Ug All Sem Syllabus Men
Ug All Sem Syllabus Men
Ug All Sem Syllabus Men
Tech Programme
Mechanical Engineering
A. Programme Outcome:
1. Apply basic knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering principles to solve technical
2. Design and analyze a system component, or process to meet desired needs in Mechanical
3. Design a system and conduct experiments to find suitable solution in the field of mechanical
4. Identify, visualize, formulate and solve engineering problems in the field of mechanical
5. Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
with appropriate considerations for societal and environmental constraints.
6. Apply their fundamental field skills towards the understanding of the impact of engineering
solutions on the society in a global and social context.
7. Function on multi disciplinary teams as a team member/leader and create user friendly
8. Communicate effectively in oral, written, visual and graphic modes within interpersonal,
team, and group environments.
9. Apply the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering projects.
10. Recognize the need for professional advancement by engaging in lifelong learning.
11. Demonstrate the ability to succeed in national and international competitive events in the
relevant fields.
3. To produce Mechanical Engineers capable of solving research oriented and realistic industrial
General, Course structure & Theme
Definition of Credit:
Range of credits:
A range of credits from 150 to 160 is required for a student to be eligible to get Under Graduate degree
in Engineering. A student will be eligible to get Under Graduate degree with Honours or additional
Minor Engineering, if he/she completes an additional 20 credits. These could be acquired through
Category Index Category name Ideal credit set by AICTE Actual credit proposed
HSMC Humanities and social science 12 9
including management
BSC Basic Science course 25 23
ESC Engineering Science course 24 25.5
PCC Professional core courses 48 57
PEC Professional elective courses 18 15
OEC Open elective course 18 18
PROJ Project work, seminar and 15 13
internship in industry or elsewhere
MC Mandatory courses Non credit No credit
Total 160 160.5
I. Semester-wise structure of curriculum
[L= Lecture, T = Tutorials, P = Practical & C = Credits]
** Students will undergo an induction program of 3 weeks duration during the First Semester
Semester II (First year] Branch/Course
Mechanical Engineering
Semester III (Second year] Branch/Course
Mechanical Engineering
Sl. Category Code Course Title Hours per week Total Credits
No. contact
Lecture Tutorial Practical
Semester IV (Second year] Branch/Course
Mechanical Engineering
Sl. Category Code Course Title Hours per week Total Credits
No. contact
Lecture Tutorial Practical
6 MC UCCUGMC02 Environmental 2 0 0 2 0
7 OEC OEC 3 0 0 3 3
Semester V (Third year] Branch/Course
Mechanical Engineering
Sl. Category Code Course Title Hours per week Total Credits
No. contact
Lecture Tutorial Practical
1 PCC MENUGPC10 Heat Transfer 3 1 0 4 4
5 OEC 3 0 0 3 3
Semester VI (Third year] Branch/Course
Mechanical Engineering
Sl. Category Code Course Title Hours per week Total Credits
No. contact
Lecture Tutorial Practical
1 PCC MENUGPC16 Advance 3 0 0 3 3
2 PCC MENUGPC17 Machine Design-II 3 0 0 3 3
4 OEC OEC 3 0 0 3 3
Semester VII (Fourth year]
Branch/Course: Mechanical Engineering
Sl. Category Code Course Title Hours per week Total Credits
No. contact
Lecture Tutorial Practical
1 PCC MENUGPC19 Automation in 3 0 0 3 3
2 PEC MENUGPE10 Robotics/ 3 0 0 3 3
/ Industrial
MENUGPE11 automation and
3 PEC MENUGPE14 Refrigeration 3 0 0 3 3
/ and Air
MENUGPE15 Conditioning/
Power Plant
4 HSMC MBAUGHU01 Industrial 3 0 0 3 3
5 OEC OEC 3 0 0 3 3
Semester VIII (Fourth year]
Branch/Course Mechanical Engineering
Sl. Category Code Course Title Hours per week Total Credits
No contact
. hours
Lecture Tutorial Practical
1 PEC MENUGPE18 Non- 3 0 0 3
/ MENUGPE19/ Conventional
MENUGPE20 Energy
Utilization /
Mechanics of
2 HSMC MBAUGHU02 Professional 2 0 0 2 2
Values &
3 OEC OEC- 301 3 0 0 3 3
Total credits 14
List of Open Elective Courses
Detail syllabus of open elective courses will be provided by the department offering the
Semester wise Credit Segregation
1st 11 8.5 19.5
2nd 11.5 8.5 4 24
3rd 3 4 13.5 3 23.5
4th 2 14.5 3 19.5
5th 16.5 3 1 20.5
6th 8 3 3 6 20
7th 3 4.5 3 3 6 19.5
8th 2 3 6 3 14
credit 25.5 23 9 57 18 13 15 160.5
Detailed syllabus
Semester I (First year)
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students will able to grasp the
following concepts –
Use scalar and vector analytical techniques for analyzing
forces in statically determinate structures.
Apply fundamental concepts of kinematics and kinetics of
particles to the analysis of simple, practical problems.
Understand basic kinematics concepts – displacement, velocity and
acceleration (and their angular counterparts);
Understand basic dynamics concepts – force, momentum, work and energy;
Understand and be able to apply Newton’s laws of motion;
Understand and be able to apply other basic dynamics concepts –
the Work-Energy principle, Impulse – Momentum principle and
the coefficient of restitution;
Learn to solve dynamics problems choosing an appropriate solution strategy;
Attain an introduction to basic machine parts such as pulleys and mass-spring
Moments of inertia: Parallel axis theorem; Perpendicular axis 4
theorem; Mass moment of inertia of symmetrical bodies e.g. cylinder,
sphere, cone etc.
Concept of virtual work and energy; Concept of simple stresses and 4
strains; Torsion; Concept of fluid statics
Module 4 Introduction to Dynamics: Kinematics and Kinetics; Newton’s laws of 4
motion; Law of gravitation & acceleration due to gravity; Rectilinear
motion of particles; determination of position, velocity and
acceleration under uniform and non-uniformly accelerated rectilinear
motion; construction of x-t, v-t and a-t graphs.
Books Recommended:
1. Engineering Mechanics [Vol I & II] by Meriam & Kraige – Wiley India
2. Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics by R.C. Hibbeler – Pearson
3. Vector Mechanics for Engineers [Vol I & II] by F. P. Beer and E. R. Johnston,
4. Engineering Mechanics by Timoshenko, Young and Rao – TMH
Course Outcomes:
Module 4 Field Effect Transistor: 4
Construction and characteristics of JFET and MOSFET characteristics;
depletion and enhancement type, FET small signal model.
Module 5 Feed Back Amplifier: 4
Block diagram, properties, positive and negative feedback, loop gain,
topologies of feedback amplifier; effect of feedback on gain, output
impedance, input impedance, sensitivities(qualitative),bandwidth
Module 6 Operational Amplifier: 4
Introduction to integrated circuits, operational amplifier and its terminal
properties; concept of virtual earth, Gain-frequency and Slew rate;
inverting and non-inverting mode of operation, voltage summing,
difference, voltage follower, integrator, and differentiator.
Module 7 Electronic Instruments: 4
Principle of operation of CRO; Electron ballistics and electron beam
deflection; Concept of time base; Measurement of voltage, and
Text Books:
1. Rakshit & Chattopadhyay, Foundation of Electronics, New Age
2. Cathey, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Shaum series, TMH
3. Boylestead & Nashlesky, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Pearson
4. Millman and Halkias, Integrated Electronics, TMH
Course Outcomes:
Module 5 Continuity, Differentiability of vector functions, Arc length; 10
Curvature, Torsion, Serret-Frenet formulas, Double, triple integrals,
Jacobian .
Module 6 Green theorem, Gauss theorem and Stokes Theorems and its 6
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics : Erwin Kreyszig
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics : R.K. Jain & S. R. K lyengar
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics : C. R. Wylle & L. C. Barrett
4. Differential & Integral Calculus : N. Plskunov
Course Outcomes:
Module 2 Optics 6
Huygen’s principle, Interference of light, Young’s double-slit
experiment, Newton’s ring; Diffraction: Fresnel and Fraunhofer class,
Fresnel’s half-period zones, zone plate, Fraunhofer diffraction due to
single slit and plane transmission grating (elementary theory);
Polarization: plane, circular and elliptically polarized light, Brewster’s
law, Polaroid, optical activity.
Coherence length and time; Einstein’s A and B coefficients;
spontaneous and induced emissions, condition for laser action,
population inversion, He-Ne laser
Optical Fiber, core and cladding; total internal reflection; optical fiber
and waveguide; communication through optical fiber, energy loss,
attenuation and dispersion
Module 3 Electrostatics & Electricity 6
Coulomb’s law, intensity and potential of point charge, Gauss’s theorem
and simple applications, electric-dipole, Electric displacement,
capacitor, parallel plates and cylindrical, Thermoelectricity, Magnetic
effects of currents, Self-inductance, Mutual inductance, Transformer
Electric circuit elements and AC, DC circuit analysis.
Text Book:
ESC CENUGES01 Engineering Graphics 0L-1T-3P 2.5 Credits
& Design
Course Outcomes:
Reference Books:
1. A Text Book of Engineering Graphics by P.J.Shah S.Chand & Company Ltd., New
2. Elementary Engineering Drawing by N.D.Bhatt Charotar Publishing House,
3. A text book of Engineering Drawing by R.K.Dhawan, S.Chand &
Company Ltd., New Delhi.
ESC ECEUGES02 Basic Electronics Engineering Lab 0L-0T-3P 1.5 Credits
(for CEN,MEN & CSE)
Course Outcomes:
Course Outcomes:
Module 4 To determine the focal length of a concave lens by combination 3
method and hence to determine the refractive index of the material
of the lens by measuring the radii of curvature of both lenses
Module 5 Determination of the average resistance per unit length of the meter 3
bridge wire by Carey-Foster’s method and hence to determine an
unknown resistance
Module 6 Determination of the horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic 3
field and the magnetic moment of a magnet by employing
Module 7 Determination of Young’s Modulus of elasticity of a material of a 3
bar by the method of flexure.
Module 8 Determination of rigidity modulus of a material of a wire by static 3
Module 9 Determination of rigidity modulus of a material of a wire by 3
dynamic method.
Module 10 Determination of unknown frequency of a tuning fork by using a 3
Course Outcomes:
Semester II (First year)
ESC CSEUGES01 Programming for Problem Solving 3L-0T-0P 3 Credits
Course outcomes:
Module 9 Storage Class & Scope: 2
Meaning of Terms, Scope - Block scope & file scope, Storage Classes
Automatic Storage, Extern Storage, Static, Storage, Register Storage.
