers see S.O. 563.
(2) The Chair shall keep under review the single-[…] presbyter Circuits within the
District, and where appropriate encourage, in consultation with the circuit stewards,
the […] presbyter or presbyteral probationer appointed to such a Circuit to exchange
regularly for Sunday preaching appointments with the […] presbyter or […] presbyters
of an adjoining Circuit or Circuits. The expense of these interchanges shall be met by the
Circuits concerned.
466 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits [525]
522 Visitation. (1) The Superintendent shall also visit all the Local Churches in the
Circuit to provide encouragement, challenge and support.
(2) The Superintendent is further encouraged to gather, in conjunction with the Circuit
Meeting, a group of people, who, in the name of the Circuit, may visit a Local Church
which needs help in fulfilling its ministry in any way more effectively.
523 Meetings. (1) Ministers […] and probationers appointed to the same Circuit,
stationed in the Circuit in appointments not within the control of the Church or without
appointment shall meet together once a week, or as often as is practicable, in order to
take counsel together respecting the affairs of the Circuit, and persons residing in the
Circuit who are authorised to serve the Church as […] presbyters or deacons under
Standing Order 733 and forces chaplains and deacons and lay workers serving in support
of forces chaplains located for the time being in the Circuit shall be invited to attend.
For the consideration in such meetings of the need for doctrinal preaching see S.O. 524 below.
As to meetings with the circuit stewards see S.O. 531(3)(ii).
As to circuit leadership see S.O. 515(2).
As to forces chaplains and deacons and lay workers serving in support of chaplains see also S.O. 355(4).
(2) The ministers […] and probationers of different Circuits within the same town or
neighbourhood shall meet together monthly, or at frequent intervals, for the purpose
of mutual conference and prayer and for consultation on subjects of common concern
in their respective Circuits. All ministers […] and probationers in single-[…] presbyter
Circuits shall be involved in such meetings unless, in the judgment of the Synod,
geographical conditions render this impossible, and persons residing in any such Circuit
who are authorised to serve the Church as […] presbyters or deacons under Standing
Order 733 shall be invited to attend.
524 Doctrinal Preaching. There is urgent need that the main doctrines of the
Christian faith should be more plainly and systematically set forth in public preaching, so
that the Methodist people may be established in the faith and better defended against
error and uncertainty. Ministers […] and probationers are directed to consider together
how this may be arranged.
525 Preparation for Membership. It is part of the pastoral duty of a […] presbyter
or […] presbyteral probationer:
(i) to encourage those within the pastoral care of the Local Church who are
not members to become candidates for membership;
(ii) to ensure that the review of the community roll to that end under
Standing Order 054(8) occurs, and to join in that review;
(iii) to meet every candidate for membership and bring before him or her the
basis of membership in the Methodist Church as set out in clause 8(a)
of the Deed of Union and the solemn affirmations made in the service of
reception into membership and confirmation;
(iv) to lead or otherwise participate in the preparation classes for
membership, as arranged by the Church Council or Pastoral Committee,
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 467
[525] Book III Standing Orders
526 Pastoral Care. (1) The […] presbyters and presbyteral probationers appointed
to a Circuit are responsible for visiting the Classes at least once in each quarter and for
issuing the tickets of membership to all members.
As to membership tickets, the Classes and pastoral care generally see cl. 9 of the Deed of Union (Book II,
Part 1) and S.O. 054 to 056.
For the pastoral duties of class leaders and pastoral visitors see S.O. 631.
As to the roll of church members see S.O. 054(5) and (6).
527 Benevolence Fund. (1) The purposes of the Circuit include the relief of poverty
and distress and to that end the Circuit Meeting may maintain a circuit Benevolence Fund
and invite contributions to it or collections for it, and shall maintain such a fund if moneys
are allocated to it out of any local Benevolence Fund in the Circuit. The circuit stewards
shall be the treasurers of the fund.
For the local Benevolence Fund see S.O. 651.
(2) The fund shall be applied, at the confidential discretion of the Superintendent,
the other ministers […] and probationers appointed to the Circuit and the circuit
stewards, for the relief of poverty and distress in the congregations and neighbourhood
of the Circuit or, if so recommended by the Chair, of some other Circuit or Circuits in the
Districts, and allocations may also be made out of the fund to a district Benevolence
Fund, applicable at the confidential discretion of the Chair for the relief of poverty and
distress in the District.
528 Removals. (1) Ministers […] and probationers appointed by the Conference to
a Circuit shall receive from that Circuit the amount of expenses incurred by their travelling
and removal to the Circuit.
(2) Student ministers […] and probationers sent as supplies shall receive from the
Circuit to which they are sent their travelling and removal expenses.
See S.O. 720(3).
(3) Any application for a grant from the Methodist Church Fund toward the cost of a
468 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits [529]
removal shall be made by the Circuit Meeting and recommended by the district Policy
See S.O. 361(3)(iv).
(4) In the case of removals in either direction between the mainland of Great Britain on
the one hand and one of the Island Districts, the Isles of Scilly, Malta or Gibraltar on the
other hand that part of the cost which is incurred on the mainland shall be borne by the
Circuit to which the minister […] or probationer is removing, the remainder being met by
the Methodist Church Fund, in addition to any grant made under clause (3) above.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 469
Book III Standing Orders
530 Appointment. The Circuit Meeting shall annually appoint as circuit stewards
two or more persons who are members in the Circuit or supernumeraries stationed there.
531 Responsibilities. (1) The circuit stewards are responsible, with the
Superintendent and the ministers […] and probationers appointed to the Circuit, for the
spiritual and material well-being of the Circuit, and for upholding and acting upon the
decisions of the Circuit Meeting.
(2) They also have the particular rights and duties set out in Standing Orders 532 to
534, 540, 552 and 610 and elsewhere.
S.O. 540 concerns the consultations to be held by circuit stewards in connection with presbyteral and
diaconal invitations and appointments, as to which see also the code of practice produced by annually by the
Stationing Committee. S.O. 552 concerns the circuit stewards’ ex-officio membership of all official meetings
and committees of the Circuit. S.O. 610 concerns membership of the Church Council.
See also S.O. 527 (circuit Benevolence Fund), 802(5) (part-time appointments), 803 (accommodation and
furniture), 954(viii) (circuit property reports), 965(2), (3), (4) (manse visitation reports).
The senior circuit steward of each Circuit involved is to receive notification of the final changes to the
stations (S.O. 785(2)).
(3) In discharging those responsibilities and duties it is desirable that the circuit
stewards shall:
(i) be sensitive to the needs of the ministers […] and probationers and
their families;
(ii) meet with the ministers […] and probationers at least twice each year,
before the Circuit Meeting;
(iii) keep themselves informed of the activities of each Local Church in the
Circuit; and
(iv) be aware of district and connexional policies as they affect the Circuit and
its Local Churches.
As to (iv) one of the circuit stewards is to be appointed to membership of each local Church Council (S.O.
610 (1)(xii)).
As to circuit leadership see S.O. 515 (2).
532 Circuit Fund. (1) The circuit stewards are the treasurers of the circuit fund and
470 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits [534]
(i) obtain from the treasurer of each Local Church in the Circuit the
contribution assessed by the Circuit Meeting on that Local Church
towards the general expenditure of the Circuit, including the circuit
contribution to the Methodist Church Fund and the fulfilment of the other
obligations specified in heads (ii) to (iv) below;
(ii) provide the sums required for payment of the stipends of the ministers
[…] and probationers and authorise the collection by the Connexional
Team of those sums by direct debit in accordance with Standing Order
(iii) pay to the ministers […] and probationers any other allowances due to
them and all sums required to defray their expenses in accordance with
Standing Order 801(2);
(iv) discharge all other claims upon the circuit fund in accordance with the
budget agreed by the Circuit Meeting, including budgeted payments for
ecumenical work.
See S.O. 012A for the duties of treasurers generally.
As to the method of assessment of the contribution referred to in (i) see S.O. 515(3).
As to the Methodist Church Fund see S.O. 361.
See also S.O. 365 (reimbursements and special payments), 801(4) (payment of allowances during illness).
(2) The circuit stewards shall, by the seventh day of each quarter, pay to the district
treasurers of the Methodist Church Fund and the District Expenses Fund the amounts
which have been allocated to the Circuit by the Synod for those funds respectively.
As to the District Expenses Fund see S.O. 432(2).
As to the collection of the Methodist Church Fund contributions by the district treasurer see S.O. 432 (3)
and as to payment by the church treasurer S.O. 635(2).
(3) The circuit account shall be closed annually on the 31st August and an annual
report shall be made to the Circuit Meeting. The accounts shall clearly indicate the
financial position of the fund at the 31st August each year, including all investments, and
loans due to and from the fund.
533 Manses. The circuit stewards shall be responsible for the interior decoration,
furnishing and energy efficiency of the manses.
For minimum furnishing requirements see S.O. 803(5).
As to energy efficiency see also the guidance in Book VII A, Parts 1 and 2. The Conference of 2010
directed that Circuits should endeavour to use model trust money to put in place these high standards of
energy efficiency. It also directed that Circuits should endeavour to provide smart meter devices to enable
ministers to control their electricity use.
534 Invitations. The circuit stewards are responsible for bringing to the Invitation
Committee and/or the Circuit Meeting, as appropriate, proposals for invitations to […]
presbyters to serve or for […] presbyters or deacons to continue serving in the Circuit,
and for conveying such invitations to the […] presbyters or deacons concerned. In the
case of initial invitations the circuit stewards are responsible for conducting, on behalf of
the Circuit, negotiations with […] presbyters as initiated by the Chair.
See also Section 54 below and the guidance as to procedure in the code of practice produced annually by
the Stationing Committee.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 471
Book III Standing Orders
For guidance to circuit stewards, ministers and Chairs see the code of practice produced annually by the
Stationing Committee.
472 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits [541]
city centre Circuit on that list the Chair of the District shall in the course of considering
with which […] presbyters to initiate negotiations by the circuit stewards, confer with the
district Policy Committee, and with the Connexional Team member responsible for the
maintenance of that list. Where the appointment of a deacon is to be made in connection
with such a church or project, the Chair shall similarly confer and report the results of
such consultation to the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order.
See S.O. 440 and 512A for city centre churches, Circuits and projects. The above clause applies to circuit
appointments; where the appointment is to a project carried on by the Synod, see S.O. 440(8).
(6)–(7) [revoked]
(7A) All negotiations between […] presbyters and a Circuit shall be initiated only
by the Chair of the District containing the Circuit. Negotiations shall be understood as
beginning at the point when an arrangement is made for a […] presbyter to visit a
For guidance to circuit stewards, presbyters and Chairs see the code of practice produced annually by the
Stationing Committee.
(8) When a […] presbyter visits a Circuit at the invitation of the circuit stewards or the
Stationing Committee in connection with a vacancy or potential vacancy, the Circuit shall
defray all expenses reasonably incurred. In cases of visits to the Island Districts or the
Isles of Scilly, and exceptionally in other cases, a grant may be made from the Methodist
Church Fund towards the costs, on application by the Circuit Meeting.
(9) The provisions of clause (8) shall apply where a deacon visits a Circuit at the
suggestion of the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order or the Stationing Committee in
connection with a vacancy or potential vacancy.
541 The Committee. (1) The Circuit Meeting shall annually appoint an Invitation
In appointing the Committee it is important – particularly so that the committee carries the necessary
authority if required to act under S.O. 544 – to ensure adequate representation of the whole Circuit and not
simply those churches likely to be directly affected by possible staff changes.
(2) In any Circuit in the London District one of the [...] Chairs of that District shall be a
member of the committee.
(3) Subject to Standing Order 503(2) and to clause (2) above the members of the
committee shall all be members in the Circuit or elsewhere in the Connexion or in another
Methodist Church or be within category (i) or (ii) of Standing Order 503(1).
S.O. 503(2) concerns ecumenical areas.
(4) The committee shall meet to receive the circuit stewards’ proposals before the
Circuit Meeting at which invitations are to be considered.
For guidance to circuit stewards, presbyters and Chairs see the code of practice produced annually by the
Stationing Committee.
(5) All invitations given or recommendations made by the committee are provisional
in character and must be submitted to the Circuit Meeting for its consideration and
decision, except that, in the case of initial […] presbyteral invitations only, the Circuit
Meeting may delegate the decision to the Invitation Committee. Any invitation issued
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 473
[541] Book III Standing Orders
by the committee by virtue of such a delegation shall be reported to the next Circuit
(6) Only the recommendations and decisions of the committee shall be recorded.
(7) Where power to issue initial invitations has not been delegated to the Invitation
Committee, a special Circuit Meeting shall be called as soon as practicable to consider
any such invitation.
542 Initial Diaconal Appointments. (1) No initial invitation to serve in a Circuit shall
be offered to or accepted by a deacon, diaconal probationer or student deacon, such
persons being entirely at the disposal of the Stationing Committee, acting in the light of
the recommendations made by the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order.
(2) By a date determined by the Stationing Committee each year the Superintendent
of any Circuit in which a deacon is sought to be stationed in the next connexional year
shall supply to the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order the required details of
the appointment, by completing the form provided for the purpose by the Stationing
Committee and available from the Warden. The Superintendent shall also send copies
of the completed form to the Chair of the District and the district Lay Stationing
(3) By a date determined by the Stationing Committee the Warden shall send to the
Chair of each District a copy of the list of anticipated diaconal stations and available
deacons and diaconal probationers, and invite their comments to be submitted by the
17th October.
(4) The initial appointment of a deacon to a Circuit shall normally be for a period of five
years, but, where the Warden judges it appropriate, he or she may, with the agreement of
the Circuit Meeting and the deacon concerned, recommend to the Stationing Committee
that the initial appointment be for a period of either three or four years.
(5) A diaconal probationer appointed to a Circuit shall be treated for all the purposes of
Standing Orders 544 and 546 as if he or she had been subject to an initial appointment
for the period prescribed by clause (4) above.
543 Initial Period: […] Presbyteral Appointments. (1) Subject to Standing Order
547(2) the initial invitation to a […] presbyter shall be for a period of five years, no
annual invitation being necessary during that period.
S.O. 547(2) relates to ecumenical areas.
(3) The Stationing Committee may, in respect of any appointment to which clause (2)
above applies, direct that the deemed period of initial invitation shall be a lesser number
of years than that provided for by clause (2), as specified in the direction, which shall
474 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits [544]
be communicated in writing to the […] presbyter and circuit stewards concerned. That
lesser number of years shall then be the initial period of invitation for the purposes of
Standing Order 544, and that number and its ordinal shall be substituted for ‘five’ and
‘fifth’ (or where Standing Order 547 applies, for ‘seven’ and ‘seventh’) in Standing Orders
545(1) and (2) respectively (but not for ‘five’ in Standing Order 545(2)). In the case of a
probationer no such direction shall be given except by agreement with the Circuit.
544 Curtailment. (1) (a) Subject to sub-clauses (b) and (c) of this clause and to
clause (2) below this Standing Order applies when:
(i) the circuit Invitation Committee, after consulting the church stewards of
the Local Churches in which the person concerned exercises pastoral
responsibility, wishes the current period of invitation or deemed invitation
to the Circuit (whether the initial period or an extension) of a […]
presbyter, deacon or probationer to be curtailed; or
(ii) subject to clause (3) below, a […] presbyter, deacon or probationer
wishes his or her current period of invitation or deemed invitation to the
Circuit (whether the initial period or an extension) to be curtailed; or
(iii) a connexional complaints team appointed under Standing Order 1122
considers that the question whether such a period shall be curtailed
should be examined.
(b) References in this Standing Order to periods of invitation or deemed invitation apply
also, in the case of deacons or diaconal probationers, to their initial period or deemed
period of appointment.
(c) References in this Standing Order to probationers apply only to curtailments which
would take effect after the end of their period of probation.
For the circuit Invitation Committee see S.O. 541.
(1A) When either through the procedure prescribed by clauses (6) to (11) below or
through agreement between the parties concerned it is decided that the current period
of invitation or deemed invitation be curtailed, a report to that effect shall be signed by
the […] presbyter, deacon or probationer concerned, by a member of the circuit Invitation
Committee on behalf of that committee, and by the Chair of the District, and submitted to
the Secretary of the Conference.
(2) If the circuit Invitation Committee and the […] presbyter, deacon or probationer
concerned agree, whether before or after the procedure prescribed by clauses (6) to (11)
below has begun, that such a period shall be curtailed by one or more years then their
agreement shall have effect and clauses (6) to (11) of this Standing Order shall not apply,
or shall cease to apply, as the case may be.
For the circuit Invitation Committee see S.O. 541.
(3) This Standing Order does not apply by virtue of clause (1)(a)(ii) above if the
possibility of curtailment arises because the person concerned is being considered for an
appointment to the Connexional Team, or for some other appointment by the Conference
for which the Methodist Council is required to submit a nomination, or as a district Chair,
or has been requested by the Stationing Committee or any sub-committee or group acting
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 475
[544] Book III Standing Orders
on its behalf to accept a change of station, or has applied to the Stationing Advisory
Committee under Standing Order 323(2)(iv), or is being encouraged by that committee to
apply under Standing Order 323(2)(i).
(4) In each group of Districts designated by the General Secretary for this purpose
there shall be established and maintained a panel of ministers […] and lay members fit
to serve on committees acting under clauses (6) to (11) below. Appointments to such
panels shall be made by the Synods of the constituent Districts.
(5) When this Standing Order applies the person or persons raising the matter under
clause (1) above shall so inform the Chair of the District and, if a deacon or diaconal
probationer is involved, the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order. The Chair, or the
Chair and the Warden jointly, as the case may be, shall then request the Chair of another
District in the same group to appoint a committee to consider the case unless, in a case
arising under clause (1)(a)(i) or (ii) above, they are able without undue delay to achieve
agreement between the parties.
(6) The Chair so requested shall appoint a committee consisting, subject to clause (7)
below, of a chair and six other persons. The chair shall be the appointor or another Chair
or Lay Stationing Representative of one of the Districts in the group, not being the Chair
of the District containing the relevant Circuit. The other appointees shall be chosen from
the members of the relevant panel constituted under clause (4) above and shall consist
of three lay members and (if the case concerns a […] presbyter or […] presbyteral
probationer) two […] presbyters and one deacon or, (if it concerns a deacon or diaconal
probationer) two deacons and one […] presbyter.
For Lay Stationing Representative see S.O.417B.
476 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits [545]
(9) The committee shall investigate the question whether the relevant invitation or
deemed invitation should be curtailed and make a recommendation to the Stationing
Committee. The circuit Invitation Committee or the […] presbyter, deacon or probationer
involved, if dissatisfied with the recommendation, may make representations to the
Stationing Committee, but there shall be no other appeal against the committee’s
conclusions. The committee may in addition refer the case to a district Consultative
Committee under Standing Order 040.
See S.O. 322 for the Stationing Committee. Any representations to that committee should be submitted to
the Secretary of the Conference, as its convener.
S.O. 040 concerns failure by a minister to fulfil the obligations of his or her appointment.
(10) (a) In its investigation the committee shall give the circuit Invitation Committee
and the […] presbyter, deacon or probationer involved the opportunity of making
representations and of knowing the substance of, and dealing with, any representations
or other material before the committee adverse to their case. The committee shall not, in
the course of its deliberations, take into account any point which the party affected has
not had an opportunity of meeting.
(b) Subject to sub-clause (a) above the committee shall determine its own procedure.
(11) The chair of the committee shall forthwith inform the Chair of the District
containing the relevant Circuit and, if the person concerned is a deacon or a diaconal
probationer, the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order, of its recommendation. The
Chair or Warden, as appropriate, shall inform the […] presbyter, deacon or probationer
involved, and the Chair shall inform the circuit Invitation Committee, which shall be
responsible for ensuring that the nature and effect of the recommendation are adequately
known and understood by the members of the Circuit.
(3) If a […] presbyter’s initial invitation has been extended under clause (2) above
or this clause and is open to further extension as provided in clause (3B) below, then at
a Circuit Meeting in the last year of the current period of invitation the invitation may be
extended for a specified number of further years, not exceeding five.
(3A) Any Circuit Meeting to consider extending an invitation under clause (2) or (3)
above shall be held on or before the 20th September.
(3B) Any extension under clause (2) or (3) above may, if the […] presbyter and Circuit
Meeting agree, be understood as final, but otherwise shall be open to further extension.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 477
[545] Book III Standing Orders
(4) (a) Whenever the question is under consideration of the extension or expiration of
the period of invitation of a Superintendent, the Chair of the District shall be invited to be
present or represented. The Chair of the District or his or her representative shall have
the right to take the chair.
(b) Whenever the question is under consideration of the extension or expiration of
the period of invitation of a […] presbyter stationed in an appointment on a part-time
basis under Standing Order 780(2)(a) or without stipend under Standing Order 801(6)
the circuit stewards shall in all cases, before the Invitation Committee decides upon its
recommendation to the Circuit Meeting, submit their proposals or provisional proposals to
the district Policy Committee.
478 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits [546]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 479
[546] Book III Standing Orders
(11) If the chair of the Circuit Meeting is informed by a member that he or she wishes
to oppose the recommendation, the meeting shall consider the matter and then proceed
to vote.
(12) The voting on any resolution in the Circuit Meeting under clause (3) or (4) above
shall be by ballot. A resolution to offer an invitation shall require for adoption a majority
of 60% of those present and voting or, if for an extension which would include any period
beyond a total appointment of ten years, 75%. The number of votes for and against and
the total number of persons present and entitled to vote shall be recorded.
Note in particular, in the code of practice produced annually by the Stationing Committee the guidance in
relation to the procedure at the meeting.
(2) In a Circuit which is a duly constituted ecumenical area the provisions of Standing
Orders 543(1) and 545 shall, where the constitution of the area allows, apply with the
amendments set out in clause (3) below, so as to provide for an initial invitation of seven
As to ecumenical areas see also S.O. 512.
548 Exceptions from […] Presbyteral Invitation. (1) No initial invitation shall be
offered or accepted in respect of an appointment as a […] presbyteral probationer, such
appointments being entirely at the disposal of the Stationing Committee, but Standing
Order 543(2) and (3) shall apply.
(2) [revoked]
(3) Persons applying to be received into Full Connexion as […] presbyters under
Standing Order 730, 731, or 761 shall not be offered or accept an invitation to serve
in a Circuit for their first appointment, which shall be at the disposal of the Stationing
Committee, but Standing Order 543(2) and (3) shall apply.
549 Authority of the Conference. Subject to Standing Orders 545(1) and 546(1)
nothing in this Section shall derogate from the ultimate authority of the Conference over
appointments annually.
See cl. 20 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1).
480 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits
550 Obligatory Appointments. The Circuit Meeting shall appoint circuit stewards
and, where Standing Order 553 applies, a circuit Pastoral Committee, together with any
other officers or committees who may for the time being be required by Standing Orders,
each with the responsibilities and powers prescribed by the Deed of Union or Standing
As to circuit stewards see S.O. 530.
See S.O. 410(1)(v) as to circuit representatives to Synod, S.O. 505(1) as to the connexional funds
treasurer and S.O. 541 as to the Invitation Committee.
551 Discretionary Appointments. (1) The Circuit Meeting may appoint such other
officers and committees, and with such responsibilities, as in its judgment are required
for the furtherance of the work of the Circuit and for the effective communication with the
District and the Conference in areas of special concern such as world mission and social
(2) The meeting may delegate to any of its committees any of its powers, except
appointments under Standing Order 550 and the approval of persons for admission as
local preachers.
(3) The above powers of delegation are subject, in the case of the meeting’s functions
as managing trustees, to the provisions of the Model Trusts and Standing Order 911.
(4) The persons eligible for appointment under this clause are those who are members
in the Circuit or elsewhere in the Connexion or in another Methodist church or are within
category (i), (ii) or (iii) of Standing Order 503(1).
552 Ex-Officio Membership. The Superintendent, all ministers […] probationers and
persons authorised to serve the Church as […] presbyters or deacons under Standing
Order 733 appointed to the Circuit and the circuit stewards shall, ex officio, be members
of and entitled to attend all official meetings (however described) connected with the
Circuit, except that deacons and circuit stewards shall not be members of the Local
Preachers’ Meeting unless they are local preachers.
The Superintendent is separately named because it is possible that he or she may not be appointed to the
Circuit; see S.O. 785(3)(b).
553 Pastoral Committee. In ecumenical areas and other Circuits containing local
ecumenical partnerships (except where every local ecumenical partnership in the Circuit
has a local Pastoral Committee constituted under Standing Order 644(1)), the Circuit
Meeting shall appoint a circuit Pastoral Committee consisting entirely of members of the
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 481
[553] Book III Standing Orders
Methodist Church and comprising the ministers […] and probationers […] appointed
to the Circuit, a circuit steward (if any) and not less than six class leaders or pastoral
visitors who are members in that or a neighbouring Circuit.
For the functions of this committee see S.O. 644(11)(iii).
482 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits
560 Local Preachers’ Meeting. (1) The Local Preachers’ Meeting shall consist of:
(i) the […] presbyters, […] presbyteral probationers, student […] presbyters
and persons authorised to serve the Church as ministers under Standing
Order 733 who are, in each case, members of the Circuit Meeting;
(ii) any deacons, diaconal probationers and diaconal students who are local
preachers and any persons authorised to serve the Church as deacons
under Standing Order 733 with authority to preach under clause (5)
thereof who are, in each case, members of the Circuit Meeting;
(iii) all local preachers who are members in the Circuit;
(iiiA) any local preachers who are employed by the Circuit under Standing Order
570 to perform duties which include preaching or assisting in preaching
(who shall be primarily accountable to the Local Preachers’ Meeting of
the Circuit in which they are employed); and
(iv) any persons who are for the time being authorised to serve as local
preachers in the Circuit under Standing Order 566B(1) or (2).
Cl. 40 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) provides that Local Preachers’ Meetings shall be constituted
in such manner, of such persons and with and subject to such powers, duties and provisions as the
Conference may provide.
For the ministers, probationers etc., who are members of the Circuit Meeting see S.O. 510(1)(i)–(iii).
(2) Persons on trial who are members in the Circuit are expected to attend but they are
not entitled to vote. This clause takes effect with any modifications made under Standing
Order 564B(2), where it applies. Such persons should normally remain during reports on
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 483
[560] Book III Standing Orders
services, discussions of such reports, and interviews, in order to benefit from the training
opportunities afforded, but not when the meeting is considering or reaching any decision
affecting the continuation or change of status of any local preacher or person on note or
on trial, or any similar decision.
(3) The meeting shall be held at least once in every quarter.
(4) In this Section, unless the context otherwise requires, the word ‘preacher’ without
qualification means a person who is a voting member of the relevant Local Preachers’
(5) A Circuit may work together with one or more other Circuits in carrying out the
functions given to the meeting and may make joint decisions accordingly, but the final
authority of the Circuit Meeting as contained in this Section is not thereby affected.
(6) The meeting should invite others who contribute to worship in the Circuit (for
example, church stewards, worship leaders, musicians, those who conduct reader
services) to attend the meeting at appropriate times.
562 Secretary. (1) The meeting shall appoint one of its members as its secretary,
who shall:
(i) record decisions, advice and recommendations of each meeting held;
(ii) carry out such functions in relation to the training and oversight of
persons on note and on trial in accordance with guidance issued by
the Connexional Team, as the Connexional Team may from time to time
484 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits [563]
(iii) ensure that appropriate pastoral care is provided for all local preachers
(including persons on note or on trial);
(iv) help members of the meeting to obtain appropriate assistance and
support, in conjunction with the Leaders of Worship and Preachers’ Trust;
(v) encourage members of the meeting to support local action and fund-
raising for the Leaders of Worship and Preachers’ Trust.
The Leaders of Worship and Preachers’ Trust was created in 2005 and is the successor body (meeting a
wider range of need) to the Local Preachers Mutual Aid Association.
(2) The meeting may appoint an assistant secretary to assist the secretary in such
manner as the meeting may determine.
563 Duties and Rights of Local Preachers. (1) Preachers are called of God, to be
worthy in character, to lead God’s people in worship and to preach the gospel. This places
duties on, and gives rights to, local preachers.
(2) As to worship, it is the duty of local preachers:
(i) to lead worship and preach with knowledge, conviction and competence;
(ii) to preach nothing at variance with our doctrines (the term ‘our doctrines’
refers to those truths of salvation which are set forth in the Methodist
doctrinal standards);
(iii) to be available for an appropriate number of appointments each quarter,
having regard to the situation of the local preacher and of the Circuit;
(iv) to inform the Superintendent of any occasions on which they cannot be
available for appointments on the forthcoming circuit plan;
(v) to fulfil all appointments given on the circuit plan;
(vi) if unable to fulfil an appointment, to arrange for a suitable substitute,
informing the Superintendent and a church steward of the Local Church
(vii) to take overall responsibility for an act of worship when appointed on the
circuit plan;
(viii) to seek to work collaboratively with others in leading worship.
For the doctrinal standards see cl. 4 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1).
For the circuit plan see S.O. 521.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 485
[563] Book III Standing Orders
564 Candidates. Those who wish to train to become local preachers must be and
remain members. They must in the first place be recommended to the Local Preachers’
Meeting by the Church Council of the Local Church in which they are members, or by a
[…] presbyter, […] presbyteral probationer or local preacher present in the meeting. They
should, before the meeting, have shared in an interview with the Superintendent, who
should also have consulted as necessary with the candidate’s Local Church and the […]
presbyter having pastoral charge of that church in such manner as he or she thinks fit.
564A Persons on Note. (1) Candidates approved by the meeting shall meet the
Church’s safeguarding requirements and shall then receive from the Superintendent
a written note authorising them to assist a preacher in the conduct of services within
the Circuit. The Superintendent shall make them aware of the duties placed on local
preachers by Standing Order 563.
(2) Where persons on note are primarily involved in a Circuit or Circuits other than that
in which their membership is held, their note may be implemented and their initial training
supervised in that other or one of those other Circuits (as the case requires) by mutual
arrangement between the Local Preachers’ Meetings of the Circuits concerned.
(2A) [revoked]
(3) Those on note shall follow a training programme approved by the Methodist Council
in accordance with Standing Order 565 below. They shall be required to make a firm
commitment to training and study.
(4) The written note shall be valid for three months and if it is deemed advisable may
be renewed for a further such period or periods.
(5) Every person on note shall have a mentor, who must be a preacher, appointed to
give oversight. The mentor, or another preacher, should be in charge of every service in
which the person on note takes part and the mentor should continue to give oversight
during the period on trial.
(6) Reports shall be submitted to the Local Preachers’ Meeting by the mentor and
any other preacher or preachers who have been present at any service in which the
person on note has taken part. All formal reports shall use the report form provided by
486 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits [564C]
the Connexional Team. Those who are submitting a formal report to the Local Preachers’
Meeting shall discuss the report with the person concerned before it is presented to the
Local Preachers’ Meeting.
(7) Before persons on note are passed to ‘on trial’ status by the Local Preachers’
Meeting they shall conduct a full service on their own in the presence of two preachers,
one of whom may be the mentor. The preachers shall present a report on the service and
sermon, on the form provided by the Team, to the meeting. If that report and the report
of the local tutor are satisfactory persons on note shall then be advanced by the meeting
to the next stage of training, during which they are approved by the meeting to take
responsibility for the conduct of worship and preaching and are said to be ‘on trial’.
564B Persons on Trial. (1) Before persons on trial are finally admitted as local
preachers they shall have not less than one nor (subject to clause (3) below) more than
five years on trial.
(1A) The Local Preachers’ Meeting shall decide each quarter whether each of the
persons on trial shall be continued in that status.
(2) Where persons on trial are primarily involved in a Circuit or Circuits other than that
in which their membership is held, their training may be supervised in that other or one
of those other Circuits (as the case requires) by mutual arrangements between the Local
Preachers’ Meetings of the Circuits concerned. The arrangements shall specify which
Local Preachers’ Meeting they are expected to attend.
(2A) [revoked]
(3) Applications to extend the period on trial beyond five years must be to the
district Policy Committee. Such applications should be granted only in very exceptional
circumstances. The Superintendent and the person on trial have the right to be present
and to speak to the case.
(4) A person on trial who removes to a new Circuit shall be received as on trial in that
Circuit and the Superintendent of the former Circuit shall report progress in the training
programme and other relevant information.
As to the training programme see S.O. 565.
(5) For at least the first six months of the period on trial services and sermons should
be prepared in consultation with the mentor, who should be present at each service
and give a report to the Local Preachers’ Meeting. Thereafter, and until the final trial
service, persons on trial shall each quarter conduct a service in the presence of at least
one preacher, and a brief report of this service shall be presented to the next Local
Preachers’ Meeting.
For the final trial service see S.O. 566(4)(i).
(6) All reports on services conducted by persons on trial shall be discussed with the
person concerned before being presented to the Local Preachers’ Meeting.
564C Local Tutorial Arrangements. (1) Every Local Preachers’ Meeting shall
appoint a local tutor, who shall oversee the studies of those on note and on trial in the
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 487
[564C] Book III Standing Orders
Circuit and, by arrangement, those on note and on trial in any adjoining Circuits. Such
appointments shall be notified to the Connexional Team. Every help possible shall be
afforded to those on note and on trial in their studies and training.
(2) Where there are a number of persons on note and on trial the Local Preachers’
Meeting may appoint a training sub-group to oversee their studies and receive the reports
required under this Standing Order. If a sub-group is so appointed, the Local Preachers’
Meeting may agree to receive the report of the sub-group in place of individual reports on
each person on note or on trial.
(3) Where a person on note or on trial is undertaking a training programme supervised
by a training institution approved for that purpose by the Methodist Council, the Local
Preachers’ Meeting may agree with the training institution that the institution will provide
the mentor, tutor and reports to the meeting required under Standing Orders for or in
respect of that person.
565 Training Programmes. (1) Persons on trial shall, unless granted exemption
under Standing Order 565B below, successfully complete the training programme
prescribed by the Methodist Council or an alternative training programme validated in
advance by the Methodist Council in accordance with Standing Order 565A.
S.O. 565A lays down the procedure for validation of an alternative course, enabling, where appropriate,
approval in advance if a person is seeking to undertake that course. Where a person applies, on the basis
of a course already undertaken, for exemption from some or all of the prescribed training course, S.O. 565B
(2) The council may delegate some or all of its responsibilities under this Standing
Order to a committee or member of the Connexional Team.
(3) The Circuit is responsible for enabling the reimbursement of local tutors and those
on note and on trial for the cost of basic study material and registration fees.
(4) The training programme assessment results of persons on trial shall be reported to
the Local Preachers’ Meeting.
488 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits [566]
be taken by the panel to assist any person affected by such withdrawal to complete his or
her training by other means.
(5) Any institution or body seeking validation for any training programme shall pay to
the council the prescribed fee to meet the costs of the validation process (whether or not
the application for validation is successful).
An application for validation is to be made where it is proposed, under Standing Order 565(1), that a
course other than the prescribed local preachers’ training course be approved as suitable to be undertaken
instead of that course.
566 Admission Procedure. (1) Before persons on trial are recommended for
admission as local preachers they must successfully complete two circuit interviews.
The first interview shall be held after the person on trial has successfully completed at
least half the training programme. The second interview shall be held after the person
on trial has successfully completed the entire training programme. In cases where prior
experience and learning have been accredited by the Methodist Council under Standing
Order 565B, the timing of the interviews shall be at the discretion of the Local Preachers’
(2) The interviews referred to in clause (1) above shall be conducted either by the
Superintendent or (at his or her request) by other preachers at the Local Preachers’
Meeting. The local tutor or the person’s mentor would each be appropriate people
to conduct the interviews. For each interview guidelines from the Connexional Team
shall be supplied by the circuit Local Preachers’ Secretary to the person on trial, the
Superintendent and the interviewer.
(3) For the purposes of the first interview persons on trial:
(i) shall, during the quarter preceding the interview, conduct a full service in
the presence of two preachers and a church steward who is not a local
preacher, who shall together prepare a report for the meeting, written on
the form provided by the Team;
(ii) shall have the opportunity to share the story of their Christian experience;
their call to preach; and any insights, challenges or difficulties
experienced during the period on trial to date.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 489
[566] Book III Standing Orders
(4) For the purposes of the second interview the person on trial:
(i) shall, during the quarter preceding the interview, conduct a full service
in the presence of two preachers (one of whom should under normal
circumstances be a […] presbyter) and a church steward who is not
a local preacher, who shall together prepare a report for the meeting,
written on the form provided by the Connexional Team;
(ii) shall have the opportunity to speak of his or her growth in knowledge and
understanding of the faith, and maturing of Christian experience;
(iii) must satisfy the meeting that he or she is faithful to the fundamental
doctrines of the Christian Faith and to Methodist doctrinal standards;
(iv) must assure the meeting that he or she will accept and observe the
duties of a local preacher as described in Standing Order 563(1)–(4),
which may, for this purpose, be read at the meeting.
(5) If, after this second interview, the meeting is satisfied that the person on trial
should be admitted as a local preacher it shall so recommend to the Circuit Meeting
which, if it agrees, shall approve the person on trial for admission as a local preacher.
(6) After being approved under clause (5) above the person on trial shall be admitted
as a local preacher at a public religious service to be arranged by the Circuit Meeting.
At that service a letter and Bible signed by the President and Vice-President of the
Conference shall be presented to each local preacher so admitted.
(7) Local preachers, before or soon after being admitted, shall be encouraged to
proceed to an induction course.
(8) The names of local preachers who are members in the Circuit or are deacons or
diaconal probationers who are members of the Circuit Meeting shall appear in the list of
local preachers in the circuit plan with their year of admission as a local preacher.
566A Preachers and Readers from Other Churches who have become
Members. (1) Local Preachers’ Meetings can recommend to the Circuit Meeting that it
approve the admission as local preachers of lay preachers and readers of other churches
(including officers of the Salvation Army) who have become members of the Methodist
Church, provided the training procedures they have undergone meet the Methodist
Council’s training specification. Before recommending admission the Local Preachers’
Meeting must satisfy itself on the following points:
(i) the standing of the candidate in the other church;
(ii) that its training procedure was successfully completed, as to which, if
possible, written evidence shall be required;
(iii) that satisfactory information has been obtained on the circumstances
in which the candidate may have ceased to be a preacher in the other
church (if that is the case);
(iv) that the candidate will not preach anything at variance with our doctrines;
(v) that the candidate satisfies the safeguarding requirements of the
Methodist Church;
490 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits [566B]
(vi) that the candidate is known to other members of the meeting who can
support the application to become a local preacher.
(2) Pending a decision of the Circuit Meeting on a recommendation made under clause
(1) above candidates may at the discretion of the Local Preachers’ Meeting be granted
‘on trial’ status, but they shall be subject to the requirements of this clause and clauses
(1) above and (3) below in place of those of Standing Orders 564A(7), 564B, 565 and
566(1) to (4) above.
(3) In every case there shall be a conversation at the Local Preachers’ Meeting
conducted by the Superintendent or a preacher appointed by him or her to satisfy the
meeting on the points referred to in clause (1) above. In particular the candidate shall
have read A Catechism for the use of the People called Methodists and this document
should form the basis of the conversation.
(4) Any person approved by the Circuit Meeting under clause (1) above shall be
admitted as a local preacher at a public religious service to be arranged by the Circuit
Meeting and Standing Order 566(6) and (7) above shall apply.
As to lay preachers and readers who do not become members of the Methodist Church see S.O. 566B.
566B Preachers and Readers of Other Churches. (1) Where there is a local
ecumenical partnership scheme approved by the Conference or (if so empowered) by the
Synod any lay preacher or reader of another church participating in the scheme who has
not become a member of the Methodist Church may apply to be authorised to serve as a
local preacher in accordance with this clause, and in that event the following provisions
shall apply:
(i) the application shall be considered by the Local Preachers’ Meeting;
(ii) the training procedures undergone by the applicant must meet the
Methodist Council’s training specification;
(iii) the meeting must be assured that the applicant will not preach anything
at variance with our doctrines;
(iv) the candidate must satisfy the safeguarding requirements of the
Methodist Church;
(v) if satisfied as to (ii), (iii) and (iv) above the meeting may recommend to
the Circuit Meeting the acceptance of the application and the Circuit
Meeting, if it approves, shall authorise the applicant to serve as a local
preacher in the Circuit, subject to and in accordance with this clause;
(vi) persons so authorised are members of the Local Preachers’ Meeting and
shall be subject to the duties of a local preacher as set out in Standing
Order 563(1)–(4), and their names shall appear in the circuit plan;
(vii) Part 11, so far as it relates to local preachers, shall apply to such
persons, but so as to affect only their status under this clause in relation
to the Methodist Church;
(viii) Standing Order 563(5) shall not apply to such persons and their
authorisation in a Circuit shall cease if they remove, or cease to have
authority to preach in their own church, or if their church or the Methodist
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 491
[566B] Book III Standing Orders
567 Accountability and Review. (1) Local preachers shall be held accountable to
the Local Preachers’ Meeting for their ministry, their character, their fidelity to doctrine
and their fitness for the work by reference to the respective duties set out in Standing
Order 563 above and any further material specified by the Connexional Team.
(2) If a question or concern is raised about the conduct of a local preacher, or if a
complaint within the meaning of Part 11 is made about any member of the meeting, the
provisions of that Part apply.
(3) Subject to clause (2) above, if a question or concern is raised about the fidelity to
doctrine of a local preacher or his or her fitness for the work (including his or her calling,
commitment to fulfil his or her duties or his or her competence as a local preacher) the
meeting shall follow the guidelines for such circumstances produced by the Connexional
Team. The guidelines shall include guidance on the circumstances in which Part 11
(4) Questions or concerns about the fidelity to doctrine of a person on note or on trial
or his or her fitness for the work (including the matters specified in clause (3) above)
shall be addressed by the meeting as part of the training process.
568 Reinstatement. (1) Unless Standing Order 761(14) applies, a former local
preacher who is a member may be reinstated as a local preacher with the approval of the
Circuit Meeting of the Circuit in which he or she is a member on the recommendation of
the Local Preachers’ Meeting.
S.O. 761(14) concerns the reinstatement as local preachers of former presbyters and deacons.
(2) Before recommending reinstatement the meeting shall:
(i) carefully consider the circumstances in which the applicant ceased to be
a local preacher and in all cases where an applicant ceased to be a local
preacher as a result of a decision of a connexional Discipline Committee
492 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits [569]
569 Services not led by a […] Presbyter or Local Preacher. (1) A service described
on the preaching plan by the words ‘Local Arrangements’ or any similar expression shall
be arranged by church stewards and led by persons from the local congregation and shall
not normally include a preaching element. Local preachers and worship leaders may be
invited to take part in such a service but are neither required nor expected to do so and
are free to decline any request to participate.
(2) Those responsible for a local arrangements service by and for a particular group
(such as children, young people, elderly people or those with special educational needs)
shall receive encouragement and guidance from persons working with the group and
an appropriate member of the Local Preachers’ Meeting. The service should enable
members of the group to discover and develop creative and culturally appropriate ways for
them to meet with God in worship.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 493
Book III Standing Orders
See also S.O. 010 generally as to the circumstances in which persons are disqualified from appointment.
494 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits [470]
The documents shall be in accordance with any relevant guidelines from the Connexional
team and shall be sent to the District Lay Employment Sub-committee prior to
(b) Post titles for appointments shall reflect the nature of the work that is being
(c) Employing bodies shall always advertise, either locally or more widely, and interview
candidates before making an appointment. These processes shall be carried out in
accordance with such guidelines as shall be issued from time to time by the Connexional
Team. The District Lay Employment Secretary shall be notified of the successful
(4) Employing bodies shall have regard to advice and guidance issued from time to
time by the Connexional Team as to salary arrangements.
(5) For posts where it is deemed necessary for the employee to be a member of a
Christian Church and the employee is not a member of the Methodist Church, then the
requirements of clause (6) below must be met.
(6) If the person proposed is not a member of the Methodist Church, then he or she
(i) must be a practising member in good standing of another Christian
church (and the employing body must be satisfied of that fact by
appropriate evidence), and
(ii) must have given undertakings that during the currency of the appointment
he or she will not do or say anything contrary to the doctrinal standards of
the Methodist Church and will abide by its discipline;
and the employing body shall include the evidence of compliance with this clause in the
scheme submitted for approval under Standing Order 575.
(7) Any person appointed under this Standing Order who is a local preacher and for
whom preaching or assisting in preaching is part of their terms of employment within
the Circuit shall for such preaching be subject to the jurisdiction of the Local Preachers’
Meeting of that Circuit. The name of any such person who is not a local preacher shall
appear on the circuit plan, but not among the names of the preachers.
(8) If appropriate, a service shall be held at the start of the appointment, to
commission the post holder.
(9) Any person appointed under this Standing Order shall act under the direction and
pastoral care of the committee appointed for the purpose by the relevant employing
body. The committee may appoint one of its members as supervisor to oversee day to
day matters. It shall liaise with the Superintendent (in the case of circuit or local church
employees) or the district Chair (in the case of district employees).
For the Commissioning service, see Methodist Worship Book p.336. The Conference of 2003 authorised
for use the text of a service for the Commissioning of Evangelists, available from Methodist Publishing (for
contact details see the beginning of this volume).
571–573 [revoked]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 495
[574] Book III Standing Orders
575 Schemes of Appointment. (1) This Standing Order applies to all paid
appointments made by a District, Circuit, Local Church or Local Ecumenical Partnership
under Standing Order 570.
(2) In this Standing Order ‘the sub-committee’ means the district Lay Employment Sub-
(3) The sub-committee shall receive from the employing body the material specified in
Standing Order 570(3)(a).
(4) Before the documents are approved, the sub-committee shall be satisfied that the
provisions of Standing Order 570 are being complied with and that the agreed number
of hours to be worked include adequate time for preparation, training, administration,
management and support as well as for the work proposed to be undertaken.
(5) Posts which include pastoral work, evangelism, youth work and children’s work shall
be notified to the Connexional Team by the employing body so that appropriate training
and good practice in these areas can be offered.
(6)–(9) [revoked]
(10) The provisions of this Standing Order are additional to and not in place of those of
Standing Order 438A, which must be complied with in every case to which it applies.
As to racism see also the note to S.O.018(3).
496 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits
580 Definitions.
In this Section:
(i) an ‘adoption resolution’ means a resolution for the adoption of this
Section passed in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 581
(ii) a ‘Section 58 Circuit’ means a Circuit in respect of which an adoption
resolution is in force
(iii) a ‘modified constitution’, in relation to any Section 58 Circuit, means the
constitution by which the affairs of that Circuit are governed.
581 Adoption resolutions. (1) Subject to the further provisions of this Section, a
Circuit may at any Circuit Meeting pass a resolution that this Section shall apply to that
Circuit with effect from the beginning of such connexional year as the resolution may
specify and that the affairs of the Circuit shall thereafter be governed by a modified
constitution in the form of a draft identified in the resolution.
(2) A resolution under clause (1) above must be brought by two members of the Circuit
Meeting who are
(i) ministers […] appointed to the Circuit; or
(ii) circuit stewards; or
(iii) other lay persons appointed by the Circuit Meeting to give leadership
within the Circuit in accordance with Standing Order 515(2).
Notice of the resolution must be given to all members of the Circuit Meeting no later
than three months before the date of the Circuit Meeting at which the resolution is to be
debated. A copy of the draft modified constitution must be supplied free of charge to any
member of the Circuit Meeting who requests one.
(3) A draft modified constitution may provide for the governance as a single Circuit of
more than one existing Circuit.
(4) In the debate on a resolution under clause (1) above, no proposal for the
amendment of the draft modified constitution shall be considered unless written notice
of the proposed amendment has been given to the Circuit Meeting Secretary no later
than 14 days before the date of the relevant Circuit Meeting, unless that Circuit Meeting
otherwise agrees.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 497
[581] Book III Standing Orders
(5) A resolution under clause (1) above is only valid if it is passed by three quarters of
those present and voting at the relevant Circuit Meeting. If the draft modified constitution
provides as set out in clause (3) above, the resolution is only valid if it is passed by such
a majority of those present and voting at the relevant Circuit Meeting of each Circuit
concerned and the terms of the draft modified constitution identified by the resolution
passed by each Circuit are identical.
(6) A resolution under clause (1) above will only take effect according to its terms if the
draft constitution has been approved by the relevant Synod or district Policy Committee
in accordance with Standing Order 501(3) and the Secretary of the Conference confirms
before the relevant 1st September that the draft modified constitution complies with
the requirements of this Section. Such confirmation may be given prior to the passing
of the resolution but if the draft modified constitution is passed in an amended form
after confirmation has been given, a further confirmation must be obtained. If no such
confirmation has been given before the relevant 1st September, the resolution will not
take effect until 1st September next following such confirmation.
(7) If a draft modified constitution provides as set out in clause (3) above, the Circuits
which have passed the relevant adoption resolution shall form one new Circuit from the
date on which the adoption resolution takes effect and the form in which the constitution
and enumeration of the Circuits is set out pursuant to Standing Order 501(1) shall reflect
that change.
498 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 The Circuits [584]
the Secretary of the Conference confirms that the necessary arrangements have been
made. If no such confirmation has been given before the relevant 1st September, the
reconstitution will not take effect until 1st September next following such confirmation
and in the meantime the affairs of the former Section 58 Circuit will be governed as the
affairs of one Circuit and by the provisions of Part 5 (other than this Section) as amended
from time to time.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 499
[584] Book III Standing Orders
(4) A modified constitution may contain provisions varying the provisions of Standing
Order 510 (constitution of the Circuit Meeting), but the spirit of Standing Order 513 shall
be observed and any such modification shall contain provisions to ensure that
(i) a meeting is clearly designated as the Circuit Meeting for the purposes of
clause 40 of the Deed of Union, paragraph 2 of the Model Trusts, Section
54 of Standing Orders and Standing Orders 553 and 566 to 566B and for
any other purpose for which a Methodist Circuit Meeting may be required;
(ii) the Local Churches in the Circuit are represented on the Circuit Meeting
either through each Local Church being separately represented by such
person or persons as the modified constitution may provide or through
all the Local Churches being constituent members of and separately
represented on groups of Local Churches that are so represented;
(iii) where the Local Churches are not separately represented on the
Circuit Meeting, each Church Council shall have the right to make
representations to the Circuit Meeting about any proposal that would
directly affect its financial or other resources before the decision on
that proposal is made, or to submit a resolution to that meeting on any
other matter relevant to the work of the Circuit and attend the meeting to
present and speak to the resolution.
(5) Subject to clause (2) above, a modified constitution may contain such other
provisions varying the provisions of Part 5 as may be agreed, but in that event shall also
include provisions to secure the effective carrying out within the Section 58 Circuit of the
areas of work covered by the provisions so varied, taking into account also the need to
comply with any other Standing Orders applicable to such work and the need to ensure
consistent and fair treatment of all people across the Connexion.
(6) A modified constitution shall contain provisions to ensure that all the functions
given by the overriding legislation (as defined in Standing Order 584(1) above) and
Standing Orders to the Circuit Meeting as managing trustees shall be undertaken by that
meeting, and that as respects all other such functions given by the overriding legislation
to the Circuit Meeting there is an identified body responsible for the performance of each
of those functions, by whatever name that body or (if more than one) those bodies may
be known.
(7) A modified constitution shall contain provisions to ensure that as respects all
the functions given by the overriding legislation and Standing Orders to an officer or the
officers of the Circuit there is an identified individual or there are identified individuals
responsible for the performance of each of those functions, by whatever title that
individual or (if more than one) those individuals may be known.
(8) Subject to the foregoing provisions of this Section, a modified constitution may
make such provision as the Circuit Meeting approves with regard to:
(i) the functions, powers, duties and membership of the committees or other
bodies constituted to carry out the purposes of the Section 58 Circuit;
(ii) the functions, powers, duties and terms of employment (if applicable) of
the officers of the Circuit.
500 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 6 The Local Churches
Section Page
60 Principles and General Provisions.............................................................. 502
61 The Church Council................................................................................... 506
62 The General Church Meeting..................................................................... 511
63 Principal Officers...................................................................................... 513
64 Other Officers and Committees.................................................................. 517
65 Funds...................................................................................................... 520
66 Workers among Children and Young People................................................. 523
68 Worship Leaders...................................................................................... 524
69 Involvement of Sex Offenders in the Local Church....................................... 527
For the meaning of the expression ‘Local Church’ see cl. 1(xv) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) as
applied by S.O. 003(vii). For exceptions see S.O. 605(2)–(5) and 942. As to a joint Local Church, see S.O.
Book III Standing Orders
The provisions of S.O. 502 for the chairing and notice of all official meetings apply to Local Churches as
well as to Circuits.
600 The Nature of the Local Church. (1) The Church exists to exercise the whole
ministry of Christ. The Local Church, with its membership and larger church community,
exercises this ministry where it is and shares in the wider ministry of the Church in
the world. In this one ministry worship, fellowship, pastoral care, mission and service
are essential elements. Administration and training enable their fulfilment. In the
Methodist Church these various tasks are undertaken by the Local Church, through its
Church Council and committees, in union with the ministry of the Circuit of which it is a
constituent. It is represented in the Circuit Meeting and represents it locally. It engages
in ecumenical work including, where appropriate, the support of ecumenical Housing
For the meaning of the expression ‘Local Church’ see cl. 1(xv) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) as
applied by S.O. 003(vii). For exceptions see S.O. 605 (2)–(5) and 942. As to a joint Local Church see S.O.
As to the purposes of the Local Church see also S.O. 650(6).
(2) Since every member in the Local Church is as such a member of the Methodist
Missionary Society, the purposes of the Local Church include the promotion of
understanding of and support for the work of the Society to the end that every member
may share actively in world mission.
See Articles 2 and 4 of the constitution of the Society (Book IV B, Part 3).
601 Its Size. (1) If a church is too small, by itself, to fulfil its functions it is
encouraged to seek association with its neighbours for the discharge together of the
things that cannot be attempted by one church alone.
See S.O. 605, 612, 613(4).
(2) The minimum number of members for a self-governing church in the terms of
Standing Order 605 is set at a very low figure to meet the need of sparsely populated
areas; in general it is to be desired that much larger numbers be achieved.
502 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 6 The Local Churches [605]
602 Its Government. In the government of the Local Church the several
responsibilities must be exercised without the loss of the unity of the one ministry. The
Church Council is constituted to unite those who hold responsibility in the church in one
working community. It has the authority to take decisions for the church and to manage
its affairs to this same end. The General Church Meeting has a responsibility to consider
the whole ministry of the church and every part of it and in making appointments to
ensure the co-operation of the whole church in that ministry. This requires a proper
representation of all the diversities present in the Local Church, including those who are
newcomers to it.
603 The Church Council. The Church Council has authority and oversight over the
whole area of the ministry of the church, including the management of its property. Aims
and methods, the determination and pursuit of policy and the deployment of available
resources are its proper responsibility. In many cases it will appoint committees which
will have authority, in their own areas of responsibility, to initiate action, co-ordinate the
work done in the church, advise the Church Council and report to it, being subject to its
authority and oversight.
For the constitution and specific functions of the Church Council see Section 61.
605 Formation and Cessation. (1) No new Local Church shall be formed, nor
former church reconstituted, having less than twelve persons who are locally resident and
are either members of that church or actively committed to its life as ministers […] not
[…] in the active work.
(2) When the number of persons within clause (1) above falls below six, and so
continues for four successive quarters, that church shall cease to be recognised as a
Local Church.
See also S.O. 612.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 503
[605] Book III Standing Orders
(3) For the purpose of clause (1) a person is locally resident if resident in such a place
that the Local Church in question is a natural centre for worship or fellowship.
(4) Where by reason of the operation of clause (2) above a Local Church ceases to be
recognised as such, the members shall be constituted as a Class and placed under the
care of a leader, who may be chosen from their number or from the wider membership
of the Local Church to which the Class is attached. A number of such Classes in a
neighbourhood may constitute a Local Church or such a Class may be attached to a larger
church, either neighbouring or central, but so that in either case there shall be a Church
Council and Pastoral Committee sufficient to undertake the oversight of the members and
the training of new members envisaged in this Part and Section 05.
(5) The provision of opportunity for public worship for such Classes shall be kept under
review by the Circuit Meeting which, in deciding whether or how often to sustain services
in chapels where there is a Class but no Local Church, shall take into consideration the
possibilities of growth in the area, the ecumenical situation, the sufficiency of numbers to
form a worshipping congregation, facilities for travel and the stewardship of the resources
of the Circuit and of the services of preachers.
606 Eligibility for Appointment. (1) The provisions as to eligibility for appointment
to any office or membership of any official meeting, committee or other body (however
described) in the Local Church shall be those set out in relation to the office or body in
question, and may incorporate by reference one or more of the following categories of
(i) ministers, […] probationers and other persons (including those
authorised to serve as […] presbyters or deacons under Standing Order
733) who are stationed in the Circuit in accordance with clauses (3) and
(4) of Standing Order 785 and are active in the life and work of the Local
Church, so far as not otherwise eligible;
(ii) where there is a local ecumenical partnership approved by the
Conference or (if so empowered) by the Synod, and subject to Standing
Order 010, members of any communion participating in the partnership;
(iii) subject to Standing Order 010, persons named on the community roll of
the Local Church.
S.O. 010(1) prescribes the doctrinal qualification for office in the Methodist Church and the remainder of
S.O. 010 deals with disqualification from appointment on the basis of convictions or cautions in relation to
the criminal offences specified there.
607 Duration of Appointments. (1) Subject to clauses (2) and (5) below all
appointments and elections connected with the Local Church shall unless otherwise
504 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 6 The Local Churches [609]
prescribed by Standing Orders be for one year and take effect from the date specified in
the resolution of appointment.
(2) Subject to Standing Order 632(3), if a casual vacancy occurs the meeting with
authority to appoint shall fill the vacancy with immediate effect for the remainder of the
term of the appointment vacated.
S.O. 632(3) concerns casual vacancies among the church stewards.
(3) Subject to clause (4) below no person shall hold the office of church steward,
church treasurer or secretary of the Church Council or Pastoral Committee, or be elected
to the Church Council under Standing Order 623, for more than six successive years.
(4) If the operation of clause (3) above would make it impossible adequately to fill an
essential office in the Local Church the Church Council or General Church Meeting, as
the case may be, may by a 75% majority of those present and voting on a ballot vote re-
appoint annually beyond the sixth year.
(5) This Standing Order does not apply to the appointment of persons employed or
engaged under a contract, nor to ex-officio membership.
609 Extended Communion. (1) […] Presbyters, deacons stationed in the Circuit
and persons authorised to preside at the Lord’s Supper under Standing Order 011 may
lead acts of worship in homes (including nursing and retirement homes), hospitals and
hospices during which elements set aside at a previous celebration of the Lord’s Supper
are received. In addition a Church Council may annually appoint lay persons to lead such
acts of worship.
(2) Persons so appointed by the Church Council shall, unless already instructed in
the conduct of such services, be instructed by the Superintendent or by a […] presbyter
appointed by him or her, the form of service for ‘Extended Communion’ authorised by the
Conference being used as a basis of instruction.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 505
Book III Standing Orders
For the meaning of the expression ‘Church Council’ see cl. 1(iii) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) as
applied by S.O. 002(1)(ii).
Cl. 40 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) provides that Church Councils shall be constituted in such
manner, of such persons, and with and subject to such powers, duties and provisions as the Conference may
As to chairing of the council see S.O. 502(1).
For guidelines for the business of the council see Book VII B, Part 6.
610 Constitution. (1) Subject to Standing Orders 511 and 611, the Church Council
shall consist of:
(i) the ministers, […] probationers and workers listed in clause (4) below;
(ii)–(v) [deleted]
(vi) the church stewards;
(vii) the church treasurer;
(viii) the secretary of the Pastoral Committee, where the committee is
(ix) the secretary of the council;
(x) not less than six representatives nor more than fifteen elected annually
by the General Church Meeting, or, where the membership does not
exceed 49 and the Church Council so resolves, all members of the Local
Church who are willing to serve;
(xi) up to fifteen additional persons appointed by the council to ensure that
all areas of the church’s life are adequately represented and in particular
that, wherever possible, young people are included in its membership;
(xii) one circuit steward appointed by the circuit stewards.
S.O. 511 concerns single-church Circuits.
For the church stewards see S.O. 632–634.
For the church treasurer see S.O. 635.
For the General Church Meeting see Section 62.
(2) Where all members of the Local Church who are willing to serve are to be members
of the council under head (x) of clause (1) above the council shall annually enquire which
of them are so willing and the result of that enquiry shall establish, for the ensuing year,
the list of persons who, while they remain members of the Local Church, are members of
the council under that head.
506 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 6 The Local Churches [610]
(2A) (a) The persons eligible for appointment under head (x) of clause (1) above are
those who are members in the Local Church or are within category (i) of Standing Order
(b) The persons eligible for appointment under heads (ix) and (xi) of clause (1) above
and head (vii) of clause (4) below are those who are members in the Local Church or
elsewhere in the Connexion or in another Methodist church or are within category (i) or (ii)
of Standing Order 606(1).
There is no lower age limit for membership of the council, but persons under the age of 18 (16 in
Scotland) cannot legally become managing trustees of model trust property, and so are not eligible to vote
on managing trustee business.
(3) The Church Council may invite other members of the Local Church and non-
members who are active in the life of the church to attend meetings of the Church
Council and shall in particular, wherever possible, encourage young people to do so.
Those who thus attend are not members of the council; they are entitled to speak but not
to vote nor to propose or second any resolution.
(4) The ministers, […] probationers and workers referred to in clause (1)(i) above shall
(i) the Superintendent and the […] presbyters and […] presbyteral
probationers appointed to the Circuit;
(ii) any […] presbyter or […] presbyteral probationer not so appointed who
has entered into an arrangement to have pastoral responsibility in the
Local Church, including any supernumerary undertaking pastoral work
under Standing Order 792(2);
(iii) any person residing in the Circuit for the purpose of the stations who
is authorised to serve the Church as a […] presbyter under Standing
Order 733 and who has been appointed to exercise pastoral charge in
the Circuit or pastoral responsibility in that Local Church, and any person
having the status of associate […] presbyter under Standing Order 733A
whose functions include the exercise of pastoral responsibility in that
Local Church;
(iv) the deacons and diaconal probationers appointed to the Circuit;
(v) any deacon or diaconal probationer not so appointed who has entered
into an arrangement to exercise leadership of the pastoral care,
worship and mission in the Local Church, including any supernumerary
undertaking pastoral work under Standing Order 792(2);
(vi) any person residing in the Circuit for the purpose of the stations who is
authorised to serve the Church as a deacon under Standing Order 733
and who has pastoral responsibility in that Local Church, and any person
having the status of associate deacon under Standing Order 733A whose
functions include undertaking pastoral work in that Local Church and
(vii) such persons, if any, as the Church Council judges it appropriate to
appoint from among those employed under Standing Order 570 by the
council, or by the Circuit Meeting in work in the Local Church.611
The Superintendent is separately named because it is possible that he or she is not appointed to the
Circuit; see S.O. 785(3)(b).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 507
[611] Book III Standing Orders
(2) During the currency of such a direction, which the Synod may at any time revoke,
there shall be no other or separate Church Council constituted under Standing Order 610,
and Standing Order 502(1)(b) shall not apply.
(3) The Synod may exercise its powers under this Standing Order whether or not it was
the body which originally designated the local ecumenical partnership in question.
612 Minimum Size. (1) When it is impossible to make up the number of members
of the Church Council to include seven persons other than those qualified under head
(i) of Standing Order 610(1) who are able and willing to act the Superintendent shall be
informed. He or she shall nominate to the Circuit Meeting sufficient members of other
churches in the Circuit, able and willing to act, to make up the number to seven. The
Circuit Meeting shall then appoint that number of members to the Church Council for the
ensuing year.
(2) When the procedure in clause (1) above has been followed for two successive
years the Circuit Meeting may apply to that church the procedure set out in Standing
Order 605(4), so that the church will become a Class within another church. The Church
Council of the church thus united will take on all the responsibilities of both Church
613 Meetings. (1) The Church Council shall meet at least twice in each year.
(2) Before each meeting the […] presbyter in pastoral charge or, if none, the
Superintendent shall, with the secretary of the Church Council, make out a list, by name,
of the persons who are in their opinion members of the council under Standing Order
511, 610, 611 or 612, as the case may be, distinguishing those, if any, who are not of
full age. At the meeting, before any other business is transacted, that list shall be laid
before the council which shall, after making any correction which seems to the council
necessary, adopt it, and the list as thus adopted shall be final and conclusive as to the
persons of whom the council then consists.
As to chairing and notice of meetings see S.O. 502. See the note to S.O. 610(2A) as to persons who are
not of full age.
508 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 6 The Local Churches [616]
(3) The Church Council may resolve from time to time to go into closed session and to
exclude visitors from all or part of the proceedings.
(4) The Church Councils of more than one church may meet jointly from time to time
without infringing the authority of each individual Church Council.
Such a joint meeting could not exercise the functions of the Church Council as managing trustees of
614 Responsibilities. The general oversight of the Local Church shall be undertaken
by the Church Council, exercising leadership over the whole field of the church’s concern.
See also S.O. 602, 603.
For the council’s functions in relation to property see S.O. 940 and 941.
615 Procedure. (1) Voting shall be open, except that voting by ballot shall be used
on the following occasions only:
(i) when these Standing Orders so provide;
(ii) if the Conference so directs;
(iii) if the meeting by the votes of two thirds of those present so resolves.
(2) Subject to clause (1) the meeting may regulate its own procedure, but unless it
adopts other rules of debate the rules comprising clauses (5) to (7) and (10) to (25) of
Standing Order 413 shall apply, with the necessary substitutions.
(3) Notwithstanding clause (1) above and any applicable rules of debate any member
who maintains that a decision is or may be illegal or in contravention of the Deed
of Union, the Model Trusts or Standing Orders or (in the case of managing trustees’
business) otherwise a breach of trust shall be entitled to have his or her dissenting vote
recorded by name.
See, e.g., S.O. 985, in particular cls. (5) and (6).
616 Irregularities. (1) When the rules of debate in clauses (5) to (7) and (10) to
(25) of Standing Order 413 apply in accordance with Standing Order 615(2) they shall
take effect subject to the provisions of this Standing Order.
(2) No resolution or other act or proceeding of the council shall be rendered invalid,
void or voidable by reason of any non-compliance with any of the provisions of clauses (6),
(7), (10), (11), (16), (20), (21), (23), (24) or (25) of Standing Order 413.
As to the validation of proceedings see also cl. 41 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) and S.O. 126(2).
(3) If before any resolution or other vote or proceeding of the council has been acted
upon, or the minute recording it approved and signed, it comes to the attention of the
chair that there was any irregularity of a kind described in clause (5) below in or leading
to the making of that decision, then unless satisfied that the irregularity could not
have affected or influenced the decision the chair shall ensure that the decision is not
irrevocably acted upon until the council has been reconvened to reconsider the question
and come to a regular decision upon it.
