AHandbookofOrnament 10312329

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F .









N E W Y OR K 6 4 E A ST
g STR E E T .


rictly sp ki g the present H dbook of Ornament is a

St ea n



iss e in b ok form of m y Collection of ornament l forms published

u , o ,


in folio siz e under the title Ornamentale Fo me lehre “

r n

Th reasons which induced me to publis h this Handbook

e were “

the following Owing to the nature of th case the text of the For
. e ,

m nleh
e which forms an essential though not the chief part of that

work had to be printed on separate sheets whi ch is always a so ce

, ,

o f inconve ience in practical us ; and for this reason many critics w h

n e ,

in other respects pass ed an nexpectedly favourable and very flattering


j udgment on my work expressed the wish that th text should be


issued in a more convenient book form On the other hand it was .

c lear that the text c o ld have no value except for those who already

possessed the p1ates and as the price of the collection owi g


, ,

to its siz e and style is not inconsiderable and as plates on a reduced

, ,

scale are q i te s uffi cient fo ll who desire to use the work

u r a

merely fo study and not directly for p rposes of design the author
j r ,
u ,

d publisher arranged to combine text and plates in the Handbook “ ”


in such a way that the plates on a greatly reduced scale might be ,


printed wi th the text They hOp in this way to have met the wi shes
. e

that have be en expressed and while o ffering to teachers a convenient


a id to have produced a work which from its wealth of text and


illustrations and its comparatively trifling price may prove of very ,

a companion to the Ornamentale Formenlehre it was necessary

As “ ”

that the Handbook sho ld retain the general plan and main divisions

of that work ; but this did not exclude partial alterations and parti ,

c l
u ar ly an e largement of the desc iptive text These have cc

n r . a or

d ingly been made as wi ll be seen on a careful comparison

But in .

making them there has been no sacrifice of the principle of giving

e erything that is important and essenti al with the utmost conci
v ,

s ess and the o mission of all di gressions .

I take this Opportu i ty of thanking ll those who have rendered

n a

the publication of this work possible and have supported me with their
kind assistance and I now present the book to the public
th ,
In e

hope that it will meet with a hearty reception and favourable criticism .

K a r l s r u h e March 1 8 8 8
, .



carcely four years have elapsed since the first e dition of this
book was placed in the hands of the public I ts unexpecte dly

favourable reception continues to recomm end it As my critics to .


whom my best thanks are due have made no suggestions for improve

ment in it the Handbook apart f om some t ifli ng corrections h s

“ ”
r r ,

remained essentially the s me May it continue to win new friends i

a . n

school d home
an .

K a r l s r uh e F ebr ary 1 8 9 2
u ,


!Th term ORN AM E NT in its limited sense includes such of

“ ”
e , ,

the Elem ents of D ecoration as are adapted or developed from Natural , ,

Folia ge These differ from the G eometrical elements inasmuch s


they are org nic i e possessing stems leaves flowers &c whi le th
a . .
, , ,

When merely drawn on paper &c and unapplied a foliated ,


element is considered i the abstract as Ornament When applied

“ ”

to beautify an object it becomes an Element of D ecoration “ ”


Th e term D E C OR ATI ON signifies th art or process p f applyi g

“ ”
e n

th various Elements to beau tify Objects

e It is also used to denote .

the completed re sult Thus the artist who is occupied in the deco
; ,

ration of a vase may represent ornament upon it ; and the ornament


is then th Decoration of the vase



Th e E LE M E N TS of D ecoration are G eometrical lines Ornament

“ ”
: , ,

Natural foliage Ar tifici l Objects Animals and the Human Figure

, ,

These may be considered as the ingredients and they are mixed “


and applied on various arrangements or Features according to certain


acknowledged recipes which are termed Principles

“ ” “ ”

Th PR I N CI P L E S of Decoration are ot included in this Hand



book as the limits of it allow only a brief notice of such Elements


as have been in general use during the successive Historic epoch s ! -

Wh erever the hand of man has produced any Decoration be it ,


o riginal Invention or only th arbitrary Variation of some fami liar


fundamental idea the followi g wi ll invariably be the case

n :

() Th e decoration is produced by arranging and joining Dots
an d Lines or by combini g and dividi g G eometrical Figu es in
n n r ,

a ccordance with the laws of rhythm regularity symmetry &c ; , , ,


() It arises from the attempt of the decorator to represent the
Objects of the external world Nearest at hand for imit tion is o . a ,

ganie Nature with the Plants A i m als and Human form But in ,
n ,

organi c Nature also o ffers models e ; g the forms of Crystalli sation . .

(snow fl k-
s) and
a the
e Phenomena
of ature (clouds waves Rich n , ,

sources are also opened p by the Artificial Objects which are fashioned

by man himself .

It is obvious that all kinds of Elements may be used in com

bination G eometrical may be united with Nat ral forms ; and so on
: u .

Moreover it was easy for hum an imagination to combine details taken

from nature into monstrous ferms not found in nature g the ,
9 . .

S phinx Centaur
Mermaid &c and Animal and Human bodies
, ,

with plant like terminations


If we collect into groups the bases or motives of decoration

, , ,

omitting what is non essenti l and detached we arrive at the classi

a ,

fic tio given in th followi g pages

a n e n .

Decoration is applied to countless objects ; and the style may be

very varied w ithout being arbitrary ; bei g determined firstly by the n , ,

aim and thé material of the object to be decorated and secondly by , , ,

the ideas r ling at different periods d among different nations It

u an .

is therefore obvio s that it has a comprehensive and important domain

u .

A knowledge of it is indispensable to artists ; and it is an instructive and

sociologically interesting factor of general culture .

Th peculiarities which arise from the reciprocal relation of


material form and aim more or less modified by the ideas of the
, , ,

Age and the natural characteristics of the Nation are termed th ,


Style of that Period and Nation Th mention of the Century and

“ ”
. e ,

the Nation gives a convenient method of labelli g works of A t

n r ,

which is now well understood ; e g 1 7 th century Italian . .



Th e majority of works on ornament arrange their material ,

according to Periods and Nations ; but the present Handbook follow ,

ing the principles laid down by Semper B otti h and Jacobsthal is ,

c er ,

based on a system whi ch is synthetic rather than analytic ; and i

tended more to construct and develope from the Elements than to

dissect and deduce It contains three main divisions .

D ivision I treats of the Elements of Decoration or motives of “

whi ch it is formed G eometrical motives formed by the rhythmical


arrangement of dots and lines by the reg lar section of angles by ,

u ,

the formation and division of closed figures are followed by th ,


forms of Nature which are o ffered for ornamental imitation by th e


v egetable and animal kingdoms and by the hum n fr m c These in ,

a a .

their turn followed by Artificial Objects or forms borrowed from

a re ,

A t Technology and S cience and usually met with in the class of

r , , ,

trophies sym bols 8 0 , ,

5 .

Division II Ornament applied to Featu es arranges them



according to their f nctions and the reciprocal rel tion between th

a e

construction of the object and the application of the ornament The .

division falls into five sub divisions A Bands (bordering frami n g -

: .

and conne cting forms) ; B Free Ornaments (forms whose construction .

expresses a termination or cessation) ; C Supports (types of orname t . n

which exp ess the principle of weight bearing) ; D Enclosed Ornamen t

r -

suitable for the e livenment of a defined bordered field (panels) ;

n ,

E Repeating Ornament (the decoration of surfaces which disregardi g


the limits of space are developed on a geometrical or organic basis

, , ,

into patterns “

Division III shows the application f decoration to vase form

o -

metal objects furniture frames jewe lry heral dry and writi g
, , , , n ,

printi g &c n

Further details as to the groups and divisions will be found in

, ,

the Table of the Arrangement of the Handbook which follows this

introduction .

Th e illustrations numbering almost and comprised on 3 00


f ll page plates represent the styles of the most various periods and
u -

nations A comparatively large share of attention has been devoted


to th Antique becaus e it is in that Period that form usually finds

e ,

its clearest and most beautif l expression Next to that in impor u .

tance is the Renascence with its wealth and freedom of form The .

space devoted to the creations of the Middle Ages is more limi ted
, , .

From the styles of the De cadence only a few examples have been ,

admitted for the sake of comparison and characterisation Modern


times as a rule have o ly been taken into account where forms arose
, ,
n ,

which do not occur in th historic styles e .

Th e illustratio n s have been partly taken direct from the o riginals

and partly as was almost unavoidable —reproduced f om other Books ; r

for the leading idea of the present work is not to o ffer anything new ,

but to arrange what is already kno w n in a manner s i table both to ,


the subject and to the aim of a Handbook Where the author was .

acquainted with th source which he regre ts was not always the

e ,

case the authority has been mentioned in the text


Each division and sub division is prefixed by a few r marks on - e

style and history characteristics motives sym bolism aim and ppli
, , , , ,

cation These are followed so far as is necessary and practicable

, ,

by notes on the places where the objects illustrated were discovered ,

where they are w preserved and on their material and si z e Hints

no ,

as to construction are given only where the construction cannot at


once be inferred from the fi gu e r .

Readers who use this book for purposes of tuition will fi d in ,


the Author s O n men ta lc F ormen lehr e the P lates on a scale of

r a
” *

times th si z e of thi s Handbook together wi th the requisite hints

e ,

for th e use of the work in schools .

ale Meyer
S s : Orna men ta le hree hundre d
pl ate in a p ortfo lio
s, .

D IV I S I O N I .


A . Geometrica l E lemen ts . 35 Variou Lea e

. s v s.

1 N etwork 36 37 Various Flower

. s.
Fr i t Fe toon
. .

24 -
. Band Motiv es .
3 8- 39 Th e. u
eaf and Flower F e too
s .

5-7 . Diap er Pattern s .

40 Th e L .
, s n.

8 . Th S ector Po lygon an d Star

e , , .
b Animal Organism (Th Fauna s e of
Th S quare an d its Subdi v i ion

9 10-
e ,
s .
Or ament) n
Octagon d its S b

11 Th
4 1 44 Th L ion
. e , an u

div i ion e
. .

45 46 Th Griffi

Th Triangl e Hexagon &

e n, c
. .

4 7 4 8 Th L ion Hea d
. e , , c .

an d their Sub di v i ion

. e .

4 9 50 Th Panther Head &

s .

Obl o g an d it S b e c.

1 3 -1 6 Th
. ,

51 Th Hor e Hea d &

. e n , s u

d ivision .

52 5 4 Th Eagl e
. e s , 0 .

Th Rho m bu an d Tra p e ium

. .

55 Th Win g
. e s, z ,

an d their Subdi v i ion s .


5 6 58 Th Do lp hi n
e .

Th Circl e it S bi i i and
. .

59 Th She ll
. e , s u v s on ,

Inter ections s .

6 0 Th Serp ent &

e .

Gothic Tracery .
. e , c .

20 . Th E llip se an d its Subdi v i ion

e ,
s . 0 Hum an Organism
. .

61 Th Mask
. e .

a Orga i sm of Plant (Th

Th e
6 2 64 Th G tt q
. eMa k ro es u e s .

65 Th Me dusa Hea d
. n s s e
Flora of Ornam ent) .

6 6 Th G tt q
e ro es u e.

L eaf

21 Th Ak th
. e an os .
67 68 Th Hal f Figure
e -

22 23 Th Artificia l L eaf

6 9 Th Sp hi x and Centaur

. e .
e n
24 26 Artifi cial Fo l iage
. , .

70 Th Cherub Hea d &

. .
e -
27 28 Th L aure l an d Oli v e
. ,
. e , .

29 3 0 Th e Vine
- 0 Artificia l Obj ects
. .

. .

31 Th L otus Papyrus an d Palm

e 7 1 -7 2 Th e T
. .

ymb o l
. .
, ,

3 2 Th I y e v 7 3 7 7 Th e S
. .

ibb on
. .

3 3 Th Corn an d Conv o lvulus

e . 7 8 - 7 9 Th e R
. .

Miscell aneous Object


34 Th Ho p an d Bryony
. e , . 80 . s .

D I V I S I O N II .


A B a nd s
. . 1 25 . Th e Decorate d Shaft
Pro fil e d Shaft

1 26 Th e
81 84-
Th eFret Ban d 1 27 1 3 0 The Cap ita l

Chain Ban d

85 Th e .

8 6 90

The Interl ace ent Ban d


13 1 Th e Pil a ter Pane ls .

Pil a ter Cap ital


1 3 2 1 34

Th e
o ette Band
91 Th e R s

Can d el abrum Ba e

1 35


92 . Th ePal ette Ban d

1 36

Th e Cand el abrum Shaft

s .

Vertebrate Band

93 Th e

Cand el ab r m Cap it l

. .

Th e
9 4 96
. Th e Undul ate Band .

1 38

Th e B l
u a .

97 . Th eE v olute p ra l Band
S i -

1 39

The Termi u
a a u s er .

98 . Th e En richm u t of the 1 40

. Th e Parap et

s .

1 41 Th e R ail i g Po t
Th Enrichmentofthe Toru s
99 . .

1 00

Th E fi M
t ofthe Cym a
s .

1 42 . Th e Fu itu e L grn r e .

Trap ezo p horon

e n c en ,
1 4 3 1 44 Th e
and the O v ol o .

1 4 5 14 7


Th e Con ol e s


1 48 Th e .

1 01 1 03
Th e
. L i k Bord er
n .
1 49 1 50 -
. Th e Caryatid Atl ante & , , c .

1 04 Th e Cresti g Bord er n .
D E nclosed Orna men ts , or P a n els
t ; an d A t fix
. .

1 05 106
Th e Ak er o er n e
q are Panel
. .

1 07 Th e Ste l e Cre t s
1 5 1 -1 5 5 . Th e S u .

tar hap e Pane l


1 08 Th e Perf rate d Cre ti g

o s n
1 56 . Th e S -
s .

Circul ar Pa el
. .

1 09 1 1 0
Th e Cr os s
1 57 1 60 -
. Th e n .

Obl o g P nel
. .

1 1 1 1 12
Th e Fi i al
1 6 1 1 64 -
. Th e n a .

E lliptic Panel
. .

1 13 Th e Finial K ob an d Va e-
n s
1 65 . Th e .

unette and Spa

. .

1 14 Th e Pen d ant Knob - 166 1 6 7 -

. Th e L , n ra il
Pane l
. .

1 15 Th e Ro ette
s .

Th e L ozenge Pa e l
. .

1 16 The Crocket an d Gargoyle 1 68 . n .

Variou Panel
. .

Hinge &

1 17 Th e
. c .
1 69 1 7 0 -
. s s .

1 18 Th e Ta se l
E R ep ea ting Orna men ts, D iap ers
. .

119 Th e
. Fri ge an d Val ence
n ,
. or .

1 20 Th e
. L ace Bord er . 1 71 . Th e Square Diap er , &c .

1 72 Th e Cir cle Dia p er, & c


. .

1 73 Th e Scal e Diap er &c .

Foliate d Shaft

1 21 Th e . . 1 7 4 1 75 -
. The Ci cl e Diap er
r , &c .

1 22 Th e . Flute d Shaft . 1 76 1 79 -
Vari u Diap ero s s .

Variou Gri ll Diap er


1 23 1 24 Th e
. B e as . 1 80 . s s.



1 8 6 Th eAm p u lla , A
. l ab a tro s n, &c .

1 81 Fun d amental Va e Form s -

s . 1 87 Th Fl wer Va e &
e o -
s , c .

Va e f rms for

a H lde o rs 1 88 s i o v a r ou s
purp oses
. . .

1 82 Th e Am phora .

Th Jar an d Ci t

1 83 The Urn 1 89 e ,
s .

Th Font d H l y Wate
. . .

1 84 Th e Krater 1 90 . e , an o - r

St up
. .

18 5 . Th e s Ba i and Di h
n , s . o .
b Dipp ers . Kn fe an d Fork
23 2 . Th e i , .

Pap er K ife

1 9 1 Th e Hydria 23 3 Th e -
n .

ci r

. .

1 9 2 Th e Bucket & c
234 . Th e S s so s
Han d Bell
. .

1 9 3 Th e S
. p oon and L a dl e , .
23 5 . Th e -

c . P urer
o s .
e Variou Dom e tic Uten il
. s s s s, &c .

1 94 Th e P roch oiis , Oinocho e 23 6 Th e Door Knock r

237 Th e K ey

O lp e ,
&c .

238 Th e Han d Mirror


1 95 ekyth . Th e L us .

196 1 9 7 -
p out Pitcher
Th e L ip s - 239 Th e F an
240 Variou T l
. .
. .

1 98 Pip e p out Pot

. Th e -
s .
. s oo s .

1 9 9 200 B ttl e
. Th e o .

0 F urn itur e
d Dri ki g Ve els
. .

. n n ss .

a S eat s
201 Th Kyl ix K antharo
. .

202 Th Rhyt n
. e ,
s , c .

24 1 243 -
. Th e i Cha r .

203 Th C p an d Beaker
e o .

24 4 24 5 -
Th e T hrone an d A m chair r -

. .
e u
24 6 Th e S
. .

204 Th Cha lice d Go bl et

t l
. .

e an
24 7 Th e S oo
. .

205 Th Ha a p

F ld g Chair

e n
248 Th e o in
. .

206 Th Rum m er or R Om

Bench g
. .

e er
24 9 Th e
. .

207 Various Dri king Ve e l

. .

208 Th Mug

n ss s .

250 . Th e S , ofa and Couch .

209 Th Tankard abl e



. e . . T s .

210 M d ern Dri ki g Gl asse

. o n n s .
251 Th e T
. abl e
252 Th e Writi g Tabl e n -

M eta l Obj ects

. .

B . .

a U ten il
lluminati on
s s for I
c Cab i et
. n s .

. .

253 Th e
21 1 21 2 Th e Ca d e l ab rum

id eb ard
254 Th e S
. .

21 3 Th e Anti q e L am p
. o .

21 4 215 Th Can dl estick

u .

Ha ging Cab i e t
255 . Th e n -
n .

21 6 Th Ha d Can dl e tick
e n -

s .
Che t
256 . Th e s .

21 7 Th e Can dl e Bracket

1 Mi ce ll a eo
( s n us
21 8 Th Pen d ant L a m p
. .

25 7 Th De k an d Ea e l
. e -

219 Th e Cha d e l ier


. e s , s .

258 Th Cl ck Ca e an d T il et
. n .

220 Mod ern L am p s

. e o -
s , o
. .

Cab i et n

259 260 Th Be d tea d an d C dle


Re l igiou Uten il s e s ra
s s

221 Th e Alta . r .

222 Th Tri p o d . e .
D . F ra mes, (fie .

223 Th eCen er
. s .
261 - 262 Th e A rchitectural Frame

Mi ror Fram e &


224 Th e. .
263 -
26 4 Th e r -
C o ier and M ,
. .

225 Th e. r z , on 265 -
266 Th e Strap work Fram e -


Typ g p hi l Fra m e

26 7 268 Th e o ra ca
St pg
. -

k Tabl et

269 Th e w
U te il f War an d Hunting
ra or .

Stra p work Bord er


c ns s O
27 0 Th e d

Weap ons an
. =

226 Th Shie ld
. e .

227 Th He l m et e
E Jew elr y
. .

228 Th Sword and it Scabb ard

. .

e s
, .

229 he Dagger and it Scab s 271 Th e .

Butt n

ard 27 2 . Th e o .


230 Th Halb erd & e c 27 3 Th e R .

. .

274 Th e
Tabl e Uten il
. .

d . s s .
27 5 The Neck l ace .

Bra e l et

231 Th Sp oon
. e . 27 6 . Th e c .
TA L .

27 7 Th e
. Girdl e Buckle , , an d 28 9 . Crow s
n ,

l s Cap 290 . Heraldic Acce ori ss es

. .

278 Th e
. .

279 Th e
. Ear ring - . G .

280 M s i ce ll aneou Jewelry s .

29 1 . Rom anes que L ette rs .

F H era ld ry
29 2 293 -
. Got c Unci l L etter
hi a s

O ld Engli h L ette &


29 4
. .

. s rs , c
inctur d Di v i ion Ol d Germ n L etter

28 1 . T es , an s s, 29 5 . a s.
the Shield . 29 6 . Mo d ern Text s .

28 2 . Sh p e of th Shi el d
a s e . 297 . R enai ance L ette
ss rs

28 3 . s . 29 8 . Roman I i tia l n s .

28 4 285
. 29 9 . Ro m n L etters
a .

28 6 . F o m of the He lmet
r s . Constru tion c Num era l
s , s,
28 7 288
. H lm fi Tra pp ing
e s . M onogram s.
D I V I S I ON I .



A . Ge o m e tri c a l El e m e n ts ,

M o ti v e s .

B . Na tu ra l Obj e c ts :
a Pl t g i m
. an or an s s
( lo ra
F Of

o rn a m e n t
) .

C . A rt fic i i l Obj e
a c ts
(TrOp h ie s ,

S ym b o ls , e tc .

Ne tw rk o . Band Moti v e s .

(Pl a te

systems of subsidiary lines required in geometrical patterns

Th e ,

9. g parquets mosaics window glaz ing &c are termed Nets Th

, , ,
, . e

name explains i tself They may be of very various kinds Th most. . e

frequent are quadrangular and triangular reticulations combi ed of ,


single squares or equilateral triangles A Special network resembling .


th e plait of a cane chair is required for some Moorish patterns , .

Ordinary quadrangular Equal di visions are set off in one di c

1 . . re

tion parallels are drawn through the points Of division and

, ,

th former c t by a line at an angle of

e uTh points e ,

where these diagonals c t the parallels m ark the di vi sions in u ,

the Opposite direction .

2 Oblique quadrang l ar
. Th divisio s e set Off on a vertical u . e n ar -

line and the parallels are then drawn at an angle of 4 5 on 0

each side of the points of division .

3 Straight with alternate divi s i ons Constructi on similar to No 1

. . .

4 Oblique quadrangular
. with alternate divisions Const uction , , . r

similar to N 2 O .

5 Moorish Diapers
6 Enlarged detail to No 5
. .

. . .

7 Triangular net
. It is based on the cn tr ctio of the equi
. ns u n

lateral triangle ; and may be arr anged in two attitudes s show .

a n

in figs 8 and 9 . .

8 and 9 Enlarged details to fig 7

. . .

(Pl a t e s 2

Plates 2 3 and 4 cont in a number of band motives These

a .

are made by the joining of regularly placed points those in Plate 2 -


are joined by straight lines ; those in Plate 3 by rcs ; and those in a

Plate 4 by a combination of both .

Each of the plates contains beneath th motives Sp ecimens of ,

e ,

their application taken from di fferen t styles ,



1 , 7, 8 and 1 4 Greek . .

2 . Zigzag lines .

15 . Moo ish plaited band

r .

6 an d 16 These exampl es
. m a y be ill us trated by folded strips of

paper .

Ne tw k
or . P l te
a 1 .

Pl t e
a 2
. Ba d M tiv
n o es .

Ba d M tiv
n o es . Pl at e 3 .
8 O

P la te 4 . Ba d M ti ve
n o s .
Ban d Motiv e s. Diap er Patt e rn s .

71 and 1 9 Carvings in basrelief from the impleme ts of savages

. n .

18 . Greek ase painting Moti v e th seam

v ,
: e .

20 . Waves with lotus Egyptian wall painting (Owen J ones) ,



5 -
and 1 3 Undulate lines . .

10 . Moti v e f the strung coin p ttern (coins threaded on a cord)

“ "
a .

17 . Romanesque orname t from an evangeliarium written for Charle n

magne 8 th century Library Of the Louvre Paris

, , ,

18 . Romanesque mural painti g Swedish church n ,


19 . Chinese dam skeened ornament from a v e (Raci t) a as ,

ne .

13 Romanesque glass painting church of 8 U rban Troyes
: ,

15 Frieze house Beau e 1 7 th century (R ci t)

, ,
n , ,
a ne .

N B Where two arc are joi e d it i e e ary in ord er to a v oid a

. . s n : s n c ss ,

bre k that the tw centre an d the p i t of j nction hould b e in th

a , o s o n u s e

sam e t aight line

s r .

(Pl a te s 5

Plat s 5 6 and 7 give a selection for flat patterns Almost all

e ,

the constructions may be referred to the quadrang lar or the trian u

g ular Net Th ex mples in Plate 5 show

. junctions in a straight
e a

line ; those in Plate 6 are composed of arcs ; and in Plate 7 th e

reg larly placed points are joined by mixed lines

u -

Th designs may be used as patt rns for parquet flooring window

e e ,

glazing and similar work without further enrichment They are at

, ,

the same time available as construction lines for the further develope -

ment f richer patterns for mural and glass painting carpets tapestry
O , , ,

ceilings &c as shown by the examples of application appended to


the simple motives .

se ,

4 and 6 . Roof covering may be considered as th moti v e

e .

10 Th natural motive is the cell of the honey bee


1 3 —1 5
. .

. Designs for fl ceiling by Sebastian Serlio l 6 th century


er , , ,

(Formenschatz) .

W I TH A R C S .

1, 4 and 7 S c le motives . a .

10 . Romanesque glass painting Cath edral Bourges , , , (Ra c in et) .


Pl at e 5 . Di p r P tt r
a e a e ns .

P la te 7 . D iap r Patte
e rn s .
Diap er Pattern s . The S e ctor Polyg n and Star
, o , . 13

11 . Mural painting As sisi (Vorbilder fur Fabrikant en und Hand

, ,

werker) .

12 . Old Italian mural painting S Francesco A isi (H s m e ) ,

an ,
ss ,
e se r .



10 . Old It lian mural painting

a Sa n Francesco ,
A ssisi , (B essemer) .


Polygons and Stars are of frequent occurrence in ornamental

design Th Sector is the foundation of Rose ttes Th Polygon d
. e . e an

the St r are often used as Frames to Ornaments They also serve

a .

as compartments in cofi Ceilings and composite ornamental designs er .

In this case they are frequently di vi ded into smaller figures as will
, ,

be seen in the following plates .

Plate 8 gives the shape and co struction of those which most ,


frequently occur ; followed by some examples of their application .

PL ATE 8 R A D I ATI N G F I GU R E S , & c

. .

1 . Th e S ector produced by the reg lar division of circles

u .

5 . Th S quare described obliquely in a circle

e ,

6 . Th S quare formed b y the juxtaposition of right angles and


cutting Off the lengths for the sides


Th regular Octagon described obliquely in a circle

e ,

Th regular Oct gon descri b ed in the square by measuring


e a

half diagonals from its angles .

Th regular Triangle and Hexagon formed by measuring the

e ,

radius as chords six t ii s round the circumference

, ,
ne .

Th regular Duodecagon formed by applying the radius

e ,

to the circle from the ends of two diameters at right angles

to each other
—1 2

11 . Th regular Pentagon and Decagon formed by a co st c

e ,
n ru

tion b ased on the theorem of the Golden Mean as shown “

in the figures .

Th regular fi e pointed Star formed by joining the alter

e v -

nate points of fi points placed at equal distances in the ve

circ mference of a circle Known in the history of magic

u .

and witchcraft as the Pentagram or Pentacle “

Th regular six point d Star

e formed by joining alternate
e ,

points placed at equal distances in the circumference of a

circle .
14 Th e S ect r Polyg n and Star
o , o ,
. Th e S quare an d , its S ubd iv i ion s s .

15 —1 6 Regular eight pointed Star formed by combining every


second or third of eight points placed at equal distances in

the circumference of a circle
—1 8

17 . Regular ten pointed Stars formed by joining every second


or third of ten points placed at equal distances in the

circum ference Of a circle .

The pointed Stars may also be formed by producing to

a sufficient distance the ides of ordinary regular polygons ; S

and conversely e ch star contains a simpler star as well

, ,

as the regular polygon of the same number of sides


Star formed by a suitable combination of corresponding


points reg larly placed on the circumferences of two con


centric circles .

U raniscus the star like decoration Of a Greek cofl ceiling '

, er .

From the Propylaea in Athens G old on a blue ground . .

Back of a modern chair carved in basrelief , .

Ornamentation of a semi regular pointed star Arabic -


1 6 th century (Prisse d A e s)

, v nn e .



reg lar four sided figure or Square with its equal sides
The u -

and angles is a fundamental form of frequent occurence It may be


divided into compartments in various ways ; the p i ciip l auxiliary r n a

lines for this purpose bei g the Diagonals (or oblique lines co n n

n ecti g the angles) and the Diameters (or lines connecting the centre
n ,

of each side) Where the square 8 di vided for a ceiling floor or

. 1 ,

similar Object a border is made round the enclosed space In most

: .

cases a la rge central compa tment is retained ; and this may be a



square either parallel or oblique to the other ; or may b e a circle

, ,

an octagon &c ,

Th Subdivisions of Plate 9 follow the richer divisions of


Plate 1 0 .

—1 5
. .

1 . Th e simple Subdivisions .


—8 Richer and more complicated Subdi i sions


1 . v .

6 .
R lli g of Ceiling
ane inn Nuremberg
n Moder n , , ,

8 .P nelling of ceiling Massimi Palace Rome by B aldassare

a , , ,

P i Italian Renascence (L t
eru zZ illy)
, ,
e a rou .

t r the P lyg
Th e Se c o ,
o on , and the ar
St . Pl at e 8 .

Pl ate 9 . Th e S qua re , and ubd ivi io

its S s n .

Th e S q a
u re , and its S u bdivi i
s on .

Me y er, H and bo k
o of Orn a m e n t .
18 Th e S ubdivi i n s o s of the Octag on , T ria gl e n , an d Hexag n —Th O bl g &
o . e on , c .


(Pl a t es 1 1 and

Next to the square the r gular polygons most frequently occur : e

ring i ornam entation are the Octagon d the Hex gon Th Triangle
n an a . e ,

P ntagon Decagon and Duodec gon are for obvious reasons less
e ,
, ,

common ; while the other reg l r polygons e scarcely used at all ua ar .

S ometimes the semi re gular po lygons also appear These are form d -
. e

by cutting off equal triangles from the angles of a regular polygon


in such a manner that the esulti g figure has long and short sides r n

alternately and the angles all lie on the circumference of a circle


D iagonals and Di meters with seri s of lines in th manner of a e e

pointed stars are the r diest auxiliaries for divi ding reg lar and
ea u

semi regular Polygons


. .

1 . Th e best known Subdivisions


PL ATE 12 . TH E TR IA N GL E , TH E H E X A G ON , &e .

1 5 Simple Subdivisions of the Equilateral triangle

. .

6 13 . Th best known Subdivisions of the regular Hexago

e -

14 . Subdivisio s of a regular Pentagon n .

(Pl a tes 1 3

right angled plane figure with unequal pairs of sides

The -

known s an Oblo g is the m st usual of all fundamental forms

a n ,
o .

Ceilings floors walls doors wainscoting panels of furniture table

, , , , , ,

tops book covers a d numbers of other obj cts have an oblong

n e ,

shape The di fference in the lengths of the sides adapts itself to all

possible conditions the Oblo g approachi g the square on the one : n n

hand and the B and or Border on the other ; so that the divisions r a e

very various ; as will be seen by a gla ce at the examples A a n . s

r le the diagonal is not used as an auxiliary line but is replaced

u , ,

by the mitral line of the angle as this latter alone gives equal

breadths of the Border Wh en the Oblo g approaches the S quare . n ,


distorted square subdivi sion is sometim s re sorted to (Comp re P I 1 6

e - a ,

fig .


. .

1 6 . Th e usual subdivisions .

7 . Mo saic flooring Italian , , ,

16 th centu ry , (S torck t

20 E M

Pl tea 12
. riangl e Hexag
Th e T ,
on , &c
, an d their Su bd ivi i
s on .
Th e Obl ng an d it Subdi v i ion
o , s s . Th e S ubdiv i ion of th Rhom bus
s e ,
&c . 21

PL ATE 14 . TH E OB L ON G .

1 . bdivision for Door panels Sofits of arches

Su , ,
&c .

2 . tablets & ,
c .

3 . Borders for ceilings .

4 and 5 . Modern Album covers (Gewerbehalle) -

, .

L ATE 15 . TH E OB L ON G .

Ceiling Quedlinburg G erman 1 5 6 0 (Gewerbehalle)

, , , , .

Ceiling Massimi Palace Rome by Baldassare Peruzzi (L eta

, , , ,
rouilly) .

Cofl ceiling Farnese Palace Ro m e by B rozzi da Vignola


er , , ,

(L eta r ou ill
y) .

PL ATE 16 . TH E OB L ON G .

1 . Ceiling modern (Gewerbehalle )

, , .

2 . Vaulted ceiling S Peter s Rome beginning of the ,


, , 1 7 th
century (Italienisches Skizzenbuch)
, .


(Pl a te

Rhombus or Lozenge is the name u ually given to the equi

“ ”

lateral foursided figu e with pairs of unequal angles The principalr


auxiliary lines of these figures are the diagonals Th subdivision . e

generally leaves an oblong or hexagonal p anel in the centre .

Th Trapeziu m is a four sided figure with unequal sides

e Th -
. e

Parallel Trapezium has two parallel sides which are unequal and two
equal sides which are not parallel (P I 1 7 figs 5 to Th Sym .
. e

met ical Trapezium has two pairs of adjacent equal sides (P I 1 7

r .

figs 9 and. A y other irreg lar four sided rectilinear figure is

n u -

a Trapezoid Some suit ble subdivisions are given on Plate 1 7

. a .

Definite directions for the Trapezoid c scarcely be given ; its sub an

division is seldom easy and varies wi th each partic lar case Th

general principle is —Endeavour to cut ff projecting a gles by mean
u . e

: -
o n s

of triangles in such a way as to leave a portion of the entire fig e ur

regular or symmetrical This is however a matter of artistic taste ; .

, ,

and more easily learnt than taught .

Among other applications of the symm trical or parallel Tr e a

p i m is that to Cupolas of D omes

ez u the lines are indeed curves :

on a b ent surface ; but this causes very little alteration in the sub
division .

Pl ate 13 . Th e O bl g
on ,
and its Su bdivi s ion .

bl g
Th e O on ,
an d bdivi i
its Su s on . Pl at e 14 .

Pl ate 15 . bl g
Th e O on ,
and ubd ivi i
its S s on .

Th e O on g , and ubd ivi i
its S s on . Pl t
a e 16 .

Pl ate 17 . Th e R ho m b u s, the Trap e z iu m , a nd their Su bd iv i i

s on .

P l at e 18 . Th e Circl e, and ubdivi i

its S s on .

Gothi c Tr a y
ce r . Pl ate 19 .
30 Got hic Tra y cer . Th e Elli p se .

the quatrefoil (in the centre of fig the cinquefoil & Th pro .

c . e

e cti g points
n term d cusp the voids between the
a re cusps are e s,

termed foils .

P L ATE 1 9 TR A C E R Y

. .

1 11 . Gothic tracery for panels and w indows Th figures give

, . e

partly the fundamental construction partly the further deve ,

l p m t
o Thus figur s 1 and 2 3 and 4 6 and 7 8 and
e en . e , , ,

9 1 0 and 1 1 belong together

, , .

(Pl a te

Ellipse is a figure whose radius of curvation is continually

Th e ,

changing It has the p ec liar quality th t if any point on th

. u a , , e

circumference be joined with the two foci the sum of the two o , c n

ne cti g lines is invariable

n and always equal to the longitudinal axis , .

Th three centred arch is an approximate construction to an

e -

elliptic curve It is composed of a number of ares which is not


possible in the cas e of the ellipse As regards beauty of line it c . an

never be a substitute for the Ellipse ; but its easier construction has ,

notwithstanding caused it to b used for many purposes,


e .

Th expression Oval for the ellipse is erroneous Oval is

“ ”

derived fro m ovum (egg) and therefore means an egg shape


Th Ellipse is of comparatively late appearance in art the o

e ,
c n

struction presupposing a certain knowledge of Geometry which was ,

not possessed by primitiv peoples Afterwards it became of common e .

application as will be seen from many passages of this Handbook


Th e Ellipse is a very popular shape for ceilings panels boxes and , , ,

dishes Figu e 1 5 affords hints as to th manner of subdividing it

. r e .

20 . TH E E L L I P S E , & e .

C n truction by m ean of 8 p int

o s s o s .

When the q are with it d i g al d tran v er al is p j

s u s a on s an s s s ro e c

te d Obl g the circl e d e c ib e d in it b ec m e an Ellip e

as an on ,
s r o s s .

C truction from the F ci

on s o .

Fr m the end f the c jugate axi d e crib e circl e with a

o s o on s, s s

ra di of one hal f th tran v er e axi ; the p oint where the e

us e s s s s s

circl es t each ther will b e the foci N w div id e th tra

ou o . o e ns

v er e axis into two e q al p art an d from the f ci ce tre

s un u s ,
o as n s

d e crib e circl e ha v i g th e un q a l p art for their ra dii ; the

s s n es e u s

p i t of i ter cti n w ill b e f ur p int of the E ll ip e An th r

o n s n se o o o s s . o e

di v i ion w ill gi v e an th r f ur p i ts an d
s on o e o o n ,
so .

Con truction by m ean of Ta gent

s s n s .

C n truct an O bl o g with i d e f the l e gth of the tran v r e

o s n s s o n s s e s

an d c nj gate ax re p ctiv ely ; draw the tra v er al tha t

o u es s e ns s s, 18 ,

Th e Ellip se , an d ubdivi i
its S s on . Pl ate 20 .
32 Th e Elli e ps .

the t an v r e d njugate ax ; j oin the end of the axe in

r s e s an co es s s
on e of the quarters by a di ag nal ; d t fl a num b er of p oi t o an se -

n s

on thi diagonal Thro gh the e p oint draw straigh t l in from

s . u s s es
the o pp osite angl e an d al o p arall l to the l gitudina l axi , s e s on s .

N w join the p oint thu o b taine d on the out i d e of the quarter

o s s s s

in th way show in the figure ; an d t an fer the e line to the

e n r s s s
rem aining th ee quarter ; an d a eries of ta g nt will b e ob taine d
r s s n e s ,

within which the ellip e can b e drawn by han d s .

Con tr ctions by mean of two Circl es

s u s .

With the centre of the Ellip se as a centre d e c ib e t w circles s r o

p a i g thro gh the end of the tran v erse and conjugate axe
ss n u s s s

re p ectiv e ly ; d aw a num b er of diam ter through two pp o ite

s r e s O s
qua drant ; where the e diameter
s t th m all er circl e draw s s cu e s ,

p arall el to the l ongitudinal axis ; an d w here they t the great r

s cu e
circl e p arall l to the tran v er e axi (or v ice v er a) ; the p oint
, e s s s s s s
of the p arall e l will then h p oints on the e ll ip se Th oth r
s e . e e
p oi ts re quire d may b e b tai e d by p ro duci g the p arall el s into
n O n n

the remaini g quad nt Thi con truction m y b e p ecially re

n ra s . s s a s

com m end e d f p ractical use or .

Practical con truction on a l arger scal e (centre gard en b e d

s s, -

Mark the two foci by na il p o t & ; pl ace roun d them a s, s s , c .

cord e qual in length to the tran v er e axis plu the di tance s s s s

b etween the foci and tie d at b th e d ; tretch the cord tense , o n s s ,

by means of a p encil and l et the l atter run round the foci the , :
r ulting figure will b e an E ll ip e
—12 es
S e v era l con tructions for E ll ip i d
s .

con tructi n 7 —
7 . s so s .

I n 9 the l e gth of the tran v r e xis h

s o s a n s e s a as
d efi ite in v ariabl e p rop ortion to that of the co j gate axis

n , n u , so
that wh n the one i giv en the other im m ed iately foll ow I
e s s . n

c n truction 1 0 1 2 the l ength of each axi i v ariabl e Th

o s s -
s s . e
p int of junction of two circl es of different di am eter m u t lie on
o s
th e s am e traight line the centres of the two circl e
s as s .

De crib e two circl es each of w hich p a es thro gh the centre of

s ss u

the other Join the centres w ith the p oints of intersection of the

circl e the traight l ine so f rme d will m ark ff the four arc
s: s s o -
o s
of which as the figure hows the Ellip soid i co m p o e d Th cent e
, S , s s . e r
p oints are marke d by s m all d t o s .

De crib e two circl es touching ach other an d with the p oint f

s e , o
c ntact as centre d e crib e a third circl e of the same d iameter
o , s .

The e three irc l es o t each other in four p oints

s c Join the e to u . s

the ext al ce tres ern h wn on the fig re ; an d the re ul ti g

n as S o u

s n

f r traight l ines will again mark ff the f ur arcs which are

ou s -
O o
then to b e d e crib e d from the p oints indicate d by th sm all d ots
s e .

C n t ct two quare ha v i g
o s ru si d e i com mon an d in them
s s, n on e n ,

d crib e th f r dia nal ; the e will then mark ff the four ar

es e ou g o s s -
O cs
hi h mu t then b e drawn from the p ints d enote d b y s m all
v s o
o s .

C n truct a recta gl e w ith i d es e qual to the tra v er e d

o s n s ns s an
l o gitudi al axe re p ectiv e ly ; draw the tw tran v e als (th
n n s s o s rs e
tran v r e an d l gitudinal axe ) an d join th ir end in one of
s e s on s e s

the quarter C t ff from thi li e b ginni g fr m the p int of

s . u -
o s n , e n o o

j uncti n with the c njugate axi the difference of half the tra
o o s, ns
ve e d half the co jugate axi ; on the centre p oint of the
rs an n s re

m aini g p ie e dra w a p erp e d icul ar an d the three more im il ar

n c n s
li e the e f u l i e wi ll th n h w the limit of the arc w hich
n s: s o r n s e s o s s

a re t h n to b e d awn fro m the

e i t m a ke d by s m a ll d ot
r p o n s r s .
Th e Elli p e s ,
&c . Th e th e c tr d Arch
re -
en e . 33

C n truct an O bl ng with i d es e qual to the t a v er e d

o s o s r ns s an

l git dinal ax r p ectiv ely

on u d draw the two t a v er a l
es es , an r ns s s .

M a ure the half of the tran v erse axi up on hal f the l ngitudinal
e s s s o
axi and ascertai th diff rence ; halv e this difference Thi ha lf
s, n e e . s
diff ence m u t w b e taken four tM al ng the tran v er e
er s no es o s s

axi tr m th centre p int f the Ellip id and three tim e al ong

s o e o o so ,
the l gitud i al axis Th four re quire d p oint wil l thus b h
on n . e s e O
t i d
a ne Th traight lines connecti g them will gi v e the p oint
. e s n s
o f junction of the arcs .

C n tructi n fro m eight centre

o s o s .

C truct an O bl g wh e i d are e qual to the maj r and

on s on os s es o
m i r ax
no re p ectiv ely ; draw the t a v er al an d j in their end
es s r ns s s, o s

in of the quarter Fr m the n are t a gl e draw a p p

on e s . o e s n er en
to thi diag nal ; the p i t w here thi p erp endi cul ar cut

di l cu a r s o o n s s s
the two axe will b e two of the re quire d centre Tw more
s s . o a re
O b tai e d by ymm etrical tran fer nce Fr m the e four p i t
n s s e . o s o n s
d e cri be circl e with a ra diu
s (CB DA) ; the p oi ts where
s s -
they t each oth r inter ally will giv e f ur m re centre I f the
ou e n o o s .

centre thu f und b e j ine d by m ea f traight line

s s o hown o ns o s s, as s
on the figure the l atter will m ark the p oi t wh re the eight
, n s e
arc w ill m et
s e .

Con tructi n f O v al or egg hap e d figure Th c truction f

s o o s -
s s . e on s o
s uch fig re u ually c n i t in comb ining a em i ci cl e with a
u s s o s s s s -

s em i llip e -
e s .

Draw in a circl e two d iam eters at right a gl e t each oth r n s o e

an d tw inter cti g chord of a q a drant ; th e when pro duce d

o se n s u es
wi ll d eterm i the p oi t w here the v a ious ar m eet Th
ne n s r es e
entre of th e l atter lie on the end of the diam eter

c s es s s
Th con truction of the l w er ha l f i the am e in fig 7 Th

e s o s s as . e
centre f the upp er l i in th inter ecti n of ta gent to the

o es e s o n s
l wer and upp circl e
o er s .

Exam pl e f the ubdi vi ion and d ecorati n of an e llip se (St rch

o s s o , o


Z ei h v orl ag n)
c en e .


hree centred arch which was often used in the Transition

The T -

period between the Gothic and the Renascence may be considered as , a

semi ellipsoid ; and it may be described by one of the methods sh o w


on Plate 20 (see also the Head piece to this Section on page -

Me y e r, Han d bo k o of Orn a m e n t .

N A T U R A L F O R MS .

a . The Or ga n isms f P la n ts (F lor a

o f Orn a men t)
o .

In nearly every style the plant world h s been used in patterns -

a .

Leaves sprays flowers and fr i ts either singly or combined have

, , ,
, ,

been adapted in ornament Th direct imitation of nature retaining

. e ,

form and color as much as possible leads to the naturalistic con ,

cepti ; the const uction of an ornament according to the rules of

rhythm and symmetry with a stricter obse vance of regularity —is
on r


known as the artificial method .

Th selection of the comparatively f w plants from th l xuriant

e e e u

field of the plant world was partly determined by beauty of form (the

outline of the leaf the delicacy of th e Spray &c ) and partly by the
, ,

f t that they possess (or did at some time possess) a symbolic


meaning .

Th e plate s which illustrate this section will first exhibit th e

Ak th os ; and then such plant forms as are less used or only found
an -

in certain styles They will first be presented as they exist in Nature ;


and then as they w ere modified in the various styles .

(Pl a t es 21

Of all the ornamental designs which have been borrowed from

plants ; the Ak th s is the most popular Since its introduction by
an o .

the Greeks it recurs again and again in every Western style A


symbolical significance has never attached to the Ak th ; its freque t an os n


Pl at e 21 . Th e Ak a n th o s L eaf
and th e Artificil a L ea f

ti ial
Th e Ar fic L ea f
. Pl ate 22

Pl ate 23 . rtifi ia l L eaf

Th e A c .
Th e A rtifici l L eaf a . Artificial Fo liage . 39

5 . Romanesque leaf monastery of ,

St T . rophimus ,
A rles ,
X II . century
( g
Ra u en et
) .

6 . Gothic leaf , (
L e i vre) .


1 . L eaf French Renascence St Eustache Paris

, ,

Leaf style of Louis XVI (R g t)

, ,
a u en e .

L eaf French Renascence church Epernay (Li ev e)

, , , , r .

- Leaf French Renascence (Gropius)
, ,

0 Modern Leaf Louvre Paris (F A M Cours d o
, , ,
. . .

rn em en t
) .

0 Modern L eaf Theatre Monte Carlo Monaco (R gu
, , , ,
a en et
) .

(Pl a te s 24 —2

croll s a purely artistic in v ention the natural plant having

Th e S I ,

no tendrils Flow rs and calices such as f equently occur in a tificial

. e ,
r r

foliage are usually developed with serrated edges composed to recall

, ,

natural models (Comp Plate 25 figs 2 und ,

A tificial foli age is .
. r

often combined with forms from plants e g la el oak ivy ears ,

. . : ur , , ,

of wheat &c (Comp Plate 26 figs 2 and

What was said above .

Of the Ak th s leaf holds good here too for the di fferences of exe
an o , ,

cu ti in the various styles Th e greatest luxuriance d the highest

on . an

elegance were attained by the Italian Renascence (Comp Plate 25 ,


fig It is characteristic of the Lo i s XVI epoch that the lines

. u .

which form the scroll are som stim s flattened and so to Speak make e e , , ,

elliptic spirals (Comp Plate 26 fig ,



1 . Ornament summit of the monum ent of L ysik t

r a es
A thens .

2 . Cup Roman,

3 . Rom an ornament the so called Medicean Pilaster ,

(A i rt ficial fo
liage of a large ize) S .

4 . Fragment of a Greek relief (F A M Co s d o ,

. . .

rn em en t
) .


1 Roman ornament marble B iga from the style of the ornament , ,

it must have been an imitation of an original in bronze .

2 . Roman ornament from th so called Florentine Pilaster a richly

“ ”

decorated marble relief in the Uffi i Florence (Jaco b sthal) z

, ,

3 . Romanesque frieze St Denis (Li evre) ,


4 . Early Gothic Notre Dame Paris (Li evre) , , ,


5 . Re ascence ornament relief on the tomb of H i im o Basso St

n , _
er on ,

Maria del Po p olo Rome by S ansovino (Gropius) , , ,


Pl at e 24 . i il
A rt fi c a li g
Fo a e .

i i l F liage
Ar t fic a o . Pl te
a 25 .

Pl ate 26 . rtificial F liage

A o .

Pl ate 27 . Th e L a l
u re ,
and th e O l iv e .

Th e L a u r el, th e B a y, an d th e O li v e . Pl at e 28 .

Pl ate 29 . Th e Vi ne : N atural .

Th e Vi ne : ti ial
Ar fic . P l a te 30 .
48 Th e Vine the , Lo tu the Papyru an d the P a l m
s, s, .

ecclesiastical art of the Middle Ages adopted the Vine toge

Th e ,

ther with ears of Corn as the symbol of Christ , .

L at r styles and Modern art have adopted th Vine in both the

e , , e

antique and medieval senses .

PL ATE 29 . TH E V I N E .

1 . Nat ral branch

u .

PL ATE 80 . TH E V I N E .

1 . Scroll ornament Roman relief ,


2 . Roman ornament vertical B order , .

3 . Early Gothic ornament Notre Dame Paris (Li evre) , , , .

4 . Renascence ornament Italian pilaster ,


5 . Renascence ornament frieze Venice 1 6 th century (G ii , , , ,

r n er
) .


(Pl a te

Lotus and th Papyrus are p lants of ancient oriental civi

Th e e

lis tio ; and play an important part in th social life of the Egyptians
a n e ,

Hindoos Assyrians and other nations Th dried stalks of th se water

, ,
. e e

pl nts were used as fuel or made into mats and other plaited arti
a ,

cles ; their roots served as food ; the pith as wicks for lamps The .

paper of the ancients was m ade of Papyrus This explain sits appear .

ance in the ornamental art of these nations and its special luxuriance , ,

in E gyptian style Spoons and other utensils were decorated with Lotus

flowers and calices ; the ca p itals of Columns imitate the flowers or

buds of the Lotus the shaft m pl s a bound group of stalks ; the
: r ese e

base reminds us of the root leaves of these water plants ; their mur l a

Painting shows Lotus and Papyrus moti v es in the most comprehe sive n

manner Th Lotus was sacred to Osiris and Isis and was the sym
. e ,

bol of the recurring fertilisation of the land by the Nile d in a ,

an ,

higher sense of immortality



Th Palm of which a few varieties exist in the Eas t and S outh

e ,

of Europe is also used in ornament l art Palm leaves or branches were

a .

used at the entry of kings into Jerusalem at the feasts f Osiris in ,


Egypt at the Olympian games in Greece and in the triumphal pro

, ,

cessions of ancient Rome They were the symbol of victory and of .

peace In this latter sense they have been rece ived into the ritual

of the Christian church Th late Renascence and following styles . e

down to the present day have made a decorative use of palm leaves .

Th symbolic significance in a higher sense as the token of eter al

e ,

peace has secured for the Palm leaf a place in Modern art on to mb s

and similar monum ents Th decorative e ffect of dried palm fronds . e ,


Th e L o tu the Papy
s, ru s , an d the P l m
a .

Me y er, H and b k
oo of Orn a m e n t .

Pl ate 32
Th e I vy : Natu al
r ,
an d Artifica l
52 Th e Corn ,
&c . Variou s L ea v es .



(Pl a t e s 3 3,

eeing how important agriculture has been in ll ages it w s


a , a

impossible that decorative t sho ld neglect the ears of Wheat ar u


although their comparatively sc nty ornamental possibilities prevented a

any very extensive application Combined with other motives e rs .


of Corn have been made us e of in various styles In ecclesias tical .

art they have a symboli c l significance (S what was said of the Vine)
a ee .

Th H Op (H mu lus l p u l s) is a well known indigenous plant

e u u u

of civilisation and also occurs wild in marshy woods I ts picturesque


qualities indicate it as well adapted for ornamental use In combina .

tion with e rs of Barley it is applied in Modern art to th decoration

a ,

of Beer mugs th walls of Inns &c

e ,

Th e Convolvulus ( Convol u lus) an indigenous climbing p lant of v ,

ornamental appearance is frequently us ed in Modern art ,


Th e B ryony (B ryom ) has delicate tendrils and beautifully in


dented leaves whi ch afford a fertile motive so that it is w to ishi g

, ,
n n

that this and other allied plants have hitherto found comparatively

little favor in decorative t ar .

PL ATE 33 . TH E CORN , &c .

1 . Ears of Cats (Av en sa ti a) a v .

2 . Ears of Rye (S ca le cer e le) e a .

C Ears of Wheat (M ticum lga e) vu r .

Ears of Spelt (T iticum sp elt ) r a .

C Ears of the comm on Barley (H o deum dis tichum) r .

G Ears of the battledore Barley (H o deu m zeokm ton) r


N Field Co o v lus (Con olvu lus a ensis) with red flowers Th
nv n u v rv . e

hedge Convolv lus (Convolvu lus sep tum) has a similar habit and

white flowers (Th group has been sk etched f eely from a

. e r

from nature by B ofl ge of Stuttg rt )

n r a .

PL ATE 34 . TH E H OP , &c .

Hop s and B ryony (drawn from pressed plants) .

(Pl a te

Plate 3 5 pre s nts a series of various leaves whose general orna

e ,

mental possibilities have either secured or deserve to secure for them

aplace in art .

Th Oak the king of our indigenous tree s the symbol of power

e , ,

Th e Cr
o n, an d th e C nv lvulu
o o s . Pl ate 33 .

Pl ate 34 . Th e H op , and the Bry ny

o .

Va i u
r o s Le av es . Pl ate 35 .
56 Vari u o s L ea v e an d Fl wer s, o s .

and strength in antiquity the tree of Jupiter has from time to tim9
, ,

been used in every western style Oak foliage and perhaps alm ost .

as frequently the leaves of the Maple are often used in early Gothic , ,

where we meet them on friezes cornices and colum s Th f , ,

n . e ro

quent recurrence of oak leaves i certain works of the Italian Rena ,


scen c is due to the fact that the Oak w s the crest of the family of
e, a

d ella Rovere (R o er e winter oak ; tw members of which family

v o

ascended the papal chair as Sixtus I V and J lius IL) Oak som ti ,
. u .

mes alternating with la rel is usual orn ment of medals and coins
u ,
a a .

PL ATE 35 . OA K L E A V E S , &c .

1 Leaf of th winter Oak ( Q e cus sessiliflo a)

. e u r r .

N S pray of the bitter Oak ( Q e cus cerris) u r .