Module 10 Pointers: 4
Introduction, Memory Organization, The basics of Pointer, The Pointer
operator Application of Pointer, Pointer Expression, Declaration of
Pointer, Initializing Pointer, De-referencing Pointer,Void Pointer,
Pointer Arithmetic, Precedence of &, * operators Pointer to Pointer,
Constant Pointer, Dynamic memory allocation, passing pointer to a
function, array of pointers, accessing arrays using pointers, handling
strings using pointers.
Module 11 Structure, Union, Enumeration & typedef: 2
Structures, Declaration and Initializing Structure, Accessing Structure
members, Structure, Assignments, Arrays of Structure, Passing,
Structure to function, Structure Pointer, Unions.
Module 12 C Preprocessor: 2
Introduction, Preprocessor Directive, Macro Substitution, File Inclusion
directive, Conditional Compilation.
Suggested Books:
1. B.S. Gottfried: Programming in C; TMH.
2. B.W. Kernighan and D.M. Ritchie: The C Programming Language; PHI.
3. H. Schildt: C++: The Complete Reference; TMH, 4e.
4. B. Stroustrup: The C++ Programming Language; Addison-Wesley.
5. E. Balagurusamy: Programming in ANSI C; TMH.
6. Yashwant Kanetkar: Let Us C; BPB Publications.
7. K. N. King: C Programming: A Modern Approach, W. W.
Norton and Company. Pradip Dey and Manas Ghosh: Programming in
C, Oxford University Press
ESC EENUGES01 Basic Electrical Engineering 3L-0T-OP 3Credits
Course outcomes:
Module 6 DC Machines: 4
Constructional Features of D.C Machines , Principle of Operation of
D.C Machines, EMF & Torque Equation , D.C Generators, D.C Motors,
Losses, Efficiency, 3-point Starter and speed control of DC shunt Motor.
Module 7 Three-phase Induction Motor: 1
Introduction to 3-phase induction motor
Text book:
Course Objective:
Module 3 Row reduced echelon form; Rank of a matrix. Solution of the matrix 32
equation Ax = b; Cramer’s rule.
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, characteristic polynomial of a matrix,
Cayley–Hamilton theorem and its application. Linear dependence and
independence of vectors, basis and dimension.
Complex numbers and Complex integrals. Inequalities, Theory of
Module 4 Complex numbers and Complex integrals. Inequalities, Theory of 18
Module 5 Differential equation of first order and first degree: Exact, separable and 7
homogeneous differential equations, Bernoulli’s equation, ODEs of first
order but not of first degree; Clairaut’s equation.
Module 6 Higher order linear equation with constant coefficients: Complementary 4
function, Particular integral, Symbolic Operator D.
Module 8 Second order linear equation with variable coefficients: exact equation: 4
reduction of order; variation of parameters; reduction to normal form;
change of independent variables. Simple eigenvalue problems.
Module 9 System of linear differential equations with constant coefficients. 2
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics : Erwin Kreyszig
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics : R.K. Jain & S. R. K lyengar
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics : C. R. Wylle & L. C. Barrett
4. Differential & Integral Calculus : N. Plskunov
Course Outcomes:
Books referred
1. K. S. Maheswaramma and M. Chugh, Engineering Chemsitry, Pearson, 2016.
2. Wiley Engineering Chemistry, Wiley, 2nd Edn., 2014.
Objectives of the Course: To impart basic Communication skills to the first year UG students in
the English language through rigorous practice and use of various categories of common words
and their application in sentences; to enable them to achieve effective language proficiency for
their social, professional & inter personal communication both in speaking & writing.
Communication: Paragraph - Techniques and Methods (Inductive,
Deductive, Linear, Spatial, Chronological etc.), The Art of
Condensation- various types (Précis, Summary and Abstract, etc.),
Description, Agenda, Minutes, Notices, Circulars, Memo,
Advertisements, Drafting an E-mail, Press Release.
Suggested Readings:.
1. Sethi, J & et al. A Practice Course in English Pronunciation,
Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
2. Berry Cicely: Your Voice and How to Use it Successfully, George
Harp & Co. Ltd, London
3. Bansal, R.K. and J.B. Harrison. Spoken English, Orient Longman.
4. Hornby's, A.S. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English, 7th
5. Pillai, Sabina & Agna Fernandez: Soft Skills & Employability Skills.
Cambridge Univ. Press.
6. Sudharshana, N.P. & C. Savitha: English for Technical
Communication, Cambridge Univ. Press.
7. Raman, Meenakshi & Sangeeta Sharma: Technical Communication:
Principles and Practice. Oxford Univ. Press.
8. Prasad, P. The Functional Aspects of Communication Skills, Delhi.
9. McCarthy, Michael. English Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.
10. Leech, G & Svartvik, J. A Communicative Grammar of English.
Pearson Education. New Delhi.
11. Narayanaswamy V.R. Strengthen your Writing. Orient Longman, London.
12. Dean, Michael. Write it, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
13. Sen, Leena. Communication Skills, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi. Bown, G. Listening and Spoken
English , Longman, London
Course Outcomes:
Module 1 Primary goal of this course is to make acquaint the students to know
the programming language and also to know how ‘C’ can be used to
write serious program to solve the problems. Programs will be
based on the theoretical paper and to cover the concept of basic
arithmetic operations, control statements, functions, recursions,
arrays, strings, pointers, structures, unions, file handling etc.
Suggested Books:
1. B.S. Gottfried: Programming in C; TMH.
2. B.W. Kernighan and D.M. Ritchie: The C Programming Language; PHI.
3. H. Schildt: C++: The Complete Reference; TMH, 4e.
4. B. Stroustrup: The C++ Programming Language; Addison-Wesley.
5. E. Balagurusamy: Programming in ANSI C; TMH.
6. Yashwant Kanetkar: Let Us C; BPB Publications.
7. K. N. King: C Programming: A Modern Approach, W. W. Norton and
8. Pradip Dey and Manas Ghosh: Programming in C, Oxford University Press
Course Outcomes:
Module 2 3
Verification of Norton’s Theorem
Module 3 Verification of Superposition Theorem 3
Module 4 Power Measurement of Fluorescent Lamp 3
Module 7 Starting and reversing of DC motor 3
Module 8 Open circuit and Short circuit test of Single Phase Transformer 3
Module 9 Calibration of Voltmeter and Ammeter 3
Module 10 Characteristics of Series R-L-C Circuit 3
Module 11 Characteristics of Parallel R-L-C Circuit 3
Module 12 Resistance measurement and continuity test of DC motor using 3
Module 1 Introduction to various hand tools e.g. allen keys, spanners, punch,
files, hacksaw, hammers, chisels, vices, marking block, angle plates,
Reference books
1. Hazra Choudhury & Hazra Choudhury – Elements of Workshop
Technology, Vol. I & II – Media Promoters and Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
2. Rajender Singh - Introduction to Basic Manufacturing Process and
Workshop Technology, New Age International.
Course Outcomes:
Module Content Lecture
Course outcomes:
Objectives of the Course: To impart basic Communication skills to the first year UG students in the
English language through rigorous practice and use of various categories of common words and their
application in sentences; to enable them to achieve effective language proficiency for their social,
professional & inter personal communication both in speaking & writing; to improve their English
Module 6 Comprehension Skills based on Reading and Listening Practical on
a model Audio-Visual Usage.
Reference Books
1. Bansal R.K. & Harrison: Phonetics in English, Orient Longman, New Delhi.
2. Sethi & Dhamija: A Course in Phonetics and Spoken English,
Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
3. Pandey, L.U.B. & R.P.Singh: A Manual of Practical
Communication, A.I.T.B.S. Pub. India Ltd. Krishan Nagar, Delhi.
4. Joans, Daniel, Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary, Cambridge Univ.
5. Sudharshana, N.P. & C. Savitha: English for Technical
Communication, Cambridge Univ. Press.
Numerical Analysis: Bisection Method, Newton-Raphson method.Finite differences, forward
and backward difference operators (no derivations on relations between operators) Newton-
Gregory forward and backward interpolation formulae. (Without proof), Lagrange's and
Newton's divided difference interpolation formulae (without proof) Numerical differentiation
using Newton's forward and backward formulae-problems.
Numerical solutions of first order ODE: Taylors Series Method, Euler’s and Modified Euler's
method, Runge-Kutta 4th order method, Milne's predictor and corrector method (problems only).
Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson's one third rule, Simpson's three eighth rule
and Weddle's rule (no derivation of any formulae)-problems.
Fourier series: Periodic functions, Conditions for Fourier series expansions, Fourier series
expansion of continuous and functions having finite number of discontinuities, even and odd
functions. Halfrange series, practical harmonic analysis.
Fourier transforms: Infinite Fourier transforms and inverse Fourier transforms simple properties,
complex Fourier transform, Fourier sine and Fourier cosine transforms, Inverse Fourier sine and
cosine transforms.
Course outcomes:
1. To know how root finding techniques can be used to solve practical engineering
2. To apply the concept of numerical analysis to find the relative strengths and weaknesses
of each computation method and know which are most applicable for given problem.
3. To apply the analytical technique to express periodic function as a Fourier sine and
cosine series.
4. To apply partial differential techniques to solve the physical engineering problems.
5. To implement integration technique to determine the extreme values of a functional.
1. Numerical Methods for Engineers by Steven C Chapra &Raymond P Canale.
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics by Dr. B.S. Grewal, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics By H. K. Das, S. Chand & company Ltd. Ram
Nagar, New Delhi.
4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by E Kreyszig ( John Wiley & Sons).
02 Hours
Module-2: Material Testing: True stress and Engineering stress; Tensile, compressive, impact
testing processes. Theory of
mechanical failure: Fracture, fatigue, creep.
04 Hours
Module-3: Crystal Structure: Unit cells, 14 Bravais Lattices, packing efficiency and
coordination number; Crystal Imperfection: Dislocations.
06 Hours
06 Hours
04 Hours
Module-6: Phase rule, Binary phase diagram, Eutectic system, iron-carbon system, T-T-T
diagram, C-C-T diagram
10 Hours
04 Hours
Course Outcomes:
Student will be
1. able to identify crystal structures for various materials and understand the defects in such
2. Understand how to tailor material properties of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys
3. How to quantify mechanical integrity and failure in materials
6. Material Science by J. C. Anderson, K. D. Leaver, R. D. Rawlings and J. M.
Alexander, Chapman Hall, 4th Ed., 1992.
