Estimation of Lithium-Ion Battery Discharge Capacity
Estimation of Lithium-Ion Battery Discharge Capacity
Estimation of Lithium-Ion Battery Discharge Capacity
Estimation of Lithium-ion Battery Discharge Capacity by
Integrating Optimized Explainable-AI and Stacked
LSTM Model
Vinay Vakharia 1, * , Milind Shah 1 , Pranav Nair 1 , Himanshu Borade 2 , Pankaj Sahlot 3 and
Vishal Wankhede 1, *
Abstract: Accurate lithium-ion battery state of health evaluation is crucial for correctly operating
and managing battery-based energy storage systems. Experimental determination is problematic
in these applications since standard functioning is necessary. Machine learning techniques enable
accurate and effective data-driven predictions in such situations. In the present paper, an optimized
explainable artificial intelligence (Ex-AI) model is proposed to predict the discharge capacity of
the battery. In the initial stage, three deep learning (DL) models, stacked long short-term memory
networks (stacked LSTMs), gated recurrent unit (GRU) networks, and stacked recurrent neural
networks (SRNNs) were developed based on the training of six input features. Ex-AI was applied
to identify the relevant features and further optimize Ex-AI operating parameters, and the jellyfish
metaheuristic optimization technique was considered. The results reveal that discharge capacity was
better predicted when the jellyfish-Ex-AI model was applied. A very low RMSE of 0.04, MAE of
0.60, and MAPE of 0.03 were observed with the Stacked-LSTM model, demonstrating our proposed
methodology’s utility.
Citation: Vakharia, V.; Shah, M.; Nair, Keywords: Li-ion battery; explainable AI; jellyfish optimization; stacked-LSTM; GRU
P.; Borade, H.; Sahlot, P.; Wankhede,
V. Estimation of Lithium-ion Battery
Discharge Capacity by Integrating
Optimized Explainable-AI and
1. Introduction
Stacked LSTM Model. Batteries 2023,
9, 125. Batteries are an integral and crucial element in electric vehicles (EV). The develop-
batteries9020125 ment of EVs is crucial for reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing vehicle
emissions [1–3]. Lead-acid, nickel-metal hydride, and lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are the
Academic Editor: Carlos Ziebert
three primary types of power batteries. Li-ion batteries have been employed in electric cars
Received: 21 December 2022 or hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), as well as in other fields. They serve a crucial role by
Revised: 1 February 2023 providing the requisite energy storage for various applications. This application involves
Accepted: 6 February 2023 microgrids and renewable energy [4,5], electric vehicles [6], and consumer electronics. This
Published: 9 February 2023 is attributable primarily to its propitious properties, such as high energy density, high
efficiency, and extended life cycles. Despite having several benefits over other battery types,
the performance of batteries diminishes with frequent charging and draining. Therefore,
engineering research focuses on identifying their degradation, estimating and forecasting
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
their states, and optimizing their maintenance [7]. A battery’s deterioration process must
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
be closely monitored in order to maximize energy output, avoid early failure, and increase
This article is an open access article
reliability and longevity. In a battery management system (BMS), the process entails as-
distributed under the terms and
sessing the state of health (SOH) [8], forecasting the state of charge (SOC), and estimating
conditions of the Creative Commons
the amount of useful life left (RUL) [9]. To maintain the safe operation and optimum
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
utilization of lithium-ion batteries, this can also be utilized to schedule maintenance tasks
in an automated and efficient manner. The end of life (EOL) is defined as the capacity
approaching 70–80% of its nominal value [10] with the same SOC and operating conditions.
Capacity is a direct indicator of SOH in batteries. SOH is a quantitative evaluation showing
a battery’s overall health and ability to deliver the specified performance compared to a
brand-new battery [11]. A lithium battery generally fails when its capacity drops by 20% of
its rated value [12]. With usage, changes in the lithium-ion battery’s internal micro-chemical
structure have a similar impact on its external characteristics, most notably a reduction in
capacity and an increase in impedance [13]. The most accurate battery SOH indicator, or
the capacity to store energy, has long been a research focus.