Leaf of the Maple (Aeer ca mp es t e) r

t Spray of the sugar Maple (Acer p la n ta noides)


C Leaf of a species of Ranunc lus u .

Q Leaf of the oriental Amber tree (L iquida m ber or ien ta l ) e .

fi Leaf of the Am c Am ber tree (L i quid a mbe S tym eifl a)

erI an r u .

(T his tree fu nishes the Storax or S tr

yrax a kind of resin ) , .

o Leaf of the Tulip tree (I /iriode d on t lip if m ) n r u e .

c Leaf of the climbing Mikania (Mika ni s ca de s) a n n .

o Leaf of the Liverwort (H ep a tiea tri loba) .

(Pl a te s 8 6 ,

It need scarcely be said that flowers these most beautiful pro ,

ducts of the plant world have in all ages been exceedi gly popul r ,
n a

in ornam ental rt In flat as well s in relief ornament they are

a . a

used in the most manifold forms as bouquets garlands wreaths &c , , , ,


Flower painting for decorative purposes (fans tapestry &c ) has de

, ,

ve lOp d i to a distinct branch of art

e n Flowers with their natural .

de elopement from a centre are the most obvi ous models for the for
v ,

mation of Rosettes (rosette little rose) Th Rosettes on th e we ll = . e

kno w n sarcophagus of Scipio the rosette B osses on the doors of th ,


Antique and the Italian Renascence are striking examples of this ,


Th realm of Flowers is so extensive that we must confine o

e ur

s elves to a few examples .

Plate 3 6 gives a variety of single fl owers (drawn from casts

from nature by J G B ofi ge of Stuttgart) Plate 3 7 shows a bou
. . n r : ~

quet of flowers .


1 . pine Rose
Al (R hod oden dr on) .

Vari u Fl w
o s o er s . Pl at e 36 .

Pl t a e 37 .
Va i
r ou s Fl w
o e rs .

Pl at e 38 . Th e F uit F
r e s toon .

Th e Fruit F t
e s oon . Pl ate 39 .

Pl ate 40 . a and Flower F t

Th e L e f, e s oon .
Th e Fe t s oon . An m i al Orga n ism s . 63

PL ATE 40 . TH E L E AF F E STOON , &c .

1 . Festoon between skulls Roman ,


2 . Festoon tomb of Beatrice and L avinia P

, tti on ze ,
Sta . Ma rI a della
Pace Rome Renascence by Baldassare Peruzzi
, , , .

3 . Festoon Louis XVI style ,

. .

4 . Festoon Modern Paris (R g t) , , ,

a u en e .

Anima l Orga nisms (The F a un a of Orna men t) .

By the side of the Flora stand the Fauna of ornament Th , . e

us of A i mals in natural or idealised forms is considerable ;

e ,
n , ,

but compared with that of Plant forms it is less extens ive The
, .

r ason of this is obvious that greater diffic lties stood in the way
e : u

of the adaptation of a i mal forms than in the use of plant motives n .

Th absence of A imals in the Mahometan styles is due to religious

e n

maxims whi ch forbade or limited the use of representations of living

Beings .

Following the same direction as was taken i the Flora we Shall n


find that the principal representations from the Fauna are not as ,

mi ght be supposed those of domestic a i mals such as the horse the ,

n ,

dog and the like but that the selection was g i ded first by the sym

b li character and next by the o amental possibilities of each


o c ,

If we disr gard the more a cid t l naturalistic use of animals

e en a ,

such as e liven scroll ornaments in the shape of butterfli es birds

n , ,

reptiles and other a i mals and confine our attention to those inde
n ,

pendent forms of a i mal ornament which have become typical ; they n

W ill be found to diminish to a comparatively small number the most ,

important of which will here be treated in detail Of the mammalia .

we have fi st to mention the Lion Tiger and Panther the Ox the

, , ,

Horse and the Goat ; the D lphi also finds a place Th Eagle
o n . e

is the only bird which has been generally used Then come the .

fantastic forms of fabulous animals the Griffin the double headed : ,

Eagle 8 0 ,
5 .

(Pl a te s 4 1

Lion (F elis leo) holds the first rank in ornamental fauna

Th e .

His stre gth bis courage and his nobili ty have assured him from the
n , , ,

earliest times the Title of King of Beasts His majestic stature his “ ”

compact proportionate build his striking muscles o ffer gratef l pro

, , ,

bl m to art
e sL ying walking Sitti g fighti g conquering or con
, ,
n ,

quered he is an often used motive

, .

L ion scenes and lion h ts are common subjects on the palaces un

of the Assyrian kings Characteristic natural movem nts and a .

e ,
64 Th e L ion .

distinctive rendering of the muscles give these idealised representations ,

a peculiar charm and a certain grande ur .

Th L ion was used in the Egyptian reli gion

e Th e fact that the .

annual overflow of the Nile so fertilising and of such imme se im ,


portance for the land occurred at the time when the sun entered the ,

S ign of the Lion brought the anim l into relation with water ; and led

to representations on pails and other vessels for water &c Egyptian ,


ar t us ually ide li ses the Lion till he is unrecog i sable ; it represents

a ,

hi m at rest ; and the simple severe treatment of the mane (not unli ke ,

a sti ff ruff) gives hi m somewhat of the appearance of the Lioness ,

which does not posses one .

Am ong the Greeks and Romans the Lion was cons idered as the
guardian of Springs of gates and temples ; hence his appearance at
, ,

fountains on flights of steps over gates and on monuments Th e

, , , .

sleeping Lion is the symbol of the fallen hero (Th lion of the . e

Piraeus the tomb of Leonidas and the tombs of Halicarn ss s m y

, ,
a u ,

be quoted as evidence ) .

I Christian art the symbolism of the Lion is various as th

n : : e

emblem of the Redeemer (the Lion of the Tribe of Judah) as the ,

emblem of the e i l principle and of the enemi es of the church as


well as of the D evil hi mself (the enemy who goeth about as a ro ring a

lion seeking whom he may devour) as the attribute of the evange

, ,

list St Mark and of other saints Hence his frequent appearance on


the vessels and other articles of reli gious use &c

, ,

In consequence of the crusades in the 1 2th centu ry he w s i a n

t od ced into Heraldry in whi ch he became the m


r u ost popular animal ,

fig re As a heraldic creatu e he was severely idealis ed (see

u . r ,

Division III under Heraldry) ,


In the Renascence period the Lion is represented in ll of th e ,


foregoing uses .

In the Rococo period th ere was little Skill and little understan , ,

ding for the figure of the Lion


Modern art follows the example of the Anti que and the Ren s a

cence ; and thus it comes that in the present day the Lion enjoys the
li on s share in decoration

It is remarkable that in all ages when representing the Lion A , ,


tists have given to hi s countenance something of a human type by using ,

the oval eye of man instead of the round Cat like eye (Compare ,
, ,

Plate 4 7 fig
Plates 4 1 —4 3 Show the Lion in nat ralistic treatment and also

u ,

the conventional treatments of the various epochs ; Plate 4 4 is devo

ted to heraldi c treatments .

exhau tiv e articl e entitl e d Der

An s ,
L Ow e in d er Kun t by Con s ,


Uh d e will b e f u d in the Gewerb eha ll e pp 8 1 et e qq

, o n ,
1 8 7
. 2 . s .

Th e L i on .

Me y e r, Hand b oo k of O rn a m e n t .

Pl at e 42
Th e L IOI I .

Pl at e 44 . Th e L

i on .
Th e L in o .

P L ATE 4 1 . TH E L I ON .

1 . Walking L ion from Nature (M h Bild rbog n) , ,

unc en er e e .

2 . Egyptian Lion relief with sunken outlines temple D , , ,

ao bel, (Ra
gu en et
) .

3 . Egyptian L ion Capitol Rome (R g t) , , ,

a u en e .

4 .
A ssyrian L ion glaz e d clay slabs royal palace Kh o s,
b d 6 th ce , ,
r a a ,

tury B C . .

5 . Heads of slaughtered lions Assyrian h s relief British Mus e um ,

a -

PL ATE 42 . TH E L I ON .

1 . L ion suppo ting a shield (called il Marzocco by Donatello Na



ti l Muse m Florence Italian 1 5 th century

on a u , , ,

2 . Lion front of the Louvre Paris Modern by Barye (Baldus Ra

, , , , , ,

gu en et
) .

3 . Lion Tuileries Paris Modern (Baldus R g t)

, , , , ,
a u en e .

4 and 5 L ion in front of the palace of the Cortes Madrid Mo

, , ,

dern (R g t)
a u en e .

6 . Lion supporting a shield Modern (R g e et) , ,

a u n .

P L ATE 4 3 . TH E L I ON .

1 . Sleeping L ion monument to Pope Clement XIII S t Peter s Rome


, ,

by Canova .

2 . Wounded L ion Kriegerdenkmal Hannover by Professor Volz of , , , ,

Carlsruhe .

3 . H ad of the Co m panion of the above

e .

4 . Walking Lion Modern French , ,


P L ATE 4 4 . TH E L I ON .

1 .Lion in pavement town hall L uneburg , , ,


2 .L ion shield of Joh nn of Heringen register of the m

ity of a ,
u v er s

Erfurt 1 4 8 7 (Heraldische Meisterwerke) , ,


3 .L ion coat of arms Inlaid marble work St

Croce Florence , ,
a .

Italian Renascence (T i i h Eingelegte M m O m t ) ,

e r c ,
ar or rn a en e .

4 .Lion coat of arms Intarsia panel St Maria Novella Florence

, , ,
a .
, ,

Italian Renascence (Meurer Fl h m t ) , ,

ac or n a en e .

5 .L ion tomb in Wertheim German 1 6 th century by J ohann of

, , , ,

Trarbach .

6 Lion supporting a shield mural decoration Modern (Heral

, , ,

dische Meisterwerke)


7 8 Heraldi c L ions Al brecht Du er

r .
70 Th e Gr fin , & c if . Th e L ion Hea d .


(Pl a te s 4 5 and

In addition to the imitations of natural animals there have been ,

from the arlist times various fab lous Monsters which were composed
c ,
u ,

of parts of s veral di fferent a i mals

e n .

Cent urs Sphi xes the Assyrian hum an Lions Lion and Eagle
a ,
n , ,

men combine the human and the animal body Th combination of

. e ,

different animal forms with one another leads to Monsters the chief
, ,

representatives of which are the G riffin and the Chi maera Th Griffin ,
. e

is the union of a Lion s body with the head and wings of an Eagle ’

Th fore extremities may belong either to the L ion or the Eagle

e As .

the Lion with water so the Griffin is associated in Antiquity with


fire ; hence his frequent appearance with Candelabra on friezes &c In , .

Heraldry the Griffin is the symbol of wi sdom and watchf lness ,

u .

There are other combinations ; e g the Chimaera the Hippo . .


g i fi
r the I c
hthy g iff & which may be seen
o rin P om p j decoration
c .
e an .

1 . Greek Griffin Fragment Museum Naples

, , ,

2 . Roman Griffin Fragment ,


3 . Griffin Renascence

PL ATE 46 . TH E GR I F F I N , &c .

1 . Head of an A ssyrian eagle headed Personage British Museum


2 . Head of an Assyrian lion headed P ersonage -


3 . Roman Chimaera Vatican ,


Sitting Griffin support of a seat Castle of Gaillon French Renas


4 .
, , ,

cence (F A M Cours d
. m t)
. .

orn e en .

Winged Lion tomb f Loys de B é Rouen cathedral 1 5 3 5


5 .
o r e sz , ,

1 54 4 .

6 . Winged L ioness as supporter Louvre Paris Mode n (Baldus)

, , , ,
r ,

7 . Sitting winged Lioness Casa S Isidora S antiago Chili Modern ,

, , , ,

F rench (R gu,
t) a en e .


(Pl a te s 4 7 ,
48 )
ion head has been still more extensively applied than th
Th e L e

entire figure of the Lion It is found in countless exam ples as a .

Gargoyle on the temples of the Antique as a Spout on vessels with , ,

a ring in the jaw as a Handle and Knocker on the doors of the por
tals of the Middle Ages and the Renas cence ; and as a purely deco
r ti
a element like Bosses and Rosettes Th Anti que created
ve . e a

Th e G iffin
r . Pl ate 45 .

Pl ate 46 . Th e G iffi
r n ,
Th e L ion H a d e ,
&c . Th e G at H ead
o ,
&c . 73

remarkable form by the direct union of the Lion head with on e

leg to form the support of a Table (S Division II Suppo ts

, ,
ee ,
r ,

Plates 1 4 3 and
1 . Head prospectus of Dr Schubert s Naturgeschichte

2 Head painting by Paul M y h im

e er e .

3 . Gargoyle M t p t m Greek (Gropius

e a on u , , ,

4 . Gargoyle terracotta Athens (Gropius)

, , ,

5 Gargoyle Parthenon Athens

, ,

6 and 7 . F ront and Side View of an antique he d Vatican a , .

48 . TH E L I ON H E A D .

Door knocker Cathedral Mainz Romanes que , , ,


Heads in basrelief by Ghiberti M dallions inside the bronze

, , ,

doors Baptistry Florence Italian Ren scence (Gropius)

, , ,
a ,

4 . Head fountain Of the sacristy S L or nzo Florence Ita


an e , ,

lian Renascence .

Head in medallion Italian Renascence

, ,

Head Heidelberg castle German Renascence

, ,

Gargoyle Opera House Paris Modern Fr nch Architect

, , , ,
e ,

Garnier (R g t) ,
a u en e .

Head Modern French Architect Garnier (R g t)

, , , ,
a u en e .

Head i profile Modern French by the sculptor Cain f

n , , ,

Paris (R g t)
a u en e .

Head by L i enard Modern Fren h

, , ,
c .

Head by Prof Vol z of Carlsruhe


TH E L ION H E AD, GO AT H E AD , &c .

(Pl a te s 4 9 , 50 )

iger (F elis tigris) and the Panther ( F elis p dns) are

The T ar

sometimes found in antique works Amorini Bacchantes and Maen ds .

, ,
a ,

gambol about on them or drive in carriages drawn by these crea ~

tu es ; and decorate themselves and their utensils with their skins

r .

Panther and Tiger heads as well as the head of the L ynx (F elis ,

lynx) find from time to time simi lar application to the L ion head

Ram heads are a favourite form of corner ornament for the cornices
of al tars and tripods ; or serve like the skulls of Oxen as objects
, , ,

from which to hang festoons Th decorative use in both cases is . e

connected with the use of the Ram as a sacrificial animal (Com ,

pare p .

Instead of real animal heads we sometimes meet with fantasti c

forms which may b d ib d as Chimaera heads e , es cr e .

Pl at e 47 . Th e L i on H e d
a .
76 He ad s of Various Anim al s .

PLA TE 49 . TH E P A N TH E R H E AD , &c .

1 and 2 . Front and side View of Panther head Mo d ern French , ,


3 and 4 . Front and Side w of Tiger head from Nature

n e , .

5 and 6 . Front and side View of Lynx head Antique Gargoyle , ,

Vatican .

P L A TE 5 0 . TH E R A M H E A D , &c .

1 and 2 . Front and side View of Chimaera head Cor er of antique ,


three sided altar-


3 . Ram head Roman alt r ,

a .

4 . Ditto .

5 . Ditto .

6 and 7 . Front and side View of R m h ad L ate Renascence a e , .

(Pl a t e

Horse (E qu s) o ffers certain diffic lties in the way of

The u u

artistic imit tion Th legs for exam ple are too thin for rendering
a . e , ,

in Statues except in Metal This circumstance presents less hin


dra n ce to representations in h s relief As an isolated figure the a -


Horse seldom occurs ; he is more frequent in groups forming teams

of two three and more (biga t ig qu d iga) intended to be
, , ,
r a ,
a r ,

the crowning feature of monumental edifices (S Ma rco Venice ; an ,

Brandenburger Thor Altes Museum Berli ; Propylaea Munich) mo stly, ,

n ,

along with the figure of the man who leads him (Horse tamers on ‘

the Monte Cavallo Rome) or rides him (Statue of the Condottiere


B artolomm eo C ll i 1 4 7 6 Venice ; the colossal statues in the Burg

o e on ,

hof at Vienna ; the Grosser K fii t the Alter Fritz the battle scenes ur rs , ,

by Kiss and Wolff on the st irc ases of the Museum at Berlin) In a .

h s relief the horse is almost without exception represented only in

a -
: , ,

profile (hunti g scenes from the ancient A ssyrian royal palaces the
n ,

frie z e of the Parthenon) In g tt sq Painting he furnishe s the


. ro e ue :

fore parts of various monsters the hinder parts being formed by ,

fish tails or in some other way The use of the horse head as a

medallion on Stables Riding schools Prize cups and numerous objec ts

, ,

connected with; sport is common in Modern art In Herald y the ,

. r :

Horse occurs in a few cases (Shield of Stuttgart) In Japan the . :

Horse is symbolical ; and is connected with the hours .

S till less adapted to ornamental purposes is the Ox; d ep e an r r

en at ti s are therefore exceedingly rare
on Th same is tr e of the . e u

D g the Pig the Fox the Stag the Hare &c whose forms either
o , , , , ,
, ,

entire or as heads are only us d symboli cally on such obje cts as

e ,

have some connection with Hunting (hunting weapons powder ho rns , ,

targets) .

Th e Pa th r Head
n e , ,
&c . P l ate 49 .

P l a te 50 .
Th e Ra m H e ad , &c .

r H d
Th e H o se ea ,
&c .
Pl a t e 51 .
80 Head of Variou s s A ni m al s . Th e Eagle

PL ATE 51 . TH E H OR SE H E A D , &c .

1 .Horse head Parthenon Athens , ,


Horse head Assyrian basrelief British Museum

3 —4 Antique Horse head
, ,

. .

Horse head Modern German , ,


Head of a hunting Dog ,

H d f F
Hid 5 f 2B 33 by H b n sch den of a e a ,
Mun chen .

Head of an Ox ,


(Pl a t e s 5 2

Like th e lion among quadrupeds the Eagle (Aquila F a lco , ,

fu l us ) isvthe most important representative of the feathered tribes .

His size and strength his majestic flight his keen vision distinguish , , ,

him above all other birds He has bee used in decorative t since . n ar

the earliest times e g in the Persian Assyrian and Egyptian styles

. .
, ,

With the G reeks he was the companion of Zeus whose thunder : ,

bolts he keeps and gu rds ; he carried off G anymede on his wings a .

Th e Romans us ed him in the apotheoses of their emperors ; and

c hose him for the st ndards of their legions Napoleon I imitating a . .

Roman caesarism granted his armies the French Eagle in 1 8 0 4


Hence the frequent appearance of th e Eagle on trophies and emblems


Of war

In ecclesiastical art th Eagle is the symbol of the evangelist : e

S J ohn whom be either accompanies or symbolises independen tly

, ,

Th e Eagle appears in H rald y t a very early period about e r a ,

th e time of Charlemagne Next to the Lion he is the most us ed .


heraldic creature (e g the United States Germany Austria Pru sia d

. .
, , ,
s ,
a n

France under the second empire all possess the Eagle) His heraldi c ,

forms vary considerably from the natural one B lue excepted he .


appears in all the tinctures Th double he ded Eagle is a Byzantine . e -


invention The heraldic eagle is a highly ornamental figure so that

, ,

from the middle ages up to the present time he has been employed ,

not only for heraldi c but also for pu ely decorative purposes he is ,
r :

seen in manifold forms i int rsia c t or etched in metal c t in n a ,

u ,

leather embroidered woven and painted ; on weapons and tools f rni

, , , ,

ture ceilings and walls (Se the Heraldic treatment in Division II I

, , ,
e ,

Our figures Show him atural as we ll as idealised in various ,

n ,

positions and conceptions ; plate 5 3 shows his heraldic forms (Comp ,


Th e Eagle . Th e Wing . 81

P L ATE 5 2 . TH E E A GL E .

1 Young Eagle in a scutella (dish) Roma

, ,
n .

2 Roman Eagle pedestal of Trajan s column R m (R g t)


o e, a u en e .

3 Roman Eagle Vatican Rome (R g

. t) , , ,
a u en e .

4 Roman Eagle in an oak garland B relief originally in Trajan s ’

a S-

Forum now in SS Apostoli Rome (De Vico Trenta tavole

, , , ,

5 Sitting Eagle modern (G erlach Das G w b m

, g mm ) , , e er e on o r a .

P L ATE 5 3 TH E H E R AL D I O E A GL E . .

1 Romanesque Eagle Germanisches Museum Nuremberg

, , .

2 Eagle G othic style Vi ll t l Duc (Dictionnaire de l hi t c ’

, ,
o e -
o- , a rc e

tu re) .

3 Eagle G othic style

. il painting
Germanisches Museum N m ,
O , ,
ur e

berg .

4 Eagle Gothic style by Al brecht Durer (Hirth Formensc hatz)

, , , ,

5 Eagle Renascence by Al brecht D ii

, (H i rth) ,
r er

6 Eagle Renascence (Hirth)

, ,

7 Eagle Renascence by W d li Di tt li
, (Hirth) ,
en er n e er n
, .

8 Eagle Modern G erman (Heraldische Meiste rwerke)

, , , .

P L ATE 5 4 TH E E A G LE . .

1 Eagle . as Akroter Flora pavill i on Louvre Paris Architec t

, , , , ,

L f l (B aldus)
e ue ,

B Eagle in a laurel garland Modern German by Rauch
, , , ,

O Eagle with olive branch in medallion L ouvre Paris (Baldus)
, , , , , .

l Eagle hi gh relief by Rauch on monument Berlin
, , , ,

O French Eagle M odern new Opera House Paris A chitect Garnier
, , , ,

( g
a u en et) .

0 Flying Eagle from Natu e ,
r , ( g
Ra u en et
) .

N Eagle from nature

WING (Pl a te THE .

A s the small scale of the preceding plates does not admit of

the details of the Wing being fully shown ; and as draughtsmen as '

well as modellers are often called upon to design winged shapes (be

sides the Eagle Angels Am orini Genii G ott sq es the C duceus of

, , , ,
r e u ,

Mercury the symbolic Wheel of the railroad &c we have thought it

, , ,

advisable to add a plate showing the details of th e Wings on a .

somewhat larger scale They are taken from nature ; but will be .

found helpful for idealised renderings .

P L ATE 5 5 TH E WI N G . .

1 Wing of a duck
. .

2 Wing of a wild goose

. .

M k O m
ey er , H an db o o of rn a en t .

Pl ate 52
Th e Eag l e .

was mum

Pl ate 54 . Th e Eagl e .

Th e Wi g
n . Pl t
a e 55 .
86 Th e Dolp hin .

(Pl a t e s 5 6

Dolphin (D lp hi us delp his F rench da up hi ) has enjoyed


e n , ,

an unusual share of attention This sea mammal which has some .


times been erroneously classed among the fishes lives i the seas of ,

th e northern hemi sphere swarms round ships swims in Shoals and , , ,

is fond of sport In ancient times the D olphin enjoyed and enjoys


even now in some parts a kind of veneration which protects him ,

from persecution We meet him occasionally on Antique coins on


G c italic terracottas on Pompeian mural paintings on fu niture

ra e o- , ,

and utensils and in the architecture of the Greeks and Romans


G igo IV of Viennois (1 1 4 0) took to hi mself the title of

u .

Dauphin , and the D olphin as crest One of his successors Humbert H


s rrendered the D phi y in 1 3 4 9 to Charles of Valois in exchange

u au n ,

for a legacy and on th e condition that the heir to th throne Should e

always bear the title Dauphin ; which condition was faithfully kept “ ”

This is the explanation of the frequent appearance Of th Dolphin in e

French de coration ; but its frequent appearance in It lian decoration a ,

is due to its artistic capabilities Th Dolphin is often used in . e

pilasters panels in intarsias in ceilings and mural paintings

, , , ,

in enamel in niello work and in typographical ornaments In

, ,

modern styles the D olphin often masks the spouts of fou tains In n .

symbolic representations he is the compa i on of Nymphs Nereids n , ,

and Tritons and of Arion Aphrodite and Neptune with whose

, , , ,

trident he is often combined in ornament .

Porti on of frie z e G co Italic Campana collection Paris ,

ra e , ,

S hield of the French kings 1 5 th cent y (R g e t) ,

ur ,
a u ne .

Castle at B lois French Renascence (R g t) , ,

a u en e .

Italian Renascence Louvre Paris (R g t) , , ,

a u en e .

Head from a relief French by Cl di (1 7 3 8

, , ,
o on

Pair of Dolphins by S chi k l (V0 bild fii Fabrikanten und ,

n e ,
1 er I

Handwerker) .

Head as pout by B b t Paris (R g e t)

S ,
ar eza , ,
a u ne .

Heads as Spouts, face and profile (Hauptmann Moderne Orna

, , ,

mentale Werke m Stile der Italienischen Renasce nce) i .

PL ATE 57 . TH E D OL PH I N .

l . Frieze ,
S ta . Maria dell ’

Ani ma ,
R om e (1 5 0 0 to Italian ,

( ga u en et) .

2 . Panel or ament French Renascence n ,


3 . Choir seats Certosa near Pavia Italia n Renascence , , , (Teiri ch,

Meurer) .

Pl ate 57

The D lphi
o n . Pl ate 58 .
90 Th e Dolp hi n. Th e S he ll . Th e S erp ent .

4 .Part of Frie z e Rome Arco della chiesa nuova Italian Re , , ,

nascence (Weissbach und L tte m o Architektonische Motive) o r ser ,

5 —6 Heads
, .

. .

7 s Parts of Address by G erman artists to king H m bert of Italy


by Director GOt z .

PL ATE 58 . TH E D OL PH I N .

1 . Panel Venetian Renascence

, .

2 . Lower part of panel Ducal Palace Ve i ce Italian Renascence , ,

n ,

3 . Part of frie z e St Maria della Pace Rome by Bramante 1 5 04

a .
, , , ,

4 . Part of Majolica Tile St Caterina Siena Italian Renascence ,

a .
, ,

5 . Head cathedral Limoges French Renascence

, , ,

6 . Handle of a vessel pilaster by Benedetto da Majano Italian , , ,

nascence .

7 . Pen drawing by Lucas von Leyden ,

(Pl a t e

ong molluscs the Nautilus (N utilus P omp ilius) and various

Am : a

shells principally of the family of the Tr ochoid are placed on feet ;


and elegantly mounted in metal serve as D rinking vessels



Th e S callop shell is used as the top of cylindrical niches as a ,

w t b si
a er in the form of a shallow dish and as a decorative back
a n ,

ground for vases and busts It was extensively employed for these .

purposes in the later Ren scence a .

PL ATE 59 . TH E SH E LL .

1 . Nautilus from nature ,


2 S . nail (Tur bo ma rmo a tus) from a Renascence drinking vessel r ,


3 . Exterior of the Scallop ( Ostr ea Ja coba ea P ecten Ja coba eus) ,

from nature .

4 . Interior of the Scallop after J ost Amman (Hirth Forme schatz) , , ,

n .

5 . S callop design Louis XVI style lower end of a panel


6 . Scallop design by the sculptor Lehr of B erlin

, ,

7 . S callop design for the decoration of a niche,


(Pl a te

erpent is occasionally used for symbolic and decorative

Th e S
purposes It is developed ints an antique Bracelet and to a Handle

for vessels a pair tw ine round the Sta ff of Mercury (the Caduceus
, ,

Pl at e 60 . Th e Se rp t
en ,
&c .
Th e S e rp nt e . Hum a n Or ga i m n s . 93

comp plate and a single one round the staff of Es l pi

. cu a us .

Coiled in a circle with tail in m outh it is the sym bol of Eternity on

tombs it is used in mythology and is an indispensable c m p i
, ,
a co an

ment of the Symbols of Envy and Dissension ; and the h ir of Medusa a

is rep esented as composed of Serpents (Plate


ln eccle iastical art the Serpent is the symbol of Wickedness

s :

Si and Temptation (the scene in Paradise) ; it appears under the feet


of the Virgin Mary W ith an apple in its mouth In Heraldry it is . :

represented devouring a child on the shield of the Visconti of Milano , ,


PL ATE 60 . TH E SE R PE N T .

1 . Cast from life of a Viper ( Vip be us P elia s b us) with er a r er

a Lizard (L e ta viridis L ce t gi lis)

ac r b y J Eberhard a r a a ,

of Heilbronn .

1 Cast from life of a Viper by J Eberhard of Heilbronn ,
. .

An tique bracelet in the form of a Viper Pompeii

0 ,

$ Th Snake e th symbol of Eternity (G

aserlach Aellegorien und , ,

Embleme) .

0 . H um a n Orga nism .

human form has been and is destined to be a favoured

The ,

object of representation in art Th desire to depict for contemporaries . e ,

and to transmit to posterity the great Deeds of individuals and th , e

epoch making A chievements and fate of Whole races and ations is


univers l among mankind ; as also the attempt to reproduce the


Portraits of celebrated P rsons Even the super atural powers his e . n


Gods man represents in the form of men Th Lord of creation

. e
“ ”

can give to the bei gs he venerates no more ideal form than his n

own which he holds to be the most developed Th Christian

. e

conception has arrived at the same res lt by the reverse process u

God created m in his own image Virtues Vices Passions Sci
an .
, , ,

en c s and Arts
e A ges S easons and Hours Elements Rivers Countries
, , , , , ,

Hemispheres and many other things receive symbolic expression ;


and are pictorially rendered by human figures A d the human body . n

is oft n represented without a ny meaning and solely (decoratively)

e , ,

Mortal h we v er p ine that the Go d ha d an origin m like ;

s, o , O s an -

Fee l an d ha v e v oice l ike m like m ha v e a b dily fa hi n s en , en o s o

Oxen d l i n an d oub t if they ha d b t ha d and a chi e l
o s, no u n s s ,

Pe cil well t d epict the figure div i e w ld d l ikewi e


n s as o n ou o s
God f the h r e w e a h r e an d G d f the x n were l ike
, ,

or o s re o s o or o e ox- ,

Each would thi k G d like him elf d giv e to hi Go d his w


n o s an s o n
gB C

X e p ha e of Co l o p h n no n s o . . .
94 Th e Hum a Figure n . Th e Ma k s .

on account of its beauty of form All these delineations which fall .


within the domain of high art lie beyond the m om of thi work ,
s .

We have only to d eal with the human figure so far as it has been
r ceived into de coration we have only to occupy ourselves with
e :

conventionalised man This includes the applicati o s of the hum n

. n a

face more or less true to nature or with arbitrary accessions ; masks


and caricatures ; g tt sq s those strange combinations of hum an

ro e ue ,

with animal or plant elements ; and also the applications of the upper
half of the human body as the starting point of ornam ent ; half lengths - -

as commencements of ornaments ; those mixtures of human and animal

shapes in which the upper half falls to the share of man e g ,
. . :

Sphinxes centaurs &

, ,
c .

(Pl a t e

Mask strictly o called is an artificial hollow face intended

Th e ,
s -
, , ,

to be placed in front of and to conceal the human countenance so ,

as to make the wearer unrecognisable or to characterize him in some ,

Special way Th use of the Mask dates back to the popular Harvest
. e

games of the earliest Greek pe iod From these games the mask is r .

believed to have been transferred to the ancient Theatre in whi ch the ,

actors all appeared masked Different class s of M sks were recognised . e a

tragic comic &c Definite types of Masks were connected with de

, ,

finite characters and persons Th mouth openings of these Masks “ ”

. e -

were unnaturally large and shaped like a bell mouth so as to reinforce -


the voice of the peaker ; in Latin the mask is termed persona (from
“ ”

p e s to sound through) From theatrical the Masks passed

r on a r e .

to artistic use e g in the mural paintings of theatres and secular

. .

edifices (Pompeian decorations on B acchic vessels and other utensils

(various beakers in th e silver treasure of H ildesheim) Th Renascence . e

and the following styles have at times used Masks in decoration ,

altering and exaggerating the forms In partic lar the Mask is often . u

used for the decoration of the keystones of door and window arches .

We may also mention the beautif l freely treated Heads of dying u ,


warriors by Schl it on the arsenal at Berlin ; and the Masks in



A tique style on the new Opera House in Paris by Garnier

n ,

61 . TH E M A SK .

B acchus Italic fragment of a vessel or utensil

Gra eco ,

H ads go b let (Hildesheim treasure) Roman Berlin Museum

e , , ,

Keystone G eco Italic terracotta Campana collection

ra , ,

Part of Frieze G o Italic Campana collection ,

r a ec ,

Silenus handle of Etruscan vessel


Decoration Pompeii ,

Pl ate 61 . Th e M k
as ,
&c .

Th e Grotte s q u e Ma k
s .

Me y er, Hand b k
oo of Orn a m en t .

Pl at e 63 . Th e Gr ottes qu e Ma k
s .
1 00 Th e Gr ottes qu e Ma k s . Th e Me du a Hea d s . Th e Gr o tte squ e .

6 . Modern French ,
T heatre de B ellecour , L yons ,
A rchit ct e Ch a tron ,
a u e n et)
( g
R .

7 . Modern French Ministry of War Paris , , ,

Ar chitect B ouchot ,

( g
R a u en et
) .



1 Gr ottesqu e ,
. by Michelangelo Italian Renascence (R g t) , ,
a u en e .

2 Gr ottesqu e ,
. castle of Ecouen French 1 5 3 8 (R g t) , , ,
a u en e .

3 . German
16 th century (Lessing) ,

4 Gr ottesqu e,
. German Re ascence Gem isch s Museum Nuremberg n ,
an e ,

5 . G ott qu e pedestal of a column tomb in Pforzheim G erm n

r es , , ,

Renascence by Hans von Trarbach ,


6 . From the Spout of a c German R nascence an, e .

7 . G tt sq
ro escutcheon of a lock G erman Renascence
e u e, , .

8 . G ottesq
r modern panel S culptor Hauptm ann
u e, , .

(Pl a te

nique among the m sks

U the head of Medusa Medusa in a Is .

mythological tradition one of the three G orgons whose Head Perseus ,

c t off to present it to Athene as an ornament for her shield

u -
It is .

employed in ancient art as a decoration for breastplates and shields ,

on and above doors and gates and on the ground of paterae and ,

d ishes The xpression is that of the rigidity of death ; its look is

. e

meant to p trify ; the hair is interlaced with serpents ; serpents wind


them elves in knots beneath her chin ; and small wi gs are ften added
s n O .

Th Archaic art represe ted the G orgon as ugly terrible

e d n , ,

disgusting ; the later Greek co c pti d Praxiteles was of ste r n e on , . un er ,


grand beauty (the so called R d i Medusa in the Glyp tothek

, ,
on an ne

at Munich) .

In the Modern and Renascence styles the head of Medusa is only ,

decorative ; and it is seldom employed .

P L ATE 65 . TH E M E D U S A H E AD .

1 . Th e Farnese dish (Onyx Patera) Museum Naples Roman , , ,


2 . Centre of antique Patera Roman ,


3 . Medallion probably modern French , ,


4 . Tym panum Tuileries Paris (Baldus) , , ,


(Pl a t e

Grottesqu es
g otto) are fantastic ofte n really ugly m onsters r , ,

produced by the combination of human anim l and plant organism s ,

a ,
The Grottes q u e . Th e Ha lf Figure -
. 101

in the freest and most arbitrary manner Squatti g winged female . n ,

figures without arm s ; human bodies with fisht ils with endlessly long a , ,

windi g necks with extremities terminating in foliage are types of

n , ,

this style of ornamentation Th origin of the G tt q must be . e ro es ue

sought in the decorative painting f the Romans P m pe Offers O . o iI

copious material Various painters of the Italian Renascence among .


them R fael revived and used the antique G tt q p inting

a ,
ro es ue a

(Rafael s loggie ) after’

the discovery of the g tt q painti g

in the ro es ue n

thermae of Titus at Rome (from these Vaults or Grottoes is derived ,

the name g tt q ) ro es ue .

Th G tt q s are a striking ex mple of th playful and artistic

e ro es u e a e

feeling of th Ancients ; and stand in great contrast to the coarse

attempts at the comic to be fou d in Medieval art From decorative n .

painting the g tt q passed to the plastic art of the Renascence

ro es u es .

Th revival of Italian decorati v e painting in m dern art h s led to

e o a

the retention of these forms also .

P L ATE 6 6 . TH E GR O IT E S Q UE ’

1 . Part of pilaster Italian Renascence by Benedetto d Majano , ,

a .

2 . Part of pilaster tomb of Louis XII St Denis French Re ,


nascence .

3 . Part of pilaster Palaz zo m g ifico Siena Italian Renascence ,

a n , , ,

by Barile

4 . Parts of ornamental columns Palazzo Guadagni Florence , , ,

(S chii tz
) .

6 . Italian majolica pavement Siena It lian Renascence (L ar t , ,

a ,

pour tous) .

7 . St ll in S
a S everino Naples Italian Renascence by Bar to
, , ,

l m m o Chiarini and B ernadino Torelli da Brescia

o e (S ch ilt z) ,

8 . Stall S Agostino Perugia Italian Renascence

, ,

L -
(Pl a te s 6 7
rom Antique times up to the present d y Half fig es have
F a ,

been pop lar as startings for ornaments Th upper part of th

u . e

human body undergoes little variation from its natural form s .

B elow the breast or the sto m ach often defined by a girdle there is , ,

developed a sort of inverted foliage c p from which the scroll orna -

u ,

ment grows Half fig s are found not only in th flat and in bas
u re e

relief but also in round plastic art in this latter case as brackets for
, ,

lamps to hhold s doorknockers &c

rc er , ,

PL ATE 67 TH E H A L F F I G U R E -

—2 Panels Roman Alt r

. .

1 .
a .

3 . Part of a Roman relief .


Pl at e 65 . Th e M du a H ad
e s e .

P l a te 67 . Th e Half Figure

Th e H al f Fig r
u e . Pl ate 68 .
1 06 Th e Half Fig re-
u . Th e S phi x an d the Centaur
n , .

4 . S ocle ofAl tar cathedral of Orvieto Italian Renascence (O

, , ,

w erbeha lle) .

5 . Part of relief Italian Renascence ,


PL ATE 68 . TH E H A L F F I GU R E -

1 . B racket Italian South Kensington M s eum London (Ar ndel

1 7 50 , ,
u , ,

S ociety Objects of
t) ar .

2 . Decoration on ceiling Castle of S A gelo Rome It lian Re ,

. n , ,

nascence .

3 . S ketch by Polidore da Caravaggio 1 6 th century Itali an Louvre

, , , , ,

Paris .

4 . Centre of a relief lectern cathedral Limoges French Ren a scence

, , , ,

5 . From basrelief by J Verch ere Modern French

, ,

(Pl a te

phinx is an imaginary combination Of the Human b st

The S u

with body of the Lion It was originally

th e Egyptian invention . an .

The colossal Sphinx of Memphis was begun under Cheops ; it is hewn

from the living rock partly supplemented by masonry and is more , ,

than 1 5 0 feet long The bust is generally a Wom n s ; but in some

. a

cas es it is a Ram head Th Sphinx is the gua r di n of temples and. e a

tombs in front of whi ch it is frequently ranged in avenues In the


Roman period wings are added probably th rough As syrian influence ;

: ,

and th e crouching position is sometimes exchanged for the half erect -


Th e Renascence uses Sphinxes in painting (as double Sphinx also with ,

a Single head and double body) and in free shapes as fi dogs &c ,
re ,

Th e B arocco period adorns gardens and portals with crouchi ng Sp hi nxes ,

(th e castle g rden at S chwetzingen

a con tains a considerable number ) .

Centaurs are i m aginary wild monsters with the fore part of a M ,


and the hinder part of a Horse Among th e Greeks the Centaur ori .

g i llna
y symbolised th e T hessalian race of equestrian renown M y th o .

logy recounts their struggles with the L pithae Later deli neations a .

such as th e mural paintings of Pompeii depict th e Centaurs less ,

wild tamed to the service of Dionysos and Sporting with Am 0 rini and
, ,

B acchantes The decorative capabilities of these fant stic figures has

. a

ensured them renewed application in later styles ; and they are some
times used in modern decoration .

P L ATE 69 . TH E SP H I N x, A ND TH E CE NTA U R .

1 . Crouching Sphinx Egyptian Louvre Paris (R g , , , ,

a u en et
) .

2 . Crouching Sphinx with ram head Egyptian (R g , ,

a u en et ) .

Lower corner of antique candelabrum Roman


an , .
1 08 N ATU RAL F O RMS .

Pl ate 70 . Th e Cherub H a d
e ,
&c .
Mi ce ll a e u Hea d
s n o s s .
1 09

4 . S itting
phinx Modern French Andiron by the sculptor
S , , , ,

P la t,L art pour tous )


5 Crouching Sphinx mo d rn
. .

6 . Centaurs and Bacchantes Mural paintings Pompe (Ch fs , ,

u , e

d oeuvre de l rt antique)
’ '

a .

(Pl a te

gel faces winged youthful heads with a circular or disc like

An -
, , ,

halo are first met with in the Byz ntine style as a result of the

acti i ty of ecclesiastical artists In the early Italian Renascence the

v .

rendering is charmingly naive (L ucca della R o b bia may be specially

mentioned) ; they adorn friezes and arches fill m edallions and are , ,

found in borders They occur often on Tombs ; and they are also .

much u ed in Modern ecclesiastical decoration

s .

Th profiles of Minerva Mars Apollo frequently occur i me

e , , ,

d allions .

Th Skull or Death s head the gruesome grinning relic of de

e ,

parted life and emblem f Decay and Death finds its place in the
O ,

Dances of Death at one ti m e so popular ; also on the shield of Death


(A lbrecht D ii ) on Monuments Tom b s & c It is generally

r er represented
, , ,

in front View and often over two crossed bon s ,

e .

PL ATE 70 . TH E CH E R U B H E AD , & c .

1 . herub Early Italian Renascence

C ,

herub candelabrum Certosa near Pavia It lian

C , , ,
a R enascence .

Frame G erma i sches Museum Nuremberg

n ,

Column of the Plague Vienna Barocco , ,


Modern medallio by Prof H eer Carlsruhe

n, .

Minerva Berlin Museum Modern , ,


Mi er a Modern
n v ,

Warrior L ouvre Paris (Baldus) , , ,


Mars from L i evre Les Arts D o tifs

, ,
e c ra .

H Skull from nature ,


B esides G eometrical elements

and those C opied from organic ,

Nature ornamental art avails itself of Artificial objects either alone


or in combination with the two fi st named classes B ut thi s does r -


not include the accidental use of all kinds of articles in symbolic

work and the still life painting but o ly the vessels tools weapo s
n ,

instrum ents shields knots ribbons &c whi ch are used as deco ra
, , , ,

tion or blended with it


It is easy to understand how the vessels of religious ri tes passed

into th decoration of religious edifices temples and churches
e In , ,

the A tique style the altars tripods candelabra sacrificial axes

n : , , , ,

sp rink lers &c ; in th Christian styles the symbol of the cross marks
. e : ,

of priestly dignity the instruments of the Passion &c decorate , ,


frie z es walls and panels (Comp Plat 7 5 figs 2 and

, , ,
. e ,

D ecorative groups of hunting and warlike implements and of .

tools &c are termed T Ophi s the devices of g i lds and companies
r e : u

are Symbols .

Th followi ng chapters will treat of the se th ings in detail along

e ,

with o ther designs of somewhat rarer occurrence which also belong

, ,

to this secti on .

(Pl a t e s 7 1 an d 7

It was the custom of the Greeks to ha g on th tru ks of n e n

t rees ,
the weapo s which the flying enemy had left behind on th
n e

Pl a te 71 . Th e T r phy
o .

r phy
Th e T o .

Me y er, H an d b o ok of Orn a m en t .
1 14 Th e S m y b ol .

either as a W hole or for individual sciences Mathematics Astronom y :

, ,

Chemistry &c ; of Commerce of Techni c l Science and finally of

Han di crafts and Trades .

Singing for exam ple is symbolised by a lyre wi th or witho t

, , u

sheets of music : Music by violins flutes horns Pan s pipes &c ; , , ,


Dancing by the ta mbourine and c astagnettes ; Acting by masks ; Paint

ing by br h d p lette ; S culpture by the hamm er chisel and
us an a
, ,

works of sc lpture busts torsi ; Ar chitecture by square straight edge

u , , ,

and compasses usually in combination with capitals The Rail oad

, . r

and Steam are symbolised by a winged wheel the Telegraph by coils of ,

wire which radiate lightning Trade is repre sente d by c s ks and bales

, . a

of goods on which the caduceus (a sta ff round which winged se pents r

are twini ng the attribute Of Mercury) is resting ; Ag i lt has r cu uI e

th e plough th e sickle the scythe , ( Vine culture the vine press .

Th di fferent Trades have chosen their Sym bols partly from their
, ,

tools partly from their fi ished produc ts The G i lds and Companies
n . u

of past centuries introduced a certain sys tem into these outw rd and a

visible signs ; a large number of g i ld pictures some of them very u ,

beautif l and ingenious are preserved in the industri l art museum

u ,
a s

of modern times .

A far more detailed and extensive treatment of Symbols than can

be given in the present work will be found in Gerlach s Allegori en ’

un d E mbleme to which we are indebted for a number of i llu trations

s .

PL ATE 73 . TH E S YM B OL .

1 . An gle ornament hall of the Ministry ,

of S tate Louvre Paris
, , ,

2 Louvre Paris (Bald s ) u .

Symbol of the violin makers guild Klinge n

, ,

3 . thal 1 7 1 6 (G erlach ’

, , , ,

Al legorien und E mbleme)


4 5 Pilaster panels by the sculptor F om ili i of Florence Modern

n ,

6 9 . Medalli ons by the sc lptor Lehr of B erlin Modern

u ,

P L ATE 7 4 . TH E S Y MB OL .

Carved wood Door head French 1 8 th century (L art pour tous)

1 .
, , ,

2 . Symbols of sculpture and painting by the sculptor Hauptmann , ,

Dresden Modern ,

4 .
Part of Exh ibition progra mme Munchen 1 8 7 6 by R Seitz -
, , ,
. .

5 . A ddress card of an ink factory by Prof Hammer of Carlsruhe

. .

Title to an edition of G oe the s works by Dir GOt of Carlsruhe

6 ,
. z .

P L ATE 7 5 . TH E SYMB OL .

1 . Part of Panel court of Ducal palace Ve ice It lian Renascence

, ,
n ,
a ,

(S chutz ) .
AR T .

Pl ate 74 . y bl
Th e S m o .
AR T .

y bl
Th e S m o . Pl at e 75 .
AR T .

Pl ate 76 . ymb ol
Th e S .
1 20 Th e S ymb ol .

Ecclesiastical art ,

Architecture and S culpture ,

Painting ,
In Pilasters by the sc lptor

A ntique art ,
Hauptmann Modern staircase of
, ,

Christian art ,
M useum Dresden ,

S ulc pture ,


1 . B anner of the architectural school of the

P olyte chn icu m , Carls
ruhe .

2 . Chemistry .

0 Mathematics .

t Mecha ical Engineering
n .

a Civil Engineering .

fi F orestry .

“ Post and Comm erce P olytech i m at Carlsr h e Designed by ,

n cu u ,

G Kachel
. .

8 . Mechanical Engineering,
9 . Th Mechanic
(G erlach Al legorien und Embleme
, ) , .

10 . Smithery ,

11 . Navig tion and Commerce Tuileries Paris (Baldus)

a , , ,

77 TH E SYM B OL .

Navigation ,

A gric lture u
Court front of the T ileries Paris (Baldus)

Music ,
u , ,

Farming ,

War B order of a copper plate engraving by Hein ich

, ,

Goltziu s (1 5 5 8
7 . Hunting and Fishing by Stuck of ,
Munich , (G erlach , Alle
g i
or enund Embleme ) .

Forestry ,

S word making -

Musketry (G erla ch ) ,

F arriery ,

S mi thery .

(P l a te s 7 8
Ribbons are not used alone but e frequently employed s ,
ar a a

decoration of garlands and festoons (comp plates 3 8 3 9 of sym .

, ,

bols (comp plates 7 1 . or they are Labels to h some motto ea r

(comp plate
. Th e Ribbons of the A ntique are simple often ter ,

mi tin g in a ball or acorn like knob ; the Middle Ages partic u larly
na ,

ibb o
Th e R n, an d th e L ab l
e . Pl ate 78 .

Pl ate 79 . Th e R ibb on .
1 24 Th e R ibb n o . Mi cell a e u obj ct
s n o s e s .

the G othic make them curled and quaint ; in the Renascence they are

developed in vario s free and elegant styles Often divided at the ends u ,

like a pennon In the Lo is XVI style they are often peculiarly

. u .

crinkl d but in spite of this mannerism they are not without a cer

e ,

tain decorative charm (Comp plates 7 8 and ,




1 Label for motto on the seal of the town of S chiltach G othic

, , ,

I scription on the scroll S Opidi schiltt ch

n :

. a

2 Ri b bon from Jost Amm an s Wappen und Stammbuch German ’

, ,

R nascencee .

3 Ribbon painting by B Z itblom Carlsruhe ga llery G othic

. e , ,

4 Label for motto old Germain painting S chool of Cologne Carls

, , ,

ruhe gallery


5 L abel for motto t i by Hans B g i 1 4 7 3 1 5 3 0


. m p h l c k m ,
r u a a r, ur a r, ,

G erman (Hirth) ,

6 Label for motto Albrecht D Der Eiil s y dt alle V Og l ’

u r er s en e n e

y gne und gram G erman Renascence (Hirth) ,


P L AT E 7 9 TH E RI BB ON . .

1 Ribbon and knot After Daniel Mig ot G erman Renascence

n ,

2 Ribbon and knot the Louis XVI style (Li evre)


3 Ribbon and knot for a bunch of fruit after Prof Sturm of Vienna

(S t ck s Zeichenvorlagen
or )


4 D rapery Festoon (R g
. t) ,
a u en e .

(Pl a te

Finally among the artificial objects which are used in decora


tion especi lly of pilasters we may mention those forms like cande
a ,

labra and vases from which ornaments like growing plants usually , , ,

rise (Comp plates 8 0 and


C ornucopias Torches small inscrip tion Tablets and ma y other , , ,


objects are introduced,


. .

1 Vase window pilaster of the Cancelleria Rome by B ramante I t

, , , . a

lian Renas cence (De Vico) ,


2 Vase pila ter of a door S

A gosti o Rome (D Vico)
s ,
an n n , ,
e .

3 Vase lower part of a panel Itali n Ren scence

, ,
a a .

4 Vase tomb of L o i s XII St Denis French Renascence

u .

5 Vase L ouis XVI style (F A M Cours d o m t)

. rn e en .
. . .
, ,

6 Crossed Torches upper part of pilaster by Benedetto da Majano

, , ,

Italian Renascence .

7 Crossed Torches Ren scence

a .
1 26


Th e second division of the Handbook deals with o rnament s a

applied in de corative Features They will be arranged according to


their function and treate d in accordance with the mutual relations of


the decorative form and its a pplication .

Every one acquainted with Decoration mus t have been struck ,

by the fact that on ce rtain Objects and on certain parts of them th e

decoration invariably appears to have been modelled on the sa me
principle no matter how much the selected motives may v ry fro m

each other or belong to Special styles In decoration as elsewhere .

, ,

there is a right and a w ong use for everything ; each object even
r ,

the very smallest requires its own proper Form and Decoration d
, ,

the artist who understands style will give these though in many cases ,

unco sciously ; artistic instinct g iding one man where another must
n u

study laboriously .

B e this as it may the relations are there A socle ornam ent

, .

cannot be reversed and used as a frie z e without modification ; a

column which looks beautiful and even delicate on monumental archi

tectur e may produce a clumsy e ffect if reduced and applied to fu ni


ture ; no one finds fa lt with the 20 or 24 fl ti gs of it in archi

u u n

tecture but half of them would more than suffice for th e sm ller

Cabinet A d so on
. n Th e achievements of those periods in which

th e intimate connection between form aim and material w as either ,

unknown or forgotten are what might be expected Th Empire

, . e

Style which copied the A tiq e t the instance of an august per

n n a

ge ; and in s o doing
produced work which
is classical in respe ct
of its mannerisms ; is an example A Greek temple and an arm chair .

are two different things ; each has its own peculiarities ; an d must be
fashioned and decorated in accordance therewith .

It were an insoluble p roblem to give a formula for each case ;

and to attempt to do so lies beyond the sc0 pe of this H ndbook a .

B t we will attempt to bring together some important groups from


the entire fi eld ; and by means of them to illustrate the principles

of design .
1 28 Th e Fre t Ban d .

(Pl a te s 8 1

Th eGreek Fret (or Meander border) is as it name indicates , ,


s pecifically Greek ornament and no doubt of textile origin I ts , .

a ccom oda tion to the rectang lar ne tw ork suggests this u .

Th name meander is said to be derived from a river of Asia


Minor the M ,
d s now the Menderes which flows in sinuou
a ea n ro
, ,

c urves Although the forerunners of the Greek border are to b

. e

found in the As syrian and Egyptian styles it was Greek vase painting ,

and architecture which gave rise to the variations of the pattern ;

architecture also employed it plastically Among other applications .

in the Roman style it was used for mosaics on floors and often
c ontrary to the principles of style of fl t ornaments in those a

parallel perspective repr sentatio n s in whi ch it seems as if it were a e

plastic Ornament (Plate 8 3 ,


Th Middle Ages S eldom u ed the Fret (one example will be

e s

found on Plate 8 3 but similar forms are common in the Chinese


an d Japanese styles (Plate 8 4 .

Th Renascence revived the Fret in its ancient application ; made


new combinations ; and sometimes interlaced it with plant motives

(Plate 8 3 A l though
. very commonplace the fret s till has a good ,

e ffect when it is applied in the proper manner .

I ts c n truction i v ery impl e In ge eral a lthough not always

o s s s . n

the brea dth of the broa d l ine or ornament i equal to the di tance s s s

b etween them ; w there f re draw a q are network as hown on e o s u s

Pl ate 1 fig 1 then d aw a ll the horizonta l lines (the mea ure
, .
, r s

m ent of the le gth an d the o b er ance of the rhythmic regul ari ty

n s s v
p ec l iar t each Gr ek p attern are the only d ifficulties) an d then join
u o e ,

their en ds by means of p erp en dicul ars (Pl ates 8 1 an d ,

Centre are form e d by a ra gi g the axis at a suitabl e p l ace d

s r n n , an
re v er i g the p atte n (Pl ate 8 4 6 d
s n r ,
. an

A gl e junctio
n m y b e im ilarly arra ge d by cutti g the p attern
ns a S n n

di ag na lly t the s qua e

o t at a suitabl e pl ace
o d re v er i g r ne , an s n as
b ef re (P l t 8 4 3 4 an d
o , a Th a gl e treatm ent of Current Fret
e .
, e n -

i m ore d ifficul t (Pl ate 8 4 fig 1 2 an d

s : s .
, ,

Th end of a Fre t with onl y one row may b e forme d b y cutting

th p attern hort at a uitabl e p t ; w here two or more rows
e s s s o ru n

p arall e l to or cr each th r they may b e co m b ine d so as to form

os s o e ,

p r p er endi g (Plate 8 4
o n s .

