25.09.2020 1.English(Compulsory)(3251)
Friday (Same for B.A.(Women Empowerment)Sem.VI(7192)
26.09.2020 1.Music (Instrumental)(3280) /Women Empowerment(Contemporary Issues of Womens Rights)(3337)
Saturday (Same for B.A.(Women Empowerment)Sem.VI(7196)
2.Microbiology (Applied Microbiology-II)(3311)
28.09.2020 1.Economics( Quantitative Methods for Economists) (3263) (Same for B.A. (Women Empowerment)
Monday Sem.VI(7198)/ Defence and Strategic Studies(Regional Security & Cooperation)(3274)/Sociology(Social
Research and Scientific Methods)(3265) (Same for B.A.(Women Empowerment)Sem.VI(7197)
/Education(Modern Indian Education)(3288)/ History of Art-B (3287) /Fine Art-A(Drawing &
Painting)(3279)/ Commercial Art (Art Appreciation and Advertising) (3345)(Old Syll.2017-18)
/Sculptures(3285) / Human Rights ( Women Rights and Human Rights)(3336)/ Applied Art (Art Appreciation
and Advertising) (3284)/
2.Chemistry(Organic Chemistry-A)(3293)/ (Organic Chemistry-IV)(3346)(Old Syll.2017-18)
29.09.2020 1. Philosophy Opt. i)(Indian Metaphysics and Epitemology) (3267)/Opt. ii) Aesthetics (3268) (Same for
Tuesday B.A.(Women Empowerment)Sem.VI(7202) & (7203))/ Geography (Geography of India)(3269)/ Rural
Development-VI (3275) /Agricultural Economics and Marketing (Agricultural Marketing-III)(3276) /Industrial
Economic-VI (3277)/ Music(Vocal)(3281)
2.Microbial & Food Technology(Quality Control of Foods Products) (3333)
30.09.2020 1.Political Science(International Politics :Theory & Practice)(3264)(Same for B.A. (Women Empowerment)
Wednesday Sem.VI(7195) /Statistics-I(Economic Statistics)(3303) /Commerce (Business Laws)(3306)/Electronics
(Microprocessor Programming) (601) (3340) /Indian Classical Dance(3282)
2.Chemistry (Physical Chemistry-B) (3294)/ (Physical Chemistry-IV) (3347) (Old Syll.2017-18)
01.10.2020 Vocational Courses :A/I : Journalism and Mass Communication (Public Relations)(3321)/
Thursday Mass Communication and Video Production(Video Electronic Film Production)(3325)/ Office Management &
Secretarial Practice(Stenography in English)(3312)/ Tax Procedure and Practice(Customs Act)(3335)/
(Customs-Procedure & Practice)(3348)(Old Syll.2017-18)/ Advertising Sales Promotion and Sales
Management(Sales Promotion and Public Relations)(3316)/ Tourism and Hotel Management(3331)/Tourism
and Travel Management(Information , Communication & Automation)(3313)/ Still Photography and Audio
Production (3314) / Geomology and Jewellery Design(3330)/ Functional English(Office Communication for
Business)(3308)/ Functional Sanskrit(3315)/ Functional Hindi (Radio, Durdarshan Prasaran, Adhunik Sanchar
Madhayam aur Gadhay Ki Anay Vidhayen) (3322)/ (Radio, Durdarshan Prasaran, Adhunik Doorsanchar
Madhayam aur Gadhay Ki Anay Vidhayen) (3344)(Old Syll.2018-19) (Time Allowed 2:30 hours) /Hindi
Patarkarita (Electronic Media aur Patrakarita) (3338)
03.10.2020 1.Public Administration (Development Administration(with special reference to Punjab)(3266) /
Saturday Physical Education (3272)/ Computer Science (Information Technology)(3305) (Same for B.A. (Women
Empowerment) Sem.VI(7201)
Zoology-VI-B Opt. i ) Medical Laboratory Technology(3300) /Opt. ii) Economic Entomology-
II(3301)Opt.iii) Inland Fisheries-II(3302)
05.10.2020 Vocational Courses :A/I : Food Science & Quality Control(FSQC-11:Food Plant Layout &
Monday Management)(3310)/ Early Childhood Care and Education(3317)/ Fashion Designing & Garment
Construction(History Costumes of India & World-II)(3323)/ Cosmetology(3327)/ Industrial
Microbiology(Fermentation Tech.)(3326)/ Biotechnology(Environmental Biotechnology and Plant
Biotechnology)(3329)/ Bioinformatics(Structural Biology & Molecular Modelling)(3332)/
Dairy Farming(3320) / Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics(Community Nutrition)(3307)
06.10.2020 1.English(Elective)(Modern English Novel)(3254)/Punjabi (Elective)(3255)/ Hindi (Elective)(Laghu
Tuesday Vidhaien,Adhunik Kal,Nibandh Lekhan tatha Paribhashik Shabdavali) (3256) / Urdu-URL-
302(History of Urdu Literature)(3258)/Persian PRL-302: (Composition and Grammar (3261)
Russian-I RSL-321 (Grammar and an Introduction to Literature)(3259)/
French-I FRL-321 (Composition ,Grammar and Comprehension)(3260)
07.10.2020 Vocational Courses :A/I : Computer Application (Business Data Processing)(3309)/Automobile
Wednesday Maintenance(3324)/ Information Technology(Software Engg. )(3328) / Information Technology(Specialization
Software Development Paper-I: C++(OPP Language )(3339)
3.Vocational Courses : B/II : Refrigeration and Air Conditioning- L(3319)
08.10.2020 1. Mathematics-II(Numerical Analysis)(3290) /Travel & Tourism(Exploring Tourism in Punjab)(3334)
09.10.2020 1.Statistics-II(Vital Statistics & Industrial Statistics)(3304) /
Friday 2. Electronics (Television System (602) (3341)
Note:-Candidates are allowed to use colored pencils for diagrams in subject of Economics.
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(82838^30014) Landline No.-0183-2258851, 0183-2258802-9 (Extn.-3073, 3074) (Email Id.-