J Apenergy 2017 05 183
J Apenergy 2017 05 183
J Apenergy 2017 05 183
Applied Energy
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Article history: The accurate determination of the capacity degradation path and state of charge (SoC) is very important
Received 9 February 2017 for the battery energy storage systems widely used in electric vehicles. This research can be summarized
Received in revised form 26 May 2017 as follows. First, a three-dimensional response surface-based SoC-open circuit voltage (OCV) capacity
Accepted 27 May 2017
method covering the entire lifetime of a battery has been constructed, which can be used to describe
Available online xxxx
the battery capacity degradation characteristics and determine the corresponding SoC. Second, in order
to capture the battery health state and energy state, a genetic algorithm (GA) is applied to identify the
battery capacity and initial SoC based on a first-order RC model. Finally, to verify the proposed method,
Electric vehicles
six experimental cases, including batteries with different aging states and with different data calculation
Capacity durations, are considered. The results indicate that the maximum capacity and SoC estimation errors are
State of charge less than 5.0% and 2.1%, respectively, for batteries with different aging states, which points to the high
Degradation accuracy, stability and robustness of the proposed GA-based battery capacity and initial SoC estimator
Recognition during the entire battery lifespan.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0306-2619/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Yang R et al. A novel method on estimating the degradation and state of charge of lithium-ion batteries used for electrical
vehicles. Appl Energy (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.05.183
2 R. Yang et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2017) xxx–xxx
attention, resulting in improved estimation precision. The SoC esti- current charging and discharging conditions. Consequently, they
mation methods are summarized and evaluated in Refs. [1,2]; cannot be used in EVs directly.
these methods are often divided into four types: conventional
methods [3–5] (OCV, ampere-hour counting, and others), adaptive 1.2. Contributions of this study
filter algorithms, learning algorithms [6] and non-linear observers
[7]. The OCV based method is a simple approach to obtain the bat- Both the capacity and the SoC are important parameters for the
tery SOC, which is not suitable for EVs for batteries are required to battery management system (BMS) in EVs. Their accurate estima-
have long time resting in order to reach balance. The ampere-hour tions have recently been the focus of research, particularly the
counting method is also simple and general way for low-cost sen- capacity estimation. The accessible capacity is the base of accurate
sors and computing, which is often combined with other model battery health assessment and efficient energy management. In
based estimation approaches. But it has accumulated error and is this paper, the three-dimensional response surface (TRS)-based
hard to calibrate the initial error. The learning algorithms can be SoC-OCV capacity estimator has been constructed covering the
employed for SoC estimation. The disadvantages of this method entire lifetime of a battery, based on a GA estimator for accurate
are a great number of training data are needed and a lot of compu- estimation of battery capacity and SoC. As a state-of-the-art opti-
tations are required. The method of non-linear observers is not mal algorithm, the GA method is able to obtain the global optimum
complex but when the system is observable the method can be very efficiently. Except for the SoC-OCV-capacity response surface
used. Among these SoC estimation methods, adaptive filter algo- constructed in the beginning, limited on-board data is needed to
rithms are more suitable for EV application, and the methods pro- accurately determine the battery capacity and initial SoC, even
posed by the authors in Refs. [8–10] result in a SoC estimation error during the entire battery application lifespan. Additionally,
precision within 5%. However, most of the battery SoC estimation because of its high reliability and portability, the GA algorithm is
methods mentioned previously are based on a known capacity. expected to be more applicable in practice compared with tradi-
Because battery capacity diminishes and performance degrades tional advanced estimators such as Kalman filters. For electric
in an unpredictable and random manner, also the degradation vehicles application, we can send a certain period of time data of
paths of batteries are difficult to capture accurately. SoC estimation driving cycles stored in BMS on-line to a powerful computer off-
using a known capacity has obvious limitations to practical appli- line or even a cloud computing platform to compute the battery
cations. Therefore, it is important that calibrate battery capacity capacity and SoC. Then the calculation results are returned to the
on-line to estimate SoC accurately for practical applications. BMS via a SIM card or other mediums. We use an on-line and
Another important battery parameter is battery capacity. off-line computing manner in combination to reduce computa-
Capacity estimation techniques can be divided into two categories tional cost of BMS.
