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Aliah University


IIA/27, New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata- 700 160

Date : 28.06.2019

Board of studies ( BOS) approved curriculum and syllabi for B Tech in

Electronics and Communication Engineering.

(Academic Session 2019-20 & onwards)

Board of studies ( BOS ) members present on 28.6.2019 at 2.00 pm at HoD room, Electronics
and Communication Engineering department.

1. Dr. SK. Moinul Haque, HoD, ECE Dept., Aliah University Chairperson

2. Mr. Md. Abdul Alim Sheikh, Asst. Prof., ECE Dept., Aliah University Member

3. Dr. Md. Asraful Sekh, Asst. Prof., ECE Dept., Aliah University Member

4. Mr. Somsubhra Talapatra, Asst. Prof., ECE Dept., Aliah University Member

5. Mr. Anisur Rahaman, Asst. Prof., ECE Dept., Aliah University Member

6. Mr. Sabir Ali Mondal, Asst. Prof., ECE Dept., Aliah University Member

7. Mr. A.H.M Toufique Ahmed, ECE Dept., Aliah University Member

8. Mr. Md. Aftab Alam, Asst. Prof., EE Dept., Aliah University Member

9. Dr. Ayatullah Faruk Mollah, Asst. Prof., CSE Dept., Aliah University Member

Aliah University

Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester


Curriculum and syllabi of B.Tech


(Academic Session 2019-20 & onwards)

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Aliah University

Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

General, Course structure & Theme

Course code and definition:

code Definitions
L Lecture
T Tutorial
P Practical
BSC Basic Science Courses
ESC Engineering Science Courses
HSMC Humanities and Social Sciences including Management courses
PCC Professional core courses
PEC Professional Elective courses
OEC Open Elective courses
LC Laboratory course
MC Mandatory courses
PROJ Project

Definition of Credit:

1 Hr. Lecture (L) per week 1 credit

1 Hr. Tutorial (T) per week 1 credit
1 Hr. Practical (P) per week 0.5 credits
2 Hours Practical (Lab)/week 1 credit

Range of credits –
A range of credits from 150 to 160 for a student to be eligible to get Under Graduate degree in
Engineering. A student will be eligible to get Under Graduate degree with Honours or additional
Minor Engineering, if he/she completes an additional 20 credits. These could be acquired through

Structure of Undergraduate Engineering program:

Category Category name Ideal credit set Actual credit proposed
Index by AICTE
HSMC Humanities and social science including management 12 10
BSC Basic Science course 25 23
ESC Engineering Science course 24 22.5
PCC Professional core courses 48 60.5
PEC Professional elective courses 18 21
OEC Open elective course 18 12
PROJ Project, seminar, internship in industry 15 16
MC Mandatory courses Non-credit 0
TOTAL 160* 165
*Minor variation is allowed as per need of the respective disciplines.

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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

Semester-wise structure of curriculum

[L= Lecture, T = Tutorials, P = Practicals & C = Credits]

Semester I (First year)

Sl no Category Paper code Name of the paper Periods per week Credit
L T P Total C

1 ESC MENUGES01 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 4 4

2 ESC EENUGES01 Basic Electrical Engineering 3 0 0 3 3

3 BSC MATUGBS01 Engineering Mathematics I 4 0 0 4 4

4 BSC PHYUGBS01 Engineering Physics 3 0 0 3 3

5 ESC CENUGES01 Engineering Graphics & Design 0 1 3 4 2.5

6 ESC EENUGES02 Basic Electrical Engineering Lab 0 0 3 3 1.5

7 BSC PHYUGBS02 Engineering Physics Lab 0 0 3 3 1.5

8 MC UCCUGAU01 Elementary Arabic & Islamic 4 0 0 4 0




** Students will undergo an induction program of 3 weeks duration during

the First Semester

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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

Semester II (First year)

Sl no Category Paper code Name of the paper Periods per week Credit
L T P Total

1 ESC CSEUGES01 Programming for Problem 3 0 0 3 3


ESC ECEUGES01 Basic Electronics Engineering

2 3 0 0 3 3

3 BSC MATUGBS02 Engineering Mathematics II 4 0 0 4 4

4 BSC CHMUGBS01 Engineering Chemistry 3 0 0 3 3

5 HSMC ENGUGHU01 Communicative English 3 0 0 3 3

6 ESC CSEUGES02 Programming for Problem 0 0 4 4 2

Solving Lab

ESC ECEUGES02 Basic Electronics Engineering

7 0 0 3 3 1.5

8 ESC MENUGES02 Workshop Practice 0 1 2 3 2

9 BSC CHMUGBS02 Engineering Chemistry Lab 0 0 3 3 1.5

10 HSMC ENGUGHU02 Language Lab 0 0 2 2 1



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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

Semester III (Second year)

Sl no Category Paper code Name of the paper Periods per week Credit
L T P Total

ECEUGPC01 Analog Electronics 3 0 0 3 3
ECEUGPC02 Signals and Networks 3 0 0 3 3
ECEUGPC03 Physics of Semiconductor Devices 3 0 0 3 3
3 0 0 3 3
MATUGBS03 Engineering Mathematics III 4 0 0 4 4
Indian Constitution 2 0 0 2 0
ECEUGPC04 Analog Electronics Lab 0 0 3 3 1.5
8 PCC Data Structures Lab
CSEUGPC02 0 0 3 3 1.5



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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

Semester IV (Second year)

Sl no Category Paper code Name of the paper Periods per week Credit
L T P Total

1 PCC Digital Electronics and Logic

ECEUGPC05 3 0 0 3 3
ECEUGPC06 Electromagnetic Engineering 3 0 0 3 3
3 PCC Electronic and Electrical
ECEUGPC07 3 0 0 3 3
3 0 0 3 3

BIOUGBS01 Biology for Engineers 2 0 0 2 2
6 MC
UCCUGMC02 Environmental Science 2 0 0 2 0
7 PCC Digital Electronics & Logic
ECEUGPC08 0 0 3 3 1.5
Design Lab
8 PCC Transmission Line and Antenna
ECEUGPC09 0 0 3 3 1.5


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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

Semester V (Third year)

Sl no Category Paper code Name of the paper Periods per week Credit
L T P Total

1 PCC Microprocessor and

ECEUGPC10 3 0 0 3 3
ECEUGPC11 Communication System 3 0 0 3 3
3 PCC Micro and Nano Fabrication
ECEUGPC12 3 0 0 3 3
4 PCC Power Electronics Devices &
EENUGPC17 3 0 0 3 3
5 PCC Control System
EENUGPC08 3 0 0 3 3
OEC III 3 0 0 3 3

Communication Systems Lab

ECEUGPC13 0 0 3 3 1.5

8 PCC Microprocessor and

ECEUGPC14 0 0 3 3 1.5
Microcontroller Lab
EENUGPC11 Control Systems Lab 0 0 3 3 1.5



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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

Semester VI (Third year)

Sl no Category Paper code Name of the paper Periods per week Credit
L T P Total

ECEUGPC15 Digital Signal Processing 3 0 0 3 3
2 PCC Photonics Devices and Optical
ECEUGPC16 3 0 0 3 3
ECEUGPC17 VLSI Circuit Design 3 0 0 3 3

3 0 0 3 3
ECEUGPC18 Digital Signal Processing Lab 0 0 3 3 1.5
6 PCC Photonics Devices and Optical
ECEUGPC19 0 0 3 3 1.5
Communication Lab
ECEUGPC20 VLSI Circuit Design lab 0 0 3 3 1.5
8 PROJ ECEUGPR01 Seminar 0 0 2 2 1

9 PROJ ECEUGPR02 Electronic Design Workshop 0 0 2 2 1



*** A student must undergo summer internship of 2-4 week duration during the break
after 6th semester (before commencement of 7th semester). The same will be evaluated
during 7th semester.

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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

Semester VII (Fourth year)

Sl no Category Paper code Name of the paper Periods per week Credit
L T P Total C

3 0 0 3 3
3 0 0 3 3


3 0 0 3 3

PEC IV 3 0 0 3 3
5 HSMC Industrial Economics &
MBAUGHU01 4 0 0 4 4
0 0 3 3 1.5
Microwave Lab)
7 PCC Electronic Design automation
ECEUGPC21 0 0 3 3 1.5
ECEUGPR03 Summer Internship - - - - 2
ECEUGPR04 Project I 0 0 8 8 4



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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

Semester VIII (Fourth year)

Sl no Category Paper code Name of the paper Periods per week Credit
L T P Total C


3 0 0 3 3

PEC VI 3 0 0 3 3
MBAUGHU02 Professional Values & Ethics 2 0 0 2 2
4 PEC PEC VII (Wireless and Mobile
0 0 2 2 1.5
Communication lab)
ECEUGPR05 Project II 0 0 16 16 8
ECEUGPC22 Grand Viva - - - - 2



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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

List of Elective papers

Professional Elective Course (PEC)-I:

SL. No Code Subjects
1 ECEUGPE01 Information Theory and Coding

2 ECEUGPE02 Micro Electro Mechanical System

3 ECEUGPE03 Nanotechnology

Professional Elective Course (PEC)-II:

SL. No Code Subjects
1 ECEUGPE04 Satellite Communication
2 ECEUGPE05 Remote Sensing

3 ECEUGPE06 Advanced Optical Communication

Professional Elective Course (PEC)-III

SL. No Code Subjects
1 ECEUGPE07 Image Processing and Computer Vision

2 ECEUGPE08 Medical Signal Processing

3 ECEUGPE09 Adaptive System and Signal Processing

Professional Elective Course (PEC)-IV

SL. No Code Subjects
1 ECEUGPE10 RF and Microwave Engineering

2 ECEUGPE11 Radar System

3 ECEUGPE12 EMI/EMC Techniques

Professional Elective Course (PEC)-V

SL. No Code Subjects

1 ECEUGPE13 Wireless and Mobile Communication

2 ECEUGPE14 Adhoc & Sensor Network

3 ECEUGPE15 Renewable Energy

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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

Professional Elective Course (PEC)--VI

SL. No Code Subjects
1 ECEUGPE16 Soft Computing
2 ECEUGPE17 Robotics and Intelligent System
3 ECEUGPE18 Optical & Advanced Control

Professional Elective Course (PEC)--VII

SL. No Code Subjects

1 ECEUGPE19 RF and Microwave Engineering Lab
2 ECEUGPE20 Wireless and Mobile Communication Lab

List of Open Elective Courses

Sl no Code Course Semester

1 CENUGOE01 Building Materials 3rd

2 CSEUGOE01 Data Structures & Algorithms Analysis
3 ECEUGOE01 Electronic Devices & Circuits
4 MENUGOE01 Materials Engineering
5 CENUGOE02 Engineering Geology 4th
6 CSEUGOE02 Computer Organization
7 ECEUGOE02 Principal of Communication System
8 ECEUGOE03 Digital Electronics
9 MENUGOE02 Thermodynamics
10 CENUGOE03 Transportation Engineering 5th
11 CSEUGOE03 Object Oriented Programming
12 ECEUGOE04 Microprocessor & its Application
13 MENUGOE03 Strength of Material
14 CENUGOE04 Environmental Engineering 6th
15 CSEUGOE04 Data Communication & Computer Networks
16 ECEUGOE05 Microelectronics
17 MENUGOE04 Mechatronics
18 CENUGOE05 Hydraulics Engineering 7th
19 CSEUGOE05 Digital Image Processing
20 ECEUGOE06 Radar System
21 MENUGOE05 Non-conventional Energy Utilization
22 CENUGOE06 Construction Management 8th
23 CSEUGOE06 Data Science
24 ECEUGOE07 Laser Technology
25 ECEUGOE08 Neural Network
26 MENUGOE06 Finite Element Method
27 MBAUGOE01 Entrepreneurship Development 5th semester

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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

Semester wise Credit Segregation


1st - 8.5 11 - - - - √ 19.5

2nd 4 8.5 11.5 - - - - x 24

3rd - 4 - 12 3 - √ 19

4th - 2 - 12 - 3 - √ 17

5th - - - 19.5 - 3 - x 22.5

6th - - - 13.5 3 2 x 18.5

7th 4 - - 1.5 13.5 - 6 x 25

8th 2 - - 2 7.5 - 8 x 19.5

TOTAL 10 23 22.5 60.5 21 12 16 0 165

Note: Subject code indicated by CSE/EE, the concerned departments (CSE/EE) will
have to organize the course. The detailed courses in such cases have to be recommended
by the concerned departments.

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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

Semester I (First year)

ESC MENUGES 01 Engineering Mechanics 3L-1T-0P 4 Credits

Upon completion of this course, students will able to grasp the following concepts –
 Use scalar and vector analytical techniques for analyzing forces in statically
determinate structures.
 Apply fundamental concepts of kinematics and kinetics of particles to the analysis of
simple, practical problems.
 Understand basic kinematics concepts – displacement, velocity and acceleration (and
their angular counterparts);
 Understand basic dynamics concepts – force, momentum, work and energy;
 Understand and be able to apply Newton’s laws of motion;
 Understand and be able to apply other basic dynamics concepts – the Work-Energy
principle, Impulse – Momentum principle and the coefficient of restitution;
 Learn to solve dynamics problems choosing an appropriate solution strategy;
 Attain an introduction to basic machine parts such as pulleys and mass-spring systems
Module Content Lecture
Module 1 Importance of Mechanics in engineering. Introduction to Statics; 3
Concept of Particle and Rigid Body; Types of forces: collinear,
concurrent, parallel, concentrated, distributed; Vector and scalar
quantities; Force as a vector; Transmissibility of a force.
Introduction to Vector Algebra; Parallelogram law; Lami’s theorem; 3
Co-ordinate representation of vector; Cross product and Dot product
and their applications.
Two dimensional force system; Resolution of forces; Moment; 4
Varignon’s theorem; Couple; Resolution of a coplanar force by its
equivalent force-couple system; Resultant of forces
Module 2 Concept and Equilibrium of forces; Free body concept and diagram; 4
Equations of equilibrium, plane frames and trusses.
Concept of Friction; Coulomb friction; Angle of Repose; Coefficient 4
of friction
Module 3 Distributed Force: Centroid and Centre of Gravity; Centroids, circular 4
sector, quadrilateral, composite areas consisting of different figures.
Moments of inertia: Parallel axis theorem; Perpendicular axis 4
theorem; Mass moment of inertia of symmetrical bodies e.g. cylinder,
sphere, cone etc.
Concept of virtual work and energy; Concept of simple stresses and 4
strains; Torsion; Concept of fluid statics
Module 4 Introduction to Dynamics: Kinematics and Kinetics; Newton’s laws of 4
motion; Law of gravitation & acceleration due to gravity; Rectilinear
motion of particles; determination of position, velocity and
acceleration under uniform and non-uniformly accelerated rectilinear
motion; construction of x-t, v-t and a-t graphs.

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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

Plane curvilinear motion of particles: Rectangular components 4

(Projectile motion); Normal and tangential components (circular
motion). Relative motion.
Module 5 Kinetics of particles: Newton’s second law; Equation of motion; 6
D’Alembert’s principle and free body diagram; Principle of work and
energy; Principle of conservation of energy; Power and efficiency;
Impulse and Momentum.
Module 6 Steady flow; Vibration 2

Books Recommended:
1. Engineering Mechanics [Vol I & II] by Meriam & Kraige – Wiley India
2. Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics by R.C. Hibbeler – Pearson
3. Vector Mechanics for Engineers [Vol I & II] by F. P. Beer and E. R. Johnston, TMH
4. Engineering Mechanics by Timoshenko, Young and Rao – TMH

ESC ECEUGES01 Basic Electronics Engineering 3L-0T-0P 3 Credits

(for CEN,MEN & CSE)

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Semiconductor Basics: 7
Energy band theory, Fermi levels, Conductors, Semiconductors and
Insulators: electrical properties, Semiconductors: intrinsic and extrinsic,
P-type and N-type semiconductors; electrical conduction phenomenon,
drift and diffusion carriers, mass action law.
Module 2 Rectifying Devices: 6
Formation of P-N junction, formation of depletion zone, Junction
capacitance-I characteristics, Zener breakdown, Avalanche breakdown.
Linear piecewise model; rectifiers: half wave, full wave, ripple factor,
efficiency, Clipper and Clamper circuits
Module 3 Transistors: 7
Formation of PNP / NPN junctions, principle of operation,
configurations, transistor characteristics. Biasing and Bias stability:
small signal low frequency operation of transistors; equivalent circuits h
parameters, Transistors as amplifier: voltage gain, current gain, input
impedance and output impedance, Decibel power.
Module 4 Field Effect Transistor: 4
Construction and characteristics of JFET and MOSFET characteristics;
depletion and enhancement type, FET small signal model.
Module 5 Feed Back Amplifier: 4
Block diagram, properties, positive and negative feedback, loop gain,
topologies of feedback amplifier; effect of feedback on gain, output
impedance, input impedance, sensitivities(qualitative),bandwidth

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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

Module 6 Operational Amplifier: 4

Introduction to integrated circuits, operational amplifier and its terminal
properties; concept of virtual earth, Gain-frequency and Slew rate;
inverting and non-inverting mode of operation, voltage summing,
difference, voltage follower, integrator, and differentiator.
Module 7 Electronic Instruments: 4
Principle of operation of CRO; Electron ballistics and electron beam
deflection; Concept of time base; Measurement of voltage, and

Text Books:
1. Rakshit & Chattopadhyay, Foundation of Electronics, New Age
2. Cathey, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Shaum series, TMH
3. Boylestead & Nashlesky, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Pearson
4. Millman and Halkias, Integrated Electronics, TMH

ESC EENUGES 01 Basic Electrical Engineering 3L-0T-0P 3 Credits

(for ECE & EEN)

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Introduction: 4
Basic concepts of Electrostatics and Electromagnetic.
Module 2 DC Circuit: 6
Introduction of Electric Circuit & Elements, Loop Analysis, Node
analysis, Star (Y) - Delta (∆) & Delta (∆)-Star (Y) Transformations.
Module 3 DC Network Theorem: 8
Superposition Theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorems,
Maximum Power Transfer Theorem, Reciprocity Theorem, Time-
domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits.
Module 4 Single-phase AC Circuits 8
Generation of Sinusoidal Voltage Waveform (AC) and Some
Fundamental Concepts, Representation of Sinusoidal Signal by a
Phasor, Analysis of single-phase ac circuits consisting of R, L, C, RL,
RC, RLC combinations (series and parallel), resonance. Three phase
balanced circuits, voltage and current relations in star and delta
Module 5 Transformer: 4
Definition, working principle & construction, EMF equation, Equivalent
circuit, Open circuit & Short circuit tests, Efficiency & Regulation.
Module 6 DC Machines: 4
Constructional Features of D.C Machines , Principle of Operation of
D.C Machines, EMF & Torque Equation , D.C Generators, D.C Motors,
Losses, Efficiency, 3-point Starter and speed control of DC shunt Motor.

