Performance Validation
Performance Validation
Performance Validation
Market Manual 1: Connecting to
Ontario's Power System
Issue 15.0
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Document ID IESO_REQ_0208
Document Name Part 1.6: Performance Validation
Issue Issue 15.0
Reason for Issue Issue released in advance of Baseline 48.1
Effective Date October 14, 2022
Part 1.6: Performance Validation Document Change History
Related Documents
Document ID Document Title
MDP_PRO_0048 Market Manual 1.4: Connection Assessments
PRO-408 Market Manual 1.5: Market Registration Procedures
LST-48 Register Facility Help File
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................... i
1. Purpose ............................................................................................................. 2
1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Scope .................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Who Should Use This Manual ............................................................................ 3
1.4 Conventions ........................................................................................................ 3
List of Figures
Figure 1 - Equipment Performance Requirement Evolution ......................................................... 4
Figure 2 - Dynamic Disturbance Recorder Inputs ......................................................................... 8
Figure 3 - Off-Nominal Frequency No-Trip Requirement .............................................................. 9
Figure 4 - Active Power Speed and Magnitude of Response Requirement ................................ 11
Figure 5 - Primary Frequency Response Requirement .............................................................. 13
Figure 6 – NERC PRC-024 Voltage Ride Through Requirement ............................................... 16
Figure 7 - Single-Line Diagram of No-Tripping for Out-of-Zone Faults Requirement ................. 17
Figure 8 - Example Current Waveform for Showing Fault Clearing Times ................................. 18
Figure 9 - Positive Sequence Voltage During a Fault ................................................................. 18
Figure 10 - Reactive Power Requirement at all Levels of Active Power ..................................... 20
Figure 11 - Reactive Power Priority ............................................................................................ 20
Figure 12 - Fixed Admittance Capacitors Compensating Losses Within Generation Facilities .. 21
Figure 13 - Regulation with Individual Units at Limit ................................................................... 22
Figure 14 - Voltage Control Point ................................................................................................ 23
Figure 15 - Example of Configuration Which Requires Two AVR Voltage Sources ................... 24
Figure 16 - Excitation System Ceiling Requirements .................................................................. 25
Figure 17 - Power System Stabilizer Phase Compensation Margin ........................................... 26
Figure 18 - Temporary Field Current Requirements ................................................................... 28
Figure 19 - Capability Curve ....................................................................................................... 29
Figure 20 – Acceptable vs unacceptable reactive power response of Inverter-based units ....... 31
Figure 21 - Contingency Detection Logic .................................................................................... 34
Figure 22 - Breaker Trip Module ................................................................................................. 35
Figure 23 - Generation Rejection ................................................................................................ 36
Figure 24 - Generation Runback ................................................................................................. 37
Figure 25 - Protection Timing ...................................................................................................... 38
Figure 26 - Active Power Participation Justified by Performance ............................................... 42
List of Tables
Table 1 - Default Power Flow and Dynamics Parameters .......................................................... 45
Table 2 - Default Machine Parameters ....................................................................................... 45
Table 3 - Default AVR/Exciter Parameters ................................................................................. 45
Table 4 - Default PSS Parameters .............................................................................................. 45
Table of Changes
Reference Description of Change
(Section and
Section 5.6 Added HYGOVD and H6E1 to the list of acceptable Turbine/Governor Models.
Market Manual
The Market Manuals consolidate the market procedures and associated forms, standards and policies
that define the operation of the various areas within the IESO-administered markets. Market
procedures provide more detailed descriptions of the requirements for various activities than are
specified in the Market Rules. Where there is a discrepancy between the requirements in a document
within a Market Manual and the Market Rules, the Market Rules shall prevail. Standards and policies
appended to, or referenced in, these procedures provide a supporting framework.
Market Procedures
“Connecting to Ontario's Power System” is Series 1 of the Market Manuals, where this document
forms Part 1.6: Performance Validation.
- End of Section -
1. Purpose
The primary object of the Performance Validation manual is to mitigate risks that equipment will not
be suitable for connection to the IESO-controlled grid. A secondary object is to clarify the scope and
nature of activities that shall be performed by Market Participants to balance a conditional right to
connect to the IESO-controlled grid granted at the end of the connection assessment process with an
obligation to demonstrate equipment performance required during the market entry process. IESO
requires an acceptable level of confidence that models for power system equipment are suitable for its
planning and operating decisions. Performance validation achieves this level of confidence.
1.1 Purpose
Market Manual 1.6: Performance Validation is the third of three market manuals that cover the
Connecting to Ontario’s Power System process. The Connecting to Ontario’s Power System process
consists of six (6) stages, which are described in the following market manuals:
This market manual contains the procedures related to performance validation, which encompasses
Stages 6 of the process, and is a guide to mitigate risks that equipment will not be suitable for
connection to the IESO-controlled grid and to clarify validation requirements.
1.2 Scope
This Performance Validation manual describes how equipment will be treated as performance
standards evolve, when performance validation is required, what an acceptable validation comprises,
and other topics related to equipment performance.
The “Stage 3: Design and build” activities are determined between the connection applicant and its associated
transmitter or distributor after the completion of Stages 1 and 2.
This Performance Validation manual describes performance requirements and validation procedures
for common components of the IESO-controlled grid with more attention devoted to generating units
and electricity storage units. Modelling, testing, and reporting considerations are presented in
Section 5.
1.4 Conventions
The standard conventions followed for market manuals are as follows:
- End of Section -
2. General Requirements
A connection assessment is required for preserves
Evolving performance requirement modified equipment. Major modifications capability at
Appendix 4.2 Requirement
To assist compliance verification, IESO will document the prevailing performance requirements at the
time of equipment connection.
