MJAE - Volume 32 - Issue 1 - Pages 19-40
MJAE - Volume 32 - Issue 1 - Pages 19-40
MJAE - Volume 32 - Issue 1 - Pages 19-40
Overall 3470
1980 2750 2905
height, mm
Mass, kg 2800 3500 4270 9000
67 HP at 2700 86 HP BS-III 207 HP water
84 HP 3.31 capacity
rpm 3 cylinder emissions standard- cooled 6
Engine turbo water cooled
vertical water cylinder water cylinders, 24
Perkins engine
cooled engine cooled engine valve engine
Fuel Diesel
Year in
2 1 2 5
Threshing principle
Concave :10
concave bars,
threshing drum
principle: Head Threshing principle:
diameter: 350 mm,
feed with rasp Tangential axial Threshing
threshing drum
bars flow (TAF) principle:
width: 780 mm,
Threshing With Pegteeth axial flow
Threshing speed adjustment:
cylinder: 550 mm- Cleaning system: Upper threshing
and cleaning electrically
1760 mm forced air-cleaning tank
systems adjustable, variator:
re-thresher:195 fan, 2 speeds, 1200 :1615 mm, Paddy
330 - 1900 rpm
mm-900 mm, and 1500 rpm, thresher diameter
Cleaner: chaffer controlled by fan 560 mm, upper
beater bars 6 units,
sieve + fan ( front shutter, cleaning threshing tank
Shakers Area: 1.8
blowing and rear area: 1.24 m2 (upper can be separated
m2, 2 drop stages,
suction) + two and lower sieves)
including suspended
times vibrate
guide plates,
cleaning blower
hydraulically driven
2. Losses Measurement
Losses measurements done for all combine harvesters when operated with
advance low and high velocity selected by the operator using a speed
selection lever and also measurable during operation by recording the
time required for the harvester in a given distance.
To determine harvesting losses, catching frames made of sackcloth with
300 x 300 mm2 to be placed between the rows of plants before harvesting
the field. After harvesting, all the grains found on the frames are collected
and weighed, this amount of grains represent the shattering losses (header
losses) and in which rear-end losses are prevented from falling onto the
ground in the wake of the harvester. Rear-end losses (blower/screen
losses) were determined by collected all discharged straw by using a net
carried by two people who followed the harvester and walking
behind/beside the machine (Figure 1). The collected grain cleaned by
hand to separate the grains that were blown over and its amount
calculated. For third type of losses, rice grain that remained on standing
straw after field harvesting were observed and collected to be the
unstrapped loss.
Figure 1: Two type of harvesting losses; rear-end losses and shattering losses
3. Experimental Design
Split-split two level randomized block design with four replications was
used. Area of 36 x 100 m2 was divided into two sub-plots 48 x 36 m2
each, each sub-plot divided into 32 sub-sub-plots with 4.5 x 12 m2 each.
Combine harvester operated under two levels of forward speeds (lower
and higher) to harvest two different rice varieties (NSIC RC222 and NSIC
RC238) as the two study variables. All combine Harvesters run under
same harvesting condition and components of combines kept constant
including the reel rotational velocity, cutter bar speed, reel index, feed
rate etc. Yield component sampling at maturity stage done for 0.3 x 2
rows area in four locations, while grain yield sampling done in 32 sub-
sub-plots within 9 rows x 2.5 m area.
Fuel consumption of Kubota and CLAAS combine harvester was
recorded using flow meter sensors attached to the engine. An electronic
board was used to receive and save digital pulses sent by the flow meter
sensors. One of the sensors was installed where fuel enters the injector
pump; another flow meter was located where fuel returns to the tank. All
fuel data recorded on the device memory and also manually recorded.
Power/energy requirement was identically based on fuel consumed. To
estimate the engine power, the following formula was used (Hunt, 1983).
1 1 1
EP Fc ( )PE L.C.V 427 η thηm
Where: 60 60 75 1.36
Fc: Fuel consumption, l/h.
PE: Density of diesel fuel kg/l (for Gas oil = 0.85 and Gasoline = 0.72)
L.C.V: the lower calorific value of fuel, (11000 k.cal/kg).
427: Thermo-mechanical equivalent, (kg.m/k.cal).