Battery modeling is required to establish relationships between the operating param-
eters of batteries, such as charging and discharging voltage, cycle life, temperature, and
so on. Machine learning has emerged as a promising technique for developing reliable
and successful prediction models in the last two decades. It has been successfully applied
in various core engineering applications such as predicting bearing degradation [14], sur-
face morphology analysis in machined components [15], fracture prediction in welded
joints [16], etc. ML has also been extended for battery modelling with various approaches,
and its utility still needs to be explored. Model-based techniques and data-driven methods
are two broad categories that may be used to categorize current methods for determining
charging–discharging capacity, RUL prediction, etc. [17]. The two most popular model-
based strategies are the electrochemical model (EM) [18–20] and the equivalent circuit
model (ECM) [21]. An EM is utilized to calculate the SOH by examining the electrochemical
reactions inside the battery. Because it is difficult to model, this strategy is challenging to
put into practice. Yu et al. [22] proposed a particle filter (PF) method based on quantum
particle swarm optimization for ECM-based SOH estimation. Their solution has fewer vari-
ables that can be controlled, lessens computer complexity, and makes application easier. In
order to balance model accuracy and computational complexity, Torai et al. [23] introduced
an EM based SOH estimation model that takes advantage of the LiFePO4 (LFP)/graphite
battery’s differential capacity. The parameters of their model were shown to be related to
the phase transition behavior of both active LFP and graphite materials. Data-driven tech-
niques have become popular since they depend on historical data from experiments rather
than sophisticated physical or mathematical models. Data-driven technique predictions
are purely based on battery operating parameters (such as current, voltage, temperature,
and so on) or on characteristics derived from charging and discharging processes.
These techniques disregard the battery’s failure mechanism and electrochemical re-
actions [24]. A mapping between predicted data and battery SOH must be created using
specific methodologies. Several machine learning algorithms are reported for SOH estima-
tion. Data from Li-ion battery discharge cycles were acquired, and features were extracted
and assessed by Patil et al. [25]. The regression and classification versions of SVM were
then used to predict the SOH and RUL. In order to estimate SOH, Nuhic et al. [26] collected
several variables in various aging scenarios. Furthermore, Zheng and Deng [27] extracted
health indicators from the charging procedures and analyzed the relationship between the
selected features from mutual information and SOH. The authors concluded that multiple
Gaussian process regression demonstrates higher prediction accuracy as compared to the
conventional GPR model. In another study, Sun et al. [28] demonstrated the utility of the
LSTM neural network model, which shows high prognosis accuracy with varying charging
and discharging conditions of Li-ion batteries.
The non-linear relationship between the input parameters and their mapping with
SOH brings complexity to the development of accurate DL models. Further, the prediction
results pertaining to RUL or charging–discharging capacity could be biased due to random
splitting of input data in training and testing. Therefore, the present work attempts to
construct a robust model that blends the meta-heuristic jellyfish optimization techniques,
the Ex-AI models, and the deep learning (DL) models to overcome the issues outlined
above. According to the literature survey conducted by the authors, only a few studies were
published in which the potential of feature identification using Ex-AI coupled with optimal
DL models for Li-ion batteries discharge capacity prediction is examined. In the present
to construct a robust model that blends the meta-heuristic jellyfish optimization tech-
niques, the Ex-AI models, and the deep learning (DL) models to overcome the issues out-
lined above. According to the literature survey conducted by the authors, only a few stud-
Batteries 2023, 9, 125 ies were published in which the potential of feature identification using Ex-AI 3 ofcoupled
with optimal DL models for Li-ion batteries discharge capacity prediction is examined. In
the present paper, the authors formulate an integrated model for accurately predicting the
paper, thecapacity
authorsof Li-ion batteries,
formulate and the
an integrated results
model are analyzed
for accurately in detail.
predicting the The remaining
portion of the
capacity paper
of Li-ion is arranged
batteries, as results
and the follows:
areThe methodology
analyzed used
in detail. The in this investigation
remaining portion of is
the paperbriefly in Section
is arranged 2. In The
as follows: Section 3, findings
methodology usedareinexplained with supporting
this investigation is explainedinfor-
mation. in Section
the 2. In Section
findings 3, findings areinexplained
are summarized Section 4,with
are highlighted
Finally, the findings are summarized in Section 4, study
in Figure 1 shows the optimized Explainable AI methodology flowchart outcomes are highlighted
applied to in predict
Figure 1 shows the optimized Explainable AI methodology flowchart applied to predict
the discharge capacity of Li-ion battery dataset.
the discharge capacity of Li-ion battery dataset.
