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State of Health Estimation Method for Lithium-Ion Batteries via

Generalized Additivity Model and Transfer
Component Analysis
Mingqiang Lin 1,2, *, Chenhao Yan 1,2 and Xianping Zeng 3, *

1 School of Advanced Manufacturing, Fuzhou University, Jinjiang 362200, China

2 Quanzhou Institute of Equipment Manufacturing, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jinjiang 362200, China
3 School of Aerospace Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
* Correspondence: kdlmq@fjirsm.ac.cn (M.L.); zengxp@stu.xmu.edu.cn (X.Z.); Tel.: +86-150-5951-0022 (X.Z.)

Abstract: Battery state of health (SOH) is a momentous indicator for aging severity recognition of
lithium-ion batteries and is also an indispensable parameter of the battery management system. In
this paper, an innovative SOH estimation algorithm based on feature transfer is proposed for lithium-
ion batteries. Firstly, sequence features with battery aging information are sufficiently extracted based
on the capacity increment curve. Secondly, transfer component analysis is employed to obtain the
mapping that minimizes the data distribution difference between the training set and the test set
in the shared feature space. Finally, the generalized additive model is investigated to estimate the
battery health status. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is capable
of forecasting the SOH for lithium-ion batteries, and the results are more outstanding than those of
several comparison algorithms. The predictive error evaluation indicators for each battery are both
less than 2.5%. In addition, satisfactory SOH estimation results can also be obtained by only relying
on a small amount of data as the training set. The comparative experiments using traditional features
and different machine learning methods also testify to the superiority of the proposed algorithm.

Keywords: lithium-ion batteries; state-of-health; transfer component analysis

Citation: Lin, M.; Yan, C.; Zeng, X.
State of Health Estimation Method
for Lithium-Ion Batteries via
Generalized Additivity Model and
1. Introduction
Transfer Component Analysis. World
Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 14, 14. https:// The lithium-ion battery has been attracting increasing preference since its extraordinary
doi.org/10.3390/wevj14010014 properties such as high energy density, long life, and no memory effect, and has been
extensively used as the mainstream power source of electric vehicles [1]. Nevertheless, the
Academic Editors: Xueyuan Wang,
accompanying irreversible health degradation characteristic poses a major challenge to
Jinhao Meng and Xiangdong Kong
battery management [2]. Recently, battery state of health (SOH) estimation has captured
Received: 8 November 2022 widespread attention due to it being tightly bound to the remaining useful life and accurate
Revised: 15 November 2022 state of charge (SOC) estimation of batteries. Real-time and exact estimation of battery
Accepted: 3 January 2023 SOH is of great importance for automotive applications. Rendering accurate information
Published: 5 January 2023 about battery performance during the driving process of new-energy vehicles is helpful to
manage energy distribution and prevent catastrophic accidents and can perform battery
fault diagnosis for maintenance and replacement planning [3].
Currently, SOH estimation methods can be roughly classified into three categories,
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
i.e., the direct measurement, model-based, and data-driven-based SOH estimation algo-
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
rithms. The direct method measures the capacity by integrating the amount of electricity
This article is an open access article
released during the whole discharge cycle. However, most batteries are in the state of
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
partial charge and discharge in the actual working condition, the capacity estimation by
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
calculating the charge between two SOCs over-depends on the accuracy of SOC estima-
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ tion [4]. Model-based approaches include empirical model, equivalent circuit model (ECM),
4.0/). and physics-based model (PM). The empirical model method is adopted to fit the linear

World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 14, 14. https://doi.org/10.3390/wevj14010014 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/wevj

