Important 162 Words For NDA
Important 162 Words For NDA
Important 162 Words For NDA
Ant: Rational, wise, meaningful, intelligent Syn: adversity, misfortune , catastrophe, affliction
,prudent Ant: happiness, fortune, blessing, boon
Syn: Assent, concede, accept, approval Syn: defamation, aspersion , lie, slander
Ant: Refuse, reject, disagree, deny, refute Ant: commendation, praise, compliment, flattery
Syn: Restricted, confined, enrapture, enthrall Syn: collapse, decompose, corrosion, atrophy
Ant: disillusion, free, repel, dissaude Ant: flourish, progress, morality, development
Syn: imprisonment, confinement, Slavery, limbo Syn: deception, artifice, duplicity, slyness
Ant: freedom, liberty, independence, liberation Ant: veracity, sincerity, artlessness, Openness
Syn: Erratic, Quirky, freakish, mercurial Syn: interpret, reveal, elucidate, encipher
Ant: cautious, Staid, steadfast, reliable Ant: misinterpret, distort, hide, obscure
Ant: cruelty, barbarity, animosity, tyranny Ant: disclaim, repudiate, dismiss, turn down
Syn: contain, embody, incorporate, Include Syn: cautious, intentional, ponder, contemplate
Anto: reject, lack, exclude, ruin Ant: rash, sudden, neglect, abstain
Syn: elegant, delicate, exquisite, petite Syn: palatable, tasteful, appetizing, savory
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Important 162 Words for NDA
Syn: ruin, devastate, annihilate, decimate Ant: obvious, lucid, Straight Forward, certain
Syn: strange, abnormal, aberration, queerness Ant: persist, endure, stabilize, Confident
Syn: delight, exultation, Euphoria, rapture Ant: liberal, tolerant, apathetic, indifferent
Syn: destroy, obliterate, eliminate, Efface Ant: solemn, pertinent, essential, significant
Syn: dignify, heighten, Levitate, Hoist Ant: strong, robust, competent, hardy
Syn: expel, oust, eradicate, exclude Ant: gentle, sympathetic, compassionate, tame
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Important 162 Words for NDA
Syn: obscurity, darkness, Anguish, doldrums Ant: assist, comfort, help, support
Syn: stuff, satiate, plenitude, surfeit Ant: humble, submissive, calm, composed
Syn: magnificent, dazzling, sumptuous, centerfold Ant: conviction, security, safeguard, surety
Ant: dull, unpretentious, awful, homely 74. HERETIC - कच्चे मत का धारण करने र्ाला
Syn: courteous, beneficent, affable, amicable Ant: conformable, religious, adherent, believer
Syn: disgusting, atrocious, eerie, hideous Ant: attractive, alluring, beautiful, winsome
Syn: hatred, aversion, animosity, animus Ant: sincerity, honesty, frankness, uprightness
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Important 162 Words for NDA
Syn: dull, boring, monochromatic, monotonous, Syn: buoy, indicator, sign, signal
Syn: frolicsome, cheerful, amused, beaming Ant: simple, manageable, uniform, unvaried
Syn: rejoicing, triumphant, glorying, prideful, Ant: scarce, deficient, reasonable, temperate
Syn: thoughtful, prudent, astute, perspicacious Ant: firm, reliable, conscientious, nonnegligent
Ant: dotage, antiquated, anile, decrepit Ant: stingy, malicious, stodgy, traditional
Syn: scapegrace, scoundrel, varlet, villain Syn: loiter, prolong, crawl, creep
Ant: angel, innocent, saint, hero Ant: hasten, quicken, barrel, bolt
Syn: alike, analogous, cognate, comparable Syn: indifferent, inattentive, lazy, slothful
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Important 162 Words for NDA
Syn: marvellous, extraordinary , transcendent, Ant: obscure, ambiguous, fuzzy, disputable
113. OCCULT – गुप्त
Ant: ordinary, trivial, unimpressive, uninspiring
Syn: latent, ambiguous, arcane, cryptic
103. MITIGATE - कम करना
Ant: intelligible, transparent, accessible, clear
Syn: alleviate, relieve, abate, lighten
114. ODIOUS –लांछन
Ant: augment, enhance, aggravate, exacerbate
Syn: malevolent, obnoxious, abhorrent,
104. MODEST - मामू ली abominable
Syn: humble, courteous, passable, tolerable Ant: engaging, fascinating, innocuous, inoffensive
Syn: harass, tease, mistreat, misuse Ant: docile, compliant, pleasurable, pretty,
Syn: inattentive, careless, remiss, slack Ant: deny, disparage, abuse, ill-treat
Syn: miser, covetous, skimping, thrifty Ant: trivial, inferior, least, minimal
Ant: veteran, ingenious, old hand, old-timer Ant: modesty, diffidence, bashfulness, diffidence,
Syn: impede, prevent, impede, retard Syn: impostor, deceiver, charlatan, fake,,
Ant: hasten, encourage, promote, liberate Ant: upright, unfeigned, ace, adept
Syn: evident, apparent, clear, overt Syn: queer, strange, aberrant, abnormal,
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Important 162 Words for NDA
Syn: confine, immure, incarcerate, intern Ant: lavish, multitude, abundant, ample
Syn: conclude, consummate, finalize, finish, Ant: exhilarating, lively, amazing, astonishing
Syn: residue, piece, fragment, vestige Ant: boisterous, violent, immoderate, intemperate
Syn: censure, protest, except, expostulate Ant: dispersion, sparsity, rare, scarcity
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Important 162 Words for NDA
Ant: restore, compensate, free, give away Syn: surrender, abdicate, buckle (under), knuckle
148. VANITY -घमं ड
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