7 .Material Science,Palanisamy,Scitech
Module: 1
Stress & Strain:
Definitions of stress and strain - Linear stress-strain laws - deformation of axially loaded
members - statically indeterminate problems - elastic constants & their relationships - Bi-axial
stress system – Generalized stress system - principle stresses & strains and principal- planes,
Mohr’s circle of stresses. [10 Hours]
Module: 2
Shear Force & Bending Moments Analysis:
Shear Force & Bending Moments: Definitions, SF & BM diagrams for cantilevers - simply
supported beams with or without over-hang and calculation of maximum BM & SF - the point of
contra-flexure under concentrated loads and uniformly distributed loads over whole span or a
part of it - combination of concentrated loads and uniformly distributed loads - uniformly
varying loads - application of moments. [10 Hours]
Module: 3
Torsion of circular Members - Torsion of thin circular tube - Solid and hollow circular shafts,
tapered shaft, stepped shaft & composite circular shafts - combined bending and torsion -
equivalent torque. [4 Hours]
Module: 4
Stresses in Beams:
Bending & shear Stresses in Beams - Bending stresses in beams with derivation & application to
beams of circular, rectangular, I,T and channel sections - composite beams - shear stresses in
beams with derivation combined bending torsion & axial loading of beams. [8 Hours]
Module: 5
Deflection of beams:
Relationship between bending moment, slope & deflection - method of integration - Macaulay’s
method - calculations for slope and deflection of cantilevers and simply supported beams with or
without overhang under concentrated load - Uniformly distributed loads or combination of
concentrated and uniformly distributed loads. [8 Hours]
Module: 6
Circumferential and longitudinal stresses in thin cylindrical shells and thin spherical shell under
internal pressure - Stresses in thick and compound cylinders.
Column under axial load - concept of instability and buckling - slenderness ratio - derivation of
Euler’s formulae for the elastic buckling load – Euler’s, Rankine, Gordom’s formulae.
[8 Hours]
Course Outcomes:
After completing this course, the students should be able to recognize various types loads
applied on machine components of simple geometry and understand the nature of internal
stresses that will develop within the components
The students will be able to evaluate the strains and deformation that will result due to the
elastic stresses developed within the materials for simple types of loading
Text Books:-
1. Mechanics of Materials – Beer F.P. and Johnston R., McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.
2. Elements of Strength of Materials –Timoshenko S.P. and Young, EWP.
Reference Books:-
Objective : In this unit student will be exposed to the basic laws of fluids, flow patterns.The
students completing this course are expected to understand the properties of fluids, its kinematic
and dynamic behavior through various laws of fluids like continuity, Euler’s, Bernoulli’s
equations, energy and momentum equations and it’s applications. The students shall be able to
expose viscous flow through ducts and their corresponding problems. Further, the student shall
be able to understand the theory of boundary layer and dimensional analysis.
Module 1:
Fluid properties: Definition of fluid, Newton’s law of viscosity, Units and dimensions –
properties of fluids, mass density, specific volume, specific gravity, viscosity, compressibility
and surface tension.
(2 hrs)
Fluid statics: pressure at a point, Pascal’s law, forces on plane and curved surfaces, buoyant
forces and stability of submerged and floating bodies.
(5 hrs)
Fluid Kinematics: preliminaries of Eulerian and Lagrangian description of fluid flow; velocity
and acceleration of fluid particles in rectilinear and curvilinear co-ordinates; different types of
flow-steady and unsteady flow, uniform and non-uniform flow,, rotational and ir-rotational
flow; stream line, streak line, path line & stream tube; velocity potential, linear and angular
deformation and rotation; vortex motion
(9 hrs)
Module 2:
Fluid dynamics: principle of conservation of linear momentum, Euler’s equation of motion along
a stream line and for unsteady 3D flow; derivation of Bernoulli’s equation and physical
significance of different terms; application of Bernoulli’s equation in flow measurement;
Differential governing equation: Continuity equation, Navier- Stokes equation, Flow between
parallel infine fixed plates, Couette flow, laminar flow through pipe-Hagen Poiseuille equation,
turbulent flows in pipe
(11 hrs)
Characteristics of Laminar and Turbulent Flow: Reynolds experiment, critical Reynolds number,
Darcy Weisbach equation, friction factor, Moody’s diagram, minor losses in pipes, Pipe
networks-Hardy Cross Method.
Module 3:
Concept of boundary layer, measures of boundary layer thickness, momentum thickness and
energy thickness. Prandtl boundary layer equation. Flow over flat plate, Von Karman momentum
integral equation for a boundary layer
Dimensional Analysis and Similitude: Buckingham π - theorem and its applications, Similitude:
Geometric, Kinematics and Dynamic similarity; dimensionless numbers Reynolds, Froude,
Euler, Mach, Weber Number.
Course Outcomes:
1. Knowledge of basic principles of fluid mechanics.
2. Knowledge of properties of fluids, its kinematic and dynamic behavior through various
laws of fluids like continuity,Euler’s, Bernoulli’s equations, energy and momentum
equations and it’s applications.
3. Ability to analyze fluid flow problems with the application of the momentum and energy
4. Ability to analyse viscous flow through ducts and their corresponding problems.
5. Ability to analyse different types of losses.
6. Ability to solve the problems on the theory of boundary layer and dimensional analysis.
1. Munson, B.R., Okiishi, T.H., Huebsch, W.W. and Rothmayer, A.P., 2013. Fluid mechanics.
Singapore: Wiley.
2. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, F.M.White,McGraw Hill
3.Fluid Mechanics, Cengel and Cimbala, McGraw Hill
4. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines by SK Som, G Biswas and S.Chakraorty,
5.Fundamentals of Fluids by I.G.Currie Publisher Marcel Dekker
6 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, M.K. Khan, Oxford University press
1. To learn about work and heat interactions, and balance of energy between system and its
2. To learn about application of 1st law to various energy conversion devices.
3. To evaluate the changes in properties of substances in various processes.
4. To understand 2nd law of thermodynamics and its utility.
Fundamentals - System & Control volume; Property, State & Process; Exact & Inexact
differentials; Work - Thermodynamic definition of work; examples; Displacement work;
Path dependence of displacement work and illustrations for simple processes; electrical,
magnetic, gravitational, spring and shaft work.
6 Hours
Temperature, Definition of thermal equilibrium and Zeroth law; Temperature scales; Various
Thermometers- Definition of heat; examples of heat/work interaction in systems- First Law
for Cyclic & Non-cyclic processes; Concept of total energy E ; Demonstration that E is a
property; Various modes of energy, Internal energy and Enthalpy.
Definition of Pure substance, Ideal Gases and ideal gas mixtures, Real gases and real gas
mixtures, Compressibility charts- Properties of two phase systems - Const. temperature and
Const. pressure heating of water; Definitions of saturated states; P-v-T surface; Use of steam
tables and R134a tables; Saturation tables; Superheated tables; Identification of states &
determination of properties, Mollier’s chart.
First Law for Flow Processes - Derivation of general energy equation for a control volume;
Steady state steady flow processes including throttling; Examples of steady flow devices;
Unsteady processes; examples of steady and unsteady, 1st law applications for system and
control volume.
Second law - Definitions of direct and reverse heat engines; Definitions of thermal efficiency
and COP; Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements; Definition of reversible process; Internal
and external irreversibility; Carnot cycle; Absolute temperature scale.
Clausius inequality; Definition of entropy; Demonstration that entropy is a property;
Evaluation of entropy for solids, liquids, ideal gases and ideal gas mixtures undergoing
various processes; Principle of increase of entropy; Illustration of processes in T-s
coordinates; Definition of Isentropic efficiency for compressors, turbines and nozzles-
Irreversibility and Availability, Availability function for systems and Control volumes
undergoing different processes, Lost work. Second law analysis for a control volume. Exergy
balance equation and Exergy analysis.
Thermodynamic cycles – Basic Rankine cycle; Basic Brayton cycle; Basic Vapour
compression cycle and comparison with Carnot cycle.
Course Outcomes:
1. After completing this course, the students will be able to apply energy balance to systems
and control volumes, in situations involving heat and work interactions
2. Students can evaluate changes in thermodynamic properties of substances
3. The students will be able to evaluate the performance of energy conversion devices
4. The students will be able to differentiate between high grade and low grade energies.
Text Books:
Course outcomes:
Basic features and fundamental principles
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can not make any law which violates the Fundamental Rights enumerated
under the Part III of the Constitution. The Parliament of India has been
empowered to amend the Constitution under Article 368, however, it cannot
use this power to change the “basic structure” of the constitution, which has
been ruled and explained by the Supreme Court of India in its historical
judgments. The Constitution of India reflects the idea of
m“Constitutionalism” – a modern and progressive concept historically
developed by the thinkers of “liberalism” – an ideology which has been
recognized as one of the most popular political ideology and result of
historical struggles against arbitrary use of sovereign power by state. The
historic revolutions in France, England,
America and
particularly European Renaissance and Reformation movement have
resulted into progressive legal reforms in the form of “constitutionalism” in
many countries. The Constitution of India was made by borrowing models
and principles from many countries including United Kingdom and
America. The Constitution of India is not only a legal document but it also
reflects social, political and economic perspectives of the Indian Society. It
reflects India’s legacy of “diversity”. It has been said that Indian
constitution reflects ideals of its freedom movement; however, few critics
have argued that it does not truly incorporate our own ancient legal heritage
and cultural values. No law can be “static” and therefore the Constitution of
India has also been amended more than one hundred times. These
amendments reflect political, social and economic developments since the
year 1950. The Indian judiciary and particularly the Supreme Court of India
has played an historic role as the guardian of people. It has been protecting
not only basic ideals of the Constitution but also strengthened the same
through progressive interpretations of the text of the Constitution. The
judicial activism of the Supreme Court of India and its historic
contributions has been recognized throughout the world and it gradually
made it “as one of the strongest court in the world”.
Module 5 The scheme of the Fundamental Duties and its legal status
Module 6 The Directive Principles of State Policy – Its importance and
Module 7 . Federal structure and distribution of legislative and financial
between the Union and the States
Module 8 Parliamentary Form of Government in India – The constitution
powers and
status of the President of India
Module 9 Amendment of the Constitutional Powers and Procedure
The main objective of the material testing laboratory is to demonstrate the basic principles in the
area of strength and mechanics of materials and structural analysis to the undergraduate
students through a series of experiments. In this lab, students will have the opportunity to apply
loads to various materials under different equilibrium conditions. The student will perform tests
on materials in tension, torsion, bending, and buckling. Also they have the opportunity to
examine the deformation of metal specimens when a hardened steel ball is pressed into it under
different normal loads and to determine how such indentations should be used to give an
indication of the properties of the specimen. In this lab the experiments are performed to
measure the properties of the materials such as impact strength, tensile strength, compressive
strength, hardness, ductility etc.
The list of experiments under material testing laboratory are given below:
1. To study the Universal Testing Machine (UTM) and perform the tensile test.
2. To study the Universal Testing Machine (UTM) and perform the compression test.
3. To study the Universal Testing Machine (UTM) and perform the bending test.
4. To study the Universal Testing Machine (UTM) and perform the shear test.
5. To study the Brinell and Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine and perform the Brinell and
Rockwell Hardness test.