The hidden state is calculated with the help of the activation function as [30]:
Batteries 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW single update gate. Three gates in LSTM are replaced by the reset gate and update gate, as
5 of 21
shown in Figure 3. The reset gate assists in recording short-term dependencies in sequence,
whereas the update gate assists in recording long-term dependencies in sequence.
Figure 3. GRU
Figure architecture.
3. GRU architecture.
The resetgate
reset gate(Rt)
and update
update gate
(Zt)are mathematically
are calculated
mathematically as follows:
calculated as follows:
Gr = =
σ yt(wyr + S+
t−1 whr + β r+ )
(7) (7)
Gu = σ yt wyu + St−1 whu + β u (8)
Here yt represents input variables. wyr , wxu , whr and whu are weight parameters,
whereas β r and β u are bias parameters. St−1 represents the hidden state from the previous
time step.
where tanh represents the activation function and symbol is the Hadamard product operator.
Finally, the effect of update gate Gu is computed from Equation (10) as
The stacked RNN considering all the total layers at different time steps t − 1, t, t + 1,
and t + 2 as shown in Figure 4 is modeled as
(l ) ( l −1) ( l −1)
Vt = f A(l ) V t + B ( l ) V t −1 + u ( l ) (13)
( L)
yt = g CVt + w (14)
(l )
Here Vt , A(l ) , and yt denote the hidden state of the lth layer, weighting matrix
between adjacent layers, and predicted output vector of S-RNN, respectively.
BU and BL represent the upper and lower bounds, γ represents the motion coefficient.
To implement Type B movement, another jellyfish is chosen randomly, and to de-
termine the direction of movement, a vector is drawn from the jellyfish of interest (i) to
the selected jellyfish (j). Finally, the updated position of the jellyfish is calculated from
Equation (18)
→ →
Step =rand (0, 1) Drt (16)
Yj (t) − Yi (t) i f f (Yi ) ≥ f X j
Drt = (17)
Yi (t) − Yj (t) i f f (Yi ) < f X j
Yi (t − 1) = −Yi (t) + Step (18)
Table 1. Batteries selected for current work indicating the number of cycles, temperature, and
cut-off voltages.
Voltage and current were measured at both the battery and the load during the
discharge cycle (charger). Temperature was recorded at the battery during discharge cycles,
and the number of cycles and the measured capacity were additional elements in the dataset
that relate to discharge capacity. Finally, the battery capacity was recorded at the end of
each discharge cycle, which needed to be predicted with DL models. Figure 5 indicates
the capacity recorded through the first discharge cycle until the end of the final cycle of
the selected batteries. It has been stated explicitly that these batteries’ discharge capacity
significantly decreases with time. The electrolyte and electrode of the battery have a side
reaction that contributes to its capacity deteriorating as it experiences more discharge cycles.
The experiments were terminated when the observed capacity for these batteries fell below
70% of their rated capacity, as shown by the dotted horizontal line in Figure 5. Table 2 lists
the features that were extracted throughout the discharge cycles. Here, current measured
is the amount of electricity flowing into and out of the Li-ion battery at a given time, as
recorded using a measuring device, usually in Amperes (A), whereas current discharge is
the rate at which a Li-ion battery is discharging, or releasing its stored energy, at any given
time, and is also stated in Amperes (A). The difference between these two terminologies is
critical for understanding the performance and behavior of Li-ion batteries, particularly in
applications such as electric cars, mobile devices, and renewable energy systems. Current
measurements may provide details about the system’s real energy flow, while discharge
current readings can reveal details about the battery’s charge and power delivery capacity.