Replacing the AVR or pilot exciter or both in a rotating system would not trigger a need to meet the
prevailing requirements as neither of these are major components. Replacing the main exciter in a
brushless system would not trigger the need to meet the prevailing requirements unless the main
generator field connections were accessible. For units with accessible slip rings, changing the main
exciter would trigger a need to meet prevailing standards. For static systems, changing both the
excitation transformer and the bridge would trigger an obligation to meet prevailing standards, but
changing either the excitation transformer or the bridge would not trigger this obligation.
It is not acceptable to split the replacement of a major component into a series of minor component
replacements to escape performance requirements in the prevailing standard. The provision to allow
for the replacements with spares is not intended to allow some equipment to perpetually remain below
a higher prevailing performance standard. When an asset owner decides equipment has reached the
end of its normal design life, replacements must satisfy prevailing performance standards.
Non-major replacements should not inhibit the capability to satisfy a prevailing standard to the extent
practicable. For example, a replacement excitation system transformer should be not only able to
function with the existing bridge but also not preclude meeting prevailing requirements (e.g. required
positive and negative ceiling voltages) when the bridge is replaced if this transformer will be retained.
Performance from an existing spare must maintain existing capability. A spare must satisfy
prevailing requirements at the time of its purchase. For example, replacing a failed dc exciter with an
existing spare is acceptable provided other parameters are unaltered (e.g. AVR settings). In cases of
like-for-like replacements, testing can be limited in scope (e.g. open circuit tests, steady state field
current measurements, etc.) to confirm there will be no material changes in performance.
operation. Ramping can interfere with conclusively demonstrating dynamics requirements have been
satisfied. If a step change is necessary to demonstrate performance, the Market Participant will be
responsible for enabling this step change.
Simulation results from detailed models cannot be put forward as validation of models provided for
IESO studies. Measurements are required by IESO to validate performance.
Type tests performed in accordance with recognized standards may reduce the scope of validation
testing. Type tests are especially useful for validating parameters that represent inherent
characteristics (e.g. inertia) or properties onerous to test (e.g. ride-through). Some care should be
taken to avoid confusing vendor acceptance tests with type tests. Type tests are performed by an
accredited and independent testing agency to widely accepted industry standards.
It may be impracticable to guarantee that all elements of a facility, especially those elements not
subject to modification, satisfy all IESO performance requirements. It is sufficient for a Market
Participant to confirm there are no known performance issues and to commit to resolving
performance issues as they become known.
- End of Section -
This is a requirement not to trip within a defined frequency-time area and it should not be
misinterpreted as a requirement to trip outside of this region. IESO does not have either an
underfrequency trip or overfrequency trip requirement and it discourages unnecessary or premature
equipment tripping for any reason. As shown in Figure 3, the area outside of the frequency ride-
through “No Trip” zones should not be interpreted as a “Must Trip” zone, and should be considered
as a “May Trip” zone. Tripping should be based on physical equipment limitations or specifications.
Protection functions should be set as wide as possible while ensuring equipment safety and reliability.
No Trip Zone
Continuous Operation
Frequency (Hz)
No Trip Zone
May Trip Zone
-1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10
Time (Seconds)
Essential auxiliary functions also must not trip within this frequency-time region. Generators and
electricity storage participants have discretion to select the number of frequency-time pairs to define
a tripping requirement but no pair can be within the forbidden region. Generation units and electricity
storage units can be manually disconnected after consultation with the IESO operators if the
frequency does not recover above 59.4 Hz after 300 seconds.
Tripping based on instantaneous frequency calculations is not permitted. Inverter-based generation
and electricity storage units shall calculate the fundamental frequency over a time window of 3 to 6
cycles and filter for spikes caused by phase jumps due to disturbances and routine switching events.
Droop will be calculated on a generation facility or electricity storage facility basis. For a combined-
cycle facility, the droop for the gas units will be required to compensate to the extent practicable for
steam units. Reducing unit droop below 3% to achieve an overall facility droop of 4% will not be
required by IESO.
Some types of generation (e.g. hydro-electric) may require different governor control settings to
achieve both a rapid response during interconnected operation and a stable response during island
operation. The switch between these two settings must be automatically triggered by conditions that
are subject to IESO approval. Normally either frequency alone or a combination of frequency and
rate of change of frequency would be an acceptable trigger to switch to island settings. Where a
recognized contingency would establish an island, this automatic switch should take place for
frequency deviations larger than required to initiate the first step of automatic underfrequency load
shedding (i.e. 59.3 Hz). Where an extreme contingency would be required to establish an island, this
automatic switch should take place for frequency deviations larger than the frequency declines (i.e.
58.0 Hz) the automatic underfrequency load shedding program is intended to limit.
Electricity storage units shall provide frequency regulation according to its droop and deadband
settings at all active power levels including when it is withdrawing active power.
10 s 30 min
Equipment must not trip for spikes associated with routine high voltage capacitor switching,
automatic reclosure, or for design criteria contingencies that do not disconnect generation facilities or
electricity storage facilities by configuration. Lightning strikes on the IESO-controlled grid also
must not result in generation or electricity storage unit trips unless disconnected by configuration.
Minor internal upsets must also not result in equipment tripping. For example, the loss of the voltage
signal following a blown PT fuse should result in a bumpless transfer to manual control rather than a
Large shunt reactive elements are common at transmission stations in Ontario and the switching of
these shunts must not result in equipment trips. Shunt reactors range in size up to 150 Mvar while
shunt capacitor banks range in size up to 400 Mvar. The magnitude of routine switching transients is
site dependent and must be considered in the facility design.
