The Finger of God
The Finger of God
The Finger of God
By Torace D. Solomon
Torace D. Solomon
Copyright © 2020 Torace D. Solomon
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 9798479213557
It is my prayer that every believers walks in liberty and is not held back by
the enemy. I want to encourage believers from around the world to get this
book in the hands of other believers, churches and organizations as a tool
to equip and establish a strong foundation on the ministry of deliverance.
Torace Solomon is not just a strong prophet. He is an amazing person and
gift to those who meet him. Torace’s love for the supernatural and
righteousness makes him incredibly valuable for this generation. It is my
prayer that this book would get on the hands of believers around the
Ryan LeStrange,
Author of Breaking Curses
Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................................................................. i
Your Authority ....................................................................................................... 1
Who Are You Fighting?...................................................................................... 14
Signs of Demonic Influence .............................................................................. 24
The Development of Strongholds .................................................................... 33
Generational Curses ............................................................................................ 54
The Anatomy of Soul Ties ................................................................................. 65
Breaking Legal Ground....................................................................................... 73
Prayer ..................................................................................................................... 86
Demonic Manifestation ...................................................................................... 96
Word Curses ....................................................................................................... 104
Deliverance Step-by-Step ................................................................................. 111
Demonic Snapshots .......................................................................................... 131
what set Him apart from the other teachers of His time! In the
Bible, we never see the authority to command demons prior to
Jesus’ ministry. His ability to demand peace in the lives of the
oppressed gave Him the influence He needed to expand the
kingdom of God. He is the blueprint for every deliverance
minister. Jesus was sent from heaven to deliver people from the
influence of darkness. He was anointed to proclaim deliverance to
the captives.
In this passage, Jesus was in a debate against the Pharisees
about the source of His authority to cast out demons, and I believe
His response to these accusations gives us the overall mission for
every deliverance minister. To cast out demons by the finger of
God means to command them to leave by His power. When
deliverance is done correctly, the kingdom of God is expanded.
That raises a question: what is the kingdom of God? Paul
answered this question in the book of Romans.
destruction of families. We must be careful not to allow a passion
for deliverance to turn into a dangerous obsession.
Many deliverance ministers have fallen into the extremist
category and make it scary for deliverance to flow freely in
churches. They conduct screaming contests with demons around
the altar, and they allow demons to manifest and hurt people. They
teach unscriptural practices that lead to chaos and end up
wondering why their ministries won't grow. Deliverance done
properly has the potential to grow any church. However, it has
become a ministry that people won't participate in because it can
get “messy.” It disturbs me to see people try to use deliverance to
show off their “strength.” That's not what deliverance ministry is
about; deliverance ministry is a ministry of love! Jesus, operating in
His role as a deliverance minister, used the authority from His
Father to bring order to chaotic moments, not to prove His
These self-sufficient types of practices have led people into
deceptions about who can cast out demons. Holy Ghost-filled
believers have been deceived into believing that only super
anointed, perfect people can operate in deliverance. We have
restricted deliverance to the Apostles and Pastors, and this is
exactly what the enemy wants. He wants his kingdom to remain as
hidden as possible. His goal is to influence God's people from the
shadows. He doesn't want you to know that you have the finger of
God to drive him from your life and the lives of anyone who
accepts the abundant life that Christ offers.
In Mark, Jesus declared that the first hallmark of His
followers would be the ability to cast out devils.
This short passage should debunk every myth that any self-
centered, power-hungry, fear-spreading leader tries to indoctrinate
you with. If you believe in Jesus Christ enough to submit to His
teachings, then you have authority over the powers of hell!
We see time and time throughout scripture that you share
your authority with whatever you come in agreement with. So,
when Christ came and offered the gift of salvation, your decision
to agree with that also enabled you to share in His authority as a
child of God.
bombards us with lies and deceit from the day we are born. He
starts early and won’t stop until you stop him.
This book is designed to guide and equip you to become an
effective and strategic deliverance minister. You should be warned
that deliverance ministry is an offensive weapon in the war against
the kingdom of darkness. Once you step up to the plate, you will
be attacked by hell on another level, but remember you have the
authority to overcome it!
My Experience
I have been operating in deliverance ministry for well over 15
years. I haven't always known the terminologies, but I was born
with a strong sensitivity to things of the spirit. As a child, I was
tormented by demons, so I was terrified of them for a long time.
They gave me nightmares and tried to train me to live a life of fear.
Demons would come into my room as a child, and I would see
them crawl on the walls. They would chase me in my dreams and
speak to me during the night. Once I was freed from their
torment, I became aggressive about making them leave God's
people alone!
A major part of the reason that demons had so much access
to my life was because of the generational sin of witchcraft and
clairvoyance that ran deep in my family line. Satan’s plan for my
life was for me to become a warlock like so many other men in my
bloodline. Throughout my life, witches have tried to convince me
to embrace the “gift” that was on my life. I'm not talking about
imaginary Miss Cleo clairvoyance. It is real! For generations, my
ancestors were documented in newspapers, police reports, and
other public records as faith healers, tarot card readers, and seers
that produced results and made a fortune from their ability to see
into the spiritual realm.
My ancestors didn't have normal jobs. They weren't cleaning
other people's houses, raising other people’s children, or working
other people’s farms like most African-American people during
that time. In the early 1900s, my ancestors were buying houses and
land with the money that came from capitalizing off the spirit of
divination. They were widely known, and they used the “gift” to
obtain affluence and influence.
The enemy wanted me to continue on that path, and I was
intrigued quite honestly. I grew up in a spiritually charged
atmosphere. As a child, I gravitated to books about invoking
spirits, incense, and spiritual visitations. I was always too afraid to
try anything, but if I hadn't been raised by sanctified parents and
grandparents, I would probably be a very rich warlock today. Satan
thought that through torment and promises of wealth that he
could prevent me from becoming the passionate deliverance
minister I am today.
Soon after salvation, I learned about my authority over the
enemy and the torment stopped. One of my most vibrant
memories about deliverance began during my freshman year of
college. I joined a campus ministry and somehow ended up as the
Director of Prayer and Intercession. One night as I was leading
prayer, one of our students fell to the floor and began to squirm
like a snake and hiss. I froze because I knew exactly what was
going on, and my mind automatically went to a place of fear. I was
scared to touch him. I didn't want to live through that torment
again. Everyone in the room panicked and looked at me. The Holy
Spirit came upon me in a way that I had not felt before and have
not felt since. I laid my hands on his stomach, and he immediately
began to cough up a greenish fluid. At that point, I had not read
any books on deliverance. I didn't know anything about demon
groupings or legal rights, but I did know the voice of God and
how to pray. That night, he gave his life to the Lord and was filled
with the Holy Spirit and prayed in tongues. That experience was
the first of the many scuffles I’ve had with the kingdom of
My beliefs about deliverance are very simple. Deliverance is
not rocket science! There are so many erroneous and extreme
teachings about deliverance floating around. In my opinion, they
give way too much information and too much credit to the
kingdom of darkness.
If you aren't careful, deliverance ministry can easily give room
for legalism. Deliverance is something that happens by the love
and grace of God. It doesn't follow one script or one formula. The
enemy is a legalist; God isn’t. I believe that it is dangerous to spend
more time studying and learning the enemy’s legalistic tactics than
learning how to express the grace and love of God to help people
become free. Strong deliverance ministers don’t study demons;
they study people.
I have seen so many deliverance ministers go to the extreme,
trying to make everything a demonic manifestation. They become
so learned and studied in paganism and occult lore that they forget
the importance of time in God’s presence. Deliverance is a
ministry that should be Holy Spirit led, which means that the
deliverance minister should spend as much time learning the habits
of the Holy Spirit as possible. Knowing how the enemy operates is
vital, but your knowledge should never trump the leading of the
Spirit! He is so much smarter than we are.
The objective of this book is to teach you how to drive out
every negative force influencing your life by the finger of God so
that His kingdom can come upon your life in a greater measure!
This book will give you guidelines and information to help you
learn as much from the Holy Spirit as possible. This won't happen
overnight. You can’t read your way into it. Your effectiveness will
grow as you submit to God.