Similarly, voltage measured refers to the precise voltage, commonly measured in Volts,
between the terminals of a Li-ion battery at any particular time (V). Voltage discharge refers
to the voltage between the battery terminals at a specific time during discharge or energy
Batteries 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 21
release. It measures the energy stored in the battery and its capacity to transfer energy to
the load. Volts are also used to represent voltage discharge (V).
Figure 5. The
5. The discharge
discharge capacities
capacities of selected
of selected batteries
batteries corresponding
corresponding totothe
the respectivedischarge
respective dischargecycles.
FigureFigure 7. Current
7. Current measuredat
measured at the
the load
battery B0005
battery at different
B0005 cycles. cycles.
at different
3. Results and Discussion
3. ResultsSeveral
and Discussion
DL algorithms were applied to the Li-ion battery dataset to estimate the
Several capacity in order were
algorithms to show the usefulness
applied to theofLi-ion
the suggested
batterymethodology. At the
dataset to estimate the
initial stage, the performance of the Stacked-LSTM, GRU, and STAR models are evaluated
charge capacity
with in order
three standard to show
metrics: thesquare
root mean usefulness of themean
error (RMSE), suggested methodology.
absolute error (MAE), A
mean the performance
absolute percentageoferror
the (MAPE).
Stacked-LSTM, GRU,
The formulas and STAR
to calculate thesemodels are evalu
metrics are
as follows:
with three standard metrics: root meanv square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (M
1 m
and mean absolute percentageRMSE error=(MAPE).
t ∑ ( AThe
u formulas
v − Pv )
2 to calculate these(19) metric
m j =1
as follows:
m ∑ | Av − Pv | (20)
j =1
1 Av − Pv
m ∑ Av
j =1
where Av , Pv , and m denote the actual experimental value, predicted value, and the total
number of observations.
In the current study, the Li-ion battery dataset was split in a 70:30 ratio, meaning that
70% of the data was used for training the model while 30% was used for testing the model.
Training is needed in machine learning because it allows the model to learn the underlying
patterns and relationships in the training data. This enables the model to generalize to new,
unseen data and make accurate predictions. The authors also evaluated the performance of
DL models based on ten-fold cross-validation results, as this is a promising and reliable
methodology to evaluate the model’s performance to remove bias in the result arising from
the random splitting of the dataset. The dataset was divided into ten equal sections in
the beginning; nine were used to train the model, and the remaining one was utilized for
70% of the data was used for training the model while 30% was used for testing the model.
Training is needed in machine learning because it allows the model to learn the underly-
ing patterns and relationships in the training data. This enables the model to generalize to
new, unseen data and make accurate predictions. The authors also evaluated the perfor-
mance of DL models based on ten-fold cross-validation results, as this is a promising and
Batteries 2023, 9, 125 reliable methodology to evaluate the model’s performance to remove bias in the result 11 of 20
arising from the random splitting of the dataset. The dataset was divided into ten equal
sections in the beginning; nine were used to train the model, and the remaining one was
utilized forThe
testing. testing. The remaining
remaining eight partseight
usedwere used
to train thetomodel
train in
model in the
second step,second
and two
step, and two parts were applied for testing. This process was repeated until
parts were applied for testing. This process was repeated until all ten sections were all ten sec-
both used for and
training bothtesting.
training and
The testing.
overall The overall
prediction prediction
results were theresults
averagewere the av-
results of the
erage results of all
prediction thethe
prediction of all for
parts utilized thetraining
parts utilized for training
and testing. Figureand testing.
8 shows theFigure 8
shows the procedure
for 10-fold for 10-fold
cross-validation cross-validation
applied applied to any DL model.
to any DL model.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fold 1
Fold 2
Fold 3
Fold 4
Fold 5
Fold 6
Fold 7
Fold 8
Fold 9
Fold 10
After applying ML/DL models to the Li-ion battery dataset, it is challenging for
researchers to understand and reconstruct how an algorithm arrived at a result. In the
conventional approach, the entire computation is referred to as a “black box,” which makes
it difficult to understand and interpret results. These “black box” models are created
by starting with the raw data. Clearly, the researchers or data scientists who created
the algorithm need help understanding or cannot define what is happening inside or
how the AI algorithm came to a particular conclusion. Explainable artificial intelligence,
sometimes referred to as Ex-AI, is a group of techniques and methodologies that, when
applied to machine learning algorithms, enable researchers to comprehend the outcomes
produced by the algorithms. Ex-AI is a promising technique to describe an AI model
and its anticipated impact and investigate any biases in predicted results. It helps to
describe the model’s accuracy, fairness, transparency, and results in decision-making that
AI supports. When bringing AI models into production, an organization must ensure that
their AI is explainable, which assists in systematically developing AI-based methodology.