η t h b : Thermal efficiency of the engine (35 % for Diesel)
η m : Mechanical efficiency of the engine (80 % for Diesel)
The consumed energy can be calculated as following:
Engine power = 3.16 Fc , kW
Field capacity was calculated after recording harvesting time in specific
area with speed and width. The experimental data was analyzed
statistically by analysis of variance (ANOVA) method, critical difference
at 1 and 5 per cent level of significance observed for testing significance
of difference between the different treatments.
1. Harvesting Losses
1.1.Shattering Losses
All combine harvesters tended to cause shattering losses under the two
rice varieties and within the two ranges of forward speeds. Average value
of shattering losses varied from 1 up to 24.11% of yield as minimum and
maximum average value respectively. Higher shattering losses observed
when all combine harvesters operated at lower speeds compared to higher
speeds except for Thai combine (Figure 2a). This matching with the
recommendation to adopt proper harvesting speed because when travel
speeds are too slow may increase header loss due to an inconsistent flow
of material or repeated working cycles at the header.
Using Thai combine, Kubota, Wintersteiger and CLAAS gave average of
22.44, 7.37, 6.88 and 6.33 % losses of yield as shattering losses
respectively under different combines’ forward speeds for NSIC RC222.
While using same combines gave 17.43, 7.93, 4.36 and 9.16 % losses of
yield as shattering losses respectively for NSIC RC238 (Figure 2b). It was
clear from data that average values of NSIC RC238 shattering losses were
less than NSIC RC222 when harvested by Thai and Wintersteiger
combine, but with using both CLAAS and Kubota combines, the
shattering losses in NSIC RC238 increased by 44.7% and 7.6 %
respectively compared to rice variety NSIC RC222. That is may be
because of lower grain moisture content at harvesting time for both
verities which was 22.1 % in average.
Shattering losses Forward speed
30 10.00
Shattering losses, % of yield
NSIC Rc222
NSIC Rc238
NSIC Rc238
NSIC Rc222
NSIC Rc222
NSIC Rc238
NSIC Rc238
NSIC Rc222
NSIC Rc222
NSIC Rc238
NSIC Rc238
NSIC Rc222
NSIC Rc222
NSIC Rc238
NSIC Rc238
Combine Harvester
Figure 2: Effect of using different combines with their forward
speeds on shattering losses (a) and for two rice varieties (b)
Table 2: Multiple comparison tests for the variables: Tukey (HSD) / Fisher (LSD) analysis
of the differences between groups with a confidence range of 95 % for shattering loss
R²adj. (adjusted
R (coefficient R² (coefficient of Standard
Variable of correlation) determination)
coefficient of Mean
Shattering loss 0.858 0.736 0.654 10.212 7.687
Comparison tests for the variable: Harvester
Critical value Pr. > Diff
Categories Difference
HSD/Fisher Tukey (HSD) Significant
(LSD) /Fisher (LSD)
Thai * Wintersteiger 13.152 8.224 2.661/2.011 < 0.0001 Yes
Thai * Kubota 11.658 7.289 2.661/2.011 < 0.0001 Yes
Thai * CLAAS 11.560 7.228 2.661/2.011 < 0.0001 Yes
CLAAS * Wintersteiger 1.592 0.996 2.661/2.011 0.753/0.324 No
CLAAS * Kubota 0.098 0.061 2.661/2.011 1.000/0.951 No
Kubota * Wintersteiger 1.495 0.934 2.661/2.011 0.787/0.355 No
Comparison tests for the variable: variety, Tukey (HSD) and Fisher (LSD)
NSIC RC238 * NSIC RC222 0.988 0.874 2.011 0.387 No
Multiple comparison tests for the variable: Speed, Tukey (HSD) and Fisher (LSD)
S1* S2 6.346 5.612 2.011 < 0.0001 Yes
Combine harvester
For unstrapped losses, the standard deviation value was 3.119 with 0.305
coefficient of determination. No significant effect observed with
varaiables same as no significant differences. Except that (LSD)
Comparison tests showed advanges of using both CLAAS and kubota to
reduce unstarrped losses compared to Thai combine (Table 5).
Table 5: Multiple comparison tests for the variables: Tukey (HSD) / Fisher
(LSD) analysis of the differences between groups with a confidence range of
95 % for unstrapped loss.