Th p attern is som eti m e carrie d round a ircl e ; b t this i an

e s c u s
arra ge m e t which i quite out of accord ance wi th it character
n n s s .

Th quare network is not lway a pplicabl e to ca e in which th

e s a s s s e

Fret h to b e rep eate d W ithin a gi v en length I this ca e the d iv i

as . n s

i n of l e gth are either el gate d or compre e d by drawi g the

s o s n on ss n

auxil iar l ines at greater or l e a gl e than 45 (this i ho w n on a ss n

° s s

P l ate 1 d s an
Th e Fret Ban d . Th e Chain Ban d . 1 29



Ordinary simple patterns , .

Elongat d pattern e .

Raking pattern .

Pa tterns whi ch are interr pted by rosettes stars 8 0 u

, ,
5 .

Abnormal pattern formed by fragments instead of a contin

, ,
nous li ne .


. .

1 4 . Ordinary simple patterns ,


5 Doub le pattern Greek ,


6 . Intersecting pattern Louvre Paris , ,


7 and 1 0 Fragmentary pattern Greek and m odern , , .

7 and 9 Symmet ical double pattern Greek

—1 0
. r ,

7 . Ornamented patterns .

P L ATE 8 3 I N T E R S E CT IN G FRET S , &c

— Ordinary patterns Greek vase painti gs
. .

1 6 .
n .

7 . Abnormal pattern Japanese metal vessel ,


8 . Pattern in parallel perspective Roman mosaic pavement , .

9 . Mediaeval folded t pe pattern re embli g the Fret (R ci

a ,
s n
, a n et
) .

10 . Pattern ornamented with laurel Louvr Paris ,

e, .


1, 2 5. and Free unsymm etrical a gle treatment

n .

3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 Symmetrical angles . .

9 10and Centre treatments

. .

11 14 Ends of patterns
. .

A ntique mo ives except No 7 (Chinese) and No 8 (Moder

t ,
. n
) .


(Pl a te

basis of the design is the Chain Th Chain Band is th ere

The . e

fore of circular elliptical square or lo z enge shaped links

cem p osed , , , ,

w hich are either represented all in front view (as in 1 2 4 and , ,

o alternately in profile (as in 3 5 6 and

r , , ,

Th Chain pattern probably occurs sporadically in eve y style

e r .

Th t Chain bands have not been more frequently us ed alth ough

a -

they are a simple d efi ti mode of decoration may be due to '

an ec ve ,

the fact that the chain appeared to a certain degree to b too force e

ful too igorous in its e ffect At any rate delicacies of artistic feel
v .

M e ye r , H a n db ook of O rn a m e n t 9
1 30 BANDS .

Pl ate 81 . Th e Fr t Band
e .
1 32 BANDS .

Pl ate 83 . The Fr t Band

e .
BAND S . 1 33

Th e Fret Band . Pl ate 84 .

1 34 BANDS .

Pl ate 85 . Th e Chain Ba d n .

7 ‘
I he Interl acement Band .

Th eMoorish style favours a peculiar interlac ement It is cha .

that the bands w hich are always straight make angles of

ra cteristic , ,

9 0 or
and are adapted to a network as shown on Plate 1 ,

fig 5 Here too we find the alte rn ate colouring of the Single bands
. .
, , .

Numerous examples will be found in Owen Jones R ci et and Prisse ,

a n

d Ave es L Ar t Am be

a selection from these bei g given in
“ ’

P late 8 8 figs 1 —6
nn , n

. .

The other Oriental styles exhibit greate variety in this respect ; r

an d also employ rou d forms (P late 8 8 7 und n , .

Th Renascence developed great variety

e B esides the traditional .

forms of th Antique pec lia constructions appear chiefly to be

e ,
u r

m t wi th in the arts of inlaying on book co ver decoration in pewter

e -

chasing and typographical borders

, (Plate ,

Modern art borrows from all styles ; and as was also the case ,

in the Middle Ages and the Rena scence intersperses its patterns with ,

foliage (Plate ,


. .

1 3 Ordinary antique patter s single double and triple

4 —6 Elongat d a tique patterns single double and triple
. n , , ,

. e n , , ,

7 . A t n ique pattern doubly interlaced with unequal waves , ,


8 . A ntique pattern with two rows terracotta painti g ,

n .

Con truction Fir t mark the centre of the eye in 2 d 3 these lie
s . s s s: an

on the p oints of int rsection of a tria g lar net ; in 5 d 6 on tho e e n u an s

of a d iagonal s quare et Th re t will b e un d er too d f om the n . e s s r


1 . Roman esque patterns decoration of archivolt Segovia , ,


4 —

7 .
B y zantine pattern St S ofia Const ntinople
Northern patterns M nuscript or aments of the 8 th and



a .

9 th
century (R ci et ) ,
a n


1 —6 Simple Moorish patterns Alhambra G ranada

, ,

7 Persia n pattern metal vessel (R ci et)

, ,
a n .

Rus sian Oriental pattern (Viollet lo D c L A ,

u ,
“ ’


. .

1 .
Patterns wood and ivory inlaid work Italian Renas cence
, ,

4 P attern by Domeni co de F ossi of Florence l 6 th century

, , , ,

( g
R a u en et
) .

5 Intarsia pattern St M ria in Organo Verona ; in ,

a . a ,
the original
the interstices are enriched by plant sprays .

Th e I terl a em e t Band
n c n .
1 38 BANDS .

Pl ate 87 . Th e I terl e m ent Band

n ac .

Pl ate 89 . Th e Interlacement Ba d
n .
BANDS . 1 41

Th e I terl em ent Ban d

n ac . Pl at e 90 .
142 Th e Interl ac em ent Band . Th e R osette Band .

6 . T itle border of a mathematical work printed in Paris O ce , ,

r on

F i é 1 5 4 4 (Hirth )
, ,

7 . S ffit orn ment entrance of the Otto Heinrich building Hei

o a , ,

d lb g 1 5 5 6 to 1 5 5 9 (Must rornamente )
e er , ,
e .

. .

1 ngles of B ord r Modern F rench (R g t)

. A e , ,
a u en e .

7 Edge of a modern D amask border (Gewerbehalle)

—9 Modern borders (Bfitti h
. .

8 .
, c er ,

10 Modern wood intarsia (Gewerbehalle)


(Pl a te

term Ros ette B and is a general name for rosette Spray

Th e “ ”

and other bands when the o et t is the leading characteristic Th


r s e . e

single rosettes which are similar to conventional roses seen in front


view are either in immediate juxtaposition (Plate 9 1 1 and

or .

divided by channels (Plate 9 1 by calices (Plate 9 1 5 7 . .

, ,

or by stalks d sprays (Plate 9 1 4 6 1 0an Th Rosette bands .

, , ,

are either current that is they have a definitive direction sideways ;

, ,

or they entirely without direction that is they are sym metrical

a re , , ,

n ot only from top to bottom but a lso from right to left By allow .

ing the rosettes to overlap we get a band more or less identical ’

with the so called Stru g coin or money mo lding (P late 9 1 n -

u .

1 3 and 1 4 )

Rosette bands are especially common in the Assyrian style in ,

Antique vase painting in the Medieval en mels (Cologne enamel) ,

a ,

in the Indian style in the Renascence and in the Modern styles

, ,


1 . A ntique vase painting .

2 . Modern decorative pattern .

3 Antique bronz e shield .

4 and 6 . Antique patterns after Jacobsthal ,


5 . Neck of a Greek hydria .

7 . Latin Ev g li m written by God s ld for Charlemagne

an e a ru ,
e ca ,

8 th century (R ci t) ,
a ne .

Enamel ornament the great reliquary Aachen (R ci t) , ,

. a ne .

Indian enamel border (Prisse d A e ) ,

v n n es .

Indian carving (Owen J ones) ,


Intarsia border St Maria in Organo Verona 1 4 9 9 (Muster

a .
, , ,

ornamente) .

Pop lar Renascence pattern

u .

Pattern Persepolis ,

Plastic border Louis XVI style (R g e t) ,

a u ne .
1 44 BAND S .

Pl ate 92
. Th e Pal m ette Ba dn .
The P lmette Ba d
a n . The Verteb rate Ban d . 145


(Pl a te

Palmette is a specifically Greek kind of ornament Like the fi

The . n

gers of an outspread hand (pa lma the palm of th hand) a group , e ,

odd in number of narrow entire leaves is combined into a symm t

, ,

ic l ornament The centre leaf is the largest ; and the leaves diminish

r a .

gradually as they approach the sides The tips of the leaves lie on .

a reg lar curve The lower ends of th leaves are disconnected divi
u . e ,

ded from each other by slight intervals and usually spring from a ,

tongue shaped leaf The delicate sensitiveness of Greek artistic feeling


finds a striking expression in this ornament It is appli d in mani . e

fold ways e g as A tefixes and Ak ot rs as Cornice de coration

. : n r e ,

(comp the group .of Free ornaments ) and as Pal m e tte b orders I r ,
. u a re

cases the P i lette ornaments are in j x taposition without anything

a n u

between them th is is usually the case on the Lekythos (a Greek

vessel for Oil &c ) Plate 9 2 3 in the majority of cases th palm
. . e

e ttes are connecte d or bordered by Spiral bands (Plate 9 2 1 2 . .

Palmette ornaments are of frequent occurrence on Greek vessels ,

an d on the frie z es of their architecture Where they occur in later .

styles it is only sporadically ; and the severe classical beauty is not


retained .

P L ATE 9 2 . TH E P AL M E TT E B AN D .

1 . 2, 3 and 5 . Paintings Greek terracotta vessels , ,


4 . 6 and 7 . Greek frie z es ,


8 . Intarsia Italian Renascence ,


9 . Modern wrought iron trellis ,



(Pl a te s 93 —9

Leaf bands are generally num erous in ll styles ; and as varied a

s are the modes of their application Th e leaved stalk with or '

a .

without fl owers fruits is the simplest natu ral motive Th

, ,

various plants are used as a bas is partly with partly without , , ,

s ymbolical reference Th A tique chiefly availed itself of the laurel . e n ,

o live and ivy ; the Middle Ages used the vine clover thistle
nd maple ; , , ,

the Renascence shows the Artificial leaf To these tra di tional patterns .

Modern art has added some others whi ch are specially adapted for
naturalistic representation such as th c o lv lus the passion flow ,
e n vo u ,
er ,

the h0 p &c , .

Thus we find in the Antique a succession of buds (Plate 9 3 1 ) : .

st raight stalks with leaves either attached or free ( Plate 9 3 2 .


o r d l tin g st lks wi th leaves fr i t or flowers (Plate 9 3 4 5

un u a a , ,
u ,
, ,

M ey er , H a n d b o o k of Orn a m en t .
1 46 The Vert ebrate Band , the Un dulate B an d .

Th elatter mode was ret i ned in the Medieval style ; in the Ro man a

esque style the stalks re more compr ssed and the lobes of the a e

leaves f lly rounded (Plate 9 3 7

u in the G othic style the former .

are thi n and extended the latter slit and pointed Extremely common
, .

are the two form s depicted on Plate 9 4 7 and 8 Char cteristic of . . a

the late G othic is the example 1 3 Plate 9 4 ; thi s kind of ornament ,

ation is excellently adapte d for simple wood carving and stamped -

leather work;

Th e Oriental conception in textile fabrics and by the engra ved ,

an d inlaid metal work is shown (Plate 9 4 1


Intarsia t ech i que leather stamping weaving and the o namenta

n ,
, ,

ti on of manuscrip ts offere d the Ren scence Opportunity to make use a

of d to vary the fl oral border with advantage (Plate

an Inter
lacem ent and fl oral patterns are frequently combined in the sam e

example (Plate 9 5 5 and .

As ex m m es of Modern art the natu alistic borders figured on

a ,

Plate 9 6 9 1 1 are gi ven

. . .

When the main stem runs longitudinally along the centre of th


B and like the vert ebral column in the skeleto s of a im ls th en the

n n a

arrangeme nt is termed Vertebrate When the main stem oscillates .


from side to side (as in P late 9 3 4 5 ”

then the .
, ,

is termed Und late u .

93 . TH E VERTE BRATE BAN D , &c .

Painti gs Greek terracotta vessels

n , ,

French mural paintings 1 3 th century (R ci et)

, , ,
a n .

Glass window Cathedral B ourges 1 4 th cent ry , , ,

u , (Ra cin et) .

Medieval .

Intarsia St Maria in Organo Verona 1 4 9 9

a .
, ,

Moder plate border

n, -


Persian ,
m et al vess els (R ,
a cin et
) ;

B y zantine gl a ss mosaic Marco Venice (Musterorn m ente) ,

Sa n a .

Portion of Romanesque initial 1 3 th cent ry B erlin M s eum

, , ,

u u .

, ,

Romanesque portal of cathedral Lucca (Muste ro nam e nte)

, , ,
r .

Gothic flat carving e d of 1 5 th cent ry (Musterornamente) ,

n u ,

M dieval m ur al painting Swedish ch ch

e , ,
ur .

French m al painting 1 3 th cent ry (R ci et)

ur ,
u ,
a n .

E arly G othic F rench ,


Gothi c manuscript orn amentati on


Late G othic flat car ing 1 5 th century; (M sterornamen te)

v ,
u .

Plate 94 . Th e U n d u la te B a n d, & c

B ANDS . 14 9

Th e U n dul ate Ba n d, &c . Pl ate

1 50 ,

P late 96 . Th e U n dul ate Band , &c .

1 52 The E v o lute Sp ir l Ban d -
a . Th e Enrichment of the Bea d Moulding .

may be c rried in some cas es in shown by fi g 1 4 i which

fa r this

a , , .

v lute piral ine nothing more than the skeleton of the orna
the e o S l is -

men t M dd e g s did not use this form t all

The. i l A e a .

gles and cent es are arranged as shown on figs 4 7 Thi s



. .

band exce len ly a apted for th framing round circular panels

is l t d e .


Paintings antique vessels ,


An gles .

Centr l junction a .

Pattern round a circular panel .

Painting of a stove tile German Renascence G ermanische s , ,

Museum Nuremberg , .

Modern borders .

Border by Sebastian Serlio 1 6 th century

, ,

Frie z e Otto Heinrich building of Heidelberg castle


Wrought iron trelli s temple of Apollo in the garden of th


castle t S chwetzingen a .

14 . Painting Pala zz o ducale Mantua Italian Renascence

, , ,


or THE . a te

B ead or
stragal is the name given to those small half roun d
A ,

Mouldings which are often enriched by ornaments like Pearls strung

, ,

together &c or as turned bands a d cords Generally they are

, n .

only u sed in plastic art and as a r le not alone ; but below th e Egg ,

and leaf ornaments and si milar cornice profiles (Plate

- .
They ,

also occur as intermediate members between the shaft and th capital e

of colum ns .

B eads are enriched with balls discs or ovals in rather more , , ,

than h alf relief T h s implest bead enri chment is formed of roun d . e -

pearls either close together or perm itting the representation of the


thread to show between them Disc and oval enrichments are seldom

used alone b t arranged alternately as shown in figs 1 to 7

u ,

In addition to the simple exam ples of the Antique th e Renas



c enc e us es richer forms th e single members being again o nament d , ,

r e

profiled and more arbitrarily f shioned (Plate 9 8 8 and

or a .

fi ished off with sm

n all leaf calice s (Plate 9 8 9 n d
Wood . a

carving avails i tself of strung discs seen in p e p ectiv (Plate 9 8 r e .

The enrichm ts m y a lso suggest torsion After the mo lding

en a . u

is made it is set ou t like screw as indicated by the auxiliary

figs 1 3 —
' ‘

a ,

co stru ction s i
n 17 Leave s or pearls sometimes lie in th e
n . .

hollows d follow the thread of th screw (Plate 9 8

an e .
BANDS . 1 53

Th e E volute Sp i al Ba d
r n . Pl ate 97 .

Pl ate 98 . Th e E nrichment of the Bea d Moulding .


Pl ate 99 . Th e E ri h m t of the
n c en To ru M uldi g
s o n .

Th e En ri hm
c e n t of th e Cym a ,
an d O v l M uldi g
o o o n s .
Pl ate 1 00 .
1 58 Th e E richment of Mouldings
n .

In these cases it harmonises the support and the weight ; and

has also a decorative purpose as a bordering member .

Th Leaf enrichment may be explained in the follo w ing way a

e :

row of leaves growing upwards supports the weight and is bent

, , ,

outwards by its pressure (fig If this o ly o ccurs p rtially we . n a ,

have the D oric form (fig If the leaves bent down tow . are -

ards their lower ends (fig we obtain forms like th so called . e -

Lesbian cym atium .

A false conception which regarded th e leaf shape merely as a ,


geometrical element afte wards gave rise to the corrupt forms of the

la te Greek and Roman styles (figs 5 6 and 6 b) . a, a, .

If the simple waterleaf be replaced by more richly serrated

ones like the Artifici l leaf we obtain examples like fig 7 a ,
. .

Figure 8 show s the egg pattern from which all th more or ,


less misunderstood varieties have in co se of time been derived ,

ur ,

Th e dart shaped intermediate leaves have o ften been developed into


ac tual darts ; and the eggs or curved surfac e s of the leaves have also
been covered with independent ornamentation in complete defiance of ,

thei origin (figs 1 0 and

r .

Th corner is treated either by freely carryi g the pattern ov er

e ,

into a palmette anthemi on (figs 1 5 and or by covering it wi th .

independent leaves .

F urther details on the su bject of this chapter will be found in

B otticher s Tektonik der H ellm an


1 and 3 . Drawings to illustrate the origin of the pattern .

2 . Gr ec o D o ric painted
a -

4 . Leaf Erechtheum Athens

, , .

5 and 6 . Corrupt leaf (B ettich ) ,

er .

7 . Roman leaf (Jacobsthal) ,


8 . Greek egg and tongue Erechtheum Athens

- -
, ,

9 . Campana egg and tongue Gr eco Italic Campana collection

- -
a -

10 . Colossal egg and leaf temple of Jupiter To s Rome

nan ,

Roman egg nd dart Arles cathedral (R g et)

—1 3
11 . a , ,
a u en .

12 Renascence egg a d dart (R g e t) -

n a u ne .

Modern egg and dart (Rgu e et)


14 .
a n .
1 60 Th e L i nk Bord er .

(P l a te s 1 0 1

Link Borders are so termed because the tra sversely growing n -

foliage is connected together by S crolls which serve this pu pose r ,

li ke the Links of a chain Of this class are much decoration of



cornices crestings i
architecture d fri nges in textile art B esides
n ,
an .

thes e Link borders which may be enlarged t will and have a de

, , a ,

finite direction upwa rds o downwards e us ed in a Similiar manner r ,


as B orders as edgings for carpets plates and panels ; as borders for , ,

w lls fl oors and ceilings (in whi ch cas e the edging alm ost invariably
a , ,

grows outw ards) ; on the neck body d feet of vessels ; and f , ,

an re

q uently in architec t ral frie z es u .

Palmette leaves connected by circles or by links are adapted , ,

for edgi gs The typical form is found on Antique vessels and

n .

frie z es ; its forerunner is seen in th e conne cted lily and pomegranate

of the Assyrian style .

Th Li n k border is found in every subsequent style both fl at

e -
, ,

a n d in relief .

It is gener lly composed of identical details symmet ically e

a ,
r r

p t d Unsymmetr ical and natu ralisti c forms are rarer (Plate

ea e .


. TH E .

1 . As syrian painted ha s relief Kho s ba d

r a .

2 . External margin Greek kylix (Lau) , ,


3 . Greek hydria (L art pour to s) ,

u .

4 . Greek cym a ,

5 . Mosaic ornament S Marco Venice B yz antine (Muste orn ,

an , , ,
r a

mente) .

6 . Medieval mural paintin g Swedish church (R ci et)

, , ,
a n .

7 . Old embroidery Eisleben (Vorbilder fiir Fabrikanten und Hand, , ,

werker) .

8 . Painted Cathedral B randenburg (Vorbilder fur Fabrikanten und

, , ,

Handwerker) .

9 . Illumination of a Koran t omb of the Sultan El Ghu ry 1 6 th ce ,


tury (Prisse d A e s)

v nne .

10 . Majoli ca di sh Germanisches Museum N remberg , ,

u .

11 . Majoli ca dish l 6 th century (Kunsthandwerk) , ,


12 . Modern (G ewerbehalle) ,

P L ATE 1 0 2 . TH E L IN K B ORDE R .

1 . Greek carved frie z e Erechtheum Athens

, , ,

2 . Roman frie z e (Fragments de l chit ct e antiq e)

, ,

ar e ur u .

3 . Romanesque f i e z e i 3th century (M usterornamente)

r , ,
Th e L ink Bord er . on Moulding s . Th e Cre tis ng .

4 . A rabic mosque of th Sultan Hassan Cairo 1 4 th century


e , ,

5 . Itali n Renascence Marble frieze tomb of the Conte Ugone

a , , ,

Badia Florence (Weissbach und L tt m s )

, ,
o er o er .

6 . Italian Renascence Intarsia frieze (Meurer) , ,


7 . Modern decoration (Kolb und Hogg Vorbilder flir das Orna , ,

m en ten zeichn en ) .


(Pl a te

cyma in architecture s the topmost or concluding member

The I

of a corn ice It is frequently us ed as a gutter Th section is some

. . e

times concave or convex quadrant but in most c ses cons ists of

a , a

two arcs curving inwards and outwards respectively (fig ,


Th ornamentation was merely painted in the earlier periods ;


but afterwards received a plast ic form It is chiefly composed of .

p ha tt leaves either
e unconnected
e (fig 1 and 2) or connected
, (figs 3 . .

5 and with Lily cups between Artificial leaves pointing p .


wards and lying close on the profile with calices O water leaves peep r -

ing out between them (fig 4 ) are als o used . .

Th Mid dl e A ges used both systems especially the latter with the
e , ,

latter with the modifications required by the changed forms of the


leaves (figs 7 and ,


B oth the Renascence and Modern art follow the tradition of

the Antique ; but give the Palmette orn ment a richer form (figs


1 03 . TH E LI N K B ORDE R -

Antique (B otti h ) ,
c er .

Rom an altar .

G c Italic terracotta ornament (L i ev e)

ra e o- ,
r .

Romanesque cornice house Metz 1 2th century (R g t) , , , ,

a u en e .

Cornice Notre Dame Paris 1 3 th century (Musterorn mente)

, , , ,
a .

Cornice L ouvre Paris French Renascence

, , ,

Marble frieze tomb in St Maria sopra Minerva Rome Itali an

a .
, ,

Renascence .

12 . Modern (Arch Skizzenbuch),

. .


(Pl a te

Crestings are intended to ornament the ridge or top of the roof .

Such ornaments have been especially popular in France from Gothic

M e y e r, H a n d b oo k of Orn a m e n t : 11

Pl a te 1 01 . Th e L i nk B rd
o e r.

Pl ate 1 03 . Th e L i k b ord er E nrichment

n - of Moulding s:

Th e Cr ting B rd er
es o . Pl ate 1 04 .
1 66 Th e C e ti gr s n . Th e Akr oter ,
&c .

times to the present day They are mostly of perforated work and .

th e top has usually a varied mass hape Th e materials used are stone -
S .

lead wrought iron and in modern times z inc Similar ornaments

, , ,

are also found as Finals of entablatures and attics as well as on the ,

B alaustr d s of galleries
a o .

Cresting ornaments appear on G othic Al tars Shrines Chim , ,

n eyp c s &c leand in cast iron on our modern Stoves Raili gs &c
e ,
n ,

T h e Anti que made no use of this form although similar forms ,

occur as for example on the entablature of th well known monu

, , , e -

ment of L ysik t s On the other hand we must mention thosera e .


V lence lik e borders which are seen on the terracotta reliefs of the
a -

C mm a collection represented on figs 6 and 7 In most cases

, . .

these latter ornaments if reversed may be used as crestings , , .

1 . Gothic , (J acobsthal) .

2 . Modern G othic cast iron ,


3 . Modern French castle of Pierrefonds res tored by

, ,
V iollet-le
D u c, R
( g
a u en e t
) .

4 . Modern French Cour de Cassation Paris (R gu et) , , ,

a en .

6 —

7 .
Modern German by Gropius of B erlin (Arch Ski z zenbuch)
G eco Italic borders downward growth


. .

THE AK RO TE R , &c .
(Pl a te s 1 0 5

kroter is the feature which serves as on ornamental finish

The A
to the apex of a gable A tique temples bear this decoration in a . n

great variety of materials stone terracotta painted plastic and : , , , ,

cast in metal Groups of figures g iffi s &c were sometimes used

r n ,

for this p pose ; but the usual featur s were slabs of Marble bearing
ur e ,

a palmette ornament the centr l decoration of which is sometimes a ,


mask (Plate 1 0 5
Smaller o rnaments of a S imilar kind are found

ranged along the lower roof line in front of the Imbrices ; and these ,

are termed A t fix n e es .

Th Middle Ages and the Renascence make no general use of


the A t fix but it occ s on Modern monument l buildings in the

n e ,
ur a

An tique style
corner Akroter w

Th e hich i lly found at the lower ends su su a

of the gable lines consists of h lf the mo tive of the central one ,

a ,


( 1 0 5 .


1. GI e ek Akroter,
painted temple of Wingless Victory , , hens
At .

. 2 . Greek Akroter painted Acropolis Athens , , ,


Pl ate 1 05 . kroter an d the

Th e A ,
An tefix .

Th e A ,
&c . Pl ate 1 06 .

M i la n

N N H Z li T P AT

P l ate 1 07 . Th e S tele Cre t

s .
Th e P erforate d Cresting . Th e Cro ss .


(Pl a te

In modern wood b ldi gs the dressings intended to form an u n

, ,

ornamental finish to the construction are often perforated , .

Th Gable is decorated by a Finial ; smaller co m er ornaments

e -

are attached to the low r ends of the lines of the gable ; the pro e

j ecti g ends of the gable rafters are also provided with B arge boards
n - -

both for decorative e ffect and also no doubt to serve as a protection , , ,

against the weather The Finials are fashioned as Knobs of varied.

profile with a direction downwards Th oblique lines of the Gable

, . e

and the hori z ontal lines of the Roof are also covered with Barge
boards .

Th material requires a special treatment ; as the ornamentation


must be large and broad and have as many points of connecti on in ,

itself as possible .

Wooden ornaments of this kind are found on Pavilions w t hm s ,

a c en

Huts Farm houses of richer construction country Villas in the Swiss


cottage style &c ,


A o g architectural works which deal with wood b i ldings and

rn n u

especially with the decoration of them we may mention the works of :

H B ethke (Details fli dekorativen Holzbau) from which the majority

. r ,

of the figures on Plate 1 0 8 have been taken .

P L ATE 1 0 8 . TH E P E R F OR ATE D CR E STI N G .

1 . Top ornament of a gable by the archite ct Eisenlohr of Carls , ,

r e


2 7 . Various Barge boards (Bethke ) -

, .

(Pl a te

ross (Latin c ux French c oia ) is the most important

Th e C r ,

symbol of Christian art It symbolises the person of Christ Ch ist .


i ity and Sacrifice

an Its decorative applications are innumerable d

of great variety .

Various f ndamental forms of the cross have been disti g shed

u n ul

and are known by different names The Greek (or St George s) cross . .

consists of two arms of equal length bisecti g each other at right ,

n -

angles In the Latin cross th lower limb is lengthened These two

. e .

forms are those most often used In the St An drew s cross the . .

arms cross each other diagonally St Anthony s (the Egyptian or

. .

Old Testament Cross) is a Latin Cross without the upper limb .

Omitting from consideration the Crucifix which represents the


crucifixion of Christ we shall fi d the Cross in the utmost variety ,

1 73

Th e C r oss . Pl ate 1 09 .

Pl ate 1 10
. Th e Cro ss .
1 76 Th e Finial in Stone and in Metal , .

sideways but also regular ly to the front and back Crocket like d
, .

d iti s (comp plate 1 1 6 ) clothe the stem which usually takes th e

on .

form of an elongated four or eight sided shaft There may be one -


or more tiers of crockets .

The Finial serves to decorate Spires Pinnacles B ald chins


, ,
a ,

Tombs & c and is a specifically G othic ornament

, Th most beautiful . e

forms are furnished by F rench G othic from which most of the il '

lu st ations of our plate are t ken

r a .

PL A TE 111 . TH E FI N I AL : IN ST ON E .

1. Modern G othic .

2. Early G othic (Jacobsth l) ,

a .

3. French G othic (Vi ll t l Duc) ,

o e -
e- .

4. Early G othic cathedral Chartres , , ,

century , (Muster orn a

5 —6 Modern (Viollet l D c)

o- u .

7. Modern (B ose) ,

(Pl a te

In the artistic wrought iron work of th e Middle Ages the Re -


nascence d Modern times we find charming Finials in the shape

an ,

of idealised flowers These decorations are found on th tops of . e

B l t d
a a u s ra on th Gables over Doors on Brackets and Chandeliers
es, e , ,

on the supports of Rain spouts on Wall anchors &c -


Leaves volute like spirals bell flow e s and ears are arranged
r , ,

round a central axis of iron ; in many cases the centre is formed by

Spin dl e Shaped Spirals of wire

P L ATE 1 1 2 . TH E FIN I AL : IN ME TAL .

1 . C orner of a Mediaeval Grill Duc) , (V i ollet lo - -


2 . Part of a G rill To louse cathed al 1 5th century (Violl t le Du c)

u r , ,
e - -

3 . Termination of a F ountain Cluny m eum Paris 1 5 th cen t ry ,

us , ,
u ,

(L art pour

to u s) .

4 . Part of a Spanish Trellis Gate 1 4 th century (L art pour tous) , ,


5 . Part of a Chancel S creen mi nster Freiburg l 6 th century (Schau , , , ,

Wrought iron l 6 th c ntury (G i chard)

e ,
u .

Terminal B ruges 1 7 th century (Y s dy k Documents cl sses

, , ,
en c ,

de l art) ’

Modern wrought iron Ihne Stegm iill B erlin

er, .

Modern Post by Ende B oeckmann Berlin (G ewerbehalle)

, , , ,

Wrought iron Coronal L i m burg on th Lahn 1 7th cent ry

e ,
u ,

(Kache l Kunstgewerbli che

Vorbilder) .

Coronal modern Gate 0 Zaar Berlin

, ,
. ,

Th e Fini l
a .

Me y e r, Hand b k
oo of Orn a m en t .

Pl ate 1 12
. Th e Fi ial
n ,
&c .

Pl a t
e 1 13 . Th e Fi ial K b
n no ,
and Va se .

18 1

Th e P d t
en an Kn ob . Plat e 114 .
Th e R osette .

(Pl a t e

Rosette strictly so called is

The a t ificial Rose In a wi der
, ,
an r .

sense any ornament of a ci c l sh pe which radiates from a centre .

r u ar

, ,

may be termed a Rosette According to its execution and use the . :

Rosette m y be considere d either as a Free ornament or a Panel

a -

ornament In the fir st case it must always be plastic project pro

, ,

mi tly and have some resemblance to the Knob or Pendant

n en In .

th latter case it may be in low rel ief or be a fl t ornament

e , H ere a .

we have only to deal w ith the Rosette as a Free ornament -


Considering the Rosette from this point of view its most im :

portant application is as the B oss in th centre of Romanesque and e

G thic ribbed Vaultings ; and as the centre piece of Ceilings of which

o -

W fi d n umerous examples in the temples of the Antique the p laces

e n ,

of the Italian Renascence and the v ulted Cupolas of ecclesiastical ,


and secular architecture B esides thi s Rosettes are found on F r .


n it e G ates and D oors (the Italian Renascence makes the most lavish
ur ,

use of them in this capacity) d as the centre pieces of modern ,

an -

Ceilings &c In these cases however their quality as Free ornaments

, ,

is less prominent .

As regards the formal plan of Rosettes the Flower motive is the :

commonest ; geometrical motives are rarer and motives from figures ,

rarer still The arrangement is usually in a series of z ones ; the


growth is from the centre outwards ; and in the majority of cases is ,

radial that is at right angles to the bordering circle ; b t s ometimes


th e leaves are curved .

Th e R Os tte may have any number of divisions ; but 3 4 5 6

e , , , ,

8 1 0 1 2 or 1 6 divisions are the rule ; divisions into 7 9 1 1 & c

, , , , , ,

are as rare as di vision s exce ding the number 1 6 e .

The D i i sions may vary in the separate z ones ; but generally


only so that the same division s interlock that is to say the points , ,

of the leaves of O z one fall on the intervals between the leaves ne

of the next .

PL ATE 1 1 5 TH E ROS ET TE . .

1 Antique of four divisions


2 Roman of five divisions


3 Nat ralistic of six divisions

. u ,

4 Ro m anesque B oss of four divisions chapte r hall of the monas te ry

, ,

of Heiligenkreu z near Vienna 1 3 th century (Mus terornamente) , ,


E arly G othic B os s of three di visions Sainte Chapelle Paris 1 24 0

0 , , , ,
0 French of four divisions Louis XIII (1 6 1 0
, (Mus ter , ,

ornamente) .

4 Italian of five divisions the door of the baptistery Parma Re
, , , ,

nascence (Mus terornamente) ,


8 Modern French ceiling flow e

. stuc co ,
r, .

Pl a te 116 . Th e Cr ck t an d the Garg yl

o e ,
o e .
Th e Cr ck t an d the Gargoyl e
o e , . 1 85


(P l a te

rocket is the designation applied to those excrescences which

appear on the edges of Spires and Pinnacles and on the raking lines of , ,

Gables in the richer G othic styles Occurring at regular intervals


they form an ornamental interruption to the bald architecto ic lines n .

At first of a rather figs and they

t li ti ch t ( 3 n a u ra s c a ra c e r .

evolved during the decay of the style a more artificial character as ,

su m i g b lbous forms (fig

n which have their own speci l peculiar
u . a

ities in England France and Germany , ,


Crocket ornamentation has more or less been copied h om


stone Architecture in Furnitu e Choir stalls &c Th arms of the r ,

. e

l tter (figs 6
a and the miserere seats are often foliated like a

Crocket .

Metal and partic larly wrought iron work frequently makes

u -

use of Crockets in forms suited to the nature of the mate ial

r ,

( figs 1 1 .

Contrary to th modern method by which the water that colle c tse ,

on the roofs of buildings is conveyed to earth through Pipes the ,

builders of the Middle Ages and the Renascence disch rged the rain a ,

clear of the wall by means of long projecting Spouts Th spout , . e

was u ed in the Antique style in the form of lion heads & I the
s ,
c . n .

ecclesiasti cal and monume t l architecture of the Middle Ages they n a

are termed Gargoyles ; and are mostly of stone In dwelling houses .

they are of Sheet metal ; and they are either architectonically decorated

(fig . or human animal or fantastic figures treated in a comic , , ,

manner the water flowing through the mouth or other orifices oi


the body .

C pi s material on the subject of crockets and gargoyles will be

O ou

found in R g t s M t i x t D ocuments de l A hit ct

a u en e

a er a u e

rc e u re




1 . Front and side view of a plain Gothie Crocket Am iens -

cathedr l restored by Violl t l Duc (R g t)

a , e -
o- ,
a u en e .

3 . G othi c Crocket 1 4 th century , .

4 . Modern Gothic Crocket Paris (R g t) , ,

a u en e .

5 . Gothic Crocket Milan cathedral (R g t) ,

a u en e .

6 A m of a Stall S alisbury cathedral (R g et

—1 0
. r ,
a u en .

7 Arms of Stalls monastery Maulbron

—1 2
, ,
n .

11 . Wrought iron Gothic Augsburg -

, ,

13 . Gargoyle Violl t le Duc Eglise d E (R g

t) e - -

u, a u en e .

14 . Gargoyle bell tower St Sernin Toulouse restored by Violl t

, ,

l Duc (R g
e- t)
a u en e .

15 Gargoyle Meaux cathedral (R g et)

—1 7
, ,
a u en .

16 . Gargoyle St Eust che Paris (R g t)

. a , ,
a u en e .
1 86 Th e Decorate d Hinge , 850 .


(Pl a te

Middle Ages and after them the Renascence brought the

Th e

, ,

developement of Wrought metal work to the highest state of perfection



Here we have to consider the different kinds of bands technic ally ,

know according to their shape as Hinge Strap &c

n, , , ,

Al though these bands w ere originally intended only to b ind to -

g ether the

derlying wood construction of gates doors caskets

un , , ,

chests &c the bald practical form was soon made decorative ; and
, ,

this the more readily that the G othic principle of wood construction ,

with its narrow stave like or matched strips of wood o ffered only ,

scanty Opportunities of a tistic decoration r .

Delicate series of lines designed as Free ornaments Start from ,


the Hinge and terminate as leaves and flowers Th heads of the . e

necessary rivets and screws themselves shaped as rosette s in the ,

richer examples give a pleasing relief G othic usually applies the

, .

extended Strap hinge (figs 7 -

while the Renascence in ac cord

ance with its principle of bordering in wood constructions pre fers the ,

shorter Butt hinge (figs 1 1 -

In the latter ep och the s rface . u

of the metal received fm t he decoration trough the arts of etching r ,

e ngravi ng niello work &c B ook mounts in particular o ffered a

, ,

wide field for the application of these arts , .

Modern times have with jus tice devo ted increased attention to

these objects ; and have restored them to the domain of art from which
va rious causes had excluded them for lmost a century a .

Th plate gives a Small selection from the 0 0 pious material to


be found in museums d publications an .

117 . TH E D E C OR ATE D H I N G E , &c .

Gothic hinge church door Viersen near Cologne 1 5th century

, ,

Plain te rminations of hinges Hefner Alte ck collection ,

ne ,

1 6 th cen tury .

Terminatio s of hinges Town hall Mii sten ,

n r .

Termination of hinge Prie dieu , Gelnhausen 1 5 th centu y ,

r ,

(Musterornamente ) .

G othic hing e D oor of a cabinet Town hall Zwolle

, ,

Gothic hinge .

Renascence hinge old Kaufhaus on the Limmat Zurich 16 1 8 , , ,


Renascence hinge Town hall Augsburg 1 7 th century (Mu ster , , , ,

ornamente) .

Re nas cence hinge D oor i Ettlingen United collectio s Carls ,

n ,
n ,

ruhe .

12 . D oor hinge German 1 5 8 0 Free imit tion by Prof Storck

, , ,
a .

(Zeichenvorlagen) .
Th e T a elss . Th e Fringe and the Val , en c e .

(Pl a t e

chief contributions of textile art to the group of Free orn

The -
a ~

ments are Tassels Fringes and L aces Th two latter are current , ,
. e

edgings the first on the contrary are the termination of the lower
, , ,

end of cords or of shaped draperies Thus we find Tassels used on .

Girdles Bell pulls and Curta in holders ; as pendants from Flags


S tand ards V l c s Cushions Table covers Palls and Tent covers ;

a an e , ,
, ,

also on Pouches Hoods Caps Harness & c , , , ,


The Tassel consists of a tuft of thre a ds or cords hanging straight ,

down from a core of wood turned in various profiles and decorated , ,

with twisted threads Th e original may be assumed to have been .

the cord with a simple knot the knot being intended to keep ,

the cord from ravelling out Th Tassel is undoubtedly of grea t -

. e

antiquity Th relie fs found in Kho b d Ni i h and elsewhere

. e rsa a ,
n ve , ,

Show that the As syrians were great admirers of such kinds of trimming .

A d although such a lavish use does not occur again ; th ere would
n ,

probably be little difficulty in finding examples of ta ssels from ll a

periods of Art .

Not only form but also colour contributes to the e ffect of Tassels ,

so that the examples in our plate really only give half the e ffect .

A nexhaustive study of Tri m mi gs by J cob Falke will be found in n ,

a ,

Tei ich s B l atter fii Kunstgewerbe


1 8 75 r .

PL ATE 118 . TH E TA S SE L .

1 French lady s girdle 1 2th century (Viollet l Duc)

, ,

2 . Tassels Holbein (Tei ich)

, ,
r .

4 . Tassels Turkish harness 1 7 th century

U nit ed collections , ,

Carlsruhe .

5 Tassel old standard U nited collections Carlsruhe


, ,

6 . Tassel Tunisian pistol U nited collections Carlsruhe

, , ,

7 Leather tassel lady s bag G erman Renascence ’

—1 0
. .
, ,

8 . Modern tassels by A g Topfer (Gewerbehalle) ,

u .


11 . Modern tassel by A S eder Munich ,



(Pl a t e

If , at the end of a piece of material the weft threads (parallel ,


to the end) be drawn out the remaining warp threa ds will form a -

simple Fringe If we give the end greater security by knotting or


tieing the threads together in tufts we get the ordinary Fringe The ,

Fringe however is not always made of th material ; it is often

, ,

manufactured independently and sewed o to the edge of the material ,

n .

In this case the Fringe is combined with a woven heading band (gimp) -

a l
Th e T s se . Pl ate 1 18 .
Th e Fri ge the Val ence an d the L ace Border
n , , .

Richer types of Fringes may be produced either by variety of

the edge so that tufts of unequal lengths form rhyth m ically alternating

groups (fig or by using several thick esses of F i g ; lyi g one

. n r n e

behind the other (fig ,


Th e Fringe is always applied long when a pendant termination ,

is req i red In other cases as for example where the fringed ma

u .
, ,

t i l is to lie hori z ontally like small Table covers Napki s &c it is

er a ,
n ,

advisable to keep the fri ge hort n S .

Fringes have been in us from the very earliest periods ; but it e

is again the Orientals and especially the Assyrians who Show a pre , ,

ference for this form Fringes occur perpetually in various nation l . a

costumes and in the toilet of our modern ladies


Th Renascence adopted the Fringe as a trimming for f rniture

e u ,

and specially for chairs ; although not always with true artistic feeling .

Th Val nce is a hanging textile termination ; the lower edge is

e e

ornamentally c t and is often ornamented with cords tassels em

u , , ,

broidery &c The upper edge of the Valence is generally fixed to

, .

a moulding .

Valences occur as the interior f nishing of Windows on ur .


four post B eds Baldachins Canopies Tents Marquees &c ; of late

, , , , , .

years they have been used on Awnings and Outside blinds

, ,

PL ATE 119 TH E V AL E N C E .

1 . Tomb of the Incas A con Peru United c ollections Carlsr he ,

n , , ,
u .

2 . Indian Mexican pouch U nited collections Carlsruhe

, ,

3 Egyptian (Ebers) ,

4 . Renascence (Storck) ,

5 . Mediaeval maniple (T i i h) ,
e r c .

6 Turkish saddle cloth 1 6 9 0 U nited colle ctions C rlsruhe , , ,

a .

Renasce nce silver

7 ,

8 . Modern designs by P ig ot ,
r n .

(Pl a te

Of all products of the textile art Lace is the mos t interesting ,


There is something poetical about it like fl owers Th combination ,

. e

of the conventional treatment with those accidental features which

hand W O k confers upon the delicate light material gives them a
, ,

peculiar char m Who invented lace manufacture and in what year

, ,

cannot now be determined Lace is one of those thi gs which th . n e

Renascen ce has handed do w n to us without having inherited it from

the Antique The stimulus to the invention of lace and th basis of

its manufacture is probably to be found in the textile hand work of


the Middle Ages such as was practised particularly i c onvents for

, ,
n .

ecclesiastical purposes .

Pl ate 1 20 . Th e L ace B d
or er .
Th e L ace Bord er . 1 93

ace belongs in most cases to the Free ornaments More rarely

L -

it is manufact ed as an Insertion with the character of a ribbon or

ur , ,

for independent use as a Shawl or Wrap Compared with Fringe th .


applications of Lace are freer and more varied and by no means co ,


fi ed to the character of a pendant termination Th reader may be

n . e

assum ed to be acqu inted with the various uses of lace a .

If we exclude the allied Crochet work as not strictly belonging -

to this section we shall find that the manufacture of Lace may be


divided into two groups (1 ) sewed or Point lace ; and (2) bobbin or :

Pillow lace The former method has chiefly been practised i Italy
. n ,

S pain Ireland and France ; the latter in England France the Nether
, , , ,

lands Schleswig Switzerland and Saxony Th chief centres of the

, , ,
. e

lace industry were d to some extent still are Venice Genoa Milan an : , , ,

Ragusa Devonshire B uckinghamshire Ireland Al encon Valenciennes

, , , , , ,

B russels Mechlin Binche Tondern An naberg &c

, , , , ,

As in other branches the cheap Machine made article has nowa ,


days reduced the manufacture of the dearer but far more valuable
Hand made lace to very modest limi ts S e Reports on Lace by
. e ,

Al an S Cole (Department of S cience and A t)

. r .

Am on g the numerous kinds of L ace for which no gener lly a re

cognised terminology as yet exists we have selected some principally , ,

of older date among which the best patter s are to be found


Point coupé (punto tagliato) Th linen grou d is cut out and ‘

. e n -

the edges worked with the needle .

Point tiré (punto a maglia quadra) Single compartments of . a

quadra gular knotted or woven net are fill d p

n e -
u .

Point tiré (punto tirato) Th threads of the l inen fabric are . e .

partially pulled out the others connected together and sewed -


round .

Point coupé (punto a reticella) Groups of threads str e tche d .

lengthwise and crosswise like a net e spun round d ,

ar an

connected .

Point noué (punto a groppo) Produced by plaiting and knotti g . n

the threads .

Point lace Th threads are sewed together following the pattern

. e , ,

and joined together by brides This is almost the only kind “ ”


of lace which c now b e found on ladi es work tables an


PL ATE 1 20 . TH E L A CE B OR D E R .

1. Venetian guipure old p attern book ,


2 Point noué end of the 1 5th century

—4 Old point
. .

—8 Modern pillow old patterns

3 .

5 .
, ,

9. Modern knotted with f i nge (Macramé lace)

, ,
r ,

M e ye r , H a n db oo k of Orn a m e n t .
1 94

S U P P O RT S .

those elements of ornamental art which exp ress the idea f

All o

supporting or bearing are here gathered into a special group to


which is given the name Supports “

Supports in the strict sense of the word are piers or columns

, , .

But it does not fall withi n the s 0 p of this work to treat these c e

forms from the architectural point of view or to enter into the det ils , a

and proportions of the s called Orders of Archi tecture All that is

“ ”

required on thi s point may be gained from the works of archi tectural
specialists B 6tti h Tektom k der H llenen ; Mauch and Lohde D ie
: c er ,

e ,

A chitekton ischen O dnu ge ; R Phen e Spiers Th O d s of A chi

r r n n .
e r er r

tectur e ; Vignola ; D urm and others We wi ll therefore disregard the .

undecorated forms and discuss only the decorative detai ls of these


supports .

Like tree which consists of root trunk and crown Piers and
a , , ,

Columns necessarily have a base a shaft and a capital (Th Doric , ,

. e

Column is an exception as it has no base ) Th natural model . e

for the Pier and the Column is the trunk of a tree hewn into a
cylindrical or prism tic form Th motive of the channellings and
a . e -

fl ti g of the s haft of a support is to be found in the channels and

u n s

fl ti gs of E dog
u n ous Plants
n en e .

S upports which like piers and columns are intended to bear

, ,

a considerable weight usually have a strong cylindrical or prismatic


structure generally tapering tow rds the top ; the fundament l forms
a a

of the Candelabrum whi ch is meant to bear only an inconsiderable


weight li ke Lamps & are freer have more variety

, ,
c . d o ffer a
, , ,

wider field for decoration than the forms of the former group Th . e

Candelabrum is also divided into foot shaft and crown Th shaft , ,

. e ,

Pl ate 1 21 . Th e Foliate d Shaft .

Th e Flute d Shaft . Th e Ba e s . 197

(Pl a t e

olumns Piers Candelabra and similar Supports frequently have

C , , ,

channellings or fl ti g Th object of these is to give animation to

u n s . e

the smooth shaft and to emphasize the expression of the principle of


weight bearing This latter is specially true of the channellings


In th Doric style the Flutings are shallow without any interval only

divided from each other by a sharp edge (figs 1 and Th Ionic ,

. e

and Corinthian shafts have deeper fl ti g (figs 3 and separated

u n s .

from each other by fillets formed of the untouched surface of the .

sh ft The channellings terminate upwards like small niches with


a .

semicirc lar or elliptical heads (fig

u L eaf like terminations like ,

that on fig 1 3 are rarer Th termination downwards is similar to

those shown on figs 6 —8

. .

. .

Th number of channelli gs on a shaft varies from 1 8 to 24

e n .

On smaller constructions such as Furniture B l st s &c the , ,

a au er ,

number is reduced ; but seldom less than 8 Th Channellings taper . e

proportionately with the Sh aft Pilast rs are also channelled to match . e

the Columns In strict A rchitecture rich and composite channellings


and fl ti gs are rather i jurious than otherwise (figs 7

u n but n .

on Candelabra and Mo ldings they often produce a good e ffect When

u .

applied to the Torus and the Cavetto the former (convex) should :

be decorated by Nurls ; and the latter (concave) sho ld have Flutes u .


1 —2 Sections of Doric Fluting

. .

3 . S ections of Ionic and Corinthi an Fluting .

5 6 . Construction of the terminations of Fluting on cylindrical



7 11 . Composite Fluting with sections and termi nations , ,


12 . Part of an A tique Candelabr m with tapered Fluting

n u ,

13 . Termi ation of the Fluting monument of L y ik t

n Athens ,
s ra e s , .

(Th construction
e is clearly indicated on the drawings ) .

(Pl a te 1 23

It is unquestionably m ore b autiful when something in th e e

shape of a Base is interposed betw n the shaft of a column and ee

the substructure on which it rests than when s in the Doric style , ,

a ,

the column rises without any such base Bases suggested by the .

radical leaves of plants are com mon in Oriental styles Plate 1 24 ,


fig 1 gives an Egyptian example of this kin d Decorations of this

. .

sort are however oftener applied to the lower end of the sh ft than
, ,
1 98 SU PPO RTS .

P l ate 1 22
. Th e Flut d Shaft
e .

Pl ate 1 23 . Th e Ba e
s .

Th e Base . Pl ate 1 24 .
Th e Ba es . Th e Ornamente d Shaft .

8 . Romanesque St Remy Reims (R g t) ,

, ,
a u en e .

9 . Romanesque Cistercian monastery Maul bronn , , .

10 . Romanesque Abbey des D ames Caen (R g ,

“ ”
, ,
a u en et
) .

11 . Gothic church B rou As (R g t)

, ,
n, a u en e .


(Pl a t e s 1 25

sim plest most natural and perhaps the most beautiful de

Th e ,

c o tio ra of a Shaft is fl ti g beyond which the Antique very seldom

n u n ,

goes Wh ere it does it clothes the stem in naturalistic fashi on with

. :

plant forms (Plate 1 25


In the Byzantine Romanesque and Scandinavian styles we ofte , , : n

find the shaft covered wi th a geometrical network and ornamented i ,

n _

a co respondi ng style (Plate 1 25 2

r Th e Go thi c style prefers ,

to leave the slender shafts smooth .

Th Renascence is not satisfied with the Simple flute especially


on sm ll architectural work like Al ta rs Monuments &c Th craving

a , ,
. e

to give the Column a decoration commens urate with that of the other
parts of the architecture became irresistible It is raised on a pedestal ; .

th shaft is banded being divided into parts by projecting Cinct es

e ,
ur ,

generally two th lower at about one thi rd the upper at about two
e -

thi rds of the height On the lower part are suspended festoons .

weapons trophies cartouches &c the upper part is channelled or

, , ,

decorated with Artificial foliage (Plate 1 25 fin lly festoons of fruit . a ,

O drapery are suspended from the capita l

r .

Where the Columns are not large especially in Furniture the , ,

cylindrical shaft is replaced by the richer pro filing of a more candelabrum

like form (Plate 1 26 ,
Flat ornamentation is also used as well .

as plastic decoration by means of painting incrustation or inlaying , , , ,

(Plate 1 25 .

All these methods of application are more or less in agreement

with the object and principle of construction of the Column but th ,

same cannot be said of the Renascence and the following styles of the
Decadence whi ch build up their Columns of large and small drums
, ,

alternately ornamented and plain or even give th e Shaft a spiral ,

twist and decorate it wi th Spiral fl ti gs u n .


1 . Italian Renascence Tomb in St Maria del Popolo Rome ,

a .
, ,

Sansovino .

2 . Roma esque n .

3 . Shaft church Tournus (R g

t) , ,
a u en e .

4 . Roman marble ,

5 . Column with int rsia decoration G erman Renascence (Hirth)

a , ,

Pl ate 1 26 . Th e Profil e d Shaft .

Th e Ornamente d Shaft . Th e Cap ital . 205

. TH E .

1 . C delabr m like column tester bed French Renascence

an u -
, .

2 . Lower part of a column Mayence cathedral ,


3 . L ower part of column Palais d Commerce Lyons (R g ,

u , ,
a u en et
) .

4 . Column diploma Modern , ,


5 . Column Modern (Gerlach) , ,


(Pl a te s 1 27

upper termination of the column is the Capit l Th Capital

Th e a . e

forms the transition from the supporting Shaft to the superincumbent

Weight This transition may assume either geometrical or organic

forms Very frequently both systems are combined ; so that st ictly


speaking we c only say that one system or the other predominates

an .

Th Egyptian capital is suggested by the cinctured bundle of


Papyr s stems with b uds (Plate 1 27 4

u or with pened Papyrus .

or Lotus flowers (Plate 1 27 2 ,


Abnormal capitals are found in the Old Persian style Plate .

1 27 1 gives an ex m ple from Persepolis composed of the fore parts

a ,

of B lls u .

A examples of Orient l forms

s two Moorish capit ls from th e a : a

Alh ambra in Granada are given on figs 6 and 7 of the same plate . .

A ntique art adopts three general types of Capitals D oric Ioni c :


and Corinthian .

Th Doric Capital consists of the a b acus which is square in plan

e , ,

and the chi s which is circular Th transition to the shaft is fl

e no
. e e


t d by hollow mouldings and astragals

e Th e G Doric Capit l was . r a eco - a

painted W here the sides of the abacus are decorated a Fret pattern
. :

is employed (Plate 1 27 Th chi is a member of conflict . e e n os


and is ornamented accordingly In the Rom an and Renascence styles .

plastic ornamentation takes th place of painting Th b and of leaves e . e

becomes an egg and dart ornament (Plate 1 27 -

Leaves pointing

upward are sometimes used (Plate 1 27 At the top of the abacus .

a small mouldi ng is used A necking generally decorated with .


rosettes is interposed between Capital and Shaft Similar rosettes


d ecorate the spaces on the under side of th abacus (Plate 1 27 e .