Both low and high voltage aspects of ride through will be exercised by contingencies. Tripping is not
permitted either for the low voltage before fault clearing or for the high voltage spike after fault
clearing. Generation facilities and electricity storage facilities must have sufficient high and low
voltage ride through capability to not trip needlessly. At a minimum, generators and electricity
storage participants must follow the ride through requirements identified in the reliability standards;
i.e., NERC PRC-024 for transmission connected generation units and CSA C22.3 no. 9 (or UL1741
SA or equivalent standards but only as an interim certification until equipment compliant with C22.3
no. 9 becomes available in Ontario) for units connected within a distribution system or a wholesale
customer. As an example, NERC PRC-024-2 ride through requirements diagram is shown below.
More stringent requirements may be identified in the system impact assessment as a result of IESO
system studies.
Generation units connected within a connected wholesale customer’s or distributor’s facilities or
distribution systems, that were issued a connection impact assessment from the local distribution
company (“LDC”) before September 21, 2020 remain subject to the connection requirements under
Category 12 of Appendix 4.3 of Chapter 4 of the market rules that were in place as of the date of such
issuance. Generation units connected within a connected wholesale customer’s or distributor’s
facilities or distribution systems that were issued a connection impact assessment from the LDC on or
after September 21, 2020 are subject to the requirements in Category 12 of Appendix 4.3 that came
into effect on such date.
Electricity storage units connected within a connected wholesale customer’s or distributor’s facilities
or distribution systems, that were issued a connection impact assessment from the LDC before
January 18, 2021 remain subject to the connection requirements in place under Category 12 of
Appendix 4.3 as of the date of such issuance. Electricity storage units connected within a connected
wholesale customer’s or distributor’s facilities or distribution systems that were issued a connection
impact assessment from the LDC on or after January 18, 2021 are subject to the requirements in
Category 12 of Appendix 4.3 that came into effect on such date.
For clarity:
1. The requirements in Category 12 of Appendix 4.3 as described in the two preceding
paragraphs also apply to generation units or electricity storage units connected behind a
distribution electricity meter.
2. For generation units or electricity storage units connected within a connected wholesale
customer’s or distributor’s facilities or distribution systems and for which a Micro-
Embedded Generation Facility Connection Agreement published by the OEB is entered,
the requirements in the Micro-Embedded Generation Facility Connection Agreement at
the time the connection impact assessment from the LDC was issued apply in place and
instead of the requirements set out in Category 12 of Appendix 4.3.
4. The requirements in Category 12 of Appendix 4.3 are deemed met if the generation units or
electricity storage units connected within a connected wholesale customer’s or distributor’s
facilities or distribution systems are compliant with CSA C22.3 no. 9 (or, alternatively,
UL1741 SA or equivalent standards, but only as an interim certification until equipment
compliant with C22.3 no. 9 becomes available in Ontario). The minimum ride-through
settings are provided in Tables 12 and 14 of the CSA C22.3 no.9 standard.
Inverter-based generation and electricity storage units shall not reduce current injection at the high –
voltage terminal of the main output transformer during routine switching events and design criteria
contingencies. Inverter-based generation units and electricity storage units shall control the type of
current needed based on terminal conditions, and respond accordingly to provide a combination of
active and reactive current injection (e.g., reactive power priority).
Tripping for contingencies that would disconnect by configuration is permitted. A need to clear faults
without intentional delay shall prevail in cases of conflict between a need to clear in-zone faults
without intentional delay and a need to ride through out-of-zone faults.
Special consideration may be given in situations where generation or electricity storage trips result
from unusually long fault clearing by a Transmitter and no material adverse effects to the reliability
are anticipated. To ensure a consistent understanding of protection timing, an annotated graph
showing waveforms is below.
Preferably the waveforms should be the input to the protection system, but the outputs of all relevant
current transformers is sufficient. As interrupting time can be a function of current level; the times to
energize breaker trip coils will often be the most practicable method to validate timing during live
zone test trips.
continuous operation
Positive Sequence Voltage
Time (not to scale) 30 min
Type tests from an accredited independent testing agency will be accepted as validation of voltage
ride through (VRT) capability until reasonable grounds arise to doubt this capability. Tripping for
out-of-zone faults or routine switching events are reasonable grounds for doubt.
Rated active power (RAP) determines the required magnitude of reactive power. RAP is determined
at “design” ambient conditions: for hydro-electric units at a “design” hydro-electric head, for gas
units at a “design” ambient temperature, and for wind units at a “design” wind speed and air density.
In most cases, this design rating will be only slightly lower than maximum level of active power
participation in IESO administered markets.
Assumed conditions shall be realistic when determining RAP. It would not be acceptable to rate
hydro-electric units with a forebay to tailrace drop of 100 m on the basis of a 10 m head or to rate
wind generation on the basis of a low wind speed. Attempting to avoid reactive power obligations by
manipulating RAP or reducing nameplate capability is unacceptable to the IESO.
Thermal units, in particular, can have materially higher active power output during winter conditions
as colder temperatures result in higher air density for gas units and colder cooling water for steam
units. RAP for thermal units is typically calculated under summer conditions as reactive concerns are
generally more pressing during summer months.
The IESO practice for assessing multiple generation units and/or electricity storage units connected
behind the same main output transformer (e.g., wind farms) is to aggregate their active power when
calculating the rated active power and, consequently, the reactive power requirements.
Generators and electricity storage participants will face restrictions if automatic action, such as those
initiated by the continuous settings of the field current limiter, prevents reactive requirements from
being satisfied at any active power output level. When manual action must be taken to reduce unit
loading, only active power output may be reduced unless IESO approves reactive power output
When equipment limitations will prevent reaching the required reactive capability, planned field and
stator upgrades must be completed to establish the capability to produce the required reactive power
at all levels of active power output. Until these upgrades are completed, active power restrictions
may be imposed.
Reactive Power Field limiter at rated voltage before and after field rewind
Active Power
There has been a tendency for generation facilities to identify forbidden zones of prolonged active
power operation following the initial approval to connect. As these forbidden zones can have
material effects on operation, proponents should disclose forbidden zones during the connection
assessment process.