R (coefficient R² (coefficient R²adj. (adjusted
Variable of of coefficient of Mean
correlation) determination) determination)
Unstrapped loss 0.552 0.305 0.083 2.163 3.119
Comparison tests for the variable: Harvester
Pr. > Diff
Critical value Significant
Standardized Tukey
Categories Difference
Thai * CLAAS 2.590 2.413 2.663/2.012 0.088/0.020 No/yes
Thai * Kubota 2.441 2.312 2.663/2.012 0.110/0.025 No/yes
Thai * Wintersteiger 0.996 0.943 2.663/2.012 0.782/0.350 No
Wintersteiger * CLAAS 1.594 1.486 2.663/2.012 0.454/0.144 No
Wintersteiger * Kubota 1.445 1.369 2.663/2.012 0.525/0.178 No
Kubota * CLAAS 0.149 0.139 2.663/2.012 0.999/0.890 No
Comparison tests for the variable: variety, Tukey (HSD) and Fisher (LSD)
NSIC RC222 * NSIC RC238 0.216 0.287 2.012 0.776 No
Multiple comparison tests for the variable: Speed, Tukey (HSD) and Fisher (LSD)
S1 * S2 0.664 0.882 2.012 0.382 No
2. Harvesting Capacity
Average harvesting capacities (ha h-1) have been recorded for all combine
harvesters. Maximum harvesting capacity recorded was 0.473 ha h-1 for
Kubota when harvesting NSIC RC238 variety with higher forward speed,
because of faster forward speed (2.4 km h-1) compared any other
combine. Minimum value of average harvesting capacity was 0.104 ha h-1
and recorded with using Wintersteiger for harvesting NSIC RC238 with
low forward speed (Figure 4). All harvesting capacities tended to logic
trend with speed and width, but in some cases, CLAAS combine had
plugging in the feeder house due to overfeeding when speed increased in
some plots, that’s the reason that harvesting capacity in case of higher
speed appeared to be lower than its harvesting capacity with lower
forward speed due the additional time needed for re-adjusting.
Average harvesting capacity Forward speed
0.50 3
Harvesting capacity , ha h-1
Wintersteiger Claas Kubota Thai
Combine harvester
Figure 4: Average values of harvesting capacities for different
combine harvesters
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), multiple comparison tests and model
analysis (Type III SS) for harvesting capacity showed that the standard
deviation value was 0.116 with 0.871 coefficient of determination. Both
combine harvester and harvesting speed had significant effect on
harvesting capacity, while varieties have no significant effect on
harvesting capacity. Even comparison tests showed significant differences
in harvesting capacity values with both varieties, but there was no
significant effect from ANOVA. Also, there was significant differences in
harvesting capacity values with two harvesting speed ranges. Kubota
Combine showed significant differences and advance for higher
harvesting capacity compared to Wintersteiger and CLAAS combines,
while Wintersteiger and CLAAS showed significant differences with
better harvesting capacity compared to Thai (Table 6).
3. Fuel Consumption, Engine Power and Consumed Energy
Grand average of fuel consumption rate by CLAAS combine was 65.012 l
ha-1, which is more than average fuel consumption rate for Kubota by
71.6 % under different forward speeds and varieties. Generally, there are
As the fuel consumed by CLAAS was higher, the required engine power
and consumed energy were higher too, the minimum engine power
required to run Kubota and consumed energy were 14.27 hp 23.37 kW.h
ha-1 respectively when harvested NSIC RC238 and maximum engine
power required was 42.55 hp when Kubota used to harvest NSIC RC222
with 93.49 kW.h ha-1 consumed energy. Kubota' lower and higher values
of engine power and consumed energy obtained at higher harvesting
speed. For CLAAS, minimum engine power required was 49.74 hp to
harvest NSIC RC238 at higher speed with 165.84 kW.h ha-1 consumed
energy, while the maximum engine power required was 81.50 hp to
harvest NSIC RC222 at lower speed with 316.6 kW.h ha-1 consumed
energy. Average engine power and consumed energy for both combine
harvesters needed to harvest two varieties under two ranges of forward
speed presented as in Figure 6 and Table 7.
80 200.00
60 150.00
40 100.00
20 50.00
0 0.00
RC222 RC222 RC238 RC238 RC222 RC222 RC238 RC238
Claas Kubota
Combine harvester
Both combine harvester type and harvesting speed had significant effect
on shattering losses, while both used varieties have no significant effect
on shattering losses. Even with Thai combine, the differences in
shattering losses for both varieties were higher than the other combines
but without significance. For both rear-end losses and unstrapped losses,
there was no clear trend for losses variation with the forward speed, as
rear-end losses depend more on the threshing and cleaning systems and
their components. All harvesting capacities tended to have its logic trend with
the speed and width, but in some cases were varied due to field operational
problems. With CLAAS combine, fuel consumption was higher than the
amount consumed by Kubota, so, minimum engine power required to run
Kubota and its consumed energy were lower too.
