What Is Works Programme? Why Works Programme Is Required in Railway?
What Is Works Programme? Why Works Programme Is Required in Railway?
What Is Works Programme? Why Works Programme Is Required in Railway?
Extension of Sheds for better maintenance, work, gauge doubling, introduction or extension of railway tracks
or set up of new shed is required for fulfilling the day to day demands.
For fulfilling all the demands in a systematic way keeping in mind the funds, Work Programme is the best
way for the same. According to priority or importance funds are sanctioned for the granted works.
The various stages and preparation of the Final Works Programme are given
Formulation (the action of creating or preparing something) of scheme as a
part of advance planning.
Submission of major schemes for advance scrutiny and clearance by the RB
for selection of projects to be taken up in following yyear.
Preparation of the preliminary Works Programme within the financial ceiling
laid down by the RB and
Discussion with the RB and submission of the Final Works Programme.
Steps for Pink Book inclusion:
Ceiling limit is considered by the RB during proposals.
Proposals by DRMs upto the month of June to July.
Scrutiny and short listing by PHOD.
Approval by approving authority i.e. by GM/PCE(Principal Civil
Processing at Division and finance.
Processing at Head Quarter (HQ) level.
Forwarding to PHOD (Principal Head Of the Department), FA&CAO
and GM.
Then forwarded to RB through EDCE/G (Executive Director of Civil
Engineering)/ (General) by November.
AM (Additional Member Committee) for Rs.20 crores in December.
Works Programme meeting in January in RB office.
For Budget Directorate:
Works Programme meeting in January in RB office is finalized in
It is announced in Budget Speech.
Pink Book publication within 26th February to 28th February when
sanctioned value is above 2 crores.
LAW Book by April when sanctioned value is below 2 crores.
Division Work by April to May.
Sanctioning of New Work:
All works are sanctioned through Work Programme.
(A) Traffic Facility Type Work:
Board Level- Sanctioned more than 1 crore.
Zonal Level- Sanctioned from 15 lakhs to 1 crore.
Divisional Level- Less than Rs.15 lakhs.
(B) Passenger Amenity Work:
Board Level- More than 2 crore.
Zonal Level- 1-2 crore.
Divisional Level- Less than 1 crore.