Performance at the high-voltage side terminal of the main output transformer will be the focus of
IESO required testing to demonstrate performance. In configurations that either inject or withdraw a
material amount of reactive power by configuration, generation facilities and electricity storage
facilities shall have the capability to reduce reactive power transfers to near zero at all times. A
typical transmission system voltage is the most frequently observed voltage, over the most recent year
or more, based on the IESO historical data for the specific location.
The capability to inject or withdraw full reactive power at the high-voltage side terminal of the main
output transformer (e.g. Q=RAP/3) is required at all active power levels and is sketched in Figure 11.
It is acceptable for fixed admittance capacitors (shown as V2B) to compensate for reactive losses
within (shown as I2X in Figure 12) the generation facilities or electricity storage facilities, as
applicable. If fixed admittances are arranged to compensate for reactive losses (e.g. converter,
generator transformer, distribution system, main output transformer) at all levels of active power
output, then having dynamic capability to inject or withdraw Q=RAP/3 at the high-voltage side
terminal of the main output transformer of the generation facility or electricity storage facilities
would suffice to meet this requirement.
Unlike the relatively consistent P-Q characteristic for conventional units, P-Q characteristics for non-
conventional units vary widely among vendors. The phrase “a lesser continually available capability”
provides latitude to the IESO to accept designs that provide reactive support during windless (or dark
for solar) conditions where this feature is useful. P-Q characteristics with either more reactive
capability in useful portions of the characteristic or dynamic reactive capability under windless
conditions may be given conditional approval to connect by IESO.
Three different voltage control strategies for non-conventional generation facilities and inverter based
electricity storage facilities comprising many relatively small units are listed below:
1. Common Voltage: Raise/lower terminal voltage of each unit equally and allow reactive
power and power factor differ from unit to unit,
2. Common Reactive Power: Raise/lower reactive power equally from each unit equally and
allow terminal voltage and power factor differ from unit to unit,
3. Common Power Factor: Raise/lower power factor of each unit equally and allow terminal
voltage and reactive power differ from unit to unit.
Each of these methods of control can result in units reaching a limitation prior to others depending on
their placement along a feeder circuit and active power production. To utilize capability, controls
should allow units that have not reached a limit to continue to adjust output to regulate. An example
is present below for Common Reactive Power Control for a wind farm.
Figure 13 illustrates an example of four turbines (labeled 1, 2, 3, & 4) connected to the same feeder
with different but constant levels of active power production. As reactive demand from the facility
increases, the operating points for the four turbines moves from point A to point B to point C.
Turbine 1 hitting its reactive limit at operating point 1C should not interfere with other turbines
increasing their reactive output beyond this level.
Achieving a well-coordinated dynamic response from equipment supplied by different vendors can be
elusive and resolving problems in these circumstances has been a challenge. Designs that require
close coordination across vendors will require measurements from existing installations that
demonstrate behaviour acceptable to IESO before it grants conditional approval to connect.
For distributed generation units and electricity storage units controlled by a central system (e.g.
wind/solar farm energy management system), the impedance between the voltage reference point and
the highest voltage terminal shall not be more than 13%. If the main output transformer impedance is
larger than 13%, the capability to control to a reference within the transformer is required. Reference
points further into the system than the point of common coupling require special attention to avoid
adverse effects on the generation facility.
Controlling voltage at or electrically near the low voltage collector bus has the following advantages
for both the proponent and the IESO:
a) The collector system voltage deviations will be smaller,
b) The main output transformer tap will be changed less frequently,
c) The isolation provided by the main output transformer will make the automatic voltage
regulation system less susceptible to interference from external control systems,
d) The confirmation of proper AVR response will be easier, and
e) The models used for IESO planning and operating purposes will be more accurate.
The requirement to control within ±0.5% of the setpoint would result in a gain of 200 in a
proportional AVR control system. With an element of integral gain, the proportional AVR gain can
be less than 200 provided other requirements such as voltage response time are satisfied. The voltage
reference point must be adjustable to a corresponding distance within the 13% impedance limit where
it is desirable to have a reactive droop larger than 0.5%.
Where multiple units are bussed together at a common point, it is necessary to compensate the AVR
reference point some impedance away from this common point to achieve balanced sharing of
reactive power requirements. When the unsaturated direct axis reactance is small (e.g. less than 0.5
pu), compensating 10% from the common point may not provide enough separation. In these
exceptional cases, impedance compensation of approximately 5% based on the rated unit voltage and
apparent power should be construed as meeting the intent of this requirement.
The AVR on/off telemetry status point shall only be set to on when the generator is in voltage control
mode. Telemetry to the IESO shall be configured so operation in any other control modes such as
power factor control or reactive power control mode shall indicate the AVR is off.
When special configurations arise such as the one shown below, a provision should be made that the
AVR voltage source will be the same when one main output transformer is out of service and the
normally open low voltage bus tie breaker is closed.
Unless otherwise specified by IESO, rated active power (RAP) at 0.9 power factor lagging will be
used as a basis to calculate “rated” field voltage and current when determining positive and negative
excitation system ceilings. Rated field voltage is defined as the product of field current at rated
terminal voltage, rated active power and the required maximum continuous reactive power, with the
field resistance at nominal operating temperature. The nominal operating temperatures are specified
in the Register Facility Help File as 75 °C for hydro units and 100 °C for thermal units.