World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 14, 14 2 of 12

model, exponential model, and polynomial model by continuously updating the measured
or estimated parameters during the cycle [5], but it is commonly only suitable for specific
aging modes and battery types. Because internal changes of the batteries are unknowable,
empirical models have difficulty capturing the complex aging process. The ECM and PM
methods reflect the characteristics of batteries by establishing battery models and estimate
SOH by identifying specific model parameters [6]. However, due to complex operating con-
ditions and coupling degradation mechanisms, it is difficult to achieve accurate and robust
capacity estimates over the entire life of a battery. Compared with model-based methods,
data-driven methods have been widely studied due to the superiority of model-free, high
precision, and strong robustness [7].
The data-driven methods concentrated on mapping the relationships between the
SOH and the feature vectors in the battery aging process. Since the capacity attenuation of
the battery is closely related to its remaining service life, SOH is differentiated from the
SOC estimation that relies mainly on the open circuit voltage (OCV) [8]. Researchers have
no consensus on the recognized parameters that can reflect the SOH of a battery. Thus,
the data-driven-based SOH estimation problem boils down to mining a signal-sensitive
feature that maps SOH varieties and employing it to construct a predictor to estimate
the battery SOH. The slope of the voltage curve and the voltage variation in a certain
fixed time are frequently used feature extraction methods [9]. Moreover, the methods of
extracting geometric characteristics from images by transforming the original measurement
data have also fascinated growing predilection. Furthermore, incremental capacity (IC)
peak value [10], differential thermal voltammetry (DTV) [11], and differential thermal
capacity (DTC) [12] features have been demonstrated to be capable of capturing SOH aging
characteristics preferably.
Classical machine learning regression algorithms such as support vector regression
(SVR) [12,13], Gaussian process regression (GPR) [14], and neural networks and their
variants [15–17] are also commonly used to mine the mapping relationship between features
and SOH. Wang et al. [18] adopted broad learning system (BLS) to effectively reconstruct
the model through incremental learning, shortening the training process and avoiding
catastrophic forgetting. However, the traditional machine learning model used to establish
the SOH estimator requires a certain number of samples with actual values, and the
sample features and corresponding actual values are taken as the training set. While
complicated experimental circumstances are required to obtain the real value during real-
world applications, and it takes months or even years to collect a vast majority of cyclic data,
the data obtained are fairly limited and precious. Mainstream machine learning algorithms
cannot learn enough features when using a small sample training, which severely restricts
the application and availability of the algorithm.
Model-based transfer learning (TL) can transfer tasks from the source domain to
the target domain and is commonly used to dispose of small-sample learning problems.
Deng et al. [19] grouped multiple batteries according to the capacity attenuation rate, and
each group was provided with a reference battery. A long short-term memory (LSTM)
neural network model was established for the reference battery, and the reference model
was fine-tuned by substituting part of the target battery data to obtain the SOH estimation
model of the target battery. Wang et al. [20] presented an improved transfer learning SOC
estimation algorithm based on a gated recurrent unit (GRU) model. By pre-training the
GRU model in the source domain, the GRU hidden unit structure can be enhanced, and the
weight parameters of the source domain were transferred to the GRU model of the target
battery. Experimental results showed that the proposed improved GRU-based transfer
learning method performed well on small samples. Shu et al. [21] combined the LSTM
network and fine-tuning strategies-based TL model to establish the SOH cell mean model
(CMM) using part of the training data. To evaluate the SOH inconsistency between batteries,
the LSTM model was adopted as the cell difference model (CDM), and the minimum
estimate of CDM was identified to determine the SOH of the battery pack, thus realizing the
model migration.
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 14, 14 3 of 12

Because of a wide variety of batteries and complex working conditions (changes in

temperature, current, and other working environments), different internal electrochemical
compositions, and complex external environmental factors, even the aging curves of the
same type batteries are dissimilar. Thus, the distribution difference of different battery
aging data varies greatly, the existing training sample sets are not necessarily suitable for
the newly generated data, and the estimator trained on this basis struggles to meet the
requirement. The model built with one battery dataset is difficult to generalize to other
battery datasets.
The goal of feature-based transfer learning is to search for an optimally shared feature
subspace, narrowing the distribution difference between the source domain and target
domain data on this feature subspace, while preserving the feature mapping of its internal
attributes to the greatest extent. Using the domain training model after feature transforma-
tion is essentially equivalent to increasing the training data to enhance the generalization
ability of the model. Blitzer et al. [22] presented a method of structural correspondence,
identifying pivot features that frequently appear in the source domain and a target do-
main and using these pivot features to establish cross-domain feature correspondence.
Wang et al. [23] adopted structured sparsity-inducing norms to discover correlations be-
tween tasks during multi-task learning and then improved the prediction performance
by sharing characteristics among related tasks. The effective measurement of distribution
differences between domains is a critical component in feature transfer learning. The main
commonly used methods of measuring discrepancy between domains are the Bregman
distance [24], the entropy-based Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence [25], and the maximum
mean discrepancy (MMD) [26]. Because Bregman distance adopts the gradient descent
method to solve the objective function, it requires a large amount of computation. KL
divergence is frequently used in measuring the similarity between probability distribution
functions, which requires continuous prior probability density estimation. Compared with
Bregman distance and KL divergence, the measurement calculation of MMD is compar-
atively simple, straightforward, and understandable, and has been attracting increasing
preference in feature transfer learning.
Motivated by the aforementioned limitations, this study focuses on developing an
innovative SOH estimation algorithm based on feature transfer learning. Sequence features
that are highly sensitive to SOH changes are sufficiently extracted from IC curves, and the
distribution difference between the features of the source domain and target domain in a
shared feature subspace is minimized by transfer component analysis (TCA) [27], while the
internal attributes of the original data are maintained. The newly obtained characteristics
of the source and target domains are input into a generalized additive model (GAM) to
estimate the SOH of the battery, and then experiments on multiple batteries are conducted
to substantiate the proposed transfer learning technique.
The layout of this paper is as follows: Section 2 introduces feature extraction methods
of lithium-ion batteries. Section 3 describes the SOH estimation algorithm in detail. Experi-
mental results and analysis are made in Section 4, followed by conclusions summarized in
Section 5.

