CAN A (Pages : 3) E-3422
Reg. No.
Name :
Fourth Semester B.Com. Degree Examination, July 2018
First Degree Programme under cBCSS.
Complementary Course : CO 1431/CX 1431/CC 1431
(Common for Commerce/Commerce & Tax Procedure and Practice/
Commerce with Computer Application)
(2014 Admission Onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
‘Answer all questions in one or two sentences each. Each carries 1 mark.
4. Define dispersion. C2
. What is index number ? .
. What is probable error ?
‘ Yoh!
Define Arithmatic, Mean.
5. What is nid average ae
6. What is interpolation ?
7. Define coefficient of concurrent deviation.
8. What do you mean by line of best fit ?
9. What is dependant variable ?
10. List out different methods of classification. (10x1=10 Marks)
Answer any eight questions. Each carries 2 marks.
11, What are the uses of index numbers ?
12. Distinguish between relative and absolute measures of dispersion.E-3422 “2
13. Calculate median from the following.
35 23 45 50 80 61 92 40 52 61
14. State the functions of tabulation.
15. State the difference between questionnaire and schedule.
16. Write a brief note on
a) sensex and
b) nifty.
17. Distinguish between correlation and regression.
18. What are the stages in statistical enquiry ?
18. Explain the properties of good measures of variation.
20. What is linear and non-linear correlation ?
21. Define primary and secondary data.
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22. Explain descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, a 16 Marks)
SECTION — c wt
Answer any six questions. Each carries 4 marks, ‘
28. What are the steps in the construction of indéx hlimbers ?
24. Explain different types"6t bar diagrams
25. A panel of twoljiudges P and Q graded seven performances by independently
awarding marks as follows.
Performance : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
P > 46 42 44 #40 «43 4 45
Q > 40 38° 36 3539. 37) 41
The eighth performance, for which judge Q could not attend, was awarded
BZ marks by Judge’P. If Judge Q has also been present, how many marks would
be expected to have been awarded by him to the eighth performarcs >
26. State different types of random sampling.
27. Find Quartile Deviation for the following values.
Size : 5 8 10 12 19 20 32
Frequency : 3 fore 15 20) 8 = 6(AE s E-3422
ifr = 0.6 and n = 64. Find probable error and standard error.
What are methods of studying correlation ?
Explain the components of frequency distribution.
Fit straight line trend to the following series by the method of least square.
Estimate the most likely production for the year 2019
Year : 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Production (‘000 ton) : 10 13 12 14 12 16 14
(6x4=24 Marks)
‘Answer any two questions. Each carries 15 marks.
Define statistics. Explain the functions and limitations of statistics.
Calculate S.D and coefficient of variation.
Income : AboveO 10 20 3040 50 60°°70 80
No. of Persons : 100 97 89) 767 2712 5 0
. Find Coefficient of correlation’ Between age and’ Playing habit of following
students. “
Age 1145-185 1554165 165-175 175-185 185-195 195-205
No. of Students: 250 200-180 120. 100 80
Regular players! 200 150 90 48 30 12
From the following data find Fisher’s Index number and show that the Time and
Factor Reversal Test are satisfied by it.
Commodity Base Year Current Year
Price Expenditure Price Expenditure
A 8 180 10 120
B 10 120 12 96
c 5 40 5 50
D 4 56 3 60
£ 20 100 25 150
(2x15=30 Marks)