[11–14]: SoC-correlative and SoC-independent. The methods from
the SoC-correlative category consider that battery capacity estima-
tion is concerned with SoC. Ref. [15] uses the ratio of ampere-hour 1.3. Organization of the paper
accumulation and SoC variation to estimate the battery capacity
for the current aging condition. The relationship between battery Section 2 first describes the flow diagram of the optimization
OCV and SoC is used to calculate battery capacity in Refs. [16– algorithm. Next, the specific computation procedure for the capac-
18]. The advantage of this method is that fewer parameters are ity and SoC is presented. Section 3 introduces the configuration of
needed in the battery capacity estimation, because only the OCV- the battery test bench, the schedule and the results. A battery with
SoC relationship is used. The accuracy of this method is high for four different aging states and two different operating conditions is
different aging states during the entire battery application lifespan analyzed in the six case studies in Section 4 before conclusions are
if the cell inconsistency of the OCV-SoC relationship is very small. drawn in Section 5.
The disadvantage of this method is that accurately measured OCV
is difficult to obtain during the entire battery service life. Therefore, 2. Description of the capacity and SoC estimation approach
this method is difficult to use on-line. A joint estimation or dual
estimation method is used to estimate battery capacity and SoC 2.1. An equivalent circuit model of a battery
concurrently, and in Refs. [3,19–23], the extended Kalman filter
(EKF), in Ref. [24], the unscented Kalman filter (UKF), in Ref. [25], Lithium-ion battery characteristics can be described by an
the particle filter (PF), in Ref. [26], the unscented particle filter equivalent circuit model for different operating conditions. Plett
(UPF) and in Ref. [27], the recursive least square (RLS) algorithms [27] and Hu [35] have proposed several equivalent circuit models,
are employed. These methods can potentially estimate battery including the simple, one-state hysteresis, enhanced self-
capacity accurately as the battery is modeled, and SoC is thereby correcting, first-order RC, first-order RC with one-state hysteresis
estimated [2]. However, these methods performance could models, etc., and Hu has presented a comparative study of the 12
increase when the system and observation noise satisfy the Gaus- equivalent circuit models. Based on their previous research experi-
sian distribution and the model parameters are accurate. The dis- ence, we consider the first-order RC model, also called a Thevenin
advantage of these methods is that the algorithms suffer from model, as the best choice in this paper for its high model accuracy
high complexity, high computational cost and instability. and low computational effort. The schematic diagram of the Theve-
The methods that use the SoC independently can avoid the need nin model is presented in Fig. 1. The model equations can be
for a complex model. In Ref. [28], the change in battery voltage is expressed by:
observed to estimate the battery capacity. This estimation method
is suitable for identical charging conditions, but electric vehicles U D;kþ1 ¼ expðDt=sD ÞU D;k þ RD ½1 expðDt=sD ÞIk
subject to dynamic operating conditions could be charged incon- U k ¼ U oc;k Ro Ik U D;k
sistently with different current. Battery impedance can also reveal
capacity fade of the battery current state condition [29]. In Refs. where U k , U oc;k and Ik are the battery terminal voltage, open circuit
[30–34], the authors use incremental capacity analysis (ICA) and voltage and load current at time equal to k, U D;kþ1 and U D;k denote
differential voltage analysis (DVA) techniques to investigate the the voltage of the RC network at time equal to k + 1 and k, respec-
behavior of a battery and estimate the battery capacity. These tively, sD and RD represent the time constant and polarization resis-
methods can estimate battery capacity accurately only for constant tance of the RC network, and Dt represents the sampling time.
Please cite this article in press as: Yang R et al. A novel method on estimating the degradation and state of charge of lithium-ion batteries used for electrical
vehicles. Appl Energy (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.05.183
R. Yang et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 3
The open circuit voltage (OCV) is the voltage source of the entire At a certain temperature (e.g. 25 °C), the battery is repeatedly
circuit, and the resistor Ro represents the contact resistance of the cycled. The battery OCV, SoC corresponded to OCV and battery
electrode material, electrolyte, separator and other parts. RD and C D capacity are recorded at different aging states. With the complete
of the RC network describe the dynamic voltage performance of the battery OCV data for different SoC and capacity, the TRS-based
battery which includes the diffusing effects and polarization char- OCV model can be built. It is described by the following equation:
acteristics. The time constant sD of the RC network can be
expressed as sD ¼ RD C D . U oc ¼ f ðz; Q Þ ð2Þ
where f is the battery OCV function, z is the battery SoC and Q is the
2.2. Description of the optimization algorithm
battery capacity. A lithium-ion battery cell OCV versus SoC and bat-
tery capacity three-dimensional response surface is presented in
In consideration of the convergence rate, computational mem-
Fig. 4. We hold the opinion that the TRS-based OCV model can cover
ory and convenience of operation, a genetic algorithm (GA) is
the entire battery lifespan of this lithium-ion batteries type and is
selected. The GA concept was introduced by Holland and his team
determined concurrently by the battery capacity and SoC.