(4) If any such irregularity does not come to the attention of the chair until after the
decision has been acted upon, or the minute recording it approved and signed, or if the
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 509
[616] Book III Standing Orders
chair is satisfied that the irregularity could not have affected or influenced the decision,
then the decision shall be as valid as if regularly made in all respects.
(5) The irregularities referred to in clauses (3) and (4) above are the following:
(i) failure to achieve the majority required by clause (17) or (22) of Standing
Order 413, where applicable;
(ii) an incorrect ruling that a greater majority is required than is the case;
(iii) miscounting of votes;
(iv) failure to put to the council a resolution, amendment or procedural
motion which the mover and seconder are entitled to have put;
(v) failure to comply with clause (18) of Standing Order 413 by requiring
unnecessarily an immediate decision on a motion that the question be
not put.
510 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 6 The Local Churches
Cl. 40 of the Deed of Union (Book II Part 1) provides that General Church Meetings shall be constituted
in such manner, of such persons, and with and subject to such powers, duties and provisions as the
Conference may provide.
For guidelines for the business of the meeting see Book VII B, Part 6.
As to chairing and notice of the meeting see S.O. 502.
620 Constitution. (1) In addition to the ex-officio members under Standing Order
643(1), the voting members of the General Church Meeting are the members of the Local
Church and persons within category (i) of Standing Order 606(1).
(2) The meeting is also open to all other persons on the community roll of the Local
621 Functions. The meeting shall be held for fellowship, for mutual counsel
respecting the condition of the Local Church, including its financial affairs, for the election
of church stewards and representatives and for any other purpose which the Conference
may direct. In churches with members who are pupils in a Methodist independent school
particular care shall be taken to ensure their inclusion in appropriate ways in the life of
the meeting.
As to the election of church stewards see S.O. 632.
As to the election of representatives see S.O. 623.
As to the last sentence see also S.O. 630(1A), 631(3) and 050(3).
622 Meetings. (1) Subject to clause (2) below the meeting shall be held at least
once in each year for the purpose of electing church stewards and representatives and
as often in addition as the […] presbyter or presbyteral probationer exercising pastoral
responsibility in relation to the Local Church, in conjunction with the Church Council, may
think fit, and fourteen days’ notice shall be given by such means as are calculated to
ensure that the meeting is brought to the attention of the members of every meeting at
which an election is to be held.
(2) If under Standing Order 511(2)(vii) or 610(1)(x) no representatives are to be elected
by the meeting in any year and if the Church Council is satisfied that the functions of the
meeting can be adequately discharged by the council and that there will be adequate
opportunities for fellowship and consultation available to everyone on the community roll,
the Church Council may decide that the General Church Meeting be not convened in that
year, in which case its functions shall be discharged by the council.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 511
[623] Book III Standing Orders
(3) Casual vacancies occurring during the course of a year owing to death, resignation,
removal or lapse of membership may be filled at a meeting specially convened for the
(4) [revoked]
(5) In nominating and electing representatives the members of the General Church
Meeting shall consider the composition of the Church Council as a whole with regard
to age, sex and ethnic origin and shall in particular seek to include, wherever possible,
young people in its representation.
(6) Where the Circuit Meeting and the Church Council are constituted under Standing
Order 511(2) the provisions of this Standing Order and of Standing Order 620(1) as to
the election of representatives apply to both bodies and there shall be only one such
election for both.
512 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 6 The Local Churches
As to the duration of appointments to the offices referred to in this Section see S.O. 607.
630 Class Leaders – Appointment. (1) The Church Council shall annually appoint
class leaders and pastoral visitors to share in the pastoral care of all those whose
names are on the community roll of the Local Church.
Cl. 9 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) provides that all members are to have their names entered on
a class book and be placed under the pastoral care of a class leader or pastoral visitor.
(1A) A person appointed as a class leader or pastoral visitor shall be a member in the
Local Church of 18 years of age or more or a minister […] or probationer who is stationed
or residing in the Circuit or is the chaplain to a Methodist independent school with pupils
who are members in the Local Church, and where there are such pupils the chaplain shall
in all cases be so appointed.
See also S.O. 631(3) and 050(3).
(2) Newly appointed class leaders and pastoral visitors shall be publicly recognised
and commissioned at a service arranged for that purpose.
(2) A pastoral visitor undertakes the duty of a class leader, except that he or she will
not be expected to meet a Class.
(3) The Pastoral Committee shall allocate pastoral responsibility among the class
leaders and pastoral visitors. Members who are pupils in a Methodist independent school
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 513
[631] Book III Standing Orders
(4) The Conference recognises that there may be variation in local procedure, but the
spirit of the above clauses of this Standing Order is to be observed.
632 Church Stewards – Appointment. (1) The General Church Meeting shall
annually appoint as church stewards two or more persons who are members of the Local
Church or supernumeraries stationed in the Circuit.
It should be noted that a church steward who is under the age of 18 is precluded by S.O. 644(5) from
being a member of the Pastoral Committee (as to whose significant functions see S.O. 644 below).
As to re-appointments see S.O. 607 (3).
(2) Any member of the meeting entitled to vote may make a nomination if notice of
such nomination has been given in writing to the […] presbyter having pastoral charge of
the Local Church not less than seven days before the meeting. The chair of the meeting
may, however, nominate without previous notice.
For entitlement to vote see S.O. 620 (1).
(3) Should a casual vacancy occur during the course of the year owing to the death,
resignation or removal of a church steward or his or her ceasing to be a member a
successor may be appointed in accordance with the provisions of clause (2) above at any
regular meeting of the Church Council or at a special Church Council summoned for the
purpose, and fourteen days’ notice shall be given of any such business.
634 Church Stewards – Particular Duties. (1) The church stewards shall be
responsible for seeing that all services, meetings and other engagements appointed on
the circuit plan in connection with the Local Church are duly held, for welcoming and being
in attendance upon the preacher before and after the service and, whenever necessary,
arranging hospitality for him or her and the payment of his or her expenses and, in the
unforeseen emergency of a failure on the part of a preacher or other responsible person
to keep the appointment, for seeing that a service or meeting suitable to the occasion is
actually held.
For the circuit plan see S.O. 521.
(2) It shall be the duty of the church stewards before each service for public worship
514 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 6 The Local Churches [636]
on Sunday to prepare for announcement by the preacher or some other person written
notices of all services, meetings and other engagements appointed on the circuit plan
or officially communicated and to see that no announcement is made save such as is in
accord with the general usage of the Methodist Church.
As to political matters see S.O. 921.
(3) The church stewards shall give due notice of all public collections, arrange for the
taking of the collections, enter the amounts in a book kept for the purpose and without
delay remit them to the treasurer or other persons authorised to receive them.
All moneys collected for local church funds will be paid over to the church treasurer (S.O. 635(2)).
(4) The church stewards shall see that all necessary arrangements are made for the
administration of the sacrament of baptism after due notice has been given to the […]
presbyter or presbyteral probationer exercising pastoral responsibility in relation to the
Local Church, in the case of children by the parents or guardians, in other cases by the
candidate for baptism.
As to baptism in relation to membership and to infants see cl. 6 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1).
As to baptism generally see S.O. 010A.
635 Treasurer. (1) The Church Council shall annually appoint a church treasurer,
who shall be a member in the Local Church or elsewhere in the Connexion or in another
Methodist church or be within category (i) or (ii) of Standing Order 606(1).
As to re-appointment see S.O. 607(3).
(2) The church treasurer shall receive all collections, gifts, donations, subscriptions
and other moneys raised for the general church fund, the benevolence fund or the model
trust fund and any money arising for such other accounts as the Church Council may
direct. He or she shall meet all financial obligations on behalf of the Church Council and
present a statement of all such funds and accounts to the Church Council and to such
committee or committees (if any) as the council may direct. While it is not necessary
for the general, model trust and benevolence funds each to have its own separate bank
account, the treasurer must ensure that these funds are accounted for separately,
for example by means of a suitable system of column analysis in the cash book. On
behalf of the Church Council he or she shall, eight working days before the beginning
of each quarter, pay to the circuit stewards the sum required of the Local Church by the
assessment of the Circuit Meeting.
See S.O. 012A for the duties of treasurers generally.
As to assessments on Local Churches by the Circuit Meeting see S.O. 515(3),532(1)(i), 650(4). The
assessment includes the local contribution to the Methodist Church Fund.
For the general church fund, benevolence fund and model trust fund see S.O. 650, 651 and 652
For general provisions as to the administration of church accounts see S.O. 012.
636 Auditor. The Church Council shall appoint an auditor or independent examiner,
as appropriate, annually for the general, model trust and benevolence funds and all
other funds under its jurisdiction. The auditor or examiner for the general, model trust
and benevolence funds shall be the same person unless those funds have separate
bank accounts and are accounted for separately. The appointment shall comply with the
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 515
[636] Book III Standing Orders
provisions of Standing Order 012(3) and the auditor or examiner shall report annually to
the Church Council in accordance with the provisions of that Standing Order.637
637 Communion Stewards. (1) The Church Council may annually appoint persons
to serve as communion stewards or may assign the duties set out in clauses (2) to (4)
below in other ways, and in those clauses ‘communion stewards’ includes any persons
assigned to carry out those duties.
(1A) The persons eligible for appointment are those who are members in the Local
Church or elsewhere in the Connexion or in another Methodist church or are within
category (i) or (ii) of Standing Order 606(1).
(2) It shall be the duty of the communion stewards to make provision for the proper
celebration of the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper and for the holding of love-feasts
whenever appointed.
(3) The communion stewards shall attend at the celebration of the sacrament of the
Lord’s Supper and shall be responsible for directing the approach of communicants to the
Lord’s Table in an orderly and expeditious manner.
(4) Where a separate collection is taken at the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper or
a love-feast, additional to the general collection at the service, if any, of which such a
celebration forms part, the communion stewards shall take and record it and hand it to
the church treasurer. All such collections shall be for the local benevolence fund unless,
under the direct or delegated authority of the Church Council, a collection is made for
some other charitable purpose and the congregation have been informed of that purpose
before contributing.
For the local benevolence fund see S.O. 651.
As to what are charitable purposes see the note to S.O. 650(5) and the text of S.O. 650(6).
516 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 6 The Local Churches
640 Principles. (1) The ministry of the Local Church, with the leadership
of its Church Council, is to care for the worship of God, for the church family, for
its neighbourhood and for world service and mission and to exercise responsible
stewardship of its property and its finance. Whatever committees or other official bodies
are constituted for the government of the Local Church, their constitution and agenda
shall express those functions and tend to their fulfilment, at the same time ensuring their
See also S.O. 600 and 604.
(2) While the establishment of committees is largely at the discretion of the Church
Council, larger churches are encouraged to make as much use of committees as possible
in order that every area of the church’s life and witness may receive examination and
encouragement, and to enable as many people as possible to make a contribution to the
leadership of the Local Church.
(3) In making appointments to local committees and other official bodies, or to offices
which carry membership of them, appointing bodies shall consider engaging young people
in such responsibilities.
641 Obligatory Appointments. The Church Council shall appoint class leaders and
pastoral visitors, a church treasurer and, subject to Standing Order 644(4), a Pastoral
Committee, together with any other officers or committees who may for the time being be
required by Standing Orders, each with the responsibilities and powers prescribed by the
Deed of Union or Standing Orders.
As to class leaders and pastoral visitors, the church treasurer and the Pastoral Committee see S.O. 630,
635 and 644 respectively.
There must also be church stewards, appointed by the General Church Meeting; see S.O. 632–634.
642 Discretionary Appointments. (1) The Church Council may appoint such other
officers and committees, and with such responsibilities, as in its judgment are required
for the furtherance of the work of the Local Church, and for effective communication with
the Circuit, the District and the Conference in areas of special concern such as world
mission and social responsibility.
As to chairing and notice of committee meetings see S.O. 502.
(2) The council may delegate to any of its committees any of its powers, except
appointments under Standing Order 641, the approval of persons for membership of the
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 517
[642] Book III Standing Orders
Methodist Church and the accreditation of workers among children and young people
under Standing Order 661.
(3) The above powers of delegation are subject, in the case of the council’s functions
as managing trustees, to the provisions of the Model Trusts and Standing Order 911.
As to the Model Trusts, see para. 16(k) (Book II, Part 2).
(4) The persons eligible for appointment under this clause are those who are members
in the Local Church or elsewhere in the Connexion or in another Methodist church or are
within category (i), (ii) or (iii) of Standing Order 606(1).
643 Ex-officio Membership. (1) Subject to Standing Order 644 the ministers,
[…] probationers and others who are members of the Church Council under head (i)
of Standing Order 610(1) or heads (i) and (ii) of Standing Order 511(2) shall, ex officio,
be members of every official meeting, committee or other body (however described)
connected with the Local Church.
(2) The church stewards shall be entitled to appoint one of their number to any such
644 Pastoral Committee. (1) The Pastoral Committee shall, subject to clauses (4)
and (5) below, consist of the following persons:
(i) the Superintendent;
(ii) the ministers […] and probationers appointed to the Circuit;
(iii) the church stewards;
(iv) the class leaders and pastoral visitors and, in a local ecumenical
partnership, any members of other participating communions who have
similar pastoral responsibilities.
(2) [revoked]
(3) [revoked]
(4) In churches with a membership of 49 or less, the Church Council may resolve not
to appoint a committee, in which case the council itself shall discharge the committee’s
(5) No person may be a member of the committee while under 18 years of age.
(6) The secretary of the committee shall be appointed by the Church Council from
among the members of the committee.
(7) The committee shall meet at least once in each year. It may meet at other times,
as often as there is need, or the class leaders and pastoral visitors themselves may
meet for the consideration of the responsibilities of their pastoral office and the increase
of its effectiveness.
As to chairing and notice see S.O. 502.
518 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 6 The Local Churches [644]
(ii) to take such part as the Church Council may require in arranging training
for membership and to report thereon to the Church Council;
(iii) to consider all other matters relating to church membership;
(iv) [deleted]
(v) [deleted]
(vi) to prepare a report on membership for the Church Council, and to put
forward suggestions and recommendations;
(vii) to encourage the practice of fellowship through class meetings and other
groups among all members of the church family;
(viii) to take all possible steps to increase the effectiveness of the offices
of class leaders and pastoral visitors, to perform its functions under
Standing Order 631(3) and to ensure that Standing Order 630 (2) is
carried into effect.
The review required by (1) is to be carried out name by name (S.O.054(5)).
As to training for membership see S.O. 525(iv) and 050(1).
As to admission to membership see cl. 8 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) and S.O. 050(4).
As to the functions of the committee in relation to members who cease to meet see cl. 10 of the Deed of
S.O. 631(3) provides that the committee shall allocate pastoral responsibility among class leaders and
pastoral visitors.
S.O. 630(2) provides for a public service of recognition and commissioning of newly appointed class
For guidelines for the business of the committee see Book VI B, Part 6.
(9)–(10) [revoked]
(11) For the purposes of the Deed of Union and Section 05 of Standing Orders the
meeting or committee having the responsibilities of a Pastoral Committee is:
(i) the local Pastoral Committee composed in accordance with clause (1)
above, where constituted; or
(ii) the Church Council, when entitled to exercise and exercising the functions
of the Pastoral Committee under clause (4) above; or
(iii) in a local ecumenical partnership with no such local Pastoral Committee,
(a) in a partnership where the Synod has directed that an ecumenical
meeting act as the Church Council for particular Methodist purposes
under Standing Order 611, an ecumenical pastoral committee
appointed by that meeting to discharge in relation to Methodist
members the responsibilities of a Pastoral Committee under clause
10(a) of the Deed of Union and Section 05 of Standing Orders; or
(b) in a partnership with a Methodist membership of 49 or less the
ecumenical body so directed; or
(c) failing any such committee or meeting the circuit Pastoral
Cl 10 of the Deed and Section 05 of Standing Orders are concerned with training for and admission to
membership, pastoral oversight and lapse from membership.
For the circuit Pastoral Committee see S.O. 553.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 519
Book III Standing Orders
Section 65 Funds
Standing Order Page
650 General Church Fund................................................................................ 520
651 Benevolence Fund.................................................................................... 521
652 Model Trust Moneys................................................................................. 521
653 Other Funds............................................................................................. 521
650 General Church Fund. (1) The Church Council shall maintain a general church
(2) Subject to Standing Order 637(4) all collections at public services and meetings for
worship of the congregation of a chapel shall be for the general church fund unless, under
the direct or delegated authority of the Church Council, a collection is made for some
other charitable purpose and the congregation have been informed of the purpose before
As to what are ‘charitable purposes’ see the note to clause (5) below.
It is suggested that unless a collection is being made for some other purpose the normal form of
announcement should be ‘for the general church fund’. The traditional words ‘for the Work of God in this
Church and Circuit’ might be understood to exclude the support of wider causes.
S.O. 637(4) concerns separate collections at the Lord’s Supper.
(3) All other money received by or due to the Church Council and not belonging to any
other fund shall belong to the general church fund.
(4) The first charge on the general church fund shall be the sums required of the Local
Church by the assessment of the Circuit Meeting, which shall be paid into the circuit fund
quarterly eight working days before the beginning of the quarter to which they relate.
For the assessment see S.O. 515(3), 532(1)(i), 635(2).
(5) Subject to clause (4) above the general church fund shall be applied under the
direct or delegated authority of the Church Council for the charitable purposes of the
Local Church.
‘Charitable’ purposes are not in law confined to the relief of poverty or distress; they include, e.g. the
advancement of the Christian faith. However, Methodist money cannot be used for any purpose which is
not charitable in the legal sense. Not all ‘good causes’ are charitable in this sense; nor is the advocacy of
political change.
As to what are the charitable purposes of the Local Church see cl. (6) below.
(6) The purposes of the Local Church include (without excluding or restricting any which
would subsist apart from this clause):
(i) those appearing from Standing Orders 600, 604 and 651 and Section
(iA) any purpose for which model trust money which is local property of the
church may be applied under Standing Order 917(1) or (2);
(ii) the support of any connexional, district, circuit or local fund of the
Methodist Church;
(iii) the support of any ecumenical work in which the Local Church is
(iv) the support of the Leaders of Worship and Preachers Trust;
520 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 6 The Local Churches [653]
(v) subject to (i), (ii) and (iii) above, the support from the general church fund
of any other charitable fund or body, except in so far as such support
would be contrary to any purpose of the Methodist Church or to Methodist
As to the meaning of ‘charitable’ see the note to cl. (5) above.
As to the purposes of the Local Church see also S.O. 600.
The Leaders of Worship and Preachers Trust was created in 2005 and is the successor body (meeting a
wider range of need) to the Local Preachers Mutual Aid Association.
651 Benevolence Fund. (1) The purposes of the Local Church include the relief
of poverty and distress and to that end the Church Council shall maintain a local
benevolence fund.
(2) The sources of the fund shall, subject to Standing Order 637(4), be the separate
or additional collections, if any, made at the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper and at love-
feasts and allocations, if required, made by the council from the general church fund.
(3) The fund shall be applied first for the relief of poverty and distress in the
congregation and neighbourhood. The Church Council may adopt and implement
a scheme of distribution, and payments may also be made, in any event, at the
confidential discretion of the […] presbyter or presbyteral probationer exercising
pastoral responsibility in relation to the Local Church in consultation with the communion
stewards, if appointed, or if not with the church stewards.
(4) At its first meeting in each year the council shall consider the state of the fund and
decide whether any moneys are surplus to expected needs for the above purpose and,
if so, what allocations shall be made out of the fund to the circuit benevolence fund, the
district benevolence fund, the Methodist Relief and Development Fund and any other fund
for the relief of poverty and distress, provided that no allocation shall be made which
would be contrary to any purpose of the Methodist Church or to Methodist discipline.
For the circuit benevolence fund see S.O. 527 and for the Methodist Relief and Development Fund S.O.
652 Model Trust Moneys. The Church Council shall maintain a fund or funds,
consisting of all model trust moneys, whether capital or income, of which the council are
the managing trustees, including any allocations or contributions for model trust purposes
from the income of the general church fund.
653 Other Funds. (1) Subject to Standing Orders 012, 635(2), 650, 651 and 652
and to clause (2) below organisations within the Local Church may hold their own funds,
appointing a treasurer for each fund so held.
S.O. 012 concerns banking and audit.
S.O. 635(2) concerns the responsibilities of the church treasurer.
As to the duties of treasurers generally see S.O. 012A.
(2) The accounts of all organisations connected with the Local Church, as well as of its
general, benevolence and model trust funds, shall be presented annually to the Church
Council. The accounts shall clearly indicate the financial position of the funds as at the
31st August in each year, including all investments, and loans due to and from the fund.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 521
[653] Book III Standing Orders
(3) The treasurer and the Church Council shall ensure that the Local Church makes the
contributions to connexional funds prescribed by Standing Orders.
The general church fund contributes to the Methodist Church Fund (S.O. 361) by way of the circuit
assessment (see S.O. 515(3), 532(1)(i)).
522 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 6 The Local Churches
660 Candidates. (1) Persons offering, or being invited, to serve as workers with
children and young people shall be accepted as candidates by the Church Council.
(1A) The persons eligible for acceptance under clause (1) above are those who are
members in the Local Church or elsewhere in the Connexion or in another Methodist
church or are within category (ii) or (iii) of Standing Order 606(1).
(2) Normally they shall be at least 16 years of age for work with children and at least
18 years of age for work with young people.
(2A) They shall be required to complete an application form and to accept and sign a
form containing their job description and committing them to protect children and young
people from harm in accordance with the policy of the Church.
(3) The Church Council shall be satisfied of their commitment to Christ and His Church
and of their appropriateness for this work.
See also S.O. 010 generally as to the circumstances in which persons are disqualified from appointment.
(4) They shall enter upon a probationary period, which shall normally be for twelve
months, but which may be extended or reduced as required.
(5) They shall agree to undertake preparation for service applicable to the work they
wish to do.
661 Accreditation. Reports on their probation and preparation for service shall
be made to the Church Council. If satisfied, the Church Council shall grant accreditation
within the area of work among children or young people and shall signify this by a
certificate. The fact of this accreditation shall be noted when the person is transferring
from one Local Church to another.
662 Service of Recognition. The Church Council shall make arrangements for the
newly accredited workers to share in a service of recognition and commissioning.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 523
Book III Standing Orders
A Worship Leader is a person appointed under this Section to take a leading and significant role in the
conduct of worship within the life of a Local Church. The exact nature of that role is determined by the
procedures set out in S.O. 680(1) (iv), S.O. 682 and S.O. 685.
See also S.O. 010 generally as to the circumstances in which persons are disqualified from appointment.
680 Initial procedures. (1) Where the appointment of worship leaders is under
consideration, the Church Council shall consult the Local Preachers’ Meeting of the
Circuit and follow Connexional Team guidelines as to the arrangements to be made by the
council in relation to:
(i) consideration of the suitability of would-be candidates;
(ii) the training programme prescribed, or validated in advance, by the
Methodist Council to be fulfilled by candidates;
(iii) the responsibility of the Local Preachers’ Meeting for the monitoring of
candidates’ progress in and completion of training and probation and the
assessment of their suitability for appointment;
(iv) the responsibilities of appointed worship leaders.
(2) Persons proposing the acceptance of others as candidates or offering themselves
in that capacity shall ensure that the advice of the Local Preachers’ Meeting as to their
suitability as candidates is obtained for the Church Council.
681 Responsibilities of Worship Leaders. (1) Worship leaders are called of God,
to be worthy in character and to assist in leading God’s people in worship. This places
responsibilities on worship leaders.
(2) As to worship, it is the responsibility of worship leaders:
(i) to help lead worship with knowledge, conviction and competence;
(ii) to help lead worship in accordance with our doctrines (the term ‘our
doctrines’ refers to those truths of salvation which are set forth in the
Methodist doctrinal standards);
(iii) to be available to help lead worship at times and places agreed with the
Superintendent in accordance with Standing Order 683(4).
(3) As to fellowship and training, it is the responsibility of worship leaders:
(i) to continue to develop in knowledge, conviction and competence;
(ii) to attend a class, housegroup or similar fellowship group if possible.
(4) As to membership of the Local Church, it is the responsibility of worship leaders
524 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 6 The Local Churches [684]
regularly to attend public worship in their Local Church, normally a Methodist church or
an approved local ecumenical partnership, and to receive the Sacrament of the Lord’s
682 Candidates. (1) Persons offering themselves, or being proposed, to the Church
Council must be and remain members. They shall meet the Church’s safeguarding
requirements before acceptance as candidates.
(2) Before accepting a person as a candidate the council shall take the advice of the
Local Preachers’ Meeting as to the applicant’s appropriateness for the work.
(3) Accepted candidates shall enter upon a probationary period, during which they shall
follow a training programme approved in accordance with Standing Order 680(1). They
shall be required to make a firm commitment to training and study.
683 Appointment. (1) Reports on the training and probation of candidates shall be
made to the Local Preachers’ Meeting which shall inform and advise the relevant Church
Councils about candidates’ progress using Connexional Team guidelines.
(2) Upon the satisfactory completion of training and probation of a candidate, the Local
Preachers’ Meeting shall inform the relevant Church Council. The Church Council involved
may then appoint the successful candidate as a worship leader within the life of the Local
Church for a three year period.
(3) The Church Councils involved shall make arrangements for newly appointed worship
leaders to share in a service of commissioning.
(4) If it is appropriate for a worship leader to serve beyond his or her Local Church,
then the appointment may be extended as agreed between the worship leader concerned
and the Superintendent. If the extension involves service in another Local Church, the
agreement of the Church Council of that church must be obtained. The Superintendent
shall inform the Circuit Meeting and the Local Preachers’ Meeting of agreements and any
modifications to agreements.
(5) Appointment as a worship leader shall be subject to triennial review by the Local
Preachers’ Meeting which shall conduct the review by reference to the matters dealt with
in Standing Order 681 and inform and advise any relevant Church Council. Upon receiving
report of a satisfactory review, each such Church Council involved may then appoint the
worship leader for a further three years.
684 Accountability. (1) Worship leaders shall be held accountable to the Church
Council for their ministry, their character, their fidelity to doctrine and their fitness for the
work by reference to the responsibilities set out in Standing Order 681.
(2) If a question or concern is raised about the conduct of a worship leader, or if a
complaint within the meaning of Part 11 is made, the provisions of that Part apply.
(3) Subject to clause (2) above, if a question or concern is raised about the fidelity to
doctrine of a worship leader or his or her fitness for the work (including his or her calling,
commitment to fulfil his or her responsibilities or his or her competence as a worship
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 525
[684] Book III Standing Orders
leader) the Church Council shall refer the case to the Local Preachers’ Meeting which
shall follow the guidelines for such circumstances produced by the Connexional Team.
The guidelines shall include guidance on the circumstances in which Part 11 applies.
(4) Questions or concerns about the fidelity to doctrine of a person in training or on
probation as a worship leader (including the matters specified in clause (3) above) shall
be addressed by the Local Preachers’ Meeting as part of the training process.
685 Responsibility for an Act of Worship. Worship leaders shall share in the
leadership of worship in accordance with the arrangements made by the Church Council
under Standing Order 680(1). At each service in which a worship leader shares the
person appointed on the circuit plan of preaching appointments shall retain overall
responsibility for the act of worship, but shall seek to work collaboratively with the
worship leader appointed to share in that service by the Church Council.
526 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 6 The Local Churches
As to undertaking work with children and young persons, and as to appointment to any office, post or
responsibility or engagement under a contract, see S.O. 010.
690 Arrangements for Involvement. (1) When a person who has been convicted of
or has received a simple or conditional caution in respect of a sexual offence worships
in a Local Church or seeks to become involved in its life, he or she may only do so in
accordance with the provisions of clause (2) below.
(2) (a) The Local Church in question, acting by the […] presbyter in pastoral charge,
must establish a small group, which will include that […] presbyter, to provide appropriate
support to the person concerned. In establishing the group, the […] presbyter should
whenever possible act together with the Church Council or, if that cannot be done, the
church stewards. The provisions of Standing Order 607 shall not apply to the group.
(b) The group so established must undertake a risk assessment (where possible
with outside assistance) in order to minimise the risk to others presented by the person
concerned and to determine on what terms he or she may attend for worship and become
involved in the life of the Local Church.
(c) The person concerned must agree to enter into a written contract setting out the
terms determined in accordance with sub-clause (b) above and the contract must be
signed and dated by him or her and by the members of the group.
(3) When a written contract has been made with a person under the provisions of
clause (2) above, its terms must be regularly reviewed by the group. The group may at any
time require the person concerned to agree any variation which it believes necessary for
the avoidance of risk.
(4) The guidance approved by the Conference from time to time shall be followed in
carrying out the requirements of clauses (2) and (3) above.
For the current guidance, see Book VI, Part 4.
(5) A person to whom clause (1) above applies shall not be placed on the community
roll maintained by the Local Church in accordance with Standing Order 054(7) before
signing a contract in accordance with clause (2) above.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 527
[691] Book III Standing Orders
692 Transfer. (1) If a person to whom Standing Order 690 applies and whose
name is on the community roll of a Local Church (whether or not as a member) removes
from one Circuit to another, the […] presbyter in pastoral charge of that Local Church, in
carrying out his or her responsibilities under Standing Order 055, shall ensure that the
recipient […] presbyter or presbyteral probationer is aware of the existence and terms of
the contract made in accordance with Standing Order 690.
(2) A […] presbyter or presbyteral probationer receiving notice that a person removing
from one Circuit to another has made a contract with a Local Church in accordance with
Standing Order 690 shall ensure that the provisions of that Standing Order are applied
again if the person concerned wishes to attend worship or to become involved in the life
of a Local Church in the new Circuit.
(3) If a person to whom Standing Order 690 applies and whose name is on the
community roll of a Local Church (whether or not as a member) ceases to attend worship
or to be involved in that Local Church but wishes to attend worship or be involved in
another Local Church within the same Circuit, the […] presbyter in pastoral charge of the
first Local Church shall ensure that the […] presbyter in pastoral charge of the second
Local Church is aware of the existence and terms of the contract made in accordance
with Standing Order 690 and the second […] presbyter shall ensure that the provisions
of that Standing Order are applied again.
528 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing
Section Page
70 Principles................................................................................................. 530
71 […] Presbyteral and Diaconal Candidates.................................................. 533
72 […] Presbyteral and Diaconal Training and Probation.................................. 543
73 Transfer and Recognition........................................................................... 556
74 Full Connexion.......................................................................................... 567
75 The Methodist Diaconal Order and its Convocation...................................... 572
76 Resignation and Reinstatement................................................................. 576
77 Stationing – Location and Special Provision................................................ 580
78 Stationing – Appointments and Procedures................................................. 586
79 Supernumeraries...................................................................................... 593
The Conference in 2008 (in dealing with the report ‘Signalling Vocation and Clarifying Identity’) resolved
that the Church should be committed to a ‘clear and consistent’ vocabulary, using ‘minister’ to refer to an
ordained person in Full Connexion, whether presbyter or deacon. The Law and Polity Committee was directed
to bring the necessary legislative proposals to reflect this, which were finally adopted by the Conference in
2012. The terminology used throughout these Standing Orders therefore now reflects the definitions in the
Deed of Union (Book 2, Part 1): see cl. 1 (xA), (xix) and (xxviiA) as to ‘deacon’, ‘minister’ and ‘presbyter’
respectively, See also cl. 4 of the Deed, and the editorial note.
Note also that, under these definitions, ‘minister’, ‘presbyter’ and ‘deacon’ do not include, in any instance,
For the definition of ‘the diaconate’ and ‘the presbyterate’ see S.O. 005(ix) and (x) respectively.
See Part 0 of Standing Orders for the relevant provisions relating to:
continuance in training and probation (Section 03)
ministerial competence (Section 04).
As to the circumstances in which persons are disqualified from appointment see S.O. 010 generally.
Book III Standing Orders
Section 70 Principles
Standing Order Page
700 Presbyteral Ministry.................................................................................. 530
701 Diaconal Ministry..................................................................................... 531
700 Presbyteral Ministry. (1) […] Presbyters are ordained to a life-long […]
ministry of word, sacrament and pastoral responsibility in the Church of God which they
fulfil in various capacities and to a varying extent throughout their lives.
(2) By receiving persons into Full Connexion as Methodist […] presbyters the
Conference enters into a covenant relationship with them in which they are held
accountable by the Church in respect of their ministry and Christian discipleship, and are
accounted for by the Church in respect of their deployment and the support they require
for their ministry.
(3) […] Presbyters in the active work exercise their ministry, including pastoral
responsibility, primarily in the setting in which they are stationed, whether full-time or part-
time, and whether or not the appointment is directly within the control of the Church.
(4) Some […] presbyters in the active work may be temporarily released from
appointment in order to study or to reside abroad, but they are not thereby released from
being stationed or from the covenant relationship of being in connexion.
(5) […] Presbyters who are not in the active work, that is, supernumeraries and
those without appointment, remain accountable to and accounted for by the Church, and
continue to exercise their ministry as they are able according to their circumstances.
(6) The primary constitutional forum in which […] presbyters account for their ministry
and are accounted for by the Church is the […] Presbyteral Session of the Synod. The
[…] Presbyteral Session of the Conference is the primary constitutional forum in which
[…] presbyters corporately exercise their ministry of pastoral responsibility for the
(7) Pastoral charge in a Circuit is exercised by those […] presbyters in the active work
who are appointed by the Conference to that Circuit; sharing with others, in the courts of
the church and individually, the exercise of the particular responsibilities and ministries
involved, they have oversight on behalf of the Conference of the worship, pastoral care
and mission policy of the Circuit and its constituent Local Churches in accordance with
Methodist discipline.
(8) […] Presbyteral probationers serve in a Circuit or other appointment under the
supervision and oversight of a Superintendent or other […] presbyter. They do not
therefore have pastoral charge in a Circuit.
(9) […] Superintendents share with the other […] presbyters appointed to the
Circuit the pastoral charge of the Circuit and have oversight of all the ministers […] and
probationers stationed in the Circuit.
530 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [701]
(10) District Chairs are appointed to give leadership and have care of the life
of the Church in the District, and in particular to have care of the ministers […]
and probationers. The pastoral charge of each Circuit remains, however, with the
Superintendent and other […] presbyters appointed to it in accordance with clauses (7)
and (9) above.
(11) In its accounting for its […] presbyters and presbyteral probationers the
Conference stations them annually. Some it appoints to serve in Circuits or Districts or
in connexional office, others to serve as chaplains or as mission partners with other
conferences and churches. Others are authorised to serve in appointments not directly
within the control of the Church; each is stationed in a Circuit, where they are called to
share the insights of their particular ministry with the persons who are appointed to or
are members in the Circuit. Others again are stationed as supernumeraries, without
appointment or with permission to study.
(12) […] Presbyters and presbyteral probationers in a district or connexional
appointment may be listed in the stations additionally under a Circuit in which they reside,
and are expected to offer such assistance to the Circuit as may be mutually agreed.
701 Diaconal Ministry. (1) All Methodist deacons are ordained to a life-long
ministry of service and witness in and on behalf of the Church of God, which they fulfil
in pastoral care, outreach and worship in various capacities and to a varying extent
throughout their lives.
(2) By receiving persons into Full Connexion as Methodist deacons the Conference
enters into a covenant relationship with them in which they are held accountable by the
Church in respect of their diaconal ministry and Christian discipleship, and are accounted
for by the Church in respect of their deployment and the support they require for their
(3) All deacons in Full Connexion are members of the Methodist Diaconal Order.
(4) Deacons in the active work exercise their diaconal ministry primarily in the setting
to which they are appointed, whether full-time or part-time, and whether or not the
appointment is directly within the control of the Church.
(5) Some deacons in the active work may be temporarily released from appointment in
order to study or to reside abroad, but they are not thereby released from being stationed,
from the covenant relationship of being in connexion, or from the privileges and duties of
membership of the Methodist Diaconal Order.
(6) Deacons who are not in the active work, that is, supernumeraries and those without
appointment, remain accountable to and accounted for by the church, and continue to
exercise their diaconal ministry as they are able according to their circumstances.
(7) Deacons in the active work who are appointed to serve in Circuits share in
leadership of the pastoral care, worship and mission of the Circuit and its constituent
Local Churches, collaborating with others, ordained and lay, in the exercise of the
particular responsibilities and ministries involved.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 531
[701] Book III Standing Orders
(8) The principal constitutional forum in which deacons account for their servant
ministry and watch over and support one another as members of a dispersed religious
order is the Convocation of the Methodist Diaconal Order. The principal constitutional
forum in which deacons corporately exercise their servant ministry in the Church and are
accounted for by the Church is the Conference acting through the Conference Diaconal
(9) Diaconal probationers serve in a Circuit or other appointment under the supervision
and oversight of a Superintendent or other […] presbyter and the Order. The preparation
of probationers for full membership of the Order as a religious order is under the
oversight and guidance of the Order.
(10) The Warden of the Order is appointed to have overall responsibility for the
oversight of the Order, and is accountable to the Conference in that regard. The Warden
shall be consulted on all matters concerning deacons in relation to their formation,
stationing, discipline and pastoral care.
(11) In its accounting for its deacons and diaconal probationers the Conference
stations them annually. Some it appoints to serve in Circuits or Districts or in connexional
office, others to serve as chaplains or as mission partners with other conferences and
churches. Some are authorised to serve in appointments not directly within the control
of the Church; each is stationed in a Circuit, where they are called to share the insights
of their particular ministry with the persons who are appointed to or are members in the
Circuit. Others again are stationed as supernumeraries, without appointment or with
permission to study.
(12) Deacons and diaconal probationers appointed to a district or connexional
appointment may be listed in the stations additionally under a Circuit in which they reside,
and are expected to offer such assistance to the Circuit as may be mutually agreed.
532 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing
710 Qualifications. (1) (a) A candidate for the diaconate or the […] presbyterate
in the Methodist Church shall have been baptized and shall have been a member of the
Church in good standing for at least three years.
For the definition of ‘the diaconate’ see S.O. 005(ix).
For the definition of ‘the presbyterate’ see S.O. 005(x).
See also the note concerning ‘minister’, ‘presbyter’ and ‘deacon’ on the title page of Part 7.
For candidature for the diaconate by presbyters and presbyteral probationers see S.O. 718.
For candidature for the presbyterate by deacons and diaconal probationers see S.O. 718.
(c) A candidate for the diaconate shall have completed an approved worship leaders’
(2) A candidate for the diaconate or the […] presbyterate in the Methodist Church
shall either:
(i) have completed his or her foundation training successfully within the
previous five years, except that a person who has still to complete it may
be conditionally recommended subject to his or her having done so before
being permitted to enter pre-ordination training as an accepted candidate;
(ii) in the case of a candidate who has not embarked upon foundation
training, have submitted a portfolio of experience and either:
(A) have satisfied a connexional assessment panel, by the submission
of a portfolio which is of the required standard, as set by the
responsible member of the Connexional Team, of his or her sustained
and systematic engagement in a process of vocational exploration
and discernment; or
(B) have satisfied the relevant district Candidates Committee, after the
committee has considered with the candidate the areas of weakness
in the portfolio as shown by the assessment of the connexional
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 533
[710] Book III Standing Orders
(3) (a) Before proceeding under Standing Order 711 a candidate for the diaconate
or the […] presbyterate shall satisfy the Superintendent that he or she assents to the
doctrinal standards set out in clause 4 of the Deed of Union and indicate that he or she
is willing, on reception into Full Connexion, to uphold the discipline of the Church and to
accept in particular the obligations to be at the disposal of the Conference for stationing
which apply to the diaconate or to the […] presbyterate. In addition, a candidate for
the diaconate shall indicate he or she is willing to accept the commitments entailed in
becoming a full member of the Methodist Diaconal Order.
For the doctrinal standards set out in the Deed of Union cl. 4, see Book II, Part 1.
The discipline of the Church is expressed in The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist
For the discipline particularly appropriate to presbyters and deacons see Parts 7 and 8 of Standing Orders.
For the discipline of the Methodist Diaconal Order as a religious order see S.O. 750.
711 Initial Procedure. (1) A candidate intending to offer for the diaconate or
the […] presbyterate shall inform the Superintendent of the Circuit and, if different,
the […] presbyter in pastoral charge of the church in which he or she is a member.
The Superintendent shall send one completed copy of a notice of candidature form to
534 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [712]
the secretary of the district Candidates Committee and one to the Connexional Team
member responsible for diaconal or […] presbyteral candidates no later than the
date determined by the […] Presbyteral and Diaconal Candidates and Probationers
Oversight Committees. The notice of candidature form shall include the assurances
and assessment required under Standing Order 710(3)(a) and (b), a statement by the
candidate about his or her developing sense of call to the […] presbyterate or the
diaconate, details of his or her present and future financial obligations and resources,
and in the case of […] presbyteral candidates confirmation of his or her standing as a
local preacher.
For the secretary of the district Candidates Committee see S.O. 451.
For the connexional Presbyteral and Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committees, see
S.O. 321 and 326.
(2) The Superintendent shall inform the members of the Circuit Meeting of the
intention of the candidate to offer, and shall arrange for the candidate to be presented
to the Circuit Meeting. The meeting shall be called for a date in time to enable the
requirements of Standing Order 712(1) and (5) to be met, and at least fourteen days’
written notice shall be given to members individually unless there has been a prior
announcement at a meeting or in the circuit plan.
(3) The candidate shall be presented to the Circuit Meeting by two members of the
meeting, one of whom may be the Superintendent. The candidate shall speak of his
or her developing sense of call either to presbyteral or to diaconal ministry. The Circuit
Meeting shall vote by ballot on the motion that the candidate be supported as someone
who is seen to have the call and the potential to be a […] presbyter or deacon. A record
shall be taken of the number of persons present and entitled to vote and of the numbers
voting for and against. A report of the meeting including a copy of the record of the vote
shall be forwarded to the secretary of the district Ministries Panel immediately after the
meeting. A candidate not so supported may nevertheless exercise the right to continue.
(4) The candidate shall, not later than the date determined by the […] Presbyteral and
Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committees, complete and return to the
Connexional Team member responsible for […] presbyteral or diaconal candidates the
medical questionnaire provided for that purpose, for consideration and report by a doctor
specified by the Team members responsible for […] presbyteral and diaconal candidates
in consultation with the medical committee appointed by the Methodist Council.
712 District Candidates Committee. (1) The district Candidates Committee shall
meet not later than the date determined by the […] Presbyteral and Diaconal Candidates
and Probationers Oversight Committees when required to fulfil the functions set out in
this Standing Order for those who wish to offer themselves for training as a […] presbyter
or deacon.
(2) The secretary of the district Candidates Committee shall ensure that the notice of
candidature form for a candidate for the […] presbyterate or the diaconate required under
Standing Order 711(1) has been completed on behalf of each candidate and a copy sent
to the Connexional Team member responsible for […] presbyteral or diaconal
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 535
[712] Book III Standing Orders
candidates by the date determined by the […] Presbyteral and Diaconal Candidates and
Probationers Oversight Committees.
(3) The connexional psychologist shall appoint a suitably qualified person to undertake
an initial personality assessment of each candidate. The full assessment shall be sent
to the connexional psychologist and the candidate. The assessor shall report to the
committee that the assessment has been carried out.
For the connexional psychologist see S.O. 713(3).
(4) The secretary of the district Candidates Committee shall ensure that reports on a
candidate’s development in terms of education, training and formation are provided for
the committee. The reports on a candidate who has completed foundation training, or will
do so by the close of the year in which he or she offers as a candidate, shall be provided
by the training institution under whose oversight the candidate has undertaken foundation
training. If such a candidate has completed foundation training before offering as a
candidate there shall also be a report by the relevant Circuit Leadership Team as to his or
her continued development in the period between completion of foundation training and
candidacy. The reports on a candidate within Standing Order 710(2)(ii) shall be provided
by the relevant Circuit Leadership Team and by a referee who has been significantly
involved in the candidate’s process of vocational discernment. In the case of a candidate
for presbyteral ministry reports shall also be provided according to connexional guidelines
on the candidate’s leading of worship and preaching.
(5) The committee shall meet to consider all the records pertaining to each candidate,
and shall interview him or her. A report on the recommendation of the committee and
the reasons for it, together with a record of the vote on the recommendation, shall be
sent to the Connexional Team member responsible for […] presbyteral or diaconal
candidates who shall forward them as appropriate to the […] Presbyteral Candidates
Selection Committee or Diaconal Candidates Selection Committee. A copy of the report
shall be made available to the candidate. A candidate not recommended to continue may
nevertheless exercise the right to do so.
For the district Candidates Committee see Section 45 of Standing Orders.
(6) The following persons shall have the right to attend, to witness the deliberations
of the committee concerning the candidate and to speak when the candidate is under
consideration but shall not have the right to vote:
(i) the Superintendent of the Circuit sending forward a candidate or the […]
presbyter who has pastoral charge of the candidate; and
(ii) in the case of a candidate within Standing Order 710(2)(i) a
representative of the relevant training institution; or
(iii) in the case of a candidate within Standing Order 710(2)(ii) a person who
has been significantly involved in the candidate’s process of vocational
(7) The recommendations of the district committee are made to the relevant
connexional Selection Committee, but shall be reported to the Representative Session of
the Synod.
536 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [713]
The Conference of 1999 adopted the following as a reply to a Memorial: ‘The Conference strongly
encourages the Synods to invite candidates for presbyteral ministry to give testimony to a session of Synod.’
(2) Each committee shall meet on or before the date determined by the […]
Presbyteral and Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committees as a whole
or in two or more sections. Where a committee meets in sections, each section may act
on behalf of the whole committee.
(3) A connexional psychologist shall attend each meeting of a committee or section,
who shall consider the assessments received from those appointed under Standing Order
712(3), undertake such further observations or assessments as the committee may
require and report fully to the committee.
(4) Each committee or section may be further divided into panels of not less than
six members to consider each candidate, conduct an oral examination and make
recommendations to the full committee or section. The panel shall not include any person
who has previously voted upon the candidate in a Circuit Meeting or district committee.
(5) Each committee or section shall receive the recommendation of its panels, the
reports of all interviews, the advice of the connexional psychologist and the medical
reports of the specified doctors, and shall consider all records of the candidates. The
committee shall at all times give careful attention to the judgments of the district
Candidates Committee, especially in those cases where their own assessment differs.
(6) Where a panel’s recommendation is not unanimous or is not in accord with a
recommendation of the district committee for acceptance carried by a vote of at least
75% of those present and entitled to vote, the committee shall arrange for further
detailed enquiries to be made. These may include personal interviews, meetings with
further panels and oral examination as appropriate.
(7) (a) If the report by the specified doctor states there is no medical objection to
the acceptance of the candidate the […] Presbyteral or Diaconal Candidates Selection
Committee may recommend the candidate without further medical investigation.
(b) Where there is such an objection and the committee resolves nevertheless to
recommend acceptance or conditional acceptance its recommendation shall be subject
to the endorsement of the medical committee of the Methodist Council, which shall
investigate all such cases and report to the […] Presbyteral Session of the Conference or
the Conference Diaconal Committee, as the case may be.
(8) The selection committees shall report to the […] Presbyteral Session or the
Conference Diaconal Committee, as the case may be, under the classification specified
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 537
[713] Book III Standing Orders
in clause (9) below, the vote for each candidate being recorded and no neutrals being
(9) The […] Presbyteral Candidates Selection Committee and Diaconal Candidates
Selection Committee shall each have three classes in which it may report on candidates
in accordance with clause (8):
(i) Recommended: those candidates in respect of whom the committee
recommends by a majority of 75% or more that, if accepted on that
basis, they may proceed immediately or after deferment to pre-ordination
(ii) Conditionally Recommended: those candidates in respect of whom the
committee recommends by a majority of 75% or more that, if accepted on
that basis, they must first fulfil a condition but, provided that condition is
fulfilled within three years, may then proceed to pre-ordination training;
(iii) Not Recommended: those candidates whom the committee does not
recommend by a sufficient majority, or whom it judges to be unsuitable or
not called to the form of ministry for which they offered.
The report and the reasons given shall be made available to the candidate in writing.
(10) The committees may also advise on the desirable length and form of pre-
ordination training for all candidates who are Recommended or Conditionally
Recommended, shall make a judgment on any applications for deferment of pre-ordination
training and, if it thinks fit, may for the purposes of Standing Order 710(7) advise a
candidate whose offer is declined to re-offer in the following year.
As to deferment of pre-ordination training see S.O. 721(4).
714 Overseas Candidates. (1) A candidate for the […] presbyterate or the
diaconate who wishes to be received for service based on the home Districts and who
has been recommended by the appropriate committee of an autonomous conference
shall appear before the […] Presbyteral Candidates Selection Committee or Diaconal
Candidates Selection Committee in Britain without first having been examined by the
Candidates Committee of a home District.
For bases of ministry see S.O. 770.
(2) Any such candidate who has been recommended by the Synod or appropriate
committee of an Overseas District shall appear before the district Ministries Panel of a
home District specified by the Connexional Team member responsible for […] presbyteral
or diaconal candidates, having previously been required to undergo such testing as the
Team member deems necessary.
Note however that, with effect from 2009, there are no longer any overseas Districts, the last such District
having been granted autonomy as The Methodist Church The Gambia.
715 Appeals. (1) The candidate or a Connexional Secretary, or with the candidate’s
consent the candidate’s Superintendent or Chair, may, by notice given in writing to
the secretary of the […] Presbyteral Candidates Selection Committee or Diaconal
Candidates Selection Committee within fourteen days of notification to the candidate in
writing of the decision of the committee and specifying the ground(s) of appeal, apply
538 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [715]
for a review of the recommendation of the relevant committee, on one or more of the
following grounds:
(i) that the procedural provisions of this Section have not been correctly
(ii) that there are facts which were not available to the committee and which
are such as to make its recommendation inappropriate;
(iii) that the judgment of the committee, as conveyed to the candidate in
the official letter informing the candidate that his or her offer has been
declined, is questioned in writing by both the Superintendent and the
Chair of the candidate.
A reasoned statement to support the appeal shall be supplied by the appellant(s). For (iii)
above to be a ground of appeal, the district Candidates Committee must have recorded a
majority in favour of the candidate of 75% of those present and entitled to vote.
(2) Every such case shall be considered by an Appeals Committee of eight persons, of
whom seven shall be a quorum. In the case of an appeal by or on behalf of a candidate
for the diaconate the Committee shall always include at least two deacons. The members
of the committee shall be selected by the convener from the panel appointed by the
Methodist Council under Standing Order 326A. Such persons shall not have considered
the case under appeal at an earlier stage. The convener shall be present throughout
the meeting of the committee in order to advise on procedure and practice but shall not
speak on the substance of the case and shall have no vote.
(3) The committee shall be supplied at its meeting with copies of the papers
considered by the relevant Selection Committee and the secretary of that committee or
section which dealt with the case shall expound its case for its recommendation.
(4) The candidate and any other appellant specified in clause (1) above shall have
the right to attend the committee, to be present for the presentation of the Selection
Committee’s case and to reply. The candidate may be accompanied by a […] presbyter or
deacon of his or her own choice.
(5) The candidate may be questioned about the grounds of the appeal and, where the
appeal is under heads (ii) or (iii) of clause (1) above, the issues cited in the judgment of
the Selection Committee, but there shall be no general rehearing of the case or repetition
of the assessment procedures of the Selection Committee.
(6) After the appellants and the secretary of the Selection Committee have withdrawn,
the Appeals Committee shall decide whether or not to uphold the appeal.
(7) Subject to the above the Appeals Committee shall regulate its own procedure.
(8) The Appeals Committee shall report to the […] Presbyteral Session of the
Conference or the Conference Diaconal Committee, as the case may be, with the number
of votes cast for and against its recommendation, no neutrals being allowed. Any
recommendation at variance with that of the relevant Candidates Selection Committee
shall require not less than six votes in favour.
(9) The medical committee appointed by the Methodist Council shall also investigate
every case in which medical questions have been raised and concerning which an appeal
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 539
[715] Book III Standing Orders
is made under this Standing Order, shall judge whether there is any medical objection to
the acceptance of the candidate and shall advise the Appeals Committee. In all cases
a report shall be made to the […] Presbyteral Session or the Conference Diaconal
Committee, as the case may be.
716 The Conference – […] Presbyteral Session. (1) The Conference in its […]
Presbyteral Session shall first consider those […] presbyteral candidates in respect of
whom there has been an appeal in accordance with Standing Order 715. The convener
of the Appeals Committee shall present that committee’s recommendation and the
Conference shall vote upon each case in turn.
(2) The Team members responsible for candidates shall next report the judgment of
the medical committee of the Methodist Council on those cases concerning which the
appointed doctor reported a medical objection in accordance with Standing Order 713(7)
or 715(9), and if the recommendation of the Selection Committee is at variance with that
of the medical committee the case shall be considered individually by the Conference.
(3) When the cases specified in clauses (1) and (2) have been dealt with all those
candidates who have been recommended or conditionally recommended by a 75%
majority or more in the Selection Committee shall be proposed to the Conference en bloc.
(4) Those candidates whom the committee has listed as Not Recommended in
accordance with Standing Order 713(9)(iii) and in respect of whom no appeal has been
made under Standing Order 715 shall then be proposed en bloc to be declined by the
(5) No candidate for the […] presbyterate shall be recommended or conditionally
recommended by the […] Presbyteral Session to the Representative Session for the […]
presbyterate save by a vote of 75% or more of the members of the Conference present
and voting.
(6) If the Conference in its […] Presbyteral Session recommends or conditionally
recommends a candidate as to whom the medical committee of the Methodist Council
has reported that there is a medical objection any such recommendation shall be
subject to the adoption by the Conference in its Representative Session of a scheme
quantifying the additional actuarial and other liabilities on the funds of the Church or of
the Methodist Ministers’ Pension Scheme thereby entailed and making full provision to
meet any such liabilities, and no such candidate shall be accepted by the Representative
Session unless such a scheme has been so adopted.
540 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [718]
(5) The candidate shall send to the Connexional Team member responsible for […]
presbyteral or diaconal candidates as appropriate a completed copy of the application
form provided for this category of candidate.
(6) The candidate shall arrange for the provision of such other information as is
directed by the relevant Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee, including in
the case of a […] presbyteral candidate such reports on his or her ability to lead worship
and to preach as may be appropriate. He or she must also demonstrate an adequate
ability to benefit from study and to apply what has been learnt. In the case of a student or
probationer this shall include reports from his or her training institution.
(7) In the case of a […] presbyter, deacon or […] presbyteral or diaconal probationer,
the district Candidates Committee shall meet to consider all the records pertaining to
the candidate and interview him or her. In the case of a student […] presbyter or student
deacon, the oversight committee of his or her training institution shall perform this
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 541
[718] Book III Standing Orders
542 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing
(4) When a person has not been stationed and is undertaking pre-ordination training
he or she shall have the status of a student […] presbyter or student deacon. When
a person has been stationed on completion of pre-ordination training, or in order to
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 543
[720] Book III Standing Orders
complete some or all of it in service, or under clause (3) above, he or she shall have the
status of a […] presbyteral or diaconal probationer.
For the undertaking of pre-ordination training in service see further S.O. 721(3).
(5) In this section and elsewhere in Standing Orders, unless the context otherwise
requires, ‘pre-ordination training’ includes where appropriate any training which a
person who has already been ordained has been required to undertake prior to being
recommended for reception into Full Connexion.
721 Length and Form of Pre-ordination Training and Probation. (1) The length
and form of pre-ordination training and probation for each accepted candidate shall be
determined by the […] Presbyteral Session of the Conference or Conference Diaconal
Committee, as the case may be, as appropriate on the recommendation of the […]
Presbyteral Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee or Diaconal Candidates
and Probationers Oversight Committee.
For the Conference Diaconal Committee see cl. 25A of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1 above) and
Section 18.
722 Pre-ordination training. (1) Pre-ordination training shall take place only on
courses which have been validated for the purpose in accordance with connexional
guidelines by the body appointed to do so by the Methodist Council.
544 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [723]
(2) In the case of each person who is recommended by the […] Presbyteral
Candidates Selection Committee or Diaconal Candidates Selection Committee for
acceptance as a candidate the Connexional Team member responsible for pre-ordination
training shall ensure that any training recommendations made by the district Candidates
Committee, […] Presbyteral Candidates Selection Committee or Diaconal Candidates
Selection Committee are reviewed by a connexional allocations panel in the discharge of
its responsibilities under clause (3) below.
(3) The connexional allocations panel, acting under the oversight of the […]
Presbyteral or Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee, as the case
may be, shall have the responsibility for:
(i) allocating each candidate to full-time or part-time pre-ordination training
and to the appropriate training institution; and
(ii) determining which candidates are to receive financial assistance towards
the cost of such training in the form of bursaries (and if so, at what level).
Any appeal made against a decision upon the matters covered by (i) or (ii) above shall be
dealt with by the Appeals Panel appointed under Standing Order 326A.
(4) The […] Presbyteral Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee and
Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee shall review the reports
on each person’s progress each year, and where appropriate revise his or her training
(5) The […] Presbyteral Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee and
Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee shall ensure that the
relevant training institution arranges for every student […] presbyter and student deacon
to spend a period or periods in circuits and other placements in order that, under the
guidance of a senior […] presbyter or deacon, the student […] presbyter or deacon may
gain experience of […] presbyteral or diaconal life and work and become acquainted with
different aspects of the Church’s worship and mission.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 545
[723] Book III Standing Orders
(b) A probationer shall be appointed to a Circuit only when the Stationing Committee
is satisfied that the appointment is suitable for a probationer in accordance with the
connexional criteria referred to in clause (1) above and that there is a reasonable
expectation that it will be maintained without diminution of suitability until the probationer
is received into Full Connexion.
(c) Once a probationer has been appointed the nature of the appointment shall not
be altered by the Circuit before the end of probation without the consent of the Chair,
who shall normally consult the district Policy Committee, and of the Connexional Team
member responsible for […] presbyteral probationers or the Warden of the Methodist
Diaconal Order, who shall normally consult the relevant Candidates and Probationers
Oversight Committee.
(d) If Standing Order 544, as to curtailment, would apply in the case of a probationer
but for the limitation in sub-clause (1)(c) of that Standing Order, the question of possible
curtailment shall be dealt with by the relevant Candidates and Probationers Oversight
Committee, which shall make a recommendation to the Stationing Committee.
(3) (a) Where a […] presbyteral probationer is to be stationed in an appointment
that is not within the control of the Church the Connexional Team member responsible
for probationers shall arrange for consultations to be held between the relevant parties
to ascertain the way in which the probationer will exercise his or her ministry within the
particular appointment and link it with the worship and mission of the wider Church,
and how his or her character, work and general fitness for the […] presbyterate will be
(b) From such consultations the Connexional Team member responsible for
probationers shall ensure that an agreement is formulated as to the nature of probation
in the appointment. This proposed agreement shall be in accordance with connexional
guidelines issued on behalf of the Stationing Committee. It shall be reviewed by members
of the district Probationers Committee appointed by the committee for that purpose and
forwarded by the Chair to the […] Presbyteral Candidates and Probationers Oversight
Committee for approval.
(c) A probationer shall be stationed in such an appointment only when the Stationing
Committee is satisfied that it is suitable for a probationer in accordance with the
connexional criteria referred to in clause (1) above and that there is a reasonable
expectation that it will be maintained without diminution of suitability until the probationer
is received into Full Connexion.
(d) Once a probationer has been appointed the agreement as to the nature of
probation in the appointment shall not be departed from nor, before the end of probation,
shall it be varied without the consent of the Chair and the Connexional Team member
responsible for […] presbyteral probationers, who shall normally consult the district Policy
Committee and the […] Presbyteral Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee
(4) Whenever a […] presbyteral or diaconal probationer enters upon a first
appointment the Chair shall arrange for a welcome service to be held within the District,
if possible in the probationer’s Circuit, early in the connexional year. The service shall
include appropriate exhortation and the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.
546 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [724]
724 Probation. (1) The […] Presbyteral and Diaconal Candidates and Probationers
Oversight Committees shall approve programmes of probation in accordance with clauses
(2) to (4) below to enable the character, work and general fitness for the appropriate
order of ministry of probationers to be assessed. Such programmes shall include the
requirements of pre-ordination training where that training is being undertaken in service.
Probation shall be undertaken only on programmes which have been so approved.
(2) Such programmes shall ensure that adequate provision has been made for the
pastoral care and support of each probationer, the guidance and oversight of his or
her ministry and instruction in his or her particular duties. In particular, when a […]
presbyteral probationer is stationed without an authorisation to preside at the Lord’s
Supper, the Superintendent shall arrange for the probationer to assist in the conduct of
the Lord’s Supper at least once in each quarter.
(3) Such programmes shall also ensure that, irrespective of the type of appointment in
which he or she is stationed, each probationer
(i) gains experience of and practice in the core expressions of what it is
to be a member of the particular order of ministry and, in the case of a
deacon, a member of a particular religious order, as defined in guidelines
issued by the […] Presbyteral and Diaconal Candidates and Probationers
Oversight Committees respectively;
(ii) receives formal supervision of his or her work for a number of hours
specified by the […] Presbyteral and Diaconal Candidates and
Probationers Oversight Committees;
(iii) engages with peers in theological analysis of the mission of the church in
the world as encountered through their particular appointments;
(iv) pursues agreed formal studies; and
(v) undertakes practical training.
(4) The Connexional Team members responsible for […] presbyteral and diaconal
probationers respectively shall ensure that consultations are held between the staff
of the training institution responsible for each probationer’s pre-ordination training, the
probationer concerned and the probationers secretary of the District in which she or
he is to be stationed. At such consultations the probationer’s self-assessments and all
relevant reports shall be considered in order to ascertain the probationer’s needs and
personal circumstances and the availability of suitable courses and resources for his or
her probation. Where necessary the Connexional Team members may appoint a training
panel to consider the case further. From such consultations a particular programme of
probation for the person concerned which meets the connexional requirements outlined
in clauses (2) and (3) above shall be proposed for approval by the […] Presbyteral and
Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committees respectively. Should the
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 547
[724] Book III Standing Orders
(5) It shall be the duty of the Chair of the District, in consultation with the district
probationers secretary, to ensure that all the arrangements for a particular person’s
probation are carried out.
(6) The Chair shall arrange for each probationer in the District to attend, in the course
of the year, a retreat or refresher course or other informal meeting for fellowship and
consideration of the work of the […] presbyterate or the diaconate.
725 Oversight of Pre-ordination Training and Probation. (1) The […] Presbyteral
and Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committees shall oversee
the development of student […] presbyters and deacons and […] presbyteral and
diaconal probationers and shall report annually to the […] Presbyteral Session and the
Conference Diaconal Committee respectively with recommendations about particular
cases as appropriate.
As to the overall responsibilities of the two connexional Candidates and Probationers Oversight
Committees, see S.O. 321(3) and S.O. 326(2),(3) respectively.
As to discipline of student ministers and ministerial probationers see Part 11 of Standing Orders.
As to discontinuance of student ministers and ministerial probationers see Section 03 of Standing Orders.
(2) Such oversight shall include elements of both pastoral support and assessment.
To this end, the […] Presbyteral and Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight
Committees shall coordinate and guide the work of local oversight committees appointed
for training institutions and, in the case of […] presbyteral probationers, district
Probationers Committees. In particular they shall formulate guidelines for practice and
connexional criteria for assessment.
As to local oversight committees see S.O. 321(4).
As to district Probationers Committees see S.O. 484.
(3) (a) In the case of student […] presbyters and student deacons, the oversight
tutor with overall responsibility appointed for the appropriate training institution shall
ensure that each student writes a self-assessment and that a report is written about
him or her on behalf of the staff of the institution according to the connexional criteria,
guidelines and timetables. Such reports shall include evidence of the student’s progress
in academic studies, practical skills and experience, integration of theory and practice,
Methodist identity, spirituality and sense of call; and of his or her suitability for the […]
presbyterate or the diaconate as appropriate. The reports shall be discussed with the
student and submitted to the local oversight committee together with the student’s self-
assessment and any comments or representations about his or her training or general
welfare that the student wishes to make.
As to tutors see S.O. 321(5).
(b) The local oversight committee shall consider all the reports and other material
submitted to it, and shall arrange for the student to be interviewed by an individual, a
panel or the full committee as required. The committee shall formulate a summary report
each year about each student together with any particular recommendations that are
548 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [725]
appropriate. At least seven voting members of the local committee must be present when
such reports and recommendations are agreed.
(c) The committee’s report and recommendations shall be forwarded to the […]
Presbyteral and Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committees respectively
in time for those committees to review them, take any appropriate further action and
prepare their reports and recommendations required by clause (1) above.
(4) (a) In the case of […] presbyteral probationers, the district probationers secretary
shall ensure that each probationer writes a self-assessment and that all the appropriate
reports are written about him or her, namely reports by:
(i) the Superintendent, staff and circuit stewards of the Circuit in which the
probationer is stationed;
(ii) any other reference groups appointed to monitor his or her work in
chaplaincies, other institutions or other appointments not within the
control of the Church; and
(iii) those responsible for overseeing his or her academic studies,
engagement in group discussion, practical training, leading of worship
and preaching and personal development.
The reports shall be completed according to connexional criteria, guidelines and
timetables and shall include evidence of the probationer’s exercise of ministry, the
oversight and guidance exercised, the opportunities offered for study and fellowship
with the circuit staff and peers, and of his or her suitability for the […] presbyterate. The
reports shall be discussed with the probationer and submitted to the district Probationers
Committee together with the probationer’s self-assessment and any comments or
representations about his or her work, training or general welfare that the probationer
wishes to make.
(b) If a probationer who has spent part of the probation overseas enters the home
work the Team member responsible for probationers shall forward to the probationers
secretary of the District to which he or she is appointed a report on each year of
probation spent abroad.
(c) The district committee shall consider all the reports and other material submitted
to it, and shall arrange for the probationer to be interviewed by an individual, a panel or
the full committee as required. The committee shall formulate a summary report each
year about each probationer together with any particular recommendations that are
appropriate. At least seven voting members of the local committee must be present when
such reports and recommendations are agreed.
(d) The district committee’s report and recommendations shall be presented to the
[…] Presbyteral Session of the Synod. In the light of them and any other enquiries which
it judges appropriate the Synod shall express its judgment as to the suitability of the
probationer for this particular order of ministry. The vote of the Synod with a note of any
comments made in discussion shall be recorded.
(e) The district committee’s report and recommendations and the record of the
judgment of the Synod shall be forwarded to the […] Presbyteral Candidates and
Probationers Oversight Committee in time for it to review them, take any appropriate
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 549
[725] Book III Standing Orders
further action and prepare its report and recommendations for the […] Presbyteral
Session of Conference.