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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

Module 7 Three-phase Induction Motor: 1

Introduction to 3-phase induction motor
Module 8 Introduction to Power System: 1
Basic concepts of Power System

Text Books:
1. D.P. Kothari & I.J. Nagrath, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, TMH.
2. Hughes, “Electrical and Electronics Technology”, Pearson Education.
3. V.N Mittle & Arvind Mittal, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, , TMH, Second Edition.
4. V. D. Toro, “Electrical Engineering Fundamentals”, Prentice Hall India,
5. C L Wadhwa, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, New Age International Publishers.

BSC MATUGBS01 Engineering Mathematics I 4L-0T-0P 4 Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Basics of sequence and series ; Power series, Limit, Continuity. 14

Module 2 Differentiation, Mean value theorems and its application; Taylor’s 12

theorem, Maclaurin’s infinite series; Maxima and minima; L
Hospital’s rule.
Module 3 Reduction formulae, Beta and Gama functions. 2

Module 4 Lines and planes, Polar coordinates, Quadric surfaces, Volume, 10

Area, length.
Module 5 Continuity, Differentiability of vector functions, Arc length; 10
Curvature, Torsion, Serret-Frenet formulas, Double, triple integrals,
Jacobian .
Module 6 Green theorem, Gauss theorem and Stokes Theorems and its 6

1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics : Erwin Kreyszig
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics : R.K. Jain & S. R. K lyengar
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics : C. R. Wylle & L. C. Barrett
4. Differential & Integral Calculus : N. Plskunov

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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

BSC PHYUGBS01 Engineering Physics 3L-0T-0P 3 Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Mechanics 12
Classical mechanics: scalars and vectors, vector multiplication, central
force, mechanics of system of particles, elastic properties, rotational
motion, fluid dynamics: viscocity, Stoke’s law, streamline flow,
equation of continuity, Reynold’s number, Bernoulli’s theorem
Quantum mechanics: Photoelectric effect, de-Broglie’s hypothesis,
matter wave, Hysenberg’s uncertainty principle, wave function,
Schrodinger equation and simple problems
Statistical mechanics: Necessity of statistical mechanics, Maxwell-
Boltzman, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distribution formula

Module 2 Optics 6
Huygen’s principle, Interference of light, Young’s double-slit
experiment, Newton’s ring; Diffraction: Fresnel and Fraunhofer class,
Fresnel’s half-period zones, zone plate, Fraunhofer diffraction due to
single slit and plane transmission grating (elementary theory);
Polarization: plane, circular and elliptically polarized light, Brewster’s
law, Polaroid, optical activity.
Coherence length and time; Einstein’s A and B coefficients;
spontaneous and induced emissions, condition for laser action,
population inversion, He-Ne laser
Optical Fiber, core and cladding; total internal reflection; optical fiber
and waveguide; communication through optical fiber, energy loss,
attenuation and dispersion
Module 3 Electrostatics & Electricity 6
Coulomb’s law, intensity and potential of point charge, Gauss’s theorem
and simple applications, electric-dipole, Electric displacement,
capacitor, parallel plates and cylindrical, Thermoelectricity, Magnetic
effects of currents, Self-inductance, Mutual inductance, Transformer
Electric circuit elements and AC, DC circuit analysis.

Module 4 Solid State Physics 6

Crystalline nature of solid, diffraction of X-ray, Bragg’s law, Mosley’s
law, explanation from Bohr’s theory, Origin of the energy gap, band
theory; metal, semiconductor and insulators; intrinsic and extrinsic
semiconductors, dia, para and ferro magnetic materials,

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Module 5 Nuclear Physics 6

Binding energy of nucleus, Binding energy curve and stability,
Radioactivity, successive disintegration, radioactive equilibrium,
radioactive dating, radioisotope and their uses, Nuclear transmutation,
fission & fusion, nuclear reactor


ESC CENUGES01 Engineering Graphics & 0L-1T-3P 2.5 Credits


Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Introduction to Engineering Graphics: 30
Drawing instruments and accessories, BIS – SP 46. Use of plane scales,
Diagonal Scales and Representative Fraction.
Engineering Curves:
Classification and application of Engineering Curves, Construction of
Conics, Cycloid Curves, Involutes and Spirals along with normal and
tangent to each curve.
Module 2 Projections of Points and Lines: 30
Introduction to principal planes of projections, Projections of the points
located in same quadrant and different quadrants, Projections of line
with its inclination to one reference plane and with two reference
planes. True length and inclination with the reference planes.
Projections of Planes:
Projections of planes (polygons, circle and ellipse) with its inclination
to one reference plane and with two reference planes, Concept of
auxiliary plane method for projections of the plane
Module 3 Projections of Solids and Section of Solids: 20
Classification of solids. Projections of solids (Cylinder, Cone, Pyramid
and Prism) along with frustum with its inclination to one reference
plane and with two reference planes. Section of such solids and the true
shape of the section
Module 4 Drawing practice: 20
Drawing practise using software like AUTO CAD

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Reference Books:
1. A Text Book of Engineering Graphics by P.J.Shah S.Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Elementary Engineering Drawing by N.D.Bhatt Charotar Publishing House, Anand.
3. A text book of Engineering Drawing by R.K.Dhawan, S.Chand & Company Ltd., New

ESC ECEUGES02 Basic Electronics Engineering Lab 0L-0T-3P 1.5 Credits

(for CEN,MEN & CSE)

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Familiarization of Electrical and Electronics Components 3

Module 2 Familiarization of Various Instruments like Power Supply, Digital 3

Multimeter, Function
Module 3 Generator, CRO etc. 3
Module 4 Study of Junction Diode Characteristics 3
Module 5 Study of Zener Diode Characteristics 3

Module 6 Study of Clipping Circuits 3

Module 7 Study of Clamping Circuits 3

Module 8 Study of Rectifier Circuits 3

Module 9 Study of BJT Characteristics 3

Module 10 Study of FET Characteristics 3

Module 11 Study of fundamental characteristics of OP-AMP 3

Module 12 Determination of Slew rate and bandwidth of an OP-AMP. 3

ESC EENUGES02 Basic Electrical Engineering Lab 0L-0T-3P 1.5 Credits


Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Verification of Thevenin’s Theorem 3

Module 2 3
Verification of Norton’s Theorem
Module 3 Verification of Superposition Theorem 3
Module 4 Power Measurement of Fluorescent Lamp 3

Module 5 V-I characteristics of Incandescent Lamp 3

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Module 6 Speed Control of DC motor Using Field and Armature Control Method 3

Module 7 Starting and reversing of DC motor 3

Module 8 Open circuit and Short circuit test of Single Phase Transformer 3

Module 9 Calibration of Voltmeter and Ammeter 3

Module 10 Characteristics of Series R-L-C Circuit 3

Module 11 Characteristics of Parallel R-L-C Circuit 3

Module 12 Resistance measurement and continuity test of DC motor using Megger 3

BSC PHYUGBS02 Engineering Physics Lab 0L-0T-3P 1.5 Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Measurements of length (or diameter) using vernier scale, slide 3
caliper, screw gauge and travelling microscope.
Module 2 Determination of the radius of curvature of a spherical surface by 3
using spherometer.
Module 3 Determination of moment of inertia of (a) a cylinder and (b) a 3
rectangular solid bar.
Module 4 To determine the focal length of a concave lens by combination 3
method and hence to determine the refractive index of the material
of the lens by measuring the radii of curvature of both lenses
Module 5 Determination of the average resistance per unit length of the meter 3
bridge wire by Carey-Foster’s method and hence to determine an
unknown resistance
Module 6 Determination of the horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic 3
field and the magnetic moment of a magnet by employing
Module 7 Determination of Young’s Modulus of elasticity of a material of a 3
bar by the method of flexure.
Module 8 Determination of rigidity modulus of a material of a wire by static 3
Module 9 Determination of rigidity modulus of a material of a wire by 3
dynamic method.
Module 10 Determination of unknown frequency of a tuning fork by using a 3

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MC UCCUGAU01 Elementary Arabic & Islamic 4L-0T-0P 0 Credits




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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

Semester II (First year)

ESC CSEUGES01 Programming for Problem Solving 3L-0T-0P 3 Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Introduction to computing: 1
block architecture of a computer, bit, bytes, memory, and representation
of numbers in memory.
Module 2 Introduction to problem solving: 1
Basic concepts of an algorithm, program design methods, flowcharts.
Module 3 Introduction to C programming: 2
A Brief History of C, C is middle-level Language, is a Structured
Language, Complier Vs Interpreters, The Form of a C Program, Library
& Linking, Compilation & Execution process of C Program . [2]
Module 4 Variables, Data Types, Operator & Expression: 3
Character Set, Token, Identifier & Keyword, Constant, Integer, Floating
Point, Character, String, Enumeration, Data Types in C, Data
Declaration & Definition Operator & Expression, Arithmetic,
Relational, Logical, Increment & Decrement, Bit wise, Assignment,
Conditional, Precedence & Associability of Operators.
Module 5 Console I/O: 2
ntroduction, Character input & Output, String Input & Output,
Formatted Input/Output (scanf/printf), sprintf & sscanf.
Module 6 Control Statement: 4
Introduction, Selection Statements, Nested if, if-else-if, The “?”
Alternative, The Conditional Expression, switch, Nested switch,
Iteration Statements, for loop, while loop, do-while loop, Jump
Statements, Goto & label, break & continue, exit() function.
Module 7 Array & String: 6
Single Dimension Arrays, Accessing array elements, Initializing an
array, Multidimensional Arrays, Initializing the arrays, Memory
Representation, Accessing array elements, String Manipulation
Functions, searching, sorting an array.
Module 8 Function: 4
Introduction, advantages of modular design, prototype declaration,
Arguments & local variables, Returning Function Results by reference
& Call by value, passing arrays to a function, Recursion.
Module 9 Storage Class & Scope: 2
Meaning of Terms, Scope - Block scope & file scope, Storage Classes
Automatic Storage, Extern Storage, Static, Storage, Register Storage.
Module 10 Pointers: 4
Introduction, Memory Organization, The basics of Pointer, The Pointer
operator Application of Pointer, Pointer Expression, Declaration of
Pointer, Initializing Pointer, De-referencing Pointer,Void Pointer,

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Pointer Arithmetic, Precedence of &, * operators Pointer to Pointer,

Constant Pointer, Dynamic memory allocation, passing pointer to a
function, array of pointers, accessing arrays using pointers, handling
strings using pointers.
Module 11 Structure, Union, Enumeration & typedef: 2
Structures, Declaration and Initializing Structure, Accessing Structure
members, Structure, Assignments, Arrays of Structure, Passing,
Structure to function, Structure Pointer, Unions.
Module 12 C Preprocessor: 2
Introduction, Preprocessor Directive, Macro Substitution, File Inclusion
directive, Conditional Compilation.
Module 13 File handling: 3
Introduction, File Pointer, Defining & Opening a File, Closing a File,
Input/Output Operations on Files, Operations on Text mode files and
binary mode files, Error Handling During I/O Operation, Random
Access To Files, Command Line Arguments

Suggested Books:
1. B.S. Gottfried: Programming in C; TMH.
2. B.W. Kernighan and D.M. Ritchie: The C Programming Language; PHI.
3. H. Schildt: C++: The Complete Reference; TMH, 4e.
4. B. Stroustrup: The C++ Programming Language; Addison-Wesley.
5. E. Balagurusamy: Programming in ANSI C; TMH.
6. Yashwant Kanetkar: Let Us C; BPB Publications.
7. K. N. King: C Programming: A Modern Approach, W. W. Norton and Company.
Pradip Dey and Manas Ghosh: Programming in C, Oxford University Press

ESC ECEUGES01 Basic Electronics Engineering 3L-0T-0P 3 Credits

(for ECE & EEN)

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Semiconductor Basics: 7
Energy band theory, Fermi levels, Conductors, Semiconductors and
Insulators: electrical properties, Semiconductors: intrinsic and extrinsic,
P-type and N-type semiconductors; electrical conduction phenomenon,
drift and diffusion carriers, mass action law.
Module 2 Rectifying Devices: 6
Formation of P-N junction, formation of depletion zone, Junction
capacitance-I characteristics, Zener breakdown, Avalanche breakdown.
Linear piecewise model; rectifiers: half wave, full wave, ripple factor,
efficiency, Clipper and Clamper circuits
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Module 3 Transistors: 7
Formation of PNP / NPN junctions, principle of operation,
configurations, transistor characteristics. Biasing and Bias stability:
small signal low frequency operation of transistors; equivalent circuits h
parameters, Transistors as amplifier: voltage gain, current gain, input
impedance and output impedance, Decibel power.
Module 4 Field Effect Transistor: 4
Construction and characteristics of JFET and MOSFET characteristics;
depletion and enhancement type, FET small signal model.
Module 5 Feed Back Amplifier: 4
Block diagram, properties, positive and negative feedback, loop gain,
topologies of feedback amplifier; effect of feedback on gain, output
impedance, input impedance, sensitivities(qualitative),bandwidth
Module 6 Operational Amplifier: 4
Introduction to integrated circuits, operational amplifier and its terminal
properties; concept of virtual earth, Gain-frequency and Slew rate;
inverting and non-inverting mode of operation, voltage summing,
difference, voltage follower, integrator, and differentiator.
Module 7 Electronic Instruments: 4
Principle of operation of CRO; Electron ballistics and electron beam
deflection; Concept of time base; Measurement of voltage, and

Text Books:
1. Rakshit & Chattopadhyay, Foundation of Electronics, New Age
2. Cathey, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Shaum series, TMH
3. Boylestead & Nashlesky, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Pearson
4. Millman and Halkias, Integrated Electronics, TMH

ESC EENUGES01 Basic Electrical Engineering 3L-0T-0P 3 Credits


Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Introduction: 4
Basic concepts of Electrostatics and Electromagnetic.
Module 2 DC Circuit: 6
Introduction of Electric Circuit & Elements, Loop Analysis, Node
analysis, Star (Y) - Delta (∆) & Delta (∆)-Star (Y) Transformations.
Module 3 DC Network Theorem: 8
Superposition Theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorems,
Maximum Power Transfer Theorem, Reciprocity Theorem, Time-
domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits.

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Module 4 Single-phase AC Circuits 8

Generation of Sinusoidal Voltage Waveform (AC) and Some
Fundamental Concepts, Representation of Sinusoidal Signal by a
Phasor, Analysis of single-phase ac circuits consisting of R, L, C, RL,
RC, RLC combinations (series and parallel), resonance. Three phase
balanced circuits, voltage and current relations in star and delta
Module 5 Transformer: 4
Definition, working principle & construction, EMF equation, Equivalent
circuit, Open circuit & Short circuit tests, Efficiency & Regulation.
Module 6 DC Machines: 4
Constructional Features of D.C Machines , Principle of Operation of
D.C Machines, EMF & Torque Equation , D.C Generators, D.C Motors,
Losses, Efficiency, 3-point Starter and speed control of DC shunt Motor.
Module 7 Three-phase Induction Motor: 1
Introduction to 3-phase induction motor
Module 8 Introduction to Power System: 1
Basic concepts of Power System

BSC MATUGBS02 Engineering Mathematics II 4L-0T-0P 4 Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Matrices: Matrix operations (Addition, Multiplication, Transpose), 4
invertible matrix.

Module 2 Determinant and their properties. 2

Module 3 Row reduced echelon form; Rank of a matrix. Solution of the matrix 32
equation Ax = b; Cramer’s rule.
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, characteristic polynomial of a matrix,
Cayley–Hamilton theorem and its application. Linear dependence and
independence of vectors, basis and dimension.
Complex numbers and Complex integrals. Inequalities, Theory of
Module 4 Complex numbers and Complex integrals. Inequalities, Theory of 18

Module 5 Differential equation of first order and first degree: Exact, separable and 7
homogeneous differential equations, Bernoulli’s equation, ODEs of first
order but not of first degree; Clairaut’s equation.
Module 6 Higher order linear equation with constant coefficients: Complementary 4
function, Particular integral, Symbolic Operator D.

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Module 7 Method of undetermined coefficients, Euler’s homogeneous equation 4

and deduction to an equation of constant coefficients.

Module 8 Second order linear equation with variable coefficients: exact equation: 4
reduction of order; variation of parameters; reduction to normal form;
change of independent variables. Simple eigenvalue problems.
Module 9 System of linear differential equations with constant coefficients. 2

1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics : Erwin Kreyszig
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics : R.K. Jain & S. R. K lyengar
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics : C. R. Wylle & L. C. Barrett
4. Differential & Integral Calculus : N. Plskunov

BSC CHMUGBS01 Engineering Chemistry 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Thermodynamics :
Importance and scope, definitions of system and surroundings;
type of systems; Extensive and intensive properties; Steady state
and equilibrium; Zeroth law of thermodynamics; First law of
thermodynamics, internal energy and Enthalpy as a state
function; Second law of thermodynamics; Kelvin, Planck and
Clausius statements; Carnot cycle and refrigerator; Carnot's
theorem; Physical concept of entropy.
Module 2 Water and its treatment :
Sources of water, Impurities in water, Hardness of water,
Determination of hardness of water, Water quality parameter,
Treatment of water for domestic purpose, Waste water.
Module 3 Polymers :
Terminology, Classification of polymers, Polymerization
techniques, Molecular weight of polymers, Plastics, Rubbers,
Fibers, Conducting and semiconducting polymers, Natural
Module 4 Green Chemistry :

Definition and concept of green chemistry, Emergence of green

chemistry, Alternative solvents, Design of safer chemicals,
Microwave radiation of green synthesis, Green laboratory

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Books referred
1. K. S. Maheswaramma and M. Chugh, Engineering Chemsitry, Pearson, 2016.
2. Wiley Engineering Chemistry, Wiley, 2nd Edn., 2014.