The author would like to thank Postharvest Unit technicians and all IRRI
Experiment Station staff for their invaluable support during his working
time as post-doctoral research fellow.
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Postharvest
Prevention of paddy/Rice Loss. Taipeh, Republic of China. 51-61.
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patterns of rice production. In: Pandey S, Byerlee D, Dawe D,
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Hunt, D. (1983). Farm power and machinery management. 8th Ed. Iowa
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Resources Conservation Service, Washington, DC, USA.
الملخص العربي
تحديد فواقد الحصاد والكفاءه الحقلية والطاقه المطلوبه
آلالت الحصاد المجمعه لمحصول األرز
د .رشاد عزيز حجازي
الهدف الرئيسي للبحث هو تحديد نسب الفاقد من األنتاجية آلالت الحصاد المجمعه (كومباين)
لمحصول األرز والتي تتكون من ثالث فواقد هما بعثره الحبوب (النثر) وفواقد الحبوب الناتجه
مع قش األرز خلف الكومباين والفواقد الناتجه من بقايا الحبوب داخل السنابل دون حصاد .كذلك
اشتملت الدراسة علي تحديد السعه الحقليه النظريه لكل آله حصاد مع حساب استهالك الوقود
لنوعين فقط من آالت الحصاد هما كوبوتا وكالاس .وتم اجراء التجارب في المزرعه البحثيه
للمركز الدولي لبحوث األرز في الفلبين.
وتم دراسة تـأثير كل من أربع أالت حصاد ( كوبوتا ،كالس ،وينترشتيجار ،وآله الحصاد
التايالندية) وسرعه تقدم كل آله كمدي للسرعات المنخضه والعاليه وصنف محصول األرز
المنزرع (صنفين NSIC RC 222و (NSIC RC 238علي نسبه الفواقد والسعه النظريه
والطاقه المطلوبه للحصاد .وتم تشغيل كل الآلالت في نفس اليوم وتحت نفس الظروف ومتوسط
محتوي رطوبي واحد عند الحصاد (.)% 22.1
لم يكن هناك اتجاه معين لكال من فواقد الحبوب الناتجه مع قش األرز خلف الكومباين والفواقد
الناتجه من بقايا الحبوب داخل السنابل دون حصاد مع تغير السرعات .حيث ان الفواقد المجمعه
من خلف الكومباين تعتمد اكثر علي كفاءه اجهزه الفصل والتنقيه .النتائج ظهرت ان اعلي قيمه
لفواقد فواقد الحبوب الناتجه مع قش األرز كانت %2.26عند حصاد صنف األرز NSIC
RC238بكومباين كالس بينما اقل قيمه كانت % 0.24عند استخدام كوبوتا لحصاد نفس
الفواقد الناتجه من بقايا الحبوب داخل السنابل دون حصاد أظهرت قيما اعلي في بعض االحيان
من حتي من فواقد الحبوب الناتجه مع قش األرز خلف الكومباين .فمثال عند استخدام آله الحصاد
التايالنديه مع صنف NSIC RC238كانت تلك الفواقد % 4.19من االنتاجية .متوسط الفواقد
الناتجه من بقايا الحبوب داخل السنابل دون حصاد لألربع آالت حصاد المستخدمه كانت 2.17و
2.35و 1.21و 1.01ألله الحصاد التايالنديه ،وينترشتيجار ،كوبوتا ،وكالاس علي الترتيب.
أعلي سعه حقليه للحصاد كانت 0.437هكتار/ساعة عند استخدام كوبوتا لحصاد صنف األرز
NSIC RC238وذلك للسرعه العاليه للكومباين ( 2.4كم/ساعه) مقارنه باآالت األخري .وفي
المقابل اقل سعه حقليه للحصاد كانت 0.104هكتار/ساعة للسرعه المخفضه لكومباين
وينترشتيجار عند حصاد نفس صنف ااألرز .المتوسط العام الستهالك الوقود لكومباين كالاس
كان 65.012لتر/هكتار عند السرعات المختلفه ولصنفي األرز .وآلله الحصاد كوبوتا كان
استهال الوقود اقل بمقدار % 71.6عن كالاس وكذلك كانت القدره المطوبة للمحرك والطاقه
المستخدمة اقل.