The authors created a model based on Stacked-LSTM, GRU, and STAR DL models where
training, testing, and a ten-fold technique were performed on all input parameters in order
to thoroughly evaluate the prediction outcomes of the proposed methodology on the Li-ion
battery dataset. Ex-AI was used in the subsequent stages to choose the pertinent input
parameters that could significantly enhance the prediction of battery discharge capacity.
In our study, the XGBoost algorithm was chosen to select the input parameters through
Batteries 2023, 9, 125 12 of 20
the Ex-AI model. It is always challenging to optimally select the hyperparameters in any
ML/DL algorithms. Therefore, in the present study, jellyfish search optimization was
implemented to optimally select the hyper parameter values of the Ex-AI model. Details
about the XGBoost algorithm parameters, range, and optimized values are reflected in
Tables 3 and 4.
XGBoost P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6
Default 0.3 6 1 100 1 1
Jellyfish 0.10 2 2.79 307 1 0.98
Features or variables are essential to predict the output when using machine learning
models correctly. Not all features are needed for prediction, and removing unnecessary
features may significantly improve the model’s performance. Feature selection identifies
the essential features with specific statistical formulations. In the case of a high-dimensional
dataset, irrelevant features increase computational complexity, training time, and out-of-
sample performance, and therefore feature selection is highly desired. Further, it is observed
that feature explainability is needed to validate the prediction accuracy of an AI model.
SHAP (Shapley additive explanations) is an open-source Python package for formulating
an Ex-AI model. SHAP is extremely useful in explaining the influence of individual input
parameters on predictions. The Shapley value is calculated by taking the average marginal
contribution of a feature value and dividing it by the total number of feasible coalitions.
The SHAP scores for Li-ion battery dataset features are shown in Figures 9 and 10. The
horizontal axis of a bar graph represents the mean absolute SHAP values, and the vertical
axis represents the features. The features with mean absolute SHAP value higher than
zero were considered, and features with zero or negative values were not considered. With
the Ex-AI model, the selected features were cycle, current charge, battery id, and current
measured, as seen in Figure 9. Moreover, when the hyperparameter of the Ex-AI model
was optimized with jellyfish optimization, the selected features were cycle, current charge,
and battery id, as can be observed from Figure 10. The influence of the selected features on
prediction capability is shown in Figures 11–13.
After identifying the relevant features, the prediction capability of the models was
evaluated through three performance metrics: RMSE, MAE, and MAPE. Training, testing,
and ten-fold were applied on three DL models for discharge capacity prediction. Due
to unbiased results and high reliability, it is suggested to consider the ten-fold results.
Figure 11a–c show the RMSE values obtained after applying three DL models with three
feature conditions: (a) all features, (b) Ex-AI features, (c) jellyfish-optimized Ex-AI features.
Here, all features refers to the input values listed in Table 2, whereas Ex-AI features refers
to four features obtained after applying the mean SHAP score (Figure 9). Similarly, jellyfish
Ex-AI refers to the three features obtained after applying the mean SHAP score (Figure 10).
