Financial Accounting QT Paper
Financial Accounting QT Paper
Financial Accounting QT Paper
Name : ..................................
(Comm on for Comme rce/Com merce and Tax Proced ure and
Practic e/Comm erce and Tourism and Travel Manage ment/C ommer ce and
Hotel Manag ement and Catering/Commerce with Compu ter Applications)
(2018 Admission Onwards)
Answer all question s in one or two sentences each. Each question carries 1 mark.
2. What is Ledger?
P .T.O.
8. What are bonus shares?
(10 x 1 = 10 Marks)
Answer any eight questions in not exceeding one paragraph each. Each question
carries 2 marks.
Stock on hand, Rs. 10,000; Owing to Creditors, Rs. 8,000; Owing from Debtors,
Rs. 20,000; Building at cost, Rs. 80,000; Bank Overdraft, Rs.32 ,000; Loan to
Mr. Das, Rs. 20,000; Investments (Govt. Bonds), Rs. 15,000; Cash in hand,
Rs. 4 ,000.
What was the amount of Bindu Das' capital on this date? Construct journal entry
to open her books.
2 J-2754
/° Journalise the following transactions of a trader:
6000 .
(a) Janu ary 1, 2020 Sold good s to Hash mi on credi t Rs.
could pay only 50% of the
(b) Janu ary 11 , 2020, Hash mi beca me insol vent and
the books for the following?
1VW hat adjus tmen ts are requi red to be made in
ance comp any accepts
/ Good s in stock worth Rs.1, 100 are destr oyed by fire. Insur
the claim of Rs. 800.
y Pass nece ssary journ al entrie s for the following adjus tmen
Mach inery standing in the
(a) Depr eciat ion at 5% is to be charg ed on Plan t and
books at Rs. 50,00 0.
(b) Insurance unex pired Rs. 2,000 .
pany from the following
21. Show the perso nal acco unt of Mr.K utty and Com
J - 2754
7 From the following details prepare the Profit and Loss Account of Messrs John
and Sons for the year ending 31 March 2019.
Salaries 86,000
Discount allowed 4,200
Discount received 5,000
Bad debts 17,000
Printing and stationery 1,400
Depreciatio n 15,000
Insurance 11,500
Carriage outward 3,100
Interest received 6,700
Rent paid 24,000
How will you record the transactions in the books of X if each party had to pay
bank c·ommission of 25 paisa percent on face value?
30. From the following particulars prepare Containers Stock Account for the year
Opening stock@ Rs. 4 each: Nos. Nos.
On hand 10,000 Containers sold as scrap (for 1,000
Rs. 700)
With cu·stomers (alJ returnable) 25,000 Containers destroyed 500
Purchases during the year@ Rs. 30,000 Containers with customers at 20,000
5 each end
Containers sent out during the 50,000 Cost of repairs to cases Rs. 200
Containers returned by customers 45,000
Containers are valued in the books at cost and are charged out to customers at
Rs . 8 each, and credited at Rs. 6 each, if returned within the stipulated time .
5 J - 2754
31 . A seller sells goods on hire purchase adding 60% to cost. From the following
particulars prepare hire purchase trading account and ascertain profit or loss
made by him:
(6 x 4 = 24 Marks)
Answer any two questions in not exceeding four pages each Each question carries
15 marks.
/ From the following figures extracted from the books of Mr. Y.V.Bhushan you are
required to prepare a Trading and Profit and Loss account for the year ended
31 December. 2019 and a Balance Sheet as on that date after making
necessary adjustments
Debit balances Rs. Credit Balances Rs.
Purchases 1,20,500 Capital 52,000
Stock on 1 January 21 ,500 Sales 1,86,000
Salaries 14,000 Sundry debtors 10,900
Rent and rates 3,000
Insurance 800
General expenses 3,100
Wages 25,000
- -
Sundry debtors
Cash at bank 3,000
Drawings 7,000
J - 2754
(1) Salaries for the month of December still unpaid Rs. 1,600.
(2) Insurance prepaid to the extent of Rs. 250.
(3) Depreciate machinery by 10%.
(4) Closing stock was valued at Rs. 26,000.
~ u e to a fire in the godown of a company. on'-30 September. 2019, the entire
stock was burnt except some stock costing Rs. 70.000. The books were,
however, saved .
You are required to prepare a statement showing the amount of stock lost by fire
and the amount of claim to be lodged with the insurance company.
35. On 1st January, 2016, machinery was purchased by X for Rs. 50,000. On 1 July,
2017, additions were made to the extent of Rs. 10,000. On 1s April , 2018, further
additions were made to the extent of Rs. 6,400. On 30 June. 2019, machinery,
the original value of which was Rs. 8,000 on 1 January, 2016, was sold for
Rs. 6,000. Depreciation is charged at 10% p.a. on original cost.
Show Machinery Account for the years from 2016 to 2019 in the books of X. X
closes his books on 31 December.
(2 x 15 = 30 Marks)
7 J - 2754