Proposed Curriculum Full Draft PDF
Proposed Curriculum Full Draft PDF
Proposed Curriculum Full Draft PDF
A. Definition of Credit:
L Lecture
T Tutorial
P Practical
EC Core Courses
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
BS Basic Science
OE Open Electives
MC Mandatory Courses
E. Structure of Program
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Chapter – 2
Semester-Wise Structure of Curriculum
3 Weeks Duration
Physical activity
Creative Arts
Universal Human Values
Proficiency Modules
Lectures by Eminent people
Visit to local areas
Familiarization of Dept./Branch Innovations
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Total Credits 25
Total contact hours : 31 hours
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Communication Stream
ECXY03:Cooperative Communications
ECXY09:Optical Communications
ECXY10:Principles of RADAR
ECXY12:Satellite Communications
ECXY13:Wireless Communications
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
ECXY22:Analog IC Design
ECXY23:Digital IC Design
ECXY26:Embedded Systems
ECXY31:RF IC Design
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
ECXY50:Artificial Intelligence
ECXY53:Machine Learning
BEXY06: Biomaterial
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit - V (5 hours)
Beta and Gamma Function:
Beta and Gamma functions - elementary properties, differentiation under integral sign, and
differentiation of integrals with variable limits - Leibnitz rule.
Learning Resources
Text book
1. Erwin Kreyszig, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, 9th Edition, Wiley-India.
Reference books
1. Tom M. Apostal, ‘Calculus’, Volume II, Second Edition, Wiley-India.
2. R. K. Jain And S. R. K. Iyengar, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, 3rd
Edition, Narosa Publishers.
3. B.S.Grewal, ‘Higher Engineering Mathematics’, 42nd Edition, Khanna Publishers.
Web resources
1. Dr. Srinivasa Rao Manam, NPTEL-IIT Madras, ‘Introduction to ordinary
differential equations’. URL:
2. Prof Sudeeptha Dutta, NPTEL-IIT Kanpur, ‘Differential Calculus of Several
Variables’. URL:
3. Dr S K Gupta, NPTEL-IIT Roorkee, ‘Multivariable Calculus’.
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Solve first order differential equations
CO 2 Solve higher order linear differential equations
Check the convergence of infinite series and discuss the power series
CO 3
representation of a function at various points
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit – I (14 Hours)
Coordinate system: Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate system
transformations, Differential Calculus: Gradient, Divergence, Curl and their physical
significance, Integral Calculus: Line, Surface, and Volume Integrals. Integral theorem:
Gauss and stokes theorems. Curvilinear Coordinates. second derivatives: Laplacian.
minkowski space, d'alembertian operator.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
electric field and electrostatic potential, method of images (with one example), energy of a
charge distribution and its expression in terms of electric field.
Learning resources
Text books
1. S. K. Nayak, K. P. Bhuvana, ‘Engineering Physics’, McGraw Hill Education; 1
edition (25 July 2012)
2. David J. Griffiths ‘Introduction to Electrodynamics’ HPI Publications, 3rd edition
Reference books
1. S.L. Kakani, Subhadra Kakani ‘Engineering Physics’, CBS Publications, 2nd
2. Arunkumar ‘Introduction to solid state physics’ HPI Publications, (30 January
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Student will able to understand the vector field and basic mathematical tools to
solve the problems.
CO 2 Student will able to calculate the electric field and potential for various objects
CO 3 Student will able to understand the magnetic field and magnetic properties
CO 5 Student will able to understand the band theory of solids and band gap
Assessment Method
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
List of Experiments
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Student will able to understand hall coefficient, carrier density and carrier
CO 1
mobility of a given semiconductor.
CO 9 Student will able to understand the I-V characteristic of Zener diode and Zener
Assessment Method
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Engineering Graphics
CE1114 ESC 1L: 0T: 3P 2.5 credits
and Design
Course content
Unit-I (7 hours)
Introduction to Engineering Drawing
Introduction to Engineering drawing – Tools and Standards, Geometric Constructions,
Scales, Conics and Special Curves - ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, cycloids, Involutes.
Unit-II (6 hours)
Orthographic projections
Introduction to Orthographic Projections, Projections of Points, Projection of Lines.
Unit-III (8 hours)
Projection of Solids
Projection of Planes, Projections of Solids cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone and
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Section of solids
Sections of Solids - cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone and sphere. Development of
Surfaces – Parallel line method and Radial line method.
Unit-V (8 hours)
Introduction to AutoCAD
Computer Aided Design – Introduction to AutoCAD, Co-ordinate System (UCS) and their
Commands, Basic Commands of Drawing and Editing, Dimensioning and Text.
Unit-VI (8 hours)
Computer Graphics
Drawing practice with AutoCAD – Creating 2D Drawings of Objects from Isometric
views, Creating Isometric views form Orthographic views and Introductions to 3D
Learning Resources
1. Bhatt N.D., Panchal V.M. & Ingle P.R., (2014), 'Engineering Drawing', Charotar
Publishing House.
Reference books
1. Shah, M.B. &Rana B.C. (2008), 'Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics',
Pearson Education.
2. Agrawal B. & Agrawal C. M. (2012), 'Engineering Graphics', TMH Publication.
Web resources
1. Prof Anupam Saxena, NPTEL-IIT Kanpur, 'Engineering Drawing'.
2. Prof Anupam Saxena, NPTEL-IIT Kanpur, 'Computer Aided Engineering Design'.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course outcome: After the completion of this course, the student will be able to
CO 2 Student will be familiar with obtaining the views of the frontal and the top
surfaces of an object.
CO 4 Student will know about computer aided drafting techniques and will be
familiar with one of the most powerful software ‘AutoCAD’.
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit-II (8 hours)
Tellegen’s Theorem, Source Transformations, Super Position Theorem, Thevenins,
Norton and Maximum Power transfer Theorem.
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Series Resonance.-Phase Sequence- Star and Delta connection-Relation between Line and
Phase Voltages and Currents in Balanced Systems-analysis of Balanced Three Phase
Circuits – Phasor Diagrams-Measurement of active and reactive Power in Balanced Three
Phase Systems.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit-VI (8 hours)
Speed Control of DC Shunt Motor, Flux and Armature Voltage Control Methods.
Applications of DC motors. Block level analysis of DC-DC (buck and boost) converters.
Learning Resources
Text Books
1. Charles Alexander and Matthew Sadiku, 'Fundamentals of Electric Circuits',
McGraw-Hill Education; 5th edition ,2012
2. WH Hayt JE Kemmerly and S M Durbin, 'Engineering circuit analysis', McGraw-
Hill Book Company Inc, (8th Edition), 2013.
Reference Books
1. DP Kothari and I.J Nagrath, 'Basic Electrical Engineering', McGraw-Hill
Education (3rd edition) 2010.
2. Vincent Del Toro, 'Electrical Engineering Fundamentals', Pearson 2ndEdition.
3. Hughes, 'Electrical and Electronic Technology', Pearson 10/E 2011.
Web resources
1. Prof U Umanand, IISC Bangalore, 'Basic Electrical Technology'.
2. Prof S Aniruddhan, IIT Madras, 'Basic Electrical Circuits'.
3. Prof Anant Agarwal, Masuchussets Institute of Technology, 'Circuits and
4. Prof N C Jagan, RGUKT Video content, 'Electrical Technology'.
Course Outcomes
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Electrical Technology
EC1181 ESC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5 credits
List of Experiments
1. Familiarization with supply panel (AC & DC), all measuring instruments, auto
transformers (1-φ and 3- φ), Name plate specifications of all machines.
2. Verification of KVL and KCL.
3. Verification of network theorems. (Super position and Thevenin’s Theorem)
4. Calibration of Single Phase Energy Meter.
5. Study the Characteristics of Fluorescent and Incandescent Lamp.
6. Study the behaviors of series RLC circuit.
7. Three phase power measurement by two Wattmeter method.
8. Speed control of D.C Shunt Motor using Field and Armature control.
Course outcome
After the completion of this laboratory course, the student will be able to
CO1 Understand the AC and DC power supplies and their measurement practices
CO2 Analyze the circuits using Kirchoff’s voltage and current laws
CO3 Understand the working of Energy Meter, Power measurement techniques
CO4 Analyze the working principles of motors and generators
CO5 Understanding the concept of loadline by experimental analysis
CO6 Able to understand and analyze the real-time problems of Electrical Technology
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course content
Exercise-II: Understanding the latest Mobile Phone Hardware system: Study of sensors,
display, memory, processor functionality other features.
Learning Resources
1. Electrobits magazine.
2. DRDO/ISRO/NASA Newsletters and magazines.
3. Industry newsletters and magazines.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Web resources
1. NPTEL/SWAYAM/Coursera/Udemy/
2. Flipboard apps/TED app/ Educational apps etc
Course outcome: After the completion of this course, the student will be able to
Assessment Method
1. The topics in the course may vary as per the recent technical trends of the Industry.
However, the changes are subjected to the approval of the Institute competent authorities.
2. Industry personnel/People from ISRO/DRDO/Research Center are recommended to
engage in this course.
3. In Assessment Method, among one of the monthly seminars, the student is supposed to
submit video recording of seminar and the same should be played in the classroom.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit- I (5 hours)
Computer Hardware, Bits and Bytes, History of Programming Languages, Character Set,
Variables and Identifiers, Built-in Data Types. Operators and Expressions, Constants and
Literals, Simple Assignment Statement, Basic Input/output Statement, Simple 'C'
Program, Conditional Statements and Loops.
Unit – II (6 hours)
One Dimensional Arrays, Array Manipulation, Searching, Insertion, Deletion of An
Element from An Array; Finding the Largest/Smallest Element in An Array; Two
Dimensional Arrays, Addition/Multiplication of Two Matrices, Transpose of square
Matrix, Inverse of Matrix, Character Arrays, Multi-dimensional arrays.
Unit - IV (8 hours)
Structure & Union
Structure Variables, Initialization, Structure Assignment, Nested Structure, Structures and
Functions, Structures and Arrays: Arrays of Structures, Structures Containing Arrays,
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit - V (8 hours)
Pointer Type Declaration, Pointer Assignment, Pointer Initialization, Pointer Arithmetic,
Functions and Pointers, Arrays and Pointers, Pointer to Pointers, Dangling Memory,
Dynamic Memory Allocations, Storage Classes.
Learning Resources
Text book
1. ReemaThareja, ‘Data Structures using C’, Oxford Higher Education,2nd Edition.
Reference Books
1. W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, ‘C Programming Language’, Prentice Hall
India Learning Private Limited, 2nd Edition.
2. Balagurusamy, ‘Programming in ANSI C’,McGraw Hill Education India Private
Limited; 7th Edition.
3. Yashavant Kanetkar, ‘Let us C’, BPB Publications,14th Edition
Web resources
1. Prof Satyadev Nandakumar, NPTEL-IIT Kanpur, 'Introduction to Programming in
C', URL:
2. Dr P P Chakraborty, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, 'Programming and Data Structures'
3. URL:
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Illustrate the flowchart and design an algorithm for a given problem and to
develop one C program using Operators.
CO 2 Develop conditional and iterative statements to write C Programs.
CO 3 Describe C Programs that use the arrays and its usage.
CO 4 Exercise user defined functions to solve real time problems.
CO 5 Describe C Programs using pointers and to allocate memory using dynamic
memory management functions.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
1. Understand the basic concept of C Programming and Data Structures, its different
modules that include conditional and looping expressions, Arrays, Strings,
Functions, Structures, Files, Stacks and Queues.
2. Acquire knowledge about the basic concept of writing a program.
3. Purpose of programming language and its application in problem solving.
List of Experiments
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course outcome: After the completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able
CO 1 Apply and practice logical ability to solve the problems
CO 2 Understand C programming development environment, compiling, debugging,
executing a program using the development environment
CO 3 Analyzing the complexity of problems, modularize the problems into small
modules and then convert them into programs
CO 4 Understand and apply the in-built functions and customized functions for
solving the problems
CO 5 Understand and apply the pointers, memory allocation techniques and use of
files for dealing with variety of problems
CO 6 Understand and apply the structures and unions concept and solving problems
on the same
CO 7 Understand the basic concepts of stacks, queues and applying the same for
basic problems
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content:
Unit - II
Vector calculus (15 hours)
Scalar and vector fields, level surfaces, directional derivative, Gradient, Curl, Divergence,
Laplacian, line and surface integrals,Green, Gauss and Stokes theorems (without proof)
and problems.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit - IV (9 hours)
Residue and applications
Taylor’s series, Laurent’s series, Zeros and singularities, Applications of Residue theorem,
Evaluation of real integrals.
Unit - V (8 hours)
Numerical solution of transcendental equations, Interpolation
Roots of polynomial and transcendental equations – bisection method, Regula-falsi
method and Newton-Raphson method, Finite differences, Newton's forward and backward
interpolation formulae, Lagrange interpolation, divided differences.
Unit – VI (8 hours)
Numerical integration and numerical solution of IVP
Trapezoidal rule, Simpson's 1/3rd rule and 3/8th rule for numerical integration, Solution of
IVP by Euler and Runga-Kutta method.
Learning resources
Text book
1. ERWIN KREYSZIG, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, Wiley-India, 9th
Reference Books
1. R. K. Jain and S. R. K. Iyengar, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, Narosa
Publishing House, New Delhi, 3rd Edition.
2. Erwin Kreyszig, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, Wiley-India, 8th Edition.
3. B.S.Grewal, ‘A Text Book of Higher Engineering Mathematics’, Khanna
Publishers, 43rd Edition.
4. J.W. Brown and R.V. Churchill, ‘Complex variables and Applications’, McGraw -
Hill 2,8th Edition
Web resources
1. Prof P N Agrawal, NPTEL-IIT Roorkee, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’
2. Prof Jitendra Kumar, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, ‘Engineering Mathematics-I’
3. RGUKT Content
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Able to find various integrals by using vector fields.
CO 2 Finding Eigen values and Eigen vector for a linear transformation
CO 3 Check the Analyticity of the given function, able to find complex integrations.
Able to solve complex integrations, real integrations by using residue and
CO 4
Couchy’s theorems.
CO 5 Approximate the roots of polynomial and transcendental equations.
Approximate the value at a point by using given discrete data. Solve IVP
CO 6
Assessment Method
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Object Oriented
CS1209 ESC 2L: 0T: 0P 2 credits
Course content:
Unit-I (4 hours)
Java Evolution and Overview of Java Language
Java History –Features of java, how java differ from C and C++, Java and World Wide
Web, Web Browser. Java Environment: Java Development kit (JDK), Application
Programming Interface (API).
Java Programming Structure, Java Tokens, Constants, Variables, Expressions, Decision
Making Statements and Looping, Java Statements, Overview of arrays and strings,
Machine Neutral, Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Command Line Arguments
Unit-II (5 hours)
Arrays and Strings
Arrays, One-Dimensional arrays, creating an array, declaration of arrays, initialization of
arrays, Two-Dimensional arrays, String arrays, String methods, String Buffer class,
Vectors, Wrapper classes.
Classes, Objects and Methods
Introduction, defining a class, creating objects, accessing class members, constructors,
methods overloading, static members.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit-III (4 hours)
Inheritance: Defining a sub class, sub class constructor, multilevel variables, Final
classes, and Finalize methods, Abstract methods and classes, visibility control.
Unit-IV (6 hours)
Managing Errors and Exceptions
Introduction, Types of errors-Compile time and Run time errors, Exceptions, Types of
Exceptions, Syntax of Exception handling code, Multiple catch statements, Using finally
statement, Throwing our own exceptions.
Unit-V (6 hours)
Interfaces and Multithreaded Programming
Introduction, Defining interfaces, extending interfaces, implementing interfaces.
Introduction to threads, Creating Threads, Extending the Thread Class, Implementing the
runnable interface, life cycle of a thread, priority of a thread, synchronization, Dead Lock.
Unit-VI (5 hours)
Applet Programming
Introduction, how applet differ from applications, building applet code, applet life cycle,
About HTML, designing a web page, passing parameters to applets, Getting input from
the User.
Learning resources
1. Herbert Schildt, ‘The Complete Reference Java’, TMH Publishing Company Ltd,
9th Edition.
2. Cay Horstmann, ‘Big Java’, John Wiley and Sons, 2nd Edition
Reference books
1. Allen B. Downey, “Think Java; How to Think Like a Computer Scientist”, Paper
Back, 1stEdition
2. David J. Eck, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, “Introduction to
Programming Using Java” Published by Paper Back
3. H.M.Dietel and P.J.Dietel “Java How to Program”, Sixth Edition, Pearson
Web reference
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Explain OOPs Principles and Write Basic Java Programs
CO 2 Defining Classes and Objects. Identify classes, objects, members of a class
and relationships among them needed for a specific problem
CO 3 To be able to write Java Programs to demonstrate method overloading and
Demonstrate the concepts of polymorphism and inheritance. Discuss method
overriding V/s method overloading.
CO 4 Explain the benefits of JAVA’s Exceptional handling mechanism compared to
other Programming Language
CO 5 To be able to write Java Programs to demonstrate Packages and Threading
Assessment Method
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Object Oriented
CS1289 ESC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5 credits
Programming Laboratory
List of Experiments
Course Outcomes
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
EC1285 ESC 0L: 1T: 3P 2.5 credits
List of Experiments
Learning Resources
1. J. Michael Fitzpatrick and AkosLedeczi,' Computer Programming with MATLAB',
2. Hanspeter langtangen, ‘Python scripting for Computational Science’, Springer
Reference books
1. Misza Kalechman, 'Practical MATLAB-Basics for Engineers', CRC Press.
2. Burkhard A.Meier, ‘Python GUI Programming cookbook’. PACKT publications
Web Resources
1. J. Michael Fitzpatrick and AkosLedeczi, 'Introduction to Programming with
2. Dr Sudarshan Iyengar, NTEL-IIT Ropar, ‘Joy of Computing using Python’.
Course outcome After the completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Objectives
“Human Resources” - English For Engineers And Technologists – Theory
“An Ideal Family” -Panorama: A Course on Reading– Theory
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
1.1 Podcasts – 5 – LISTENING SKILLS
2.1 British Council – A1 –level – Modules 6-10
2.2 ESL conversations – 5
3.1 Types of RC passages
3.2 Time saving tactics
4.1 Rearrangement of Jumbled Words and Sentences
4.2 Format of the Questions
5. Oxford Interactive laboratory – LSRW software – Compulsory Practice
“Transport: Problems and Solutions”– English for Engineers and Technologists -Theory
1.1 Podcasts – 5
2.1 British Council – A1 –level – Modules 11-15
2.2 ESL conversations - 5
3.1 RC Practice Tests – 5
4.1 Accuracy Building Zone – Exercises 1 – 5
5. Oxford Interactive laboratory – LSRW software – Compulsory Practice
“ War ”– Panorama: A course on Reading-Theory
1.1 Podcasts – 5 – LISTENING SKILLS
2.1British Council – A1 –level – Modules 16-20
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
“ Evaluating Technology ”– English for Engineers and Technologists -Theory
1.1 Podcasts – 5
2.1 British Council – A2 –level – Modules 1-5
2.2 ESL conversations - 5
3.1. RC Practice Tests – 1-5
4.1Accuracy Building Zone – Exercises 11 – 15
5. Oxford Interactive laboratory – LSRW software – Compulsory Practice
Course outcomes
After the completion of this Laboratory course, the students will be able to
CO 1 Critically analyze a text and be more efficient in comprehensions and
CO 2 Learn writing effectively.
CO 3 Speak confidently and spontaneously.
CO 4 Present the presentations effectively overcoming stress, fear and anxiety.
CO 5 Build a strong ethical personality.
CO 6 Implementing practically the four skills of English.