Since the mean SHAP score of current measured and voltage measured is near zero,
therefore, these features were discarded. It is observed from Figure 11a–c that the lowest
RMSE with ten-fold was 0.04 from the Stacked-LSTM model considering three optimized
Ex-AI features, whereas the highest RMSE of 0.11 was observed from the GRU model when
Batteries 2023, 9, 125 13 of 20
four Ex-AI features were considered. The prediction results of jellyfish-optimized Ex-AI
features provide lower estimation errors (RMSEs), Figure 11c. In contrast, the prediction
results considering all features exhibited higher RMSE prediction errors from all three
DL models, as observed from Figure 11a,b. As can be observed from Figure 12a–c, the
discharge capacity of Li-ion batteries was accurately predicted by all three models that were
taken into consideration for this investigation. However, the least MAE of 0.60 considering
the ten-fold procedure was observed from the stacked LSTM model, Figure 12c, whereas
the maximum MAE observed was 0.90 from the GRU model, Figure 12a,b. In Figure 13a–c,
results obtained from MAPE are shown. The Stacked-LSTM model gives the least error
with all the feature conditions and considering ten-fold prediction results. The least MAPE
of 0.03 is observed from the Stacked-LSTM model, whereas the maximum MAPE of 0.07
is observed from the GRU model. Additionally, very little RMSE, MAE, and MAPE were
seen compared to ten-fold prediction results from the Li-ion battery aging dataset when
training and testing prediction results are considered to forecast discharge capacity in
all situations, as shown in Figures 11–13. However, as was already noted, data from the
10- fold procedure should be considered due to unbiasedness and reliability. Ten-fold
cross-validation (CV) can give a higher prediction error than training and testing on a
single data split because it is a more rigorous evaluation of the model’s performance. In
a ten-fold CV, the data is divided into ten subsets, and the model is trained and tested
ten times, each time using a different subset as the test set. This gives a better estimate
Batteries 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEWof the model’s performance on new, unseen data. However, it also means that the model 13 of 21
is being tested on a wider variety of data, which can lead to a higher prediction error.
Additionally, using a ten-fold CV can increase the variance in the estimated performance,
vidual to a higher error.
input parameters The prediction
on predictions. Thefindings
Shapleyshowvaluethat, independent
is calculated by of the model,
taking the av-
prediction accuracy increases when Ex-AI is used for feature selection. These errors are
erage marginal contribution of a feature value and dividing it by the total number of fea-
further decreased when Ex-AI is tuned using the jellyfish optimization model. It should
sible coalitions. The SHAP scores for Li-ion battery dataset features are shown in Figures
also be noted that the prediction error range is significantly less when observing RMSE
9 and 10. The horizontal axis of a bar graph represents the mean absolute SHAP values,
and MAPE values (Figures 11 and 13), while the maximum MAE observed is less than 1
and the vertical axis represents the features. The features with mean absolute SHAP value
(ten-fold), which shows the robustness of our proposed methodology. Figure 14a–c shows
higher than zero
the prediction were
errors considered,
reported and features
from optimized withfeatures
Ex-AI zero orandnegative
with allvalues were not
three models.
Optimized Ex-AI features were chosen since RSME, MAE, and MAPE are significantlybattery
With the Ex-AI model, the selected features were cycle, current charge, less,
id, and signifies
which current measured, as seen
the least error in FigureFurther,
in prediction. 9. Moreover, when from
it is evident the hyperparameter of the
the figure that when
Ex-AI model
ten-fold was optimized
is applied, with
the predicted jellyfish optimization,
experimental the selected
data match accurately features
with were cycle,
the experimental
data. Our charge, and battery
outcomes show the id,utility
as canofbe observed from Figure
jellyfish-optimized Ex-AI 10. The influence
features of the
for accurately
predicting features on prediction
the discharge capacitycapability is shown
of the Li-ion indataset
battery Figuresconsidered
11–13. in our study.
Features selected with Ex-AI
selected with Ex-AI model.
Batteries 2023, 9, 125 14 of 20
0.04 0.04
0.02 0.02
0.00 0.00
Training Testing 10 Fold CV Training Testing 10 Fold CV
(a) (b)
Figure 11. (a–c) RMSE values from three models. (a) All features. (b) Ex-AI features. (c) Jellyfish-
Figure 11. (a–c) RMSE values from three models. (a) All features. (b) Ex-AI features. (c) Jellyfish-
optimized EX-AI features.
optimized EX-AI features.
Batteries 2023, 9, 125 Figure 11. (a–c) RMSE values from three models. (a) All features. (b) Ex-AI features. (c) Jellyfish-
15 of 20
optimized EX-AI features.