HSMC ENGUGHU01 Communicative English 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Objectives of the Course: To impart basic Communication skills to the first year UG
students in the English language through rigorous practice and use of various categories of
common words and their application in sentences; to enable them to achieve effective
language proficiency for their social, professional & inter personal communication both in
speaking & writing.

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Fundamentals of Communication:
Communication: Meaning, Nature, Process, Importance and Function
of Communication; Levels of Communication: Intra-personal,
Interpersonal, Organizational, Mass Communications; The Flow of
Communication: Downward, Upward, Lateral or Horizontal, Diagonal,
Grapevine Communication; Network in an Organization; Principles for
Effective Communication; Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication;
Barriers to Communication, Gateways to Communication.
Module 2 Listening and Speaking Skills:
The Process of Listening; Barriers to Listening; Types of Listening:
Active and Passive Listening; Methods for improving listening skills,
Benefits of Effective Listening.
Presentation Strategies: Defining Purpose; Organizing Contents;
Preparing Outline; Audio-visual Aids; Nuances of Delivery; Body
Language; Dimensions of Speech – Accent, Pitch, Rhythm, Intonation,
Strong and Weak Forms, Connected Speech- Assimilation and Elision,
Paralinguistic Features of Voice;
Articulation of Speech Sounds- Vowels and Consonants; Spelling and
Pronunciation; Problems of Indian speakers of English and their
remedial measures.
Module 3 Reading and Writing Skills :
Reading Skills: Purpose, Process, Methodologies, and Strategies;
Special Reading Situations – Skimming and Scanning, Intensive and
Extensive Reading, Critical Reading, Drawing Inferences, Reading
Technical Reports, etc.
Writing Skills: Words and Phrases: Word Formation, Synonyms and
Antonyms, Homophones, One Word Substitutes, Words Often
Confused, Word Choice - Right Words, Appropriate Words, Idioms
and Phrases; Correct Usage: Parts of Speech, Modals, Concord,
Articles, Infinitives, Requisites of Sentence Construction.
Elements of Effective Writing, Main Forms of Written
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Communication: Paragraph - Techniques and Methods (Inductive,

Deductive, Linear, Spatial, Chronological etc.), The Art of
Condensation- various types (Précis, Summary and Abstract, etc.),
Description, Agenda, Minutes, Notices, Circulars, Memo,
Advertisements, Drafting an E-mail, Press Release.
Module 4 Business Communication:
Business Letters: Principles; Sales & Credit letters; Claim and
Adjustment Letters; Job application and Résumés.
Reports: Types; Significance; Structure, Style & Writing of Reports.
Technical Proposal; Parts; Types; Writing of Proposal.
Negotiation & Business Presentation skills.

Suggested Readings:.
1. Sethi, J & et al. A Practice Course in English Pronunciation, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi.
2. Berry Cicely: Your Voice and How to Use it Successfully, George Harp & Co. Ltd,
3. Bansal, R.K. and J.B. Harrison. Spoken English, Orient Longman.
4. Hornby's, A.S. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English, 7th Edition.
5. Pillai, Sabina & Agna Fernandez: Soft Skills & Employability Skills. Cambridge
Univ. Press.
6. Sudharshana, N.P. & C. Savitha: English for Technical Communication, Cambridge
Univ. Press.
7. Raman, Meenakshi & Sangeeta Sharma: Technical Communication: Principles and
Practice. Oxford Univ. Press.
8. Prasad, P. The Functional Aspects of Communication Skills, Delhi.
9. McCarthy, Michael. English Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge University Press,
10. Leech, G & Svartvik, J. A Communicative Grammar of English. Pearson Education.
New Delhi.
11. Narayanaswamy V.R. Strengthen your Writing. Orient Longman, London.
12. Dean, Michael. Write it, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
13. Sen, Leena. Communication Skills, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
Bown, G. Listening and Spoken English , Longman, London

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ESC CSEUGES02 Programming for Problem Solving Lab 0L-0T-4P 2 Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Primary goal of this course is to make acquaint the students to know
the programming language and also to know how ‘C’ can be used to
write serious program to solve the problems. Programs will be
based on the theoretical paper and to cover the concept of basic
arithmetic operations, control statements, functions, recursions,
arrays, strings, pointers, structures, unions, file handling etc.

Suggested Books:
1. B.S. Gottfried: Programming in C; TMH.
2. B.W. Kernighan and D.M. Ritchie: The C Programming Language; PHI.
3. H. Schildt: C++: The Complete Reference; TMH, 4e.
4. B. Stroustrup: The C++ Programming Language; Addison-Wesley.
5. E. Balagurusamy: Programming in ANSI C; TMH.
6. Yashwant Kanetkar: Let Us C; BPB Publications.
7. K. N. King: C Programming: A Modern Approach, W. W. Norton and Company.
8. Pradip Dey and Manas Ghosh: Programming in C, Oxford University Press

ESC ECEUGES02 Basic Electronics Engineering Lab 0L-0T-3P 1.5 Credits

(for ECE & EEN)

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Familiarization of Electrical and Electronics Components. 3
Module 2 Familiarization of Various Instruments like Power Supply, Digital 3
Multimeter, Function.
Module 3 Generator, CRO etc. 3
Module 4 Study of Junction Diode Characteristics. 3
Module 5 Study of Zener Diode Characteristics. 3
Module 6 Study of Clipping Circuits. 3
Module 7 Study of Clamping Circuits. 3
Module 8 Study of Rectifier Circuits. 3
Module 9 Study of BJT Characteristics. 3
Module 10 Study of FET Characteristics. 3
Module 11 Study of fundamental characteristics of OP-AMP. 3
Module 12 Determination of Slew rate and bandwidth of an OP-AMP. 3

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ESC EENUGES02 Basic Electrical Engineering Lab 0L-0T-3P 1.5 Credits


Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Verification of Thevenin’s Theorem 3
Module 2 Verification of Norton’s Theorem 3
Module 3 Verification of Superposition Theorem 3
Module 4 Power Measurement of Fluorescent Lamp 3
Module 5 V-I characteristics of Incandescent Lamp 3
Module 6 Speed Control of DC motor Using Field and Armature Control Method 3
Module 7 Starting and reversing of DC motor 3
Module 8 Open circuit and Short circuit test of Single Phase Transformer 3
Module 9 Calibration of Voltmeter and Ammeter 3
Module 10 Characteristics of Series R-L-C Circuit 3
Module 11 Characteristics of Parallel R-L-C Circuit 3
Module 12 Resistance measurement and continuity test of DC motor using Megger 3

ESC MENUGES02 Workshop Practice 0L-1T-2P 2 Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Introduction to various hand tools e.g. allen keys, spanners, punch,
files, hacksaw, hammers, chisels, vices, marking block, angle plates,

Module 2 Introduction to basic instruments: Vernier Caliper, Micrometer, Tri-

square, Surface Plate, Height Gauge, Vernier Bevel Protractor,
Screw Pitch Gauge, Radius Gauge, etc.

Module 3 Demonstration on different machines and Equipments: Lathe,

Milling, Drilling, Shaping, Radial Drilling, Grinding, Welding,
Power Saw, Power Press, Planer Machine, Microscope, Profile
Projector, etc.
Module 4 Practical Exercises: Exercises involving the following operations:
measuring and marking, sawing, chipping, filing, maintaining of
perpendicularity of all surfaces by filing, making of taper surface by
filing, making of curved surface by filing, plain turning, step turning
and drilling.

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Reference books
1. Hazra Choudhury & Hazra Choudhury – Elements of Workshop Technology, Vol. I
& II – Media Promoters and Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
2. Rajender Singh - Introduction to Basic Manufacturing Process and Workshop Technology,
New Age International.

BSC CHMUGBS02 Engineering Chemistry Lab 0L-0T-3P 1.5 Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Acidimetric estimation of Sodium Carbonate and Sodium bi- 3

Carbonate in their mixture.
Module 2 Estimation of Total Hardness of water by Complexometric method 3

Module 3 Estimation of FeII in Mohr’s Salt by Permanganometric Titration. 3

Module 4 Qualitative analysis of single solid organic compounds. 3

HSMC ENGUGHU02 Language Lab 0L-0T-2P 1 Credits

Objectives of the Course: To impart basic Communication skills to the first year UG
students in the English language through rigorous practice and use of various categories of
common words and their application in sentences; to enable them to achieve effective
language proficiency for their social, professional & inter personal communication both in
speaking & writing; to improve their English pronunciation.

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Group Discussion: Practical based on Accurate and Correct

Grammatical Patterns.
Module 2 Conversational Skills under suitable Professional Communication
Lab conditions with emphasis on Kinesics: Interview, Greeting and
Introducing, Leave taking, Asking Questions and Giving Replies,
Inviting Friends and Colleagues, Negotiating, Persuading, Taking
Initiatives, Praising and Complementing People, Expressing
Sympathy, Seeking and Giving Permission, Complaining and
Apologizing, Official/Public Speaking, Telephoning etc.
Module 3 Communication Skills for Seminars/Conferences/Workshops with
emphasis on Paralinguistic/ Kinesics.

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Module 4 Presentation Skills for Technical Paper/Research Paper/Project

Reports/ Professional Reports based on proper Stress and Intonation
Module 5 Extempore, Argumentative Skills, Role Play Presentation with
Stress and Intonation.
Module 6 Comprehension Skills based on Reading and Listening Practical on
a model Audio-Visual Usage.

Reference Books
1. Bansal R.K. & Harrison: Phonetics in English, Orient Longman, New Delhi.
2. Sethi & Dhamija: A Course in Phonetics and Spoken English, Prentice Hall, New
3. Pandey, L.U.B. & R.P.Singh: A Manual of Practical Communication, A.I.T.B.S.
Pub. India Ltd. Krishan Nagar, Delhi.
4. Joans, Daniel, Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary, Cambridge Univ. Press.
5. Sudharshana, N.P. & C. Savitha: English for Technical Communication, Cambridge
Univ. Press.

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Semester III (Second year)

PCC ECEUGPC01 Analog Electronics 3L-0T-0P 3 Credits

Course Outcomes:

1. At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to

2. Understand the characteristics of diodes and transistors
3. Design and analyze various rectifier and amplifier circuits
4. Design sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal oscillators
5. Understand the functioning of OP-AMP and design OP-AMP based circuits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Diode Circuits, Rectifiers, And Clipper, Clamper Amplifier models: 8

Voltage amplifier, current amplifier, trans-conductance amplifier
and trans-resistance amplifier. Biasing schemes for BJT and FET
amplifiers, bias stability, various configurations (such as CE/CS,
CB/CG, CC/CD) and their features, small signal analysis, low
frequency transistor models, estimation of voltage gain, input
resistance, output resistance etc.,design procedure for particular
specifications, low frequency analysis of multistage amplifiers.
Module 2 Large signal models, BJT as an amplifier and as a switch; high 8
frequency models and frequency response.; Bode plot; Rise Time
bandwidth relation, Miller Effects, Typical configurations: R-C
coupled, Transfer coupled, Classes of operation, Cascade
connection, Cascade connection, Darlington amplifier, Tuned
Amplifiers; Current Mirror circuits, Constant current source.
Feedback amplifiers; Feedback topologies: Voltage series, current
series, voltage shunt, current shunt, effect of feedback on gain,
bandwidth etc., and Differential amplifiers.
Module 3 Principle of sinusoidal oscillators and Barkhausen criterion; starting 8
voltage in oscillator, Beat frequency, Wien Bridge; Twin-T, R-C
Phase-Shift audio Oscillator; Tuned Circuit oscillators: Hartley,
Colpitts, Armstrong, Clapp-oscillators, Crystal controlled RF
Oscillators; Multivibrators – Astable, Monostable and Bistable
circuits; Generation of square, triangular waveforms; Timer,
Voltage controlled oscillator, Phase Locked loops.
Module 4 OP-AMP applications: review of inverting and non-inverting 6
amplifiers, integrator and differentiator, summing amplifier,
precision rectifier, Schmitt trigger and its applications. Active
filters: Low pass, high pass, band pass and band stop, design

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Module 5 Digital-to-analog converters (DAC): Weighted resistor, R-2R 6

ladder, resistor string etc. Analog-to digital converters (ADC):
Single slope, dual slope, successive approximation, flash etc.
Switched capacitor circuits: Basic concept, practical configurations,
application in amplifier, integrator, ADC etc.
Module 6 Voltage feedback regulation, Current Limiting, three terminal 6
regulators Fixed and Variable voltage regulators, Switched Voltage

Text/Reference Books:

1. Boylestead & Nashlesky, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Pearson

2. Millman and Halkias, Integrated Electronics, TMH

3. S M Sze, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, John Willy

4. R A Gayakwad, Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits, PHI
5. Malvino, Electronic Principles, TMH

PCC ECEUGPC02 Signals and Networks 3L-0T-0P 3 Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Signals and systems as seen in everyday life, and in various 6

branches of engineering and science. Energy and power signals,
continuous and discrete time signals, continuous and discrete
amplitude signals. System properties: linearity: additive and
homogeneity, shift-invariance, causality, stability, realizability.
Module 2 Linear shift-invariant (LSI) systems, impulse response and step 8
response, convolution, input output behaviour with aperiodic
convergent inputs. Characterization of causality and stability of
linear shift-invariant systems. System representation through
differential equations and difference equations. Periodic and semi-
periodic inputs to an LSI system, the notion of a frequency response
and its relation to the impulse response, Fourier series
representation, the Fourier Transform, Convolution/multiplication
and their effect in the frequency domain, magnitude and phase
Response, Fourier domain duality.
Module 3 The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) and the Discrete 6
Fourier Transform (DFT). Parseval's Theorem. The idea of signal
space and orthogonal bases, The Laplace Transform, notion of
Eigen functions of LSI systems, a basis of Eigen functions, region
of convergence, poles and zeros of system, Laplace domain
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analysis, solution to differential equations and system behaviour.

Module 4 The z-Transform for discrete time signals and systems- Eigen 2
functions, region of convergence, z-domain analysis.
Module 5 State-space analysis and multi-input, multi-output representation. 2
The state-transition matrix and its role.
Module 6 The Sampling Theorem and its implications- Spectra of sampled 4
signals. Reconstruction: ideal interpolator, zero-order hold, first-
order hold, and so on. Aliasing and its effects. Relation between
continuous and discrete time systems.
Module 7 Node and Mesh Analysis, matrix approach of network containing 4
voltage and current sources, and reactance, source transformation
and duality. Network theorems: Superposition, reciprocity,
Thevenin’s, Norton’s, Maximum power Transfer, compensation and
Tallegen's theorem as applied to AC. circuits.
Module 8 Trigonometric and exponential Fourier series: Discrete spectra and 4
symmetry of waveform, steady state response of a network to non-
sinusoidal periodic inputs, power factor, effective values, Fourier
transform and continuous spectra, three phase unbalanced circuit
and power calculation.
Module 9 Laplace transforms and properties: Partial fractions, singularity 4
functions, waveform synthesis, analysis of RC, RL, and RLC
networks with and without initial conditions with Laplace
transforms evaluation of initial conditions.
Module 10 Transient behaviour, concept of complex frequency, Driving points 5
and transfer functions poles and zeros of admittance function, their
properties, sinusoidal response from pole-zero locations,
convolution theorem and Two four port network and
interconnections, Behaviours of series and parallel resonant circuits,
Introduction to band pass, low pass, high pass and band reject

Text/Reference books:
1. A.V. Oppenheim, A.S. Willsky and I.T. Young, "Signals and Systems", Prentice Hall,
2. R.F. Ziemer, W.H. Tranter and D.R. Fannin, "Signals and Systems - Continuous and
Discrete", 4th edition, Prentice Hall, 1998.
3. Papoulis, "Circuits and Systems: A Modern Approach", HRW, 1980.
4. B.P. Lathi, "Signal Processing and Linear Systems", Oxford University Press, c1998.
5. Douglas K. Lindner, "Introduction to Signals and Systems", McGraw Hill International
Edition: c1999.
6. Simon Haykin, Barry van Veen, "Signals and Systems", John Wiley and Sons (Asia)
Private Limited, c1998.
7. Robert A. Gabel, Richard A. Roberts, "Signals and Linear Systems", John Wiley and
Sons, 1995.
8. M. J. Roberts, "Signals and Systems - Analysis using Transform methods and MATLAB",
TMH, 2003.
9. J. Nagrath, S. N. Sharan, R. Ranjan, S. Kumar, "Signals and Systems", TMH New Delhi,
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10. Ashok Ambardar,"Analog and Digital Signal Processing", 2nd Edition, Brooks/ Cole
Publishing Company (An international Thomson Publishing Company), 1999.
11. Van, Valkenburg.; “Network analysis” ; Prentice hall of India, 2000
12. Sudhakar, A., Shyammohan, S. P.; “Circuits and Network”; Tata McGraw-Hill New
Delhi, 1994
13.A William Hayt, “Engineering Circuit Analysis” 8th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education.

ECEUGPC 03 Physics of Semiconductor Devices 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

1. To learn the fundamentals of structure of solids and physical processes in semiconductor
2. To learn the device engineering and optimizations of most used semiconductor devices and
few others.
3. Visualization of physics of semiconductors and devices through simulations.


1. Understanding of the physical processes in a semiconductor.

2. Understanding and developing the ability to engineer semiconductor junctions and
transport through them.
3. Understanding and developing the ability to engineer bipolar junction transistors and
4. Understanding and developing the ability to engineer MOSFETs and properties.

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Crystal and Band Theory: 18

Introduction to quantum mechanics, Schrodinger
Physics of Equation with examples, types of solids, lattice structures
Semiconductors: (including vectors) and symmetries and defects, Miller
indices, Diamond lattice, Band formation of 1-D lattice,
Bloch’s theorem, E-k diagram, metal vs semiconductor vs
insulator, direct and indirect band gap semiconductor,
effective mass tensor, concept of hole, light and heavy
carries, Gunn effect, III-V semiconductors, effect of stress
and temperature on bandwidth.
Equilibrium System:
Density of states, Fermi-Dirac distribution statistics,
equilibrium electron and hole concentration,
intrinsic/extrinsic semiconductors, impurity doping, non-
degenerate semiconductor, scattering basics and
Matthiessen's rule, temperature dependence of scattering,
phonons – acoustic and optical, effect of momentum
scattering in direct/indirect semiconductors and photon
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emission, high field effect and velocity saturation.