6. To study the Impact Testing Machine and perform the Impact tests like Izod and Charpy.
7. To study the Torsion Testing Machine and perform the Torsion Test.
8. To study the Deflection of Beam and perform the Beam deflection for different types of
9. To study the Helical Spring and perform the compression test on it.
10. To study the Screw Jack and determine the M.A, V.R and Efficiency.
Upon completion of this lab student should be able to:
Analyze and design structural members subjected to tension, compression, torsion,
bending, shear and combined stresses using the fundamental concepts of stress, strain and
elastic behavior of materials.
Utilize appropriate materials in design considering engineering properties, sustainability,
cost and weight.
Perform engineering work in accordance with ethical and economic constraints related to
the design of structures and machine parts.
Semester IV (Second year)
Branch/Course: Mechanical Engineering
1 .To learn about of I law for reacting systems and heating value of fuels
2. To learn about gas and vapor cycles and their first law and second law efficiencies
3. To understand about the properties of dry and wet air and the principles of psychrometry
4. To learn about gas dynamics of air flow and steam through nozzles
5. To learn the about reciprocating compressors with and without intercooling
6. To analyze the performance of steam turbines
Introduction to solid, liquid and gaseous fuels– Stoichiometry, exhaust gas analysis- First law
analysis of combustion reactions- Heat calculations using enthalpy tables- Adiabatic flame
temperature- Chemical equilibrium and equilibrium composition calculations are using free
Vapor power cycles Rankine cycle with superheat, reheat and regeneration, exergy analysis.
Super-critical and ultra super-critical Rankine cycle
Gas power cycles, Air standard Otto, Diesel and Dual cycles-Air standard Brayton
cycle,effect of reheat, regeneration and intercooling- Combined gas and vapor power cycles-
Vapor compression refrigeration cycles, refrigerants and their properties.
Properties of dry and wet air, use of psychrometric chart, processes involving heating/cooling
and humidification/dehumidification, dew point.
Basics of compressible flow. Stagnation properties, Isentropic flow of a perfect gas through a
nozzle, choked flow, subsonic and supersonic flows- normal shocks- use of ideal gas tables
for isentropic flow and normal shock flow- Flow of steam and refrigerant through nozzle,
super saturation- compressible flow in diffusers, efficiency of nozzle and diffuser.
Analysis of steam turbines, velocity and pressure compounding of steam turbines.
Course Outcomes:
1. After completing this course, the students will get a good understanding of various
practical power cycles and heat pump cycles.
2. They will be able to analyze energy conversion in various thermal devices such as
combustors, air coolers, nozzles, diffusers, steam turbines and reciprocating compressors
3. They will be able to understand phenomena occurring in high speed compressible flows
Text Books:
6. Power plant engineering by P.K Nag. McGraw Hill Education; Fourth edition
MENUGPC06 Manufacturing Processes-1 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
1. This course provides an introductory study of manufacturing processes i.e. casting, forming
and welding processes with which the students able to understand principles associated
with basic operations involving the forming, machining and welding of engineering
2. The student will be able to interpret the advantages and limitations of each process
3. The student can analyse the practical applications of a variety of forming and machining
Module 1: Casting:
Patterns: Definition, functions, Materials used for pattern, various pattern allowances and
their importance. Classification of patterns, BIS color coding of Patterns. Binder: Definition,
Types of binder used in moulding sand. Additives: Need, Types of additives used and their
3 Hours
Sand Mould. Moulding sand mixture ingredients for different sand mixtures. Method used for
sand moulding, such as Green sand, dry sand and skin dried moulds. Cores: Definition, Need,
Types. Method of making cores, Binders used, core sand moulding.
4 Hours
Melting of metals. Gases in metals. Concept of Gating & Risers for pouring. Design of Gating
system. Solidification pattern. Fettling and cleaning of castings.
4 Hours
2 hours
Different casting Process: Shell Mould Casting, Centrifugal casting, Investment Casting, No
bake Moulding, Flaskless Casting, Chemical Sand Moulding Processes, Sodium Silicate
Moulding, Gravity Die casting, Low and High Pressure Die Casting, Special Casting
Processes: Lost Wax, Ceramics Shell Moulding, Evaporative Pattern Casting, Vacuum Sealed
Moulding, Squeeze Casting, Slush casting, Thixo-casting and Continuous Casting Processes.
4 Hours
Module 2: Forming:
2 Hours
4 Hours
Sheet metal forming processes; advanced forming processes; different features of various
types of metal forming dies; forming of plastics materials.
4 Hours
Module 3: Welding:
Arc Welding: Heat energy sources and their characteristics, modes of Metal transfer in Arc
Welding and Gas Metal Reaction, Welding fluxes and coating, weldability and welding of
various metals and alloys.
2 Hours
Metal Arc welding (MAW), Flux Shielded Metal Arc Welding (FSMAW), Inert Gas
Welding (TIG & MIG), Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) and various advanced Welding
processes, metallurgical characteristics of welded joints; weld testing and inspection.
Principles of soldering & brazing.
4 Hours
Course Outcomes:
With this subject of manufacturing processes involving casting, forming and welding,
students now able to understand principles associated with basic operations involving the
forming, machining and welding of engineering materials. Also, they can analyse the
practical applications of a variety of forming and machining processes.
Text Books:
Course Outcomes:
Course Outcomes:
Module Content Lecture
To understand the kinematics and rigid- body dynamics of kinematically driven machine
components and to understand the motion of linked mechanisms in terms of the
displacement, velocity and acceleration at any point in a rigid link
To be able to design some linkage mechanisms and cam systems to generate specified
output motion
To understand the kinematics of gear trains
To know about brakes, belt drive systems and vibrations
Detailed Syllabus:
Module: 1
Basics of Mechanisms:
Definitions – Link, Kinematic pair, Kinematic chain, Mechanism and Machine - Degrees of
Freedom – Kinematic Inversions of four-bar chain and slider crank mechanism - Mechanical
Advantage - Description of common Mechanisms - Offset slider mechanism as quick return
mechanisms, Pantograph - Hooke’s joint, Toggle mechanism. [8 Hours]
Module: 2
Kinematic Analysis:
Analysis of simple mechanisms (Single slider crank mechanism and four bar mechanism) -
Graphical Methods for displacement, velocity and acceleration - Shaping machine mechanism–
Corriolis acceleration – Klien’s Construction - Analytical method of analysis of slider crank
mechanism and four bar mechanism. [8 Hours]
Module: 3
Gear and Gear Trains:
Classification of gears – Gear tooth terminology - Fundamental Law of toothed gearing and
involute gearing – Length of path of contact and contact ratio - Interference and undercutting -
Gear trains – Simple, compound and Epicyclic gear trains – Differential Gears. [6 Hours]
Module: 4
Turning Moment and Flywheel:
Approximate analytical method for velocity and acceleration of a piston - Forces on the
reciprocating parts of an engine neglecting the weight of the connecting rod - Turning moment
diagram - Fluctuation of energy - Determination of maximum fluctuation of energy - Coefficient
of fluctuation of energy & speed - Energy stored in a flywheel – Flywheel design - Flywheel in
punching press. [8 Hours]
Module: 5
Belt Drives:
Open and crossed belt drives - velocity ratio - slip – Creep - material for belts - law of belting-
length of belts - ratio of tensions - centrifugal tension - power transmitted by belts and ropes -
initial tension.
Cam Analysis:
Types of cams and followers - various motions of the follower - Construction of Cam profiles -
Analysis for velocities and accelerations of tangent and circular arc cams with roller and flat-
faced followers. [10 Hours]
Module: 6
Mechanical Vibration Analysis:
Basic features of vibratory systems - Basic elements and lumping of parameters - Degrees of
freedom - Single degree of freedom - Free vibration - Equations of motion - natural frequency -
Types of Damping - Damped free vibration. [8 Hours]
Course Outcomes:
After completing this course, the students can design various types of linkage
mechanisms for obtaining specific motion and analyze them for optimal functioning
The students will be able to know the mechanism and functioning of the different
mechanical devices like gear, cam etc.
Also the student will be able to gather the knowledge about vibrations
Text Books:-
Reference Books:-
1. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms – Shigley J.E. and John Joseph Uicker, McGraw-
Hill Publications.
2. The Theory of Machine – Bevan T., CBS Publishers.
3. Theory of Machine – Ballaney P.L., Khanna Publishers.
4. Mechanism and Machine Theory – Rao J.S. and Dukkipati R.V., New Age International.
5. Theory of machines – Khurmi R.S., S. Chand & Company Ltd.
6. Mechanisms of Machines - CleghornW.L. , Oxford University Press, 2005.
7. Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery - Robert L. Norton, Tata McGrawHill, 2009.
In this unit student will know the hydrodynamic forces acting on vanes and their performance
evaluation and they will be able to draw velocity triangles at inlet and outlet of hydraulic turbines
and pumps. At the end of this unit student will be aware of the importance, function and
performance of hydro machinery. In this unit student will be in a position to evaluate the
performance characteristics of hydraulic turbines and pumps. Also a little knowledge on
hydraulic systems and fluidics is imparted to the student.
Introduction: Classification of fluid machines: Positive displacement and rotodynamic machines,
Impact of jet: stationary flat vertical plate, stationary flat inclined plate, stationary curved plate,
moving flat plates, moving curved plate.
(6 hrs)
Turbines: Classification of Hydraulic turbines- Impulse and reaction turbines, Heads and
efficiencies, Pelton Turbine-Governing mechanism, velocity triangles and output power,
Reaction turbine: Francis Turbine, Kaplan Turbine, Draft tube, Governing mechanism of
reaction turbines, cavitation, Unit and Specific quantities, performance characteristics curves of
Module 3:
Pumps: Classification of pumps, Centrifugal pump, pumping system and net head developed by
a pump, slip, Cavitation, manometric efficiency, losses in centrifugal pumps, head- discharge
and power-discharge characteristics of a centrifugal pump, NPSH. Reciprocating pump, slip,
effect of piston acceleration, effect of friction, Air vessels, gear pump.
Axial flow pump. Matching of pump systems characteristics , pumps in series and parallel.
Characteristics curves.
Fluid coupling, Crane, ram.
(20 hrs)
Course Outcomes
1. Ability to analysethe hydrodynamic forces acting on vanes and their performance
2. Knowledge about velocity triangles at inlet and outlet of hydraulic turbines and pumps.
3. Ability to analyse the importance, function and performance of hydro machinery.
4. Ability to evaluate the performance characteristics of hydraulic turbines and pumps. Also
a little knowledge on hydraulic systems and fluidics is imparted to the student.
1. Douglas, J.F., Gasiorek, J. and Swaffield, J., 1986. Fluid mechanics, Addision-Wesley
Longman. Harlow, Essex, England.
2. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines by SK Som, G Biswas, TMH
3. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics by JagdishLal, METROPOLITAN BOOK CO.PVT LTD.
4. Fluid Mechanics and Machinery by D. Rama Durgaiah, New Age International.
1) To compare the results of analytical models introduced in lecture to the actual behavior of
real fluid flows.