1. British Council Face 2 Face Instruction Material
2. Objective English by Edgar Thorpe and Showick Thorpe
3. Oxford Interactive Lab Course
4. English For Engineers And Technologists, published by Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd
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Web Resources
1. www.Esl. fast .com
2. www.British
Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Internal External Marks Total Marks
Weightage (%) 40% 60% 100%
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit-I (6 hours)
Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors, Fermi Level in Intrinsic and Extrinsic
semiconductors. Mobility and conductivity, Diffusion currents and drift currents, Injected
minority carrier charge, contact potential, currents in forward and reverse biased junction.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit-V (8 hours)
BJT Characteristics
BJT construction, Transistor Junction formation (Collector-Base, Base-Emitter Junctions),
Current components; Modes of Transistor operations; Early Effect, BJT input and output
characteristics in different configurations, BJT as an inverter.
Unit-VI (8 hours)
Transistor Biasing and Stabilization-BJT
Biasing techniques-different types of biasing , Transistor as an amplifier, Thermal
runaway, heat sinks, Thermal stabilization, Operating point stabilization against
temperature and device variations, Stability factors, Bias stabilization and compensation
Learning resources
Text book:
1. Jacob Milliman, Christos C. Halkias, and Satyabratajit, 'Electronic Devices and
Circuits' McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition,2012.
2. David A.Bell, 'Electronic Devices and Circuits', Oxford University Press, 5th
edition, 2008.
Reference Books
1. Ben G.StreetMan, Sanjay Kumar Benerjee, 'Solid State Electronic Devices',6th
Web Resources
1. Prof K Radhakrishna Rao, NPTEL-IIT Madras, 'Electronics for Analog Signal
Processing-I'. URL:
2. Dr. Mahesh B Patil, NPTEL-IIT Bombay, 'Basic Electronics'.
3. Dr. Chitralekha Mahanta,NPTEL - IIT Guwahati, 'Basic Electronics',
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Apply the knowledge of basic semiconductor physics and understand the
CO 1
working principles
Analyze the characteristics of various electronic devices like diodes, transistor
CO 2
Classify and analyze the various circuit configurations of transistor and
CO 3
CO 4 Designing circuits for different applications using diodes
CO 5 Analyze the concept of stability and biasing of transistors
CO 6 Troubleshooting circuits which utilizes diodes, transistors
Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Weekly Monthly tests End Semester Total
tests/Assignments (In semester) Test
(In semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
To get a hands-on experience on the concepts present in Basic Electronics Theory course
and thereby developing practical knowledge in analysis of electronic circuits using
Diodes, BJTs and MOSFETs
List of Experiments
Note: It is mandatory to perform experiment on any one of the EDA Tools before the
experiment is performed on hardware. All experiments must be unique, design
specifications should not be common in the lab.
Course outcome:
After the completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Experimental verification of transfer characteristics of diodes and transistors
CO 2 Design voltage regulators using diodes
CO 3 Design multilevel clippers and clampers using diodes
CO 4 Design and troubleshooting circuits which utilizes diodes
CO 5 Experimental analysis of different configurations of transistor circuits
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
Assessment Experiments Report/Viva- *Term End Total
Tool Voce/ Project and Semester Lab
Quiz/MCQ Viva-Voce Exam
Weightage 15% 15% 30% 40% 100%
*Term Project may be performed either on hardware or on any EDA tool (LT spice
preferred) platform.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit- I (10 hours)
Basic concepts of Networks
Ohm’s Laws and Kirchhoff’s Laws, Open circuit and Short circuit, Current and Voltage
division rule, Network Reduction Techniques – Series, Parallel, Series Parallel, Star–to-
Delta or Delta-to-Star Transformations, Nodal Analysis and Mesh Analysis. Network
theorem and applications. (Both Independent & Dependent sources).
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit- VI (8 hours)
State Space Models For Electrical Networks
Concept of state, State equations, Equivalent source method, State space model and
evaluation of state transition matrix, Application to electrical networks.
Learning Resources
Text Books
1. Charles K Alexander, Matthew N O Sadiku, ‘Fundamentals of Electric Circuits’,
Mc Graw Hill – 5th edition.
2. William H. Hayt, Jack Kemmerly, Steven M. Durbin, ‘Engineering Circuit
Analysis’, Tata Mcgraw – Hill, 8th edition.
Reference Books
1. Valkenburg M.E. Van, 'Network Analysis' , Prentice Hall.
2. N. C Jagan, CLakshmi Narayana, 'Network Theory', BS Publications
Web Resources
1. Prof S.C Dutta Roy NPTEL-IIT DELHI, 'Circuit Theory'
2. Prof T K Basu, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, 'Networks, Signals and Systems'
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Analyze the electric circuits using network theorems
CO 2 Deduce transient response for circuits
CO 3 Apply Laplace transformations for solving electric circuits problems
CO 4 Apply graph theory to obtain network theory solutions
CO 5 Analyze electric circuits using two port networks and relevant theorems
CO 6 Apply state space models for electric circuits
Assessment Method
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course content
Course content
Unit - I (10 hours)
Mathematical representations of a signal, Common signals in Engineering: Exponential
and Sinusoidal signals, singularity functions- unit impulse function, unit step function ,
Transformations of the independent & dependent variables, size of a signal, absolutely
integrable & square integrable functions, Characterization & Classification of Signals,
Modeling of systems: input-output description, typical examples of systems,
Characterization, Classification and properties of systems, Interconnections of systems
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Unit-VI (6 hours)
Periodic sampling, Sampling theorem, Pre filtering to avoid aliasing, Frequency domain
representation of sampling, Reconstruction of a band limited signal from its samples,
Sampling of band pass signals.
Learning Resources
Text Books
1. Alan V Oppenheim, Alan V Willsky, S. Hamid Nawab, 'Signals and Systems', 2nd
edition, Pearson/PHI, 2015
2. B P Lathi, 'Principles of Signal Processing and Linear Systems', 1st edition, Oxford
University press, 2009
Reference Books
1. Simon Haykin, Van Veen, 'Signals & Systems', 2nd Edition, Wiley Publications, 2007.
2. Mahamood Nahvi, 'Signals and Systems', McGraw Hill Publishers, 1st edition, 2015.
Web Resources
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Course outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Assessment Method
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Course Content:
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Learning resources
Text book
1. Peyton Z. Peebles, ‘Probability, Random Variables & Random Signal Principles’,
TMH, 4th Edition, 2001.
Reference Books
1. George R. Cooper, Clave D. MC Gillem, ‘Probability Methods of Signal and
System Analysis’, Oxford,3 Edition,1999.
2. S.P. Eugene Xavier, ‘Statistical Theory of Communication’, New Age
Publications, 1997.
3. Athanasios Papoulis and S. Unnikrishna Pillai’, Probability, Random Variables
and Stochastic Processes’, TMH, 4th Edition.
Web resources:
1. Prof M. Chakraborty, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, 'Probability and Random Variables'.
2. Prof M Dharmaraja, NPTEL-IIT Delhi, 'Introduction to Probability Theory and
Stochastic Process'. URL:
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Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Apply Simple probabilities using an appropriate sample space.
CO 2 Apply Simple probabilities and expectations from probability density functions.
CO 3 Apply problem-solving techniques to solving real-world events.
CO 4 Apply selected probability distributions to solve problems.
CO 5 Apply Mean and covariance functions for simple random processes.
CO 6 Interpret and clearly present output from statistical analysis.
Assessment Method
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Course Content:
Exercise – I
Introduction & Overview of Internet of things
The Internet of things today and tomorrow, IoT architecture outline , Functional blocks of
IOT , industrial IOT, IOT enabled Smart devices in market, Application areas for IOT,
Challenges in IOT. Hardware and Software tools required for IOT application
development, Overview of IOT based on Particle Hardware platforms and IDE’s for
Exercise - II
Exploring the arduino board and its software IDE
The Arduino board, The command area, text area and message window area. Setup
function, Controlling the hardware, loop functionality, verifying your sketch, uploading
and running your sketch and finally modifying your sketch according to your requirement.
Exercise - III
Introduction to sensors and displays
Interfacing sensors to Arduino boards about the sensor, the circuit connections, sketch
(software program), Application.And interfacing displays to arduino board
Exercise - IV
Wireless communication, introduction to Bluetooth module, interfacing to Arduino in both
one way communication and two way communication, controlling an LED in wireless
mode, interfacing wifi module with arduino controlling things by using local network.
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Exercise - V
Introduction to NodeMCU (ESP32 Wi-Fi SoC)
Controlling the things with Nodemcu using wifi communication in both ways and
interfacing nodemcu with various peripheral devices. Compare Esp8266 with other
arduino boards
Exercise – VI
Introduction to Cloud platforms
IOT device to cloud storage communication Model, need of Cloud services in IOT,
different Cloud storage services available today, Cloud Data processing and frame format,
Role of Smart phones in IOT, Examples on Home automation and Smart city
development, Introduction to clouds like Temboo, Blynk, Pubnub etc.
Exercise -VII
Introduction to GSM, GPS Module
Interfacing Arduino (uno) with Gsm, Module 2G communication and interfacing GPS
module for tracking location.
Exercise –VIII
Interfacing to External devices
Interfacing Arduino with External storage, Ex: SD card (reading,writing)Handling
Interrupts and memory management and Ethernet communication.
Exercise –IX
Introduction to Rasberry pi
Features, Comparison with Arduino, Hardware details and Programming.
Exercise –X
App Inventor
Create apps with coding, Designing apps and interfacing with Arduino.
Exercise –XI
Any one of the project from the list below
Project -I
1. Home Automation with blue tooth and wifi and controlling the things with Mobile
2. Designing water level controller.
Project -II
1. Designing women safety system with GPS and GSM module
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2. Designing secured car parking system using GPS and GSM module
Project -III
1. Uploading sensor information to cloud, operating and Monitoring
2. Designing Smart Hospital with IoT devices.
Learning resources
Text Books:
1. Cuno Pfister, ‘Getting started with the Internet of Things: Connecting sensors and
Microcontrollers to the Cloud’, O’Reilly Media Inc. Publications
2. Daniel Kellmereit, Daniel Obodovski, ‘The Silent Intelligence: The Internet of
Things’, DND Ventures LLC Publications
Reference Books:
1. Pethuru Raj and Anupama C. Raman, ‘The Internet of Things: Enabling
Technologies, Platforms and use cases’, CRC Press
2. Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti, ‘Internet of Things: A hands-on approach’,
Universities Press
Web resources:
1. Prof Sudip Misra, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, 'Introduction to Internet of Things’
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
To make the students understand the concept of amplifier designs using BJTs and
MOSFETs and comparison between similar designs
Course content
Unit-III (8 hours)
Current mirrors in MOSFETs
Design of various configurations MOSFET (CS,CG,CD) amplifiers using current mirrors.
Design of a differential amplifier with MOSFET using active load using current mirrors.
Design of Single stage and two stage opamp.
CMOS circuits (12 hours)
NMOS and PMOS inverter, NMOS inverter using active load; CMOS inverter, Pull up
network and Pull down network (PUN and PDN), logic gates using CMOS, static power
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
and dynamic power, noise margin. Pass Transistor Logic, Transmission gates. Bistability
principle, Latches, Flip flops.
Unit-V (8 hours)
BJT- Configurations and Multi stage amplifiers
BJT - small signal analysis, Comparison between Large signal models and small signal
models. and amplification and small signal resistances in different configurations (CE,CB
and CC) and multi stage amplifiers.
Learning Resources
Reference Books
Web Resources
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Understand the small-signal analysis and large-signal model for BJT
CO 2 Design of BJT and MOSFET amplifiers in different configurations
CO 3 Design and analyze of multi-stage amplifiers
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CO 4 Design and analyze differential amplifiers with active and passive loads
CO 5 Design and analyze feedback amplifiers in different configurations
CO 6 Use these engineering abstractions to analyze and design simple electronic
circuits using EDA tools
Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
(In semester) (In semester)
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
EC2181 Analog Electronic Circuits Laboratory PCC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5 credits
To make understand the concept of single stage and multistage amplifier design using
List of Experiments
1. Characterization of MOSFET.
2. Design and Analysis of Single stage amplifier using MOSFETs
i. Common Source configuration.
ii.Common Gate configuration.
iii.Common drain configuration.
3. Design and Analysis of Multi Stage Amplifier using MOSFETs
i. Cascade Amplifier.
ii.Cascode Amplifier.
4. Design of amplifiers using Current mirrors.
5. Design and analysis of Single stage amplifier using BJTs
i. Common Emitter Configuration.
ii.Common Collector Configuration.
iii.Common Base Configuration.
6. Differential amplifiers with passive load (Designing a specified value
of CMRR).
7. Step response of a differential amplifier and designing for a rise time.
8. Single tuned amplifier design.
9. Design of Class-B power amplifier.
10. Design, build and test Public addressing system.
11. Term Project.
Note: It is mandatory to perform experiment on any one of the EDA Tools (LT spice tool)
before the experiment is done on hardware. All experiments must be unique, design
specifications should not be common in the lab
Course outcome
After the completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able to
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
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Course Content
Unit-I (6 hours)
Number systems-Representations-Conversions, Boolean constants and variables, basic
gates: operation and truth tables, describing logic gates algebraically, evaluating logic
circuit outputs, implementing circuits from Boolean expressions, universality of gates,
Boolean theorems, Demorgan’s theorems, alternate logic gate representations, IEEE/ANSI
standard logic symbols.
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Unit-VI (8 hours)
Memory – Structure and Timing: Static RAM, Dynamic Ram. Architecture: CPLD, FPGA
Design and analysis of Digital circuits: Digital Clock, Digital calendar, Traffic light
controller, Mobile number sequence generators and other relevant topics
Learning Resources
Text books
1. Ronald J Tocci, Neal S.Widmer, Gregory L.Moss, 'Digital systems' Pearson 10th
2. John F.Wakerly, 'Digital Design' , Pearson 4th edition
Reference books
1. Stephen Brown, Zvonko Vranesic, 'Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog
Design', TMH, 2nd edition.
Web Resources
1. Prof. Shankar Balachandran, NPTEL-IIT Madras, 'Digital Circuits & Systems'
2. Prof. S Srinivasan, NPTEL-IIT Madras, 'Digital Circuits and Systems'
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
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Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Weekly Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
tests/Assignments (in a semester)
(in a semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
EC2182 Digital Logic Design Laboratory PCC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5 credits
1. Expose the student to the concepts of Digital System Design and its applications
2. To understand the practical aspects of combinational and sequential circuit design
3. To design a prototype digital logic design system
List of Experiments
1. Familiarization with logic gate IC’s, voltage-levels understand the concept of noise-
margin. Troubleshooting digital circuits.
2. Design of code converters and comparators (8-bit) on bread board.
3. Adder related experiments: Half adder , full adder , half subtractor, full subtractor ,
ripple carry adder, BCD adder, carry look ahead adder using IC.
4. Design of a binary multiplier and displaying its inputs and outputs on seven segment
display unit.
5. Design and verification of SR, JK, D, T latch/flip-flops. Verification and elimination
of Race Around Condition.
6. Flip-flop conversions and Design of frequency dividers.
7. Design of synchronous counters (Up and Down) and displaying result on seven
segment display unit
a. Design of Mod n ≤ 2n counter design(total 8 states, design of mod6 and
mod7 with clear).
b. Design and IC verification of Decade counter.
c. Cascading of counters.
8. Synchronous counter design and displaying result on seven segment display unit
a. Random sequence.
b. Ring counter/Johnson counter.
9. Familiarization with multiplexer, decoder, encoder. Design of Half adder, full adder,
magnitude comparator and other examples using above familiarized components.
10. Design of a mobile number sequence generator in synchronous state machine design
and in asynchronous state machine design.
11. Design of a digital clock in synchronous state machine design and in asynchronous
state machine design.
12. Design of gate-level circuit for generation of 2’s complement, 1’s complement and
sign-magnitude form of a given 4-bit signed number.
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1. It is mandatory to perform experiment on any one of the EDA Tools (Multisim)
before the experiment is done on hardware. All experiments must be unique,
design specifications should not be common in the lab
Course outcome: After the completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able
CO 1 Understand the practical aspects in working of discrete digital components
CO 2 Utilize the ICs of Decoder, Multiplexer, Seven segment display unit in
combination circuit design
CO 3 Utilize the ICs of suitable Flip-flops in sequential circuit design
CO 4 Utilize the Programmable Logic devices in digital design
CO 5 Understand the concepts of setup time, hold time, propagation delays
CO 6 Design circuits with optimal features of Area, Power and delay
CO 7 Design and implement prototypes of complete digital systems
Assessment Method
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Course Objectives:
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Unit ‐V (8 hours)
Filter Concepts
Introduction, Frequency Response and Filter Characteristics, Zero-Phase Filter, Linear
phase Filter, simple FIR and IIR Digital Filter, All pass Filters, Minimum-Phase,
Maximum-Phase and Non-minimum (Mixed) Phase Systems, averaging filter, comb filter,
Notch filter.
Text Books
1. A.V.Oppenheim and R.W. Schaffer, ‘Discrete Time Signal Processing’, 3rd edition,
Pearson Education/PHI, 2014.
2. John G. Proakis, Dimitris G.Manolakis, ‘Digital Signal Processing, Principles,
Algorithms, and Applications’, 4th edition, Pearson Education / PHI, 2007
Reference Books
1. Sanjit K Mitra, ‘Digital signal processing: A computer base approach’, 4thedition,
Tata McGraw Hill, 2013
2. B.P.Lathi, Roger Green, ‘Essentials of Digital Signal Processing’, Cambridge
University Press, 2014
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Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course, the students will be able to
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List of Experiments
Note: Above experiments will be implemented on Raspberry Pi boards also with python
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Course outcome: After the completion of this course, the student will be able to
Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Experiments Report/Viva-Voce/ Quiz/MCQ/Lab Total
Weightage (%) 25% 15% 40%
End Semester Examination weightage (%) 60%
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
1. To explore the modeling of linear dynamic systems via differential equations and
transfer functions utilizing state- pace and input-output representations.
2. Analysis of control systems in the time and frequency domains and using transfer
function and state-space methods.
3. Study of the classical stability tests, such as the Routh-Hurwitz and Nyquist
criterions, and design methods using root-locus plots and Bode plots.
Course content
Unit – I (6 hours)
Introduction-Open loop and closed loop control systems- Transfer functions- Block
diagrams and their reduction - Signal flow graphs - Mason’s gain formula.
Unit – II (6 hours)
Mathematical modeling and transfer functions of electrical circuits and mechanical
systems. Principle and operation of Servomotors and Stepper motors.
Unit – IV (8 hours)
Concept – characteristic equation – location of roots in the s-plane for stability – Routh-
Hurwitz criterion –– Root locus – rules for the construction of root locus- construction of
root locus using MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Unit – V (8 hours)
Introduction -Bode plots – Gain margin and Phase margin - Polar plots - Nyquist stability
criterion – Need for compensators - Lag and lead compensators in frequency domain.
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Unit-VI (9 hours)
Concepts of state, state variables and state model, derivation of State models from block
diagrams,Diagonalization ,Solving the Time invariant state Equation, state transition
Matrix and it’ s Properties ,Concepts of Controllability and Observability.
Learning Resources
Text Books
1. B.C.Kuo, ‘Automatic Control systems’, John Wiley and Sons, 8th edition,2003.
2. K.Ogata, ‘Modern Control Engineering’, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 5th
edition, 2010.
1. I.J.Nagrath and M.Gopal,‘Control system Engg’, New Age International (P)
Limited Publishers,5thedition, 2007.
2. Norman S. Nise,‘Control system engineering’, Wiley India, 5th edition 2000.
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content:
Exercise- I
Introduction to Robotics
What is robot and robotics, already designed robots, Manual and Autonomous robots,
Different types of industrial ARM robots, and arm design, Coordinate transformations for
more motor moments, Electrical connections of different boards and modules: How to
connect closed circuit, digital and analog pins connections.