2. Feature Extraction
2.1. Definition of SOH
The cyclic aging data of lithium-ion batteries in this paper are obtained from the
Oxford battery degradation dataset [28]. This dataset contains aging data of eight Kokam
pouch batteries with a nominal capacity of 740 mAh, noted as cell 1 to cell 8. The dimensions
of batteries are 58.5 × 33.5 × 5 mm, and the model number is SLPB533459H4. The negative
electrode material of batteries is graphite, and the positive electrode material is LiMO2
(where M represents a combination of Ni, Mn, and Co, commercially known as NMC). The
cells were all tested in a thermal chamber at 40 degC. The current, voltage, and surface
temperature of batteries were measured and recorded by a Bio-logic MPG-205 battery
tester in every 100 aging cycles. The charging-discharging process of lithium-ion batteries
LiMO2 (where M represents a combination of Ni, Mn, and Co, commercially known as
NMC). The cells were all tested in a thermal chamber at 40 degC. The current, voltage,
and surface temperature of batteries were measured and recorded by a Bio-logic MPG-
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 14, 14 205 battery tester in every 100 aging cycles. The charging-discharging process of lithium- 4 of 12
ion batteries includes a 1C (740 mA) constant current-constant voltage (CC-CV) charge-
discharge cycle and a 40 mA low current charge-discharge process.
The health status of lithium-ion batteries indicates the percentage of the maximum
includes a 1C (740 mA) constant current-constant voltage (CC-CV) charge-discharge cycle
available capacity of the battery in the rated capacity, measuring the aging degree of the
and a 40 mA low current charge-discharge process.
battery. With the aging of the battery, its capacity gradually diminishes. The battery SOH
The health status of lithium-ion batteries indicates the percentage of the maximum
could be defined as
available capacity of the battery in the rated capacity, measuring the aging degree of the
battery. With the aging of the battery,SOH = Ccurrent /gradually
its capacity Cinitial diminishes. The battery SOH (1)
could be defined as
where C current represents the current
SOHcapacity of/C
= Ccurrent the battery, Cinitial is the rated capacity,
which is the initial capacity of the fresh battery. For a fresh battery, the initial SOH is
where C represents the current capacity of the battery, Cinitial is the rated capacity,
to be 100%. When the capacity attenuates to 80% of the initial capacity, the bat-
which is the initial capacity of the fresh battery. For a fresh battery, the initial SOH is
tery is considered to be invalid [29]. The capacity changes of eight cells are shown in Fig-
assumed to be 100%. When the capacity attenuates to 80% of the initial capacity, the battery
ure 1. Because of the inevitable changes of ambient temperature and mechanical stress, or
is considered to be invalid [29]. The capacity changes of eight cells are shown in Figure 1.
internal battery failure in battery charging and discharging experiments, there are a cer-
Because of the inevitable changes of ambient temperature and mechanical stress, or internal
tain number of invalid or missing values in the raw battery data. Prior to the feature ex-
battery failure in battery charging and discharging experiments, there are a certain number
traction process, the original current, voltage, temperature, and other data in the battery
of invalid or missing values in the raw battery data. Prior to the feature extraction process,
dataset need to be cleaned. For voltage and current data, the moving average (MA)
the original current, voltage, temperature, and other data in the battery dataset need to
method was used to reduce the influence of sensor noise in sampling, and a robust locally
be cleaned. For voltage and current data, the moving average (MA) method was used to
weighted regression algorithm was used to smooth the temperature curve with poor ro-
reduce the influence of sensor noise in sampling, and a robust locally weighted regression
algorithm was used to smooth the temperature curve with poor robustness.