(5) (a) In the case of diaconal probationers, the Warden shall ensure that each
probationer writes a self-assessment and that reports are written about him or her,
namely reports by:
(i) the Superintendent, staff and stewards of the Circuit in which the
probationer is stationed;
(ii) any other reference groups appointed to monitor his or her work in
chaplaincies or other institutions; and
(iii) those responsible for overseeing his or her academic studies,
engagement in group discussion, practical training, and personal
The reports shall be completed according to the connexional criteria, guidelines and
timetables and shall include evidence of the probationer’s exercise of ministry, the
oversight and guidance exercised, the opportunities offered for study and fellowship with
the circuit staff and peers, and of his or her suitability for the diaconate. The reports
shall be discussed with the probationer and submitted to the Diaconal Candidates and
Probationers Oversight Committee together with the probationer’s self-assessment and
any comments or representations about his or her work, training or general welfare that
the probationer wishes to make.
(b) If a probationer who has spent part of the probation overseas enters the home
work the Team member responsible for probationers shall submit a report on each
year of probation spent abroad to the Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight
(c) The Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee shall consider all
the reports and other material submitted to it, and shall arrange for the probationer to
be interviewed by an individual, a panel or the full committee as required. The committee
shall formulate a summary report each year about each probationer together with
any particular recommendations that are appropriate. It shall present the report and
recommendations to the Conference Diaconal Committee.
550 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [727]
Conference, and the President or the Vice-President on his or her behalf may grant or
refuse the application but shall not grant an application unless satisfied of the applicant’s
intentions as described in clause (1) above. Any applications granted shall be reported
by the President to the […] Presbyteral Session or, as the case may be, the Conference
Diaconal Committee.
(3) An application may be granted under clauses (1) or (2) above on compassionate
or domestic grounds which in the judgment of the committee or the President or Vice-
President, as the case may be, make it impossible or undesirable for probation to
commence or continue for the present.
(4) The names of probationers granted deferment or suspension under the above
clauses shall in the stations be printed in the Circuit in which they reside as ‘without
appointment’; they shall be expected to give such help to the Circuit as they are able, in
appropriate cases shall be entitled to receive remuneration by the decision of the Circuit
Meeting, and shall have all the rights and privileges of church members in that Circuit.
They retain their status (if already held) as local preachers and are members of the Circuit Meeting. (S.O.
(5) Students […] or probationers who do not wish to apply to be without appointment
under Standing Order 774 or for deferment or suspension of probation under this
Standing Order, or whose applications do not proceed or are not granted, and who will
not be able to complete their probation and then to be stationed annually, shall withdraw
from training. If subsequently they apply for reinstatement by the Conference, regard
shall be had to the training they had received when they withdrew. If they are reinstated
the calculation of their year of entry under Standing Order 800 shall disregard any earlier
period of probation except to the extent that the Conference may otherwise direct upon
their reception into Full Connexion, as empowered by those Standing Orders.
As to reinstatement see S.O. 761(12).
727 Withdrawal from Training. (1) The provisions of Standing Order 760 shall apply
to the withdrawal of a […] presbyteral or diaconal probationer from training as they apply
to the resignation of a […] presbyter or deacon, except that the advisory committee shall
consist of an ex-President or ex-Vice-President appointed by the President, the Secretary
of the Conference, who shall act as convener, the Chair and Superintendent concerned,
and a tutor of the theological college or other training institution which the probationer
attended and three other persons (who shall be members of the […] Presbyteral or
Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee, as the case may be)
appointed by the convener.
For the oversight committees see S.O. 321 and 326.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 551
[727] Book III Standing Orders
(2) A student […] presbyter who wishes to withdraw from training shall give notice
to the oversight tutor with overall responsibility for the relevant training institution who
shall report it to the college or course oversight committee concerned. The committee
shall make a recommendation to the […] Presbyteral Candidates and Probationers
Oversight Committee, which shall have the authority to accept the withdrawal and shall
report any such acceptances to the Conference next following in its […] Presbyteral
and Representative Sessions, with a recommendation to the Conference in its […]
Presbyteral Session to what extent the status of the person concerned as a local
preacher or member shall be affected. The […] Presbyteral Session shall in all such
cases make a declaration as to such status and the declaration shall be reported to the
Representative Session.
For the oversight committee see S.O. 321.
(3) A student deacon who wishes to withdraw from training shall give notice to the
oversight tutor with overall responsibility for the relevant training institution who shall
report it to the Connexional Team member responsible for diaconal training and the
Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order. The Diaconal Candidates and Probationers
Oversight Committee shall consider the matter, giving opportunity for the student to
meet the committee, and shall have the authority to accept the withdrawal, reporting
any such acceptances to the Conference Diaconal Committee with a recommendation to
that committee to what extent the status of the person concerned as a local preacher (if
relevant) or member shall be affected. The Conference Diaconal Committee shall in all
such cases make a declaration as to such status and the acceptance of withdrawal and
declaration shall be reported to the Representative Session.
For the oversight committee see S.O. 326.
(4) Where a person seeking to withdraw under this Standing Order is at the time of
giving notice the subject of a complaint or charge under Part 11:
(i) that person or the person or body with authority to accept such
withdrawal may at any time before a decision is made under this
Standing Order require that the complaint or charge is first disposed of in
accordance with the provisions of that Part;
(ii) if no person or body so requires, the provisions of Standing Order
1151(9) shall apply.
728 Reception into Full Connexion and Ordination: […] Presbyters. (1) (a) Before
a […] presbyteral probationer is recommended to be received into Full Connexion the
district probationers secretary shall ensure that the district Probationers Committee is
provided with the reports and fulfils the requirements stipulated in Standing Order 725(4)
(b) The probationer shall also meet with the committee for an oral examination
conducted according to connexional guidelines which shall include questions regarding
the probationer’s commitment to the ministry and to the doctrines and discipline of
the Methodist Church, and his or her ability to understand, interpret and apply such
traditional Methodist concepts and texts as are prescribed by the […] Presbyteral
Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee.
552 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [728]
(c) The committee shall consider all the records, reports and interviews and vote to
decide its judgment upon them and its recommendations.
(2) (a) The district probationers secretary shall present a summary of the reports
presented to the district committee together with a report of the judgment of the
committee and its recommendations to the […] Presbyteral Session of the Synod.
(b) Unless any […] presbyter in the Synod wishes to ask supplementary questions the
examination of ordinands in the Synod shall be confined to the asking of three questions:
(i) Do you believe and preach our doctrines?
(ii) Do you accept and will you administer our discipline?
(iii) Are you still as convinced of your call to the ministry as you were when
you were accepted?
(c) The […] Presbyteral Session of the Synod shall record its judgment about the
fitness of each ordinand to be received into Full Connexion. The reports of the Synod
shall be forwarded to the […] Presbyteral Candidates and Probationers Committee in
time for it to review them, take any appropriate action and prepare its own report for the
[…] Presbyteral Session of the Conference.
(3) In connection with the Synod the Chair shall conduct or arrange for a service for the
public testimony of all presbyteral probationers in the District who are recommended to
be received into Full Connexion with the Conference.
(4) Before the Conference each year the […] Presbyteral Candidates and Probationers
Oversight Committee shall arrange a retreat for all presbyteral ordinands to prepare
themselves for reception into Full Connexion and ordination.
(5) (a) The […] Presbyteral Candidates and Probationers Committee shall make
recommendations about each ordinand to the […] Presbyteral Session of the
Conference. The Conference shall make its judgment on the recommendations and
then resolve by a standing vote that those who are judged to have duly completed their
pre-ordination training and probation shall be received into Full Connexion with the
Conference as […] presbyters and, if not already ordained, be ordained.
(b) Those judged by the […] Presbyteral Session to be fit for such admission shall
be presented to the Representative Session of the Conference for admission into Full
Connexion. The Representative Session shall by a standing vote receive them into
Full Connexion with the Conference as […] presbyters and resolve that, if not already
ordained, they shall be ordained.
See cl. 23(h) of the Deed of Union (Book II. Part I) as to the respective functions of the two sessions of
the Conference in relation to reception into Full Connexion and ordination.
(c) Only those may be received into Full Connexion with the Conference who are willing
to baptize infants in appropriate circumstances.
(6) (a) Those who have been accepted into Full Connexion with the Conference shall,
unless already ordained or to be ordained elsewhere, be ordained in a service held
during the meeting of the same Conference, at which the President or a deputy being a
presbyter shall preside.
(b) The names of those who have already been ordained shall be so identified in the
Agenda or otherwise circulated to the Conference and recorded in the Daily Record.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 553
[728] Book III Standing Orders
728A Reception into Full Connexion and Ordination: Deacons. (1) (a) Before
a diaconal probationer is recommended to be received into Full Connexion the district
probationers secretary shall ensure that the Diaconal Candidates and Probationers
Oversight Committee is provided with the reports stipulated in Standing Order 725(5)(a).
(b) The probationer shall meet with the Diaconal Candidates and Probationers
Oversight Committee for an oral examination conducted according to connexional
guidelines which shall include questions regarding the probationer’s commitment to
diaconal ministry, to the doctrines and discipline of the Methodist Church and to the
Methodist Diaconal Order.
(c) The committee shall consider all the records, reports and interviews and vote to
decide its judgment upon them and its recommendations to the Conference Diaconal
(2) The committee shall inform each Chair concerned as to the diaconal probationers
who are recommended to be received into Full Connexion with the Conference. The Chair
shall arrange for them to be presented to the Representative Session of the Synod and to
be included in the public testimony service held under Standing Order 728(3).
(3) Before the Conference, the Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight
Committee shall arrange for a retreat for all diaconal ordinands to prepare themselves for
reception into Full Connexion and ordination.
(4) (a) The Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee shall make
recommendations about each ordinand to the Conference Diaconal Committee. That
committee shall make its judgment on the recommendations and then resolve that those
who are judged to have duly completed their pre-ordination training and probation shall be
received into Full Connexion with the Conference as deacons and, if not already ordained,
be ordained.
(b) Those judged by the Conference Diaconal Committee to be fit for such admission
shall be presented to the Representative Session of the Conference for admission into
Full Connexion. The Representative Session shall by a standing vote receive them into
Full Connexion with the Conference as deacons and resolve that, if not already ordained,
they shall be ordained.
See cl. 25A(h) of the Deed of Union (Book II. Part I) as to the respective functions of the Conference
Diaconal Committee and the Representative Session of the Conference in relation to reception into Full
Connexion and ordination.
554 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [729]
(5) (a) Those who have been accepted into Full Connexion by the Conference shall,
unless already ordained or to be ordained elsewhere, be ordained in a service held
during the meeting of the same Conference, at which the President or a deputy being a
presbyter shall preside.
(b) The names of those who have already been ordained shall be so identified in the
Agenda or otherwise circulated to the Conference and recorded in the Daily Record.
Information shall similarly be given as to the place at which each ordinand is to be
(c) Each ordinand shall be ordained by the laying-on of hands with prayer by the
President or a deputy being a presbyter, assisted by the Warden of the Methodist
Diaconal Order or a deputy (being a deacon).
(6) Ordination to the office and ministry of a deacon in the Church of God is held in the
Methodist Church to be for life.
(7) No person shall be ordained in the name of the Methodist Church except by a
resolution of the Conference, or, in cases of emergency where the probationer is serving
overseas, of the Methodist Council.
(8) Every person received into Full Connexion as a deacon becomes thereby also a full
member of the Methodist Diaconal Order. Membership of the Order continues whilst the
deacon remains in Full Connexion, and resignation from either Full Connexion or the Order
automatically entails resignation from the other.
For the Methodist Diaconal Order see S.O. 750.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 555
Book III Standing Orders
730 Ministerial […] Transfer between Churches. (1) It shall be competent for
the Conference to transfer […] presbyters and deacons in Full Connexion to other
conferences and to other churches with which we are in communion, when mutually
approved, on the understanding that on the completion of such a transfer all financial
arrangements hitherto existing between the minister […] and the British Conference
shall come to an end. Upon any such transfer of a deacon, the deacon shall cease to be
a member of the Methodist Diaconal Order.
As to persons ‘recognised and regarded’ as presbyters or deacons see S.O. 732.
(2) (a) […] Persons ordained to the ministry of word and sacraments in other
conferences […] or other Christian churches, probationers for such ministry, ordained
deacons of the United Methodist Church or of a church with a three-fold order of ministry
and officers of the Salvation Army who wish to be admitted into Full Connexion with the
Conference as […] presbyters or admitted upon […] presbyteral probation shall apply
in writing before the 15th January to the President, [...] and the President or the Vice-
President on his or her behalf shall arrange for the application to be considered as set
out in the following clauses.
(b) Ordained deacons or persons accepted for training for the diaconate of other
conferences or Christian churches or officers of the Salvation Army who wish to be
admitted as deacons in Full Connexion with the Conference or as diaconal probationers
shall apply in writing before the 15th January to the President, [...] and the President or
the Vice-President on his or her behalf shall arrange for the application to be considered
as set out in the following clauses.
(3) So far as judged desirable, in each case, by the […] Presbyteral or Diaconal
Candidates Selection Committee, as appropriate, the requirements of clauses (4) and (5)
of Standing Order 710 shall apply as if the applicant were a candidate offering for the […]
presbyterate or the diaconate.
(4) The appropriate Connexional Team member responsible for […] presbyteral or
diaconal candidates shall obtain:
(i) particulars of the applicant’s ordination, if any, and ministry or service to
556 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [730]
(ii) references from two referees nominated by the applicant, one of whom
shall be a lay person;
(iii) reports by a responsible representative of the applicant’s existing
denomination and by a Methodist […] presbyter or deacon who knows
the applicant, neither being one of the referees in (ii) above;
(iv) a signed assurance by the applicant, if offering for the […] presbyterate
that he or she believes and will preach our doctrines and is willing to
accept and administer our discipline, or if offering for the diaconate
that he or she assents to the doctrinal standards set out in clause 4 of
the Deed of Union and is willing to accept Methodist discipline and the
obligations of membership of the Methodist Diaconal Order; and in either
case that he or she accepts the obligation to be at the disposal of the
Conference for stationing;
(v) a report from the Superintendent of the Circuit in which the applicant
resides, including a preliminary assessment on a connexional proforma of
what might reasonably be expected of the candidate’s future availability
for stationing and the terms and conditions of service under which she or
he might serve.
As to (iv), note that ‘stationing’ covers the whole range of settings to which the Conference assigns a
person to exercise presbyteral or diaconal ministry (Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1 above), cl. 1(xxxi); S.O.
700 and 701; S.O. 780(1).) Note in particular that this includes the possibility of being stationed as a
supernumerary (S.O. 780(1)(v) and S,O, 791(1)).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 557
[730] Book III Standing Orders
558 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [731]
(12) In the case of an application by a person resident outside the home Districts,
whether or not within clause (11) above, the Methodist Council may direct such variations
of procedure as may, in its judgment, be necessitated by difficulty or expense of travel or
(13) (a) Notwithstanding clause (11) above, if the relevant […] Presbyteral or
Diaconal Candidates Selection Committee recommends that an application be accepted
even though the applicant’s own conference or equivalent authority refuses its consent
to a transfer, the recommendation shall be reported to the Methodist Council, which shall
consider the implications of the case for the relations between the Conference and the
other conference or church, and shall advise the Conference whether the committee’s
recommendation be accepted.
(b) The Conference, if it agrees to accept the application, shall record that the
applicant is received into Full Connexion or probation, as the case may be, but shall not
refer to transfer.
(14) The […] Presbyteral Session of the Conference and the Conference Diaconal
Committee shall consider the reports of the […] Presbyteral and Diaconal Candidates
Selection Committees respectively and (if applicable) the Appeal Committee on all
applications for transfer under this Standing Order and make recommendations to
the Representative Session of the Conference. No applicant shall be recommended
or conditionally recommended for acceptance except by a vote of three fourths of the
members of the recommending body present and voting. A similar majority shall be
required for acceptance or conditional acceptance by the Conference in its Representative
For the Conference Diaconal Committee see cl. 25A of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1 above)
and Section 18. See cl. 25A(h) in particular as to the respective functions of the Conference Diaconal
Committee and the Representative Session of the Conference in relation to reception into Full Connexion.
731 Former Ministers […] of other Churches applying to be received into Full
Connexion. (1) This Standing Order applies to persons who have been ordained
to the ministry of the word and sacraments or to the diaconate by an autonomous
conference or in a church whose presbyteral ministry or diaconate is recognised by the
Methodist Church but who are no longer recognised as such ministers or deacons by that
conference or church.
(2) Where such a person applies to be received into Full Connexion then the
procedures of Standing Order 730 shall apply with the following variations:
(i) The […] Presbyteral or Diaconal Candidates Selection Committee shall
inquire into the reasons why the applicant is no longer regarded as a
presbyteral minister or deacon, and shall be satisfied that, if he or she
had been applying for reinstatement under Standing Order 761, the
application would have been granted.
(ii) The view of the applicant’s previous conference or church as to the
application shall be ascertained.
(iii) Whether the applicant is resident in the home Districts or elsewhere, the
report of the assessor as under Standing Order 730(5)(ii) shall in no case
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 559
[731] Book III Standing Orders
(b) Persons seeking to be so specified must in the case of ministers have been
ordained to the ministry of word and sacraments in a church whose ministry is
recognised by the Methodist Church or in the case of deacons have been ordained to the
diaconate in an autonomous conference or in a church whose diaconate is recognised by
the Methodist Church.
(c) All such persons seeking to be so specified must have the permission of the
appropriate authority in their own church for the application, where possible as part of an
appropriate formal agreement between that church and the Conference under Standing
Order 736(1). They shall be required to make a declaration that during the period of
their appointment by the Conference to the stations they will not so preach or expound
God’s holy word or perform any act as to deny or repudiate the doctrinal standards of the
Methodist Church. Persons seeking to be so specified as deacons shall also be required
to make a declaration that during the period of their appointment by the Conference they
will associate with the members of the Methodist Diaconal Order and will share in such
privileges and fulfil such obligations of being a member of the Order as the Order deems
For the right of those recognised and regarded as deacons to attend and speak at Convocation see S.O.
(d) All such applications shall be made in the case of ministers to the Secretary of the
Conference, and in the case of deacons to the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order
and the Secretary of the Conference. The Secretary shall ensure that the applications are
560 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [733]
assessed by the same connexional bodies as deal with those offering for reception into
Full Connexion by transfer, and according to similar criteria, and shall bring them to the
[…] Presbyteral Session of the Conference or the Conference Diaconal Committee, as
the case may be, with recommendations.
For the Conference Diaconal Committee see cl. 25A of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1 above) and
Section 18.
(e) Without prejudice to the unfettered nature of its discretion in each case, the
Conference shall in exercising its powers under this clause have regard to whether the
persons in question are within a conference or church with whom arrangements such as
are specified in Standing Order 736(1) subsist.
(4) All persons who by virtue of clauses 43, 44, 45 and 45A of the Deed of Union are
recognised and regarded as […] presbyters or deacons of the Methodist Church admitted
into Full Connexion are here referred to as […] presbyters or deacons respectively and
collectively as ministers, whatever may be their title by the usage of their own church.
(5) Such ministers […] shall serve under the same terms and conditions and be
as available for stationing as […] presbyters or deacons in Full Connexion, and all
the principles of presbyteral or diaconal ministry set out in Standing Orders 700 and
701 shall apply to them. They shall be accountable both for their […] presbyteral or
diaconal practice and for their general vocation and development as […] presbyters or
deacons to the Conference in the first instance and, through the Conference, to their own
conferences or churches and in the event of a complaint or charge the provisions of Part
11 of Standing Orders apply accordingly (subject to the modifications set out in clauses
(4) to (7) of Standing Order 1151).
(6) The Conference or the appropriate committee may make recommendations to a
minister’s […] own conference or church as to supernumeraryship, deployment under the
terms of Standing Order 780, transfer to another conference or church, resignation from
the ministry or any corresponding or similar subject, but the authority on any such subject
shall remain with the minister’s […] own conference or church.
For supernumeraryship see Section 79, for transfers S.O. 730 and for resignation S.O. 760.
(2) A person seeking to be so authorised must […] have been ordained to the ministry
of word and sacraments in a church whose ministry is recognised by the Methodist
Church or […] have been ordained to the diaconate in an autonomous conference or in
a church whose diaconate is recognised by the Methodist Church. They must have the
permission of the appropriate authority in their own church for the application, where
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 561
[733] Book III Standing Orders
possible as part of an appropriate formal agreement between that church and the
Conference under Standing Order 736(1). This granting of permission shall include a
provision that those conferences and churches will permit them to serve the Methodist
Church and to undertake leadership of pastoral care, worship and mission, or exercise
pastoral responsibility, or, in the case of ministers, exercise pastoral charge on its behalf,
as appropriate, and that their own disciplinary processes will ensure that they exercise
accountability under discipline to the Methodist Church in so doing. […] Persons who
apply under the terms of this Standing Order shall also be required before being so
authorised to make a declaration that they will not during the period of authorisation
so preach or expound God’s holy word or perform any act as to deny or repudiate the
doctrinal standards of the Methodist Church. Persons seeking to be so authorised to
serve as deacons shall also be required to make a declaration that during the period of
their appointment by the Conference they will share in the life of the Methodist Diaconal
Order and will associate with its members in such ways as the Order deems appropriate.
For the right of those authorised to serve as deacons to attend and speak at Convocation see S.O. 751(2).
(3) All such applications shall be made in a prescribed form, in the case of ministers
to the Secretary of the Conference and in the case of deacons to the Warden of the
Methodist Diaconal Order and the Secretary of the Conference. The Secretary shall
ensure that the applicants are interviewed, and that their cases are considered by the
relevant district Policy Committee and assessed by the officers of the connexional bodies
which also deal with those offering for reception into Full Connexion by transfer. The
Secretary shall then bring them to the Conference with recommendations.
(4) In cases arising after the meeting of the Conference the Secretary may bring the
recommendation concerning an application to the President or the Vice-President on his
or her behalf, and where the President or Vice-President judges that the urgency of the
situation demands it, he or she may grant to an eligible person an authorisation having
immediate effect and continuing until the 31st August following the next meeting of the
(5) Persons authorised under this Standing Order shall be appointed by the Conference
to fulfil […] presbyteral or diaconal duties in a circuit or other appointment within the
control of the Church. They may be so authorised whilst concurrently being appointed by
their own conferences or churches to fulfil ministerial or diaconal duties on their behalf.
In giving its authorisation under this Standing Order the Conference or, as the case may
be, the President or Vice-President shall indicate whether the duties to be undertaken
involve the leadership of pastoral care, worship and mission, or the exercise of pastoral
responsibility, or the exercise of pastoral charge, and shall specify the Circuit in which
each person so authorised shall reside for the purpose of the stations and his or her
name shall appear under that Circuit accordingly.
(6) Persons who are authorised to serve the Church as […] presbyters or deacons
are accountable for their general vocation and development as ministers or deacons to
their own conferences or churches. As required by clause (2) above they are accountable
to the Conference for the specific tasks which they are authorised by the Conference
to undertake on its behalf in particular appointments. In the event of any proposed
562 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [733A]
complaint against such a person which would, in the case of a […] presbyter or deacon
in Full Connexion or recognised and regarded as such, be dealt with under Part 11 of
Standing Orders, the matter shall be referred to his or her own conference or church to
be dealt with unless otherwise stipulated in any arrangement made under Standing Order
(7) (a) The authorisation given under this Standing Order in the case of those
authorised to serve as […] presbyters shall be to administer the sacraments of Baptism
and the Lord’s Supper, to conduct services, to preach and in addition to exercise pastoral
responsibility and, where appropriate, pastoral charge in Local Churches or such other
ministry as shall be specified in the terms of the appointment, but not to fulfil the duties
of Superintendent. All shall be exercised under the direction of the Superintendent of the
Circuit in which the person so authorised resides. In respect of district appointments all
shall be exercised under the direction of the Chair of the District.
(b) The authorisation given under this Standing Order in the case of those authorised
to serve as deacons shall be to administer the sacrament of Baptism, to conduct
services, to preach where authorised to do so in his or her own church and to undertake
pastoral work in Local Churches or such other ministry as shall be specified in the terms
of the appointment. In respect of circuit appointments all shall be exercised under the
direction of the Superintendent of the Circuit in which the person so authorised resides.
In respect of district appointments all shall be exercised under the direction of the Chair
of the District.
Authorised persons are, ex officio, members of the Circuit Meeting (S.O. 510(1)(i)) and of the relevant
Church Councils (S.O. 610(1)(ii)). As to circuit and local committees and offices see S.O. 503(1)(i), 552,
606(1)(i), 643(1) and the Standing Orders dealing with particular committees and offices.
733A Associate […] Presbyters or Deacons. (1) The Conference may grant the
status of associate […] presbyter or deacon to persons who are not […] presbyters or
deacons in Full Connexion nor recognised or regarded as such nor authorised to serve
as such, and thereby affirm and own their ministries to the extent specified in clause (3)
below during the ensuing connexional year. In these Standing Orders and in the stations
such a person is referred to as being an ‘associate […] presbyter’ or ‘associate deacon’
(2) The requirements of clause (2) to (4) of Standing Order 733 with any necessary
modifications shall apply to a person seeking to be granted the status of associate […]
presbyter or associate deacon as if he or she were seeking to be authorised to serve
the Church as a […] presbyter or deacon, with the exceptions that his or her forms of
service and accountability are limited to the extent set out in clauses (3) and (4) of this
Standing Order, that he or she is not required to be interviewed and that the President or
the Vice-President on his or her behalf may grant the status on the ground of furthering
ecumenical cooperation rather than the urgency of the situation.
(3) Persons granted the status of associate […] presbyter or deacon under this
Standing Order shall be permitted by the Conference to undertake specific acts of
ministry in and on behalf of particular Local Churches or institutions to the extent
that their own churches allow them. Those so permitted shall normally be appointed
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 563
[733A] Book III Standing Orders
concurrently by their own churches to fulfil ministerial or diaconal duties on their behalf.
The particular acts of ministry and the extent to which and places in which they may
be exercised shall be specified in the agreement between the Conference and their
own churches under Standing Order 736(1). For those granted the status of associate
[…] presbyter they may include particular functions of the ministry of the word and the
ministry of sacrament, such as preaching, conducting services and administering the
sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper; and particular functions of the ministry
of pastoral responsibility in the sense of undertaking pastoral work and offering pastoral
care, but not of exercising pastoral charge. For those granted the status of associate
deacon they may include particular functions of the ministry of witness through service
such as administering the sacrament of Baptism, conducting services, preaching where
authorised to do so in their own churches and undertaking pastoral work in Local
Churches or such other ministry as shall be specified in the terms of the appointment. In
granting the status of associate […] presbyter or deacon under this Standing Order the
Conference or, as the case may be, the President or Vice-President shall in each case
specify the Circuits or other bodies in which that status shall pertain.
(4) Persons who are granted the status of associate […] presbyter or deacon serve
under the terms and conditions of service of their own churches and are accountable to
those churches for all their ministerial practice, including that undertaken in or on behalf
of the Church. The granting of permission by their churches shall include a provision
that those churches shall ensure that in so far as the people concerned are affecting or
representing local Methodist churches or institutions they shall act in ways acceptable
to the Conference and in consultation with the appropriate Superintendent or Chair of
District. In the event of any proposed complaint against such a person which would, in the
case of a […] presbyter or deacon in Full Connexion or recognised and regarded as such,
be dealt with under Part 11 of Standing Orders, the matter shall be referred to his or her
own conference or church to be dealt with unless otherwise stipulated in any arrangement
made under Standing Order 736.
564 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [735]
on behalf of that conference or church. Such persons shall be required before being so
authorised to make a declaration that they will not during the period of authorisation
so preach or expound God’s holy word or perform any act as to deny or repudiate the
doctrinal standards of the Methodist Church, and must have the permission of the
appropriate authority in their own church for the application. Persons seeking to be so
authorised as diaconal probationers shall also be required to make a declaration that
during the period of their appointment by the Conference they will accept the status of
probationer membership of the Methodist Diaconal Order and will share in the privileges
and fulfil the obligations of such membership.
(b) The appropriate Connexional Team member responsible for […] presbyteral
or diaconal candidates shall in each case obtain from the candidate and from the
appropriate authorities in the applicant’s own conference or church and his or her training
institution the assurances required by clause (2)(a) above.
(3) The provisions of Standing Order 733 shall apply except that in relation to
[…] presbyteral and diaconal probationers and ordained deacons in training for the
presbyterate of other conferences or churches serving under the Conference such of the
procedure prescribed by Standing Orders 724, 725, 728(1) to (4) and 728A(1) to (3) and
Part 11 or by the corresponding regulations of their own conferences or churches shall
be carried out by the Synods, other district bodies and connexional committees with such
modifications as may be agreed between the Conference and the other conference or
church concerned in each case.
For arrangements with other conferences and churches see also S.O. 736.
(4) […] Presbyteral and diaconal probationers received into Full Connexion by
their own conferences while serving under the Conference shall at the request of the
conference concerned be ordained […] presbyters or deacons at the next convenient
ordination service appointed by the Conference.
(2) In all other cases where a minister […] wishes to be permitted to serve another
conference or church, application shall be made to the Stationing Advisory Committee
which shall make recommendations in the case of a […] presbyter to the Secretary of
the Conference and in the case of a deacon to the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal
Order and the Secretary of the Conference. The Secretary shall bring them to the
Conference or, in cases arising after the meeting of the Conference where the urgency of
the situation demands it, to the President or the Vice-President on his or her behalf.
(3) Permission shall only be given to serve a conference or church whose ministry is
recognised by the Methodist Church.
(4) Permission may be given on terms that the minister […] will be accountable to the
other conference or church both for his or her […] presbyteral or diaconal practice and for
his or her general vocation and development as a […] presbyter or deacon and, through
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 565
[735] Book III Standing Orders
that conference or church, to the Conference, if such terms are agreed by the Conference
and the conference or church concerned.
(5) In every other case, any permission given shall be on terms that the minister […]
will be accountable to that conference or church for the specific tasks which he or she
is authorised by that conference or church to undertake on its behalf, but that he or she
will continue to be accountable to the Conference for his or her general vocation and
development as a […] presbyter or deacon.
736 Arrangements with other Conferences and Churches. (1) The Conference
shall seek to enter into mutually acceptable arrangements with other conferences and
churches as to the well-being and terms of service of and their respective responsibilities
for ministers […] of one conference or church serving for the time being under another.
(2) The names of […] those included in the alphabetical lists of ministers and
deacons in the Minutes of Conference at the time of the formation of a united church or
establishment of an autonomous conference, and who became presbyteral ministers or
deacons of that church or conference, shall continue to be recorded in a list maintained
by the Connexional Team so long as they live and continue to be such ministers or
deacons in their respective churches.
566 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing
740 Connexion with the Conference. (1) (a) […] Presbyters admitted into Full
Connexion or recognised and regarded as such enter into a covenant relationship with
the Conference as laid down in Standing Order 700. In this relationship they accept a
common discipline of stationing and collegially exercise pastoral responsibility for the
Church on behalf of the Conference in the stations to which they are appointed, working
in collaboration with others, in the courts of the church and individually, who bear proper
responsibilities in those situations.
(b) Deacons admitted into Full Connexion or recognised and regarded as such enter
into a covenant relationship with the Conference as laid down in Standing Order 701. In
this relationship they accept a common discipline of stationing and collegially exercise
servant ministry in the Church, collaborating with others and sharing in the leadership
of the pastoral care, worship and mission in the stations to which they are appointed.
In addition they undertake the privileges and responsibilities of membership of the
Methodist Diaconal Order as a dispersed religious order.
(2) […] Presbyters and deacons admitted into Full Connexion or recognised and
regarded as such are required to uphold the authority of the Conference in the life of the
church and to observe its discipline. To this end they shall study its proceedings, loyally
carry out its directions and make its decisions known. When appointed to do so they
shall attend its sessions and take part in its deliberations. Deacons, as members of a
dispersed religious order, shall also attend the Convocation of the Methodist Diaconal
(3) Probationer […] presbyters and deacons, although not in Full Connexion, are
required to uphold the authority of the Conference in the life of the church and to observe
its discipline. To this end they shall study its proceedings, loyally carry out its directions
and make its decisions known.
(4) Persons authorised to serve as […] presbyters or deacons in accordance with
Standing Order 733 are invited to take part in the wider life of the church as far as their
circumstances allow and Standing Orders permit.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 567
[741] Book III Standing Orders
A dispensation of absence is to be given only upon compelling grounds. The Chair shall
report to the Synod all dispensations for its approval.
By direction of the Conference this Standing Order is to be reprinted year by year in the Chair’s note
summoning the presbyters and presbyteral probationers to the Synod.
For deacons and diaconal probationers, this Standing Order applies to attendance at the Representative
Session of the Synod.
S.O. 791(5) provides that supernumerary presbyters need attend only the Presbyteral Session of the
S.O. 355(3) provides for forces chaplains and deacons serving in support of chaplains to attend the
Synods of the Districts in which they are serving, although they are all members of the Synod specified for
that purpose in the stations.
S.O. 806(6) provides that a person on leave in relation to parenthood is excused from attending the Synod,
but may attend, except during compulsory maternity leave, upon informing the Chair of the intention to do so.
As to the Synod of which a presbyter, deacon or probationer is a member see S.O. 410(1)(ii) and (2) and
As to attendance by deacons (including supernumeraries), probationers and students at the Convocation
of the Methodist Diaconal Order see S.O. 751(1).
742 Accountability and Supervision. (1) […] Presbyters and […] presbyteral
probationers and deacons and diaconal probationers shall meet regularly, as separate
orders of ministry and where appropriate together, to confer together, encourage and
watch over one another in love in respect of the exercise of their presbyteral or diaconal
For the covenant relationship in which presbyters and deacons account for their presbyteral or diaconal
ministry and are accounted for by the Church see S.O. 700(2) and (6) and 701(2) and (8).
(2) (a) […] Presbyters and […] presbyteral probationers shall fulfil their
responsibilities under this Standing Order in the […] Presbyteral Synod under the
direction of the Chair of the District and, between meetings of the Synod, in staff
meetings, leadership team meetings or other appropriate meetings in the Circuit under
the direction of the Superintendent of the circuit in which they reside for the purpose of
the stations.
(b) […] Supernumerary presbyters undertaking formal pastoral work under Standing
Order 792(2) shall attend the appropriate meetings in the Circuit.
(3) (a) Deacons and diaconal probationers shall fulfil their responsibilities under this
Standing Order in the Convocation of the Methodist Diaconal Order and between meetings
of the Convocation in meetings of area groups under the direction of the Warden of the
Order, and in staff meetings, leadership team meetings or other appropriate meetings
under the direction of the Superintendent of the Circuit in which they reside for the
purpose of the stations.
(b) […] Supernumerary deacons undertaking formal pastoral work under Standing
Order 792(2) shall attend the appropriate meetings in the Circuit.
S.O. 792(3) requires that where it is desired that a supernumerary exercise pastoral charge in a Circuit, he
or she shall apply to return to the active work in accordance with S.O. 793.
For attendance at the Presbyteral Synod and its purposes see S.O. 741 and 791(5) and Section 48.
For circuit staff meetings see S.O. 523, and for circuit leadership team meetings see S.O. 515(2) and
For the Convocation of the Methodist Diaconal Order see Section 75.
For the participation of supernumerary ministers see Section 79.
568 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [744]
743 Ministerial Development. (1) (a) This Standing Order applies to:
(i) every […] presbyter or deacon in [...] circuit or district appointment and
every District Chair;
(ii) every supernumerary […] who has entered into a formal agreement
with a Circuit to undertake pastoral responsibility in one or more Local
(b) Every such person shall engage in ministerial development review, a process [...]
which enables each such presbyter or deacon to reflect, with input from others, on how
his or her ministry is being experienced and fulfilled both in relation to the Church as a
whole and within the particular context in which his or her ministry is being exercised .
(c) [revoked]
(2) [...] Guidance about the process shall be issued by the Ministries Committee.
(3) [revoked].
744 Sabbaticals. (1) Subject to the following clauses of this Standing Order a […]
presbyter or deacon in Full Connexion stationed in an appointment within the control of
the Church shall (in the performance of his or her duties as a minister […]) at intervals
undertake a sabbatical, that is a period of release from the ordinary duties of the
appointment, in addition to normal holidays, for the purpose of pursuing an approved
programme of study, research, work or experience.
(2) Normally the length of the sabbatical shall be three months. Special permission is
required for any longer period.
(3) Subject to Standing Order 807A(6), the years in which sabbaticals may be taken
shall normally be the tenth and each seventh year of travel after it, but sabbaticals may
for good reason be taken one year earlier or later and in particular shall not be taken in
the first year of a new appointment. Special permission shall be required for any greater
departure from the normal dates.
S.O. 807A(6) provides that a person who takes maternity leave may not also take a sabbatical in the same
connexional year.
(4) Before a sabbatical is taken, the following require approval:
(i) the dates of release and return;
(ii) the programme;
(iii) arrangements for covering the ordinary duties of the appointment;
(iv) arrangements for the pastoral support of the participant’s partner and
(v) an estimate of the expenses to be incurred in carrying out the approved
(5) In relation to prospective sabbaticals the district Policy Committee shall appoint
a Sabbaticals Advisory Group to identify those eligible for sabbaticals; to consider,
advise upon and monitor items (i) and (ii) of clause (4) above; to provide advice in the
preparation and execution of programmes; to ensure that any fruits are appropriately
shared; and to authorise the incurring of expenses included in the estimate referred to in
clause (4)(v) above (when approved). This group shall check whether a Sabbatical Support
Group is established by each participant in accordance with clause (6).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 569
[744] Book III Standing Orders
(6) Each participant shall, with the advice of the district Sabbaticals Advisory Group,
form a Sabbatical Support Group to consider, advise upon and monitor items (iii) and
(iv) of clause (4) above; to provide support in the preparation and execution of the
programme; and to ensure that the fruits of the programme are properly shared. It
shall include representatives of the relevant Local Church(es), and the Circuit (or other
body responsible for the payment of stipend), and probably the participant’s partner.
The participant will be a member, but will not chair it. The relevant Circuit Meeting shall
appoint the convener.
(7) Approval under clause (4) shall be by the Synod unless special permission is
required or there is a dispute. The district Sabbaticals Advisory Group shall report to the
Synod through the district Policy Committee. Where special permission is required, it
shall be given or withheld by a Connexional Team member responsible for sabbaticals.
Where there is a dispute it shall be considered and determined by the Methodist Council
or by a committee appointed by the council for the purpose.
(8) The Sabbatical Support Group shall report to the district Sabbaticals Advisory
Group and to the relevant Circuit Meeting or corresponding church court.
(9) [revoked]
(10) The Circuit or other responsible body shall continue during a sabbatical to
provide a manse and the minister’s […] stipend and to reimburse the minister […] for all
expenses within Standing Order 801(2) which continue during the sabbatical.
(11) Expenses which are related to a sabbatical programme approved to be pursued
by a particular minister […] and which have been authorised pursuant to clause (5)
above or clause (12) below to be incurred shall be paid (whether directly or by way of
reimbursement) out of the fund to be raised in accordance with Standing Order 364(2) up
to a maximum amount to be prescribed from time to time by the Conference.
(12) The provision of sabbaticals for full-time connexional staff and tutors at
theological colleges and other training institutions shall be under the jurisdiction of the
Methodist Council or other responsible body (which shall have power to authorise the
incurring of expenses included in the estimate referred to in clause (4)(v) above when
approved) and clauses (5) to (8) above shall not apply.
745 Continuing Development. (1) After reception into Full Connexion and ordination
all ministers […] shall be required to engage in further study, training and professional
development under each of the following headings:
(i) engagement with peers in considering issues of the mission and worship
of the church in the world and of […] presbyteral or diaconal practice;
(ii) specific training when entering a new context or mode of ministry;
(iii) personal and vocational development.
(2) Each District is responsible for:
(i) assessing annually what development and training needs could helpfully
be provided for […] presbyters stationed in the District;
(ii) receiving annually from the Methodist Diaconal Order an assessment of
the development and training needs of deacons stationed in the District;
570 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [745]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 571
Book III Standing Orders
750 The Methodist Diaconal Order. (1) The Methodist Diaconal Order is a religious
order to which those who belong to the order of deacon in the Church of God are admitted
by the act of the Conference.
(2) The members of the Order offer lifelong commitment to diaconal ministry and a
willingness to serve where the Conference directs. They exercise, alongside others, a
pastoral, evangelistic and outreach ministry which reflects the servant ministry of Christ
and enables the mission and service of the Church in the world.
As to availability for stationing see S.O. 783 and 542.
(3) The Order shall have a Rule of Life, approved by the Conference, so as to provide
a framework for the devotional life of each member, for discipline, mutual care and
accountability, and for individual and collective commitment to the ministry of a deacon.
The Rule of Life was approved by the Conference of 1998 and is printed in Book IV B, Part 5 below.
(4) The Order consists of those who have been received as full members upon
reception into Full Connexion under Standing Order 728A, 730 or 731.
752 Meetings. (1) The Convocation shall meet annually at a time and place
appointed by the Conference.
(2) Subject to any invitation given under clause (3) below, the Warden of the Methodist
Diaconal Order shall preside at every meeting of the Convocation. If because of an
572 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [754]
emergency the Warden is unable to be present, then the members present shall invite
the President or Vice-President, if present, or, if [...] both decline, one of their number, to
(3) The President and the Vice-President shall normally visit the Convocation and may
preside at any sessions upon the invitation of the Warden.
(4) [revoked]
753 Functions. (1) Those attending the Convocation meet to recall and reflect upon
their diaconal vocation, to watch over one another in love and to consider the work of
(2) In addition to sessions for devotion, study and fellowship, the agenda of the
Convocation shall include:
(i) nomination to the Conference of a representative of the Order to the
Methodist Council;
(ii) recommendations, if any, to the Methodist Council;
(iii) preparation of obituaries;
(iv) preparation of applications from deacons in the active work for
permission to become supernumerary.
For (i) see S.O. 210(1)(vii).
For obituaries at the Conference Diaconal Committee and the Representative Session of the Conference,
see cl. 25A(j) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) and S.O. 182.
For permission to become supernumerary, see cl. 25A(i) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) and S.O.
For return to the active work see S.O. 793.
(3) The Convocation shall annually appoint a small pastoral committee to act in
association with the Warden in any cases referred to it which do not fall within the
purview of Sections 03 or 04 or Part 11 of Standing Orders.
Part 11 deals with complaints and discipline, Sections 03 and 04 with discontinuance from training and
(4) The Convocation may adopt and submit resolutions to be moved in the Conference
on any matter of connexional interest. Any such resolution shall be sent to the Secretary
of the Conference to be published in the Agenda, accompanied by a reasoned statement.
The Warden shall determine which of the diaconal representatives should move and
second the resolution in the Conference.
(5) The members of the Convocation shall rededicate themselves to diaconal ministry
during a service of worship, which shall include the renewal of the promises made
at ordination and, as a religious order, the affirmation of the Rule of Life, and, for the
probationers and student deacons, an affirmation of their sense of call.
754 Warden of the Order. (1) There shall be a Warden of the Methodist Diaconal
Order, being a member of the Order appointed by the Conference.
(1A) The Warden shall be appointed initially for a specified period, not exceeding
six years. Every appointment for an extension shall be for a specified period, each not
exceeding five years.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 573
[754] Book III Standing Orders
(1B) The procedure for the appointment of the Warden shall be determined by
the Methodist Council and shall follow as closely as possible the provisions for the
appointment of a Chair of District in Standing Orders 421A to 423B, with the Convocation
of the Methodist Diaconal Order having the equivalent functions to those of the Synod.
(1C) The provisions of clause (1A) and those referred to in clause (1B) above for
appointments for periods of years operate only to obviate any need for earlier application
of the procedure under those clauses and do not derogate from the ultimate authority of
the Conference over stationing annually.
(1D) The provisions as to curtailment in Standing Order 544 shall apply to the period
of appointment of the Warden as they apply to the period of invitation of a […] presbyter,
with the following adaptations:
(i) The functions of the circuit Invitation Committee shall be exercised by a
Nominations Committee appointed annually by the Convocation, which
in addition to its responsibilities under this clause shall exercise such
functions in relation to the nomination of officers of the Order as the
Convocation may prescribe.
(ii) The function of the Chair of the District and the Warden under clauses (5)
and (11) of Standing Order 544 shall be exercised by the President.
(iii) Reference to the relevant Circuit shall be read as applying, in clauses
(1)(a), (6) and (8)(a)(i), to the Methodist Diaconal Order Centre, and in
clause (11) to the Convocation of the Order.
(iv) Provisions which can have no application shall be ignored, including
(without necessarily being exhaustive) those relating to church stewards
or probationers and the last sentence of clause (9).
(2) In addition to the specific functions assigned to the Warden in the Deed of Union
and Standing Orders, the Warden shall have overall responsibility for the oversight of
the Order. In conjunction with the members of the Convocation, the Warden shall be
responsible to the Conference for the observance within the Order of Methodist order
and discipline, and he or she shall exercise oversight of the character and fidelity of the
deacons, diaconal probationers and student deacons, subject to the provisions of Part
11 of Standing Orders. To this end he or she will use all the gifts and graces he or she
has received, being especially diligent to be a pastor to the deacons, facilitating the
devotional life of the Order and the role of deacon within the Church.
Part 11 deals with complaints and disciplinary charges against deacons, diaconal probationers and
student deacons.
For the discharge of the Warden’s responsibility to the Conference see S.O. 183.
(3) A casual vacancy arises in the office of Warden if the Warden dies or becomes
incapable of acting or unfit to act or ceases to be a deacon. In this event the vacancy
shall be filled (until the taking effect of an appointment under clause (1A) above) by the
appointment of a qualified person by the President.
For temporary inability of the Warden to fulfil the duties of the office see cl. (4) below.
(4) If the Warden is temporarily unable to fulfil all or any of the duties of the office
because of accident, illness, absence from the country, sabbatical leave or other cause,
574 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [754]
the President may appoint a deputy, being a deacon in the active work, with authority to
fulfil those duties which the Warden is unable to perform.
This clause deals with temporary inability to fulfil the duties of the office, as opposed to the situation
where a casual vacancy arises, for which see cl. (3) above.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 575
Book III Standing Orders
760 Resignation. (1) Any […] presbyter or deacon wishing to resign from Full
Connexion shall send to the President notice of such resignation. All such notices shall
be referred by the President to an advisory committee for consideration. An opportunity
shall be given to the minister […] to be present at the committee if he or she should so
desire. The committee shall advise the President as to whether the resignation should
be accepted and, if so, the date from which it should take effect and to what extent the
status of the person concerned as a local preacher and member should be affected. The
committee shall also advise the President, the Superintendent of the Circuit in which that
person is stationed or if not stationed is shown as residing and the Chair of the District
of which the Circuit forms part whether any public announcement should be made and if
so, to whom and in what terms.
As to the withdrawal of student ministers and ministerial probationers see S.O. 727.
As to ministers and deacons of other conferences and churches see S.O. 732(6).
576 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [761]
which he or she undertakes pastoral responsibilities. The convener shall also offer further
members of the Group to individuals or groups of individuals to whom the President
directs that such an offer should be made.
(6) The President, acting in consultation with the advisory committee, has authority
to accept the resignation of a […] presbyter or deacon in Full Connexion and in every
case of an accepted resignation the President shall make a declaration with regard to
the status of the person concerned as a local preacher and member. Every action under
this clause on the part of the President shall be deemed for all purposes to be the action
of the Conference. The President shall report his or her action to the […] Presbyteral
Session of the Conference next following or the next meeting of the Conference Diaconal
Committee, as the case may be, and to the Representative Session.
For the Conference Diaconal Committee see cl. 25A of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1 above) and
Section 18.
(2) The Secretary of the Conference shall obtain or prepare (in the case of a former
deacon, in consultation with the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order)
(i) particulars of the applicant’s previous ministry;
(ii) a statement of the circumstances in which the applicant resigned or was
excluded from that ministry (including a statement of any period specified
by a connexional Discipline Committee under Standing Order 1134(4) as
a period before the end of which no application for reinstatement should
be made);
(iii) references from two referees nominated by the applicant;
(iv) reports covering the last two years by the Chair of the District in which
the applicant is a member and by the Superintendent of the Circuit in
which he or she is a member or the […] presbyter having pastoral charge
of the Local Church in which he or she is a member.
(3) The convener of the interviewing committee shall be the Secretary of the
Conference who shall
(i) require the applicant to complete and return the medical questionnaire
provided for that purpose, for consideration and report by a doctor
specified by the Secretary in consultation with the medical committee
appointed by the Methodist Council;
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 577
[761] Book III Standing Orders
(ii) appoint and obtain a report from an assessor, who shall meet the
applicant and make such other enquiries as he or she thinks fit;
(iii) appoint the interviewing committee in accordance with clause (4) below
and supply to each member, before the committee meets, a copy of the
application and any supporting documents submitted by the applicant, of
the particulars, statement, references and reports obtained under clause
(2) above and of the reports obtained under this clause;
(iv) convene the committee for a time and place chosen with due regard to
the convenience of the applicant.
(4) The interviewing committee shall include as voting members the President or the
Vice-President or an ex-President or ex-Vice-President as chair, the convener as secretary
and up to five other persons chosen from a panel appointed by the Methodist Council
with due regard to the proposed venue of the committee and to whether the applicant is
seeking to exercise a ministry in circuit work or elsewhere. The following persons, namely
the Chair of the District and the Superintendent of the Circuit in which the applicant is a
member, and (in a case where the applicant is a former deacon) the Warden of the Order
shall each have the right to be included as a non-voting member of the committee.
(5) The committee shall meet as convened under clause (3)(iv) above, interview the
applicant, and confer, and shall then recommend to the […] Presbyteral Session of the
Conference or the Conference Diaconal Committee, as the case may be, whether or not
the application should be granted, and if not with reasons.
Re-admission into Full Connexion is by the Representative Session, but requires a judgment of fitness, as
the case may be, by the Presbyteral Session or the Conference Diaconal Commmittee (cl. 23(h) and 25A(h)
of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) and cl. (13) below).
(6) The applicant may be accompanied by a friend when interviewed in accordance with
clause (5) above.
(7) The applicant, if he or she wishes, may remain in the vicinity of the committee
room after being interviewed and, in that event, shall be informed orally by the chair
or some other person appointed by the committee of the interviewing committee’s
recommendation as soon as the meeting is over. In any event, the interviewing
committee’s recommendation shall forthwith be communicated to the President of the
Conference who shall, in writing, officially inform the applicant, the Methodist Council and,
where the applicant is a former deacon, the Warden of the Order.
(8) If the interviewing committee recommends that an application be not granted
the Methodist Council may on the application of the applicant, made by notice in
writing to the Secretary of the Conference within seven days of being informed of the
recommendation, reverse that recommendation. On any such application the Methodist
Council shall determine its own procedures.
(9) If the Methodist Council refuses to reverse a recommendation that the application
be not granted the applicant may, by notice in writing to the Secretary of the Conference
within seven days of being informed of the refusal, take the application to the Conference
itself, and the Conference shall then determine its own procedures.
578 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [761]
(10) No former […] presbyter or deacon in Full Connexion shall be re-admitted into
Full Connexion with the Conference except upon the recommendation of an interviewing
committee under clause (5) above, or of the Methodist Council under clause (8) above, or
pursuant to an application duly brought before the Conference under clause (9) above.
Questions of pension rights and of contributions to the Methodist Ministers’ Pension Scheme are
governed by the rules of that scheme.
(11) Where the applicant is a former […] presbyter or deacon who ceased to be in
Full Connexion by the operation of […] Standing Order 718(9) or (10), clauses (2) to (10)
above shall apply with the following modifications:
(i) in clause (2) omit head (iv) and for heads (ii) and (iii) substitute:
‘(ii) a statement of the circumstances in which the applicant ceased to
be in Full Connexion;
(iii) a report from the appropriate Candidates and Probationers
Oversight Committee’;
(ii) in clause (3) omit heads (i) and (ii);
(iii) in clause (4) for the second sentence substitute: ‘In a case where the
applicant is a former deacon, the Warden of the Order shall have the right
to be included as a non-voting member of the committee.’.
(12) A former student […] or probationer who wishes to be reinstated shall apply to
the President, who shall arrange for the application to be brought to the […] Presbyteral
Session of the Conference or the Conference Diaconal Committee, as the case may
be, by the appropriate Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee with a
recommendation, after such enquiries and consultations as the committee may prescribe,
either generally or in the particular case.
See also S.O. 726(5).
(14) A former […] presbyter or deacon in Full Connexion, probationer […] or student
who by reason of a judgment or declaration under Standing Order 760 or 727 or Part 11
is a member but not a local preacher and who, having formerly been a local preacher,
wishes to be reinstated as such shall apply to the President and the application shall be
considered and determined as set out in clauses (1) to (11) or (12), as the case may be,
of this Standing Order, with any necessary changes, but so that no medical examination
shall be required. If the Conference decides that the applicant shall be reinstated it shall
direct the Circuit Meeting of the Circuit in which he or she is a member to approve his or
her reinstatement as a local preacher.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 579
Book III Standing Orders
Note in relation to the Standing Order below and elsewhere: although the provisions as to the overseas work
and overseas Districts remain, in 2009 the last remaining overseas District of the Methodist Church was
granted autonomy, as The Methodist Church The Gambia; there are therefore now no overseas Districts or
overseas stations.
770 Base of Ministry. (1) All […] presbyters and deacons received into Full
Connexion with the Conference shall be accepted for ministry based on the home
Districts unless upon reception an overseas District is specified as the base of ministry.
Their names shall be recorded upon reception in the Journal and the Minutes, which shall
distinguish between those whose ministry is based upon the home Districts, and those
whose ministry is based upon a specified overseas District, and shall in addition identify
those who are serving elsewhere than in the territory or territories upon which their
ministry is based.
The ‘home Districts’ and ‘overseas District’ are defined in cl. 1(xiii) and (xxv) of the Deed of Union (Book
II, Part 1) as applied by S.O. 002(1)(x), 003(iii). But see note at the beginning of this Standing Order.
(2) All […] presbyters and deacons, whatever their base of ministry, shall have equal
status as […] presbyters or deacons respectively, but the recruitment, training and
terms of service of any […] presbyter or deacon whose ministry is based on an overseas
District shall be the subject of regulations appropriate to the District concerned, framed
by the Methodist Council acting in association with the Synod, and, in the case of a
deacon, with the advice of the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order. Save under the
provisions of clause (4) below a […] presbyter or deacon in Full Connexion serving in
a District of the Methodist Church shall be stationed in the territory or territories upon
which his or her ministry is based.
(3) Membership of the Conference shall be open to a […] presbyter or deacon in
Full Connexion whose ministry is based on an overseas District only (i) by election as
a representative of the Methodist Council under Standing Order 102(1)(i), head (f), or
(ii) while stationed in a home District, upon the terms which apply to […] presbyters or
deacons whose ministry is based on the home Districts.
Membership of the Presbyteral Session of the Conference only is therefore open to such presbyters by
permission under the provisions of cl. 15(a)(ii) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1).
(4) (a) Subject to sub-clause (c) below a […] presbyter or deacon in Full Connexion
may without changing the territory or territories on which his or her ministry is based,
be appointed to serve in an overseas District or a mission partnership with another
conference or church under Standing Order 780(1)(vi) or be permitted to serve another
conference or church under Standing Order 735.
580 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [772]
(5) In clause (4)(c) above ‘home country’ means the country in which the minister or
deacon is domiciled for the purpose of English Law.
(6) (a) A […] presbyter or deacon in Full Connexion seeking to change the base of his
or her ministry shall apply to the Synod of which he or she is a member. The Synod shall
consider the application in its […] Presbyteral Session in the case of a […] presbyter
and in its Representative Session in the case of a deacon. In each case the application
shall be forwarded, with the recommendation of the Synod, to the Secretary of the
(b) The Secretary of the Conference shall invite the comments of the Connexional
Team member appointed to the Stationing Committee under Standing Order 322(1)(vi)
and, in the case of a deacon, the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order upon any such
application. If the application is for transfer to an overseas District the consent of the
Synod of that District shall be necessary to its acceptance.
(c) The application shall then be considered by the Methodist Council, which shall have
the right to prescribe any tests it may consider necessary and shall ensure that suitable
arrangements regarding pension funds can be made and that any other obligations to
connexional funds or to overseas district funds will be met. The council shall then make
its recommendation to the Conference, which shall determine the matter.
771 [revoked]
772 Residence Abroad. (1) No […] presbyter or deacon in Full Connexion whose
ministry is based on the home Districts and no probationer in training for such a ministry
shall reside abroad unless appointed to a station within the control of the Church or as a
mission partner under Article 9 of the Constitution of the Methodist Missionary Society or
as a chaplain to the forces or permitted to do so under Standing Order 735 or 773 or this
Standing Order.
For forces chaplains see S.O. 355.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 581
[772] Book III Standing Orders
(2) Applications for permission to reside abroad for the purposes of study shall be
dealt with under Standing Order 773.
(3) All other applications under this Standing Order by […] presbyters or deacons in
the active work or without appointment or by probationers shall be considered by the
Stationing Advisory Committee, which if it recommends that the application be accepted
shall report its recommendation to the Stationing Committee which shall advise the
Conference. In the case of a deacon or diaconal probationer the applicant shall inform
the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order at the outset and the Warden shall be
consulted by the Stationing Advisory Committee and informed of the committee’s
recommendation. Permission may be granted under this clause for an initial specified
period not exceeding five years and may be continued for a further period or periods each
not exceeding five years.
(4) A […] presbyter or deacon in Full Connexion seeking to reside abroad as a
supernumerary shall apply to the Stationing Committee through his or her Chair or the
Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order respectively or, after the stations have been
adopted, to the President, and permission may be granted by the Conference or, after
the stations have been adopted, by the President or by the Vice-President on his or her
(5) All […] presbyters, deacons and probationers granted permission under Standing
Order 735, 773 or this Standing Order shall be listed in the stations as permitted to
serve, to study or to reside abroad, as the case may be, with a note of the country of
(6) […] Presbyters permitted to reside in Ireland shall answer as to their continuing
belief in the doctrines and observance of the discipline of the Methodist Church to the
Synod of the District in Ireland in which they reside. All other […] presbyters permitted to
reside abroad shall supply annually written assurance of their fidelity in those respects
to the Synod of the home District of which they are members. All deacons permitted to
reside abroad shall supply to the Warden annually written assurance of their continuing
belief in the doctrines of the Methodist Church and of their observance of its discipline
and of the obligations of membership of the Methodist Diaconal Order. All probationers
permitted to reside abroad shall answer as to their continuing belief in the doctrines and
observance of the discipline of the Methodist Church to the members of the Connexional
Team who convene the […] Presbyteral or Diaconal Candidates and Probationers
Oversight Committees as part of the particular arrangements made by those committees
with another conference or church for the providing of the reports about the probationers
required under Section 72 of these Standing Orders.
For the obligations of membership of the Methodist Diaconal Order see S.O. 750, and for the responsibility
of the Warden for the oversight of the Order see S.O. 754(2).
582 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [774]
shall specify the course of study or research to be undertaken and its duration, whether
the minister, deacon or probationer concerned is to reside in the home Districts or
abroad, and whether he or she is to be in receipt of a stipend from the Church. In the
case of a probationer the […] Presbyteral or Diaconal Candidates and Probationers
Oversight Committee, as the case may be, shall be consulted.
(2) The names of ministers […] and probationers permitted to study under this
Standing Order, unless permitted to reside abroad under Standing Order 772, shall in the
stations be printed in the Circuit in which they reside as ‘permission to study’; they shall
be expected to give such help to the Circuit as they are able, in appropriate cases where
they are not otherwise in receipt of a full stipend from the Church shall be entitled to
receive remuneration by the decision of the Circuit Meeting, and shall have all the rights
and privileges of church members in that Circuit.
They are members of the Circuit Meeting (S.O. 510(1)(ii)) and (if eligible) Local Preachers’ Meeting (S.O.
560(1)) of the Circuit in which they reside and attend the meetings of circuit staff (S.O. 523(1)).
As to eligibility for circuit and local committees and offices see S.O. 503(1)(i) and 606(1)(i) and the
Standing Orders relating to specific committees and offices.
774 Ministers […] without Appointment. (1) A minister […] may be without
appointment by permission obtained under clause (2), (3), or (4) below on the grounds
specified in clause (5) below, or by direction of the Stationing Committee or the President
or Vice-President under clause (9) below, or by the operation of Part 11 or Section 04, or
S.O. 775(3), 782(8), 783(7), or 790(4).
(2) A minister […] who wishes to be without appointment shall apply to the Stationing
Advisory Committee, and that committee shall make a recommendation to the Stationing
Committee, which may grant or refuse the application.
(3) A student […] or probationer who wishes to be without appointment on being
received into Full Connexion shall apply to the […] Presbyteral or Diaconal Candidates
and Probationers Oversight Committee, as the case may be, and that committee, if
satisfied of the applicant’s intention both to complete training (where incomplete) and
probation and, in due course, to enter the active work, shall make a recommendation to
the […] Presbyteral Session of the Conference or the Conference Diaconal Committee,
as the case may be, which may grant or refuse the application.
For the Conference Diaconal Committee see cl. 25A of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1 above) and
Section 18.
(4) A minister, […] probationer […] or student […] may, on any grounds not arising or
discovered until after the last meeting (before the Conference) of the committee to which
application would have been made under the above clauses, make a similar application to
the President at any time before the opening of the Conference, and the President or the
Vice-President on his or her behalf may grant or refuse the application, but shall not grant
an application by a probationer […] or student […] unless satisfied of the applicant’s
intentions as described in clause (3) above. Any applications granted shall be reported
by the President to the […] Presbyteral Session or, as the case may be, the Conference
Diaconal Committee.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 583
[774] Book III Standing Orders
(5) An application may be granted under clauses (2), (3) or (4) above on
compassionate or domestic grounds which in the judgment of the committee or the
President or Vice-President, as the case may be, make it impossible or undesirable for
the applicant to be subject to normal stationing.
(6) A minister […] who has been granted exemption under clauses (1) to (5) above
shall normally be at no cost to the Church, but in exceptional circumstances the
Stationing Advisory Committee or the […] Presbyteral or Diaconal Candidates and
Probationers Oversight Committee, as appropriate, may recommend a payment under
Standing Order 365(7).
Information about any possible implication of the rules of the Methodist Ministers’ Pension Scheme
or Methodist Ministers’ Housing Society for the benefits of a minister undergoing a change in his or her
conditions of service may be obtained through the Stationing Advisory Committee.
(7) In cases where permission is granted under clauses (2) to (5) above, it shall be
for five years or for a specified shorter period. In the year before the end of the period
for which permission has been granted the minister […] shall make application to
continue to be without appointment for a further period, or to return to or commence the
active work. Application shall be made to the Stationing Advisory Committee, and that
committee shall make a recommendation to the Stationing Committee, which may grant
or refuse the application.
(8) At any time a minister […] granted permission to be without appointment under
clauses (2) to (7) above may by permission of the Stationing Committee, granted on
application made through the Stationing Advisory Committee, return to or commence the
active work. In exceptional cases permission may be granted and an appointment made
to a station by the President or the Vice-President on his or her behalf.
(9) The Stationing Committee, or exceptionally the President or the Vice-President on
his or her behalf, may require a minister […] or probationer for whom no appointment
can be found to be without appointment and shall in each case determine what sums (if
any) should be paid under Standing Order 365(6), and what other arrangements should
be made. A minister […] or probationer without appointment under this clause may be
appointed to a station during the year by the President or by the Vice-President on his
or her behalf. Only in exceptional circumstances shall a minister […] or probationer be
without appointment in this category for more than one year.
(10) The names of persons stationed under the above clauses shall in the stations
be printed in the Circuit in which they reside as ‘without appointment’; they shall be
expected to give such help to the Circuit as they are able, in appropriate cases shall be
entitled to receive remuneration by the decision of the Circuit Meeting, and shall have all
the rights and privileges of church members in that Circuit.
They are members of the Circuit Meeting (S.O. 510(1)(ii)) and (if eligible) Local Preachers’ Meeting (S.O.
560(1)) of the Circuit in which they reside and attend the meetings of circuit staff (S.O. 523(1)).
As to eligibility for circuit and local committees and offices see S.O. 503(1)(i) and 606(1)(i) and the
Standing Orders relating to specific committees and offices.
(11) Where following disciplinary action under Part 11 or proceedings under Section
04 the Stationing Advisory Committee has been informed that a minister […] has been
designated ‘without appointment’, the committee shall ensure that, at such intervals
584 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [775]
as it shall think fit (but not exceeding five years), the person concerned is offered the
opportunity to meet the committee to discuss whether he or she should make an
application to the President to return to the active work. Any such application shall be
considered and determined as set out in clauses (1) to (10) of Standing Order 761 with
any necessary changes.
775 Married Couples. (1) When two persons, each of whom is a minister […], are
married to each other, they shall both be subject to normal stationing except as provided
in the following clauses of this Standing Order.
As to the terms of service of married couples see also S.O. 803(2).
For guidance as to the stationing of such persons married to each other see the code of practice
published annually by the Stationing Committee.
(2) When two persons, each of whom is a minister, […] probationer […] or student
[…], are married to each other one, but not both, may if thought fit receive exemption,
deferment or suspension under clauses (1) to (5) of Standing Order 774 or clauses (1) to
(3) of Standing Order 726.
(3) If each of the two persons within the scope of clause (1) above wishes to be
stationed but no suitable arrangement can be made to station them together the
Conference may designate one of them to be ‘without appointment’. The names of
ministers […] so designated shall be printed in the Circuits in which they reside and
they shall be expected to give such help in the Circuit as they are able, and in appropriate
cases shall be entitled to receive remuneration by the decision of the Circuit Meeting.
They shall have all the rights and privileges of church members in the Circuits in which
they reside.
See the note to S.O. 774(10) above.
(4) Ministers […] designated ‘without appointment’ under clause (3) above shall,
unless they subsequently apply for exemption under clause (2) above, be liable and
eligible to be stationed whenever suitable arrangements can be made to station them
with their husbands or wives and in exceptional circumstances such a minister […] may
be appointed separately to a Circuit by the President or by the Vice-President on his or
her behalf.
(5) The Conference may, if it thinks fit, approve applications by persons within the
scope of clause (1) above, submitted through the appropriate Synod for permission to
enter into arrangements with a Circuit under which one or both of them serve part-time
and stipends are adjusted accordingly.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 585
Book III Standing Orders
The Conference has power to appoint ministers and probationers to the Circuits as it thinks proper (Deed
of Union, cl. 20, Book II, Part 1).
The President has power to fill any vacancy in the stations caused by death or resignation occurring before
the appointment takes effect and to make necessary or expedient changes in appointments during the year
(Deed of Union, cl. 29 (Book II, Part 1 above)).
For ministerial appointments to the Connexional Team and certain other offices see S.O. 313, 315 and as
to the Chairs of Districts see S.O. 420–423B.