Non-equilibrium & Carrier Transport Phenomena:
Excess carrier and finite lifetime from Heisenberg
uncertainty, SRH recombination and life time, quasi Fermi
level, Mobility and conductivity, drift and diffusion,
nonuniform doping and inbuilt electric field, Drude’s model.
Module 2 Junction Devices: 8
Properties of p-n homo/hetero-junctions and carrier injections,
Junctions and ideal and nonideal currents, short diode, avalanche and
Devices: Zenner breakdown, tunneling, Schottky effect, Ohomic
metal-semiconductor junctions, Schottky barrier diode and
transport mechanisms. Graded junction and varacter diode, p-
i-n diode, solar cells.
Negative Resistance devices:
Tunnel, Gunn & Impatt diode -- their energy band
diagrams & negative resistance property.
Module 3 Bipolar Junction Transistors: 10
Properties of Device cross-section of BJT, Operating modes, injection and
Bipolar transport mechanisms and optimization in HBT, non-ideal
Junction effects, physical origin of terminal impedances, switching,
Transistor: capacitances, small signal equivalent circuits in FB and RB,
Cutt-off frequency, Ebers- Moll model, instability.

Module 4 Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS): 10

Properties of Contact potential, MOS device cross-section and
MOSFET: band-diagrams, concept and types of inversions, threshold
voltage, enhancement and depletion mode devices, operating
modes, MOSFET device cross-section, identification of
junctions, gradual channel approximation and C. T. Sah
equation, channel length modulation, short channel effects,
small signal equivalent model, capacitances, fT and fMAX,
qualitative introduction to SOI, SON, GAA MOSFET,

Text/Reference Books:
1) D. Neamen , D. Biswas "Semiconductor Physics and Devices," 4th edition, McGraw-Hill
Education, 2017.
2) G. Streetman, and S. K. Banerjee, “Solid State Electronic Devices,” 7th edition,
Pearson, 2014.
3) S. M. Sze and K. N. Kwok, “Physics of Semiconductor Devices,” 3rd edition, John Wiley
&Sons, 2006.
4) Y. Taur, and T. H. Ning,“ Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices,”2nd editions,
Cambridge University Press, 2013.
4) Y. Tsividis and M. Colin, “Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor,” Oxford
Univ.Press, 2011.
5) C.T. Sah, “Fundamentals of solid state electronics,” World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc,

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OEC I 3L-0T-0P 3Credits


PCC MATUGBS03 Engineering Mathematics III 4L-0T-0P 4Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Partial Differential Equations: first order partial differential 12

equation, geometrical interpretation, second order partial
differential equations with constant coefficients and their
classification into elliptical, parabolic and hyperbolic type, solution
of one dimensional wave and diffusion equations and Laplace
equation of dimension two by the method of separation of
Module 2 Fourier Series: periodic functions, trigonometric series of sines and 16
cosines, Euler formulae, Fourier series in the interval (-π, π),
Dirichlet’s conditions, even and odd functions, half range sine and
cosine series, Fourier series in the intervals (0, 2π), (-π,π), (0,π) etc.
Laplace & Fourier Transform: Definition and properties, inverse
transform, convolution, application to solution of linear differential
equations with constant coefficients.
Module 3 Analytic Geometry of two dimensions: Transformation of axes: 20
Translation and Rotation; Invariants; Application to general
equation of second degree; Pair of straight lines: Canonical Form:
Conics, General equation of second degree and its reduction to
canonical form; Classification of conics: central and non-central
conics; Tangent & Normal: Intersection of a straight line and a
conic; Tangent, Pair of tangents; Chords in terms of middle point;
Normal; Pole and polar of a conic. Polar equation: Polar equations
of a line, circle and a conic. Equations of Tangent, normal, chord
of contact and pair of tangents.
Module 4 Analytic Geometry of three dimensions: Distance of a point from a 6
plane; Angle between two planes; Straight lines: Equations of
straight lines in different forms; Distance of a line from a point;
Parallel lines; Shortest distance between two lines; Sphere; Cone;
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics : Erwin Kreyszig
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics : R.K. Jain & S. R. K lyengar
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics : C. R. Wylle & L. C. Barrett

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MC UCCUGAU 03 Indian Constitution 2L-0T-0P 0Credits

[L= Lecture, T = Tutorials, P = Practicals & C = Credits]

Basic features and fundamental principles

The Constitution of India is the supreme law of India. Parliament of India can not make any
law which violates the Fundamental Rights enumerated under the Part III of the Constitution.
The Parliament of India has been empowered to amend the Constitution under Article 368,
however, it cannot use this power to change the “basic structure” of the constitution, which
has been ruled and explained by the Supreme Court of India in its historical judgments. The
Constitution of India reflects the idea of m“Constitutionalism” – a modern and progressive
concept historically developed by the thinkers of “liberalism” – an ideology which has been
recognized as one of the most popular political ideology and result of historical struggles
against arbitrary use of sovereign power by state. The historic revolutions in France, England,
America and
particularly European Renaissance and Reformation movement have resulted into progressive
legal reforms in the form of “constitutionalism” in many countries. The Constitution of India
was made by borrowing models and principles from many countries including United
Kingdom and America. The Constitution of India is not only a legal document but it also
reflects social, political and economic perspectives of the Indian Society. It reflects India’s
legacy of “diversity”. It has been said that Indian constitution reflects ideals of its freedom
movement, however, few critics have argued that it does not truly incorporate our own
ancient legal heritage and cultural values. No law can be “static” and therefore the
Constitution of India has also been amended more than one hundred times. These
amendments reflect political, social and economic developments since the year 1950. The
Indian judiciary and particularly the Supreme Court of India has played an historic role as the
guardian of people. It has been protecting not only basic ideals of the Constitution but also
strengthened the same through progressive interpretations of the text of the Constitution. The
judicial activism of the Supreme Court of India and its historic contributions has been
recognized throughout the world and it gradually made it “as one of the strongest court in the

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Meaning of the constitution law and constitutionalism

Module 2 Historical perspective of the Constitution of India

Module 3 Salient features and characteristics of the Constitution of India

Module 4 Scheme of the fundamental rights

Module 5 The scheme of the Fundamental Duties and its legal status

Module 6 The Directive Principles of State Policy – Its importance and


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Module 7 . Federal structure and distribution of legislative and financial

between the Union and the States

Module 8 Parliamentary Form of Government in India – The constitution

powers and
status of the President of India

Module 9 Amendment of the Constitutional Powers and Procedure

Module 10 The historical perspectives of the constitutional amendments in

Module 11 Emergency Provisions : National Emergency, President Rule,

Module 12 Local Self Government – Constitutional Scheme in India

Module 13 Scheme of the Fundamental Right to Equality

Module 14 . Scheme of the Fundamental Right to certain Freedom under

Article 19

Module 15 Scope of the Right to Life and Personal Liberty under Article 21

PCC ECEUGPC 04 Analog Electronics Lab 0L-0T-3P 1.5Credits

[L= Lecture, T = Tutorials, P = Practicals & C = Credits]

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Study of line and load regulation using Zener Diode. 3

Module 2 Study of Voltage Regulator using BJTs and Regulator ICs 3

Module 3 Study of Emitter-Follower Circuit. 3

Module 4 Study of Single Stage R-C Coupled Amplifier. 3

Module 5 Study of Single Stage FET Amplifier. 3

Module 6 Study of Adder and Subtractor Circuit using OP-AMP 741 3

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Module 7 Study of Integrator and Differentiator Circuits using OP-AMP 741 3

Module 8 Study of Phase Shift Oscillator using OP-AMP. 3

Module 9 Study of Wien Bridge Oscillator using standard OP-AMP. 3

Module 10 Study of Active filter using OP-AMP. 3

Module 11 Study of Timer Circuit using NE 555 and its Configuration for 3
Monostable and Astable Multivibrators

PCC CSEUGPC03 Data Structures Lab 0L-0T-3P 1.5Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Implementation of various sorting algorithms such as Bubble sort, 3

Insertion sort, Selection sort, Merge sort, Quick sort, Shell sort, Heap
sort, Radix sort, Bucket sorting.

Module 2 Implementation of Linear and Binary Search. 3

Module 3 Implementation of stacks and queues using arrays 3

Module 4 Implementation of stacks and queues using linked lists. 3

Module 5 Applications of linked lists: polynomial arithmetic, set operations, etc. 3

Module 6 Sparse Matrices: Multiplication, addition. 3

Module 7 Implementation of Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees, B-Trees, B+- 3

Module 8 Implementation of Hash tables. 3

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Semester IV (Second year)

PCC ECEUGPC05 Digital Electronics and Logic Design 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Course Outcomes:

At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to

1. Design and analyze combinational logic circuits

2. Design & analyze modular combinational circuits with MUX/DEMUX, Decoder,
3. Design & analyze synchronous sequential logic circuits
4. Use HDL & appropriate EDA tools for digital logic design and simulation

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Review of Number System, Signed and Unsigned Number. 10

Logic Simplification and Combinational Logic Design: Review of
Boolean Algebra and De Morgan’s Theorem, SOP & POS forms,
Canonical forms, Karnaugh’s map, Binary codes, Code
MSI devices like Comparators, Multiplexers, Encoder, Decoder,
Driver & Multiplexed Display, Half and Full Adders, Subtractors,
Serial and Parallel Adders, BCD Adder, Barrel shifter and ALU.
Module 2 Sequential Logic Design: Building blocks like S-R, JK and Master- 10
Slave JK FF, Edge triggered FF,
Asynchronous and synchronous counter design. Ring and Johnson
(twisted ring) counters, Different types of registers.
Finite state machines, Design of synchronous FSM, Algorithmic
State Machines charts. Designing synchronous circuits like Pulse
train generator, Pseudo Random Binary Sequence generator, Clock
Module 3 D/A conversion- R-2R ladder type, weighted resistor type, A/D 10
conversion-counter type, flash type.
Logic Families and Semiconductor Memories: TTL NAND gate,
Specifications, Noise margin,
Propagation delay, fan-in, fan-out, Tristate TTL, ECL, CMOS
families and their interfacing,
Memory elements, Concept of Programmable logic devices like
FPGA. Logic implementation using Programmable Devices.
Module 4 VLSI Design flow: Design entry: Schematic, FSM & HDL, 10
different modelling styles in VHDL, Data
Types and objects, Dataflow, Behavioural and Structural
Modelling, Synthesis and Simulation
VHDL constructs and codes for combinational and sequential

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Text/Reference Books:

1. R.P. Jain,“Modern digital Electronics”, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th edition, 2009.
2. Digital design by M. Mano (Pearson)
3. Fundamental of digital circuits by A. Anand Kumar (PHI)
4. Douglas Perry, “VHDL”, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th edition, 2002.
5. W.H. Gothmann, “Digital Electronics- An introduction to theory and practice”, PHI,
2nd edition ,2006.
6. D.V. Hall, “Digital Circuits and Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1989
7. Charles Roth, “Digital System Design using VHDL”, Tata McGraw Hill 2nd edition

PCC ECEUGPC06 3L-0T-0P 3 Credits

Electromagnetic Engineering

Course Objectives: Understanding fundamental concepts of electromagnetic theory of fields

and waves, transmission line, antenna and wave propagation.

Course outcomes
Students will be able to
 gain knowledge on fundamentals concepts and laws of electromagnetic theory,
transmission line and antenna.
 solve numerical problems on design issues of the above topics.

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Vector Laws and Electrostatics: 10

Vector laws, Co-ordinate systems, Del operator, Gradient,

Divergence, Curl – their physical interpretations, Laplacian
operator, Coulomb’s law, electric field intensity, charge
distribution; Gauss’ law, flux density and electric field
intensity. Divergence theorem .

Module 2- Magnetostatics and Electromagnetic Induction: 6

Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s law, Current Densities, Boundary

Conditions between media interface, Faradays laws,
limitation of Amperes law and its correction by Maxwell,
Maxwell’s equations .

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Module 3 Electromagnetic waves and waveguides: 10

Waves in general, Uniform Plane wave, Wave Propagation in

Lossy Dielectric, Loss-less Dielectric, Free space. Poynting
Theorem, Power flow. Wave reflection & transmission at
normal incidence, standing wave formation, modes in planar
and rectangular waveguides .

Module 4 Trans mission Lines: 10

Concept of Lump parameters and Distributed parameters,

Line Parameters, Transmission line equations and solutions,
Propagation constant, Characteristic Impedance;
Wavelength; Velocity of Propagation; Distortion-less Line,
Reflection and Transmission coefficients; Standing Waves, ,
Smith Chart – Applications; Load Matching Techniques.

Module 5 Antenna Fundamentals: 6

Primary function of antenna and antenna fundamentals, some

definitions of Radiation Pattern, Beam Area, Beam width,
Band width, Directivity, Gain, Antenna Aperture, effective
aperture, Radiation Resistance, antenna efficiency. Concept
of retarded Potential, Field solutions; Radiations from
Hertzian and Half wave Dipole, Near-Field and Far-Field

Module 6 Wave Propagation: 6

Different modes of Radio Wave Propagation: Ground Wave
Propagation, Sky Wave Propagation, Skip Distance, Critical
Frequency, Virtual Height. Space Wave Propagation,
Troposphere Propagation.

Reference Books:
1. Mathew N O Sadiku, ‘Elements of Electromagnetics’, Oxford Univ. Press
2. E C Jordon and K G Balmain, ‘Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems’, PHI
3. G.S.N.Raju., ‘Electromagnetic Field Theory and Transmission Lines’, Pearson
4. Hayt and Buck, ‘Engineering Electromagnetics’, TMH
5. Roger F Harrington, ‘Time Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields’, Willey Interscience

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PCC Electronic and Electrical

ECEUGPC07 Measurement 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Fundamentals of Measurement 4

Systems and Standards; Types of errors: Gross errors,
systematic errors and random errors; probability of errors-
normal distribution of errors probable errors; limiting errors.
Module 2 Galvanometers 4
Construction, Performance, Steady state and Dynamic
Behaviors of d‘Arsonval, Vibration, and Ballistic
Module 3 Electromechanical Indicating Instruments: 8
Ammeters and Voltmeters: PMMC, Moving-Iron, and
Electrodynamic type; Ohmmeters: Series-type and Shunt-
type Ohmmeters; Thermo-instruments, Watt-hour Meters,
Power-Factor Meters and Instrument Transformers;
Module 4 Potentiometers 8
DC and AC; BRIDGES: D.C. Bridges: Wheatstone bridge,
and Kelvin bridge. A.C. Bridges and their Applications:
Maxwell Bridge, Hay Bridge, Schering Bridge, and Wein
bridge, Measurement of high resistance by Megger;
Electronic Instruments for Measuring Basic Parameters 4
Module 5 Amplified DC Meter, AC Voltmeter Using Rectifiers, True
RMS– Responding Voltmeter, Electronic Multimeter, Digital
Voltmeters: Ramp-type, Integrating type, and Successive-
Approximation type; Component Measuring Instruments: Q-
meter, Vector Impedance Meter, Vector Voltmeter, RF
Power and Voltage Measurements.
Module 6 Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes 4
Cathode Ray Tube, Deflection Amplifiers, Oscilloscope
Time Base, Dual-Trace Oscilloscopes, Oscilloscope
Controls, Oscilloscope Probes, Delayed time base
oscilloscope, Digital Storage Oscilloscope.
Module 7 Digital Instruments 4
Basic Digital Displays – LEDs and LCD panels. Display
Drivers and Latches, Time Base generation with Crystal
Oscillators. Digital Frequency: Meter, Errors Time and Ratio
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Module 8 Transducers 9
Resistance type, potentiometer & strain gauges, Inductive
type, LVDT, Capacitive type, Piezoelectric transducer;
Measurements : Dimensional change, Motion, Force, Torque,
Pressure, Sound; Sensing Elements : Temperature sensing
elements: RTD, Thermistor, Thermocouple, Semiconductor
sensor; Pressure sensing elements: Manometer, Bourdon
tube, Diaphragm, Bellow; Measurement methods :
Measurement of vacuum pressure using Mcleod gauge &
Pirani gauge, Flow sensing elements: Orifice, Venturi Flow-
nozzle, Rotameter, Electromagnetic flowmeter, Coriolis
flowmeter. Ultrasonic transducer.
Measurement of non electrical quantities such as Strain,
Temperature, pressure, force, speed, flow, humidity, sound,
etc. Optical sources and sensors. Application of transducers
in measurement and control

Text Books:
1. Sawhney A K, “A course in Electrical & Electronic Measurements &
Instruments”, Dhanpat Rai.
2. Golding E.W. & Wides F.C., “Electrical Measuring Instruments &
Measurements”, Wheeler.
3. Ernest O. Doebelin, “Measurement Systems Application and Design”, McGraw

Reference books:
1. Heltrick A.D. & Copoper W.D., “Modern Electronic Instrumentation &
Measuring Instruments”, Wheeler.
2. Singh, “Industrial Instrumentation &control”, 2/e Tata Mcgraw-Hill.
3. Bolton W, “Instrumentation & Process Measurement”, Universities Press
4. Heltrick A.D. & Copoper W.D., “Modern Electronic Instrumentation &
Measuring Instruments”, Wheeler.
5. Singh, “Industrial Instrumentation &control”, 2/e Tata Mcgraw-Hill.
6. Bolton W, “Instrumentation & Process Measurement”, Universities Press.

OEC CSEUGOE02, OEC II 2L-0T-0P 2 Credits



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BSC BIOUGBS01 Biology for Engineers 2L-0T-0P 2 Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Diversity of Life-prokaryotes and eukaryotes, non chordates and 5
chordates; Origin of life and Darwinian Evolution, Synthetic theory of
Module 2 Cell and Cell theory, Cellular structure and function, central dogma of 5
molecular Biology, Concept of Gene and Allele, Genetic disorder,
Genetic code, Understanding inheritance patterns through pedigree
Module 3 Organismal physiology, Bioenergetics, Exothermic and endothermic 4
vs. Exergonic and endergonic reaction (include Glycolysis, Krebs
cycle and photosynthesis)
Module 4 Biomolecules, monomers and polymers, Nucleotides and DNA/RNA, 5
Amino acids and proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, hierarchy of
protein structure, structure function correlation , enzymes and their
mode of action
Module 5 Immunology- Self vs. Non Self, pathogens, human immune system , 4
antigen-antibody reactions, Vaccines, Nervous system- impulse
Module 6 Biosafety, bioresources, Drug design principle 2
Module 7 Engineering designs inspired by examples in biology (compare eye 3
and camera, bird flight and aircraft
Module 8 Engineering aspects of some Nobel Prizes in physiology and Medicine 2

MC UCCUGMC02 Environmental Science 2L-0T-0P 0 Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Environmental Ecosystem 8

Definition, concept, structure and function, Flow of energy, Food
chain and food web, Biogeochemical cycles, Carbon cycle, Nitrogen
cycle, Phosphorous cycle, Sulphur cycle, Ecological pyramids,
Ecological Succession
Module 2 Biodiversity 6
Ecosystem Biodiversity, Species and Genetic Diversity, The value of
biodiversity, Categories of threatened species, Reasons of biodiversity
loss, Biodiversity conservation (In-situ and Ex-situ conservation),
Biodiversity Hot spot, Biosphere reserve

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Module 3 Environmental Pollution 4

Definition, Sources, effects and control measures of air, water and
noise pollution
Module 4 Global Environmental Problems 3
Greenhouse effect, Global warming and Climate change, Ozone
depletion, Acid rain
Module 5 Sustainable Development 3
Concept of sustainable development, Objectives of sustainable
development, Need for sustainable development, Renewable and Non-
renewable sources of energy

PCC Digital Electronics & Logic

ECEUGPC08 0L-0T-3P-3T 1.5Credits
Design Lab

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Verification of truth table of the basic gates. 3
Module 2 Study of half adder and full adder circuit. 3
Module 3 Study of half subtractor and full subtractor circuit. 3
Module 4 Study of encoder and decoder circuit. 3
Module 5 Study of MUX and DEMUX circuit. 3
Module 6 Study of SR, JK, D, T Flip flop. 3
Module 7 Study of shift registrar. 3
Module 8 Study of counter circuit. 3

PCC Transmission Line and

ECEUGPC09 0L-0T-3P-3T 1.5Credits
Antenna Lab

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Study of Simple Dipole λ/2 Antenna and Folded Dipole l/2 Antenna 3
Module 2 Measuring Antenna Beam width 3
Module 3 Study of Antenna Band width 3
Module 4 Study of Antenna Radiation with distance 3
Module 5 Study of Voice Communication using Antenna 3
Module 6 Measuring the characteristics parameters of a transmission line 3
Module 7 Measuring the attenuation of a transmission line 3
Module 8 Measuring the Input Impedance of a transmission line 3
Module 9 Frequency characteristic of the transmission line 3
Module 10 Study of Stationary Waves in a transmission line 3

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Semester V (Third year)

PCC ECEUGPC10 Microprocessor and Microcontroller 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Course Outcomes:

At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to

1. Do assembly language programming

2. Do interfacing design of peripherals like, I/O, A/D, D/A, timer etc.

3. Develop systems using different microcontrollers

4. Understand RSIC processors and design ARM microcontroller based systems

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Microprocessors 8085 and 8086- Pin description, software 10

and hardware model, memory, data structure/ access.
Overview of microcomputer systems and their building
blocks, memory interfacing, concepts of interrupts and Direct
Memory Access (DMA), Addressing Modes

Instruction sets of microprocessors (with examples of 8085

and 8086).

Module 2 Interfacing with peripherals - timer, serial I/O, parallel I/O, 8

A/D and D/A converters, RAM, ROM,I/O, DMA controller ,
Keyboard and displays using 8255, interfacing technique.
Arithmetic Coprocessors; System level interfacing design.

Module 3 Concepts of virtual memory, Cache memory, advanced 6

coprocessor Architectures- 286, 486, Pentium; Architecture
of Microcontrollers 8051, Memory and I/O interface.

Module 4 Introduction to RISC processors; ARM microcontrollers 6

interface designs.

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Text Books/References:

1. Microprocessor architecture, programming and applicationwith the 8085-Gaonkar

2. 8086/8088 family (Design, programming & inteface)-Uffenbeck
3. 8088 & 8086 microprocessors (Programming, interfacing, software,hardware and
application)-Triebel & Singh
4. D. V. Hall, “Microprocessor and Interfacing Programming & Hardware” TMH

ECEUGPC11 Communication Systems 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Introduction: 4
Block diagram of Electrical communication system, Radio
communication: Types of communications, Analog, pulse and
digital Types of signals, Noise – Types of noise, sources of noise,
noise figure.
Module 2 Amplitude Modulation: 16
Need for modulation, Types of Amplitude modulation, AM, DSB
SC, SSB SC, Power and BW requirements, generation of AM,
DSB SC, SSB SC, Demodulation of AM: Diode detector, Product
demodulation for DSB SC & SSB SC. Angle Modulation:
Frequency & Phase modulations and demodulation, advantages of
FM over AM, Bandwidth consideration, Narrow band and Wide
band FM, Comparison of FM & PM.
Module 3 Pulse Modulations: 8
Sampling, Nyquist rate of sampling, Sampling theorem for Band
limited signals, PAM, regeneration of base band signal, PWM and
PPM, Time Divison Multiplexing, Frequency Division
Module 4 Digital Communication: 16
Advantages, Block diagram of PCM, Quantization, effect
of quantization, quantization error, Base band digital signal, DM,
ADM, ADPCM and comparison. Digital Modulation: ASK, FSK,
PSK, DPSK, QPSK modulation and demodulation, coherent and
incoherent reception, Line coding: Polar/Unipolar/Bipolar NRZ
and RZ; Manchester, differential encoding and their spectral
Module 5 Information Theory: 8
Concept of information, rate of information and entropy, Source
coding for optimum rate of information, Coding efficiency,
Shanon-Fano and Huffman coding, Error control coding:
Introduction, Error detection and correction codes, block
codes, convolution codes.
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 Principles of Communications – H. Taub and D. Schilling, TMH

 Communication System- Simon Haykin, John Wiley & Sons
 B.P. Lathi, Modern Digital and Analog Communication System, Oxford University


 Electronic Communication Systems – Kennedy and Davis

Communication Systems Engineering – John. G. Proakis and Masoud Salehi, PHI

PCC Micro and Nano Fabrication

ECEUGPC12 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

[L= Lecture, T = Tutorials, P = Practical & C = Credits]

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Material properties 4

SiGe and Group III-V compound semiconductors; band gap and
lattice structures; gap narrowing; Heterostructures: Drift and
diffusion equations: bipolar transistors: Heterostructure
technologies for SiGe-HBT, AlGaAs/GaAs HBT; Heterostructure
field effect devices; Double heterstructures; Strained layer
superlattices; III-V compound heterostructure; Quantum well and
Quantum well devices;
Module 2 Semiconductor substrate 16
Crystal growth-defects; Wafer preparation;
Module 3 Unit processes and equipments 8
Diffusion and thermal oxidation, Ion implantation; Rapid thermal
Module 4 Pattern transfer 16
Optical Lithography: Photoresists: etching: plasma : reactive ion
Module 5 Thin films 8
Deposition; dielectric and poly silicon film deposition; evaporation
and sputtering; chemical vapour deposition; epitaxial growth;
Module 6 Process integration
Device isolation, contacts and metallization: bipolar and MOS
processing: GaAs technologies
Molecular Building Blocks for Nanostructures – Nano-scale 1D to
3D Structures – Electrical, Mechanical and Optical Properties –
Nanoelectronic Devices – Quantum Dots and Wells – Nano-scale
Functional Materials – Carbon Nanotubes and Fullerenes – Nano-
scale Fabrications processes: Characterization: electron
microscope; atomic force microscope

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Text/Reference Books:
1. Donald A. Neamen, Semiconductor Physics and Devices (Basic principle), Mc Graw
2. Robert F. Pierret, Semiconductor Device Fundamentals, Pearson
3. Behzard Razavi, Fundamentals of Microelectronics, John Willey
4. D Nag Choudhury, Principles of Microelectronics Technology, Wheeler(India)
5. Sedra & Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford

PCC Power Electronics Devices &

EENUGPC17 3L-0T-0P-3T 3Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Concept of Power Electronic System, Scope & Applications,
Classification of Power Processors & Converters

Power Semiconductor Devices:

Power Diodes: Structure, I-V and Reverse Recovery Characteristics,

Diode Equation, Types of Power Diode.

Power Transistors& Power MOSFETs: Structure, Steady State and

Switching Characteristics.
Module 2 8
IGBTs: Basic Structure, Equivalent Circuit, Output, Transfer &
Switching Characteristics, Latch-ups in IGBTs.

Thyristors: Construction & Operation, I-V Characteristic & Operating

Modes, Two-Transistor Model, Turn-On Methods, Thyristor Turn-Off.

Introduction to GTO, UJT, DIAC & TRIAC

AC – DC Converters (Rectifiers):

Diode Rectifiers: Introduction, Single-phase Half Wave Rectifier with

R & R-L Loads, Effect of Freewheeling Diode, Single-phase Full
Wave Rectifier with R & R-L Loads, Performance Parameters. 9
Module 3
Controlled Rectifiers: Single-phase Half Wave & Full Wave
Controlled Rectifiers with R & R-L Loads, Freewheeling Diode,
Single-phase Semi Converter, Single-phase Dual Converter

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DC – DC Converters (Choppers):

Introduction, Basic Chopper Classification, Principle of Chopper 5

Module 4
Operation (Step-Down Chopper), Step-Up Chopper, Step-Up/Down
Chopper, Control Strategies.

DC – AC Converters (Inverters):

Introduction & Classification, Single-phase Half Bridge and Full

Bridge Inverters with R & R-L Loads, Shoot-Through Fault,
Performance Parameters. 9
Module 5
1200 and 1800 Three-phase Inverters.

Voltage Control of Single-phase Inverters, External Control, Internal

Control (PWM), Single-Pulse Modulation, Multiple-Pulse Modulation,
Sinusoidal Pulse Modulation (SPWM).

AC – AC Converters:

AC Voltage Controllers: Introduction, Principle of Phase Control, 3

Module 6
Principle of Integral Cycle Control, Single-phase Voltage Controllers
with R & R-L Loads

Text Books:
1. M. H. Rashid, “Power Electronics: Devices, Circuits, and Applications”, Pearson
2. P. S. Bimbhra, “Power electronics”, Khanna Publishers
Reference Books:
1. Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland& William P. Robbins, “Power Electronics:
Converters, Applications and Design”, John Wiley & Sons
2. M. D. Singh &K. B. Khanchandani, “Power electronics”, Tata McGraw-Hill
3. Bimal K. Bose, “Modern Power Electronics & Ac Drives”, Prentice-Hall of India
9. Industrial Electronics by James A. Rehg, Glenn J. Sartori, Prentice Hall, 2005

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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

PCC EENUGPC08 Control System 3L-0T-0P-3T 3Credits

Module Content Lecture

Concepts of Control Systems:

Open loop & Closed-loop control systems, Automatic control system,
Module 1
Linear & Non-linear control system, Continuous-time & Discrete-
time control systems.

Mathematical Modelling of Physical Systems:

Transfer function; Concepts of poles and zeros; Block diagram

representation of control systems, Signal flow graph and Mason’s 5
Module 2
gain formula.

Electrical analogy of mechanical system.

Control System Components:

Module 3 Error sensing devices, potentiometer, synchros, D.C. and A.C. 3

tachometers, D.C. and A.C. servomotors.

Time Response of Closed-loop Systems:

Transient & steady state response (first and second order system), 4
Module 4
time-domain specifications and error coefficients, higher order

Stability Analysis:
Module 5 Concept and definition, R-H criteria, internal stability of closed-loop

Root Locus Technique:

Construction of Root Loci, effects of the movement of poles and 4

Module 6

Frequency Response Analysis:

Module 7 Bode plot, Nyquist plot, Polar plot, Nichols’ chart, measures of 7
relative stability.

Concept of P, PI, PD &PID controllers and applications. 2

Module 8

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Module 9 Concept of Lag, Lead, Lag-Lead compensators and applications. 2

Introduction to State Variable Analysis:

Concepts of state variables, state space model, solution of state 2

Module 10
equation, eigenvalues and stability analysis, concept of controllability
and observability.

Introduction to Digital Control System:

Introduction, signal conversion, sample-hold device, Z-transform and 2

Module 11
inverse Z-transform, Sampling theorem.

Text Books:

3. Ogata K, “Modern Control Engg.”, PHI/ Pearson Education

4. Nagrath I J & Gopal M, “Control Systems Engineering”, New Age International.
5. B.C. Kuo, “Automatic Control System”, PHI.
6. P. Ramesh Babu, “Control System Engineering”, Scitech.

Reference books:

1. Stefani, Design of feedback Control System, OUP.

2. B. C. Nakra, “Theory & Applications of Automatic Control”, New Age International.
3. M. Gopal, “Modern Control System Theory”, New Age International.
4. M. Gopal, “Digital Control Engineering”, New Age.

OEC III 3L-0T-0P-3T 3Credits


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PCC ECEUGPC13 Communication Systems Lab 0-0-3L-3T 1.5Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Study of AM system. 3

Module 2 Study of DSB-SC system. 3

Module 3 Study of SSB-SC system. 3

Module 4 Study of FM. 3

Module 5 Study of sampling theorem 3

Module 6 Study of PAM, PPM, PWM. 3

Module 7 Study of FDM system. 3

Module 8 Study of TDM system. 3

Module 9 Study of Delta modulator and demodulator. 3

Module 10 Study of PCM system. 3

Module 11 Study of ASK system. 3

Module 12 Study of PSK. 3

Module 13 Study of FSK. 3

Module 14 Study of pseudo noise generator. 3

Module 15 Study of spread spectrum systems DSSS, FHSS. 3

Module 16 Study of MSK system. 3

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ECEUGPC14 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab 0-0-3L-3T 1.5Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Study of prewritten programs on trainer kit using the basic 3

instruction set (data transfer, Load/Store, Arithmetic, Logical)
Assignments based on above.
Module 2 Familiarization with 8085 simulator on PC. 3
Study of prewritten programs using basic instruction set
(data transfer, Load/Store, Arithmetic, Logical) on the
simulator. Assignments based on above.
Module 3 Programming using kit and simulator for: 3
i. Table look up
ii. Copying a block of memory
iii. Shifting a block of memory
iv. Packing and unpacking of BCD numbers
v. Addition of BCD numbers
vi. Binary to ASCII conversion
vii. String Matching Multiplication using Booth’s
Module 4 Program using subroutine calls and IN/OUT instructions using 3
8255 PPI on the trainer kit e.g. subroutine for delay, reading switch
state and glowing LEDs accordingly.
Module 5 Study of timing diagram of an instruction on oscilloscope. 3

Module 6 Interfacing of 8255: Keyboard and Multi-digit Display with 3

multiplexing using 8255

Module 7 Study of 8051 Micro controller kit and writing programs for 3
Interfacing of Keyboard, DAC and ADC using the kit.

Module 8 Serial communication between two trainer kits . 3

PCC EENUGPC11 Control Systems Lab 0-0-3L-3T 1.5Credits


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Semester VI (Third year)

PCC ECEUGPC15 Digital Signal Processing 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Course Objectives:

In this course, we will mainly study the following topics:

 Identify the signals and systems
 Apply the principles of discrete-time signal analysis to perform various signal
 Signal representation in time domain, Fourier transform analysis to describe the
frequency characteristics of discrete-time signals and systems, sampling theorem,
linear time-invariant system, discrete convolution, z-transform, discrete Fourier
transform, and discrete filter design.
 Use computer programming tools to process and visualize signals.

Course Outcome

 Ability to apply current knowledge and applications of mathematics, science,

engineering and technology.
 After this lecture, the students should be able to understand how to analyze a given
signal or system using tools such as Fourier transform and z-transform; what kind of
characteristics should we analyze to know the property of a signal or system;
 How to process signals to make them more useful; and how to design a signal
processor (digital filter) for a given problem. Ability to identify, formulate, analyze
and solve technical and engineering problems
 Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern technical tools necessary for technical
or engineering practice

Ability to creatively design a system, component or process to meet desired needs

within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political,
ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Discrete-time signals 12

Discrete-time sequences, their frequency domain behaviour,
comparison with analog signals, convolution of two
sequences, sampling theorem, Reconstruction of continuous-
time signals. Unit-sample response of a system, Time-
invariant systems, Superposition principle for linear systems,
Stability criterion for discrete-time systems, Causality
criterion for discrete-time systems, Linear constant-
coefficient difference equations.
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Module 2 Discrete-time Fourier transform 10

FT of special sequences, the inverse FT; Computation of the
DFT from the discrete-time sequence, linear and circular
convolution; computations for evaluating the DFT:
increasing the computational speed of the DFT.
Module 3 3Z-transform 5
Definition and properties of the z-transform, the inverse z-
transform; relationship between the Fourier transform and
the z-transform.
Module 4 Digital filter 15
filter categories: IIR and FIR, recursive and non-recursive.
Digital Filter Structures: The direct form I and II structures,
Cascade combination of second-order sections, parallel
combination of second-order sections, Linear-phase FIR
filter structures, Polyphase decomposition; Frequency-
sampling structure for the FIR filter. Uniform DFT filter

Module 5 Digital Signal Processor 5

Architecture of TMS320C 6416/6713 Processor (any one;
programs in Assembly Language.)

Text Books:
1. Digital Signal Processing – Principles, Algorithms and Applications - J.G.Proakis & D.G.
Manolakis, Pearson Education/ PHI.
2. Digital Signal Processing- Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer
3. Digital Signal Processing by Sanjit Mitra, 4th edition, 2011, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
4. Digital Signal Processors Architectures, Implementations and Applications – S.M.Kuo &
W. Gan, Pearson Education

Reference Books:
1. Digital Signal Processing – A Computer Based Approach – S.K.Mitra, TMH Publishing
2. Digital Signal Processing – P. Rameshbabu, Scitech Publications (India)
3. Digital Signal Processing – S. Sharma, S. K. Kataria & Sons

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Photonics Devices and Optical

PCC ECEUGPC16 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Course Objectives: Understanding fundamental concepts of operation of photonic devices

and their applications in communications

Course outcomes
Students will be able to
 know how light propagates through optical fiber and what are the parameters
affecting transmission characteristics
 understand and describe principle of operation and applications of photonic devices
 do numerical problems on optical sources, detectors, optical fiber and link design

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Overview of Optical Fiber Communication 2

Introduction and different generations of optical fiber
Module 2 Optical Fiber 10
Materials, Fabrication Process, Types of fibers, Wave
guiding fundamentals: NAs, Acceptance angle, Wave
equation for step index fiber, modal equation, concept of
Modes, V number, Number of modes, cut off wavelength, LP
Module 3 Transmission characteristics 6
Attenuation and Dispersion mechanisms and their effects.
Special type Fibers-PMF, PCF & DCF
Module 4 Optical Sources and optical transmitter 8
LEDs and ILDs, Principles of operation, structures and
characteristics, transmitter circuits; power launching and
coupling mechanism, optical modulators
Module 5 Photodetectors and optical receiver 8
Optical detection principle, p-n, p-i-n and APD, Photo
transistor, detector response time and speed of response.
Receiver Noise and SNR calculation, Receiver Structure,
Module 6 Inter-Connecting Devices 6
Couplers, Isolators, Polarizers, Circulators, Filters, Add/Drop
Mux/Demux, Fiber Optic Repeaters, Optical Amplifiers,
Optical MEMS

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Module 7 Communication System 10

System design issues, Link analysis, Intensity modulation/
direct detection system, coherent communication, Digital
systems: coding and multiplexing mechanism, OTDM and
WDM system

Reference Books:
1. John M Senior, ‘Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice’, PHI
2. Ghatak and Thyagaragan, ‘Introduction to Fibre Optics’, Cambridge
3. G Keiser, ‘Optical Fiber Communications’, McGraw Hill Education, India
4. D K Mynbaev and L L Scheiner, ‘Fiber Optic Communication Technology’, Pearson
5. John Gowar, ‘Optical Communication Systems’, PHI
6. Jasprit Singh ‘Optoelectronics- An Introduction to Materials and Devices’, McGraw
Hill Education India
7. J. Wilson and J F B Hawkes ‘Optoelectronics- An Introduction’, 3rd Edition, Pearson
Education Taiwan

Reference Books:
8. John M Senior, ‘Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice’, PHI
9. Ghatak and Thyagaragan, ‘Introduction to Fibre Optics’, Cambridge
10. G Keiser, ‘Optical Fiber Communications’, McGraw Hill Education, India
11. D K Mynbaev and L L Scheiner, ‘Fiber Optic Communication Technology’, Pearson
12. John Gowar, ‘Optical Communication Systems’, PHI
13. Jasprit Singh ‘Optoelectronics- An Introduction to Materials and Devices’, McGraw
Hill Education India
14. J. Wilson and J F B Hawkes ‘Optoelectronics- An Introduction’, 3rd Edition, Pearson
Education Taiwan

PCC ECEUGPC17 VLSI Circuit Design 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Course objectives:
1. To understand need for integration, basic IC fabrication steps, layout techniques and
advanced MOSFET structures.
2. To understand the design issues and techniques of small combinational and sequential
3. To learn the various architectures of few often-used subsystems in digital VLSI circuits.
4. To learn the important CMOS analog subcircuits , OpAmp, Data conversion circuits.
5. To understand the physical design issues and techniques of an ASIC chip.

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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

Course outcome:

5. Understanding various aspects of integration, IC fabrication steps, layout techniques and

advanced MOSFET structures.
6. Understanding of the design issues techniques of small combinational and sequential
circuits, and also system level issues.
7. Knowledge of the various architectures of few often-used subsystems in digital VLSI
8. Knowledge of the important CMOS analog subcircuits, OpAmp, Data conversion
9. Understanding of the physical design issues and techniques of an ASIC chip.
Module Content Lecture

Module 1 ASIC Design: Advantages, disadvantages, limitations; Scale 14

Introduction of Integration – SSI , MSI, LSI, VLSI, ULSI, GSI; Moor’s
Law; Meaning of ‘X’ nm technology node; International
Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors overview;
Hierarchy, Regularity, Modularity & Locality; Chip Design
Options: Gate Array, Field Programmable Gate Array, PLA,
PLD, Standard Cell.
Fabrication & Layout of CMOS: MOS device cross-
section, Capacitances, Low-frequency model, BSIM;
Fabrication Process Flow; CMOS n-Well Process: Layout &
Design Rules; CMOS inverter Layout Design; Stick diagram
and layout planning; Short channel effect, SOI process – FD
& PD, SON process, GAA MOSFET, FinFET; Multi-Vt
Module 2 CMOS Logic Circuits: Properties of digital circuit, 16
Digital VLSI comparison with analog circuit; Resistive load inverter;
Circuits Ratioed/ratioless circuits; n-MOS, pseudo n-MOS, CMOS,
DCVSL logic topologies; Advantages/disadvantages of
CMOS topology; Logic circuit synthesis using Graph,
CMOS EXOR2/3/4, Full adder circuit; Small geometry effect
and circuit/path optimization techniques; Shannon’s
expansion rule, BDD; PTL, CMOS TG; Static/dynamic
logic; Dynamic CMOS Logic- issues and solutions,
advantages/disadvantages; Sequential CMOS logic circuits:
Bi-stable elements; SR Latch Circuit; Problem with JK
flipflop in VLSI, CMOS D-latch and edge triggered Flip-
flop, Asynchronous set/reset, All timing parameters for
Module 3 Subsystem Design: Adders: Carry ahead adder, carry save 8
Few Digital adder, Manchester carry chain, Tree adders; Multipliers:
Subsystems Booth Multiplier, Array multiplier; Baugh-Wooley signed
multiplier, (3,2)- and (4,2)- compressors, Walsh tree, High
Density Memory: ROM, Static RAM, Dynamic RAM, Flash

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Module 4 Analog VLSI Circuits : Analog CMOS subcircuits: Basic 16

Analog VLSI single stage amplifies, Small Signal Analysis techniques,
Circuits Current source/sink, Current mirrors, Voltage level shifter;
CMOS Current Sources and sinks; CMOS Differential
Amplifier; CMOS Operational Amplifier; Comparator;
CMOS Voltage and Current references; Gyrator; Data
conversion circuits, SAR & Sigma-delta ADC; Resistor
emulation using switched capacitor, Switched Capacitor
Physical Design: Basic chip organization in Standard Cell 4
Module 5 flow, Physical Design processes, issues and solutions;
Physical Design RTL2GDS2 flow steps and tools; STA and SSTA (if time
permits), DVFS overview; Routing algorithms.

Text/Reference Books:
1. S M Sze, VLSI Technology, M Hill
2. Philips E. Allen & Douglas R. Holberg, “ CMOS Analog Circuit Design” , Oxford
University Press
3. J. M. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan, B. Nikolic , “Digital Integrated Circuits”
4. W Wolf, Modern VLSI Design Systems on Silicon, Pearson
5. S Gandhi, VLSI Fabrication Principles, John Willey
6. S A Campbell, The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication, Oxford
7. D A Pucknell and Eshraghian, Basic VLSI Design, PHI

EENUGOE04, OEC IV 3-0-0-3 3Credits


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PCC ECEUGPC18 Digital Signal Processing Lab 0L-0T-3P 1.5Credits

Simulation Laboratory using Standard Simulator:

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Simulation of sampled Sinusoidal signal, various sequences and 3
different arithmetic operations.
Module 2 Write a program for linear convolution of two sequences. 3
Module 3 Simulation of z-transform of various sequences - verification of the 3
properties of z-transform.
Module 4 Simulation of Twiddle factors – verification of the properties. 3
Module 5 Write a program to perform N-point DFT. Also perform the IDFT on 3
the result obtained to verify the result.
Module 6 Write a program for circular convolution 3
Module 7 Write a program to perform linear convolution using (a) overlap save 3
method (b) overlap add method.
Module 8 Write a program to perform FFT on a sequence using the following 3
methods. (a) Decimation in time (b) Decimation in frequency
Module 9 Write a program to design an FIR filter using windowing technique. 3
Module 10 Write a program to design an IIR filter using (a) impulse invariant 3
method (b) bilinear transformation method.

Hardware Laboratory using either DSP6416 or 6713 Processor:

Practising of writing & execution of small programs related to arithmetic operations &
convolution using Assembly Language of TMSC205416/6713 Processor, Study of
MAC instruction.

PCC Photonics Devices and Optical

ECEUGPC19 0L-0T-3P 1.5Credits
Communication Lab

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Study of Components/Instruments used in Optical fiber 3
Module 2 Determination of NA of Optical Fiber. 3
Module 3 Determination of Fiber attenuations. 3
Module 4 Comparison of EMI effects on fiber and copper medium. 3
Module 5 Study of point to point fiber optic analog link. 3
Module 6 Study of digital fiber optic communication schemes. 3
Module 7 Study of different modulation/demodulation techniques in optical 3
fiber communication.
Module 8 Experiment on Eye diagram and BER measurement. 3
Module 9 Study on EDFA operation 3
Module 10 Study on WDM system 3

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PCC ECEUGPC20 VLSI Circuit Design lab 0-0-3L-3T 1.5Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Study of Different Analog and Digital Circuit using P-Spice/Tanner- 3
Module 2 Study of different Analysis (transient, ac , Fourier) for Analog/hybrid 3
circuit using P-Spice/T-Spice.
Module 3 Simulation study of Op-amp based circuits. (Adder, Waveform 3
generator, Oscillator, Filter)
Module 4 Familiarization with EDA tools like Model Sim or Tanner EDA 3
Module 5 Study of CMOS Digital circuits using P-Spice/TCAD 3
Module 6 Study of CMOS Analog circuits using P-Spice/TCAD 3
Module 7 Study of Sequential Circuits using P-spice\TCAD 3
Module 8 Study of Ring Oscillator 3

PROJ ECEUGPR01 Seminar 0-0-2-2 1Credits

Supervised Learning

Objective: To impart the essential knowledge of electronic and communication engineering,

to enhance hands on experience on report preparation and presentation skills. Finally to
encourage innovativeness.

PROJ ECEUGPR02 Electronic Design Workshop 0-0-2-2 1Credits

Supervised Learning

Objective: To impart the essential knowledge of electronic circuit design and fault analysis,
to enhance hands on experience and to encourage innovativeness.

Guidelines: The teacher will prepare an exact design problem with specified parameters and
assign to the student. As such the teacher can further elaborate or specialize the problem
creating enough room for the student to learn and innovate.

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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

If same job is assigned to more than one student/group, it must be with different parameter

The students will find their own design solutions with minimum input from the teacher. Of
course there can be more than one solution but the student should ultimately know their
comparative merits/demerits.

The hardware assembly and testing has to be done only during assigned class hours under
general supervision of a teacher. The student must always make a comparative study between
the theoretical and measured performance parameters and analyze their causes.

At the end of each job, the student will prepare a report including detail technical
specification of his design, circuit diagram, design calculations, theoretical & measured
values, graphs, references etc.

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Semester VII (Fourth year)

ECEUGPE02, PEC I 3L-0T-0P-3T 3Credits


ECEUGPE05, PEC II 3L-0T-0P-3T 3Credits


ECEUGPE08, PEC III 3L-0T-0P-3T 3Credits


ECEUGPE11, PEC IV 3L-0T-0P-3T 3Credits


HSMC Industrial Economics &

MBAUGHU01 4L-0T-0P-4T 4Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Economics: 10
Introduction and Basic Economics Terms: Nature and Significance of
Economics, Role of Economics in Engineering and Technology, Basic
Economic: Utility, Saving, Investment, Equilibrium, Micro and Macro
Economics, Liberalization, Privatization, Globalisation. Demand
Analysis, Elasticity of Demand, Demand Forecasting, Factors of
Money Banking and Trade: Functions of money, supply & demand for
money, money price level & inflation, black money, meaning,
magnitude & consequences. Banking system in India, Functions of
Commercial banks, Function of RBI, Sources of public revenue,

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principles of taxation, direct and indirect taxes, balance of trade and

Module 2 Organizational Behavior: 5
Basic concepts of management, objectives, classification and hierarchy,
Different Schools of Management Thought, Motivation: Concept,
Different Theories (Maslow, ERG, Herzberg)
Communication: Purpose, process, Barriers to effective communication,
Guidelines to make communication effective. Perception: Process,
Importance, Factors influencing perception, Shortcuts for judging
people- Halo effect, Stereotyping, Projection.
Module 3 Human Resource Management: 5
Recruitment and selection, Training, Performance appraisal, Industrial
Relations, Trade Union, Collective Bargaining
Module 4 Quality Management: 5
Concept, Dimensions for goods and services, Cost of Quality, Statistical
Quality Control, Control Charts, Acceptance Sampling (single). Quality
Total Quality Management: Concept, benefits, Criticism.
New Quality Tools: Kaizen, Six Sigma, Quality Circles.
Module 5 Productions Management: 6
Concept, Difference from Operations Management, Types of Production
(Mass, Batch, Project), Functions of Production Management.
Productivity: Concept, Different Inputs and Productivity Measures,
Efficiency and Effectiveness, Measures to increase Productivity.
Module 6 Marketing Management: 6
Basic Concepts of Marketing, Difference between Selling and
Marketing, Elements of Marketing Mix- the 4 P’s., STP. Marketing
Research: Definition, Process, Importance, SWOT Analysis, BCG
Matrix, GE Matrix.
Module 7 Financial Management: 6
Use of management science for the efficient administration of economic
units, cost benefit analysis, present work and breakeven analysis,
budgetary control.
Module 8 Materials Management: 5
Concept, Functions, EOQ Models, Selective Inventory Control—ABC,
VED, FSN analysis

1. A Text Book of Industrial Engineering (Vol.1) , L. C. Jhamb , Publisher: Everest
Publishing House
2. Management: Principles, Processes and Practices , Anil Bhat & Arya Kumar, Publisher:
3. Industrial & Business Management , Martand T. Telsang, Publisher: S. Chand.
4. Rajan Misra, (2009). Engineering Economics, University Science Press, An imprint of
Laxmi Publiactions Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

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PEC ECEUGPE19 RF and Microwave Engineering

0-0-3-3 1.5Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 To study V-I characteristics of Gunn Diode. 3

Module 2 To study the following characteristic of Gunn Diode 3

a. Output power and frequency as a function of voltage.
b. Square wave modulation through PIN diode.
Module 3 To determine the frequency & wavelength in a rectangular waveguide 3
working on TE10 mode.
Module 4 To determine the Standing Wave-Ratio and Reflection Coefficient. 3

Module 5 Study of the characteristics of Klystron Tube and to determine its 3

electronic tuning range.
Module 6 To measure the polar pattern and the gain of a wave-guide horn 3
Module 7 Study of Magic Tee 3

Module 8 Study of Attenuator (Fixed and Variable type). 3

Module 9 Study the voice communication by using microwave test bench. 3

Module Phase shift measurement 3


PCC ECEUGPC21 Electronic Design automation Lab 0-0-3-3 1.5Credits

Sl. No. Name of the Experiments/Assignments Lecture

Module 1 Introduction to coding styles for synthesis. 3

Module 2 Introduction to Xilinx ISE 14.5 and Spartan 3E Starter Kit. 3

Module 3 VHDL modelling and implementation of combinational logic 3


Module 4 VHDL modelling of a clock divider, simulation and 3

implementation on Spartan 3E starter kit.
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Module 5 Design and implementation of a timer peripheral block. 3

Module 6 Fixed point addition, subtraction and multiplication in Qn, n 3

being a generic.

Module 7 Design of a generic barrel shifter for a micro processor. 3

Module 8 Design of an interface buffer for data transfer using circular 3


Module 9 Emulation of a stack memory for a RISC processor. 3

Module 10 Modelling of a 3:8 decoder and 1:8 demultiplexer. 3

Module 11 Design of a priority encoder. 3

Module 12 State machine implementation. 3

Module 13 Design of a register bank (8x16 bits) with support for post- 3
increment-register-indirect addressing mode for a pipelined

PROJ ECEUGPR03 Summer Internship ---- 2Credits

Students will undertake a training/internship at a company or any training institute.

ECEUGPR04 Project I 0-0-8P-8T 4 Credits

Supervised Learning

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PEC ECEUGPE01 Information theory and Coding 3L-0T-0P 3Credits


 To understand mathematical models of information and its application in estimation

of source coding scheme.
 To understand the concept of channel, and analysis of propagation of information
through channel in presence of noise.
 To understand the mathematical basis of representation of linear block codes.
 To understand BCH-class of codes including the widely used RS code.
 To understand the convolutional codes, its advantages and applications.
 To understand the concatenated codes, its advantages and applications.


 Understanding of mathematical model of information, its analysis and encoding of

a source.
 Understanding the concept of channel, effect of noise and its abstraction, and its
information capacity.
 Gaining knowledge of Field, arithmetic over it and associated algorithms for
efficient computation.
 Understanding BCH-class of codes including the widely used RS code.
 Understanding the the concept of convolutional codes, its purpose and application,
analysis, its decoding methods.
 Understanding method of code concatenation, effective large minimum distance,
advantages in presence of burst noise, limitations, soft decoding and turbo code.

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Information Theory- Uncertainty and information, Self, 12

Information mutual and conditional mutual information and entropies,
Theory Information measures for continuous and discrete random
variables; Source coding theorem, FLC and VLC, Gibb’s
theorem and Kraft’s theorem,. Examples of source coding,
Source with memory, Markov model and entropy,
Quantization and distortion, Lloyd-Max quantizer.
Channel Model: Channel Capacity and Coding, Channel
transmission matrix, Memoryless channel models, BSC,
Asymmetric channel model, Composite channels,
Information capacity theorem.
Module 2 Vector Space: Field, Irreducible polynomial, Minimal 12
Basics of Vector polynomial, Finite field’s extension, Galois field, Arithmetic
Space operations over finite field and algorithms, Basis set, Vector
space and null space, Generator matrix and properties.
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Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

Coding for reliable digital transmission: Error Control

Strategies, BER and coding gain. Linear block codes:
Syndrome and Error detection, Minimum distance, Error
detecting and Error-correcting capabilities, Standard Array
and Syndrome decoding, Hamming code,
Cyclic codes: Generator & parity-check matrices of cyclic
codes, Encoding of cyclic codes, Syndrome computation and
error detection, Decoding, Cyclic Hamming Codes,
Shortened cyclic codes.
Module 3 BCH codes: Description, Decoding BCH codes, 8
Bose– Implementation of error correction, Non binary BCH codes
Chaudhuri– and Reed-Solomon codes, Weight distribution and Error
Hocquenghem detection of Binary BCH codes, Introduction to LDPC.

Module 4 Convolution codes: Encoding, Structural properties, 6

Convolution Distance properties, Maximum likelihood decoding of
Codes convolution codes, Viterbi algorithm, Performance bound for
convolution codes, Application of Viterbi decoding, RSC

Concatenated Codes: Concept and advantages of 4

Module 5 concatenated codes, Interleaves – Block and Convolutional,
Concatenated Burst error correction, soft decoding, LLR algebra, Turbo
Code Code, example of product code.

Text/Reference Books:
1. Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography, Ranjan Bose, TMH.
2. Error Control Coding, Shu Lin & D I Costello Jr., Prentice Hall.
3. Information and Coding Theory, Jones, Springer.
4. Introduction to Information Theory, M. Mansurpur, MGH.

PEC Micro Electro Mechanical System

ECEUGPE02 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to
1. Appreciate the underlying working principles of MEMS and NEMS devices.

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Introduction and Historical Background, Scaling Effects. 10

Micro/Nano Sensors, Actuators and Systems overview: Case
Module 2 Review of Basic MEMS fabrication modules: Oxidation, 10
Deposition Techniques, Lithography (LIGA), and Etching.
Micromachining: Surface Micromachining, sacrificial layer
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processes, Stiction; Bulk Micromachining, Isotropic Etching

and Anisotropic Etching, Wafer Bonding.
Module 3 Mechanics of solids in MEMS/NEMS: Stresses, Strain, 12
Hookes’s law, Poisson effect, Linear Thermal Expansion,
Bending; Energy methods, Overview of Finite Element
Method, Modeling of Coupled Electromechanical Systems.
Module 4 Microwave MEMS applications: MEM switch design 10
considerations.. MEMS-based microwave circuit and system.
Optical MEMS and MOEMS.

Text/Reference Book:
1. G. K. Ananthasuresh, K. J. Vinoy, S. Gopalkrishnan K. N. Bhat, V. K. Aatre, Micro and
Smart Systems, Wiley India, 2012.

2. S. E.Lyshevski, Nano-and Micro-Electromechanical systems: Fundamentals of Nano-and

Microengineering (Vol. 8). CRC press, (2005).

3. S. D. Senturia, Microsystem Design, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.

4. M. Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication, CRC Press, 1997.

5. G. Kovacs, Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook, McGraw-Hill, Boston, 1998.

6. M.H. Bao, Micromechanical Transducers: Pressure sensors, accelerometers, and

Gyroscopes, Elsevier, New York, 2000.

PEC ECEUGPE03 Nanotechnology 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Matrices, functions of several variables, ordinary differential 8

equations, geometrical applications of differential calculus,
three-dimensional analytical geometry
Module 2 Basics and scale of nanotechnology, different classes of nano 8
materials, synthesis of nano materials, fabrication and
characterization of nanostructures, applications
Module 3 Nano biomaterials and biocompatibility, structural & 12
functional principles of bionanotechnology, protein and dna
based nanostructures, nanobio-analytics, nanotechnology in
food, medicine and health science
Module 4 Basics for nano photonics, quantum confined materials and 10
photonic crystals, plasmonics and near field optics, nano
photonic fabrication, nanobiophotonics
Module 5 Evolution of nanoelectronics, tunnel junctions and 10
applications of tunneling, ballistic and spin transport,
molecular electronics, nanoelectronics simulation

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Reference books

1.Cutting Edge Nanotechnology by Dragica Vasileska

2. Carbon nanotube by Jose Mauricio Marulanda

3. Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology by M. Kuno


PEC Satellite Communication

ECEUGPE04 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Course Objectives: overview of satellite communication principle, concepts and operation.

Course outcomes
Students will be able to
 understand orbital aspect of satellite operation and applications of satellite
 do numerical calculation on satellite link analysis
 evaluate the various channel access schemes

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Introduction: 4
Need of Satellite Communications, History, Current State,
Overview of Satellite System Engineering;
Module 2 Orbital Aspects of Satellite Communication: 10
Orbital mechanism, look angle determination, orbit
determination, orbit effects on Communication, System

Module 3 Satellite Link Budget: 12

Basic transmission theory, system noise and G/T ratio, down
link design, satellite system using small earth station, up-link
Module 4 Modulation Multiplexing Techniques: 8

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Analog telephone transmission, Television transmission,

Digital transmission, Digital TV and bandwidth Compression,
time division multiplexing;

Module 5 Multiple Access Techniques: 8

Frequency division multiple access, time division multiple
access, code division multiple access, practical demand access
systems, random access, multiple access with on-board
Module 6 Satellite Earth Solution Techniques: 6
Earth solution design, tracking, small earth station antennas,
Equipment for the Earth station.

Reference Books:

1. Dennis Roddy, ‘Satellite Communications’, McGraw-Hill Publication.

2. Timothy Pratt, Charles Bostian & Jeremy Allmuti, ‘Satellite Communications’, John Willy
& Sons

3. Wilbur L. Pritchars Henri ,G.Suyder, Hond Robert, A.Nelson, ‘Satellite Communication

Systems Engineering’, Pearson.

4. M.Richharia, ‘Satellite Communication Systems Design Principles’, McGraw Hill

PEC ECEUGPE05 Remote Sensing 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Concept of Remote Sensing 4

Distance Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing Process, Sources
of Energy, Interaction with atmosphere, Ideal remote sensing.
Module 2 Global Positional System 6
Functions and advantages of GIS, Process of GIS, Planning,
Implementation Management of GIS, Data models of GIS.
Module 3 Photogrammetry 6
Development and Classification, Stereo model, Stereoscopic
3D viewing, Measurement and extraction.

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Module 4 Orthorectification 6
Low and High resolution DEM, Multiimage fusion, spatial
domain fusion, spectral domain fusion, Scale -space fusion.
Image Processing 6
Module 5 Visual image interpretation, Data integration: Analysis and
presentation, Thermatic maps, Thermal image interpretation.
Module 6 Noise and Correction 6
Noise reduction, Global noise, Sigma filter, Local noise,
Periodic noise, Radiometric calibration, Distorsion correction.
Module 7 Sensors 8
Introduction, Photographic Sensors, Multispectral remote
sensing system, Thermal remote sensing system, Microwave
remote sensing system, Atmospheric sensors-Radar, LIDAR,
Module 8 Modern trends in GIS 6
Local and global concepts , Increase in dimension of GIS ,
Linear and Non linear techniques in GIS , 3D GIS , Mobile

Text/Reference Books:
1. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems by Anji Reddy, BS Pub,
2. Remote Sensing Applications by M G Srinivas (Edited)
3. Remote Sensing Method and Applications by Michael Hord, John Willey & Sons,
4. Remote Sensing and image Interpretation by T M Lillesand and R W Keifer, John
Willey & Sons, 1987

PEC ECEUGPE06 Advanced Optical Communication 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Course Objectives: Fundamental aspects of components, devices and systems of high speed
optical communications and networks

Course outcomes
Students will be able to
 understand components and devices and their principle of operation for optical
 know about importance and application of Soliton systems
 gain knowledge about optical networks

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Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Overview of Optical Communication: 2

Motivation and Evaluation of light wave communication
Module 2 Optical Fiber and Nonlinear effects: 8
Fiber Modes, dispersion in single mode fiber, dispersion
induced limitations, fiber dispersion management, non linear
optical effects
Module 3 Optical Amplifiers, Filters and Integrated Circuits: 8
Optical Amplifiers, Optical Filters, FBG, OEICs and
Module 4 Optical Modulators: 6
Basic principle, Birefringence, Optical Activity, Electro-
Optic, Acusto-Optic and Magneto-Optic Effects and
Module 5 Multichannel Systems: 8
WDM lightwave systems, WDM Components, System
performance, Time division and code division multiplexing
Module 6 Soliton Systems: 8
Non linear Schrodinger Equation, Bright and Dark Solitons,
Soliton based communication
Module 7 Optical networks: 8
Network Concepts, Network Topologies, SONET/SDH,
High speed lightwave links, Optical switching, WDM
network example, PON, IP over DWDM, Optical Ethernet

Reference Books:
1. G Keiser, ‘Optical Fiber Communications’, McGraw Hill
2. D K Mynbaev and L L Scheiner, ‘Fiber Optic Communication Technology’, Pearson
3. John Gowar, ‘Optical Communication Systems’, PHI
4. R. G. Junsperger, ‘Integrated Optics-Theory and Technology’, Springer Series in
Optical Sciences
5. Rajiv Ramaswami and Kumar N. Sivrajan, ‘Optical networks-A practical
perspective’, Academic Press
6. A. Yariv and P. Yeh, ‘Photonics: Optical Electronics in Modern Communications’,
Oxford University Press

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PEC ECEUGPE07 Image Processing and Computer Vision 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Course Objectives

1. Understand the various steps in digital image processing.

2. Get a thorough understanding of digital image representation and processing
3. Ability to process the image in spatial and transform domain for better enhancement

Course Outcomes:

1. Demonstrate the methods of image acquisition, representation and manipulation to

design and develop algorithms for solving image processing problems related to
various applications like medicine, industry, communications etc.
2. Analyze various image processing algorithms for preprocessing, restoration,
compression and segmentation using various spatial and frequency domain methods
3. Identify and solve complex real world problems in image processing using modern
signal processing tools, active cooperative learning and be able to demonstrate them
4. Acquire skills to conduct independent study and analysis of image processing
problems and techniques that would engage in lifelong learning.

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Digital Image Fundamentals : 5

Introduction – Origin – Steps In Digital Image Processing –
Components – Elements Of Visual Perception – Image
Sensing And Acquisition – Image Sampling And
Quantization – Relationships Between Pixels – Color
Module 2 Image Enhancement: 8
Spatial Domain: Basic Gray Level Transformations –
Histogram Processing – Basics Of Spatial Filtering–
Smoothing And Sharpening Spatial Filtering – Frequency
Domain: Introduction To Fourier Transform – Smoothing
And Sharpening Frequency Domain Filters – Ideal,
Butterworth And Gaussian Filters.

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Module 3 Image Restoration : 5

Noise Models – Mean Filters – Order Statistics – Adaptive
Filters – Band Reject Filters – Band Pass Filters – Notch
Filters – Optimum Notch Filtering – Inverse Filtering –
Wiener Filtering
Module 4 Colour Image Processing : 5
Colour fundamentals – Colour models – Colour
transformation – Smoothing and Sharpening
Module 5 Wavelets And Image Compression : 5
Wavelets – Sub band Coding – Multi resolution Expansions
– Compression: Fundamentals – Image Compression Models
– Error Free Compression –Lossy Compression –
Compression Standards.
Module 6 Morphological Processing : 8
Introduction, Logic Operations involving Binary Images,
Dilation and Erosion, Opening and Closing, The Hit-or-Miss
Transformation, Morphological Algorithms – Boundary
Extraction, Region Filling, Extraction of Connected
Components, Convex Hull, Thinning, Thickening.
Module 7 Segmentation : 4
Segmentation: Detection Of Discontinuities–Edge Linking
And Boundary Detection – Thresholding – Region Based
Module 8 Image Representation And Recognition : 8
Boundary Representation – Chain Code – Polygonal
Approximation, Signature, Boundary Segments – Boundary
Description – Shape Number – Fourier Descriptor, Moments-
Regional Descriptors –Topological Feature, Texture –
Patterns And Pattern Classes – Recognition Based On


1. Digital Image Processing by Rafael C Gonzalez & Richard E Woods, 3rd Edition
2. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing by Anil K Jain
3. Digital Image Processing by William K Pratt
4. Fundamentals of electronic image processing by Arthur R. Weeks Jr., Wiley
5. Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, 2nd ed. by Gonzalez, Woods, and Eddins.

PEC Medical Signal Processing

ECEUGPE08 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Course Objectives

 To develop innovative techniques of signal processing for computational processing

and analysis of biomedical signals.
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 To extract useful information from biomedical signals by means of various signal

processing techniques

Expected Outcome
 Understands how basic concepts and tools of science and engineering can be used in
understanding and utilizing biological processes.
 Hands-on approach to learn about signal processing and physiological signals through
the application of digital signal processing methods to biomedical problems

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Introduction to biomedical signals. The nature of biomedical signals, 10

types of biomedical signals: ECG EEG, EMG, EOG ERG etc.
Objectives of biomedical signal analysis, difficulties in biomedical
signal analysis, computer-aided diagnosis. Biomedical signal spectral
analysis, digital and analog filtering, correlation and estimation
techniques. EOG and EMG.
Module 2 Introduction to short term Fourier transform (STFT), Design of filters, 8
Hamming window, Kaiser window, Haar window.
Module 3 Introduction to Electrocardiograph and ECG signals, Types of 15
interferences in ECG signals, ECG signal analysis and noise removal,
Detection of ECG abnormalities,
Introduction to Electroencephalograph and EEG signals, EEG signal
analysis, Kurtosis coefficients,
Module 4 Diagnostic Optical Spectroscopy – Photon Migration and Optical 12
Imaging – Time Domain and Frequency Domain Methods for Imaging –
Endoscopic imaging; Optical Coherence Tomography; Biomedical
signal processing.


1. Biomedical Signal Processing Principles and Techniques D.C.Reddy, Tata Mc Graw-Hill

2. Biomedical Digital Signal Processing, Willis J. Tompkins, PHI.
3. Biomedical Signal and Image Processing 2nd Edition by K. Najarian and R. Splinter ,
The CRC Press (2012)
4. Biomedical Signal Analysis: A Case Study Approach by Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, Akay
Metin (Editor) Wiley Interscience 2001
5. Medical Imaging Signals and Systems, Jerry L Prince & Jonathan M Links, Pearson
Prentice Hall.

PEC ECEUGPE09 Adaptive Systems and Signal Processing 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

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Course Objectives

 Introduction to the goal and basics of adaptive signal processing.

 Familiarize with the design and analysis of various adaptive algorithms and filters
 Get an overall picture about applications of adaptive filters in various fields

Expected Outcome

 Understand basic concepts of adaptive signal processing

 Design and analyse convergence issues, computational complexities and optimality of
different adaptive algorithms and filters
 Ability to develop adaptive systems for various applications

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Discrete time stochastic process, correlation matrix and spectra; AR, 40
MA and ARMA models; Yule-Walker equation; Levinson-Durbin
algorithm; analysis and synthesis of lattice; Estimation and recursion
methods; Adaptive filters, adaptive noise cancellation. Method of
steepest descent; gradient adaptive lattice; Recursive least square
formulation; filtering via orthogonal projection; Radial basis function;
Blind convolution;


1. S. Haykin. (1986). Adaptive Filters Theory. Prentice-Hall.

2. Dimitris G. Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle, Stephan M Krgon: Statistical and Adaptive
Signal Processing,McGraw Hill (2000)
3. Jones D. Adaptive Filters [Connexions Web site]. May 12, 2005.


PEC CEUGPE10 RF & Microwave Engineering 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 RF & Microwave Spectrum: 2

Introduction and basic information
Module 2 Microwave Waveguides : 8
Rectangular and Circular Waveguides– Mode structures,
Cut-off frequency, Propagation Characteristics, wall currents,
Attenuation constant, waveguide excitations.
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Module 3 Waveguide Passive Components : 6

Waveguide Resonators – Rectangular & Cylindrical;
Resonant frequencies, Mode structures, Q-factor, Co-axial
Resonators; Excitation & coupling of cavities, Design of
resonators. Periodic Structures-Filters.
Module 4 N-port networks : 6
circuit representations, transmission matrix,; attenuators,
phase shifter, directional couplers, Bethe-hole coupler, Magic
tee, hybrid ring, circulators, isolators,
Antennas : 6
Module 5 Concepts of lines of force; Short antenna; Horns- sectoral
horns, Pyramidal horns, Parabolic reflector, Cassigran feed,
Patch antennas, antenna arrays. Scattering matrix
representations of passive components. Transitions: coaxial
lines to waveguide, to micro-strip lines. Design of transitions.
Module 6 Planar structure: 4
Strip lines, Micro-strip lines, coplanar structure, Slot lines,
Suspended strip lines, Fin lines – Configurations, Field
patterns, propagation characteristics, Design considerations.
Module 7 Microwave Tubes and semiconductor microwave devices 8
Limitations of conventional tubes in microwaves; Multi-
cavity Klystron, Reflex klystron; Magnetron, Travelling
wave tube, Backward wave oscillator; Tunnel diode; Gunn
diode; Avalanche diode; IMPATT, TRAPATT, Microwave
bipolar transistor, hetero-junction bipolar transistor,
Microwave field-effect transistor–JFET, MOSFET,
MESFET, Parametric amplifiers;
Module 8 Radar systems : 2
Basic concept of RADAR,Pulsed radar, MTI, Tracking
Module 9 Microwave Measurements : 4
Microwave Bench, Slotted line, Tunable Probe, VSWR
Meter, Slide screw tuner, Variable shorted line; Power
Measurement – Calorimetric method, Thermocouple,
Bolometers, Frequency measurement, Impedance
measurement by shift in minima. Network Analysers,

Text/Reference Books:

1. S Liao, Microwave Devices and Circuits, ?

2. D Pozar, Microwave Engineering, John Wiley & Sons
3. Sisodia & Gupta, Microwave: Introduction to Circuits and Antennas, ?
4. Mathew M Radmanesh, Radio frequency and Microwave Electronics Illustrated, PHI

PEC ECEUGPE11 Radar Systems 3L-0T-0P 3 Credits

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Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Introduction : 6
Nature of Radar, Maximum Unambiguous Range, Radar
Waveforms, Simple form of Radar Equation, Radar Block
Diagram and Operation, Radar Frequencies and Applications.
Related Problems.
Module 2 Radar Equation : 8
Prediction of Range Performance, Minimum Detectable
Signal, Receiver Noise and SNR, Integration of Radar
Pulses, Radar Cross Section of Targets (simple targets -
sphere, cone-sphere), Transmitter Power, PRF and Range
Ambiguities, System Losses (qualitative treatment). Related
Module 3 CW and Frequency Modulated Radar : 8
Doppler Effect, CW Radar – Block Diagram, Isolation
between Transmitter and Receiver, Non-zero IF Receiver,
Receiver Bandwidth Requirements, Applications of CW

Module 4 FM : 8
CW Radar, Range and Doppler Measurement, Block
Diagram and Characteristics Approaching/ Receding
Targets), FM-CW altimeter, Measurement Errors, Multiple
Frequency CW Radar.
Module 5 MTI and Pulse Doppler Radar : 4
Introduction, Principle, MTI Radar with - Power Amplifier
Transmitter and Power Oscillator Transmitter,
Module 6 Tracking Radar : 4
Tracking with Radar, Sequential Lobing, Conical Scan,
Monopulse Tracking Radar – Amplitude Comparison
Module 7 Detection of Radar Signals in Noise : 6
Introduction, Matched Filter Receiver – Response
Characteristics and Derivation, Correlation Function and
Cross-correlation Receiver,

Text/Reference Books :

1. Introduction to Radar Systems – Merrill I. Skolnik, 2nd ed, McGraw-Hill, 1981.

2. Introduction to Radar Systems – Merrill I. Skolnik, 3rd ed, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2001

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PEC ECEUGPE12 EMI/EMC Techniques 3L-0T-0P 3 Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Basic Theory: 8

Introduction to EMI and EMC, Intra and inter system EMI,
Elements of Interference, Sources and Victims of EMI,
Conducted and Radiated EMI emission and susceptibility,
Various issues of EMC, EMC Testing categories, EMC
Engineering Application.
Module 2 Coupling Mechanism : 9
Electromagnetic field sources and Coupling paths, Coupling via
the supply network, Common mode coupling, Differential mode
coupling, Impedance coupling, Inductive and Capacitive
coupling, Radiative coupling,
Module 3 EMI Mitigation Techniques : 10
Working principle of Shielding and Murphy‟s Law, LF Magnetic
shielding, Apertures and shielding effectiveness, Choice of
Materials for H, E, and free space fields, Gasketting and sealing,
PCB Level shielding, Principle of Grounding, Isolated grounds,
Grounding strategies for Large systems, Grounding for mixed
signal systems, Filter types and operation, Surge protection
devices, Transient protection.
Module 4 Standards and Regulation : 9
Need for Standards, Generic/General Standards for Residential
and Industrial environment.
EMI Test Methods and Instrumentation: 6
Module 5 Fundamental considerations, EMI Shielding effectiveness tests,
Open field test, TEM cell for immunity test, Shielded chamber,
Shielded anechoic chamber. LISN.

Text/Reference Books :
1. Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility by Clayton R Paul, John Willey
2. EMI/EMC by G K Deb
3. Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility by Bernhard Keiser, Artech House, 3rd ed

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Semester VIII (Fourth year)

ECEUGPE14, PEC V 3L-0-0-3T 3Credits


ECEUGPE17, PEC VI 3L-0-0-3T 3Credits


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HSMC MBAUGHU02 Professional Values & Ethics 2L-0-0-2T 2Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Human Values : 5

Objectives , Morals ,Values , Ethics , Integrity, Work ethics, Service
learning , Virtues, Respect for others , Living peacefully, Caring ,
Sharing, Honesty, Courage, Valuing time , Cooperation ,
Commitment , Empathy, Self-confidence, Challenges in the work
place ,Spirituality,
Module 2 Engineering Ethics : 5
Overview, Senses of engineering ethics , Variety of moral issues ,
Types of inquiries , Moral dilemma , Moral autonomy ,Moral
development (theories) , Profession , Models of professional roles
,Theories about right action (Ethical theories)
Module 3 Engineering as Social Experimentation : 4
Engineering as experimentation, Engineers as responsible
experimenters, Codes of ethics, Industrial standards.
Module 4 Safety, Responsibilities and Rights : 5
Safety definition, Safety and risk, Risk analysis, Assessment of safety
and risk, Conflict of interests, Occupational crime, Human rights,
Employee rights, Whistle blowing, Intellectual property rights.
Module 5 Global Issues : 5
Globalization, Multinational corporations,Environmental ethics,
Computer ethics, Engineers as managers, Engineers as advisors in
planning and policy making, Moral leadership, Codes of ethics.

1. A Textbook of Professional Ethics and Human Values, R.S. Naagarazan, New Age
International Publishers
2. Blending the best of the East & West, Dr. Subir Chowdhury, EXCEL
3. Ethics & Mgmt. & Indian Ethos, Ghosh, VIKAS
4. Business Ethics,Pherwani,EPH
5. Ethics, Indian Ethos & Mgmt., Balachandran, Raja, Nair, Shroff Publishers
Business Ethics: concept and cases, Velasquez, Pearson.

PEC Wireless and Mobile

ECEUGPE20 0 -0-2-2 1.5Credits
Communication lab (PEC-IV)

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Generation of baseband signal for GSM, CDMA, Bluetooth, 3

WLAN and WiMAX. Estimation of the signal spectrum at
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Module 2 Analyze the working of the RF section of a mobile cellular 3
Module 3 Signal generation, reception and analysis of Bluetooth signal 3
using random number as information bits.
Module 4 Simulate the working of codec in a GSM receiver using 3
MATLAB and Labview.
Module 5 Analyze propagation characteristics of GSM, IS95, 3
CDMA2000 using Qualnet simulator.
Module 6 Determine the mobile channel transfer function using vector 3
network analyzer, signal generator and spectrum analyzer.
Module 7 Test an error correction coding scheme using software 3
defined radio system.
Module 8 Design equalizer for GSM receiver on a software defined 3
radio system.

Module 9 Design a mobile CDMA receiver using software defined 3

radio set.

PROJ ECEUGPR05 Project II 0-0-16P-16T 8Credits

Supervised Learning

Objective: To impart the essential knowledge of electronic circuit design and fault analysis,
to enhance hands on experience and to encourage innovativeness.

Guidelines: The teacher will prepare an exact design problem with specified parameters and
assign to the student. As such the teacher can further elaborate or specialize the problem
creating enough room for the student to learn and innovate.

If same job is assigned to more than one student/group, it must be with different parameter

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The students will find their own design solutions with minimum input from the teacher. Of
course there can be more than one solution but the student should ultimately know their
comparative merits/demerits.

The hardware assembly and testing has to be done only during assigned class hours under
general supervision of a teacher. The student must always make a comparative study between
the theoretical and measured performance parameters and analyze their causes.

At the end of each job, the student will prepare a report including detail technical
specification of his design, circuit diagram, design calculations, theoretical & measured
values, graphs, references etc.

PCC ECEUGPC22 Grand Viva 2Credits


PEC ECEUGPE13 Wireless and Mobile 3L-0T-0P 3 Credits


Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Cellular concepts-Cell structure, frequency reuse, concept of 8

cell splitting , Cellular radio system design, channel
assignment, handoff/handover in cellular systems,
Classification of Handoff/handover interference, capacity,
power control.
Module 2 Introduction to mobile communication. Past, present and 8
Future wireless– Mobile technology. Wireless Standards:
Overview of 2G and 3G cellular standards. Introduction to
GSM and CDMA Technology. GSM system architecture
overview, GPRS architecture, UMTS architecture, call
management and system operation. CDMA based cellular
Module 3 Signal propagation-Propagation mechanism- reflection, 8
refraction, diffraction and scattering, large scale signal
propagation and lognormal shadowing. Fading channels-

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Multipath and small scale fading- Doppler shift, statistical

multipath channel models, narrowband and wideband fading
models,power delay profile, average and rms delay spread,
coherence bandwidth and coherence time, flat and frequency
selective fading, slow and fast fading,.
Module 4 Multiple access schemes-FDMA, TDMA, CDMA and 6
SDMA, Modulation schemes- BPSK, QPSK and variants,
QAM, MSK and GMSK, multicarrier modulation ,OFDMA
and SC-FDMA.
MIMO and space time signal processing, spatial 6
Module 5 multiplexing,diversity/multiplexing tradeoff.Performance
measures- Outage, average SNR, average symbol/bit error
rate. System examples- GSM, EDGE, GPRS, IS-95, CDMA
2000 and WCDMA.
Module 6 Receiver structure- Diversity receivers- selection and MRC 6
receivers, RAKE receiver, equalization: linear-ZFE and
adaptive, DFE. Transmit diversity-Altamonte scheme.

PEC ECEUGPE14 Adhoc and Sensor Netwok 3L-0T-0P 3 Credits

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to
1. Design wireless sensor networks for a given application
2. Understand emerging research areas in the field of sensor networks
3. Understand MAC protocols used for different communication standards used in WSN
4. Explore new protocols for WSN

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Introduction to Sensor Networks, unique constraints and 6

challenges, Advantage of Sensor Networks, Applications of
Sensor Networks, Types of wireless sensor networks.
Module 2 Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) and Wireless Sensor 6
Networks, Enabling technologies for Wireless Sensor
Networks. Issues and challenges in wireless sensor networks.
Module 3 Classification of WSNs, Routing protocols, MAC layer 8
protocols: Classification of MAC Protocols, S-MAC
Protocol, B-MAC protocol, IEEE 802.15.4 standard and
Module 4 Dissemination protocol for large sensor network. Data 8
dissemination, data gathering, and data fusion; Quality of a
sensor network; Real-time traffic support and security

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Module 5 Design Principles for WSNs, Gateway Concepts Need for 6

gateway, WSN to Internet Communication, and Internet to
WSN Communication. Single-node architecture, Hardware
components & design constraints.
Module 6 Operating systems and execution environments, introduction 6
to Tiny OS and nesC ,TOSSIM.

Text/Reference Books:
1. Ad Hoc and sensor networks, Carlos Corderio Dharma P.Aggarwal, world scientific
publication/Cambridge university press, March 2006

2. Fundamentals of Wireless Sensor Networks Theory And Practice, Waltenegus Dargie,

Christian Poellabauer, By John Wiley & Sons Publications, 2011

3. Wireless Sensor Networks, An information processing approach Feng Zhao, Leonidas

Guibas, Elsevier Publications, 2004

4. Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology, Protocols and Applications Kazem Sohrby,

Daniel Minoli , Wiley-Inter science

5. Tiny OS Programming Philip Levis, And David Gay by Cambridge University Press 2009

PEC ECEUGPE15 Renewable Energy 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Understand the energy scenario and the consequent growth of the power generation
from renewable energy sources.
2. Understand the basic physics of wind and solar power generation.
3. Understand the power electronic interfaces for wind and solar generation.
4. Understand the issues related to the grid-integration of solar and wind energy systems.

Module Content Lecture

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Module 1 Physics of Wind Power : 5

History of wind power, Indian and Global statistics, Wind
physics, Betz limit, Tip speed ratio, stall and pitch control,
Wind speed statistics-probability distributions, Wind speed
and power-cumulative distribution functions.
Module 2 Wind generator topologies: 12
Review of modern wind turbine technologies, Fixed and
Variable speed wind turbines, Induction Generators, Doubly-
Fed Induction Generators and their characteristics,
Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generators, Power
electronics converters. Generator-Converter configurations,
Converter Control.
Module 3 The Solar Resource: 3
Introduction, solar radiation spectra, solar geometry, Earth
Sun angles, observer Sun angles, solar day length, Estimation
of solar energy availability.
Module 4 Solar photovoltaic: 8
Technologies-Amorphous, monocrystalline, polycrystalline;
V-I characteristics of a PV cell, PV module, array, Power
Electronic Converters for Solar Systems, Maximum Power
Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms. Converter Control.
Module 5 Network Integration Issues: 8
Overview of grid code technical requirements. Fault ride-
through for wind farms - real and reactive power regulation,
voltage and frequency operating limits, solar PV and wind
farm behaviour during grid disturbances. Power quality
issues. Power system interconnection experiences in the
world. Hybrid and isolated operations of solar PV and wind
Module 6 Solar thermal power generation: 3
Technologies, Parabolic trough, central receivers, parabolic
dish, Fresnel, solar pond, elementary analysis.

Text / References:
 T. Ackermann, “Wind Power in Power Systems”, John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2005.

 G. M. Masters, “Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems”, John Wiley and
Sons, 2004.
 S. P. Sukhatme, “Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage”,
McGraw Hill, 1984.
 H. Siegfried and R. Waddington, “Grid integration of wind energy conversion
systems” John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2006.
 G. N. Tiwari and M. K. Ghosal, “Renewable Energy Applications”, Narosa
Publications, 2004.
 J. A. Duffie and W. A. Beckman, “Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes”, John
Wiley & Sons, 1991.

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Aliah University

Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

PCC Soft Computing

ECEUGPE16 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Course Objectives:

 The primary objective of this course is to provide an introduction to the basic

principles, techniques, and applications of soft computing.
 Upon successful completion of the course, students will have an understanding of the
basic areas of Soft Computing including Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and
Genetic Algorithms.
 Provide the mathematical background for carrying out the optimization associated
with neural network learning. Aim of this course is to develop some familiarity with
current research problems and research methods in Soft Computing by working on a
research or design project.

Expected Outcome

 Identify and describe soft computing techniques and their roles in building intelligent
 Recognize the feasibility of applying a soft computing methodology for a particular
 Apply fuzzy logic and reasoning to handle uncertainty and solve engineering

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 Introduction to Soft Computing: 5

Introduction to Soft Computing, Concept of computing systems.,

"Soft" computing versus "Hard" computing, Characteristics of
Soft computing, Some applications of Soft computing techniques.
Module 2 Fuzzy Set Theory & Fuzzy Systems : 15
Introduction to Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy set theory, Fuzzy set versus
crisp set, Crisp relation & fuzzy relations, Fuzzy sets and
membership functions. Operations on Fuzzy sets. Fuzzy relations,
rules, propositions, implications and inferences. fuzzy IF THEN
rules, Fuzzy Inference Systems, Sugeno and Mamdani type
Defuzzification techniques. Some applications of Fuzzy logic.

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Aliah University

Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

Module 3 16
Fundamentals of Artificial Neural Network :
Introduction, Model of Artificial Neuron, Architectures, Learning
Methods, Taxonomy of ANN Systems, Single Layer ANN
System, supervised learning, and other learning techniques,
Hebbian learning, Single neuron/ Perceptron networks: training
methodology, typical application to linearly separable problems,
Perceptrons, Adaline, Back-propagation, Mutilayer Perceptrons,
Applications of ANNs to solve some real life problems.
Module 4 Genetic Algorithms: 10
Genetic Algorithms: Introduction, Concept of "Genetics" and
"Evolution" and its application to proablistic search techniques,
Basic GA framework and different GA architectures, GA
operators: Encoding, Crossover, Selection, Mutation, etc., Solving
single-objective optimization problems using GAs.

Text/Reference Books

1. S. Haykin, Neural Networks - A Comprehensive Foundation; Pearson Education,

India (The book is also published by Prentice Hall of India), 2008 (ISBN- 81-203-
2. M.T. Hagan, Howard B. Demuth, Mark H. Beale; Neural Network Design; (ISBN: 0-
9717321-0-8); Thomson 2002.
3. Jang, Sun and Mizutani; Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft-Computing – A computational
approach to learning and machine intelligence; Prentice Hall of India; ISBN-81-203-
4. S. Rajasekaran and G.A.V.Pai, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic
Algorithms”, PHI, 2003.
5. An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, Melanie Mitchell, MIT Press, 2000.

PEC ECEUGPE17 Robotics and Intelligent Systems 3L-0T-0P 3 Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module1 Robot configurations, types and applications to different

range of industrial applications. Kinematics and Dynamics of
robots. Analysis, synthesis and design of robot mechanisms.
Control systems design. Motion and trajectory planning and
control. Sensor fusion in trajectory planing and control. AI
based systems in trajectory and motion planing and control.
Basics of vision, monocular and stereo vision. Various vision
processing algorithms and techniques for identification,
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Aliah University

Syllabus of B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering up to 8th Semester

feature extraction, tracking. Integration of vision with various

functions of the robot. Advances in Robotics viz, Humanoid
robot, toy /pet robots, service and health care robot systems.

Text /Reference Books:

1. Computer Vision - A modern approach, by D. Forsyth and J. Ponce, Prentice Hall

2. Computer and Robot Vision, Robert M. Haralick and Linda G. Shapiro, Volumes 1
and 2, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1993.

PEC ECEUGPE18 Optical & Advanced Control 3L-0T-0P 3Credits

Module Content Lecture

Module 1 General concept of adaptive filtering and estimation, applications

and motivation, Review of probability, random variables and
stationary random processes, Correlation structures, properties of
correlation matrices.
Module 2 Optimal FIR (Wiener) filter, Method of steepest descent,
extension to complex valued The LMS algorithm (real, complex),
convergence analysis, weight error correlation matrix, excess
mean square error and mis-adjustment.
Module 3 Variants of the LMS algorithm: the sign LMS family, normalized
LMS algorithm, block LMS and FFT based realization,
frequency domain adaptive filters, Sub-band adaptive filtering.
Module 4 Signal space concepts - introduction to finite dimensional vectors
pace theory, subspace, basis, dimension, linear operators, rank
and nullity, inner product space, orthogonality, Gram-Schmidt
orthogonalization, concepts of orthogonal projection, orthogonal
decomposition of vector spaces.Vector space of random
variables, correlation as inner product, forward and backward
projections, Stochastic lattice filters, recursive updating of
forward and backward prediction errors, relationship with AR
modeling, joint process estimator, gradient adaptive lattice.
Module 5 Introduction to recursive least squares (RLS), vector space
formulation of RLS estimation, pseudo-inverse of a matrix, time
updating of inner products, development of RLS lattice filters,
RLS transversal adaptive filters.
Module 6 Advanced topics: affine projection and subspace based adaptive
filters, partial update algorithms, QR decomposition and systolic

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