Prepared by
Department of EEE,
ATME College of Engineering
Development of academically excellent, culturally vibrant, socially responsible and
globally competent human resources.
To keep pace with advancements in knowledge and make the students competitive and
capable at the global level.
To create an environment for the students to acquire the right physical, intellectual,
emotional and moral foundations and shine as torchbearers of tomorrow's society.
To strive to attain ever-higher benchmarks of educational excellence.
PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the
knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
The students will develop an ability to produce the following engineering traits:
PSO2: Demonstarte the concepts of process control for Industrial Automation, design models for
environmental and social concerns and also exhibit continuous self-learning.
Analog Electronic Circuits_18EE34 2020-21
Module – I
Diode Circuits: Diode clipping and clamping circuits.
Transistor biasing and stabilization: Operating point, analysis and design of fixed bias circuit,
self- bias circuit, Emitter stabilized bias circuit, voltage divider bias circuit, stability factor of
different biasing circuits. Problems and Transistor switching circuits.
1. To study the concepts of diode clipping and clamping circuits.
2. To design and analyse the transistor biasing circuits and switching circuits.
The input signal can be any periodic signal such as sine, square, triangle etc. with peak
value VM greater than reference voltage VR. If VM < VR, the clipping does not takes place. Just
before the diode conducts, the current through R is zero and hence input signal is V I is directly
available at the anode of the diode as shown in Fig.1.2.
For the ideal diode to conduct, it is enough that the anode voltage just equals the cathode
voltage. For the circuit in Fig.1.1 the diode conducts for vI ≥ VR + VK. The equivalent circuit
during the diode conduction is shown in Fig.1.3 (a).
For vI ≤ VR + VK, the diode is off and the equivalent circuit is shown in Fig.1.3 (b). By
applying KVL to the circuit we get,
vi – iR - vo = 0
The output waveforms are shown in Fig.1.4. The circuit clips off a portion of the input
signal which lies above VR+VK and retains the remaining part as it is.
Transfer Characteristics:
∆vo = 0
∆vo = ∆vi
The Fig.1.5 shows the transfer characteristics of shunt clipper along with output
waveform for sinusoidal input.
B. Series Clipper:
In series clipper the diode appears in series with the input or it appears in the series
branch as shown in Fig.1.6. The voltage on diode terminals is shown in Fig.1.7.
The diode conducts for vI ≥ VR + VK. The equivalent circuit during diode conduction is shown
in Fig.1.7 (a).
vi – [VR + VK] – vo = 0
Since VR + VK is constant
∆vo = ∆vi
Hence slope
For vI ≤ VR + VK, the diode is off and the equivalent circuit is shown in Fig.1.7 (b). By
applying KVL to the circuit we get,
vo = iR = 0
The transfer characteristics and the output voltage waveform are shown in Fig.1.8.
Note that VR1 and VR2 are positive. VR1 forward biases D1 and VR2 reverse biases D2 and
also VR2 > VR1. The voltages on the terminals of diode D1 is shown in Fig.1.10.
The diode D1 conducts for vI ≤ VR1 - VK. The equivalent circuit is shown in Fig.1.11 (a). We
can find that;
The diode D2 conducts for vI ≥ VR2 + VK. The equivalent circuit is shown in Fig.1.11
(b). We can find that;
For (VR1 - VK) < vi < (VR2 + VK), neither D1 nor D2 conducts. The equivalent circuit is
shown in Fig.1.11 (c). From the circuit we get;
vo = vi
Fig.1.11 (a): Equivalent circuit for vI ≤ VR1 - VK Fig.1.11 (b): Equivalent circuit for v I ≥ VR2 + VK
Fig.1.11 (c): Equivalent circuit for (VR1 - VK) < vi < (VR2 + VK).
The transfer characteristics along with output waveforms are shown in Fig.1.12.
A. Negative Clamper:
The circuit of negative clamper is shown in Fig.1.13. A simple negative clamper circuit
is used to add a negative level to the ac output. The following assumptions are made
while analysing the clamper circuit.
1. The diode is ideal in behaviour.
2. The time constant τ = RC is designed to very large by selecting large values of R
and C.
The input is square wave which swings between the ±VM with a period of T = 1/f.