780 Types of Station. (1) […] Presbyters, deacons and probationers shall be
stationed by the Conference in one of the following ways:
(i) in a Circuit appointment in a home District;
(ii) in a District appointment;
(iii) in a connexional appointment;
(iv) in a chaplaincy relating to the forces, prisons, health-care institutions,
educational institutions, work-places or other bodies as approved by the
Stationing Committee on a recommendation of the Stationing Advisory
Committee or the relevant members of the Connexional Team;
(v) in a Circuit, but with authorisation granted by the Stationing Committee
on a recommendation from the Stationing Advisory Committee to serve in
an appointment not directly within the control of the Church;
(vi) in a mission partnership with an overseas District, another conference or
church as approved by the Stationing Committee on a recommendation
from the [...] Connexional Team member appointed to the committee
under Standing Order 322(1)(vi);
(vii) with permission to serve another conference or church under Standing
Order 735;
(viii) with permission to reside abroad under Standing Order 772;
(ix) with permission to study under Standing Order 773;
(x) as a supernumerary under Standing Order 791;
(xi) without appointment under Part 11 or Section 04, or Standing Order 774,
775, 782(8) or 783(7).
(2) (a) Being stationed under one or more of heads (i) to (vi) of clause (1) above
identifies the primary purpose or purposes for which a […] presbyter, deacon or
probationer is stationed. Appointment in such a station may be full-time or part-time.
(b) A […] presbyter, deacon or probationer stationed under one of those heads may
also as a secondary purpose undertake pastoral work or, in the case of a […] presbyter
586 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [782]
781 Initial Deployment and Subsequent Review. (1) (a) In the penultimate year of
pre-ordination training an interview shall be conducted with each student […] concerning
(i) his or her development in pre-ordination training;
(ii) changes in his or her personal circumstances since the preliminary
assessment made in accordance with Standing Order 710(3)(b);
(iii) the type of appointment in which he or she might be deployed and the
terms and conditions of service under which he or she might serve in the
light of the above.
(b) The interview shall be conducted according to connexional proformas and
guidelines provided by the […] Presbyteral and Diaconal Probationers Oversight
Committees in consultation with the Stationing Advisory Committee.
(c) The interview shall be conducted by the relevant person specified in those
(2) (a) In what is expected to be the penultimate year of an appointment within the
control of the Church, whether such expectation arises under Section 54 or otherwise, or
in every fourth year in the case of an appointment not within the control of the Church,
or, in either case, at other times upon his or her request, an interview shall be conducted
with each […] presbyter, deacon and probationer to review
(i) his or her experience in the current appointment;
(ii) his or her development as a […] presbyter or deacon;
(iii) his or her future deployment in the light of the above and of any relevant
factors in his or her personal circumstances.
(b) The interview shall be conducted according to connexional proformas and
guidelines provided by the Stationing Advisory Committee
(c) The interview shall be conducted by the relevant person specified in those
(3) After the interviews specified in clauses (1) and (2) above a report about the initial
or future deployment of the person concerned shall be submitted to the […] Presbyteral
or Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee or the Stationing Advisory
Committee as appropriate, which shall review it, conduct any further investigations
or interviews as it deems to be necessary or as are requested by any of the parties
concerned, and make a recommendation to the Stationing Committee.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 587
[782] Book III Standing Orders
other necessary information in relation to […] presbyteral stationing in the next two
connexional years, together with the details from […] presbyters, and circuit stewards
required to enable the Chair to comply with clause (2) below.
As to invitations see Section 54.
(2) No later than the date announced each year in the guidelines issued on behalf
of the Stationing Committee, the Chair of each District shall supply to the Secretary of
the Conference the required details of each appointment for which a […] presbyter is
sought, including any information requested by the Connexional Allowances Committee,
and the required details concerning each […] presbyter seeking an appointment in the
next connexional year, together with any other necessary information in relation to […]
presbyteral stationing in the next connexional year. These details shall be provided by the
circuit stewards and […] presbyters concerned respectively, by completing forms provided
for the purpose by the Stationing Committee.
(3) A list of all […] presbyters to be transferred from overseas to home stations, or
from home to overseas stations, shall similarly be furnished by a Connexional Team
member responsible for personnel serving overseas to the Secretary of the Conference.
(4) The Secretary of the Conference shall obtain from the Stationing Advisory
Committee its recommendations on opportunities for ministry in appointments under
heads (ii) to (vi) of clause (1) of Standing Order 780 and on applications from […]
presbyters to serve in them, together with its recommendations on applications by […]
presbyters to be without appointment, to have permission to study or to reside or serve
abroad or to serve another conference or church. He or she shall also obtain from other
appropriate bodies all other relevant information.
For the Stationing Advisory Committee see S.O. 323.
The ‘other relevant information’ will include particulars of student presbyters to be stationed, presbyters
becoming supernumeraries, ministers transferring to and from other churches, etc.
(5) From the information so provided the Secretary of the Conference shall prepare a
list of […] presbyters available for invitation and Circuits or other bodies seeking to invite
a […] presbyter in relation to the next connexional year, and circulate it to members of
the Stationing Committee. The Stationing Committee shall oversee the processes which
recommend the matching of particular […] presbyters to appointments.
For the constitution of and general provisions relating to the Stationing Committee see S.O. 322.
For the processes of matching presbyters to appointments, see Section 54 of Standing Orders and the
code of practice published annually by the Stationing Committee.
(6) A copy of the list of […] presbyters and Circuits available and a compilation of the
information about […] presbyters and Circuits prepared in accordance with clauses (2),
(3) and (4) above shall be supplied to circuit stewards or other relevant parties and […]
presbyters by application to the Conference Office on payment of a reasonable charge.
(7) From the above lists, recommendations and information, and from the
recommendations provided under Standing Order 783(1), the Secretary shall prepare
for use in the Stationing Committee and its sub-committees a draft of the stations
([…] presbyteral and diaconal), a copy of which shall be distributed to members of the
588 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [783]
(8) Except where Standing Order 775(3) applies the committee may refer the case
of any […] presbyter for whom no appointment can be found to a district Consultative
Committee appointed under Standing Order 040 and shall designate the […] presbyter
‘without appointment’ until the Consultative Committee can resolve the matter.
S.O. 775(3) refers to ministers or probationers married to each other and S.O. 040 failure by a minister to
fulfil the obligations of his or her appointment.
783 Stationing Procedures: diaconal. (1) The Warden of the Methodist Diaconal
Order shall be responsible for deciding upon the recommendations to be made as to the
stationing of the deacons in the available diaconal stations, recognising the specialised
ministry needs of the Circuits involved.
(2) A deacon, diaconal probationer or student deacon shall not be offered nor accept
an initial invitation to serve in a Circuit but shall be entirely at the disposal of the
Stationing Committee, and the same shall be true of persons applying to be received into
Full Connexion as deacons under Standing Order 730, 731 or 761.
S.O. 730, 731 and 761 refer to deacons or former deacons applying to be received by transfer or
(3) Subject to clause (2) above, the initial stationing of deacons and diaconal
probationers shall proceed alongside that for […] presbyters and […] presbyteral
probationers in accordance with Standing Order 542. To that end, each deacon available
for stationing in the next connexional year shall provide the details required by the
Warden to assist him or her in framing the recommendations as to stationing.
This Standing Order is to be read in conjunction with the provisions in Section 54 applicable to Circuits as
S.O. 542 (initial stationing)
S.O. 546 (extension by invitation)
S.O. 544(1A) (curtailment).
(4) In order to discharge this responsibility, the Warden shall obtain from the Circuits
and deacons involved and from any other appropriate bodies all relevant information,
including any information requested by the Connexional Allowances Committee. He or she
shall also obtain from the Stationing Advisory Committee its recommendations as to any
diaconal appointments within its purview and shall take into account the requests and
suggestions submitted by Chairs of Districts.
For the Stationing Advisory Committee see S.O. 323.
(5) In deciding upon the recommendations to be made, the Warden shall act with the
advice of the Diaconal Stationing Sub-committee appointed under Standing Order 322(7).
(6) The Warden’s recommendations shall be provided to the Secretary of the
Conference by a date to be determined by the Stationing Committee and from these
recommendations the Secretary shall prepare a draft of the diaconal stations to be
incorporated into the draft prepared for the purposes of Standing Order 782(7) above.
(7) Except where Standing Order 775(3) applies the Stationing Committee may refer
the case of any deacon for whom no appointment can be found to a district Consultative
Committee appointed under Standing Order 040 and shall designate the deacon ‘without
appointment’ until the Consultative Committee can resolve the matter.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 589
[783] Book III Standing Orders
S.O. 775(3) refers to ministers or probationers married to each other and S.O. 040 failure by a minister to
fulfil the obligations of his or her appointment.
785 Adoption, Arrangement and Effect. (1) At the end of the Representative
Session the draft of the stations together with a list of the subsequent changes proposed
by the Stationing Committee shall be presented to the Conference for adoption. The draft
as presented and adopted shall contain both the […] presbyteral and diaconal stations,
the one being clearly distinguished from the other in accordance with clause (4) of this
Standing Order.
(2) The […] presbyters, deacons, probationers […] and students […] concerned in
changes made to the stations, the senior circuit stewards of the Circuits involved, the
secretary of each Synod, all the members of the Stationing Committee and those Chairs
and Lay Stationing Representatives who are not members of the Stationing Committee
shall be entitled to receive notification of those changes.
(3) (a) The stations shall be arranged under the home Districts, followed by the
Connexional Team, chaplains to the forces, the overseas Districts and […] presbyters,
deacons and probationers appointed to serve other conferences or churches, permitted
to serve abroad or permitted to reside abroad.
(b) Within the home and overseas Districts each of the places mentioned in the
stations and numbered is the name of a Circuit, and the […] presbyter first named is
the Superintendent. In the event of his or her death, resignation, incapacity or removal
to another station the Chair shall consult with the ministers […] appointed to the
Circuit, if any, and the circuit stewards and, within 21 days, appoint one of the other […]
presbyters appointed to the Circuit or another appropriate Circuit (in consultation with
other Chairs if necessary) as Superintendent, or elect to be the Superintendent himself or
herself, and Standing Orders shall apply to such appointment as if it were an appointment
by the Conference.
For the meaning of ‘appointed to’ see S.O. 005 (vi).
(4) (a) In the circuit stations, after the name of the Superintendent, the names of other
[…] presbyters, deacons, probationers and other persons shall be printed in the following
order of categories and in alphabetical order within each category:
(i) […] presbyters and deacons in the active work and probationers
appointed to the Circuit;
590 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [785]
(ii) persons residing in the Circuit for the purposes of the stations who are
authorised to serve the Church as […] presbyters or deacons under
Standing Order 733;
(iii) […] presbyters, deacons and probationers in appointments not within the
control of the Church;
(iv) those residing in the Circuit for the purposes of the stations under clause
(8)(d) below and those stationed in another Circuit who have elected to
reside in the Circuit under clause (8)(c) below;
(v) […] presbyters, deacons and probationers without appointment;
(vi) supernumerary […] presbyters and deacons.
(b) Where […] presbyters, deacons or probationers are appointed to stations in
the home work but not to a Circuit, nor as Chairs, nor in the Connexional Team, nor as
chaplains to the forces, their names shall appear under the circuit number of a suitable
Circuit, but under an appropriate heading following the names arranged in accordance
with sub-clause (a) above.
For the distinction between ‘appointed to’ and ‘stationed in’ see S.O. 005(vi), (vii).
For ministers without appointment see S.O. 774, 775.
For supernumeraries see S.O. 791.
As to the listing of forces chaplains and deacons serving in support of chaplains in the stations see S.O.
(5) (a) The appointments of ministers […] and probationers shall take effect for
one year from the first day of the month of September next following, and accordingly
a minister […] or probationer moving to a new appointment within the control of the
Church shall not be expected to undertake any of the duties of that appointment until the
1st September.
(b) Ministers […] and probationers removing to new appointments within the control of
the Church shall do so during the week beginning on the first Monday in August, unless
alternative arrangements are concluded which are agreeable to all the parties concerned.
Unless such arrangements are agreed by all the parties, removals shall not be delayed
beyond the second Monday in August, whether in the case of a subsequent engagement
in the Circuit or for any other reason.
(c) Circuit stewards shall ensure that appropriate arrangements are made within the
Circuit or with a neighbouring Circuit to cover the duties of the outgoing minister […] or
probationer from the date of removal until the 1st September, including the availability of
a person authorised to conduct marriages.
(6) Immediately after the name of each District shall appear in brackets the ministry
deployment figure allotted by the Conference, that is to say the number of […] presbyters,
deacons and […] presbyteral and diaconal probationers expected to be stationed in
appointments to a Circuit in that District or to the District itself, subject to availability of
personnel and finance and to any other stationing considerations.
(7) A direction in the terms of Standing Order 343(5) or 344(8) (as appropriate) shall
be inserted in the stations in relation to every chaplain appointed under those Standing
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 591
[785] Book III Standing Orders
(8) (a) Every […] presbyter, deacon and probationer whose name appears in the
stations in accordance with clause (4)(b) above is a member of the Synod of the District
in which he or she resides for the purposes of the stations, and for those purposes
resides in the Circuit under the number of which his or her name so appears unless
he or she is entitled and has elected in accordance with sub-clause (c) below to reside
elsewhere for those purposes.
(b) [deleted]
(c) A person so entitled may elect to reside for the purposes of the stations in another
Circuit if he or she will be living in the area which it serves or be active in its life and work
or if members of his or her household will be in membership there. He or she shall so
elect before or during the preceding Conference by so informing the Chair of the District
containing that Circuit.
(d) The stations of members of the Connexional Team not also appointed to a Circuit
shall specify the Circuits in which they are to reside for the purposes of the stations.
As to membership of the Circuit Meeting and (if eligible) Local Preachers’ Meeting of a person within sub-
clause (a) or (d) see S.O. 510(l)(ii) and 560(1).
As to eligibility for membership of church courts and office in the Local Church see S.O. 606(1)(i) and the
Standing Orders as to particular courts and offices.
As to eligibility for circuit committees and offices see S.O. 503(1)(i) and the Standing Orders as to
particular committees and offices.
As to forces chaplains and deacons serving in support of chaplains see S.O. 355.
592 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing
Section 79 Supernumeraries
Standing Order Page
790 Application to become Supernumerary....................................................... 593
791 Status and Stationing............................................................................... 595
792 Continuing Ministry................................................................................... 596
793 Return to the Active Work.......................................................................... 597
Clauses 23(i) and 23A(i) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) require the Conference by Standing Order to
make provisions for presbyters and deacons to become supernumerary.
This Section applies to presbyters and deacons in Full Connexion. As to other ministers see S.O. 734.
(1A) A minister […] seeking permission under clause (1) above may, on making the
request, state that it is also made on the grounds of ill health or on compassionate
grounds and the procedure set out in clause (2) or (3) below, as the case may require,
shall apply, with the necessary amendments, for the purpose of determining whether
such grounds are satisfied.
(1B) Except where clause (1A) applies, permission to become supernumerary will
normally be granted only where the date on which the minister […] would become
supernumerary coincides with the expected end of the minister’s […] current
appointment as agreed in a previous connexional year or after curtailment.
(1C) A minister […] who is not within the scope of clause (1) above or clause (2) or (3)
below may seek permission to become supernumerary under the terms of Standing Order
791(1) by making a request to the Secretary of the Conference or the Warden of the
Diaconal Order, as the case may require, stating the reasons for which the application is
made and the date on which it is proposed that the application will take effect if granted.
(1D) The amount of any pension to be received by a minister […] from the Methodist
Ministers’ Pension Scheme and the age at which it is to be received are governed by the
Rules of the Scheme.
As to pensions see S.O. 805. The Methodist Ministers’ Pension Scheme is a registered pension scheme
(formerly a scheme approved under Chapter 1 Part XIV of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988)
administered, in accordance with the Scheme Rules, by a corporate trustee, The Methodist Ministers’
Pension Trust Ltd., appointed by the Conference.
(2) (a) Any minister […] seeking to become a supernumerary on the grounds of ill
health who is not within the scope of clause (1) above shall, after giving notice to his or
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 593
[790] Book III Standing Orders
her Chair (and, in the case of a deacon, also to the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal
Order), apply to the relevant member of the Connexional Team who shall refer the
application to the chair of the medical committee of the Methodist Council. The chair
of the medical committee shall arrange for a medical report, and, where the committee
judges it appropriate, for the applicant to be referred to an independent occupational
health physician for assessment. All expenses in connection with such a medical report
and assessment shall be borne by the medical committee.
(b) In cases of prolonged or repeated absence through ill health, the relevant Chair
or the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order or the Secretary of the Conference may
require a minister […] to undergo an assessment by a medical adviser or independent
occupational health physician and may specify that the assessment should include an
assessment of whether the minister […] concerned should be invited to seek permission
to become supernumerary on the grounds of ill health. All expenses in connection with
such an assessment shall be borne by the medical committee.
(c) If following an assessment under sub-clause (b) it is reported by the person
making the assessment or it appears to the Secretary of the Conference or the Warden
of the Methodist Diaconal Order that the minister […] concerned should be invited to
seek permission to become a supernumerary on the grounds of ill health but he or she
declines to do so, the Secretary or, in the case of a deacon, the Warden may require that
he or she be treated as having made such an application, but without prejudice to the
rights given by sub-clause (e) below.
(d) All records, reports and assessments received pursuant to sub-clauses (a) and
(b) above shall be held in connexional files that are confidential to the members of
the medical committee, to the Secretary of the Conference and his or her delegated
representatives and to the Trustee of the Methodist Ministers’ Pension Scheme when
early retirement on grounds of ill health in the case of a particular minister […] is being
(e) Unless sub-clause (f) below applies the medical committee shall recommend to
the […] Presbyteral Session of the Conference or the Conference Diaconal Committee,
as the case may require, whether the person concerned should be permitted to become
a supernumerary on medical grounds and shall inform him or her in writing of its
recommendation. The person concerned may by notice in writing to the Secretary of
the Conference given within fourteen days after he or she is informed of the medical
committee’s recommendation, or such longer period as the Secretary of the Conference
may allow, require that a further independent medical opinion be sought and that the
matter be considered afresh by people who have not been involved in the making
of the previous recommendation. The second recommendation shall, if the person
concerned so requires, be presented to the […] Presbyteral Session of the Conference
or the Conference Diaconal Committee, as the case may require, together with the first
For the Conference Diaconal Committee see cl. 25A of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1 above) and
Section 18.
(f) If the medical committee considers that the person concerned should as a matter
of urgency be permitted to become a supernumerary before the next meeting of the
594 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [791]
Conference, and he or she so desires, the committee shall so recommend [...] and the
President or the Vice-President on his or her behalf shall grant permission.
(g) Where the person concerned desires to receive an enhanced pension from the
Methodist Ministers’ Pension Scheme a report shall be made available by the medical
committee to the Trustee of the scheme.
The level of pension, if any, to be paid in such cases is determined by the rules of the Methodist Ministers’
Pension Scheme (see note to cl. (1D) above).
As to (f), the President has power to grant permission on the ground of ill health in cases of urgency (Deed
of Union, cl. 23(i) or 25A(i), Book II, Part 1).
(3) A minister […] who is not within the scope of clause (1) or (2) above may apply for
permission to become a supernumerary on compassionate grounds. Any such person
shall, after giving notice to the Chair (and, in the case of a deacon, also to the Warden),
apply to the Stationing Advisory Committee, stating the grounds on which the application
is made. The committee shall make a recommendation to the Stationing Committee
which shall in turn make a recommendation to the […] Presbyteral Session of the
Conference or the Conference Diaconal Committee, as the case may be.
The level of pension, if any, to be paid in such cases is determined by the rules of the Methodist Ministers’
Pension Scheme (see note to cl. (1D) above).
(4) A minister […] who is permitted to serve in accordance with heads (iv) to (vi) of
Standing Order 780 in a chaplaincy or an appointment not within the control of the Church
or a mission partnership where the length and timing of appointments is not co-terminous
with the connexional year and who satisfies the criteria for becoming a supernumerary
in clause (1) above may apply to the President to be designated as without appointment
until the end of the connexional year. In determining the case the President or the Vice-
President on his or her behalf may ask the Stationing Advisory Committee to make a
recommendation about the circumstances and the financial implications.
(5) All recommendations under clauses (2), (3) and (4) above made with respect to
[…] presbyters prior to the […] Presbyteral Session of the Synod shall be reported to
it. Those made with respect to deacons prior to the Convocation shall be reported to that
(6) The Agenda of the Conference shall include a list of the names of ministers […]
asking permission to become supernumeraries, showing also the number of years each
has travelled.
See also the notes to S.O. 364(1).
791 Status and Stationing. (1) A minister […] who seeks permission to become
a supernumerary thereby requests an alteration in the terms and conditions of his or her
service, and in particular exemption from any requirement to be available for appointment
to a station in the active work. He or she shall not be counted in the number of
(i) those appointed to serve in the ministry deployment figure allotted by the
Conference to a District in accordance with Standing Order 785(6) and
heads (i) or (ii) of Standing Order 780(1); or
(ii) those appointed to serve according to heads (iii) to (vi) of Standing Order
780(1); or
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 595
[791] Book III Standing Orders
(5) Supernumerary […] presbyters shall attend the […] Presbyteral Session of
the Synod unless they receive a dispensation of absence, but their attendance at the
Representative Session is optional.
As to dispensations, see S.O. 741. Supernumerary deacons are not required to attend the Representative
Session (S.O. 741).
792 Continuing Ministry. (1) (a) Unless otherwise directed by a church court under
Part 11 or Section 04 a supernumerary minister […] is expected to continue as he or she
is able to exercise his or her ministry in collaboration with those in the active work in the
Circuit in which he or she is stationed or elsewhere by agreement with the appropriate
Superintendent or Chair.
(b) In the case of a supernumerary presbyter this shall be a continuing ministry of
word, sacrament and pastoral responsibility.
(c) In the case of a supernumerary deacon it shall be a continuing ministry of service
and witness.
See also S.O 700(5) and 701(6).
A supernumerary is a member of the Circuit Meeting (S.O. 5l0(1)(ii)) and (if eligible) Local Preachers’
Meeting (S.O. 560(1)) of the Circuit. As to the eligibility of supernumeraries for membership of church courts
and office in the Circuit and Local Church see S.O. 503(1)(i), 505(1A), 530, 541(3), 551(4), 562(1), 606(1)
(i), 610(4)(ii), 610(2A), 620, 630(1A), 632(1), 635(1), 637(1A), 642(4).
596 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Presbyters and Deacons (1) – Status and Stationing [793]
Superintendent or head of institution and, in the case of a deacon, the Warden of the
Methodist Diaconal Order. The agreement shall be made in accordance with connexional
guidelines issued by the Stationing Advisory Committee. Such guidelines shall include
information about such matters as remuneration and pensions.
(3) Where it is desired that a supernumerary […] presbyter exercise pastoral charge in
a Circuit, he or she shall, in order to be eligible to do so, apply to return to the active work
in accordance with Standing Order 793.
793 Return to the Active Work. (1) Subject to clause (2) below any application by a
supernumerary […] presbyter or deacon in Full Connexion for permission to return to the
active work shall be made to the Stationing Advisory Committee. The application shall be
referred to the chair of the medical committee of the Methodist Council who shall arrange
for a medical report and make a recommendation to the Advisory Committee and, where
application has been made to become a member of the Methodist Ministers’ Pension
Scheme, to the Trustee of the scheme. The Advisory Committee shall consult the Chair
and Superintendent of the supernumerary concerned, and, where the supernumerary is a
deacon, the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order, and make a recommendation to the
Stationing Committee, which shall in turn make a recommendation to the Conference.
For the advisory committee see S.O. 323.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 597
Part 8 […] Presbyters and Deacons (2) – Terms of Service
Section Page
80 Support and Maintenance......................................................................... 600
See the introductory note to Part 7 for the background to these two Parts.
Book III Standing Orders
800 Year of Entry. (1) Entry into the […] presbyterate or the diaconate for the
purpose of seniority and years of travel shall, except as provided in these Standing
Orders or as otherwise directed by the Conference on reception, date from the year of
reception into Full Connexion or, if earlier, the year of first appointment as a probationer
to a Circuit or other approved appointment. A specific direction shall be given whenever
reception into Full Connexion has been deferred.
For ‘years of travel’ as a traditional way of expressing length of service see the Deed of Union clauses
23(i) and 23A(i).
(2) If first appointment as a probationer within clause (1) above occurs before
completion of pre-ordination training any subsequent period as a student or while
probation is suspended shall add no seniority and the year of entry shall be adjusted
(3) If a […] presbyter or deacon ceases to be in Full Connexion with the Conference,
whether by transfer, resignation, exclusion or for any other reason, and is later reinstated,
the intervening period shall add no seniority and the year of entry shall be adjusted
(4) The above provisions of this Standing Order apply in respect of […] presbyters to
those accepted as candidates in and after 1985. The seniority of other […] presbyters
shall continue to be governed by the Standing Orders in force when they were accepted
as candidates, except that clause (3) above shall apply to every […] presbyter reinstated
in or after 1985.
801 Stipends. (1) (a) Circuit ministers […], other ministers […] in the active work
and probationers appointed to stations within the control of the Church shall, subject to
clauses (6) and (7) below, receive stipends at not less than the appropriate rate on the
scale of minimum stipends from time to time prescribed by the Conference, provided
that a minister […] or probationer who is duly permitted to serve part-time shall receive
600 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 8 Presbyters and Deacons (3) – Terms of Service [801]
an appropriate proportion of the full-time rate, the amount of such proportion being
determined with reference to connexional guidelines by the Chair of the District in which
he or she is stationed after consultation with the circuit stewards or other responsible
officers of the Circuit or other responsible body respectively.
(b) Circuit ministers […], other ministers […] in the active work appointed to stations
within the control of the Church and probationers may also receive discretionary local
allowances by arrangement with the circuit stewards or the officers of the relevant
responsible body. Such arrangements shall be made according to guidelines issued by
the Connexional Allowances Committee. Any payments which exceed a maximum of ten
per cent of the basic minimum stipend shall require prior approval of that Committee.
(c) The circuit stewards or officers of the relevant responsible body shall provide a
profile of the appointment including a statement according to guidelines issued by the
Connexional Allowances Committee of the financial arrangements for that appointment,
including any discretionary local allowances and potential opportunities for earning fees.
For fees and remuneration for additional work see S.O. 802 below.
For the statement, see S.O. 782(2) and 783(4).
(2) In addition all essential expenses incurred by ministers […] and probationers in
the discharge of the responsibilities of their appointments shall be defrayed in full by the
Circuits or other bodies responsible for provision of their stipends.
For travel allowances see S.O. 433.
For furnishing allowance see S.O. 804(2).
(3) [...] There shall be throughout the Connexion a uniform method in the payment of
stipends, namely that upon entry into a Circuit a full [...] month’s stipend shall be paid on
the 1st September to each newly-appointed minister […] and probationer, and similarly
in each subsequent [...] month, payment being made in advance. Stipends shall be
paid by the Connexional Team, which shall collect the sums required for that purpose by
direct debit from the Circuits and other responsible bodies four working days before the
beginning of each [...] month.
See S.O. 532(1)(ii).
The Conference in 2012 amended S.O. 803(3) so that from 1 May 2013 ministerial stipends would be
paid monthly rather than quarterly.
(4) Ministers […] or probationers within the scope of clause (1) above who are unable
by reason of illness or injury to discharge the responsibilities of their appointments shall
continue to receive their stipends and to be reimbursed for all expenses within Standing
Order 801(2) which continue during the incapacity. They shall, however, give credit for
any Social Security benefits and statutory sickness pay to which they may be entitled by
reason of the incapacity, the amount of all such benefits receivable during any quarter
being deducted from the next quarter’s payment of stipend and (if there has been a
change of station meanwhile) remitted to the Circuit or other body entitled to the refund.
As to reimbursement from the Methodist Church Fund see S.O. 365.
(5) (a) On the death of a minister […] or probationer within the scope of clause (1)
above the deceased’s spouse and/or any dependants of the deceased then resident in
the manse shall be entitled to remain there until the end of the current connexional year.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 601
[801] Book III Standing Orders
(6) (a) A minister […] or probationer entitled to receive a stipend under clause (1)
above may inform the Chair of the relevant District and, in the case of a deacon or
diaconal probationer, the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order that he or she does not
wish to receive a stipend. The Chair or the Warden shall hold a pastoral interview with the
minister […] or probationer according to guidelines issued by the Connexional Allowances
Committee and make a recommendation through the Stationing Advisory Committee to
the Stationing Committee.
(b) Where a minister […] or probationer does not receive a stipend for an appointment
within the control of the Church, the Circuit or other appropriate body shall demonstrate
to the satisfaction of the district Policy Committee that the moneys which otherwise
would be paid as stipend are being spent on or saved for additional ministries within that
Circuit or body.
(c) A Circuit or other body responsible for a full-time or part-time appointment within the
control of the Church may apply for a minister […] or probationer to be stationed without
payment of a stipend. Such application shall be made to the district Policy Committee
which shall consider the resources of the Circuit or other body according to guidelines
issued by the Connexional Allowances Committee and shall make a recommendation to
the Stationing Committee accordingly.
(7) Clauses (2) to (5) above shall not apply to any ministers […] or probationers in
appointments not within the control of the Church, except that they shall be entitled in
accordance with clause (2) above to have all essential expenses incurred in the discharge
of their responsibilities defrayed in full by the Circuits or other connexional body in which
they undertake duties.
802 Remuneration of Part-time Chaplaincies and Other Work. (1) Ministers […]
and probationers permitted to serve part-time in appointments within the control of the
Church shall be remunerated for that service in accordance with Standing Order 801(1).
(2) Supernumeraries and those ministers […] and probationers who are permitted
to serve in appointments not within the control of the Church or who are otherwise not
normally in receipt of a stipend from the Church shall have expenses incurred in the
course of undertaking duties for the Church defrayed in accordance with Standing Order
(3) The following clauses of this Standing Order relate to the engagement of circuit
ministers […] or probationers in part-time chaplaincy, teaching or other work not within
their circuit responsibilities, to remuneration for such work and to fees received for
weddings and funerals.
602 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 8 Presbyters and Deacons (3) – Terms of Service [803]
(4) No person to whom clause (3) of this Standing Order applies shall engage in work
to which that clause applies without first consulting the Superintendent and Chair, and,
in the case of a deacon or diaconal probationer, the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal
Order. A probationer must also obtain the permission of the appropriate connexional
Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee.
(5) If the total of any such remuneration and fees will exceed one quarter of the
person’s minimum stipend or if the total of any time spent on work to which clause
(3) applies and on weddings and funerals will exceed ten hours per week, then the
Superintendent, the other ministers […] and probationers appointed to the Circuit and
the circuit stewards shall consult in order to arrive at a just and amicable agreement
which shall then, except where clause (7) below applies, be put into effect. If the work will
affect the person’s circuit duties or cause extra work to a ministerial […] colleague the
agreement shall include an arrangement for some recompense to be paid to the Circuit or
(6) Where agreement is not reached locally the Chair, who will already have been
consulted, shall be asked to decide (subject to clause (7) below and, in the case of a
diaconal appointment, after consultation with the Warden) whether the work shall be
undertaken, and if so on what terms.
(7) If clause (5) above applies and the amount involved will exceed in total one half
of the person’s minimum stipend or if the time spent will exceed in total 20 hours per
week, then after proposals have been formulated under clause (5) or (6) above they
shall be referred, in the form of an application, to the Chair and the Stationing Advisory
Committee, who shall in consultation with the Stationing Committee, and, where relevant,
with the Warden, together consider them as the Advisory Committee does those for full-
time work in appointments not within the control of the Church and give a decision.
For the Stationing Advisory Committee see S.O.323.
(8) If the amount specified in clause (5) above rises or falls the arrangements shall be
reviewed and, if necessary, revised.
(9) Superintendents shall by the 31st March in each year report in writing to the Chair
on all agreements and arrangements made or revised under this Standing Order.
803 Accommodation and Furnishing. (1) (a) Subject to clause (2) below the Circuit
or other body responsible for provision of the stipend of a circuit minister […] or other
minister […] in the active work or probationer appointed to a station within the control of
the Church shall provide a manse as a base for the work of ministry as well as a home.
(b) The accommodation to be provided shall satisfy the relevant accommodation
guidelines approved from time to time by the Conference, unless permission for a
departure from those guidelines has been granted under paragraph (c) below.
For the guidelines approved by the Conference of 2009, see Book VII A, Part 2.
(c) In any case in which it is proposed that there be a significant departure from the
approved accommodation guidelines, permission shall be sought by the Circuit or other
responsible body from the district Policy Committee or, if the appointment is not a circuit
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 603
[803] Book III Standing Orders
appointment, the Methodist Council or other body or person to whom the council may
delegate the granting of such permissions.
(d) Such permission shall only be granted if the committee or council (or other body or
person) is satisfied:
(i) that it is appropriate because of the particular local circumstances or
nature of the appointment or for some other compelling reason; and
(ii) that the matter has been fully discussed with the minister concerned and
(if applicable) those responsible for his or her oversight, such discussion
having taken place, in the case of an incoming minister, before an
invitation has been offered and accepted, and, in the case of an incoming
deacon, before the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order has made his
or her recommendation as to stationing.
(e) No such departure shall be permitted in the case of an incoming probationer after
the description of the appointment has been furnished under Standing Order 723(2)(a).
(1A) For the purposes of clause (1) above, provision of a manse ‘as a base for the
work of ministry’ means that the minister […] or probationer concerned is expected to
discharge the duties of the appointment in substantial part from the manse (whether or
not he or she has a study available elsewhere) but does not oblige him or her to hold
meetings or to conduct pastoral or other confidential interviews at the manse.
For inspection of manses by the District Manses Committee see S.O. 965.
(2) Where two persons, each of whom is a minister […] or probationer, married to each
other are appointed to the same Circuit or to nearby Circuits they shall be entitled to one
manse only and shall choose which of the available manses they will occupy. Where two
Circuits are involved any question as to the financial arrangements between them not
resolved by consultation shall be referred to a special committee appointed by the Synod
and its decision shall be final.
See also the guidance in the code of practice published annually by the Stationing Committee.
(3) [revoked]
(4) The Circuit or other such body shall, having regard for energy efficiency, also provide
all carpets, curtains and other floor covering, lamp shades and light fittings, fixed fires
(where fitted), study furniture, cooker and kitchen cupboards, as specified in clauses (6)
to (8) below.
As to energy efficiency see also the guidance in Book VII A, Parts 1.2 and 2.3. The Conference of 2010
directed that Circuits should endeavour to use model trust money to put in place these high standards of
energy efficiency. It also directed that Circuits should endeavour to provide smart meter devices to enable
ministers to control their electricity use.
(5) [revoked]
(6) Guidelines as to the minimum requirements and best practice in the furnishing
of manses shall be issued from time to time on behalf of the Methodist Council.
Commonsense and flexibility should be exercised in applying those guidelines. It is the
clear duty of the Circuit or other responsible body to see that each manse contains the
items in the guidelines, but if a minister […] or probationer has any of these items and is
willing that they should be used then it should be noted that these items may be required
when there is a new appointment but are not needed now.
604 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 8 Presbyters and Deacons (3) – Terms of Service [804]
The Conference of 2009 received the guidelines intended to be issued under this clause by the Methodist
Council (2009 Agenda p 203), which largely reflected the provisions previously contained in cl.5 above.
See also the ‘Charter for Incoming Ministers’, in Book VII A, Part 1.
(7) Where the accommodation provided does not comply in all respects with the
guidelines referred to in clause (1) above, whether as a result of a permitted departure
from those guidelines or otherwise, the furnishings shall satisfy the requirements of
clause (6) above as far as is reasonably possible and in any event shall be adequate for
the accommodation and appropriate for the purposes of a manse.
(8) A minister […] or probationer bringing study furniture, cooker, carpets or curtains
into a manse so as to render surplus manse furniture or furnishings (not considered
inadequate by the district Manses Committee by reference to the guidelines as to
minimum requirements) is responsible with the Circuit or other responsible body for the
proper storage of such surplus furniture or furnishings and the cost of such storage shall
be shared equally by the Circuit or other responsible body and the person concerned.
He or she should consult the circuit stewards or other responsible officers so that an
approved arrangement can be made for storage of this and any other manse furniture
or furnishings which it is considered will not be used, to the extent that the stewards or
other officers cannot find an alternative use for it or cannot themselves store it safely and
economically. The Circuit Meeting shall receive and record the details for future use.
(9) This Standing Order and clause (2) of Standing Order 804 shall not apply to
ministers […] or probationers permitted to serve in appointments that are not within
the control of the Church, who shall be wholly responsible for the provision of their own
accommodation and furniture.
(10) Where a minister […] or probationer [...] wishes to live in his or her own home and
not in the manse [...] provided by the Circuit or other appointing body, [...] application
must be made in writing to the Ministries Committee for permission to do so. The
application must give the reasons upon which the request is made. The Committee shall
issue, and may from time to time amend, guidelines for dealing with such applications,
shall consider each application in accordance with those guidelines, and shall have
power to grant or withhold permission, to impose conditions and to give any associated
804 Furniture. (1) A minister […] or probationer within the terms of Standing Order
803 (1) shall be responsible for supplying all furniture, with the exception of that provided
under Standing Order 803(4).
(2) Ministers […] and probationers on being appointed for the first time to a station
in the home work within the control of the Church shall be eligible to receive financial
assistance according to need from the Methodist Church Fund. Assistance may be
given by way of grant or loan or a combination of both, according to criteria approved
by the Methodist Council. Payment shall be made by the Connexional Team which shall
also deal with any related administrative matters which may arise. This clause shall not
apply to any such person aged 55 or more (taking age as at 31st August next following
acceptance as a candidate) unless the Methodist Council judges it necessary to give
assistance in the light of special circumstances.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 605
[804] Book III Standing Orders
(3) The needs of mission partners returning from overseas to home service shall be a
charge upon the World Mission Fund.
For this fund see S.O. 362(2).
805 Retirement Benefits. (1) (a) A minister […] or probationer may apply to
become a member of the Methodist Ministers’ Pension Scheme according to the Rules
for eligibility and application set by the Trustee of that Scheme.
The Methodist Ministers’ Pension Scheme is a registered pension scheme (formerly a scheme approved
under Chapter 1 Part XIV of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988) administered, in accordance with
the Scheme Rules, by a corporate trustee, The Methodist Ministers’ Pension Trust Ltd., appointed by the
Information about any possible implication of the rules of the Methodist Ministers’ Pension Scheme for
the benefits of a minister undergoing a change in his or her conditions of service may be obtained through
the Stationing Advisory Committee (for which see S.O. 323).
(b) The Conference may from time to time on the recommendation of the Trustee of
the Scheme approve levels of contribution to the Scheme that are required from Circuits
or other bodies providing the stipend for a minister […] or probationer, and from any
minister […] or probationer who applies to be a member of the Scheme.
(c) The Conference shall receive reports from the Trustee of the Scheme as to the level
of pension and deferred pension to be paid by the Scheme to its members.
(2) (a) A minister […] or probationer may apply to the Methodist Ministers’ Housing
Society for help with housing upon becoming a supernumerary, according to the Society’s
Rules for eligibility.
Information about any possible implication of the rules of the Methodist Ministers’ Housing Society for the
benefits of a minister undergoing a change in his or her conditions of service may be obtained through the
Stationing Advisory Committee (for which see S.O. 323).
(b) The spouse of a minister […] or probationer may apply to the Methodist Ministers’
Housing Society for help with housing upon becoming a widow or widower, according to
the Society’s Rules for eligibility.
See the note to S.O. 364(1).
(3) (a) A […] presbyter may apply for assistance from the Fund for the Support of
Presbyters and Deacons on becoming a supernumerary.
(b) The spouse of a presbyter or […] presbyteral probationer may apply for assistance
from the Fund for the Support of Presbyters and Deacons upon becoming a widow or
See further S.O. 364(1).
806 Parenthood: Interpretation, General Provisions and Savings. (1) This Standing
Order and Standing Orders 807, 807A, 807B, 807C, 807D are here called ‘this sub-
(2) In this sub-section references to any statutory provision are to that statutory
provision or any modification or re-enactment of it for the time being in force and any
regulations or orders made or having effect under it, and (except in Standing Order 807D)
references to a week are to a week beginning at midnight between Saturday and Sunday.
606 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 8 Presbyters and Deacons (3) – Terms of Service [806]
(3) The persons to whom this sub-section applies are persons who are ministers
[…] in the active work or probationers and whose stations are within the control of the
Church, and they are sometimes referred to as ‘qualifying persons’.
(4) In this sub-section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(i) ‘child’ means a person under the age of eighteen;
(ii) ‘childbirth’ means the birth of a living child or the birth of a child whether
living or dead after 24 weeks of pregnancy;
(iii) ‘disability living allowance’ means the disability living allowance provided
for in Part III of the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992;
(iv) ‘expected week of adoption’ means the week in which it is expected that
adoption will occur, and ‘expected week of placement’ means the week in
which it is expected that the placing of a child for adoption will occur;
(v) ‘expected week of childbirth’ means the week in which it is expected that
childbirth will occur, and ‘week of childbirth’ means the week in which it
(vi) ‘leave’ means any of the kinds of leave or time off provided for in this
sub-section and ‘entitlement to leave’ has a corresponding meaning;
(vii) ‘parental responsibility’ has the meaning given by section 3 of the
Children Act 1989, and ‘parental responsibilities’ has the meaning given
by section 1(3) of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995;
(viii) ‘responsible officers’ means:
(a) in the case of a person appointed to a Circuit who is not a
Superintendent, the Superintendent and the circuit stewards and, in
the case of a deacon, the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order;
(b) in the case of a Superintendent, the Chair and the circuit stewards;
(c) in the case of a Chair, the Secretary of the Conference;
(d) in the case of the Secretary of the Conference or the Warden of
the Methodist Diaconal Order, the President, and in the case of the
assistant secretary, the Secretary;
(e) in the case of a Connexional Secretary, the chair of the Strategy and
Resources Committee of the Methodist Council, and in the case of
any other person who is a member of the Connexional Team, the
Connexional Secretary responsible for the oversight of the appointee
and, in the case of a deacon, the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal
(f) in all other cases, the Chair of the District in which the person is
stationed, and, in the case of a deacon, the Warden of the Methodist
Diaconal Order;
(ix) ‘responsibilities of his or her appointment’ and similar expressions
include training or any activity undertaken for the purposes of keeping in
touch with the responsible officers.
(5) Subject to clause (6) below and to Standing Order 807A(4), a person on leave
under the provisions of this sub-section is not permitted to discharge the responsibilities
of his or her appointment.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 607
[806] Book III Standing Orders
(6) A person on leave under the provisions of this sub-section is excused from
attending the Synod of which he or she is a member, but may attend, except during
compulsory maternity leave, upon informing the Chair of his or her intention to do so.
If either of Standing Orders 807A(4)(c) or 807C(4)(c) applies to a person who attends,
then the person will be treated for the purposes of the relevant Standing Order as having
fulfilled the responsibilities of his or her appointment for one day.
(7) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this sub-section entitlement to leave
ceases on the day, and leave ceases on the day before, a person ceases to be one to
whom this sub-section applies by virtue of clause (3) above.
807 Ante-natal Care. A qualifying person who is pregnant is entitled to take time off
to attend ante-natal care appointments.
807A Maternity Leave. (1) A qualifying person who is pregnant is required to take
compulsory maternity leave and is entitled, upon compliance with clause (2) below, to
take ordinary maternity leave and additional maternity leave.
(2) She shall notify the responsible officers by the fifteenth week before the expected
week of childbirth or as soon as is reasonably practical of:
(i) her pregnancy;
(ii) the expected week of childbirth evidenced by a certificate stating such
expected week of childbirth from a registered medical practitioner or
midwife; and
(iii) the date on which she intends her ordinary maternity leave to start, which
shall be a date not earlier than the beginning of the eleventh week before
the expected week of childbirth.
As to responsible officers see S.O. 806(4)(viii).
As to expected week of childbirth see S.O. 806(4)(v).
(3) (a) Ordinary maternity leave commences with the earliest of:
(i) the date notified under clause (2)(a)(iii) above;
(ii) the child’s date of birth if this is before the expected week of childbirth;
(iii) the first day of absence as a result of illness, wholly or partly because of
pregnancy, after the start of the fourth week before the expected week of
and continues for 39 weeks from its commencement, or until the end of compulsory
maternity leave if later, unless she earlier resumes fulfilling the responsibilities of
her appointment under clause (4) below, in which case it ends on the day before the
(b) Additional maternity leave commences on the day after the last day of ordinary
maternity leave, and continues until the end of the period of 13 weeks thereafter or, if
earlier, until the day before the person concerned resumes fulfilling the responsibilities of
her appointment under clause (4) below.
(c) Compulsory maternity leave (which is part of ordinary maternity leave if taken)
commences with the day on which childbirth occurs and continues for 14 days.
608 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 8 Presbyters and Deacons (3) – Terms of Service [807B]
Cl. (1) above requires that qualifying persons take compulsory maternity leave.
(4) (a) A person on maternity leave may resume the fulfilment of the responsibilities
of her appointment at any time after the end of her compulsory maternity leave, but shall
give the responsible officers at least 8 weeks’ notice of the intended date of resumption
if it is earlier than the date on which all her maternity leave would otherwise end.
(b) Subject to sub-clause (c) below, if a person on maternity leave attempts to resume
fulfilling the responsibilities of her appointment without complying with sub-clause (a)
above, the responsible officers may postpone the resumption either to the earliest date
which will ensure that they have had 8 weeks’ notice, or to the date on which all maternity
leave ends, whichever is the earlier.
(c) Subject to Standing Order 806(6), a qualifying person taking maternity leave may,
with the consent of the responsible officers, fulfil the responsibilities of her appointment
for up to 10 days in total (but not during compulsory maternity leave) without bringing
her maternity leave to an end or extending the entitlement to maternity leave. This
clause does not confer any right on a qualifying person taking maternity leave to fulfil the
responsibilities of her appointment, nor any right on the responsible officers to require a
qualifying person taking maternity leave to fulfil the responsibilities of her appointment.
(5) (a) A person on ordinary maternity leave shall be paid her stipend less any Social
Security benefits to which she may be entitled, and shall also be reimbursed for all
expenses within Standing Order 801(2) which continue during that leave.
As to reimbursement from the Methodist Church Fund see S.O.365.
(b) A person on additional maternity leave shall be reimbursed for all expenses within
Standing Order 801(2) which continue during that leave.
(6) A person who takes ordinary or additional maternity leave shall not also undertake
a sabbatical in any connexional year in which such leave is taken.
As to sabbaticals generally see S.O. 744.
807B Paternity Leave. (1) A qualifying person whose wife is pregnant is entitled,
upon compliance with clause (2) below, to paternity leave in accordance with this
Standing Order. To qualify a person shall be either:
(i) the child’s biological father;
(ii) married to the mother of the child; or
(iii) living with the child’s mother in an enduring family relationship but not an
immediate relative.
(2) The qualifying person shall notify the responsible officers by the fifteenth week
before the beginning of the expected week of childbirth unless this is not reasonably
practical, of the day on which he or she intends the paternity leave to start, which shall be
(i) the day on which the child is born; or
(ii) a specified date after the child’s expected date of birth.
As to responsible officers see S.O. 806(4)(viii).
As to expected week of childbirth see S.O. 806(4)(v).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 609
[807B] Book III Standing Orders
(3) Paternity leave commences on the date or day notified under clause (2) above
and continues for 14 days. It must be completed before the end of a period of 56 days
beginning with the date of the child’s birth.
(4) A person on paternity leave shall be paid his or her stipend less any Social
Security benefits to which he or she may be entitled, and shall also be reimbursed for all
expenses within Standing Order 801(2) which continue during that leave.
As to reimbursement from the Methodist Church Fund see S.O.365.
807C Adoption Leave. (1) A qualifying person who adopts a child, or with whom
a child is placed for adoption, is entitled, upon compliance with clause (2) below, to
adoption leave, in accordance with this Standing Order.
As to which of adoption or placement for adoption is the relevant event, see cl.(6) below.
(2) He or she shall notify the responsible officers within 7 days of the date on which
he or she is notified of having been matched with a child for the purposes of adoption or
placement, or as soon as it is reasonably practicable to do so, of:
(i) the date on which the child is to be adopted or placed; and
(ii) the date on which adoption leave is expected to commence which shall
be either
a. the date specified in sub-clause (i); or
b. a predetermined date which is no more than 14 days before the date
on which the child is expected to be placed and no later than the date
of the placement.
As to responsible officers see S.O. 806(4)(viii).
As to expected week of adoption or placement see S.O. 806(4)(iv).
(3) (a) Ordinary adoption leave commences on the day notified under clause (2) above
and continues for 39 weeks from its commencement.
(b) Additional adoption leave commences on the day after the last day of ordinary
adoption leave and continues until the end of a further period of 13 weeks.
(4) (a) A person on adoption leave may resume the fulfilment of the responsibilities
of his or her appointment at any time but shall give the responsible officers at least 28
days’ notice of the intended date of resumption if it is earlier than the date on which all
his or her adoption leave would otherwise end.
(b) Subject to sub-clause (c) below, if a person on adoption leave attempts to resume
the fulfilment of the responsibilities of his or her appointment without complying with
sub-clause (a) above, the responsible officers may postpone the resumption either to the
earliest date which will ensure that they have had 28 days’ notice, or to the date on which
all adoption leave ends, whichever is the earlier.
(c) A qualifying person taking adoption leave may, with the consent of the responsible
officers, fulfil the responsibilities of his or her appointment for up to 10 days in total
without bringing his or her adoption leave to an end or extending the entitlement to
adoption leave. This clause does not confer any right on a qualifying person taking
adoption leave to fulfil the responsibilities of his or her appointment, nor any right on
the responsible officers to require a qualifying person taking adoption leave to fulfil the
responsibilities of his or her appointment.
610 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 8 Presbyters and Deacons (3) – Terms of Service [807D]
(5) (a) A person on ordinary adoption leave shall be paid his or her stipend less any
Social Security benefits to which he or she may be entitled, and shall also be reimbursed
for all expenses within Standing Order 801(2) which continue during that leave.
(b) A person on additional adoption leave shall be reimbursed for all expenses within
Standing Order 801(2) which continue during that leave.
As to reimbursement from the Methodist Church Fund see S.O.365.
(6) If a child is placed with a person for adoption and later adopted by that person
the placement, and not the adoption, is the relevant event for all the purposes of this
Standing Order and Standing Order 807D.
The effect of this provision is that a person may take adoption leave once only in respect of any child, and
that leave must be taken at the time of placement for adoption, if that occurs before adoption itself.
807D Parental Leave. (1) A person who has, or expects to have, responsibility for
a child is, subject to clause (3) below, and upon compliance with clause (4), entitled to
parental leave in accordance with this Standing Order.
(2) A person has responsibility for a child, for the purposes of clause (1), and is in this
Standing Order called the child’s parent, if:
(i) he or she has parental responsibility or, in Scotland, parental
responsibilities for the child; or
(ii) he or she has been registered as the child’s mother or father under
any provision of the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953 or the
Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1965.
As to parental responsibility or responsibilities, see S.O. 806(4)(vii).
(3) [revoked]
(4) (a) At least 21 days before the date on which he or she wishes any period of
parental leave to start, the person in question shall notify the responsible officers of the
name of the relevant child, of the dates on which he or she wishes that period to begin
and end, and of the dates of every period of parental leave which he or she has taken in
respect of that child.
(b) The responsible officers may postpone any period of parental leave if:
(i) they consider that fulfilment of the responsibilities of the parent’s
appointment would be unduly disrupted if parental leave were taken
during the period specified in the notice; and
(ii) they are willing to permit the parent to take parental leave, of the same
duration as specified in the notice, beginning on a date (not later than six
months after the proposed commencement date) specified by them after
consultation with the parent; and
(iii) they give notice to the parent in writing of the postponement, stating the
reason for it; and
(iv) that notice is given to the parent not more than seven days after the
parent’s notice was given to them.
(5) On or before giving the first notice under clause (4)(a) above in respect of a child,
the parent shall inform the responsible officers in writing of the full names and date of
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 611
[807D] Book III Standing Orders
birth of that child and, if material, the date of the child’s adoption by, or placement for
adoption with, the parent.
(6) (a) A parent is entitled to 13 weeks’ parental leave in respect of any individual
child, or 18 weeks’ parental leave in respect of each child entitled to a disability living
allowance, not more than four of which may be taken in any connexional year.
(b) A parent may not take parental leave in periods of less than one week or multiples
of that period, except in a case where the child in respect of whom leave is taken is
entitled to a disability living allowance, in which case the aggregate of the periods of
parental leave shall not exceed four weeks in any connexional year.
(7) Entitlement to parental leave shall be exercised:
(i) if the child is entitled to a disability living allowance, before his or her
eighteenth birthday; but otherwise
(ii) before the child’s fifth birthday; or
(iii) if the child has been adopted by, or placed for adoption with, the parent,
before the fifth anniversary of the date of the adoption or placement, or
the child’s eighteenth birthday, whichever is the earlier.
(8) A person on parental leave shall not be paid his or her stipend. He or she shall
be reimbursed for all expenses within Standing Order 801(2) which continue during that
808 Ill Health. The Methodist Council shall ensure that the Connexional Team
issues and updates as necessary a good practice guide for supporting ministers who
experience ill health which shall set out procedures for reporting ill health absence,
strategies for returning to ministry after an extended absence, and sources of further
The Conference in 2011 adopted the above Standing Order and directed that the good practice guide be
placed on the Methodist Church website.
612 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property
Section Page
90 Introductory and Interpretation.................................................................. 614
91 Administration of Trusts............................................................................ 617
92 Use of Methodist Premises....................................................................... 626
93 Projects................................................................................................... 631
94 The Local Church...................................................................................... 636
95 The Circuit............................................................................................... 639
96 The District.............................................................................................. 643
97 Connexional Priority Fund.......................................................................... 647
98 Listed Building Works............................................................................... 650
Book III Standing Orders
900 Trusts and Standing Orders. (1) In their application to property these Standing
Orders are supplementary to the trusts and other legal powers and obligations arising
under the trust instruments relating to the property or under the general law; in the event
of any conflict between these Standing Orders and any such trust or legal obligation the
latter prevails.
(2) Where, by virtue of the provisions of the Model Trusts or otherwise, the Conference
has power to regulate by Standing Order the exercise by trustees of any power, duty or
discretion vested in them as such trustees, compliance with such Standing Orders is a
requirement both of law and of Methodist polity.
(3) Subject to clauses (1) and (2) above these Standing Orders have the same force
and authority, as part of the polity and discipline of the Methodist Church, in relation to
property as to other subjects.
(4) Where church property is not held on the Model Trusts any provisions of these
Standing Orders of general application but framed by reference to the terms of the Model
Trusts shall take effect and be applied as nearly as the circumstances admit.
(5) The provisions of clauses (1) to (4) above apply to all Standing Orders affecting
property, whether or not contained in this Part.
901 Vesting of New Property. All land acquired for use as local, circuit or district
property or otherwise on behalf of any Local Church, Circuit or District shall be vested in
the custodian trustees on the trusts of the Model Trusts or, if a project under the Sharing
of Church Buildings Act 1969 has received consent in accordance with Section 93, in
the trustees and on the trusts provided for by that project, and no person or church court
shall permit the acquisition, or any step towards the acquisition, of any such land unless
satisfied that it will be so vested.
As to who are the custodian trustees see S.O. 006(3)(b)
902 Model Trusts – Consultation. The power of the Conference to prescribe what
shall be ‘appropriate consultation’ for the purposes of paragraphs 3(2), 6(1), 8(1), 8(3)
614 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property [906]
and 9 of the Model Trusts shall be exercised by the adoption of regulations, which shall
be published in accordance with Standing Order 124(9).
See Book VI, Part 2.
903 Care and Custody of Deeds. (1) A fire-proof safe or safes may be provided in
each Circuit for documents of title relating to local and circuit property and in any District
or by any connexional organisation for those relating to district or connexional property
(2) All documents of title in the possession or under the control of any managing
trustees shall be kept in a safe provided in accordance with clause (1) above or shall be
deposited with a clearing bank.
(3) A register of all documents of title and other documents relating to local or circuit
property shall be kept in each Circuit and of those relating to district or connexional
property in each District and by each connexional organisation respectively. Every such
register shall be made and preserved in a book and the documents shall be compared
annually with the register, in the case of those relating to local and circuit property by
the Superintendent and the senior circuit steward or by some other person or persons
appointed for the purpose by the Circuit Meeting, and in the case of district and
connexional property by some person or persons appointed by the trustees.
(4) This Standing Order does not apply to documents of title relating to land in the Isle
of Man or the Channel Islands.
In the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands the custodian trustees, as defined in S.O. 006(3)(b), will need
to deal with the documents of title in accordance with the relevant law in force in the respective jurisdictions.
905 Interpretation – Projects. In this Part references to ‘projects’ are to any of the
matters requiring consent under Standing Order 930 and any other dealing with or action
relating to property for which the trustees of that property require approval or consent
under the Model Trusts or these Standing Orders, except capitalisation of revenue
reserves under Standing Order 915(6) and (for the avoidance of doubt) schemes within
Standing Order 942.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 615
[907] Book III Standing Orders
907 Interpretation – Parent Bodies. In this Part, unless the context otherwise
requires, ‘parent body’ means in relation to district property or district trustees the
relevant Synod or Synods, in relation to conference property the Conference and in
relation to connexional property or connexional trustees the council, board, general
committee or other body administering the affairs of the relevant connexional
616 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property
910 Proceedings of Trustees. (1) The proceedings of Circuit Meetings and Church
Councils while acting as managing trustees shall be governed by the Standing Orders
affecting the proceedings of those bodies generally.
See in particular S.O. 502, 517, 518, 613(3), 615 and 616.
(2) The proceedings of conference trustees, connexional trustees and district trustees
shall be governed by the regulations (if any) in that behalf made by the parent body. Any
such regulations may include provisions authorising the chair of such trustees to take
action between meetings of the trustees in such circumstances, to such extent and on
such conditions as the parent body may think fit.
For the meaning of ‘parent body’ see S.O. 907.
(3) Subject to clauses (1) and (2) above the determination of what is necessary or
expedient for the purposes of the Model Trusts and of all other questions falling to
be decided by managing trustees shall be by the vote of the majority of the managing
trustees present at the relevant meeting and voting, and if the votes are equal the chair
shall have a casting vote, whether or not he or she has already voted.
(4) Subject to clauses (1), (2) and (3) above managing trustees may regulate their own
(5) (a) The regulations made by the Conference under clause (2) above as parent body
to govern the proceedings of conference trustees are as follows.
(b) The trustees may fix the time and place of their next meeting, and if they do so no
further consultation or consent is required for the calling of that meeting as so fixed.
(c) Subject to (b) above a meeting of the trustees shall be called only by or with the
consent of the chair, except that if the chair refuses to call or consent to the calling of a
meeting requested in writing by not less than one third of the trustees then the meeting
may be called by the secretary or by any three other members.
(d) Fourteen days’ written notice shall be given of every meeting, except that in case
of emergency, as judged by the chair, a meeting may be called on such notice as is
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 617
[910] Book III Standing Orders
(e) In the absence of the chair from a properly convened meeting the trustees present
shall elect a chair from among themselves.
(f) The rules comprising clauses (5) to (7) and (10) to (25) of Standing Order 413 shall
apply to the conduct of meetings, with the necessary substitutions.
(g) In cases of urgency, if it is impracticable to call a meeting of the trustees, even
on short notice, the chair may take, after such consultation with other trustees as is
practicable, any action which he or she considers necessary for the protection of the
trust property or in furtherance of the responsibilities of the trustees, provided that such
action is not contrary to the provisions of the Model Trusts or of any Standing Order made
thereunder or to any subsisting resolution of the Conference or of the trustees.
911 Indemnity Insurance. (1) This Standing Order applies only in England and
An amendment will be brought to the Conference in 2013 regarding the application of this Standing Order
to other jurisdictions.
(2) This Standing Order applies to members of church courts acting as charity trustees
within the meaning of legislation relating to charities, and in particular to all managing
trustees of model trust property. In this Standing Order ‘trustees’ means all such
Note that the definition of ‘charity trustees’ is broad enough to include persons who are not necessarily
trustees in the strict legal sense of the word. Generally speaking, the body of persons responsible for the
general control and management of the affairs of a charity are regarded for the purposes of the relevant
legislation as the charity trustees.
(3) This Standing Order regulates the exercise by trustees of any statutory power to
arrange for the purchase of insurance designed to indemnify them against personal
liability in respect of any breach of trust or breach of duty committed by them in their
capacity as charity trustees. Its requirements supplement, not replace, those of the
relevant statute or statutes.
In England and Wales, the relevant legislation is s. 73F of the Charities Act 1993 (as inserted by s. 39 of
the Charities Act 2006).
(4) Trustees may not purchase such insurance unless they are satisfied that it is in the
best interests of the trust estate and of the execution by them of their trust obligations to
do so.
(5) The terms of any such insurance must be so framed as to exclude the provision of
any indemnity in respect of:
(a) any liability to pay:
(i) a fine imposed in criminal proceedings, or
(ii) a sum payable to a regulatory authority by way of a penalty in respect
of noncompliance with any requirement of a regulatory nature, however
(b) any liability incurred in defending any criminal proceedings in which the relevant
trustee is convicted of an offence arising out of any fraud or dishonesty, or
wilful or reckless misconduct, by him or her;
(c) any liability arising out of any conduct which the relevant trustee knew (or must
reasonably be assumed to have known) was not in the interests of the trust
618 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property [913]
estate or of the execution of his or her trust obligations or in the case of which
he or she did not care whether it was in those interests or not.
(6) For the purposes of clause (5)(b) above ‘convicted’ has the meaning apparent from
section 73F(3) of the Charities Act 1993.
In effect, this means a conviction which is final i.e. once any appeal has been disposed of or the time for
bringing an appeal has expired.
912 Committees and Officers. (1) The appointment and dismissal of committees,
stewards, treasurers or other officers or servants by connexional trustees or district
trustees shall be governed by the regulations (if any) in that behalf made by the parent
(2) Subject to clause (1) above and to the Standing Orders affecting appointments by
Circuit Meetings and Church Councils any managing trustees may at any time exercise
the powers specified in paragraph 16(l) of the Model Trusts.
For para. 16(l) of the Model Trusts see Book II, Part 2.
As to appointments by Circuit Meetings and Church Councils see in particular S.O. 504, 550, 551, 641
and 642.
913 Accounts. (1) All managing trustees shall ensure that provision is made for
accounts to be kept so that all receipts and payments and all debits and credits relating
to property are promptly and accurately recorded and sufficiently explained. The accounts
relating to local and circuit property shall be open to inspection at any time by the
Superintendent and by the auditor or independent examiner, as the case may be.
This and the next clause are authorised by para. 19(f) of the Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2).
For the auditor or independent examiner see S.O. 012(3).
Detailed guidance as to accounts is integrated into the Standard Form of Accounts available from the
Connexional Team.
(2) All such accounts shall be audited or examined annually. Subject to clause (3)
below the auditors or examiners for general property shall be appointed by the Methodist
Council. The auditors or examiners for conference property shall be appointed by the
relevant conference trustees. The auditors or examiners for connexional property and
district property shall be appointed by the relevant parent bodies. The auditors or
examiners for circuit property shall be appointed by the Circuit Meeting. In accordance
with Standing Order 636 the auditor or examiner for the local property account shall be
appointed by the Church Council.
For the meaning of ‘parent body’ see S.O. 907.
For the provision relating to funds consisting of Model Trust moneys see S.O. 652.
(3) (a) Where new model trust property is general property under paragraph 3(1) of the
Model Trusts the provisions of this clause as to audit or independent examination shall
(b) If the property ceases to be general property before the expiration of its first
accounting period and no earlier audit or examination has been required the auditor
or examiner for the period during which it was general property shall be appointed by
reference to the category of model trust property into which it next falls.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 619
[913] Book III Standing Orders
(c) If sub-clause (b) does not apply and it becomes necessary to appoint auditors
or examiners in respect of an accounting period ending within twelve months of the
property’s becoming model trust property then:
(i) if the managing trustee has delegated his or her powers and duties in
relation to that property to a body or committee under paragraph 16(k) of
the Model Trusts, either generally or for purposes which include those of
this Standing Order, the auditors or examiners shall be appointed by that
body or committee;
(ii) if not, the auditors or examiners shall be appointed by the custodian
(d) If neither sub-clause (b) nor sub-clause (c) applies then any auditors or examiners
required shall be appointed by the Methodist Council in accordance with clause (2) above.
(4) The provisions of clauses (1) to (3) above are in addition to and not in place of
those of Standing Order 012.
(5) The financial year for all Methodist properties shall close on the 31st August.
914 Investments. All moneys subject to the Model Trusts and requiring investment
shall be invested through and in the name of the custodian trustees.
As to these trustees see S.O. 006(3)(b).
As to what investments are authorised see para. 17 of the Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2).
915 Capital and Income. (1) The following clauses of this Standing Order shall
have effect by virtue of paragraph 19(1)(c) of the Model Trusts and subject to the
provisions of that paragraph.
Para. 19(1)(c) of the Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2) empowers the Conference to prescribe by Standing
Order what shall be deemed to be capital and what income for the purposes of the administration of the
Model Trusts.
(2) The following shall be deemed to be capital for the purposes of the administration
of the Model Trusts and shall be paid to and held by the custodian trustees and applied
in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 916:
(i) the proceeds of any sale of model trust property, including any
premium received on the creation or disposal of a leasehold interest
or an easement, but excluding the proceeds of sale of investments
representing revenue reserves or other income;
(ii) money raised by any appeal specifically for the acquisition of land or the
erection or alteration of any building;
(iii) [deleted]
(iv) money paid into a district Advance Fund under any Standing Order
requiring such a payment;
(v) legacies, bequests and devises received in kind and, to the extent of any
excess over £20,000 from any one estate, those received as money.
(3) Subject to clauses (5) and (6) below the following shall be deemed to be income
for the purposes of the administration of the Model Trusts and may, so far as allowed by
620 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property [916]
the custodian trustees, be received by the managing trustees and paid into a bank to
their credit:
(i) charges and rents from licences or lettings of Model Trust property;
(ii) dividends and interest on the investment or deposit of money;
(iii) in the case of local property, allocations and contributions to the property
fund from Sunday collections, stewardship or envelope schemes, or from
other income of the general church fund, or from Sunday School or other
church departments or groups and all other moneys raised in the Local
Church for the upkeep and maintenance of the property;
(iv) in the case of circuit property, allocations from the circuit assessment
and all other moneys raised in the Circuit for the upkeep and
maintenance of the property;
(v) in the case of district property, allocations from the district assessment,
charges to residents in student hostels, recurring grants for the work of
such hostels and all other moneys raised in the District for the upkeep
and maintenance of the property;
(vi) in the case of connexional property, allocations from the general income
administered by the parent body;
(vii) proceeds of sale excluded from clause (2)(i) above;
(viii) the first £20,000 of the legacies, bequests and devises received, at
whatever date, as money from any one estate.