Logic design, Actuators and sensors
Logic and binary math conversions: OR, AND, XOR, XNOR gates, binary and
hexadecimal conversions, Introduction to Arduino, Actuators, Sensors, Wired and wireless
communication, I/O communication through USB cable, Bluetooth HC05, RF modules,
DTMF module, Xbee modules.
Basic robots and Raspberry Pi
Line follower: Line follower robot design and control with Arduino board, Obstacles
avoider: Obstacle avoider robot with IR sensors and Arduino board, Mobile controller:
Mobile controller robot with DTMF module and HC05 module, Introduction to Raspberry
pi: What is raspberry and differences between Arduino and raspberry pi, Applications of
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Exercise – IV
Introduction to Aerial robots and Drones
List of Experiments:
Text Books:
1. John J. Craig, ‘Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control’, Pearson
Publications, 2005.
2. Siegwart R and Nour bakhsh I.R, ‘Introduction to Autonomous Mobile
Robots’, Prentice Hall India, 2005.
Reference Books:
1. Murphy Robin R, ‘Introduction to AI Robotics’, MIT Press, 2000.
2. MykePredko, “Programming Robot Controllers” – McGraw-Hill, 1st edition,
Video Reference:
1. Prof. Khatib, Stanford University, ‘Introduction to Robotics’
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Course Outcomes:
CO1 Learners will be able to differentiate different types of robots.
CO2 Learners will be able to analyse the components of robots, sensors, actuators.
CO3 Learners will be able to explain the coordinate transformations, I/O logic,
wireless and wired communication
CO4 Learners will be able to analyse the Arduino and Raspberry pi usage in robotics
CO5 Learners will be able to design and control basic two-wheel robot model
Assesment Criteria:
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Course objectives
Course content:
Unit – IV (8 hours)
Introduction to Sampling, Spectrum of Sampled Signal, Aliasing, Nyquist Criterion,
Signal Reconstruction from Sampled Signal, Pulse Amplitude Modulation
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Learning Resources
1. Simon Haykins, ‘Communication Systems’, John Wiley & Sons, 4th Edition.
2. George Kennedy and Bernard Davis, ‘Electronics & Communication System’,
McGraw Hill Education 2004.
Reference Books:
1. Thomas, ‘Communication theory’, McGraw-Hill Education. 2nd Edition.
2. R. P. Singh, S. D. Sapre, ‘Communication Systems’, McGraw-Hill Education, .
3. K. Sam Shanmugam, ‘Analog and Digital Communication’, Willey, 2005
4. Wayne Tomasi, ‘Electronics Communication Systems’, Person 2009, 6thEdition.
Web Resources:
1. Prof. K.Aditya Jaganathan, IIT Kanpur,'Principles Of Communication System-1',
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
CO1 Able to analyze and design various modulation and demodulation analog systems
CO2 Understand the characteristics of noise present in analog systems.
CO3 Understand the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) performance, of various
Analog Communication systems
CO4 Analyze and design the various Pulse Modulation Systems.
CO5 Understand the concepts of Multiplexing: Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
and Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM).
Assessment Method
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Communication Systems-1
EC2281 PCC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5 credits
List of Experiments:
Course outcome:
After the completion of this course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Demonstrate understanding of various amplitude modulation and
demodulation techniques.
CO 2 Demonstrate understanding of frequency modulation and demodulation
CO 3 Analysis of real time communication systems
CO 4 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of communications systems, from
the point of view analog modulations.
CO 5 To gain knowledge in practical applications of communication systems.
CO 6 To design a simple model of a communication system which uses analog
modulation techniques
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Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Experiments Report/Viva-Voce/ Quiz/MCQ/Lab Total
Weightage (%) 25% 15% 40%
End Semester Examination weightage (%) 60%
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
To make understand the student to know the Datapath and control path design aspects in
Digital System Design and also the design modeling using Hardware Description
Course content
Unit –I (6 hours)
HDL for Digital System Designs
Verilog HDL modeling of Combinational circuits design: Code converters, Multiplexers,
Decoders, multi-bit adders, subtractors, multipliers others. Timing control, Blocking and
non-blocking assignments. Combinational Synthesis.
Unit-II (6 hours)
HDL for Digital System Designs
Verilog HDL modeling of Sequential circuits design: Flipflops, synchronous counters,
asynchronous counters, registers. Sequential Synthesis.
Unit-IV (8 hours)
HDL for Finite State Machines
Verilog HDL modeling of Finite state machines (Mealy and Moore models), modeling of
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Learning Resources
Text Books
1. Zainalabedin Navabi, ‘Verilog Digital System Design’, Mc Graw Hill publications,
Second Edition.
2. Sunggu Lee, ‘Advanced Digital Logic Design’, Cengage Learning publications.
Reference Books
1. Samir Palnitkar, 'Verilog HDL - A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis', Pearson
2. Stephen Brown, ZvokoVranesic, 'Fundamentals of Digital Design using Verilog',
Mc Graw Hill publications
3. Ian Grout, 'Digital Systems Design with FPGAs and CPLDs',Elsevier-2008
Web Resources
Course Outcomes
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Assessment Method
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EC2282 Digital System Design Laboratory PCC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5 credits
To get a practical exposure on the concepts present in Introductory to VLSI Theory course
and thereby acquiring sufficient knowledge in designing basic analog and digital VLSI
List of Experiments
1. Prof Anantha Chandrakasan, MIT-Opencourseware, ‘Introductory Digital Systems
Laboratory’. URL:
Course outcome
After the completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able to
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Assessment Method
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Course content
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DC-DC Converters
Introduction, Performance parameters of DC-DC converters, Frequency limiting
parameters, Types of converters: Buck, boost and buck-boost.
Data Converters
Analog vs discrete time signals, Sample-and-Hold circuits, ADC architectures (Flash
ADC, Successive Approximation ADC, Dual slope ADC. DACs( Binary weighted
resistors, R-2R DAC and current steering DAC). INL & DNL
Learning Resources
1. Behzad Razavi, 'Fundamentals of Microelectronics',Wiley Publications
2. Sedra and Smith, 'Microelectronics Circuits', Oxford Publications,6th Edition.
3. R Jacob Baker, ‘CMOS Mixed Signal Circuit Design’, Wiley Publications
Reference Books:
1. Boylestad R. L. and L. Nashelsky, 'Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory', 10/e or
11/e, Pearson, 2009.
2. Millman J. and C. Halkias, 'Integrated Electronics', 2/e, TMH, 2010.
3. Neamen D., 'Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design', 3/e, TMH, 2006
4. Spencer R. R. and M. S. Ghausi, 'Introduction to Electronic Circuit Design',
Pearson, 2003
Web Resources:
1. Prof D Nagendra Krishnapura, NPTEL-IIT Madras, 'Analog Integrated Circuit
Design' URL:
2. Prof K Radhakrishna Rao, NPTEL-IIT Madras, 'Electronics for Analog
Processing-II', URL:
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Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
CO1 Infer the DC and AC characteristics of operational amplifiers and its effect on
output and their compensation techniques.
CO2 Elucidate and design the linear and nonlinear applications of an op-amp and
special application ICs.
CO3 Explain and compare the working of multi vibrators using special application
IC 555 and general purpose op-amp.
CO4 Classify and comprehend the working principle of data converters.
CO5 Illustrate the function of application specific ICs such as Voltage regulators,
PLL and its application in communication.
Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Tool (In semester) (In semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
List of Experiments
1. Design and analysis of Feedback amplifiers.
2. Frequency response of inverting & non-inverting amplifier.
3. Design of an Instrumentation amplifier.
4. Schmitt trigger & Noise suppression using Bistable multivibrator.
5. Monostable & Astable multivibrator using opamp.
6. Design of amplifier using CMOS inverters.
7. Two – bit flash ADC design.
8. Design of a typical CMOS inverter(sizing) using Mentor Graphics Tool and finding
transfer characteristics & finding the propagation delay.
9. Design of a two input CMOS NAND & NOR gates (sizing) using Mentor Graphics
10. Design of a fully differential single stage opamp using resistive loads using Mentor
Graphics Tool.
11. Design of a single stage opamp using diode connected load using Mentor Graphics
12. Term Project(Designing Public Addressing System).
Note: It is mandatory to perform experiment on any one of the EDA Tools (LTspice
preferred) before the experiment is done on hardware. All experiments must be unique,
design specifications should not be common in the lab.
Course outcome:
After the completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able to
CO 1 To analyze the frequency response of amplifiers
CO 2 Experimentally know the noise suppression in bistable multivibrators
CO 3 Utilization of IC 555 timer
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Experiments Report/Viva-Voce/ Quiz/MCQ/Lab Total
Weightage (%) 25% 15% 40%
End Semester Examination weightage (%) 60%
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Electromagnetic waves
EC2204 PCC 3L: 1T: 0P 4 credits
and Guided media
Course Content
Unit-I (6 hours)
Application, Review of vector algebra (dot product, cross product, scalar and vector
components of vector), coordinate systems (rectangular, cylindrical, spherical coordinate
systems), vector calculus(gradient, curl, divergence)
Review of Electrostatics, Magnetostatics, electrodynamics and Maxwell equations and
boundary conditions.
Unit-II (8 hours)
Wave Propagation
Wave solution to Maxwell equations, Uniform plane wave solution, propagation constant ,
Propagation of uniform plane waves in perfect dielectric and in lossy medium (conductor,
lossy dielectric), Wave polarization, Power and Poynting vector.
Unit-III (8 hours)
Wave propagation at interfaces
Reflection, refraction, Normal Incidence, Oblique Incidence ,effects of wave polarization
in reflection and refractions, total internal reflection, Brewster angle, phase and group
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
UNIT-IV (8 hours)
Transmission Lines: Parameters
Transmission Lines- Equations of Voltage and Current on TX line, Propagation constant ,
characteristic impedance, reflection coefficient and VSWR, Impedance Transformation,
Power transfer on TX line, Smith chart.
UNIT-V (6 hours)
General solution of TEM, TE, TM waves, parallel plate waveguide, rectangular
waveguide, circular waveguide.
UNIT-VI (7 hours)
Coaxial line, power handling capacity, strip line, microstrip, wave velocity and dispersion,
RF connectors, excitation of waveguide.
Learning Resources
Text books
Web Resource
1. Prof David Staeling, MIT-Opencourseware, ‘Electromagnetics and Applications’.
013- electromagnetics-and-applications-spring-2009/index.htm
2. Prof R K Shivgaonkar, NPTEL-IIT Bombay, 'Transmission Lines and EM Waves'
3. Prof Harish shankar Ramachandra, NPTEL-IIT Madras, 'Electromagnetic Fields'
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Outcomes
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit 1
Laboratory/Practicals 1.5 credits – 3 hrs Contact Period in a Week
(Total contact hours = 9 hrs)
1. Listening – Learn English Select – British Council
1.1 A Request From Your Boss
1.2 A Voice Mail Message
2. Speaking
2.1 British Council – A 2 – Modules – 6-10 – Text Material
2.2 At The Post Office – Spoken English – EFLU
3. Reading
3.1 Vocabulary Skills
4. Writing
4.1 Curriculum Vitae
4.2 E- Correspondence
5. Oxford Interactive Laboratory – LSRW software – Compulsory Practice -
Intermediate Level
6. Life Skills – Mega living! Achieving Mastery of the mind, body and character
6.1 The Ultimate Challenge
Unit 2
Laboratory/Practicals 1.5 credits – 3 hrs Contact Period in a Week
(Total contact hours = 9 hrs)
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit 3
Laboratory/Practicals 1.5 credits – 3 hrs Contact Period in a Week
(Total contact hours = 9 hrs)
1. Listening – Learn English Select – British Council
1.1 Finding The Library
1.2 Meeting A New Team Member
2. Speaking
2.1 British Council – A 2 – Modules – 16-20 – Text Material
2.2 Buying A Shirt – Spoken English – EFLU
3. Reading
3.1 Scanning Skills
3.2 Skimming Skills
4. Writing
4.1 Report Writing
5. Oxford Interactive Laboratory – LSRW software – Compulsory Practice -
Intermediate Level
6. Life Skills – Mega living! Achieving Mastery of the mind, body and character
6.1 The Promise of Mega Living
Unit 4
Laboratory/Practicals 1.5 credits – 3 hrs Contact Period in a Week
(Total contact hours = 9 hrs)
1. Listening – Learn English Select – British Council
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit 5
Laboratory/Practicals 1.5 credits – 3 hrs Contact Period in a Week
(Total contact hours = 9 hrs)
1. Listening – Learn English Select – British Council
1.1 Ordering In A Cafe
1.2 Organizing A Group Project
2. Speaking
2.1 British Council – B 1 – Modules – 6-10 – Text Material
2.2 In The Library– Spoken English – EFLU
3. Reading
3.1 Reading Practice Exercises
4. Writing
4.1 Describing Pictures
5. Oxford Interactive Laboratory – LSRW software – Compulsory Practice -
Intermediate Level
6. Life Skills – Mega living! Achieving Mastery of the mind, body and character
6.1 Your Mind And Its Unlimited Potential – Your Commitment To Self
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Web resources
Course Outcomes
CO 1 Use English languages, both written and spoken, competently and correctly
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content:
Unit - I (8 hours)
Data communication Components: Representation of data and its flow Networks , Various
Connection Topology, Protocols and Standards, OSI model, Transmission Media,
Unit-II (8 hours)
LAN: Wired LAN, Wireless LANs, Connecting LAN and Virtual LAN, Techniques for
Bandwidth utilization: Multiplexing - Frequency division, Time division and Wave
division, Concepts on spread spectrum.
Unit - IV (8 hours)
Network Layer: Switching, Logical addressing – IPV4, IPV6; Address mapping – ARP,
RARP, BOOTP and DHCP–Delivery, Forwarding and Unicast Routing protocols.
Unit - V (7 hours)
Transport Layer: Process to Process Communication, User Datagram Protocol (UDP),
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), SCTP Congestion Control; Quality of Service, QoS
improving techniques: Leaky Bucket and Token Bucket algorithm.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit - VI (6 hours)
Application Layer: Domain Name Space (DNS), DDNS, TELNET, EMAIL, File Transfer
Protocol (FTP), WWW, HTTP, SNMP, Bluetooth, Firewalls, Basic concepts of
Learning resources
Text book:
1. Behrouz A. Forouzan “Data Communications and Networking”, 4e , Tata
McGraw Hill.
2. W. Stallings, “Data and Computer Communication”, 8e, Pearson
3. Andrew S. Tanenbaum “Computer Networks”, 4e, Pearson Education.
Reference Books:
1. S.Kshev “An Engineering Approach to Computer Networks “, 2nd edition
2. W.A.Shay, Thomson “Understanding Communications and Networks”,3rd edition,
Web resources:
1. Prof Ajit Pal, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, ‘Data Communications’.
2. Prof Sujoy Gosh, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, ‘Computer Networks’.
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment method:
Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit – I (8 hours)
Introduction to computer system and its sub-modules, Signed and Unsigned Numbers,
Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Floating Point Representation.
Unit – V (8 hours)
Introduction to Memory Hierarchy, The Basic of Caches, Measuring and Improving Cache
Performance, Virtual Memory, Common Framework for Memory Hierarchies.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Learning Resources
Text Books
1. David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy ‘Computer Organization and Design’,
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 3rd Edition.
Reference Books
1. Ian McLoughlin ‘Computer Architecture – An Embedded approach’, McGraw-Hill
Education (Asia), 1st Edition.
Web resources
1. Prof Anshul Kumar, NPTEL- IIT Delhi, ‘Computer Architecture’.
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1 Able to write recursive program in MIPS.
Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
(In semester) (In semester)
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course objectives
Course content:
Unit-I (8 hours)
Basic tools of Digital communication, Transmission Pulse Shaping, Power Spectral
Density, Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) Channel, Optimal Receiver Design,
Signal-to-Noise Power Ratio (SNR), Matched Filtering (MF)
Unit-II (8 hours)
Maximum Likelihood (ML) Receiver, Probability of Error, Binary Phase Shift Keying and
associated Prob. of Error, Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) and Other Schemes.
Unit-IV (6 hours)
Introduction to Wireless Communication, Performance of Digital Modulation in Fading
Channels, Introduction to Information Theory, Channel Capacity.
Unit -V (8 hours)
Source Coding, Entropy Codes, Huffman Coding, Linear Block Codes, Hamming Weight
and Distance Properties, Syndrome Decoding,
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Text books
1. S. Haykin, ‘Communications system’, Wiley, 4th Edition 2009.
2. John G. Proakis, Masoud Salehi, ‘Digital Communications’, McGrawHill, 2008,
5th Edition.
References books
1. Herbert Taub, Donald L Schiling, ‘Principles of Communication Systems’, –
Goutam Saha, McGraw-Hill, 2008, 3rd Edition.
2. Wayne Tomasi, ‘Electronic communication systems’, Pearson,5th edition.
3. R. P. Singh, S. Sapre, ‘Communication Systems: Analog and Digital’, McGraw-
Hill Education, 2012.
Web References
1. Prof. Aditya K. Jagannatham, NPTEL-IIT Kanpur, 'Principles Of Communication
Systems-II'. URL:
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Communication systems-2
EC3181 PCC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5 credits
List of Experiments
Course Outcomes
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
List of Experiments
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Computer Networks
1. To write a C/Python program to develop a DNS client server to resolve the given
2. To write a client-server application for chat using UDP
3. To implement programs using raw sockets (like packet capturing and filtering)
4. To write a C/Python program to perform sliding window
5. To get the MAC or Physical address of the system using Address Resolution
6. To simulate the Implementing Routing Protocols using border gateway
7. To simulate the OPEN SHORTEST PATH FIRST routing protocol based on the
cost assigned to the path.
Course Outcome
After the completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able to
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Objective
List of Experiments
Assessment Method
Course outcome:
After the completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able to
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Mini Project -1
EC3190 PROJ 0L: 0T: 3P 1 credits
(Socially Relevant Project)
List of Experiments
1. Identifying real-time societal problems
2. Idea proposal of multiple-solutions for the problem identified and discussion
3. Prototype design for an optimal solution
Note: The student is supposed to use the latest advancements of IOT/AI and general
understanding on science and technology for identifying solution to a problem
Course outcome
After the completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able to
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Contents
Unit-I (2 hours)
Introduction-Constitution’ meaning of the term, Indian constitution sources and
constitutional history, Features: Citizenship, Preamble, Fundamental Rights and duties,
Directive Principles of State Policy.
Unit-II (3 hours)
Union Government and its Administration-Structure of the Indian Union: Federalism,
centre-state relationship, President: Role, power and position, PM and Council of
ministers, Cabinet and Central Secretariat, Lok sabha, Rajya sabha.
Unit-III (2 hours)
Election commission- Election commission: Role and functioning, Chief Election
Commissioner and Election Commissioners, State Election Commission: Role and
functioning, Institute and Bodies for the welfare of SC/ST/OBC and women.
Unit-IV (2 hours)
State Government and its Administration- Governor: Role and position, CM and Council
of ministers, state secretariat: Organization, structure and functions.
Unit-V (3 hours)
Local Administration-District’s Administration head: Role and importance,
Municipalities: Introduction, Mayor and role of Elected Representatives, CEO of
Municipal Corporation, Panchayati raj: Introduction, PRI: Zilla Panchayat, Elected
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
officials and their roles, CEO Zilla Panchayat: Position and role, Block level:
Organizational Hierarchy (different departments), Village level: Role of elected and
appointed officials, Importance of grass root democracy.