Figure 1.
1. The
The capacity
capacity degradation
degradation curves
curves of
of eight
eight cells
cells in
in the
the Oxford
Oxford dataset.

2.2. ICS
2.2. ICS Feature
Feature Vector
Vector Extraction
IC analysis
IC analysis was
was originally
Thompson in in
field of materials
field of mate-
science in 1979 [30]. Later in the 1990s, Dahn adopted it to investigate carbon materials
rials science in 1979 [30]. Later in the 1990s, Dahn adopted it to investigate carbon materi- in
lithium batteries [31]. In the study of the capacity degradation mechanism of
als in lithium batteries [31]. In the study of the capacity degradation mechanism of lith- lithium-ion
ium-ion IC represents the battery
IC represents thecapacity
battery increased at a continuous
capacity increased voltage increment.
at a continuous In
voltage in-
the constant current charging mode, the calculation formula of IC is
crement. In the constant current charging mode, the calculation formula of IC is
dQ dt
= = == I ·
ICIC (2)
dU dU
where Q
where Q denotes
denotes the capacity, U
the capacity, U is
is the
the voltage, and tt represents
voltage, and represents the
the sampling
sampling time.
SOH estimation needs to extract the characteristics reflecting
SOH estimation needs to extract the characteristics reflecting battery battery degradation
from the
from the IC
IC curve,
curve, usually
usually adopting
adopting geometric
geometric or
or statistical
statistical features,
features, such
such as
as the
the peak
value of the IC curve or sample entropy [32]. However, as shown in Figure
value of the IC curve or sample entropy [32]. However, as shown in Figure 2, in addition2, in addition
to the peak value, there are still fluctuations related to the aging degree in the IC curve,
thus it is extremely vulnerable to noise interference if the IC peak value is adopted as a
feature alone. To address this issue, the values of a segment of the IC curve are sampled
as characteristics, and then the mapping relationship between the IC curve and SOH is
established. For the given sampling step ∆U and voltage interval [U1 , Uh ], the sampling
point [U1 , U1 + ∆U, U1 + 2∆U, . . . U1 + n∆U ] can be determined, and then the ICS feature
vector h = [ IC1 , IC2 , . . . ICn ], with n = [(Uh − U1 )/∆U ] can be extracted, where ICS
thus it is extremely vulnerable to noise interference if the IC peak value is adopted as a
feature alone. To address this issue, the values of a segment of the IC curve are sampled
as characteristics, and then the mapping relationship between the IC curve and SOH is
established. For the given sampling step ΔU and voltage interval [U 1 , U h ] , the sam-
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 14, 14 pling point [U 1 , U 1 + Δ U , U 1 + 2 Δ U ,...U 1 + n Δ U ] can be determined, and then the ICS5 of 12
ture vector h = [ IC1 , IC2 ,...ICn ] , with n = [(U h − U1 ) ΔU ] can be extracted, where ICS
means the IC feature vector with the length of n containing the IC peak value. After ana-
means the charging
lyzing the IC feature vectorofwith
curves each the length
battery of nOxford
in the containing the samples
dataset, IC peak were
value. After
taken at
analyzing the charging curves of each battery in the Oxford dataset, samples
intervals of 0.01 V between 3.75 V and 4.04 V, and the ICS feature sequence with a lengthwere taken at
of 20 wasof 0.01 V between 3.75 V and 4.04 V, and the ICS feature sequence with a length
of 20 was extracted.

Figure 2.
Figure 2. The
The incremental
incremental capacity
capacity curves
curves of
of cell
cell 11 in
in the
the Oxford
Oxford dataset.