As to the words ‘so far as allowed by the custodian trustees’, the Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes,
as custodian trustees of all model trust property in Great Britain, have by resolution dated 27 April 1977, in
exercise of their powers under section 4(2) of the Public Trustee Act 1906, permitted and directed all income
of model trust property within their jurisdiction to be received by managing trustees and paid into a bank to
their (the managing trustees’) credit, subject to certain conditions.
(4) Subject to clauses (5) and (6) below the recommendations for the time being of
the Charities Statement of Recommended Practice, or any successor to that statement,
shall be followed for the purpose of determining whether any other moneys coming to the
hands of trustees of model trust property shall be deemed to be capital or income for
the purposes of the administration of the Model Trusts, provided that no change in such
recommendations shall affect the category of moneys already duly allocated to income or
(5) Nothing in this Standing Order shall require any money to be deemed to be income
which cannot in law be allowed to be held by managing trustees or in a bank account to
the credit of managing trustees.
(6) Notwithstanding any other provision in these Standing Orders managing trustees
may at any time, with the consent of the appropriate connexional authority, capitalise any
sum or sums forming the whole or part of one or more revenue reserve accounts in their
books. Any such consent may be particular or may relate generally to sums identified by
reference to the nature or origin of the reserve or in some other way.
The ‘appropriate connexional authority’ is the Methodist Council or its delegates (S.O. 909).
916 Application of Capital Money. (1) Subject to clauses (2) and (3) below, capital
money shall be applied to or for the following purposes and in the following order:
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 621
[916] Book III Standing Orders
(i) in payment of the expenses, if any, of or connected with the sale or other
transaction giving rise to the receipt of the money;
(ii) unless the parent body (in the case of connexional property) or the
appropriate connexional authority (in any other case) otherwise permits,
in the discharge of all or any encumbrances or liabilities on the trust
property or on the trustees, whether personal or otherwise, lawfully
incurred or assumed in the execution of the Model Trusts or by virtue of
section 11 of the 1976 Act;
(iii) unless the treasurer or treasurers of the fund in question otherwise
permit, in repayment of any grant at any time received in connection with
the trust property from any connexional fund;
(iv) in making such payment, if any, to the Connexional Priority Fund as may
be required by the provisions of Standing Order 972;
(v) where the money arises from any sale, letting or other disposition of
model trust property which has received consent under Standing Order
930 as part of a project involving the application of the proceeds to
particular purposes, in applying the proceeds accordingly;
(vi) where Standing Order 945 applies, in paying the balance to the custodian
trustees in accordance with the provisions of that Standing Order;
(vii) subject to the above, for the purposes specified in Standing Order 917.
For the authority to make this Standing Order see paras. 18, 19(1)(d) and (e) of the Model Trusts (Book II
Part 2).
The ‘appropriate connexional authority’ is the Methodist Council or its delegates (S.O. 909).
For s. 11 of the 1976 Act see Vol. 1. p. 16.
As to (ii) and (iii) see clause (3) below.
(2) Clause (1) of this Standing Order shall not govern the application of capital money
in a district Advance Fund, which shall be applied in accordance with the provisions of
Standing Order 963(3).
(3) Capital money received by way of legacy, or arising from the sale, letting or other
disposition of property which has been received by way of devise or bequest and is not
required for Methodist purposes, need not be applied for the purposes specified in clause
(1)(ii) or (iii) above unless the managing trustees so decide.
917 Application of Model Trust Money generally. (1) Subject to Standing Order
916 and to clause (5) below money which is model trust property shall be applied in the
first place to or for the following purposes:
(i) the payment of all taxes, assessments, rates and other outgoings lawfully
payable in respect of the trust property and of all rents, hire charges and
similar payments due in respect of any part of the trust property held on
lease, hire, licence or similar terms;
(ii) the payment of insurance premiums adequately to insure the trust
property against destruction or damage by fire and other such perils as
require to be insured against and to insure the trustees against such
other risks and liabilities as they may be likely to incur;
(iii) the payment of interest due on all moneys borrowed by the managing
622 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property [917]
trustees in the execution of the Model Trusts or due from them by virtue
of section 11 of the 1976 Act or otherwise charged upon the trust
(2) Subject to clauses (1) above and (5) below and to any consents required by the
Model Trusts or Standing Orders the balance may be applied for such of the following
purposes and in such amounts as the managing trustees may from time to time decide:
(i) the repair, maintenance and decoration of the trust property;
(ii) the replacement of lost, worn out, damaged or unserviceable chattels
comprised in the trust property;
(iii) the cleaning, lighting, heating and caretaking of the trust property and the
supply of water and other services;
(iv) the reimbursement of the managing trustees, their stewards, treasurers
or other officers or any other person for any expenses incurred in the
execution of the Model Trusts;
(v) the support of personnel serving in the District or any of its Circuits;
(vi) subscriptions or other payments to the funds of any other model trust
property or of any of the organisations, societies, institutions or charities
specified in section 4 of the 1976 Act;
(vii) those of paragraph 13(a) of the Model Trusts;
(viii) the promotion of the work of God in the relevant church organisation, as
specified in clause (4) below;
(ix) any other charitable purpose for the time being of that church
(x) the establishment of or payments to any district Advance Fund, or
payments to the Connexional Priority Fund;
(xi) any charitable purpose of a Housing Association if either the Housing
Association is subsidiary or ancillary to the Church or the application of
the money is made in furtherance of ecumenical work or activity within
the purposes of the relevant church body;
(xii) the exercise of any power conferred on the managing trustees by
paragraph 16 of the Model Trusts;
(xiii) any other purpose specifically authorised by the Conference, provided it is
one of the purposes of the Church.
(3) Subject as in (2) above model trust money which is local property may also be
applied to any purpose for which the relevant general church fund may be applied under
Standing Order 650(4) or (5).
(4) For the purposes of heads (viii) and (ix) of clause (2) above the relevant church
organisation is the Methodist Council or other connexional organisation, the District, the
Circuit, the Local Church or other the church body in connection with which the relevant
model trust property is held.
(5) This Standing Order shall not govern the application of money in a district Advance
Fund, which shall be applied in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 963(3).
For the authority to make this Standing Order see para. 19(1)(d) of the Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 623
[917] Book III Standing Orders
For ss. 11 and 4 of the 1976 Act see Vol. 1, pp. 16 and 10.
For paras. 13(a) and 16 of the Model Trusts, see Book II, Part 2.
For the conditions upon which money can be granted to a Housing Association see S.O. 935.
For the purposes of the Church see s. 4 of the Methodist Church Act 1976 (Vol. 1, p. 10).
For district Advance Funds see S.O. 963(3).
918 Overriding Power of Sale. (1) If at any time any managing trustees of model
trust property are unable to discharge the interest on moneys properly borrowed and
due from them as such trustees or any other current expenses involved in the due
execution of the Model Trusts by reason of lack of income or other moneys available
for the discharge of such interest or other expenses then subject to clauses (2) and (3)
below but notwithstanding any other provision of these Standing Orders those managing
trustees shall be entitled to exercise the power of sale conferred by paragraph 16(b) of
the Model Trusts without obtaining the consent of any other person or body.
For para. 16(b) of the Model Trusts see Book II, Part 2.
(2) No sale shall be made or contracted under clause (1) above unless the managing
trustees have at least three months before an annual meeting of the Conference
given notice in writing to the Secretary of the Conference and the connexional Property
Secretary of their intention to act under clause (1) above and their reasons for so
intending, and have supplied to the Secretary of the Conference and the Property
Secretary such particulars of their financial position and of the state of the model trust
property as either of those persons may require.
As to the Property Secretary see S.O. 006(2A).
(3) No such sale shall be made or contracted until six months after the opening of
the meeting of the Conference referred to in clause (2) above and no such sale shall
be made or contracted if within that period of six months the Conference or some other
church court has provided or procured the provision to the managing trustees of such
financial or other assistance or relief as will enable them to continue in the due execution
of the Model Trusts.
919 Conflicts of Interest. (1) A managing trustee of model trust property who has
a financial interest in any question falling to be considered by the managing trustees
as such shall, if present, disclose that interest to the other trustees present before
the discussion of that question opens, if it is on the agenda or, if not, as soon as it is
raised, and shall not preside over any discussion or vote on any resolution relating to that
question. Such a trustee shall withdraw from the meeting while the question is discussed
and any resolutions voted upon unless, after disclosure of interest:
(i) a majority of the other managing trustees present approves that trustee’s
remaining and contributing to the discussion; or
(ii) a majority of the other managing trustees present approves that trustee’s
remaining on terms that he or she shall not contribute to the discussion
unless asked by the person presiding over the discussion to comment on
a particular point or points, in which event his or her contribution shall be
limited accordingly.
624 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property [919a]
This Standing Order applies in relation to the conduct of managing trustees of model trust property. For
the similar provision applying more generally to the transaction of business by other trustees and by church
courts, see S.O. 019A.
(2) For the purposes of this Standing Order a managing trustee has a financial interest
in a question if it involves or may involve a decision whether or not the managing trustees
as such shall:
(i) enter into any contract with that trustee; or
(ii) do anything which will or may lead to the receipt of any remuneration or
other benefit in money or money’s worth or the incurring of any liability by
that trustee or to the loss of or a release from or a change in any such
remuneration, benefit or liability; or
(iii) sell trust property to or buy property from that trustee;
whether, in any of those cases, the trustee in question acts alone or jointly with one or
more other persons.
Head (ii) includes, for example, questions in a Circuit Meeting or Church Council as to the entry into a
contract with e.g. a building firm to do work on local church property or a manse where a member of the
meeting is a partner of that firm.
(3) A managing trustee shall not be liable to account to the trust for any benefit
received (whether directly or indirectly) from such a financial interest if the liability would
have arisen solely from the existence of that interest and he or she:
(i) is not present at the meeting of the managing trustees at which the
relevant decision is made and has not sought to influence that decision;
(ii) is present at the relevant meeting and has complied with clause (1)
For the authority to make this Standing Order see para. 19(g) of the Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2).
919A Amendment of Model Trusts. (1) Any committee or other body or person
considering business which may involve proposals to amend the Model Trusts shall
inform the Connexional Team of the nature of the proposals.
(2) The Team shall ensure that whenever such proposals are under consideration there
are consultations with appropriate officers, bodies and persons in the home Districts
and Circuits outside England and Wales in order to establish whether any proposed
amendments will have the intended effect under the law there applicable or, if not,
what modifications are needed to that end or (as the case may be) what corresponding
amendments are required to any trust instrument taking the place of the Model Trusts in
that jurisdiction.
(3) Every report to the Conference proposing any such amendments shall include an
account of all such consultations and of their outcome.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 625
Book III Standing Orders
This Section contains the Standing Orders on the topic. Certain resolutions dealing with the use of
Methodist premises by persons of other faiths were adopted by the Conference in 1972 but not promulgated
as Standing Orders (see 1972 Minutes, pp. 81–2). A further report, with suggested guidelines, was brought
by the Faith and Order Committee to the Conference in 1997 and adopted with one amendment (see 1997
Agenda pp. 236–248, Daily Record 7/5).
As to restrictions on the use of chapels after sale or lease see S.O. 943(3).
920 Religious Meetings. (1) The managing trustees and (in the case of local or
circuit property) the Superintendent in his or her capacity as such shall:
(i) keep under review as they think fit the teaching given at all non-Methodist
public religious meetings held on model trust property by the members
of a church or congregation to whom permission has been granted to use
such property for a period pursuant to paragraph 14 (2A) of the Model
Trusts and
(ii) accept general responsibility for the teaching given at all other non-
Methodist public religious meetings held on Methodist premises.
(2) The consent required under paragraph 14(2) of the Model Trusts shall be that of
the Superintendent.
(3) The consents required under paragraph 14(2A) of the Model Trusts shall be those
of the Superintendent and the appropriate connexional authority.
Para. 14 of the Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2) deals with services and meetings for religious worship in
any place of worship or other premises comprised in the property which is subject to the Model Trusts. Para
14(2) deals with services and meetings held, with consent (for which see cl. (2) above), jointly by members
of the Methodist Church and those of another Christian communion or body. Para. 14(2A) lays down the
requirements to be fulfilled if the managing trustees wish to grant permission (for particular occasions or
for up to 12 months) to members of another church or congregation to use the property; these include the
consents referred to in cl. (3) above. Cl. (1)(i) above then imposes the duty to keep the teaching given in this
situation under review.
For the position in relation to persons of other faiths, see the note at the head of this Section.
The ‘appropriate connexional authority’ is the Methodist Council or its delegates (S.O. 909).
921 Political Matters. (1) Managing trustees may not sponsor meetings in support
of political parties, nor may such meetings be held in the name of any other Methodist
body. Nonetheless managing trustees may permit occasional use of Methodist property
for political meetings by non-Methodist bodies and may sponsor meetings designed to
626 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property [922]
promote informed discussion of public issues in the context of Christian theology and
ethics. Before agreeing to such use, the managing trustees shall consider, in the light of
any advice which the Connexional Team may issue from time to time, the extent, if any, to
which the granting of such permission would have a detrimental effect on the peace and
unity of the Church and its witness.
(2) It is not permitted to submit resolutions, or take votes, on political matters
during any Methodist meeting for public religious worship, or while the congregation is
assembling or dispersing.
(3) It is not permitted to invite signatures for petitions on political matters during any
Methodist meeting for public religious worship, or while the congregation is assembling or
dispersing, except with the consent of the Church Council or of some person or persons
to whom the council has delegated authority for that purpose.
922 Intoxicants. (1) Subject to clauses (3) and (4) below the supply, sale or use
of intoxicants on Methodist premises is not permitted in any circumstances, nor may
Methodist premises be used in such a way as to advertise or promote, whether directly or
by means of sponsored events, the sale or use of intoxicants.
Activities forbidden on Methodist premises by this Standing Order may not take place elsewhere in the
name of the Church, with certain exceptions (S.O. 014(3)).
For those recommendations of the 1987 report upon responsible attitudes to alcohol (Through a Glass
Darkly) directed to be printed in this volume by the Conference of 2000, see Book VII C, Part 12, below.
(2) In the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper the wine used shall be non-alcoholic.
(3) Clause (1) shall not preclude the use of alcoholic drinks on domestic occasions
in private homes, nor the lawful supply, sale or use of such drinks in other residential
premises with the consent of the trustees and subject to such conditions as they may
(3A) Clause (1) above shall not preclude the lawful supply, sale or use of alcoholic
drinks on Methodist premises (other than any part of the relevant premises in which
worship has been identified by the trustees as the primary use) if:
(i) a significant part of the mission and activity of the Methodist Church
carried out on the relevant premises involves use of the premises as a
conference centre;
(ii) such supply, sale or use is solely in connection with an event taking place
on those premises as part of such use; and
(iii) such supply, sale or use is with the consent of the trustees given for the
specific event and subject to such conditions as they may prescribe.
(3B) Where the relevant premises are local, circuit or district property, the trustees may
treat the condition specified in clause (3A)(i) above as satisfied only if the appropriate
district authority so determines. In all other cases, the trustees may treat that condition
as satisfied only if the appropriate connexional authority so determines.
The ‘appropriate district authority’ is the district Policy Committee or its delegates (S.O. 960(1)).
The ‘appropriate connexional authority’ is the Methodist Council or its delegates (S.O. 909).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 627
[922] Book III Standing Orders
(3C) The trustees may delegate their power to grant consent under clause (3A)
(iii) above to such person or body as they think fit upon terms that any exercise of the
delegated power shall be in accordance with a policy agreed by the trustees.
(4) Clauses (1) and (2) above shall not preclude the use of alcoholic wine at
communion by a non-Methodist congregation worshipping on Methodist premises,
provided that such use is not contrary to any sharing agreement that may apply, is
authorised by the trustees and permitted by the rules that apply to that congregation.
This clause is designed primarily to deal with the situation of a non-Methodist congregation worshipping on
Methodist premises without the benefit of a formal sharing agreement under the Sharing of Church Buildings
Act 1969. Where, however, such a sharing agreement exists, the rule is that the provisions of that Act and
the agreement prevail in the case of a conflict with the provisions in the Model Trusts and these Standing
Orders. This rule applies both where, as would be more usual, the Act or sharing agreement permits
activities which would otherwise be forbidden and where (as the wording of the clause makes explicit) it
forbids activities otherwise permitted by the clause.
923 Smoking. (1) All managing trustees shall comply with the requirements of Part
1 of the Health Act 2006, where it applies, or of any corresponding legislation applying to
the relevant Model Trust property.
(2) If any part of the premises for which a Church Council is responsible is not subject
to a ban on smoking required under clause (1) above, the Council may, as to that part,
decide from time to time whether some or all of it, other than residential accommodation,
shall nevertheless be subject to such a ban. In reaching its decision the Council shall
have regard to such aspects as: any policy statement of the Methodist Conference, the
health and comfort of those using the premises, fire and other safety hazards, the use to
which particular rooms are put, and public policy generally.
(2) Subject to clause (3) below and to any specific resolution of the Conference those
forms of gambling allowed by law at non-commercial events may at the discretion of the
trustees take place at such events held on Methodist premises.
See the guidance as to permitted gambling in Book VII B, Part 7.
(3) Notwithstanding clause (2) above the use of gaming machines, including Category
D gaming machines, and the offer or payment of cash prizes in connection with non-
commercial gaming and betting, are prohibited in any event.
(4) Methodist premises may not be used in such a way as to advertise or promote,
whether directly or by means of sponsored events, any form of gambling which would not
be permitted on such premises under this Standing Order.
925 Dances. Dances arranged as social functions for the members, and friends of
members, of organisations meeting on Methodist premises may be held on Methodist
premises. Where the organisation and conduct of a dance are directly under the control of
628 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property [929]
the trustees public advertisement is permitted, subject to strict compliance with Standing
Orders 922, 924 and 927; otherwise public dances are not permitted.
Managing trustees will need to ascertain and observe the various statutory and local authority
requirements applicable to such events.
Activities forbidden on Methodist premises by this Standing Order or S.O. 927 may not be held elsewhere
in the name of the Church (S.O. 014(2)).
926 [revoked]
929 Authorised Uses of Dwellings. (1) In accordance with paragraph 13(g) of the
Model Trusts any house or other dwelling which is model trust property may with the
appropriate consents as prescribed by clause (3) or (4) below, and subject to clause (5)
below, be put by the managing trustees to any of the uses specified in clause (2) below.
It is important to appreciate that this Standing Order has a different function and effect from those of the
others in this Section, which are concerned to regulate, and for the most part to restrict, the activities which
may be carried out on Methodist premises, on whatever trusts they are held (see S.O. 900(3), (4)). This
Standing Order applies only to model trust property and clauses (1) to (4) exercise the power given by para.
13(g) of the Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2) to declare the primary trust purposes for which residential property
is held. When not required for such purposes the property can be turned to account by letting, licence or
otherwise within the general powers of the managing trustees under para. 16 of the Model Trusts, with any
necessary consents, and this Standing Order in no way restricts or excludes those powers, except by cl. (5),
which should be carefully noted.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 629
[929] Book III Standing Orders
(4) In the case of district, circuit or local property the appropriate consents under each
head of clause (2) above are as follows:
(i) no consent is required for any use by the managing trustees within head
(i) or (ii) or of circuit or district property within head (iii);
(ii) the appropriate consent for the use of local property within head (iii) is
that of the Circuit Meeting;
(iii) the appropriate consents for a use within head (iv) are those of the
appropriate connexional authority and, in the case of local property, of the
Circuit Meeting.
The ‘appropriate connexional authority’ is the Methodist Council or its delegates (S.O. 909).
(5) Whether or not the above clauses apply and whether or not any consent is required
under clause (3) or (4) above, no person shall be admitted into occupation of or allowed
to reside in any house or other dwelling which is model trust property, except under
head (i) of clause (2) above, unless that person has entered into and signed a binding
agreement in writing with the managing trustees in terms approved by the Connexional
See also S.O. 438A(6)(iv).
630 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property
Section 93 Projects
Standing Order Page
930 Consents generally................................................................................... 631
931 Connexional Consent, Approval and Guidance............................................. 632
932 Requirements.......................................................................................... 633
933 Time Limits.............................................................................................. 634
934 Shared Projects........................................................................................ 634
935 Housing Associations............................................................................... 634
936 Historic Artefacts..................................................................................... 635
930 Consents generally. (1) No consent is required under this Standing Order for
the exercise by managing trustees of their powers under heads (c), (g), (i) (j), (k), (l), (m),
(n) or (o) of paragraph 16 of the Model Trusts, nor for furnishing or the execution of non-
structural repair under head (d) of that paragraph, but this provision does not remove
the need to comply with any other Standing Orders regulating the exercise of those
powers and does not apply to listed building works, as defined in clause (8)(a) below, or
to any other works, whether structural or not, which would materially affect the internal
or external appearance of a listed building or the external appearance of a building in a
conservation area.
The heads of para. 16 of the Model Trusts referred to relate to the following matters:
(c) licences for the use of the property;
(g) providing facilities for tenants or occupants;
(i) bringing or defending actions;
(j) arbitrations;
(k) delegation;
(l) appointment and dismissal of committees and officers;
(m) general management
(n) (applies only in Scotland – s. 29(2)(f) of the Methodist Church Act 1976, Vol.1, p. 26)
(o) (does not apply in England, Wales, Scotland or Guernsey – see note to para.16(o)) trustee indemnity
For details see para. 16 itself in Book II, Part 2. Heads (i), (j) and (l), although not requiring consent under
this Standing Order, are regulated by S.O. 931(5), (6) and 912 respectively.
(2) Subject to clause (1) above the consent of the appropriate bodies, as specified
below, shall be obtained before managing trustees take any of the steps specified in this
Standing Order.
(3) Consent under this Standing Order is consent to the substance of the transaction.
It does not exempt managing trustees from complying with any proper requirements as
to form or procedure imposed by the law or the custodian trustees, or arising under other
Standing Orders or the Model Trusts, whether those requirements arise before or after
consent is given under this Standing Order.
The custodian trustees are, for example, entitled and bound to refuse to participate in any transaction
which would be in breach of trust.
As to requirements under Standing Orders see, for example, S.O.s 912, 929(4), 931, 935, 936, 942.
(4) The following steps require, in the case of local property, the consent of the Circuit
Meeting and, in the case of local, circuit and conference property, that of the appropriate
district authority:
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 631
[930] Book III Standing Orders
(i) the acquisition, or any contract for the acquisition, of land for Methodist
(ii) the exercise of any power conferred by paragraph 15 or 16 of the Model
Trusts, except as provided in clause (1) above.
The ‘appropriate district authority’ is the district Policy Committee or its delegates (S.O. 960(1)).
(5) (a) Where any application to the appropriate district authority for consent under
clause (4) above requires the authorisation of the Methodist Council under paragraph
20 of the Model Trusts, or in the opinion of the appropriate district authority gives rise
to the question whether such authorisation should be sought, it shall be referred to the
Methodist Council for consideration of that aspect.
(b) Where some aspect of such an application requires the consent of the appropriate
connexional authority under Standing Order 931(1) it shall be referred to the appropriate
connexional authority for consideration of that aspect
The ‘appropriate connexional authority’ is the Methodist Council or its delegates (S.O. 909)).
(c) The appropriate district authority may also refer to the appropriate connexional
authority any other such application, or any part or element of it, which it considers for
any reason would better be decided there.
(6) In the case of district, connexional and general property, any of the steps specified
in clause (4) above requires the consent of the appropriate connexional authority.
The ‘appropriate connexional authority’ is the Methodist Council or its delegates (S.O. 909)).
(7) In the exercise of the general powers of the Methodist Council under Standing
Order 212(9) it shall prescribe an electronic process, compliant with Standing Orders, by
which the appropriate district and connexional authorities shall deal with all applications
for consent under this Standing Order. The process so prescribed shall include provisions
to alert those using the process to the existence of possible conflicts of interest or duty
and the steps to be taken to avoid any actual conflict.
(8) (a) In this and the next Standing Order ‘listed building works’ has the meaning
given to it by Standing Order 980.
(b) In relation to listed building works in England and Wales the provisions of Section
98 shall apply in addition to those of this Standing Order, and in case of any conflict the
provisions of Section 98 shall prevail.
931 Connexional Consent, Approval and Guidance. (1) The consent of the
appropriate connexional authority shall be required for the following matters:
(i)-(v) [deleted]
(vi) any mortgage or charge of all or any part of the trust property, other
than a mortgage or charge to secure a loan from Methodist Chapel Aid
Limited, or
(vii) [deleted]
(viii) the application of the Sharing of Church Buildings Act 1969, or
(ix) the classification of a project as a replacement project for the purposes
of Standing Order 973(1);
632 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property [932]
(x) listed building works, as defined in Standing Order 930(8)(a), and any
other works, whether structural or not, which would materially affect
the internal or external appearance of a listed building or the external
appearance of a building in a conservation area.
The ‘appropriate connexional authority’ is the Methodist Council or its delegates (S.O. 909)).
As to the Sharing of Church Buildings Act see also S.O. 934.
(2) [revoked]
(3) All contracts relating to property, conveyances, leasehold agreements, sharing
agreements, deeds and declarations of every kind shall be forwarded in draft to the
Connexional Team for inspection and approval before being signed.
(4) Before any application is made to the Charity Commissioners (or to any court or
other authority having jurisdiction in relation to charities) for any order affecting Methodist
property the guidance of the Team shall be obtained, and all drafts of proposed orders
of the Charity Commissioners, court or other authority shall be submitted to the Team
before they are accepted.
(5) Except by direction of the Conference trustees shall not, without the written
consent of the Team:
(i) bring any action or refer or join in a reference to arbitration in respect of
any Methodist property, or any matter relating thereto;
(ii) make any application for consent to demolish a listed building or a
building in a conservation area nor any other application in relation to a
building which is listed or is in a conservation area which could result in
an official inquiry (whether public or by written submission);
(iii) make any application to a statutory tribunal or similar body.
(6) If any action is brought against trustees, or any dispute or difference between them
and another party is submitted to a statutory tribunal or similar body or to arbitration,
or becomes the subject of an appeal or official inquiry or if any public authority takes
any step which may lead to the making of an order or the holding of an inquiry affecting
Methodist property, the trustees shall at once inform the Team.
932 Requirements. (1) Before giving consent under Standing Order 930 to any
project the appropriate bodies must be satisfied that:
(i) the church court which constitutes the managing trustees or is their
parent body has adopted a mission policy statement with which the
project accords;
(ii) the plans take into account any guidance supplied by the Connexional
Team or the district officers;
(iii) the trustees will have sufficient funds at their disposal to meet the cost
of the project as it proceeds and any loans will be repaid in accordance
with Standing Order 933 or 934(2), as the case may be.
(1A) Before considering any project requiring its consent and affecting a building on
which there is or should be a current quinquennial report the appropriate district or
connexional authority may, if it thinks fit, require such a report to be produced to it.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 633
[932] Book III Standing Orders
(2) In considering any project affecting the activities of a Local Church the appropriate
bodies shall have regard to the role of the Local Church as a centre of worship and
mission and shall make every effort to give effect to proper pastoral concerns.
933 Time Limits. Before giving consent to any project the appropriate bodies shall
be satisfied that it can be completed and the entire outlay defrayed within five years after
the date of consent unless they specifically approve a defined longer period. They shall
not approve such a longer period unless (i) there are exceptional circumstances making it
appropriate, and (ii) a satisfactory scheme for the liquidation of debt has been submitted.
(2) In the case of such a shared project all reasonable measures shall be taken to
complete it and clear all debt within five years of the date of consent. Any debt beyond
that period shall be sanctioned only if proposals for its early liquidation are accepted by
the other participating denominations and by the appropriate connexional authority.
The ‘appropriate connexional authority’ is the Methodist Council or its delegates (S.O. 909).
(3) Where, under such a shared project, the property is model trust property
responsibility for quinquennial inspections shall fall upon the Circuit Meeting. Where the
building is in joint ownership an arrangement shall be made by the joint council whereby
the regulations of one of the participating denominations for quinquennial or comparable
periodic inspections and reports are complied with and the reports are made to or shared
with the Circuit Meeting. Where the property is held on the trusts of another participating
denomination that denomination’s regulations shall be complied with and the report
shared with the Circuit Meeting.
For quinquennial inspections generally see S.O. 952.
(4) In such shared projects, the Methodist Church Council shall be responsible for
making annual returns of local property as required by Standing Order 941(iii) and (vii).
634 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property [936]
(2) A Housing Association may at any time, notwithstanding that no specific disposition
or project is before the council under clause (1) above, obtain the opinion of the council
as to whether the purposes of that Association are wholly charitable and whether the
Association is subsidiary or ancillary to the Methodist Church.
936 Historic Artefacts. (1) The consent of the Methodist Council shall be obtained
before managing trustees sell, lease, lend or otherwise dispose of or part with any
artefact, publication or record specified by the council under Standing Order 212(11) and
any dealing with such property shall be on such terms only as may be approved by the
(2) Applications for consent under this Standing Order shall be made through the
Methodist Heritage Committee. Grants for the care and safety of such property shall be
applied for from the Connexional Grants Committee in accordance with Standing Order
For the Methodist Heritage Committee see S.O. 337. For the Connexional Grants Committee see S.O.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 635
Book III Standing Orders
940 Church Council. The Church Council shall transact all business required of it
as managing trustees of the local property.
See para. 2 of the Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2) and the definition of ‘local property’ in para. 1.
Only persons of full age may act as managing trustees. In Great Britain persons of 18 years and over (16
years and over in Scotland) are of full age for the purposes of Charity Law.
942 Local Churches and Chapels. (1) There may be more than one chapel used
by or in connection with one Local Church, but only (i) where Standing Order 605(4) is in
operation, or (ii) under a scheme adopted by the Church Council and the Circuit Meeting.
Normally a single chapel is used in connection with a single Local Church – see the definition of ‘Local
Church’ in cl. 1 of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1).
636 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property [943]
(2) More Local Churches than one may share the use of a chapel or other local
property, but only under a scheme adopted by the Church Councils and the Circuit
Meeting or Meetings involved. Every such scheme shall (unless an appropriate
Memorandum of Terms of Management has already been signed under paragraph 3(2)
(b) of the Model Trusts, and the scheme includes a copy) include a draft Memorandum or
amended Memorandum of Terms of Management under paragraph 8 or 9 of the Model
Trusts, agreed between the Church Councils involved, and that Memorandum or amended
Memorandum shall be signed on their behalf as soon as the scheme has been adopted.
For paragraphs 3, 8 and 9 of the Model Trusts see Book II, Part 2.
943 Closure of Chapels. (1) Public services may not be discontinued in any
chapel or preaching-place, nor any preaching-place removed from the circuit plan, until
permission has been given by the Synod on the recommendation of the managing
trustees, the Circuit Meeting and the district Policy Committee. The Circuit Meeting shall
submit any such recommendation to the district committee before any steps are taken to
carry the intention into effect.
As to the closure of redundant chapels see para. 23 of the Model Trusts in Book II, Part 2.
(2) No steps are to be taken by trustees towards the sale of a chapel until it has been
decided that services shall be discontinued in accordance with the provisions of clause
(1) above.
(3) When offering any chapel or former chapel for sale, lease or other disposition
the trustees shall have regard to any authority from the Methodist Council under
paragraph 20(2) of the Model Trusts and shall, if so authorised by the council under
the said paragraph, take all possible steps, by the exaction of suitable covenants and
otherwise as they may be advised, to secure that the premises shall not be used for
the manufacture, distribution, sale or supply of intoxicating liquors, nor for any purpose
in connection with the organisation or practice of gambling in any of its forms, nor as a
public dance-hall, nor (subject to the proviso to paragraph 23(2) of the Model Trusts) for
such religious purposes as may be specified in any such authority, nor for any trade for
gain on Sundays.
For para. 20(2) of the Model Trusts, see Book II, Part 2.
(4) Before offering by auction or entering into a contract for the sale of a building for
secular use, (and in the case of head (i) below before worship ceases) the trustees shall:
(i) if the building is a listed building or a building in a conservation area
which in either event is a chapel, obtain the prior consent of the
appropriate connexional authority to the removal of any object or structure
fixed to the building or within its curtilage;
(ii) consider the appropriate time for the removal of notice boards associated
with the Methodist use of the building, and make arrangements
(iii) give attention to the preservation in situ of external foundation stones
and other public indications of the Methodist history of the building;
(iv) seek guidance from the Connexional Team as to whether internal
memorials and other internal items (whether or not part of the structure
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 637
[943] Book III Standing Orders
944 Proceeds of City Centre Premises. Where capital money arises from the sale,
letting or other disposition of the whole or substantially the whole of the land held in
connection with a Local Church, Circuit or project on the official list kept under Standing
Order 440(1) the project for the disposition shall provide for the capital money to be
applied to district purposes under Standing Order 440(6).
The Standing Order referred to concerns Local Churches, Circuits and projects in city centres designated to
be listed under that Standing Order and thereby subject to certain special provisions.
945 Other Proceeds. (1) Capital money arising from any other disposition of land to
which this Standing Order applies, shall be paid to the custodian trustees, to be held and
applied as capital money held for the circuit purposes of the relevant Circuit.
(2) This Standing Order applies to the sale, letting or other disposition of any land
which is local property except:
(i) land held as an investment, and
(ii) land received in the last five years by way of bequest or devise and not
required or no longer required for use for Methodist trust purposes, and
(iii) Local Church caretakers’ accommodation.
As to land held as an investment, and as to Methodist trust purposes, see S.O. 908.
638 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property
950 Circuit Meeting. (1) The Circuit Meeting shall transact all business required of
it as managing trustees of the circuit property.
See para. 2 of the Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2) and the definition of ‘circuit property’ in para. 1.
Only persons of full age may act as managing trustees. In Great Britain persons of 18 years and over (16
years and over in Scotland) are of full age for the purposes of Charity Law.
(2) The Circuit Meeting shall ensure that the matters within this Section are dealt
with and appropriate action taken, either by the meeting or by officers or committees
appointed for that purpose.
(3) The Circuit Meeting shall ensure that if property in the Circuit shared under the
Sharing of Church Buildings Act 1969 is model trust property the provisions of Standing
Orders 951 and 953 are followed. If property so shared is not model trust property the
Circuit Meeting shall co-operate with the joint council to ensure that the requirements of
charity law are met.
951 Projects. (1) All projects affecting local or circuit property shall be considered,
giving particular attention in the case of new projects to their relation to existing
properties in the Circuit or to the opportunities they present for shared projects with other
denominations. Careful enquiry shall be made as to:
(i) the adequacy of insurance cover for each property, and the current
quinquennial inspection where applicable;
(ii) compliance with Standing Order 901 in relation to the acquisition of new
(iii) the measures being taken to reduce and extinguish capital debts where
they exist;
(iv) the irregular cases referred to in Standing Order 961(5).
As to the liquidation of debts see S.O. 933.
For quinquennial inspections see S.O. 952.
(2) After such consideration and enquiry the Circuit Meeting shall in the case of local
property give or withhold its consent, or in the case of circuit property reach its decision
as managing trustees.
952 Quinquennial Inspections. (1) In relation to all local property the Circuit
Meeting shall arrange for an inspection, which shall include an inspection for timber
decay, at least once every five years by professionally qualified persons, who shall report
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 639
[952] Book III Standing Orders
to the Church Council and the Circuit Meeting with recommendations as to any work
required. The Circuit Meeting shall ensure that any further investigatory inspections
shown to be necessary in the initial inspection report are carried out if the managing
trustees have not acted.
(2) In relation to all circuit property the Circuit Meeting shall arrange for an
inspection, which shall include an inspection for timber decay, at least once every
five years by professionally qualified persons, who shall report to the Circuit Meeting,
the circuit stewards and, in the case of manses, the district Manses Committee with
recommendations as to any work required. The district Manses Committee shall ensure
that any further investigatory inspections shown to be necessary in the initial inspection
report are carried out if the managing trustees have not acted.
(3) The Circuit Meeting shall ensure that every inspector engaged to carry out an
inspection under this Standing Order is an architect or building surveyor or has some
other appropriate professional qualification and is adequately covered by professional
indemnity insurance against any liability arising out of the inspection or report.
953 Local Property. In relation to local property the Circuit Meeting shall also:
(i) arrange for the annual local property schedules on the state of the
property to be examined, especially in relation to work recommended by
quinquennial inspections, and obtain a report on the general condition of
each property in the Circuit;
(ii) arrange for the annual local schedules of accounts and returns of
investments to be examined and review the enquiries made of each Local
Church, satisfying itself that the Church Council has officially accepted,
as presented, the schedule relating to its own accounts;
(iii) send to the district property secretaries such originals, copies
or summaries of the above schedules as may be directed by the
Connexional Team, together with a report on matters requiring special
attention, especially where work recommended by the quinquennial
inspections has not been undertaken.
The schedules referred to are A and B issued annually by the Connexional Team.
954 Circuit Property. In relation to circuit property the Circuit Meeting shall also
ensure that either the meeting itself or officers or committees appointed for the purpose:
(i) appoint visitors to visit and inspect each manse each year, except when
the quinquennial inspection or the district Manses Committee visitation
has taken place within the last twelve months, the duties of the visitors
being to visit at a mutually agreed time, to consult with the occupants
(including wife or husband, where appropriate) and to report to the
(ii) consider the latest quinquennial inspection report and put in hand such
work as needs to be done to the structure of any circuit property and
such external painting as requires attention and (as to manses) decide
640 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property [955]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 641
[955] Book III Standing Orders
(7) The district Policy Committee shall from time to time (and at least once every three
years) review the state of circuit model trust funds and their distribution throughout the
District and may propose to the relevant Circuit Meeting projects for the application or
use anywhere within the District of the capital money of or income from any such fund.
The outcome of any review shall be reported to the Synod.
(8) A careful and responsible balance shall be held in the application of capital money
as between property projects, ministry projects and other purposes.
See the note to S.O. 954 as to the use of model trust money to improve energy efficiency in manses.
642 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property
(2) The Synods of two or more Districts may by agreement appoint a joint body to take
the place, in those Districts, of the district Policy Committee for the purposes of clause
(1) above.
(3) In all projects for the acquisition of sites the appropriate district authority shall
have regard to current town planning proposals, the needs of the Church, the extent of
local and circuit resources and those matters which are the responsibility of the district
Policy Committee.
For district redevelopment responsibilities see S.O. 962.
For ecumenical relationships see S.O. 434(3)(iii).
See also S.O. 901.
(4) At the Synod next following the expiry of five years from the date of consent a
return shall be made showing that any conditions attaching to the consent have been
See S.O.933, 934(2) and cl. (2) above.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 643
[961] Book III Standing Orders
(5) The Synod shall call the attention of the trustees to any cases in which
the proportion of debt is excessively heavy or the proceedings irregular and shall
communicate its judgment to the trustees through the Superintendent.
For the duty of the Circuit Meeting in such cases see S.O. 951(1)(iv).
962 Development Plan. The district Policy Committee shall formulate and keep
under annual review a development master-plan for the Methodist church buildings and
circuit staffing of the District taking into account Planning Authority proposals (e.g., new
residential areas, new road proposals, and urban centre redevelopment). Existing and
proposed church buildings of other denominations shall be noted, particularly with a
view to ecumenical co-operation or the formation of local ecumenical partnerships and
the consideration of projects under the Sharing of Church Buildings Act 1969. In Synod
Cymru and the Wales Synod the master-plan shall take account of and give effect to
any action of Y Cyngor under Standing Order 491(3). Any such project may be referred
for detailed consideration to a group appointed by the committee for that purpose. The
committee shall report annually to the Synod upon any such projects and upon the
content and implementation of the development master-plan generally.
As to the second and third sentences see also S.O. 334, 412(2), (3) and 434(3).
(4) Money in a district Advance Fund, whether arising from the disposition of model
trust property or otherwise, shall be held upon the Model Trusts and is accordingly model
trust property.
See the note to S.O. 954 as to the use of model trust money to improve energy efficiency in manses.
964 Supervision of Circuit Meetings. (1) The district property secretaries shall
satisfy themselves that each Circuit Meeting has been fully notified as to the structural
condition of all chapels and ancillary premises and that the quinquennial inspection of
property required by Standing Order 952 has been duly carried out.
(2) The annual property schedules from the Circuits shall be examined in preparation
for the district secretaries’ report to the Synod.
(3) Any case of serious financial deficiency or under-insurance or questions relating to
trust investments revealed by the circuit schedules shall be reported to the Connexional
644 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property [965]
(4) The district property secretaries shall not only examine the annual property
schedules but also enquire what other properties and funds are held for the benefit of
any Circuit, Local Church, chapel, manse, school or other organisation or building in the
District and shall investigate and where necessary make recommendations as to the
oversight given to the investment and management of all such funds, whether or not
reported in the annual property schedule.
965 Manses. (1) The district Manses Committee shall appoint a panel of visitors
(at least half of whom shall be women) sufficient in number to ensure that every manse,
including that of the Chair and of any connexional officer, college tutor or school chaplain,
in the District, is visited by two members of the panel (not being members in the Circuit
concerned) every five years. In addition to making their own general inspection the
visitors shall ask the occupant whether he or she has any reason to suspect anything
wrong with the drains or sanitary fittings or any serious or general dampness likely to be
prejudicial to health and shall include the answers in their report to the committee. The
visitors shall use the form of questionnaire and report obtainable from the Connexional
For the constitution of the committee see S.O. 472.
It is desirable that there should be as short an interval as possible between the inspections and the
meetings of the committee which deal with the reports. To secure this it is recommended that the committee
should meet early in the connexional year and that the inspections for that year should be made as soon as
the committee can complete the necessary arrangements, i.e., in the period October to January.
(2) In preparation for each visit the committee shall obtain from the circuit stewards
(in the case of circuit property) or the responsible officers (in other cases) a copy of the
latest quinquennial inspection report for the property (unless already received pursuant to
Standing Order 952(2)) and details of the work carried out as a result of that report and
invite the circuit stewards or other responsible officers to share information about any
other works carried out or proposed.
(3) The committee shall prepare a report on the manses visited and present it
to the Synod in the Synod Agenda. A copy of the whole report shall be sent by the
secretary of the committee to the Chair and of the relevant parts (in the case of circuit
property) to the Superintendent (who shall make it available to the occupants of the
premises inspected) and the senior circuit steward or (in other cases) to the occupants
of the premises inspected and the responsible officers. The circuit stewards or other
responsible officers shall report, through the committee, to the Synod in the following
year what has been done to carry out the recommendations of the committee.
For the connexional requirements see S.O. 803 (and NB the note to SO 803(4)) and the guidelines
approved under that Standing Order.
For the duties of the circuit committee see S.O. 954.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 645
[966] Book III Standing Orders
966 District Property. (1) The district trustees for any district property or part or
category of such property shall be the persons, being church members and members or
eligible to be members of the Synod, annually appointed as such by the Synod. They shall
report to the Synod through the district Policy Committee.
As to this and the next clause see the definition of ‘district trustees’ in para. 1 of the Model Trusts (Book
II, Part 2).
Only persons of full age may be managing trustees of model trust property (s. 9(3) of the 1976 Act, Vol. 1,
p. 13). In Great Britain as a whole persons of 18 years and over (16 years and over in Scotland) are of full
(2) All district trustees shall arrange for an inspection, which shall include an
inspection for timber decay, at least once every five years of all district property by
professionally qualified persons, who shall report on their inspection to the district
trustees, the district property secretaries and Policy Committee and (in the case of
manses) the district Manses Committee. The trustees shall ensure that every inspector
engaged to carry out an inspection under this clause complies with the requirements
set out in Standing Order 952(3). The district Policy Committee shall ensure that any
further investigatory inspections shown to be necessary in the initial inspection report are
carried out.
(3) All district trustees shall arrange for a log book to be opened and maintained
for each district property, in which shall be retained the annual schedules of property,
quinquennial inspection reports, manse visitation reports and other relevant material.
(4) In relation to any District in which there is for the time being a Methodist
International House or other international student hostel which is model trust property
the purposes of such a hostel shall be district purposes of that District.
Each M.I.H. held on the Model Trusts is therefore district property; see the definitions of ‘district property’
and ‘district purposes’ in para. 1 of the Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2), by virtue of which district manses are
also district property.
646 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property
970 Scope. (1) Subject to the following provisions of this Section a levy for the
Connexional Priority Fund shall be charged on all capital money arising from the sale,
letting or other disposition of land held for local, circuit or district purposes.
For the authority to make this Standing Order see paras. 18 and 19(1)(e) of the Model Trusts (Book II, Part
(3) Money in this fund shall be held upon the Model Trusts and is accordingly model
trust property.
971 The Committee. The fund shall be administered by the Connexional Grants
For this committee see S.O. 213B.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 647
[972] Book III Standing Orders
(2) The sum upon which the levy is calculated shall be the balance remaining after
making the payments required under heads (i), (ii) and (iii) of Standing Order 916(1).
973 Replacement Projects. (1) This Standing Order applies when the proceeds
of one or more dispositions are to be employed in or towards a replacement project and
consent to the disposition or dispositions has been granted under Section 93 on that
Classification of a project as a replacement project requires the consent of the appropriate connexional
authority (S.O. 931(1)(ix)).
(2) If the replacement project costs not less than the net proceeds, arrived at in
accordance with Standing Order 972(2), and is implemented forthwith then no levy shall
be required.
(3) If the replacement project costs less than such net proceeds and is implemented
forthwith then the levy shall be calculated on the unused balance or balances, as if they
were the net proceeds.
(4) If the replacement project is not implemented forthwith then the levy shall initially
be paid as if there were no such project, but if the project is implemented within five
years of the disposition the levy shall be cancelled or recalculated in accordance with
clause (2) or clause (3) above, as appropriate, and the overpayment refunded with
interest at the rate earned by the Central Finance Board’s Trustees Interest Fund.
648 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property [978]
beyond the normal resources of the Local Church or Circuit and are
judged to be a priority;
and for the purposes of heads (i) and (iA) above, ‘the appropriate proportion’ means in
each case such proportion as may be determined by the Conference from time to time.
For the Connexional Grants Committee see S.O. 213B.
The Conference of 2009 determined ‘the appropriate proportion’ for the purpose of heads (i) and (iA)
above to be 27.5% and 45% respectively.
(1A) If the requirements of clause (1) are satisfied a grant may be made for ecumenical
work within the purposes of the relevant Local Church, Circuit or District or for the
Mission Alongside the Poor Programme.
As to ecumenical work see S.O. 604, 650(6)(iii) (Local Churches), 500, 532(1)(iv) (Circuits) and 434(4)
(Districts). For the meaning of the phrase see S.O. 008(viii).
For the Mission Alongside the Poor Programme see S.O. 351.
(2) A grant under category (iii) of clause (1) shall consist of a single amount payable
in a lump sum or by instalments, and any other grant shall consist either of such an
amount, or of an annual sum for a limited period, or of both.
(3) All grants shall be at the discretion of the committee.
The committee referred to is the Connexional Grants Committee (see S.O. 971 and cl. (1) above).
975 Applications. (1) Subject to the following clauses of this Standing Order all
applications shall be submitted to the committee by the relevant district Policy Committee
or Synod with a statement of facts in support and the advice of the district Policy
Committee, given in the light of the district redevelopment plan. Every application shall
require the support of the Synod or in urgent cases (if not considered by the Synod) of
the district Policy Committee.
(2) The Connexional Team may sponsor an application falling within the purposes of
Standing Order 974(1) or (1A), and in that event clause (1) above shall not apply.
(3) An application within category (ii) of Standing Order 974(1) shall be presented
to and considered by the committee whether or not it has the support of the Synod or
district Policy Committee, but the advice or judgment of the relevant district bodies shall
be among the considerations weighed by the committee.
976 Administration. The Team shall provide the administrative services required
by the committee and ensure that all applications including those made under Standing
Order 975(1) are investigated and presented to the committee by an appropriate Team
977 Payments. Upon the committee’s desiring to make a payment out of the fund
the committee shall instruct the Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes to make that
978 Reports. The accounts of the fund and a report of payments promised shall be
included within the consolidated accounts of the Methodist Church Fund.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 649
Book III Standing Orders
980 Scope of Section. (1) The buildings to which this Section applies are those for
the time being exempted from the provisions of sections 3, 4, 7 to 9, 47, 54, 59 and 74
of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 or of any enactment
amending or replacing those provisions, by virtue of sections 60 and 75 of that Act (in
this Section called ‘the Act of 1990’), or any enactment amending or replacing the last
mentioned sections, and of any Order made under them.
(2) The works to which this Section applies are:
(i) internal or external works for the demolition, alteration or extension of a
listed building to which this Section applies or of any item fixed to such a
building, including any internal fixtures or fittings, or of any other structure
or fixture within the curtilage of such a building, including any tombstone
or boundary wall, being works which would affect the character of the
building as a building of special architectural or historic interest; and
(ii) works of demolition affecting the exterior of a building to which this
Section applies in a conservation area.
(3) Works to which this Section applies are in Section 93 and this Section referred to
as ‘listed building works’.
(4) This Section extends to England and Wales only.
650 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property [983A]
983A Reviews and Appeals. (1) Trustees who have applied for consent to listed
building works may seek, in accordance with the provisions of this Standing Order, to have
a refusal, or the imposition of one or more conditions, reversed.
(2) In order to do so they must within three months of receiving the decision lodge an
appeal in writing with the Property Secretary, stating what new decision they seek and the
grounds on which they do so.
As to the Property Secretary see S.O. 006(2A).
(3) For the purposes of this Standing Order the Listed Buildings Advisory Committee
shall appoint and maintain a review sub-committee, with a convener, and the Methodist
Council shall annually appoint a chair and four other members of an appeals panel.
(4) Upon receipt of an appeal the Property Secretary shall send copies to the convener
of that review sub-committee and the chair of that appeals panel.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 651
[983A] Book III Standing Orders
(5) The review sub-committee shall consider the appeal and within 40 days report
to the appropriate connexional authority, which shall review its decision in the light of
that report and within 28 days inform the trustees whether it is maintained, reversed or
(6) Unless the decision, as reviewed, is that which the trustees seek they shall within
28 days inform the chair of the appeals panel whether they wish to pursue their appeal.
(7) If the trustees inform the chair of the appeals panel that they wish to pursue their
appeal the chair shall convene an appeal hearing as soon as possible, but so that the
date shall in any event (i) allow for not less than 28 days’ notice, which shall be given to
those entitled to attend or be represented, and (ii) be not more than six months after the
lodging of the appeal under clause (2) above.
(8) The appeal shall be heard by three members of the appeal panel, appointed
by and if possible including the chair, who shall ensure that no-one is appointed who
has been involved at any earlier stage, or has any personal interest in the outcome, or
might or might reasonably be supposed for any other reason to be open to partiality or
embarrassment in acting.
(9) The parties entitled to attend or be represented shall be the trustees and the
appropriate connexional authority.
(10) Either party may rely on written submissions, but otherwise there may attend one
or more of the following:
(i) on behalf of the trustees: one trustee, one […] presbyter, one
professional adviser and one legal representative;
(ii) on behalf of the appropriate connexional authority: the person, or one
of the persons, who made the decision, as reviewed, one member of
the Listed Buildings Advisory Committee and, if the trustees are legally
represented, a legal representative (who may if so desired be a legal
officer of the Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes).
(11) (a) The appeal body shall give each party the opportunity of making
representations and of knowing the substance of, and dealing with, any representations
or other material before the appeal body adverse to its case, and shall not, in the course
of its deliberations, take into account any point which the party affected has not had an
opportunity of meeting.
(b) Each party shall be responsible for its own costs.
(c) Subject to sub-clauses (a) and (b) above the appeal body shall determine its own
(12) The Connexional Team shall provide a clerk to the hearing, who shall take notes
and provide support to the chair in the preparation of the latter’s report, which shall
include the reasoned decision of the appeal body. That decision shall be final. The report
shall be communicated to the parties and to any other interested persons or bodies
specified in guidelines issued by the Methodist Council.
984 Records. (1) The connexional Team shall maintain properly arranged and
indexed records of all projects for listed building works in such form as to show the action
652 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Property [985]
taken to comply with Standing Orders 982, 983 and 983A, the response to such action
and the decision taken.
(2) The record of the decision taken shall show what account was taken of any
comments made under Standing Order 982.
(3) The records maintained under this Standing Order shall be open to public
inspection during reasonable hours as prescribed from time to time by the appropriate
connexional authority.
The ‘appropriate connexional authority’ is the Methodist Council or its delegates (S.O. 909).
985 Enforcement. (1) In this Standing Order ‘unapproved listed building works’
means listed building works which have not received consent in accordance with Section
93 and this Section from all the appropriate bodies, including the appropriate connexional
The ‘appropriate connexional authority’ is the Methodist Council or its delegates (S.O. 909).
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of Standing Order 1130 it shall be a breach
of the discipline of the Church to carry out or authorise, alone or jointly with others, any
works which the person concerned knows or should have known to be unapproved listed
buildings works.
(3) It shall be the right and duty of the custodian trustees and of the connexional
Property Secretary to take such steps as they or either of them may deem necessary
or expedient for preventing the commencement or continuation of unapproved listed
building works, and if thought fit to invoke disciplinary action in respect of any such acts,
(i) an application to any court having jurisdiction in that behalf for an
injunction or other appropriate relief; and
(ii) the initiation of a charge under Part 11 against any person subject to the
discipline of the Church who is involved as a managing trustee or in any
other capacity in carrying out or authorising unapproved listed building
works, and of an application for the suspension under Standing Order
1105 of any such person.
As to the connexional Property Secretary see S.O. 006(2A).
(3A) A complaint within the meaning of Standing Order 1101(1) which is made against
any person by a person performing a duty under clause (3) above with a view to the
initiation of a charge under Part 11 may be referred directly to the relevant connexional
Team member as defined in Standing Order 1101(1) for it to be dealt with by a
connexional complaints team appointed under Standing Order 1122.
(4) The Methodist Council shall have power to require managing trustees to restore
and reinstate, in accordance with a specification recommended by the Listed Buildings
Advisory Committee after consultation with the Local Planning Authority and the Heritage
Authority, any buildings altered or demolished in whole or in part by unapproved listed
building works and, in default of compliance, shall have power to carry out the required
works of restoration and reinstatement and to charge the cost to the managing trustees.
For the authority to make this Standing Order see para. 19(3) of the Model Trusts (Book II, Part 2).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 653
[985] Book III Standing Orders
(5) For the purposes of this Standing Order a managing trustee does not carry out or
authorise unapproved listed building works, or join in doing so, who:
(i) votes against the resolution or other form of proposal or decision for the
execution of the works; or
(ii) is absent when the decision to execute the works is taken, either having
received no notice of the meeting or having received no notice of any
proposal for such a decision or other indication that the subject would be
considered; or
(iii) is absent for good cause when the decision to execute the works is
taken, and has taken reasonable steps to dissuade the managing
trustees from taking that decision;
and such a managing trustee shall be entitled to the benefit of clause (6) below in
respect of those works.
See also S.O. 517(3) and 615(3).
(6) Nothing in this Standing Order shall render a managing trustee who is entitled to
the benefit of this clause personally liable for any expense incurred by or charged against
the managing trustees under clause (4) above in consequence of the relevant works or
deprive such a trustee of the protection afforded by paragraph 24(2) of the Model Trusts
in respect of any such expense or any other loss or expense, including legal costs, arising
under this Standing Order in relation to those works.
654 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 10 Agendas
Standing Order Page
1002 Synod – […] Presbyteral Session . ........................................................ 656
The entries in the column headed ‘Reference’ below identify Standing Orders in Parts 0 to 9, by number
and are inserted for information and assistance where an item in the agenda is required or authorised by
or directly related to a particular provision in Standing Orders. Where no reference is given there may be no
such direct relation.
The Conference of 1993 revoked the agendas formerly in this part of Standing Orders for the meetings
and committees (except the Local Preachers’ Meeting) of the Circuit and the Local Church, and in their place
adopted brief guidelines for the business of those meetings and committees, which are printed in Book VII
B, Part 6. The Conference of 2006 revoked the agenda for the Local Preachers’ Meeting and replaced it with
guidelines which are printed in Book VII B, Part 6.
The Conference of 1998 revoked the agendas for the Representative Sessions of the Synod (1000 and
1001) and for District committees (1010–1014) with effect from the 1st September 1999, and replaced
them by brief guidelines for their business, which are printed in Book VII B, Part 6.
Book III Standing Orders
(A) Attendance
741 (1) What […] presbyters and probationers are present? What
dispensations have been granted? Are any absent without
(3) [deleted]
(4) What is the testimony of those who are now recommended for
reception into Full Connexion with the Conference?
Testimony will also be made in the public service as required by S.O. 728(3).
486,790 (5) What is the testimony of those who are now applying for
permission to become supernumeraries?
An opportunity shall be given to presbyters applying to become
supernumeraries briefly to address the Synod, and for others to speak of their
ministry, as the Chair may direct.
1 Obtainable from Methodist Publishing (for contact details see the beginning of this volume). Following
the decisions of the Conference in 2012 any future edition of this service will be known as Holy Communion
for Use at the Presbyteral Session of a Synod
656 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 10 Agendas
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 657
Book III Standing Orders
658 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline
Section Page
110 General.................................................................................................. 660
111 Appointments......................................................................................... 669
112 Complaints Procedure............................................................................. 673
113 Charges: First Hearing............................................................................ 687
114 Charges: Appeals and Reports................................................................ 696
115 Other Matters......................................................................................... 709
A guide to the use of this Part of Standing Orders, Complaints and Discipline in the Methodist Church,
is available from Methodist Publishing (for contact details see the beginning of this volume). This guide
provides invaluable assistance on procedural matters dealt with in these Standing Orders. In the event of any
conflict between the two, however, the Standing Orders will govern the procedure.
Book III Standing Orders
Section 110 General
Standing Order Page
1100 Principles................................................................................................ 660
1101 Interpretation........................................................................................... 660
1102 General Matters....................................................................................... 661
1103 Special Cases.......................................................................................... 663
1104 Record-keeping, Confidentiality and Related Matters................................... 664
1105 Suspension............................................................................................. 666
1100 Principles. (1) The need of the Methodist Church for a complaints and
discipline process stems from the imperfect nature of human beings. The Church is a
fallible community and its members on occasion behave in ways which are damaging to
themselves and others and which undermine the credibility of the Church’s witness. A
complaints and discipline process is one of the means by which the Church recognises
that all human beings are made in the image of God and are entitled to be treated as
such, and by which it maintains its witness to the new life to which we are called through
(2) Through the complaints and discipline process members of the Methodist Church
are accountable to the Church in matters of faith and behaviour. The Church seeks to
enable healing and reconciliation to take place through that accountability whenever
possible. The Church also responds to the call through Christ for justice, openness and
honesty, and to the need for each of us to accept responsibility for our own acts.
(3) The complaints and discipline process therefore seeks to embody the following
(i) the initiation of complaints should not be limited to members of the
(ii) there should be no difference of principle between ordained and lay
people in the way in which complaints against them are dealt with;
(iii) the possibility of reconciliation should be explored carefully in every case
in which that is appropriate;
(iv) help and support should be offered both to the person making the
complaint and to the person complained against at every stage during the
(v) the process should be fair;
(vi) the person or body making the decision at each stage should be
competent to do so;
(vii) there should be a means of correcting any errors which may be made;
(viii) there should be a means of ensuring compliance with any decision;
(ix) there should be appropriate requirements relating to confidentiality and
1101 Interpretation. (1) In this Section and in other provisions of these Standing
Orders relating to complaints and discipline:
660 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1102]
1102 General Matters. (1) The principle of fairness set out in Standing Order
1100(3)(v) above means that all persons exercising functions in relation to complaints
and discipline must at all times have regard to the further principles that a respondent
(i) have an adequate opportunity of responding to the complaint, meeting
any charge and dealing with the evidence;
(ii) be treated fairly by any complaints team dealing with the complaint; and
(iii) receive a fair hearing from any church court which is to decide whether
any charge is established.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 661
[1102] Book III Standing Orders
(b) If, because of the operation of sub-clause (a) above or otherwise, any church court
would have fewer than three members for the hearing of a case, the President or the Vice-
President on his or her behalf must appoint additional members for the purpose of the
hearing to bring the court to a membership of at least three.
(c) Provided that a court has three members, or, in the case of a committee of the
Conference constituted under Standing Order 1145(2) below, 11 members, no proceeding
or decision of the court will be invalid because it consists, in any particular case, of fewer
members than is specified in these Standing Orders.
(d) No person under 18 years of age may form part of a complaints team or sit as a
member of a church court deciding a discipline charge or appeal.
(e) No person may form part of a complaints team or sit as a member of a church
court (except the Conference) who is not a member of the Methodist Church.
(3) Except as otherwise specifically provided in these Standing Orders every complaints
team and every church court hearing a discipline charge or appeal has power to regulate
its own procedure in the light of the principles set out in Standing Order 1100 and clause
(1) above and having regard to guidelines approved from time to time by the Committee
on Methodist Law and Polity appointed under Standing Order 338.
These guidelines are made available to those involved as members of church courts through the relevant
(4) Except where otherwise expressly provided or where all those affected agree, all
time limits specified in this Part must be strictly observed. Where a provision specifies
a time before which a hearing must not begin, that period may not be abridged except
with the consent of all those affected. All persons with responsibility for taking steps
under this Part for which no time limit is specified must take those steps as soon as is
reasonably practicable in all the circumstances of the case.
662 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1103]
(5) Where provision is made in this Part for an appeal to be brought to a person falling
within Standing Order 231(3), the appeal will normally be dealt with on the basis of
written materials without a hearing. The person determining the appeal must give written
reasons for his or her decision. No further appeal lies against that decision.
(6) Any person or body acting under this Part must have regard at all times to the
provisions of any relevant code of practice and any relevant guidance issued in the name
of the Committee on Methodist Law and Polity appointed under Standing Order 338. The
relevant connexional Team member must keep a list of codes of practice and guidance
falling within this clause.
(7) Any person or body acting under this Part in relation to a complaint or charge
raising issues of sexual or racial harassment or abuse, or abuse of a person with a
disability, must consider whether it is appropriate to obtain specialist advice in order to
deal fairly with the matter. The Secretary of the Conference may direct that the expenses
of obtaining such advice shall be reimbursed from the Methodist Church Fund. (This
provision is without prejudice to Standing Order 365(7).)
(8) A complaint based on the existence of a conviction or police caution which would
be a bar to office under Standing Order 010(2)(ii) and a complaint made in performance
of the duty imposed by Standing Order 985(3) must not be dealt with by way of resolution,
whether informal or formal, or reconciliation.
S.O. 985(3) concerns action to be taken when a person carries out or authorises unapproved listed
building works.
(2) If the relevant local complaints officer has already referred the complaint to the
connexional Complaints Panel by the time a request of the kind referred to in clause (1)
above is received, this Part applies and no steps shall be taken under Standing Order
040 except after a further referral to a Chair.
(3) If charges or appeals arising out of the same or similar facts or connected with
the same subject matter are pending against two or more persons before more than
one church court, the courts concerned may, subject to Standing Order 1102(1) and (2)
above, sit jointly to hear some or all of the evidence or reports and of the arguments,
and may consult together. Each court must reach its own decisions separately on the
evidence relevant to the charge or appeal before it.
This clause is permissive only and the bounds set by the words ‘subject to Standing Order 1102(1)
and (2) above’ and by the last sentence will be noted. This procedure cannot properly be used merely for
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 663
[1103] Book III Standing Orders
administrative convenience or even out of pastoral concern if the principles of natural justice embodied in
Standing Order 1102(1) and (2) are in consequence discarded or a charge decided otherwise than on all and
only the evidence relevant to it and properly received for or against the person charged. It will not normally
be found feasible to combine two hearings at different stages e.g. an initial hearing of one case with an
appeal in another) or of different kinds (e.g. an appeal by way of rehearing with an appeal by way of report).
(4) If a complaint is made by or against, or a charge is brought against, a person under
the age of 18, the provisions of this Part apply, but he or she has the right at all times to
be accompanied by an adult of his or her choosing. Any person or body acting under this
Part in relation to such a complaint or charge must have regard at all times to the age
of the person concerned in giving effect to the requirements of Standing Order 1102(1)
(5) If a complaint is made by or against, or a charge is brought against, a person with
a disability, the provisions of this Part apply, but he or she shall have the right at all times
to such assistance as may reasonably be required to enable him or her to participate
effectively in the relevant processes. Any person or body acting under this Part in relation
to such a complaint or charge must have regard at all times to the disability of the person
concerned in giving effect to the requirements of Standing Order 1102(1) above.
(6) No action may be taken on a complaint against a person carrying out the
responsibilities of a local complaints officer or a member of a complaints team or a
person falling within Standing Order 231(3) or sitting as a member of any church court
in respect of the performance of those responsibilities, or against the Secretary of the
Conference or a member of the connexional Team in respect of acts or omissions in the
performance of the duties of his or her office or employment relating to complaints or
discipline, unless:
(i) the complaint is made on the ground that the person concerned acted
in bad faith or that his or her conduct constituted sexual or racial
harassment or abuse, or abuse of a person with a disability; and
(ii) the Secretary of the Conference or, in the case of a complaint against
the Secretary, the President or a person appointed for the purpose by the
President, after making such inquiries of the person proposing to make
the complaint and the person against whom the complaint is proposed
to be made as he or she may think fit, has agreed in writing that the
complaint may be made.
(7) If a complaint is made against the relevant connexional Team member, whether
or not the complaint relates to the performance of his or her duties, the Secretary of
the Conference must appoint another member of the connexional Team to perform
the functions of the relevant connexional Team member in the particular case, unless
the complaint cannot proceed without the agreement in writing of the Secretary of the
Conference in accordance with clause (6) above and that agreement is not given.
664 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1104]
(2) The Secretary of the Conference shall continue to retain in safe custody all records
and other documents deposited with him or her for that purpose in accordance with
previous Standing Orders relating to complaints and discipline.
(3) For the purposes of clause (1)(iv) above and any predecessor clause to that or
similar effect, a record relates to discipline if it concerns a complaint against a person
there mentioned and a complaints team or a team convened from a former district
Complaints Panel has decided that a charge should be brought against that person.
(4) Both the complainant and the respondent are entitled upon request to a copy of
any record to which clause (1) or (2) above applies, but must treat any document supplied
following such a request as confidential.
(5) The Secretary of the Conference must permit the relevant connexional Team
member to have access to the records kept pursuant to this Standing Order for the
purpose of carrying out a search required to be made under Standing Order 1155(1).
(6) Any person who:
(i) is or has been a member of any church court, complaints team or team
convened from a former district Complaints Panel; or
(ii) is or has been a local complaints officer; or
(iii) has acted as a district Complaints Officer or appropriate responsible
person under previous Standing Orders relating to complaints and
and in that capacity has dealt with a charge or complaint under this Part or such previous
provisions must observe at all times the confidentiality of those proceedings. This
does not prevent the communication of material in the course of any discipline process
whether relating to the particular complaint or to any other complaint involving either the
complainant or the respondent.