in the 1960s and 1970s. Based on the theory of biological evolution
Note that the temperature factor has been ignored in the OCV
in nature, strong and fit species tend to survive, passing their genes
model because (1) in general, the battery system has a good bat-
to the next generation by natural selection, while weak and unfit
tery thermal management system and the temperature deviation
species have less opportunity to pass their genes to future offspring
is maintained within ±5 °C, and (2) Fig. 7 (Section 3) shows that
and are faced with extinction. The main steps in a GA are presented
when the battery SoC is between 20–90%, temperature has little
in Fig. 2. The figure shows that the population is normally ran-
influence on the relationship between OCV and SoC.
domly initialized with a given size and each individual of the pop-
ulation is a possible solution to the optimization problem. If the
Step 2. Establish the equivalent circuit model of the battery.
results do not meet the terminal condition, we calculate the fitness
Selection Next, OCV-Uoc, battery capacity Q and initial SoC z0 are corre-
lated as given in
U oc ¼ f ðz0 ; Q Þ ð4Þ
When battery capacity, initial SoC and model parameters are
Duplication Crossover Mutation known, we can use the model to predict battery behavior and pro-
vide an accurate SoC. These parameters are considered optimiza-
tion variables v in the GA optimization algorithm, where
v ¼ ½Ro ; RD ; sD ; Q ; z0 . The measured terminal voltage U and sam-
pled (dis)charging load current I of the battery are substituted into
New population
the model Eq. (1), and the optimization variables v are identified
using the GA optimization algorithm method. The battery capacity
Fig. 2. Flow diagram of a GA. Q, the initial SoC z0 and other battery parameters are identified
Please cite this article in press as: Yang R et al. A novel method on estimating the degradation and state of charge of lithium-ion batteries used for electrical
vehicles. Appl Energy (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.05.183
4 R. Yang et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2017) xxx–xxx
Loading UDDS profiles Building equivalent
circuit model
Loading profiles
Characteristic test Ageing cycle test
Fig. 3. A general diagram of the battery capacity and SoC estimation-based battery OCV model.
26 1
24 0.6
22 0.4
20 0
Battery capacity Q (Ah) Battery SOC
concurrently. In the process of identification, the objective function of the TRS-based OCV model. The constraint conditions of the opti-
F is the sum of the least square error between the estimated and mization algorithm are shown as
measured voltage, as given in 8
> 80%C N 6 Q 6 C max
( ) >
Xn >
> 0:1 6 z0 6 1
2 >
F ¼ min ðU k U L Þ ð5Þ >
< 0:1 m X 6 Ro 6 10 mX
s:t: jmin 6 j 6 jmax ð6Þ
where Uk represents the estimated terminal voltage and UL repre- >
> Hmin 6 H 6 Hmax
sents the measured terminal voltage. The sum of the least square >
> 0:1 mX 6 RD 6 10 mX
error between the estimation and measurement is correlated to >
the optimum matching relationship between the OCV and the SoC
50 s 6 sD 6 600 s
Please cite this article in press as: Yang R et al. A novel method on estimating the degradation and state of charge of lithium-ion batteries used for electrical
vehicles. Appl Energy (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.05.183
R. Yang et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 5
The ranges of computational parameters in the constraint con- which records test data for a battery from the beginning of service
dition are based on the characteristics of the battery parameters to the end of its service life in an EV. This database is a basis for
themselves and technical parameters provided by the battery man- building an OCV model.
ufacturers. For example, in EV applications, batteries usually reach
the end of service life once their capacity is reduced to 80% of their
3.1. The lithium-ion battery test system
nominal capacity and therefore, the low end of the optimization
range for variable Q is 80% of the battery’s nominal capacity. In
A 25 Ah NCM material lithium-ion battery cell is tested system-
addition, the minimum value for the SoC is generally not less than
atically and the cell specification of it is shown in Table 1. The bat-
20%, otherwise, the service life of the battery will be reduced. Con-
tery test bench is shown in Fig. 5. It consists of a battery testing
sidering the working conditions of electric vehicles, the low end of
system (Arbin BT2000) for charging or discharging batteries, a
the optimization variable z0 range is 10%. Other model parameter
thermal chamber for programmable temperature control and a
values are based on several battery experiments we have per-
computer for test data storage and human-computer interaction.
formed previously and some parameter values shown in Section 3.