Deliverance ministry is not for the faint of heart. The
kingdom of hell is highly organized and strategic in its attacks. You
must prepare for battle. In the chapters to come, I will teach you
how to protect yourself from these attacks. Don’t be afraid; Jesus
wants you to know how to evict the devil. He wants to crush the
kingdom of darkness under the feet of those who choose to
worship Him. You can do it! Going forward, you will have to
become self-objective and honest about any area in your life that is
not submitted to God. The first step in becoming a deliverance
minister is sweeping around your own front door. Prepare to be
challenged to unearth hidden things and deal with unhealed hurts,
unmet needs, and unresolved issues. It’s time to bring your healing
full circle, so you can extend the finger of God to those in need of
breakthrough around you.
Chapter One
Your Authority
From the beginning, we see when a man is submitted to God,
he has dominion over the enemy! Somehow, Satan fell into the
“everything that creeps and crawls” category. The bible tells us
that the serpent was a beast of the field. Satan manifested himself
in the form of an animal that was subtle and sneaky because he
knew he didn’t have much power. Humankind has always had
dominion over the enemy when they allowed God to have
authority over them. God could destroy the kingdom of darkness
with one word, but He chooses to do it through those who submit
to Him.
God designed us to rule! Satan saw what God gave us, and he
didn’t like it! He wasn't satisfied with being subordinate to
something that God created from dirt. Remember, Lucifer was a
high-ranking angel, known for his beauty! He was called the son of
the morning, thought to have been heaven’s worship leader. Now,
this once magnificent being is placed under the dominion of
something that God made from dirt. How humiliating is that for
someone who is so full of pride?! I'm sure it infuriated him.
Nevertheless, Satan refused to submit to God’s will, so God
decided to defeat him through men and women that would choose
to submit to His! God wanted man to mirror heaven on earth. He
told them to multiply so that the whole earth could be filled with
His glory.
your power]; and rule over (dominate) the fish of the sea, the birds of the air,
and every living thing that moves upon the earth.”
his lies, they became unsubmitted and lost their dominion.
Remember, you share your authority with whatever you come into
agreement with. Adam and Eve gave their authority up because
they doubted the word of the Lord. The enemy’s tactics have not
changed at all. He is still deceiving people into believing the
opposite of what God has said. He knows that if he can keep us
deceived, he can keep us defeated! However, God saw that man
had fallen and was gracious enough to have a plan for redemption!
earth represented the dominion to drive out devils! What angers
the entire kingdom of darkness even more is this: when Jesus
came, He didn’t keep all the power to himself; He shared it with
those who chose to believe Him!
name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus [a]every knee shall bow [in submission],
of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and that every
tongue will confess and openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord (sovereign
God), to the glory of God the Father.
Christ had the right to use His authority overall because the
Father gave it to Him! Do you notice a pattern here? God gave His
submitted Son all authority, and Christ gave all authority to His
submitted followers. The trend is simple—true authority comes
through submission. If you have areas in your life where you are
oppressed and depressed, they are likely areas in your life that are
unsubmitted to the Father. Your submission to God forces the
enemy to evacuate your life.
not about a show of authority. We do not become deliverance
ministers to prove our anointing or validate our calling.
Deliverance ministry is about submitting your heart to God so that
you can be a tool for someone else's freedom.
Many years ago, I attended a service where the preacher held
an altar call and prophesied to many people. A woman began to
manifest demonic spirits, making horse-like noises and walking on
all fours. By the look on the preacher’s face, it was apparent to
everyone that he was terrified. It was a well-known fact that this
preacher had unsubmitted areas in his life, particularly as it related
to sexual immorality. He began to try and call the spirit under
subjection, but the demon wouldn’t budge. Instead, it laughed at
him and mockingly said “no,” continuing its parade. Thankfully,
my mother was ready and equipped to cast out the demon
successfully. Here’s a bit of wisdom from that experience. For
years, I assumed that the demon didn’t come out of the woman
because of the man’s sexual sin. I thought that because he wasn’t
perfect, God wouldn’t use him. Meanwhile, as I continued to think
on this subject and study, I found that submission was the issue.
He did just have a fall. He was unsubmitted to God in the area of
his sexuality. That made the enemy laugh. You can only wield the
authority to which you yield. Every lease has terms and conditions.
The power isn’t yours! You’re leasing it from Christ, and the terms
and conditions are submitting to the counsel of His will!
It is very dangerous to engage in spiritual warfare when you
have not fully submitted to the authority of God. God does not
look for deliverance ministers to be perfect, but He does expect
them to progress. Submission to God is not about works and
deeds; submission to God is about your belief systems. When you
choose to believe that God's way is the best way and you choose
to follow His will above your own, that is submission to God.
Submitting to God and stepping into your position of
authority will cause the enemies in your life to manifest
themselves. When you truly walk in the light of God’s authority,
no darkness can hide. Embracing your authority as a believer and
an ambassador of heaven sends off alarms in the kingdom of
darkness. It tells demons that they have another target to take out
before their kingdom is destroyed.
The enemy's plan for your life is to keep you away from your
God-given authority. He knows that if he can stop you from
coming into agreement with heaven about whom you are and what
you're supposed to do, he can influence your life. Many believers
sit in church listening to the word of God over and over again and
never take the steps toward the submission to God that will enable
them to walk in truth! Society teaches us that submission is a sign
of weakness, but in God’s kingdom, we know that God's strength
is made perfect in weakness. It's okay to be weak when the Lord is
your strength. Never attempt to cast out any spirit in your own
strength because there is no power in your name. You don't have
the ability to command the enemy. Remember, your authority is
borrowed authority; it belongs to God. You are acting as His
representative in the earth realm. When you recognize your
authority and operate in it, you will begin to see the glory of God
manifest in your life.
When you stand against the enemy, you must stand in
authority to command him to leave. It is unnecessary for you to
scream, yell, or ask the demon a bunch of questions. You should
speak with clarity and confidence and remind your foe whom you
represent. There is power in His name! Don’t become zealous
because demons respond to you. Stay prayerful and vigilant.
Inasmuch, keep this in mind: just because something is
manifesting doesn’t mean it is coming out. If you are at the altar or
in a session where manifestations begin to get wild and unruly, you
must use your authority to make it stop.
authority and commanded the manifestations to stop and then
commanded the demon to come out! We must follow this same
I remember the first time I really started to believe in the
authority that we, as believers, have over demonic spirits. As a
child, I remember accompanying my mother while she preached
during an all-night prayer service. She ministered such a powerful
word that people began to testify and confess the things they were
dealing with. So much freedom was happening in the room; it was
beautiful. One guy stood up to “testify,” but soon he started saying
foul and horrible things that were just out of the ordinary. My
mother immediately discerned that it was a demon in operation,
and she addressed it directly. When she did, the man began to
shake himself violently. He continued this behavior until my
mother sharply commanded him to “stop that.” He instantly stood
at attention, stiff as a board. I knew it was real because she spoke
to him in the same tone in which she spoke to me whenever I
acted out as a child. It’s funny to think about it that way, but that’s
the level of boldness you must have.
That day, I embraced the authority that believers have, and I
learned to never allow a demon to manifest without speaking
directly to it! In the chapters to come, I will teach you how to deal
with manifestations in most cases. Demons are unpredictable, but
all powers must become subject to the name of Jesus!
Chapter One
Workbook Section
1. Along with an understanding of your spiritual authority, how does
your understanding of yourself and life experiences develop you as a
deliverance minister? Take 2-3 moments to reflect on the good and
bad experiences and write how they have helped/will help you
minister to others?
3. After reading this chapter, explain authority in your own words.
4. Identify and list the areas in your life that you are not submitted to
5. What are places of authority you feel as though you need to regain?
(Are these places mental, emotional, physical, etc.?)
6. What areas are you most passionate about seeing people delivered?
a. The areas that you are most passionate about seeing people
delivered are often the areas that you have experienced the
most pain.
Exercise: Write the ways you can leverage your painful experiences to
evolve as a powerful deliverance minister.
Chapter Two
Who Are You Fighting?
earth realm that spirit must be attached to a body. Even God
subscribed to this principle when He decided that He wanted the
fullness of His deity to walk among men, teach them, and lead
them. The difference between the spirit of God and the other
spirits is, When God needed a body to do His work among men,
He created one! Satan doesn't have that kind of authority. God
created Himself a body that was not bound to the sin patterns that
came from Adam’s loins. He conceived that body in a virgin
named Mary. The child's name was called Emmanuel which means
“God with us.” This is the reason that demons want to connect to
humans so desperately! If they can't connect to a human body,
they will go into animals to avoid being without a host.
every person who is born, and their job is to train you to think in a
way that keeps you from your God-spoken destiny!