2.3. ICS
ICS Feature
Feature Transfer
A battery
battery in the Oxford
in the Oxford dataset
dataset is is randomly
randomly selected
selected as
as the
thesource domain Ds ,, and
s and
Ds = { XS , YS } , where X is the ICS feature sequence of the battery in the source domain,
D s = { X S , Y S } , where X S is the ICS feature sequence of the battery in the source domain,
and YS is the corresponding actual SOH value. Suppose that the battery to be predicted
is theY Starget
is the domain
DT , and actual
DT = SOH { XTvalue. Suppose
}, where XT isthat
the the
be predicted is
of the
andDboth T = {X
X TT }are
the target
target domain
domain, T , andXS Dand , where X T is thefeature
D-dimension ICS feature
data.sequence of the
Insufficient target
domain, will
and result
both inX Spoor
andSOH X T areestimation accuracy,
D-dimension which
feature mayInsufficient
data. be attributed to the sam-
training data
distribution difference
ples will result in poorbetween source and
SOH estimation target domains,
accuracy, which may i.e.,be XS ) 6= P( XtoT )the
P(attributed . In data
paper, the TCA method is employed to combine MMD with principal
distribution difference between source and target domains, i.e., P ( X S ) ≠ P( X T ) . In this component analysis
(PCA) to seek out a shared feature representation between adjacent domains. That is,
paper, the TCA method is employed to combine MMD with principal component analysis
assuming that there is a nonlinear feature mapping φ, the TCA method can make the
(PCA) to seek out a shared feature representation between adjacent domains. That is, as-
marginal probability distribution between the two domains in the mapped new feature
suming that there is a nonlinear feature mapping φ , the TCA method can make the mar-
subspace as consistent as possible, i.e., satisfy P(φ( XS )) ≈ P(φ( XT )).
calculate distribution between feature
the aforementioned the twomapping domains φ, in the
the mapped
discrepancy newbetween
feature sub-
space as consistent as possible, i.e., satisfy P (φ ( X )) ≈ P
source and target domains is measured by means of the MMD approach shown below
S (φ ( X T )) .
To calculate the aforementioned feature mapping φ , the discrepancy between the
source and target domains is measured
1 by means of the 1 MMD approach shown below
∑ ∑

dist( Ds , DT ) = φ( xSi ) − φ( x Tj )
nS xSi1∈XS nT x ∈X
1 Tj T
 φ ( xSi ) − n x  φ ( xTj )

dist ( Ds , DT ) = H (3)
nS x ∈ X Si S T Tj ∈XT H
where nS is the number of aging battery samples in the source domain, and n T is the number
of agingnbattery samples in the target domain. k·k represents the norm of reproducing
where S is the number of aging battery samplesHin the source domain, and n T is the
kernel Hilbert space.
number of aging battery samples in the target domain. ⋅ H represents the norm of repro-
However, using raw data directly to minimize the objective function will bring about
ducing kernelφ Hilbert
complicated space.For simplifying the implementation procedure and reducing
the calculational cost, thedata
However, using raw TCAdirectly
method to introduces
minimize the theobjective
following function
nuclearwill bringKabout
matrix and
complicated φ calculation.
coefficient matrix L: For simplifying the implementation procedure and reducing
K= ∈ R(nS +nT )×(nS +nT ) (4)
 1
 n S n S ( x i , x j ∈ DS )

Lij = nT1nT ( xi , x j ∈ DT ) (5)
 1 (otherwise)

n nT S

where KS,S , KT,T , KS,T and KT,S are the kernel matrices of the source domain, target domain,
and cross-domains respectively, and K (i, j) = [φ( xi ) T φ( x j )]. dist( Ds , DT ) = tr (KL), where
tr (·) denotes the trace of the matrix.
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 14, 14 6 of 12

In addition, dimensionality reduction theory is also adopted in the TCA method. Firstly,
the kernel matrix K is decomposed into K = (KK −1/2 )(K −1/2 K ). The low-dimensional matrix
W 0 ∈ R(nS +nT )×m (m  nS + n T ) is defined, and the kernel mapping is transformed to the
m-dimensional space.
Then, K is replaced with the empirical kernel K 0 = (KK −1/2 W 0 )(W 0 K −1/2 K ) = KWW T K,
where W = K −1/2 W 0 . Thus, dist( Ds , DT ) = tr (K 0 L) = tr (W T KLKW )
is obtained.
Moreover, the regularization term tr (W T W ) is introduced in the process of minimizing
the objective function to maintain the variance of the sample data to the maximum extent to
ensure that the data characteristics are preserved after transformation. Assuming that the
variance of the data is W T KHKW, where H = I − (1/(nS + n T ))qq T is the central matrix,
and q ∈ RnS +nT is the column vector whose elements are 1.
Finally, the objective function of the TCA algorithm is as follows

mintr (W T KLKW ) + βtr (W T W )

W (6)
s.t. W T KHK T W = I

where β is a tradeoff factor. Therefore, the optimal mapping matrix W is obtained by

solving the above equation to implement the mapping of the ICS feature space of the source
and target domains.