Ionic Capita l replaces the s quare abacus by a scroll rolled
Th e
in n both sides in great volutes Th intervals between the egg
, . e ,

b and and the scroll are m arked by palmettes A neck may be added ,

as in the Doric Capit l d it is frequently decorated with a pal a ,


mette ornament (Plate 1 28 4 Th side view f the scroll . e . o

shows plain p fili g as on Plate 1 28 1 decorated with leaves or

ro n s .

scales in the richer examples Th Ionic Capital has two faces d . e ,

Th e Cap ital .

two si des For this reason it is of only limited application as

, ,

when the capital is applied to the corner colum n of two adjacent

sides of a b i lding it is impossible to avoid a bad e ffect from th
u , e

two r entering volutes on th inner faces

e e .

Th fundamental form of the Corinthian C pita l is the calix

e a .

Th edecoration may be designed on two methods Firstly a row of .

leaves or two rows arranged lter ately one above the other clothe
a n

the lower cylindrical part of the capital and plain broad waterleaves
form the transition to the square abacus To this class belongs the

capital of the Tower of the Winds in Athens and a capit l found ,


on the island of Melos which is shown on Plate 1 28 7 O secondly ,

. . r, :

volutes rise from th e rows of leaves d unite in pairs under the an

corners of th abacus which are then extended so that the sides are
e , ,

rendered concave in plan Th centre of each sides of the abacus is . e

decorated with a palmette or rosette (Plate 1 28 8 .

Th e f sion of the Ionic u d Corinthian capitals produced the an

Composite capital ; whose appearance is more interesting than beautif l u

(Plate 1 28 .

Early Ch istian and to a certain extent B yz anti ne and Roma

r , , ,

ne sq ueart models the forms of capital on those of the Antique


Th Corinthian Capit l is the one mostly followed

e Th details are
a . e

made correspondingly simpler and ru der (Plate 1 29 6 B ut .

along side of these reminiscences of the Antique new and independent ,

forms appe r Th ntagonism between the cylindrical under part

a . e a

an d the square upper termination is adjusted by geometrical o str c c n u

tions Thus originated the Cushion and the Tr pe ziform Capit l

. a a .

Th Cushion capital is specifically Romanesque A half sphere is cut


e .

by planes below and on the four sides Its simplest form is given .

on Plate 1 29 1 Th e decoration is sometimes geometrical (Plate 1 29

. . .

2 and and sometimes contains foliage and figures (Plate 1 29 .

Th Double cushion Capital is a va iant of the Cushion c apita l (Plate

e -

1 29 . Th e T apeziform capit l is specifically B yzantine

r In this a .

style the cylindric l shaft is continued to the square abacus which

: a ,

causes each side of the C pital to assume a Trapeziform shape (Plate a

Very often these Capitals are richly decorated with figures


Th arrangement of clustered shafts so pop lar in the Mid dle

e ,

Ages led to the Coupled capital which appears sometimes as con


joined capitals (Plate 1 29 and sometimes as the juxtaposition of .

two ordi nary capitals with a conjoined abacus .

In th e Gothic style particularly in its later pe iod the abacus ,

r ,

becomes octagonal Crocket like knots of leaves are loosely attached


to the calix formed core Th vigourous proje tions of these leaf

. e c

ornaments give the Capital the appearance of an inverted bell (bell

capita ls Plate ,

Th e Renascence adopts the Doric and Ionic Capita ls and more ,


Pl ate 1 27 . Th e Cap ital .


Th e Cap ital . Pl ate 1 28 .

Me y er , H and b k
oo of Orn a m e n t .

P l at e 1 29 . Th e Cap ital .

Pl ate 131 . Th e Pil a t r Pa el

s e n .
Th e Cap ital . Th e Pil a ter Pa l
s ne . 21 3

12 R ma esque Cushion capital monastery L ippoldsberg

—1 4
. o n -
, ,

13 . L ate Gothic triforium of the choir minster Freiburg

, ,

P L A TE 1 3 0 .A AL TH E C PI T .

1 Renascence drawing by Holb ein (Guichard)

, ,

2 . Renascence designs by Hein ich V igth, (Hirth) r o err , .

4 . Composite Itali an ,

5 . Renascence Pala zo S crofa Ferra a Itali n

z ,
r ,
a .

6 . Renascence Tomb in Sta Maria del Popolo Rome by S

, ,

sovino .

7 . Renascence Italian Palazzo Zorzi Venice

, , ,

8 . Modern municipal baths C rlsruhe Architect Durm

, ,

9 . Modern French Vaude ille theatre Paris A chitect Magne,

v , ,
r .

(Pl a t e

In many cases the Pilaster or wall pier shaft is devoid of orna -

ment U nlike the colum n the Pilaster does

. as a r le taper p ,
n ot , u ,

wards ; and if the Pila ter is ornamented with fl ti g the tapering s u n

is never permissible Th Pila ter frequently has cinctu es generally . e s r ,

two the lower at

the upp r at of its height Th ornament l e . e a

decoration when pres nt takes the form of an elongated su k panel

e , ,

bordered by a m o l ding Th ornamentation may be of three kinds u . e

firstly an ascending plant motive may be used rising sym metrically


or in the form of a w avy line from cali ces vases & animal and ,

c .

human figures being not infrequent accessories ; secondly the decora ,

tion may consist of festoons of flowers fruits trophies shi elds & , , , ,
c .

varied by knots and ribbons the points of suspension b i g tt s ,

e n

r ose e ,

rings lion heads &c ; thi rdly the panel may be decorated with flat
, ,

strapwork as in the Elizabethan manner


Of these three kinds of decoration the first is the most use d ;

and the most suitable Few Antique ex m ples have come dow n to . a

us ; the Middle Ages make scarcely any of th Pilaster ; but use e

the Renascence is much richer in such examples S talls Altars .

, ,

S epulchral monuments are scarcely to be found wi thout Pil s ters

a .

Plate 1 3 1 o ffers a small selection from the pi material ; ll th c0 ou s a e

panels show the first of the three kinds of decoration .


1 Italian Re ascence

. n .

2 5 Italian Renascence St Maria dei Miracoli Veni c

a .
e .

6 7 Italian Renascence by Benedet to da Majano

. .

8 . Modern Panels in the style of the Italian Renascence

Th e Pil a ter Cap ital s .


(Pl a t e s 1 3 2

Generally speaking the structure of th Capital of the pilaster


follows that of the Column ; and to a certain extent translates the


, ,

form s of the latter from the round to the flat Thi s observation is .

true in the Renascence period ; but not in the Antique .

In Pil ster capitals in the Doric style one or more le f or egg

a -

and dart mouldings run nder the abacus and are covered at th
u , e

corners with palmettes or leaves Beneath this proper part of the .

Capit l a neck more or less high is usually found decorated with


rosettes or wi th other ornaments (Plate 1 3 2 On modern Capitals .

of thi s class the neck may even be fluted (Plate 1 3 4 not infr . a

quently the centre of the Capit l is still f rther decorated by the a u

ad dition of masks symbols &c (Plate 1 3 4 7 d , ,

. . an

Whi le the Renascence adopted the form of the Ionic Capital

wi th sca cely any change for its p ilasters (Plate 1 3 4
r the Antique .

possessed a speci l form of pilaster Capita l of this order (Plate 1 3 2

a .

Th most num erous

e varied and beautiful Capitals of pilasters

a re in the Corinthian order Th profile d general a rangement are . e an r

th same as with the colum ns ; generally however the pilaster is

e , ,

broad er in proportion to its height Th lower part is encircled by . e

A tificial leaves whi ch sometimes d w indle to the two corner leaves


supporting th volutes Th volutes are of the most varied de ip

e . e scr

tions sometimes replaced by cornucopias dolphins chi meras and

, , , ,

other fig es (Plates 1 3 2 8 and 1 3 3

ur Leaf ornaments vases . .
, ,

garlands calices of flowers & are arranged at the centres (Plate 1 3 2

, ,
c .

4 also masks (Plate 1 3 3 4 5 and Neckings are rare on , ,

Corinthi an capitals (Plate 1 3 3 Th egg and dart mouldi gs . e - -

n ,

whi ch run along the bottom of Antique examples (Plate 1 3 2 4 .

are remi niscences of the Doric style so that these forms may also ,

be rega ded as a kind of transition Capital

r .

P L ATE 1 3 2 . TH E P I L AS TE R CA PI TAL .

l .Greek Doric anta Erechtheum Athens

, ,

2 .Greek Ionic anta -


3 Greek Corinthia
4 —6 Roman Corinthian (B ottich )
n .

er .

7 .Roman Corinthian Pantheon Rome -

, ,

8 .Roman Corinthian Temple of Mars Ultor Rome

, ,


1 . Corinthian Italian Renascence Court of

, ,
th e S cala dei Giganti ,

Venice (Wiener B hii tt )

, au e .
Pl ate 1 33 ,
21 7

Th e Pil a t r Cap ital

s e . Pl ate 1 34 .
Th e Pil a ter Cap ita l
s . Th e Can d el abra B a e s .

orinthian Italian Renascence St Maria dei Miracoli Venice

C , ,
a .
, .

Corinthia Italian Renas cence Certosa Florence n, , ,


Corinthian Italian Renascence S cuola di S Marco Veni e

, , an , c
by Pietro Lombardo
5 —6 Corin thi an Italian Renascence

. Chapel of the Palaz zo Vecch io

, , ,

Florence (Mu terornamente) ,

s .

Corinthian Italian Renascence ,


Corinthian French Re nascence Tomb of L ouis XII St De is

, , ,
. n .


Corinthi n Italian Renascence Portal of S Michele Venice

, ,

Corinthian Italian Renascence Palace of the Doges Ve i ce

, , ,
n .

Ionic French Renascence (L i evre)

, ,

Wrought iron castle at Athis Mons French 1 7 th century

, , .

Wrought iron by Jean B erain French 1 7 th century (R g e et)

, , , ,
a u n .

Modern Doric Archi tects Kayser and Grossheim ,

v . .

Modern D oric new Opera House Paris Architect G rnier , , ,

a .

Modern Ionic Rue Dieu P ris Architect S dill , ,

a ,
e e .

Modern Corinthi an atelier of a painter P ris Sc lptor B l h , ,

a ,
u oc e .


(P la t e

lighting the Candelab m played an im portant part in the

For ,

domest c and religious life of the Ancients In the House they

i .

mostly employed slender delicate bron z e C d l b ; and for Religio ,

an e e ra n,

the great State candelabra of marble Th Candelabrum like the

. e ,

colum consists of three parts the base the shaft and the capital
n ,
: , ,

To ffo d th necessary steadiness the base of the Candelabr m

a r e ,

is pla ned on com paratively large scale and divided into three legs
n a , ,

whi ch stretch out towards the points of an equilateral triangle For


the foot the claw of an animal and in particular the claw of the
, ,

Lion is used Not infrequently th claws rest on balls or discs

. e

(Plate 1 3 5 Th transition
. to the shaft is designed with a double

cali x th upper leaves of whi ch rise and encircle the shaft and the
e ,

lower leaves descend and mask the junction of the th ee legs r

(Plate 1 3 5 1 and A .delicate


anthemion may be perceived

between each pair of feet on richer examples (Plate 1 3 5 2 and .

In exceptional cases the leg appears to grow from the mouth of an

animal (Plate 1 3 5 Occasionally a circ lar profiled and decorated
. u ,

disc is used instead of the double calyx and anthemion S ometimes .


too the shaft is prolonged downwards beneath the disc in the form

of a knob but does not touch the ground

220 SU PP ORTS .

Pl ate 135 . Th e Ca d el ab um Ba e
n r s .

Th e Ca del ab
n ru m haft
S . Pl ate 1 36 .
Th e Ca de l abrum Cap ital
n . Th e B a la u ste r .


(Pl a t e

Capital of a Candelabrum has a plate or c p like form

Th e u -

according as it is destined to receive a lamp or a candle The t0 ps , .

of the Antique bronze Candelabra as a rule are profiled like the , ,

so called Krater (figs


1 .

Th e pro files and ornamentation already given may be

, ,

garded as st ndards Th insertion of real capitals or of figures as

a . e
, ,

bearers (fig 6) is rarer Th e marble Candelabra of the Antique

. .

us ually term inate in a plate or table and this is also the

(fig .

case with the Re nascence Candelabra intended to receive candles “

These were not placed in a cyli ndrical socket but stuck on a c c

nic l pricket
a .

On the decoration of Candelabra the reader may compare the

plates dealing with this subject in Division III (Group of Ute sils) , n .



1 . Antique Museum Naples

, ,

7 . Roman .

8 . Renascence drawing in the, Uffizi, Florence .

(Pl a t e

are small squat columns of circ lar or s quare p l n

B a la u ster s u a .

S ometimes they are only symmetrical around their axis sometimes ,

however they are also symmetrical in an upward and dow ward di c n re

tion In most cases their co structi on i s that of the candelabrum

. n .

They may be divided into base shaft and capital , ,


Ranged side by side in a row b l t are employed by the

- -
a a u s e rs

Renascence and modern art in Parapets Balconies Attics and Stair , , ,

cases When the B l st s are placed on a Stair case the bases

. a au er -

and capitals are either slanting or the hori z ontals of the B l st s ,

a au er

follow the slanting lines of the stair case Th latt er method was -
. e

adopted in the Decadence of the Renascence but is unjustifiable ; d ,


can in any case only be adopted with B l st s of a square or

, ,
a au er

oblong plan A rich variety may be obtained by the

. of square us e

and cyli drical forms in the same B l t (fig

n Th B l t a a u s er . e a a u s er

is occasionally used as a support for Stalls and on F itm e R ,

u rn

. a

g u e t s D ocuments
ne t

M t i“
x contains a large num ber of B e a er a u a

la t s ; from which we have selected some exam ples

us er .

Pl ate 1 38 . Th e Ba la u ster .
The B a la u ster . Th e T erm inu s. 225

P L ATE 1 3 8 . TH E BA L A U STR E .

1 . quare plan Italian Renascence St Maria della S lute

S , ,
a . a
Venice .

2 .A system of squa e B l st Palazz o Pesaro Venice r a au ers, ,


3 .Circular plan Modern It lian ,

a .

4 Wood Italian Renascence stalls in St Mari Novella Flo

, ,
a. a. ,

rence .

5 Modern French Architect Roux Paris

6 —7 S quare wooden (Bethke
. .
, ,

Der decor tive :


8 —9 Modern terracotta

. .

(Pl a te

erminus is a pilaster like support the f ndament l form

Th e T -
u a

of which is characterized by tapering downwar ds in a manner



calling an inve ted Obelisk Th name is derived from the fact that
r . e

Similiar const uctions were used in the Antique as milestones and to


mark the Termi nations of fields & Th Terminus consists of the ,

c . e

profiled base not infrequently supported on a special pedestal (figs 3


and the shaft tapering downwards and usually ornamented with

festoons (figs 3 4 5 and the capital whi ch is often
, , , ,
re ~

placed by a bust or half fig (figs 4 5 In this latter -

u re .
, ,

c se it assumes the appearance of a caryatid ; and as the bust is

, ,

that of He mes (th G od of letters) this application is often termed

r e ,

a Hermes Standing isolated it serves as a Pedest l for busts and

“ ”

lamps as a Post for railings and in gardens and terraces Th last

, ,
. e

was exceedi gly popular in the Rb o period Joined to the wall

n coc .

th Terminus often takes the place of the pilaster This is especially

e .

t ue of the f rniture and small architect ral constructions of the

r u u

Renascence period It is also not uncommon on Utens ils g ti

e . . r

pods handles of pokers seals &c

, , ,

P L ATE 1 3 9 . TH E TE R M I N U S .

1 . Upper part antique silver treasure of Hildesheim Berlin

, , ,

Museum (obviously from a Roman tripod)


2 . Stone Terminu s b u st I talian Renascence Villa Massimi Rome , , , ,

( g
Ra u e n et
) .

3 . Stone Terminus bust German Renascence mantel piece town , ,


hall L iib ck
e .

4 . Stone Termi nus bust German Renascence Otto Heinrich buil d , ,

ing Heidelberg Castle


5 . Ston Terminus bust G e man Renascence monument c hu rch

e ,
r , ,

of the castle Pforzheim ,


M ey e r , H a n dboo k of Orn a m e n t .

P l ate 1 39 . Th e T erm inu

s .
228 SU PPO RTS .

Pl ate 1 40 .
Th e Parap et .

Th e R ail i g P t
n os . Pl ate 1 41 .
230 Th e R l ai i g Po t n s . Th e F rniture
u L eg .

te ria l most often us ed ; but l tely a return h s been made to a a

the more plastic wrought iron Th ornamentation depends on -

. e

the material selected Wrought iron Posts are decorated with.

scrolls and tendrils while cast iron uprights are decorated in


bas relief

If the Railing post h s to sta d on a hori z ontal plane it is d

a n

visable to construct the foot in the manner shown in figs 3 4 .

, ,

and 5 ; if it is to be affixed to the Sides of th treads of a staircase e


arrangements similar to those in figs 2 7 and 8 are necessary Where .

, , , .

the upper end has to support the hand ail independent termi natio s -
r , n ,

like figs 2 and 5 may be adopted Spherical heads m y be applied

, . a

to all angles (fig .

PL ATE 141 . TH E R AI L I N G P OST .

1 . Modern Post cast metal ,

Ar chitect v Leins .
S tuttg rta ,
w erbeh a lle) .

2 . Modern P ost ca st metal ,

Ar chitect v Hoven Frankfurt .

w erbeha lle) .

3 . Modern Post wrought iron (G ewerbehalle) -

, .

4 . cast metal -

5 . architects Gropius and S chmieden .

6 Plain wooden Post

. .

7 . Modern Posts cast metal Ar chi tect v Hoven Frankf rt

, .
u .

(Pl a t e

Legs f wood furniture may be divided into tw o classes

The O

accordi g to their height Tables and chairs have high Legs ; low
n .

Legs or Feet serve as supports for all kinds of cabinet and box like -

arti cles .

Th e general plan is that Of a b l uste like body of re voluti on a a r -

a s turned on the la the Angular forms however are also used.

, ,

High Legs are frequently decorated with carved ornaments ; low

Legs are usually left pl in ; and this would seem to be in ac cordance

with their character .

Met l F eet r sometimes used for s m all pieces of furniture like

a a e

caskets .

Where the Legs have to sta nd on th fl oor it is advisable to e :

taper them down w ards (figs 5 w here they have to stand O . n

raised platform s and seldom requi re to be moved it is bette r to :


f rnish them with a pedestal (fig

u It h s lately become fashion . a

able to apply me tal casters to pianos heavy chairs couches &c , , ,


Pl ate 1 42
. Th e Furniture L eg .
SU PPO RTS . 233

ra p e ph ron
Th e T zo o . Pl ate 1 43 .

Pl ate 1 44 . rap ezoph r n

Th e T o o .
Th e

Con ol e s .

used ben ath mouldings and in corners of doors between the jamb s
e ,

and the lintel Th example on Plate 1 4 6 1 1 m y be taken as

. e . a

representative of this kind of support A Oth class of Supports . n er

exhi bits a central core tapered downwards like Pendants with a

, ,

polygonal or round plan (Plate 1 4 7 1 and Thi s latter form is


also used in G othic art as a B racket for the Statues of the saints ,

which we re applied to piers and the arches of portals .

Th e R c remodels the last named console in its own way

en a s en se -

but recu s by preference to the A tique form (Plate 1 4 6

r some n .

times reversi g the volutes (Plate 1 4 6 1

n and gi vi ng the front .

a richer and more independent ornamentation (Plate 1 4 6 Th . e

combination of several smaller consoles to form a Composite c m -


sole is shown on Plate 1 4 6 fig 5 Just as the Pendant consoles

. . .

Of the G othic style imitate the lyx it l S O too does th Rena '

p ca ca a ,

scen e
s remodel the D oric Ionic and Corinthian capitals for Con oles , ,

(Plate 1 4 7 4 In .wood architec t re we meet with Consoles u


which have the form of richly decorated struts (Plate 1 4 6 -


Th e Barocco style which followed the Renascence also made , ,

essential additions to the richness Of the forms Th strict line of . e

the volute is abando ed and frequently broken by straight li es n n

(Plate 1 4 6 7 T h. C onsole is shaped in front vi ew like a pen e -

dant Tria gle or typographical Tail piece (Plate 1 4 7 3 and

n ,
A -
. n

other invention f this period is the Triglyph console (Plate 1 4 7

o -

Th Rococo period abandons the traditional standards and sacri

e ,

fi construction to picturesq e license Shell work and

c es ymm u .
un s e

t i l scrolls serve as supports

r ca ,

Modern art recasts the elements of former styles without adding ,

anything essentially new less we regard as a novelty the custo m ,


of placing busts clocks and k i k ks on independent Consoles

, ,
n c na c ,

w hich are used as Br ckets a .

Finally we m y mention that in almost every style Consoles in

: a ,

the various forms have been used as the Keystones of d oor and
window lintels in which case they are ge erally speaki g
t ,
n n ,

Supports as they have nothing to support


It should b considered inadmissible to apply distorted Consoles i e

e . .

thos e which have vertical ides th ough they are on the r king sofits
S a

of pediments as was done in the Late ROm period and in imitation

an ,

thereof by the R enascence in some examples .

Examples of all periods will be found in R g t work ; and

, ,
a u en e


an exhaustive essay on the Console by Dr P F Krell in the Ge -

. . .

wer beh lle 1 8 7 0 No 1 0

a , ,
. .


. .

1 2 Front and si de view Greek North door Erechtheum A thens

—4 Front and side view R man Vatica
, , , ,

3 . . o ,
n .
SU PPORTS . 23 7

Th e Co ol
ns e . Pl ate 1 45 .

Pl ate 1 46 . Th e Con ol e
s .
SU P .

Pl ate 1 48 . Th e Br cket
a .
Th e Con ol e s . Th e Bracket . 24 1

5 —6 Roman Front and ide view temple

S ,
Of J upiter Stator Rome ,

7 —8 Roman F ront and side view Vatican

, ,

1 46 . TH E CON S OL E .

Renas cence Side views Vatic n , ,

a .

Renascence H et l d Ass t Toulouse (R ,


e za , ,
gu e n et ) .

Renascence Wooden French H Ot l d A , , , e

ssezet, T o louse u , (R a
gu e n et
) .

Renascence Istrian limestone Venetian Hamburg Museum , , , ,


Renascence Marble Italian St Maria de Miracoli Venic e

, , ,
a .

, ,

(Gropius ) .

Modern French Architect Roux Paris , , ,


1, 1)

Me di aeval church , ,
A this France ,

PL ATE 1 47 . TH E CON S OL E .

1 . Romanesque Noyon cathedral 1 2th century (R g t) , , ,

a u en e .

2 . Gothic St Pierre sous Vez elay (G ewerbehalle)


Renascence French castle Blois

3 .
, , ,

5 Renas cence G erman new Castle Baden Baden (Gmelin)

, , ,
, .

6 . Renascence G erman Heidelberg castle , ,


7 . Ren scence Triglyph console L ate French

a ,

8 . Modern French library Louvre Ar chitect L efu l (R gu e t)

, , , ,
e ,
a ne .

9 . Modern French (R g e t) , ,
a u ne .

10 . Modern French New casino Lyons Architect Porte (R g e t)

, , , , ,
a u ne .

(Pl a t e

special class of Supports is formed by those wrought iron

A -

bearers which the Middle Ages the Renascence and Modern times , , ,

have produced in th shape of B rackets The u ses of B rackets are e .

very various 9 g in suppo ting Shop signs Conduit pipes Gargoyles

, . . r -
, ,

Candles Lamps Hats Coats &c

, , , ,

In form they vary with the style and i chness of the work
, r

manship S quare flat and round iron enriched by chasing and other
, ,

meth ods Of decoration are used They are frequently fastened to the , .

wall by the aid of ribbon e strips of metal which may themsel e s -

, v
be decor ted wi th scrolls and curls
a .

Th e plate shows a number of such supports f ancien t d mo ,

O an
d ern date destined for a variety of purposes
, .

M ey er, H an d b oo k of Orn a m e n t .
Th e Bracke t . Th e Caryati d , and the Atl ante .

. .

2 . Part of Reading desk S B enedetto near Mantua Italian R -

, , e

nascence (Gewerbehalle) ,

3 . Wrought iron Sign Regensburg Germ an Renascence (Mu ter

, , , ,

ornamente) .

4 . Wrought iron bearer of conduit pipe Kloster Lichten thal near

- -

B aden German Renascence (Gmelin)

, ,

5 . Wrought iron bearer of water stoup sep lchral cross in ceme

- -

t y Kirch z arten German Renascence (S chauinsland)

er , , ,

7 . Wrought iron suppo t s for Gargoyles German Renascence

r , , .

8 . Wrought iron Sign Modern Architect Crecelius Main z

, , , ,

9 . Modern wrought iron bracket (Badische G ewerbe z eitung) -

, .


(Pl a te s 1 4 9 and

freest and th richest motive for supports is the Hum n

Th e e ,

figur e As early as Egyptian and Persian architecture we find human


figures as bearers of beams and roofs .

Th Greek and Roman styles also m ake use of this m o tive

e Th . e

moder a m es for such supports are derived from the A tique Accord
n n n .

ing to Gree k myt hology Atlas supports the vault of heaven at the ,

ends of the arth Hence is derived the name Atlantes for these
e .
“ ”

m ale s pporters They are lso sometimes termed Tel amons “ ”

u . Th a . e

name Cary tids for femal e supporting figures is derived fro m the


, ,

town f Cary in the Peloponnesus Accordi g to another version the


o as . n

C y tids
ar a imitations of the virgins who d anced in the temple at
a re

Caryas at the feast of Diana According to Vitruvius their intro



duction into archite cture is owi g to the fact that ladies of Caryas n

as a punishment for the Support they rendered to th Persians were e ,

carried into captiv ty a nd compelled to serve as carriers of b dens


ur .

Th Caryatids are termed Canephorae (basket bearers) when capitals



in shape like a basket re interposed between their heads and the a

superincumbent burde Amo g well known exam ples in the An tique n . n -

are the Atlante s in the temple of J upiter at Ag ig t m and the r en u ,

Caryatids of the Erechtheum at Athens .

T h e Middle Ages made little use of Atlantes and Caryatids ; the

Re ascence and the follo w ing style s o the contrary used them freely
n ,
n ,

Atlantes and Caryatids occu isolated and connected with walls ; r ,

and in both high and bas relief Sometimes the whole length of th -
. e

figure is employed sometimes only the upper half in conjunction wi th


3.Console (Plate 1 4 9 4 or w ith terminus like bases (Plate 1 5 0 .


4 Co m posite bearers in the form of double Caryatids are als o

a popular motive as sh own by the example on Plate 1 5 0 from the
, ,

Louvr e at Paris .

Pl ate 1 50 . Th e Caryati d ,
&c .
Th e Caryatid , th e A tl a te
n , &c . 24 5

PL ATE 149 . TH E CAR Y ATI D , THE ATL AN TE , &c .

1 . Greek Caryatid Erechtheum , ,

At hens , (Vorbilder flir Fabrikanten
und Handwerker) .

2 . A tique Caryatid Villa Mattei

n after Piranesi (Vorbilder fur
, , ,

Fabrikanten und Handwerker) .

3 Modern French Atlante house in Paris Sculptor Caillé (R

, , ,

n et
—7 Mode n Front and side views of Half fig
gu e .

4 . r ,
u re Co soles Ziegler
n ,

and Weber ,
C .

Modern Double Caryatid Louvre Paris (B aldus)

2 — 3 .

Modern Caryatids Conservatoire des arts t métiers Pa is

, ,
, , ,



S culptor E Robert (R g t)

a u en e .

Modern Caryatids Director C Hammer Nuremberg

4 5 .
, ,
, .

6 7 . Modern Caryatids Director C Hammer Nuremberg

, ,
, .

(P ANE L S )

hat Meth od of treatment which h s for its object to deco te

T ,
a ra

a plane su rface and to cover it with ornament &c by means of

, ,

p ainting inlaying
engraving etc h ing & ,
we term fl t decoration , ,
c .
a .

This falls into two classes Firstly the or ament may be de . n

signed for a definite bounded space such as an oblong according to

, , ,

artisti c rules so that it fits exactly into this Space alone in whi ch

ca se it is a disconti uo us or Panel ornament Or secondly th “ ”

n .
, ,

o nament may exte nd itself in every direction repeati g its de tails

r ,

without regard to any definite boundary in which case it is a co : n

s or D iaper ornament such as a wall paper

n u ou


T rning our attention first to discontinuous or Panel ornament

u -

we shall fi d in addition to objects whose boundaries are arbitrary

n ,

and to be fixed at will th at we have principally to co s ider the ,


following shapes the Square the other regular polygons the Circle
: , , ,

th e Oblong the Ellipse the Lunette th e various forms of the S pan

, , ,

rail th
Lo z enge and the Triangle
e .

G eometrical natural and artificial elements either singly or

, , ,

combined are us ed ,
Th e characte r of th ornament m y be Natu ra
. e a

listic or it may be Ar tificial

and adapt d to some pre arra g ed ,
e -

leading lines of the Shape Thi s book does not treat of examples of

th e former character Th ose of the latter character .i e A rtifici l ,

. . a

o nament
r will depend on the attitude f the Panel with regard to

the Horizo n .
248 Th e S quare Pane l .

A nother kind of S qu re decor tion is that in which it is sub a a

di i ded into separ te Spaces each Of whi ch receives an independent

v a ,

ornam ent tion Plates 9 and 1 0 of the Handbook give a number of

a .

such divisions of S quares ; a similar mode Of decoration will be

found on Plate 1 5 1 fig 8 Plate 1 5 3 figs 6 and 7 and elsewhere ,
, ,
, .

Th decoration of th S quare in an upright attitude wi th sym metry

e e

to one axis belongs to the same category as the Oblong ; and we


may therefore refer to what will be said below with reference to

thi s latter figure .

S qua re panel are to be found in ll styles ; we have taken some a

striking examples from the coffer ceilings of the Antique and th -


Re nascence from the pavement tiles of the Middle Ag es

d from -

th metal work of the Renascence and Modern times

e -

PL ATE 1 51 . T

1 . Greek ra i scus ofl e of ceiling Propylaea Athens

U n ,

r , ,

2 . Roman bas relief found during the rectification Of the

Ti ber
near the Farnesina Rome in 1 8 7 9 Mus eo Tiberino , , ,

3 As syrian pavement Ko yu nj ik (Owen Jones)

u ,

4 . Greek Ocfl s Of ceilings Propylaea Athens

er , ,

6 . Athens .

7 Parth enon .

8 Roman mosaic pavement Pompeii (Owen Jones)

, , ,

9 By z antine bas relief S Marco Venice (Owen J ones)

an , ,

1 52 . TH E S Q UARE P A N E L .

D ecoration Of a book l 0th century Library of the Duke Of

, , ,

D evonshire (R ci et) ,
a n .

2 . S candinavian bas relief Celtic stone cross churchyard , Meigle -

, , ,

Angus (Owen J ones) ,


3 . B as relief tomb Of Pierre le Vénérable Cluny museum


, ,

1 2th century (L art pour tous)


Mediaeval tiles (Owen Jones R ci t , , ,

a ne

Ti les Cistercian monastery Bebenhausen

, ,

Moorish Tiles .

G o thic tiles B loxham church England 1 5th century

, ,

, ,

TE 1 53 . TH E S Q UA RE P ANE L
l and 3 Inlaid work
14 th or 1 5th century ,
Sa u va geot collectio n,

(R a cin et
) .

Arabian mosaic (Prisse d A e e ) ,

v nn s .

Moorish Alhambra 1 4 th century

, ,

Arabian wood door 1 6 th century (L rt pour tous)


, ,
a .
Th e S qua e Pane l r . Th e S tar hap e Pane l
s . 24 9

6 . Renascence I ntarsia German (Hirth Formenschatz)

, , ,

7 . Modern .

8 9 . Renascence Intarsia St Maria gloriosa ai Erari Venice

, ,
a .
, ,

1 5th century (Musterornamente) ,


1 54 . TH E S QU ARE PAN E L .

Renascence Motive from a Robe in the Sacristy St Croce

, ,
a .

Florence Italian,

Renascence Tiles Collection Of the Count d Y

, (
R ci t)

v on ,
a ne .

Renascence Moti v e after Peter F lOt e G erman

n r, .

Renascence Mosaic flooring cathedral Spoleto (Jacobsthal

, , , ,

the centre altered) .

Renascence Intarsia stalls Certosa near Pa i a Italian

, , ,
v ,

Renascence Majoli ca Tiles St Caterina Siena Italian

, ,
a .
, ,

Renascence Intarsia door of the Cambio Perugia by Antonio

, , , ,

Mercatello 1 5 00 Italian
—1 0
, ,

8 . Renascence D oor of the Madon a di Galliera Bologna Italian

n , , ,

(M u sterornamente ) .

PL ATE 1 55 . TH E S QU AR E P AN EL .

l and 3 . Wrought iron ,

French 1 7 th cent ry (L art pour tous)
u ,


2 and 4 . W ought ron

r 1
G erman Renascence (Hi th Formens chatz) ,
r , .

W ou ghtfi ron Oxford 1 7 1 3 (H t pour tous)

5 . r -
1 , , ,
ar .

6 7 . Wrought ron -
1 ,
Modern .

8 and 1 0 . Wrought iron -

Modern cemetery Carl ruhe , ,
s .

9 . Wrought iron -
by Georg Klai Salzburg 1 7 th century n,


(Pl a t e

decoration of polygonal Stars is generally based on di t

Th e ra a

ing axes Exceptions in favor f symm etry to one or two axes are
O ,

comparatively scarce (fig .

Where there is S b division i to independent panels accord

no u -
n ,

ing to Plates 1 1 and 1 2 f th e H andbook (fig the ornament O .

follows the natu al lines of di vision furnished by the diagonals In

r .

this case the number of the single simi lar triangles f division ,

d p ends on the number Of sides (fig

o .

Decorated Star shaped panels are extremely co m mon in the Arabian

and Moorish styles where the ornam ent is often of such a character

that it would very well suit a sim ple polygon and o ly fills out ,

accidentally (so to peak) the star angles (fig 4 and

S s .

Pl ate 1 51 . Th e S quare Pa e l
n .

P l ate 1 53 . Th e S q a
u re P ane l .
EN L SE . 25 3

Th e S quare Panel . Pl ate 1 54 .


Pl ate 1 55 . Th e S quare Pa el
n .
25 6 Th e S tar shap e Pane l
. Th e Circul ar Pane l .

P L ATE 1 56 . TH E STAR

1 Mural painting S Francesco A ssisi (B essemer)

, .
, ,

2 Decoration of Arabic koran 1 7 th century (Prisse d Ave ) , ,

n n es .

Arabian architecture (Prisse d Av es)

— , enn .

A rabian ceiling painti gs (Prisse d A es)

4 5 . n , v en n .

6 Etched ornament armour National Museum Munich 1 6 th ce

, , , ,

tu ry (G ewerbehalle)
7 —8 .

A rabian ceiling painting s 1 8 th century (Prisse d A v es)


, ,

en n .


(P l a te s 1 5 7

Circle may be regarded as a polygon Of an infi ite n mber

The n u

of sides As it is impossible to take this infinite number into account


it is usual when working on radial axes to divide the Circle into


3 4 5 6 8 1 0 1 2 or 1 6
, ,
simi lar parts as indicat ed in the
, , , , , , ,

figures .

Another principle Of frequent application is that f division into O

Z ones ; each ring like band being orname ted independently -

This n .

principle predominates in the so called archaic styles 9 g on E truscan -

. .

and Assyrian shields (Plate 1 5 7 2 4 and This principle is ex .

, ,

celle tly adapted to th

n decoration Of dishes and plates the profiling e ,

of which natu rally points to a z onal division Th centre of the . e

Circle which is sometimes decorate d by a rosette m y also be filled

, ,

by some feature which is symme trical to one axis or is sym un

m t i c l (Plate 1 5 7
e I a Th latter mode Of decoration has also been
. e

a dopted although in comparatively rarer cases for the decoration of

, ,

the Circle as a whole .

G eometrical sub division of the circle by the insertion Of poly-


g ons or arcs
is common not only in G othic tracery
which is specially , ,

dependent on these processes but in every other style (com p th ,

. e

tracery panels 7 and 8 on Plate 1 5 8 and the niello or aments 7 ,


and 8 on Plate In many cases the cir cular panel is decorated ,

by an ornament which is merely an enlarged Rosette or Cieling

flo w er so that no clear line
be drawn between the two classes ca n ,

(c ompare what has been said of the Rosette on p .

1 . A ssyrian pavement Nimrud (Owen Jones)
, , ,

2 . A ssyrian shield Kh o s b d (Owen J ones) ,

r a a ,

8 . Old Frankish panel S c m t ri m Rhei ms ,

a ra en a u ,

4 5 . Greek paintings O Vases (Lau)

n ,
Th e Circul r Panel a . 25 7

6 . Celtic stone cross Churchyard , ,

St . Vigeans ,
A ngus (Owen ,


7 . Paintings on Greek Vas es (Lau) , ,


P L ATE 1 5 8 . TH E CIR CU L AR PAN E L .

1 . Romanesque manuscript , ,
12 th century (R ci et) ,
a n .

2 . Modern Early G othic , , (U ngewitter Sta d t a nd , L a nd

kirchen) .

Byz antine St S ofia Constantinople 6th century

a .
, , .

Mediaeval stone slab 1 4 th century Museum Rouen (R cin e ) , , , ,

a t .

D itto Laon cathedral (R ci t)

, ,
a ne .

D itto wrought iron key handle

- -

Gothic Boss 1 6th century St Benoit Paris (R ci et)

, ,
, ,
a n .

Gothic old cabinet United collections Carlsruhe

, , , .


a nd 11 . Gothic Chip carving old cabinet (Gewerbehalle)

, , .

O . Mediaeval glass painting S oissons cathedral (R ci et) -

, ,
a n .

1 59 . TH E CI R C U L AR P AN E L .

Arabian flat ornament ,

Mosque Ka on a m -
cd -
din , (Prisse
d Av en n es)

Romanesque m inster B asel , ,


A abian bas relief door Cairo 14 th century (Prisse d Av enn es)

r -
, , , ,

As N O . 1 .

Arabian bas relief l 6th century (L art pour tous) -

, ,


Arabian Sunk decoration metal plaque (Prisse d A es)

, , , v enn .

Niello Baltasar Silvius l 6 th century (Ys dy k)

, , ,
en c .

Marble mosaic fl oor S Vitale Ravenna (H s m ) , ,

, ,
es e er .

Romanesque portal S Laurence S egovia 1 2th cent y , ,

, , ur .

Arabian Decoration of koran 1 6 th cent ry (Prisse d A e )

u v n n eS .
, , ,

1 . Renascence Bas relief V d m i i tomb SS Giovanni e
, ,
en ra n ,

P aolo Venice It lian (Meurer)

, ,
a ,

2 and 4 . Renascence Majolica Tiles St Caterina Siena Italian

, ,
a .
, ,

Renascence Wrought iron panel S S alvator Prague Germ

an , ,
a n,

(Gewerbehalle) .

Renascence Church Kamenz German (Gewerbehalle) , , , ,


Renascence Peter F lOt German ,

n er , .

Modern Centre of a Silver plaque by Ihne and St gm fill

, ,
e er

Of Berlin (Gewerbehalle ) ,

Modern ceili g of staircase vi lla Croissy Seine et Oise

n , , .

French (Ce Daly) ,

sa r .

M eye r , H a n d b oo k Of Orn a m e n t .

Pl ate 1 57 . Th e Circul ar Panel .

EN L S D .

Pl ate 1 59 . Th e Circul ar Panel .


Th e Cir ul ar Pa el
c n . Pl at e 1 60 .
Th e Oblong Panel .

(Pl a t e s 1 6 1 1

shape Of the Oblong is particularly adapted to receive both

Th e
a o
and a mon axial treatment ; and as it is by far the most f
bi a xia l -

quently used shape numerous examples Of the two treatments are to


be found in all styles .

Wh en the Oblong is not sub divided (as shown on Plates 1 3 to -

the natural axes around which the ornament is grouped are , ,

for the bi axi al treatment the two diameters which join the centres
, ,

of the opposite sides These lines divide the figure into 4 smaller .

oblongs e ch Of which receives an identic l decoration (com p

a a


Plate 1 6 1 figs 1 3 and Plate 1 6 2 figs 1

. T use the , ,
. o

diagonals as lines of sym metry as is the rule with the square pro , ,

d uces an unfavourable e ffect ; because the 8 triangles thus formed ,

although similar to each other do not present the same a gle to the ,

centre (comp Plate 1 6 1 This panel di ffers from the usual r l e

. . u ,

as the organic growth f the ornament is not from the centre out O

wards but from the 4 angles inwards


Th strict Greek palmette ornamentation which has such an

e ,

excellent e ffect in the S quare is less s i table for the Oblong (Plate ,

1 6 1 figs 1 and 2) than the freer decorations of the Roman period


(Plate 1 6 1 3 ) and the Renascence

(Plate 1 6 2 1 .

On vertical surfaces the attitude of the Oblong panel may be :

eithe r fig wise or landscape wise Examples of the former

u re -

“ -

attitude are figs 2 and 3 ; and of the latter . figs 1 and 5 O a r e, . n

Plate 1 6 4 Th vertical line through the centre is the axis of these

. e .

Th ornament is seldom geometrical ; organic or artificial motives a

e re

mostly used Th mon axial treatment is most properly employed

. e -

where it is applied in a really vertical plane e g Pilasters (comp ,

. . on .

shafts of pilasters on Walls Doors e poly axial treat


p 225
, ) & c Th , , ,

ment is best adapted for the decoration of hori z ontal planes such as ,

Floors Ceilings & , ,

c .

Copious material is furnished by the i laid work has relie fs and n -


metal work of the Renascence



. .

1 2 .
Greek Painted ,
cofl ers

Of ceilings , Propylaea ,
A thens , (Owen
J ones) .

3 . Roman .

4 .
Roman under Side of the architrave Temple of V Sp i
e ar an, Rome .

5 .
Renascence Church Kamenz G erman (Gewerbehalle)
, , , ,

P L ATE 1 6 2 . TH E OB L ON G P AN E L
1 . Renascence Intarsia Emmet . . .

2 . Renascence Pala z zo vecchio Mantua Italian (Jacobsthal)

, , , ,

Pl ate 1 62
. Th e Obl ong P el
an .

Th e O bl ng Panel
o . Pl ate 1 63 .

5 Pl ate 1 64 . Th e Ob long Pa l
ne .
26 8 Th e E llip tic Panel . Th e L un tte an d the
e , Sp a n r a il Pan l e s .

4 -
7 . R nascence Book cover blocks Germanisches Museum N m
e ,
, ,
ur e

berg German (Musterornamente)

, .

8 . R enascence Pavement tomb of P rincess Johanna Elisabeth

, , ,

Stiftskirche Stuttgart , .


(Pl a t e s 1 6 6

emic rcle scarcely admits of any entirely satisfactory sub

The S i
division best method is to describe a circle in the semicircle
Th e .

so that the circle touches the centre of the semicircle above and the
centre of its chord below ; this arrangement is especially useful when
a medallion or a clock is to be placed in it There are two methods .

of decorating the Lunette either an upright panel ornament is de : -

signed symm etrical to one axis an arrangement which is the best as , ,

the semicircle in the majority Of cases is used on vertical planes

, ,

( Plate 1 6 7 1 and or the S emicircle

. is divided like a fan into a , ,

number of sectors which receive an identical decoration an arra ge

, ,

ment which is chiefly adopte d for D oor heads (Plate 1 6 6 I -

. n

such cases a central semicircle is us ually i s erted ; and the small n

panel thus formed is decorated independently The bject of this

, , . O

is to obviate the inelegant and difficult accumulation of radii at the

centre .

In consequence of an Optical illusion the semicircle gives the ,

impression of being really less than the half of the whole circle ; and
for this reason it is sometimes stilted that is the centre of the c “ ”

does not lie on the springing line but is shifted a little higher -

Th name sp is given to the spaces of various shape ”


a n ra

which remain after circular shapes are taken away from quadrang lar -

ones The commonest figure of this kind is the Triang loid which
. u

is formed on either side of a semicircle when this latter is desc ibed r

in an oblong Frame Th same shape results when a circle is inscribed. e

i a square which frequently occurs in the decoration Of ceilings S ome

n ,

times the decoration of the Triang loid consists of a ro sette in its u

centre ; or laurel palm and oak sprays circular wreaths and waving
, , , ,

ribbons trophies figures in relief and Similar motives in a more or less

, , , ,

n aturalistic style are employed In severer decoration the axis of


symmetry is the line of bisection of the right angle Th motives are . e

sometimes geometrical (Plate 1 6 6 5 but more frequently organic .

(Plate 1 6 7 4 and among. artificial forms varieties Of strapwork

, ,

are used (Plate 1 6 7 6 .

When a series of arcs has a co mmon bounding straight line the ,

Span il is Shaped as shown by fig 4 Plate 1 6 6

ra This figure is th .
. e

Th e E llip ti Pa l
c ne .

Pl ate
1 66 . Th e L u n ette ,
and th e Sp a n ra il Pa l
ne s .
27 2 Th e L unette , a nd the Sp a n ra il Pane l s . Various Pane l s.

same as two conjoined T i g l ids It has a vertical central axis r an u o .


A other well known shape results when two smaller Semicircles

n -

are taken away from a larger

as when for i s tance two round headed , ,
n -

w i dow n lights are enclosed by a common arch Finally we may

n .

mention the Quadrant which is not infrequently used in the angles ,

Of ceilings (figures 7 and 8 of Plate


1 .Roman (V lli my) ,

u a .

2 .Italian Renascence (G ewerbehalle) , .

Arabian (Prisse d A

3 . s) ,
ven n e .

4 Early G othi c Sp il Stone Church England a nr a

5 —6 A abian mosaic Sp
, ,

il (Prisse d Av e

. r , ) a n ra ,
n n es .

7 8 Modern . .


. TH E , .

1 . Renas cence intarsia St Maria in Organo Verona Italian

, ,
, ,

2 . Wrought iron Grill -


3 . Renascence W o gth iron Grill G erman ,

r u -

4 . Ren scence plinth of a col m St Antonio Padua (Meurer)

a ,
u n ,
, ,

5 Modern Vaude vi lle theatre Paris (R g t)

, , ,
a u en e .

6 . Rena scence by V edem de Vries ,

r an .

(Pl a t e

Lo z enge
Th e decorative art includes the Rhombus and the
In ,

S quare when one of its diagonals is vertical Th L ozenge is trea ted . e

either as an upright panel sym met ical to one axis (figs 2 4 and ,
r .
, ,

or the two diagonals are the axes of symmetry for a bi axial -

pattern (figs 1 and In the former cas e the ornament consists of

, ,

two ; and in the latter case of four similar parts Th Lo z enge is ,

. e

not Often employed Occasionally it finds a place as a panel in .

Lattices D oors Dadoes Ceilings &

, , , ,
c .

. TH E .

1 D oor NC dli g church 1 7 th century

r n en ,

2 Grill Townhall W ii b g German Renascence

, ,
rz ur ,

4 5 . Modern decorative painting .

(Pl a te s 1 6 9

Plate 1 6 9 and 1 7 0 give number incident Panel shapes a. Of al -


Of which there is a great variety Th principle Of decoration must . e


Th e L oz ge Pan l
en e .

Me y er, H and bo k
o Of Orn a m e n t .

Pl ate 1 69 . Vari ou s Pan l

e s .
Variou Pane ls s .

be adapted to each case ; and hould follow the analogy of the p in S r

cipl s enunciated above

e Thus for example reg lar polygons with.
, ,

convex or concave Sides (Plate 1 7 0 1 and are treated similarly .

to polygons with straight sides .

Figures like those on Plate 1 6 9 7 and 8 are decorated in the .


manner of an Oblong or an Ell pse The ornament of Plate 1 6 9 1 i . .


recalls the decoration of the Lunette .

Th Trapezoid is tr eated either as an upright panel the centr l

e ,

axis being perpendicular to the two parallels ; or the ornamentation

approaches that of a bi axial Oblong panel ; but it will be somewhat -

modified to fit the angles (Plate 1 7 0 4 and

This latte r ci . r ~

c m st
u ce has also to be taken
an into consideration in the case of a
right ng led Triangle of unequal sides when the line of bisecti on of
a ,

the right angle is used as the axis of symmetry (Plate 1 7 0

an .

unsymm etrical arrangement is best in this case see figures 7 to 9 on ,

th e sam e plate This latter free style of design which is not bound

by axial lines may also be recommended for the Raking Parallelo


grams which occ on st i rcases ur a .

P L ATE 1 6 9 . AN E L S VAR I OU S P .

1 . Wrought iron Grill Tow h all Villingen late German R

n , ,


2 . B l t de of staircase Frankfort on the Main G erman 1 6 th

a a u s ra , ,

ce nt y (G ewerbehalle)
4 —5
ur ,

. Grill P lpit steps Thann G erm an 1 6th cent ry (Gewerbe

u -
, ,
u ,

halle) .

6 . Grill Padua Italian Renascence

, ,

7 . D etail of Lattice late German Renascence ,


8 . Grill late Germ n Renascence

a .


. .

1 . Trefoil tracery G othic (J c bsth l) , ,

a o a .

2 . Mural painting Swedish Romanesque (R ci et) , , ,

a n .

Louvre Paris


4 5 . Marble i laid work Pulpit Cathedral Savona Italian Ren scence

n , , , ,
a ,

M eurer)
— ( .

6 9 . Triangular panels Stalls of the L aurentian Libra y Floren ce

r , ,

ascribed to Michel Angelo .

27 7


(D A I PER S ) .

It is the essence of repeated ornament that it m y be ex

, ,

tended o all sides at discretion the component parts of the design

n ,

i( e the pattern) admitting of uninterrupted repetition Th ele

. . . e

ments are either geometrical organic or as in the majority of cases , , , ,

geometrical are combined with organic elements sometimes with the ,

addition of figures and artificial accessories Diaper ornament has .

either a poly axial or a bi axial character In the former case th e

- -

decoration expands reg larly on all Sides ; the basis is a system of inter

secti g axes of symmetry as shown in the square or triangular Nets on


Plate 1 In the second case the decoration consists of growth in an p


ward direction the repetition on each side being secured by turning


the pattern over symmetrically or by juxtaposition (in the usual sense


of the word) Here also combination frequently occurs to this

, ,

extent that many patterns have a poly axial basis while single panels -

and medallions have upright decoration .

Growth in a downward di rection or in an oblique upward di ,

rection & must be class ed as exceptions to the r le

, c .
u .

When Diaper patterns are applied to circumscribed surfaces e ,


g on Walls they are either t fl abruptly as in Wall papers or

. : cu -


are stopped Short of the limits and a B order is applied There is


seldom much diffic lty in the case of geometrical patterns ; but with

Organic designs the ides Of the upright patterns us ually terminate


at th axis of symmetry
e .

Diaper ornament is applied to many purposes Mosaic Parquetry .

, ,
Marquetry using geometrical patterns ; the Text ile Wall paper and
, ,
Th e S qua e Diap er Circl e Diap er
r , ,
&c .

Wall painting crafts using the organic elements ; and Floor cover
- -

ings Glass painting I laying and similar Met l decorations using

n ,
a -

both The treatment of large Grills sometimes demands a repeated


p a ttern that m y be expanded at will ; so that we may add this


b ranch to th others e .


(P AR Q U E TRY ) (Pl a t e

Parquetry is the term applied to the overlaying of flooring with

mosaic of hard woods Th patterns are almost exclusively geo . e

metrical ; the basis is the quadrangular or triangular Net Th single . e

parts are first put together to form square or regular hexagonal

figures which are then tongued and grooved and fix ed to the boards
, ,

Th Plate Shows a number of modern Parquet patterns figures 2 8

e -
, ,

9 and 1 0 being based on the triang lar ; and the others on the qua u

d g l
ra n N t Parquet
u ar patterns which
e are.So designed that the floor -

has the e ffect of projections and hollows are inadmi ssible because ,

they are unsuited to a Floor which is intended to be walked on , ,

and should therefore be flat in design as well as in reality

, ,

P L A TE 1 7 1 . TH E S QU AR E D I A PE R , &c .

1 —1 0 . Modern Parquet patterns -


(M O SAI C ) .
(Pl a te

Mosaic (op us musi um) is in its wider sense the designing d v , ,


inlaying of pieces of stone wood glass leather straw & to make , , , , ,

c .

a picture or pattern More strictly Mosaic means pictures and . :

patterns composed of pieces of stone pott ry pearl and glass the ,

e , , ,

last being coloured or underlaid with metal foil -


There are two principal classes of such Mosaic

. Th Op us tesse . e

la t m is co mposed of small pieces

u mostly cubes held together by , ,

being inlaid in kind of cement Th Op us s ectile is composed of

. a . e

little slabs varying i shape according to the bject to be p

O re re

sented Mosaic work is very ancient ; and is mentioned as early as


the B ook f Esther A large number of Ro m an mosaic pavements in

O .

opus t l tu m have been preser v ed to us Early Christian art also

esse a ,

decorated walls and piers with geometrical mos ic (op u s G ec ic m) a r an u ,

numerous examples of which are to be found in Ravenna Palermo ‘

, ,

Venice and elsewhere All kinds of mosaic have been practised in


Italy down to the present day less it is true for the decorati on of , , ,

Walls and pavements than for Ornaments Pictures Table tops & , ,
c .

Pl ate 1 72
. Th e Circl Diap
e er , &c .
Th e Circl e Diap er Scal e Diap er , , &c .

In the Arabian and the Moorish styles incrustations of Mosaics in ,

stone and gla z ed terracotta were a popular method of wall decoration -


Th et of mosaic has never acquired a firm footing in northern


c ountri

PL ATE 1 72 . TH E CI R C L E D I APE R , &c .

1 . Mosaic cathedral Monreale Sicily

, , ,

2 A rabian mosaic stucco on stone (Prisse d A es)

, , v en n .

3 . Roman mosaic .

4 . Marble mosaic windows cathedral Florence (H ss m e )

, , , ,
e e r .

5 . Geometrical pattern St Croce Florence ,

a .

6 . Marble mosaic S Vitale Ravenna (H s m )

an , ,
es e er .