The base field current of a generation unit or electricity storage unit produces rated terminal voltage
along the open circuit air gap line. The unitbase field voltage and base field current are related by
field resistance at a specified temperature (100°C round-rotor, 75°C salient-pole) unless IESO accepts
other temperatures. Time constants for conventional machines should be given at the specified
temperatures. Time constants for non-conventional machines shall be valid for ambient conditions at
0.2 Hz 2 Hz 10 Hz
Figure 17 - Power System Stabilizer Phase Compensation Margin
The stabilizer activation level will normally be set at about 15% of full power to avoid needless
voltage excursions when starting, stopping, and loading units. The stabilizer deactivation level will
normally be set at about 10% of full active power. This hysteresis between activation and
deactivation levels mitigates the risk of chatter. The phrase “due consideration will be given to
inherent limitations” was intended to allow for reasonable practices. For example, hydro-electric
units with a wide mechanical power ‘rough zone’ will benefit from a turn-on level at the high end of
this ‘rough zone’. Adequate damping will be required at permissible steady operating points below
this turn-on level.
Where IESO identifies a relatively low risk of island operation, a higher level of stabilizer output (e.g.
10%) may be employed when it provides a material advantage. The requirement to have the stabilizer
output ceiling not less than ±5% was intended to mitigate adverse effects during island operation
while still enabling a good level of response during interconnected operation.
Onerous post-contingency configurations will be used by IESO as the basis for tuning stabilizer
settings. IESO will identify these onerous configurations and provide connection point characteristics
to assist stabilizer tuning.
Generation units and electricity storage units are required to be well balanced and to be able to
operate continuously in the presence of some imbalance. Equipment that is not well balanced will not
be permitted to remain connected to the IESO-controlled grid. For example, facility owners must
remove units from service when the output from the excitation bridge is not well balanced.
During the market entry process, the balance will be measured at the unit terminals and excitation
bridge output for conventional synchronous units. For non-conventional units, balance will be
measured at the high-voltage side terminal of the main output transformer when a single well-defined
terminal is not present.
Phase unbalance may be calculated using either of the following IEEE definitions:
max(𝑉𝑉𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 − 𝑉𝑉𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 , 𝑉𝑉𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 − 𝑉𝑉𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 , 𝑉𝑉𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 − 𝑉𝑉𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 ) 𝑉𝑉𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 + 𝑉𝑉𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 + 𝑉𝑉𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐
𝑝𝑝ℎ𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 = , 𝑉𝑉𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 =
𝑉𝑉𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 3
The intent of this requirement is to avoid material adverse effects on reliability or market efficiency
from undue restrictions in the capability to sustain temporary high levels of armature and field
current. The ANSI/IEEE 50.13 standard is applicable to round-rotor machines, but in lieu of better
information this requirement will also be applied to salient-pole machines. These temporary levels
from the present standard are tabulated below.
10 218 209†
30 150 146
60 127 125
†May be as low as 160% to coordinate with the excitation system performance requirements
Margins for practical considerations such as measurement and metering errors and discrete time steps
for limiters shall keep kept as small as reasonably achievable.
Limiters and protection settings shall be translated onto both a time dependent field current
characteristic (shown above) and a steady state capability curve (shown below) in the test report to
demonstrate the required coordination has been achieved. Field current limiters should not interfere
with the delivery of required reactive power at any active power output level.
Active Power
The armature and field limiter requirement will be deemed to have been satisfied for non-
conventional forms of generation and electricity storage as long as connection point performance is at
least as good as a conforming synchronous unit.
Limiter settings may become a critical consideration when upgrading active power (e.g. hydro-
electric runner replacement) output levels and should be given due attention during the connection
assessment process.
There is often some uncertainty surrounding machine characteristics before equipment purchases are
finalized. IESO may assess proposals using conservative characteristics that meet “Market Rules”
performance requirements. When acceptable performance cannot be achieved with conservative
characteristics, the proponent will be consulted to determine whether they can commit to providing
better performance characteristics. For example, if an aero-derivative generating unit requires an
inertia value of 1.4 s for reliable performance at the highest desired level of market participation and
the proponent commits to this value, then full participation may not be authorized unless performance
tests confirm this higher inertia value. In general, connection assessment conditions for approval to
connect will be based on the best performance characteristics that a proponent can commit to provide.
For combined cycle plants, the inertia requirement H > 4 is intended to apply to a facility as a whole.
As a first pass, inertia should be calculated on a facility basis as follows
∑𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑖=1 𝑆𝑆𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑖𝑖 ∗ 𝐻𝐻𝑖𝑖
𝐻𝐻𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 =
∑𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑖=1 𝑆𝑆𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑖𝑖
The inertia requirement for facilities will allow leeway for rounding. For example, an equivalent
inertia value for a combined cycle plant of 3.6 will be construed as meeting the requirement.
When committed equipment characteristics taken as a whole provide overall performance as good as
from characteristics that marginally meet “Market Rules” requirements and will reliably allow the
desired level of market participation; the phrase “except where permitted by the IESO” provides
latitude for reasonable accommodations. Performance as good as will be interpreted by IESO as
allowing the same level or higher levels of transfers.
All equipment connected to the IESO-controlled grid shall conform to good utility practice. Unless
specifically informed otherwise, IESO will assume equipment will conform to legitimate North
American standards except when this would be inconsistent with a specific IESO performance
During reactive power response testing, a 2% step change to the AVR reference voltage will be
applied to evaluate the reactive power response of inverter-based facilities. A sustained reactive
power change of 15% of the rated apparent power of a generation facility or an electricity storage
facility shall be achievable within 1.5 seconds measured at the low-voltage terminal of the main
output transformer. An illustrative sketch of an acceptable vs nonacceptable reactive power
performance is shown in Figure 20.
- End of Section -
4.1 General
Design parameters used in assessments may not exactly match “as-built” characteristics and this
difference may materially affect IESO operating and planning decisions. For example, the impedance
tolerance for two-winding transformers is ±7.5% while for autotransformers, zigzag transformers, or
transformers having three or more windings the tolerance is ±10%. It may be prudent to use
impedance at the bottom end of tolerance to establish short-circuit capabilities and to use impedance
at the top end of tolerance to establish reactive power capabilities and stability limits.