(7) The complainant and the respondent and any person who has brought a complaint
under previous Standing Orders relating to complaints and discipline or had such a
complaint made against him or her must observe at all times the confidentiality of those
(8) Subject to clauses (9) and (10) below, the Chair of the District in which a
respondent resides for the purposes of the stations (if a minister [...] or probationer)
or is a member or office-holder (if a lay person) and the Superintendent of his or her
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 665
[1104] Book III Standing Orders
Circuit (if any in each case) must be informed of the decision made at each stage of the
complaints and discipline process by the person responsible under this Part for recording
the decision, whether or not he or she would otherwise be entitled to be so informed
under any provision of this Part.
(9) Clause (8) above does not apply in respect of a decision by a local complaints
officer not to refer a complaint to the connexional Complaints Panel if the relevant Chair
or (as the case may be) the relevant Superintendent is not aware that a complaint has
been made.
(10) If the respondent’s District for the purposes of clause (8) above is not one
of the home Districts, references in that clause to the Chair of the District and the
Superintendent of the Circuit must be read as references to the Chair of the District and
the Superintendent of the Circuit with which the respondent has the closest connection in
the home Districts.
(11) Any person retaining a record or copy of a record under the provisions of this Part
must retain the record or copy in conditions which are appropriate having regard to the
confidentiality of the document and after the expiration of five years from the date of the
document should normally destroy it or send it to the Secretary of the Conference for
safe custody with the other records relating to the complaint in question.
1105 Suspension. (1) When a local complaints officer has referred a complaint to
the connexional Complaints Panel under Standing Order 1121(5), the responsible person
as defined in clause (2) below has power to suspend the respondent from all or any of
his or her functions as a [...] presbyter, deacon, local preacher, member, probationer or
student or from the exercise of any or every office in the Church, and to lift or vary any
such suspension.
(2) The responsible person means:
(i) in the case of a complaint which might form the subject matter of a
ministerial [...] charge under Standing Order 1130, the Chair or other
person to whom that Standing Order requires a copy of any charge to be
sent; and
(ii) in any other case, the Superintendent.
(3) Where criminal charges are pending against a person within the scope of clause
(1) above of such a kind that in the event of conviction that person’s standing in relation
to the Church might require to be reviewed or where a formal investigation is taking place
which might lead to the preferring of such charges, but (in either case) no complaint has
yet been referred to the connexional Complaints Panel, the person who would be the
responsible person if a complaint had been made has powers similar to those given by
that clause.
(4) Where a person exercises the powers given by clause (1) or clause (3) above and
the Deed of Union and Standing Orders contain no provision for securing the continued
performance of some or all of the functions to which the suspension relates, he or
she must also make interim arrangements for such continued exercise, in consultation
with those affected as far as is reasonably possible in the circumstances. For that
666 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1105]
purpose the person so acting may appoint another person to exercise any of the relevant
functions, other than those expressly given by the Deed of Union to the office-holder
concerned, until the suspension is lifted or such interim arrangements otherwise cease
to be necessary.
(5) The powers given under this Standing Order are additional and without prejudice
to any power of suspension which may arise or have arisen under Standing Order 013. A
suspension validly in force under any of these provisions may continue notwithstanding
the termination of a suspension imposed under another provision.
The power of suspension under S.O. 013 or 013A arises where a responsible officer (as defined by S.O.
013(2)) believes that an office-holder (for which see S.O. 013(1) and (2)) should be suspended on one of the
grounds specified in S.O.013(3)(a).
(6) The power given by clause (1) above and any suspension in force under it continues
(i) a complaints team has declined to refer the complaint to a connexional
Presenting Officer for the preparation of a charge (whether or not the
team decides to take any form of alternative action) and, if relevant:
(a) the time for bringing an appeal under Standing Order 1126(1) has
expired and no appeal has been brought; or
(b) the appeal under that Standing Order has been dismissed; or
(ii) a competent church court has dismissed the charge, either at first
instance or on appeal, and leave to appeal against that dismissal has
been refused or the time for appeal has expired without any appeal being
brought; or
(iii) any judgment reached has taken effect.
(7) The power given by clause (3) above and any suspension in force under it ceases if:
(i) the person concerned is prosecuted and acquitted or is notified that
criminal charges will not be preferred or proceeded with; or
(ii) after the person has been convicted, a decision is taken in accordance
with the provisions of this Part not to proceed with any charge.
If the person is convicted but paragraph (ii) does not apply, any suspension then in force
continues after conviction as if imposed under clause (1) above and the provisions of that
clause and clause (6) above apply accordingly.
(8) (a) A person suspended under the provisions of this Standing Order may at any
time while he or she remains suspended appeal in accordance with the provisions of this
clause to a person falling within Standing Order 231(3), appointed by the President or the
Vice-President on his or her behalf, who may uphold, lift or vary the suspension.
(b) An appeal must be brought by notice in writing to the Secretary of the Conference
stating the grounds on which the appeal is brought.
(c) The Secretary must give notice of an appeal to the person who imposed the
suspension, who must be given an opportunity to respond to the grounds of appeal. The
person appealing must then be given an opportunity to reply.
(d) No appeal may be brought within three months after the determination of a
previous appeal and the grounds of appeal may not include any grounds relating to the
merits of any complaint or of any criminal charges which are pending or which might be
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 667
[1105] Book III Standing Orders
preferred and which are the reason for a suspension under clause (3) above.
(9) When a person within the scope of Standing Order 801(1) is suspended under
clause (1) or (3) above, the Circuit or other body responsible for provision of the stipend
must continue to provide that stipend and pay all expense allowances which are of a
continuing nature (except those for expenses which cease during suspension) until:
(i) the suspension ceases; or
(ii) the expiration of the quarter during which the initial hearing of any charge
occurs; or
(iii) the expiration of the quarter during which a complaints team decides not
to bring a charge
whichever is the earlier. The person suspended is entitled to continue residing in the
manse for the same period.
S.O. 801(1) covers circuit ministers, other ministers in the active work and probationers appointed to
stations within the control of the church.
(10) When such a person is or may be suspended and a charge has been brought by a
complaints team, the discipline committee conducting the initial hearing must direct what
payment, if any, by way of stipend or allowances is to be made, and what accommodation,
if any, is to be provided, during any period of suspension which may occur after the
period covered by clause (9) above. All payments so directed are to be made out of
the Methodist Church Fund under Standing Order 365(6), and any Circuit or other body
making or providing for any payment or providing any accommodation under clause (9)
above or this clause may also apply for a discretionary payment from the fund under
Standing Order 365(7).
(11) Whenever the power given under clause (1) above is exercised in relation to a
minister [...] or a [...] probationer in a Circuit appointment, the person exercising the
power and all those thereafter involved in the complaints and discipline process must
at all times have regard to the immediate and likely future effects of the suspension
on the affected Local Church or Churches and Circuit while the process continues. The
person exercising the power should ensure that appropriate steps are taken to provide
interim pastoral care and to monitor the situation and revise the interim arrangements as
necessary, in particular if the suspension becomes lengthy.
668 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline
Section 111 Appointments
Standing Order Page
1110 Local Complaints Officers......................................................................... 669
1111 District Reconciliation Group and Complaints Support Group....................... 670
1112 Connexional Complaints Panel and Connexional Advocates......................... 671
1113 Connexional Reconciliation Group.............................................................. 672
1114 Connexional Complaints Officers............................................................... 672
1110 Local Complaints Officers. (1) Unless one of sub-clauses (3) to (8) below
applies, and subject to sub-clause 8A, the local complaints officer in relation to any
complaint is the Superintendent of the Circuit in which the respondent:
(i) resides for the purposes of the stations, if he or she is a minister [...] or
probationer; or
(ii) is a member or office-holder, in any other case.
(2) The Superintendent may delegate his or her functions as the local complaints
officer to another person who resides for the purposes of the stations or is a member
in the same Circuit by an agreement in writing approved by the Circuit Meeting. The
Superintendent must inform the relevant connexional Team member and the Chair of the
District of any such delegation.
(3) Where the complaint is against the President, a Chair or a minister [...] or
probationer in connexional appointment (whether full-time or part-time), or against a lay
connexional officer (including, for the purposes of this Standing Order, a lay member of
the connexional Team) in respect of conduct in the discharge of his or her office, the
local complaints officer is the Secretary of the Conference (or the President in the case
of a complaint against the Secretary). For the purposes of this clause ‘connexional
appointment’ includes an appointment under Standing Order 340, 340A or 341 if made
by or on behalf of the Conference.
(4) Where the complaint is:
(i) against a Superintendent, or
(ii) against any other minister [...] or probationer not falling within clause
(3) above and is of conduct of a nature sufficiently serious to warrant
consideration whether a charge or charges should be brought
the local complaints officer is the Chair of the District in which the respondent resides for
the purposes of the stations, unless clause (6) applies.
(5) Where the complaint is against a ministerial [...] student, the local complaints
officer is the oversight tutor appointed with overall responsibility for the training institution
to which the student has been allocated under Standing Order 722.
S.O. 722 deals with pre-ordination training.
(6) Where the complaint is against a minister [...] or probationer who is appointed or
permitted to serve or reside outside the home Districts and who either:
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 669
[1110] Book III Standing Orders
(i) is not a member of a Synod under the Conference or under the Irish or
another autonomous Conference nor subject to the discipline of another
church; or
(ii) is complained against in relation to matters alleged to have arisen in the
home Districts; or
(iii) is not, and is not expected to be, the subject of a complaint entertained
by a competent church court or other appropriate body outside the home
Districts, or in respect of whom such a court or body has referred the
case to the Church or has declined to reach a decision as to whether the
matters complained of are established or as to the action to be taken or
the local complaints officer is the secretary of the Methodist Missionary Society.
(7) Where the complaint is against a person whose membership is not in one of the
home Districts or who is an office-holder who is not a member of the Methodist Church,
the local complaints officer is the Superintendent of the Circuit including the Local
Church which he or she most frequently attends or with which he or she has the closest
involvement or the person to whom the Superintendent has delegated his or her functions
under clause (2) above.
(8) Where the complainant has requested the relevant connexional Team member
to nominate an alternative local complaints officer in accordance with the provisions of
Standing Order 1120(5) and such a nomination is made, the person so nominated is the
local complaints officer in relation to the relevant complaint.
(8A) Unless the local complaints officer has referred the complaint to the connexional
Complaints Panel, the relevant Connexional Team member may at any time, at the
request of the local complaints officer or otherwise in order better to give effect to the
principles set out in Standing Order 1100, nominate an alternative local complaints
officer to act thereafter in place of the original or any previous alternative local
complaints officer, and if such a nomination is made, the person so nominated is
thereafter the local complaints officer in relation to the relevant complaint.
(9) The duties and responsibilities of a local complaints officer are those set out in
Standing Order 1121.
1111 District Reconciliation Group and Complaints Support Group. (1) Each
Synod must appoint annually:
(i) a Reconciliation Group of at least two people with skills appropriate for
discharging the functions of the Reconciliation Group under the provisions
of this Part; and
(ii) a Complaints Support Group of at least 10 persons with pastoral skills
(including in particular sensitivity to harassment and abuse issues) and
with understanding of Methodist procedures. One member of the Support
Group is to be appointed as convener and one as deputy convener. The
deputy convener may exercise any power or fulfil any duty conferred on
the convener by any Standing Order.
670 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1112]
(2) Each Synod may make its appointments under clause (1) above in co-operation
with the Synod of another District or other Districts, so that the total number of persons
appointed by the Districts in question taken together is not less than the requisite
(3) If a casual vacancy occurs in the office of convener or deputy convener of a
Complaints Support Group the vacancy is to be filled by the Chair of the District (or,
where appointments under clause (1)(ii) above are made in co-operation by more than
one District, by any of the Chairs of those Districts) until a Synod is able to make the
necessary appointment. The person appointed by the Chair must satisfy the requirements
set out in that clause.
(4) The functions of the district Reconciliation Group are:
(i) to provide a resource within the relevant District offering assistance
(including assistance by way of the provision of information) in achieving
reconciliation between persons in dispute; and
(ii) to respond to requests for assistance from that resource made
in accordance with these Standing Orders and in such additional
circumstances as the relevant District may decide.
The manner in which a district Reconciliation Group is to discharge its functions is to be
decided by the relevant District, which may appoint such officers of the group, including a
convener or conveners, as it thinks fit.
(5) The duties and responsibilities of the convener and members of the district
Complaints Support Group are those set out in Standing Orders 1123 and 760(5).
S.O. 760(5) deals with the procedure where a minister indicates an intention to resign.
(6) The Synod must encourage all persons appointed as members of the Complaints
Support Group to participate in training relevant to the appointment.
(7) Conversations between members of a district Complaints Support Group acting in
that capacity and a complainant or respondent are confidential, but confidentiality does
not extend to admissions or to the disclosure of material evidence.
(8) References in this Part to the ‘relevant’ district Reconciliation Group or Complaints
Support Group are references to that group in the home District in which the respondent
resides for the purposes of the stations or is a member or office-holder. If there is no
such District, the recipient may ask the relevant connexional Team member to nominate
a home District the groups in which will become the relevant groups for the purposes of
this Section. If the recipient has not made such a request and the complaint is passed
on to the local complaints officer, he or she must do so. The relevant connexional Team
member must make a nomination if so requested and in doing so must have regard in
particular to where the respondent is carrying out the duties of any office in the Church or
is living.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 671
[1112] Book III Standing Orders
(2) In appointing the panel, the Conference must have regard to the need for expertise
amongst its members in law, accountancy, harassment and disability issues, marriage
guidance, medicine and theology. The Conference must also seek to ensure that there is
a geographical spread of panel members, for which purpose Districts are encouraged to
make nominations to the panel.
(3) The Conference must also appoint an appropriate number of persons, to be known
as Connexional Advocates, with the skills necessary to act as connexional Presenting
Officers in relation to discipline charges brought under the provisions of this Part and,
when not so acting, as the representative for a respondent in relation to a discipline
charge at the respondent’s request. All Connexional Advocates must be members of the
Methodist Church and aged 18 or over.
1113 Connexional Reconciliation Group. (1) The Conference must appoint annually
a panel of persons, to be known as the connexional Reconciliation Group, from which
members may from time to time be chosen to carry out the duties and responsibilities
set out in Standing Order 1155. All members of the panel must be members of the
Methodist Church.
(2) No person may be appointed a member of the connexional Reconciliation Group
who holds an office or is a member of a group (other than a district Reconciliation Group)
or panel appointed under this Section or under Standing Order 231.
(3) One member of the panel must be appointed as the convener and at least one as
a deputy convener of the panel. The deputy convener may exercise any power or fulfil any
duty conferred on the convener by any Standing Order.
672 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline
1120 Initiation of Complaints. (1) The provisions of this Standing Order apply when
a complainant makes a complaint to a recipient.
(2) Unless one of clauses (4), (7) or (8) below or Standing Order 1102(8) applies, the
recipient (whether or not he or she is also the local complaints officer) is encouraged to
try to resolve the complaint informally if possible and for that purpose will usually seek a
reply from the respondent. If he or she cannot deal with the complaint to the satisfaction
of the complainant, it must be referred to the local complaints officer if that is a person
other than the recipient.
(3) When trying or considering whether to try to resolve the complaint in accordance
with clause (2) above, the recipient, if he or she is not the local complaints officer, may
consult that officer about what steps to take. In any event he or she may consult the
district Reconciliation Group.
(4) If a recipient receives a complaint involving allegations of sexual or racial
harassment or abuse, or abuse of a person with a disability (in this Part called ‘an abuse
complaint’) or allegations of matters which in the opinion of the recipient amount or might
amount to a criminal offence (in this Part called ‘a criminal complaint’), he or she must
inform the relevant connexional Team member before taking any other step.
(5) Unless clause (6) below applies, in a case falling within clause (4) above, the
relevant connexional Team member must consult the complainant and may then:
(i) nominate a person other than the person who would otherwise be the
local complaints officer to carry out the functions of the local complaints
officer in the particular case; or
(ii) treat the matter as having been referred directly to the connexional
Complaints Panel in accordance with Standing Order 1121(5).
The relevant connexional Team member must inform the recipient and the complainant
of his or her decision and if he or she does not exercise the power given by paragraph (ii)
above, clause (2) above will apply, whether or not an alternative local complaints officer
has been nominated. Before exercising his or her power under paragraph (ii), the relevant
connexional Team member must usually seek a reply from the respondent.
(6) This clause applies in the case of a criminal complaint if:
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 673
[1120] Book III Standing Orders
(i) the relevant connexional Team member, after taking any necessary legal
advice, shares the view of the recipient that the matters alleged amount
or might amount to a criminal offence; and
(ii) the matters in question appear not yet to have been reported to the
police or, although they have been reported, it is not reasonably possible
to seek a reply from the respondent without prejudicing a police inquiry.
In such circumstances the relevant connexional Team member must treat the complaint
as having been referred directly to the connexional Complaints Panel.
(7) If a recipient receives a complaint against a lay person employed under a contract
of employment (in this Part called ‘an employment complaint’), he or she must seek
the advice of the relevant district Lay Employment Sub-committee (if the respondent is
employed by a District, Circuit or Local Church) or a member of the connexional Team
responsible for employment matters under Standing Order 357 (in any other case) before
taking any other step. The recipient must, with the approval of the relevant Chair or the
Secretary of the Conference (if there is no relevant Chair or the Chair is the recipient)
seek legal advice if he or she thinks it necessary. The recipient must act in accordance
with the advice received. Any costs incurred in obtaining advice are to be borne by the
Methodist Church Fund under Standing Order 365(6).
(8) If the recipient receives a complaint alleging matters so serious that the interests
of the church require that it be formally investigated and he or she is not the local
complaints officer, the recipient must pass the complaint to that officer. He or she may
consult the local complaints officer on the question whether or not this clause applies.
(9) If the recipient receives a complaint against the relevant local complaints officer,
whether or not the complaint relates to the performance of his or her duties as a local
complaints officer, the recipient must inform the relevant connexional Team member
before taking any further steps. The relevant connexional Team member must then
nominate another person to carry out the functions of the local complaints officer in the
particular case, unless the complaint cannot proceed without the agreement in writing
of the Secretary of the Conference or the President in accordance with Standing Order
1103(6) and that agreement is not given.
(10) No formality is required for resolution under the provisions of this Standing Order
and no record of any complaint so resolved is to be kept.
(11) The recipient is under no obligation to keep copies of documents or notes of
conversations when acting under the provisions of this Standing Order, but if he or she
does so and clause (10) does not apply, the documents and notes should be passed on
to the person who will be responsible for dealing with the complaint after the recipient
ceases to act as such.
(12) Local complaints officers holding that office in a Circuit are encouraged to take
appropriate steps to make ministers, [...] lay employees, members and office-holders
within the Circuit aware of the role and responsibilities of a recipient and a local
complaints officer.
674 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1121]
(13) No action may be taken on a complaint against a recipient for failing to comply
with a provision of this Standing Order if the recipient was not aware of the relevant
provision and acted reasonably in the circumstances of the case.
(14) Where a local complaints officer becomes aware that a complaint has been
made but that the provisions of this Standing Order have not been complied with, he or
she must encourage the recipient thereafter to comply with those provisions as far as
possible or, at his or her discretion, act thereafter as far as possible as if he or she had
been the recipient.
1121 First Formal Complaint Stage. (1) The provisions of this Standing Order apply
(i) a recipient who is not a local complaints officer passes a complaint to
the relevant local complaints officer; or
(ii) a recipient who is a local complaints officer decides that the complaint
cannot be resolved informally to the satisfaction of the complainant in
accordance with Standing Order 1120(2).
(2) When a local complaints officer receives a complaint passed on by a recipient or
decides that the complaint cannot be resolved informally, he or she must:
(i) note in writing the date on which the complaint was received or the
decision made:
(ii) obtain a written statement of the complaint from the complainant if such
a statement has not yet been made; and
(iii) consult the district Reconciliation Group in order to explore the possibility
of resolving the complaint by a more formal means (whether or not the
group has already been consulted in relation to the complaint), unless
clause (11) below applies and the local complaints officer is advised
not to do so. If the local complaints officer is not also the recipient, he
or she should involve the recipient in the consultation if possible and
(3) Where clause (2)(iii) above applies, the local complaints officer must make every
effort to resolve the complaint formally, subject to clauses (9) and (11) below. For this
purpose, the local complaints officer must inform the respondent that the complaint has
been made, if the respondent is not aware of that fact and supply him or her with the
written statement of complaint if he or she does not have it. Formal resolution means
that the complainant and the respondent agree to a form of resolution and sign a written
record of what is agreed.
(4) The complainant may at any time withdraw the complaint by notifying the local
complaints officer in writing that he or she wishes to do so.
(5) If the complaint cannot be resolved formally and is not withdrawn, the local
complaints officer may either:
(i) refer the complaint to the connexional Complaints Panel; or
(ii) decline so to refer the complaint.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 675
[1121] Book III Standing Orders
If the local complaints officer declines to refer the complaint he or she must give the
complainant the information necessary to enable the complainant to do so if he or she
wishes. The complainant must make such a referral within 21 days of receiving notice
from the local complaints officer.
(6) A reference to the connexional Complaints Panel is made by notice of intention to
refer the complaint given in writing to the relevant connexional Team member. The person
referring the complaint must send the written statement of complaint and any reply by the
respondent either with the notice or as soon as possible afterwards and may also send
any other documents he or she believes are relevant.
(7) (a) Upon making a decision under clause (5) above, the local complaints officer
must write a brief record of the steps taken to seek resolution and, if he or she declines
to refer the complaint, of the reasons for that decision.
(b) A copy of the record must be sent to the complainant and to the respondent,
unless the respondent is unaware of the complaint. The local complaints officer may
also retain a copy as a personal record for the period of five years, together with copies
of any other documents relating to the complaint in his or her possession. If the local
complaints officer decides to refer the complaint to the panel the record must be sent to
the relevant connexional Team member for transmission to the relevant complaints team.
A copy must then be retained by the Secretary of the Conference.
(8) If a complaint is formally resolved or withdrawn, the local complaints officer must
record in writing the outcome of the complaint and annex the relevant written document
and the written statement of complaint to the record. He or she (or any successor to the
office constituting him or her the local complaints officer) must retain the record in that
capacity for a period of five years. Thereafter the record must be sent to the Secretary
for safe custody in accordance with Standing Order 1104. The record may be consulted
if a dispute arises as to the resolution or the withdrawal or if it is contended that the
behaviour of the complainant or the respondent forms part of a pattern.
(9) Where the complaint is an abuse complaint or a criminal complaint and is
not treated as having been referred directly to the connexional Complaints Panel in
accordance with Standing Order 1121(5)(ii) or (6), the local complaints officer must
inform the relevant connexional Team member of any steps proposed to be taken to seek
formal resolution after consulting the district Reconciliation Group but before taking such
steps. The relevant connexional Team member must then consult the complainant and
may treat the complaint as having been referred directly to the panel without those steps
being taken.
(10) [not used]
(11) Where the complaint is an employment complaint, the local complaints officer
must continue to take and to act upon advice when taking steps in relation to the
(12) Subject to the preceding provisions of this Standing Order and to the principles
and general matters set out in Standing Orders 1100 and 1102, the local complaints
officer may decide on his or her own procedure for dealing with the complaint. In
676 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1121]
particular, the local complaints officer may meet either of or both the complainant and the
respondent and if he or she thinks fit may be accompanied in doing so by an observer.
Any observer is bound by the same principles of confidentiality as is the local complaints
officer. It is not part of the responsibility of the local complaints officer to reach a
conclusion on the merits of a complaint or on any facts in issue, or to investigate the
complaint except to the extent necessary properly to perform his or her duties under this
Standing Order.
(13) If a local complaints officer wishes to make a complaint in his or her own right,
the officer must inform the relevant connexional Team member, who must then nominate
another person to perform the functions of the local complaints officer in the particular
case. That person is also to be treated as the recipient of the complaint.
(14) Where as a result of:
(i) legal proceedings (criminal, civil, matrimonial or otherwise);
(ii) a caution given by the police; or
(iii) a matter of public knowledge
the local complaints officer considers that a person’s standing in relation to the Church
should be reviewed, but no complaint has been made, the local complaints officer must
refer the matter to the connexional Complaints Panel. The matter must then be treated
as if the local complaints officer had made a complaint against the person concerned and
that complaint had been referred to the panel in accordance with clause (5)(i) above.
(15) Where a complaint made or passed to a local complaints officer has subsequently
been withdrawn but the local complaints officer considers that, in the light of information
including the matters raised in the complaint, the standing of the respondent in relation
to the Church should be reviewed, he or she may refer the matter to the connexional
Complaints Panel and clause (14) above will apply. Before referring a matter under this
clause, the local complaints officer must inform the complainant of his or her intention to
do so and invite the complainant to make any objections in writing within a week of being
so informed. If the complainant does object, the local complaints officer must take the
objection into account and if he or she decides nevertheless to refer the matter, a copy
of the objection must be included with the papers sent to the relevant connexional Team
member, together with a statement by the local complaints officer of the reasons for
referring the complaint which he or she believed outweighed the complainant’s objection.
(16) The local complaints officer must keep copies of documents and notes of
conversations while acting in accordance with the provisions of this Standing Order. Such
documents and notes, together with any documents or notes passed on by the recipient,
should be retained with the record of any formal resolution. If no formal resolution is
reached, they should be passed with the record to the person who will be responsible for
dealing with the complaint after the local complaints officer ceases to act.
(17) The local complaints officer may seek the advice of the connexional Complaints
Officer at any time in carrying out his or her responsibilities under this and the preceding
Standing Order.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 677
[1122] Book III Standing Orders
1123 Initial Steps by Complaints Team. (1) On receiving the documents relating to
a complaint, the lead member must:
(i) inform the convener of the relevant district Complaints Support Group
that the complaint has been made and has been referred to a complaints
team, stating whether or not the respondent is aware of the complaint;
(ii) note the date of receipt of the documents and make an initial
assessment in accordance with the provisions of this Standing Order.
(2) On being informed that a complaint has been referred to a complaints team, the
convener of the relevant district Complaints Support Group must offer two members of
the group to the complainant as advisers and friends (but not representatives) during and
after the complaints and discipline process. The convener must make a similar offer to
the respondent unless the respondent is not aware that the complaint has been made. If
there is more than one complainant or respondent in relation to the complaint, the offer
must be made individually to each person concerned. The offer may be taken up at any
time even if it is not initially accepted.
(3) If the respondent was not aware that the complaint had been made when the lead
678 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1123]
member received the documents, the lead member must notify the convener as soon as
he or she is informed by the relevant connexional Team member that the respondent is
now aware of the complaint. The convener must then offer support to the respondent in
accordance with clause (2) above.
(4) The lead member must also keep under review at all times while dealing with the
complaint whether support should be offered to a Local Church or Churches or to the
Circuit or to any other body. If the lead member decides that such support should be
offered, he or she must inform the convener of the relevant district Complaints Support
Group, who must offer such support (to be given by at least two people) as may seem
appropriate in the circumstances of the case.
(5) The initial assessment to be made by the lead member is an assessment of
whether or not the complaint:
(i) ought to be dealt with under an alternative procedure specified in clause
(6) below instead of under the complaints and discipline process; or
(ii) ought to be summarily dismissed on a ground specified in clause (7)
No complaint referred to the connexional Complaints Panel by a local complaints officer
may be dismissed summarily. In other cases, no complaint may be dismissed summarily
without consideration of whether or not any reconciliation between the complainant and
the respondent is or might be possible.
(6) The following are alternative procedures for the purposes of clause (5) above:
(i) requesting the appointment of a committee under Standing Order 316 or
(ii) referring the case to a Chair under Standing Order 040(4);
(iii) where the respondent is a student [...] minister [...] or probationer,
referring the case to a connexional Review Committee with a request to
consider discontinuance under the provisions of Standing Order 030(2A);
(iv) requesting the President to inquire into a relevant Circuit;
(v) requesting the relevant employer to make use of any applicable
disciplinary procedure in a contract of employment of a lay employee;
(vi) requesting the complainant to make use of any grievance procedure
available to the complainant and relevant to the subject matter of the
As to (i), S.O. 316 deals with the curtailment before its intended termination of a connexional appointment
and S.O. 544 applies to a curtailment of a current period of invitation of a circuit appointment (presbyteral or
As to (ii), S.O. 040(4) provides for the Chair to request the appointment of a Consultative Committee to
deal with a question of ministerial competence.
As to (iv), S.O. 111 deals with the right of the President to visit a Circuit, inquire into its affairs and take
any steps open to him or her which are judged beneficial.
(7) The following are grounds for summary dismissal under clause (5) above:
(i) that the complaint should not have been treated as a complaint within
the definition contained in Standing Order 1101(1)(i) above;
(ii) that the matters complained of are so trivial that further steps would be
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 679
[1123] Book III Standing Orders
(iii) that the matters complained of occurred so long ago that, considering the
nature of the complaint, further steps would be inappropriate;
(iv) that the matters complained of have been considered previously and
dealt with (whether under this Part or under any other existing or previous
procedure) or found to fall under this clause or a previous clause in
Standing Orders permitting a complaint to be disposed of in a summary
(v) that:
(a) there has been a breakdown in a relationship between the
respondent and complainant which existed primarily outside the
context of the Church and the complainant appears to be making
the complaint as a result of hurt or anger connected with that
breakdown; and
(b) the circumstances are such that it cannot reasonably be contended
that the interests of the Church (including in particular the risk of
damage to the Church’s mission and witness if no action is taken)
require further formal investigation of the complaint.
(8) If the lead member is of the opinion, after making the initial assessment, that
the complaint ought to be dealt with under paragraph (i) or (ii) of clause (5) above, he or
she must inform the other team members of that opinion and seek their views (whether
by post, telephone or electronic communication). If the other members agree, the lead
member must prepare a brief record of the complaints team’s decision and the reasons
for it and send the record to the relevant connexional Team member on behalf of the
Secretary of the Conference for safe custody.
(9) (a) On receiving a record prepared under clause (8) above, the relevant connexional
Team member must send a copy of the record to the complainant and to the respondent,
unless the respondent remains unaware of the fact that the complaint has been made.
(b) Where the complaints team has decided that the complaint should be dealt with
by an alternative procedure, the relevant connexional Team member must also give the
complainant and the respondent (if he or she is aware of the complaint) appropriate
information about the alternative procedure and any steps to be taken by that person.
The relevant connexional Team member must take any other steps required to initiate the
alternative procedure.
(c) The relevant connexional Team member must also inform the complainant in writing
of his or her right of appeal and how it may be exercised.
(10) If, after making the initial assessment, the lead member is of the opinion that the
complaint should be fully considered or if the other team members do not both agree with
the lead member’s opinion that the complaint should be dealt with under clause (5) above
after the initial assessment, the provisions of Standing Order 1124 apply.
(11) The lead member’s initial assessment and, if clause (8) above applies, the
decision of the other team members must be made within three weeks of the date on
which the lead member receives the documents or as soon as possible thereafter.
(12) In taking the initial steps provided for by this Standing Order, the complaints team
680 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1124]
must not come to any conclusion on the facts or merits of the complaint except to the
extent necessary to reach the decisions required.
(13) The complaints team may seek the advice of the connexional Complaints Officer
at any time in carrying out its responsibilities under this and the following Standing Order.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 681
[1124] Book III Standing Orders
(8) If the complaints team is of the opinion that a form of reconciliation agreed by
the complainant and the respondent would help the situation, the team must consider
with them whether a form of reconciliation which the team believes is suitable in all the
circumstances can be agreed. A suitable form of reconciliation may, but need not, include
any of the following:
(i) an acceptance by the complainant and the respondent that the other
person has honestly interpreted admitted facts differently;
(ii) an admission of fault by any person;
(iii) an acknowledgment by the complainant or the respondent of hurt inflicted
on or loss suffered by the other;
(iv) a commitment by the complainant or the respondent not to repeat
conduct which has caused hurt or loss;
(v) a commitment by the complainant or the respondent to take or not to
take certain action;
(vi) an offer of appropriate restitution by the respondent, where possible;
(vii) an agreement by the complainant and the respondent to meet face to
(viii) an agreement by the complainant and the respondent to participate in a
formal act of forgiveness and reconciliation.
(9) If the complainant and the respondent agree to a form of reconciliation but
(i) either of them fails to act in the manner then agreed;
(ii) either of them becomes aware for the first time of a material fact or
material facts which:
(a) he or she did not know and could not reasonably be expected to have
known before agreeing to the form of reconciliation; and
(b) might reasonably have affected his or her decision whether or not to
reach agreement; or
(iii) either of them becomes aware for the first time of a procedural error
in the course of the complaints team’s consideration of the complaint
(a) might reasonably have affected the complaints team’s decision that
the agreed form of reconciliation was suitable; or
(b) might reasonably have affected his or her decision whether or not to
reach agreement
then the person aggrieved by the failure (where paragraph (i) applies) or becoming aware
for the first time of the fact or error (where paragraph (ii) or (iii) applies) may apply for
reconsideration of the complaint under Standing Order 1126 within three weeks of
becoming aware of the relevant matter.
(10) If in the opinion of the complaints team the situation could not be helped by a
form of reconciliation or no suitable form of reconciliation is agreed, the complaints team
may decide to dismiss the complaint on either of the following grounds:
682 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1124]
(i) that after full consideration of the complaint the complaints team has
decided that any of the possible grounds for summary dismissal set out
in clause (7) of Standing Order 1123 applies;
(ii) that there is no reasonable prospect of establishing that the conduct
forming the substance of the complaint took place.
(11) If the complaints team decides that the complaint should not be dismissed, the
courses open to it are the following:
(i) to decide to refer the complaint to a Connexional Advocate for the
preparation of a charge so that the matter can be dealt with by a
discipline committee;
(ii) to decide that one of the alternative procedures specified in clause (5) of
Standing Order 1123 should be followed;
(iii) to make a ruling on any point of dispute between the complainant and
the respondent (including a point of dispute relating to the conduct of the
complainant) as to:
(a) the interpretation of the 1976 Act, the Deed of Union, the Model
Trusts or Standing Orders;
(b) the usage of the Church; or
(c) the responsibilities and obligations generally associated with a
particular office within the Church;
(iv) to issue advice to the complainant or the respondent relating to matters
raised by the complaint or emerging from the complaints team’s
consideration of the complaint (including advice about training, mentoring
and supervision);
(v) to give directions to the complainant or the respondent about how to
conduct the relationship between them in the church context (including
directions about how responsibilities are to be allocated for the time
being or duties discharged).
In deciding whether or not the complaint should be dealt with by a discipline committee,
the complaints team must have regard to the definition of a charge contained in Standing
Order 1130(3) below.
(12) Any ruling made or advice issued by the complaints team must be formulated
in consultation with the relevant connexional Team member. The complaints team may
also direct that such public notice is given of the ruling or advice as the team considers
appropriate and helpful.
(13) If the complaints team decides that the complaint should be dealt with by a
discipline committee, the team may also, subject to the requirements of clause (14)
below, decide that the conduct relating to the subject matter of the complaint of any other
person should be considered by a discipline committee and refer that conduct to the
same Connexional Advocate for the preparation of a charge. In such circumstances the
complaints team may recommend that the charges should be heard together.
(14) If the complaints team is considering exercising the power given by clause (13)
above, it must:
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 683
[1124] Book III Standing Orders
(i) give the person concerned written notice that that is the case, stating the
reasons for which it is considering exercising the power and inviting him
or her to make representations in response by a specified date;
(ii) ensure that the person concerned has the documents and information
necessary to enable him or her to understand the team’s reasons and
has sufficient time to respond in all the circumstances of the case;
(iii) take into account any response received from the person concerned in
deciding whether or not to exercise the power.
(15) When the complaints team has decided how the complaint is to be dealt with,
the lead member must prepare a brief record of the complaints team’s decision and the
reasons for it and send the record to the relevant connexional Team member on behalf of
the Secretary of the Conference for safe custody. The lead member must retain a copy.
(16) (a) On receiving a record prepared under clause (15) above, the relevant
connexional Team member must send a copy of the record to the complainant and
the respondent. He or she must also send a copy to the local complaints officer if the
complaints team has made a ruling, issued advice or given directions.
(b) Where the complaints team has decided that the complaint should be dealt with
by an alternative procedure, the relevant connexional Team member must also give the
complainant and the respondent appropriate information about the alternative procedure
and any steps to be taken by that person. The relevant connexional Team member must
also take any other steps required to initiate the alternative procedure.
(c) If the complainant or the respondent has a right of appeal against the complaints
team’s decision under Standing Order 1126 below, the relevant connexional Team
member must also inform the complainant in writing of that right and how it may be
(17) The complaints team’s full consideration of the complaint must be completed
within two months of the date on which the lead member receives the documents or as
soon as possible thereafter.
(18) In taking the steps provided by this Standing Order, the complaints team must
not come to any conclusion on the facts or merits of the complaint except to the extent
necessary to reach the decisions required.
1125 Possible Criminal Offences. (1) This Standing Order applies in the case
of a criminal complaint as defined in Standing Order 1120(4) which is referred to the
connexional Complaints Panel under Standing Order 1120(6) on the ground that the
matter has not been reported to the police.
(2) If in the view of the relevant connexional Team member the criminal offence to
which the matters alleged amount or may amount is an offence mentioned in the First
Schedule to the Children and Young Persons Act 1933 as currently in force or in section
1 of the Sexual Offences Act 1956 and (in either case) the offence, if committed, was
committed against a person under the age of 18, the relevant connexional Team member
must report the matter to the police.
684 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1126]
(3) In any other case, the relevant connexional Team member may report the matter to
the police.
(4) Before reporting a matter to the police under this Standing Order, the relevant
connexional Team member must inform the lead member of the complaints team and the
complainant of his or her intention to do so and, if clause (3) above applies, must invite
the complainant to make any objections in writing within a week of being so informed. The
relevant connexional Team member must then take any objections received into account
in reaching a final decision whether or not to report the matter.
(5) (a) The relevant connexional Team member must inform the lead member and the
complainant of any report made under this Standing Order immediately upon making it.
(b) The relevant connexional Team member must inform the respondent of any report
made under this Standing Order as soon as is reasonably possible without prejudicing
any police inquiry.
(6) Where a report is made under this Standing Order but the complaints and discipline
process has not been halted under Standing Order 1124(2)(a), the lead member may
decide that the complaints team should suspend any proceedings in connection with the
complaint to await the result of any such report and any criminal proceedings which may
follow, but is not obliged to do so.
(7) If at any time a complaints team considering a complaint becomes aware that
matters alleged in the complaint are under investigation by the police or form the subject
matter of criminal proceedings, although no report has been made under this Standing
Order and the complaints and discipline process has not been halted under Standing
Order 1124(2)(a), the team may decide to suspend any proceedings in connection with
the complaint to await the outcome of the investigation and any criminal proceedings
which may follow or of the criminal proceedings, but is not obliged to do so.
1126 Appeals and Reconsiderations. (1) The complainant has a right of appeal
against a decision of a complaints team that the complaint should be dismissed, whether
made summarily or after full consideration, unless clause (2) below applies.
(2) No appeal may be brought against a decision that a complaint should be dismissed
if the complaint was referred to the connexional Complaints Panel by the complainant
rather than the local complaints officer.
(3) Both the complainant and the respondent have a right of appeal against a decision
of a complaints team to make a ruling under Standing Order 1124(11).
(4) (a) An appeal must be brought by notice in writing to the Secretary of the
Conference stating the grounds on which the appeal is brought. The person appealing
must bring the appeal within two weeks after receiving notice of the decision.
(b) The Secretary must give notice of an appeal to the respondent or the complainant
(as the case may require), who must then be given an opportunity to respond to the
grounds of appeal. The person appealing must then be given an opportunity to reply.
(5) (a) The appeal will be considered by a person falling within Standing Order 231(3)
appointed for the purpose by the President or the Vice-President on his or her behalf.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 685
[1126] Book III Standing Orders
(b) He or she must consider the documentary material before the complaints team
(including notes of any meeting between members of the complaints team and any other
person) and the team’s record of its decision and the reasons for it.
(c) He or she has power either to uphold the decision of the complaints team or to
refer the complaint or any part of it back to that team or another team convened from the
connexional Complaints Panel for further consideration and must give reasons for his or
her decision.
(6) The procedure set out in clauses (4) and (5) above applies equally to an application
for reconsideration made under Standing Order 1124(9), except that the person deciding
the appeal may not refer back for further consideration part only of a complaint.
(7) The decision of the complaints team when reconsideration has been directed under
this Standing Order must be notified to the relevant connexional Team member in the
same manner as an original decision. He or she must then act as if receiving notice of an
original decision, subject to clause (8) below.
(8) Only one appeal may be brought in respect of any complaint, except that if on
reconsideration a complaints team makes a ruling on a different point in dispute which
was not raised on a previous appeal, either the complainant or the respondent may bring
a further appeal in respect of the new ruling.
686 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline
(4) A charge must state the nature of the allegation made by reference to the sub-
paragraphs of clause (3) above and must summarise the particulars which it is contended
will establish the allegation, giving sufficient detail for the respondent to understand the
nature of the case he or she has to meet.
(5) In preparing the charge or charges, the Presenting Officer:
(i) must act in liaison with the lead member of the relevant complaints
(ii) must have in mind the importance of ensuring that all conduct necessary
to be examined comes before the discipline committee, using alternative
charges where appropriate for that purpose; and
(iii) may, if he or she thinks fit, meet the complainant and any witnesses
whom he or she may wish to call at the hearing.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 687
[1130] Book III Standing Orders
(6) (a) Once preparation of the charge or charges is complete, the Presenting Officer
must send a copy to the relevant connexional Team member.
(b) On receiving a copy of a charge or charges, the relevant connexional Team member
must notify the convener of the connexional Panel responsible for Discipline Committees
that a charge or charges is or are to be brought and must send him or her a copy. The
relevant connexional Team member must also send a copy of the charge or charges to
the complainant, the respondent and, except as provided in paragraph (c) below, the Chair
of the District containing the respondent’s Circuit.
(c) The exceptions to paragraph (b) above are:
(i) where Standing Order 1110(3) applies, the copy must be sent to the
Secretary of the Conference (or the President in the case of a charge
against the Secretary);
(ii) where Standing Order 1110(5) applies, the copy must be sent to the
relevant oversight tutor;
(iii) where Standing Order 1110(6) applies, the copy must be sent to the
secretary of the Methodist Missionary Society.
(7) The connexional Presenting Officer may seek the advice of the connexional
Complaints Officer at any time when carrying out his or her responsibilities under this
(8) In this Standing Order and in the subsequent provisions of this Part, ‘respondent’
includes a person other than the original respondent whose conduct has been referred to
a discipline committee under Standing Order 1124(13).
688 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1131]
The members must be chosen with regard to the need to achieve a fair ethnic and gender
(5) The composition of the committee must reflect the status of the respondent, so
that, subject to clause (6) below:
(i) if the respondent is a [...] presbyter, [...] presbyteral probationer or [...]
presbyteral student, the committee must include three [...] presbyters;
(ii) if the respondent is a deacon, diaconal probationer or diaconal student,
the committee must include three deacons;
(iii) if the respondent is a local preacher (not falling within (ii) above), the
committee must include three local preachers;
(iv) if the respondent is a member or office-holder who does not fall within
any of the preceding paragraphs, the committee must include three such
(6) If in accordance with any provision of this Part the committee is hearing charges
against more than one respondent and the respondents are of different status, the
reporting officer must seek and follow the direction of the chair of the committee as to
the membership of the Committee.
(7) No person may serve on a discipline committee who resides for the purposes of
the stations in, or is a member in, the District in which the person charged resides or is a
member or office-holder.
(8) When the members of the discipline committee have been chosen, the reporting
officer must inform the Presenting Officer, the complainant and the respondent of the
membership of the committee and of their rights under clause (9) below.
(9) (a) If the Presenting Officer, the complainant or the respondent objects under
Standing Order 1102(2) to any member of the committee, he or she may, not later than
seven days before the hearing to be held pursuant to Standing Order 1132(5) below,
make that objection in writing and with reasons to the reporting officer.
(b) The reporting officer must pass any such objection to the chair of the committee.
The chair may make such inquiries as he or she thinks fit and must rule on the objection
at the meeting.
(c) If the chair does not uphold the objection, the objector may renew the objection
before the committee when it first meets if he or she has given the reporting officer
notice at least seven days beforehand of his or her intention to do so. A decision by the
committee is final and may not be the subject of an appeal.
(d) Subject to paragraph (e) below, if the Presenting Officer, the complainant or the
respondent knows of facts amounting to a ground of objection under Standing Order
1102(2) but does not object within the time specified in paragraph (a) above he or she
may not afterwards object on that ground.
(e) If, as a result of a previous objection to a member of the committee or the
withdrawal of a member of the committee or otherwise, the Presenting Officer, the
complainant or the respondent is informed of a proposed member of the committee
at such a time that it is not reasonably practicable for any objection to be made in
accordance with paragraph (a) above, he or she must make the objection as soon as is
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 689
[1131] Book III Standing Orders
reasonably possible and the chair must deal with the objection fairly having regard to all
the circumstances.
(10) Further on receiving notice that a charge is to be brought, the reporting officer
must obtain from the Presenting Officer and supply to the respondent:
(i) a copy of any documents which the Presenting Officer intends to place
before the committee;
(ii) a statement of the facts relevant to the charge which the Presenting
Officer believes to have been agreed between the complainant and the
respondent during the complaints process so far and of the facts which
remain in dispute;
(iii) any further particulars of the charge which the reporting officer thinks, or
the chair of the Committee, exercising the powers given by Standing Order
1132(2) directs, are necessary to enable the respondent to be aware of
the substance of the case alleged.
(11) The reporting officer must supply to the complainant such of the papers referred
to in clause (10) above as he or she, in consultation with the chair of the committee, from
time to time thinks appropriate in all the circumstances of the case.
(12) The reporting officer must ensure that the respondent is aware of the importance
of attending the hearing and of the right to be represented in accordance with the
provisions of this Part. Where the reporting officer thinks it necessary, he or she must
encourage and assist the respondent to make use of that right. If so requested by the
respondent, the President or the Vice-President on his or her behalf must suggest the
names of three persons willing to act as representatives in the case, one of whom may
be a Connexional Advocate.
(13) (a) After complying with the provisions of this Standing Order, the reporting officer
must convene the committee.
(b) The hearing must not begin earlier than 21 days after the reporting officer has
supplied the respondent with the papers referred to in clause (10) above. If following the
hearing held in accordance with Standing Order 1132(5) or as a result of any direction
given by the chair of the committee the Presenting Officer intends to place additional
documents before the committee, the hearing must not begin earlier than such date as
the chair of the committee decides is reasonable in all the circumstances.
(c) The hearing must begin within three months of the date on which the reporting
officer is notified that a charge is to be brought, unless the chair at his or her sole
discretion grants an extension. The grounds on which an extension may be granted are:
(i) that the respondent, the complainant, the Presenting Officer involved in
the matter or a key witness:
(a) is ill;
(b) is affected by family bereavement or illness;
(c) is unavoidably and legitimately absent from Britain;
(ii) that there will be unavoidable delay in securing vital evidence, including
the evidence of the outcome of civil or criminal proceedings; or
(iii) that for some other good reason the extension is necessary to enable the
charge to be dealt with fairly.
690 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1132]
1132 Case Management and Preliminary Hearing. (1) As soon as the reporting
officer has chosen the chair of the committee, he or she must supply the chair with
copies of the documents he or she then has to enable the chair to consider the exercise
of preliminary case management powers. The reporting officer must pass on copies of all
relevant documents subsequently received to the chair as soon as possible.
(2) The chair’s preliminary case management powers are to give directions:
(i) that obvious gaps in the evidence be filled as far as possible;
(ii) about the participation of the complainant in the preliminary hearing to be
held as provided in clause (5) below;
(iii) about the supply of documents to the complainant;
(iv) that charges against more than one respondent (including charges where
conduct has been referred by the complaints team under Standing Order
1124(13)) be heard together;
(v) that the charges should be heard by a specially constituted committee
if the conduct of more than one person is in issue and differently
constituted committees would otherwise be required because the
respondents are of different status;
(vi) that such other steps be taken as appears to the chair suited to ensuring
that the committee is able to give full and fair consideration to the
charges before it.
(3) The chair may exercise his or her powers of preliminary case management from
time to time as he or she thinks fit, but must always observe the principles of natural
justice in doing so. The Presenting Officer and the respondent may, through the reporting
officer, refer case management matters to the chair for decision.
(4) If the Presenting Officer or the respondent objects to any decision made by the
chair in the exercise of preliminary case management powers, he or she shall inform the
chair of the objection in writing as soon as possible, giving reasons. If the chair does not
alter his or her decision or the objector remains dissatisfied with any revised decision,
he or she may renew the objection at the preliminary hearing to be held as provided in
clause (5) below.
(5) The reporting officer must convene a preliminary hearing to be conducted by the
chair of the committee at a convenient date prior to the hearing in front of the committee.
The hearing may take the form of a meeting or a conference call.
(6) Those participating in the preliminary hearing are to be the Presenting Officer and
the respondent. The complainant may also participate in the preliminary hearing if and to
the extent that the chair permits.
(7) The purpose of the preliminary hearing is:
(i) to deal with any objections to the membership of the committee;
(ii) to deal with any objections to the chair’s preliminary case management
(iii) to determine any outstanding procedural matters; and
(iv) generally, to ensure that the matter is ready to be heard by the full
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 691
[1132] Book III Standing Orders
No discussion of the merits of the charge is to take place at the preliminary hearing.
(8) The provisions of Standing Order 1133 as to the rights of the respondent, the
Presenting Officer and the complainant to be represented or accompanied by a friend
apply to the preliminary hearing except that the respondent is not required to give 21
days’ advance notice of his or her intention to be legally represented. Notice of such an
intention should be given as soon as possible.
(9) A decision of the chair made at the preliminary hearing may not be challenged at
the full hearing unless the chair consents, but for the purposes of the provisions of this
Part relating to appeals from a discipline committee it is to be treated as a decision of
the full committee made at the time of the hearing.
(10) (a) The chair may permit the Presenting Officer to withdraw a charge at the
preliminary hearing if in all the circumstances of the case it appears just to the chair to
allow him or her to do so.
(b) The chair must record in writing any decision to permit withdrawal and the reasons
for that decision, but no appeal may be brought against the decision.
(c) If a charge is withdrawn, it cannot be reinstated subsequently.
(11) Following the preliminary hearing the chair may give such further directions for the
management of the case as may appear to him or her to be necessary to achieve a fair
and proper hearing. The provisions of clause (9) above apply to such further directions.
692 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1133]
(5) If the respondent, after being made aware of the importance of attending the
hearing, refuses or fails to attend, the committee must consider the reason for his or her
absence and may adjourn for that purpose. The committee may then, if it thinks fit, hear
the charge and reach a decision in the absence of the respondent.
(6) If the respondent is represented, he or she may be called by the representative to
give evidence and must answer questions from members of the committee, but may not
normally otherwise intervene in the proceedings. If witnesses called by the Presenting
Officer are to be cross-examined, the representative must do so.
(7) If the complainant is represented, the role of his or her representative is to watch
over his or her interests. The representative may not assume responsibility for presenting
the charge.
(8) (a) The committee must investigate every charge properly before it and reach a
decision both as to whether the charge is established and, if so, as to any action to be
(b) The committee’s decisions must be reached solely on the charge brought and
on evidence before the committee and available to both the Presenting Officer and the
respondent. The evidence must include in all cases the written report prepared by the
complaints team under Standing Order 1124(15).
(c) The standard of proof required to establish a charge is the balance of probability.
(9) (a) The chair of the committee at his or her sole discretion may adjourn a hearing
from time to time for a period not exceeding one month, unless the grounds of the
application for the adjournment are such that, if an adjournment is granted, it should be
for a longer period. The date and time when the hearing is to be resumed must always be
(b) More than one adjournment may be granted in any case.
(c) If the committee finds the charge is established, the chair must consider whether to
exercise the power of adjournment so that the committee can receive expert evidence to
assist it in deciding upon the appropriate action to be taken.
(10) The chair of the court may permit the Presenting Officer to withdraw a charge at
the hearing before the committee on the terms and conditions set out in Standing Order
(11) The chair of the court has discretion to allow the Presenting Officer to amend the
wording of the charge but must exercise the discretion against the amendment or adjourn
the hearing if to allow the amendment without adjournment would be unfairly prejudicial
to the respondent.
(12) If in the course of legal proceedings (whether criminal, civil, matrimonial or
otherwise) a court of competent jurisdiction has made a finding of fact in relation to
a matter which is in dispute at the hearing, the committee is bound by those findings
unless it is satisfied by further evidence that it should reach a different conclusion.
Evidence may not be called for that purpose unless:
(i) the evidence was not before the court which made the formal finding of
fact; and
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 693
[1133] Book III Standing Orders
(ii) the person seeking to call the evidence could not with reasonable
diligence have placed it before the court, or had some other reasonable
justification for not having done so; and
(iii) the evidence would have been likely materially to affect the view of the
court on a matter of significance to its decision.
(13) The reporting officer must take notes of the oral evidence heard by the committee
and of its findings on that evidence and the other material before it. Those notes,
together with any documents in evidence before the committee and the committee’s
decisions and reasons, will form the basis of the report referred to in Standing Order
1142(4) in the case of an appeal.
(5) If the committee decides that the respondent shall be without appointment at his
or her own charges, the committee must inform the Stationing Advisory Committee of
its decision. If the respondent subsequently seeks to return to the active work, he or
she must apply to the President. In that case the application must be considered and
determined as set out in Standing Order 761(1) to (10) with any necessary changes.
694 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1134]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 695
Book III Standing Orders
1140 Appeal to a Connexional Appeal Committee. (1) Either the Presenting Officer
or the respondent (called ‘the parties’ in this Standing Order and in the subsequent
provisions of this Section) may appeal against the decision of a connexional Discipline
Committee on one of the grounds set out in clause (2) below.
(2) The grounds of appeal for the purposes of this Standing Order are that:
(i) there was a material procedural irregularity in the initial hearing;
(ii) the initial committee made a mistake about a relevant point of law or of
the constitution or discipline of the Church;
(iii) the initial committee erred in its conclusion on the question whether such
of the words, acts or omissions complained of as it found to have been
(a) amounted to a serious breach of the discipline of the Church or
disregard of a resolution of the Conference or the usage of the
Church as generally understood; or
(b) seriously impaired or might seriously have impaired the mission,
witness or integrity of the Church, having regard to the respondent’s
office or standing in relation to the Church;
(iv) the initial committee erred in its interpretation of the doctrines of the
(v) the penalty imposed was too severe or too lenient, as being either
disproportionate to the gravity of the charge as found established, or
unjustly inconsistent with that previously imposed in similar cases, or was
not available;
(vi) in the light of events occurring since the decision, or of evidence of which
the person appealing could not reasonably be expected to have been
aware at that time, substantial doubt has been cast upon the correctness
of the decision.
(3) The appeal will be by way of report and there will be no rehearing or further
evidence, except evidence admitted under clause (2)(vi) above.
(4) (a) An appeal must be brought by notice in writing to the Secretary of the
Conference stating the grounds on which the appeal is brought. The person appealing
696 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1141]
must bring the appeal within two weeks after receiving the written communication of the
(b) When the person appealing gives notice or within two weeks afterwards he or she
must supply to the Secretary of the Conference a written statement indicating on which of
the grounds specified in clause (2) above the appeal is brought and the specific nature of
the error, omission or other matter relied on in relation to each ground.
(c) When the Secretary has received the statement, he or she must send the
notice and statement to the convener of the connexional Panel responsible for Appeal
(d) If a notice or statement is received outside the specified time limit, the Secretary
must nevertheless send the documents to the convener, together with a note of the date
on which the delayed document was received and any explanation given for the delay.
The convener, taking into account all the circumstances, may either deal with the appeal
as if the document had been provided in time or refer the matter to the President of the
Conference the Vice-President and the Secretary, who must then decide whether the
appeal should be allowed to proceed.
(5) If neither party appeals but the President, having consulted with the [...] Vice-
President and the Secretary, considers that the penalty imposed should be reconsidered
on the ground set out in clause (2)(v) above, he or she may, within three weeks of
receiving the written communication of the initial committee’s decision, refer the matter
to the convener. The reference must be in writing, setting out the reasons for seeking
(6) If a matter is referred to the convener under clause (5) above, he or she must
arrange for it to be dealt with by a connexional Appeal Committee as if an appeal had
been made by one of the parties on that ground, but no person is to be regarded as the
person appealing.
(7) If the initial committee heard charges against more than one respondent and more
than one appeal is brought arising out of the initial committee’s decisions, both or all the
appeals must be heard by a single Appeal Committee.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 697
[1141] Book III Standing Orders
membership of the committee, but the complainant has no right to object to any member
of the committee unless additional evidence is being admitted under Standing Order
1140(2)(vi). In that case, clause (4) below applies as if the complainant were a party.
(4) (a) If a party objects under Standing Order 1102(2) to any member of the
committee, he or she may, within seven days of being informed that that person will
be a member of the committee, make that objection in writing and with reasons to the
reporting officer.
(b) The reporting officer must pass any such objection to the chair of the committee.
The chair may make such inquiries as he or she thinks fit and must then rule on the
(c) If the chair does not uphold the objection, the objector may renew the objection
before the committee when it first meets if he or she has given the reporting officer
notice at least seven days beforehand of his or her intention to do so. A decision by the
chair upholding an objection is final.
(d) Subject to paragraph (e) below, if a party knows of facts amounting to a ground of
objection under Standing Order 1102(2) but does not object within the time specified in
paragraph (a) above he or she may not afterwards object on that ground.
(e) If, as a result of a previous objection to a member of the committee or the
withdrawal of a member of the committee or otherwise, a party is informed of a proposed
member of the committee at such a time that it is not reasonably practicable for any
objection to be made in accordance with paragraph (a) above, he or she must make the
objection as soon as is reasonably possible and the chair must deal with the objection
fairly having regard to all the circumstances.
(5) Further on receiving notice that an appeal is to be brought, the reporting officer
must obtain from the reporting officer of the initial committee and supply to the parties a
copy of the report prepared by that reporting officer under Standing Order 1133(13).
(6) (a) After complying with the preceding provisions of this Standing Order, the
reporting officer must convene the Committee.
(b) The hearing must not begin earlier than 21 days after the reporting officer has
supplied the parties with the papers referred to in clause (5) above.
(c) The hearing must begin within two months of the date on which the reporting officer
is notified that an appeal is to be brought, unless the chair at his or her sole discretion
grants an extension. The grounds on which an extension may be granted are those set
out in Standing Order 1132(13)(c).
(7) The reporting officer, if so requested by the chair, must convene a preliminary
hearing to be conducted by the chair of the committee at a convenient date prior to
the hearing in front of the committee. The hearing may take the form of a meeting or a
conference call.
(8) The purpose of any preliminary hearing is:
(i) to deal with any objections to the membership of the committee (if not
otherwise dealt with);
(ii) to determine any outstanding procedural matters; and
698 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1142]
(iii) generally, to ensure that the matter is ready to be heard by the full
No discussion of the merits of the appeal is to take place at the preliminary hearing.
(9) A decision of the chair made at the preliminary hearing may not be challenged at
the full hearing unless the chair consents, but for the purposes of the provisions of this
Section relating to appeals from an Appeal Committee it is to be treated as a decision of
the full committee made at the time of the hearing.
(10) Whether or not a preliminary hearing is convened, the chair may give such
directions to ensure that the matter is ready to be heard by the full committee as he or
she may think fit. Clause (8) above applies to such directions as it applies to decisions of
the chair made at a preliminary hearing.
(11) (a) The chair may permit the person appealing to withdraw an appeal if in all the
circumstances of the case it appears just to the chair to allow him or her to do so.
(b) The chair must record in writing any decision to permit withdrawal and the reasons
for that decision, but no appeal may be brought against the decision.
(c) If an appeal is withdrawn, it cannot be reinstated subsequently.
1142 Hearing by a Connexional Appeal Committee. (1) (a) The parties have the
right to attend and be heard. The respondent at the initial hearing has the right to be
represented and accompanied by a friend. The Presenting Officer has the right to be
legally represented if he or she was legally represented at the initial hearing or if the
respondent at the initial hearing is legally represented and, in exceptional circumstances,
the chair agrees to such representation.
(b) The complainant may attend the hearing if he or she so requests, but the chair
may exclude the complainant from such part of the hearing as he or she thinks fit, if it
appears necessary to do so in order to deal fairly with the appeal. The reporting officer
must supply the complainant with such additional papers as he or she, in conjunction
with the chair of the committee, from time to time thinks appropriate in all the
circumstances of the case.
(2) (a) If the respondent at the initial hearing, not then having been legally
represented, chooses to be represented by a legally qualified person on the appeal, he or
she must give notice of that decision to the reporting officer not less than 21 days before
the date of the hearing. The reporting officer must then immediately give notice of that
fact to the Presenting Officer.
(b) If the chair agrees that the Presenting Officer, not having been legally represented
at the initial hearing, may be represented by a legally qualified person on the appeal,
the reporting officer must immediately give notice of that fact to the respondent. Notice
must be given not less than 21 days before the date of the hearing unless the Presenting
Officer sought legal representation in response to a notice given under paragraph (a)
(c) The reasonable costs of legal representation for the Presenting Officer are to be
borne by the Methodist Church Fund under Standing Order 365(6).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 699
[1142] Book III Standing Orders
(3) If neither the person appealing nor his or her representative is present at the
hearing of the appeal, the committee must consider the reason for the absence,
adjourning for the purpose if necessary, and may dismiss the appeal.
(4) (a) Unless the appeal is dismissed under clause (3) above, the reporting officer
of the initial committee must first summarise the evidence and report the findings and
decision of that committee.
(b) The person appealing and his or her representative (if any) may then address
the committee and call any evidence which may be admitted under Standing Order
1140(2)(vi), followed by the other party and his or her representative (if any). The person
appealing or his or her representative may then reply, but in doing so may only answer
points made by the other party.
(c) The committee must then proceed to consider its decision in the absence of all
other persons except the reporting officer. The chair must remind the committee that:
(i) it is acting in a judicial capacity;
(ii) its decision must be taken solely on the material already presented; and
(iii) an appeal may be allowed only upon one of the grounds set out in
Standing Order 1140(2).
(5) If the hearing is upon a reference under Standing Order 1140(5) above, the
committee must adapt the procedure set out in clause (4) above as appropriate. The
convener of the connexional Panel responsible for Discipline Committees, if not the
reporting officer of the initial committee, must attend in addition to that reporting officer,
in order to provide information relevant to the grounds upon which the written reference is
(6) (a) The chair of the committee at his or her sole discretion may adjourn a hearing
from time to time for a period not exceeding one month, unless the grounds of the
application for the adjournment are such that, if an adjournment is granted, it should be
for a longer period. The date and time when the hearing is to be resumed must always be
(b) More than one adjournment may be granted in any case.
(c) If the committee allows an appeal against a decision that the charge is not
established, the chair must consider whether to exercise the power of adjournment
so that the committee can receive expert evidence to assist it in deciding upon the
appropriate action to be taken.
(7) The reporting officer must take notes of any oral evidence heard by the committee
which is admitted under Standing Order 1140(2)(vi) and of its findings on that evidence
and the other material before it. Those notes, together with any documents in evidence
before the committee and the committee’s decisions and reasons, will form the basis of
the report referred to in Standing Order 1145(11)(a) in the case of a further appeal.
700 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1144]
1144 Further Appeal to the Conference. (1) Except as provided in clauses (4) and
(5) below, either the Presenting Officer or the respondent may appeal against the decision
of a connexional Appeal Committee in accordance with the provisions of this Standing
(1A) An appeal under clause (1) above may be made on any of the grounds set out in
Standing Order 1140(2), but so that references to the initial hearing are to be understood
as including additionally or alternatively the appeal hearing.
(2) Before bringing an appeal, the Presenting Officer or the respondent, as the case
may be, must obtain permission from the committee to appeal against its decision. The
committee may only give permission if one of the conditions set out in clause (3) below is
(3) The conditions on which permission to appeal may be given are that:
(i) the committee was evenly divided or reached its decision by a margin of
one vote;
(ii) the interpretation of the Church’s doctrine is in dispute;
(iii) the interpretation of Standing Orders or resolutions of the Conference is
in dispute;
(iv) the committee in its discretion considers that there is some other
substantial matter to be resolved.
(4) If the decision of the committee was made after the matter was referred under
Standing Order 1140(5), there is no appeal.
(5) If the committee decided to refer the matter back for a rehearing, there is no
(6) The appeal will be by way of report and there will be no rehearing or further
evidence, except evidence admitted under Standing Order 1140(2)(vi).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 701
[1144] Book III Standing Orders
(7) Unless clause (8) applies, the party wishing to appeal must apply for the
permission of the committee before it disperses after the hearing. The committee must
state its reasons for granting or refusing the application by reference to the conditions
set out in clause (3) above.
(8) (a) This clause applies if at the hearing a party informs the committee that he or
she wishes to take time to consider whether to bring an appeal.
(b) The relevant party may then make a written application for permission to appeal to
the chair of the committee within seven days from the date of the hearing, setting out in
the application the matters relied on to support it.
(c) The chair of the committee must make a written decision on the application within
seven days from receiving it, stating his or her reasons for granting or refusing the
application by reference to the conditions set out in clause (3) above. The chair must also
notify the decision to the relevant party and the reporting officer of the committee, who
must in turn notify the other party.
(9) (a) An appeal must be brought by notice in writing to the Secretary of the
Conference stating the grounds on which the appeal is brought. The person appealing
must bring the appeal within two weeks after receiving notice of the decision, except that
if he or she is appealing after permission has been granted in accordance with clause (8)
above, the time for bringing the appeal is extended to seven days after he or she receives
notice of the grant, if that would be a longer period.
(b) When the person appealing gives notice he or she must supply to the Secretary
of the Conference a written statement indicating on which of the grounds specified
in Standing Order 1140(2) the appeal is brought and the specific nature of the error,
omission or other matter relied on in relation to each ground.
(c) If a notice or statement is received outside the specified time limit, the Secretary
must consult the President and Vice-President of the Conference and the convener of the
Appeal Committee which made the decision, and must then decide whether the appeal
should be allowed to proceed.
1145 Proceedings on a Further Appeal. (1) (a) If the grounds of appeal include
the ground specified in Standing Order 1140(2)(iv) or permission is given because the
condition specified in Standing Order 1144(3)(ii) is satisfied and the case is not a case
against a deacon, diaconal probationer or diaconal student, the appeal must be heard by:
(i) the [...] Presbyteral Session in cases against [...] presbyters, [...]
presbyteral probationers and [...] presbyteral students;
(ii) [deleted]
(iii) the Representative Session in other cases.
(b) If the decision appealed against is made later than three weeks before the opening
of the relevant session of the next or current Conference, the appeal must be dealt with
by the following Conference.