Unit-VI (3 hours)
Union Judiciary-Establishment and constitution of Supreme court, Appointment of Judges,
Establishment of State High court, Establishment of common High court for 2 or more
states, WRITS, PIL(Public Interest Litigation).
Learning resources
Text book
1. Durga Das Basu, Constitutions of India, 23rd ed, LexisNexis Publication.
Reference Books
1. Indian Polity by Laxmikanth
2. Indian Administration by Subhash Kashyap
3. Indian Administration by Avasti and Avasti
4. Government and Politics of India by W.H.Mrrison Jones
5. Constitution of India by J.C.Johari
Web Resources
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
** PASS/FAIL course
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
List of Experiments:
Unit 1
1. Listening – Learn English Select – British Council
1.1 A Morning Briefing
1.2 An Invitation To A Party
2. Speaking
2.1 British Council – B1 – Modules – 6-8 – Text Material
2.2 At The Tailors – Spoken English – EFLU
3. Reading
3.1 A Poster AT Work
3.2 A Poster For Exam Candidates
4. Writing – (Collocations in Use)
4.1 Learning About Collocations ( 1-5 ) – 6-15 – English Collocations in Use
5. Oxford Interactive Laboratory – LSRW software – Compulsory Practice -
Intermediate Level
6. Life Skills – Mega living! Achieving Mastery of the mind, body and character
6.1 Your Mind And Its Unlimited Potential
6.2 The nature of The Mind-The Ultimate Super Power
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit 2
Unit 3
1. Listening – Learn English Select – British Council
1.1 Four Conversations
1.2 Leaving a Message
2. Speaking
2.1 British Council – A 2 – Modules – 12-14 – Text Material
2.2 At The Railway Station– Spoken English – EFLU
3. Reading
3.1 An End of term report
3.2 An Invitation to a Job Interview
4. Writing
4.1 Special Aspects of Collocations ( 10-12 ) – English Collocations in Use
5. Oxford Interactive Laboratory – LSRW software – Compulsory Practice -
Intermediate Level
6. Life Skills – Mega living! Achieving Mastery of the mind, body and character
6.1 The Feel Good Principle And Beliefs: How To Unleash vitality
Unit 4
1. Listening – Learn English Select – British Council
1.1 Missing a Class
1.2 Understanding an Explanation
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
2. Speaking
2.1 British Council – B1 – Modules – 15-17 – Text Material
2.2 At The Tea Stall – Spoken English – EFLU
3. Reading
3.1 Choosing a Conference Venue
3.2 English Course Prospectus
4. Writing
4.1 Travel and the Environment ( 13-16 ) – English Collocations in Use
5. Oxford Interactive Laboratory – LSRW software – Compulsory Practice -
Intermediate Level
6. Life Skills – Mega living! Achieving Mastery of the mind, body and character
6.1 Mega Things And The Enhancement of Positivity
Unit 5
1. Listening – Learn English Select – British Council
1.1 Who’s who in the Office
1.2 A Phone Call From a Customer
2. Speaking
2.1 British Council – B 1 – Modules – 18-20– Text Material
2.2 An Interview– Spoken English – EFLU
3. Reading
3.1 Professional Profile Summaries
3.2 Study Skills Tips
4. Writing
4.1 People and Relationships ( 17-21 ) – 6-15 – English Collocations in Use
5. Oxford Interactive Laboratory – LSRW software – Compulsory Practice -
Intermediate Level
6. Life Skills – Mega living! Achieving Mastery of the mind, body and character
6.1 The Magic of Goals: Your Visions of Excellence
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Outcomes:
1. Using English languages, both written and spoken, competently and correctly.
2. Improving Comprehension and fluency of speech.
3. Gaining confidence in using English in verbal situations.
4. Life skills will enable them become decent citizens
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Contents:
Unit I (2 hours)
Need for Innovation and design ,user Innovation , introduction to product and Product
design, difference between Product development and product design.
Unit II (2 hours)
Need Problem Identification, user study by contextual enquiry, questionnaire study,
Interview techniques, Persona and scenario mapping, product study and market study,
design brief.
Unit IV (3 hours)
Creative techniques and tools, concept generation, concept evaluation, concept design and
Unit V (4 hours)
Product prototype, model making work flow for prototype, tools and techniques for model
making and prototyping, introduction to prototype driven innovation.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit VI (2 hours)
Overview of materials and processes, Evaluation tools and techniques for User- Product
Learning resources
Text Books
1. Eppinger, S., & Ulrich, K., ‘Product design and development’, McGraw-Hill Higher
Education, 2015.
2. Green, W., & Jordan, P. W. (Eds.), ‘Human factors in product design: current practice
and future trends’. CRC Press, 1999.
Reference Books
1. Sanders, M. S., & McCormick, E. J., ‘Human factors in engineering and design’,
Mcgraw-Hill book company, 1993.
2. Roozenburg, N. F., & Eekels, J., ‘Product design: fundamentals and methods’ (Vol. 2).
John Wiley &Sons Inc., 1995.
Web resources:
1. Dr. Debayan Dhar, NPTEL-IIT Guwahati, ‘Product Design and Innovation’.
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 2 This subject will provide implication facilities of methods, tools and techniques
of production design.
CO 3 Students can be able to correlate human factor and competitive benchmarking in
product design.
CO 4 Students can have practical experience by implementing theory in case studies.
CO 5 They can enhance their creativity in product design.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Contents
Unit II (8 hours)
Arithmetic: Averages, Clocks & Calendars, Simple Interest & Compoud Interest,
Mixture & Alligations, Percentages, Profit, Loss & Discounts, Ratio & Proportion,
Speed, Time & Distance, Time & Work
Algebra: Binomial Theorem, Complex Numbers, Functions, Higher Degree Equations,
Inequalities , Linear Equations, Logarithm, Quadratic Equations
Programming in C
Unit IV (7 hours)
Logical Reasoning: Logical Sequence, Premise, Assumption & Conclusion, Binary
Logic, Blood Relations, Linear & Matrix Arrangement, Seating Arrangement, Coding
& Decoding, Statements & Assumptions Puzzles.
Analytical Reasoning: Course of Action Fact, Inference & Judgement, Logical
Deduction, Statement & Assumption, Strong & Weak Arguments, Syllogism
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Programming in Python
Unit VI (3 hours)
Verbal Ability: Cloze Test Error Spotting, Fill in the blanks, Sentence Correction,
Word Usage, Para jumbles, Paragraph Completion, Paragraph Summary
Programming using JAVA
Learning resources
Text book
1. Sarvesh K Verma, 'Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT', arihant publications
2. Arun Sharma, Meenakshi Upadhyay, ' Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension'
, McGraw Hill publications
3. Arun Sharma, 'Data Interpretation', McGraw Hill publications
4. Arun Sharma, 'Logical Reasoning', McGraw Hill publications
Reference books
1. Nishit K Sinha, 'Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation', Pearson publications
2. Arun Sharma, 'Quantitative Aptitude', McGraw Hill publications
Web resources
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Improve aptitude, problem solving skills and reasoning abilities
CO 2 Improve Verbal ability skills, Data interpretation skills
CO 3 Understand the basic techniques required for solving Reading Comprehension
Familiarize with the written tests of competitive exams, campus placements and
CO 4
CO 5 Collectively solve problems in teams and group
CO 6 Adopt and acquire new techniques in solving problem
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
** Pass/Fail course.
Note: All examinations will be only of objective type. CDPC team assistance is to be
taken in preparation of question papers. For Monthly tests, negative marking may also be
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit-I (5 hours)
The Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies: Definition, scope and
importance; Need for public awareness.
Natural Resources: Renewable and Non Renewable Resources:
Natural resources and associated problems.
a) Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies. Timber
extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forest and tribal people. b) Water resources:
Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over
water, dams-benefits and problems. c) Mineral resources: Use and exploitation,
environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources, case studies. d) Food
resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects
of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case studies.
e) Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non renewable energy
sources, use of alternate energy sources. Case studies. f) Land resources: Land as a
resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification. Role
of an individual in conservation of natural resources. Equitable use of resources' for
sustainable lifestyles.
Unit-II (5 hours)
Ecosystems: Concept of an ecosystem, Structure and function of an ecosystem,
Producers, consumers and decomposers, Energy flow in the ecosystem, Ecological
succession, Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids, Introduction, types,
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit-III (5 hours)
Biodiversity and It’s Conservation: Introduction – Definition: genetic, species and
ecosystem diversity, Biogeographical classification of India, Value of biodiversity:
consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values, Biodiversity
at global, National and local levels, India as a mega-diversity nation, Hot-sports of
biodiversity, Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife
conflicts, Endangered and endemic species of India, Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ
and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.
Unit-IV (5 hours)
Environmental Pollution: Cause, effects and control measures of:-a. Air pollution, b.
Water pollution, c. Soil pollution, d. Marine pollution, e. Noise pollution, f. Thermal
pollution, g. Nuclear hazards, Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control
measures of urban and industrial wastes, Role of an individual in prevention of pollution,
Pollution case studies, Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides.
Unit- V (5 hours)
Social Issues and the Environment: From Unsustainable to Sustainable development
Urban problems related to energy, Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed
management, Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns. Case
Studies, Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions.• Climate change, global
warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust. Case
Studies. Wasteland reclamation, Consumerism and waste products, Environment
Protection Act, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Water (Prevention and
control of Pollution) Act, Wildlife Protection Act, Forest Conservation Act, Issues
involved in enforcement of environmental legislation, Public awareness.
Unit-VI (5 hours)
Human Population and the Environment: Population growth, variation among nations,
Population explosion – Family Welfare Programme, Environment and human health,
Human Rights, Value Education, HIV/AIDS, Women and Child Welfare, Role of
Information Technology in Environment and human health, Case Studies.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Learning resources
Text book
1. Erach Bharucha, ‘Textbook of Environmental studies’, UGC
Reference Books
1. Clark RS, ‘Marine Pollution’, Clanderson Press, Oxford (TB).
2. De AK, ‘Environmental Chemistry’, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Well understanding about their surrounding natural resources and their
CO 2 Able to understand the ecosystem food chain and habitat.
CO 3 Develop the practices for conservation of biodiversity
CO 4 To well understand the pollution courses, impact and prevention from pollution
CO 5 Able to bring about an awareness of a variety of environmental concerns.
CO 6 It attempts to create a pro-environmental attitude and a behavioral pattern in
society that is based on creating sustainable lifestyles.
Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit - I (6 hours)
Review of probability basics-Random variable –probability density function, cumulative
distribution function, Moment generating function–Markov’s inequality– Chebyshev’s
inequality –function of one random variable-function of two random variables- Central
limit theorem.
Unit - II (8 hours)
Error rate analysis- Bit error rate for BPSK modulation, Symbol error rate for QPSK and
4-QAM modulations, Symbol error rate for 4PAM, Symbol error rate for 16 QAM,
Symbol error rate for 16PSK
Unit - IV (8 hours)
Fading Channel Characterization and Modeling - Characteristics of Fading Channels,
Fading models- Rayleigh, Nakagami-q (Hoyt), Nakagami-n (Rice), Nakagami-m ,Chi
square, gamma, weibull, Generalized-k ,k-u and H models, Composite fading and
shadowing models
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit - VI (5 hours)
Design and analysis of communication systems using MATLAB
Learning Resources
Text Books
1. Simon Haykins “Digital Communication Systems” John Wilsey & Sons, fourth
2. A.B Carlson,P B Crully,J C Rutledge”Communication Systems”fourth edition
McGraw Hill
Web Resources
1. Prof,S.sengupta Advanced digital Communication, IIT KHARGPUR,
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit-I (6 hours)
Fundamental concepts of antennas
Physical concept of radiation, Radiation pattern, near-and far-field regions, reciprocity,
directivity and gain, effective aperture, polarization, input impedance, efficiency, Antenna
Noise temperature, Frii’s transmission equation, radiation integrals and auxiliary potential
Unit-II (8 hours)
Wire and Loop antennas
Infinitesimal Dipole, Small Dipole, Finite Length Dipole, Half wave length Dipole,
monopole, Small Circular loop and loop antenna.
Unit-III (9 hours)
Microstrip antennas
Basic characteristics of micro strip antennas, feeding methods, methods of analysis, design
of rectangular patch, Reflector antenna
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Broad Band antennas and Horn antennas
Concept of Broad Band, Log-Periodic Antennas , E-plane Sectoral Horn, H-plane Sectoral
Horn, Pyramidal Horn, and their properties.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit-V (6 hours)
Array antennas
Introduction to array, Two-Elemental Array, Array Factor, N-Element Linear Array:
Uniform Amplitude and Spacing, Broad Side and End-Fire Array
Unit VI (8 hours)
Radio wave Propagation
Antenna located over earth, field diffraction zones and losses, surface wave propagation,
ionospheric propagation, microwave and millimeter wave propagation, scattering by rain,
tropospheric scatter propagation, propagation into sea water, atmosphere ducts
Learning Resources
Text Books
1. C.A Balanis, “Antenna Theory and Design”, John Wiley& Sons, 3rd Ed, 2015.
2. R.E.Collin, ‘Antenna and Radiowave Propagation’, McGraw-Hill, New York,
Reference Books
1. John D.Kraus, ‘Antennas’ McGraw-Hill series ,2nd edition,1988 W L Stutzman,
and G.A Thiele, ‘Antenna Theory and Design’,John Wiley &sons, 2ndEd, 1998
2. R.S.Elliot, ’Antenna Theory and Design’, Revised edition,Wiley IEEE-
3. E.Jordan and K.Balmain, ‘Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems’,
Prentice-hall, New York, 1968.
4. R Garg, ‘ Design of Microstip Antenna’, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991
Web resources
1. Prof. R.K. Shevgaonkar, IIT Bombay, ‘Lecture series on Transmission Lines and
EM Waves’(antenna related videos). URL:
2. Dr.AmalenduPatnaik, IIT Roorkee, “Web course on Advanced Antenna Theory
and Design', URL:
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit-I (8 hours)
Diversity Techniques
Types of Diversity and Advantages of Diversity techniques, Bit error rate analysis of
digital modulation schemes for different diversity techniques. Diversity Technique over
Fading Channels in the presence of Interference.
Unit-II (8 hours)
Cooperative communications
Relay channels, Basics of cooperative communication protocols-Amplify and forward and
decode and forward, hybrid decode amplify and forward protocols.
Unit-III (8 hours)
Cooperative communications with single relay
System model , Probability density function, cumulative distribution function and moment
generating function for harmonic distribution and minimum of exponential, and gamma
variants, Exact and Approximate SER analysis .
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Multi-node cooperative communications
Multi-node amplify-and-forward system model, dual hop-multi relay analysis, multi-hop&
multi relay. Bit error rate analysis.
Unit-V (8 hours)
Cooperative communications in the presence of Interference
System models, Exact and Approximate SER analysis .Asymptotic analysis of single and
multi-hop systems. Optimization: optimum power allocation, optimum relay positioning
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit-VI (5 hours)
Analysis of co-operative communications in the field of telecommunication system and
other relevant domains
Learning resources
Text book
1. K.J. Ray Liu et al, 'Cooperative Communications and Networking', Cambridge
University Press
Reference book
1. Y.W. Peter Hong et al, 'Cooperative Communications and Networking', Springer
Web resources
1. Prof Adithya K Jagannatham, NPTEL-IIT Kanpur, 'Applied Optimization for
Wireless, Machine Learning, Big Data',
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Use modern coding techniques such as network coding for improving the co-
operation gains
CO 2 Mathematically analyze the performance of cooperative communications
CO 3 Apply co-operative techniques to modern networks like mobile, edge, cloud
CO 4
Assessment Method:
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit - I (6 hours)
System Aspects of Antenna, Radio Receiver Architecture, Frii’s Formula, Noise in
Microwave Circuits, Dynamic Range and Intermodulation Distortion, Noise
Characterization of a Microwave Receiver, Microwave Propagation
Unit – II (8 hours)
Matching Networks
Smith chart, Admittance chart, Matching condition and maximum power transfer
condition, matching networks with lumped elements, single stub matching, quarter wave
Unit – IV (8 hours)
Power amplifier design
Power Amplifiers Characteristics of Power Amplifiers and Amplifier Classes,
Characterization of Transistors, Design of Class-Power Amplifiers.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit – V (8 hours)
Oscillators and Mixers
Microwave Oscillators, Transistor Oscillators, Oscillator Phase Noise, Frequency
Multipliers. Mixer Characteristics, Single-Ended Diode Mixer, Single-Ended FET Mixer,
Balanced Mixer Image Reject Mixer, Other Mixers.
Unit – VI (7 hours)
Microwave filter design
Filter Design by the Insertion Loss Method, Filter Transformations, Filter Implementation,
Richard's Transformation, Kuroda's Identities, Impedance and Admittance Inverters,
Stepped-Impedance Low-Pass Filters, Coupled Line Filters
Learning Resources
Text Books
1. David M Pozar, ‘Microwave Engineering’, John Wiley, 3rd Edition, 2005.
2. R.E. Collin, ‘Foundations for Microwave Engineering’, IEEE Press, John Wiley,
2nd Edition, 2002.
Reference Books
1. Guillermo Gonzalez, ‘Microwave Transistor Amplifiers Analysis and Design’,
Prentice hall, 2nd Edition,1997.
2. Joseph F. White, ‘High Frequency Techniques : An introduction to RF and
Microwave Engineering’, IEEE Press ,John Wiley & sons ,2004
Web Resources
1. Prof. Jayanta Mukherjee, NPTEL-IIT Bombay, ‘Microwave Integrated Circuits’,
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Tool (In semester) (In semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit-I (8 hours)
Review of Gaussian variables and processes; problem formulation and objective of signal
detection and signal parameter estimation in discrete-time domain. Bayesian, mini-max,
and Neyman-Pearson decision rules, likelihood ratio, receiver operating characteristics,
composite hypothesis testing, locally optimum tests, detector comparison techniques,
asymptotic relative efficiency.
Unit-II (8 hours)
Matched filter detector and its performance; generalized matched filter; detection of
sinusoid with unknown amplitude, phase, frequency and arrival time, linear model.
Unit-III (8 hours)
Estimator-correlator, linear model, general Gaussian detection, detection of Gaussian
random signal with unknown parameters, weak signal detection.
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Detection in the absence of complete statistical description of observations, sign detector,
Wilcoxon detector, detectors based on quantized observations, robustness of detectors
Unit-V (8 hours)
Minimum variance unbiased estimation, Fisher information matrix, Cramer-Rao bound,
sufficient statistics, minimum statistics, complete statistics; linear models; best linear
unbiased estimation; maximum likelihood estimation, invariance principle; estimation
efficiency; Bayesian estimation: philosophy, nuisance parameters, risk functions,
minimum mean square error estimation, maximum a posteriori estimation.
Unit-VI (5 hours)
Linear Bayesian estimation, Weiner filtering, dynamical signal model, discrete Kalman
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Learning resources
Text books
1. H. V. Poor, ‘An Introduction to Signal Detection and Estimation’, Springer, 2/e,
2. H. L. Van Trees, ‘Detection, Estimation and Modulation Theory: Part I, II, and
III’, John Wiley, NY, 1968
Reference Books
1. S. M. Kay, ‘Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Estimation Theory’,
Prentice Hall PTR, 1993.
2. S. M. Kay, ‘Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Detection Theory’,
Prentice Hall PTR, 1998.
Web Resources
1. Dr. Rohith Sinha, NPTEL-IIT Guwahati, ' Signal Detection and Estimation
Theory', URL:
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Study the qualitative problems of detection and estimation in the frame work of
statistical inference.
CO 2 Summarize the fundamental concept on Statistical Decision Theory and
Hypothesis Testing
CO 3 Gain an understanding of, and develop the ability to design automated systems
for detection and estimation.