The range of Arbin BT2000 is 5 V–100 A, allowing it to charge or
discharge a 25Ah battery cell at the maximum rate of 4C. Its sam-
Step 4. Estimate the battery SoC.
pling interval is 1 s, and the auxiliary temperature channel can
gather temperature information. The programmable thermal
The battery SoC z at any time during the battery’s life can be
chamber can control the temperature range from 50 °C to
obtained based on the battery capacity Q and the initial SoC z0
120 °C with a precision of ±0.5 °C. Using the host computer, we
using the ampere-hour integral method, as given in
can control an Arbin BT2000 test system using the MITS Pro soft-
I d
0 k
s ware and adjust the temperature of the thermal chamber using
z ¼ z0 ð7Þ temperature control software.
where battery capacity Q and initial SoC z0 are initially known, and
3.2. The lithium-ion battery test schedule
Ik is the sampling current data.
The battery capacity tests, OCV-SoC tests, urban dynamometer
3. Experiments driving schedule tests (UDDS) and dynamic stress tests (DST) are
executed at different battery aging states. The batteries are also
An equivalent circuit model for a battery can be based upon repeatedly cycled. The battery OCV versus SoC and battery capac-
data obtained from a variety of battery experiments. In this section, ities are recorded at different aging states for a specific tempera-
the configuration and basic principles of the battery test bench are ture. The battery test schedule is shown in Fig. 6.
introduced. A lithium-ion battery cell database is established, The aging cycle test results of a lithium-ion battery cell are pre-
sented for eight cycle states of 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 480, 550 and
600 cycles (referred to as cyc00, cyc100, cyc200, . . ., and so on). The
Table 1
Cell specification of the NCM battery. aging cycle test results for values lower than 400 cycles is equal to
that of 100 cycles, but after 400 cycles, the battery capacity dimin-
Items Specification
ishes to less than 90% of its nominal capacity. Considering the bat-
Cathode material Li(NiCoMn)O2 tery service life and experimental safety, the number of cycles
Anode material Graphite
tested was reduced. When 600 cycles were reached, the battery
Nominal capacity 25 Ah
Allowed voltage range 2.5–4.2 V capacity diminished to 20.75 Ah and the experiment was
Please cite this article in press as: Yang R et al. A novel method on estimating the degradation and state of charge of lithium-ion batteries used for electrical
vehicles. Appl Energy (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.05.183
6 R. Yang et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2017) xxx–xxx
Table 2
Results of a battery cell capacity test (10 °C, 25 °C, 40 °C) at different aging states.
Cycle number cyc00 cyc100 cyc200 cyc300 cyc400 cyc480 cyc550 cyc600
Capacity at 10 °C (Ah) 25.57 24.79 24.34 24.15 23.56 22.10 20.68 20.07
Capacity at 25 °C (Ah) 27.34 25.68 25.20 24.87 24.31 22.74 21.36 20.75
Capacity at 40 °C (Ah) 27.89 25.92 25.38 25.03 24.61 23.07 21.74 20.73
Table 3
The battery cell OCV-SoC test result (25 °C) for different aging states.
Table 4
The battery OCV-SoC test results (10 °C) for different aging states.
Table 5
The battery OCV-SoC test results (40 °C) for different aging states.
Please cite this article in press as: Yang R et al. A novel method on estimating the degradation and state of charge of lithium-ion batteries used for electrical
vehicles. Appl Energy (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.05.183
R. Yang et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 7
Fig. 7. The OCV versus SoC for different aging states at different temperatures.
To compare the influence of different temperatures on the different cycles-cyc00, cyc100, etc. For different numbers of
relationship between OCV and SoC for different numbers of cycles, the influence of temperature on the relationship between
cycles, the OCV versus SoC for 10 °C, 25 °C and 40 °C are shown OCV and SoC is very small, especially for battery states of charge
in Fig. 7. Parts A-H of Fig. 7 represent the OCV versus SoC for 8 that exceed 20%.
Please cite this article in press as: Yang R et al. A novel method on estimating the degradation and state of charge of lithium-ion batteries used for electrical
vehicles. Appl Energy (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.05.183
8 R. Yang et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2017) xxx–xxx
Table 6 tery cell is subject to the operating conditions of the DST test and
Description of specific details for the six cases considered. the duration of calculating and storing data is 7200 s, while the
Case number Data length Cycle number Operating condition aging states are 550 and 600 cycles, respectively. Table 6 presents
01 3600 s 100 UDDS a clear view of the six cases considered.