During the positive half cycle of the input the diode conducts and charges the capacitor. The
charging time constant is τf = rfC. Since the diode resistance is very small τf << T/2 and hence
capacitor gets charged quickly to the peak value VM of the input signal VI. The equivalent
circuit during diode conduction is shown in Fig.1.14 (a).
vi – vc – VK = 0 ----------- (11)
vc = VK – vi
During the negative half cycle of the input supply, the diode turns off. Now the capacitor
discharges into R. The discharge time constant is τ = RC. The capacitor should not loose much
of charge during discharge. To meet this requirement, the values of R & C are selected such that
5τ >> T/2 = 5RC >> T/2.
The equivalent circuit during the capacitor discharge is shown in Fig.1.14 (b). Apply the
KVL for the circuit we get;
vi – vc – vo = 0 ----------- (13)
vo = vi - vc
The output voltage waveforms of negative clamper circuit are shown in Fig.1.15. From the
waveforms we can observe that;
Fig.1.15 (a): Output waveform for Practical diode Fig.1.14 (b): Output waveform for Ideal diode
B. Positive Clamper:
The positive clamper circuit is obtained by reversing the diode direction in the negative
clamper circuit. The positive clamper circuit is shown in Fig.1.16. The positive clamper circuit
adds the positive dc level to the input signal.
During the negative half cycle of the input supply, the diode gets forward biased and
almost instantaneously capacitor gets charged equal to the maximum value VM of the input
signal. The capacitor once charged acts as a battery of voltage VM. This is because RC time
constant is very large hence capacitor holds its entire charge all the time.
In the positive half cycle the diode is reverse biased and the capacitor gets discharging
through load resistance. Due to large time constant, it hardly gets discharged during the positive
half cycle of the input supply. The waveforms of positive clamper circuit are shown in Fig.1.17.
Fig.1.17 (a): Output waveform for Practical diode Fig.1.17 (b): Output waveform for Ideal diode
The region in the characteristics above IB = 0 mA and to the right of the few tenths of
volts of VCE is the active region. In this region the collector current increases with increase in
the base current. The base-emitter junction is forward biased and base-collector junction is
reverse biased in this region.
The region where the base-emitter junction is reverse biased below 0.1V for germanium
and below 0V for silicon is the cut-off region. In this region base-emitter junction and base-
collector junction is reverse biased. The emitter current is zero and the transistor is non-
conducting in this region.
The region very close to VCE = 0 where all curves appear to merge and fall rapidly to the
origin is called saturation region. In this region base-emitter and base-collector junctions are
forward biased. The collector current is considerably large and VCE is few tenths of volts.
The transistor is required to be biased from cut-off to saturation and vice-versa when it is
being used as a switch. It must be biased in the active region when it is being used as an
amplifier. The transistor functions linearly when its operation is restricted to the active region.
There are several circuit configurations through which the transistor current and voltage
can be adjusted in order to fix the operating point. Fixed bias, emitter bias or self-bias and
voltage divider bias are some configurations.
Fig.1.19 (a): Fixed bias circuit Fig.1.19 (b): DC equivalent circuit of fixed bias
----------- (15)
The magnitudes of collector current and base current neglecting ICO are related by,
The transistor circuit operating in saturation region is shown in Fig.1.19 (c). Apply KVL to the
circuit we get;
--------- (18)
But VCE(sat) ≈ 0
--------------- (19)
Solved Examples:
1. For the fixed bias circuit shown, assuming VBE = 0.7V and β = 60 find:
a. Quiescent values of base and collector currents.
b. Quiescent value of VCE.
c. Base-ground and collector-ground voltages.
d. Base-collector voltage
e. Quiescent values of IC and VCE for β = 110.
Solution: Consider the coupling capacitors as open circuit and mention various currents
and voltages in the circuit as shown below.
d. Base-collector voltage.
e. When β = 110.
The Q-points are indicated in the dc load line as shown in the figure.
Observe that when β changes from 60 to 110, the Q-point shift from the middle of the
active region to near saturation region. Therefore the fixed bias circuit has very poor stability of
operating point.
