Slab Culver Vallayapalem

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Grant: GP 15th Finance Grant

NAME OF THE WORK: : Construction of RCC slab culverts in Ele School Main
gate front side in Vallayapalem village and GP of
Marripudi Mandal.

ESTIMATE COST : 2.00 Lakhs





Name of the work : Construction of RCC slab culverts in Ele School Main gate front side in Vallayapalem
village and GP of Marripudi Mandal.
Es.Rs. 2.00 Lakhs

S No Task Name Unit Task Code Qty Rate per Unit Amount in Rs
in Rs

1 CW-G01.Amount for wage component days 34816 0.00

2 CW-G02.cement bags 34817 134.78 235.00 31673.00
3 CW-G04.Sand for Mortar cum 34819 14.98 1402.00 21002.00
4 CW-G19.Sand for Concrete cum 34832 0.00
CW-G07 : 20-12mm HBG/HBT graded Metal
5 Consisting of 20mm @ 60% & 12mm metal 40% cum 34822 19.90 1850.45 36824.00
6 CW-G10.Cost towards engaging skilled labour,semi Rs 34825 1.00 103638 103638.00
skilled labour,other materials and equipment
charges including all other materials not covered

7 Name Board using Brick Masonary of size 3'0"X4'0'' days 34146 1 0.00 0.00
8 CW-G12.QC @0.50% Rs 34826 966.00
9 CW-G13.Seigniorage charges Rs 34827 5771.00
10 Workwise File Rs 35270 #NAME?
11 CW-G15.LS amount for unforcen items. Rs 34829 126.00
Grand Total : #NAME?

Deputy Executive Engineer Assistant Engineer

PRI Sub Division: Kondepi Mandal Praja Parishad
Specification Report to accompany the estimate for the work "
Construction of RCC slab culverts in Ele School Main gate front side in Vallayapalem village and
GP of Marripudi Mandal.

Estt. Rs. 2.00 Lakhs

Accrodingly an amount of Rs. 2.00 Lakhs has been administratively sanctioned

vide Reg.No.08 dt 16.03.2022 of the Sarpanch, GP, Vallayapalem under GGP 15th Finance
Grant for the year 2021-22. The work was technically sanctioned vide SDR No. /2022-23
Dt 04.05.2022 of the Dy.executive Engineer, PRI Sub Division, Kondepi The work was entrusted
to the Gram Panchayat, Vallayapalem

During execution of work the working estimate all the items were executed as
per sanctioned estimate except some minor deviations are occured in various items and same
may be submitted for your kind approval.

The working estimate is prepared as per the current schedule of rates for the
year 2021-22 and the work shall be executed as per APSS.

Deputy Executive Engineer Assistant Engineer

PRI Sub Division: Kondepi Mandal Praja Parishad
Specification Report to accompany the estimate for the work "
Construction of RCC slab culverts in Ele School Main gate front side in Vallayapalem village and
GP of Marripudi Mandal.
Estt. Rs. 2.00 Lakhs

Accrodingly an amount of Rs. 3.15 Lakhs has been administratively sanctioned

vide Reg.No. Dt 01.02.2019 of the Special Officer, GP, Marripudi GP under GP 14th Finance
Grant during the year 2020-21. Hence the estimate is prepared with the following provisions.

1 Removal of unsuitable / Unservieeble soil including excavation loading and

disposal upto 1000Mts lead
2 Construction of Granular Sub Base using well graded material, spreading in
uniform layers as per technical speficaction clause 401 of MORD

3 Providing concrete for plain concrete M-20 Grade for CC Pavement

4 Collection and Supply of Gravel for Shoulders
. Construction of unlined surface drains of average cross-sectional area 0.40 sqm in
soil to specified lines, grades, levels and dimensions.

. Sand filling for foundations

. Providing concrete for plain concrete M10 Grade in open foundations using 40 mm
nominal size Graded hard stone aggregate for bed concrete

. Plain vibrated Cement Concrete M 20 grade using 20 and 12 mm metal

mechanically mixed including cost and conveyance of all materials for abutments

. Reinforced cement concrete M25 grade for Deck slab

. Cost of Steel

Necessary provisions are made for QC Charges at 0.5%, GST charges @ 12%,
Seigneorage charges and for unforeseen items of work if any

The estimate is prepared as per the current schedule of rates for the year
2020-21 and the work shall be executed as per APSS.

Deputy Executive Engineer Assistant Engineer

PRI Sub Division: Kondepi Mandal Praja Parishad
Name of the work : Construction of RCC slab culverts in Ele School Main gate front side in
Vallayapalem village and GP of Marripudi Mandal.

Est.Rs. 2.00 Lakhs

Sl. Measurements
Description of Item No. Quantity Rate Per Amount Rs.
No L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork in excavation of foundation of struc tures as per drawing and
technical specific ation, including setting out, construction of lshoring and
bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of
sides and bottom and back filling with approved material for manual.