3. Methodology of SOH Estimation

3.1. GAM Method
The GAM method [33] was proposed by Trevor Hastie and Tibshirani in 1990. GAM is
based on the sum of the generalized linear model and additive model. The application of
this model can not only flexibly analyze the relevant parameters but also directly deal with
the relationship between the response and multiple independent variables. Furthermore,
the independent variables that have a complex nonlinear correlation with response are
fitted into the model in the form of a summation of different functions. Suppose xi is the
i-th feature of the sample and the number of features is p, then the mathematical expression
of GAM is
g ( µ ) = α + ∑ f i ( xi ) + ε (7)

where µ is the expectation of, i.e., µ = E(Y x1 , . . . , x p ) . g(·) is the connection function,
and the identity function is employed to describe the regression problem in this paper,
that is, g( x ) = x. α is the intercept, and ε is the error term, which is independent of the
independent variables and obeys N (0, σ2 ). f i ( xi ) is a smooth function of the predictor
variable xi , which is more adaptable than in the linear model. The B-spline function with
the outstanding fitting ability is selected as the smooth function f i ( xi ) in the experiment.
In the GAM method, the relationship between the independent variable and the
smoothing function is linear, while the relationship between the dependent variable and
the smoothing function is nonlinear. Assuming that each decomposition function in the
model is additive and smooth, the data analysis based on the model does not require the
linear assumption of the relevant independent variables in advance, and the dependent
variables can be adopted in various exponential distribution forms. In the process of GAM
training, a non-parametric method and additive hypothesis are employed, that is, the model
can effectively explore the nonlinear relationship in the prediction function, enhancing the
adaptability and flexibility of the algorithm.

3.2. TCA-Based SOH Estimation Methodology

In this paper, cell 8 in the Oxford dataset was selected as the source domain, and cell
1 to cell 7 was successively selected as the target domain to substantiate the effectiveness
of the feature transfer model. The new feature data after feature migration of source and
new and X new respectively. Then D new = X new , Y

target domains are represented by X S T S S S
and DTnew = XTnew , YT are input into the GAM regression model as the training set and

3.2. TCA-Based SOH Estimation Methodology
In this paper, cell 8 in the Oxford dataset was selected as the source domain, an
1 to cell 7 was successively selected as the target domain to substantiate the effectiv
of the feature transfer model. The new feature data after feature migration of sourc
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 14, 14 DS
7 of 12
target domains are represented by X Snew and X Tnew respectively. Then
= { XSn
and DT
= { XTnew ,YT } are input into the GAM regression model as the training set an
the test set, respectively, to predict the
test set, respectively, to battery
predict SOH, and the
the battery pre-transfer
SOH, and the feature data are
pre-transfer feature da
adopted to train the GAM
adopted for comparison.
to train the GAM forThe algorithmThe
comparison. flowchart is shown
algorithm in Figure
flowchart 3. in Fig
is shown

Source domain
domain data
data Mapped
TCA source data GAM
Feature extraction D-dimensional Hilbert space Training

Feature extraction
Source domain: Target domain:
Ds = {( xSi , ySi )}i =1
DT = ( xTj ) njT=1
Cell8 target data
φ φ

Target domain
domain data
d-dimensional space:
... (φ ( xSi ), yi ) Trained (
predictor φ ( xTj ) ) yTj ∈ YT
Model Validation
(i = 1,...nS ) ( j = 1,...nT )

Error Analysis

Figure 3.ofThe
Figure 3. The flowchart flowchartSOH
TCA-based of TCA-based
estimationSOH estimation algorithm.

4. Experiments4. and Analysis and Analysis

To evaluate theTo
evaluate theof the estimation of
performance method, the mean absolute
the estimation method, error (MAE)absolute
the mean
and the root mean squared error (RMSE) were opted as evaluation indicators. The definition
(MAE) and the root mean squared error (RMSE) were opted as evaluation indicator
of two metricsdefinition
are shownofintwo
areand (9). in Equations (8) and (9).
1 N 1
MAE = ∑
N i =1
ŷi | =
| yi −
 y − yˆ
i =1
i i (8)