Proponents must demonstrate “as-built” equipment satisfies connection requirements and equipment
models are valid. Operating telemetry will usually provide a check of factory test results or
calculated design values. Checks may also be provided from available on-site measurements that are
more accurate than operating telemetry. Confirming “as-built” equipment in some cases may be as
simple as confirming nameplate values are provided during facility registration. In other cases,
operating telemetry will be used to confirm model parameters.
Factory tests performed on factory assembled equipment (e.g. transformers) will be the primary
method to validate equipment characteristics with on-site telemetry providing a check. On-site
telemetry for field assembled equipment (e.g. cap banks, transmission circuits) will be the primary
method to validate equipment characteristics with factory tests providing a check. Material
differences between operating telemetry and IESO state estimation will prompt a review of the steady
state representation of equipment with asset owners.
4.6 Transformers
Standard powerflow parameters (e.g. impedance, turns ratio) from factory tests must be validated
with operating telemetry after installation. Tap one shall be the maximum turns ratio to conform to
the CSA standard. For phase shifting transformers installed in Ontario on tie lines to neighbouring
jurisdictions, tapping down (e.g. moving from tap 2 to tap 1) shall tend to move active power out of
the IESO-controlled grid. For voltage regulating transformers installed in Ontario on tie lines to
neighbouring jurisdictions, tapping down (e.g. moving from tap 2 to tap 1) shall tend to move reactive
power out of Ontario.
requirements; it avoids introducing the status of out-of-service elements into logic for input triggers;
and it also lends itself to future expansion should this need arise.
An SPS must be triggered by contingencies unless otherwise approved by the IESO. To improve
speed of response and robustness, the contingency detection logic should include triggers from
breaker trip modules as well as the breaker pallet switches. An acceptance functional example of SPS
contingency detection logic is shown below.
The consequences of an SPS breaker failing to operate when called upon are evaluated by IESO. To
mitigate the risk of cascading outages, breaker failure shall not initiate further breaker failure
protection in adjacent protection zones on the IESO-controlled grid. Examples of acceptable
arrangements for generation rejection are shown in Figure 23.
Provisions for generation runback or generation rejection or both shall be made at new generation
facilities. Generation runback is preferred to rejection when it suits reliability requirements. When
runback is subject to a common mode failure, the redundant protection must both sense when runback
is not working as intended and initiate generation rejection. For example, when non-redundant wind
farm energy management systems implement runback, redundant protection must reject generation
should the wind farm energy management system fail to runback generation as required. Acceptable
arrangements for generation runback are shown in Figure 24.
Functionality and timing will be required to be tested before a SPS is deployed. The time following
contingency detection to completion of the desired SPS action will be required to be measured for
each protection group. To the extent practicable, testing shall be end-to-end. IESO may approve tests
that sub-divide the chain of events when end-to-end tests have material adverse effects on reliability.
An illustration of an SPS timing sequence is shown in Figure 25.
Telecommunication considerations for protection systems require particular attention. Leased
facilities from telecommunication companies may not meet “Transmission System Code”
performance requirements for protection systems or provide acceptable path diversity to satisfy
NPCC requirements. Proponents will be expected to work closely with Transmitters to design,
install, and maintain suitable facilities.
52-94A 52-94B 52-69 52-94A
Trip Signal
52-94D Relaying 52-94B 52-94B
from SPS
All protection trip
contacts for breaker 52 Delayed 52-69T
Pick-up RXKN1 52-94C
To Tc
0.05-0.5 sec pu
Note 2
Delay Closure
Seal-In 52-94A 52-94B 52-94C 52-94E 52-69 52-94D
Light 4A 4A, 1B 7A 4A 1A, 1B 2B
Pick-up: 60msec
Pick-up: 4msec
Pick-up: 4msec
Pick-up: 4msec
Pick-up: 4msec
The circuit breaker tripping module should perform the following functions:
1. Protect the high speed tripping auxiliary relay contacts from damage due to interrupting circ uit breaker trip coil currents; DIAGRAM 2
2. Prevent closing of the circuit breaker while the trip module is energised, and for a definite time after the trip signal is 8th April 2010
removed, ensure that the timing relays in the breaker failure circuits have reset before thecircuit breaker can be closed.
If the Power transfer to the system
M is not reduced below an approved
threshold within a defined time
Power from the receipt of the run-back
signal, tripping of the main breaker
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Clusters of wind- Run-back signals to the Run-back signals from the
Station individual wind-turbines
turbine generators SYSTEM Special Protection System
Fully redundant signals
Station 2
Run-back signals to the Run-back signals from the
individual wind-turbines
Special Protection System
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SYSTEM
Clusters of wind-
turbine generators
PR Primary Relaying If a breaker-failure condition were addressed by the Scheme then a further 90ms
4ms would need to be added to the contingency detection time [corresponds to a 62b timer]
AR Auxiliary Relay
TM Trip Module
SPS SPS Matrix
33ms (For a 2-cycle breaker)
BT Breaker Trip Time 11th April 2010
- End of Section -
A validation report will comprise three main elements: a description of the tests and calculations in
enough detail to for the IESO to properly interpret testing results, the ratings and the models derived from
observations and measurements, and test results. Test measurements shall also be submitted in an
electronic format (e.g. CSV) acceptable to the IESO. The use of simulation models to demonstrate the
validity of other models will not satisfy IESO.
For both steady state and dynamic model parameters, model predictions shall be superimposed on
measurements to assist validation. In the descriptions below, black font indicates a setting, a rating, a
calculated value, or other vendor provided information, red font indicates measurements, and blue
indicates a typical range or boundary conditions for the test. The infinity symbol is used to denote steady
states values (e.g. OEL∞, is the steady state over-excitation limiter setting). An indication is provided
where only measured results are required.
It is acceptable to verify dynamic performance for some protective functions (e.g. V/Hz, OEL, UEL) by
temporarily revising settings into a range that assists performance verification.
If tests do not show requirements are satisfied, the IESO will either modify its approval for a facility to
remain connected or revoke its approval for a facility to connect. In general, active power participation
level will be tailored to match measured performance with respect to requirements.
Open Circuit Curve: rated Vt and Ifd, air gap line, measured Vt/Ifd, vendor Vt/Ifd
Rotating Exciters: rated Vex and Iex, measured Vex/Iex, vendor Vex, Iex
Capability Curve: RAP, MCR, rated stator current, rated field current, OEL∞, end heating limit, LOE,
UEL∞. Current shall be represented on the capability curve at rated voltage.
Zero Power Factor Leading Load Rejection: Vt, Efg, Ifg, P, Q - 0 MW, 15-25% Mvar, AVR in manual
Governor Dynamic Response: P, Gate
Turbine Gate vs Power curve: P, Gate
Governor Droop: Speed ref/P or Gate/P
Governor Ambient: Hz, P, deadband (long time measurement)
Open Circuit Perturbations: Vt, freq, P, Q, Ifd, Efd - ±Δ2% AVR reference steps
Open Circuit Ceilings: Vt, freq, P, Q, Ifd, Efd - ±Δ5% AVR reference steps
Open Circuit Fuse Pull: Vt, freq, P, Q, Ifd, Efd (measured only)
PSS Phase Compensation: frequency, phase shift, calculated required phase shift
PSS Step Response: Vt, freq, Ifg, Efg, P, Q, Ks~0, Ks=final, Ks=2*final (or ζ > 0.1)
V/Hz Test: Vt, V/Hz, freq (measured only) - open circuit, 97% governor setpoint, reduced V/Hz limit
OEL: Vt, freq, P, Q, Ifd, Efd (measured only)
UEL: Vt, freq, P, Q, Ifd, Efd (measured only)
Open Circuit Terminal Voltage Balance: Vab, Vbc, Vca or V0, V1, V2 (measured only)
A validation report for a non-conventional facility has the same objects as a corresponding report for a
conventional facility. The diverse nature of non-conventional generation facilities makes it necessary to
specify a more general approach to testing than for conventional facilities. Test measurements shall also
be submitted in an electronic format (e.g. CSV) acceptable to the IESO.
Voltage Control
The voltage control point shall be demonstrated to be no further than 13% (Vc13%) based on the facility
rated apparent power from a connection point. Unless otherwise specified, this connection point shall be
taken as the high voltage disconnect of the main output transformer. The position of the measured
voltage and current (Vm, Im) as well as the amount of compensation (Xcomp) shall be provided to make this
𝑉𝑉𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 = 𝑉𝑉𝑚𝑚 + 𝑗𝑗𝑋𝑋𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 𝐼𝐼𝑚𝑚 < 13% 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝
Voltage regulation must be as good as provided by a conventional synchronous machine behind an
impedance of 13%. It is acceptable to compensate for reactive droop with voltage control location. For
example, with a 4% reactive droop the voltage control point can be no further than 9% from the
connection point. Vcontrol, Vm, Im, Xcomp.
2. Speed/Frequency Describe how requirements apply to this facility as a whole if Speed Reference/ droop test
Regulation applicable. Describe requirement to automatically change Ambient condition deadband test
settings for island detection when this is required for stable Speed of response test
operation (e.g. hydro-electric units). Provide island setting Power/Gate/Flow characteristic
frequency trigger. Describe inherent limitations for the Island mode frequency trigger setting reported
particular application.
3. Voltage Ride Describe rationale for both low voltage (LVRT) and high Type tests for LVRT
Through voltage (HVRT) ride through. HVRT requirements should be Connection point measurements for HVRT
identified in conjunction with the associated transmitter. PT fuse failure AVR switchover
Identify tripping for routine switching events and design Settings of V/Hz, LOE, voltage restrained o/c, and
contingencies that do not disconnect by configuration is other protection that “sees” into the system
4. Active Power Describe that active power is expected over a range of system Tabulate steady state P, Q, Vt, Ifd, and rotor angle
conditions. Identify forbidden zones. from minimum to maximum active power
5. Reactive Power Identify connection point, steady-state and dynamic reactive Capability curve with RAP, MCR, LOE, UEL, OEL,
requirements based on RAP. rated field current indicated
6. Automatic Describe acceptable voltage control point, gain (droop), and Open circuit voltage perturbation <5%
Voltage Regulator time delay requirements. Reactive perturbation for AVR droop
7. Excitation System Describe ceilings, linearity, and speed requirements. Open circuit and loaded perturbation tests
for Synchronous Excitation Transformer MVA, leakage reactance to
Machines Greater establish rectifier regulation factor
than 20 MVA or any
Machines within
Facilities Greater
than 75 MVA
8. Power System Identify ∆Pω configuration, output limits, phase compensation, Phase compensation plot
Stabilizer (PSS) for and gain requirements. Assess risk of island vis-à-vis ±5% Damping with K ~ 0, K = final, K = 2*final at full
Synchronous ceiling limit. Identify and assess most onerous damping power.
Machines Greater situation. On/off activation levels, confirm ∆Pω configuration
than 20 MVA or any
Machines within
Facilities Greater
than 75 MVA
9. Phase Unbalance Describe the required power quality and tolerance Open circuit voltage balance
10. Armature and Describe acceptable limiter and protection infringements on Steady state limiter settings on capability curve
Field Limiters capability and the link between active power and reactive Field IT curve with excitation transformer, 50.13,
power limitations, protection, and OEL settings
Describe requirement for excitation system not to infringe on OEL/UEL reduced setting test
50.13 short time capability. I22t settings
11. Technical Describe equivalent synchronous machine concept and its Open circuit saturation curve
Characteristics application for the particular connection. Ensure time Partial load rejection or type test
constants match rated field temperature. Conformance with
widely recognized North American standards.
12. Reactive Power For a constant voltage at the high-voltage terminal of the main As described in requirement
Response to Voltage output transformer, achieve a sustained reactive power change
Changes of Inverter- of 30% of generation facility rated apparent power at the low-
Based Units voltage terminal of the main output transformer within 3s
Switches and Describe required maximum voltage and current. Provide “as-built” values of maximum operating voltage
Breakers Describe making and breaking current requirements for and interrupting time. No additional on-site tests will be
shunts. required.
Describe synchronizing breaker requirements.
Describe autoreclosure requirements.
Transformers Describe required tap convention (i.e.1 is max ratio). Provide “as-built” values for powerflow parameters (e.g.
Describe LTC and fix tap range requirements. impedance, tap turns ratio),
Describe impedance used in the assessment. Confirm tap one is maximum turns ratio.
Account for parameter uncertainty. Compare operating telemetry with state estimated* V, P, Q
Describe power flow convention for tie line phase shifters
and voltage regulators.
Shunt Compensation Describe ΔV < 4% requirements for switching to be done a Provide “as-built” value of maximum operating voltage and
minimum fault level. reactance.
Account for parameter uncertainty. Confirm switching phase discrepancy error for synchronous
closing unit is within tolerance.
Compare operating telemetry with state estimated Q, V
when first energized
Series Compensation Account for parameter uncertainty in the assessment. Provide “as-built” value of reactance.
Compare operating telemetry with state estimated P, Q, V at
both terminals to confirm series B.
Transmission Account for parameter uncertainty. R, X, B, and thermal Compare operating telemetry with state estimated Q, V
Circuits ratings in the assessment. when first energized to confirm shunt B.
Compare operating telemetry and state estimated P, Q, V at
both terminals to confirm series R and X.
Protection Systems Described assessed sequence and timing. Provide timing from event initiation to energization of
Describe requirement to provide function description. breaker trip coils for zone test trip
Identify whether bulk or not bulk criteria apply. Confirm reach and timing is consistent with assessment
Special Protection Identify functional requirements and timing. Provide timing for representative events.
Systems Identify required NPCC design type. Provide functional description documentation.
Identify required documentation.
Static var Identify minimum acceptable performance Provide speed of response from field tests.
Compensators Provide reactive ceilings from field tests.
HVdc and FACTS Identify minimum acceptable performance. As necessary to validate performance requirements (to be
devices determined on a site-by-site basis).
*In this table, all comparisons with state estimation will be done by the IESO.
GENROE 6.0 0.02 0.40 0.04 4.0 0.0 2.3 2.3 0.50 1.0 0.25 0.10 0.10 0.50
GENSAE 6.0 0.02 0.04 2.0 0.0 1.5 1.0 0.50 0.35 0.15 0.10 0.50
Time constants at standard field temperatures (e.g. 100°C round-rotor, 75°C salient-pole). Unsaturated reactances.
0.0 999 -999 1.0 1.0 200* 0.01 6.25† -4.3† 0.08 0.0 1.0
*Gain could be lower with PI AVR control † Assuming rated field voltage is 3 per unit
‡ Stabilizer parameters are not tuned to either the GENROU or GENSAL and EXST1 default models
The turbine and governor should be modelled when necessary to reduce market participation restrictions.
Generator Models
PSS/E Name Description Comment
GENSAE Salient Pole Generator (Exponential
Saturation on Both Axes)
GENROE Round Rotor Generator (Exponential
GENTPJ Salient Pole and Round Rotor Saturation can be made dependent on stator current to
(Exponential Saturation) enhance model accuracy over a wide range of operation
Compensator Models
PSS/E Name Description Comment
COMP Voltage Regulator Current Compensating
COMPCC Cross Compound Compensating
IEEEVC Voltage Regulator Current Compensating
Turbine/Governor Models
PSS/E Name Description Comment
IEEEG1 IEEE Type 1 Speed-Governing
IEEEG3 IEEE Type 3 Speed-Governing
GGOV1 GE General Governor/Turbine
GGOV1DU GE General Governor/Turbine with Dead-band
HYGOV Hydro Turbine-Governor
HYGOVD Hydro Turbine-Governor with Dead-band
H6E1 Hydro Turbine with American Governor Company Controller
TGOV1 Steam Turbine-Governor
WEHGOV Woodward Electric Hydro Governor
WSHYDD WECC double derivative hydro governor
WPIDHY Woodward PID hydro turbine governor
Plant Models
PSS/E Name Description Comment
PLNTBU1 Generic Plant Control To be used when plant controller
(REBC_B) controls multiple different types of
assets such as wind turbines, PV
inverters, SVC, and/or STATCOM.
To be used with REAX3BU1,
REAX4BU1, FCTAXBU1, and/or
PSS/E Name Description Comment
SVSMO3U2 WECC VSC-based Static var System Control over mechanical switched
CSTATT Static condenser FACTS No control over mechanical
switched shunts
SVC Models
PSS/E Name Description Comment
CHSVCT SVC for switched shunt
PSS/E Name Description Comment
CSSCST SVC for switched shunt
CSVGN1 SCR controlled static var source
CSVGN3 SCR controlled static var source
CSVGN4 SCR controlled static var source
CSVGN5 WECC controlled static var source
CSVGN6 WECC controlled static var source l
SVSMO1U2 WECC Generic Continuous Control SVC
SVSMO2U2 WECC Generic Discrete Control SVC
SVCAXBU1 SVC device Auxiliary Control To be used with PLNTBU1
– End of Document –