7 . Modern tesselated mosaic S orrento ,


8 and 10 . Moorish mosaic A mba ssadors Hall Alhambra Granada,

, , ,

(Owen Jones) .

Arabian mosaic stucco on stone (Prisse d A S)

, ,
v en n e .


(E NAME L ) (Pl a t e

W here
surfaces of metal utensils and ves els are to receive
th e s

a flat decoration this is usually e ffected by engraving etchi g dam ,

n ,

ask e i g enamel or niello work

en n ,
In the process of Engraving the

decoration is engraved by means of the graving tool and the hollows -


in some cases filled up with coloured lacquer & c In Etching the ,


metallic surface is protected against the action of the etching fl id -


by being coated with a film so that the design is sunk where the ,

protecting film is removed by the Artist In Damaskeening the pre .


cion s metals are fastened O iron and steel by being hammered into n ,

engraved hollows which have been undercut with a rough ned ground e .

Th processes of Enamelling are very various In the C loison process

e .

bent bands or fillets of metal (cloisons) are soldered to the metal -


ground and the hollows or cells thus formed are filled with p l
u ve

i d glass paste (glass coloured with metallic oxides) which are then
r se

vitrified by heat In the su k or champ levé process the hollows

. n
“ -

in the metallic ground are pr oduced by the graver or by casti g ,


and subsequent chasing and are then filled with enamel Niello ,

resembles black enamel the enamel paste being replaced by a om

: c

position of metal and sulphur .

Enamel work (sunk work) was known in Antique times Th -

. e

Cologne enamel was celebrat d in the Middle Ages Cloison enamel e .

has been practised in the East in China and in Japan from the , , ,

earliest tim es Th SO called L imoges enamel is painted on a plain

. e -

metal ground without any previous cloisons or y sunk fi lds for

. an -

Pl at e 1 73 . Th e Sc al e D iap er ,
&c .

Pl ate 1 74 . Th e Circl Dia p e

e r, &c .

Th e C e iap
D e r, &c . Pl ate 1 75 .
Th e Circl e Dia p er , &c Variou Diap er s s .

1 2th centuries painting begins followed by Glas s painting strictly

, ,

so - called the design being outlined in brown paint ; flashed glass &c

followed later .

A fter passi ng through a period of decadence ; and almost vanishing

during the last two centuries ; Glass painting has of late ye rs again -
, a ,

become the bject of great attention and especially that branch which
, ,

leaving strict painting on one ide produces its most s triking e ffects S
with coloured glass and leaden cames The vi gorous outlines .

produced by the le d setti g enhance the brilliancy of the colours

a -
, ,

and prevent the unpleasant ptical e ffect produced by the blending of O

contiguous tints .

We have here t o deal only with the ornamental decoration 1 0

s f c
nr a by painting or mosaic Th best examples are to be found
es . e

in the transition period from the Romanesqu e to the Gothic style in

the churches of Germany France and England the three countries , , ,

which may be regarded as the true home Of stained glass .


—1 0 Various patterns Romanesque and Early Gothic (Ow n Jones
. .

1 .

Ra cin et, and others) .

1 and 9 . Chartres cathedral .

2 and 3 . Bourges cathedral .

6 . S ois sons cathedral .


(M URAL P AI N TI N G ) (Pl a t e s .
176 17

models d prec sors of Mural decoration are to be looked

Th e an ur -

for in ha gings of carpets and textiles Th Egyptian style o ffers

n . e

the arlist known examples of the decoration of surfaces by means of


wall p ainting Th scheme is generally a Mea der or Similar pattern

. e n ,

varied by rosettes & (Plate 1 7 7 l and Th P om p j

c artists
. . e e an

used fi gures and architectural r presentations in perspective instead e

of Diaper patterns Early Christian t used mos i cs which were

. ar a ,

gradually driven out by wall painti g during the Romanesque and

- ~ -
n ,

Gothic periods Churches and public buildings are again the first

edifices whose interiors were decorated by tapestry paintings as we “

m y term this style of decoration in view

a f the mutual relation O

between it and textile art With respect of the principles of design .

we may refer the reader to the general introduction page 27 7 and

to the plates 1 7 6 5—
, ,

4 177 Th use of Wall papers in Modern times h s . e -


greatly narrowed the sphere of Mural painting its principal task :

being now confined to th d ti Of P blic Buildings e ecora on _ .

u .

Pl at e 1 77 . V iu
ar o s D iap ers .
Variou Dia p er s s .


. .

1 2 . Painti g old cabinet Brandenburg beginning of the 1 5th

n ,

, ,

century (Musterornamente) ,

3 Painting St Croce Florence Italian Renascence a

, , ,
. .

4 . Painting consistory church As sisi 1 3 th century (B essemer)

, , , ,

6 and 1 0 . Modern French church painting ,


7 . Painting castle Of Trausnitz L andshut end Of 1 6 th century

, , , ,

(G ewerbehalle ) .

Painting P la zzo del Podesta Florence 1 4 th century (Muster

a , , ,

ornamente) .

P L ATE 1 7 7 . V AR I OU S D I APE R S .

1 . A ncient Egyptian meander ,


2 A ncient Egyti ceiling painting (R i t)

. an , a c ne .

A rabian paintings K itb y mosque (Prisse d A e s)

3 .
a e ,
v nn e .

6 . A rabia mural painting mosque Of Ibrahim Ag Cairo (H

n ,
a , ,
e ssem er
) .

(W E AVING ) .
(Pl a te s 1 78 —17

artistic decoration of Textile fabrics goes back to the very

Th e
e arliest times ; and is of a most varied character After the decoration .

of animal Skins by sewing and embroidering came the creation of

, ,

patterns in plaited Mats by the use of material of various colo rs ; u

and this again was followed by the different products of Weaving ,

variegated by the use of coloured yarns by Embroidery by Print , ,

ing 8 0 It is due to the perishability of the material that scarcely

5 .

any products Of the loom of the lder epochs a to be found in our O re

muse m s ; and that we can only infer their patterns from descriptions

and pictu es All the richer on the other ha d is the choice Offered
r .
n ,

by the Renascence the Middle Ages and the E St , ,

a .

It W ould go beyond th m om of this book to give a detailed


historical and tech i cal description of Textile indus try ; and we refer

the reader to the special works and monographs on this subject *


Usually the mode of decoration depends on the object and varies with ,

the artistic conceptions of the di fferent styles By th side of purely . e

geometrical patterns (Plate 1 7 9 1 and we find organic el ements in a .

g eometrical framing (Plate 1 7 8 1 and 2 Plate 1 7 9 B y the side of .

, ,

poly axial arrangements (Plate 1 7 9 1 2 and

there are others with .

mon axial features (Plate 1 7 8 1 and

By the side of symmetrical .

turn over patterns (Plate 1 7 8
we have others u symmetrical . n

(Plate 1 7 8 By the side Of Artificial fl owers and rosette s powdered


Otto v . S chorn, “
Die Textilk n t u s

. L eip zig .

M eye r, H and b oo k of Orn a m e n t .

Variou Diap ers s .

over the ground (Plate 1 7 9 there occur natural elements like .

the curious Japanese design on Plate 1 7 9 fig 7 ; and s on Th ,

. o . e

gre t principle of style in the standard examples of ll periods is the

a ,

avoidance of representations of relief or of perspective views of archi ,

tecture which co ntradict the nature of th flat surface Important

e .

is also the proper distribution of the masses so that distracting line s ,

or empty Sp s m y be avoided Of equal im portance wi th the design

a ce a .

18 the Colour but the plan of this work compels us to leave it out

of considerati on .

Next to th fabrication of Textiles for ecclesias tical vestments


and secul r garments the most important manufacture is that of Car

a :

pets and of Tapestries for use on walls as curtains porti eres & c
, , , ,

Of the introduction of the latter into painting we have already ,

spoken on Plate 1 7 6 Here we will only refer to the tapestried


backgrounds comm on in pictures of the 1 4 th to the 1 6 th century

, ,

examples of which are to be seen in figs 3 and 4 of Plate 1 7 8 . .

Woollen and silk tapestry were followed by sheets of Stamped leather -


an Arabian invention which in its turn was followed by the modern ,

Wall paper at first in painted single Sheets and afterwards in th

, ,

printed Rolls now so common That we do not devote a special


chapter of our work to this important product of modern art is d ,


to the fact that a difference between Mural painting and Textile pat
terns really only exi sts in the mode of m anuf cture there bei g a ,
n no

essential distinction in respect Of D esign Modern Wall papers have .


on the average breadth of 21 ins on which th e pattern is arra ged

a .

once or oftener according to the si z e of the design Th repeating


. e

of the pattern in an upward direction is partly due to technical c '


siderations In printing by hand from a wooden block the length of


the repeati g pattern va ies from 21 ins to 3 0 ins

n r . .

PL ATE 17 8 . V AR I OU S D I A PE R S .

1 and Med i aevaltextile (G ewerbehalle) ,


2 . Textile 1 2th century original in silk and gold ; found in a

, ,

tomb in the Abbey of St Germain des Prés Paris (R ci t) .

, ,
a ne .

Patterned gold ground of altar shrine monastery of Heil ,

bronn end of 1 5th century (Gewerbehalle)

, ,

Patter ed gold groun d of altar shrine church of St Egidius

n ,

B thf ld (G ewerbehalle)
ar e ,

F rench silk tapestry 1 5 th century (L art pour to us )

, ,

PL ATE 1 79 . V AR I OU S D I A PE RS .

1 . B ishop s robe acristy St Croce Florence

S ,
a .

2 . Pillow pattern tomb St G eorge s Tiibi ge , ,


n n, German Renascence ,

(G ewerbehalle ) .

Pl ate 1 79 . Various Diap er

s .

Va i u Gri ll Diap er
r o s s . Pl ate 1 80 .
Va i u Diap er
r o s s .

L ace 1 6 th century G erman by Hans Siebmacher

, , , .

S tamped leather book cover 1 7 th century (Gewerbehalle)

, , .

Textile German Renascence (Musterornamente )

, ,

Carpet Rottweil German Renascence (Gewerbehalle)

, , , .

Modern Japanese silk (L art pour tous) ,

Painted gold ground St Lorenz o Rottweil end of the 1 5th ,

, ,

century (Mus terornamente) .

Carpet Stiftskirche C m b g beginning of the i 7 th cent ry

, ,
o ur , u ,

(Musterornamente ) .

Textile Venetian picture 1 5 6 0 B erlin Museum (G ewerbehalle)

, , , , .


(Pl a t e

Wrought iron Grills may also be treated s Diapers ; d Railings

a an

and Gratings are ften treated as shown by the figures in the Plate
O .

Th skeleton is formed by bars interlaced on the basis of th q d

e e ua ra n

gular or lo enge Net ; the compartments being filled either c

z ,

ti sly
n u ou or at reg lar intervals with recurring or amental accessories

(figs 1 .2 5
and ,

Another system places a repeating scroll like ornament between -

pa allel bars (fig

r Th e straight lines of the Skeleton may also be

replaced by cu ved bars (fig r .

Th material is square round and flat iron bars ;

e ither si gly , ,
e n ,

or in combination B oth the Middle Ages and the Renascence have


transmitted numerous ex mples in this branch ; a selection is given a

in the Plate .


L ate Gothic choir screen minister C onstance 1 5th century

, , ,

1 German Renascence .

0 Italian Renascence .

4 Modern by Ende and B OCkm
Berlin (G ewerbehalle) ann, ,

9 G erman 1 7 th century

9 G erman Renascence .
29 6


Thethird di i sion of the Handbook is entitled D ecorated


Objects ”
It is i w d d firstly to Show in what manner and O
. n n e , ,

wha t p i cipl S D ecorati on is appli ed to Objects (thus complement

I n e ,

ing the Work of the second division) ; and secondly it will pas s ,

little beyond th strict limits of Aisthetics and enter on the sphere

e ,

of Tectonics in order to present a vi ew of the construction profiling

, ,

and general plan of Objects of art e g Vases Utensils Furniture &c

. .
, , ,

These considerati ons and the wish to be as comprehensive a s


possible have necessitated the inclusion of some Objects which are


not deco ted This inclu sion will increase the bulk of the Book ;
ra .

but th selection of bjects will be restricted a s much as possible

e O , ,

to th ose which illustrate the Principles of Decoration .

29 7

V A S E S .

Vases with which this division Opens are one of the most interest
, ,

ing and important Of its groups Gottfried Semper who h s treated .


Keramics brilliantly in his epoch making work Der Stil says in -

“ ”

the intro duction to the chapter on this subject Th products of :


Keramic art were held in unusually high esteem by all peoples and
in all periods They had attained a religious symbolical significance

long before the times of monumental edifices which latter indeed , , ,

were greatly influenced by the former ; directly in that Kerami c ,

works served for the construction and ornamentation of the monu

ments ; indirectly because architecture took up principles of beauty

and style and even finish ed forms which had already been developed i n

Keram ic work and had first been fixed by the art potters of pre

architect ral u They are the ldest and most eloquent docu O

ments f history Show us the pottery which a nation has produced

O .

and we can in general tell what manner of nation it was and what
height Of c lture it had attained Professor Gmelin who in hi s
u , ,

essay Die U rformen und Gest ltungsprinzipien der TCpf i and in


a er e

his work Die Elemente der G fa bild i has attempted with


e ss n er e


much success to popularise S m p s theories says A bit of Dar


“ '

e er ,

w i i m is here unfolded in th sphere of industry the way in which

n s e :

the development of man has been influenced by climate the chara ter ,

of the soil food & finds its parallel i K m i i the formation



, ,
c .
n er a cs n

of vessels as conditioned by the joint causes of aim material and



, ,

techni que
Va e s s .

How f Pottery goes back to prehistoric times is proved by

ar ,

the calculations made from the alluvial d posits of the Nile valley e ,

and the geological conditions on the coasts of Scandinavia which give ,

us the respectable age Of 1 0 000 to 1 2 0 00 years for the pottery

discovered in those Spots Th circumstance that besides satisfying . e ,

the needs of daily life Pottery was used in religious and f neral ,

rites more especially the custom of placi g vessels in the grave of


the departed of enclosing the ashes of the dead in urns before com

mitting them to the earth h s at any rate preserved to s certain

a u

kinds of pottery of which otherwise only sherds and fragments had

, , ,

remained .

B y Keramics we understand not only earthen ware but the design -


and making of vessels in general Next to the various clays glass d .

, ,

metals which have the first claim on our attention stone wood and
, , , ,

ivory along with other less common materials are the su bstances
, ,

generally used Each Of these Materials imparts its own character


to the vessels made of it ; the corresponding technique will limit or

modify the Form A metal vessel requires form and decorati on diffe

rent from one of gl ss or porcelain ; the pro file of a clay vase cannot

be made in marble without much modification On the other hand the .

Purpose for which the vessel is intended wi ll influence the choice of

, ,

the Material ; that a reciprocal interaction arises which stim lates

SO ,

to the study of Keramics and makes it charming and instructive ,


That the majority of the exam ples in this group of potte ry have
been take from the Antique is due to the fact that this epoch o ffers
n ,

a general pictu e complete in itself; and that it is chiefly in the


Greek style that the above mentioned reciprocal inter ction reg larity -
a ,

of form d tectonic principle are on the avera e most clearly ex


pressed That on the other h nd we have brought the constructions

a ,

of other countries and periods into suitable connexion with th An tique e ,

arises from o wish to meet the wants and requirements of our time

in a greater degree than c be done by monographs of Greek Keramics an

alone such as we possess in a large number Of Special wocks


In view of the immense importance of A tique Keramics and of


Clay as a material i general it m y be well to o ffer here a few n : a

general rem rks O this subjec t reserving our bservations O other

a n ,
O n

materials and styles till the elucidation of the plates in question .

Pottery is gene lly made on the potter s wheel In Egypt I dia and

n ,

o g such work who e ize get p d text render them suitabl e

Am n s s s ,
u , an
for school and e ducationa l purp ose we m y m ention s, a

Th L a u : die griechis chen

. Va sen , ihr F ormen a nd D ecora tions system .

44 T afel n mit einer histori chen Einl eitu g un d s n erlau tern d e m T ext
v on Dr Br nn un d Dr Krell L eip zig E A See m ann
. u . . : . . .

A Ge ick g i hi h K nmik 4 0 Tafel n mit Ei l eit ng

: r ec sc e era . n u un d Be
hreibu g v on Ad olf F tw a gl Berli Ern t Wa m uth

sc n ur n er . n : s s .
Va e s . Fun dam ental Va e F rm s
o s .

with fantastic winged creatures lions panthers geese Sphinxes , , , , ,

mostly arranged in zones Th intervening spaces between the . e


animals are filled wi th rosettes flowers &c Th Zonal deco

, , , . e

ration is ften replaced by S cales (compare Plate 1 9 4

O , .

3 Th B la ck F ig e s tyle : clay reddish yellow

. e coloured with ur -

oxide of iron ; decoration black pure white being used for the ,

carnations of female figures horses & The conception of , , c .

the figures is frequently archaic drawn in uncoloured com ,

p tm t bordered b y or amental bands Th lines Of

ar en s n . e

drapery &c are scratched through the black colour to


the clay .

4 Th e R ed F igur e style : clay red very smooth the entire vessel

, :

with the exception of the ornaments and fig es coated black ; ur ,

the black sometimes having a greenish shimmer White only .

occasionally found for grey hair and the like The tendency , .

to simplification is predo mi nant in respect f both ornament O

and figures ; us ually with only one fig e or with simple ur

groups of figures ; outlines are painted i with the pencil -

n .

5 The P i ted s tyle: clay as in No 4 ; the vessels frequently

. a n .

of colossal size (they are then not intended for practical use ,

as may be inferred from their having no bottom) ; the nume

O s red fig res on the black ground are placed one over the
r u u

other with the additi on of architectural decoration technically


the decoration is executed in a careless manner ; dark red ,

white yellow and gold are also used ; luxuriant brushwork

, ,

ornament patterns in perspective and painted reliefs are


, ,

common .

Th su ccession of these styles in time is generally that of the

e , ,

above order ; but they often blend with each other without any de
finite demarcation forming composite styles and varieties We find

for instance certain drug pots which have polychrome painting on a


white background and so on ,




(Pl a te

Vases as a rule are composed of

mb of simple forms or ,
a nu er

parts These are usually the foot the body and the neck ; to which
, ,

a handle a lid and a spout may also be added The most impor

, , ,

t t p t is the Body
an .
ar In the majority of cases it determines the .

fundamental form of the vessel Th natural models fo vessels are . e r


the hollow hand the egg the husks of fruits (gourds nuts) th
, , , ,

horns of animals the skins of animals and similar objects These

, .

have as a matter of fact been used in all ages as models for more
, , ,
Th e Fu d am e ta l Va e F rm
n n s -
o s . 301

or less direct imitation ; and were undoubtedly used by mankind in

the lowest stages of civilisation instead of artificial vessels Certain ,

stereotyped form s recur again and again first among them (due to the :

use of the potter s wheel) the form of the called body of revolution

so - .

A attempt is made on Plate 1 8 1 t give a general view of the com

, ,

mo est fundamental forms with their n mes Th Sphere the Cylinder

n ,
a . e , ,

and the Hyperboloid are the Simplest f these Th Sphere is altered

, O . e ,

by equally flattening or extending to the Spheroid or the Ellipsoid , ,


If these bodies be t away at both ends we have the erect and the
cu -
: ,

recumbent vessel Unequal flattening and extending produce form

. s

which we may term Echinus Cake Egg and Top forms ; or if the , , , ,

length much exceeds the breadth : Wedge Spindle and Drop forms , ,

If only the top be c t into we have either the Dish or the Cup u -
: ,

form Conical Bag and Cam pus forms may be derived from the
, ,

Cylinder In a similar way the Hyperboloid also leads to new forms

. .

If the height of the vessel be a high m ltiple of the diameter we u ,

get sl nder taperi g form s in the reverse case we have dishes and
e ,
n : ,

plates .

Th Egg is the commonest form in Pottery

e Cylindrical and .

Conical forms i e such bodies as have a d lOpibl surface are

. . eve e ,

best adap ted for Sheet metal work -


Math matical curves

e g arcs of circles are not strictly d ,
9 . .

hered to in the profiles Vessels w hich are not m ade on the wheel
, ,

often exhibit arbitrary forms which cannot be grouped in the scheme

of the P late In the Chinese and Japanese styles for example pris
, ,

matic form s are v ery common (compare Plate 1 8 7 human and .

animal shapes are found in the Antique as forms Of vessels (com , ,

pare Plate 1 9 4 .

Th Various junctions of the Body with the Neck or the Foot

e , , ,

will produce a series of new forms Th of Double curvature in . e us e -

the profile will also produce new forms the Sim plest of which are the ,

Bell and the Pear Th s called Gourd pots the Pilgrim bottles &c
, . e o -
“ -


also form special and rarer groups of forms Here too may be .

mentioned duplex vessels formed by the juxtaposition f two vessels on O

a common foot or by uniting them with a comm on handle These


form s are found sporadically in Prehistoric and all subse quent periods .

regards the Feet of vessels we have first to remark that in

As :

the earliest times footless and three footed vessels are b y no means -

rare Th former were su k in the earth the latter wo ld stand on

. e n ,

an uneven surface Th usual form of foot presupposes a level stand

. e

i g surface and therefore some degree of civilisation

n Int ermediate .

between th absence of a foot and the high foot is the Ring foot a
e ,
30 2 Fund am enta l Va e F orm s
s .

torus or profiled circ lar ring forming the lower end of the vesselu
, .

It e vidently arose from the early custom of placing footless vessels

in hyperboloid Rings which were afterwards incorporated with the ,

vessel itself Th decoration of the foot is generally subordinate to

. e

that of the body ; and consists of simple motives channellings &c , ,


Th Neck receives a cylindrical co ica l

e or hyperboloid form ,
n , ,

according to the object of the vesse l A experience showed that . s

pouring out is best done through a narrow Opening and filling through

a wide one f nnel shaped necks intended to meet both requirements

: u -
, ,

arose A good decoration of the neck is to surro nd it at its narro

. u

west part with a neutral band fro m which the motive of decoration ,

may be developed up w ards and downwards .

Th upper margin or Mouth is either bent outwards or inwards


or is straight ; the latter especially when the vessel was intended to

be closed by a Stopper Pouring out is facilitated if the vessel be .

provided with a Spout or curved L ip as is the case with some , ,

mugs and cans Th decoration of the Mouth when round is usually

. e , ,

a beading or row of leaves curving downwards and outwards Th . e

curved L ip depends for its e ffect on the line of its curve or lik , ,

the Spout is deco ated by m sks scallops &

r a , ,
c .

Th Lid generally fits into

e o to or over the upper margin ,
u- , ,

It may be raised by means of a knob h0 0 p or ri ng ; and if it does , ,

not lie loose on the mouth is fastened by a hinge or by cords and , ,

chains (Censer) Antique lids have sometimes the form of little vessels

or dishes .

Th Handle varies in size position and number according to

e , , ,

the use and size of the vessel Th points of attachment f the

. e o _

vertical handle lie in a vertical plane ; those of the horizontal handle

are in a horizontal plane side by side ; and those of the h 0 p handle are 0

Opposite each other in a vertical p l ane Th e tic l handle is most . e v r a

used Th ho izon t l handle is specially intended for lifting ; the ve

. e r a r

tical for tilting the vessel when pouring out Vertical h dl -

. an es a re

most suitable for tall vessels ; and horizontal handles for flat ones .

Other forms are produced by m bi tio s when a vertical handle ‘

co na n, a

is added to the centre of a hori z ontal one As a rope was origin lly . a

used instead of a handle the latter frequently takes that form (com , ,

pare Plate 1 8 2 If the vessel be intended for pouring out the


handle sho ld be so attached that the pouring out may be done with
u -

equal ease whether the vessel be f ll or nearly empty u .

tte m
A pts have often been made to classify vessels according to thei r

uses ; but definite divisions cannot be made as many vessels may serve ,

for a number of purposes whi ch gives rise to combination s and inter ,


Th e m ost u su a l fu n d a m en ta l form s of v essel s

and th eir n a m es .

p la te sh a pe d

dis h s ha pe d
e a r - sh a
p pe d

re c u m b e n t

p h e ro id c
ake sh a p ed

c yli n d r i c a l hy p l
e rb o o id

Inv e rted cone v

top -sha ped In e rted egg e lliosold e
- s ha

e re c t ca sk

be ll sh a pd e

cu p -
sh a p e d

wedge-s ha ped splndle-s ha ped drop-sha ped

Pl ate 181 . Chart of Fun d amental Va e Form s s .


Th e Am ph ra
o .

Me y e r, H an d b o ok of Orn a m en t .
Th e Am p hora . Th e Urn .

high foot With or without cover Material clay more rarely glass
. . : , ,

or other materials Size very variable ac cording to u e . :

s .

P L ATE 182 . TH E A M PH OR A .

1 Egyptian with cover Theb es Th tm s m

, , ,
u e .

2 . Egyptian with cover Thebes XX dynasty

, , , .

3 . Small four sided with L atin inscription found in Egypt

, , ,

unpainted clay United collections Carlsruhe , ,


A ssyrian wi th rope handle clay , ,


Roman unpainted red clay United collecti ons Carlsruhe

, , ,

Roman unpainted yellow clay found near A quileia in 1 8 7 7

, , ,

U nited collections Carlsruhe ,


7 Roman glass with stopper Rouen Museum (Deville)

, , , , ,

8 . Roman iridescent glass found at Pompeii

, ,

9 Ancient Attic painted clay ( called Diota) Munich (Lau)

, ,
so - , ,

10 11 . Clay painted in polych ome with band shaped handles so

r ,

called Alexandrian style (Lau and J cobsth l) ,

a a .

Antique black painted clay (Gropius)

, ,

Antique state amphora white marble with swan handles , , ,

Vase of th Athenian S osibios Louvre Paris e ,

Modern French state amphora by Li enard , ,


Faun with amphora from the painted neck 0 1 an Antiqu ,


D rinking horn (compare P late 20 2 5


(Pl a t e

is met with not only in the A tique and all subsequent

Th e U rn -

styles b t in early times everywhere and specially in Prehistoric


styles Apart from other purposes the U was frequently used i

rn n

f neral rites as a repository for the ashes of the dead as a coffin

u , , ,

and so on It has an erect body profiled like an inverted egg o


spindle Th neck is comparatively wide and low the mouth straight

. e ,

or curved outwards usually closed by a cover Either without feet ,


or wi th a low round foot Without handles or wi th two s m all hori .


t l handles
zon a attached to the greatest prominence of the body

Material clay Gener lly of considerable si z e

: . a .

P L ATE 1 8 3 m U RN . .

1 .
E gyp tian rubbing an U (Menard et S g
ot) rn , a u va e .

2 .Prehi storic Gallic (B ) , ,

ose .

3 Grey clay ornamentation in relief U nited collections Carlsruh e

, , ,

4 5 G reek painted clay Munich

, ,

6 .Majolica 1 5th century Italian , ,

Th e Urn . Th e Kra ter . Th e Ba i and Di h
s n , s .

7 — 8 . Slavic ,found in the district of the Elbe and Oder .

9 . Modern Faience Bombay (Gewerbehalle) , ,


10 . Majolica 1 6 th century Italian (Storck)

, , ,

11 . G erman c t crystal small with high foot l 6 th century Na

, , ,

ti l Museum Munich (Kunsthandwerk)

on a , ,

THE KRATER (Pl a t e

Krater is Antique vase chiefly used for mixing water

The an ,

and wine (wine was not dru k unmi xed) ; and perhaps also for ablu n

tions Although we meet with it as early as Egyptian t imes it is


not found in A tique Keram ic art until its later periods As a state n .

vessel the Krater has pro b ab ly been more highly developed th n any

other form Modern art employs the Krater preferentially as a garden


vase for plants A characteristic of the Krater is its great wi dth .

at the top Th body is e ither a hemispherical dish (fig . e .

or has a wide cup shaped neck (figs 7 and

Where the ,

junction is formed without a sho lder : we have the bell shaped Krater u -

(figs 3 and Th .Foot is frequently small ; and so arranged that it e

st nds on an independent base (fig

a Tw sometimes four or . o, ,

more horizontal or vertical handles or hints of them Th principal

, ,
. e

materials were clay marble and metal Kraters are usually of co , ,

. n

sid bl size
er a e .


1 Egyptian with lotus cups ,


2 Egyptian Thebes XVIII dynasty

, ,

3 . Greek Munich (Lau) , ,


5 Greek with columnar handles Munich (Lau)

, , , .

6 . Greek wi th volute handles (Lau)

, ,

7 . A ntique U ffi i Florence (Gropius),

z , ,

8 . A ntique marble with fo r handles found at Ostia

, ,
u , ,

d tly C opied from a metal original

en .

Ditto found at Ti v oli England

, ,

A ntique state Vase marble the decoration of the neck

, , , ,
c on

sisting of figures or rich scroll ornament is omitted , .

11 A ssyrian
—1 3
. .

12 Antique for ladies toilet Greek vase paintings

. .
, ,

(Pl a t e

B asins and Dishes are vessels of such common use that they
, , ,

are found everywhere and in all periods in which the Keramic art ,
VASE S . 3 09

Th e Krater . Pl ate 1 84 .
Th e Ba in and Di h
s , s .

has been practised Their uses are manifold ; their form is indicated

by their names Dishes are the de p e Plates the sh llow e vessels

: e r ,
a r .

They occur without foot and with a round or high foot Th e last , .

was Specially adopted for the Greek Kylix Han dles are wanting or .

occur singly or in pairs horizontal vertical as h 0 p h ndles and so

, , , ,
0 a

on Material and size various Th decoration of Dishes is generally

: . e

on the exterior ; and of Plates is generally on the inner or upper

face In the latter case the border and the centre are ornamented
. :

separately b eing divided from each other by a neutral undecorated

, ,

zone (figs 1 3,
To paint the entire surface with figures
. dis ,

regarding the di i sion f border and centre would be contrary to

v o ,

correct Style .

P L A TE 1 8 5 . TH E B ASI N , AN D TH E DI S H .

1 Egyptian Dish with hoop handles Metal (Menard et S , g ot) , ,

a u va e .

Egyptian Dish with erect handles Metal (Menard t S , g ot) , ,

e a u va e .

Greek Dish yellow clay painted brown and red G eo

, , ,

metrical style U nited collections Carlsruhe , ,


Vie w from above of the handles of the a b ove ,


Greek D ish yellow clay ornamented with horn like ex

, ,

c s painted red
re cen ce
s Geometrical s tyle U nited collections
, , , ,

Carlsruhe .

Greek Dish with high foot (Kylix) yellow clay decoratio

, , ,

b rown Geometrical style Munich the interior is decorate d

, , ,

with the ornament shown on Plate 1 5 7 4 . .

Ditto .

Greek flat Dish with ring foot Munich (Lau)

, , , ,

Antique footless Dish (Jacobsthal) ,


Antique small D ish with low foot silver treasure Hildes

, , , ,

heim .

A ntique metal Dish with high volute handles (M enard et

, , ,

Sa u va ge ot) .

Roman glass Dish with pierced handle ring Found in Nor

, , ,

m andy (Deville)
—1 4

13 Majolica Dish view d section Italian Renascence

—1 6
an ,

15 . Modern glass Plates with scalloped border ,


17 . Modern Soup tureen with cover -


18 . Modern French metal Dish with vertical handle and three ,

feet (Julienne)

Modern Spanish small Dish of variegated gla z ed clay , , ,

Malaga U nited collections Carlsruhe

, ,

Modern Co ffee bowl with hori z ontal handles -


II dl of No 20 vi ewed from above

an e .
3 12 Th e A mpull a , A l ab a tron s , &c . Th e Fl wer Va e
o -
s , &c .


(Pl a te

mpulla is a dim inutiv Am phora often in black painted

Th e A
clay adorned Wi th impressed ornament (figs 4 —
e ,

, 7
Th Phiale . e

is a slender vessel wi thout handles with elongated body and , , ,

long narrow neck of clay or glass (figs 1 Th Alabastron

. e

has a bag like or cylindrical body no foot a very narrow neck with
, ,

a Sho lder a large plate like mouth and li ttle ear Shaped handles
u ,

(figs 1 3
. This vessel was intended for the reception of O ils
and unguents ; it was made of alabaster o striped glass whence


its name The Lach ymat ory so called from its tear like profile
. r ,
- -

Or from its purpose is a glass vessel of the forms shown in figs , , .

1 1 and 1 2 Not less frequent are little bag forms like the

handleless vessels given in figs 6 9 and 1 0 Like those already .

, ,

named they were intended for toilet or religious purposes


l P L A TE 1 8 6 . TH E AM PU LL A , AL AB AS TR ON , & c .

1 . Egyptian Phiale with cover Th tm s I II , ,

u e .

2 . Antique Phiale painted clay Munich (Lau) , , ,


3 . Antique glass Phiale (St k lb g) ,

ac e er .

Antique glass Amp lla striped bright blue and yellow u , .

A tique Ampulla
n black painted clay with impressed orn ,

am ents Athens U nited collections Carlsruhe

, , ,

6 Ditto Athens
—1 0
. .

7 . Antique Small Vessels painted clay U nited collections Carls

, , , ,



11 12 . A tique glas s Lachrymatories

n Mus eum Nuremberg and , , ,

U nited collections Carlsruhe ,


A tique Alabastron
n veined glass imi tating oriental ala , ,

baster .

A tique Al abastron milk white glass with brown stripes

, ,

Camp na collection (L art pour tous)

a ,

Vase white iridescent glass Campana collection (L art

, , ,

pour tous) .

Modern Japan se Small Vase with mask handles Landes e , , ,

gewerbehalle Carlsr he ,
u .

Old G erman Small stoneware Vase ,


VASE , &c .
(P la te

Flower vase is the name given to vessels intended to receive and


support bouque ts of livi ng or dried fl owers Various as the forms of .

these vessels may be in other respects their purpose requires that they ,
VA S E S .

mp ll a the
Th e A u ,
Al ab a tron
s ,
&c . Pl ate 1 86 .

Pl ate 18 7 . Th e Flower Va e
s ,
&c .
Va e f rm for Variou P rp o e
s -
o s s u s s .

to be Salt cellars though we have no definite e i dence that thi s

, v

was so .

Th S alt cellar usually takes the form of a dish or bowl some

e -

times of a little trough tub Th materi l is glazed l y glass . Or . e a c a , ,

porcelain metal &c Th Renascence period created Salt cellars of

, ,
. e -

rich de ign the most celebrated is the famous one by Cellini

s : .

With the increased use of writing the Inkstand has undergone ,

an immense number of changes of form Th wooden Inkstand with .

. e ,

glass lining was in use for a lo g time till it was rendered bsolete
, ,
n , O

by vess ls of clay and glass What is required of a good Inkstand


is: it sho ld not fall over easily and if it does should not Spill ;
u -

the evaporation must be reduced to minimum ; the height of the a

contents must be easy to reg late T f lfil all these requirements u . O u

num rous inventions have been made some of which we wi ll notice

e ,

here In fig 1 0 the centre of gravity lies in the foot and this with
. .
, ,

the form of the glass prevents falling over or pilling I fig 1 2 the ,

S . n .

level of the ink c be reg lated by an India rubber stopper Th funnel an u -

. e

shaped tube in which the ink rises is convenient for dipping the pen ;
and it reduces the evaporation Fig 1 3 shows an Inkstand wi th . .

mping bottom and revolving cover which may be adjusted to the , ,

varyi ng level of the ink Th form of fig 1 4 is intended to prevent . e .

falling over to reduce evaporation, and to m aint in the level uniform


for a long tim ; a res lt which is attained notwithst nding the sim
e u ,

p licity .

Oil and Vinegar Cruets are usually small bottles with a sho lder u .

They are generally placed in pairs in a frame (fig 7 a direct union ,


of the two as in fig 6 is rare ,


Th Pepper b ox has of late years taken the form of the pepper

e -

mi ll or grinder (fig otherwise it is associated with th Salt cellar . e -


and receives the same form Th Inkstand and the S and box were . e -

also often associated together ; but Blotting paper renders the latter -

unnecessary .

P L ATE 1 8 8 . V A SE -

1 alt cellar, Renascence (Formenschatz)

. S -

w Salt cellar German l 6 th century

, ,

c Majolica Salt cellar Italian Renascence (T i ich) -
, ,
e r .

Spice frame glass 1 8 th century -
, ,

Modern Cruet fram e -

Modern Cruets coloured glass Antique model , ,

q Modern Cr et frame u -

o Modern Peppe rmill .

c Old Inkstand wood ,

1 0 Modern Inkstand

1 1 Inkstand Glazed clay


V a se - f
orm s for Vari ou s Pu p
r os e s . Pl ate 1 88 .
Va e f s -
orm s for Variou Purp e s os s .

12 . Modern Inkstand with dj tible stopper ,

a us .

13 . Modern glass Inkstand with mping bottom and revolving cover , .

14 . Modern glass Inkstand .

15 . Old horn Inkstand for the pocket ; after unscrewing the foot ,

piece the metal pin may be forced into th e Table t p

o .

16 . Modern Inkstand .

17 . Modern Inkstand .

THE JAR , TH E GI ST, &c .

(Pl a te

Jars and Pots are small recept cles of spheroid or cylindric l a a

form for solid granular or pasty substances Th lid is either

, , ,
. e

loose or affixed by hinges ; and is an essential part of the vessel

, .

Th materials are clay porcelain glass wood metal i v ory &c

e , , , , , , .

Besides the small clay Pots and Boxes which are com mon in the
A ntique we must also mention the Cist This is a metal vessel of
: .

cylindrical form and considerable size which was used for religious
, ,

rites and for the reception of jewelry rolls &c Th style is co

, , ,
. e n

e ti
v n l there were three claws for the feet ; and the exterior of
on a :

the cylinder was decorated with incised figures and f rnished with ,

rings to which chains were attached for the transportation of the ,

vessel Th lid is slightly domed ; and the handle usually consis ts of

. e

two wrestlers grasping each other b y the sho lders (fig u .

PL ATE 1 8 9 TH E JAR TH E CI ST &c .

, ,

1 A ntique yellow clay painted brown and red this is the so called
, , ,

Dodwell vase celebrated as the fi st discovered of the vases in

“ ”
r -

imitation of the Asiatic style dug p near Corinth ,

u .

2 Antique yellow clay painted red and brown U nited collec tions
, .
, , ,

Carlsruhe .

3 Antique with small Kylix as lid yellow clay painted brown and
, , ,

red imitating th Asi tic style Munich (Lau)


a , ,

h A ntique black clay

A ntique painted clay belongs to the later period of the red

O , ,

figure style metal ring Berlin Museum , , ,


l Antique bronze Cist Louvre Paris (L art pour tous)

, , ,

< Moder Japanese lac quered gold and black the lid forms a dish
n , , ,

La desgewerbehalle Carlsruhe
n ,

8 Old Persian repoussé copper the decorati on is too small to b

, ,

given (Kunsthandwerk) ,

9 Modern S nu ff box b irc h bark


1 0 Modern Tobacco j
. Norwegian carved in wood L andesgewerbe -
ar , , ,

halle Carlsruhe ,

1 1 Metal box w ith collapsible Drinking cup Modern

3 20 Th e Font and the Holy Water Stoup
. Th e Hy dria .


(Pl a te

Holy wate plays an important part in many rites f the Roman

r O

Catholic Church It is kept in Holy water Stoups These are bowls


either free or attached to walls In the former case the form gene a lly

approaches that of the Krater ; in the latter case the edge projects as ,

a h lf or three quarter circle from the surface of the wall ; and the
a -

stoup is supporte d on a pilaster column or console For use in , , .

houses the Stoup takes th form of a suspended dish as shown by

: e ,

fig 1 1 Th decoration is mostly symbolic e g crosses monograms

. . e ,
. .
, ,

cherub heads &c Most of the examples are taken from the work by

R g e t which contains a large selection of these objects

a u ne ,

P L ATE 1 9 0 .

1 . Romanesque minster Weissenburg (R g t) , , ,

a u en e .

2 Rom nesque Church of the Crucifix Compi egne (R g e t)

a , , ,
a u ne .

Romanesque church Picardy (R g t) , , ,

a u en e .

4 . Romanesque chu ch Charleville (R g t) ,

r , ,
a u en e .

5 . 1 2th century (Violl t le Duc) ,

e - -

l 6 th century Church Mas d A il Ari ege (R g t)

6 .
, ,
, ,
a u en e .

7 . 1 7 th century Church Cormontreuil (R g t) , , ,

a u en e .

8 . Church Picardy (R gii t), ,

a en e .

9 . Modern church Couthuin Belgium Architect Halkin (R g e t)

, , , , ,
a u ne .

10 . l 6 th century Chapel Of the castle Mello France (R g ,

t) , , ,
a u en e .

11 . 1 7 th century beaten silver Royal Museum Stuttgart (Kunst

, , , ,

handwerk) .

(Pl a t e

Hydria as its name implies is the water pot It is the

Th e , ,

v essel which the maidens took to the spring ; filled with w ater ; and
t hen bore home on their heads It was carried when empty in a .

hori z ontal ; and when full in a vertical attitude Of all vases it is ,

. :

the most perfect in form ; its aim being so well expressed in its con
struction It must be easy to carry convenient to fill and empty

, , ,

and to hold as much fluid as possible ; it therefore has a vertical

body of the hape of an inverted egg (this form places the centre

of gravity t the top which facilitates transportation in a vertical

a ,

a ttitude) ; on which a funnel shaped neck is placed It has three ,


handles two are horizontal di metrically Opposite to each other at

: ,

Th e F nt and the H ly Water Stoup

o ,
o -

Me y er, H and b o ok Of Orn a m en t .

Th e Hydria . Th e Bucket , &c .

the greatest protuberance Of the body which served to raise the vessel ,

when full ; the third is vertical placed on one side of the eck , n

which served to carry th vessel when empty to ste dy it when full e


and when pouring out Th foot is always small Th neck has a -

. e . e

sho lder or blends in a curve with the body A special kind of the
u , .

latter treatment is the Kalpis (fig Th smaller slenderer Hy drias . e , ,

which were not intended to be carried on the head are termed ,

Hand hydrias Th material is clay

. e .

P L ATE 1 9 1 . TH E H YD RI A .

1 . Greek (Ja cobstha l)

, .

2 . Greek Of the Kalpis form body smooth black painted with

, , , ,

red figures on the sho lder u .

3 . Greek painted black reddish brown and white on the clay

, ,

ground Campana collection Louvre Paris (L art pour tous)

, , , ,

the decoration is of the highest class the shou lder is decorated ,

by an ivy band which is omitted in this figure but given

, ,

on Plate 3 2 4 . .

4 5 . G c Italic Hand hy d ias unpainted clay U nited collections

ra e o - -
, , ,


6 . Greek Vase paintings showing the mode of carryi ng and usi g


th Hydria
e .

TH E B UCKE T, &c .
(Pl a t e

We have seen that the Hydria gives beautif l expression to the u

idea of pouring out ; the B ucket on the other hand is disti ly a


, ,

dipper and the Funnel a filler


Th Bucke t is f Specifically Egyptian origin ; with it water w

e O as

drawn from the Nile ; and hence the drop like form with the centre -

of gravity low down Two such Buckets were carried on a yoke . .

Th form serving to prevent pilli g (figs 1

e Th Assyrian S n
. e

Bucket generally terminates below in a lion mask from which the ,

bag shaped neck rises (fig

In the Gra co Italic style we find ,
. c -

footless Buckets resem bling an inverted egg (fig others with a .

ri n g foot are however not uncommon (figs 7 8 9 and

Inst ad, ,
, ,

of one hOOp handle there were sometimes two (figs 7 and .

Th ecclesiastical art of the Middle ages gave its portable Holy


water Stoups the form of buckets modifying the shape Of the latter ,

o fit them for this purpose (figs 1 3 S ometimes the Bucket .

is fur ished with a spout or a nozzle (fig

n ,

Th Funnel as a rule takes the shape of an inverted cone with

e , , ,

or wi thout a tubular continuation ; the handle is vertical (figs 20

. .
The B u ck e t, & c

. Th e S p oo n, &c .

hoop shaped (fig

or two hori z ontal double (fig A Water
. .

ing pot is shown in fig 1 9 the hole at the top is intended to let . :

the wate r flow when Opened or to stop the flow by atmospheric pres ,

s re when clos ed by the finger

u .

Metal as the more durable m aterial is generally used for B uckets

, ,

and Funnels clay glass &c are less common : , ,


P L ATE 192 . TH E B U CKE T, &c .

1 Egyptian Thebes T tm III , ,

u es .

Egyptian bronze ,

5 Egyptian Bucket like Vessel without handle -


6 A ssy ian with cord handle



7 11 . G co Italic bronze of various forms

ra e -
, ,

12 . A ntique with hoop handle red clay painted black U nited

, , , ,

collections in Carlsruhe the eye in the uppermost z one , ,

which is found in Greek Keramics has been explained as a ,

protective against the evil eye “ ”

—1 4

13 . Mediaeval beaten copper 1 5th century (Vi ll t l Duc)

, , ,
o e -
e- .

15 Modern Italian clay with h Op handle and nozzle (Gropius) O -

, , ,

16 17 . Modern Coal vases sheet metal square and round -


18 . A tique clay Funnel

n .

I9 . M ediaeval Vessel for watering the ground clay (Vi ll t l , , ,

o e -

D u e) .

Modern Funnel for watering the ground sheet metal , ,


G eneral form of the modern sheet metal Funnel -


(Pl a t e

poons and Pater e form a Special class of dippers As the

S a .

Table Spoon strictly s called will come up for discussion among the
o- ,

utensils we have he e to consider o ly the larger spoon shaped

r n -

vessels and the Pater (handled dishes) used for religious and other ae

purposes Th natural model of the Spoon is the hollow hand

. e ,

whence th pherical elliptical or oval dish shape with an attached

e S , ,

handle Th latter usually lies in the plane of the rim but it may
. e ,

also form an obtuse angle with it or as in the case of the antique , ,

Simpulum (fig a right angle Egyp tian Spoons which are


richly decorated often possess a cover rotating round a pin (compare


the projections on the dish fig the Spoon then becomes a kind ,


of pot or recept cle A foot is of course superfluo on the ordinary a . us

Spoon ; but the P te with handles not infrequently have a ring a r ee

foot to enable them to stand (figs 7 The Spoon and the .

Paterae may also be f rnished with a Special spout or lip (fig u .


Th e Bucket, & c .
Pl te
a 1 92
Th e Sp oon & c ,
—Th ‘
e P roch oii s, & c .

a rule the Dish is plain or is slightly decorated by

As : ,

engraving the interior (fig Th decoration is gener lly confined

. e a

to the rim and the handle or its points of junction The m aterial , .

is usually wood bone or metal Th Size varies wi th th use

, ,
. e e .

P L AT E 1 9 3 . TII E S P OON , AN D TH E L AD L E .

1 —4 Egyptian Spoons plainly or richly finished

, , p artly painted .

5 . A ssyrian Spoon like Vessel -


6 . Antique bronz e Pater with lip a, .

7, 9, 1 0 . Antique bronze P t seen from the side from abovea er ee , , ,

and below .

8 Antique terracotta Patera

—1 2
. .

11 . Antique Simpula .

13 . Antique Spoon like Vessel bronze United collections , , ,

Carlsruhe .

A tique cooking Ves e l like

n handled dish (Menard et s

S a u va geot) .

c . P our er s .

THE PR OOH oUs , TH E Oi NocH oE, THE OL PE , &c .

(Pl a te

We commence the series of pourers with the antique forms of

the P h iis Oinocho e O lpe 8 0 As the defi i tion of these appella
r oc o , , ,
5 . n

tions is not yet finally settled it will be best tO l the various :

e a ve

intermediate forms entirely unnamed The vessels were used partly .

for secular p artly for religio purposes Thus the P och iis is the
us . r o

sacrificial vessel from whi ch the libations of wine were poured out -

into the Patera Th Oinocho e is believed to have been a secular

. e

win e j g ; and the Olpe to have been a receptacle for oil &c
u ,

All these vessels have thi s in common that the mouth is wavy : ,

elongated to a channel on one Side or pinched i at the sides to ,

n ,

form a large spout and facilitate the p o i g o t Th Older vessels ur n o

u . e ,

in partic lar show great boldness in thus making the form of the
u ,

mouth di fl t to th circular plan which is a res lt of the u s of


er en e u e

the Potter s wheel ; but in the lat r times there was a return to the


simpler and more beautiful shape Th P o hoiis and the Oi och el . e r c n o

generally have an upright body in shap e like an egg Th Olpe ,

. e

invariably has a c ke or bag shaped b ody a form whi ch is occa

a -

sio lly found in the P

na h oii Th e ve rtical handle is raised abo ve r oc s .

the vessel and is attached in a bold weep to the side pposite the s O

lip Th foot is usually ri ng shaped Bron z e and clay are employed

. e -
Th e P rOch ou s, & c . Th e L ekytho s, &c .

as materials Th P och iis and Oinocho e are generally vessels of

. e r o , ,

considerable size while the Olpe is smaller ,


PL ATE 194 . TH E P R O OH OUS , TH E OI N OOH OE , THE OL PE , &c .

1 . Greek P ochoiis archaic form and ornamentation painted

r , ,

clay .

Greek P ochoiis geometrical style red clay painted black

r , , , .

Greek Cyprian Vessel geometrical style yellow clay painted , , ,

brown Munich (Lau)

, ,

Greek Oinocho e As iatic style yellow painted clay (S emper)

, , , ,

Antique small Vessel yellow clay painted black U i ted , , ,


collectio s Carls uh e n ,
r .

Antique small Vessel clay painted black engraved orna , , ,

ment U i ted collections Carlsr h e

— ,
n ,
u .

7 9 . Greek Vessels painted clay ,


10 Greek bronze Vessel collection of Herr von Pulsky Pesth , ,


11 G Italic bronze Vessel

ra e co - .

P ch ii s in th form of a female head Museum Rome

—1 4

ro o e ,

13 . Anti que Olpe painted clay ,


15 . A tique bronze Olpe Mu seum Rome

n ,

THE L E KYTHO S , &c .

(Pl a t e

Lekyt hos is a small antique pourer employed sometimes in

Th e ,

the toilet as a receptacle for Oils and unguents and sometimes in ,

f neral rites to be pl ced with the deceased in the grave Th

u ,
a . e

form is generally elongated cylindrical or Spindle shaped more rarely ,


b ag like or spherical Th foot is a plain ring foot the neck long


. e ,

and narrow with a shoulder Th handle rises from the body up to . e

the upper end of th neck AS regards form and decoration these


e .

pretty vessels form special groups Th slender forms are the lder . e O ,

the Spherical and depressed the later Upright palmettes as show .


in fig 1 are a characteristic dec oration Th materi l is clay

. e a .


. .

1 3 Greek red clay painted black United collections Carlsr he

u .
, ,
, ,

4 . Greek ,
red clay painted black ,

7 Greek ,
painted black and white later period ,

8 Greek ,
Attic style .

9 . D itto .

1 01 -
12 . Greek red clay painted bl ck U it d c ll ctio C ls h
, ,
a , _
n e o e n s, ,
ar ru e .

13 . Greek red clay painted black and white Munich (Lau)

, , , ,
VASE S . 3 29

Th eP r och ou s , th e Oin h
oc oe , the Olp e ,
&c . Pla te 1 94 .
Th e L ekytho s . Th e L ip -
s p out Pitcher .

Greek Aryballos (perfume vase) U i ted collections Carls ,

n ,

r heu .

Greek Aryballos painted black United collections Carlsr he , , ,

u .

Greek Perf me vase with hoop handle p ai nted bla ck


u -
, , ,

U nited collections Carlsruhe ,


Greek Lekyt hos later period United collections Carlsruhe , , ,


S .
(Pl a te s 1 9 6

want of some uniform nomen clatur e makes itself felt not

Th e
o nly in the case of antique vessels but also with such colloquial ,

expressions as pitcher jug pot c bottle &c which

“ ”
“ ”
“ ”


“ ”

include a great variety of forms so that what one calls pitchers and ,

pots another calls jugs and cans To maintain at least some kind .

of system in this handbook we cla s all vessels with vertical handles ,

s ,

(unless they belong to some special category) as Pitchers if they ,

“ ”

have the usu l mouth with a lip ; and as Pots if they ha ve pipe
“ ” '

like spout .

Th material and size of the Pitcher vary greatly accor di ng to

e , ,

its purpose and period Th principal representatives

th ewers . e ar e e ,

an d jugs of glass clay stoneware and metal

, , , ,


. .

1 Egyptian
. with saucer recalling our modern ewers and basins
, , .

N Antique iridescent glass G ermanisches Mu seum Nuremberg , ,


A tique glass found in T ouville la Rivi ere Normandy (De vi lle)

C n
r - -
, , .

Q A ntique glass found near Mainz U nited collectio s Carlsruhe , ,

n ,

Roman glass from a grave at Bingerbruck Wiesbaden Museum

, , ,

A tique blue glass Louvre (Deville )

O n
, , ,

Q Like No 5 . .

W A tique yellowish green glass G ermanisches Muse m Nuremberg

, ,
u , .

Like No 4
Q . .

O A tique glass found in Rouen 3 d century A D Rouen Museum

a n
, , ,
. .
, ,

(Deville ) .

1 1 Antique ring shape unpainted clay United collec tions Carlsruhe


, ,

1 2 Roman Al emannic red clay found in Kaf rth l near Mannheim


, ,
e a ,

United collections Carlsruhe , .

1 3 Antique bronze with cover fou d at Saumur (Menard t

, ,
n , e

Sa u va ge ot) .

14 A ncient merican grey clay time of th e Incas excavated at

A , , ,

T rujil o in Peru (the round compartment of the body is fan

l ,

t a stica lly

adorned wi th figures) U nited coll cti ons Carlsruhe ,

e ,

Pl ate 196 . Th e Lip -

s p out P itcher


Th e L ip -
s p t Pitcher
ou .
Pl ate 19 7 .
Th e L ip -
s pout Pitcher . Th e Pip e p out P -
s ot .

15 . Old G erman B ohemian gl ss ,

a .

16 . Modern Hungarian glaz ed clay Landesgewerbeh lle , ,

a ,
Ca rls ruhe .



1 . Italian Faience glazed in colours l 6 th century the bl ue

, , ,

lilies on a gold ground are the coat of Julius III Cluny .


Museum Paris (L art pour tous)

, ,


G erman by Hans Holbein 1 6 th century (Hirth Forme

, , , ,

Old G erman stoneware with disc h p d b dy

, ,

s a e o .

German Renascence p ewter (Hirth Formenschatz)

— , , ,

5 6 . Old G erman stoneware the decoration is omitted

, ,

7 Modern stonewa e with tin cover by Di Kachel r , ,

r . .