0.30 0.30
0.20 0.20
0.10 0.10
0.00 0.00
Training Testing 10 Fold CV Training Testing 10 Fold CV
Batteries 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 21
(a) (b)
Training Testing 10 Fold CV
Figure 12.
Figure 12. MAE
MAE values
values from
from three
three models.
models. (a)
(a) All
All features.
features. (b)
(b) Ex-AI
Ex-AI features.
features. (c)
(c) Jellyfish-optimized
Ex-AI features.
Ex-AI features.
Table 5 shows the Li-ion discharge prediction accuracy when individual features are
All features Ex-AI
considered. It is observed that when individual features features
are considered along with ten-fold
prediction results, then minimum 0.09
RMSE observed is 0.10 with SRNN model and cycle
0.08 features, which is much higher when 0.08
Ex-AI features and jellyfish-optimized Ex-AI features
0.07 are considered (Figure 11b,c). Similarly,
0.07 when MAE is considered with individual features,
0.06 the minimum MAE observed is 1.02 0.06(ten-fold) with stacked LSTM model and cycle as
0.05 features, which is much higher when Ex-AI features and jellyfish-optimized Ex-AI features
are considered (Figure 12b,c). Moreover, the minimum MAPE (ten-fold) with GRU model
0.04 0.04
and current charge as features is 0.10, which is much higher when Ex-AI features and
0.03 0.03considered (Figure 13b,c). The results, as observed
jellyfish-optimized Ex-AI features are
0.02 0.02 that the Ex-AI and jellyfish-optimized features
from Table 5 and Figures 11–13, confirm
0.01 predict discharge capacity of Li-ion0.01
battery much better when individual battery features
0.00 are considered. Table 6 shows the computational
0.00 time required to develop ML models.
Training Testing 10 Fold CV Training Testing 10 Fold CV
(a) (b)
0.04 0.04
0.03 0.03
0.02 0.02
0.01 0.01
0.00 0.00
Training Testing 10 Fold CV Training Testing 10 Fold CV
(a) (b)
Training Testing 10 Fold CV
Figure 13.(a–c)
(a–c) MAPE
MAPE values
features. (b) Ex-AI
features. features.
(b) Ex-AI (c) Jellyfish-
features. (c) Jellyfish-
optimized Ex-AI features.
optimized Ex-AI features.
It is reflected that the stacked LSTM model predicts the discharged capacity better than
GRU and SRNN models. The possible reasons are that LSTM is more accurate on a larger
dataset. Further, GRU models exhibit a slow convergence rate and low learning efficiency
compared to the other two models. Furthermore, the computation time of SRNN is very
high due to the use of the ReLU activation function. For large datasets, vanishing gradient
issues were observed from SRNN; however, LSTM was explicitly invented to avoid the
vanishing gradient problem. Though the prediction results are good, there are several
ways to enhance the prediction capability of stacked LSTM, GRU, and SRNN models, such
as experimenting with different layer sizes, number of layers, and activation functions,
combining multiple models to form a single prediction by averaging or weighted averaging
of their outputs, and implementing attention mechanisms to help the model focus on the
most relevant parts of the input sequence.
Batteries 2023, 9, 125 17 of 20
Batteries 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 21
1 1
(a) (b)
SRNN Ten-fold
Actual Predicted
Table 5.
Table 5 shows the Li-ion
Prediction resultsdischarge prediction
with individual accuracy when individual features are
considered. It is observed that when individual features are considered along with ten-
Model Stacked LSTM
fold prediction results, then minimum RMSE observed GRU is 0.10 with SRNN model and SRNNcycle
features, Train
Metrics which is muchTest higher when Train
Ten-Fold Ex-AI features
Test andTen-Fold
Train Ex-AI
Test fea- Ten-Fold
tures are 0.187
RMSE considered (Figure 0.194
0.187 11b,c). Similarly,
0.186 when
0.187 MAE is considered
0.209 with individual
0.229 0.229 0.227
Voltage measured MAE 0.360 0.362 1.336 0.358 0.358 1.424 0.412 0.414 1.512
MAE observed
1.02 (ten-fold)
with stacked
and 0.115
cycle as features,
RMSE 0.190 which
0.191 is much0.196 higher0.206
when Ex-AI 0.207 features and jellyfish-optimized
0.212 0.190 0.190 Ex- 0.208
Current measured MAE 0.365 0.367 1.360 0.396 0.396 1.480 0.365 0.367 1.416
AI features
are considered
0.103 0.104
the minimum
MAPE 0.104
(ten-fold) with
0.104 0.112
GRU model
RMSE 0.190and current
0.190 charge as features
0.194 0.259 is 0.10, which is much
0.260 0.242 higher when Ex-AI
0.195 0.196fea- 0.208
Temperature measured MAE 0.367 0.369 1.344 0.479 0.482 1.664 0.369 0.371 1.472
tures and0.106
Ex-AI features
0.120 0.147
are considered
(Figure 13b,c).