u N
RMSE = t ∑ (yi − ŷi )2 (9)
N i =1

where ŷi and yi denote the predicted and actual values, respectively, N is the number of
test samples.
The predicted results of battery SOH before and after feature transfer are shown in
Figure 4. The MAE and RMSE results are also calculated in Table 1.
As can be seen in Figure 4 and Table 1, without using the TCA method, the model
trained using samples from one battery contained in the Oxford dataset made poor pre-
dictions for the other seven batteries. In the middle and later stages of the aging cycle, the
predicted results of each battery are significantly different from the real values, and the
overall forecast curve fluctuates greatly, with RMSE values all greater than 2%. However,
the SOH prediction effect of each battery was significantly improved by using the TCA
algorithm; the results are very close to the reference value for all operating cycles. From
Table 1, it can be observed that the MAE values are all within 2%, especially the MAE
values of cells 1, 3, and 7 are all within 1%. It is noted that the prediction results of cell 2 are
worse than those of other batteries, probably since cell 2 experienced two capacity drops
during the charge-discharge cycle. However, after using feature transfer learning, the MAE
error of the cell 2 is reduced from 7.37% to 1.72%, and the RMSE value is reduced from
10.86% to 2.31%. The RMSE value of other cells are all within 2%. The results manifest the
feasibility of the proposed algorithm.
To further verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, the data of cell 8 were
still adopted as the training set, and traditional IC features were extracted to train four
commonly used machine learning models, namely, SVR, neural network (NN) [29], linear
regression (LR) [34], and convolutional neural network (CNN) [35], to compare with the
algorithm proposed in this paper. The SOH prediction effect of each model on the aging
1 N
 ( yi − yˆi )
RMSE = (9)
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 14, 14
N i =1 8 of 12

where yˆi and yi denote the predicted and actual values, respectively, is the number
of test samples.
of cell 1 to cell results
predicted 7 is shown in Figure
of battery SOH5. The MAE
before and
and RMSE
after results
feature of SOH
transfer areestimation
shown in
results of different models are also given in Table 2.
Figure 4. The MAE and RMSE results are also calculated in Table 1.

Figure4.4. SOH
Figure SOH estimation
estimation results
results before
before and
and after
after feature
feature transfer
transfer onon the
the Oxford
Oxford battery
battery dataset:
(a,c,e,g,i,k,m) are the SOH prediction curves of cell 1 to cell 7; (b,d,f,h,j,l,n) are the predicted
(a,c,e,g,i,k,m) are the SOH prediction curves of cell 1 to cell 7; (b,d,f,h,j,l,n) are the predicted errorerror
curves of cell 1 to cell 7.
curves of cell 1 to cell 7.

Table 1. MAE and RMSE of SOH estimation results before and after feature transfer.

Cell 1 0.92% 1.95% 1.12% 2.41%
Cell 2 1.72% 7.37% 2.31% 10.86%
Cell 3 0.93% 1.54% 1.17% 2.22%
Cell 4 1.55% 3.47% 1.90% 4.46%
Cell 5 1.16% 1.95% 1.74% 2.48%
Cell 6 1.10% 3.29% 1.73% 4.30%
Cell 7 0.97% 3.97% 1.42% 5.28%
World Electr.
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Figure 5. SOH estimation results of different models on the Oxford battery dataset: (a,c,e,g,i,k,m)
Figure 5. SOH estimation results of different models on the Oxford battery dataset: (a,c,e,g,i,k,m) are
are the SOH prediction curves of cell 1 to cell 7; (b,d,f,h,j,l,n) are the predicted error curves of cell 1
to cell 7.prediction curves of cell 1 to cell 7; (b,d,f,h,j,l,n) are the predicted error curves of cell 1 to
cell 7.
Table 2. MAE and RMSE of SOH estimation results of different models.
Table 2. MAE and RMSE of SOH estimation results of different models.
Cell 1 0.89% 2.34% 2.24% 2.98% 7.03% 1.06% 3.12% 2.83% 3.14% 9.65%
Cell 1 0.89% 2.34%
Cell 2 2.24%
1.74% 2.98%
3.09% 7.03% 1.06%
3.26% 3.71% 5.97% 3.12%
2.31% 2.83%
3.73% 4.01% 3.14%
4.24% 9.65%
Cell 2 1.74% 3.09% 3.26% 3.71% 5.97% 2.31% 3.73% 4.01% 4.24% 7.38%
Cell 3 0.92% 2.03% 2.06% 2.57% 6.49% 1.15% 2.41% 2.61% 2.73% 7.52%
Cell 3 0.92% 2.03% 2.06% 2.57% 6.49% 1.15% 2.41% 2.61% 2.73% 7.52%
Cell 4 1.53% Cell 4 2.90%
1.95% 1.53% 1.95%
2.15% 2.90%
10.52% 2.15% 10.52%
1.88% 1.88%
2.88% 2.88% 3.67%
3.67% 2.34%
2.34% 11.25%
Cell 5 1.16% Cell 5 1.85%
2.19% 1.16% 2.19%
2.00% 1.85%
8.51% 2.00% 8.51%
1.73% 1.73%
2.85% 2.85% 2.34%
2.34% 2.18%
2.18% 10.65%
Cell 6 1.08% Cell 6 2.25%
2.48% 1.08% 2.48%
1.68% 2.25%
8.38% 1.68% 8.38%
1.71% 1.71%
2.77% 2.77% 2.98%
2.98% 1.91%
1.91% 10.48%
Cell 7 0.97% 1.74%
Cell 7 2.81%
0.97% 1.58%
1.74% 7.98% 1.58% 7.98%
2.81% 1.42% 2.23% 2.23%
1.42% 3.44%
3.44% 1.73%
1.73% 9.62%
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 14, 14 10 of 12