8 Modern majolica Carlsruh e

—1 0
. .

9 Moder stoneware n,
—1 2
. .

11 . Modern green and blue glass


(P l a te

al eady remarked we g oup here all those one handled pourers

As r ,
r -

which possess a separate spout or mouth Here too material size and .
, , ,

form are very various Distinct categories e formed by the St t . ar a e

jugs of met l such as were in use at the period Of th Italian


Re ascence (fig
n the Oriental metal Jugs the Venetian small glass

Jugs milk coffee tea and watering Pots &c Where a spout occurs
, , , ,
. :

it is generally attached at the lower part or mi ddle of the body m ore ,

rarely towards the top ; and usually reaches to the level of the mouth .

Th Spout generally t pers in an upward direction ; its orifice is some

e a

times mask or a widened mouth piece ; in the cas e of the Watering

a -

pot it is f rnished with a rose Th handle is verti cal or a h Op

u . e ,
O .

Noteworthy is the long stump handle of some modern Coffee pots (fig - -

Th vessels of this group frequently have a lid

e .

198 . TH E P I PE -

Italian Renasc ence State jug metal design by Polidoro , , ,

Caravaggio Uffi i Florence ,


Japanese enamelled metal Louvre (L rt pour tous)

, , ,

a .

Ara b ian metal 1 6 th ce ntury Cluny Museum Paris (L art

, , , , ,

pour tous) .

Venetian glass l 6 th century (Hirth and L art pour tous)

, , ,

Modern Oriental ungla z ed clay f om Jerus lem United , ,

r a ,

colle ctions Carlsruh e , .

Th e P ip e p ut Pot -
s o . Th e Bottle .

Oriental Te pot painted china a -


Milk ewer painted faience 1 8 th century U nited coll ections

, , , ,

Carlsruhe .

9 Modern Co ffee pot -


10 . Modern T kettle metal hoop handle with wooden gu a rd

ea -
, , , .

11 Modern Watering pots sheet metal -

, .

(Pl a te s 1 9 9

Bottle has a sphe ic l elongated or bag body ; and an

Th e r a , ,

e longated narrow neck whi ch usually expands lik e a f nnel towards

, , u

its upper extremity and is sometimes closed by a stopper ,

B ottles .

have either a ri g foot or no foot at all high feet are exceptional


Handles are seldom atta ched ; where this is done they appear pai rs ,
In .

n the case of Pocket fl sks whi ch are u sually of a di sc or watch

shape th e handle serves to attach the fl sks to a cord or belt Th

a . e

m aterial is chiefly glass ; but clay and metal are also used Th . e

B ottle form has been Specially c ltivated in the East in Persia China u , , ,

J apan & A natu al model is frequently found in the C labash

c . r a ,

whi ch is itself Often used as a Vessel .

TE 199 . TH E B OTTL E .

Egyptian front and side view ,


A tique small watch shaped Perfum e bottle blue and whi te

n ,
- -

glass with handles for suspension li ke a hunting fl ask C m

, ,

pana collection (L art pour tous) ,


A ntique glass wi th handles for suspension (De ville)

, , ,

Antique Perfume bo ttle transparent emerald green glass


Antique Campana collection (L art pour tous)

, ,

A tique two handled iridescent glass Cam pana collection

n ,
, , ,

(L art pour

tous ) .

Antique iridescent glass United collections Carlsr h e

, , ,
u .

Antique iridescent glass U nited collections Carlsr h e

, , ,
u .

0 ld G erman glass from th e Spess t (Friedrich Die Alt

, ,
ar , ,

deutschen Glaser) .

Modern cut glass Dresden (G ewerbehalle)

, , ,

Modern green glass with ring stopper

, ,

Modern yello wi sh green glass


Modern Florentine flask covered with bast



L ATE 200 . TH E BOTTL E .

Egyptian without foot two Ope handles for Suspension

, ,
r .

A ntique red unpainted clay U ited collec tions Carlsruhe

, , ,
n ,
3 37

Th e Bottl e .

Me y e r, H an d bo k
o of Orn a m e n t .

Pl at e 200 . Th e B ttl e
o .
Drinki g V el n e ss s. Th e Kyl ix the K a tha
, n r os , &c .

fo ms of vessels in general are applicable to drinking vessels in

r ,

partic l ar u

Notwithstanding this we will attempt to classify the forms of ,

drinking vessels This will be done partly according to style placing .

, ,
th ecomm onest antique forms on one Plate specifically Old German ,

forms on another and the drinking vessels of our own time on a thi rd , .

P artly too we will place on other Plates definite groups which have
, , , ,

either an identical f ndamental form or a common object regar dless u


of their belonging to the same or to different styles e g D rinking ,

. .

hor s and Rhyt ons Cups and B eakers Ch lices and Goblets State Cups
, ,

Rummers , Mugs and Tankards ,



(Pl a t e

Drinking vessels f clay and the precious metals, played the chief O

p art in A ntique times while glass which was employed for other , ,

purposes was only occasionally u ed

s .

A very common form is the two handled dish or Kylix with a ,

low or high foot Both th form and the name of th e later Calyx . e

and our Chalice are derived from Kylix When formed of clay the .

Kylix is a plain shallow dish ornamented on the under side some , ,

times with figures O the inner side and with two horizontal handles u ,

( figs 1 . I n metal the f rm becomes richer th handles are


o ,

elongated d b ld in curvature (figs 3 an . o er .

Th fu dame tal form of the Kanth ros is that of th deep dish

e n n a e

o K a te
r rwi th two vertical handles
r, Th decoration is o ly external ; . e . n

the simplic ity in clay (fig pa ses into rich ess when metal is em . s n

ployed (figs 6 B acchic attributes the vine ivy the thyrsos

, , , ,

masks &c from the decoration

, .
. .

Th Ky thos a dipper and drinking vessel at once is a dish

e a ,

w ith the handle elongated vertically d sometimes replaced by a .


straight handle whi h gives the vessel somewhat of the pp ,

c of c a e a r en e

a spoon (figs 8 9 .
, ,

Th e Skyphos is a dish with two horizontal han dles (figs .

the K th o (fig
. o is th military drinking vessel a vessel w ith
n . e ,

a bro d rim bent inward out of which one could o ly dri k

a s ,
n n

by bending the neck right back ; but it w s convenient for dipping a

wa ter from brooks and the i curved rim caught the impurities of
n -

the w ter so tha t they rem ined behind both in dipping and drinking
a a


We might further addu ce the Deinos the drinking vessel of .

Hercules th e M phikyp llo a double beaker mentioned by Homer

e n, .

th Kalathos and others B ut the examples selected above m y

e ,
VASE S . 341

Th e Kylix the K anthar

, os , &c . Plate 201 .
Th e Kylix , th e K antharos , &c . Th e R hyt n o .

PL ATE 20 1 . TH E KY L I x , TH E KA N THA R OS ,
&c .

1 . A ntique Kylix painted clay Mus eum Naples , , ,


2 . Th e same vessel viewed from below

, .

3 . Greek Kylix bronze found in sarcophagus at Cephalonia (St k l

, , ,
ac e
berg) .

4 . Greek Kylix bron z e found in Ithaca , , .

5 . Antique Kantharos black painted clay U nited collections Carls , , ,

r he
u .

6 . Antique Kylix beaten silver Hildesheim treasure Museum Berlin

, , , ,

7 . Antique Kantharos beaten silver found at Berthouville near , ,

Bernay Biblioth eque Nationale Paris

, ,

8 . A ntique Kyathos black painted clay U nited collections Carls uhe

, , ,
r .

9 . Antique Kyathos painted clay U nited collections Carlsruh e , , ,


10 . Antique Skyphos meta l (M enard t S v g ot) , , e au a e .

11 . A ntique S kyphos painted clay ,


12 . A ntique Kotho painted clay U nited collections Carlsruhe

, ,

( a te
custom Of using the H o s of animals as drinking
The p rim mva l ,
rn .

vessels led to the Drinking Horn Th Antique is not alone in


. e

creating in the Rhyton a special kind of these vessels in the Middle

, ,

ages and in Modern times in England and G ermany Drinking horns , ,


are well known In view of the varied and Often complicated forms

of these latter we shall confine Ourselves to presenting some Antique


examples .

Th form of the Rhyton was that of an animal s head with


the addition of a handl e As a r le it has no foot ; and cannot be . u ,

set down When pierced at the lower end it could be dr nk from


in the manner shown in fig 1 1 Stags asses swine ultures & . .

, , ,
v ,
c .

were utilised as models whence the Special names El ph Onos ,

a os , ,

K pros G yp s &c
e ,
r ,

S ometimes the human head was used (fig Th vessel is ,

. e

modelled naturalistically ; and rec eives a painted decoration on the

neck alone Th material is clay. e .

20 2 .

A ntique (T g l ph ) with a ram h ad

ra e a os e .

Antique with a human head ,


Antique (K p ) with a swine head

a r os .

A ntique (El ph os) with a stag head (Semper)

a ,

Antique (Hipp t gel ph os) on one side a ram

o ra a ,

an ass head .

Pl ate 203 . Th e Cup an d the Beak r

, e .
Th e R hyt n o . Th e Cup and the Beaker , . Th e Chalice , an d the Gobl et . 345

7 A ntique (G yps) with vulture head r


8 . Antique drinking horn with lion mask as Spout -


10 . Antique State Rhyton marble Vatican Museum Rome , , ,


11 . Picture from an Antique Vase showing the manne of drink ,


ing from the Rhyton .


(Pl a t e

rinking vessels of these forms are of very general occurrence

D .

They may be he mi Spherical cylindrical like an inverted cone or of-

, , ,

a mi xed shape ; without foot with a ring foot or supported on , ,

balls ; without a handle or with one two or more handles Th , , ,

. e

use of the Cup restricts it to a certain si z e ; the mate ial is metal r ,

glass clay stoneware & Richly decorated Cups have come down
, , ,
c .

to us from the Antique and the Renascence ,




1 Assyrian from a relief

, .

2 As yrian painted clay

. s , .

3 Antique silver parcel gilt fou d on Ithaca

, , ,
n .

k Antique Kalathos found in Athens


Antique clay painted black U nited collectio s Carlsruhe

O , n .
, , ,

O A ntique red clay painted black U nited collections Carlsruhe

, , , ,

N A tique beaten ilver found in Pompeii now in Naples


n , S .
, ,

D Antique originally decorated in sunk enamel Hildesheim treasure
, , ,

Berlin Museum ,

9 Antique beaten silver Hildesheim treasure Berlin Museum

, , , ,

1 0 A tique green glass found in Normandy (Deville)

. n
, , ,

1 1 Antique glass (Deville )

, ,

1 2 Old German glass


1 3 Venetian glass British Museum

, ,

1 4 Old German stoneware


1 5 Old German stoneware


1 6 Germ a n Renascence Metal with bosses and ball foot

, ,

(Pl a te

hese are deep vessels of the form of half an egg w ithout

T ,

handle and with a high foot Th form was chiefly used in the Middle
. e

Ages and Renascence ; for both secular and religious purposes For

the former purpose the material is glass or metal and the size is , ,

Plate 204 .
Th e Calice an d the
bl t
Go e .
V AS E S .

Pl ate 205 . Th e Hanap .

Th e H a apn . Th e R Om er or Rum m er . 349

4 —5 German l 6 th and 1 7 th centuries

. chased silver treasure of
, , ,

Regensburg (Musterornamente)
6—8 Old Ge rman glass 1 7 th century

. .
, ,

(Pl a t e

Rummer the glass p a xcellen ce for Rhenish wine is th

Th e , r e ,

most important representative f the Old German drinking glasses O ,

and is altogether one of the handsomest forms of vess els C Friedrich .

in his work D ie A ltdeuts chen Glaser the study of whi ch we warmly

” “

recommend states that the fragments of antique glass were worked p


again into fine glass ware ; and that this ware was called Romanum -

i trum or R om i m i t um That led to the designation R om ii

” “ ” “ ”
v ar u v r . ar

which then became ROm and Rum mer Th original form f “

” “
e o

the Rummer is somewhat cylindrical (fig inste ad of a foot it .

has a ring at th bottom At a later period a low foot was added e .


upon which the body began to be divided into members (figs 2 and .

Th high foot eventually led to th e goblet form (figs 1 0

e .

and Rummers in which the contents reach to the bottom belong , ,

to the 2 d half Of the 1 6th century ; R m mers with Spun foot the
n u ,

wine reaching to the middle piece are to be ascribed to the 1 7 th -


century ; while R m mers with an independent middle piece are the u -

product of the 1 8 th century All three forms have been revived in .

late years Th colour of the Rumm er is green or yellowi sh brow ;

. e -

for esthetic reasons and not be cause it was impossible to manufactur

a ,

clear glass Th middle piece is Often divided from the p b y a ribbed

. e -

band and ornamented with bosses In later times the cup was decorated .

wi th cut or painted ornament (figs 5 and Such modern .


examples as Rummers with whi te feet and pink cups are aberrations
, ,

of taste Th Rummer is generally of moderate si z e ; but examples of

. e

large siz e are sometimes met with -


PL ATE 20 6 . TH E RUMM E R .

1 —4 Older forms (Friedrich)

. .

5 . White and light green engraved ornaments Bavarian G -

, ,

werbemuseum Nuremberg (Friedrich)

, ,

7 8 . Modern copies .

9 Old form without foot (Fried ich)

1 0—
. r .
, ,

11 . Modern forms .

12 . Wooden vessel resembling a Rummer lacquered black from , ,

Borneo United collections Carlsruhe


, ,

Pl ate 206 . Th e R Om er or u
R mm er .
Variou Gl a e s ss s .

(Pl a t e

a selection of other Old German drinking

Th e P la te _
con ta in s

vessels What manifold varieties of drinking glasses existed in the


l 6 th century for inst nce m y be seen in Fi ch t romance Gar ’

a ,
a s ar s

g an t and Pantagruel which is sociologically so interesting In th


, . e

eight chapter entitled a conversation on drinking he says D

“ ”


s ta chen die F oca l a n/

si c eyn a n d er f di e P r ns t, d a flogen die mn hele,

d a s ti beten di e R emer cken, d a r a nm t m a n di e dickelba cher, d a sofien


j e zw een n n d zw een a ns depp leten , die m a n c a n eyn a n der bricht, j a

a ns ges tifleten Kr ngen , d a s titrz t ma n die P ott, d a s chw a ng ma n
den Gn tr nfi, d a trabet m a n d en An gs ter, d a riss a n d w idth m a n d en
“ '

Wein a ns P a tten, a ns Kelchen, N ap fien, Gonen ; H o/ fbecher n : Ta ssen :

Tr in kscha len : P fa fien ma sen : S ta uf en n on hohen s ta nfien : Ki tten f

Ka lten : Ka nn ten : KOp fien : Kn a r tgen : S ckla n chen : P ip en : a sen :

f ’

H e len : L a mp eten : a en : N ilsseln : S eydeln : Killkess eln, M d lter lin :

M elkgelten , Sp itzma s en , Z olcken , Ka nn en , S chn an lzenma s , S chopp en

kann lein , S totzen : D a kla n gen die Glaser, da fnn ckelten die Kr a usen .

We here o er a few forms some of them named in the above

ff ,
d escrip
tion of Fisch a rt s


Th ename ngster is applied to a high arrow necked drinking

A n -

bottle from the atin

( L a nnarrow
gus tus ,
neck which rises out
) Th e ,

of a spherical b bous body ften consisted of

u l ,
O or more tubes2,
wound round one another frequently bent to one side and broadening ,

at the top into a c p li ke mouth (fig These glasses belong

u -

to the category of Puz zle glasses to extract the wine from which was -

a matter Of an gui sh S m p s bservation is very true for such

“ "
. e er

puz zle glasses it would really seem as if fashion and the toper s
“ ’

humor of the competitors in drinking bouts with Obstacles had sp e ,


ci lly invented form

a of vessels which demanded a most uncomfortable

and ingenious mode of drinking .

Th G t olf (g tte k t f perhaps f om the Latin gn ttn rn i m)

u r u er e r , u ro , r n ,

seems to have been a imilar glass with a straight neck (figs 6 S .

and 9
he p ech ter
(presumably from S pessart) is a tall narrow , ,

lin dr ica l glass with a low foot decorated wi th bosses scrolls , , ,

&c .

(figs . 4,
(peg t nkard )
Th e P a ssgla s resembles the Sp cht but is divi d-
ed a e er ,

by rings into equal divisions which served as a scale in drinki g bouts n .

It often bears painted figures in criptions &c (figs 2 ,

s .

Th form of the cabbage stalk glass in s fficiently indicated by

e -

the name (fig .

Th Tum mler and H dt m m l

e (tumbler ) glasses without an u er a re

fe t which totter when set down ; and if laid on their side at once
e ,
Vari u o s Gl as e s s . Th e Mug . 3 53

resume a vertical position (figs 1 4 as also glasses like that .


shown in fig 1 3 which must first be drunk empty before they c


be set down .

T those times also belong d Puzzle glasses from which the

o e : -

liquor had to be sucked out at the end of the handle (fig .

ve ssels in the shape of ladies (figs 1 1 and of fantastic .

animals .

It would carry us too far to enter upon the details of manu

facture we therefore refer the reader Once more to C Friedrich s


Altdeu ts che Glas er .


1 Green cabbage stalk Glass Germanisches Museum Nuremberg

, ,

2 Old German Peg tankards painted

4 —5

. Old German Sp cht e er s .

6 . K t lf (Angster) 1 6 th century Bavarian G ewerbemuseum

u ro
, , ,


7 . Old German A g t s No 8 in the Bavarian G ewerbe n s er ,


museum N emberg ,
ur .

9 . K t lf (Angster) with winding neck

u ro .

10 Puzzle mug (Friedrich) -

. .

11 12 . Old German Glasses in the form of ladies No 1 2 in the , ,


Bavarian Gewerbemuseum Nu emberg ,

r .

Large Tumbler 1 8 th century with metal handle ; in the

, ,

original a figure of Mercury stands on the ball Bavarian ,

Gewerbemuseum Nuremberg ,

Painted glass Tumbler (Friedrich) ,


Hungarian coronation Glass painted ,


(Pl a te

In ccordance with its pu pose the form of the Mug is essen

a r ,

ti lly di fferent from that of other drinking vessels

a Th body usually . e

has a cylind ical form and is without a foot or with o ly a ring

r , ,

foot A movable lid of m etal mostly tin is attached by a hinge

, ,

to the vertical handle in order to keep the liq i d as fresh as possible ,

u ,

in view of the great surface of evaporation For the same reason .

the mat rial is preferably stoneware That glass has of late years
e .

been p ferred to stoneware is due to the fact that the liquid is

e ,

visible and more easily inve tigated in glass vessels ; and that these s

a re more easily cleaned Compared with the wine glass the Mug .

will always have a greater circumference and show a more robust ,

treatment Th hi nge must be so attached that when the lid is wid

. e e

open it forms an obtuse angle with the rim


M eyer , H a n d b o o k of Orn a m en t .

Pl ate 208 . Th e M u g .

Pl ate 209 . ankard

Th e T .
V A SE S .

M de
o rn Dri ki g Gl a
n n sses . Pl ate 21 0 .
Mo d ern Drinki g Gl a es n ss .

more or less skill and intelligence It is to be hoped that the .

general revival of Appli ed A t will lead to the attainment of high r

class res lts in this b anch also

u r .



1 1 1 Various modern Glasses for water wine and beer of white

, , ,

and colo ed glass ur .

Pl ates 191 —210 present som e 50 di ff rent cl a se of v es els in nearly

e s s s
500 p im m
s ec But e v en thi p i materia l was f from p ermitting
s . s cO ou s ar

e v ery form to b e taken into con i d eration Th fir t pl ace was acc rde d s . e s o
to d efinite group s an d to conv entional e v er recur ing hap es ; whil e the ,
r s

arb itrary p ora di c accid ental and b a occo were exclud e d Still it is
s , , r , .

p o ibl e that we ha v e not uccee d e d in gi v i g a general v iew of th group

ss s n e
o f p ottery an d v e se l s R e d er who d e ire to p ur ue their stud ie further
s . a s s s s
are referre d to the works and p erio dical d eali g with thi subject s n s .
Th e Cand e l abrum .

forms and the finish of the di fferent utensils have changed

Th e
along with the radical changes which the mode of illumi nation has
undergone in th course of time Oil lamp light candle torch light
e .
, , , ,

gas light and our latest achievement the electric light ll demand
, , ,

Special di fferent forms of bearers and apparatus

, ,

Th predominant material would seem to be met l ; and next

e a ,

to this clay and glass ; while im fl m m bl materials like wood are

, ,
a a e ,

by their very nature almost excluded ,


Here too it is proper to call attention to a difference whi ch

, ,

must be borne in mind between A tique and Modern illum inating n

utensils Th difference is this that whereas the Antique with all

. e :

its artistic perfection is very defective from a practical point of view ;


Modern apparatus while surpassing the Antique in the matter of ,

technical adaptation to its purpose scarcely ever reaches the Antique ,

beauty and generally falls below it


We will consider the Candelabrum the Antique Lamp the , ,

different kinds of Standard Hand and Bracket Candlesticks Hanging , , ,

Lamps Lanterns Chandeliers and Modern Lamps ; taking them in

, , ,

this order .

LA R U M .
(Pl a t e s 21 1 —2
Candelabrum (from ca n dela
Th e candle) was as its name i ,

dic ta originally intended to carry a candle But as candle light

es , .

like the ill m ination by means of torches and pitch pans gradually
u -

receded before the use of Lamps in Antique times and was more ,

and more reserved for the purposes of ritual ; the Antique Cande
lab m came to be employed as a Lampstand or L m p d i m
ru a a ar u .

Hence it comes that the upper end of a Candelabrum i furnished s

sometimes with a bowl sometimes with a pricket or socket to receive ,

the candle sometimes with a flat disc and sometimes with project
, , ,

ing clips and hooks to hold the lamp or to suspend it from Th . e

last is the most frequent form Th great State candelabra for . e -


religious bservances have bowls ; and are made of marble The shaft
O ,

of such a Roman Candelabr m of conventional form is given on u

Plate 1 21 fig 2 Candelabra for household use were made of

. .

bronz e In height they are of two different dimensions according

. :

as they were meant to stand on the ground or on a table Th ,

. e

former are of an extremely slender construction (Plate 21 1 of an .

average height Of 3 feet to 4 ft 6 ins Th form of the latter class . . e

(c dela b um hn mi le) is less slender (Plate 21 1 5 and

an r and th . e

extreme height is about 1 ft 8 ins Th design of the Antique . . e

Candelabrum is either Of architectonic character or free and natura ,

Th e Can del abrum . 36 1

listi e We have already mentioned in chapters 1 3 5 —1 3 7 that in

, ,

the former case the base shaft and bowl are generally decorated
: , ,

Th second class includes standing and sitting figures behind which

e ,

the shaft of the candelabrum rises or by which it is borne (Plate 21 1 ,


2 and or of bearers in the form of trees beneath which figures ,

or groups are seated (Plate 21 1 Occasionally examples are found .

so arranged that they c be taken apart and adjus ted to di fferent an

heights (Plate 21 1 Th majority of the A tique bronze Cande

. e n

labra which have been preserved to us are of Etruscan origin .

Plate 21 1 shows seven different examples selected from the c opious

material .


1 . Antique bronze stand from which to suspend lamps (lychn cns

n ,

found in Pompeii Berlin Museum

la mp a da rinm) , , ,

2 . Etruscan bronze Biblioth eque National Paris

, , ,

3 . Antique bronze found in Chiusi (M enard t S

, g
t) ,
e a u va eo .

4 . Antique bronze found in Herculaneu m

, ,

5 . Antique bronze to hold a candle or torch (M enard t S v ge t)

, , ,
e au a o .

6 . A tique ( Ca d el b um hn mi le) bronze Museum Naples

n ,
n a r , , ,

7 . A tique
n bronze adjustable to di fferent heights found in Her
, , ,

cu la n eu m .

Candelabr m w revived at the t ime of the Renascence

Th e u as

along with the tra di tion of A tique t It accepted the form ; but n ar .

remodelled it in its own fashi on Since that time the C ndelabrum . a

occurs in countless mo di fications both for state and use in reli gious , ,

and sec lar b i ldings It is no more a Lampstand but bears a

u u .

candle in a pricket or more r rely in a socket Th Roman Catholic ,

. e

rit l in particular the services of whi ch req i re lighted candles

ua , ,
u ,

has given an impetus to the new forms of Candelabra in met l d a an

carved wood set off by painting and gilding Th finest examples of

. e

this ki d are to be found in the chu ches and p laces of Italy

n r a .


1 . Al tar candlestick church of the Benedictines Villingen wood

, , , ,

gilt and silvered Late German Renascence 3 ft 9 ins high

, ,
. . .

2 . Bronze end of the 1 6 th century Italian

, ,

3 . Al tar can dlestick Certosa near Pa i a 1 7 th century Italian

, v , , ,

(Musterornamente) .

4 . Medicean chapel S Lorenzo Florence Italian Renascence

an , , ,

5 . Bronz e Italian Renascence Bargello Florence

, , , ,

Pl ate 21 1 . Th e An ti que Can de l abrum .

Th e A nti que L a m p .

(Pl a te

ntique L amp (ly h s lu c ) is strictly speaking a

Th e A c nn ,
er n a , ,

combination of holder and pourer ; and might w ith equal propriety

have been included in the group of Vases The fundamental form .

which was ret ined down to the latest times is found in early

Egyptian household utensils ; and is created by adding a handle a ,

funnel for filling and a spout with an Opening for the wick to a , ,

spheroid body figures 1 and 2 ,


I Greek and Roman L amps the body becomes flattened the

n :

f nnel contracts to a simple orifice and the round handle is either


replaced by a straight one or combined with it (figs 4 and ,


Ve y frequently the lamp has several wick Openings (dimyxos tri

r -

myxos & ) instead of only one (figs 5 1 0 and

c .

Clay and bronze are the materials almost exclusively employed .

Th clay L amps are mostly plastically decorated more rarely painted

e ,

Th decoration is most conspicuous on the handle and the spout ; the


upper part of the b ody is often treated with fig res in bas relief u -

(fig Bronze
. Lamps are decorated with fi g e with co v ers fastened '
ur s,

by hinges wick t immers & (fig ,

A d it was the bronze
r ,
c .
. n

Lamps which were especially arra g d to be suspended from Lampa n e

darii Small L m p t ds in the form of low tripods are also not

. a s an , ,

scarce (figs 8 and occasionally Tripod and L amp

. combined ar e ,

as in the example shown in fig 7 By the side of examples te to i . . c n

cally constructed we fi d freer forms im it ting human figu es nimal

a r ,

shapes human feet &c In some cases these may be considered as

, ,

happy thoughts ; in others they are simply an aberration of style

(figs 1 2 and .

Th e early days of Christendom show reminiscences of the A n

tique e g the L amp in fig 1 3 whi ch also bears the monogram

. . .

Of Christ .

In later periods the decoration degenerates although the f : ,


d m t l form has been retained till the present time in the East
a en a , ,

for household lamps ; the design of the modern lamp from Jerusalem
(fig 1 4 ) is
. of th e simplest possible description In the West the old . :

form is gradually dying out since the introduction of the glass cylinder -
, ,

which enables the illuminating gases to be more thoroughly consum ed .



1 2 Egyptian clay .

3 .A tique painted clay (Mé n d t S g t) , ,

nar e a u va eo .

4 .Antiq e red cl ay U nited collections Carlsruheu , , ,


5 .Antique red clay with two spouts and vertical ring handle
, , ,

U nited collections Carlsruhe ,


nti que
Th e A Lam p . Pl ate 213 .
Th e An t ique L a m p . Th e C ndle tick
a s .

6 . A ntique with cover and ring handle red clay U nited

, , ,
collections Carlsruhe ,

7 A ntique bronze with high stan d the missing cover was “

, , ,

evidently a hum n mask L ouvre Paris a

, , .

A ntique bronze on small tripods (ca n d l b um h mile)

, , e a r n .

A ntique bronze with three spouts the figure serves as a

, , ,

handle for the cover a wick trimmer is attached to it by a ,


chain found in Herculaneum

, .

11 . A ntique bronz e with two spouts found in Herculaneum

, , , ,

Museum Naples of original size

, , .

A tique bronze for suspension (Formensc hatz )

n , , ,

E arly Christian bronze with the monogram of Christ for , , ,

suspension from the catacombs Rome

, ,

14 . Modern Oriental clay from Jerusalem U i ted collections

, , , ,
n ,

Carlsruhe .

(Pl a t e s 21 4 —

Candlestick is th ca dle bearer Of the Middle A ges the

Th e

e n -

Renascence and Modern times It is disting i shed from the Cande

. u

labrum if a distinction can be made at all where the forms thu

, s

blend with each other by t smaller dimensions a d simpler forms ; ,

I s n

and it is chiefly used for sec lar purposes u .

Th principal materials beside brass iron copper tin &

e are , , , ,
c .

clay porcelain
and glass ,

In the Middle Ages ; it was ual to stick the can dle on a co i cal us n

pricket ; our Modern times prefer the cylindrical socket Th design . e

includes base ( ften tripartite) shaft and socket as in the case of

O , , ,

the Candelabrum Th upper end is fur i shed wi th a saucer or bowl

. e n ,

to catch the droppings Th saucer is som etimes loose so that it . e ,

may e s ly be taken Off and cleansed in which case it is term ed a

a e -

save all -

Often the upper pa t is furnished wi th a numb er of arms to r

receive several candles As regards decorations the principles laid . :

down for the Candelab m in the chapter on Supports hold good ru , ,


Th S even branched candlestick of the Temple at Jerusalem is histo

e - -
, ,

i lly celebrated ; fig 1 of Plate 21 5 reproduces this from the

r ca p . re re

t ti
s en a of it on the triumphal arch of Tit
on Th fundament l us . e a

form of it has been retained to thi s day in J ewish ritual , ,


High Can dle ticks of si m ple form made of wrought iron are t
s , ,

rare in the Middle Ages (Plate 21 5 Richly fi i h d examples .

n s e ,

in wro ght iron and bronze were created in the R nascence (Plat e
u -
e ,

21 4 5 and 21 5
Th J apanese and Chinese bronze candles ticks
. e

Pl ate 214 . Th e Candle tick

s .

Th e Ca n dl ti k
es c .

Me y e r, Hand b k
oo of Orn a m e n t
Th e Han d Candle tick -
s . Th e Can dl e Bracket

candlestick it consists of a broad dish out Of which rises a sh ft a

wi th a socket bowl at the end (figs 21 6 6 7

. .
, ,

Often an Extinguisher is com bi et with the Can dlestick especially n ,

w hen the latter is of wrought iron ; as shown by the original example -


fig 4 ; of late years Mat ch holders have also been included


Th material is the same as for other candlesticks There is

e .

nothing Special to say as regards the decoration .


. .

Wrought iron 1 7th century

1 3 .

5 . Modern wrought iron ,


6 . Modern by P Faur e of P a ris (G ewerbehalle)

, .

7 . Moder brass n, .

8 . M odern brass ,


(Pl a t e

Candle -
B rackets are fix ed or movable bearers attached to vertical
surfaces e g col mns pilasters &c In the Middle Ages and the
, . . u , ,

Renascence they were chi efly used for Torches and Candles ; at th e

present tim e they are employed for Candles and G s Their form a .

naturally differs f om that of th upright Candlestick Curved

r e .

scroll work and consoles of metal (for this material is the one almost

exclusively u sed) bear on their free end the prickets or the sockets o , ,

the burners and globes which last are e m ployed to di ffus e the glaring ,

light and soften the sharp shadows A primi tive method of connecting .

the bracket with the wall is by hook and eye (fig; in articles of
better finish this is done by means of rosettes or wall plates d car -

touches (figs 6 7 8 Th B racket m y be used for one or mor

, , ,
e a e

lights In th e latter c se several prickets or sockets are placed o

. a : u - a

common disc (fig or which is artistically better the main branch

, ,

di vides into a number of subsi di ary arms (fig Th B racket .

- e

on a large scale is used for Street lighting for Churches Theatres

, , ,

Halls Mansions Palaces Restaurants &c ; and on smaller scale f

, , , ,
. a ,

Pianofortes &c In designing B rackets for g care must be take

. as: n

to provide for the Gas pipe The modern dj us tible B rackets being -
. a

mostly without decoration need ot be considered ,

n .


1 —2 G erm an Renascence wrought iron

. .

. National Museum Munich

, ,
, ,

3 Rococo for 3 candles bronz e gilt Milan Museum (R g e et) a u n

, , , ,

4 5 Modern by M W i h oldt Munich (Gewerbehalle) e n

, ,

6 7 Wall plates to 4 and 5

, ,

Pl ate 21 7 . Th e Ca hdle -
Br ck t
a e .
Th e Ca dl e Bracket
n -
. Th e Pend ant L am p -
. Th e Chande lie r . 37 3

8 . Modern (Gewerbehalle) ,

9 . Modern wrought iron ,


(Pl a t e

Both aesthetic reasons and the danger of being knocked over to ,


which upright candlesticks are subject led in early times to the ,

con - ; o

struction of Pendant lamps In addition to the small bronze lamps which


co ld be used both standing or hanging the Antique o ffers us Lam ps


which could be used only for suspension Th latter form is still com . e

mon in the East (compare Plate 1 8 7 and in the West in Christian .

and Jewish i tual Th introductio of Paraffin G and the Electric

r . e n, ,
a s, !

light has afforded plentiful opportunities Of givi g an artistic form


to Hanging lamps Th pherical glo b es Of ground glass lend them

. e S

selves especially to such treatment (figs 4 5 Box shaped hold ,

, ,

ers either pen or closed by panes of glass are termed L anterns

O ,

Modern la terns for illumination in the pen air are generally devoid
O ,

of any really artistic decoration ; but the Middle Ages and the R

nascence created many bjects of perfect form in this branch Th O . e

most suitable m aterial for L anterns is wrought iron (figs 2 and It -


is self evide t that Lanterns must be so arranged that they

n be ca n

Opened for cleaning &c ,


PL ATE 21 8 . TH E PE N D ANT -
L AM P .

1 . Old Moorish iron U nited collections Carlsruhe

, , ,

2 . Mediaeval wrought iron for several candles German (Formen

, , ,

schatz) .

3 . French Hotel V g e D j
1 7 th century (L art pour tous)
o u ,
I on , ,


4 . Modern for Electric glow light by Peter of Esslingen (G

, , ,

w erb eha lle)


5 . Modern (Gewerbehalle) , .

(Pl a t e

arrangement of a considerable um ber of lights in circular

Th e ,

form on a fram ework intended for suspen sion led to the construction ,

of the Chandelier In the Middle Ages the lights were all placed
. :

in the same plane so that they formed a ring (fig the R . e

n ascence secured greater richness and variety of design by a number

of rings an arra gement which has usually been retained in our

modern Ch ndeliers (fig 3 and a Further y i ty is attained by . , _ ar e

the alternation of the lights in the difl t ings Wrought iro er e n r .


P l ate 21 8 . Th e P da
en nt a p
L m .

Pl at
e 21 9 . Th e Cha d e l i
n er .

Th e Md
o er n a p
L m . P l at e 220 .
Th e Mo d r e n L amp . Th e Al tar .

made to replace these conventional forms by more o iginal desig s

r n .

A example of this is the v estal lamp (fig

n which mu t b e dmitted “ ”
. s a

to be successful This form ad m its of adjustment of height ; can be


easily filled and cleaned ; and allows f a combination f s v ral burn O O e e

ers (fig .

PL ATE 220 . TH E M OD E R N L A M P .

1 —2 Paraffin lamps with visible oil receiver

, .

3 . Oil Lamp with concealed receiver by the sculptor Piat of

, ,

Paris (L art pour tous)


4 . Paraffin Lamp with concealed receiver by Paul Stotz of Stutt

, , ,

gart Bronze (Gewerbehalle)

, ,

5 . Paraffin Lamp Vestal lamp B erlin ,


6 . P raffin Lamp wi th 3 burners by the archit ect B hringer t

a , ,

S tuttgart (G ewerbehalle)

b . R eligions Utensi ls .

Notwithstandi g the varied character Of Religious Utensils we

n :

devote only five Plates to them principally because many have been ,

already dealt with in other groups We cannot attempt to give a


complete view of the apparatus Of ritual ; but must confine our

selection to objects taken partly from Heathen and partly f om , ,

Christian examples .

(Pl a t e

original form of the Altar (from a lta a a ) wa s o doubt

Th e r n

extremely simple B locks of rock and stones piled p beneath the


blue sky or under trees were probably the earliest With the vol , . e u

tion of art and especially of architecture the Altar entered into the
, ,

service of the Temple ; and received a more artistic finish Th plan . e

of the A tique Al tar is usually triangular quadrangular or circ lar

, ,
u .

Th material is generally marble

e Its top is a table like Slab gene .

rally with a hollow to contain the sacrifici l fire Th decoration a . e

was of sym b olic character Skulls of animals Festoons of fr i t votive .

u ,

Wreaths Figures of the Gods Genii and si mi lar creations were us ed

, , , ,

almost always Th triangular Altar was often used as the base of

. e

the Antique State candelabrum ; e g the altar represent d on fig 5

. . e .

which is the base of a Candelabrum .

Th so called Altars of the Christian religion have no thing in

“ ”
e -

Pl ate 221 . la
Th e A t r .
38 1

rip d
Th e T o . Pl ate 222 .
Th e T rip o d . Th e Cen er s .

P L ATE 222 . TH E TR I P OD .

1 . ntique bron e found in Pompeii about Mu seum Naples

A ,
z , , ,

28 ins hi gh . .

2 .Romanesque bron z e (Mé d t S g t) , ,

nar e a u va eo .

3 .Etruscan bronze Berlin Museum , ,


4 Mediaeval bronze Pierrefonds castle (Violl t l Duc) e e -

5 —6 Italian
, , ,

1 7 th century wrought iron about 4 ft high (L art ’

, , ,

pour tous) .

Modern wrought iron for wine cooler by the architect Zaar

7 .

, ,

(G ewerbehalle ) .

(Pl a te

of the Oldest ecclesiastical utensils is th e Censer or Th

On e u

rible in the use of which the rising clouds Of incense are a sym

b lic l representation of prayer ascending to heaven

o a Th material is . e

silver bronze iron copper or brass Th lower part consists of a

, , , ,
. e

dish With foot containing the fi pan Th pierced cover is kept

r e- . e

in its place by means of the three chains which pass through the
three holes made for the purpose These three chain hang from a . s

Sm ll plate w ith a ring

a Th cover is fastened to fou th chain . e - a r ,

which also term inates in a chain d may be draw up through a hole a n n

in th pl te (fig e . Th decoration is frequently symbolic and I

a . e ,

sc ipti rs are also ons ed Th Romanesque and Gothic Censers often u . e

exhi bit an architectonic design of domes and towers (figs 2 4 .

, ,

Th Renascence prefers th strict form of a vessel (figs 8 and

e e .

Modern art avails itself of Ancient models without havi g anything ,


independent to show An appendage of the Censer in a certain sense .

, ,

is the Censer boat or incense holder usually an e lliptical dish wi th


a partition and two hinged covers Th incense is conveyed from . e

the Incense boat to the Censer by m eans of a Spoon



. .

1 2 . Romanesque bronze 6th and 1 2th centuries each ,

ins , ,

high Collection of antiq i ties Grand ducal Co t Mannheim

u ,
ur , .

3 . Romanesque bronz e French beginning of the 1 3 th century

, , , ,

ins hi gh (Violl t l Duc)

e -
o -

4 5 . G othic from stone statues Cathedral Chartres 1 3 th century

, , , , ,

(L art

pour tous ) .

6 Gothic with tower shaped cover

. .

7 . Renascence .

9 . Renascence S outh Kensington Mu eum London ,

s ,
Th e Cen er s . Th e C ucifix r .

(Pl a t e

Crucifix (from c a cifix s nailed to the cross) does not appear

Th e r n _

m Christi n ritual until

a after the aboli tion of the shamef l punish u

ment of Crucifixio Th e ldest Crucifixes m y be dated about the

n. O a

6th century In the course of the following styles it underwent a

. :

variety of transformations Th older ex mples often represe t the . e a n

crucified Christ as clothed (fig while i n later times the body is .

more frequently ude with the clothing restricted to the cloth round
n ,

the loins Th older renderings of Christ Show a straight stifl atti

. e

tude and a c lm expression ; while later periods exhibit a more life


li ke conception and the expression of pain At first each foot is

, . :

pierced b y a separate nail later the two feet by one nail only ; so ,

that the four nails are reduced to three A nimbus appears above .

or behind the head ; and over this a roll with the letters I N R I . . . .

(I esus N Rex I
a z a r en u sd m ) Th arms Of the L atin C ross
u area e oru . e

Often terminated in four q uatrefoils containing symbols of the four

Evangelists (figs 2 Purely ornamental terminations of the arms


and decorations at their intersec tio s are also not uncommon (fig n .

When the Crucifix is intended to stand upright on the Communion

table it :is furnished with a candelabr m like base (figs 1 2 u .

Th bases are generally of imilar style to the accompanyi ng C idl

, ,

e S ar e

stick Th materials are chiefly me tals wood and i vo ry the body

s e , , ,

Of Christ and the Cross being often f difl t materials

O er en .

PL ATE 224 TH E CR U OIF I x . .

1 Italian 1 5 1 1 silver gilt th inlaid plates of the cross are rock

, , ,

crystal P oldi Pezzoli collection Milan (Kunsthandwerk)

, , ,

2 Italian b ronze Certosa near Pavia 4 ft 4 ins high Renascence

, , ,
. .
, ,

(Musterornamente ) .

3 Italian Bronze Renascence evidently f earlier date than th base

, , ,
O e .

4 Modern C r v ed wood
a .

(Pl a t e

Th Crozier or Pastoral staff has been the badge of episcop l

e - a

dignity since the earliest period of the Middle Ages In the West it . :

had the shape f a c utch up to the 1 2th centu y ; and it has

O r r re

t i d this form in th e East up the present day (fig

a ne Afterwards .

the upper end was curved Spirally Th curved end nd the sta ff . e a

itself are s parated by a knob In the Middle Ages the curve is

e . :

decorated with crockets and inscriptions ; and its centre b ars figures e .

In many cases the war of the Church against the Evil One is sym
M TAL O BJ EC TS . 385

Th e C ifi
ru c x .

Me y er, Hand b k
oo of Orn a m en t .
Th e Crozier and the Mon trance
, s .

bolica lly
represented by the fight with the dragon (fig In the .

Gothic peri od the knob below the curve is developed into an archi
tectonic lantern Th length of the Crozier is 5 to 6 ft Th . e . e

material is wood vory and metal usually contrasti g in the di fferent


I , ,

parts Th Plate o ly reproduces the upper ends ; as these alone are

. e n

of importance by their decoration .

Th Monstrance is a utensil allied to the Ciborium and Reli


q y It
u aris an expository
. vessel in which since the institution of ,

the feast of Corpus Christi by U rban IV in 1 26 4 the consecrated ,

wafer is shown and carried in processions in Roman Catholic churches

It possesses great varieties both of style and si z e the height varying ,

from 1 ft to 5 ft It us ually has a slender hexagonal or octago al

. . n

foot and a knob From the foot rises a tower like receptacle (t ri

cula) or a Glory wi th a disc shaped glass box in whi ch the wafer

“ -

rests on the so called eye Th material is gold silver or brass

. e , ,

Th Plate gives one of —the numerous examples which have been


preserved .


1Romanesque B ishop Gerard of Limoges 1 1 022 '

2—3 Romanesque

. .

Transition period from Romanesque to Gothic French (L art

4 .
, ,

pour tous) .

5 Gothic Martin S chongauer end Of 1 5th century (Wessely)

, ,


6 Rococo ivory

7 Monst ance gilt brass 23 ins high Hotz endorf

. r , ,

. Utensi ls o f Wa r a nd H u ntin g; Weap ons .

tensils of war and hunting

U their most primitive forms at ,

least are as old as mankind itself Savages of the earliest as well

, .

as of modern times show great skill and a certain originality in , ,

the decoration of these utensils as we may see in our ethnologic l ,


collections S long as these utensils continued to be made of hor

. O n,

bone and such materials nd lso so long as they belong to the so

: a a

called Stone age they are comparatively imple They do not

“ ”
s .

assume a richer form and fi i sh till the introduction of bron z e and n

iron Th great revolution which ensued on the transition from

. e

the Stone to the B ron z e age finds a not less imposing parallel
“ ” “ ”

in the revolution wrought by the invention of Gunpowder .

U tensils of War and Hunting may be divided into two great

sections weapons of Defense and weapons of O ffense To the former
: .

belong Shields Helmets and Armour Th kinds and nu mber f, . e o

Th e S hie ld .

weapons of o ffense are far more manifold Swords Daggers Spears .

, , ,

Pikes Lance s Axes Maces Arrows Rifles and Pistols are the
, , , , , , ,

principal It is unfortunately impossible in this work to give due

, ,

consideration to e very single form ; still the chief representatives have

been included wi th the exception of Firearms and Armour in which
, ,

only the engraved or chased details are of decorative importance .

Th most striking examples in our A mouries and Museums

e ,
r ,

have lately been published i numerous works ; so that it is not ,


diffic lt to obt in a general view of this section ; monographs on Wea

u a

pons have also been published among which we may specially men ,

tion B o h eim s Wa ffen kun de (E A S eemann Leipzig)


. .

(Pl a t e

hield which from the earliest times has been the us ual
Th e S ,

weapon of defense against blows and thrusts is generally a domed ,

disc the form of which has varied considerably Circ lar elliptical
. u , ,

semi circ lar and kite shapes are found alongside others of richer out

line Th materials are wood plaited osiers leather metal and

. e , , , ,

combinations of these Th e Shield is held in the left hand by a .

han dle , or slung O the arm by a strap Th si z e varies from n . e

20 ins to 5 ft Th A tique Shield was circular ; and frequently

. . e n

ornamented with a boss in the centre Among the ancient Teutons .


the form was large and square ; in the Middle Ages it was triangular ,

Th Standing shields or Pavises

e of the 1 4th and 1 5th centuries
, ,

were very large and pro vided w ith feet so that they wo ld stand , ,

upon the ground without bei g held Th Tilting shield had a hole cut ,
n . e -

away i which the lance was laid With the introductions of fi arms
n . re -

the Shield became worthless and disappears as an article of practical ,

use ; but it has continued to be employed for State purposes down -

to the present time ; and from a decorati v e standpoint these State , ,

shields are of high interest They o d er to metal workers an except .


on a lly favourable field for the display of their art Th s imple . e

zonal di i sions of the Antique Shi ld have given place to freer

v e

divisions and a richer decoration with figures and ornaments .

P L ATE 226 . TH E SH I E L D .

1 . Roman with boss bronze partly silvered found near Mainz Wi s

, ,
, ,

baden Museum , .

2 . Etruscan bronze Campana collection (L art pour tou )

, , ,

s .

3 . Mediaeval time of the Crusades (V i ll t l Duc)

, ,
o e -
e -

4 . Renascence time of Henry II of France hamm red metal

, ,
e .

hi ld
Th e S e . Pl at e 226 .
Th e S hie ld . Th e Helm et .

5 . Renascenc decorated in the centre with a rosette and pointed


knob Turin ,

6 . Renascence with rich decoration of figures in hammered metal

, ,

7 . Renascence hammered silver by P van Vianen , ,

. .

(Pl a t e

armour for the defense of the head is the Helmet It was

Th e .

probably originally made of leather ; at a later date it was of metal ;

and in Modern times it again consists of leather with metal accessories .

Its form has suffered many transformations in the course of the cent
i s
ur e arising sometimes from pr ctical sometimes from aesthetic
a ,

reasons .

Th greatest perfection of form is found in the Greek helmet

e ,

which like Antique armour in general fits very closely to the human
, ,

body We need only remi nd the reader of the plain but beautif l
. u

Helmets in which Pallas Athene is shown on Antique gems Th . e

Medusa head and Sphinxes are popular motives of decoration Th . e

decorati on is most prominent on the front and on the moveable


cheek pieces Fig 1 shows a Greek Helmet with a crest which is

. .

Similar to the form of the Phrygian c p Th Etruscan Helmet a . e

(fig ) 2 is
. similar to the Greek Th Roman Helmet is simpler . e .

Helmets were Often decorated with plumes of feathers or horse hair ; .


and were provided with sockets for fixing these accessories Th . e

Roman gladiators helmets with their rich florid often overdone de ’

, , ,

c tio
or a and their larg e face guard and hea y crest have something
n ,
v ,

awkward wi thout becoming ugly ,


Very manifold although of no great importance decoratively , ,

are the Helmets f the Middle Ages L eaving out of account the O .

less important tra sitional forms we w ill h give the ames of the n

er e n

principal classes in order of historical succession They are the .

Heaume (fig the Salade or sallet (fig .the Tilting helmet .


(fig the
. A rmet (fig and the Helmet with b arred Vizor (fig . .

Th section on Heraldry may also be cons lted

e u .

Th Helmets of the Renascence especially the State helmets

e ,

are richly sometimes too richly decorated T the forms received

, ,
. o ,

from the Middle ages were added the Burganet (fig and the ,

Morion (fig S ome of these State helmets are also OOp i d from

the Antique as may be seen in fig 1 4 Th Modern creations in this

, . . e

section are of no artistic importance .

P L ATE 227 . TH E H E L M E T .

1 . Greek bronze Campana collection (L art pour tous)

, , ,


2 . Etrus can bronze Campana collection

, , , (L

art pour tous) .

Th e H elm et . Th e S word . Th e D gger
a .

Roman bron z e Louvre Paris (M enard t S

, g ot) , , ,
e a u va e .

Roman bro ze for gladiators different views (Menard

n , , , et
S a u v a ge ot) .

Me di l Salade iron a ev a

Mediaeval Heaume iron the chain was hooked into the cross , ,

shaped slit .

Mediaeval Ti lting helm et iron -


Mediaeval Armet iron ,


Mediae al iron with barred vizor

v , , .

Renascence MO io etched iron ,

r n, .

Renascence Burganet German ,


State helmet l 6 th century (L art pour tous)

, , .

(Pl a t e

rd is the most universally us ed of the o ffensive weapons

Th e S wo .

Much as these weapons for cutting and thrusting differ from each
other in si z e and finish ; they generally consist of th ee principal r

parts the B lade single O double edged tapering more or less

: ,

r -

towards the point g enerally straight but sometimes curved or waved

, , ,

also sometimes fluted to save weight only decorated by means of ,

engraving etching dam askeening &c ; the Handle wi th o without

, , ,

pommel c p or basket ; and the Scabbard or sheath with O without

u , ,

a hanger The two latter the handle and Scabbard o ffer the most
, ,

Scope for decoration Th material of these is in addition to iron . e , ,

the other metals and lloys wood bone leather coloured stones & a
, , , , ,

Here also from an artistic point of view we have to consider less

, , ,

the practical than the State swords on which the Renascence the -
, ,

following styles and Modern art have found ample Opportunity to

, ,

exercise their artisti c Skill Plate 228 Offers a small selection from .

the copious material in our armouries and collections of weapons .


1 —3 . Assyrian from reliefs ,


4 and 6 . Egyptian .

5 Prehistoric bron z e found in Switzerland

, ,

7 Mediaeval d Renascence an

—1 2

10 Renascence

. .

13 15 . Renascence Pommel guard a d chape by Hans Holbein

, , ,
n ,

Yo ger (Formenschatz)
un ,
w d
Th e S or ,
an d its S c abb a d
r . Pl at e 228 .
Th e Dagger . Th e Halb erd .

(Pl a te

Dagger is a Sword in mi iatu re in which the guard

Th e n , Is

either omitted or reduced in size What has been said of the Sword .

will apply to the D agger Th greatest artists of the Renascence Holbein . e : ,


I r er Cellini and others did not disdain as the plate shows to devot
, , , , ,

their artistic genius to this weapon whi ch was often worn more for ,

fashion than for practical p poses Th Dance of Death (fig 5) ur . e


is a very pop lar motive in the decoration of the scabbards of Daggers

u .

Cons idering the Object of the weapon a more pregnant and appro ,

pri te decoration c scarcely be imagined

s an .


1 . Egyptian blade of white bronze handle of cedar wood

, , ,

plated with gold and silver tomb of Queen A h H ot p ,

a -
e ,

Qurnah near Thebes (1 8 00 B Bulak Museum .


2 . Egyptian blade of gold handle of cedar wood plated with

, ,

gold and incrusted with red and blue enamel (as No ,


3 . Renascence handle end of 1 5th century Basel (Kunst im

, , , ,

Hause) .

Renascence handle end of 1 5 th century Basel (V i ll t le D c)

, , , ,
o e - -
u .

Renascence G erman B asel (Kunst im Hause) , , ,


Desig s by Hans Holbein the You ger (1 4 9 7

n ,
n ,

(Formenschatz ) .

Designs by Albrecht Durer (Fo menschatz )

, ,
r .

Re n ascence German blackened iron parcel gilt Collection of

, ,

Napoleon III (L art pour tous) ,


11 . Creese from Sumatra wooden handle and sheath United

, , ,

collections Carlsruhe ,

(Pl a te

ong the m ltifarious utensils of war of the Middle Ag es and

Am u

the Renascence we may specially mention the following

: :

Th e Lance and the Pike wooden shafts wi th a leaf or awl ,

shaped iron Spike (Fig 1 1 shows a Pike head of complicate shape)

. .
- .

A small flag w s often attached to the Lance just below the head
a .

Th Partizan is a Pike with a flat blade and symm etrical lateral


points (figs 1 4 and .

, ,

War scyt hes and W r forks the shapes of which are indi cated
- a -
: f

by t h i names (figs 3 and

e r .

Th Battle axe and Martel are axe and ham m er shaped weapons
e -
, ,
The Halb erd . Th e S p oon .

wi th one side terminating in an axe or a hammer , and the other in

a point (fig .

Th Halberd is a combination of th Pike or Partizan with the

e e

Battle axe (figs 2 and


Th Mace is a handle with a knob of various forms ; when it


is set with Spikes it is called a Mor i ng st r and when set with


n -


radiating blades it is termed a Quadrelle (fig


Th War fl il is di stinguished fro m the Mace by the knob being

e -

fastened to th handle by a chain e .

A d so on in endless variety
, .

S far as decoration is concerned the first place is due to

O :

Halberds and Partizans ; not only because the shape of the blade is
frequently very varied and handsome but also becaus e the union ‘

with the shaft by means of bands nails tassels &c gives an Opp
, , , ,

t ity for rich colour

un Th blades also are ofte n decorated by . e , ,

damaskeening engraving gilding etc

, , ,

P L ATE 23 0 . TH E H A L B E R D , &c .

