Guru Nanak Dev University Revised - : FOR Date Sheet
Guru Nanak Dev University Revised - : FOR Date Sheet
Guru Nanak Dev University Revised - : FOR Date Sheet
B.A./B.Sc. Semester-II(Class Code:103202/103302)Theory(Regular/Private/Reappear
Candidates) Examination, May/June-2019
Note: -The Candidates must be on their seats at 8:45 a.m. sharp as per date-sheet below. The answer books with Optical Mark Reader
(OMR) front covers will be distributed at 8:45 a.m.
15 minutes time in the beginning of each paper is budgeted for filling up the OMR sheets properly under the instructions and
supervision of invigilators. The question paper will be distributed at 9:00 a.m. sharp and the examination will continue till
12:00 p.m.
TIME: - 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.(Except,where indicated otherwise)
Date & Day Subject/Paper/Sr.No.
02.05.2019 1.Public Administration (Indian Administration)(2519) /Physical Education (2524)/Computer Science
Thursday (Programming Using C)(2551)
2.Microbiology (Basic Food Microbiology)(2559)
04.05.2019 1.English(Compulsory)(2501)
Saturday (Same for B.A.(Women Empowerment)Sem.II(3551)
06.05.2019 1.Economics(Indian Economy)(2516)/ Defence and Strategic Studies(International Relations Defence
Monday Aspects)(2526)/Sociology(Fundamentals of Sociology-II)(2518)/(Fundamentals of Sociology)(Old Syll.
2013)( )/Education(Philosophical Foundations of Education)(2538)/ History of Art(2590)(Old
Syll.2018)/Fine Art-A(Drawing & Painting)(2531)/Applied Art(Art Appreciation and
Advertising)(2536)Commercial Art (Art Appreciation and Advertising) (2589) (Old Syll. 2016)
/Sculptures(2537)/Human Rights(Our Duty in Relation to Society)(2579)
2.Botany-II A (Cell Biology)(2545)
08.05.2019 1.PoliticalScience(ModernPoliticalTheory)(2517)/Statistics-I(Statistical Methods-II)(2549)/
Wednesday /Commerce(Book Keeping and Accountancy)(2552)/ Electronics(201)(Principles of
Electronics - II)(2593)(Old Syll.2018)/Indian Classical Dance(2534)
2.Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry-A)(2543)/ (Inorganic Chemistry-II)(2591) (Old Syll.2018)
26.05.2019 1.Philosophy(Ethics: Western and Indian) (2520)/ Geography(Physical Geography-II: Climatology &
Sunday Oceanography)(2521)/ Rural Development-II(2527)/Agricultural Economics and Marketing(Agricultural
Marketing-I)(2528)/Industrial Economics (Industrial Economics-II)(2529)/Music (Vocal)(2533)
Travel & Tourism(Indian Heritage and Tourist Resources)(2583)
2. Physics-A(Relativity and Elecromagnetism )(2541)
28.05.2019 1.Home Science(Family Resource Management and Physiology)(2522)
Tuesday 2.Tabla(2535)
3. Physics-B (Vibration and Waves)(2542)/ (Waves and Oscillations)( )(Old Syll.2015)
30.05.2019 1. Sanskrit (Elective)(Kavy, Vyakaran Avam Anuwad)(2508)/ Russian-II(Translation &
Thursday Compoairion)(2511)/French-II(Translation & Grammar)(2513)
2 Microbial and Food Technology(Fundamentals of Food Processing and Technology)(2582)
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bJh B'Nhfce/;aBia th u?e eo bJ/ ikD.