2. For the fixed bias circuit shown, find collector current, collector resistance, base
resistance and VCE. Assume β = 80 and VBE = 0.7V
Collector current:
Collector resistance:
Base Resistance:
Circuit Analysis: The base emitter circuit is shown in Fig.1.20 (b). Applying KVL to the base-
emitter circuit we get;
---------------- (20)
Using IC = βIB;
------------------- (21)
------- (22)
---------- (22)
Substituting IE = IC.
------------ (23)
----------------- (24)
-------- (25)
--------- (26)
---------- (27)
Solved Examples:
1. For the emitter-bias shown using silicon transistor with VBE = 0.7 V and β = 60,
a. Base current and collector current
b. Collector-Emitter voltage
c. Collector, emitter and base voltages to ground
d. Base-collector voltage
b. Collector-emitter voltage
d. Base-collector voltage
VBC = 2.88 – 15.64 = -12.76 V
2. For the emitter bias circuit shown using silicon transistor VBE = 0.7 V and β = 100.
a. Quiescent values of base current, collector current and collector to emitter
b. Voltage at collector, base and emitter with respect to ground.
Exact Analysis: The base circuit is redrawn as shown in Fig.1.21 (b) for the dc analysis. The
Thevenin equivalent circuit is shown in Fig.1.22 (a).
To find Thevenin resistance RTh, VCC is reduced to zero in the circuit of Fig.1.22 (a). The
resulting circuit is shown in Fig.1.22 (b).
The circuit shown in Fig.1.21 (b) can be redrawn as shown in Fig.1.23 after substituting
the Thevenin equivalent between B and N.
IC = βIB
________ (31)
The collector circuit is shown in Fig.1.24. Apply KVL to the circuit we get;
Transistor Saturation: When transistor is in saturation, VCE = VCE(sat) ≈ 0 and IC = IC(sat). From
equation (32) we get;
______ (36)
Approximate Analysis:
The resistance RE in the emitter circuit gets reflected as (1+β)RE in the base circuit.
Therefore the circuit between base and ground of Fig.1.21 (b) can be replaced by an equivalent
resistance Ri = (1+β)RE as shown in Fig.1.25.
I1 = I2 + IB
I1 ≈ I2
VCC = I2(R1+R2)
VB = I2*R2
_________ (38)
And IC ≈ IE
Solved Examples:
Example 1:
a. Find the quiescent base current, collector current and VCE for the circuit shown
using silicon transistor with VBE = 0.7V and β = 80.
b. Determine the values of collector, emitter and base voltages with respect to ground.
c. Repeat (a) for β = 150.
d. Draw the dc load line and locate the Q-points corresponding to two ‘β’ values.
Example 2:
a. Exact Analysis:
b. Approximate Analysis:
Note that βRE > 10R2, hence we can use approximate analysis.
(Same as VTh)
IC ≈ I E
d. The results of exact and approximate analysis are compared in the following table.
In saturation region both the junctions are forward biased. The voltage VCE drops to very
small value about 0.2V to 0.3V. The collector current is very large and controlled by external
resistance in collector circuit. Thus the transistor acts as a closed switch. (Figure 1.27)
Switching Characteristics:
When the base current is applied, the transistor does not switch on immediately. This is
because of junction capacitance and the transition time of electrons across the junctions. The
time between the application of input pulse and the commencement of current flow is termed as
delay time, Td. The time required for the collector current to reach 90% of its maximum level
from 10% level is called rise time, Tr. The turn-on time is the addition of rise time and delay
time (Ton = Td + Tr).
When the input current is switched off, the collector current does not go to zero level
immediately. It goes to zero level after turn-off time, which is the sum of storage time Ts, and
fall time Tf. The fall time is specified as the time required for collector current to go from 90%
to 10% of its maximum level. The switching characteristic of transistor is shown in figure
The operating point of the transistor is affected by the parameters reverse leakage
current ICO, current gain β and Base-emitter voltage drop VBE with variation in temperature.
The transistor biasing circuits are to provide stability of collector current against the variations
in ICO, β and VBE. The stability factor indicates the degree of change in operating point due to
variation in temperature.
IC = ICEO + β*IB
IC = (1+β)ICBO + β*IB
IC = (1+β) ICBO + β* IB
1 = (1+β) + β*
1 - β* = (1+β)
= [1 - β* / (1+β)
------------- (40)