CO 4 Write down hypothesis tests and estimation schemes for typical problems of
CO 5 summarizer with Bayesian parameter estimation (minimum mean square error
(MMSE), minimum mean absolute error (MMAE), maximum a-posterior
probability (MAP) estimation methods
CO 6 compare optimal filtering, linear estimation, and Wiener/Kalman filtering.
CO 7 construct Wiener and Kalman filters (time discrete) and state spacemodels
Assessment Method:
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Total
Tool (In semester) (In semester) Test
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course content
Unit-I (6 hours)
Error Control Coding at a glance, Channel Capacity and Shannon’s Theorem,
Considerations when selecting coding schemes, MATLAB implementations
Unit-II (6 hours)
Elementary algebraic structures, Galois Field and its arithmetic , Implementation of GF
(2m) Arithmetic, A special case: Inversion, MATLAB implementations
Unit-III (8 hours)
Linear Block Codes: Code construction and properties, Decoding Methods, Performance,
Encoder and Decoder designs, Hamming Codes. Cyclic Codes : Basic principles, Shift
Register based Encoder and Decoder , Shortened cyclic codes and CRC. BCH Codes:
Introduction, BCH Bound and Vander monde Matrix, Decoding BCH codes
MATLAB implementations
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Introduction to RS codes , Prelude: Non binary BCH codes , Reed-Solomon codes,
Decoding of RS codes , determining the Error location polynomial , Frequency-Domain
decoding, Error and Erasure decoding , RS decoder: From algorithm to architecture,
Standardized RS codes, MATLAB implementations
Unit-V (8 hours)
Fundamentals of convolutional codes : Code generation and representations. Decoding of
Convolutional codes: Optimum convolutional decoding and Viterbi algorithm, Sequential
decoding. Designing Viterbi decoder: Typical design issues, Design for high performance.
MATLAB implementations
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit-VI (9 hours)
Turbo codes: Code concatenation, concatenating codes in parallel: Turbo code, Iterative
decoding of Turbo codes, Implementing MAP. Low-Density parity-check codes : Codes
with sparse parity-check matrix , decoding and encoding algorithms, High-level
architecture design for LDPC decoders. MATLAB implementations
Learning Resources
Text books
1. Yuan Jian, 'A practical guide to Error Control Coding using MATLAB' , Artech
House publications
2. Lin, Shu, D. J. Costello, Jr., 'Error Control Coding: Fundamentals and
Applications', Prentice Hall, 1983
Reference books
1. Peterson, W. W. and E.J. Weldon, Jr., 'Error-Correcting Codes' , the M.I.T. Press,
Cambridge, MA 1970
2. Shu Lin, 'An Introduction to Error-Correcting Codes' , Prentice-Hall
Web resources
1. Prof P Vijay Kumar, NPTEL-IISc Bangalore, ‘Error Correcting Codes’,
2. Nagi El Naga, 'Error Detecting and Correcting Systems Design' , Lecture Notes,
ECE Department, California State University, Northridge.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1 Analyze error control coding techniques in digital communication systems and in
digital storage systems
2 Understand and implementation of Galois Field Arithmetic
3 Understand and implement linear block codes, cyclic codes and BCH codes
4 Implementation Reed-Solomon codes
5 High performance convolution decoders design methodology analysis
6 Understanding of modern codes used in digital communications
Assessment Method:
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Tool (In semester) (In semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit - I (8 hours)
Definition of Information Measure and Entropy, Extension of an Information Source and
Markov Source, Adjoint of an Information Source, Joint and Conditional Information
Measure, Properties of Joint and Conditional Information Measures and a Morkov Source,
Asymptotic Properties of Entropy and Problem Solving in Entropy
Unit - II (8 hours)
Block Code and its Properties, Instantaneous Code and Its Properties, Kraft-Mcmillan
Equality and Compact Codes, Shannon's First Theorem, Coding Strategies and
Introduction to Huffman Coding, Huffman Coding and Proof of Its Optimality,
Competitive Optimality of the Shannon Code.
Unit - IV (8 hours)
Properties of Different Information Channels, Reduction of Information Channels,
Properties of Mutual Information, Channel Capacity, Calculation of Channel Capacity,
Shannon's Second Theorem, Error Free Communication, Noisy Channel, Continuous
Sources and Channels
Unit - V (8 hours)
Differential Entropy and Evaluation of Mutual Information for Continuous Sources and
Channels, Channel Capacity of A Band Limited Continuous Channel, Introduction to
Rate-Distortion Theory, Definition and Properties of Rate-Distortion Functions,
Calculation of Rate-Distortion Functions, Computational Approach for Calculation of
Rate-Distortion Functions.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit – VI (5 hours)
Introduction to Quantization, Lloyd-Max Quantizer, Compounded Quantization, Variable
Length Coding and Problem Solving in Quantizer Design, Vector Quantization,
Transform Coding
Learning Resources
Text books
1. Raymond W. Yeung, ``Information Theory and Network Coding'', Springer, 2008.
2. John R Pierce, ‘An Introduction to Information Theory: Symbols, Signals and
Reference books
1. Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas, 'Elements of Information Theory', 2nd Edition,
John Wiley & Sons, 2006
2. David J. C. MacKay, 'Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms',
Cambridge University Press.
Web Resources:
1. Prof S N Merchant, NPTEL- IIT Bombay, 'Information Theory and Coding' ,
2. Prof Adrish Banerjee, NPTEL-IIT Kanpur, 'An Introduction to Information
Theory', URL:
Course Outcomes: Students should able to
Derive equations for entropy mutual information and channel capacity for all
CO 1
types of channels
CO 2 Formulate the basic equations of block codes
Explain the various methods of generating and detecting different types of error
CO 3
correcting codes.
Distinguish between the different types of error correcting codes based on
CO 4
probability of error and noise ratio
Derive equations for entropy mutual information and channel capacity for all
CO 5
types of channels
Ability to understand the different types of quantization methods and
CO 6
transformation coding
Assessment Method
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course content
Unit – I (8 hours)
Introduction to Millimeter Wave Technology
Introduction , Millimeter Wave Applications, Phase and Group Velocity, Slow and Fast
Waves, Skin Depth, Boundary Conditions, Challenges in Millimeter Wave Technology,
Material Properties at Millimeter Wave Frequencies, Substrate Losses.
Unit – II (8 hours)
Guiding Structures
Dielectric Loss, Conductor Loss, Radiation and Surface Wave Loss, EM Waves in
Transmission Lines, Surface Waves Wave-guiding Structures, High Power Limitation,
Planar Transmission Lines, Conductor-Backed Coplanar Waveguide, Surface-Integrated
Waveguide, Surface-Integrated Waveguide, Fabrication of PCB Circuits Dielectric Guides
Unit – IV (8 hours)
Millimeter wave Components
Dielectric Resonators, Filters, Determination of Quality Factor and Coupling Coefficient,
Power Dividers and Couplers, Matched Termination, Active Devices: Solid-State Devices,
Field Effect Transistors: High-Electron-Mobility Transistor, Electronic Switches.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit – V (8 hours)
Noise and Link Budget
Millimeter Wave Propagation, Frii’s Transmission Equation, Link Budget, Digital
Modulation and Bit Error Rate ,Channel Performance at 60 GHz, Millimeter Wave Link
Budget, Thermal Noise, Noise Temperature, External Sources of Noise
Unit – VI (5 hours)
Millimeter Wave Systems
Antenna and Source Noise, Receiver Noise, Receiver Noise Factor, Receiver Noise
Factor, Operating Noise Factor, Noise Figure for Cascaded System Elements, Receiver
Noise Calculation, Passive Imaging, Transceiver Architectures.
Learning Resources
Text books
1. Duixian Liu et al, ‘Advanced Millimeter-wave Technologies: Antennas, Packaging
and Circuits’, Wiley.
2. Sergey M et al, ‘Handbook of RF, Microwave, and Millimeter-Wave Components’,
Artech House Microwave Library.
Reference books
1. Kao-Cheng Huang, Zhaocheng Wang, ‘Millimeter Wave Communication Systems’,
2. Shiban K. Koul, ‘Millimeter Wave and Optical Dielectric Integrated Guides and
Circuits’, Wiley.
3. David M. Pozar, ‘Microwave and RF Design of Wireless Systems’, Wiley.
Web Resources
1. Prof. Mrinal Kanti Mandal, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, ‘Millimeter wave technology’,
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Tool (In semester) (In semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course content
Unit-I (8 hours)
Overview of optical fiber communication
Historical development, The general system, advantages of optical fiber communications.
Optical fiber wave guides- Introduction, Ray theory transmission, Total Internal Reflection,
Acceptance angle, Numerical Aperture, Skew rays, Cylindrical fibers- Modes, V-number,
Mode coupling, Step Index fibers, Graded Index fibers, Single mode fibers- Cut off
wavelength, Mode Field Diameter, Effective Refractive Index, Related problems
Unit-II (8 hours)
Fiber materials
Glass, Halide, Active glass, Chalgenide glass, Plastic optical fibers. Signal distortion in
optical fibers-Attenuation, Absorption, Scattering and Bending losses, Core and Cladding
losses, Information capacity determination, Group delay, Types of Dispersion:- Material
dispersion, Wave-guide dispersion, Polarization-Mode dispersion, Intermodal dispersion,
Pulse broadening in Graded index fiber, Related problems
Unit-III (8 hours)
Optical fiber Connectors
Connector types, Single mode fiber connectors, Connector return loss, Fiber Splicing-
Splicing techniques, Splicing single mode fibers, Fiber alignment and joint loss- Multimode
fiber joints, single mode fiber joints
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Optical sources
LEDs, Structures, Materials, Quantum efficiency, Power, Modulation, Power bandwidth
product. Injection Laser Diodes- Modes, Threshold conditions, External quantum
efficiency, Laser diode rate equations, Resonant frequencies, Reliability of LED&ILD,
Optical detectors- Physical principles of PIN and APD, Detector response time,
Temperature effect on Avalanche gain, Comparison of Photo detectors, Related problems.
Unit-V (8 hours)
Source to fiber power launching
Output patterns, Power coupling, Power launching, Equilibrium Numerical Aperture, Laser
diode to fiber coupling, Optical receiver operation- Fundamental receiver operation, Digital
signal transmission, error sources, Receiver configuration, Digital receiver performance,
Probability of Error, Quantum limit, Analog receivers
Unit-VI (5 hours)
Optical system design
Point-to- point links- Component choice and considerations, Link power budget, Rise time
budget with examples, Line coding in Optical links, WDM, Necessity, Principles,
Measurement of Attenuation and Dispersion, Eye pattern
Learning resources
Text Book:
1. Gerd Keiser, ‘Optical Fiber Communications’, McGraw-Hill International edition,
3rd Edition,2000.
2. John M. Senior, ‘Optical Fiber Communications’, PHI, 2nd Edition, 2002
Reference Books
1. D.K. Mynbaev , S.C. Gupta and Lowell L. Scheiner, 'Fiber Optic
Communications', Pearson Education,2005.
2. S.C.Gupta, 'Optical Fiber Communication and its Applications', PHI, 2005.
Web resources:
1. Prof. Pradeep Kumar K, NPTEL-IIT Kanpur, 'Optical Communications’, URL:
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Tool (In semester) (In semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content:
Unit – I (8 hours)
Radar Basics
Radar and Radar Equation: Introduction, Radar block diagram and operation, frequencies,
applications, types of displays, derivation of radar equation, minimum detectable signal,
probability of false alarm and threshold detection, radar cross-section, system losses
Unit – II (8 hours)
CW Radar
Doppler Effect, CW Radar, FM-CW Radar, Range and Doppler Measurement, altimeter,
Multiple Frequency CW Radar.
Unit – IV (8 hours)
Tracking Radar
Sequential lobbing, conical scanning, mono pulse, phase comparison mono pulse, tracking
in range, comparison of trackers.
Unit – V: (8 hours)
Detection of Radar signals in Noise
Matched Filter Receiver , Cross-correlation Receiver, Efficiency of Non-matched
Filters, Matched Filter with Non-white Noise.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit – VI (5 hours)
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
Fundamentals, cross-range resolution in radar, synthetic aperture viewpoint, Introduction
to polarimetric and interferometric SAR
Learning Resources
Text Books
1. Merrill I. Skolnik, ‘Introduction to Radar Systems’, , Tata McGraw-Hill, 2001,
3rd Edition
2. Peebles, Jr., P.Z., ‘Radar Principles’ Wiley, New York, 1998.
3. Byron Edde, ‘Radar Principals, Technology, Applications’, Pearson Education,
Reference Books:
1. Hovanessian, S.A., ‘Radar System Design and Analysis’, Artech House 1984.
2. Harger, R. O., ‘Synthetic Aperture Radar Systems: Theory and Design’,
Academic Press, NY (1970).
3. Schleher, D.C., ‘MTI and Pulse Doppler Radar’, Artech House 1991
4. Richards, M.A., ‘Fundamental of Radar Signal Processing’, Tata
McGraw-hill. 2005
5. Sullivan, R.J., ‘Radar Foundations for Imaging and Advanced Concepts’,
Prentice-Hall of India. 2004
6. Mott, H., ‘Remote Sensing with Polarimetric Radar’, IEEE Press. 2007
Web Resources:
1. Dr. Robert M. O'Donnell, MIT –OCW, ‘Introduction to radar’, URL:
2. Dr. Robert M. O'Donnell, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society,
‘Lecture series on Radar’, URL:
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
CO6 Understand the principles of Synthetic Aperture Radar, its use in geophysical
remote sensing and surveillance applications, and the digital processing used to
form SAR images
Assessment Method
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Objective
Course Content
Unit – I (6 hours)
Applications of microwave engineering ,Distinguishing features of high frequency
electromagnetic, RF behavior of passive components at high frequencies.
Unit-II (8 hours)
Microwave Network Analysis
Impedance and equivalent voltages and currents , Z-matrix, ABCD matrix, S-matrix,
properties of S-matrix , signal flow graphs.
Unit-III (8 hours)
Power divider and couplers
Resistive and junction power dividers , Wilkinson power divider, directional couplers,
quadrature hybrid, 180 degree hybrid , waveguide magic tee.
Unit-IV (7 hours)
Microwave Components
Non reciprocal devices: faraday’s rotation, isolator and circulator,Microwave resonators,
RF diodes : PIN diode , Schottky diode.
Unit-V (8 hours)
Microwave Sources
Limitations of conventional tubes ,classification of microwave tubes.Reflex klystron,
Magnetron, Travelling Wave tubes,Transferred Electron Device’s ,Ridely-Watkins-Hilsun
(RWH) Theory , Gunn diode.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit-VI (8 hours)
Antenna parameters
Radiation concepts, Basic antenna principles, Near field and far field regions, Antenna
parameters :radiation intensity , gain, directivity, Effective area, radiation pattern , Frii’s
Learning Resources
Text Books
1. David M Pozar , “Microwave Engineering”, John Wiley, 3 rd Edition, 2005
2. Samuel Y. Liao , “Microwave Devices and Circuits” ,PHI, 3 rd Edition,1994
Reference Books
1. R.E. Collin, ‘Foundations for Microwave Engineering’, IEEE Press, John Wiley,
2nd Edition, 2002.
2. Reinhold Ludwig, Gene Bogdanov, ‘RF Circuit Design theory and applications’
PHI publications.
3. Clayton R Paul, ‘Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility’, Wiley, 2nd
Web Resources
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understood RF behavior of passive components at high frequency.
CO2 Use S-parameter terminology to describe circuits and Design microwave
transmission lines.
CO3 Describe and analyze different impedance matching techniques and Design
impedance matching networks for specific application.
CO4 Use microwave components such as isolators, couplers, circulators and Know
principles of Microwave devices.
CO5 Understand basic design parameters of antennas
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
CO6 Know principles of Microwave tubes and microwave devices and about
different Microwave Measurement techniques.
Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Tool (In semester) (In semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Objectives
Course Content
Unit-I (8 hours)
Intro and Orbital Mechanics, Launchers
Developing the Equations of the Orbit, Kepler’s Three Laws of Planetary Motion,
Describing the Orbit of a satellite, Locating the in the Orbit, Locating the Satellite with
Respect to the Earth. Orbital Elements, Look Angle Determination, The Sub satellite
Point, Elevation and Azimuth angle Calculations, Specialization to Geostationary
Satellites, Visibility Test, Orbital Perturbations, Orbit Determination, Launches and
Launch Vehicles, Doppler Shift, Range Variations, Solar Eclipse, Sun Transit Outage.
Unit-II (8 hours)
Satellite Subsystems
Attitude and Orbit Control System, Telemetry, Tracking, Command and monitoring,
Power Systems, Communication Subsystems, Transponders, Satellite Antennas,
Equipment Reliability and Space Qualification, Redundancy.
Unit-III (8 hours)
Satellite Link Design
Introduction, Basic Transmission Theory, System Noise Temperature and G/T Ratio,
Noise Figure and Noise Temperature, G/T Ratio for Earth stations. Design of Downlinks,
Link Budgets, Uplink Design, Designs for Specified C/N Ratios.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Multiple Access Techniques
Introduction, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, Intermodulation, Calculation of C/N with
Intermodulation TDMA Frame Structure, Demand Access Multiple Access(DAMA),
Spread Spectrum Transmission and Reception.
Unit-V (8 hours)
Propagation Effects and their Impact on Satellite-Earth Links
Introduction, Quantifying Attenuation and Depolarization, Atmospheric Absorption,
Cloud Attenuation, Troposphere Scintillation and Low Angle Fading, Faraday Rotation in
the atmosphere, Ionospheric Scintillation, Rain and Ice Effects, Antenna Noise,
Propagation Impairment Countermeasures.
Unit-VI (5 hours)
Practical aspects of Satellite communication systems.
Learning Resources
Text Books
Web resources
Course outcomes
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Assessment Method
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit-I (7 hours)
Cellular concepts: frequency reuse, Cell Sectoring, Cell Splitting, traffic analysis, trunking
efficiency, call blocking probability, Blocked calls cleared system, blocked calls delayed
system, hard handover and Soft handover.
Unit-II (8 hours)
Introduction to radio wave propagation, free space propagation model, Antenna
fundamentals, received power calculations, Friis Free Space equation, Fraun hoper
distance, Path loss exponent, Indoor Path loss Models, Two-Ray Model, Receiver
Unit-III (8 hours)
Diffraction, Fresnel Zones, Fresnel-Kirchhoff Diffraction Parameter, Shadow fading,
Log-Normal Distribution, Boundary Coverage Probability, Percentage of Area Coverage.
Distance Dependent Path loss Models: Okumura and Hata models.
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Small Scaling Fading: Multipath Propagation, Envelope Fading, Rayleigh and Rician
Fading, Doppler Effect, Time Dispersion, Frequency Dispersion, Frequency Flat and
Selective Fading, Slow and Fast Fading, Coherence Time & Coherence Bandwidth.
Unit-V (8 hours)
Diversity: Introduction to MIMO systems, Receive Diversity, Selective combining,
Maximal ratio combining (MRC), Equal gain combining, Transmit Diversity, Alamouti
Scheme, Zero forcing and MMSE equalizers.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit-VI (6 hours)
Multiple Access techniques: Code Division Multiple Access, RAKE Receiver,
WCDMA, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, Cyclic Prefix, Design of OFDM
Learning Resources
Text Books
1. Theodore, S. Rappaport , ‘Wireless Communications, Principles, Practice’, 2nd
Ed., 2002, PHI.
2. Andrea Goldsmith, ‘Wireless Communications’, 2005 Cambridge University Press.
3. Gottapu Sasibhushana Rao, ‘Mobile Cellular Communication’, Pearson Education,
Reference Books
1. Kaveh Pah Laven and P. Krishna Murthy, ‘Principles of Wireless Networks’,
2002, PE.