1 . Parti z an richly etched German 1 6 th century Historical

, , ,

Mu seum Dresden (Kunsthandwerk)

, ,

Halberd richly etched German 1 6 1 3 Artillery Museum

, , , ,

Paris (L art pour tous)



Fauchard richly etched German 1 5 8 0 A tillery Museum

, , ,
r ,

Paris (L art pour tous)


Partizan richly etched G erman 1 7 th century Artillery

, , ,

Museum Paris (L art pour tous)

, ,


Partizan richly etched German 1 7 1 2 Royal Armoury

, , , , ,

Berlin (Kunsthandwerk)

6 and 8 . Halberds .

7 . Combination of War scythe and War fork - -


9 . Battle axe Hindu U nited collections Carlsruhe

, , ,

10 . Mace o called quadrelle (V i llet l Duc)

s -
o -
e- .

11 . Pike .

e shafts hav e been o mi tt d or only partially indicated )

(Th e ,

0 . Ta ble Utensi ls .

(Pl a te

poon is strictly Speaking a dipper ; and has already been

Th e S , ,

alluded to in the discussion of th e group of Vessels (comp Plate

- .

It is here treated in the group of Utensils A a table utensil the . s


Th e Halb rd
e ,
&c . Pl ate 230 .
Th e S p oon .

S poon has been in use from the earliest times ; its f ndamental u

form has undergone very little alteration ; although its style and siz e
have varied in di fferent periods .

Th form of the Bowl is Spherical elliptic or ov l (in the last

, ,

case the handle is usually attached to the broad end more rarely to ,

th e narrow one) Th Handle has a cylindrical prismatic or conical

. e ,

ta pering form or is spat late Spatulate handles broaden out at the

u .

free end ; and are decorated with cartouches or pierced work

(figs 26 28 Prismatic cylindrical and conical handles u ually
terminate in knobs busts or little whole length figures (figs 1 3 —1 7
, , , ,
, ,

and 1 9
Th e handles of small Antique spoons for eating shell fish &c ,

often taper to a point to serve as Openers D ouble spoons as shown .


in fig 24 are rare Foldi ng Pocket spoons as in figs 1 8 1 9 21

, .

, ,

and 22 are ot infrequent in the Middle Ages and th Renascence

n ,
e .

Bowl and handle either lie in the same plane (figs 3 d o . an r

they form an angle at the point of junction (figs 8 1 0 and .


As a rule the decoration is confi ed to the handle ; where the

: n

bowl is decorated it is with some kind of fl t work (engraving or ,

a ,

enamelling) The materials are the precious metals alloys tin bone
, , , ,

horn wood &c ; very often the handle and the bowl are of different
, ,

materials .

PL ATE 23 1 . TH E SP OON .

1 Egyptian .

2 —1 2 Antique bronze (ligulae) Pompei

, , ,

1 3 —1 4

. Mediaeval hamme ed Oopper 1 3 th century 6 1 ins long

r , , 4 .

Pierrefonds castle .

15 —16 . Mediaeval tin 1 2th century ins long

, , ,
. .

17 .
Mediaeval chased and hamm ered brass,
ins long ,

Pierrefonds castle .

Folding Pocket spoon 1 5th century ins long Cluny -

, ,

Museum Paris (Violl t l Duc), ,

e -
o- .

Renascence South Kensington Museum London

, ,

Renascence silver termi nating in a Madonna

ins long , ,

Cluny Museum Paris ,


German folding Pocket spoon 1 6 th centu y 7 ins long

r ,

D i ti sk collection
z a n a .

Renascence foldi g Pocket spoon silver ,

ins long Cluny n -

Museum Paris ,

Renascence bowl of agate handle of copper gilt

i s , ,
n .

Cluny Museum Paris rt pour tous )

(L ,
. a .

Double spoon bronze Germanisches Museum Nuremberg

, , ,
Th e S p oon ., Th e Knife an d , th e Fork .

Persian fro m an inkstand 1 7 th century

, ins long , , .

Dub ousset collection (L art pour tous ) ,

Persian 1 7 th century ,
ins long D h ou sset collection ,
u ,

(L art

pour tous) .

German ti inscription Trink und is G ott it vergi s




United collections Carlsruhe ,


Modern French (Gewerbehalle), ,


Modern s ilver gilt and enamelled by the architect F 0

, , . .

S chulze (Gewerbehalle) ,

Modern silver by F Seitz , ,

. .


(Pl a te

Knives and F rks unlike Spoons are of comparatively late o , ,

introduction as table utensils Although it is probable that they .

were in use at a very early period as kitchen utensils for carvi ng

food still they did not attain the rank of a recognised dinner set

until the art of eating had reached a certain refinement It has been .

maintained that Knives and Forks appeared on dinner tables towards

the close of the Roman Empire In o own country it c be . ur an

proved that they did not come into general use until the 1 5th or
1 6 th century Thi s may be explained by the circumstance that in the

e arlier period of the Middle ages as at the present time in the East , ,

food was carried to the mouth with the fingers or with a Spoon ,

after having undergone the necessary division into small portions in

the kitchen Cleanliness was ensured by frequently washing the

hands during dinner .

As regards form and material what has been said of Spoons is : ,

also true for Knives and Forks Th handles are similarly shaped . e ,

to secure uniformity in the whole set ; the bowl of the Spoon is

replaced by the two or more prongs of the Fork or by the blade , ,

of the K i fe Th Handle is made of wood ivory &c and it is

n . e , ,

c o m paratively stronger as it mus t possess a greater power of re

sist ce becaus e
an the tang or prolongati on of the blade which is ,

always made of steel must be let into it As the Plate shows the ,

shape of the blade has passed through many changes in the course
o f time c t the consecrated bread th Middle Ages employed “ ”
T . o u e

pec liar knives the blades of which were engraved with mottoes and

musical scales .


. .

1 . Mediaeval (1 3 th—1 5th century) wooden handle inlaid with

, ,

silver .
40 1

Th e K if
n e, an d th e F k
or .

Me y e r, Ha n d b oo k of Orn a m e n t .
4 02 Th e Knife an d the Fork ,
. Th e Pap er Knife -
. Th e Scis sors .

3 Gothic 1 4 th century the prongs of alloy the han dle of

, , ,

ivory mounted with silver 7 ins long G y collectio n ,

a r n er a .

Mediaeval C opper gilt ins long G
, y collectio n ,
a rn era .

9 Renas cence ivory L eon B ach collection (L art pour tous)

, , ,

5 Renascence S outh Kensington Museum London
, , .

9 Renascence B ach collection (L art pour tous)
, ,

Renascence B ach collection (L art pour tous)


10 B arocco period S outh Kensington Museum L o don n

—1 2 , .

11 . Renascence D resden (Musterornamente) , ,


13 14 Ditt o
—1 6
. .

15 . Modern silver gilt and enamelled by F O Sch lz e (Ge

, ,
. . u ,

w erbeha lle ) .

Modern silver gilt and enamelled by F

, , . O S chulz e ,

w erbeh alle) .

(Pl a t e

Paper knives are an invention of Modern times As the nam

. e

imp lies they are used for cutting paper the edges of bOoks news
, , ,

papers and letters ; and they fi d a place on every desk

, n .

The form is us ally that of a one or two edged Knife As the u -


blade does not require to be v y sh p it is generally made Of th er

ar ,

same material as the handle and in most cases of ivory wood , , ,

or brass .

Th e decoration is generally confined to th handle ; the blade is e

at most decorated with flat enrichment .


1 Modern brass

. .

2 3 Modern ivory or wood by D ir G Kachel (G ewerbehalle)

4 —6 Modern
, . . .
, ,

wood carving by J Eberhardt Heilbronn

7 .Modern ,
pierced metal .

(P l a te

cissors intended primarily for use in ladies work and aft r

S ,


wards applied to a variety of other purposes are mostly met with i ,


two different f ndamental forms Th earlier form (French for ces)

u . e : ,

which held its ground up to the end of the Middle Ages has a ,

spring hoop which unites the two blades (fig Th later form . e

(French cis e nx) which begins to appear sporadically as e rly s

: a ,
a a

the 1 0th century has two separate blades moveable round a central
Th e S ci r sso s . Th e Han d Be ll -

pivot and term inating at one end in the blades and at the other in

handles with ring sh ped eyelets to receive the fingers (figs 2 3

a .
, ,

5 ,
Th sh p is usually symmetrical
e a Variations like fig 4 are
e .

rare Not infrequently the scissors are provided with a chain by


means of which they may be s spended either alone or with other u ,

articles from a Chatelaine Th points are sometimes protected by a

. e

guard (fig Th decoration is generally confined to the handles

. e ,

and freque tly consists of pierced work ; the blades are p lain or
n ,

decorated by inlaying & Where handle and blades are not f the ,
c . O

same metal which in this case c only be steel the handles are
an ,

oft n of brass or silver Between these two extremes are gilt silvered
e .
, ,

and nickelled handles Th Renascence gratified its l xurious taste . e u

to the full in the matter of S cissors ; in Modern times the plainer

, ,

and Simpler forms are preferred Th length of the blades varies . e

according to the purpose ; but the size f the handles remains the O

same being governed by that of the human hand ; hence the pro

portions between the two are very various Among S cissors which .

are intended for Special purposes and depart from the usual form ,

may be mentioned S fl and Lazy tongs (fig nu

er s ,
“ -


PL ATE 23 4 . THE S C I S S OR S .

1 . Renascence S o th Kensington Museum London



2 . Renascence blades etched handles gilt August I of Saxony

, , , ,

Royal Historical Museum Dresden (Kunsthandwerk)

—4 , ,

3 . Persian 1 7 th century
ins and ins long Dubousset ,
. .

collection (L art pour to us)

’ '

5 Renascence S outh Kensington Museum L ondon

, ,

6 . R nascence German Dresden (Musterorn mente)

e , , ,
a .

7 . Renascence handles silver gilt German (Ku sthandwerk)

, ,
n .

8 S fl nu in bird form
e rs , .

9 Lazy tongs U nited collections Carlsruhe

, ,

(Pl a t e

In those utensils of which it may be said that as a rule th y e

are artistically decorated beyond what is wanted for practical p rposes u ,

we may reckon the Hand bell During the Middle Ages and the -

Renascence the Hand bell seems to have been chiefly used in an

: -

Official capacity in Council chambers and for eccl siastical purposes ; -


and its introduction into ordinary hou eholds to summon the atte s ,

d nts did not take place till later In our own times so prolific of

a .

P rliam ntary and other M eti gs th Hand bell is indispensa b le Th

a e e n : e -
. e

necessary parts are the resonant Cup the Cl pper suspended in the

The Sc
i sso rs . Pl te
a 23 4 .
Th e Hand Bell -

interior of the c p and the Handle Th two former are lways of

u ,
. e a

metal ; the c p of an alloy or sometimes of silver ; and th clapper

u ,

of iron Th e handle may be of the sam e material as the c p or it

. u ,

may be made of wood ivory &c Th form of the c p is generally , ,

. e u

the same as that of the large Church bells which is based on practic l -


expe ience (figs 2

r Forms like figs 1 5 and 6 are rarer
, .
, ,

Hand bells for domestic use are small (about 4 ins high) ; those for

official purposes are larger (up to 1 2 ins) The latter c lass often .

h ve a non essential adjunct in the shape of a Pedestal (figs 7 and

a -

The handle takes the form of a long exte nded knob (figs 2 3 7 .
, , ,

or of a hoop (figs 1 and Th e decoration extends to the handle


and the c p of the bell which is frequently adorned with heraldic

u ,

bearings and zones of inscriptions Sometimes we find Hand bells in


th e form of la di es in which case the wide skirt of the dress is the


c p (fig
u C ps of pen work are also occasion lly met with
. u Of O -
a -

late years the tr ditional Hand bell has yielded place to anoth er form
a -

in whi ch the sound is caused by pressure on a knob by means of a

spring (figs 9 and .

TE 23 5 . TH E H AN D B E L L -

Modern brass from an old model

1 .
, ,

2 3 . Renascence bron z e ins high Wiesbaden Museum

, ,

4 . Modern brass after an old model

, ,

5 . Modern brass ,

6 . Modern French by D Renard

ins high (L art pour ,

tous) .

Modern silver wi th ivory handle by the architect F Schulz

, , ,

wi th foot 7 ins (Gewerbehalle) . .

Modern President s bell Town Hall Milan by the architect ’

, ,

9 — 10 .
A gelo Colla (G ewerbehalle)

Modern of the latest syste ms


e . Va rious D omes tic a nd Toilet Utensils,

Th e promise which was made in the introduction to the group


of u tensils to devote some plates to Domestic and Toilet utensils must


ot be construed as an undertaking to exhaust the whole field Very ’

n .

m u ch has already come under discussion the utensils of Illuminatio : n,

or instance are also for the most part domestic utensils Th following
, ,
. e

five plates will therefore to a certain extent bring together from the , ,

remaining domesti c utensils those which in the first place deserve

c ons ideration from the point of view of decoration including D oor ,

knockers Keys Mirrors Fans Tools and Inst ments As regards

, , , , ,
ru .
Th e Door Knocker-

these latter objects in partic lar a much more extensive collecti n u ,


might have b een ma de if th allotted space had permitted There is l e .

scarcely a Tool or Instrument which did not occ sionally receive an a

artistic finish du i ng the Renascence Th int oduction of the o r . e r s

called m aster pieces into the Guilds naturally led to the result that
“ -


unnecessary labour was som etimes expended on the most ordin ry a

things But still we shall o ffer sufficient to give the reader the

necessary vi ew of the entire section .

(Pl a te

lthough the Door knocker was in use in Antiquity as proved

A -

by an example (the head f Medusa with ring) found in Capua O :

still the strict period of the D oor knocker is in the Romanesque -


Gothic and Renascence epochs In Modern times it has already

. :

become a historical Object having been ousted by B ellpulls & , ,

c .

It is made almost exclusively of bronze and cast O Wrought iron ,


r .

Its dimensions are variable like those of the doors and gates them ,

sel v es to which it must he some proportion We may disting i sh


ar . u

three princip l classes Th first has the form of a Ring usually

a . e ,

suspended from a lion s jaws ; in which case it is at the same time a ’

Door handle (figs 1

Th second has the form of a Hammer
. e

moveable on a p rimitive hinge Th third class which arose in Italy . e ,

in the best days of the Renascence shows Figures A im ls &c , ,

n a ,

(figs : 9 and In ll three classes the requisite noise is produced


by the moveable part falling on met l stud In the third class the

a a .

plate by which the knocker is affixed to the door is Of subsidiary

importance while in the two former classes it is often the principal

feature of the design Th Gothic period devised richly decorated . e -

plates of pierced work This motive was often retained by the R . e

nas cence (fig or replaced b y double headed eagles and the like

(fig .Th Plate gives 1 1 di f

eferent examples selected from the ,

copious material .

P L ATE 23 6 . TH E D OOR -

1 . Romanesque bronze North portal of the cathedral of Puy Velay

, ,
e n -

i l th cent y ur .

2 . Mediaeval ins square S yt collection Augsburg

, .
o er ,

3 . Renascence ins square Museum B erlin

, .
, ,

4 Transition f rom Gothic to Renascence ins square S Peter s ’

. . .
, , ,

Strassburg .

5 . Renascence wrought iron G erman National Muse m Munich

, ,
u ,

6 . Renascence (Guichard) , .

o K
Th e Do r- k
n oc er . Pl ate 23 6 .
Th e Door Kno ker -
c . Th e K ey .

7 . Mediae al bronze 1 5th century

v ,
ins hi gh East portal of
, , .

the cathedral of Noyon .

8 . Renascence wrought iron Dutch ,

ins high V m h col -
, , .
er er c ~

lection .

9 . Renascence bronze Italian ,

ins high D avid wi th the , , .

head of G oliath house in Ferrara (V o bild flir Fabrikanten

, ,
r er

und Handwerker) .

Renascence bron e Italian 1 5 6 0 South Kensington Museum

z , , , ,

London .

Renascence bron z e Italian Austrian Museum Vienna (G ewerbe

, , , , ,

ha lle) .

(Pl a te

It is not the task of this Handbook to follow th developement e

of the L k through its various stages from the Antique up to the


present day It wo ld lso carry us too far if we were to attempt

. u a

to go into the decorative details of the case of the lock ; one plate

however shall be devoted to the Key ; whi le the escutcheon will find
its place in the group of Frames A part from such special designs .

as that shown by fig 2 the Key usu lly consists of three parts the .
a :

B ow the Stem and the Bit Keys m y be divided into tw o classes

, ,
. a ,

according as the stem is tub lar or is solid Th stem is generally u ,

. e

cylin d ic l or profiled ; more rarely a g lar or prismatic The bit

r a ,
n u ,

which projects as a recta ngular plate at the end of the key is ,

di i ded by notches into wards Th decoration is applied to the

v . e

bow Th Pompeian key shOw in fig 1 is an exception the bow

. e ,
n .
, ,

being smooth and the bit and stem prettily ornamented Keys are .

made of iron and bronze the stem being frequently of iron and th , ,

h w of some other met l ; the bow and i ndeed the W hole key is Often
o a
, ,

gilt Th e palmy days of Keys were the Middle Ages and the R
. e

nascence ; compared with these our Modern keys are on th whole ,


smaller simpler and if less beauti f l are certai ly more practic l

, , ,
n a

F inally we may mention those colossal ex mples which were formerly a

made to serve as Signs ; and are even now met With -


23 7 . TH E KE Y .

ntique Pompe ii (B l m
A Das Kunstgewerbe im Alt th m)
, ,
u n er : er u .

Roman bronz e found on the H he k ah U nited collections

, ,
o n r en , ,

Carlsruhe .

Romanesque bron z e United collections Carlsruhe

, , ,

Renascence (Kunst und G ewerbe) ,


Renascence Museo Medio Evo e Rinascimento Rome (G

, , ,

w erb eh a lle) .
Th e Han d Mirror -
. Th e F a n .

9 Renascence (Guichard) ,

10 Renascence S outh K nsington Museum L ondon e

, ,

11 12 R ascence G erman
—1 4

13 Bows 1 8 th century (Wessely)

—1 9

15 . Modern by the architect Otto Girard Berlin (G ewerbehalle)

, , ,


(Pl a t e

first place in the series of ladies toilet requisites belongs


to the Hand mirror Its history falls into two periods In Antiquity
. .

and in the earlier years of the Middle Ages mi rrors were made of :

polished metal either bron or silver About the 1 3 th century glass

ze .

b egins to be used the reflecting surface being backed with metal foil

Th Antique and partic lary the Etruscan mirrors of which a large

e ,
u ,

number have been preserved to us show engraved ornaments and ,

figures from mythology and daily life mostly of primi tive but , ,

sometimes of excellent workmanship Glass mirrors are generally ,

, ,

flat Th fundamental shape of the Antique mirror is circular or

. e

Spat late (figs 1u and that of the glass mirror is circ lar or
. u

elliptical (figs 8 and Th pl astic decoration of A tique mirrors

. e n

is confined to the handle and the frame Th ha dle and frame may ,
. e n

be of a great variety of materials wood ivory or metal Here too , , ,

, ,

it is the Renascence which shows the richest de coration Where the .

decoration consists of figures these are in keeping with the object ; ,

and show A m rini and Aphroditic personages With the increasing use
0 .

of wall or plate glass mi rrors the Hand mirror h s lost much of its

former importance ; so that modern t no longer devotes much atten ar

tion to it .

PL ATE 23 8 . TH E H AN D M I R R OR -

1 . gyptia bronze United collection Carl ruhe

E n, ,
s, s .

2 .Egyptian bronze handle f carved wood British Museum

, ,
o , ,

3 —4 Greek b ronze

. .

5 Pompeian
6 —7 Etruscan engraved fig res handles lost
. .

u ,

8 .Renascence (Kunst und Ge w erbe) ,


9 .Renascence by Etie e de L ulne (1 5 4 9 to (We sely ) ,

nn a s .


(P l a t e

Fan is undoubtedly the most interesting of all toilet requisites

Th e .

Its history can be traced back uninterruptedly for 3 00 0 years lthough ,

4 18

Th e H a n d M irr or .
Pl t
a e 23 8 .
Th e F a n .

it did not enjoy the sa m e measure of popularity in every period It .

alone wo ld almost suffice to furnish a historical picture of the artisti c


and technical developement of industrial art through all periods Th . e

object of the Fan is twofold Firstly it is used to di rect a current .


of cool air to th face ; and secondly to keep ff flies and other

e ,

insects From its first use it derives its Latin name of fl bell m

a u

(from fla r e to blow French from its second use its


Latin name mus ca m m (from m sca

a fly French ’

u u ,

Fans of this latter class are usually called Fly fl pp s Occasion “ -

a er

ally the fan is used to blow the fire (as in ancient Persia where
, ,

the blowing of the fire with the lips was forbidden for religious
reasons) ; and as a Symbol of dig i ty in ecclesiastic l and co t cere n a ur

monies A consideration of its pu pose renders it obvious that it is

. r

chiefly employed in the hotter countries of the g lobe .

Th manifold forms of the fan m y be reduced to 5 di fferent

e a

principal types :

1 Th. Fixed F e a leaf immovably attached to a handle (figs

an : .

2 Th e
. Pennon Fan attached to the side of the handle and : ,

movable round it in a horizontal direction ( figs 1 0 and .

Th e forms and materials of the fixed and the pennon fan are
of the utmost variety .

3 Th Radial Fan
. e a rectangle of paper silk or some other : ,

material fastened to a handle in such a manner that it may


be folded together and Spread out in the form of a circle

(fig .

4 Th Lamellar fan pieces of sti ff material e g slips of ivory

. e : . .

are connected together at one end by a pin which serves as ,

the axis They are collapsible into a narrow shape and

. ,

may be opened out to a semi circle They are held together - -


by a ribbon drawn through them (fig .

5 Th. Folding fan distinguished from the preceding by the

e :

lamell b eing covered by a sheet of paper silk & whi ch

ae , ,
c .

is folded together or Spread out by the pening of the sticks

- -

which compose the frame (fig .

It appears from this that the Fixed the Pennon and the Ra dial , ,

fans have handles while the Lamellar and the Folding fans have not

The Radial fan being a folding fan with a handle is a kind of inter
, ,

mediate form Th size of the fan varies according to fashion and

. e

the purpose for which it is intended regard being usually paid to ,

c onvenience of handling ; as a general rule it may be said that the ,

fi mer stifl and more impervio s to i the fan is the smaller it

r ,

er u a r :

may be Fans for cooling should have a short broad form Fly
. , ,

fl pp e s require a longer narrower shape

a r ,
Th e F a n .

On the subject of history and style the following may be sai d , .

The Fixed fan is the oldest d most primitive Its natural model is an .

a leaf on a stalk just as savages at the present time make their fans,

of dried palm leaves or of plaite d work in the form of leaves (fig


Th feather may also be regarded as a natural model and hence its

e ,

frequent application to fans of every kind Th Pennon fan is the . e

least practical its domain is the Middle Ages and the early Renascence
, ,

together with certain parts of the East (India Turkey Morocco , , ,

Tunis Th Radial fan was also in use in the Middle ages (with

a long handle) and down to the present time in certain parts of Italy
, ,

Persia China and Japan Th Lamellar and the Folding fan are of
, ,
. e

later date Their introduction is contemporaneo s with the general

. u

use of the fan in E p (1 5 th century) A fter the period of the u rO e .

lamellar fan in the 1 7 th century follows the golden age of the folding ,

fan in the Rococo period Th Folding fan is also the predominant . e

form in Modern times .

Egyptian mural paintings and Assyrian reliefs fre quently show

F anbearers with larger or smaller Fly fl pp ,
in the retinue of a er s ,

the kings Th most common Egyptian forms are given in figs 1

. e .

and 2 the Assyrian in fig 3 S carcely any vestige has been pre

. .

served f Antique Fans Judging by the pictures on vases & the

o .
c .

Greek Fan consisted of a leaf cut to a palmette shape on a long , ,

handle Th Roman ladies were somewhat l x rious in the matter

. e u u

of fans which they either managed themselves or had carri d by


slaves ; and under the Emperors th men were also In the Middle e .

A ges the fan entered into the service of the church ; deacons and

mi i t s kept
n s ra n ff fli es from the cons crated host by means of th
o e e

fl b ll
a ewhich often took the form of six winged seraphs When the
a, -

fan became popular for sec lar purposes its use was given up in u ,

ch ches As already observed the Renascence passed from the Fix d

ur .
e ,

to the L amellar and Folding fan Th L amellar fan fl d num erous . e o er e

Opp ortunities for carved and pierced work in ivory horn tortoiseshell , , ,

filigree and enamel work Th Folding fan o ffered an u limited

. e n

field for decoration by painting ; and painters like Boucher Watteau , , ,

and others devoted themselves to fan painting (pastoral scenes


During this period the Puzzle fan was invented which shows di ffer “ -

ent pictures according to the way it is fold ed Lace fans fans with .

mirrors monograms and autographs and the bespangled Empire fans

, , ,

complete the category Th Modern ball room fan is a large Folding . e -

fan generally decorated with naturalistic paintings of flowers But .

all possible forms ara occasionally used France China and Japan .
, ,

supply the fan market Heinrich F b g who has written a most . r au er er ,

valuab le monograp h on the Fan maintains that the latter countries *


H . F ra u berger :

Die Ge chicht s e d es F ach e rs .
L eip zig : K . S choltze
Th e F a n . Va iou r s T ool s . 41 7

alone manufacture between them about of th 4 00 mi llion fans e

which are annually m ade on th globe e .

Finally we may briefly enumerate th mate ials whi ch are pri e r n

cip lly used in the manufacture of fans

a They are bamboo palm . : ,

leaves wood bone horn ivory tortoise shell mother of pearl met l
, , , , ,
- -

paper , straw and other plaite d material silk lace gelatine mica , , , , ,

leather feathers & , ,


23 9 . TH E F AN .

Egyptian Fly fl pp feathers handle omi tted

a e r, , .

Egyptian feather fan ,


Assyrian Fly fl pp from a relief B ritish Museum

a er , ,

Modern Fly fl pp plaited palm leaves South Caroline Is

a er , -

lands (F b g ) ,
ra u er er .

5 . Modern Fly fl pp plaited palm leaves United collections

a er , -
, ,

Carlsruhe .

Modern palm leaf cut and bound at the edge


Modern Japanese bamboo and paper

, ,

Modern printe d paper with silk fringe and gilt wooden


handle .

Modern Siamese handle of whipped wood centre Of paste

, , ,

board decorated with rosettes and bordered with peacock


feathers United collections Carlsruhe

, ,

11 . Modern Hi ndu handle of wood centre of pasteboard covered

, , ,

with silk braid and butterfly wings bordered with peacock

, , ,

feathers (F b g ) ,
ra u er er .

Mediaev l Radial fan French (Violl t le Duc)

a ,
, ,
e - -

Modern Folding fan wood and grouse feathers


Modern Folding fan wood painted Silk and gold

, , , .

(Pl a t e

ong the Tools and Instruments whi h only oc casionally or

Am c

accidentally receive an artistic fini sh we may mention Hammers : ,

Tongs Compasses Cocks Pestles Hour glasses and Clocks along

, , , ,
, ,

with many other thi gs No attempt can be made here to treat n .

these articles in detail But it may be said that in general the .

, ,

hi ghly decorated examples have been Specially made for State occasions
- -

e g the Hamm er (fig

. . with which Pope Juli us III inaug ated the . ur

Jubilee year (1 5 5 0) by knocking three times on th w lled p m i n e a -

u a

portal of S Peter s as a Sign that it should be Opened


, .

Plate 24 0 exhibits a number of such objects .

M ey e r, H a n d b oo k of Orn a m e n t .

Pl at e 240 . Va i
r ou s Tool s .

Furniture in its broader sense is a collective name

, ,
of household goods and chattels It is more strictly confi ed to such
. n

objects as Chairs Tables Wardrobes 8 0 B ut even in this narrower

, , ,
5 .

sense the examples of Furniture are so n merous that it is not u

possible to give a detailed description and di scussion of each i di vi n

d al article on the 20 P lates which are devoted to this group

u .

A d it is the less necessary to do this as o

n object is only to give ur

a view of the application of decoration to fur i ture in general n .

We Show a series of the more important articles while others such , ,

as Pianos and Wardrobes have been omitted They have been so

, ,

grouped that Plates 24 1 to 25 0 contain the different varieties of Chairs ,

while the following 1 0 Plates are devoted to Tables Cabinets Bed , ,

steads ,
Cradles &c,

The examples have been chiefly taken from the Antique the ,

Rena scence and Modern times ; while the Middle Ages the Barocc o
, ,

and Rococo periods have only occasionally been taken into accou t n .

That particular attention has been paid to the G erman Renas cence is ,

b sed on the fact that this period is specially distinguished for its
a ,

achievements in the field f richly decorated f rnit re

O -
u u .

This chapter might seem to Offer an inducement to give a historical

acc o u nt of the development of te ctonic form in the di fferent periods
of a rt B ut to do this with any thoroughness wo ld also requir
, ,
u e

us to abandon the co ois s we have hithert o maintained ; and

n en e s
Fur iture n .

we will therefore only refer the reader to the details i n Semper :D er “

S ti l and to the highly interesting work by Georg Hirth



D as
D eu ts che Z immer der Gothik a n d R en a issa n ce, des B a r ock R okoko
a n d Z op fs tilsG Hirth Munich and Leipzig

( ,
) T h
. e . in
formation about the f ture urni the Egyptians
of syrians Greeks
A s , ,

a nd Romans ll be found in M nard

wi e et Sa u va geot :

L a Vie P riv ee

d es An cien s ;and about the Middle ages in "

V iollet le Du c :

D ic -

from both of which

tionn a ir e R a is or me da M obi lier F r a n ca is ;

works we have taken numerous examples for our Plates Besides .

these there is such a number of cyclopaedic works on this subject


that it is impossible even to name them all here .

(1 . Sea ts .

regards Seats the f ndamental form has ge erally been depen

As : u n

dent the special purpose and on the ever varying mode of life ;

while the details have been influenced by the artistic taste of the
time and by the material use d Definite f ndamental types often
, . u

r cur by the side of new and arbitrary speci l forms ; d we have

e a an ,

attempted a classification according to these fundamental forms .

Th simplest d most pri m itive form although for many pur

e an ,

poses the least comfortable is that f the Taboret or Ottoman which ,

o ,

is wi thout a back Th Chair is more comfortable because of the . e

addition of the back ; and it becomes still more so when arms are ,

added To this group belongs the Throne which in view of its pur

pose is mo e monumental in form and richer in material Revolvi g

. n

folding and rocking Chairs meet the demand for special purposes Th
. e

Stall and the Prie dieu also have peculiar accessories due to their
“ -

being used for other purposes than sitting Th Bench and the . e

Couch offer a seat or repose for several persons simultaneously .

I pite of the variety of form one feature is common to nearly

n S s,

all namely the he ight of the seat In order to sit comfortably the
, , .

feet Should j t reach the ground and the height of the seat is there
us ,

fore from 1 5 ins to 1 8 ins Th depth of the seat shows greater

. . e va

i ti
r a from 1 2 ins to 24 i
on s , Th he ight of the back varies from . ns . e

3 0 ins and more ; the fact having to be taken into consideration that

the head when it is leant back sho ld have a p Ope support The
, ,
u r r .

upper surface of th arms should be about 1 2 ins above that of the e .

seat Straight upright backs are less comfortable than curved lines

adapted to the vertebral curve Similarly fi t ho i z ontal seats are . : a ,


not so suitable as those which slope downwards towards the back .

Th principal materials are wood cane and metal ; stone terra

e , , ,

cotta &c are rarer A it is unpleasant to rest against a hard

. s
Th e Chair .

material for any length of time recourse is b d to c ne or flexible , a a ,

seats skins cushions and upholstering In course of time chairs

, , , .

have become more comfortable with the progress of comfort in general .

It m y b specially emphasized that the hand somest d most richly

a e an

decorated seats are not usually the most practical ; further remarks
are reserved for th discussion of the diffe rent forms e .


(Pl a te s 24 1

Chair is a stool with a back to it Th most usu l form

Th e . e a

has four legs S ometimes the legs are connected together by braces

O ties which are called Foot rails The seat generally has the shape

O f an blong a square or a trape zium

O ,
Circ lar and polygonal seats ,
. u

are less common Hexagonal and octagonal S eats with a corresponding


nu mber of legs begin to appear in the 1 3 th centu y ; and cert i n

, r a

wooden chairs of the Renascence have seats in the form of regular “

or semi regular polygons (Plate 24 2 3 5

Th legs prismatic .
, ,
e a re

or turned frequently wi th claw feet while the top of the back

, ,

terminates in knobs anim l heads or masks (Plates 24 1 1 ; 24 2 1 ; ,

a -
, . .

24 3 4 5 . I ns tead of legs the seats of the wooden chairs of the

, , ,

Renascence are sometimes supported by perfor ted and carved boards a ,

either at the two sides or in front and behind (Plate 24 2 3 5 .

, ,

Where th b ck is carved out of a single piece as is the case with

e a

many Re nascence and Modern chairs the two hinder legs have the ,

same form and height as the front legs (Plates 24 2 7 8 ; 24 3 .


Very Often the back is treated as a frame (Plate 24 1 5 8 .

, ,

or is bent into a cylindrical plan as in the Greek klis mos (P late 24 1 ,

“ ”

6 ,
and its imitation the Empire ch i r (P late 24 1 Openings ,
a .

for the hand are made in carved wooden h cks for convenience in a

moving (Plate 24 2 7 8 Where the top of the back is hori

, ,

t l it is often crowned with a cornice o an ornament (Plates 24 2 6 ;

z on a ,
r .

24 3 .Where the seat alone or in conjunction with the back is , ,

Of woven cane work or padded the Chair is termed a cane or an “


uphols tered chair S ometimes not o ly the padding but also th

. n e

e ntire st u cture of the chair is upholstered in some material just as

r , ,

on the other hand chairs may be made entirely of cane or rushes ,


Th seats and backs f upholstered chairs are cove ed with leather or

e O r ,

textiles (Plate 24 3 Th e overl ying of wood wi th metal occurs in

. a

the Assyrian style and occasionally in later periods ; the State ,

chairs of the Middle Ages especially the Byzantine are not i f , ,

n re

q uently decora ted with coloured stones ; a similar treatment may be

observed i the Renascence example (Plate 24 2 figs 5 and
n In .

additi on to the decoration by carving (which will always b e the chief


Pl ate 24 2
. Th e Chair .
Th e Chair . Th e Thr on e , and th e Arm -
chai r . 4 25

material of comm on frames) we fi d i lays of bone (the socalled ,

n n

Certosina work of the 1 5 th ce tury) metal &c

, ,

PL ATE 24 1 . TH E CH AI R .

2 Egyptian (Menard t S g t),

e a u va eo .

Egyptian mural painting tomb of R mses III

, ,
T hebes (Menard ,

et S a u va geot) .

Egyptian upholster d with patterned m aterial British Muse m

u .

Egyptian B ritish Museum ,


Greek draped wi th skin Klismos form (Menard t S

, g ot) ,

e a u va e .

A tique with cushions and foot stool Pompeian (M enard

n ,
t -
, ,

S a u va ge ot) .

Greek vase painting

, ,

Antique with statue of Jupiter (Menard

, ,
et S a u va geot) .

French Empire period (Gallien) ,


PL ATE 24 2 . TH E CH AIR .

1 German Renasc nce wood Moreau collection (L art pour tous)

e , , ,

2 Flemish wood 1 7 th century (L art pour tous)

, , ,

3 . Italian wood i 6 th century (L art pour tous)

, , ,

Dutch upholst ered in leather (C iSpi den Passe

4 r n va n
, , ,

5 German decorated w ith stones Renascence Museum D resden

, , ,

7 8 . German 1 7 th century (Gewerbehalle)

, ,

9 Germ an 1 7 th century G ermanisches Museum Nuremberg

, , ,

PL AT E 24 3 . TH E CH AI R .

1 Modern Inn chair by Di Kachel (Gewerbehalle)

“ -

—3 Modern c ne (Gewerbehalle)

—7 Modern (Gewerbehalle)
a ,

4 .

8 .Renascence (R g t) ,
a u en e .

9 .Modern (G ewerbehalle ) ,

(Pl a te s 24 4

Thrones and A m chairs have been grouped together because the

r - -

former almost always have the same form as the latter and there is ,

no essential difi c since the time of the Renascence Th Throne

er en e . e

being the Seat f honour has aturally from the earliest periods
o -
n , ,

received more attention and decoration It is planned on a larger .

and more monument l scale than the ordinary Chair For this reason a .

a d also because it does ot qui to be so often moved as common '

n n re re

Pl ate 24 3 . hi
Th e C a r .
Th e T hr ne an d the
o , Arm -
chair . Th e S tall .

10 . Roman Arm -
chair found in Herculaneum Mus eum at Portici
, , ,

( g
R a u en et
) .

11 . A ntique terracotta representing an A m chair in the form Of th , r -

hollowed out body of a sphinx (L ar t pour tous)


12 .
Chair of S Pete r wood with ivory reliefs iilus t ti g the story
, ra n

of Hercules S Peter s at Rome (Menard et S ,

g t)

, a u va eo .

PL ATE 24 5 . TH E TH R ON E , AN D TH E ARM -
C H AI R .

1 .
Norwegian Stall 1 2th century from B 6 Telemark , , , .

2 .
Mediaeval A m chair with foot stool and draped back (V i ll t
r -
o e
le Duc) -

3 .
King David s A m chair 1 3 th century from relief portal of

r -
, , ,

cathedral Auxerre (V i ll t l Duc) , ,

o e -
e- .

f Mediaeval arm chair iron the drapery o mi tted V i ll t

4 m r e o
, , , o e
e no
5 Mediaeval polygonal chair painting chapel in To louse
, , u
, ( V iolle t
le Duc) -

6 .
Mediaeval A m chair metal the drapery o mitted 1 3 th century
r -
, , , ,

(V i ll t l Duc
) e -
o- .

7 . Mediaeval A m chair decorated with fringe end of the 1 5th c

r -
, , en
tury bas relief stalls Amiens (Violl t l Duc)
, , ,
e -
e- .

8 . English A m chair 1 6 th century wood upholstered

r -
, , , .

9 . A m chair Lou is XVI style wood carved

r -
d gild d (Williamson)
, ,
an e , .

10 . Mo dern Arm chair -


11 . Mod ern A m chair (R g t) r -

. a u en e .


(Pl a te

rows of seats along the north west and south si des r the
Th e , , o

Choir in chapels &c are termed Stalls They have a peculiar con

struction corresponding to their special use In the earliest period .

of the Middle Ages the single seats to the right and left of the bishop s ’

chair were built into the wall of the chancel at a later period they ,

were replaced by mo v eable seats ; and these again from about the ,

1 3 th century onwards were replaced by Stalls strictly so called ; the , ,


se ats being united in a continuous row w ith an architectonic character ,

and construction There are generally two rows one behind the .

other and the hinder row is a little elevated Partitions divide the

seats from one another ; and serve as arms Between the partitions .

are the seats These are either fixed or arr nged to fold back In the
. a .

latter case a console like projection is attached to the underside of -

th e seat to serve as a kind of rest when the seat is fold d back

e -

thus out of p i ty for the aged monks renderi g it possi ble to rest

4 29

Th e T r n e, an d th e Arm -
chair . Pl at e 244 .

P l ate 24 5 .
Th e T on e, an d th e Arm -
chair .

Pl ate 24 6 . tall
Th e S .

t l
Th e S oo .

Me y e r, Hand b k
oo Of Orn a m e n t .
Th e S tool . Th e Fo lding Chair -

too, we may group th e Bisellium or Roman double st ol which was

“ -
o ,

granted as a distinction and was mostly made of metal (fig Box , .

stools supp orted o boards instead of legs are fur i shed with an
. u

Opening in the seat to enable them to be moved Th Garden seats f '

. e -

burned and glazed clay i t d c d ffrom China (fig 1 1 ) are made without ,
n ro u e .

backs ; and from their round or polygonal fundamental plan are

, ,

classed with th T bo t ; also the upholstered and draped treatment


a re s

fi . which is sometimes applied to a commode .

Th Revol i ng stool which is chiefly employed in an office or

e v -

for performers of music permits of lateral movement a d adjustment , ,


to different heights as req i red (figs 1 3 d This is e ffecte d u . an

by means of a screw ‘

PL ATE 24 7 . TH E STOOL .

1 . Egyptian British Museum ,


2 . Egyptian (M enard t S g t ) ,
e a u va eo .

3 . Etruscan (Menard t S g t) ,
e a u va eo .

Assyrian .

5 . Greek vase painting ,


6 . G reek vase painting,


7 . Ro man Bisellium bronze covering , ,

the seat omitted ,

Pompe ii .

B isellium of L M Fa stus tomb . . u ,

Na ev oleia T yche ,



9 10 . Modern .

11 . Chinese Garden seat -


12 . Modern (Gewerbehalle) ,

13 . Mo dern Music stool -


14 . Modern .

15 . Modern Revolving stool -



(Pl a te

idea of a Chair which could b folded together so as to

Th e e -

take up less ro om and be more conveniently transported is an old

, ,

one Th principle is found as early as the time of Rams es III in

. e

the Egyptian chair shown on Plate 24 1 3 Th Folding chair is . . e -

comm on in the Antique either with four legs combined and joined ,

together like a saw horse (figs 1 2 and or with crossing strut-

, ,

combined to form a ribbed chair Antique Foldin g chairs of the for .


mer kind (Diph os okl di s) are remarkable for invariably havi g

r a a n

claw feet sometimes tu ned outwards but usually inwards Th

r ,

ribbed chair which recurs in the Middle Ages and the Renascence
, ,

scarcely dmits of decoration and is therefore mostly plain

a , , ,
Th e F ld i g Chair
o n -
. Th e Bench .

Folding chair may be a Stool a Chair or an A m chair

Th e -
, ,
r -

S ometimes it can be folded p as it stands like our iron Folding -


chairs for use in th open ir; sometimes it must be taken t p i c s e a o e e

b efore it can b folded p like the chair hown on fig 8 Th most

e -
u ,
S . . e

Suitable material is metal (bronze or iro ) Folding chairs of wood n .


are very often so constructed as not to fold at all but are merely ,

imitations with the purpo se overlooked (fig Th seat is f . e re

quently of b ands either textile or leather Where the seat is not


flexible it must be arranged to be moveable by means of hinges

, ,

Thrones have been sometimes made like Folding chairs We may -


also mention : the Camp stools for tourists Sportsmen painters &c -
, , ,

Th principles of decoration are sufficiently elucidated by the figures


Of the Plate .

PL ATE 24 8 . THE F OL DI N G -
C H AI R .


1 . E gyptian tomb of Ch m b li 1 8 th dy asty

a a ,
n .

A ntique (D iph s okl di )

N ,
ro a as .

O Greek tomb of an agonothetes found in Krissa (Delphi)
, , ,

R A ntique .

C Mediaeval Nonnenberg (Mothes) , ,

O Mediaeval miniat e painting representing King Nabuchodonosor
ur , ,

9 th or l 0th century (V i ll t l Duc) ,

o e -
e -

S Mediaeval bronze gilt Throne of Dagobert restored

, , ,

O Mediaeval bronze 1 2th century (V i ll t l Duc)
, , ,
o e -
a -

C Renascence .

O French Renascence Sens cathedral (R g t) , ,

a u en e .

(Pl a t e

Bench is an elongated seat usually intende d for several per

Th e ,

sons In its simplest form as a board with four legs it was already
, ,

known in Antiquity I the Middle Ages and the Renascence it was . n ,

in general use ; and was employed not only as a seat but as a table , ,

as is shown by such terms as work bench &c Th B ench seat -

. e -

was after w ards furnished with a back and arms the back being f ,

quently formed like the canopy over stalls (fig It was ph l . u o

s ered with cushions and draped with textiles Th material is gene . e

rally wood ; but in public buildings there are also Benches made of ston e .

This latter material and iron frequently combined with wood are , ,

the most s itable for benches in the Open air A further variety is
u .

formed by the D ouble bench with a back in the middle ; this back is -

moveable as shown in the example (fig

, .

A s th e B ench in most cases is intended for e v ery day use it is

, ,

generally undecorated Those of the Middle Ages are more the .


Th e F ldi g Ch i
o n -
a r . Pla t
e 249 .
Th e Bench . Th e S f o a an d , th e C uch o .

work of the carpenter than that of the cabinet maker but the R -
, e

nascence especially in Italy has created some fi ly decorated examples

, , ne -

TH E B E N C H .

Middle ages (Viollet le Duc) ,

- -

Mediaeval double with moveable back for use in front

, ,

of the fireplace (Vi ll t l Duc) ,

o e -
e- .

Renasce ce with arms (D c c )

n , ,
u er e a u .

Renascence with canopied back church at Flavigny

, , ,
French (Violl t l D )
e -
e- uc .

Renascence with podium Italia (T i i h)


, ,
n, e r c .


(Pl a te

ofa and the Couch are am ong upholstered furniture what

The S
the bench is amo g wooden furniture B y the side of forms which
n .

are nothing more than elongated Chairs occur others which have m ore ,

the character of the Bed Th intention of these pieces of furniture . e

is therefore to be found in their availability for both lying and

Sitting According as the one or the other object becomes predo

minant the symmetrical form (figs 4

or the unsymm etrical form .

with strongly marked head (figs 1 and is employed In accordance . .

with the double object the a ms are frequently treated as cylindrical ,


cushions (fig or upholstered with cushions (fig

. .

Although furniture of this nature was n t unknown to the A o n

tique as shown by the Roman examples (figs 1 and

these articles .

cannot be said to have come into common use before th last three e

centuries ; and now days the sofa is fo nd in every middle class

a- u -

household What enormities our Modern times have perpetrated in


this direction is evidenced by the S shaped Ottomans for two persons -


which are sometimes to be found in our Saloons

We may here briefly mention the transitional form which is ‘

found in Waiting rooms and Public vehicles ; and th circular Otto



man wi th centre piece for flowers which occupies the centre of the

floor in G alleries .


1 . Roman bedstead (l t s c bic l i ) in the form of a sofa ec u u u ar s ,

(M enard et S g ot) a u va e .


2 . .

3 . Mediaeval bench with cushions and drapery (V i ll t l D )

, ,
o e -
e- uc .

4 7 . Modern forms of the Sofa (Gewerbehalle , ,

8 . Modern Couch .
Th e T abl e .

b Ta bles
. .

(Pl a t e

Next to th seat the Table is probably the oldest and most im

e ,

portant piece of furniture I ts chief uses are as a Dining table .

Work table and Fancy table on which to place aS s utensils &c
, v e , ,

I ts principal parts are the flat T p and the Frame Th top may o , . e

be square rectangular circ lar elliptical semicircular &c Th frame

, ,
u , , ,
. e

may be very variously constructed There are tables with one leg , .

with three four and more legs and sometimes t bles wi th two legs,
, , ,

in which case the Top rests upon two side supports Where o ly . n

one leg is used as a support it is either fastened to the floor ,

or the lower end is spread out so that the table may stand firmly -

(fig . Th top in such cases is

e usually square
or round and is , ,

frequently united to the leg by means of a screw so that it may be ,

taken off Where three four or more legs are used as supports
, , ,

they are often connected by means of a framework on which the ,

table top then rests (fig

Th legs may further be rendered rigid. e

by means of connecting rails (fig Th legs are pris m atic turned . e , ,

or sometimes curved They either stand upright or Slope out w ards


as in fig 9 Where the top rests upon two side supports (fig

. .

their lower part is hollowed out in such a way that they touch the -

ground at only four points They are connected with each other by a .

longitudinal bar held in position by wedges (fig

S om etimes they .

ar e replaced by pillars or b l t s (figs 6 and or other legs a a u s er .

are employed i n addition (fig They may also be replaced by .

crossed struts forming a S Andrew s cross which is c alled the S w .



horse table Drawers may be accommodated in the fram ework of

the table ; d a series of shelves may be added beneath the re al



table top (Whatnot) Special forms of the table are the Console tabl e
. : -

whi ch is fixed to the W all and has console like supports instead of ,

legs ; the Telescope or expanding table which m y be enlarged by ,


di fferent kinds of mechanism ; the Folding table W hich may be made -

larger or smaller b y means of flaps (chiefly used for card tables) ;

the Occasional table for a variety of purposes ; the Writing t ble to
- -
a ,

whi ch a special Plate wi ll be devoted and many more ,


Th material is first of all wood ; metal stone &c

e ,
are rarer , _
, ,

Th decoration is specially confined to the under frame which is

e ,

ornamented by car ing and turning in the style suitable to supports

v .

Th top is frequently le ft undecorated

e s it is often covered with ,

a table cloth ; and the objects placed upon it would not permit the
Th e T abl e . 441

decoration to be properly seen Where the top is decorated the orna .


me tation is flat consisting of intarsia work incising painti g &c

n ,
, ,
n ,

Th size of the table varies according to the purpose for which


it is intended ; its height on the contr ry is subject to little varia ,

a ,

tion and is about 2 ft

ins for ordinary tables Tables with . . .

legs which co ld be adjusted to varying heights were in use in the

u ,

A ntique period being requi red by the social life of that time ; a

similar arrangement may also be see on some modern artists tables n

which c not only be adjus ted to di fferent heights but also allow
an ,

the top to be slanted .

Th f ollowing remarks are from the point of view of hi tory

e s

and style Th Egyptian As syrian and Persian tables chiefly known

. e , , ,

to us from the representations of altars have legs terminating in ,

claws This m otive was also popular among the Greeks d R m s

. an o an ,

with the di fference that the latte nations permit the claws to rest r

directly on the ground while the former support the claws upon small ,

circular plinths Th legs of Antique Tables e frequently of bronze ;

. e ar

they have a simi lar form with those of the T i pod ; and like them r

are dj tibl as already observed (fig

a us e, Th table tops are often . e -

of stone or wood L arge rectangular tables with stone supports of


rich workmanshi p and round tables wi th th ee legs of m rble a ,

r a ,

considerable number of which are given on Plates 1 4 3 and 1 44 are ,

well known to us from the excavations at Pompeii They were not .

Dining tables but State tables which stood in the tablinum d atrium
- -

of Roman houses Dining tables of the modern form were unknow.


to the A tique ; even in the Early Greek period while it was still
n ,

the custom to sit at dinner each diner had his own separate table ; ,

and the same custom continued in the later period when meals
were taken in a recumbent pos t re These little tables were lower u .

than ours We also find them in similar forms among the Romans

(fig alo g with larger B anqueting

n tables around three s ides of -

whi ch the S ofas were ranged as Shown L !Th L ate Roman period

. e

was one f lavish luxury ; we are told for example of tab les w ith

o , ,

legs of silver and ivory and wi th Table tops of rare woods &c I ,
. n

credible prices p to were paid for a single choice top

u .

Th Tables of the Middle Ages were generally rectangular or


semicirc lar rested on posts or tr stles were plain and rather

e , ,

cumbrous It is said of Charlem gne however that he possessed

. a
, ,

three of ilver and one golden table Beautiful and richly designed
S ,

Tables of very di fferent kinds have been preserved from the time of
the Renascence Of p articularly frequ nt occurrence , are richly car v ed
. e -

side trusses (fig

simpler forms of which w re already i use in
. e n

the G othic period (fig In the Barocco and Rococo periods the .

leg are curved and the tops are of b old arbitrary desig (fig
s , ,
n .

Th Console table is an invention of this period

e -
It was also at this .

Pl at
e 25 1 . abl
Th e T e .

Pl at e 25 2
Th e Writi g Tabl e
n -
Th e Writi g Tabl n -
e . Th e Cab i n et . 445

Special varieties are formed by the D ouble writing table for office
use the Cylinder desk which
, be closed after use by letting do w n ,
ca n

a cylindrical flap the Secretaire in which the table top may be lifted
, ,

up or locked the Lady writing table & c ,

s- -


1 . Mediaeval , ( ) th
scription a le inkhorn intended to be pl ced on
wi , a

the knee ,
1 1 th century port l of the church Vezelay (V i ll t
, a
, ,
o e
le D u c)

2 . Mediae v al with double top for raising 1 5 th Century Abbey of

, , , ,

S i nt Michel
a Mer (Violl t l D c) e n -
e e- u .

3 . Modern with eight legs and side drawers (Max S ch lz)

, ,
u .

4 . Modern .

5 . Modern .

6 . Moder by W Hanau (Gewerbehalle)

n, .

c . Ca bin ets .

(Pl a t e

Cabinets were evidently a rare phenomenon in Antiquity Th . e

Egyptians d th Greeks were probably not acquai ted with them

an e n

at all ; the Romans seem to have possessed simple Cabinets with two
doors if we may judge from occasional paintings ; in any case
, ,

however they were of no a tistic importance Chests of which we

r .

shall speak later on were no doub t more frequent and took the place , ,

of cabinets It was the same in the early Middle Ages in which we


certainly find Cabinets in churches d mon steries b t seldom in an a ,


private houses Where they do occur they show the hand of the

carpenter rather than that of the killed cab inet maker Th S -


e ca r

di nal feature of Romanesque f rniture is practicability ; that the slow u

mo i ng serious pirit of that time paid but little regard to elegance

v ,

was only natural men had their virtues and their vices b ut they : ,

were free from affections of the nerves (Georg Hirth) Cabinets be ”


came m ore common in the Gothic period ; and although the m atched
board work and the simple carving generally give th products f
- e o

this time t i rude ppearance ; still t h architectural disposition


c er a n a e

of the members and the b ands and mou ts are e ffective L ater Gothic
n ,

l d to all kinds of extravagances one of which is the lavish use of

e ,

geometrical t acery called flamb oyant from its fl m like characte r

r ,
“ ”
a e- .

Th revolutionary process which marks the transition f om Gothic to

e ,

Renascence finds striking expression in the group of Cab inets Georg



Pl ate 25 3 . Th e C bi t
a ne .

Pl at e 254 .
id eb oard
Th e S .
Th e S ideb a d o r . Th e Ha g g Cab inet n in -
. 44 9

(Pl a t e

ideboards are a separate division They are intended for the

S .

re ception of articles used in the ser i ce of the table Vases and v .

ornaments may also be placed upon them ; and in many cases they
are themselves decorative objects In the Middle Ages they are com
. .

p ti
a ra ly plain
ve and of invariable form ; the,
ground plan being an -

oblong or semi octagon ; they stand on legs and have of an pen


Space beneath over which are the cupboards with a flat top (figs 1
, , ,

and D uring the Renascence thi s traditional plan gave way to ,

richer and more complicated constructions ; the lower recess was f ra

quently retained ; instead of it or long with it further recesses a


were added at the mi ddl height or still higher ; the top is e con

structed as an independent memb er often of smaller dimensions and ,

recessed ; and terraces of shelves with b l t d galleries for glasses a a u s er e

and plates form the conclusion of the whole


Here too our Modern times follow the old m odels Special
, , .

requirements have given birth to special forms such as the B fl ts ,


in hotels and waiting rooms which freque tly form an i t g l part

n n e ra

of the wainscot or architectu e of the wall r .