(c) At a hearing by the Presbyteral Session, the President must preside [...] unless he
or she is disqualified from sitting under Standing Order 1102(2). In that case, the former
President who has most recently held the office and who is present and willing to act and
is not so disqualified must act as President. At a hearing by the Representative Session
702 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1145]
either the President or the Vice-President must preside, unless both are so disqualified, in
which case the ex-President or ex-Vice-President who has most recently held office and
who is present and willing to act and is not so disqualified must act as President. When
two persons are equally qualified and entitled or obliged to preside, they must agree
between themselves who is to preside and in the absence of agreement the question
must be determined by the Secretary.
(d) Any suspension imposed under Standing Order 1105 and any directions given
under clause (10) of that Standing Order will continue, subject to any directions made by
the President by virtue of the powers conferred by clause 29(b) of the Deed of Union and
Standing Order 774(9), until the appeal has been heard.
Clause 29(b) of the Deed of Union and S.O. 774(9) deal with the power of the President to remove from,
appoint to or change the station of a minister or deacon.
(2) (a) All other appeals must be heard by a committee of 15 persons (in this Standing
Order referred to as ‘the committee’) appointed by the President or the Vice-President in
accordance with sub-clause (b) below.
(b) The committee shall comprise:
(i) in cases against [...] presbyters, [...] presbyteral probationers and [...]
presbyteral students, 15 persons appointed by the President from among
the members of the [...] Presbyteral Session of the preceding Conference,
and, if it proves impractical to find 15 such persons qualified and able
to hear the appeal, from among the members of the Representative
(ii) in cases against deacons, diaconal probationers and diaconal students,
the Conference Diaconal Committee constituted in accordance with
clause 25A(b) of the Deed of Union, supplemented, if the number of
members of this body qualified and able to hear the appeal is fewer than
15, by persons appointed by the President from among the members of
the Representative Session of the preceding Conference;
(iii) in other cases, 15 persons appointed by the President from among the
members of the Representative Session of the preceding Conference.
(c) The persons appointed must, in the judgment of the President or Vice-President, as
the case may be, represent the diversity of the Conference and will include such of the
officers specified in Standing Order 101 as he or she determines.
(d) The committee must include as the person presiding the President or a former
President or (in the case of an appeal to which sub-clause (b)(ii) or (iii) above applies)
the Vice-President or a former Vice-President. [...] Any former President or Vice-President
presiding must if possible be a member of the preceding Conference, who is to preside.
(e) The committee will meet at a time determined by the President or Vice-President
making the appointment.
(f) The provisions of Standing Order 1102(2) apply and the Secretary of the Conference
must draw it to the attention of the members of the committee.
S.O. 1102(2) contains a list of reasons why a person may not sit as a member of a particular court.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 703
[1145] Book III Standing Orders
(g) The findings of the committee have the effect of findings of the Conference and
must be recorded in the Journal.
(3) When the members of a committee under clause (2) above have been chosen or
otherwise identified, the Secretary must inform the parties of the membership of the
committee and of their rights under clause (4) below.
(4) (a) If a party objects under Standing Order 1102(2) to any member of the
committee, he or she may, within seven days of being informed that that person will
be a member of the committee, make that objection in writing and with reasons to the
(b) The President or the Vice-President, as the case may require, may make such
inquiries as he or she thinks fit and must then rule on the objection.
(c) If the President does not uphold the objection, the objector may renew the objection
before the committee when it first meets if he or she has given the President notice at
least seven days beforehand of his or her intention to do so (but subject to paragraph
(cA) below).
(cA) If, as a result of a previous objection to a member of the committee or the
withdrawal of a member of the committee or otherwise, a party is informed of a proposed
member of the committee at such a time that it is not reasonably practicable for any
objection to be made in accordance with paragraph (a) above or for its renewal to be
notified in accordance with paragraph (c) above, he or she must make the objection or
notify the President as soon as is reasonably possible and the President or the Vice-
President, as the case may require, must deal with the objection fairly having regard to all
the circumstances.
(d) A decision by the President or Vice-President upholding an objection is final. [...] He
or she must then appoint a substitute, qualified in accordance with clause (2)(b) above,
and inform the parties of the identity of the new member.
(e) If a party knows of facts amounting to a ground of objection under Standing Order
1102(2) but does not object within the time specified in paragraph (a) above he or she
may not afterwards object on that ground.
(5) [revoked]
(6) The Secretary is responsible for providing the parties (so far as necessary) and all
those hearing the appeal with the documents which were before the connexional Appeal
Committee and any documents produced in connection with the appeal.
(6A) (a) The Secretary, if so requested by the [...] person who is to preside at the
full hearing in accordance with sub-clauses (1)(c) or (2)(d) above, must convene a
preliminary hearing to be conducted by [...] that person, with the assistance of such
person or persons as the [...] person presiding may require as advisers, at a convenient
date prior to the hearing of the appeal. The hearing may take the form of a meeting or a
conference call.
(b) The purpose of any preliminary hearing is to deal with such matters as the
President may think fit (which may include any objections to the membership of the
committee, if the appeal is to be heard by a committee) and generally to ensure that the
appeal is ready to be heard.
704 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1145]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 705
[1145] Book III Standing Orders
(11) (a) Unless the appeal is dismissed under clause (10) above, the reporting officer
of the Appeal Committee must first summarise the evidence and report the findings and
decision of that committee.
(b) The person appealing and his or her representative (if any) may then address the
Conference or committee, followed by the other party and his or her representative (if
any). The person appealing or his representative may then reply, but in doing so may only
answer points made by the other party.
(c) The Conference or committee must then proceed to consider its decision. The
person presiding must remind the Conference or committee that:
(i) it is acting in a judicial capacity;
(ii) its decision must be taken solely on the material already presented; and
(iii) an appeal may be allowed only upon one of the grounds set out in
Standing Order 1140(2).
If the appeal is being heard by the full Conference, he or she must also remind the
members of the requirements of Standing Order 1102(2).
(12) The Conference or committee may decide to dismiss the appeal or to uphold it
wholly or in part.
(13) If the Conference or committee decides to uphold the appeal, it may substitute its
own decision either as to:
(i) whether or not the charge is found to be established; or
(ii) the penalty imposed
or both.
(14) The provisions of Standing Order 1134(3) to (9) apply to decisions under this
Standing Order as they apply to decisions under that Standing Order, with the substitution
of references to the Conference for references to the committee where required.
(15) Unless the Conference or committee exercises its power of reconsideration under
Standing Order 1151(4) or the case is later reopened under Standing Order 1146, its
decision is final. This does not prevent the exercise of powers under Standing Orders 761
and 053(1).
S.O. 761 deals with ministerial reinstatement, both to presbyteral or diaconal status and to local preacher
status. S.O. 053(1) deals with re-admission to membership after discipline.
(16) (a) Subject to paragraph (b) below, the [...] person presiding may grant an
adjournment of the hearing in exceptional circumstances if the interests of justice
so require. Any such adjournment must be for such period as is necessary in all the
circumstances of the case.
(b) There may be no adjournment of any issue raised by the appeal which involves the
interpretation of the Church’s doctrine, except an adjournment from the close of business
or (as the case requires) proceedings on one day to the commencement of business or
proceedings on the next.
(c) Where the appeal is being heard by the full Conference, the [...] person presiding
may direct that any issue not involving the interpretation of the Church’s doctrine is to be
determined by a committee appointed under clause (2) above.
706 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1147]
(17) (a) The [...] person presiding may permit the person appealing to withdraw an
appeal if in all the circumstances of the case it appears just to the [...] person presiding
to allow him or her to do so.
(b) The [...] person presiding must record in writing any decision to permit withdrawal
and the reasons for that decision.
(c) If an appeal is withdrawn, it cannot be reinstated subsequently.
(18) [revoked]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 707
[1147] Book III Standing Orders
except that a decision made by the full Conference need not be reported to the Session
making the decision.
(3) Any report made under clause (2) above or under clause 23(e) or 25A(f) of the
Deed of Union in the case of the Representative Session must be made in closed
session. A report to the Representative Session under clause (2) above must be confined
(i) the number of charges and appeals heard and determined during the
year, the numbers of charges ultimately dismissed and found established,
in whole or in part, and the nature of the orders made in the case of
charges being established;
(ii) the names of persons who have ceased to be [...] presbyters, deacons,
probationers or students, or who have become supernumeraries, as the
result of such orders; and
(iii) the substance of any interpretation of or ruling as to doctrine involved
in the determination of a doctrinal charge, whether dismissed or found
The Conference of 2007 resolved for the purpose of clarification that if a doctrinal matter arises in the
course of proceedings under the Complaints and Discipline Standing Orders the Faith and Order Committee
shall be consulted as appropriate but any decision in those proceedings themselves shall remain a matter
for those authorised to take it under these Standing Orders.
(4) In addition to any reports under clause (2) above, a general report must be made
to the Conference in both sessions and to the Conference Diaconal Committee (as
constituted by clause 25A of the Deed of Union) by a convener of the connexional Panel
at least once every three years. The general report must deal with any questions of
principle raised in the cases dealt with, but without reference to any personal details. It
will be open to either session and to that committee to debate those questions.
(5) Nothing said or resolved in any debate on a report under clause (2) or clause
(4) above may be used as grounds, under Standing Order 1146 or otherwise, on which
further steps may be taken under this Part by or against a person with regard to a case
which has already been disposed of in the ordinary course.
708 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline
1150 Decisions, Supervision and Pastoral Care. (1) In this Standing Order
references to ‘the committee’ include references to the full Conference where required in
respect of an appeal under Standing Order 1144 and references to ‘the reporting officer’
or ‘the relevant reporting officer’ are to be read as references to the Secretary of the
Conference in respect of such an appeal.
(2) If the committee finds that a charge brought under this Part is established and
directs any course of action to be taken as a result, the committee must also name a
person or persons who is or are to be responsible (in the absence of any appeal) for
ensuring that the directions are followed and for reporting on that within a specified time
to the relevant reporting officer.
(3) If the reporting officer, on receiving a report under clause (2) above, is not satisfied
that a direction is being properly complied with, he or she must reconvene the committee,
or as many members of it as are still available, for the purpose of reconsidering the
question of penalty.
(3A)(a) If a committee so reconvened would have fewer than three members, the
reporting officer must appoint additional members to make the number of members up
to five in such a manner that the composition of the committee complies with Standing
Order 1131(4) and (5).
(b) If a committee so reconvened would have at least three members but the original
chair is not available, the reporting officer must appoint another person appointed under
Standing Order 231(3) to chair the committee.
(c) If additional members are appointed under this clause to a reconvened committee,
the reporting officer must inform the respondent of the new members and the respondent
has the right to object under Standing Order 1102(2) to any member by giving notice
of objection to the reporting officer in writing and with reasons. The chair, whether
original or newly appointed, must deal with the objection fairly having regard to all the
(4) If the committee is reconvened under clause (3) above:
(i) the respondent, any other person to whom the direction was given and
the person responsible for its being followed have the right to address
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 709
[1150] Book III Standing Orders
the committee. The relevant Presenting Officer has the right to attend and
may address the committee at the committee’s discretion;
(ii) the committee may:
(a) give directions for the purpose of ensuring fulfilment of its original
decision; or
(b) substitute for its original decision as to penalty any other decision
which it could originally have reached.
(5) If the committee substitutes a new decision under clause (4)(i)(b) above, it may do
so either unconditionally or conditionally upon non-compliance with its original decision by
a specified date or time.
(6) The decision of the committee made after being reconvened under clause (3) must
be communicated in the same way, as far as possible, as the original decision.
(7) A new decision given under clause 4(i)(b) above is subject to appeal as if it
had been the original decision. The time for appealing runs from the date of written
communication of the committee’s decision.
(8) In a case in which the respondent is a minister [...] or probationer and the charge
is found to be established either wholly or in part, the committee must give appropriate
directions for ensuring that on each occasion when the respondent takes up a new
appointment the terms of the committee’s decision are communicated to any person then
becoming his or her Chair and Superintendent.
(9) It is the responsibility of:
(i) the Secretary of the Conference, in the case of a minister, [...] probationer
or ministerial [...] student; or
(ii) the Superintendent of the Circuit, in the case of a local preacher or
to ensure, whenever discipline charges are being dealt with, that the respondent and,
where relevant, the complainant, and those connected with them, are entrusted to
appropriate local pastoral care both during the process and at its conclusion.
(10) Clause (9) above does not affect the responsibilities of the district Complaints
Support Group under this Section and in carrying out his or her responsibilities under that
clause the Secretary or Superintendent, as the case may be, must take account of the
support given by that group.
1151 Ministerial [...] Complaints and Charges: Special Cases. (1) If it is proposed
that a charge be brought against the President, all functions under this Part which would
otherwise be performed by the President must be performed by the Vice-President or if
he or she is disqualified from acting or unwilling to act by the former President who most
recently held office as such and is able and willing to act.
(2) If it is proposed that a charge be brought against a Chair all functions under
this Part which would otherwise be performed by the Chair must be performed by the
710 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1151]
(3) The provisions of this Part are modified as set out in clauses (4) to (7) below where
the respondent is for the time being:
(i) recognised and regarded as a [...] presbyter of the Methodist Church
admitted into Full Connexion by virtue of clause 43(b), 44(b) or 45(a) of
the Deed of Union; or
(ii) recognised and regarded as a deacon of the Methodist Church admitted
into Full Connexion by virtue of clause 45A of the Deed of Union.
(4) Complaints and charges may be investigated and heard only if they relate to
matters alleged to have arisen in the home Districts or, subject to clause (5) below,
an overseas District and, in the case of ministers of the Irish Conference, only if the
minister concerned is appointed to a station in one of the home Districts or an overseas
District. All other cases must be referred to the appropriate authority of the person’s own
conference or church.
(5) If the complaint or charge relates to matters all or most of which are alleged to
have arisen in an overseas District, it may be investigated and heard only if:
(i) the circumstances set out in Standing Order 1110(6)(iii) exist;
(ii) the respondent is expected to be present in the home Districts for the
greater part of the period of six months beginning with the date on which
the complaint is made; and
(iii) the secretary of the Methodist Missionary Society is satisfied that the
complaint can fairly be investigated in the home Districts.
(6) If a committee or the Conference finds a charge to be established, it may:
(i) administer an admonishment;
(ii) recommend a change of station, if the respondent is available for
stationing elsewhere;
(iii) determine that the respondent be removed from the stations and so
cease to be recognised and regarded as a [...] presbyter or (as the case
may be) a deacon of the Methodist Church;
(iv) in the case of a respondent serving on the stations by virtue of an
arrangement with a conference or church overseas, recommend to the
appropriate authority of the conference or church that the person be
(v) make recommendations to the respondent’s own conference or church
concerning further action which it judges should be taken.
(7) When the Secretary of the Conference or, as the case may be, the President
receives a report of a decision of a complaints team or of a committee or the Conference
made under this Part, he or she must send a report of the case to the appropriate
authority of the respondent’s own conference or church, including any recommendations
for further action which the complaints team, committee or the Conference may have
(8) The provisions of clause (9) below apply to cases concerning ministers, [...]
probationers and ministerial [...] students.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 711
[1151] Book III Standing Orders
(9)(a) If at any time the respondent gives notice of wishing to resign from Full
Connexion or to withdraw from probation or training under Standing Order 760, the
proceedings under this Part must be adjourned until a decision is made by the person or
body with authority to do so under that Standing Order, unless that person or body or the
respondent requires that the complaint or charge be disposed of first under this Part.
(b) If the resignation or withdrawal is accepted, no further steps may be taken under
this Part by any person in relation to the matters forming the basis of the complaint or
(c) If the resignation or withdrawal is not accepted, the proceedings under this Part
continue. The person or body making that decision must supply to the complaints team
(if a complaint has been referred to the connexional Complaints Panel but no charge has
been brought) or relevant committee or the Conference (if a charge has been brought)
a formal statement of the reasons together with any documentary evidence upon which
the decision was based. The person responsible at the relevant stage under this Part for
supplying documents must ensure that copies are provided to those entitled to receive
1152 Complaints and Charges against Local Preachers, Members and Office-
Holders: Special Cases. (1) Where a complaint is referred to the connexional
Complaints Panel:
(i) relating to matters alleged to have arisen outside the home Districts; and
(ii) made against a local preacher or member appointed to serve overseas in
accordance with Article 9 of the Constitution of the Methodist Missionary
Society whose membership has remained in or been transferred back to
a Circuit in a home District
the complaints team must consult the secretary of the Methodist Missionary Society in
performing its functions under this Part.
(2) If a complaint to which clause (1) applies proceeds to a charge, the secretary must
ensure that the respondent is able to be present for the hearing of the charge and any
subsequent appeal.
(3) If, when a charge is brought against a local preacher or member, there are
grounds for believing that a complaint has been or may be made about a minister,
[...] or ministerial [...] probationer or student arising out of the same or similar facts,
the reporting officer must consult the relevant connexional Team member and, where
applicable, the complaints team dealing with that complaint.
(4) After consultation in accordance with clause (3) above, the reporting officer may
decide to delay the hearing of the charge:
(i) for the purpose of enabling that charge to be heard together with any
charge arising out of that other complaint; or
(ii) pending the outcome of any consideration of the material facts or
complaint by a complaints team or the hearing of any charge arising out
of that other complaint.
712 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1153]
(5) If the reporting officer exercises the power given by clause (4) above, there is no
appeal against the decision and any resulting delay will not be a ground for any complaint
or appeal.
(6) If a charge is proposed relating to matters alleged to have arisen in a home District
against a person who has the status of or equivalent to a local preacher, or is a member,
in an overseas District or another conference or church overseas and who has not been
admitted into membership of the Church under Standing Order 051(2), the reporting
officer must consult the Secretary of the Conference and clauses (7) to (10) apply.
(7) If the appropriate authority overseas requests the Conference to deal with the
charge the Secretary must arrange for it to be dealt with in accordance with this Part.
(8) If a committee or the Conference acting under this Part considers that any decision
should be reached on the charge other than its dismissal or rehearing, it may not give
effect to that decision, but must refer it to the President. The President must send the
decision forthwith to the referring authority overseas.
(9) If clause (8) does not apply, the reporting officer in relation to any connexional
Discipline Committee or Appeal Committee hearing the charge or an appeal must send
a report of the decision to the Secretary, who must communicate its contents to the
referring authority overseas.
(10) If the appropriate authority overseas does not request the Conference to deal with
the charge, no further steps may be taken under this Part.
(11) When an appeal is brought against a decision depriving a local preacher of status
as a local preacher or removing a local preacher from membership or tenure of office
(whether at an initial hearing or on appeal), that status, membership or tenure of office is
or remains suspended until the appeal is determined.
(12) The decision on any appeal involving a local preacher or member (whether or
not falling within clause (11) above) must be communicated to the Secretary of the
Conference in addition to any other person or body to whom this Section may require it to
be communicated.
(13) Members of other communions who are not members of the Methodist Church
but who hold office in it or are members of its church courts, and persons who are
members both of the Methodist Church and of another communion are subject to
discipline in accordance with this Part, but any decision may only affect their standing
in relation to the Methodist Church, unless any further effect is given to decisions taken
under this Part by virtue of the constitution of any other communion or of any local
ecumenical partnership or ecumenical area.
1153 Previous Complaints and Charges. (1) When a complaint is passed to the
lead member of a complaints team, the relevant connexional Team member must make
a search of the records kept under Standing Order 1104(1) to discover whether any
previous complaint has been made or charge brought against the respondent.
(2) No record of any previous complaint or charge which may be found on such a
search may be disclosed to the members of the complaints team unless:
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 713
[1153] Book III Standing Orders
(i) the respondent expressly asserts that he or she has not been the subject
of a previous complaint or charge; or
(ii) the complaint under investigation is in the opinion of the relevant
connexional Team member and the connexional Complaints Officer
appointed under Standing Order 231(4) so similar in general nature and
in specific matters of fact to a previous complaint or charge that the
existence of that previous complaint or charge is a material fact to be
taken into account by the complaints team in determining how to dispose
of the present complaint.
(3)(a) Where the condition specified in clause (2)(i) is satisfied, the relevant
connexional Team member must disclose all previous complaints and charges against the
respondent to the members of the complaints team.
(b) Where the condition specified in clause (2)(ii) above is satisfied but sub-clause (a)
does not apply, the relevant connexional Team member must disclose only such previous
complaints and charges as cause the condition to be satisfied.
(4) When the relevant connexional Team member sends a copy of a charge to
a reporting officer under Standing Order 1130(6) and the material required to be
supplied to that officer does not disclose any previous complaint or charge, the relevant
connexional Team member must also send, under separate cover, a statement of the
result of the search conducted under clause (1) above and particulars of any previous
complaint or charge discovered.
(5) The record of any previous complaint or charge must not be disclosed to the
members of the committee hearing a charge before it has decided whether or not the
present charge is established, unless:
(i) paragraph (i) of clause (2) above is now satisfied; or
(ii) in the opinion of the reporting officer and of a person falling within
Standing Order 231(3), other than the proposed chair of the committee,
the existence of a previous complaint or charge is a material fact to be
taken into account by the committee on the grounds set out in paragraph
(ii) of clause (2) above.
(6)(a) Where the condition specified in clause (5)(i) is satisfied, the reporting officer
must disclose all previous complaints and charges against the respondent to the
members of the committee.
(b) Where the condition specified in clause (5)(ii) above is satisfied but sub-clause (a)
does not apply, the reporting officer must disclose only such previous complaints and
charges as cause the condition to be satisfied.
(7) If a committee hearing a charge finds it to be established, the reporting officer
must then disclose to the committee any record previously undisclosed in order to assist
the committee in deciding upon the appropriate action to be taken.
(8) If the existence of a previous complaint or charge which is not a matter of public
knowledge becomes known to members of a complaints team or a connexional Discipline
Committee otherwise than through the operation of this Standing Order, it must not be
further disclosed except in accordance with the provisions set out above. Those members
714 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1155]
of the team or committee who have become aware of its existence may continue to act as
such members only with the consent of the respondent.
(9) If any person involved in the complaints and discipline process becomes aware
that the complainant has knowledge of the existence of a previous complaint or charge,
he or she must inform the relevant connexional Team member (if a charge has not been
brought) or the reporting officer (if a charge has been brought). The person informed must
bring the provisions of this Standing Order to the attention of the complainant and require
him or her not to refer to the previous complaint or charge in the course of the process
unless it has already been disclosed in accordance with those provisions.
1154 Provision of Information. (1) At each stage of the complaints and discipline
process as it applies to a particular complaint, the person responsible for preparing
the record or report relating to that stage must take all reasonable steps to ensure
that the outcome is communicated orally to any local complaints officer, convener of a
Complaints Support Group and member of a complaints team, Complaints Support Group
or committee which has been involved in the process relating to that complaint, if the
outcome would not otherwise be communicated to that person.
(2) Any communication under clause (1) above is confidential.
(3) A local complaints officer to whom an outcome is communicated under clause
(1) above is entitled on request to a copy of the relevant record or report held by the
Secretary of the Conference, but must treat any document supplied following such a
request as confidential.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 715
[1155] Book III Standing Orders
(3) Clause (2) above does not apply if the complaints are made during the course of
the complaints and discipline process and could be raised on an appeal.
(4) If the relevant connexional Team member refers an aggrieved person to the
connexional Reconciliation Group, he or she must inform the aggrieved person that the
reference has been made, that the Group will contact the aggrieved person to discuss his
or her concerns and that until the Group has carried out its work the relevant connexional
Team member will not communicate further with the aggrieved person in relation to the
complaints made.
(5) The relevant connexional Team member makes a reference under clause (4) above
by writing to the convener of the connexional Reconciliation Group setting out the reasons
for which the reference is being made and supplying the convener with the relevant
documents. A copy of the reference must be sent to the aggrieved person, together with a
list of the documents supplied.
(6)(a) On receiving a reference under this Standing Order the convener must appoint
a team of three members of the Group to act in accordance with the provisions of this
Standing Order and must appoint one member of the team as the contact member.
(b) The convener must inform the aggrieved person that the team has been appointed,
stating the names of the team members, and that the contact member will contact the
aggrieved person.
(c) The convener must further inform that aggrieved person that the duties and
responsibilities of a team convened from the connexional Reconciliation Group are:
(i) to listen to the concerns expressed by the aggrieved person;
(ii) to make any inquiries the team thinks fit of any other person;
(iii) to explore with the aggrieved person whether there is any means of
resolving his or her concerns, including achieving resolution by a form of
reconciliation with a person or persons involved in the complaints and
discipline process; and
(iv) to make any recommendations for the improvement of the process which
the team thinks appropriate.
The convener must also state expressly that the duties and responsibilities of the team
do not extend to making any decision on the merits of the complaint or charge in relation
to which the complaints of the aggrieved person have been made.
(7) When a team is appointed under Standing Order 1155(6) above, the contact
member must invite the aggrieved person to an initial meeting with the team to enable
the aggrieved person to explain his or her concerns face to face. The team may otherwise
carry out its duties and responsibilities as set out in clause (6)(c) above as it thinks fit.
(8) When the team has completed its work as far as is possible in the circumstances,
the contact member must prepare a brief report of the steps taken and the outcome of
the team’s work. The report must state whether or not the aggrieved person’s concerns
have been resolved and any recommendations made by the team and must be sent to
the relevant connexional Team member, who must take appropriate steps to give effect to
any recommendations.
716 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline [1155]
(9) If the aggrieved person’s concerns have not been resolved and he or she is not
willing to agree not to pursue them further, the relevant connexional Team member
must refer the matter to a person falling within Standing Order 231(3) for consideration
whether the aggrieved person should be declared to be a persistent complainant.
(10)(a) The relevant connexional Team member makes a reference under clause (9)
above by writing to the referee setting out the reasons for which the reference is being
made and supplying him or her with the relevant documents.
(b) If the relevant connexional Team member refers a matter to a referee, he or she
must inform the aggrieved person that the reference has been made and what would be
the effect if the aggrieved person is declared to be a persistent complainant. A copy of
the reference must be sent to the aggrieved person, together with a list of the documents
supplied. The relevant connexional Team member must also state that he or she will not
in future communicate further with the aggrieved person in relation to the complaints
(c) The relevant connexional Team member must further inform the aggrieved person
that if he or she wishes to make representations to the referee, those representations
must be sent in writing to the relevant connexional Team member within 14 days from the
day on which the aggrieved person is so informed.
(d) The relevant connexional Team member must pass any representations received to
the referee, who must not make a decision until the time for making representations has
(11) The referee must consider the documentary material supplied to him or her and
decide whether there is such a risk that the aggrieved person will make complaints of
a repetitive nature in relation either to the respondent or to some or all of the subject
matter identified in the reference that fairness requires that all future complaints by the
aggrieved person should be considered at a connexional level by a team which is aware
of the history of the aggrieved person as respects the complaints and discipline process.
The referee must record his or her decision in writing, giving reasons, and send the record
to the relevant connexional Team member for safe custody.
(12) The relevant connexional Team member must inform the aggrieved person of the
decision of the referee. If the decision is that the aggrieved person should be declared
a persistent complainant, the relevant connexional Team member must also inform the
Chair of the District and the Superintendent or other person who is the local complaints
officer of the Circuit in which the aggrieved person is stationed or a member or with
which he or she (if not a member of the Methodist Church) appears to have the closest
(13) Any person who becomes aware that a persistent complainant is making a
complaint under this Part must take all necessary steps to ensure that the complaint is
dealt with in accordance with the provisions of this Standing Order.
(14) No appeal lies against a decision that an aggrieved person is a persistent
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 717
[1156] Book III Standing Orders
1156 Notice Provisions. (1) Where under any provision of this Part a person is
required to inform another person of a decision, then unless the relevant provision
expressly provides otherwise the obligation is performed if written notice is sent by first
class post or recorded delivery to the last known ordinary postal address of the second
person or to such other address as he or she has requested in writing should be used for
the purpose of giving notice.
(2) A person will be taken to have received a notice sent by first class post or recorded
delivery on the second day after the day on which the notice was sent unless he or she
can show that it was received later.
(3) Clause (1) does not exclude the use of any other means of informing a person of a
decision which is not excluded by the provision imposing the obligation.
718 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part Page
3 Constitution of the Methodist Missionary Society........................................... 721
4 World Methodist Council.............................................................................. 725
5 Rule of Life of the Methodist Diaconal Order.................................................. 727
Part 3 Constitution of the Methodist Missionary Society
Article Page
1 The Society and the Methodist Church..................................................... 721
2 Membership.......................................................................................... 721
3 Purposes............................................................................................... 721
4 Rights and Privileges of Members........................................................... 722
5 The British Conference........................................................................... 722
6 The Irish Conference.............................................................................. 722
7 Relations with Churches Overseas.......................................................... 722
8 Officers................................................................................................. 723
9 Overseas Appointments......................................................................... 723
10 Regulations and By-laws......................................................................... 723
11 Junior Mission for All.............................................................................. 724
12 Youth Affairs.......................................................................................... 724
13 Annual Meeting...................................................................................... 724
14 Audit..................................................................................................... 724
15 Headquarters........................................................................................ 724
16 Administration of Property: Trust Associations.......................................... 724
17 The Constitution and the Conference....................................................... 724
1 The Society and the Methodist Church. From the beginning of Methodist
overseas mission at the Conference of 1786 the initiation, direction and support of
overseas mission have been undertaken by the Conferences of the Methodist Churches
in Britain and Ireland, and all members of those churches have been regarded as called
to share in the mission of the whole Church to offer Christ to every person in word, deed
and corporate life.
2 Membership. The Methodist Missionary Society is none other than the Methodist
Church itself sharing in world mission; the members of the Methodist Missionary Society
are the members of the Methodist Church in Great Britain and every member of that
church is as such a member of the Methodist Missionary Society.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 721
Book IV Other Legislation
(iv) to foster and take part in ecumenical relationships in the field of world
mission, including the work of the World Council of Churches and the
Churches’ Commission on Mission;
(ivA) to bear witness to the global character of Christian mission by supporting
work with and among ethnic minority communities in Britain and Ireland
which have had their origin in other countries;
(v) in furtherance of these purposes to engage in education, advocacy,
recruitment and fund-raising.
The Methodist World Mission Fund to be applied for these purposes (S.O. 362(2)).
5 The British Conference. The affairs of the Society are ultimately and solely under
the supreme authority of the British Conference, with the exceptions set out in Article
6. Subject to the ultimate authority of the Conference, the Methodist Council is hereby
charged with the fulfilment of the purposes and responsibilities of the Missionary Society
generally, reporting to the Conference annually on the discharge of its responsibilities.
The organisation of the Society within the Methodist Church in Britain shall be as the
Conference by Standing Order or otherwise directs.
See also S.O. 216.
6 The Irish Conference. The Methodist Church in Ireland undertakes and conducts
its work overseas through the Missionary Society as the Irish Conference, through
its Manual of Laws or otherwise, directs. It appoints representatives to serve on the
courts and committees responsible for the work of the Missionary Society, and places
at their disposal all funds raised for this purpose through the Methodist Missionary
Society (Ireland) including the Methodist Women’s Association, or otherwise, and all
men and women who offer themselves through that Church for service overseas. The
Irish Conference shall be the final authority for the discipline of its own ministers and
members. There shall be full consultation between the Methodist Council and the
appropriate organs of that Conference in all matters falling within that Conference’s
As to the third sentence see also S.O. 1151.
7 Relations with Churches Overseas. In most places overseas the former work
of the Methodist Missionary Society has passed under the authority of autonomous
Methodist conferences or united churches. The Society promotes the development
722 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 M.M.S. Constitution
of partnership in mission with those conferences and churches through the sharing
of resources of all kinds including the interchange of personnel. In a few places, the
work of the Methodist Church overseas continues to be carried on in Districts of the
British Methodist Church. In each such overseas District all the work is immediately
administered by the Synod under the authority of the Conference.
In fact, the last overseas District of the British Methodist Church became the autonomous The Methodist
Church The Gambia on 24th May 2009.
9 Overseas Appointments.
(a) The Conference shall arrange for the selection, training and appointment of
men and women for service overseas, either in an overseas District of the
British Conference or with an autonomous conference or united church or other
agency in accordance with mutually agreed arrangements, and shall make
appropriate provision for their support in retirement.
(b) Wherever possible lay persons so appointed shall for the duration of their
service overseas transfer their membership to a Local Church in the place
where they serve.
(c) Those so appointed serve at the invitation of, and under the regulations and
(subject to (d)) the discipline of, the church or agency concerned.
(d) The mutual arrangements referred to in (a) above shall ensure that, in the
event of disciplinary proceedings grave enough to call into question the status
of a minister […] or probationer or the membership or local preacher status of
a lay person so appointed:
(i) such status shall not be removed by any court overseas;
(ii) the case shall, whether or not the appointment is terminated, be reported
to the secretary of the Methodist Missionary Society who shall ensure
that whatever further action is required by or appropriate under the
Standing Orders of the relevant home conference is taken;
(iii) for that purpose the membership of any lay person whose status may
be in question shall, where necessary, be transferred to his or her home
See also Part 11 of Standing Orders, for matters relating to complaints and discipline.
10 Regulations and By-laws. The Methodist Council shall have authority to issue,
as occasion may require, codes of regulations and by-laws for the guidance and control of
personnel overseas. The council or any body to which it may for the time being delegate
its authority in this regard may recall any such person for any reason which the council
or other body exercising this power deems sufficient, having due regard to the mutual
arrangements agreed in accordance with Article 9(a).
See also S.O. 214, 770(1).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 723
Book IV Other Legislation
11 Junior Mission for All. In every home Circuit and Local Church there shall where
possible be a Junior Mission for All group whose purposes shall be to encourage children
to learn, pray and serve with the worldwide Church of Christ and to raise money for world
See S.O. 362(6).
12 Youth Affairs. It shall be a purpose of every home District, Circuit and Local
Church to encourage the development of a world outlook in every youth and young adult
group meeting under Methodist auspices, and to help young people between the ages of
approximately 13 and 30 years to take their full share in the task of world mission.
13 Annual Meeting. An annual meeting shall be held of members of the Society.
An abstract of the report and accounts for the preceding year shall be presented to this
meeting. Members of the Methodist Missionary Society (Ireland) shall be entitled to
attend and speak.
14 Audit. The accounts of the Society form part of the accounts of the Methodist
Church and shall be audited annually by a professional auditor appointed by the
Methodist Council.
See S.O. 012(3).
17 The Constitution and the Conference. This Constitution of the Methodist
Missionary Society is approved and authorised by the British Methodist Conference,
by which alone it can be amended or abrogated. It shall be read and construed in
conjunction with the Standing Orders of the Methodist Church made by the Conference,
and in the case of any conflict between its provisions and those of the said Standing
Orders the provisions of the Standing Orders shall prevail, except that no such provision
shall prevail over or derogate from the provisions of Articles 1, 2 and 6.
See also S.O. 216(2).
724 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 World Methodist Council
For the connexional World Methodist Committee see S.O. 335.
The World Methodist Council is a worldwide association of Methodist, Wesleyan and
related Uniting and United Churches. It engages, empowers and serves member
Churches by encouraging Methodist unity in witness, fostering ecumenical and inter-
religious activities, and facilitating mission in the world.
Membership is open to all Churches in the Wesleyan tradition (or in the case of United
or Uniting Churches, those that are related historically to the Wesleyan tradition), and
Churches are elected into membership, normally following nomination by an existing
member Church and recommendation by the General Secretary.
There are currently 177 member Churches, with a worldwide membership of over 42
World Methodism was one of the first Christian world communions to organize itself,
holding the first Ecumenical Methodist Conference in 1881 at Wesley’s Chapel, London.
From then on world conferences were held every ten years until 1931. World War II
intervened and the next conference was held in 1947, when it was decided to establish a
more permanent organisation. This was effected in 1951 at the world conference held in
Oxford, when the title World Methodist Council was adopted and it was decided to meet
every five years.
The constitution drafted in 1951 was adopted in 1956 and subsequently revised in 1961
and 1971. The Council meeting in Durban in 2011 adopted a new constitution. This
provides for a Council, appointed by the member Churches, for a five year period, with the
expectation that it will meet three times in the five years.
The Council works through its Standing Programme and Operational Committees and
relates closely to certain Affiliated Organisations.
In between Council meetings, a Steering Committee will continue the Council’s work as
directed by the Council.
The Constitution also provides for a World Methodist Conference to be held at least once
every ten years, but more frequently if desired.
Elected Staff:
WMC Staff, elected by the Council, include: the General Secretary, the Geneva Secretary,
The Youth and Young Adults Coordinator and the Director of World Evangelism.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 725
Book IV Other Legislation
The Council’s current Standing Programme Committees include: Ecumenical Relationships
Committee; Education Committee; Evangelism Committee; Family Life Committee; Social
and International Affairs Committee; Theological Education Committee; Worship and
Liturgy Committee; Youth and Young Adult Committee.
The Council’s current Standing Operational Committees include: “Achieving the Vision”
Investment Committee; Audit Committee; Budget and Finance Committee; Ministerial
Exchange Committee; Conference Programme Committee; Nominating Committee;
Personnel Committee.
Affiliated Organisations:
World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women; World Fellowship of Methodist
and Uniting Church Men; International Association of Methodist Schools, College and
Universities; Oxford Institute of Methodist Theological Studies; Wesley Works Editorial
Project; World Methodist Historical Society; Epworth Old Rectory
726 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 Rule of Life of the Methodist Diaconal Order
The Conference of 1998, in accordance with what is now S.O. 750(3), approved the following Rule of Life
for the Methodist Diaconal Order.
As a religious Order, we recognise the unconditional love of God as known in Jesus Christ.
Out of this springs our calling to the sacrificial servant ministry of Christ and to be a
dispersed community living by a rule of life. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we seek to be:
careful stewards of God’s gifts,
faithful in all relationships,
and willing servants.
The Order provides the means for: fellowship and encouragement, pastoral care and
mutual support, prayer and discipline, and opportunities to explore, celebrate and share
in God’s purpose and plan. As members of the Order, although diverse, we have a sense
of identity and belonging, a mutual responsibility, a shared life of prayer, a common calling
and a lifelong commitment, for the sake of the Kingdom of God.
Rule of Life
We follow this Rule of Life to deepen our fellowship and bind us together as a dispersed
community, that we may continue to become the people God wants us to be, both
individually and as an Order. This Rule does not bind us in a way that stifles and disables,
but is a means by which we might be liberated to find a sense of wholeness in the
rhythm of life. There is no element of compulsion in it, but the hope that freely followed
and adapted to personal needs and circumstances, it will become a framework for the
enrichment of our own life, the life of the Order and the people of God amongst whom we
live. Every member of the Order is encouraged to adapt the Rule to their own needs and
experiences. May it be to us a blessing and joy, and bring glory to God, Father, Son and
Holy Spirit.
Devotional Life
We endeavour to:
attend worship regularly, especially Holy Communion,
set aside time each day to read the Bible devotionally and to pray, including a time
of intercession for members of the Order,
regularly set aside time for self-examination – a chance to look back and see where
we have failed in loving God and our neighbours, and to give thanks for blessings
find a spiritual director/companion, who will accompany, help and affirm us,
make time each year for a Retreat or Quiet Day.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 727
Book IV Other Legislation
We endeavour to:
be sensitive to the needs of those close to us, our families, dependants and
be aware of and relate to, the community in which we live,
acknowledge and enjoy God’s gifts to us of time, talents, money and possessions
and through God’s grace to be able stewards of these,
order the rhythm of each day, month and year, to allow for study and relaxation,
weekly day off, regular holiday,
attend Convocation (unless a dispensation is granted),
participate in the life of area groups wherever possible and attend meetings,
keep in contact with other members of the Order by the giving or receiving of
fellowship and support, by visits, letter or telephone.
728 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 729
Part Page
1 Qualification for Appointment under S.O. 010(3), and Duty to Obtain
Disclosures................................................................................................. 733
2 Model Trusts – Consultation Regulations....................................................... 736
3 Criteria for Authorising Persons other than […] Presbyters to Preside at
the Lord’s Supper........................................................................................ 738
4 The Church and Sex Offenders: Procedures Necessary for Offenders to be
Involved in a Church Community................................................................... 740
Part 1 Qualification for Appointment under S.O. 010(3),
and Duty to Obtain Disclosures
Standing Order 010(2)(ii) provides that, subject to the provisions of the Rehabilitation of
Offenders Act 1974 (or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time
being in force and any regulations or orders made or having effect thereunder):
no person who has been convicted of or has received a simple or conditional
caution from the police concerning sexual offences against children shall be
appointed to any office, post or responsibility or engaged under any contract to
which this sub-clause applies unless authority for the appointment or employment
has been obtained under clause (5).
Clause (5) lays down a process whereby, in exceptional cases, the Secretary of the Conference may be
requested to refer the question of disqualification to the Safeguarding Advisory Panel appointed under
Standing Order 232.
Clause (3) provides that the above sub-clause shall apply to the following categories:
(iii) first appointment to a station as a […] presbyteral or diaconal probationer
or, if no such appointment has been made, admission into Full Connexion
as a […] presbyter or deacon;
(iv) first appointment to a station as a […] presbyter or deacon recognised
and regarded as such under the Deed of Union or first entry upon the
stations as a […] person authorised by the Conference to serve as […] a
presbyter or deacon;
(ivA) first appointment to undertake specific acts of ministry under permission
given by the Conference to a person granted the status of associate
presbyter or deacon;
(v) re-admission into Full Connexion as a […] presbyter or deacon;
(vi) any other appointment or re-appointment to any office, post or
responsibility or any engagement or re-engagement under a contract of
service or for services which is at the date of appointment, re-appointment,
engagement or re-engagement specified for this purpose by the Methodist
Council, either generally by reference to categories or by a ruling in the
particular case.
The Conference of 1999 directed that the appointments and engagements specified under
head (3)(vi) above, together with any rulings made in particular cases, should be published
here. Accordingly, the list below sets out the categories specified by the Methodist Council in
December 1999.
1. Any duty or responsibility exercised on behalf of the Methodist Church which
(a) lone access to church premises;
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 733
Book VI Regulations Adopted by the Conference
(b) face to face contact with children and young people without the presence of
another adult; or
(c) carrying out duties off church premises in circumstances in which the person
concerned may be seen as a representative of the church.
2. Any office within the following categories:
Representational Liturgical or pastoral
Membership of the: Local Preachers
Church Council Worship leaders
Circuit Meeting Organists/choir leaders
District Synod Pastoral visitors/Class leaders
Methodist Council Communion Stewards
Methodist Conference Workers with children and young people
The Conference of 2003 adopted resolutions concerned with the circumstances in which
persons whose work brings them into contact with children and young people should apply
through the Churches Agency for Safeguarding (CAS) for disclosures from the Criminal
Records Bureau (CRB) or Central Registered Body in Scotland (CRBS). In some cases an
enhanced disclosure (which details convictions, cautions and any relevant investigations) is
required, in others a standard disclosure (which contains convictions and cautions only) will
suffice. The Conference directed that the resolutions should be printed here.
The Conference directs that, subject to the policy of the CRB and CRBS at the time, the
following category of persons shall obtain enhanced disclosures:
[…] Presbyters and deacons in Full Connexion, including supernumeraries who
continue to perform any of the functions of a […] presbyter or deacon
Student and probationer ministers […]
Recognised and Regarded and Authorised […] presbyters and deacons, unless
their own denominations already require enhanced disclosures, in which case
documentary evidence should be submitted to the CAS
Workers with children and young people
Lay Workers.
The Conference directs that, subject to the policies of the CRS and CRBS at the time,
those who undertake recognised caretaking duties at times when children and young
people are likely to be on church premises should be required to obtain standard
disclosures from the CRB or the CRBS. Where there are existing contracts this shall be a
matter of negotiation, and advice from the Personnel Office shall be sought.
The Conference directs that, on the recommendation of the Connexional Team, the
Council shall have the authority to require other categories of person or office-holder to
obtain either an enhanced or a standard disclosure.
734 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 Qualification for Appointment under S.O. 010(3)
‘Note regarding Safeguarding, for the purposes of the connexional year 2012-2013
The Conference in 2010 discussed a report, Recruiting Safely – for Work with Children,
Young People and Vulnerable Adults and adopted the report’s Policy and Guidance for
Good Practice of the Methodist Church 2010. The Government then rescinded parts of
the Vetting and Barring Scheme (VBS) in England and Wales pending review. Following
publication of twin reviews (CRB and VBS) in February 2011, the proposed changes were
placed before Parliament in the Protection of Freedoms Bill. The Methodist Church policy
was adapted to reflect these changes and launched as an interim policy, Recruiting Safely,
in November 2010. The interim policy requires as follows:
a) All those who regularly work with children or vulnerable adults, including those
who do so on a rota, must have criminal record checks;
b) All those who work occasionally – but not incidentally - with children or
vulnerable adults must have criminal record checks;
c) All those who manage or supervise those who work with children or vulnerable
adults and (if not otherwise included) all candidates for ordained ministry,
all local preachers going on trial and all new worship leaders must also have
criminal record checks.
In Scotland the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme was implemented in February
2011 and the appropriate separate policy relating to this is on the Methodist website.
The Conference in 2012 directed that a finalised version of Recruiting Safely be produced
after publication of the Protection of Freedoms Act regulations and guidance and the
implementation of the new on-line tracking system. This policy should coordinate as
closely as possible with the Church of England policy of the same title.
In the meantime Recruiting Safely (2010) remains the current policy. The Connexional
Team will issue any interim amendments as necessary prior to the finalised version of
Recruiting Safely.
Further information may be available from District Safeguarding Groups and Officers, from
the Connexional Team or through the Methodist Church Website:’
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 735
Book VI Regulations Adopted by the Conference
(1) These regulations shall have effect in accordance with Standing Order 902 to
prescribe what shall be ‘appropriate consultation’ for the purposes of paragraphs 3(2),
6(1), 8(1), 8(3) and 9 of the Model Trusts.
See Book III, Part 9, and Book II, Part 2.
(5) Before giving a certificate under paragraph 6(1) of the Model Trusts the Methodist
Council shall consult the following:
(i) where more than one church body claims to be the managing trustees of
all or any part of the relevant property, each body so claiming; and
(ii) where any such church body is a Church Council, the Circuit of which its
Local Church forms part; and
(iii) where any such church body is a Circuit Meeting, the District of which its
Circuit forms part; or
(iv) where no church body so claims, or in any case not otherwise provided
for, the District and Circuit in which the property is situated.
For para. 6(1) of the Model Trusts see Book II, Part 2.
736 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 2 Model Trusts – Consultation Regulations
(6) In any case of doubt or dispute as to the District or Circuit in which any property
is situated for the purposes of regulation (4)(i) or (5)(iv) above the Methodist Council
shall at its absolute discretion consult such one or more as it thinks fit of the Districts or
Circuits, as the case may be, which appear to it to be in question, and such consultation
shall conclusively be deemed to satisfy the requirements of regulation (4)(i) or (5)(iv), as
the case may be.
(7) Subject to regulation (10) below, before agreeing or amending terms of
management under paragraph 8(1) or 9 of the Model Trusts the managing trustees
concerned shall consult the following:
(i) where any such managing trustees are a Church Council, the Circuit of
which their Local Church forms part; and
(ii) where any such managing trustees are a Circuit Meeting, the District of
which their Circuit forms part.
For paras. 8(1) and 9 of the Model Trusts see Book II, Part 2.
(8) Before determining terms of management under paragraph 8(3) of the Model Trusts
the Methodist Council shall consult the following:
(i) the several sets of managing trustees of the relevant property; and
(ii) where any such managing trustees are a Church Council, the Circuit of
which their Local Church forms part; and
(iii) where any such managing trustees are a Circuit Meeting, the District of
which their Circuit forms part.
For para. 8(3) of the Model Trusts see Book II, Part 2.
(9) No omission by inadvertence or mistake to comply with regulation (4), (5), (7) or
(8) above shall amount to failure of appropriate consultation for the purposes of the
relevant paragraph of the Model Trusts or invalidate or avoid any purported direction,
certificate, agreement, amendment or determination given or made in good faith under
that paragraph.
(10) Where a scheme for sharing the use of a chapel or other local property is
approved under Standing Order 942(2) the submission of that scheme to, and its
approval by, the Circuit Meeting or Meetings and the Synod or Synods involved shall be
appropriate consultation in relation to any draft terms of management included in the
scheme, and no further or other consultation shall be required.
(11) These regulations shall be construed and applied in conjunction with the Standing
Orders for the time being of the Methodist Church and all words and expressions shall be
given the meanings which they bear in those Standing Orders.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 737
Book VI Regulations Adopted by the Conference
738 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 Criteria for Authorising Persons other than Presbyters
ministry which is developing within the Methodist Church) and the Warden of the
Methodist Diaconal Order will be consulted in each case. Persons authorised must be
members in the relevant Circuit or deacons or probationers appointed to it. [SO 011(2)]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 739
Book VI Regulations Adopted by the Conference
740 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Church and Sex Offenders
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 741
Book VI Regulations Adopted by the Conference
begin by setting out the pastoral support and care being offered by the church
and then move on to other conditions, such as some of the following examples:
* I will never allow myself to be in a situation where I am alone with children/
young people
* I will attend meetings/house groups as directed by the small group
* I will sit where directed in the church and will not place myself in the vicinity
of children and young people
* I will not enter certain parts of the building designated by the small group,
nor any area where children’s activities are in progress
* I will decline invitations of hospitality where there are children in the home
* I accept that ‘x’ and ‘y’ will sit with me during church activities, accompanying
me when I need to use other facilities. They will know that I am a Schedule 1
offender/registered with the police under the terms of the Sex Offenders Act
* I accept that ‘z’ will provide me with pastoral care
* I accept that there are certain people who will need to be told of my
circumstances in order for them to protect the children/young people for
whom they care
* I accept that contact will need to be made with my probation officer, who
will meet with church leaders or members of the small group as and when
* I understand that if I do not keep to these conditions, then I may be banned
from attending the church, and in such circumstances the church leaders may
choose to inform the statutory agencies (eg probation and social services)
and any other relevant organisation, and the church congregation
* I understand that any other concerns will be taken seriously and reported
* I understand that this contract will be reviewed regularly every
months and will remain for an indefinite period.
(adapted from Guidance to Churches: protecting children and appointing children’s
workers, Churches’ Child Protection Advisory Service).
The document needs to be signed and dated by the offender and by the church
v. Small group to meet regularly
The small group should continue to meet the individual from time to time to
review the arrangement and address any concerns. If boundaries are not being
kept, or if the contract is not being kept in other ways, it is important to address
the problem. (In extreme cases, where boundaries continue not to be kept, it
may be necessary to prohibit the offender from coming on the premises.) When
officers or […] presbyters change in the church it will be important to ensure
continuity of awareness and provision of pastoral support for the offender.
742 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 The Church and Sex Offenders
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 743
A Guidance relating to Ministers […]
Part Page
1 Charter for Incoming Ministers […]............................................................... 746
2 Guidelines on Provision of Adequate Accommodation for Manses................... 748
3 Holidays..................................................................................................... 749
4 Connexional Appointments........................................................................... 750
5 […] Ministers Affected by Impairment: A Guide To Good Practice.................... 752
Part Page
6 Guidelines for the Business of District, Circuit and Local Meetings.................. 757
7 Permitted Gambling..................................................................................... 766
Part Page
8 Christian Preparation for Marriage: Methodist Church Policy and Guidelines..... 768
9 Guidelines for Inter-Faith Marriages............................................................... 773
10 Responding to Requests for Prayers or Services of Blessing for
Same-sex Couples....................................................................................... 776
11 The 1993 Conference Resolutions on Human Sexuality.................................. 777
12 Through a Glass Darkly: Recommendations as to Methodist Practice in
Relation to Alcohol...................................................................................... 778
13 Guidance for the Reception of Christians of Other Communions into the Membership
of the Methodist Church and Joint Confirmations........................................... 779
14 Guidelines for Good Practice in Confidentiality and Pastoral Care.................... 782
Book VII Guidance
746 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 1 Charter for Incoming Ministers [3]
The care of manses is at all times a matter of partnership and co-operation between the
occupants and the circuit stewards. To carry out their responsibilities, circuit stewards,
for example, whilst respecting the privacy of the manse, must have whatever access
is necessary to ensure that the property is kept in good repair and that an annual
and ongoing programme of maintenance and redecoration is sustained. Such things
should not be left to the few days when a manse may be vacant at a changeover. In
this partnership it is the responsibility of the Circuit (as set out in Standing Orders 533,
803 and 954) to provide a suitable manse, to decorate it and to furnish it with carpets,
curtains, a cooker, office furniture and a lawnmower. It is the clear responsibility of
the occupants, on the other hand, to keep the manse clean and presentable and at a
changeover to make sure that the manse and its circuit furnishings are left clean and
tidy. Exceptional circumstances will occasionally arise in which, for various reasons,
occupants are unable to fulfil this basic obligation – in which case arrangements should
be negotiated with the circuit stewards. Normally, however, incoming ministers […] can
expect to find that their predecessors have left the manse clean and habitable in the
ways indicated above.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 747
Book VII Guidance
1. Whilst it is impossible to prescribe exactly the number and use of rooms in a manse
because of the wide variation in the internal arrangements of houses, a manse must
provide adequate accommodation for a mixed family and visitors. This should include:
enough bedrooms (normally four)
at least two separate living rooms and a kitchen
a separate study (one of the bedrooms may be used for this purpose provided that
all other requirements of these guidelines are met).
2. Adequate garage or other parking facilities should be provided.
3. Using Energy Performance Certificates and advice, Circuits should undertake
measures to meet the potential energy efficiency ratings of their manses. Circuits should
seek to provide manses to meet a minimum of a ‘C’ energy efficiency rating.
4. Arrangements for the use of a manse for the work of ministry must be such as to
protect the confidentiality of all parties.
5. If possible the study should be downstairs. There should be no necessity for anyone
visiting the manse on church business to go upstairs.
6. If there is no study downstairs and a bedroom is used as a study it must be
possible for pastoral interviews or church business to be conducted in one of the
downstairs rooms without disturbing the privacy of other family members or compromising
the minister[…]’s own privacy. These arrangements must be thoroughly explored with
the prospective minister […] before a match is concluded in the case of a circuit manse.
Circuits, Districts or other bodies providing manses should note that this requirement may
cause difficulties in a house with fewer than four bedrooms.
7. If the arrangement of the rooms downstairs in the manse makes the above
impossible, or in any case if there is no downstairs cloakroom, proper provision must be
made elsewhere (e.g. a properly appointed study at a church).
8. Since the manse is to be used as a home as well as a base for the work of ministry,
proper arrangements must be made for protecting the privacy of ministers […] and their
families. Such arrangements must include:
maintaining their safety
allowing them to carry out the activities of daily life without undue restriction
protecting them from intrusion and embarrassment.
9. Circuits must be aware that providing a small manse may lead to the need to
change it with a change of minister.
748 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 3 Holidays
Part 3 Holidays
The Conference of 1977 adopted the following statement (with amendments to include diaconal service
being made in 1998, and further amendments to reflect the inclusive use of ‘minister’ in 2012).
The Conference recognises the impossibility and the undesirability of too strict a rule on
a minister […]’s use of time, such as a sessional apportionment would entail, and it also
recognises the economic restrictions which make the ideal unachievable; but it considers
that the application of the principles of any person’s need of rest, recreation, exercise,
fellowship, and above all a full family life, would require:
1. 35 days’ holiday each year, plus the equivalent of statutory public holidays. Such
entitlement would include five Sundays free of duties, of which at least two would be
consecutive Sundays and, for […] presbyters, one Local Preachers’ Sunday.
2. A break of three consecutive weekdays (if possible away from home) each quarter.
3. A minimum break of 24 hours each week, without structured work and if possible
away from the manse.
4. A period of up to an hour’s break each day for recreation and exercise.
5. Where there is a Sunday between Christmas and New Year probationers should be
free on that Sunday.
The Conference recommends each minister […] to cultivate a hobby from the outset.
The Conference of 1994 added a paragraph which, after amendment in 1996, 1998 and 2012 reads as
The year to which item 1 above refers is the connexional year, and holidays should
not be arranged so as to take two years’ entitlement in consecutive periods. When
ministers […] are moving from one Circuit to another annual leave will normally be taken
after moving into the new Circuit. If it is necessary to take annual leave in the month
prior to moving, this should be after consultation with the circuit stewards and with their
agreement so that appropriate cover for pastoral duties can be arranged. In any case
no minister […] is expected to take up the duties of the new appointment until the 1st
September (S.O. 785(5)).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 749
Book VII Guidance
750 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 4 Connexional Appointments [9]
9. It is not always possible or appropriate to seek permission before a person’s name
is suggested (e.g. by a district Chair) for consideration, but all those who know they are
being considered should be informed of the outcome (either by the nominating committee
or the person who proposed their name); they should be told how long they may have to
wait before they are likely to hear the outcome and they should be notified as soon as
they have been eliminated from consideration.
10. Every applicant, whether the post is advertised or not, should be invited to submit
a curriculum vitae and to name appropriate referees. Guidance should be given both
to applicants and to referees as to the kind of information required. References will
normally indicate the degree of acquaintance from which they are written. In addition
the nominating committee should indicate whether, as a matter of course, it wishes
to approach the candidate’s district Chair or Circuit Superintendent (e.g. concerning
implications for stationing), and the candidate should have the right to state whether
there are any persons (eg. the present employer of a lay applicant) who should not be
informed at this stage. Ministers […] should keep their circuit stewards informed as
a matter of course. References should normally be taken up after short-listing. The
nominating committee will reserve the right to require a medical examination.
11. Candidates should be furnished with a job description and (at least for those
called for interview) terms and conditions of service, including stipend and housing,
where provided, and to whom the appointee will be answerable. Opportunity should be
given for shortlisted persons and their spouses to discuss such issues as housing and
the travelling and absence from home which the appointment may involve.
12. Shortlisted candidates should be interviewed, although the curriculum vitae and
references should be taken into account and other forms of assessment may also be
used. The interview should be two-way, providing an opportunity for the candidate to make
up his or her own mind whether to accept the post if offered. The interviewing committee
will be entitled however to establish a time limit within which the person offered the post
must reply, or to stipulate in advance that all those who come for interview will have
completed their own inquiries and be willing to accept the post.
13. The Methodist Council or other body responsible should delegate the selection
of a candidate to a smaller nominating committee. It should be clearly understood that
the parent body must endorse the nomination proposed, and undue delay at this stage
should be avoided.
14. The appointment of other persons by the Methodist Council, not covered by
paragraphs 2 to 13, should follow the accepted standards of good employment practice
and will conform to any specific directions which the Conference or the Council may from
time to time lay down for the employment of lay persons in the Church.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 751
Book VII Guidance
1. […] Ministers affected by impairment at any stage in their ministry from candidature
to retirement are to be affirmed as those whom God has called and the Church has
accepted as having a ministry to fulfil within a covenant relationship. The Church shall
endeavour in its theological statements, training of personnel, practical actions in
management decisions and pastoral care to ensure that such persons are enabled to
fulfil their calling with as much flexibility and appropriate understanding as is possible.
2. Fundamental to this is good communication between the relevant Church authority
and the person so affected and their family, friends and carers. All should be
encouraged to be open about the issues arising, and be able to be confident that they
will be dealt with sensitively and positively, in accordance with disability legislation,
with due regard to considerations of confidentiality and in the light of current best
practice. To enable this:
(a) There should be training for Superintendents, Chairs of District, the Warden of
the Diaconal Order and circuit stewards. This should include awareness training,
understanding of the law and familiarisation with basic sources of help and advice.
It could be done within the structures of training programmes already provided for
such office holders.
(b) Members of the medical committee should be invited to be involved in proactive
and positive ways early on. Those in the local situation should be able to call
on this advice in any situation related to candidature, stationing, adaptation of
appointments etc.
(c) There should be a system of regional networks of those who can offer advice and
support from professional, carer, and/or personal experience. This would simply
consist of those with such experience being willing to be listed in accessible ways
and someone who co-ordinates the list to enable people to find appropriate help.
This should be co-ordinated through existing personnel such as District Disability
Advisors and District Training and Development officers, although the responsibility
for obtaining permissions, compiling and maintaining such a list will be differently
allocated in different Districts.
(d) There should be a section of the Methodist website devoted to disability matters.
3. Candidature
(a) Sometimes, candidates with impairments/disabilities are seen as offering less
to the role of ordained ministry. Learning to live with disabilities that we are born
with, or acquire, opens up gifts and experiences that otherwise would not be
752 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 Ministers Affected by Impairment [6]
(b) All candidates have their call tested. Some will have the call affirmed; others will
be encouraged to explore a different direction. Where the disability or impairment
forms part of the reason, reference should be made to the requirements of the
Disability Discrimination Act 1995. Accepted candidates are offered different
patterns of training, allowing for varying home and work circumstances. This
flexibility can also be used to accommodate applicants with disabilities. As
candidates for an order of ordained ministry, their call is tested at circuit, district
and connexional level:
Circuit: It is probable that the candidate’s gifts will be known and there may
be a better understanding of the possible pattern of ministry which this
candidate is offering. This must be conveyed to the District.
District: It is vital that a candidate with a disability is not seen as a problem
candidate. The committee needs to keep before it that God’s work can
be accomplished in different ways, and it must not make the person’s
impairment the only focus of the questions.
Connexional committee: As with all candidates the committee seeks to learn
about each individual candidate, the gifts they offer and the challenges they
face and how the Church can work with both. An understanding is needed
of how the impairment has impacted on the candidate’s life and calling.
(c) Throughout each stage of the candidature process, it must be remembered that
the call is not for the person despite the disability but rather for the whole person,
with the disability seen as one attribute of the whole self offering.
(d) The candidature process should help the church community to understand that our
differences enrich the whole.
4. Pre-ordination training
The varied availability and flexible nature of training patterns should be used to the
full to accommodate students with disabilities. Work should be begun as soon as
possible during training to identify an appropriate probationer appointment.
5. Probation
Full use should be made of the outcome statements to ensure that an appropriate
probationary experience will enable the individual to develop in all aspects of ministry.
6. Stationing
(a) When […] ministers with disabilities meet with circuit Invitation Committees
there needs to be the opportunity to be open about the way their disability
impacts on their life and what they perceive to be needed in order for them to
fulfil their pattern of ministry. Ways of working with the congregations can then be
(b) Circuit invitation committees should seek to understand the sort of ministry being
offered, and what the role of the Circuit would be in supporting it. It is important
that good communication and understanding are established. The Chair or the
Warden of the Diaconal Order should ensure that this happens.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 753
[6] Book VII Guidance
(c) Chairs of District, Lay Stationing Representatives and the Warden of the Diaconal
Order, in consultation with, and with the permission of the […] minister, should
not hesitate to seek advice connexionally or consult professional experts, where
additional information would be helpful in assisting in the matching and stationing
(d) The District Disability Advisor may also be contacted for advice on practical
(e) The Methodist website will be a source of further information and guidance.
(f) Stationing a […] minister with disabilities should be regarded in the same way as
any other stationing procedure: that of working with the whole person as they seek
to fulfil their calling and together further the work of the Kingdom.
(g) As with the candidature process, the stationing process should help the church
community to understand that our differences enrich the whole.
7. Ongoing Ministry
Particular care needs to be given at periods of change.
(a) To assist in the process of discerning and enabling a pattern of ministry, the […]
minister concerned, the Circuit, District and those charged under Standing Order
781 with handling the discussions about initial deployment and subsequent
reviews of deployment, should together seek answers to the following questions:
What could it mean for the person, within their circumstances, to live out the
life-long vocation to ordained ministry?
How can God best be served in the particular situation?
How can the skills, training and experience of the person be best used in the
current or some other appointment?
What additional skills or training may be needed?
How can the person be affirmed, valued and accountable?
What will it mean for the […] minister’s local churches, the Circuit and the
District to enable and support any changes needed?
How might the expectations of the local churches be influenced?
What physical changes might be needed to the […] minister’s environment
and working conditions to make it possible for them to take up or continue
an appointment?
What assistance in terms of people, equipment and/or resources would
make it possible for them to work as a […] minister in this appointment?
The answers to some of these questions can come only with time and through
further discovery of the nature of the impairment. Flexibility belongs to the nature
of this process.
(b) In a situation where a […] minister so affected needs to consider changing or
adapting their appointment, as wide a vision as possible is needed so that they
are enabled to think of all the varieties of ways in which ministry is, or could be,
exercised. Chairs, the Warden, Superintendents and others with an overview of the
754 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 5 Ministers Affected by Impairment [8]
8. Early Retirement
If it becomes necessary to consider early retirement, provision needs to be made
for the […] minister to be enabled to face such potentially unwelcome and difficult
circumstances. There are various aspects to this, namely:
(a) Mentoring, counselling and listening to the person and their family/friends.
(b) Appointment of a mentor or enabler who will assist in the setting-up of a support
group or other appropriate resource for the situation. This should be arranged by
the Chair of District/Warden of the Diaconal Order in consultation with the minister
and family/friends. When the group/resource has been set up, the mentor should
ensure that the Superintendent and Chair are informed that this has been done.
(c) Provision of space and time – e.g. retreat, leave, holiday, for proper adjustment to
the situation. If it is deemed necessary for the person to change appointment or
to retire early, the matter must be sensitively handled. All official communication
should involve the person affected at every stage and all assistance should be
given to allow the person, family and friends, to work through the issues raised by
major life transition without undue time or other pressure.
(d) Retirement preparation through courses etc. Special courses may need to be
arranged or taken advantage of – such as those provided by disability charities and
mentoring by lay people and or other […] ministers with appropriate experience.
Moving into retirement is a crucial period in the life of the person, family and
friends, and needs to be undertaken thoroughly and sensitively.
(e) Detailed, accurate advice on pension, housing possibilities, part-time work and
earnings in addition to pension and funds that may be available from charitable
and connexional sources.
(f) Provision of information of this kind in forms accessible to people, including
printed material.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 755
[8] Book VII Guidance
The presence of […] ministers affected by impairment enriches the Church. We are called
to live in the holy society of the whole wide diversity of God’s people and the more that
ordained ministry reflects this, the richer the gift it is to the service of the Church. At all
stages in ministry, there needs to be awareness of the needs and understanding of the
issues for those in ministry in such situations.
It should not be assumed that people will feel guilty, angry, traumatised – or indeed
hopeful, defiant, and upfront. These and many other feelings are stages and signposts
on the journey of ministry by those so affected, but there should be the openness in the
procedures of the Church to enable any such feelings to be honoured, attended to and
transformed as God gives grace through the Spirit.
756 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 6 Guidelines for the Business of District, Circuit and Local Meetings
(c) Authorisations
4A. The District and the Methodist Council – report of the District’s representative
on the council.
4B. The District and the Methodist Children and Youth Assembly – report of those
attending the Assembly.
5. Communication with the […] Presbyteral Session – including reports
concerning probationers, early retired […] presbyters, […] presbyters without
appointment, those who have ceased to be recognised as being in Full
Connexion, deaths.