2. Kamilo Feher, ‘Wireless Digital Communications’, PHI.
3. William Stallings, ‘Wireless Communication and Networking’, PHI.
4. Upen Dalal, ‘Wireless Communication’, Oxford Univ. Press.
Web resources:
1. Prof David Koilpillai, NPTEL-IIT Madras, 'Introduction to Wireless and Cellular
Communication System', URL:
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content:
Unit - I (6 hours)
Need for multi resolution / multi-scale analysis, time-frequency analysis and generation of
Unit-II (8 hours)
Piece-wise constant approximation-the Haar wavelet, dyadic multi resolution analysis
(MRA), relating dyadic MRA to filter banks, elements of multi-rate systems, two-band
filter bank design
Unit-III (8 hours)
Orthogonal and bi-orthogonal wavelets, Daubechies family of wavelets, Vanishing
moments and regularity, Conjugate Quadrature Filter banks (CQF), Data compression-
fingerprint compression standards JPEG-2000 standards.
Unit-IV (8 hours)
The uncertainty principle and its implications: Gaussian function, the Gabor transform and
its generalization in time, frequency. Continuous wavelet transform (CWT).
Unit-V (8 hours)
CWT to the DWT discretization, discretization of scale, discretization of translation,
discretization of time, Going from piecewise linear to piecewise polynomial, the class of
spline wavelets.
Unit-VI (7 hours)
Variants of the wavelet transform and its implementation structures, the wave packet
transform, Computational efficiency in realizing filter banks-polyphase components, the
lattice structure, the lifting scheme applications.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Learning resources
Text books
1. Howard L. Resnikoff, Raymond O.Wells, 'Wavelet analysis :The Scalable
Structure of Information’, Springer,1998.
2. Stephen Welstead, ‘Fractal and Wavelet Image Compression Techniques’, PHI
Web resources
1. Prof V.M. Gadre, NPTEL-IIT Bombay, ‘Advanced Digital Signal Processing’,
URL: 117101001
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Assessment Method
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Objectives
1. Principles of neuro computing with artificial neural networks.
2. Supervised and unsupervised learning.
3. Connectionist architectures.
Course content
Unit - I (6 hours)
Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks
Artificial Neura Networks and Applications, ANN usefulness and capabilities, Equivalent
electrical model, Artificial Neural Model and Linear Regression, Gradient Descent
Algorithm, Nonlinear activation units and learning mechanisms, Basic learning rules,
Leaning Mechanisms(Hebbian, Competitive, Boltzmann), classifications of Synaptic
Unit-II (8 hours)
Associative Memory and Dimensions
Stochastic learning algorithm, Characteristics of associative memory, Associative
memory model, Matrix Memory, Condition for Perfect recall, Statistical aspects of
learning, properties of regressive model, Neural measure of effectiveness, V.C
dimension, Shattering, Importance of V.C dimensions.
Unit-III (8 hours)
Perception and Baye’s classifier
Single layer perception, Gauss-Newton’s method, Linear least scale filter, Ergodic
process, Least Mean Square Algorithm, Convergence Consideration in LSM algorithm,
Perceptron Convergence Theorem, Bayes classifier and Perceptron, Bayes classifier for
Gaussian distribution, Comparison between Baye’s classifier and perceptron, Multilayer
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Back propagation algorithm
Back propagation algorithm, practical consideration in back propagation algorithm, Modes
of training, Solution of Non-Linearity separable problems using MLP, Heuristics for Back
Propagation, Mean and Variance induced local field, Multi-Class classification using
Multilayered perceptrons.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit-V (7 hours)
Radial Basis Function networks
Cover’s Theorem, RBF networks, separability and interpolation, types of phases, RBF
as ill-posed surface reconstruction, Regularization, Solution of regularization equation
: greens function, Use of greens function in regularization networks, Generalized
RBF, Comparison between MLP and RBF, Learning mechanisms in RBF.
Unit-VI (8 hours)
Introduction principle components and analysis
Dimensionality Reduction Using PCA, Types of transformation, Hebbian-Based principle
component analysis, Generalized Hebbian Algorithm, Introduction to Self organizing
maps, Essential process in the formation of self organizing maps, Cooperative and
adaptive processes in SOM, 2-D lattice, Vector quantization using SOM, Optimum
encoder and decoder.
Learning resources
Text Books
1. Laurene V. Fausett , 'Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms
and Applications', Pearson publications.
Reference Books
1. S. Sivanandam, 'Introduction to Neural Networks using MATLAB', Tata McGraw
Hill publications.
Web Resources
1. Prof.S.Sengupta, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, ' Neural Networks'.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
CO1 Neuro computing with artificial neural networks widely used for addressing
real-world problems such as classification, regression, pattern recognition, data
mining, time-series modeling, etc..
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Assessment Method:
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Objectives:
1. Fundamental tools that are used to describe, analyze and process biomedical
2. Fundamental principles in the analysis and design of filters, power spectral density
estimation and non-stationary signal processing techniques with applications to
biomedical signals will be taught.
Unit – I (6 hours)
Human body as a system, Building blocks, Biomedical signal origin & dynamics.
(EEG, EMG etc.)
Unit-II (8 hours)
Filtering for Removal of artifacts Statistical Preliminaries; Time domain filtering
(Synchronized Averaging, Moving Average). Filtering for Removal of artifacts contd.
Time domain filtering (Moving Average Filter to Integration, Derivative-based operator),
Frequency Domain Filtering (Notch Filter)
Unit-III (8 hours)
Filtering for Removal of artifacts contd. Optimal Filtering: The Weiner Filter. Filtering for
Removal of artifacts contd. Adaptive Filtering Selecting Appropriate Filter
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Event Detection Example events (viz. P, QRS and T wave in ECG) Derivative based
Approaches for QRS Detection Pan Tompkins Algorithm for QRS Detection. Event
Detection contd. Dicrotic Notch Detection Correlation Analysis of EEG Signal.
Unit-V (8 hours)
Waveform Analysis Illustrations of problem with case studies Morphological Analysis of
ECG Correlation coefficient The Minimum phase correspondent and Signal Length.
Waveform Analysis contd. Envelop Extraction Amplitude demodulation The Envelogram
Analysis of activity Root Mean Square value Zero-crossing rate Turns Count, Form factor.
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Unit-VI (7 hours)
Frequency-domain Analysis Periodogram. Frequency-domain Analysis Averaged
Periodogram Blackman-Tukey Spectral Estimator Daniells Spectral Estimator Measures
derived from PSD.
Learning Resources
Text books
1. R M Rangayyan “Biomedical Signal Analysis: A case Based Approach”, IEEE
Press, John Wiley & Sons. Inc, 2002
2. Willis J. Tompkins “Biomedical Digital Signal Processing”, EEE, PHI, 2004
Reference books
1. D C Reddy “Biomedical Signal Processing: Principles and Techniques”, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, 2005
2. J G Webster “Medical Instrumentation: Application & Design”, John Wiley &
Sons Inc., 2001
3. C Raja Rao, S K Guha “Principles of Medical Electronics and Biomedical
Instrumentation”, Universities Press, 2001
Web References
1. Prof.Sudipta Mukhopadhyay, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur 'Biomedical signal
processing', URL:
Course Outcomes
The students will be able to
Assessment Method
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit - I (7 hours)
Introduction to Digital image Processing and Image Digitization
Need of Image processing, Applications, Introduction to Video Sequence processing,
Image compression, Image representation, Steps in Digital Image processing, Need of
digitization, Image as matrix of Numbers, Sampling, Signal Reconstruction from Samples,
Convolution, 2D sampling, Image Quantization, Quantization error, Quantizer, Design.
Relationships between pixels.
Unit - II (8 hours)
Basic Transformations and Image Interpolation
Translation, rotation, scaling, Camera Model and Image Geometry, Camera Calibration
and Stereo Imaging, Stereo Image modeling, Interpolation and Resampling, B-spline
interpolation Functions, Constant interpolation, Image Transformation, DCT Basis
Images, Walsh Transform, Hadamard Transform
Unit-III (7 hours)
Image Transforms
Image Transformation, Basis Images, Fourier Transformation, Discrete Cosine Transform,
Walsh Transform, Hadamard Transform. K- L Transform.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit-IV (7 hours)
Image Enhancement and Image Restoration
Necessity of Image Enhancement, Spatial Domain Operations, Frequency domain
operations, Power law transformation. Image Enhancement frequency. Image Restoration
and Restoration techniques, Image Registration.
Unit-V (8 hours)
Colour Image Processing and Image Segmentation
Primary and Secondary Colours, Chromaticity diagram and its use, RGB color model, HIS
color model, Conversation from one model to another, Pseudo Color Image processing,
Colour and intensity modifications, Image Segmentation, Linking of edge points,
Threshold Technique, Region based Segmentation.
Unit-VI (8 hours)
Mathematical Morphology and Object Representation and Description.
Morphological Image processing Techniques: Dilation, Erosion, Opening, Closing.
Applications Hit or Miss Transform, Image under Standing Techniques, Boundary based
Descriptions, Region based Descriptions, Recognition techniques: Using shape number,
Feature based Techniques, Neural based Technique.
Learning Resources
Text books
1. Rafel C. Gonzalez and Richard E. woods, 'Digital Image Processing', Pearson
Reference books
1. Anil K. Jain , ‘Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing’, Prentice Hall (1989).
Web Resources
1. Prof. P.K Biswas, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, ‘Digital Image Processing’,
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
The course will cover techniques and tools for digital image processing, and
CO 1 finally also introduce image analysis techniques in the form of image
The course is primarily meant to develop on-hand experience in applying these
CO 2 tools to process these images. Hence the programming assignments form a key
component of this course
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The students would be encouraged to develop the image processing tools from
CO 3
scratch, rather than using any image processing library functions.
Students will also get an opportunity to familiarize with Open CV image
CO 4
processing library.
Emphasis will be to develop engineering skills and intuitive understanding of the
CO 5
tools used in Image Processing.
CO 6 Select feature extraction techniques for image analysis and recognition.
Assessment Method:
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit-I (6 hours)
Speech production model, Speech coding, Sampling of speech, Quantizers for speech
signal, Uniform and non-uniform quantizer, Mew law and optimum quantizer, Adaptive
quantizer, Differential quantization.
Unit-II (8 hours)
Linear delta modulation and adaptive delta modulation, Differential PCM, Adaptive
prediction, Linear prediction of speech, Computational aspect of LPC (Linear Predictive
Coding) parameters, Cholasky decomposition, Lattice formulation of LPC coefficient,
Linear predictive synthesizer, LPC vocoder.
Unit-III (8 hours)
Introduction to image and video coding, Lossy image compression, Discrete cosine
transform (DCT), DCT quantization and limitations, Theory of wavelets, Discrete wavelet
transform, Multi resolution analysis, DWT on the images and its encoding, Embedded
zero tree wavelet encoding.
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Introduction to video coding, Basic building blocks in video coding, Conventional video
and streaming video, Hybrid video coding, video decoding, Motion estimate technique,
Fast motion estimation technique.
Unit-V (8 hours)
Video coding standards, Advanced coding aspects, Profile and levels, Macro blocks, Slice
and slice types, Audio coding basic concepts, Audio coding AC-3 techniques, AC-3
decoding techniques, MPEG-1 audio coding and decoding techniques.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit-VI (7 hours)
Introduction to VOIP, VOIP signal processing (H.323 protocol), H.323 call controls and
enhancements, Interworking with PSTN limitations and solution, Multiplexing schemes,
H.323 multiplexing, Header compression and BW, ISDN video conferencing, SIP
protocol, 4G multimedia conferencing.
Learning resources
Text books
1. L.R. Rabiner, Digital Processing of Speech Signals
2. Kondoz, Digital Speech: Coding for low bit rate communication systems; John
Wiley publication
Reference Books
1. Jacob Benesty, M. Mohan Sondhi, Yiteng Huang, Handbook of Speech
Processing, Springer
2. K.R. Rao, Z. S. Bojkovic, D. A. Milovanovic, Introduction to Multimedia
Communications Applications, Middleware, Networking, Wiley publication.
Web resources
1. Prof S Sengupta, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, ‘Digital Voice And Picture
Communication’, URL:
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Extract data form the lossy images.
CO 2 Differentiate between different audio and video standards.
CO 3 Analyze the image in different aspects.
CO 4 Analyze the video and audio vide codecs
CO 5 Analyze modulation techniques
CO 6 Analyze advanced voice and video protocols
Assessment Method
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Objectives
1. Signal detection and estimation is the area of study that deals with the processing
of information-bearing signals.
2. Applications of the theory of signal detection and estimation are in many areas,
such as communications, automatic control, radar/ sonar, speech and image
processing and medical signal processing.
3. In general, detection and estimation applications involve making inferences from
observations that are distorted or corrupted in some manner.
4. Cast detection and estimation problems in a probabilistic framework in which
unknown behavior is assumed to be random.
Course Content
Unit – I (6 hours)
Introduction, Probability Theory, Random Variables, Function of Random Variable Joint
Density, Mean and Variance.
Unit-II (7 hours)
Random Vectors Random Processes, Random Processes and Linear Systems, Some
Numerical Problems, Miscellaneous Topics on Random Process, Linear Signal Models.
Unit-III (8 hours)
Linear Mean Square Error Estimation, Auto Correlation and Power Spectrum Estimation-
Transform Revisited Eigen Vectors/Values, The Concept of Innovation, Last Squares
Estimation Optimal IIR Filters.
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Introduction to Adaptive Filters, State Estimation, Kalman Filter-Model and Derivation,
Estimator Properties
Unit-V (8 hours)
The Time-Invariant Kalman Filter, Kalman Filter-Case Study, System identification
Introductory Concepts, Linear Regression-Recursive Least Squares, Variants of LSE
Unit-VI (8 hours)
Least Square Estimation, Model Order Selection Residual Tests, Practical Issues in
Identification, Estimation Problems in Instrumentation and Control Conclusion
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Learning resources
Text Books
Reference Books
1. S. M. Kay, "Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Estimation Theory",
Prentice Hall PTR, 1993.
2. S. M. Kay, "Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Detection Theory",
Prentice Hall PTR, 1998.
Web resources
1. Prof S Mukhopadhyay, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, ‘Estimation of signals and
systems’. URL:
Assessment Method:
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Course content
Unit – I (6 hours)
Introduction to Medical Image analysis
Medical Image analysis and overview
Unit-II (6 hours)
Imaging and Clustering
X ray and CT Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Ultrasound Imaging, Optical
Microscopy and Molecular Imaging, Texture in Medical Images, Region Growing and
Unit-III (6 hours)
Image Segmentation
Random Growing and Clustering, Random Walks for Segmentation, Active Contours for
Segmentation, Systematic Evaluation and Validation, Decision Trees for Segmentation
and Classification, Random Forests for segmentation and Classification.
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Unit-VI (5 hours)
Retinal Vessel Segmentation, Vessel Segmentation in Computed Tomography Scan of
Lungs, Tissue Characterization in Ultra sound.
Learning Resources
Text books
1. Atam P. Dhawan, ‘Medical image analysis’, IEEE Press Series on Biomedical
2. G. Dougherty, 'Medical Image Processing', Springer, 2011.
Reference Books
1. K. D. Toennies, 'Guide to Medical Image Analysis’, Springer, 2012.
2. T. M. Deserno, 'Biomedical Image Processing', Springer, 2011.
3. A. Criminisi, J. Shotton, 'Decision Forests for Computer Vision and Medical
Image Analysis', Springer, 2013.
Web resources
1. Prof. Debdoot Sheet, NPTEL - IIT Kharagpur, ‘Medical Image Analysis’, URL:
2. URL:
3. URL:
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Exposure to a variety of radiological diagnostic scenarios with examples
Assessment Method:
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Course content
Unit-I (7 hours)
Polynomial curve fitting – The curse of dimensionality - Decision theory- Information
theory - The beta distribution - Dirichlet distribution-Gaussian distribution The exponent
family: Maximum likelihood and sufficient statistics -Non-parametric method: kernel-
density estimators - Nearest neighbor methods.
Unit-II (8 hours)
Linear models for regression and classification: Linear basis function models for
regression -Bias variance decomposition-Bayesian linear regression - Discriminant
functions - Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis (LDA) - Principal Component Analysis
(PCA) - Probabilistic generative model - Probabilistic discriminative model.
Unit-III (8 hours)
Kernel methods: Dual representations-Constructing kernels-Radial basis function
networks-Gaussian process-Maximum margin classifier (Support Vector Machine) –
Relevance Vector Machines-Kernel-PCA, Kernel-LDA.
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Mixture models: K-means clustering - Mixtures of Gaussian - Expectation-Maximization
algorithm- Sequential models: Markov model, Hidden-Markov Model (HMM) - Linear
Dynamical Systems (LDS).
Unit-V (8 hours)
Neural networks: Feed- forward Network functions-Network training - Error Back
propagation - The Hessian Matrix - Regularization in Neural Network - Mixture density
networks – Bayesian Neural Networks
Unit-VI (6 hours)
Applications: Speech recognition, Character and handwriting recognition. Analysis of
biological sequences
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Learning Resources
Text Books
1. C.M.Bishop, 'Pattern recognition and machine learning', Springer,2006
2. J.I.Tou & R.C. Gonzalez, 'Pattern Recognition Priciples', Addsion –Wesley
Publishing company
Reference books
1. Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart and David G. Stork, "Pattern Classification", John
Wiley & Sons, 2001.
2. EarlGose, Richard Johsonbaugh and Steve Jost, "Pattern Recognition and Image
Analysis", Prentice Hall, 1999.
Web resources
1. Prof.P.K.Biswas, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, ‘Pattern recognition’,
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Assessment Method:
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Tool (In semester) (In semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit – I (8 hours)
Negative feedback systems and stability
Negative feedback amplifier using an integrator, Frequency and time domain behavior,
Loop gain and its implications, Negative feedback amplifier realization, Finite DC gain,
Increasing DC gain, Effect of multiple poles, Negative feedback systems with multiple
poles and zeros in the forward path, Stability analysis using Nyquist criterion, Nyquist
criterion, Loop gain-Bode plot and time domain interpretation, Significance of 60 degree
phase margin
Unit – II (8 hours)
Opamp at the block level: Frequency compensation
Concept of the opamp for realizing negative feedback circuits, Realizing a multi stage
opamp-frequency compensation-miller opamp, Realizing a multi stage opamp, feed
forward compensated opamp, Opamp as a general block, unity gain compensation, non
idealities-swing limits, slew rate, offset, dc negative feedback around op-amps
Unit – IV (5 hours)
Noise in resistors, MOS transistors and matching
Noise models, Noise calculations, Noise scaling, IC components and their models,
Mismatch, Layout considerations. Body effect in basic amplifier stages, Frequency
response of a common source amplifier
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Unit – V (8 hours)
Single ended opamp design
Realizing a single stage opamp-diff pair, small signal ac analysis, Single stage opamp-
mismatch and noise, Single stage opamp-telescopic cascode, Replica biasing a cascode,
Single stage opamp-folded cascode, Two stage miller compensated opamp, Three stage
opamp, CMRR of an opamp and opamp circuits.
Unit – VI (8 hours)
Fully differential opamp design
Fully differential opamps, Differential and common mode half circuits, common mode
feedback, Fully differential miller compensated opamp-common mode feedback loop and
its stability, Fully differential single stage opamp, Fully differential telescopic cascode
opamp, Fully differential feed forward compensated opamp.
Learning Resources:
Text book
1. Behzad Razavi, 'Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits', McGraw-Hill
Reference books
1. Jim Williams, Newnes “Analog Circuit Design: Art, Science and Personalities
(EDN Series for Design Engineers) (Paperback),, Reprint edition, 1991.
2. David Johns and Ken Martin “Analog Integrated Circuit Design, , John Wiley &
Sons, 1997.