I know it may be hard to grasp the concept of demons being
personalities without bodies, but the scriptures give us many truths
about demonic characteristics. Demons have personalities, but
they are not human. They do not have a human spirit that can be
saved. Listed below are some characteristics of demonic spirits
described by Derek Prince with some of my explanations and
Demons speak.
Demons will speak to you when you are casting them out.
Remember, they are masters of deception. DO NOT attempt to
hold conversations with them or ask them questions. They are
liars! Anytime demons spoke in the presence of Jesus, He
commanded them to be silent. When you cast out spirits, a demon
will speak to declare their rights to the person’s soul. They will
threaten you, and they will even mock or attempt to taunt you.
Never lose your focus. Command them to come out!
In this scripture, we see the emotions that demons feel about
leaving a person’s life. It is torment for them to be cast out. There
have been many times in sessions when demons would beg me not
to cast them out. Every spirit has its own personality. Some spirits
show anger about having to come out. On some occasions, I have
had demons cry and beg not to be cast out. I’ve been in services
where demons tried to run from me in fear of being cast out! You
must never show sympathy to any demon. It is your job to call
them out, so the person can be set free because demons are NOT
your friends.
This spirit that followed Paul was speaking the truth, but it
still had to come out. Never listen to the intelligence from demons.
Another tool in the enemy’s arsenal is flattery! Don’t be deceived;
stay connected to what the Holy Spirit is saying! Flattery is an open
door to deception and torment. Demons are not all-knowing, but
the demonic realm has an intricate surveillance network. They are
always attempting to watch and listen to gather intel against the
children of God. This is one reason that Satan is called the accuser!
Actually, the word Satan in Hebrew literally means accuser! It’s not
just whom he is, but it’s what he does. Demons want to seem all-
knowing to intimidate us, but they are not. The book of Isaiah
talks about spirits who peep and mutter to mediums and
necromancers. When you are submitted to God, you are hidden
under the shadow of His mighty power. No spirit can peep into
your life.
All demons desire to have a home, but some demons will try
to live out their desires and personalities through the person whom
they suppress or oppress. Demons will let you know their desires.
When you begin to command them to come out of a person,
sometimes they will declare their will. I once cast a demon out of a
woman, and a demon spoke through her to say, “I will not go. I
must have her children.”
Demons have community.
Chapter Two
Workbook Section
1. What does Mark 16:17 teach us about believers?
Exercise: As stated in this chapter, demons are masters of deception.
Write down ways you have seen the enemy deceive you and your
Exercise: Now that you know the truth about the enemy’s authority and
how dependent he is on you, write him a letter evicting him from your
mind, will, and emotions. Afterwards, take time to read it out loud.
Chapter Three
Signs of Demonic Influence
On another occasion, I had a young man who could not sleep
at all. A demon of insomnia had come upon him. The doctors had
prescribed medication to help him sleep, but nothing was working.
The Lord told me to have him bring one of his pillows from his
bed, so I could pray over it. I prayed over the pillow, turned to
him, and commanded the spirit of insomnia to leave him. He gave
a massive yawn, and I knew that he would never have that issue
again. He called me the next day and told me that he had the best
sleep of his life that night!
There are many signs of demonic influence. Remember,
demons are ancient intelligent personalities, so it is dangerous to
box them into one definition. The manifestation listed below are
just some of the most common ways to identify demonic
In this scripture, we see an example of oppression. The boy’s
father told Jesus that the demon who had influence over the child
would compel him to commit suicidal acts. Any time a person is
experiencing any type of oppression, there is a demonic spirit at
work. Oppression doesn’t have to bring the person any pleasure at
all. If there is something that he/she wants to stop doing and can’t,
it should be dealt with through deliverance. Oppression manifests
in many compulsive disorders: shopping, hoarding, eating,
gambling, sex, exercise, etc. When a person is dealing with
oppression, he/she is trapped in a pattern of repetitive and
senseless thinking. These thought processes can prove difficult to
overcome without the ministry of deliverance followed by therapy
to help retrain thought life.
Sin Cycles
Iniquity and sin cycles can be inherited from your parents and
cause generational bondage. For example, my ancestors practiced
divination and witchcraft. I was never taught any witchcraft, but as
a child, I had an unhealthy interest in things of the occult. It was
because that iniquity was tied to my bloodline.
Many Christians confess their belief in Jesus Christ and strive
to follow Him, but they are still enslaved to sin cycles. When
Christ died on the cross, He eliminated the power that sin had
over us. Any time you find a believer who has fasted, prayed, and
cried out to God but can’t seem to be separated from a particular
sin, you will find a demon at work. There is an open door to
his/her soul that has to be shut. They must allow the Lordship of
Christ to reign in that area. Many times, people stay in sin cycles
because of shame. God wants His people to be free. Your job as a
deliverance minister is to make sure that the person you are
praying for feels free of shame so that they can confess and be
healed. The person must confess their sin and confess that Jesus is
a deliverance minister. Any form of addiction is tied to very strong
demonic influence. The American Heritage Dictionary describes
addiction as a compulsive physical or mental need for habit-forming
substances, activities, or experiences. Addiction is also
characterized by a behavior performed in response to an
obsession. Here is a list of common addictions that can be broken
through the power of deliverance:
Mental Torment
person who was turned over to tormentors because he refused to
I define mental torment as a lack of peace. People who are
constantly afraid, worried, angry, anxious, or sad are people who
likely have come under some form of demonic oppression. God’s
word tells us how to think and overcome mental warfare, but
when we don’t submit to that word, we open ourselves up to
I once prayed for a woman of God who had severe knee
pain. During the interview portion of our deliverance session, I
found out that she constantly worried about her son. That mental
torment manifested in her body, and the only way she experienced
any type of release was through pain medication. We prayed
forgiveness prayers; she released worry, and I commanded pain to
leave her. Two years later, I went back to her church. She testified
that she never had to use medication again. She was completely
Mental torment includes, but is not limited to, hearing voices,
fears and phobias, suicidal tendencies, anger and violence, self-
condemnation, and depression. Fear can also manifest as dark
shadows following you.
Demonic influence is not the same as demonic possession.
Possession is a poor translation. The original wording in the
scripture for possession should have been translated as demonized.
The KJV incorrectly translates it to be “possessed with devils.”
There is nothing in the original Greek to support the word
possessed, which is completely misleading. Possession suggests
ownership, and we cannot be owned by demons. However,
Christians with unsubmitted areas in their heart can be influenced
and oppressed by the kingdom of darkness. Deliverance ministry is
a needed part of every person’s life.
magnify trauma. Demons use traumatic events to keep a person
from developing into what God designed him/her to be.
Chapter Three
Workbook Section
1. How does your discernment work? In what ways does the Holy Spirit
alert you to demonic activity?
2. Is there any unhealthy compulsive activity in your life that has led you
into places of oppression? When did these start?
3. If fortunate to administer deliverance, what are some ways you can
ensure you are conveying the ministry of love?
Exercise: Sit with the Holy Spirit and ask how unforgiveness manifested
into mental, emotional, or physical torment. Write down what He says.
Chapter Four
The Development of Strongholds
environment where fear, doubt, discouragement, and any other
attack from the enemy can't breathe! Satan is a legalist which
means that for him to take a space, he must have an agreement
with the person who owns it. You are in charge of your own
mental space. Therefore, every time you believe the enemy’s
perspective about yourself and your destiny, you sign an agreement
for Satan to have space in your mind. He endeavors to gain
influence in your life so that you’ll become bound by his
perspective. Once Satan starts leasing space in your mind, he starts
building a stronghold. The particular type of stronghold the enemy
specializes in are those that are control towers, not fortresses. A
fortress is a place of solitude and safety; thus, God is a fortress.
Whereas, a stronghold is a place of bondage and contempt.
a place where a particular perspective or belief is strongly defended
or upheld; they are mentalities used to manifest unseen
assignments into reality!
Strongholds are:
conscious thought and the preconscious thought is fact-based lies.