0.132 0.103
The results,
as 0.128
observed 0.164
RMSE from Table 5 and Figures
0.165 0.173 11–13,
0.180confirm that the Ex-AI
0.181 0.176 and jellyfish-optimized
0.179 0.180 0.186
Current charge MAE 0.308 0.311 1.168 0.324 0.329 1.192 0.335 0.338 1.272
features predict
MAPE 0.102
of Li-ion
battery much better
0.100 0.107
when individual
0.101 0.159
features are
RMSE 0.183considered.
0.184 Table 6 shows0.186
0.192 the computational
0.187 time
0.205 required to develop
0.191 0.191ML 0.223
Voltage charged MAE
models. 0.351
MAPE 0.156
RMSE 0.189 0.190 0.196 0.378 0.378 0.228 0.222 0.223 0.208
Time MAE 0.365 0.367 1.360 0.743 0.743 1.560 0.405 0.407 1.480
MAPE 0.104 0.104 0.119 0.197 0.198 0.123 0.109 0.109 0.118
RMSE 0.100 0.102 0.195 0.117 0.117 0.133 0.103 0.104 0.105
Cycle MAE 0.285 0.290 1.027 0.475 0.475 1.521 0.430 0.435 1.092
MAPE 0.107 0.107 0.151 0.104 0.104 0.176 0.103 0.104 0.155
Batteries 2023, 9, 125 18 of 20
4. Conclusions
In the present work, an efficient optimized Ex-AI model to predict discharge capacity
of Li-ion battery is investigated in detail. The methodology was developed from an openly
accessible Li-ion battery aging dataset [37]. Three deep learning models, Stacked-LSTM,
GRU, and SRNN are considered and prediction capability is evaluated from the features
selected through Ex-AI and optimized Ex-AI models. RMSE, MAE, and MAPE results
obtained after performing training, testing and ten-fold procedure are discussed in detail.
When ten-fold CV prediction results are considered, observations are as follows:
• The lowest RMSE value of 0.04 is observed from the stacked LSTM model when
jellyfish-optimized Ex-AI features were considered.
• Very low MAE and MAPE of 0.01 were obtained from the stacked LSTM model when
jellyfish-optimized Ex-AI features were considered.
• Stacked LSTM better predicts the discharge capacity of Li-ion batteries as compared to
GRU and SRNN deep learning models.
• Features selected after applying jellyfish-optimized Ex-AI models were found to
exhibit better prediction capability compared to both Ex-AI features and all features.
The prediction results obtained after incorporating our proposed methodology are
accurate and reliable. In future, more comparative analyses can be performed so that a
more generalized model to predict health estimation of different types of batteries can
be formulated.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, V.V. and V.W.; methodology, V.V. and M.S.; software,
M.S. and P.N.; validation, V.V. and M.S.; formal analysis, P.S. and H.B.; investigation, P.N. and M.S.;
resources, V.V. and P.N.; data curation, P.S. and H.B.; writing—original draft preparation M.S., V.W.,
and P.N.; writing—review and editing, V.V. and H.B.; visualization, P.S. and M.S.; supervision, V.V.
and V.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The authors used a publicly available Li-ion battery dataset. Link: https:
// (accessed on 1 September 2022).
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank B. Saha and K. Goebel, NASA Ames Research
Center, for providing access to the dataset for research purposes.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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