The experimental results show that the SVR, NN, LR, and CNN models trained on one
cell have unsatisfactory predictive effects on the other seven cells due to the distribution
difference between batteries. CNN algorithm has a poor fitting effect when training based
on small samples, while the inconsistency of data distribution between the training set and
the test set further increases the prediction error, with MAE and RMSE values both above
5%. The NN method can capture the general tendency of battery aging but provide low
robustness, and the overall prediction curve is more volatile. SVR and LR models rely on
outstanding small sample fitting ability to improve the smoothness of the predicted curve
compared with the NN method, but the predicted results in the early stages of the aging
cycle are significantly deviated from the real values, still unable to accurately track the
aging status of the battery within the whole life cycle. Therefore, the traditional regression
models cannot capture the dynamic aging characteristics of the battery based on small
training samples, with a poor generalization performance of the trained model.
Since the GAM is based on a simple additive model, with a short time-consuming
model training, and better results can be obtained without feature screening and normal-
ization. GAM has a lower model complexity in comparison to other methods. In the case of
a small number of training set samples, even if cell 1 to cell 7 with more samples are used
as the test set, the features processed by the TCA method can still satisfactorily map the
relationship between the features and the SOH value, and the overall predicted curves have
a higher consistency and smoothness with the real values. The above-mentioned results
validate that a small amount of experimental data can be taken full advantage of through
feature transfer learning. It is further illustrated that the proposed algorithm has strong
engineering practical significance.

5. Conclusions
An innovative SOH estimation algorithm based on feature transfer learning was
proposed for lithium-ion batteries. Firstly, sequence features with battery aging information
were sufficiently extracted from IC curves. Secondly, the TCA method was employed to
obtain the mapping that minimizes the data distribution difference between the training
set and the test set in the shared feature space. Finally, the GAM was investigated to
estimate the SOH of the battery. Besides, comparative experiments on the Oxford battery
degradation dataset were conducted to substantiate the effectiveness of the proposed model.
Cell 8 in the Oxford dataset was adopted as the training set, and the other seven batteries
were successively selected as test sets. The experimental results showed that the SOH
prediction effect of each battery was significantly improved by using the TCA algorithm;
the results are very close to the reference value for all operating cycles, and the maximum
MAE and RMSE values for all cells are less than 2.5%. In addition, traditional IC features
were extracted to train four commonly used machine learning models, i.e., SVR, NN, LR,
and CNN, to compare with the algorithm proposed in this paper. The results also showed
that the proposed method can better capture the dynamic characteristics of battery aging
and provide higher accuracy and robustness of SOH estimation results in comparison
to other methods. In addition, satisfactory SOH estimation results can also be obtained
by only relying on a small amount of data as the training set, which makes it ideal for
engineering applications.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.L. and C.Y.; methodology, M.L. and C.Y.; software, C.Y.;
validation, C.Y. and X.Z.; formal analysis, M.L. and X.Z.; investigation, C.Y.; resources, M.L.; data
curation, C.Y.; writing—original draft preparation, C.Y. and X.Z.; writing—review and editing, M.L.
and X.Z.; visualization, X.Z.; supervision, M.L.; project administration, M.L.; funding acquisition,
M.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant
number 62203423), and Fujian Provincial Natural Science Foundation (Grant number 2022J01504).
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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