Web Resource
1. Prof S Aniruddhan, NPTEL-IIT Madras, 'Analog IC Design',
2. Prof Behzad Razavi, 'Lecture series on Analog Electronics-2'
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to learn
CO 1 How to design negative feedback systems
CO 2 How to draw the frequency response of op amp.
CO 3 Design the applications of op amp.
CO 4 Identify different noises present in analog circuit design
CO 5 Design of single ended opamp
CO 6 Design of differential amplifier
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Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Weekly Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit - I (3 hours)
A Historical Perspective, Issues in Digital Integrated Circuit Design, Quality Metrics of a
Digital Design, Cost of an Integrated Circuit, Functionality and Robustness, Performance,
Power and Energy Consumption.
Unit - II (5 hours)
Introduction, Interconnect Parameters — Capacitance, Resistance, and Inductance,
Capacitance, Resistance, Inductance, Electrical Wire Models, The Ideal Wire, The
Lumped Model, The Lumped RC model, The Distributed RC Line, The Transmission
Unit - IV (8 hours)
Introduction, Static CMOS Design, Complementary CMOS, Rationed Logic, Pass-
Transistor Logic, Dynamic CMOS Design , Dynamic Logic: Basic Principles, Speed and
Power Dissipation of Dynamic Logic , Issues in Dynamic Design, Cascading Dynamic
Gates, Perspectives, Designing Logic for Reduced Supply Voltages
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit – VI (9 hours)
Introduction, Memory Classification, Memory Architectures and Building Blocks, The
Memory Core, Read-Only Memories Nonvolatile Read-Write Memories, Read-Write
Memories (RAM), Contents-Addressable or Associative Memory (CAM), Memory
Peripheral Circuitry, The Address Decoders, Sense Amplifiers Voltage References,
Drivers/Buffers, Timing and Control, Memory Reliability and Yield, Signal-To-Noise
Ratio, Memory yield, Power Dissipation in Memories, Sources of Power Dissipation in
Memories, Partitioning of the memory, Addressing the Active Power Dissipation.
Learning Resources
Text Books
1. Jan M. Rabaey ,Anantha Chandrakasan and Borivoje Nikolic ‘Digital Integrated
Circuits’- A Design Perspective (Second Edition)
Web Resources
1. Prof Jan Rabaey, ‘Digital Integrated Circuits Jan Rabaey Lecture series’, URL:
Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content:
Unit - I (8 hours)
Algorithmic State Machines: Components of ASM Chart, ASM for Binary Multiplier,
ASM for weighing machine, ASM for Bus Arbiter, Arithmetic Mean, Sort operation
Unit - II (6 hours)
Design of Memories
On-Chip dual address ROM Design and Verilog implementation, Single Address ROM
Design and Verilog implementation, On-Chip Dual RAM Design
Unit - IV (8 hours)
Design of a Discrete Cosine Transform and Quantization Processor
DCTQ processor block diagram, Signal description of DCTQ processor , Architecture of
DCTQ processor, Verilog code for DCTQ Datapath and Control path, verification of
DCTQ processor
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit – VI (5 hours)
Hardware Implementations using FPGA and I/O Boards
FPGA board features, features of Digital Input/output board, Traffic light controller design
and implementation on FPGA, Real Time clock design and implementation on FPGA,
Projects for implementation on FPGA.
Learning resources
Text book:
1. S.Ramachandran, ‘Digital VLSI Systems Design’, Springer Publications.
2. Zainalabedin Navabi, ‘Verilog Digital System Design’.
Web Resources:
1. Prof S Srinivasan, IIT Madras, ‘VLSI Circuits’.
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to learn
CO 1 Formulation of ASM charts for digital systems
CO 2 Demonstrate the computer memories and implementing on FPGA board
CO 3 Understanding the RTL guidelines in digital system design
CO 4 Design of DCTQ processor using FPGA
CO 5 FPGA implementation of memory systems
CO 6 Practical aspects involved in FPGA design of digital systems
Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit- I (6 hours)
Introduction, history of semiconductors, Packaging aspects of handheld products, Case
studies in applications, Wafer fabrication, inspection and testing, Wafer packaging,
Packaging evolution; Chip connection choices, Wire bonding, TAB and flip-chip.
Unit- II (7 hours)
Introduction, Single chip packages or modules (SCM), Commonly used packages and
advanced packages; Materials in packages, Advances packages (continued); Thermal
mismatch in packages; Current trends in packaging, Multichip modules (MCM)-types;
System in package (SIP);Packaging roadmaps; Hybrid circuits.
Unit- IV (8 hours)
Review of CAD output files for PCB fabrication; Photo plotting and mask generation,
Process flow-chart, PWB substrates, Substrates continued, Video highlights; Surface
preparation, Photo resist and application methods, UV exposure and developing, printing
technologies for PWBs PWB etching; Resist stripping, Screen-printing technology,
Through-hole manufacture process steps; Panel and pattern plating methods, Video
highlights on manufacturing, Solder mask for PWBs; Multilayer PWBs; Introduction to
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microvias, Microvia technology and Sequential build-up technology process flow for
high-density interconnects, Conventional Vs HDI technologies; Flexible circuits; Tutorial
Unit- V (8 hours)
SMD benefits, Design issues; Introduction to soldering, Reflow and Wave Soldering
methods to attach SMDs, Solders; Wetting of solders; Flux and its properties, Defects in
wave soldering, Vapour phase soldering, BGA soldering and Desoldering/ Repair, SMT
failures, SMT failure library and Tin Whisker, Tin-lead and lead-free solders, Phase
diagrams; Thermal profiles for reflow soldering; Lead-free alloys, Lead-free solder
considerations; Green electronics; RoHS compliance and e-waste recycling issues.
Unit- VI (8 hours)
Thermal Design considerations in systems packaging, Introduction to embedded passives;
Need for embedded passives; Design Library; Embedded resistor processes, Embedded
capacitors, Processes for embedding capacitors; Case study examples; Summary of
materials in packaging.
Learning resources
1. Rao R. Tummala, ‘Fundamentals of Microsystems Packaging’, McGraw Hill, NY,
Reference books
1. William D.Brown, 'Advanced Electronic Packaging', IEEE Press, 1999.
2. William Trimmer, 'Micromechanics and MEMS: Classic and Seminal Papers to
1990’ by, IEEE Press, IEEE Number PC4390, ISBN 0-7803-1085-3, NewYork.
Web resources
1. Prof G V Mahesh, NPTEL-IISc Bangalore, 'An Introduction to Electronics
Systems Packaging', URL:
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Understand the evaluation of the packaging techniques
CO 2 Understand the underlying concepts in the current trends in the packaging
CO 3 Understand the underlying concepts in the electrical issues in the packaging
CO 4 Understand the underlying concepts in the PCB fabrication
CO 5 Understand the underlying concepts in the Design issues
CO 6 Understand the underlying concepts in the thermal issues in the packaging
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Assessment Method:
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Course Content:
Unit – I (6 hours)
Overview of Embedded Systems, Embedded System Architecture, Processor examples:
ARM,PIC etc, Introduction to Embedded Hardware, Overview of micro controller and
micro-processor, Vonnueuman Architecture, Hardvard Architecture, Advanced Hardvard
Architecture, Introduction to PIC microcontroller.
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Features of digital signal processors, DSP applications and DSP algorithms, DSP memory,
Instruction sets and parallel instructions, System on chip, Memory, Memory organization,
Virtual memory, Memory management Unit, BUS structure, Serial interfaces, Power
aware architecture.
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Unit-V (6 hours)
Requirement and features of software for embedded systems, Usage of C and java and its
limitations, Fundamentals of embedded operating systems, Scheduling policies, Resource
management, Embedded OS.
Unit-VI (5 hours)
Network embedded systems, Distributed embedded systems and its Architecture, Multi-
processor networks, Ethernet and its features, Hardware modules, Protocols.
Learning Resources:
1. Wayne Wolf, ‘Computers as components: Principles of Embedded Computing System
Design’, Morgan Kaufman publication, 2000.
Reference books:
1. Andrew, N. Sloss, Dominic Symesm Chirs Wright, ‘ARM System Development’s
Guide Designing and Optimizing System Software’, Morgan kaufman publication,
2. John B. Peatman, ‘Design with PIC microcontroller’, Pearson Education Asia, 2002.
3. Tim Wilmshurst,‘The Design of Small –Scale embedded systems’, Palgrave 2003
4. Marwedel, ‘Embedded System Design’, Peter, Kluwer Publisher, 2004
Web resources:
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
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Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Weekly Monthly tests End Semester Total
tests/Assignments (In semester) Test
(In semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit-I (8 hours)
Introduction of embedded systems and software testing, Marketing drivers, Role of
testing, Key process elements for embedded software testing, Typical life cycle phase,
Embedded C environment, Embedded testing setup, Prerequisites for embedded system
testing, Test case design and procedures, Test standards, Depicting levels of testing,
Software life cycle, Embedded V model life cycle, Nested V model life cycle, Master test
Unit-II (8 hours)
Dynamic testing, Dynamic testing types, Black box testing, White box testing, Coverage
aspects, Equivalance partitioning, State transition testing, State transition fault categories,
Model based testing, Grey box testing, Testing tools-life cycle, Test automation and
techniques, Risk based testing.
Unit-III (8 hours)
Static testing, Static vs dynamic testing, Static analysis, Static analysis tools, Coding
standards, Sample rule, Stack overflow, Program inspection walkthrough and reviews,
Test metrics, Test metrics life cycle and types, Software testing metrics.
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Software integration goals and objectives, Top down integration and testing, Integration
considerations, Integration strategy comparison, Bottom up testing, Layer integration,
Client server integration, Collaboration integration, Integration testing environment,
Generating test cases, Regression testing, Case diagram, Test case maintenance.
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Unit-V (7 hours)
Depicting levels of testing, Configure management elements, SCM activities, SCM
phases, Different types of test processes related to software remodel, Introduction to EST
and fundamentals of testing.
Unit-VI (6 hours)
LDRA unit testing tool introduction, Static analysis tool by using C or C++, Target based
testing, Level testing, Identification of test cases, Test line work flow.
Learning Resources
1. Bart Broekman and Edwin Note boom, 'Testing Embedded Software', Addison-
Web Resources
1. Seer Akademi, NPTEL -MoU, IIT Madras, 'Embedded software Testing', URL:
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Understand the embedded system software testing
CO 2 Understand the software testing methods
CO 3 Understand the software testing matrices
CO 4 Understand the embedded systems integration
CO 5 Understand the SCM activities
CO 6 Understand the embedded system software testing tools
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Objectives
Course content
Unit-I (6 hours)
Introduction to FPGAs, difference b/w synthesizable and non-synthesizable constructs,
learning different elegant Verilog styles and etc. and design of Digital clock on FPGA.
Unit-II (6 hours)
Image processing on FPGA: acquisition of image on to FPGA board, performing different
simple image processing operations on FPGA.
Unit-IV (6 hours)
CORDIC implementation: Learning how to implement CORDIC algorithm on FPGA and
Discrete Fourier Transform, Fast Fourier Transform.
Unit-V (7 hours)
Machine learning Algorithms on FPGA: synthesizing machine learning algorithms using
IEEE 754 floating point representation.
Unit-VI (8 hours)
Robotics Application: Replacing Arduino and RasPI with FPGA board for effective
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Learning resources
Textbooks/Reference books
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Student will able to design digital systems independently on FPGA.
CO2 Student would be able to implement image processing, signal processing
architectures on FPGA board.
CO3 Students would be able to implement game design algorithms along with audio,
graphics integration.
CO4 Students would be able to implement machine learning algorithms and use them
for robotics applications.
Assessment Method:
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
ECXY29 Low Power Circuits and Systems PEC 3L: 0T: 0P 3 credits
Course Content:
Unit-I (6 hours)
Basics of MOS circuits
MOS Transistor structure and device modeling , MOS Inverters, MOS Combinational
Unit-II (6 hours)
Sources of Power dissipation
Dynamic Power Dissipation, Short Circuit Power, Switching Power, Glitching Power,
Static Power Dissipation, Degrees of Freedom
Unit-III (8 hours)
Supply Voltage Scaling Approaches
Device feature size scaling, Multi-Vdd Circuits, Architectural level approaches:
Parallelism, Pipelining, Voltage scaling using high-level transformations, Dynamic
voltage scaling, Power Management
Unit-V (8 hours)
Leakage Power minimization Approaches
Variable-threshold-voltage CMOS (VTCMOS) approach, Multi-threshold-voltage CMOS
(MTCMOS) approach, Power gating, Transistor stacking, Dual-Vt assignment approach
Unit-VI (7 hours)
Special Topics
Adiabatic Switching Circuits, Battery-aware Synthesis, Variation tolerant design, CAD
tools for low power synthesis
Learning resources
1. Ajit Pal, ‘Low-Power VLSI Circuits and Systems’, Springer publications.
2. Anantha P. Chandrakasan and Robert W. Brodersen, Low Power Digital CMOS
Design, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Reference books
1. Kaushik Roy and Sharat C. Prasad, Low-Power CMOS VLSI Design, Wiley-
Interscience, 2000.
Web resources
1. Prof Ajit Pal, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, ‘Low Power VLSI Circuits & Systems’.
Assessment Method:
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit-I (6 hours)
Introduction to Nano Technology & Nano Materials. Evaluation of Micro Electronics and
Micro Sensors, Materials for Micro Electronics & Micro sensors, Electrical, Physical,
Chemical, Optical and Thermal Properties of a materials used for Micro Electronics &
Micro Sensors.
Unit-II (6 hours)
Silicon wafer manufacturing process, Wafer orientations, Electrical, physical, chemical,
thermal and optical properties for different orientations. Clean room classifications, Clean
room protocols.
Unit-III (8 hours)
Fabrication process flow: cleaning, oxidation, ion implantation, diffusion of atoms,
patterning, different photo-resists, Mask Alignment, Lithography-types, etching-types.
Unit IV (7 hours)
Different deposition techniques: Spin coater, Sputtering unit, Thermal Evaporation,
Atomic vapour deposition, LPCVD, CVD, Metallization, Wafer bonding.
Unit VI (8 hours)
Micro Machining techniques, Different Micro sensors, Different applications of Micro
Electronics & Micro Sensors.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Learning Resources
1. Stephen D. Senturia, ‘Microsystem Design’Kluwer’,Academic Publishers, 2001.
Reference books
1. Marc Madou, ‘Fundamentals of Micro fabrication’, CRC Press, 1997, ISBN 0-8493-
2. Richard S. Muller, Roger T. Howe, Stephen D. Senturia, Rosemary L. Smith, and
Richard M. White, ‘Micro sensors’, IEEE Press, IEEE Number PC 0257-6, ISBN 0-
87942-254-9, New York, 1991.
3. M.H. Bao, ‘Micromechanical Transducers: Pressure sensors, accelerometers, and
gyroscopes’, Elsevier, New York, 2000.
4. Gregory Kovacs, ‘Micro-machined Transducers Sourcebook’, WCB McGraw-Hill,
Boston, 1998, ISBN 0-07-290722-3.
5. William Trimmer, ‘Micromechanics and MEMS: Classic and Seminal Papers to
1990’ by, IEEE Press, IEEE Number PC4390, ISBN 0-7803-1085-3, New York.
Web resources
1. Prof Santiram Kal, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, 'MEMS and Microsystems'
2. Prof Shantanu Bhattacharya, NPTEL-IIT Kanpur, ' BioMEMS and Microfluids',
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Understand about the importance of Micro Electronics
CO 2 Analyse the underlying fundamentals in Clean Room Protocols
CO 3 Understand the underlying fundamentals in Micro-fabrication procedures
CO 4 Understand the underlying fundamentals in Micro-fabrication procedures
CO 5 Apply the fabrication procedures for developing the discrete electronic components
CO 6 Analyse the different applications of Micro Electronics & Micro Sensors
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
This course will develop electronic circuits for radio frequency applications, specific to
CMOS integrated circuits. Course will be specific to CMOS integrated circuits, and
specific to radio frequencies.
In particular, the course will focus on circuits for radio front-ends for mobile phone
handsets. The course will cover low noise amplifiers, mixers, power amplifiers, frequency
synthesizers (and phase locked loops). The course will also cover several modern radio
Course content
UNIT – I: (6 hours)
RF systems – basic architectures, Transmission media and reflections, Maximum power
transferPassive RLC Networks , Parallel RLC tank, Q , Series RLC networks, Matching,
Pi match, T match , Passive IC Components , Interconnects and skin effect , Resistors,
capacitors , InductorsReview of MOS Device Physics , MOS device review
UNIT – II (7 hours)
Distributed Systems , Transmission lines, reflection coefficient , The wave equation,
examplesLossy transmission lines ,Smith charts – plotting gamma
UNIT – IV (8 hours)
Noise ,Thermal noise, flicker noise review ,Noise figure ,LNA Design ,Intrinsic MOS
noise parameters , Power match versus noise match , Large signal performance, design
examples & Multiplier based mixers ,Subsampling mixers , RF Power Amplifiers, Class
A, AB, B, C amplifiers , Class D, E, F amplifiers RF Power amplifier design examples
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
UNIT – V (8 hours)
Voltage controlled oscillators, Resonators, Negative resistance oscillators, Phase locked
loops, Linearized PLL models , Phase detectors, charge pumps , Loop filters, PLL design
UNIT – VI (8 hours)
Frequency synthesis and oscillators, Frequency division, integer-N synthesis, Fractional
frequency synthesis ,Phase noise ,Radio architectures ,GSM radio architectures ,CDMA,
UMTS radio architectures.
Learning resources
Text Books
1. The Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits by Thomas H. Lee.
Cambridge University Press, 2004.
2. RF Microelectronics by Behzad Razavi. Prentice Hall, 1997.
Reference Books
1. Joseph F. White , “High Frequency Techniques : An introduction to RF and
Microwave Engineering “ ,IEEE press ,John Wiley & sons ,2004.
2. Christopher Bowick ,“RF Circuit Design”, Newnes, ,2 nd Edition, 2007.ISBN
Web resources
1. Shouribrata Chatterjee, NPTEL-IIT Delhi, ‘RF Integrated Circuits’.
Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Weekly Monthly tests End Semester Total
tests/Assignments (In semester) Test
(In semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit-I (8 hours)
Data types: Built-in data types, Fixed-Size and Dynamic arrays, Queues, Associated
arrays, Linked list, Enumerated Data types, Constants, Strings, Net types
Unit-II (8 hours)
Procedural statements and routines: Tasks, Functions and Void functions, Routine
arguments, Local data storage and Time values.
Unit-III (7 hours)
Test Bench and Design, Interface construct, Stimulus timing, Top-Level scope, Module
interactions, System verilog assertions, the FOUR PORT ATM Router, directed test for
the LC3 fetch block.
Unit-IV (8 hours)
OOP: class, objects, Static and Global Variables, Class routines, Public vs Local and
Building test bench, inheritance, factory patterns, type casting and virtual methods,
copying an object, call backs.
Unit-V (7 hours)
Threads and inter process communication: working with threads, disabling threads, inter
process communication, events, semaphores, mail boxes, building a test bench with
threads and ITC.