2) To discuss and practice standard measurement techniques of fluid mechanics and their
3) To learn and practice writing technical reports.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will get practical knowledge about fluid flow problem
and they will be able to apply their theoretical information
1. The aim of the course is to build a solid foundation in heat transfer exposing students to the
three basic modes namely conduction, convection and radiation.
2. Rigorous treatment of governing equations and solution procedures for the three modes
will be provided, along with solution of practical problems using empirical correlations.
3. The course will also briefly cover boiling and condensation heat transfer, and the analysis
and design of heat exchangers.
Thermal conductivity and other relevant properties, Heat diffusion equations, boundary and
initial conditions. One dimensional, steady state heat conduction without and with
heat generation through plane slabs, cylinders and spheres, Concept of thermal resistance,
Electrical analogy, Heat transfer through composite slabs, cylinders and
spheres, contact resistance. Critical thickness of insulation for cylinder and sphere.
Module 3:
Extended surface heat transfer, Steady state heat conduction through fins of uniform cross
section, fin effectiveness and fin efficiency
Module 5:
Module 6:
Flow over a body, velocity and thermal boundary layers, drag coefficient and heat transfer
coefficient. Flow inside a duct; Hydrodynamics and thermal entry lengths; Fully developed and
developing flow. Approximate solutions to laminar boundary layer equations (momentum and
energy) for both internal and external flow, Use of various correlations in forced convection heat
transfer, flow over a flat plate, and flow across a single cylinder and tube bundles. Free
convection heat transfer from vertical surface and vertical cylinder, horizontal surface and
horizontal cylinders.
Module 7:
Module 8:
Definitions, concept of a black body, Kirchoff's law, Lambert's Cosine Law, Stefan- Boltzman's
law, Plank's distribution law, Wein's displacement law, configuration factor. Radiation heat
exchange between two parallel plates, radiation shielding, radiation heat exchange in an
Module 9:
Heat exchanger types, flow arrangements, overall heat transfer coefficient, foulingfactor, LMTD
for parallel flow and counter flow heat exchangers. Effectiveness-NTU method, expression for
effectiveness of a parallel flow and counter flow heat exchangers. Multi-pass and cross flow heat
Course Outcomes:
1. After completing the course, the students will be able to formulate and analyze a heat
transfer problem involving any of the three modes of heat transfer
2. The students will be able to obtain exact solutions for the temperature variation using
analytical methods where possible or employ approximate methods or empirical
correlations to evaluate the rate of heat transfer
3. The students will be able to design devices such as heat exchangers and also estimate the
insulation needed to reduce heat losses where necessary.
1. F.P.Incropera, and D.P. Dewitt, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, John Wiley,
Sixth Edition, 2007.
2. Bejan, Heat Transfer John Wiley, 1993
3. J.P.Holman, Heat Transfer, Eighth Edition, McGraw Hill, 1997.
4. Massoud Kaviany, Principles of Heat Transfer, John Wiley, 2002
5. Yunus A Cengel, Heat Transfer : A Practical Approach, McGraw Hill, 2002
This course seeks to provide an introduction to the design of machine elements commonly
encountered in mechanical engineering practice, through –
1. A strong background in mechanics of materials based failure criteria (static condition)
under safety-critical design of machine components.
2. An understanding of the origins, nature and applicability of empirical design principles,
based on safety considerations.
3. An overview of codes, standards and design guidelines for different elements.
Module: 1
Basic Procedure of Machine Design, Basic Requirement of Machine Elements for Design,
Traditional Design Methods, Design Synthesis, Standards in Design, Selection of Preferred
Sizes, Aesthetic and Ergonomics Considerations in Design, Concurrent Engineering.
Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials, Cast Iron, Heat Treatment of Steel, Case
Hardening of Steels, Cast Steel, Alloys, Ceramics, Plastics, Plastics, Natural and Synthetic
Rubbers, Creep, Selection of Materials.
Selection of Manufacturing Methods, Hot and Cold Working of Metals, Design Consideration of
Welded Assemblies, DFMA, Tolerances, Fits, Surface Roughness.
Module: 2
Design Against Static Load, Modes of Failure, Factor of Safety, Maximum Principal Stress
Theory, Maximum Share Stress Theory, Distortion-Energy Theory, Selection of Failure
Theories, Fracture Mechanics, Residual Stresses.
Module: 3
Power Screws, Types of Power Screw Threads, Multiple Threaded Screws, Torque Equations,
Efficiency, Trapezoidal and ACME Threads, Collar Friction Torque, Overall Efficiency,
Recirculating Ball Screw.
Module: 4
Threaded Joints, Basic Types of Screw Fastening, Cap Screws, Set Screws, Bolt of Uniform
Strength, Locking Methods of Threads, Metric Threads, Eccentrically Loaded Bolted Joints in
Shear, Perpendicular to Axis of Bolt, and on Circular Base, Elastic Analysis of Bolted Joints,
Gasket Joints.
Riveted Joints, Types of Riveted Joints, Types of Failure, Strength Equations, Efficiency of
Joint, Caulking and Fullering.
Module: 5
Welded Joints, Strength of Butt Welds, Strength of Parallel and Transverse Fillet Welds,
Maximum Shear Stress in Parallel and Transverse Fillet Welds, Axially Loaded Unsymmetrical
Welded Joints, Eccentric Load in Plane of Welds, Welded Joint Subjected to Bending and
Torsional Moment.
Course Outcomes:
Students who have undergone the course will be able to understand the measurement of
mechanical properties of materials and will be able to characterize the static behavior of
mechanical systems.
Text books:
1. Design of Machine Elements by V.B. Bhandari.
2. Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design (S.I. Units) by R.G. Budynas and J.K. Nisbett.
1. Machine Design by R.S. Khurmi and J.K. Gupta.
2. Machine Design: Fundamentals and Applications by P.C. Gope.
Identify and define the necessity of “manufacturing and Machine Tools.
2. State the main purposes of characteristics of cutting geometry of various single and multi
point cutting tools.
3. Study the mechanism of chip formation for machining various materials and sources of
heat generation
4. Study the Concept of Generatrix and Directrix with different machining processes
5. Designing of SGB with various layout and other constructional features
Module 1:
Geometry of Cutting Tools: Tool nomenclature, geometry of single point cutting tool; geometry
of multi point cutting tool-milling cutters, drills, conversion of tool angles, orthogonal and
oblique cutting.
(6 Hours)
Module 2:
Mechanism of Machining: Mechanism of chip formation for ductile and brittle materials, types
of chips; mechanism of chip formation in drilling and milling, generation of cutting forces and
their effects, analysis and estimation of cutting forces in turning, drilling, milling, Merchant’s
circle diagram, measurements of cutting forces, Tool force dynamometers, turning
dynamometer, drilling dynamometer, milling dynamometer.
(6 Hours)
Module 3:
Heat Generation and Cutting Temperature: cause of heat generation in machining, effect of
cutting temperature on job and cutting tool, estimation and control of cutting temperature.
(3 Hours)
Module 4:
Life of Cutting Tools: Cause of cutting tools failure, wear of cutting tools, tool life, cutting tool
materials, estimation of machining time in turning, milling, drilling, shaping.
(3 Hours)
Module 5:
Machinability: Definition, control of chips and chip breakers, special techniques to improve
(3 Hours)
Module 6:
Machine Tools: Definition, major components of machine tools, general configurations of major
machine tools, Concept of Generatrix and Directrix, examples of Generatrix and Directrix for
for major machining processes, tool-work motions.
(3 Hours)
Module 7:
Machine Tool Power Drives: power sources of machine tools, types of power sources,
estimation of power of machine tool drives.
(2 Hours)
Module 8:
Kinematic Structure of Machine Tools: Role of kinematic structure in machine tools, various
forms of kinematic structures, various mechanisms used in machine tools, method of changing
speed and feed in machine tools.
(3 Hours)
Module 9:
Speed Gear Box: Steps of designing of SGB, various layouts of spindle speeds of SGB, Ray
Diagram, estimation of gear and shaft dimensions of SGB.
(3 Hours)
Module 10:
Specifications and Features of Conventional Machine Tools: Lathe, Drilling Machines, Shaping
and Slotting machines, Milling Machines, Grinding Machines. Milling Indexing: Purpose of
indexing, simple, compound, differential and angular indexing with calculations
(4 Hours)
Course Outcomes:
1. The graduate students will be able to understand the various geometries of single and multi
point cutting tools with various tool geometry systems.
2. The graduate students will be able to understand the mechanisms involving the chip
formations while machining the ductile as well as brittle materials
3. The graduate students will be able to understand the sources of heat generation in
machining and how to reduce the heat generation
4. The graduate students will be able to understand the classification of machine tools with
various power drives and kinematic structures.
5. The graduate students will be able to understand the constructional features of various
machine tools.
Text books:
1. A.B. Chattopadhyay, Machining and Machine Tools, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Ghosh & Mallick, Manufacturing Science, Affiliated East-West Press Pvt. Ltd.
3. P.N. Rao, Manufacturing Technology – Metal Cutting and Machine Tools, TMH
Reference Books:
1. The main objective of this course is to make students familiar with the mechanical measuring
systems, and the standard measurement methods. It further aims to make them to understand
the basic measurement systems in the real time engineering applications.
2. To provide essential elements of electrical circuit analysis with a definite focus on
Mechanical Engineering application.
3. To provide an introduction to instrumentation and devices used for measurements in
electromechanical systems and introduction to automatic control systems.
Module1: Introduction
Introduction to Measurement and Measuring Instruments-Functional Elements-Units of
(6 hrs)
(6 hrs)
Module 4:
Signal Conditioners, Bridge Circuits-Amplifiers-Filters etc.
(8 hrs)
Module 5:
Measurements, Displacement-Velocity-Flow-Acceleration-Force-Torque-Pressure-Strain-
Frequency-Temperature etc.
(8 hrs)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will get an overview of Measurement and
1. Explain different measuring instruments to measure the qualitative and quantitative
characteristics of different mechanical components.
2. Differentiate the accuracy of instruments.
3. An understanding of basic measuring devices including transformers, transducers, and
pressure, flow rate, and temperature measurement devices.
4. Methods for rating instrument devices including dynamic range, resolution, accuracy and
5. Calibrating and analyzing the characteristics of measuring instruments.
6. Determine error and analyzing uncertainty in the measurements.
Text Books:
Reference Books:
1. E.O.Doebelin and D.M.Manik, “Measurement System”, Tata McGraw Hill Publication.
2. K.M.Reddy and P.S.R.Krishnudu,“Instrumentation and Control System”, Scitech
• To expose the students to the basic knowledge of thermal equipments and help them to
develop experimental skills.
• To study the concepts and applications of the thermal engineering laboratory.
• To demonstrate and conduct experiments, interpret and report results of testing.
Course contents:
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to,
• Demonstrate conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer through experiments.
• Estimate the cooling load of air conditioning system.
• Evaluate performance and emission characteristics of internal combustion engines.
Semester VI (Third year)
Branch/Course: Mechanical Engineering
Module 1:
Introduction: Unconventional machining process – Need – Classification – Brief overview of all
techniques – Merits and demerits
(2 Hours)
Module 2:
Mechanical Energy Based Processes: Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM) – Water Jet Machining
(WJM) – Ultrasonic Machining (USM) – Working principles – Equipment used – Process
parameters – MRR – Variation in techniques used – Applications
(6 Hours)
Module 3:
Electrical Energy Based Process: Electric Discharge Machining (EDM) – Working Principles –
Equipments – Process parameters – MRR – Electrode / Tool – Power circuits – Tool wear –
Dielectric – Flushing – Wire cut EDM – Applications
(6 Hours)
Module 4:
Chemical And Electro Chemical Energy Based Process: Chemical Machining (CHM) – Electro-
Chemical Machining (ECM) – Etchants – Maskant – Techniques of applying maskants – Process
parameters – MRR – Applications – Principles of ECM – Equipments – MRR – Electrical circuit
– Process parameters – ECG and ECH applications
(8 Hours)
Module 5:
Thermal Energy Based Process: Laser Beam Machining (LBM) – Plasma Arc Machining (PAM)
– Electron Beam Machining (EBM) – Principles – Equipment – Types – Beam control
techniques – Applications
(6 Hours)
Module 6:
Hybrid Machining Processes. Classifications, advantages and applications, electrochemical
discharge machining (ECDM), abrasive flow finishing (AFF), magnetic abrasive finishing
(MAF), magnetorheological finishing (MRF), magnetorheological abrasive flow finishing
(MRAFF), chemical mechanical polishing (CMP)
(8 Hours)
Course Outcomes:
Text Books:
1. Advanced Machining Processes, Vijay Kumar Jain, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd
2. Modern Machining Processes, by P Pandey and H Shan, McGraw Hill Education
3. Nonconventional Machining, by P. K. Mishra, Narosa Publishing House
Reference Books:
1. Gary F.Benedict-Non-Traditional Manufacturing Process, Marcel Dekkar Inc. New York.
2. Fundamentals of Machining Processes: Conventional and Nonconventional Processes, Hassan
Abdel-Gawad El-Hofy, CRC Press
3. Unconventional Machining Processes, Jagadeesha T, IK International Publishing House Pvt.
This course seeks to provide an introduction to the design of machine elements commonly
encountered in mechanical engineering practice, through –
1. A strong background in mechanics of materials based failure criteria (dynamic
conditions) under safety-critical design of machine components.
2. An appreciation of parameter optimization and design iteration.
3. An appreciation of relationships between level design and overall machine system design
and performance.
Module 1:
Fluctuating Load, Stress Concentration,Fatigue Failure, Endurance Limit, Low Cycle and High
Cycle Fatigue, Notch Sensitivity, Design for Finite and Infinite Life, Cumulative Damage.
Soderberg and Goodman Lines, Modified Goodman Diagrams, Gerber Equation, Fatigue Design
under Combined Stresses.
Module 2:
Transmission Shafts, Shaft Design on Strength Basis, Shaft Design on Torsional Rigidity Basis,
Design of Hollow Shaft on Strength Basis, Design of Keys, Splines, Couplings
Module 3:
Springs, Types of Springs, Stress and Deflection Equations, Series and Parallel Connections,
Design Against Fluctuating Load, Concentric Springs, Optimum Design of Helical Springs,
Surge in Spring, Helical Torsion Springs, Spiral Springs, Leaf Springs.
Module 4:
Clutches, Friction Clutches, Torque Transmitting Capacity, Multi-Disk Clutches, Cone Clutches,
Centrifugal Clutches, Energy Equation, Thermal Considerations.
Brakes, Energy Equations, Block Brake with Short Shoe, Block Brake with Long Shoe, Pivoted
Block Brake with Long Shoe, Internal Expanding Brake, Band Brakes, Disk Brakes, Thermal
Module 5:
Bearings, Types of Rolling Contact Bearings, Selection of Bearing Type, Stribeck’s Equation,
Dynamic Load Carrying Capacity, Equivalent Bearing Load, Load Factor, Design for Cyclic
Loads and Speeds, Bearing with a Probability of Survival, Bearing Failure-Causes and
Remedies, Lubrication of Rolling Contact Bearings.
Sliding Contact Bearings, Lubrication, Viscosity, Viscosity Index, Petroff’s Equation, McKee’s
Investigation, Viscous Flow Through Rectangular Slot, Hydrostatic Bearing, Reynold’s
Equation, Raimondi and Boyd Method, Temperature Rise, Selection Parameters for Sliding
Contact Bearing, Bearing Failure-Causes and Remedies, Comparison of Rolling and Sliding
Contact Bearings.
Module 6:
Gear Drives, Classification of Gears, Force Analysis, Beam Strength of Gear Tooth, Permissible
Bending Stress, Effective Load on Gear Tooth, Wear Strength of Gear Tooth, Internal gear, Gear
Lubrication, Helical Gears, Bevel Gears, and Worm Gears.
Course Outcomes:
Students who have undergone the course will be able to understand the measurement of
mechanical properties of materials and will be able to characterize the dynamic behavior of
mechanical systems.
1. Design of Machine Elements by V.B. Bhandari.
2. Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design (S.I. Units) by R.G. Budynas and J.K. Nisbett.
3. Machine Design by R.S. Khurmi and J.K. Gupta.
4. Machine Design : Fundamentals and Applications by P.C. Gope.
Course Content:
Module-1: Composite Material: Introduction: Definition, history, characteristics, classifications,
advantages and limitations, industrial scenario and applications, Material and microstructural
parameters of composites. Unidirectional-fibre composites: Fibre characteristics. Longitudinal
strength and modulus of composites, minimum and critical fibre volume fractions, factors
affecting strength. Transverse strength and modulus. Particulate composites: Large-particle
composites and dispersion-strengthened composites. Cermets. Zirconia toughened ceramics.
Properties of composites: Static mechanical properties, fatigue, impact and creep properties,
fracture behaviour and damage tolerance.
Nanocomposites, hybrid composites, sandwich composites, in-situ composites, smart
composites, self-healing composites, and carboncarbon composites.
[10 Hours]
[06 Hours]
Course Outcomes
After completing this course, students will have:
1) Knowledge on classification, processing, characterization and applications of various
composite materials & Ceramics
2) Ability to arrive at different deformation and failure mechanisms of composite materials under
different loading conditions in engineering applications
3) Knowledge on Powder Metallurgical process and its application.
Course Objectives:
• To learn different types of internal combustion engines and their applications.
• To describe and analyse the power cycles of internal combustion engines.
• To understand the requirements of fuel quality and combustion processes in SI and CI
• To recognize the implications of a trade-off between performance, efficiency and
• To understand and explain engine friction and lubrication and analyse parameters affecting
engine performance.
Course content
Historical overview of IC Engine Development, Classification of IC Engines, Working principles of SI
and CI engine, comparison of two stroke & four stroke engines, Comparison between SI & CI engines,
Air standard cycles and their analysis, Comparison of cycles, worked out examples.
6 Hours
Fuel air cycles and their analysis, Actual cycles and their analysis. Classification of engine fuels,
Petroleum base liquid fuels, Structure and composition of IC engine fuels, Rating of fuels, Important
qualities of SI and CI engine fuels.
5 Hours
Carburetion, Principle of carburetion, Factors affecting carburetion, Essential parts of a carburettor, Fuel
air requirement for idling, cruising and maximum power range, Air- fuel ratio calculation, Aspects in
modern carburettors, worked out examples.
5 Hours
Fuel Injection, Spray Atomization, Penetration and Evaporation. Mechanical injection system, Functional
requirements of an injection system, classification of injection system, Fuel feed pump, Fuel injector,
Fuel discharging nozzle, worked out examples.
4 Hours
Stages of combustion, Combustion equations. Stages of combustion in SI engines, Flame front
propagation. Factors affecting flame speed, knocking in SI engines, Factors affecting engine knock.
Stages of combustion in CI engines, Factors affecting delay period, Knocking in CI engines, Comparison
of knock in SI and CI engines.
6 Hours
Engine friction and lubrication, Frictional losses, Blowby losses, Pumping losses, Factors affecting
friction, Function of lubrication, Mechanism of lubrication, Properties of lubricants, Types of lubrication,
Crankcase ventilation. Engine cooling system - air cooling, liquid cooling.
4 Hours
Engine emissions & their control, Engine measurements and testing, Measurement of friction power,
Indicated power and brake power, Fuel and air consumption measurement, Performance parameters and
characteristics, Variables affecting performance characteristics and methods to improve engine
performance, worked out examples.
6 Hours
Text Books/Reference
Course outcome:
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
• Learn different types of internal combustion engines and their applications.
• Describe and analyse the power cycles of internal combustion engines.
• Understand the requirements of fuel quality and combustion processes in SI and CI
• Recognize the implications of a trade-off between performance, efficiency and emissions.
• Understand and explain engine friction and lubrication and analyse parameters affecting
engine performance.
1. To understand the need of Mechatronics systems, the principle of operation of various
sensors and transducers.
2. To provide knowledge on electrical circuits, signal conditioning
3. To make familiar about control system and power electronics in designing Mechatronics
4. To understand the structure of microprocessors and their applications in mechanical devices
5. To understand the principle of automatic control and real time motion control systems, with
the help of electrical drives and actuators
6. To understand the use of micro-sensors and their applications in various fields
Module 1: Introduction
Introduction to Mechatronics-Systems-Measurement Systems-Control Systems-Mechatronics
Upon completion of this course, students will get an overview of mechatronics applications and
the use of micro-sensors and microprocessors.
1. A student should be able to: Design and analyze issues in mechatronics systems using
mechanical, electronics, and computer hardware and software
2. Understand the mechanism and applications of finite state design methods to mechatronics
3. Apply mechatronics principles in the construction and troubleshoot of Mechanical and
Electronics Engineering disciplines.
4. Appreciate the risks and benefits of mechatronics as to minimize human error accidents and
increase productivity in the work force.
5. Describe mechatronic systems and overview of control systems & actuators.
6. Differentiate between various sensors, transducers and actuators and their applications.
7. Relate various signal conditioning units, amplifiers, logic gates and their role in
programmable logic controllers.
8. Explain various applications of design of mechatronic system
Text Books:
Reference Books:
1. To introduce the elements of control system and their modelling using various Techniques.
2. To introduce methods for analysing the time responses, the frequency response and the
stability of systems
3. To introduce the state variable analysis method.
Basic Elements of Control system -Open loop and Closed loop systems -Differential equation-
Transfer function, modelling of Electric systems, Translational and rotational mechanical
systems & signal flow graph. (16hrs)
Time response analysis - First Order systems - Impulse and step response analysis of second
order systems -steady state errors (P, PI, PD and PID Compensation, Analysis using MATLAB.
Frequency response - Bode Plot, Polar Plot, Nyquist Plot-frequency Domain specifications from
the plots – Constant -M and N Circles, Nichol’s Chart -use of Nichol’s Chart in Control system
Analysis. Lead, Lag, and Lead-Lag Compensators. (16hrs)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will get an overview idea of Control System:
1. Perform time domain and frequency domain analysis of control systems required for stability
2. Design the compensation technique that can be used to stabilize control systems.
Text Books:
1. J.Nagrath and M.Gopal, “Control System Engg.”, New Age International
2. K.Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Practice Hall of India Ltd.
Reference Books:
1. K. Ogata, “Discrete Time Control System”, Pearson Publication.
2. K.P.Ramachandran, “Control Engineering”, Wiley
MENUGPC18 Mechanical Engineering Lab-V 0L:0T:4P 4credits
(Conventional & Advanced Manufacturing)
Objectives: The course has been designed to provide the student with extensive hands-on
laboratory experience utilizing various machine tools such as Lathe, Drilling, Milling, Shaping,
Grinding Machines and to manufacture various profile on workpiece. In addition, the course is
designed for conducting various hand-on practice using CNC lathe, CNC milling, EDM system,
Wire-EDM system, ECM, Laser beam machining system, etc.
List of Experiments:
1. Detailed demonstration of different machine tools such as lathe, milling, shaping, drilling,
2. Plain, step and taper turning, grooving, knurling operation on mild steel materials
3. External and internal thread cutting on mild steel materials
4. Key way cutting or slot making
5. Drilling of holes on flat workpiece and tapping
6. Spur gear cutting in milling machine by indexing methods
7. Plain and step grinding, taper grinding operations
8. Experiments for various cutting operations using CNC Lathe and CNC milling machine
9. Experiments for cavity generation on mild steel in EDM machine
10. Experiments for cutting of mild steel in wire-EDM machine
11. Experiments for cavity generation in ECM machine
12. Experiments for various operations in laser beam machining system.
Outcomes: The students will be able to manufacture various profiles on various materials such
as metals, alloys, ceramics, composites, etc. The students will be able to understand the basic
mechanism of material removal with practical experience and the applications of various
machine tools (conventional and advanced machines) for different type of cutting and material
3. To understand the basics of product design and the role of manufacturing automation.
Module 1:
Introduction: Introduction to automation, Current trends, Basic control scheme, CAD, CAM,
CIM; Rigid automation: Part handling, Machine tools.
(4 Hours)
Flexible automation: Computer control of Machine Tools and Machining Centers, NC and CNC,
Concept of robotic system, Automated Material handling. Assembly, Flexible fixturing.
(6 Hours)
Module 2:
Computer Aided Design: Fundamentals of CAD - Hardware in CAD-Computer Graphics
Software and Data Base, Geometric modelling for downstream applications and analysis
(10 Hours)
Module 3:
Low cost automation: Mechanical & Electro mechanical Systems, Pneumatics and Hydraulics,
Illustrative Examples and case studies
(4 Hours)
Module 4:
Introduction to Modeling and Simulation: Product design, process route modeling, Optimization
techniques, Case studies & industrial applications.
(7 Hours)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the students will get a comprehensive picture of computer
based automation of manufacturing operations
Text Books:
MENUGPE10 Robotics 3L:0T:0P 3credits
4. To develop the student’s knowledge in various robot structures and their workspace.
5. To develop student’s skills in performing spatial transformations associated with rigid
body motions.
6. To develop student’s skills in perform kinematics analysis of robot systems.
7. To provide the student with knowledge of the singularity issues associated with the
operation of robotic systems.
8. To provide the student with some knowledge and analysis skills associated with trajectory
9. To provide the student with some knowledge and skills associated with robot control.
Module 1:
Definition of robot-Classification of robots according to coordinate system and control
method-Main components of robots–Manipulator, Sensors, Controller etc.-Robot
characteristics– Payload, Reach, Repeatability, Accuracy, Resolution.
Module 2:
Kinematics of Robot:
Homogenous coordinates-Homogeneous transformation matrices-Direct and Inverse
Kinematics of robots-Trajectory Planning.
Module 4: Sensors and Artificial Intelligence:
Introduction- Characteristics of Sensors- Position sensors, Velocity sensors, Acceleration
sensors, Force sensors, Pressure sensors, Torque sensors, Micro switches, Touch and Slip
sensors-Function of Artificial Intelligence-Robot Vision System-Robot programming
Languages–VAL, AML/2, ARM BASIC.
5: Application of Robots :
Rescue robots-Under-water robots- Parallel robot and Medical robot.
Module 6:
Mechatronic Elements of Modern CNC Machines:
Introduction-Machine Structure-Basic CNC programming. (6hrs)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will get an overview idea of CNC and Robotics.
10. Students will demonstrate knowledge of Importance of robotics in today and future goods
11. Students will demonstrate knowledge of Robot configuration and subsystems
12. Students will demonstrate knowledge of Principles of robot programming and handle with
typical robot
13. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the relationship between mechanical structures of
industrial robots and their operational workspace characteristics
14. Students will demonstrate an ability to apply spatial transformation to obtain forward
kinematics equation of robot manipulator
15. Students will demonstrate an ability to obtain the Jacobian matrix and use it to identify
16. Students will demonstrate an ability to generate joint trajectory for motion planning
17. Students will demonstrate knowledge of robot controllers
18. Students will demonstrate knowledge of architecture of CNC machine and basic CNC part
Text Books:
Reference Books:
19. To understand the need of Automation systems, the principle of operation of various
sensors and transducers.
20. To provide knowledge on Actuators And Signal Conditioning
21. To make familiar about various Control Method
22. To understand about the principle of PLC, DCS & SCADA
23. To understand about PLC part programming
Module 1: Introduction:
Processes-Classification of Control System- Open loop and Close loop System-Elements used
in Feedback Control System-Control Actions.
Module 2: Sensors, Actuators and Signal Conditioning:
Sensors: Displacement Sensors-Force Sensors-Ultrasonic Sensors-Temperature Sensors-
Pressure Sensors etc.-Actuators: DC Motor-Servo Motor-Steeper Motor-Piezoelectric
Actuators-Pneumatic Actuators etc.-Signal Conditioning: Filtering-Amplifying-Isolation-
ADC-DAC-Sensor Protection Circuits-Signal Transmission and Noise Suppression-
Estimation of Error and Calibration.
PI Controller-PD Controller-PID Controller-Tuning Methods: Ziegler-Nichols Tuning
Method-Cohen Coon Method.
Module 4: Automation:
PLC (Programmable Logic Controller): Overview-Operation and Architecture-PLC
DCS(Distributed Control Systems): Overview-Advantages-Functional Requirements of DCS-
Communication for Distributed Control-Application.
SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition): Introduction to SCADA-SCADA
System Components-Architecture and Communication-Application.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will get an overview of mechatronics applications
and the use of micro-sensors and microprocessors.
24. A student should be able to: Design and analyze issues in Automation systems using
mechanical, electronics, and computer hardware and software
25. Apply Automation principles in the construction and troubleshoot of Mechanical and
Electronics Engineering disciplines.
26. Appreciate the risks and benefits of automation as to minimize human error accidents and
increase productivity in the work force.
27. Overview concept of control systems & actuators.
28. Differentiate between various sensors, transducers and actuators and their applications.
29. Relate various signal conditioning units, amplifiers, logic gates and their role in
programmable logic controllers.
Text Books:
MENUGPE14 Refrigeration and Air conditioning 3L:0T:0P 3credits
Course objectives:
Course content
Revision of basic thermodynamic concepts of refrigeration. Unit of refrigeration, Refrigerants – Desirable
properties of refrigerants, Designation of refrigerants and their impact on the environment.
4 Hours
Simple vapour compression refrigeration system with schematic, T-s and p-h diagrams. Sub-cooling,
Super-heating and their effects; Effect of evaporator pressure and condenser pressure on COP; Dry
compression, wet compression and their effects; Actual vapour compression cycle.
5 Hours
Effects of flash chamber and flash intercooler; Elements of a vapour compression refrigeration system:
Compressor, Condenser, Expansion valve and Evaporator, and worked out examples.
4 Hours
Bell Coleman cycle, Aircraft refrigeration- Simple, Bootstrap, Regenerative and Reduced ambient air
refrigeration systems, DART and worked out examples.
5 Hours
Simple vapour absorption refrigeration system, Comparison between vapour absorption and vapour
compression systems. Limitations of vapour absorption refrigeration system, Lithium bromide-water and
Aqua-ammonia systems, Temperature-concentration and enthalpy-concentration diagrams.
Introduction to some non-conventional refrigeration systems (Thermoelectric, Vortex and Pulse tube,
Steam jet refrigeration).
5 Hours
Thermodynamics of moist air, Basic definitions related to psychometry, Psychrometry of air conditioning
processes, Psychometric chart, Bypass factor, Sensible heat factor, ADP.
6 Hours
Solar radiation and interaction with building structures, outside air and ventilation, Cooling and heating
load estimation, Air washer, Duct sizing and design, worked out examples.
6 Hours
Recommended Books:
Course outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
• Demonstrate the operations of vapour compression, vapour absorption and air refrigeration systems
and the impact of refrigerants on the environment.
• Demonstrate the need and importance of HVAC technology, the typical and some advanced and
innovative schematic designs, and the goals of HVAC engineering and HVAC systems.
• Demonstrate thermal comfort conditions with respect to temperature, humidity and human clothing,
activities and its impact on human comfort, productivity and health.
• Demonstrate an understanding of psychometry and its application in HVAC.
MENUGPE15 Power plant engineering 3L:0T:0P 3credits
1. To introduce students to different aspects of power plant engineering.
2. To familiarize the students to the working of power plants based on different fuels.
3. To expose the students to the principles of safety and environmental issues.
Module 1
Thermal Power Plant:
General layout of modern thermal power plant, Site selection, Presents status of power
generation in India
(4 hrs)
Module 2
High Pressure Boilers:
Unique features and advantages of high pressure boilers, supercritical boilers, Supercharged and
fluidized bed combustion, Methods of superheat control, Corrosion in boilers and its prevention.
(4 hrs)
Module 3
Coal and Ash Handling Systems:
Coal storage, Burning systems, Types of stokers and their working, Pulverized fuel handling
systems, Unit and central systems, Pulverized mills- ball mill, Bowl mill, Ball & race mill,
Impact or hammer mill, Pulverized coal burners, Oil burners, Necessity of ash disposal,
mechanical; hydraulic; pneumatic and steam jet ash handling system, Dust collection and its
disposal, Mechanical dust collector, Electrostatic precipitator.
(4 hrs)
Module 4
Draught System
Natural draught – estimation of height of chimney, Maximum discharge condition, Forced;
induced and balanced draught, Power requirement by fans.
(6 hrs)
Module 5
Diesel, Gas Turbine And Combined Cycle Power Plants
Otto, Diesel, Dual & Brayton Cycle – Analysis & Optimisation. Components of Diesel and Gas
Turbine power plants. Combined Cycle Power Plants. Principle of operation, types of steam
turbines, compounding of steam turbines, impulse turbine
(4 hrs)
Module 6
Condensers and Cooling Towers:
Types of condensers, sources of air in condenser, condenser efficiency, Mass of cooling water
required, Necessity of cooling ponds and cooling towers, Condenser water cooling systems,
Types of cooling towers and cooling ponds.
(4 hrs)
Module 7
Feed Water Treatment:
Necessity of feed water treatment, Different impurities found in feed water, Effect of impurities,
(4 hrs)
Module 8
Nuclear Power Plant:
Nuclear fusion and fission, Chain reaction, Nuclear fuels, Components of nuclear reactor,
Classification of reactors, Pressurized water reactor, Boiling water reactor, Gas cooled reactor,
(2 hrs)
Module 9
Economics of Power Generation:
Load curves, Load duration curves, Connected load, Maximum load, Peak load, Base load and
peak load power plants, Load factor, Plant capacity factor, Plant use factor, Demand factor,
Diversity factor, Cost of power plant, Performance and operating characteristics of power plant.
(4 hrs)
Course outcome:
At the end of the course, a student will be able to:
1. Describe and analyze different types of sources and mathematical expressions related to
thermodynamics and various terms and factors involved with power plant operation.
2. Analyze the working and layout of steam power plants and the different systems comprising
the plant and discuss about its economic and safety impacts
3. Combine concepts of previously learnt courses to define the working principle of diesel power
plant, its layout, safety principles and compare it with plants of other types.
4. Describe the working principle and basic components of the nuclear power plant and the
economic and safety principles involved with it.
5. Discuss the working principle and basic components of the hydro electric plants and the
economic principles and safety precautions involved with it.
6. Discuss and analyze the mathematical and working principles of different electrical
equipments involved in the generation of power.
Nag. P.K., “Power Plant Engineering”, Third Edition, Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Company
Ltd., 2008.
El-Wakil. M.M., “Power Plant Technology”, Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Company Ltd.,
Black & Veatch, Springer, “Power Plant Engineering”, 1996.
Thomas C. Elliott, Kao Chen and Robert C. Swanekamp, “Power Plant Engineering”, Second
Edition, Standard Handbook of McGraw – Hill, 1998.
Godfrey Boyle, “Renewable energy”, Open University, Oxford University Press in association
with the Open University, 2004.
Sukhatme. S.P.& J. K. Naik, “Solar Energy Principles of Thermal Collection & Storage”, Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi,.
Course Outcomes:
Module 1 Economics: 10
Introduction and Basic Economics Terms: Nature and Significance of
Economics, Role of Economics in Engineering and Technology, Basic
Economic: Utility, Saving, Investment, Equilibrium, Micro and Macro
Economics, Liberalization, Privatization, Globalisation. Demand
Analysis, Elasticity of Demand, Demand Forecasting, Factors of
Money Banking and Trade: Functions of money, supply & demand for
money, money price level & inflation, black money, meaning,
magnitude & consequences. Banking system in India, Functions of
Commercial banks, Function of RBI, Sources of public revenue,
principles of taxation, direct and indirect taxes, balance of trade and
Module 3 Human Resource Management: 5
Recruitment and selection, Training, Performance appraisal,
Industrial Relations, Trade Union, Collective Bargaining
1. A Text Book of Industrial Engineering (Vol.1) , L. C. Jhamb ,
Publisher: Everest Publishing House
2. Management: Principles, Processes and Practices , Anil Bhat & Arya
Kumar, Publisher: OUP
3. Industrial & Business Management , Martand T. Telsang, Publisher: S. Chand.
4. Rajan Misra, (2009). Engineering Economics, University Science
Press, An imprint of Laxmi Publiactions Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
10. Calibration of Load Cell.
11. Measurement of Temperature using Thermocouple.
12. Measurement using Strain Gauge.
13. Calibration of Flow Measurement.
Course Outcomes:
Students who have undergone the course will be able to understand about various
mechatronic and robotic system. Student can gain sufficient knowledge about CNC part
programming which can be helped in various research work. Student can understand the
various measurement systems, Implement static and dynamic characteristics for analyzing
measurement systems and learn about the accuracy of the measurement system and statistical
analysis of errors.
Course objectives:
To impart the knowledge of basics of different non conventional types of power generation &
power plants in detail so that it helps them in understanding the need and role of Non-
Conventional Energy sources particularly when the conventional sources are scarce in nature.
Module 1
Basic of Solar Energy, Solar Geometry, Sun Path diagram,. Sun rise time sun set time, equation
of time correction. Incident Solar Flux on the earth surface.
(6 hrs)
Module 2
Thermal Conversion, Technology of Selective Coating, Fundamentals of Flat Plate Collector and
Evacuated Collector, Solar Concentrator, Solar thermal energy storage. Solar Refrigeration
Module 3
Analysis of wind regimes –statistical analysis of wind regimes, Dynamic data acquisition, Time
distribution, Frequency distribution. Statistical modelling.
(4 hrs)
Basic of Wind Energy conversion principles,Betz limit General introduction, types and
classification of WECS, Power, Torque Speed Characteristics, maximum power coefficient,
wind velocity measuring instrument, factors effecting the wind energy output, Principles of wind
pump, Performance analysis of wind pump, Wind electric generator.
(8 hrs)
Module 4
Brief Concept about semiconductor devices and Technology, Basics of Photovoltaic Conversion
technology and PV systems, PV system design methodologies, Materials for photovoltaic
conversions, Si and non-Si materials, crystalline, semi crystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous
materials. Technology for Si extraction, purification, Method of doping and junction fabrication.
Cell fabrication and metallisation techniques. Networking the PV cell. Characterization of PV
generators, Technology for the fabrication of thin film cells. Optical concentration. Effect of
temperature on cell performance, Thermo photovoltaic effect, Solar simulator, Testing and
performance assessment of PV generator. Balance of system solar PV generators, Electronic
control and regulation. Power conditioning, Converters and Inverters. Concentrating system.
System design and configuration. Application of PV for lighting, water pumping.
Telecommunication, Cathodic protection, etc. PV Power Plant,Grid integration
(8 hrs)
Module 5
Basics of Bio-energy conversion, biomethanation technology, Thermochemical Conversion
through Pyrolysis, Gasification and Esterification, Bio Oil,Biomethanation technology, bio
diesel, improved wood stove, bio -hydrogen generation, electricity generation from biomass
gasifier, engine systems, petrol, diesel and duel fuel engine.
(6 hrs)
Module 6
Thermal Gradient and Geothermal gradient for power generation, Basics of hydropower, Tidal
and Wave power,
(2 hrs)
Course outcomes:
After completion of this course students will be able to
1. Understand the different non conventional sources and the power generation techniques to
generate electrical
3. Recognize the need and ability to engage in lifelong learning for further developments in this
1. Duffie, J.A., Beckman, W.A. and Worek, W.M., 2013. Solar engineering of thermal
processes (Vol. 3). New York: Wiley.
2. Sukhatme. S.P., “Solar Energy”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New
Delhi, 1997.
3. Godfrey Boyle, “Renewable Energy, Power for a Sustainable Future”, Oxford University
Press, U.K., 1996.
4. Tiwari. G.N., Solar Energy – “Fundamentals Design, Modelling & Applications”, Narosa
Publishing House, New Delhi, 2002.
5. Freris. L.L., “Wind Energy Conversion Systems”, Prentice Hall, UK, 1990.
6. Johnson Gary, L. “Wind Energy Systems”, Prentice Hall, New York, 1985
7. David M. Mousdale – “Introduction to Biofuels”, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group,
USA 2010
8. Chetan Singh Solanki, Solar Photovoltaics, “Fundamentals, Technologies and
Applications”, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2009.
1. To illustrate the principle of mathematical modeling of engineering problems.
2. To introduce the basics and application of Finite Element Method.
A General Procedure for Finite Element Analysis, History of the Finite Element Method,
Examples of Finite Element Analysis. Finite Element of Linear Spring, Elastic Bar, Truss
Element, Strain Energy, Castigliano’s First Theorem, Minimum Potential Energy.
Truss Structures: The Direct Stiffness Method, Nodal Equilibrium Equations, Element
Transformation, Direct Assembly of Global Stiffness Matrix, Boundary Conditions, Constraint
Forces, Element Strain and Stress, Three Dimensional Trusses.
Elementary Boundary Theory, Flexure Element Stiffness Matrix, Element Load Vector, Work
Equivalence for Distributed Loads, Flexure Element with Axial Loading, General Three
Dimensional Beam Element.
Method of Weighted Residuals, Galerkin’s Finite Element Method, Application of Galerkin’s
Method to Structural Elements.
Continuity, Compatibility and Completeness, Polynomial Forms of One-dimensional Elements
and Geometric Isotropy, Triangular Elements, Rectangular Elements, Three-dimensional
Elements, Iso-parametric Formulation, Numerical Integration: Gaussian Quadrature.
Structural Dynamics, Simple Harmonic Oscillator, Multiple Degree of Freedom Systems, Bar
Elements: Consistent Mass Matrix, Beam Elements.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students will understand the FEM formulation and its
application to simple structural problems.
1. David V. Hutton, Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis.
2. Chandrupatla&Belegundu, Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering.
3. Reddy J.N., An Introduction to Finite Element Method.
4. Rao S.S., The Finite Element Method in Engineering.
Module 4 Safety, Responsibilities and Rights : 5
Safety definition, Safety and risk, Risk analysis, Assessment of safety
and risk, Conflict of interests, Occupational crime, Human rights,
Employee rights, Whistle blowing, Intellectual property rights.
Module 5 Global Issues : 5
Globalization, Multinational corporations,Environmental ethics,
Computer ethics, Engineers as managers, Engineers as advisors in
planning and policy making, Moral leadership, Codes of ethics.
1. A Textbook of Professional Ethics and Human Values, R.S.
Naagarazan, New Age International Publishers
2. Blending the best of the East & West, Dr. Subir Chowdhury, EXCEL
3. Ethics & Mgmt. & Indian Ethos, Ghosh, VIKAS
4. Business Ethics,Pherwani,EPH
5. Ethics, Indian Ethos & Mgmt., Balachandran, Raja, Nair,
Shroff Publishers Business Ethics: concept and cases,
Velasquez, Pearson.
Developed components in project –III will be assembled for demonstrating certain principles of
mechanical Engineering.