6. Diaconal matters – including reports concerning probationers, early retired
deacons, deacons without appointment, those who have ceased to be
recognised as being in Full Connexion, deaths.
7. Appointments, elections and nominations
(a) Nomination of Chair of the District (where applicable)
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 757
Book VII Guidance
758 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 6 Guidelines for the Business of District, Circuit and Local Meetings
(d) [deleted]
(e) Additional and fewer […] presbyters and deacons
438, 529.
(h) Authorisations
011(2), (5).
(i) Grants
439, 528(3).
(j) Assessment
(c) […] Presbyters and deacons recognised and regarded, […] presbyters and
deacons authorised, associate […] presbyters and deacons
DU45, DU45A, 438, 732, 733, 733A.
5. Property
440, 470–4, 960–6.
6. Finance
(a) District accounts
012, 432.
(b) [deleted]
(c) Manses
472, 965.
8. Lay Employment and Appointments
018, 438A, 443, 491(5), 570(2)(b).
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 759
Book VII Guidance
9. Education
342, 444.
9A. Methodist Children and Youth Assembly
250, 417A.
10. Nominations
(b) Treasurers
(e) Archivist
(j) [deleted]
(k) Complaints Support Group and Convener and Deputy Convener; Reconciliation
(o) Trustees
760 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 6 Guidelines for the Business of District, Circuit and Local Meetings
Circuit Meeting
These headings are intended only to guide those responsible for preparing the agenda of the meeting.
They are not that agenda. They do not attempt to be comprehensive. Items are listed only in summary
form as reminders; for detail and further material Standing Orders and the Model Trusts (’MT’) need to be
consulted, not only as indicated in relation to specific items below, but throughout Part 5 and Section 95 of
Standing Orders especially, as required.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 761
Book VII Guidance
1 Worship
2 Presentation/discussion/review
Topics might include: worship, preaching, mission, development, creativity,
contemporary relevance
3 Record of decisions, advice and recommendations from the previous meeting
4 Preparation for service: reports [from sub-groups] on, and arrangements for:
local preachers on note
local preachers on trial
worship leaders: advice to church councils
762 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 6 Guidelines for the Business of District, Circuit and Local Meetings
Church Council
These headings are intended only to guide those responsible for preparing the agenda of the council. They
are not that agenda. They do not attempt to be comprehensive. Items are listed only in summary form as
reminders; for detail and further material Standing Orders and the Model Trusts (’MT’) need to be consulted,
not only as indicated in relation to specific items below, but throughout Part 6 of Standing Orders and
Standing Order 941, especially, as required.
2. Conversation on the work of God and the development of local church policy.
3. Report from General Church Meeting.
4. (a) Report from church treasurer, including accounts and budgets of general
church fund, benevolence fund and model trust fund.
635(2), 650, 651, 652.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 763
Book VII Guidance
764 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 6 Guidelines for the Business of District, Circuit and Local Meetings
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 765
Book VII Guidance
The Gambling Act 2005 makes provision for minor forms of gambling.
Non-Commercial Events
Minor forms of gambling may take place at non-commercial events where no part of the
proceeds are appropriated for private gain:
‘A bazaar, sale of work, fete, dinner dance, sporting or athletic event or other
entertainment of similar character whether limited to one day or extending over
two or more days’.
766 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 7 Permitted Gambling
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 767
Book VII Guidance
768 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 8 Christian Preparation for Marriage
where geographical factors make this difficult, there can be no exception to the
basic policy stated at 2 above.
3. At the initial interview, to establish a good relationship with the couple; to explore the
appropriateness of their marriage taking place in an act of worship in a Methodist
church; and to ascertain whether there have been any previous approaches to other
churches and, if so, to explore the outcome (e.g whether another minister has had
difficulties or uncertainties in fulfilling their request, see 5.3 below).
3.1 At the initial interview some couples will present a firm date for their proposed
marriage service; in such a situation a minister may indicate whether or not
a marriage service in a particular church is possible on the chosen date, but
should make it clear that this is a provisional arrangement which will need to
be confirmed in due course. It is recognised that this may lead to questions
and problems concerning other arrangements. Nevertheless, there is an
important principle involved: namely, that the Christian marriage service is not
something to be assumed and undertaken without careful thought.
4. Because Christian marriage and family life are held in high regard, to engage each
couple seeking marriage in a process of preparation.
4.1 Marriage preparation courses are available which should be used flexibly and,
as far as practicable, geared to the specific needs of each couple.
4.2 Marriage preparation should include:
an encouragement to couples to explore their own expectations of
an opportunity for the couple to explore the principles and ideals which
the Methodist Church attaches to marriage and family life;
an opportunity for the couple to examine the wider network of
relationships which the couple bring to their partnership, with special
reference to the duty of care owed to any dependent children, and, where
applicable, the complex dynamics involved in establishing step families;
an assurance of the pastoral support of the church for marriage and
family life, as for singleness, and an indication of the particular ways in
which this support is expressed in the programmes of Local Churches;
an encouragement to each couple to confirm their initial request to be
married in a Methodist church, so that each couple is able to affirm that
they can participate with understanding and faith in the marriage service
which is authorised by the Methodist Conference.
4.3 Marriage preparation should use not only the local Methodist minister’s
experience and skill but also the experience and skills of members of the
diaconate if not otherwise involved, lay workers, other lay people, and
colleagues in other churches and partner organisations.
5. To reach with each couple a clear decision relating to their request for marriage in a
Methodist church.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 769
Book VII Guidance
5.1 At the conclusion of a marriage preparation course, the minister must meet
each couple and hear from them whether they still wish to be married in
a Methodist church. If the couple re-affirm their request for marriage, the
minister shall normally honour this request. If the couple decide not to seek
to be married in a Methodist church, the minister shall explore with the couple
appropriate ways in which the Methodist Church can continue to exercise its
pastoral ministry towards them.
5.2 A minister, alert to the sensitivities in a Local Church or community, may
make a provisional pastoral judgment that a particular marriage in a
particular Methodist church may have a destructive impact on the unity of the
congregation or the good name of the Methodist Church in the community.
(It is impossible to offer comprehensive illustrations at this point, but for
example, it may be that relatives from a previous marriage are members of the
congregation and have not come to terms with the breakdown of that marriage.)
In such a situation, after obtaining the couple’s permission, the minister must
consult with the Chair of the District and the Superintendent Minister before
any consent is given to celebrate the marriage in church. If the minister feels
compelled to refuse the request for the sorts of pastoral reasons identified
above, the minister must advise the couple about what may or may not be
possible in another Methodist church in a different location. Sometimes the
advice will be that they may wish to pursue their request in another Circuit; on
rare occasions, the advice may be that they should not pursue their request in
any Methodist church.
5.3 It may be that a minister, having heard from a couple at the end of their
period of preparation a request for marriage in church, has difficulties or
uncertainties in fulfilling their request. (Such difficulties could arise, for
example, because a minister believes that potentially serious weaknesses
in the couple’s relationship have been exposed but not acknowledged or
addressed.) Before indicating to the couple unwillingness to conduct the
marriage service, the minister may find it helpful to check out these concerns
with a colleague. If difficulties or uncertainties remain, the minister should
explain them to the couple. If, following further discussion with the couple, the
minister is still unable to conduct the marriage service, she or he should offer
to refer the couple to a colleague, on the understanding that the minister may
first explain to his or her colleague the nature of the difficulties or uncertainties
involved. The colleague should then make a decision about conducting a
marriage service in the light of his or her conversation with the couple and with
the first minister.
6. To provide in each marriage service a liturgical celebration which symbolises the joy,
solemnity and deep significance of the occasion.
6.1 Those who lead marriage services should be sensitive to the needs of any
children from former relationships, and to the needs of other family members.
Where appropriate, children may be incorporated into the liturgical celebration.
770 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 8 Christian Preparation for Marriage
B. Guidelines and Directions for Good Practice in applying the Church’s policy
1. Ministers should regularly review the whole process of responding to marriage
enquiries, of marriage preparation, marriage services and support for marriage and family
life. This review should take place within circuit staff meetings and from time to time
in […] Presbyteral Synods. Ministers in single station Circuits are encouraged to work
collaboratively with colleagues in neighbouring Circuits. In either case, where appropriate,
the review should take place with ecumenical colleagues.
2. The Methodist Church insists that no discrimination shall be permitted against any
minister on the basis of gender or race in the performance of duties relating to marriage.
Nor shall any minister, in any circumstances, collude with the suggestion of such
discrimination. (For example, a male superintendent or minister must refuse to step in
and replace a female colleague if a couple cannot accept the ministry of a woman.)
3. The training of ministers for the full range of their responsibilities in responding
to requests for marriage services in Methodist churches (which includes working
collaboratively with others, including lay people) should be an integral part of their
initial training in theological colleges and on courses. Each District should also make
arrangements for probationers […] to reflect on their developing experience in this area of
ministry, and should offer support and supervision as the District judges appropriate.
4. Ministers should consult regularly with church stewards or the leadership team in
a Local Church or Circuit about the participation of church members, with the minister,
in marriage preparation, marriage services and the support of marriage and family life.
Ministers should provide opportunities for local congregations to explore the Church’s
teaching on marriage, divorce, singleness and family life.
5. Churches and Circuits should take initiatives to establish among themselves, with
other denominations and with partner organisations, a system of marriage preparation
which is open to as many as possible; should encourage Methodist people to play an
active part in resourcing marriage preparation courses; and should keep existing systems
under review to ensure a high quality of service.
6. When a divorced person who is seeking to be married is troubled by a sense of
guilt and failure because they have breached their original marriage vows, a minister may
suggest their sharing in an act of prayer which expresses penitence, forgiveness and new
7. When one party to a proposed marriage in a Methodist church is a member of
another Christian denomination, and wishes a representative leader of that denomination
to participate in the marriage service, a Methodist minister shall do everything possible
to accede to such a request. Care must be taken to adhere to the guidelines currently
agreed between the Methodist Church and any other particular denomination.
8. It is permitted, when the parties request it, for two ceremonies to take place in
churches of different denominations, and both ceremonies are valid so long as they take
place on the same day and the necessary preliminaries as regards each ceremony are
complied with.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 771
Book VII Guidance
9. For the purpose of law, the minister may not proceed with a marriage ceremony until
he or she is in possession of a valid certificate or certificates (with or without licence)
relating to the marriage.
10. The minister shall see to it that every marriage is recorded in the register
supplied by the Registrar-General and in the manner stipulated in the Registrar-General’s
instructions. A lay person may be nominated by the Church Council to be the Authorised
Person, or an Additional Authorised Person.
11. When a minister receives a request for an inter-faith marriage, he or she shall
discuss fully with the parties the religious, domestic and social implications of a marriage
between a Christian and a member of another religion. The normal practice shall be to
supplement a ceremony in the Register Office by prayers in the home. (Such prayers shall
not take the form of the service of blessing.) Nonetheless, it is recognised that, after
appropriate consultation and reflection, both parties may desire the marriage service. In
such a case, the minister shall follow the guidelines as laid down from time to time by the
12. It is inappropriate for a Methodist minister who, for whatever good reasons, and
after appropriate consultations, declines to marry a couple in church, to recommend
a civil marriage in a Register Office followed immediately by a Service of Blessing
in a church. (The theological substance of the Service of Blessing coincides with
the theological content of the Marriage Service. If there are well-founded reasons
for the judgment that a particular marriage in church would contradict or tarnish the
Methodist Church’s teaching on marriage, these reasons will remain in force and lead
to the conclusion that the Service of Blessing immediately after a civil marriage is not
1 For the guidelines adopted by the Conference of 2000, see Part 9 below.
772 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Guidelines for Inter-Faith Marriages
The guidelines below are for ministers and other people authorized to conduct marriages
and subject to the discipline of the Methodist Church who are asked to officiate at
a Christian marriage service where one partner belongs to a world faith other than
Christianity. They replace the guidelines given on page E3 of The Methodist Service
Book of 1975 and should be read in conjunction with CPD Book VII C Part 8 B.11. They
presume knowledge of the following Methodist Conference documents which encourage
respect and co-operation between faiths: Relations with People of Other Faiths, 1983
(Agenda p. 57f.); Building Good Relations with People of Different Faiths and Beliefs,
1994 (Agenda p. 589–596; available from Methodist Publishing2 as ‘Dialogue and
Evangelism among people of other faiths’, 1997, Ref. PA662); Called to Love and Praise
3.2.9–3.2.16, (1999 Agenda p. 186–189). For the sake of brevity, the term ‘minister’ is
used throughout to denote […] presbyters, deacons and others authorized to conduct
1. All faiths cherish marriage and most would agree that seeking God’s blessing on
a marriage is vital. In Britain’s pluralist society, there are more and more opportunities
for marriage between people of different faiths. There are some who would see this as a
cause for celebration, for it can betoken the meeting of faiths at a very deep social level,
that of the life of the family.
2. Several options are open for a couple from different faith backgrounds when they
are planning the marriage ceremony. Some will decide to supplement a ceremony in
the Register Office with informal prayers in the home. This gives maximum flexibility
to the couple to invite religious leaders, friends and family members from both faith
communities to offer prayers for the blessing and protection of the marriage. Others opt
for two formal ceremonies, to reflect the two faiths within the marriage. It is also possible
that the couple will decide to have one ceremony only and will choose either the Christian
marriage service or a ceremony in accordance with the practices of the other faith.
3. If the couple choose to be married according to the practice of the other faith
concerned and the participation of a Christian minister is invited, the principles given in
Paragraph 12 can be applied. To refuse such an invitation when it is acceptable to the
persons to be married and their families could be inimical to the good relations between
the two communities that the occasion requires.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 773
Book VII Guidance
4. Within all faith communities in Britain, marriage outside the faith is a difficult and
sometimes controversial subject. Fears can arise that the person concerned will be lost
to his or her faith or that the whole community of faith will be weakened as a result of
such a marriage. This can result in tension within the faith community, anguish for the
parents and pain for the couple to be married. In some instances, prohibitions are in
force, as when a woman is prohibited from marrying outside the faith. A person who
seeks to marry someone of another faith can, therefore, feel abandoned by his or her
community or family and deprived of pastoral advice, an experience intensified when the
person is breaking tradition, custom or law.
5. Pastoral care of the couple both before and after the marriage service is, therefore,
essential. It is particularly important that the couple should be encouraged to talk to
each other both about their respective faiths, so that respect for the faith of the other can
develop, and also about what becoming an ‘inter-faith family’ involves; for example, the
necessity of reaching decisions about the religious education of children or the funeral
rites to be followed when a family member dies. Care should be taken by the minister
that any advice given does justice to and does not misrepresent the faith to which the
partner who is not a Christian adheres.
6. Pastoral care of the couple will be enhanced if local links of friendship can be
developed between the two religious communities concerned. This can help the marriage
to be accepted in both communities and open up opportunities for hospitality, ongoing
support for the couple and trust-building between faiths.
7. No minister should be required to officiate at a marriage service if it is against his
or her conscience. However, it should be remembered that hesitancy or refusal on the
part of the minister could convey condemnation of the other faith, reinforce the couple’s
sense of isolation and hinder good community relations. A minister who is prevented by
conscience from officiating should ensure that the couple is referred to a colleague not
so prevented.
8. It is important that the partner who belongs to another faith should be happy not
only to take part in the Christian service but also to accept the Christian understanding
of marriage as outlined in the Marriage Service. The minister, for example, should look for
evidence in the couple of mutual respect and love, life-long commitment, faithfulness and
the wish to grow together through life in friendship, wisdom and holiness.
774 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 9 Guidelines for Inter-Faith Marriages
9. Note should be taken of the requirements laid down by law, as given in The
Methodist Worship Book.
10. ‘The Methodist Marriage Service’ and ‘Blessing of a Marriage Service’ each form
a coherent and carefully-worded whole. However, it is possible within Methodism to add
to or omit from the liturgy, as long as, in the Marriage Service, the words of declaration
and the words of contract required by law remain. Therefore, in order to affirm respect
for the beliefs and commitment of the partner from another faith, a prayer, hymns and/
or readings from the other faith can be included. This could extend to an appropriate
symbolic action from the other faith tradition. Consultation with the couple concerned is
essential in this process. Nothing should be included without the consent of both parties
and care should be taken that the additions are consonant with the Christian faith as a
whole and the Christian concept of marriage.
11. Omissions from the liturgy should be minimal but examples might be phrases
which one partner could not say in good conscience, for example the trinitarian
formulations in Section 14 of the Marriage Service and Section 10 of the Blessing of
Marriage Service. It might be acceptable to replace these with ‘in the name of God’ which
could be said by both partners with good conscience.
12. The participation of a priest or religious leader from another faith community
in a Christian marriage service would not normally be expected. However, where such
a. is requested by the couple;
b. has the agreement of the other faith community; and
c. will not change the fundamental Christian nature of the service
it should be welcomed. To debar a leader from another faith from making a contribution
from that faith tradition, for instance, would imply a lack of openness and trust on the
part of the Christian community which could be very hurtful to the other partner and his or
her faith community and hinder the good relations between the two communities that the
occasion requires. However, discernment should be used to ensure that any involvement
by a person from another faith enhances the service for the couple to be married and is
acceptable to all the parties concerned.
Further Help
13. Further help, practical or pastoral, or referral to local contacts or specialist
resource people, can be gained from the Connexional Secretary for Inter-Faith Relations
at Methodist Church House.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 775
Book VII Guidance
If a request is received to conduct prayers for a same-sex couple the person approached
should respond sensitively, pastorally and with due regard to established good practice.
Good pastoral practice means welcoming each couple and treating them with respect.
Within these principles, no minister or layperson is required to act in any way contrary
to her or his own conscience. The Conference trusts and respects the integrity of those
responsible for responding to couples requesting prayers or a ‘service of blessing’,
particularly when offering informal, spontaneous prayer in response to a pastoral need.
However, nothing should be said or done which misrepresents the Church’s beliefs or
discipline, and for this reason Methodist premises may not be used for the blessing of
same-sex relationships.
If there is any doubt over how to respond, the Superintendent and possibly also the
Chair of District should be consulted.
776 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 11 The 1993 Conference Resolutions on Human Sexuality
1 The Conference, affirming the joy of human sexuality as God’s gift and the place of
every human being within the grace of God, recognises the responsibility that flows
from this for us all. It therefore welcomes the serious, prayerful and sometimes costly
consideration given to this issue by the Methodist Church.
2 All practices of sexuality which are promiscuous, exploitative or demeaning in any way
are unacceptable forms of behaviour and contradict God’s purpose for us all.
3 A person shall not be debarred from the church on the grounds of sexual orientation
in itself.
4 The Conference reaffirms the traditional teaching of the Church on human sexuality;
namely chastity for all outside marriage and fidelity within it. The Conference
directs that this affirmation is made clear to all candidates for ministry, office and
membership, and having established this, affirms that the existing procedures of our
Church are adequate to deal with all such cases.
5 The Conference resolves that its decisions in this debate shall not be used to form
the basis of a disciplinary charge against any person in relation to conduct alleged to
have taken place before such decisions were made.
6 The Conference recognises, affirms and celebrates the participation and ministry of
lesbians and gay men in the Church. The Conference calls on the Methodist people to
begin a pilgrimage of faith to combat repression and discrimination, to work for justice
and human rights and to give dignity and worth to people whatever their sexuality.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 777
Book VII Guidance
778 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 13 Guidance for the Reception of Christians of Other Communions
The Conference of 2000 adopted a report on ‘Extended Membership’3 which proposed
that Christians of other communions could be received into membership of the Methodist
Church whilst remaining ‘members’ of other communions. This required an amendment
to the Deed of Union (clause 8(e)(i)), which was confirmed by the Conference of 2001. It
also required liturgical provision that was provided in the form of an amendment to ‘The
Reception of Christians of Other Communions into the Membership of the Methodist
It is important to clarify the nature of this decision in two ways:
The Faith and Order Committee offers the following guidance on the variety of ways in
which Christians of other communions may be received into the membership of the
Methodist Church.
(1) If the Christians of other communions to be received include those to be received ‘by
transfer’ and those to be received into ‘extended membership’, the question at no.
1 in the service should be asked in an appropriate form (see below) to the former,
then to the latter. The reception at no. 2 in the service should be said once in an
appropriate form (see below) to all those being received.
In a Local Ecumenical Partnership involving the Methodist Church, the following ((2)–(4)
below) should be noted:
3 Statements and Reports of the Methodist Church on Faith and Order, Volume 2, 1984–2000, Part Two
(available from Methodist Publishing, for which see details at the beginning of this volume), pp. 358–362.
4 The Methodist Worship Book, pp. 353–354.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 779
Book VII Guidance
(2) When one or more Christians of communions other than those in the Partnership
are being received ‘by transfer’ the service of Reception on pages 353–354 of The
Methodist Worship Book may be used as printed.
(3) When one or more Christians of communions other than those in the Partnership
are being received into ‘extended membership’ the following modification would be
required in the words addressed in no. 1 of the service to those to be received:
N and N (N), you are members of other communions within the Church of Christ.
Do you wish also to be members of the Methodist Church?
Consideration may be given to using the name or names of the ‘other communions’.
If someone being received is also a member of another church in the same ‘place’
(village, suburb, town, etc), consideration may also be given to shortening the
reception at no. 2 by omitting the words ‘and of the church in this place’. This is not
to deny the significance of Methodist membership being of the denomination and of
the local church, but ecumenical and pastoral sensitivity may lead to those words
being omitted.
(4) When one or more Christians of one or more of the other communions involved
in the Partnership are being received into ‘extended membership’ the same
modification in (3) above would be required in the words addressed in no. 1 of the
service to those to be received. Stronger consideration should be given to using the
name or names of the ‘other communions’ and the reception at no. 2 in the service
should be shortened.
(5) When one or more Christians of other communions are being received ‘by transfer’
the service of Reception on pages 353–354 of The Methodist Worship Book is
recommended as printed.
(6) When one or more Christians of other communions are being received into ‘extended
membership’ the modification in (3) above would be required in the words addressed
in no. 1 of the service to those to be received. Consideration may be given both to
using the name or names of the ‘other communions’ and to shortening the reception
at no. 2 in the service.
The 2000 report on ‘Extended’ Membership also addressed the situation in which
extended membership might be conferred by another denomination, or more than one, as
well as by Methodists, in the same service and said:
That advice still stands and it is hoped that the guidelines above will be helpful in the
production of that special liturgy.
780 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 13 Guidance for the Reception of Christians of Other Communions
Joint Confirmations
In the light of the above guidelines, the Faith and Order Committee offers the following
guidance on the reception into Methodist membership at joint confirmations: the
reception should be shortened by omitting the words ‘and of the church in this place’.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 781
Book VII Guidance
2 In the second and third cases information should be passed on to the appropriate
person or agency. Wherever possible the person disclosing information should be
supported in sharing that information himself or herself. If that is not possible they
should be encouraged to give permission for the information to be passed on5. Only
if this is not possible should the pastoral worker disclose the information to the
appropriate third party without permission. A child would not necessarily be expected
to disclose information themselves, but they should be carefully consulted.
Guidance on the safeguarding of Children, Young People and vulnerable adults can be
found on the Methodist Church website6.
3 When a person indicates that what he or she is saying is to be kept confidential, it
should be understood that it will remain so, subject to the circumstances outlined
above. There is a further responsibility on behalf of the person offering care in the
pastoral context to assume confidentiality even without this being explicitly raised.
Seeking the permission of the person disclosing information as to whom it might be
shared with and in what circumstances is an important part of building up trust and
demonstrating that they and their story are valued. A trust that is born of a community
in which confidentiality is normally maintained will lead to confidence that those
5 Care must be exercised to not prejudice or risk prejudicing any possible police investigation. See, for
example, SO 1120(6) for guidance.
782 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 14 Guidelines for Good Practice in Confidentiality and Pastoral Care
who offer care are able to exercise proper judgement on those rare occasions when
confidentiality needs to be broken.
4 Supervision
All those in a recognised pastoral relationship should be supported through a
structure of formal reflective practice (called ‘supervision’). Each church or Circuit
should have a supervision system in place for their pastoral workers, providing
someone they can talk to, seek advice from and share with, in confidence, issues
and concerns about a visit or a series of visits. This may be an experienced pastoral
visitor, pastoral secretary, a lay pastoral worker, a presbyter, deacon or a professional
supervisor. Details about possible models of supervision can be found on the
Methodist Church website7.
5 Self-Awareness
If the pastoral worker has an urge to pass on information, what is their motivation?
Has the information shocked, alarmed or offended them? Has the information
caused painful memories to surface from their own history? Is there a sense of
power connected to knowing this information when others do not? On the other hand,
would it help the person or people in the midst of a pastoral situation to pass the
information on? If so, the person disclosing should be encouraged to share their own
story, or give permission for it to be told. Three simple headings can help those in a
pastoral relationship to develop their self-awareness in regard to confidentiality.
6 When to tell
When permission has been given by the ‘owner of the story’.
When an individual/individuals will be at risk of harm if the information is not passed
When information has been disclosed about a serious criminal offence that has taken
place or is planned.
In the context of supervision, with the prior knowledge of the individual that this may
take place.
7 What to tell
What are the facts of the story? These need to be told without gloss or ‘spin’. Only
sufficient information should be passed on to enable the giving of support, practical
help or informed prayer. Avoid sharing more than is needed.
In a supervision context it would be usual practice not to give details of names, but
an outline of the situation and the pastoral worker’s response.
8 Who to tell
Identify the most appropriate person (if any) to pass the information on to. Who can
help or has the resources or access to support for the person concerned? Who will
most appropriately support the pastoral worker in reflecting on what they have heard?
7 Ibid.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 783
Book VII Guidance
Identify any persons or groups who should not be told. It should not be assumed that
the person concerned has told their family or friends.
It is not good practice for pastoral workers to share pastoral information about
third parties with members of their family. People would not expect a GP to pass
on to her spouse confidential medical information, yet often assumptions are made
that to tell a pastoral worker information will lead automatically to their partner
knowing. Boundaries of confidentiality need to be made clear to all concerned, and
the family members of the person offering care should not be expected to carry the
responsibility of holding such information.
9 Prayer Support
People’s names and situations should only be mentioned in public worship and
contexts of open prayer if they have given express permission. This applies to prayers
written in books, hung on prayer trees and passed on to prayer chains and networks.
Care should be taken when a worship leader or preacher invites topics for
intercessory prayer that people understand that they should only share information
about people that is given with their permission.
10 Church Meetings
The limits of confidentiality within any church meeting need to be identified and kept
to – not by implicit assumption but by explicit and agreed policy. Applying the general
principles that information is only passed on when permission is given and that the
person involved knows the context in which it will be shared will enable meetings to
remain in good order.
Groups discussing the status of an individual need to be reminded of the confidential
nature of their business. Disciplinary proceedings of the Church operate under strict
rules of confidentiality, which are fully explained in ‘Complaints and Discipline in the
Methodist Church: A Step by Step Guide to the Standing orders on Complaints and
11 Dual Roles
The boundaries of a pastoral relationship can be blurred. A pastoral visitor may also
be a former nurse and a volunteer visitor at the local hospital. This may give her
access to church members as patients, in which case it is important that she and
the church member are both clear about which ‘hat’ she is wearing. It may be that
pastoral support would need to be offered by a different member of the church or
Sometimes the person offering care has dual responsibilities on behalf of the Church
(eg, a Chair of District who is responsible for pastoral care of […] presbyters as
well as their discipline and their stationing). In such situations the status of the
conversation should be made as clear as possible from the outset. The speaker
8 Clifford Bellamy, Complaints and Discipline in the Methodist Church: A Step by Step Guide to the
Standing Orders on Complaints and Discipline, Third Edition, 2008 (available from Methodist Publishing – for
contact details see the beginning of this volume).
784 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 14 Guidelines for Good Practice in Confidentiality and Pastoral Care
should be asked to state what his or her expectations are. The listener should make
it clear whether he or she is willing to be bound to complete confidentiality in advance
and explain in what circumstance they would feel an obligation to share or use the
information given.
If during the course of a pastoral conversation a listener realises that there is
material that might need to be used in a context beyond pastoral support, the
speaker should be told.
12 Multiple Contexts
A pastoral worker may have privileged knowledge of an individual from another
context (eg, barrister, GP, counsellor). Best practice is that information disclosed by
an individual remains within the geographical or professional context in which it was
If a person has given permission for their situation to be prayed about by a prayer
group and a member of that group has contact with them in another pastoral setting,
it is not appropriate for that information to be shared in that other setting without
permission being sought.
13 Multiple Needs
Where there are multiple parties within the church or within a family with a range of
needs, different sources of pastoral support for those parties will need to be offered.
This is particularly the case in a situation of abuse, where victim and perpetrator
should not have the same pastoral supporter.
It may also be that a church’s pastoral system has visitors that care for particular
groups within the life of the church, such as young people.
14 Data storage
When a computer is passed on, sensitive and confidential data from the hard drive
should be permanently deleted. Security software can be purchased to do this.
Alternatively hard drives should be removed from equipment being disposed of.
Where data is stored in such a way that there is shared access, proper use of
passwords should be made to limit access to appropriate persons. This is true of
those whose computers are based at home and used by family members, as well as
those who work in an office.
When data is stored on portable media, including: CD and DVD ROMs, floppy discs,
USB drives, mobile phones and laptops, care needs to be taken to password protect
files and machines.
If using a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) to store, send or receive confidential
information, it is important to ensure that a high level of security encryption is
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 785
Book VII Guidance
786 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Part 14 Guidelines for Good Practice in Confidentiality and Pastoral Care
21 Shredding
The increase in cases of identity theft has brought to light the need for careful
disposal of sensitive or personal information. Documents containing personal details
or confidential information should be shredded before binning or recycling.
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 787
Book VII Guidance
List of Committees
This list comprises bodies whose constitution is laid down by Standing Orders. Committees whose
constitution is prescribed by statute (e.g. the Central Finance Board), charitable scheme, trust instrument,
articles of association or other legal instrument are not included here.
Standing Order
*Methodist Council............................................................................................... 210
*Strategy and Resources....................................................................................... 213
*Audit................................................................................................................ 213A
Allowances................................................................................................. 212(4)
Medical..................................................................................................... 212(5)
788 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
List of Committees
Y Cyngor............................................................................................................... 491
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 789
Comparative Tables
For the earlier history of the numbering of Standing Orders please refer to the
introductory notes to Tables A and B at page 111 of Volume 1 and to Tables C and D of
1982 at page 130. The policy of avoiding any re-numbering during ordinary amendments
has continued, but in 1992 the whole of Part 9 of Standing Orders was revised and re-
ordered. Tables E and F below enable the resulting changes between 1991 and 1992 to
be traced in each direction. Re-numbering or re-lettering of clauses or other sub-divisions
within Standing Orders has not generally been noted.
Table E – Destination of 1991 Standing Orders
1991 1992 1991 1992
900 900 950 960(1),(4),(5)
1 901 1 960(2),(3),(6), 961 (1),(2)
2 905 2 961 (3)
3 906, 907 3 963
910 920 4 961 (4)
1 – 5 961 (5),(6)
2 921 6 964
3 922 7 965
4 923 8 961 (7)
5 924 9 966
6 925 960 902
7 926 1 910
8 927 2 911, 912
9 928 3 913, 914
920 913 (5) 4 915
1 930 5 916
2 931 6 917
3 932 7 929
4 – 8 904
5 933 9 918
6 – 970 962
7 934 1 –
8 903 2 –
9 935 3 –
930 940 4 –
1 941 5 –
2 – 6 –
3 – 7 –
4 943 980 970
5 944 1 971
940 950 2 972
1 951 3 973
2 953 4 974
3 954,792 (2) 5 975
4 955 6 976
5 952 7 977
8 978
792 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Comparative Tables
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 793
Comparative Tables
In 1993 the whole of Parts 5 and 6 of Standing Orders was revised and reordered, and all
disciplinary regulations were revised and collected in an expanded Section 02. Tables G
and H below enable the resulting changes between 1992 and 1993 to be traced in each
Table G – Destination of 1992 Standing Orders
1992 1993 1992 1993
020 (i) 020 (1) 029 020 (7)
(ii) – (iv) — 500 501
1 (1) – (5) 021 (1), (3), (6) 1 502
(6), (7) 021 (1), (2) 2 (1) 552
2 (1) 022 (10), 027 (1), 028 (1) (2) 503 (3)
3 504
(2) 027 (2) 4 505
(3), (4) 022 (9), 027 (4) 5 503 (4)
3 (1), (2) — 510 (1), (2), (6) 510 (1), (2), (4)
(3) 022 (11) (2A) – (4A) —
(4), (5) — (5) 514 (2)
4 022 (6), 027(7), 028 (4) (7) 513
(8) 512
5 (1) 022 (10), 027 (6), (7), 028 (3), (4) 1 514 (1)
2 (1), (2) 500, 515 (1)
(2) 023 (4), 027 (9), (10), 028 (8) (3) 515 (2)
3 517 (1)
(2A) 023 (5), 027 (11), 028 (10) 4 550, 551
5 – 7 —
(2B) 023 (6) 8 516
(2C) 023 (7) 9 517 (2)
(2D) 023 (8), 027 (9), 028 (10) 520 520
1 521
(3) 023 (11), 027 (12), 028 (11) 1A 522
2 – 8 523 – 9
(4) 023 (9), 027 (12), 028 (11) 530 530
0A 531
(5) 023 (10), 027 (12), 028 (11) 1 – 3 532 – 4
540 – 9 540 – 9
(6), (7) 023 (12), (14) 550 – 6 —
6 (1) 027A (1), 028A 560 – 6 —
(2) — 7 028 (7), 553
(3) 027A (3), 028A 570 – 8 560 – 8
7 (1) 024 (6), 024A (1), (2) 9 (1) 027 (10)
(2) 027 (13)
(1A) 024 (8), (9) (3) 027A (3)
(2), (3) 024 (10), (11) (4), (4A) 027A (2)
(4) 024 (13) (4B) 027A (4)
8 (1) 024A (1) – (4), 027A (2), 028A (5), (6) 027A (5), (7)
(7) 027A (1), (5)
794 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Comparative Tables
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 795
Comparative Tables
796 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Comparative Tables
In 1996 the whole of Parts 2 and 3 of Standing Orders was revised and reordered. Tables
I and J below enable the resulting changes between 1995 and 1996 to be traced in each
Table I – Destination of 1995 Standing Orders
1995 1996 1995 1996
200 200 232 (2) 330 (6)
201 201 233 (7)
202 202 234 (8)
203 (1), (2) 203 (1), (2) 235 (9)
(3) — 236 (10)
(3A) 203 (3) 240 338 (1)
(3B) (4) 241 (2)
(4) — 242 (3)
(5) 203 (5) 243 (4)
(6) (6) 244 (5)
(7) (3) 245 (6)
204 204 250 322 (1), (2)
205 205 251 (3)
206 206 252 (4)
207 (1) 311 253 (5)
(2) – (5) 012A 254 (6)
(6), (7) — 255 (7)
220 210 (1), (2) 260 242
221 (3) 261 243
222 (4) 270 —
223 (1) 211 (1) 271, except (iv) —
(2) — (iv) 212 (7)
(3) – (4) 211 (2) – (3), 272 (1) 240 (1)
212 (2), (8) (2) (6)
224 (2) 212 (3) 273 (1) (2)
(2A) (4) (2) (3)
(3) (5) (3) (4)
(4) (6) (4) (5)
(5) (2) 274 334 (1), (2)
224A (1) 213 (1), (2) 275 (1) (3)
(2) (3) (2) (4)
(3) (5) 280 —
225 214 281 138 (1) – (5)
225A 215 282 (6) – (8)
226 361 283 139
227 361 (3) 284 335
228 361 (3) 285, except (1A) —
229 (1) – (2) 336 (1) (1A) 220
(3) (2) 286 231
(4) — 287 221
230 330 (1) 288 222
231 (4) 289 230
232 (1) (5) 290 351 (1) – (4)
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 797
Comparative Tables
798 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Comparative Tables
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 799
Comparative Tables
800 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Comparative Tables
In 1998 Sections 80 to 82 of Part 8 (Membership) were redistributed elsewhere
in Standing Orders, so as to create a new Part 8 dealing with the Diaconate and
incorporating Section 79. Section 83 was replaced by a new provision on marriage,
numbered S.O. 011A.
Part 4 (Districts) was also extensively revised and re-ordered, to take effect from the 1st
September 1999, except where earlier application was necessary to enable required
nominations, elections, appointments and other decisions to take effect from that date.
Tables K and L below enable the resulting changes to Parts 4 and 8 from 1997 to be
traced in each direction.
Table K – Destination of 1997 Standing Orders
1997 1998/9 1997 1998/9
400 400 439 439
400A 400A 440 —
401 401 441 —
402 (1) – (3) — 442 440
402 (4) – (10) 402 (4) – (10) 443 —
403 (1) – (3) — 444 (1) 441 (1)
(4) 403 (4) (2) —
(5) — 445 442
404 404 446 —
405 405 Section 45 —
406 406 460 —
410 (1) – (4) 410 (1) – (4) 462 443
(5) – (6) (5) – (6) 463 (1) – (2) —
411 (1) 411 (1) 463 (3) – (5) 444 (1),(4),(5)
(2) – (3) —
(4) – (7) (4) – (7) 464 445
(8) — 465 465
412 412 470 470
413 (1) – (3) — 471 471
(4) – (25) 413 (4) – (25) 472 (1) 472
414 – 419 414 – 419 472 (2) —
Section 42 Section 42 473 473
430 – 431 431 474 474
432 432 476 476
433 (1) — Section 48 Section 48
(2) – (3) 433 (2) – (3) 490–496 490–496
434 (1) 497 (1) – (5) 497 (1) – (5)
(2) – (4) 434 (2) – (4) (6) – (8) —
435 435 (9) 497 (9)
435A 435A
436 —
437 437
438 438
438A 438A
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 801
Comparative Tables
802 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Comparative Tables
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 803
Comparative Tables
804 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Comparative Tables
In 1999 Sections 70 and 71 combined for the first time the ministerial (now, presbyteral)
and diaconal provisions as to candidature, training and probation, the provisions relating
to the diaconate having previously been contained in Sections 80 and 81. For this same
purpose, Sections 06 and 45 were also adopted.
The new Sections 70 and 71 partly reflected the previous Standing Orders, but also
contained substantial changes in practice. The lists below therefore indicate as far as
possible the provisions dealing with broadly similar subject matter, without necessarily
corresponding precisely.
Table M – Destination of 1998 Standing Orders
1998 1999 1998 1999
700 061, 700 718 716
701 062, 701, 702(2) 719 717
702 — 800 061,700
703 062, 702(3) 801 062, 701, 702(2)
704 — 802 702
705 703 803 703
706 704 804 705
706A 705 805 706
707 706 806 707
708 707 807 708A
709 709 810 711
711 711 811 —
712 712(5), 710(3) 812 712(5), 710(3)
713 — 813 713(1)
714 713 814 714
715 713(4),(5) 815 715
716 714 816 716A
717 715
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 805
Comparative Tables
Continuing the process begun in 1998–9, the Conference of 2003 approved a substantial
re-ordering of Parts 7 and 8, assimilating or, where necessary, setting out alongside each
other the provisions applying to ministers (now, presbyters) and deacons. These were
then re-distributed into Part 7 (Status and Stationing) and Part 8 (Terms of Service).
Certain new provisions were also incorporated, including Section 70 (Principles) which
had been approved by the Conference of 2002. The references in brackets indicate
provisions which bear some similarity in purpose to the previous Standing Order but are
not directly related.
Table O – Destination of 2002 Standing Orders
2002 2003 2002 2003
700 710 733 784
701 711 734 785
702 712 737 785
703 713 740 —
704 714 741 —
705 715 742 —
706 716 743 —
707 717 744 —
708 718 745 —
708A 718 746 —
709 (781) 750 741
710 720 751 801
711 721 752 802
712 722 753 803
713 723 754 804
714 724 755 743
715 725 756 —
716 728 757 744
716A 728A 758 773
717 729 760 806
718 745 761 807
720 800 761A 807A
721 770 761B 807B
722 770 761C 807C
723 770 761D 807D
724 771 762 774
725 730 762A 726
726 772 763 775
727 736 764 —
728 731 765 732
730 782 766 733
731 783 767 736
768 734 831 800
769 735 832 770
770 790 833 770
774 791 834 771
775 793 835 772
806 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Comparative Tables
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 807
Comparative Tables
Following a review of the Complaints and Discipline procedures, the Conference in 2008
replaced the former Section 02 of Standing Orders with a new Part 11. Tables Q and R
enable the resulting changes between 2007 and 2008 to be traced in each direction.
Table Q – Destination of 2007 Standing Orders
2007 2008 2007 2008
020(1) (1101(1)) 022A(1) 1120(1)
020(1A) 1103(1) 022A(2) (1120(2))
020(2) 1101(1) 022A(3) (1110(1), (2), (3), (4), (5),
(6), (7); 1120(4), (5))
020(3) 1102(1)
020(4) 1102(2)
020(5) 1102(3) 022A(4) 1120(7)
020(6) 1103(3) 022A(5) (1120(2))
020(7) 1104(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) 022A(6) —
022A(7) (1121(1),(2) (3))
020(8) 1104(6) 022A(7A) (1121(12))
020(9) 1103(4) 022A(7B) —
020(9A) 1103(5) 022A(8) (1121(3))
020(10) 1103(6) 022A(8A) —
020(11) 1102(6) 022A(9) —
020(12) 1104(8), (9) 022A(9A) (1123(1),(2),(3))
020(13) 1102(5) 022A(9B) 1121(7)
020(14) 1102(7) 022A(9C) (1121(5), (6))
021(1) 1105(1), (2) 022A(10) (1120(9))
021(2) 1105(3) 022A(11) (1110(3),(5), (6), (7), (8))
021(2A) 1105(4)
021(3) 1105(5) 022A(12) (1121(2))
021(4) 1105(6) 022A(13) 1121(14, (15)
021(5) 1105(7) 022A(15) —
021(5A) 1105(8) 022B(1) (1122(1), 1124(17))
021(6) 1105(9)
021(7) 1105(10) 022B(1A) (1123(12), 1124(18))
022(1) (1111(1), (6))
022(2) 1111(2) 022B(2) (1124(2),(3),(5))
022(2A) (1111(3)) 022B(2A) 1124(6)
022(3) (1111(4), (5)) 022B(2B) —
022(4) 1111(7) 022B(2C) 1124(6)
022B(3) 1124(7)
022B(4) 1102(8) 023(14) 1134(6), (7)
022B(5) 1124(10), 1126(1), (4), (5) 023(15) 1134(8)
023(16) 1131(13)
022B(5A) (1126(2)) 023(17) 1131(9)
022B(6) 1124(8) 023(18) 1133(10)
022B(6A) 1124(9) 024(1) 1140(1), (3)
022B(7) 1124(11), 1130(2), (3) 024(2) (1141(2))
808 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Comparative Tables
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 809
Comparative Tables
810 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Comparative Tables
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 811
Comparative Tables
812 The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Comparative Tables
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 813
A number in upright type is a Standing Order number. An italicised number is a page number,
those under p.200 being in Volume 1
A number or letter in square brackets after a page number indicates the clause, as an aid to
finding the item on the page.
A number in bold means that this is the leading provision on this matter.
BAPTISM pp.213-214[4], 010A, 520(3), 634(4), 728(5.c)
by whom administered 010A(2), 733(7a), 733A(3)
forces chaplains 355, 442
circuit 527, 651(4)
district 527(2), 651(4)
local 635(2), 637(4), 651
advice on See information on Methodist Church Website
application of 916(3)
first £20,000 915(3.viii)
land received as, disposal of 945(2.ii), 970(2.vii)
over £20,000 915(2.v)
receipt for p.103[21]
received in kind 915(2.v)
BOOK ROOMS p.94, p.220[ii], 242
BURIAL GROUNDS p.250[i], p.251[15], 930(4.ii)
Presbyteral Session 150
Representative Session 136
[2] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [3]
[4] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [5]
legacies to p.19[15.2]
meetings, guidance regarding pp.763-765
membership roll 054(5)
minimum membership 601, 605
minute books, to be archived 015
nature and purposes 600(1-2), 604, 650(6)
notice of meetings 502(7)
Pastoral Committee 644
pastoral visitors see under CLASS LEADERS AND PASTORAL VISITORS
place of worship, relevance to meaning p.210[xv]
presbyteral and diaconal invitations, consultation 545(3C), 546(7)
property matters 929(4), 941-942, 953
purposes 600(1-2), 604, 650(6)
records, to be archived 015
registers, baptismal 054(1)
confirmation 054(4)
thanksgiving 054(3)
to be archived 015
sharing of premises 942(2)
‘six-year rule’ 607(3)
size 601, 605
small 601, 605
stewards see under CHURCH STEWARDS
support from Connexional Team 303(2)
treasurer 510(1.vii), 610(1.vii), 635
Wales, joint churches in 498
CHURCH COUNCIL 602-603, 610-616
agenda, guidance regarding preparation of -See Book VII. B (6) pp.763-764
appointment of officers etc. 630, 632, 635-637
duration of office 607
eligibility 010, 606
authority of 603
boundary changes, circuit 401(3)
chairing of 502(1;8-10)
children, care of 050(2)
closed sessions 613(3)
Community Roll 054(7-9)
conflicts of interest 919
constitution 610(1)
consultation on Model Trust matters 902, See Book VI. 2 pp.736-737
deferred special resolutions 126
definition p.208[iii], p.241, 002(1.ii)
ecumenical bodies, corresponding meeting in p.213[2.d]
finance 635(2), 636
functions and responsibilities 602-603, 614
General Church Fund 650
irregularities in resolutions of 616
joint meetings 613(4)
lay employees 610(4.vii)
list of members 613(2)
Managing Trustees p.245[2], 502(1.d;g), 902, 912, 940-941, 943
meetings 613
membership matters
admission to membership pp.214-215[8], 050(4), 051(3-4)
[6] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [7]
allowances 532(1.iii),433(2)
stipends 532(1.ii)
grants from district 439
home circuits, definition p.209[xiii], p.232[38]
Invitation Committee 534, 541, 544, 545, 546
joint (Welsh/English) 497
lay employees 018, 438A, 570
leadership teams 515
manses see under MANSES
meetings see under committees
model trust money see under MODEL TRUST MONEY
nature and purposes 500
Modified Constitutions 580-585
definition 580
adoption resolutions 581
amendment of 583
provisions of 584
overseas p.232[39]
Pastoral Committee 553
policy, formulation of 515(1)
preaching plan 521, 566(8)
property p.241, 929, 950-952, 954
projects 951
quinquennial inspections 952
purposes, definition p.241
records, care of 015
sabbatical fund 364(2)
single presbyter 425(1), 521(2), 523(2)
stationing, representations concerning 784(1)
stewards see under CIRCUIT STEWARDS
support from Connexional Team 303(2)
CIRCUIT ADVANCE FUND term removed 2009; see under MODEL TRUST MONEY
additional members 510(1.ix)
agenda, guidance regarding preparation of - See Book VII. B (6) pp.761-762
appointments 010, 550-551
assessment 515(3)
attendance by invitation 510(3)
candidates for the presbyterate and diaconate 711(2-3)
chairing of 502(1)
composition of 513
constitution 510
consultation on Model Trust matters 902, See Book VI. 2 pp.736-737
deferred special resolutions 126(3;5)
definition p.208[vi], p.241, 002(1.v)
ecumenical bodies, corresponding meeting in p.213[2.d]
ecumenical areas 503(2), 512(1)
guidelines for business of pp.761-762
invitations 534, 541, 544-547
irregularities in proceedings 518
lay employees 510(1.iv)
Local Preachers’ business 566(5-6)
managing trustees, acting as p.245[2], 902, See Book VI. 2 pp.736-737, 910-912, 950(1)
[8] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
meetings 514
members, list of 514(2)
Memorials to Conference 516
property matters p.241, 902, 910-912, 943, 950-954
representatives from churches 510(1.vii;viii)
representatives to Synod 410(1.v), 416(3)
responsibilities 515
rules of debate 413(5-7;10-25), 517(2)
secretary 510(1.v)
duration of appointment 504(3)
voting 517(1)
appointment 530
duration of 504(3)
attendance at official Circuit meetings 552
attendance at Synod 410(1.iv)
leadership 515(2)
meetings with presbyters and deacons 531(3.ii)
responsibilities and duties 527, 531-534, 545(3C;4.b), 546(7), 552, 965(2)
stationing 534, 782(2)
circuits 512A
disposal of premises 944, 970(2.ii)
invitations to Presbyters and Deacons 540(5)
appointment 630
commissioning service 630(2)
definition p.208[vii], 002(
responsibilities p.215[9-10], 055(2), 631, 644(1.iv)
CLASS MEETING p.73[3], p.215[9], 644(8.vii)
CLASSES 526, 605(4), 612(2)
new p.85[XIV]
quarterly visitation p.83[VI]
church 604, 640-644
chairing of 502(1-3)
ex-officio membership 643
Pastoral 526, 644
principles 640
list of Connexional committees pp.788-789
COMMUNION, pp.213-214[4]
authorisation to administer 011, 723(5), 733(7.a)
criteria for (other than Presbyters) see Book VI. Conference Regulations Part 3 pp.738-739
extended communion 609
non-alcoholic/alcoholic wine used at 922(2.3)
see also under LORD’S SUPPER
COMMUNITY ROLL 054(7-9;11)
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [9]
[10] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
complaint against 1110(7), 1152(13)
objection to committee member 1131(9), 1141(4), 1145(4)
overseas church or conference, complaint against person from 1152(6-10)
overseas, complaint against person serving or residing 1110(6), 1130(6.c.iii), 1131(2-3),
Panel for connexional Appeal Committees 231, 1141(1)
Panel for connexional Discipline Committees 231, 1131(1)
partiality 1102(2)
parties, meaning of 1101(1.ix), 1140(1)
payments from Methodist Church Fund 365(6-7)
penalties 1134
persistent complainant 1155(1.ii;9)
preliminary hearing 1131(5), 1141(7), 1145(6A)
Presenting Officer 1112(3), 1130
complaint against 1151(1)
inquiry 1123(6.iv)
review of penalty 1140(5)
previous complaints and charges 1153
principles 1100
procedure 1102(3)
complaints about 1115,1103(6)
probationer, complaint against 1123(6.iii)
public announcement 1124(12) 1134(9.a)
qualification 1102(2.d;e)
quorum 1102(2.b-c), 1150(3A.a)
meaning of 1101(1.iii), 1130(8)
responsibilities 1120
recognised and regarded, complaint against person 1151(3-7)
reconciliation 1100(3.iii), 1111, 1124(7-8)
Reconciliation Group
connexional 1113, 1155
district 1111, 1120(3), 1121(2.iii)
reconsideration 1126, 1146
record keeping 1100(3.ix), 1104, 1120(10-11), 1121(8;15)
referee 1155(1.iii;9)
referral to connexional Complaints Panel 1121(5-6), 1122
reporting officer 1131(1), 1141(1)
report to Conference 1147(2)
resignation 1151(9)
resolution see under formal resolution and informal resolution
respondent, meaning of 1101(1.iv), 1130(8)
standard of proof 1133(8.c)
standing in the church 1101(2), 1121(13-14)
student, complaint against 1110(5), 1123(6.iii), 1130(6.c.ii), 1134(6.ii)
summary dismissal of complaint 1123(7)
as local complaints officer 1110(1)
power to suspend 1105(2.ii)
right to information 1104(8-10), 1134(6.i), 1150(8)
for local church or circuit 1123(4)
for parties 1100(3.iv), 1150(9)
Support Group, district Complaints 760(5), 1111, 1123
suspension 013, 1105
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [11]
[12] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
constitution 136A(1)
meetings 136A(2)
general business pp.223-224[24]
governing body of Methodist Church p.216[11]
hearings 136(2A.b)
Irish Conference, representation at p.217[14.2.vii;3]
Journal (and incorporated Agenda) pp.231-232[36], 125
literature, distribution of 145
media, reporting to 124(12)
meetings of p.230[33]
membership pp.216-217[14.2], 100-107
members, list of p.219[16]
memorials 133, 419, 516
Memorials Committee 134A(1.a), 138
notices of motion 132
office 017A
officers of p.221[viii], pp.228-229[31], p.229[32]
overseas presbyters, eligibility of 770(3)
powers and duties p.11[6], p.24[24], pp.219-221[18-21]
precentor 116B
printing expenses 146
proceedings and records 124-129A
property, definition p.242, 006(1.viA)
provisional resolutions 122
publications p.232[37]
reception into full connexion 728, 728A
records, custody of 125
redundant property pp.256-257[23]
referring business p.224[25]
Reference, Committees of 137
reference groups 136(2A.c)
Representative Session pp.216-218[14], 100-107
definition p.9, p.211[xxix], 002(1.xx)
District Chairs, designation of 423B
functions p.221[22]
returning officer 110, 136(1A)
Revision Committee 129A
rules and regulations, alterations to p.220[19]
rules of debate 131
scrutineers 139
secretariat p.217[iv], p.229[32], 101
selecting speakers for debates 136(2.iv)
shared business
definition p.223[c]
procedure regarding p.223[d-f], pp.226-227[25B]
size p.216[14.1], 100
special majority, definition p.9
special resolutions p.9, 126
Statements 129
stationing see under STATIONING
stations, adoption of 785
substitute p.219[17], 102(2)
supernumeraries 486, 790
transactions of 124(11)
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [13]
[14] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [15]
definition 007(vi)
future policies 303(5)
General Secretary 004(viii), 300, 302(3), 304(1)
manses 965
purposes and functions 303
representation in Conference 102(1.i.d)
representation on Connexional Audit Committee 213A(4)
sabbaticals 744(12)
Senior leadership group 304 (5)
Strategy and Resources Committee, supervision by 213(5)
supervision of 213(5), 302(2)
support for Local Churches, Circuits and Districts 303(2)
appointments 311(1)
curtailment of 316
duration of 311(4)
lead connexional Treasurer 311(1)
Methodist Missionary Society treasurer 311(2)
in Conference 102(1.i.b)
on Conference business committee 136(1.ii)
on Connexional Audit Committee 213A(4)
on Financial Committee 316A
on Methodist Council 210(1.ii)
on Strategy and Resources Committee 213(1.ii)
definition p.242, 904
as Managing Trustees p.243
proceedings of 910
CONNEXIONAL YEAR, definition 007(i)
circuit and district 930(4)
connexional 931
historic artefact, for disposal of 936
closure 943(4.i)
consent to demolish or alter 930(1), 931(1.x;5.ii)
register 332(4)
see also under LISTED BUILDINGS
CONTRIBUTING FUND, definition p.56[1]
COVENANTED GIVING 212(13), 368(ii)
CURTAILMENT 316, 323(3), 343(4), 344(7), 544, 723(2.d), 1123(6.i)
of Chair’s appointment 421(3)
accounts and investments 913(3.c.ii)
capital to be held by 915(2;3)
definition p.244, 006(3.b)
proceeds of disposition of land to be paid to 916(, 945(1)
[16] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [17]
[18] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [19]
[20] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Minister of p.53[8]
EMPLOYMENT 357, 438A, 570
see also under LAY EMPLOYEES
ENGLISH DISTRICTS, definition 003(v)
Conference 141, 146
Connexional 361(3)
committee members 202
loss of earnings 202
District Fund 404, 432, 532(2)
Synod 416
Presbyteral, Diaconal and Probationers 801(2)
removal 528
role in the Presidency 110(2-3)
Safeguarding Advisory Panel 232(3A.b)
EX-SECRETARY definition 004(vi)
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [21]
[22] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [23]
[24] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [25]
[26] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
authorised use of dwelling 929
Circuit pp.249-250[g], 533
definition p.241
inspections 952, 954
decoration 533
District pp.249-250[g], 965
committee 470, 472, 966(2)
definition p.242
energy efficiency 533, 803(4), p.746[2], p.748[3]
furnishing 533, 803(4-8)
furniture 804
inspections 952(2), 954, 965, 966(2)
presbyters, deacons or probationers married to each other 803(2)
replacement 973
standard of accommodation 803
guidelines p.748
permission to depart from guidelines 803(1)
storage of surplus furniture 803(8)
widow(er) and dependents 365(4), 801(5.a)
Christian preparation for – see Book VII. C.8 pp.768-772
of divorced persons 011A
Inter-Faith, Guidelines for – see Book VII. C.9 pp.773-775
of presbyters, deacons or probationers 775, 803(2)
breakdown of, notification to President 111(3)
registration of chapels p.106[30], p.108[35]
MEMBERS/MEMBERSHIP pp.214-215[6-10], 050-054
admission pp.214-215[8], 050(4)
annual review of 644(8.i)
annual schedule of 358(2)
assessment, relationship to 515(3)
baptism p.214[8.c]
basis of pp.214-215[6-10]
candidates for 644(8.iii), 050(4)
cessation of p.215[10], 054(11)
community roll 054(7-9;11)
complaints and discipline 1100(3.ii)
definition p.210[xviii], 002(1.xv), 004(iv)
duties and privileges of p.215[9]
joint membership/confirmation see Book VII C.13 Guidelines pp.779-781
other cases 052
other churches and communions 503(1.ii); see Book VII C.13 Guidelines pp.779-781
other Methodist Churches 051
pastoral care of 526, 054
preparation for 525, 644(8), 050(1)
privileges and duties of p.215[9]
probation p.214[8.b]
readmission 053(1)
consultation 053(2)
reception of p.214[8.b], 050(5-6)
removal from p.215[10]
appeals against 056
removals p.81[2]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [27]
[28] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [29]
Membership p.721[2]
rights and privileges p.722[4]
and the Methodist Church p.721[1]
officers p.723[8]
overseas appointments p.723[9]
purposes p.721[3]
regulations and by-laws p.723[10]
relations with church overseas p.722[7]
treasurer 311(2)
Youth affairs p.724[12]
METHODIST PRACTICE definition p.244
mission at home and overseas 242(2)
representation in Conference 102(1.vii)
membership 32A0
responsibilities 32A1
MINISTRY definition 005(viii)
MINUTES OF CONFERENCE 124, 125(2.v), 732(1)
academic degrees 124(4)
definition 007(iv)
MISSION ALONGSIDE THE POOR 351, 364(3), 974(1.iii)
MISSION IN BRITAIN FUND 362(3;6), 974(1.iii)
definition p.9, p.51[2]
model deed property, definition p.9
new (1932) p.4, p.94[2], pp.99-101[14-15;17]
MODEL TRUSTS p.9, pp.12-19[9-14], pp.239-259, 902
adoption of p.15[10], p.26[c]
amendment of pp.258-259[27], 919A
capital and income 006(4), 915-916
Consultation Regulations 902, see Book VI. Conference Regulations Part 2 pp.736-737
declarations of preference p.256[22]
definition p.9, p.210[xxiii], 000(iii)
division of management pp.247-248[7-10]
future settlements p.17[12]
index to p.239
land held under 901
management issues pp.246-247[5-6]
model trust property p.9
power of sale pp.251-252[16], p.253[18], pp.254-255[20], pp.256-257[23], 918
property affairs 331(1)
purposes p.249[12]
Standing Orders and pp.253-254[19], p.255[21], 900
terms of management pp.247-248[8]
use of houses 929
vesting procedures p.12[9], p.26[b]
[30] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
p.43[17], p.46[5]
definition p.244
NEW TOWNS AND NEW AREAS COMMISSIONS, constitution and functions 353
NORTHERN IRELAND p.26[29.1], p.47[22], p.55[14], p.108[35]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [31]
[32] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
Methodist Ministers’ Pension Scheme 710(5), 790(1D), 974(1.iA)
Pension and Assurance Scheme for Lay Employees 974(1.iA)
Pension Reserve Fund 974(1.iA)
PLACE OF WORSHIP, definition p.244
PLACE OF WORSHIP, FORMER definition p.255[20.3]
PREACHER definition 560(4) see under LOCAL PREACHERS
allocations panel, connexional 722(3)
general principles 720
length and form 721
oversight 725
oversight tutor see under OVERSIGHT TUTOR
theological colleges and training institutions 340A
training forums 340, 722(3)
withdrawal 727
appeal in respect of candidate 716
character and discipline of Presbyters, annual inquiry 154
constitution pp.218-219[15]
definition p.8, p.210[xxi], 002(1.xvii)
functions pp.221-223[23]
obituaries 153
ordinands pp.218-219[15]
permission to attend pp.218-219[15]
presbyter not a member of a Synod, permission to attend 151
probationers 417(1.ii)
shared business pp.223-224[24]
accommodation and furnishing 533, 803-804, 954, 965; See Book VII A Guidance.
Part 2 p.748
active work, definition p.208[iA]
additional appointment in circuit 438, 529
adoption leave 807C
allowances (stipend) 212(3, 4), 532(1.ii), 801
ante-natal care 807
by the Conference 313-315
not within the control of the Church 322(4), 323, 523(1), 780(1.v), 782(4)
period of p.101[16], 543-546,
authorised to serve 733
autonomous Conferences, of p.235[44]
baptize infants, presbyter’s duty to 520(3)
base of ministry 770
chaplaincies see under CHAPLAINCIES
charter for incoming - see Book VII A. Guidance Part 1 pp.746-747
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [33]
[34] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
retirement 790-793
retirement benefits 805
sabbaticals 744
staff meeting 523
stationing see under STATIONING
stipends 212(3-4), 532(1.ii), 801
student minister see under STUDENT PRESBYTER OR DEACON
Superintendent see under SUPERINTENDENT
suspension 013, 1105
terms of service 800-807D
time off for study, training or development 745(4.a)
transfers between churches 730
without appointment 124(10), 416(2), 510(1.iii), 606, 774, 775(3-4)
workplace chaplains 355A, 442
year of entry 800
PRESIDENCY definition 110(2)
Connexional Leaders’ Forum, member of 230(2)
visits 110(3)
PRESIDENT definition 004(i)
PRESIDENT-DESIGNATE definition 004(vii)
role in the Presidency 110(2-3)
casual vacancy pp.228-229[31.c-i]
of Conference p.227[28], 110(1)
of connexional committees 200
of District Chairs Nomination Committee 421A(3)
complaint against 1151(1)
and District Synods 111
duration of office pp.228-229[31]
election p.27[26], 110A, 115
expenses 361(3.ii)
ex-President 110(2-3)
incapacity pp.228-229[31.c-g], 013A(1)
indemnity p.23[21.4], p.104[25]
inquiry 1123(6.iv)
legal representative of the Church p.23[21]
powers pp.227-228[29], 29A, 111, 720(3), 774(5), 775(4)
presiding at Conference p.227[28], 110(1)
resignations 760
responsible officer 013A (3)
role 110
stations pp.227-228[29]
support for 113
visits 110(3), 112
Deed poll (1830) p.91, p.107[31.b]
Model Deed (1864) p.91
Orphanages pp.35-36, p.43[17]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [35]
[36] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
connexional 931
conservation area see under CONSERVATION AREA
consultation on Model Trust matters 902, pp.736-737
contracts etc (requiring approval) 931(3)
custodian trustees see under CUSTODIAN TRUSTEES
care and custody 903
requiring approval 931(3)
definitions pp.7-9, p.26, pp.241-244, 006, 906-907
district property responsibilities 470-476, 953(iii), 960-966
advisory panel 471, 960(3)
circuit committee, supervision of 964
development master-plan 962
district property p.242, 966
irregularities and cases for special enquiry 961(6)
projects, consent for 930(4), 960-961
schedules 964(4), 966(3)
secretaries 960
foundation stones, preservation of 943(4.iii)
general property, definition p.243
insurance, adequacy of 951(1.i), 964(3)
investment property 908, 945(2)
investments 914, 955(6.b)
Isle of Man, land in p.108[35], p.110
Jersey, land in p.108[35]
lease 915(2.i)
listed buildings see under LISTED BUILDINGS
log book 941(vi), 954(viii;ix), 966(3)
MMS p.724[16]
manses see under MANSES
memorials, preservation of 943(4.iv)
Methodist Fund for Property 362(5.a)
model trusts see under MODEL TRUSTS
new chapel 474
parent bodies 907
projects see under PROJECTS (PROPERTY)
quinquennial inspection 931(2), 932(1A), 934(3), 941, 952-954, 964(1), 966(2-3)
replacement projects 973
sales pp.251-252[16], p.253[18], pp.254-255[20], pp.256-257[23], 918
protection of purchasers pp.257-258[26]
schedules 934(4), 941(iii;vi), 953, 954(ix), 964
Scotland, land in p.101[17], p.110
Secretary (connexional) 006(2A), 331
shared projects 934 see also under SHARING OF CHURCH BUILDINGS ACT
sites, acquisition of 961(3)
special enquiry, cases for 961(6)
trusts instruments 900
uniting churches p.12[8]
vesting of new property 901
visitation of manses 954(i), 965
PUBLIC TRUSTEE ACT (1906) p.13[4], p.14[6], p.40[10]
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [37]
committee 336(1)
grants 361A
racism 013B, 050(1)
representation in Conference 102(1.i.g)
representation on Methodist Council 210(1.ix)
Secretary 336(1)
RECEIPTS p.257[25]
RECEPTION INTO MEMBERSHIP pp.214-215[8], 050(5-6)
751(1), 1002(20), p.734
REDEVELOPMENT pp.256-257[23], 962
District master plan 962
REPRESENTATIVE SESSION, definition p.211[xxix], 002(1.xx)
RESPONSIBLE OFFICER, definition 013(2.ii;13-15)
functions 355(1;2;7)
District Advisory Group 744(5-8)
expenses 744(11)
Support Group 744(5-6;8)
Sabbatical fund 364(2)
terms of 744(2-4)
SAFEGUARDING 010, pp.734-735
Safeguarding Advisory Panel 232
see also under SEX OFFENDERS
[38] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [39]
[40] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [41]
[42] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
constitution 410
definition p.211[xxix], 002(1.xx)
District Chair, Nomination Panel 421A, 423(2)
meetings 411
notice of meetings 411(6)
Memorials to Conference 419, 516(4)
procedure 413
property matters 943, 960-961, 964-965
District secretaries 960
representation on
Methodist Council 210(1.iv;2)
representatives to Conference p.217[xi], p.218[6], 105, 417
Suggestions and resolutions to Conference 412(1), 419
resolutions to Conference 419(2)
rules of debate 413(5-25)
secretary of 402(5)
duties 415, 417(4)
nomination and appointment 414(2-5)
special resolutions 126
Synod elected members 410(1.xiii,5)
voting procedures 422-423
World Church officer 410(1.vii)
Youth Assembly representatives 417A
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [43]
removal of p.45[19]
PURPOSES 006(3.b)
Board p.5, p.37[2]
constitution p.31-47
as Custodian Trustees p.5, p.13[2-3], p.20[17], p.40[10]
Data Protection Act (1984) 019
new Trust Deed p.41[12]
vesting declarations p.10[2.1]
p.44[18], p.6[19.5]
TWELVE RULES OF A HELPER (1753) pp.77-78, p.79[I]
[44] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012
The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012 [45]
[46] The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2012