Unit-VI (7 hours)
Virtual interfaces with ATM router, connecting to multiple design configurations,
procedural code in an interface.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Learning resources
1. Chris Spear, ‘System Verilog for Verification’, Springer Publications 3rd edition.
Web resources
1. Ramdas Mozhikunnath M, ‘SoC verification using Systemverilog.
Assessment Method:
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course content:
Unit I (6 hours)
Typical DSP Algorithms, DSP Application Demands and scaled CMOS Technologies,
Representations of DSP algorithms, Dataflow graph representations, loop bound and
iteration bound, iteration bound of Multirate data-flow graphs
Unit II (8 hours)
Pipelining of FIR Digital Filters, Parallel processing, pipelining and parallel processing for
low power, retiming techniques, Unfolding: algorithm, properties, critical path,
applications , Folding: transformation, register minimization in folding architectures,
folding of multirate systems
Unit IV (8 hours)
Parallel FIR filters, Discrete Cosine Transform and Inverse DCT, Parallel architectures for
rank-order filters, pipeline interleaving in digital filters, pipelining in 1 st order IIR Digital
filters, pipelining in higher-order IIR digital filters, parallel processing for IIR filters, low-
power IIR filters
Unit V (8 hours)
Parallel multipliers, interleaved floor-plan and bit-plane-based digital filters, bit-serial
multipliers, bit-serial filter design and implementation, canonic signed digit arithmetic,
distributed arithmetic, redundant number representations, carry-free radix-2 addition and
subtraction, hybrid radix-4 addition, data format conversion, redundant to non-redundant
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit VI (8 hours)
Synchronous pipelining and clocking styles, clock skew and clock distribution in bit-level
pipelined VLSI Designs, wave pipelining, constraint space diagram and degree of wave
pipelining, implementation of wave-pipelined systems.
Learning Resources
1. K. K. Parhi, ‘VLSI DSP Systems’, Wiley, 2003
2. U. Meyer-Baese, ‘DSP with FPGA’, Springer, 2004.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Assessment Method:
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content
Unit-I (8 hours)
Introduction, Design representations, various design styles, VLSI physical design
automation, Partitioning, Floor planning and various floor planning algorithms, pin
Assignment and Placement.
Unit-II (7 hours)
Grid routing, Global routing, detailed routing and clock design.
Unit-III (7 hours)
Clock network synthesis, Power and ground routing, Time closure concept and time
driven placement.
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Time driven placement, Physical synthesis, Performance-Driven Design flow, various
miscellaneous approaches to timing optimization. Interconnect modelling, Design rule
check and Layout compaction.
Unit-V: (7 hours)
Testing of VLSI circuits, Fault modelling, Fault simulation, Test pattern generation,
Design for testability, Boundary Scan standard, BIST.
Unit-VI: (8 hours)
Low power VLSI design, Techniques to reduce power, Gate level design for Low Power,
other low power techniques, Algorithmic level Techniques for Low Power Design.
*As this is a Industry relavant course, the syllabus may vary as per the needs.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Learning resources
Text books
1. S.H. Gerez, “Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation”, John Wiley ,1998.
2. N.A.Sherwani , “Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation”, (3/e),
Reference books
1. S.M. Sait , H. Youssef, “VLSI Physical Design Automation”, World scientific,
2. M.Sarrafzadeh, “Introduction to VLSI Physical Design”, McGraw Hill (IE),
Web resources
1. Prof Indranil Sengupta, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, ‘VLSI Physical design’.
Course outcomes:
CO Students are able to know how to place the blocks and how to partition the blocks
1 while for designing the layout for IC.
Students are able to solve the performance issues in circuit layout.
Students are able to analyze physical design problems and Employ
appropriate automation algorithms for partitioning, floor planning, placement and
CO Students are able to decompose large mapping problem into pieces, including logic
4 optimization with partitioning, placement and routing
Students are able to analyze circuits using both analytical and CAD tools
Assessment Method:
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Objectives
To get familiarized with the concepts of integrated circuits verification and testing
methodologies .
Unit-I (6 hours)
Introduction, Overview of VLSI Design Flow, High Level Synthesis (HLS) Overview,
Scheduling in High Level Synthesis (HLS), Resource Sharing and Binding in HLS
Unit-II (7 hours)
Logic Synthesis, Physical Design, Introduction to formal methods for design verification,
Temporal Logic: Introduction and Basic Operations on Temporal Logic
UNIT V: (8 hours)
Symbolic model checking, Introduction to Digital VLSI Testing, Functional and Structural
Testing, Fault Equivalence, Fault Simulation
Learning resources
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Web resources
1. Prof Arnab Sarkar, ‘NPTEL-IIT Guwahati’, ‘VLSI Design verification and test’.
Assessment Method:
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course content
Unit-I (3 hours)
Concept of AI, history, current status, scope, agents, environments, Problem Formulations,
Review of tree and graph structures, State space representation, Search graph and Search
Unit-II (8 hours)
Search Algorithms
Random search, Search with closed and open list, Depth first and Breadth first search,
Heuristic search, Best first search, A* algorithm, Game Search.
Unit-III (8 hours)
Probabilistic Reasoning
Probability, conditional probability, Bayes Rule, Bayesian Networks- representation,
construction and inference, temporal model, hidden Markov model.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Markov Decision process
MDP formulation, utility theory, utility functions, value iteration, policy iteration and
partially observable MDPs.
Unit-V (8 hours)
Reinforcement Learning
Passive reinforcement learning, direct utility estimation, adaptive dynamic programming,
temporal difference learning, active reinforcement learning- Q learning.
Unit-VI (5 hours)
Programming (Python)
1. Write a programme to conduct uninformed and informed search.
2. Write a programme to conduct game search.
3. Write a programme to construct a Bayesian network from given data.
4. Write a programme to infer from the Bayesian network.
5. Write a programme to run value and policy iteration in a grid world.
6. Write a programme to do reinforcement learning in a grid world.
7. Mini Project work.
Learning resources
Textbooks/Reference books
8. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach” , 3rd
Edition, Prentice Hall
9. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, “Artificial Intelligence”, Tata McGraw Hill
10. Trivedi, M.C., “A Classical Approach to Artifical Intelligence”, Khanna Publishing
House, Delhi. 4. Saroj Kaushik, “Artificial Intelligence”, Cengage Learning India,
11. David Poole and Alan Mackworth, “Artificial Intelligence: Foundations for
Computational Agents”, Cambridge University Press 2010.
3. https://ai.berkeley,edu/project_overview.html (for
Course learning outcomes: After undergoing this course, the students will be able to:
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method:
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course content
Unit-I (6 hours)
About computers, Python- Variables, assignments, Numpy arrays, Control structures.
Unit-II (8 hours)
Python packages, programming , plotting, Errors, Non dimensionalization, Data I/O and
Unit-III (8 hours)
Lagrange interpolation , interpolation in 2D, Splines.
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Numerical integration: Newton- Cotes, Gaussian quadratures.
Unit-V (8 hours)
Numerical differentiation, ODE solvers
Unit-VI (7 hours)
Fourier transform, PDE solver: Diffusion equation in Spectral method, using finite
difference. PDE solver: Wave equation using finite difference, Liner algebra Ax=B solver.
Learning resources
1. Mark Newmann, ‘ Computational Physics with Python’, 2 nd Edition
2. J.M. Stewart, ‘Python for Scientists’, Cambridge Univ. Press (2014)
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Reference books
1. M.Lutz, ‘Learning Python’, O’Reilly, 5th Edition(2013)
2. J.H Ferziger, ‘Numerical Methods for Engineering Applications’, John Wiley &
Web resources
Course outcomes: After the completion of the course, the student will be able to
Assessment Method
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Objectives
1. The goal of the course is the study of scripting languages such as PERL, TCL/TK ,
Python and BASH
2. Creation of programs in the Linux environment
3. The study of the principles of scripting languages
Unit-I (6 hours)
Introduction to Linux, File System of the Linux, General usage of Linux kernel & basic
commands, Linux users and group, Permissions for file, directory and users, Searching a
file & directory, zipping and unzipping concepts.
Unit-II (8 hours)
Introduction to Networking in Linux, Network basics & tools, File transfer protocol in
Linux, Network file system, Domain Naming Services, Dynamic hosting configuration
Protocol & Network information Services.
Unit-III (8 hours)
Introduction to Perl Scripting, working with Simple Values, Lists and Hashes, Loops and
Decisions, Regular Expressions, Files and Data in Perl Scripting, References
&Subroutines, Running and Debugging Perl, Modules, Object-Oriented Perl.
Unit-IV (8 hours)
Tcl Fundamentals, String and Pattern Matching, Tcl Data Structures, Control Flow
Commands, Procedures and Scope, Evel, Working With UNIX, Reflection and
Debugging, Script Libraries, Tk Fundamentals, Tk by Examples, The Pack Geometry
Manager, Binding Commands to X Events, Buttons and Menus, Simple Tk Widgets, Entry
and Listbox Widgets Focus, Grabs and Dialogs
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit-V (8 hours)
Python scripting: Introduction to Python, Using the Python Interpreter, More Control Flow
Tools, Data Structures, Modules, Input and Output,Errors and Exceptions, Classes, Brief
Tour of the Standard Library.
Unit-VI (8 hours)
Projects using Perl, Tcl and Python in Linux environment.
Learning resources
1. Python Tutorial by Guido van Rossum, and Fred L. Drake, Jr., editor,
Release 2.6.4
2. Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk by Brent Welch , Updated for Tcl
7.4 and Tk 4.0
Reference books
1. Teach Yourself Perl 5 in 21 days by David Till.
2. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4: System Administration Guide Copyright
2005 Red Hat, Inc
Web resources
1. Anand Iyer, NPTEL-IIT Madras ‘Linux Programming & Scripting’.
Assessment Method:
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content:
Unit- I (6 hours)
Introduction, Different types of Learning, Hypothesis space and Cross-Validation, Linear
Regression, Introduction to decision trees, learning decision trees, over fitting, Python
exercise on decision trees and linear regression
Unit- II (7 hours)
K-Nearest neighbour, feature selection, feature extraction, collaborative filtering, python
exercise on Knn and PCA.
Unit- IV (8 hours)
Logistic regression, Introduction to Support Vector Machine, SVM: The Dual formation,
SVM: maximum margin with noise, nonlinear SVM and Kennel function, SVM: solutions
to the dual problem, Python exercise on SVM.
Unit- V (8 hours)
Multilayer Neural network, neural network and back propagation algorithm, deep neural
network, python exercise on neural network.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit- VI (8 hours)
Introduction to computational learning theory, sample complexity: finite hypothesis space,
VC Dimension, Introduction to Ensembles, Bagging and Boosting, Clustering, means
clustering, agglomerative hierarchical clustering, python exercise on clustering.
Learning Resources:
Text Books
1. Tom Mitchell, ‘Machine Learning’, McGraw- Hill, 1997, 1st Edition.
2. EthemAlpaydin, ‘Introduction to Machine Learning’, Phi, 2nd Edition.
Web resources
1. Prof Sudeshna sarkar, NPTEL- IIT Kharagpur, ‘Introduction To Machine
Learning’. URL:
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1 Understand the fundamental issues and challenges of machine learning like data,
model selection, and model complexity.
Assessment Method:
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Robotics Operating
ECXX58 PCC 3L: 0T: 0P 3 credits
Unit I
Introduction to ROS
ROS architecture & philosophy, ROS master, nodes, and topics, Console commands,
Catkin workspace and build system
Launch-files, Gazebo simulator, Programming Tools.
Unit II
ROS Packages
ROS package structure, Integration and programming with Eclipse, ROS C++ client
library (roscpp), ROS subscribers and publishers, ROS parameter server, RViz
Unit III
ROS Services
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Introduction to Aerial Robotics
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Quadrotors, Key Components of Autonomous Flight, State
Estimation, Applications, Basic Mechanics, Dynamics and 1-D Linear Control, Design
Considerations, Design Considerations, Agility and Manoeuvrability.
Unit V
Planning and Control
2-D Quadrotor Control, 3-D Quadrotor Control, Time, Motion, and Trajectories, Time,
Motion, and Trajectories, Motion Planning for Quadrotors.
Unit VI
1) Introduction to Robotic Operating System (ROS).
2) Introduction to ROS master, ROS nodes and ROS topics.
3) Building Catkin workspace and cmake.
4) Introduction to Gazebo simulator.
5) ROS package structure.
6) Introduction to ROS Python (rospy) and ROS C++ library (roscpp).
7) Using ROS subscribers and publishers.
8) ROS parameter server and rViz visualization.
9) Introduction to ROS action, ROS time, TOS bags.
10) Using Hector Drone simulator.
11) Term Project.
Learning resources
Text Books
1. Effective Robotics Programming with ROS, Third Edition - by Anil Mahtani, Luis
Sanchez, Enrique Fernandez, Aaron Martinez
Reference Books
1. Smart-Programming Robots with ROS_ A Practical Introduction to the Robot
Operating System-O'Reilly Media Morgan Quigley, Brian Gerkey, William D.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Web resources
1. Prof Marco Hutter, ETH-Zurich, ‘Programming for Robotics-ROS’.
Course outcomes: After the completion of this course, the students gets acquainted
with the following
CO 1 Knowledge on Aerial Robotics
CO 2 To analyse the components of aerial robots their sensors and actuators
CO 3 To be exposed to dynamic models of quadrotor
CO 4 To be able to develop linear control for the quadrotor models.
Assessment Method
*Note: As this course is a practical oriented in nature, Monthly Test-3 assessment may be
done based on the Term project submitted by the students.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content:
Unit I: (6 hours)
Introduction: Biosensors- Advantages and limitations, various components of biosensors
Biocatalysis based biosensors, Bioaffinity based biosensors & Microorganisms based
biosensors, Biologically active material and analyze. Types of membranes used in
biosensor constructions.
Unit II (6 hours)
Transducers in biosensors: Various types of transducers; principles and applications -
Calorimetric, Optical, Potentiometric / Amperometric, Conductometric / Resistometric,
Piezoelectric, Semiconductor, Impedimetric, Chemiluminiscene - based Biosensors.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit IV (9 hours)
Molecules of life. In this context discuss monomeric units and polymeric structures.
Discuss about sugars, starch and cellulose. Amino acids and proteins. Nucleotides and
DNA/RNA. Two carbon units and lipids.
Unit V (9 hours)
Bioelectronics: Potential advantages & Developments towards a biomolecular computer,
development of molecular arrays as memory stores; molecular wires and switches;
mechanisms of unit assembly.
Unit VI (6 hours)
Design for a biomolecular photonic computer: Assembly of photonic biomolecular
memory store; Information processing; commercial prospects for biomolecular computing
Learning resources
Text book:
1. Brian R Eggins – ‘Biosensors an Introduction’, First edition, John Wiley & Sons
2. Publishers, 1996.
3. Loic J Blum, Pierre R Coulet – ‘Biosensors Principles and Applications’, First edition,
Marcel Dekker,Inc, 1991.
4. Donald G. Buerk – ‘Biosensors Theory and Applications’, First Edition Technomic
Publishing. Co, Inc, 1993.
Reference Books:
1. Elizabeth A Hall – ‘Biosensors’, First Edition, Open University, Milton Keynes, 1990.
2. Graham Ramsay – ‘Commercial Biosensors’, First edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Tran Minh Canh – ‘Sensor Physics & Technology – Biosensors’, First Edition,
Champan & Hall, 1993.
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Understood the sources and use of electrical fields and currents in the context of
CO 1
biological systems and problems are discussed.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Solve problems related to the biosensing techniques and their physical concepts
CO 2
are introduced in a quantitative fashion.
Assessment Method
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content:
Unit – I (7 Contact
Vector Spaces, Subspaces, Bases and Dimension, Ordered basis and coordinates. Linear
transformations, Matrix representation of linear transformations, Rank-Nullity Theorem
Unit - II (7 Contact
Symmetric, skew-symmetric, Hermitian, Skew – Hermitian, Orthogonal, Unitary matrices
and their properties.
Unit - IV ( 8 Contact
Quadratic forms, positive definite and their properties, Reduction of quadratic forms to
canonical form using Lagrange method and orthogonal reduction.
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Unit - V (8 Contact
Matrix diagonalization: QR, LD and singular value decomposition.
Unit - VI (7 Contact
Iterative methods to solve AX=B using Jacobi, Gauss- Seidel, SOR Methods.
Learning resources
Text book:
1. Gilbert Strang, ‘ Introduction to Linear Algebra’ , Wellesley Cambridge Press, South
Asian Edition.
Reference Books:
1. Kanti Bhushan Datta, ‘Matrix and Linear Algebra’, PHI , Second Edition.
2. David A. Harville, ‘Matrix Algebra from a Statistician’s Perspective’, Springer
3. Erwin Kreyszig, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 8th
4. Kenneth Hoffman and Ray Kunze, ‘Linear Algebra’, PHI, 2nd Edition.
Web resources:
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Solve systems of linear equations, analyze vectors in geometrically and
CO 1
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Assessment Method
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
3. This course explains various mechanical and chemical ways of depositing methods for
thin film fabrication
4. Dynamics of nucleation and growth of a thin film during fabrication are explained.
5. Various characterization methods of the grown thin films are explained.
6. Optical and electrical Properties and applications of thin films in the field of solar cells
are covered.
Course Content
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Text Books:
1. Milton Ohring ‘Materials Science of Thin Films’ Academic Press, 2nd Edition
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 2 Gain knowledge about various physical fabrication methods of thin films like
thermal evaporation, Pulsed laser deposition, Sputtering, Epitaxy etc.
CO 4 Know about growth kinetics and nucleation of thin films along with their
CO 6 Mechanical, optical and electric Properties of thin films are covered and various
applications in the field of solar cells are covered.
Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
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Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Learning resources
Text book:
Reference Books:
Web resources: Dr. Vipul Rastogi, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee , NPTL video
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 3 Gain knowledge about Concept of TE/TM and EH/HE modes of an optical fiber.
Scalar wave equation of LP modes of the fiber is formed and is implementation
in a step-index fiber.
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Course Content:
Module 1: Wave nature of particles and the Schrodinger equation (10 Hours)
Introduction to Quantum mechanics, Wave nature of Particles, Time-dependent and time
independent Schrodinger equation for wave function, Born interpretation, probability
current, Expectation values, Free-particle wave function and wave-packets, Uncertainty
principle. Solution of stationary-state, Schrodinger equation for one dimensional problems
(particle in a box), linear harmonic oscillator.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
Free electron theory, Density of states and energy band diagrams, Kronig-Penny model (to
introduce origin of band gap), Energy bands in solids, E-k diagram, Direct and indirect
band gaps, Types of electronic materials: metals, semiconductors, and insulators,
Module 3: Semiconductors (10 Hours)
Density of states, Occupation probability, Fermi level, Effective mass, Intrinsic and
extrinsic semiconductors, Dependence of Fermi level on carrier-concentration and
temperature (equilibrium carrier statistics), Carrier generation and recombination, Carrier
transport: diffusion and drift, p-n junction.
Module 4: Light-semiconductor interaction (10 Hours)
Semiconductor materials of interest for optoelectronic devices, Optical transitions in bulk
semiconductors: absorption, spontaneous emission, and stimulated, Emission; Optical loss
and gain; Photovoltaic effect, Exciton, Drude model.
Learning resources:
Text Book
1. J. Singh, ‘Semiconductor Optoelectronics: Physics and Technology’, McGraw-Hill Inc.
1. B. E. A. Saleh and M. C. Teich, ‘Fundamentals of Photonics’, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
2. S. M. Sze, ‘Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology’, Wiley (2008).
3. A. Yariv and P. Yeh, Photonics: Optical Electronics in Modern Communications,
Oxford University Press, New York (2007).
4. P. Bhattacharya, Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices, Prentice Hall of India (1997).
Online course:
1. M R Shenoy NPTEL -IITD, “Semiconductor Optoelectronics”,
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering
2. Monica Katiyar and Deepak Guptaon NPTEL- IITD "Optoelectronic Materials and
Devices" URL:
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Student will able to understand the importance of Quantum mechanics in
CO 2 Student will able to understand the electron theory of solids in terms of motion
of electron in a periodic lattice and electrical properties of matter.
CO 5 Student will able to understand the how to measure the semiconductor electronic
parameters using different techniques.
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering