GRADES 1 To 12
GRADES 1 To 12
GRADES 1 To 12
MARIA ELIZABETH Y. CUSI Learning Area Science
GRADES 1 to er
Teaching FEBRUARY 18, 2019
Daily Lesson
Date and Quarter Fourth
A. References
3. Textbook Pages
Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
A. At what time of the day does sea breeze and land breeze
Reviewing previous lesson or presenting occur?
the new lesson Please draw on the board the movement of air during
land and sea breeze.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Lesson 1. Who knows Kuya Kim? What kind of report is he sharing
to the public?
2. Can you give words that he commonly use to describe the
weather or a storm during his report?
(Answers will be written on the board for unlocking of
difficulty) use this as a spring board to connect the lesson
on the weather systems of the Phil.
3. Or, use a printed daily weather report ( storm report) and
just the same ask questions like what words are used to
describe the weather and so on.
The monsoons are commonly mistaken for rains. But
monsoons are winds. Like the sea breeze and land breeze,
monsoons can also be explained
using the two concepts that were learned earlier: warm air rises
and the surrounding air moves in toward the place where warm air
is rising. But
while sea and land breezes alternate on a day-night cycle, the
monsoons occur from season to season. And while sea and land
breezes occur locally,
along coastal areas, the monsoons affect a much wider area,
including large bodies of water and land.
Air pressure is the weight of the air above a certain place. We do
not feel the weight of the air above us because we are used to it.
The air pressure is not the same everywhere. In places where
warm air is rising, the air pressure is low. A low-pressure area
therefore is a place where warm air is rising (where the air is ‘light’
or where the air is less dense). In contrast, a high-pressure area
is a place where cool air is sinking. In the activity, the maps that
will be used are marked with “L” and “H.” These letters refer to
“low-pressure areas”’ and “high pressure areas,” respectively.
Part I. (see module pp 138)
Study Figure 17. It shows the air pressure and direction of winds
Presenting examples / instances of the in different parts of the world in January. Low-pressure areas are
new lesson marked by L and high-pressure areas are marked by H. Broken
lines with arrowheads show the direction of the wind.
Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical applications of Why fisher folk are not so happy about monsoons?
concepts Why do farmers welcome the monsoons? Why are
and skills in daily living How do the monsoons affect your own town?
No. of learners who earned 80% in the
A. evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored below
No. of learners who continue to require
Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these worked?
School Grade Level Grade 7
GRADES 1 to 12
Learning Area Science
Daily Lesson Log r
Quarter Fourth
Date and Time
A. References
Learner's Materials
2. pp. 128
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
Reviewing previous lesson or presenting
the new lesson
What can you say about the two pictures of the sun and the
earth below?
Are they the same? Why?
Explain your answer.
C. Presenting examples / instances of the Do the activity “Why do the seasons change”? Part I
new lesson
Part I- Analyze the diagram below then answer all the questions below
Part II
1. Study the table below. It shows the times of sunrise and sunset on
one day of each month.
Part II
Compare the times of sunrise from January, 2011 to December, 2011.
What do you notice?
2. Compare the times of sunset during the same period. What do you
3. Compare the time of sunrise on June 22, 2011 with that on
December 22, 2011. On which day did the Sun rise earlier?
4. Compare the time of sunset on June 22, 2011 with that on
December 22, 2011. On which day did the sun set later?
Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
. Finding practical applications of
If you were given the chance to choose where to live, where
would you choose? North. South or equator? Why?
and skills in daily living
a. April b. May
c. June d. July
1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C
Additional activities for application or
No. of learners who earned 80% in the
Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these worked?
What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did I
Use or discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?