Qty. vide P.No. Of M.B.No.

For culvert-1 1x 1 6.70 1.70 0.60 6.83 Cum
For culvert-2 1x 1 8.70 2.00 0.60 10.44 Cum
Wing walls for culvert-1 1x 2 1.80 0.60 0.60 1.30 Cum
Wing walls for culvert-2 west side 1x 1 2.40 0.60 0.60 0.86 Cum

Wing walls for culvert-2 east side 1x 1 2.00 0.60 0.60 0.72 Cum

20.15 Cum 178.36 1Cum 3594.00

2 Supply and filling of sand in trenches, sides of foundations and basement
with initial lead in layers not exceeding 15 cm thick, consolidating each
deposited layer by watering and ramming including cost all operational,
incidental, labour charges, complete for finished item of work

Qty. vide P.No. Of M.B.No.

For culvert-1 1x 1 6.70 1.70 0.15 1.71 Cum
For culvert-2 1x 1 8.70 2.00 0.15 2.61 Cum
Wing walls for culvert-1 1x 2 1.80 0.60 0.15 0.32 Cum
Wing walls for culvert-2 west side 1x 1 2.40 0.60 0.15 0.22 Cum

Wing walls for culvert-2 east side 1x 1 2.00 0.60 0.15 0.18 Cum

5.04 Cum 1408.90 1Cum 7101.00

3 Providing concrete for plain concrete M10 Grade in open foundations
using 40 mm nominal size Graded hard stone aggregate, mechanically
mixed, placed in foundation and compacted by vibration including curing
for 14 days complete as per drawings and technical specifications Clause
802, 803, 1202 & 1203 MORD and 1500, 1700 & 2100 MORTH

Qty. vide P.No. Of M.B.No.

For culvert-1 1x 1 6.70 1.70 0.15 1.71 Cum
For culvert-2 1x 1 8.70 2.00 0.15 2.61 Cum
Wing walls for culvert-1 1x 2 1.80 0.60 0.15 0.32 Cum
Wing walls for culvert-2 west side 1x 1 2.40 0.60 0.15 0.22 Cum

Wing walls for culvert-2 east side 1x 1 2.00 0.60 0.15 0.18 Cum

5.04 Cum 4217.72 1Cum 21257.00

4 Plain vibrated Cement Concrete M 15 grade using 20- and 12 mm HBG
metal mechanically mixed including cost and conveyance of all materials
inclusve of seignorage charges,centering ,laying, vibrating and curing and
machine mixing charges for side walls of Side Drains etc., complete as per
drawings and technical specification Clauses 802, 804, 805, 806, 807,
1202 and 1204 MORD and 1500, 1700 & 2200 MORTH

Qty. vide P.No. Of M.B.No.

For culvert-1 walls 1x 2 6.40 0.40 0.60 3.07 Cum
Sl. Measurements
Description of Item No. Quantity Rate Per Amount Rs.
No L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
For culvert-2 walls 1x 2 8.40 0.45 0.75 5.67 Cum
Wing walls for culvert-1 1x 2 1.80 0.40 0.80 1.15 Cum
Wing walls for culvert-2 west side 1x 1 2.20 0.40 0.95 0.84 Cum

Wing walls for culvert-2 east side 1x 1 1.70 0.40 0.95 0.65 Cum

parapet wall culvert-1 1x 2 1.40 0.30 0.45 0.38 Cum

parapet wall culvert-2 1x 2 1.80 0.30 0.45 0.49 Cum
12.25 Cum 7762.79 1Cum 95094.00
5 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete M20 grade using 20 &
12mm metal mechanically mixed in superstructure as per drawing and
technical specification Clauses 800, 1205.4 and 1205.4 MORD / sections
1500, 1600 & 1700 MORTH for deck slab

Qty. vide P.No. Of M.B.No.

For culvert-1 1x 1 6.40 1.40 0.20 1.79 Cum
For culvert-2 1x 1 8.40 1.80 0.20 3.02 Cum

4.81 Cum 5949.32 1Cum 28616.00

6 Supplying, fitting, and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in superstructure
complete as per drawing and technical specifications Clauses 1002, 1010
and 1202 MORD / 1600 MORTH, for Bars below 36 mm dia including over
laps and wastage, where they are not welded.

Qty. vide P.No. Of M.B.No.

