Hours: Ae Contract
Hours: Ae Contract
Hours: Ae Contract
Q. No. 1. (a) Define Torl and explain the essential elements of Tort
with decided cases. Marks : 10
eddrdrdQ drra:%e& abQ erddrdrd eddrd So^luoodrld&
Cdrod giddeorlsooori Ddot.
Q. No. '1. (b) Write short notes on : Marks:6
ofio e^l{rd udouo:
Ubi jus ibi remedium.
ae-de d&doiloe e:e) dooadcd.
Q. No. 2. (a) Distinguish between tort and crime, tort and contract. Marks : 10
uidrdrdo* d:d: esdo"d#g aedo eddr_drdg abd: doodlo
.a&d d^ea"irid$ eq:r.
4AA37011/5031/601 f -2- ll!fllllillllfllllllillltillllllllillllllllff[ilffitilIililtilililililililtiilliiti]ilt
Q. No. 3. (b) Rajani and Ravi, were customers in a shop in which
glass in the sky liEht fell on Ravi and injured him. Rajani
in trying to save her husband sprained her leg as to bring
about a major surgery. Decide. fi/arks : 6
d:q **da^ z"ocb eeorlaCI$O- narddoahoarl, e: eorlaoJ:
abeO{ dddr docd norc dao: z:cbG) ey#rncrnood&.
) , r \ t "i:e8
B*i *Jaog
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-e a*1
p *"rJqd{;#rt#
o:ru* ;"sJ ;- - ---O A
sdo$ aoOri dd#sd, s9^ld
etrtdlmor:U:l C6ro,r,.
Q. No. 4. (a) Explain the liability of the master for the tort committed
by his servant. Marks : 10
dd deddoocrad erd{drrieri o$adndd dodneodoi:d:,.t
v Q
Q. No. 4. (b) Raghu and sharma's dogs were fighting. Ir/lr. sharma was
beating them in order to separate them and Flaghu was
looking on sharma rising the stick over his shoulder in
order to strike the dogs, accidentally hit Raghu in the e,rre.
Can Flaghu seek compensation ? Marks : 6
dFc .$t
dC:i-ort dnoDd ooC mot":rld: xrlvaneSdr:.
dabr z-o8> droeoDcd w$r{d$
z-oib droeo&cd e$rldd2 zJedrcie.r:
zJedreie.r: draago$ggt-g-;
$dg dfi,o ed_ eeJ_ .ad.:^ doeb:gd^U:.
'doeo{g"fd doe8:od5:. ddord; -J-
zjedraidod 'doeo{C"td
oa ^\ l
zJedraidod e?{pn dil)ari
e?{on d#Dari mtr
6 esdj.
ded;i nao$anou:d:. O*o *6oad deilud:de ?
Q. No. 5. (a) what is nuisance ? Distinguish between private anri
public nuisance. Marks : 10
'*{9{', a,odded> ? xndrred w#{d nbe a:ain
wdgidrlddl draorrul.
Q. No. 5. (b) The defendants carried on the business of bone menure
manufacture. For that purpose they had heep of bones
in their premises which caused large number of rats
assembled there. They made their way to plaintiffs land
and ate his corn causing loss to him. Can he claim
compensation ? Marks:6
gisam aobo drrod d"qc d,, cd cdaa dde)- do dnxdo o6dd.
edry*n ab/a$ oasd:dj e;ub dnabrdroad:r. eddO ."*3J
rod{b a:cdde;d, efr unooJ: z.aseidffi uasbdd* goej-:I
,,deri eramd Qtr:oo"n"3rdr.,oCIo:> d.Jffi Z ;#r#A,
ilililrililrIlil fiff ilililltilfilfl lllil li!il lllliflllllllil llil llill!filllllllllil llil 3- 40031011/5031/601 1
QN'8 (b)
under the mistaken impression that he had not paid for it.
He seeks compensation. Decide. Marks : 6
uoooJr: roou:ooie.:,go-d :,&dJa tJdet^ld1 dood: x,ndn
doed:$&qd. er qo3.:euod dne)edoad qiaanadr:,
aaoC:: drd* dradd x,ddn draedg&d& Ao?J dE
lbdouod uddQ xr&dD d:lnou* dodeJe dodrle^urdd:.
aoao3l: dooad uo$iod&. Odro,q,.
Q. No. 10. (a) Explain the 'liability without fault' and application for
compensation under Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. Marks : 10
doee,rodc amdddd c6eo$$, 19BB d eao3:o-"d*eo3ro-d
dodrnod " 6?rtro doaadro*A erdrcJ: *od: adoxr.