Fact-based lies are the details from the past thinking and current
thinking that seem to match up and align. In this scenario, the
facts are correct because you did have more than one failed
relationship, but the conclusion from these facts are not true! The
facts say you haven't had good luck with relationships, but the
truth according to God’s word is that you will never be alone. The
conscious thoughts and the preconscious thoughts that are held
together by fact-based lies work in repetition to create thought
patterns. The thought is “ I’m alone,” but the thought pattern is “
I’ll always be alone.” Thought patterns easily slip from the
conscious mind to the subconscious mind. It’s important to note
that the enemy will suggest thoughts in the first person so that you
will take ownership of these thoughts more easily. Every thought
that begins with “I” isn’t yours.
The subconscious mind is the autopilot part of the thinking.
I believe that 90 percent of the things that we do are not a part of
our conscious thinking; it is the work of our mind on autopilot.
For example, you start a new job, and for the first few days, you
have to actively think (i.e. your conscious mind) about your route
to work. After a couple of weeks of taking the same route to work
every day, your subconscious takes over, and you don't have to
actively think about your route. Negative thought patterns in the
conscious mind are built using this same regiment. You have to
detox your mind from the enemy’s automation because if negative
thought patterns sit in the subconscious mind long enough and we
react to the world from that place long enough it becomes a
stronghold and a part of our identity.
Progression of Strongholds
It is important to note the following:
Here is a list of common demon groupings.
Strongman Common Partners Strongman Common Partners
Phobias (all kinds) Acrophobia, GRIEF Crying, Sadness, Cruel,
Hysteria Agoraphobia, Sorrow, Heartache,
Cynophobia, Heartbreak
Social Phobias,
PARANOIA Jealousy, Envy, Suspicion, PASSIVITY Funk, Indifference,
Distrust, Fears, Listlessness, Lethargy
Persecution, Confrontation
those spaces. Possession is a definite term that suggests complete
control. Any demon’s goal is possession, but as a Christian, you
have the tools to fight it. If you have received the Holy Spirit, you
must allow nothing except Him to influence you!
Ephesians 6:17 teaches us how to defend our minds against
demonic warfare— we do so by putting on the helmet of salvation.
This is the portion of the armor of God that guards the mind. Paul
mentioned the helmet of salvation again in his first letter to the
Thessalonians with a little more detail.
The first point that we must pull out of this verse is that
mental attacks never stop. When you genuinely stand for God and
the ministry of deliverance, casting down arguments will become
second nature to you. The term casting down is a powerful term that
suggests that we should be aggressive about dismantling the lies of
the enemy in our lives and the lives of others. The reason the
enemy has a desire to make strongholds high (exalted) is for one
reason: he wants to be worshipped and seen.
In the original Greek for this verse, the word knowledge is
translated as wisdom, meaning the lies from the demonic are
designed to oppose all things that come from God's wisdom. They
block revelation, strategy, creativity, and inspiration. The wisdom
of God is the key to life and growth, so we have to be quick to
identify the thoughts that are planted from hell to ensure that the
flow of God’s wisdom is never hindered.
The last part of this verse shows us that the way to keep the
attacks of the enemy from having an effect is by making our
thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ! Jesus' obedience and
submission to His Father allowed Him to do the impossible, which
is what God wants for you also! However, you must follow His
Son's obedience. Christ showed us how to bring heaven's power
into the earth by living a submitted life. The obedience of Christ is
clarified in two passages of scripture.
I am He, and I do nothing on My own initiative, but I speak these things as
the Father taught Me.
Jesus trusted in His Father so much that His eyes and ears
were entirely attuned to what God said and did—He was
completely obedient. In that same way, every deliverance minister
must be completely compliant to win the war against Satan. Jesus
fixed His eyes and ears to the frequency of heaven because He
knew that what we see and hear directly affects our thought life. It
is extremely important for you to make sure that you are only
surrounded by the positive and Godly. Don't watch or listen to
anyone or anything that would take your focus away from your
assignment to operate by the finger of God.
I'm going to give you an easy way to identify thoughts from
hell. The bible teaches us how to think, and if we practice this next
verse, we can quickly identify thoughts planted by the demonic.
these things listed here are positive. Demons will never bring
positive thoughts to your mind because they want you to be
discouraged. They know that God does not use discouraged
people. You can overcome all the attacks of hell by staying positive
and full of courage!
Chapter Four
Workbook Section
1. Are you thinking negative thoughts before you fall asleep?
3. What limiting beliefs impact your life in undesirable ways? What is
the origin of each belief? Is each belief still true for you today? What
positive beliefs would counterbalance each one?
4. Have you ever been angry with God? If so, when, and why?
5. The book states that Satan is a legalist. Explain what does being
legalistic mean?
Exercise: Identify your most powerful stronghold. Partner with the Holy
Spirit and search for the initial thought.
Exercise: After you have identified the initial thought that led to a
stronghold, write down how the initial thought progressed into affecting
your identity. Explain what the initial thought was, and then explain the
thought pattern and how it has affected you as a stronghold.
Chapter 5
Generational Curses
prosperity. He was given divine favor and dominion over the
whole earth, but that ended when he allowed the sin of
disobedience to enter his life. Because of his sin, everyone born
from his loins carried the curse of sin and death. Sin passed on
from generation to generation! As time went on, a pattern formed.
Sin began taking on different forms and kept transferring from
parent to child! Jesus came to destroy the power of sin, but the
pattern goes on in those who don’t accept Him as Lord!
You have to understand why the attack against families is so
strong. Anytime God chose to release a new thing into the earth
realm He chose a family. New covenants were given to families.
Blessings were released to families! Healthy families are the natural
representation of God’s glory in the earth! It’s about legacy which
is why the foundation of every family is attacked with the most
weight. The foundation of every family is the mother and the
father, but the attack starts when they are sons and daughters.
Don’t play checkers when a generational curse that’s playing chess!
The framework for parents, according to the biblical model,
is the Father and the Mother. The attack on these two individuals
is duplicated and magnified in their children! The good, the bad,
and the ugly impact the family for generations to come! We have
to understand the enemy’s tool of legalism! When someone in your
bloodline makes dysfunction a habit, it’s passed down through two
channels: nurture or nature. Generational curses are fastened to a
person's life by the environment a person was raised in or by
his/her DNA or prenatal disposition.
The enemy does not have the authority to come into our lives
on his own. Therefore, he creates loopholes and agreements that
grant him access to us. I like to call generational curses that are
passed down by the environment a person developed in nurture
generational curses. These types of generational curses have
everything to do with how you are raised. The environment you
grow in directly affects your behavior and perspectives as an adult!
When our experiences modify the way we interact with our
environment, it’s called behavioral development. The enemy wants
to influence the way we behave as soon as possible. When
uncovering the way he attacks, we must take time to look at early
development! This process begins in the womb and continues into
old age. Multiple environmental factors influence nurture
generational curses, including but not limited to, the parents raising
and development, educational and economic achievements, mental
health and physical health and spiritual health.
Nurture generational curses manifest in us because we are
trained to amplify some of the same perspectives that our parents
have. It is easy for us to be parented into dysfunctional family
traditions and superstitions that give the enemy the green light that
he needs to start building mentalities and strongholds in our lives.
For example, a generational curse of abuse can be over a family!
Let's say a child witnesses his/her mother being abused by his/her
father for his/her whole life. That environment nurtures several
different perspectives. Many are different fruit from the same
cursed roots. The child could grow up full of hatred and anger
because of what he/she saw done to his/her mother. That
environment grants access to negative spiritual powers!
On the other hand, that same environment can also breed
fear, intimidation, and timidity. Two children can be raised in the
same environment and develop two opposite responses to their
parenting. This assignment on a person's life is directly connected
to his/her destiny and the destiny of his/her children.
Generational curses aren't carbon copy contracts; they are
designed to advance their impact with every generation.
Generational curses evolve and work hard to keep the root hidden!
They want to open the door for as much demonic influence as
possible! That's why the attack on the way we are nurtured is so
great. Parents must be aware of this when raising children. Nurture
generational curses can travel through the words and actions of
parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, or anyone trusted to
be a part of the village that raises a child. Be careful whom you
give space to speak into a child’s life. The attack starts in your early
development! Parents and guardians are responsible for helping a
child evolve into a healthy member of the kingdom of God, but
when negative environments are perpetuated the child will have to
retrain his/her mind and war for the proper perspective as an
The second way that generational curses latch onto a life is
through nature generational curses. Nurture and nature are two
very different approaches that the enemy uses to gain access to our
bloodline. While nurture is the influence of external factors after
conception like parenting, life experiences, and environment,
nature is our prenatal wiring and is influenced by genetic
inheritance and biological factors like blood! Generational curses
that are bound to a person by nature deals with the agreement that
a spirit may have with your bloodline. You can be raised in a
completely safe environment, but if there is a contract with your
blood, you will be enticed by the spirits associated with that
contract, even if you weren't nurtured into it. For example, if the
enemy has a generational contract of divination with a person's
bloodline that is never directly addressed, it can manifest in a
person's life without ever being introduced through parenting. My
family is an example of this. I come from many generations of root
workers and soothsayers. My grandmother was aware of this and
purposely kept me far away from it, but because that agreement
with divination was a part of my genetic coding, I always had an
interest in the supernatural! Early in life, God showed me the root
of this desire, and I broke the contract associated with my
bloodline. Another example for me is gambling. I've always known
that gambling has been a massive issue in my family, and because
of that, I am prone to be very competitive when playing games.
With that propensity in mind, I have made it my business never to
involve money in competitions. My father never raised me to
gamble, nor did he ever show me how to win, but I know what the
enemy's assignment is to my family, so I don’t give any room for
the enemy to take advantage in my life. Nature generational curses
can be a little more tricky to trace because they don’t always
directly involve your agreement. That’s right: you can be affected
by what your grandparents and their parents decided to agree with.
Numbers 14:18 (AMP)
18 ‘The Lord is slow to anger, and abundant in lovingkindness, forgiving
wickedness and transgression; but He will by no means clear the guilty,
visiting (avenging) the wickedness and guilt of the fathers on the children, to
the third and fourth generations [that is, calling the children to account for
the sins of their fathers].’
Do the math! You have two parents and each other; your
parents have two parents and so on. If you go back four
generations, that means that the decisions of at least 30 people
could be positively or negatively affecting your life. If you are
anything like me and there is a whole side of your family that
you’ve never met, you can become obsessive about trying to track
down the decisions of your ancestors but don’t. You don’t have to
live under generational bondage. When you make Jesus the Lord
of your life and receive his blood, you receive a spiritual blood
transfusion. When you continually submit to Him in your mind,
will, and emotions, you receive the heavenly benefits! Paul gives us
some great news in Romans that should ease any worries you have
about nature generational curses that may be active in your life or
the lives of your loved ones.
Romans 8:17 (AMP)
17 And if [we are His] children, [then we are His] heirs also: heirs of God
and fellow heirs with Christ [sharing His spiritual blessing and inheritance],
if indeed we share in His suffering so that we may also share in His glory.
We are God’s children, and when we agree with his plan for
our lives and submit to His Son we become adopted into the
fellowship of the beloved as sons and daughters of the Most High!
Once you become aware of the enemy’s assignment to your
family, you can almost always trace that to God’s assignment for
your family. The enemy attacks in the area where you’re supposed
to have the most authority. If you’re going to be a successful
deliverance minister, you must do an introspective study and
comparison of your life. Re-examine the environments that you
were nurtured in and ask yourself how this affected your life in a
negative way. Inasmuch, look for genetic patterns and ask yourself:
“How can I be the curse breaker?” It’s an amazing thing to be able
to promote freedom on behalf of God’s kingdom to people whom
you don't know, but it's better when you can bring your family out
of bondage with you. Generational curses cannot stay active in the
lives of people who decide to make a change. When you make the
move to fully agree with what God said about your life, you will
have power over every generational contract, no matter if it’s
nurture-driven or nature-driven. Destroying generational contracts
can be difficult for many people because it requires you to face the
comfortable bondages in your own life, but it also demands that
you face your family dysfunctions!
Though the bible does not explicitly use the term generational
curse, we see many examples of generational curses and their
principles in the scripture. We saw it with Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20.
Hezekiah made a bad decision, and the punishment for his actions
were assigned to his children. We also have to acknowledge the
fact that generational blessings are passed down in scripture. We
see with Isaac and Jacob, and Esau and also the 12 sons of Israel
that the father passes down a blessing to his sons! Generational
curses cannot stay active without agreement or ignorance.
Acts 1:8 (KJV)
8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you:
and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and
in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
The first place Jesus told His disciples to carry the power that
He gave them was to their family. Many of us have gotten it
twisted. We think that the Lord is going to make us amazing
deliverance ministers and then send us to the nations. That’s
admirable, but it’s not the pattern Jesus laid out in His instructions.
I believe that a training ground for your anointing and your
character is learning to minister to the people in your family.
Jerusalem was the first stop for the disciples because that’s where
they were from! That’s where Jesus spent a great deal of His time
In other words, minister to your bloodline first. Cast the devil
out of your family first. Break your generational curses first then
go over to Judea, which represents friends, acquaintances, and
people in your community. Judea was very close to Jerusalem and
the people of both areas regularly communed with one another.
Jesus thickened the plot though. He said to take that same power
and purge yourself from your opinion and go and minister in
Samaria, which represents your foes, enemies or people of
different backgrounds and perspectives. The Jews and the
Samaritans lived in hostility with one another because the Jews
considered the Samaritans as unclean half breeds. If you are going
to be effective in deliverance ministry, you can't skip this pattern.
What generational curses are connected to YOUR Jerusalem? Will
you be the curse breaker? Will you be the one that makes a stand
in your Judea? Can you put your differences aside and extend some
power to the people in your Samaria? Start within yourself and you
can take it to the uttermost parts of the world!
Chapter Five
Workbook Section
Carve out some time in the notes section and document both your paternal
and maternal family, sharing both family’s life stories. After identifying the
generational curses and the blessings within your family, how have those
curses and blessings affected you? This should identify the history of
strongholds from as far back as you can. Partner with the Holy Spirit to
gain insight. Create a quiet space for you to focus. Stay in tune to thoughts,
pictures, and feelings as you answer the questions below. The Holy Spirit
speaks in a number of ways.
Ask the Holy Spirit this question and wait for answer: “Holy Spirit, what
generational curses are active in my life right now?” Be patient and open to
his voice.
1. I confess and repent of the sins of my ancestors (ask the Holy Spirit to
reveal any in particular), my parents, and my own sin of
____________________. I repent of any anger and resentment that I have
against You, God, for allowing this in my life.
2. I forgive and release my ancestors for passing on to me this sin and for
the resulting curses of ________________. (Be specific and ask the Lord
for any revelation.) I ask You to forgive me for my participation in this sin.
I receive Your forgiveness. I forgive myself for participating in this sin.
Chapter 6
The Anatomy of Soul Ties
Genesis 2:7 (KJV)
7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into
his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.
beneficial results or negative results. Soul ties between two people
develop with vulnerability, intimacy, and a loss of boundaries.
Boundaries are in place to protect the future of your soul!
Your soul is the most important thing in your life, and every
relationship you enter into must benefit your destiny, or you will
create unhealthy expectations! Without boundaries relationships,
don't have definition. Without definition, a relationship won’t have
a purpose! Negative soul ties are created when boundaries aren't
established or respected. There are a number of things that break
down boundaries. Broken boundaries lead to tied souls! Here are a
few signs that your boundaries are being broken:
vulnerability is so important, but you have to be careful whom you
are vulnerable with. When sharing your traumas with people who
don't share your convictions, you open the door for your mind,
will, and emotions to be tethered to a perspective that does not
support growth.
When your mind is tied to another person, your perspective
of the world is connected and influenced by his/her perspective.
People who have soul ties don't think properly. I like to call this
area of the soul tie a mind-tie. They get stuck in mentally abusive
and manipulative relationships, but because they “feel” connected
to that person they allow the truth of their abuse to be irrationally
rationalized. They make excuses for every offense. Mind ties are
strongest in places of fantasy and in places of memory. This is why
it is so important to never invest in a relationship that was not
born in the will of God! I have had many occasions where people
want to break free from deception, but they don't because they
have put their hope in a fantasy of what the relationship could be.
Another link in soul ties are emotions. I have heard testimony
of people’s souls being so bound to each other that they knew
what a person was feeling without having natural communication
with him/her. This type of connection is soulish and dangerous,
especially when it's with someone who is not your destiny partner.
I have counseled many people who considered an emotional
connection as a sign from God that they were supposed to be with
a person. Emotions are not meant to be a guide for us; they are
designed to be a gauge for our needs, hurts, and issues. When you
allow your emotions to lead your decision making, you'll always
find yourself doing what you feel, but just because you feel
something doesn't mean that it's the right thing to do. All
emotions should be filtered through Holy Spirit. Emotion is a
fundamental component of all intimate relations. Negative
emotions can present a signal that something is not going well in
the relationship, motivating you to change. However, in soul ties,
the drive for change is ignored! It is necessary to permit yourself to
feel these adverse emotions when they arise and to deal with them
in a healthy way.
The final major factor in soul ties is the will. When in a soul
tie, your desires are all out of whack. Soul ties make you desire a
relationship with a person, even when everything about that
person is dangerous. I have helped countless people get free from
soul ties where they mentally knew the relationship was dangerous
and they emotionally were terrified of the individual but they still
desired the other person in their core. This desire is strongest
when the focus is on the pleasure that a person gives you more
than the pain he/she causes. We are designed for intimacy but at
different levels with different relationships. If you are going to be
effective in deliverance ministry, you must be prepared for the
bloody battle that comes with soul ties.
In the following chapter, you will learn how to break soul ties
through breaking legal ground, but before you get there you
should ask Holy Spirit to heal your memory and free you from any
fantasy that has your soul tied to anything.
Chapter Six
Workbook Section
Exercise: In the notes section, explain the three parts of the soul and how
they should align with God!
3. What are some signs of broken boundaries? Identify areas you have
possibly displayed broken boundaries that lead to an unhealthy soul
Chapter Seven
Breaking Legal Ground
It's also dangerous for the person receiving ministry. When legal
ground is not broken and a demon is forced out, it can cause a
person physical agony as it leaves. In addition, the demon will
come back!
the demonic. Breaking legal ground demands complete honesty.
The enemy uses shame to cause people to conceal their bondage
which inhibits them from being free. You must create an
environment that is completely confidential and free of judgment.
People will be honest when they trust that you are just as invested
in their freedom as they are.
According to Acts 2:38, Jesus calls us to repentance. It is by
repentance that God gives us a change of mind. Repentance opens
the door to closed areas in our thinking and allows the freshness of
God to breathe into us. We are then able to ward off the attacks of
the enemy.
You will know when people are truly desperate for
deliverance or if they just want attention. People who are truly
desperate for change will be willing to do whatever they need to do
to be free. True repentance leads to deliverance. Repenting is our
way of serving the enemy an eviction notice. It alerts him that
some things are about to change.
Demons thrive in darkness and secrecy. They manifest during
strong and anointed teaching because biblical teaching reveals
truth. This kind of teaching shines a light into the darkness within
us and causes us to realize areas where change needs to happen.
It’s necessary to repent of all known and unknown sins.
Mark 11:25-26 (AMP)
25 Whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive
him[drop the issue, let it go], so that your Father who is in heaven will also
forgive you your transgressions and wrongdoings [against Him and others]. 26
[But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your
relation to the abuse. He couldn’t think of anyone. Holy Spirit said,
“He must forgive himself in order to be free!” I took him through
prayers of self-forgiveness, and he was instantly set free. We must
forgive everyone who has offended us in any way.
In a session, you should remind the person that Christ already
knows what he/she has done and that Christ has already forgiven
him/her. When he/she confesses his/her wrong(s), he/she should
then confess Christ as his/her Lord and Savior. One reason that
many people struggle with confession is that it opens the door to
accountability. When you tell the truth about what’s going on with
you, it gives your Christian brothers and sisters access to help you.
During a previous session, one young man was so ashamed
of his sexual impurities that he covered his face to try to avoid
confessing them. Confessing faults makes things real for many
people. People can hold the memory for many years and never
speak on it, but when they confess their sins the severity of their
need for Christ becomes apparent! Confession uncovers hidden
demons. Remember, the enemy operates in secrecy; God doesn’t.
God deals in mystery, and if you seek Him, He will reveal hidden
things. Secrets are meant to be kept hidden, but mysteries are an
invitation to go deeper in your relationship with God. Confess all
your sins, and watch God flood that area with freedom and
I had to intentionally renounce all works of witchcraft that
were associated with my bloodline. I have never been actively
involved in witchcraft, but one of my ancestors made an
agreement with a spirit of divination. That pattern can be traced
throughout my family tree. You repent to God; you renounce to
the demonic world. Breaking legal ground can take time, but it is
definitely worth it. It helps people identify faulty thought patterns
and makes for a more thorough cleansing in deliverance. When
people are able to pinpoint what caused their pain, they are more
prone to seal the door shut!
Chapter Seven
Workbook Section
1. Check every tool used to break legal ground.
a. __Prophecy
b. __Forgiveness
c. __Thankfulness
d. __Confession
e. __Repentance
f. __Counseling
g. __Renunciation
3. Why is deliverance ministry without repentance impossible? In the
notes section, write out 2-3 scriptures that support your answer.
4. How are unforgiveness and pride correlated, and how do they stifle
your ability to see deliverance?
6. What does the enemy need in order to operate in the earth realm?
(Check all that apply)
a. __A body
b. __The agreement of mankind
c. __Deception
d. __Money
e. __Witches
Exercise: Take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to help you recall the
individuals and events in your life that have caused you pain. If you have an
offense, you must forgive.
In the notes section, write out this exercise for every person. Make sure
you take time and forgive yourself as well.
“I forgive____ for ___” (ex: I forgive my mother for never understanding me.)
Go down the list of people who are associated which each event.
Chapter Eight
Prayer is one of the most potent weapons that you will use
against the enemy. Prayer is not only the way that we communicate
with God, but it is also the way we become sensitive to what God
is saying and doing. When we pray, our hearts become knit with
His! This is important because you must feel God’s heart towards
every person receiving deliverance. Deliverance is not about a
show of strength; it is an act of God's love. If you don’t pray, you
won't have the capacity for compassion every deliverance minister
must have. The greatest weapon of attack is prayer.
Communion/Worship- This is prayer between you and God. As
I mentioned earlier, there is no way for you to be effective in
deliverance without communing with the source of delivering
power. This prayer is where you dedicate specific time to God for
yourself! You don’t go into this type of prayer asking for anything;
you enter prayers of communion for your mind and heart to be
knit with God’s. When you enter into worship with God, you will
become more aware of what is on His heart.
Petition- Prayers of petition are used to ask God to meet a need.
In a deliverance session, you will need a lot of things: strength,
insight, clarity, and courage. Never allow yourself to hit a wall
where you get lost and don’t pray for direction! The enemy can be
tricky, and he has stamina. Prayers of petition will help you walk
through every attack. Pray and believe God will meet your needs.
Praying in Tongues- Praying in tongues is a powerful tool in
deliverance. I do not believe that you should pray every prayer in
tongues because it is important for the person receiving
deliverance to understand what’s going on and being said. You
pray to build yourself up for war. Praying in tongues connects you
with Holy Spirit and allows His power to work through you. Here
is a disclaimer: demons are not afraid of your tongues. They
respond to the word of God and the name of Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 14:14-15(AMP)
14 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unproductive
[because it does not understand what my spirit is praying]. 15 Then what am
I to do? I will pray with the spirit [by the Holy Spirit that is within me] and I
will pray with the mind [using words I understand]; I will sing with the spirit
[by the Holy Spirit that is within me] and I will sing with the mind [using
words I understand].
Binding and Loosing- I believe that binding and loosing are the
most important prayers for every deliverance minister. They
should be practiced in every session. This is the way we exercise
our authority over the kingdom of darkness. Jesus said that He has
given us authority over all the authority of the enemy, which
means that we can command the enemy to leave us alone!
Guided Prayer: Father, I thank You for Your Son Jesus who
made it possible for us to stand before Your throne and make
declarations. You said in Your word that we have been given the
keys to the kingdom, and when we bind things on earth, they are
bound in heaven. Right now, I stand with that authority, and I
bind the works of every spirit that comes to promote torment,
depression, and anxiety. I loose peace into that place, in the name
of Jesus.
Chapter Eight
Workbook Section
1. How do intercession and deliverance go hand in hand?
2. Explain the prayer of binding and loosing.
3. How do worship and communion with the Holy Spirit enhance your
ability to administer deliverance?
Exercise: In the notes section, reflect over the exercise where you were
asked to partner with the Holy Spirit to help you recall the individuals and
events in your life that caused you pain. Write out a prayer of intercession
for the person who has offended you the most. (Ask God to show you His
heart and good intentions towards them).
In the notes section, write your own breaking legal ground prayer.
Chapter Nine
Demonic Manifestation
Luke 4:35 (AMP)
35 But Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be silent (muzzled, gagged) and come out
of him!” And when the demon had thrown the man down among them, he
came out of him without injuring him in any way.
Shaking- This can be a sign that the demon is afraid of being cast
out. I have experienced demons tremble in fear when hearing
Jesus’ name.
Weakness- Demons can cause people to feel weak during
sessions. This is sometimes a way for them to gain sympathy to
end the session, but you must command weakness to stop!
Talking- Demons will talk through a person when you are casting
them out. I do not ever recommend holding conversations with
demons. Demons are liars, so I don’t believe in asking demons for
any kind of information. When you need to know a demon’s name
or how it entered, you should ask Holy Spirit. Sometimes demons
will scream their names as they leave.
Always encourage the person receiving deliverance to breathe
and receive. Some people will try to pray and speak in tongues, but
you should encourage them to simply breathe and receive. I also
recommend that you encourage them to keep their eyes open so
that they are aware of what is going on. Demons are never in
control; as the deliverance minister, you are in control.
Furthermore, just because a demon is manifesting doesn't mean
that it is coming out.
When you come up against uncontrollable manifestations,
you should stop the session and revisit areas of legal ground.
Bitterness, unforgiveness, pride, and dishonesty can be hindrances
to freedom, making the sessions extremely laborious. I have
witnessed cases wherein people have felt demons move from one
place in their body to another in order to avoid expulsion.
A lady once came to me after a mass deliverance session and
mentioned that she had experienced a great deal of freedom but
felt like a spirit had hidden in her upper back. I placed my hands
on the area and commanded the spirit to leave. As the spirit came
out, I felt the spirit pass my hand as if it were a hard lump.
Lastly, never allow a demon to be a distraction to service. If a
demonic manifestation occurs during a worship experience,
continue to worship so that God can be exalted. Don’t ever stop
worship to deal with a demon. Call the manifestations under
subjections or take them to another room to deal with them.
Chapter Nine
Workbook Section
1. List some common reasons demons manifest.
2. What is the difference between a stronghold and a strongman?
4. Explain the components of a demonic stronghold.
Chapter Ten
Word Curses
During my years in deliverance ministry, I have come to
realize the true power of words. Word curses are one of the most
common yet powerful tools that the enemy uses to create
contractual agreements with God’s people. I have seen people
speak words out of bitterness and anger to each other! I’ve heard
people say things out of hate, and the results are devastating to the
soul. The weight of the harm isn’t in the initial contact but the way
the words linger and fester. Word curses aren't hard to identify.
They can be subtle or strong, but their goal is the same to wound
the soul!
The bible records history of people who sent and received
blessings and curses through their words. The bible speaks of the
tremendous power of words, both for good and evil, for blessing
and cursing. For instance, God spoke creation into existence. His
words have ultimate power and authority. Since we are created in
the image of God, it stands to reason that our words also carry
power. Here are a few biblical examples:
5. “But no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil,
full of deadly poison.” James 3:8
Word curses manifest in various ways but be sure that this is not
some superstitious or primitive belief. The bible speaks about
blessings and curses, and these are both real forces in the world.
Words are powerful by themselves, but what enhances the power
of word curses is when the person on the receiving end values the
person speaking the curse. What empowers a word curse to be
active in one's life is believing what’s being said about him/her. If
you want to destroy word curses, here are a few steps you can take.
you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect
will of God.”
Chapter Ten
Workbook Section
1. Identify word curses in your life that others have spoken against you
and you have spoken against yourself. How have these curses
impacted your life and destiny?
2. How are word curses activated?
3. In the notes section, list the most significant word curses. For each
one of those curses, write a declaration of blessing over yourself
along with scriptures to counteract it! Make these daily affirmations
to build your identity and confidence.
Chapter Eleven
Deliverance Step-by-Step
Personal Deliverance Sessions
you find that she has lost her mother in a tragic accident. You
could identify the entry point for the spirit of fear as coming from
the trauma of the tragic loss.
Guided Covering Prayer (Say out loud)- Father, You are full of
grace and truth. You are the creator of all and the source of all
authority! I praise You for allowing Your Son Jesus to come to
earth and shed His blood for our sins. I repent now for all known
and unknown sins I have committed and I ask that Your Son’s
blood be applied over my life and the lives of every person in this
room. I pray that the blood covers us from all backlash and
attachment, and I decree and declare that every spirit that leaves
this place goes to the dry places never to return again, in the name
of Jesus Christ.
Lord of his/her entire life. Some points in the example prayer
below will require acts of confession for them as well as on behalf
of their entire family line.
Jesus’ name. I repent and ask that You wash me with the waters of
Your word. I repent for every word that I have spoken against
people who have offended and hurt me. I pray that You would
bless them and forgive me for every judgment I have spoken
against them and the judgments that I have spoken against myself.
I break every negative inner vow that I have declared over my life
and destiny. Father, I pray that You would forgive me for all
involvement in occult activities. I acknowledge that Your word
identifies these things as sin, and I confess that I have participated
in_______(Ex: tarot card readings, horoscopes, root working,
etc.) Purge my soul from any residue of these things in Jesus’
name. I thank You Lord that everything I have prayed has been
answered because I have prayed it according to Your word and in
Jesus’ name. Amen.
forgiveness from You, we must forgive others. Your mercy flows
to me in spite of my faults and failures, so I now extend that same
mercy to every person who has offended me. I understand that
even though I feel the pain of the offense, my emotions don’t have
to control my decision to forgive. Lord, I choose to see the people
who have caused my pain as Your children, loved and accepted by
You, and I ask You to help me find the compassion that comes
with true forgiveness. I choose today to forgive ________(insert
person’s name) for ________(insert offense) (Ex: I forgive
Charles for stealing from me. Repeat this for every offender.) I
choose today to release each of these people from these offenses
into the freedom of my forgiveness. I also release myself from
being the victim any longer. I release myself from all woundedness
and deep hurt tied to these situations. I also choose to forgive
myself for ________(insert every self-inflicted offense. Ex: not
finishing school, having abortions) I release myself into the
freedom of my forgiveness in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Step 6) Casting Out- This part of the process can get very
interesting. It would be wise to have anointed oil napkins, paper
towels, hand sanitizer, and plastic bags on hand, as demons cause
many people to purge.
The first thing that you will do in your prayer is exalt God as
the Lord who wars on our behalf and acknowledge Jesus as His
Son who has all authority. Thank God for the person’s legal
ground being broken and then command every spirit that has been
operating in their lives to leave them, in Jesus’ name. Remember,
you have the authority of heaven backing you. You don’t have to
yell or shout; simply make bold biblical declarations. Don’t look
for immediate manifestations. Just keep praying according to what
you have identified during the interview. Remember, demons are
never alone. Where there is one, there is a group of them. Ask
Holy Spirit to lead you in what to call out of the person. Also,
remember that you have the authority to tell demons where to go.
I believe that it is appropriate to command them to go to the dry
places, the feet of Jesus, or the foot of the cross. You cannot cast
demons “back to the pits of hell from where they came” because
they didn’t come from there. If manifestations get out of control,
revisit the interview questionnaire and legal ground prayers.
any part of the body where you have seen through the interview or
revelation of Holy Spirit.)
At this point, you can begin to call out spirits by name. (ex:
Shame come out, fear come out, addiction come out, etc.) Don’t be
afraid to repeat the names of spirits as you are led by Holy Spirit.
Some spirits will come out instantly, but others will come out as
you continue to call their names.
Step 7) Fill and Seal- After you feel the release from Holy Spirit,
you should always pray a filling prayer. The release from Holy
Spirit can feel different ways for different people, but the way I
know that deliverance is done because the rooms feel light. Even if
the person already says he/she has the gift of Holy Spirit, pray for
a fresh filling in the areas that were once occupied by spirits.
Another way you can fill areas is to prophesy over them.
Encourage, exhort, and edify. After that, you will pray a sealing
Guided Sealing Prayer- Father, I thank You for the work that
Your Holy Spirit has done in ______(insert person’s name) today.
I pray that _______ (insert person’s name) be sealed by the blood
of the Lamb. If any spirit returns to him/her, may it find him/her
covered under the blood of the Lamb until the day Jesus returns.
After the session is complete, answer any questions the
recipient may have. Encourage him/her to seek counseling and
push him/her to submit to discipleship and accountability. It takes
a village to walk out deliverance. There is safety in submission to
Godly churches.
I was also reminded of the time where Jesus sent his word to
heal Jairus’ daughter. It gave me the revelation that deliverance
isn’t about physically pushing spirits out of a person. It is about the
person hearing and agreeing with the prayers being prayed to make
the decision to be free.
The steps for virtual deliverance are identical to the steps for
personal deliverance sessions. Here are some suggestions:
1. If you can’t do the virtual sessions with someone else, make
sure the session is recorded.
2. Ensure the person feels comfortable and knows that the
recording will be sent to him/her and only to be used as a
point of reference.
3. Also, it would be helpful for those receiving ministry to fill
out a liability waiver and a questionnaire prior to the session.
Step 1) Ask- If the leading minister doesn't make an altar call for a
specific issue, you should ask the person how you can pray for
him/her. Always start with what he/she asks for. If led by the
Holy Spirit, begin to pray over other areas as well.
Step 3) Casting Out- If you feel led to call out spirits, make sure
you clarify to the person that you are not talking to him/her. Tell
him/her that you are speaking to every negative thing that has
warred against him/her. If the lead minister has made a specific
altar call, stay on track with what was called. Remember, you don’t
have much time so be strategic and effective.
Self-deliverance Sessions
Self-deliverance is a tool of soul care that every believer
should practice. It’s a discipline just like prayer, meditation, and
fasting. We have been given authority over all the power of the
enemy, and that authority is not just for other people. Paul
encouraged the Philippians church to mature and work out their
own soul salvation!
5. Pray prayers that break legal ground.
a. Repentance
b. Renunciation
c. Confession
d. Forgiveness
7. Once you feel like you have freedom, ask Holy Spirit to
renew, refresh, and refill you! Ask Him to speak or show you
His plans for your life.
8. Thank Holy Spirit for helping you get freedom and make a
verbal declaration that everything that left your life can't
come back!
9. Repeat as needed.
Deliverance Don’ts
● Do not administer deliverance without having consumed a
mint or other breath freshener. Always have mints. Your
breath should not be offensive to anyone you are praying for.
● Do not pray in tongues into the person’s ear. Pray in tongues
before you go to the altar. Pray in his/her native language in
his/her ear.
● Do not yell into the person’s ear. You don't want to distract
him/her from receiving what you are praying.
● Do not blow into the person’s face.
● Do not ask people for personal or sensitive information at
the altar.
● Do not lay hands around the altar without permission from
the leader.
Chapter Eleven
Workbook Section
1. Follow the steps in chapter 11. Take yourself through self-
deliverance. Write in the notes section about your experience.
2. Did you feel anything leave you as you prayed?
3. What did you feel leave your life?
Exercise: In the notes section, name the variations of deliverance ministry
styles and how they differ from each other.
Chapter Twelve
Demonic Snapshots
Many times in deliverance, Holy Spirit will give you the name
of the “strong man.” The strong man is the head of every demonic
group. Calling the demon by its name, what it says, or how it
manifests will kill any excuse the demon has to ignore your
command. Demons are masters of secrecy and do not want to be
exposed, but knowing their names can be instrumental in calling
deliverance recipients into the light of freedom. I included a short
list of demons you will commonly come across during deliverance
sessions. This is not a complete list, so if you would like more
information on certain spirits, I suggest reading the book titled
Demon Hit List by Apostle John Eckhardt and Setting The Captives
Free by Pastor Bev Tucker.
Demonic Snapshots
victim and a victimizer. It partners with murder, death, and
premature death. Counteract with John 6:35; Ezekiel 16:6
BARRENNESS- a common result after abortion. This spirit can
cause sterility in women and men. It partners with fruitlessness,
sterility, and uselessness. Counteract with Isaiah 54:1
CONTROL- the root of all witchcraft that partners with
manipulation, possessiveness, and religion. Control is often used to
direct a person's behavior and future. Counteract with Isaiah 41:10
FEAR- a spirit that directly attacks our faith in God’s ability,
intentions, and love concerning us. It partners with apprehension
and causes torment. Counteract with 1 Peter 5:6-7; Psalm 118:6, 2
Timothy 1:7
murder, and destruction to keep people bound in emotional
instability. Counteract with Proverbs 10:12
JEZEBEL- a spirit that wars for power and control. It will use
any form of manipulation to gain control. It partners with python,
whoredom, false doctrine, and self-idolatry.
NARCISSISM- a prideful spirit that causes a person to be self-
centered and apathetic. It causes destruction, strife, tension, and
throughout the body, loins (Isaiah 21:3). Perpetual (Jeremiah
15:18) affliction (Psalm 25:18), hurt, painful memories, and
emotional pain.
RAPE- an attack of sexual violence on the physical, psychological,
and emotional parts of a human being. It partners with hurt,
shame, humiliation, molestation, torment, suicide, and insanity.
RESISTANCE- a spirit that comes to block the truth, the word,
Holy Spirit, salvation, deliverance, praise and worship, and prayer.
During deliverance, this is one of the first spirits to start dealing
with. It partners with stubbornness, hardness of heart,
impediment, obstruction, fighting, and arguing.
gloominess, discouragement, death, murder, despondency, despair,
hopelessness, death wish, insanity, madness, confusion, and
rejection. Counteract with Isaiah 26:3 and Philippians 4:7
Chapter Twelve
Workbook Section
List the ten demonic snapshots that have affected your life the most. In the
notes section, write out a prayer (using scripture) to combat each of these
50 Deliverance Facts & Scriptures
Psalm 34:17 When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and
delivers them out of all their troubles.
Psalm 107:6 Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he
delivered them from their distress.
Psalm 50:15 “And call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver
you, and you shall glorify me.”
“Demon’s ability to affect you solely depends on what you
allow them to do. Remember, Christ gave us power over
1 John 2:20 But you have been anointed by the Holy One, and you
all have knowledge.
2 Chronicles 20:17 You will not need to fight in this battle. Stand
firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the Lord on your
behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid and do not be
dismayed. Tomorrow go out against them, and the Lord will be
with you.
2 Peter 2:9 Then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from
trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day
of judgment.
2 Samuel 22:1 And David spoke to the Lord the words of this
song on the day when the Lord delivered him from the hand of all
his enemies, and from the hand of Saul.
2 Thessalonians 3:3 But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you
and guard you against the evil one.
Acts 10:38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy
Spirit and with power. He went about doing good and healing all
who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.
Exodus 14:13 And Moses said to the people, “Fear not, stand
firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you
today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see
Galatians 5:1 For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm
therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
Genesis 17:1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old the Lord
appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am God Almighty; walk
before me, and be blameless.”
Genesis 45:7 And God sent me before you to preserve for you a
remnant on earth, and to keep alive for you many survivors.
James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray
for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous
person has great power as it is working.
John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
God, and the Word was God.”
John 15:7 “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask
whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son,
that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal
John 8:32 “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you
Joel 2:32 And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the
name of the Lord shall be saved. For in Mount Zion and in
Jerusalem there shall be those who escape, as the Lord has said,
and among the survivors shall be those whom the Lord calls.
Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has
anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me
to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the
blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed.”
Luke 4:32 And they were astonished at his teaching, for his word
possessed authority.
Luke 7:47 “Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are
forgiven—for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves
Mark 1:25 But Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be silent, and come
out of him!”
Mark 16:17 “And these signs will accompany those who believe:
in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new
Matthew 10:1 And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave
them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal
every disease and every affliction.
Philippians 1:6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good
work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
Psalm 10:12 Arise, O Lord; O God, lift up your hand; forget not
the afflicted.
Psalm 107:20 He sent out his word and healed them, and
delivered them from their destruction.
Psalm 32:7 You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from
trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance. Selah.
Psalm 40:17 As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes
thought for me. You are my help and my deliverer; do not delay, O
my God!
Romans 10:13 For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord
will be saved.”
Romans 5:8 But God shows his love for us in that while we were
still sinners, Christ died for us.
“Bitterness, unforgiveness, pride, and dishonesty can be
hindrances to freedom.”
Romans 8:6 For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set
the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.