For culvert-1 0.136 MT
For culvert-2 0.216 MT

0.352 MT 81668.00 1MT 28747.00

7 Collection and supply of Selected earth spreading with uniform layer by
watering and ramming including all operational, incidental, labour
charges, hire charges of T&P etc complete

Qty. vide P.No. Of M.B.No.

culvert-1 approches West side 1x 1 10.00 5.5+4.5/2 0.300 15.00 Cum

culvert-2 approches north side 1x 1 6.00 7.5+4.5/2 0.300 10.80 Cum

culvert-2 approches south side 1x 1 5.00 6.50 0.450 14.63 Cum

40.43 cum
limited 35.00 Cum 249.38 1Cum 8728.00
8 Provision QC charges @ 0.50%
193137 966.00
9 Provision for Seigneorage charges (As per Calculatioln sheet) 5771.00
10 Unforseen items such as if any 126.00
Total 200000.00

Deputy Executive Engineer Assistant Engineer

PRI Sub Division: Kondepi Mandal Praja Parishad

Name of the work : Construction of RCC slab culverts in Ele School Main gate front side in Vallayapalem village and GP of Marripudi Mandal.

Est Rs. 2.00 Lakhs

S.No Description of Item Gravel Sand Granular sub 20-12 MM Cement

base HBG Metal
1 Earth work Earth 20.15 = 20.15
2 Sand filling Sand 5.04 = 5.04
3 PCC M-10 Grade Metal 5.04 x 0.90 = 4.54 22.18
Sand 5.04 x 0.45 = 2.27
4 PCC M-15 Grade Metal 12.25 x 0.90 = 11.03 80.85
Sand 12.25 x 0.45 = 5.51
5 RCC M-20 Grade Metal 4.81 x 0.90 = 4.33 31.75
Sand 4.81 x 0.45 = 2.16
6 Selected earth S.Earth 35.00 = 35.00

55.15 14.98 0.00 19.90 134.78

45.00 100.00 90.00 90.00 Bags

= 2481.75 1498.00 0.00 1791.00

Total = 5770.75 Or 5771.00

Deputy Executive Engineer Assistant Engineer

PRI Sub Division: Kondepi Mandal Praja Parishad
LEAD STATEMENT (2021-2022)

Name of the work : Construction of RCC slab culverts in Ele School Main gate front side in Vallayapalem village and GP of Marripudi Mandal.

Est. Cost Rs: 2.00 Lakhs

Conveyance charges
Sl. Name of the Material Name of the Quarry CFMS Code Units Initial cost Blastering 25% HBG MC Total Average
No. charges Charges rate
Lead in Km Conveyanc
e charges

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Sand for Concrete K.Bitragunta MAT-00027 1 Cum 63.00 797.00 605.00 1402.00
2 Sand for Filling K.Bitragunta MAT-00027 1 Cum 63.00 797.00 460.00 1257.00
3 20mm HBG Metal Budawada MAT-00218 1 Cum 42.00 541.20 1079.00 70.00 269.75 1959.95 1850.45
4 12mm HBG Metal Budawada MAT-00217 1 Cum 42.00 541.20 860.00 70.00 215.00 1686.20
5 40mm HBG Metal Budawada MAT-00220 1 Cum 42.00 541.20 649.00 70.00 162.25 1422.45
6 9.5 to 4.75mm HBG Chips (5- Budawada MAT-00435 1 Cum 42.00 541.20 524.20 70.00 131.05 1266.45
7 4.75 to 2.36mm HBG Chips Budawada MAT-00434 1 Cum 42.00 541.20 381.00 70.00 95.25 1087.45
8 2.36 mm & Below HBG stone Budawada MAT-00068 1 Cum 42.00 541.20 385.00 926.20
6 Gravel Local MAT-00252 1 Cum 5.00 89.90 138.00 - 227.90
7 Selected earth Local MAT-00252 1 Cum 7.00 116.90 107.00 - 223.90
8 Cement Local MAT-00005 1 MT 4700.00 4700.00
1 HYSD F-415 Local 1 MT Feb.22 56000.00 10080.00 66080.00

1 Certified that the above leads are correct to the best of my knowledge.
2 Certified that the rates are provided as per SSR 2021-22

Deputy Executive Engineer Assistant Engineer

PRI Sub Division: Kondepi Mandal Praja Parishad
Name of the work : Construction of RCC slab culverts in Ele School Main gate front side in Vallayapalem village and GP
of Marripudi Mandal.

Est. Cost Rs: 2.00 Lakhs

S.No Qty. Unit Description of Tasks CFMS Code Rate. Per Amount.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 RBR- Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete M20 grade
SPST-1 II using 20 & 12mm metal mechanically mixed in superstructure as
(A) per drawing and technical specification Clauses 800, 1205.4 and
1205.4 MORD / sections 1500, 1600 & 1700 MORTH for deck slab

Case I : Using Concrete Mixer.