02 7200 s 100 UDDS We used six cases to verify stability and robustness of the bat-
03 3600 s 400 UDDS tery capacity and SoC estimation method proposed in this paper
04 7200 s 400 UDDS with different aging states and two operation conditions (UDDS
05 7200 s 550 DST
06 7200 s 600 DST
and DST). In addition, estimation accuracy influenced by different
durations of data calculation is discussed using two different cases
(3600 s and 7200 s).
The measured and estimated voltages versus time for the six
4. Case studies cases are shown in Fig. 8. The figures feature a close-up view to
enlarge the differences between the estimated and measured val-
This section presents six cases to demonstrate the effectiveness ues. It is apparent that the estimated voltages trace the measured
of the proposed methods for battery capacity and SoC estimation voltages closely.
for different aging states (nearly fresh battery, lightly cycled, heav- The battery capacity and initial SoC estimation results for the
ily cycled and near end of service life) and different operating con- six cases are presented in Fig. 9. The results indicate that the bat-
ditions. In case01 and case02, the battery cell has an aging level of tery capacity estimation error is less than 5% and the battery initial
100 cycles and an operating condition identical to that in the UDDS SoC estimation error is less than 3%, both of which are beneficial
test. The duration for calculating and storing data is 3600 s for for initial SoC calibration.
case01 while the duration is 7200 s for case02. In a similar manner, Results from Fig. 9, showing the number of cycles for cases 01–
in case03 and case04 the battery cell is at an aging level of 400 06 ranging from cyc100 to cyc600, indicate the proposed method
cycles and the same operating condition and data calculation dura- can accurately estimate battery capacity and initial SoC for differ-
tion as in case01 and case02 apply. In case05 and case06, the bat- ent aging states. From the estimation results, we can see that the
4 4.1 3.9
Voltage (v)
Voltage (v)
3.9 4 3.8
1600 1800 2000 3.9 3.7
Voltage (v)
Voltage (v)
3.7 Measured
Measured 3.6
Estimated A Estimated
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Time (s) Time (s)
4.1 4 4.1 3.9
Voltage (v)
Voltage (v)
4 4 3.8
3.9 3.7
Voltage (v)
3.7 Measured
3.6 Measured
C Estimated D
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 3.5
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Time (s) Time (s)
3.8 3.8
4 4
Voltage (v)
Voltage (v)
3.7 3.7
3.8 3.5
Voltage (v)
Voltage (v)
3.8 3.5
3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700
3200 3400 3600
Time (s)
Time (s)
3.5 Measured
3.5 Measured
E 3.4
Estimated F
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Time (s) Time (s)
Fig. 8. Voltage versus time for six cases: A. 100 cycles and 3600 s duration (UDDS); B. 100 cycles and 7200 s duration (UDDS); C. 400 cycles and 3600 s duration (UDDS); D.
400 cycles and 7200 s duration (UDDS); E. 550 cycles and 7200 s duration (DST); F. 600 cycles and 7200 s duration (DST).
Please cite this article in press as: Yang R et al. A novel method on estimating the degradation and state of charge of lithium-ion batteries used for electrical
vehicles. Appl Energy (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.05.183
R. Yang et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 9
Fig. 9. Battery capacity and initial SoC estimation results for 6 cases.
estimation approach applies well to a variety of operation condi- robustness, stability and high accuracy for different aging states
tions. Comparing the results between case01 and case02 and and different operation conditions, and the estimation accuracy
between case03 and case04, we see how the estimation results can also be improved by increasing the time duration of data
are influenced by different durations of calculating data. From calculation.
the case01 and case02 estimation results in Fig. 9, the battery
capacity estimation error is reduced 0.6% from 3.23% to 2.63%
while the battery initial SoC estimation error is enhanced 0.1% Acknowledgments
from 1.07% to 1.17%. The reducing and enhancing of the estimation
error for case03 and case04 is similar to that of case01 and case02. This work was supported in part by the National Natural
In general, the battery capacity estimation accuracy is improved Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51507012), Beijing Nova
more than the battery SoC estimation error is increased. It is appar- Program (Grant No. Z171100001117063), the National High
ent that increasing the data calculation duration is beneficial to the Technology Research and Development Program of China
estimation accuracy. (2015BAG01B01) and Joint Funds of the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (Grant No. U1564206). The systemic experi-
ments of the lithium-ion batteries were performed at the Advanced
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Please cite this article in press as: Yang R et al. A novel method on estimating the degradation and state of charge of lithium-ion batteries used for electrical
vehicles. Appl Energy (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.05.183