0.330 t Cement 4700.00 t 1551.00
0.450 cum Coarse sand 1402.00 cum 630.90
0.594 cum 20 MM HBG emtal 1959.95 cum 1164.21
0.306 cum 12mm HBG Metal 1686.20 cum 515.98
0.10 day Mason (1st Class) LAB-00011 585.00 day 58.50
1.39 day Mazdoor (Unskilled) LAB-00120 490.00 day 681.10
0.40 hour Concrete mixer 0.4/0.28 cum capacity HIR-00018 626.20 hour 250.48
1.20 hour Water for curing 88.00 hour 105.60
For formwork and staging refer to sub-item I (B) case I above 991.55
2 RBR- Supplying, fitting, and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in
SPST-2 superstructure complete as per drawing and technical
specifications Clauses 1002, 1010 and 1202 MORD / 1600
MORTH, for Bars below 36 mm dia including over laps and
wastage, where they are not welded.

Unit = t
1.050 t HYSD bars including 5 per cent for laps and wastage 66080.00 t 69384.00
6.000 kg Binding wire MAT-00003 64.00 kg 384.00
Labour for cutting, bending, tying and placing in position
10.000 day Rod Binder LAB-00001 700.00 day 7000.00
10.000 day Mazdoor (Unskilled) LAB-00120 490.00 day 4900.00
Rate per tonne 81668.00

Deputy Executive Engineer Assistant Engineer

PRI Sub Division: Kondepi Mandal Praja Parishad

Name of the work : Construction of RCC slab culverts in Ele School Main gate front side in Vallayapalem village and GP of Marripudi Mandal.

Est Rs. 2.00 Lakhs

As per detailed estimate As per Working estimate Difference
S.No Description of the work Remarks
Quantity Rate Amount Quantity Rate Amount Excess Less
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Earthwork in excavation of foundation of struc tures as per 24.26 Cum 178.36 4434.00 20.15 Cum 178.36 3594.00 0.00 840.00 -
drawing and technical specific ation, including setting out,
construction of lshoring and bracing, removal of stumps and
other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and
back filling with approved material for manual.

2 Supply and filling of sand in trenches, sides of foundations and 4.56 Cum 1408.90 6425.00 5.04 Cum 1408.90 7101.00 676.00 0.00 -
basement with initial lead in layers not exceeding 15 cm thick,
consolidating each deposited layer by watering and ramming
including cost all operational, incidental, labour charges,
complete for finished item of work

3 Providing concrete for plain concrete M10 Grade in open 4.56 Cum 4217.72 19233.00 5.04 Cum 4217.72 21257.00 2024.00 0.00 -
foundations using 40 mm nominal size Graded hard stone
aggregate, mechanically mixed, placed in foundation and
compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days complete
as per drawings and technical specifications Clause 802, 803,
1202 & 1203 MORD and 1500, 1700 & 2100 MORTH

4 Plain vibrated Cement Concrete M 15 grade using 20- and 12 12.88 Cum 7762.79 99985.00 12.25 Cum 7762.79 95094.00 0.00 4891.00 -
mm HBG metal mechanically mixed including cost and
conveyance of all materials inclusve of seignorage
charges,centering ,laying, vibrating and curing and machine
mixing charges for side walls of Side Drains etc., complete as
per drawings and technical specification Clauses 802, 804, 805,
806, 807, 1202 and 1204 MORD and 1500, 1700 & 2200

5 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete M20grade 4.71 Cum 5949.32 28021.00 4.81 Cum 5949.32 28616.00 595.00 0.00 -
using 20 & 12mm metal mechanically mixed in superstructure
as per drawing and technical specification Clauses 800, 1205.4
and 1205.4 MORD / sections 1500, 1600 & 1700 MORTH for
deck slab
As per detailed estimate As per Working estimate Difference
S.No Description of the work Remarks
Quantity Rate Amount Quantity Rate Amount Excess Less
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
6 Supplying, fitting, and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in 0.300 MT 81668.00 24500.00 0.352 MT 81668.000 28747.00 4247.00 0.00 -
superstructure complete as per drawing and technical
specifications Clauses 1002, 1010 and 1202 MORD / 1600
MORTH, for Bars below 36 mm dia including over laps and
wastage, where they are not welded.

7 Collection and supply of Selected earth spreading with uniform 41.00 Cum 249.38 10225.00 35.00 Cum 249.38 8728.00 0.00 1497.00 -
layer by watering and ramming including all operational,
incidental, labour charges, hire charges of T&P etc complete

8 Provision for QC charges @ 0.5% 964.00 966.00 2.00 0.00 -

9 Provision for seigneorage charges 6210.00 5771.00 0.00 439.00 -
10 Savinsg amount 3.00 126.00 123.00 0.00 -
As per detailed estimate 200000.00 200000.00 7667.00 7667.00
As per Working estimate 200000.00 7667.00
TOTAL Difference in estimate 0.00 0.00

Deputy Executive Engineer Assistant Engineer

PRI Sub Division: Kondepi Mandal Praja Parishad

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