PL ATE 25 4 . TH E SI DE B OAR D .

1 .Renascence G erman wi th remi niscences of G othi c Bavarian Na

, , ,

ti l Mus eum Munich

on a ,

2 .Renascence side view St Lo Normandy 1 5 8 0 South Ken,

, , ,

sington Museum (Musterornamente)

3 —4 Modern front and side view designed in th e S chool of In
, ,

d st i l Art Carlsruhe

u r a ,

5 6 Ditto . .

7 .Modern by P h Ni d hOf Frankfort ,

. e er er , .

8 .Mediaeval (Violl t le Duc) ,

e - -

(Pl a t e

Hanging cabinets also form a pecial subdivision They differ

S .

from other Cabinets in bei g of more mo dest dimen ions by being n s , ,

for practical pu poses of less depth and as they are intended for
r , , ,

s uspe s ionnby terminating in a console inst a d of in legs and base

e .

For the rest what has already been said f Cabinets in general wi ll
o ,

hold good of Hanging cabinets also -


These are adapted to hold books tobacco & c medicine keys , ,

, , ,

correspondence & ,
c .

M ey e r , H a n d b oo k of Orn a m en t .

Pl ate 255
. Th e Ha gi g Cab i et
n n -
n .

Pl ate 256 . Th e Che t

s .
Th e De k s , &c . Th e Cl ck Ca e o -
s , &c . 4 53

of the Middle Ages They are made of wood or metal

th e begI n n m g .
, ,

or of both combined We disti guish b etween Single and double . n

desks Th L ectern is frequently supported on the back of an Eagle

. e

w ith outspread wings a design which is supposed to contain a ,

reference to the Evangelist S J ohn whose symbol in the eagle .


Ecclesiastical desks eiter have a fixed position in the choir or chancel ,

th y are moveable These latter were sometimes like a S w horse

or e . a

and could be folded p ; in which case the IOp was replaced by -

u S e

bands (fig Th upper part of fixed desks frequently revolves

. e ,

and is f rnished with sconces for lights

u .

Th Easel is a Sloping frame with three or four legs

e Th . e

front and rear are often connected by hinges to enable the a gle of n

the lope to be altered at wi ll Th front is provided with a sm ll board

S . e a ,

which be adjusted to di fferent heights by pins or other mechanism

ca n .

It is an invention of modern times ; and in its usual undecorated ,

form is employed by painters sculptors &c But it is often made , ,


as a decorative piece of furniture of superior finish to hold pict res ,

u ,

portfolios &c Th decoration in this case m y consist of the sym

. e a

bols of art as shown in fig 7 ,

. .

PL ATE 25 7 TH E DE S K & .
c .

1 . Gothic 1 5th cent ry base of wood Slope of wrought iron eagle

, u , ,

and ball gilt dragon painted green S Simph i Nuits (Vi ll t

, . . or en , ,
o e

l Duc)
e- .

1 Mediaeval S Stefano Venice (Mothes) ,
, ,

0 Renascence marble Pisa Cathedral Italian (Kunsthandwerk)
, , , ,

$ Mediaeval Double desk with revolving haft end of 1 3 th centu y

S ,

(Vi llet l Duc)

o -
o- .

5 . Me diaev l Upper part of Double desk (V iollet l Duc)

a ,
o- .

6 . Renascence Folding stand cathedral S Gimignano Italian (Kunst

, , ,
, ,

handwerk) .

7 . Modern decorative Easel architect Durm (Gewerbehalle)

, ,


&c .
(Pl a te

Clock case as a piece of f rniture is of comparatively recent

Th e -

date for the invention of the clock with a train of wheels is itself

not old ; and for some time after their introduction clocks were manu
f ctu d without cases or
a re at any rate without cases of artistic , ,

importa ce In the 1 7 th century cases for protecting th works

n .

against d s t and for gi ving the clock a more pleasing aspect begin

to appear Th forms at first manufactured were chiefly two Th

. e . e

fi st is that of the old fashioned t ll Hall clock something like th

r -
a -

toilet stands (figs 5 and

the upper part accommodating the clock .

Pl ate 257 . Th e De k
s ,
&c .

Pl ate 258 . Th e C lock Ca

s e, &c .
Th e Cl ock Ca e -
s ,
&c . Th e B d t a d and the C a dl e
e s e ,
r . 4 57

5 . T oilet stand German Renascence 1 5 9 7 Town hall U b li g


, , ,
e er n en ,

(Gewerbehalle ) .

6 . Toilet stand various colo

d woods German Renascence (Formen
ur e , ,

schatz) .


(Pl a t es 25 9

From the earliest to the pr nt time the B edstead has passed ese ,

through many changes In the Egyptian and Assyrian styles we find . :

metal Bedsteads imi t ting the forms of animals (Plate 25 9 1 a and .


sometimes arranged to fold u p like a Camp bed (Plate 259 Those of -


the Greeks and Romans which served partly as Beds and partly as , ,

Couches are of manifold forms In addition to the four legged bench

, .

( Plate 2 5 9 we have benches with a head board (Plate 25 9

. with -

head and foot board (Plate 25 9 the latter being usually lower .

than the former and others with head foot and back boards like
, , , ,

our modern Sofas (Plate 26 0 Th materials are wood and metal . e ,

sometimes more precious materials ivory & as we learn f om the , ,

c .

examples found in Pompeu .

Th same f ndamental idea may be seen in the Bedsteads of

e u

th e ea lier Middle A ges

r which how traces of Byzantine influence ,
S ,

and have richly decorated t ned posts and carved sides Th front
. e

was often furnished with an pening to allow of getting into th O e

bed (Plate 25 9 5 At a later period the B edstead was fu nished


with canopied hangings suspended from speci l rods fixed to the a

wall Th Renascence considerably enlarged the size ; placed it on a

. e

podi m ; r i sed the head board ; and carried the legs higher to receive
u a -

the tester or canopy frame which was then adorned wi th drapery -


and hangings Examples of this period have been preserved (Plate 26 0

. .

1 and In the Barocco and Rococo periods textile materials pre :

dominate and the wooden frame is neglected Then the so called


Parade beds (Plate 26 0 3 ) became fashionable


Modern times again have generally simplified the form Th . e

commonest is that with high foot and head boards (th e latter often -

to excess) and low sides Tester bedsteads have passed out of


fashion .

Th Cradle seems to have b een an invention of the Middle


A ges B y means of pins the little box or trough shaped Bedsteads


were fixed in a frame in which they were moveable ; or the legs of

the B edstead were replaced by curved battens which admitted of rock
ing (Plate 25 9 8 and Th Cradles of the Renascence are of
. e

s im ilar form ften with raised end boards and rich carving Owing
O -

to sanita ry objections Cradles have almost gone out of use Some ,


Pl te
a 25 9 . Th e B d t ad
e s e ,
&c .
The B d tead an d the Cradle
e s , .

times Cradles are m ade of metal rods like a basket with the head , ,

of the frame raised to support a canopy .

PL ATE 259 . TH E B E D STE A D , &c .

? Egyptian (Menard t S g,
ot) e a u va e .

P Egyp ti an collapsible Camp beds tead -


W Greek vase painting (Menard t S

, ge t) -
e a u va o .

P Roma Pompeian vase painting (Menard t S

n , g t) -
e a u va eo .

P Mediaeval MS of the 1 3 th century (V i ll t l Duc)
o e -
e- .

Q Mediaeval MS of the 1 2th century (H o tus d li ci

r e a ru m

Herrad of Lands b erg) (Vi ll t l Duc) ,

o e -
e- .

7 Chinese (L art po tous) ’


. .

8 9 Me di aeval Cradles (Viollet l Duc)

e- .

P L ATE 26 0 . TH E B E D STE AD , & c .

1 . Renascence Plantin Museum Antwerp (G ewerbehalle)

, , ,

2 . Renascence French Cluny Museum Paris (L art po tous)

, , , ,

ur .

3 . Barocco Parade bedstead by Daniel Marot


4 . Renascence Head board of Cradle French gilt ornaments on

, ,

red ground (L art pour tous) ’

4 61

F R A M ES ,
&c .

term Framework is a v ry inclusive one Every edging

Th e “ ”
e .

border and every rim of a pl te belongs to this group ; but the follow
a ,

ing ten plates will cont in only those f atures in which the Frame
a e

is to a certain extent an end in i tself and a defi ite characteristic

, , ,
n ,

whole Framework is usef l in every branch of applied art ; it is

. u

used in an immense variety of materials and is treated in many di fferent

ways Plates 26 1 —27 0 contain some important subdivisions selected

from the entire group these are fra m es of Archi tectur l character ;
: a

fram es (strictly so called) for Pictures Mirrors &c Tablets Typo

, ,
, ,

graphical borders and the borders of Dials Plates &

, , ,
c .

It is highly interesting to pursue the rise of Framework on an

architectural basis its gradual transformation and its adaptation to

the products of art industry For this however we refer the reader
, ,

to the remarks of S emper (D e S ti l 130 t We will only

r ,

make the following observations from the point of view of style :

Framework in the sense in which it is here understood only occurs

, ,

rarely and Sporadically in the older styl s the Antique and the e ,

Middle Ages It was reserved for the Renascence to cultivate this


field and to attain the highest possible results It cannot however

, .
, ,

b e denied that occasionally it was exaggerated and illogical A Frame .

must above all things have some relation and proportion to the object
, ,

to be framed T make a frame and put it where there is nothing

. o ,

to be framed is illogical A d yet we find in the late Renascence

. n ,

and in the Barocco and Rococo periods countless examples whi ch , ,

so far as their application goes have no other object than the de ,

coratio of empty spaces

n .
Th e Ar chitectural Fram e .


(Pl a t e 26 1

By Architectural Frames we mean those which are used in

Architect re and those which although applied in other branches
u , , ,

such as furniture Show an architectural derivation These are the , . :

framings of doors windows panels tablets medalli ons niches soffits, , , , , , ,

&c .In Furniture they are the border like ornaments which serve as -

a framing to panel ornaments ; b t which are also very often used -


merely as decoration without having any object to frame There , .

ar e two classes of Frames one which is mon axial with external : -


na m ts t the top and bottom to emphasi z e th

en a vertical attitude ; ,

and one which is bi axial for application on horizontal surfaces -


In the former class the lower ornament has the general Shape of a :

suspended triangle This expresses the idea of supporting like a Console ;


an d is a free ending down wards Th other of th

has the general shape -
. e ese

of the erect triangle ; m aking a cresting feature and is the free ending ,

upwards Frames of this class are shown on Plate 26 1 figs 2 8 9 1 0

, , ,

and 1 1 In the second class of Frames the Space to be enclosed

. : ,

be it a circle square or oblong is surrounded by an ornament

, , ,

which is symmetrical on all sides W ithout regard to top and bottom


Frames of this class are Shown on figs 4 7 of Plate 26 1 and .


figs 5 8 and 9 of Plate 26 2 These two principles are not always

, .

so strongly marked as in the examples given ; and sometimes they

are combined ; but as a rule the one or the other will always p ro

dominate .


1 . Gable Opening of a Dormer window Rouen French

- -
, , ,
17 th cen
tury (L art pour tous) ,


2 Tablet modern in the style of the Italian Renascence

, ,

3 Pedestal Italian Renascence G enoa (Owen Jones)

, , ,

4 D oor panel (Architektonisches Skiz z enbuch)


5 Stove tile Castle of W iilfi g near Winterthu 1 7 th cen

n en r,

tury (Kunsthandwerk) ,

6 D esk in S Giorgio maggiore Venice Italian Renascence

. .
, , ,

7 Cofi e
. cupola of the D agobert Tower Baden Baden German

r, ,
, ,

— —

8 9 Pulpit Magdeburg .cathedral G erman 1 5 9 5,

1 5 9 7 (G ewerbe , , ,

10 D oor of cabinet in the style of the G erman Ren scence
a ,

(F ormenschatz) .

11 Door of a sideboard Louvre Paris Renascence

, , ,

Pl at e 26 2
. hit ctu l Frame
Th e Ar c e ra .
Th e A rchitectural Fram e Mir r Fram e , ro
&c . 4 65

26 2 . TH E A R C H I TE CTU R AL F R A M E .

1 . G erman ,
1 7 th century Stalls , ,
S tiftskirche ,
Asch a fi en bur g, (Ge

w erbe ha lle) .

Italia Renascence (Formenschatz)

n, ,

French 1 5 29 L ozenge panel choir of Chartres cathedral

, , , ,

( g
R a u e n et
) .

Renascence by Enea Vico (Formenschatz) , ,


Italian Renascence Panel of the stalls S Giorgio maggiore

, , ,

Venice .

6 . Germ n Renascence Frame of small niche Dagobert Tower

a , , ,

Baden Baden


7 8 Modern
. French Hotel Mirabaud Paris Architect Magne
, , , , ,

( g
R a u en e t
) .

Modern in the style of the German Renascence


Modern French Paris (R g ,

t) , ,
a u en e .

RR R - F RA ME ,
&c .
(Pl a t e s 26 3

mo v eable Mi rror frames which are designed and made to

Th e -

be hung p might have been classed among the Fur i t e ; but they
u ,
n ur

are more conveniently tr eated here Th Middle Ages framed Al t r . e a

pieces and the Pictures of the saints ; but the universal use of frames
begins with the Renascence ; and it is particularly Italy which has
preserv d the most n m erous examples of this period At fi st we
e u . r

meet with Archi tectural frames ; but sim ltaneously with the transitio -
u n

from the Mural picture of the Mi ddle Ages (which had been a part

of the wall) to the Table picture (whi ch was portable) the treatment

b ecomes freer and less constrained A d when the architectural . n

members were afterwards blended together in scroll work the f n da - -


mental architectur al idea generally rem i ned i sible as m y be seen a v ,


from the Baro cco and Louis XVI frames in Plates 26 3 1 2 6 and 1 0 ; .
, , ,

an d 26 4 3 and 4 .It was reserved for Modern times to cut p


factory made mouldings into lengths to produce frames of any req ired

si z e without regard to the proportion which sho ld exist between the


frame and the enclosed space Cheap d practical !but A t has g i ned . an r a

nothing by it Still we would not be understood to say that our


time does not occasion lly produce frames which completely satisfy a

the demands of both technique and taste .

Th e chief m aterial is wood ; but bronze is ed for frames of us

sm all size The old custom of painting and gildi ng the carved wood

frames led to the manufacture of the so called gilt frame whi ch is

“ ”

made of stamped brass Opinions m y di ffer s to the justification . a a

of t hese frames from an aesthetic point of view ; but there is little

M e y er , H an db oo k of Or n a m e n t . 30

Pl ate Th e Mirr or -
Fram e ,
&c .
Th e Mirror Fram e -
, &c . Th e S trap work F am e-
r .

doubt that the metallic frame tends to enhance the e ffect of coloured
pictures Porcelain and glass have also been used as materials for

frames ; but their propriety w ill always be questionable .

In addition to outline and style of decoration an important part :

is played by the amount of projection of the Frame Th e ffect of . e

a p icture which appears to be recessed behind a Bevel frame is very


di fferent from that of one which seems to be brought into relief by

a Torus mo lding Th f ndamental form of the frame is usually
u . e u

oblong either fig wise or landscape wise ; circ lar elliptic or square

u re - -
u , ,

frames are rarer Sometimes the outer hape of the Frame di ffers
, . S

from the inner hape (Plate 26 3 9 In the Barocco period

S .
, ,

frames received a number of arbitra y curved forms ; s Shown in r a

O nPlate 26 3 fig 5 , . .

26 3 . TH E M IR R OR -
&c .

G erman century Berlin (Kunsthandwerk)

, 1 8 th , , .

French angle ornaments of wall panels old castle of B ercy

- -
, ,

near Paris 1 8 th cent y (R g t) ,

ur ,
a u en e .

B arocco with bracket by Pa l D ecker (Formenschatz)

, ,
u , .

Rococo (F ormenschatz) ,

French L ou is X VI by La Londe (Wessely)

, , ,

French Louis XVI by D elafosse (R g

t) , ,
a u en e .

PL ATE 26 4 TH E MI RR OR -F R AM E , &c
—2 Renascence (R g t)
. .

—4 It lian Renascence Florence (Gewerbehalle)

1 .
a u en e .

3 . a
, ,

5 .Modern (Gewerbehalle) ,

6 .Modern by Prof S chick Carlsruhe ,


7 .Modern by the architect Huber Frankfort

, ,

(Pl a t e s 26 5

When the Frame is cut into fantastic shapes and bands whi ch ,

interlace and curl like leathern Straps ; then it is termed th Strap


work Frame It is much us ed in the later Renascence for Shields

, , ,

Tablets &c ; and is a characteristic of the Elizabethan style

. Foliage .

palmettes festoons and garlands of fr it fluttering ribbons cherub

u , ,

heads &c are frequently added Strap work was an invention of th

. .

Renascence ; and it is extremely common especially in the later years ,

of that period This kind f Frame work is frequently used not as

o -

a Frame but for mere deco ative purposes so that the fields to be

framed are left as empty Spaces Strap work appears in architect re .

- u ,

sepulchral monuments and epitaphs ; on medals and coins ; in c binet ,

FRAME S . 4 69

trap work Fram e

Th e S -
. Pl ate 265 .

Pl ate 26 6 . Th e S t a p work Frame

r - .
F RA .

Pl ate 26 7 . y ographical Fram e

Th e T p .
FRAMES . 47 3

yp ographical Frame
Th e T . Pl ate 268 .
Th e Typ ogra p hi ca l Fra m e . Th e S t ap work Tabl et
r .

lowed When architectur l forms appear they are treated lightly

a ,

and playfully ; and are often resolved into all man er of strap work n -

(Plate 2 6 7 1 .


. .

1 .

Border by Johann Sadler 1 5 5 0 1 5 60 Flemish Renascence , , , ,

(Guichard) .

2 . Border by Hans Holbein (Guichard)

, ,

3 . B order by J W i icx l 6 th century Flemish Renascence (L art

. er , , , ,

pour tous) .

4 . Printer s m ark (Giacomo Cornetti of Venice) Italian Renascence

, , , ,

1 5 8 6 (L art pour tous)


5 . Ditto (Giovanni Guarisco Ve i ce

, ,
n ,

6 . D itto (Ex typographia Jacobi St

a er ,

7 . D itto (A Quantin Paris

, ,


1 . German Tablet from the triumphal entry of the Emperor M


milian by Hans B km i (1 4 7 3 ur a r,

2 . French Renascence 1 6 th century Lyo s (L art pour tous)

, , ,
n ,


3 . Modern by Max L a g Carlsruhe

u er , .

4 . Modern by Rudolf S e itz Munich

, ,


(Pl a te

Examples of Strap work designed for use in some of the ,

Minor A ts whi ch serves not as a frame but as the actu l Tablet

r ,
a ,

are shown in the Plate Fig res 1 and 2 are clock cases ; 3 and 4 . u -

are for goldsmiths work ; 5 and 6 are wrought iron Signs ; 7 and 8 ’

are suitable ornaments for stamped leather and i laying ; fig 1 0 is -

n .

an escutcheon ; and Nos 9 and 1 1 are book mounts Th series .

. e

might easily be increased ; but th S examples will suffice as it would e e ,

lead us too far to treat each of these classes in detail .



1 .Clock case hammered metal French Renascence

, , ,

2 Clock case stamped metal Modern

3 —4 Decoration of escutcheons
. .
, ,

. snuff box lids &c by Wilhelm ,


V issch e 1 7 th century
5 —6 Wrought iron signs Modern
r, .

. .

7 .Book cover 1 6 th century French Renascence (L art pour tous)

, , ,


8 .Modern (Gewerbehalle) ,

Pl ate 270
. trap work B rder an d Margin
Th e S -
o , .
Th e S trap wo k Tabl et Border and Margi
r , ,
n .

9 . Metal mounts for the cover of an al b um Moder ,

n .

10 . Wrought iron escutcheon German l 6th century National

, , ,

Museum Munich ,

11 . Centre piece of bookbinding b y Dir C Graff Dresden

. .


(Pl a t e 27

hose products of art which frequently receive an additional

To t ,

exterior border or Margin must further be reckoned plates and dishes


So far as they are included under pottery the border us ually has a ,

smooth unbroken edge ; the material scarcely admi tting of a freer

treatment of the rim It is di fferent when the object is of metal ; in

thi s case the rim may be decorated with pierced work ; and the outlines

may undergo a richer and more vigorous treatment (figs 4 and in .

which the framework forms a free ending outwards -




1 Renascence Majolica Gewerbemuseum B erlin (Gewerbehalle)

, , , ,

2 Renascence Majolica Italian (R ci t)

, , ,
a ne .

3 Renascence Limoges by Pierre Raymond l 6 th century (R ci et)

, , , ,
a n .

Modern by Placido Zuloaga Eibar Spain (G werbehalle)

, , , ,
e .
JE W E L R Y .

love of personal adornment is as old as mankind itself ; as

Th e
is proved by th lics which have been preserved from the earliest
e . re

times Personal adornment broadly taken is a somewhat extensive

, ,

domain ; it includes the Painting and Tattooing of the body Clothing , ,

as soon as this exceeds what is required to meet practical needs ,

A mo
r &c ; but thi s section wi ll be confined to adornment by J ewe lry
ur , . .

Th e following 1 0 plates will deal with thi s group so far as

their chief repre entatives are concerned These are Pins B uttons
s . : , ,

Finger rings Chains Necklets Bracelet Belts Cl ps

, ,
d Buckles
s, ,
as ,
an ,

the various kinds of Chatelaines and Ear rings ,


Th plan of thi s book requires that we sho l d chiefly direct

e u

our attention to the decorative aspect of these objects ; b t w i ll,

u w e

here o ffer a f w general observations on the subject

e .

Trinkets which are not indispensable but rather an object of

, ,

lux ry are closely connected with dress and costume ; and like them
u , ,

subject to fashion This explains the different transformations which


trinkets have undergone in the course of centuries On the other .

hand technical considerations have also played a part th art of

: e

working the materials has passed through various sta ges of deve
l p em t in the di fferent periods ; so that the form and finish were
o en

governed not only by the fashion and taste of each period but also , ,

by the tech i cal skill of the workman

n .

The principal materials of trinkets are the precious metals From .

the state in which the metals found in Nature it is easy to see

a re ,

that the first metal to come into general use wo ld be Gold which u ,
Th e P in .

(Pl a te

Pin is a toilet article of very general use particularly in

Th e ,

prim iti v e times According to its app lication it is either a Hair pin

or a Dress pin Its form may be referred to three f ndamental types

. u .

Th first has a cylindrical or S lightly conical stem

e pointed like a ,

thorn at one end and terminated at the other by a knob or some ,


other finial (figs 1 it is used principally as a hair or breast


pin the stem in the former case being sometimes Split like a fork

(figs 2 3 . Th materials are chiefly metals bone d horn ; the

e ,
, ,

head and the stem may be of di fferent materials as in the modern ,

glass headed pin The handsomest examples of this class are to be


found in the Antique which gave this imple object a great variety ,

o f form The East also f rnishes us wi th origin l forms as shown

. u a ,

by the Japanese exam ples (figs 22 .

Th e second cla s is that of the Fib la the Brooch or S afety pin s u ,


These pins consist of two parts a disc or hoop shaped upper part ,
- -

connected with the ct l pin by elastic pirals or by a hi ge the a ua S n


point of the pin being held and sec ed by a catch like a hook or ur

S heath B rooches are always used for garments ; and in the antique
, ,

supplied the w nt of B uttons They were in comm on us up to th

a . e e

Middle Ages as shown by the num erous finds in Greece Italy and
, , ,

S candinavia Th hoop is commoner than th e di sc ; and more practical

. e ,

s it fi o d ed room for the gathered folds of the garment Th

a a r u e

decoration is of the utmost variety ; cert in forms such as the spir l a ,


(fig . are conventional T h e material is always metal m ostly .


bronz e more rarely a precious metal Modern times make use of these

pins only in the form of the plain wire Safety pin and the B rooch -
, ,

in w hi ch latter the disc replaces the hO p (fig Double pins form O .


a third class Tw o or three (and occasionally more) pins of the fi st

. r

class are connected by means of chains or Spangles usually to serve ,

as an ornament for the bosom (fig This form was pop l ar in .


ancient Scandinavian art ; and is in use up to the present day in

s ome national costumes .

PL ATE 2 1 7 TH E P m

. .

1 0 Roman and Etruscan Campana collection (L art pour to )

1 1 —1 6 Roman found in Pompeii
, , ,
us .

. .

17 Anglo S axon t iple breastpin found in Lincolnshire A h

- l r , ,
rc a eo o

gi l Institute ca .

18 Alemannic bronze U i ted collections Carlsruhe

, ,
n ,

2 1 1 7 th ce ntury (Guichard)
19 .

26 Modern J apanese metal bone &

. United collections Carls
, , , ,
c .

ruhe .

Th e P in .

Me y e r, H a n d b oo k of Orn a m e n t .
Th e P in . Th e Button .

Modern French Filigree work with pearls and brilliants

, , ,



28 33 Antique bron z e U nited collections Carlsruhe

, , ,

34 35 . Etruscan Gold ,

36 . E truscan spiral brooch bron z e U nited collections Carlsruhe

, , , .

37 Modern (Gewerbehall e) ,


objects whi ch we have here classed as B uttons serve va

Th e ,

rion s purposes They appear as Pendants to necklets and sim il r thing s

. a ,

as B ll (an antique pendant like an am let with symbolic sig ifi

u aa u n

cance) as Ornaments of Belts G rments Harness & and as B uttons

, ,
a , ,
c .
, ,

in the strict sense of the t erm for fastening garme ts According to ,

n .

its uses the B utton takes the form of the Sphere the hemi sphere or
, , ,

the disc As a Pendant it resembles a drop with the character of a


free ending (fig

One end is then furnished with a ring by

which it may be suspended or sewed o Th double buttons or Links -

n . e -

shown in figs 1 1 4 and 27 form a Special subdivision The principal

, .

mate rials are ag in the metals enamelled damaskeened set with gems
a , , , ,

or as filig e work B uttons are also manufactured in ivory mother

re -

of pearl amber glass and similar materials ; discs of wood are covered
, , ,

with silk and metal threads adorned wi th gold foil &c Standard
, ,
, .

examples are fu ished by the A tique the Renascence and many

rn n , ,

Modern national costumes while the modern wholesale factory made ,


B utton has scarcely any artistic v lue Our exam ples have been taken a .

from the periods named above ; and are mostly the same size as the
originals .

PL ATE 27 2 . TH E BUTT ON .

ntique double button gold U i ted collections Carlsr he

1 . A ,
, ,
n ,
u .

3 Etruscan gold with gems and pearls


4 5 6 7 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 9 27 28 and 29
, , , ,
Button s
, , , , , , , ,

and double buttons of various origin of metal with filig -

, ,
r ee

work enamelled &c In the possession of Prof Marc , ,

. .

Rosenberg Carlsruhe


8 9 Renascence gold enamelled and set with pearls Regali a

, , , ,

Berlin (L thm ) ,
u er .

10 . Renasce ce from a belt n ,


13 . Modern filigree ,

18 . Renasc ence enamelled National Museum Munich , , ,


20 and 23 Buttons by a Frankfort maker of the 1 8 th centu y

. i r ,

the collection of Mr J Werneck Frankfort silk gold . .

, , ,

thread and foil (Kunsthandwerk) ,

Th e B utton . Th e R ig
n .

21 . Renascence the gallery Schleissheim (L thm ) , , ,

u er .

22 an d 24 . Renascence from pictures in Worlitz and G otha (L thm )

, ,
u er .

25 . I din ilvanfiligree from Sumatra U nited collec tions

, _
s er , , ,

Carlsruhe .

Modern pendant of a necklet (G ewerbehalle)

, ,

(Pl a te

Finger ring is unive sally employed as an article of personal

Th e -

adornment ; and it is one which has been worn by both sexes at l a

most all times and in almost ll count ies Th manner of wearing

a r . e

it was determined partly by fashion partly by edicts Sometimes it ,


was considered good taste to wear only a single ring t other times ,

both hands were covered with ri gs ; it is worn sometimes under and n


sometimes over the glove ; plain comfortable forms give way to ,

monstrous Shapes ; sometimes it is purely ornamental sometimes it ,

has a symbolic significance a s in the wedding ring (a legacy of ,

heathendom to Christia i ty) ; sometimes it is a token of dignity as in n .


the fish m ring of the P Op and of Emperors Kings &c

er an s

e, , ,

Th form is manifold Th Signet ring formed p tly of a

e . e -

single piece (fig partly of a hoop in which a cut gem revolves


(fig .occurs in the Egypti n style Spiral rings with the serpent a .

motive (figs 7 and and rings Opening on one Side (fig

. are .

not rare in the A tique Besides these other form s appear which
n . : ,

are still popular Sometimes the upper side was broadened to recei e
. v

some ornament or a gem (figs 5 9 1 0 a method which was .

, , ,

us ed in the Renascence figs while the Middle ges preferred

( 20 A .

cylindrical ribbon like ba ds (fig 1 4 and

and architect ral n s . u

motives (fig It was reserved for Modern times to give the Wedding

ring its smooth convenient but artistically unimportant form Th

, ,
. e

predominant material is gold Niello enamel pearls and gems are .

, , , ,

used for its further decoration Th ring has frequently given rise . e

to artistic freaks e g where two or three separate rings are so

. .

constructed that they may be interlocked .

P L ATE 27 3 . TH E RIN G .

1 —3 . Egyptian Signet (M en rd t S g ot) , ,

a e a u va e .

Roman ignet found in the Crimea

S ,

Egyptian wi th enamel and two horses in ,

relief .

Egyp tian with pierced work (R i t) , ,

ac ne .

8. Greek .

10 . Roman found in the Crimea ,


Etruscan gold Vulci (Blii m ) , , , n er .

48 5

Th e R i g
n .
Pl t
a e 27 3 .
Th e Rin g . Th e Chain .

12 . Pompeian .

13 . Ancient Italic .

14 and 16 . S o called
Je wi sh w edding rings 1 5th and 1 6 th c
“ -

t i s collection of the late architect Oppler

ur e ,
Hanover , ,

(L u th m er
) .

15 . Renascence with c t onyxes Collection in ,

u ,

17 . Gothic 1 3 th century (Mothes) , ,


18 . Renascence enamelled representi g the F ll f Man , ,

n a o .

19 . Renascence wi th clasped hands ,


20 . Renascence from a picture dated 1 5 7 2 Museum Colog e , , , ,

n .

21 Renascence Museum Sigmaringen (L thm )

, ,
u er .

23 Renascence from pictu es at G otha and D armstadt (Luth

r ,

mer) .

Renascence from a picture Germanisches Mu seum (Luth , , ,

mer) .

25 and 27 Renascence private collection Mainz (L thm e ) , , ,

u r .

26 . Renascence Hildesheim with niello work (L thm ) , ,


u er .

28 29 3 1 and 3 2
, ,
Renascence (Hefner Alte ck)
ne .

3 0 and 3 2 Renascence after Hans Mi lich Middle of the l 6 th century

e ,

(Pl a t e 27

hains are an interesting chapter in ornament The task of art

C .

here is to treat the stubborn metal in such a way that it will pro
duce flexible easily moving forms which shall still be absolutely

unyieldi g to tension This is done by the system of li nk s Rings

n . .

perforated di scs balls with an eye &c are linked together in appro
, ,

p i t
r a e ways to form a whole In the common Chains of everyday .

use nothing but strength and flexibility

expect d ; in ornamental a re e

chains attention must be paid to the artistic e ffect This is sought


to be attained less by lavishing care on the single link tha by an

, ,

elegant rhythmic sequence of links of different kinds by e ffective ,

alternations of form si z e and treatment (comp Se m p er II p , ,


Chains used for personal adornment at least as far so they are of ,

artistic consequence are almost always like a B and All the figures ,

of the Plate belong to this class with the exception of figs 5 8 ,

, ,

1 1 and 1 6
Th arrangement may be such that the chain held
. e ,

horizontally is neutral that is of the same design upward s and

, , ,

d ownwards right and left (figs 1 4 1 5 1 7

or it m y have .
, , , ,

an up and do w n (figs 9 and

it m y also have a lateral direction

. a ,

in which c se it is chiefly used to suspend objects (figs 3 1 0

a .
, ,

an d Chains sometimes made tapering towards the end which

ar e ,

is d one by making each successive link smaller than the preceding ,


Th ends of chains terminate in Hooks Eyes Rings &c

e according , , ,
Th e Ch i n a . Th e N e ckl ace .

to their use as Necklets and Belts or to suspend Watches Bags

, , , ,

Smelling bottles and similar articles

Heraldic d symbolic elements
. an

are often found on Chains of Orders and Office something like fig 1 2 , . .

Th size and material vary wi th the purpose

e Th materials are the . e

precious and ordinary metals sometimes with gems and pearls enamel , , ,

niello and filig work This last seems to be especially suited for
re e - .

chains as it readily conveys the idea of being light and flexible

, .

P L ATE 27 4 . TH E CH AI N .

1 . Egyptian (R ci t) ,
a ne .

2 . Etrus can Louvre Paris (R ci t) , , ,

a ne .

3 . Greek fili gree found in the Crimea Hermitage St Peters

, , , ,

burg (Kunsthandwerk)
, .

Etruscan bronze Spirals Uni ted collections Carlsr h e

, , ,
u .

A ntique b U nited collections Carlsruhe

r on z e
, ,

Gallic bronze ,

Indian silver filigree from S m atra United collections Carlsru he

, ,
u , , .

Sm ll prismatic from S umatra U nited collections Carlsruhe

, , ,

French Chain belt l 6 th century S

, g t collection
(L art , ,
a u va eo ,

tous) .

10 Renascence from a Chatelaine with enamel and pearls

—1 2

11 Renascence gold G ii s G w Olb Dresden

, ,
r ne e e, .

15 . Renascence H Holbein ,
. .

16 . Pierced ellipsoid links G G w Olbe ,

ru n es e .

17 . Renascence exhibition Carlsruhe 1 8 8 1 , , ,


18 . Modern .

(Pl a t e

Necklace has always been a favo ite article of feminine d

Th e ur a

ornme t It is worn either lone or with a pendant Thre e classes

n . a .

may be distinguished Th first is a ring consisting of a clasping . e ,

hOOp wi th or wi thout a pend ant (figs 7 and and mostly used by .

savage peoples Th second is formed of links in a Similar manner

. e

to the chain belt (fig Th third and at the same time the most
. e ,

perfect form is that in which a row of pendants hangs from a cord


or a Slender chain and encircles the neck thus giving expression to

, ,

the idea of a free pendant ending as well as to that of an encircling

band Striking artistic e ffects may be Obtained by the rhythmic alter

nation of the links and by a tapering from the middle towards th ,


ends Egyptian and Antique necklets are frequently constructed on


this principle ; as are also the neck orn ments of primi tive peoples a ,

who replace the pendant by shells shining insects corals or the teeth , , ,

of animals S ometimes the three classes are combined ; it is not rare

J EWELRY . 4 89

Th e N e ckl ac e . Pl a t
e 27 5 .
Th e N kl aceec . Th e Brace l et .

to find several necklets of different circumferences worn one above

the other ; and producing a good e ffect Metal precious stones .
, ,

pearls &c play the chief part in N ecklaces

, .

P L ATE 27 5 . TH E N E CKL ACE .

1 . Egyptian with m ll d pendant (Mé

d t S g .
t) en a e e ,
nar e a u va eo .

2 . Egyptian wi th golden flies (sym bolic) (Menard t S

, g e ot) ,
e a u va .

3 . Antique with stamped Sheet m etal ornaments found in Rhodes


, ,

(M enard t S g ot ) e a u va e .

4 . Egyptian (Menard t S g t
,) e a u va eo .

5 . Etruscan gold Campana collection Paris (L art pour tous)

, , , ,


6 . Oriental gilt silver filigree (L art pour tous)

, ,

7 . Old Italic Neck ring bron z e U nited collections Carlsruhe

, , ,

8 . Barbaric Neck ring iron from the White Nile U nited collections
, , , ,

Carlsruhe .

9 . From portrait Henry VI of England , ,


10 . From portrait 1 5 7 2 municipal museum Cologne (L thm )

, , , ,
u er .

11 . Filigree .

12 . Modern (Gewerbehalle)

(Pl a t e

Th e B racelet which is now exclusively an article of feminine


adornment was formerly worn by men also not merely on the wr ist
, ,

as at the present day but on the a m too B ut even the A tique ,

r . n

co sidered this custom and that of wearing bangles on the ankles

n , ,

to be a relic of barbaric times B racelets are either closed rings or .

bands (figs 9 and or they are Open on one side (figs 2 6 8

. .
, , ,

1 3 and or rolled Spirally (figs 3 and or finally the bracelet .

, ,

may be a closed chain with a greater or lesser number of links

(figs 1 0 and A nother division is formed by the twisted example

(fig . As the B racelet is an object of so e si z e it is more f e , ,


quently than other ornaments m ade of Silve r rather than of gold ; the ,

A ntique Shows a preference for bron z e .

27 6 . TH E BRA CE LE T .

Egyptian pierced work (Menard t S , g ot) -

e a u va e .

Assyrian bron z e Louvre Paris (Bl m , ) , , ,

u n er .

Roman found in Pompeii ,


Antique (M enard t S geot) ,

e a u va .

B ron z e found near Ladenburg U nited collections Carlsruhe

, , ,

Spiral wire U ited collections Carlsr he ,

n ,
u .

Bronze United collections Carlsr he

, ,
u .
Th e Brace l t e . Th e Girdl e the Buckl e , , and Cl a p s .

Bronze found near Ladenb rg United collectio s Carlsruhe

u , n
, .

From po trait 1 6 th century G otha (L thm )

r , , ,
u er .

Venetian l 6 th centu y (Mothes)

r , .

Javanese black wood United collections Carlsruhe

, , , .

Modern Egyptian silver Grand Ducal Landesgewerbehalle , , ,

Carlsruhe .

Modern (G ewerbehalle)

Moder by Dir A Ortwein Granz (G ewerbehalle)

n, . .
, , .


(Pl a te

Girdle was originally used by men to suspend weapons

Th e
from ; and by women to confine the clothing at the Waist ; later o -

it was worn m erely as an ornament or to carry pouches fans scissors , , , ,

&c. Its form is either that of the Chain girdle (comp Plate -

or B ands of leather or textile material are decorated by ornam ents

of metal sewed or threaded o Partic lar attention is usually given -
u . u

to the fasteni g which is generally a Clasp or Buckle (figs 1 7 8

n ,
, ,

and The Ag fi (Lat a g app a ) or Hook and the Buckle are


e . r ,

applied to other purposes besides fastening Girdles ; the former are

used as fastenings for garments ; the latter on the straps of weapons ,

harness & c Th Buckle is complete in itself consisting of a ring

. e ,

or hoop with a movable pin ; and the fastening is done by pushing

the pin through a hole in the leather or textile band (figs 2 4 and .

Th e Clasp consists of two parts generally sym m etrical one of which , ,

an be hooked into the other (figs 9 Clasps and B uckles are .

both old inventions ; and found in very early times As they are a re .

objects of practic l use rather than ornament they are more often
a ,

made of the comm on than of the precious metals Th terminations . e

of Clasps are mostly designed s free endings which gives them a a ,

certain imilarity with decorated hinges

S .

27 7 . TH E GI R D L E , TH E B U C KLE , A ND CL AS P .

Greek Girdle gold and hyacinths tomb in Ithaca

, ,

A cient Italic or Roman Buckle bronze U nited collections

n , , ,

Carlsruhe .

Roman Clasp Silver (Menard et S g ,

t) ,
a u va eo .

A lemannic Buckle bronze found near Mosbach United c l

, , , ,

lections Carlsruhe,

Mediaeval B uckle S candinavian (Weiss K st m k d ) , , ,

o u un e .

Gallic Girdle St G ermain Museum (L art pour tous)


G othic B uckle 1 5 th century from a picture municipal m

, , ,

seum Cologne (L thm )

, ,
u er .

i dl
Th e G r e, th e B ckl
u e, and Cl p
as . Pl ate 27 7 .
Th e Girdle , &c . Th e Pend a t n .

Renascence Girdl e 1 7 th century National Museum Mu i ch

, , ,
n .

Renascence Clasp .

Renasce ce Clasp National Museum Munich

n , , .

Renascence Clasp K nstgewerbemuseum Berlin (G ewerbe ,

, ,

halle) .

3 . Barocco and Rococo Clasps National Museum Mu ich , ,

n .

Modern Norwegian Girdle brass and leather United colle e ,

tions Carlsruhe ,

S umatran Girdle fastening silver United collections Carls -

, , ,

ruhe .

(Pl a te

Pendants are amo g the most beautiful of articles of adornment n .

Their forms and uses are manifold We find them as Lockets with .

and without symbolic meaning ; as Ornaments for th hat and the e

biretta ; as Charms on watch chains and less richly finished

“ ”
, , ,

Harness Th Pendant is naturally designed on the principle of the

. e

free ending Sometimes it assumes the form of the Cross the Me


d llio
a nthe Votive tablet or the Monogram It serves as a setting

for gems miniatures coins &c It o ffers the proper field for all
, , ,

kinds of little hanging ornaments ; and for the f ll display of the gold u

smith s versatile skill Examples of exceptional beauty have been


transmitted to us by the Antique and still more so by the Renascence ,


Not only did the first artists of this period occupy themselves p cti ra

cally with such things ; but they designed numerous patter s for them n

e g Hans Holbein in his sketchbook for Henry VIII of England

. .
, ,

We only o ffer a small selection from the C opious material

ca n .

27 8 . PE N DAN T
TH E .

Egyptian gold and enamel (R ci t)

, ,
a ne .

Gold found in Rhodes Louvre Paris (M enard t S

, geot) , , ,
e a u va .

Greek gold filigree found near Kertsch Hermitage St

, , , ,

Petersburg (Kunsthandwerk) ,

Etruscan gold Campana collection (L art pour tous)

, , ,


Ancient Italic bron z e U ite d collections Carlsruhe , ,

n ,

Turkish harness in the Booty of Prince L ud wi g of Baden

, ,

U nited collections Carlsruhe ,


Renascence (Hefner Alt k) ,

en ec .

Renascence 1 6 3 7 Exhibition Carlsruhe 1 8 8 1

, , , ,

Empire period gold filigree collection of Prof Marc Rose , ,

. n

berg Carlsr he ,
u .

Renascence A tique cameo set in ename lled gold and j ewels

n ,

Pa ris (L art pour tou )


s .
Th e Pen d ant Th e Ear ri g-
n .

Renascence by Hans B os m (F orm enschatz) ,

r a er, .

Renascence by Hans Holbein , .

Renascence by H Holbein (Formenschatz) ,

. ans
, .

Renascence (L thm ) ,
u er .

Renascence 1 7 th century Silver coi set , ,

n, .

Renascence by Julius Ber ie (L thm ) ,

u er .

Modern (Blatter fi i Kunstgewerbe)

r .

Modern (Zeitsc hrift des K stg w b ei s)

un e er ev er n .

Modern (Gewerbehalle) ,

Modern French ,

(Pl a te

custom of we ring Ear rings as articles of adornment seems

Th e a -

to be of ancient oriental origin ; and to have penetrated through Asia

Minor to the civilised countries of the West It has been practised .

from the earliest times by the Arabs in Spain and in Sicily Both , ,

sexes am ong the ancient Germans d G uls decked them selves with
an a ,

Ear rings As the wearing of them implies either that the ear must

be pierced or the ornament hung on to the ear neither of which ,

processes are particularly aesthetic ; the custom has fallen out of

fashion and become obsolete Th forms in general are two the
. e :

Ring and the D rop The Rings are either not quite closed (figs 1 . .

3 9 and
, ,
or they are fastened by a catch of one kind or ano
ther (figs 7 1 4 20 21 and . D rops usually terminate in a
, , , ,

wire loop by which they may be suspended (figs 1 6 26 27 .

, , ,

29 and
As these objects m us t be light they are generally of ,

deli cate form and modest dime s ions manufactured of the precious
n ,

metals in sheet or wire filig ee As Pendan ts they have the character

r .

of free endings frequently consisting of different moveable me mbers


Th e standard examples are f rnished by the A ntique and the East u .

PL ATE 27 9 . TH E E AR -

1 —3 Egyptian (R i t) ac ne

. .

4 12 . Etruscan Louvre Paris (R ci t) , , ,

a ne .

13 Greek in the form of a siren gold found in Ithaca

1 4 — 21
, , ,

Roman National Library Paris (L art pour tous) ’

, , ,

22 . Bronze found near Nied reggenen B aden United collections

e , , ,

Carlsruhe .

23 . Old Frankish .

24 . Renascence from portrait castle t G otha (L thm )

, ,
a ,
u er .

25 . L ouis XVI gold of various colours (R i t) , ,

ac n e .

26 27 Modern by Dir A Ortwein Graz (Gewerbehalle)

, ,
. .

28 . Modern Tu is United collections Carlsruhe

n , ,
49 7

Th e Ea r ri gn .

Me y er, H an d b ook of Orn a m en t .


Pl ate 280 . Mi c ll a
s e u Jewelry
n eo s .

Heraldry has so many points of contact th Ornament t it

cannot be omitted from a work that deals with the whole art of
Decoration Heraldry includes both the scienc e and the rt of armorial
. a

bearings Th former contains the rules of framing and bearing coats

. e

of arms ; the latter is the practical art of blaz oning or designing “

and depicting such coats Armorial bearings are distinct B adges .


fixed according to certain principles which indivi duals famili es and , ,

corporations are entitled to bear in perpetuity Armorial bearings .

arose during the crusades towards the end of the 1 1t h century ,


Th e elevation of the nobles into a corporation the addition of the ,

family or surname to the baptismal name the peculiar usages of ,

Chiv l y the custom of m ilitary games and tournaments are all closely
a r , ,

connected with the introduction of armorial bearings Heraldry as . .

a sci ence did not arise till a later time (about the 1 3 th century) .

A m i l b
r or a i g whose origin is contemporary with the custom of
ea r n s,

wearing such B adges and whose right to be borne was afterwards


tacitly recognised are distinguished fro m the later bearings the right
, ,

to bear whi ch was granted by L tters patent from princes or their e -

plenipotentiaries Besides the nobles the right of armorial bearings


was possessed by other p trician though not noble families Their a , ,


bearings have frequently arisen from monogr ms family tokens and a , ,

trade marks Th i nscription on a coat of arms of the Fuggers of

. e

th year 1 3 8 2 runs
e Dises i h wirt Vl i h Fugg r o bem lt

za c en , r c e , v r e en

H nsen Fuggers Bruder g p cht haben Welchs hernach Jaco b

e ra u ,

Fugger des namens der erst angenommen und das s m bt seinen

, .
Heraldry . 50 1

Su n en , bis auf fp i g g des W appens g fi t hat (This token

au r n un ,
e er

was no doubt used by Ulrich Fugger the brother of the above nam ed -

Hans Fugger it was afterwards adopted by Jacob Fugger the first

: ,

of the name and borne by him and his sons until the assump tion

of the coat of arms) Th marshalling of armorial be rings was th . e a e

duty of the Heralds whose official badge was the tabard and the staff

Th Heralds Colleges still exercise control over armorial bearings on

e _

behal f of the State I cluding th coats of families towns corporations

. n e , , ,

and offices there are probably about ,

coats of arms in
existence Coats are called allusive or punning when they suggest

(in whole or in part ) the name of the bearer Th e pikes

on the co t . a

of the Lucy fami ly the hirondelles of the Arundells of Wa dour ,

r ,
a re

familiar instances in English heraldry .

We may disting i sh three principal epochs of armorial bearings u

( )
1 Th period from
e the 1 1 th to the 1 3 th century in which the ,

shield alone with its badge formed the Arms which is th e period of ,

the evolution of Heraldry ; (2) Th e period from the 1 3 th to the 1 5 th

century in which shield helmet and crest formed the A ms in which
, , ,
r ,

painted shields and helmets were really worn which was the golden ,

g ofeheraldry ; ( )
3 Th period from the l 6 th century to the present

time in which the w aring of shi lds and h lmets with badges was
e e e

discontinued ; and Heraldry creased to be a living art which is the ,

period of decay in which arbitrariness ignorance and a pedantic d

, , ,
a ~

h e c to antiquat d principles have taken the place of the living

er n e e

ar t From the point of view of style we may disti guish

. Early n :

Gothic Late Gothic and Renascence Arms ; as also those of the B


rocco and Rococo periods and Modern times Th general direction ,

. e

of style has always had an influence on Heraldry ; but the developement

of rchitecture is on the whole always some twenty years in advance
a .

Th developement of heraldry was di fferent in di ff rent countries ;

e d e an

even the modern E glish French German and other systems differ n
, , , ,

from one another in several essential points


Here of course we cannot go minutely into the details of the

, ,

subject We shall only give in all brevity what is absolutely

, ,

necessary Th Plates will deal with the colo rs or Tinctures the

. e u ,

Shapes and Divisions of the Shield the Charges the Helmet and its , ,

accessories ; the badge of Rank and Dignity ; and Pageantry Those s .

wh wish to study Heraldry more deeply will find an ample lite


rature at their disposal ; since B t l s de S xof t took up the ar o u a err a o

subject in the m iddle of the 1 4 th century more than enough has ,

b en written about heraldry A accompaniments and supplements

e . s

to study and teaching we may ocomm d the excellent work f r en o

F Warnecke H e ldis ches H n db ch ill t d d by D o pl the

. : ra a u ,
u s ra e e er

young r ; the A leit ng zu p m ktis he D stell g nd A sf h g

e n u r c n ar un u u u run

h a ldis che
er O n a men te fa d a s ges mte K s tgew e be
r r by D tl r a un r ,
e av
Herald y r . T i cture
n s, an d Di v i ion of the Shi eld
s s .

F r eih von Biedermann with illustrations in the Z eitschmft d s

, ,

M an chen e K ns tgew er bev er eins 1 8 8 5 ; and the K techismus d e H em l

r u ,
a r

dik by Dr Ed F ih v Sacken
. These works have been followed
. re . on .

in this chapter and our ill s trations are taken from them Heralds
u .

ha v e invented a Special language of their own that is always used ,

in B lazoning which is the tech ical description of a coat of Arms ;


and it sho ld always be s correct and concise as possible so that the

u a ,

coat may be draw from it This language will be used as far as n .


possible i the explanations of the following plates

n .

Finally we may observe that anyone who has to deal practically

, ,

wi th Heraldry will scarcely ever succeed in satisfying all those who


have laid down and still lay down r les on the subject Although
- -
u .

on the one hand it seems advisable that on the whole a certain order

sho ld be maintained and arbitrariness excluded still on the other

u , ,

hand a good deal of antiquated rubbish might be eliminated from


the rules without doing any harm On this point real heralds like .

Warnecke are ll agreed Th Safe path is in the middle ; that ar

a . e

tistic freedom is q i te consistent with obse vance of heraldic r les is

u r u

shown by the masters of the Renascence D ii B ck m i d others : r er , ur a r, a n .

For our present purpose the most suitable sources for the study are :

the d awings of these Masters ; and next to them old S eals Windows
r : , ,

and Monuments Heraldic or aments may be applied to thousands of

. n

things ; in Architecture in Mural p ainti g on Furniture in Textiles ,

, , ,

in D ocum ents on Harness &c But they should o ly be applied

, ,
. n

where they have a representati e character ; and then only wi th mo v

deration and p u rpose and in due proportion to the object ,



(Pl a t e

In the good old days of Heraldry there were six Tinctures which ,

were almost exclusively used two metals and four colours Th ,

. e

metals are gold (or) and silver (argent) ; which for practical reasons ,

were often replaced by yellow and white The original colours are ,

red (g l s) blue (azure) black (sable) and green (vert) Full st ong
u e , , , ,

shades were employed vermilion or minium for red cobalt or ultra


: ,

marine for blue Paris green emerald green or some other striking
, , ,

shade for green Th original scale of colours was afterwards l

. e en a r

ged by the addition of th so called Proper or nat l colour of e -

ur a

the object purple (purpure) ash gray (which is not used in English
, ,

Heraldry) blood colour (murrey) and tawny (tenne) Natural objects


men ani m als &c were represented proper that is in their natur l
, .

, ,

tints ; whereas the older heraldry depicted these objects in one of

the nearest origi al ti ctures e g the lion was golden or red the n n : . .

eagle was black or red and so on Purple is not used on the Shields ,

The H e ra l d ic C o l o u rs or T in c tu re s .

O rigi n a l T i n c tu res .
( m
2 et l a s 4 Clr o o s .

A rg t en . G l u es . z A ure . S abl e . V t
er .

L t a er Ti tur n c es .

Pr po er . P p ur u re . Ash g y Mu y -
re . rr e . T awny .

Fur s

E mir ne . E mi i
r no s . K u r s ch . Vi Via r . a r p er p l C u t erv air
a e . o n .

D a m a sk e en in g s .

O ld r e . La t er

Div is ion s of th e Shie l d

n o 9 q u a r ers t or fi ld
e s .

AB U pp er rgi ma n .

D L w r m arg in
o e .

AC D xt r m gi
e e ar n .

BD Si i t r m gi
n s e ar n.

F e e ss .

Ba e s .

D xt r tierce C
e e .

Pal e .

Si i ter tierce
n s .

Pl ate 28 1 . T i tunc re s , and Di i v s ion s of the Shi ld e .

T incture an d Di i ions of the
s, v s Sh iel d . S hap es of the Shi e ld . 505

shield sometimes bears a smaller Shield Th large shield

Th e . e

whi ch bears the smaller is called th Escutcheon Th smaller shield e . e

in the centre is termed the Inescutcheon Th Inescutcheon some . e

times bears a third shield which is then said to be sur l tout d “

e u

tout Th smaller shields have the same hape as the large shield

. e S .

Th chi ef and the dexter Side of the shield are the most

ho nourable parts ; and preference is given to the angle of the dexter

chief or canton In bla z oning a coat the description always starts
. :

from this point .


(Pl a t e

shape of the hi ld is very varied ; and is chi efly deter

Th e S e

mined by the period in which it originated Th oldest Shape is the . e

triangular or heater shaped hield (fig “

It was in use in the

S .

i 2th 1 3 th and 1 4 th centuries

On seals it is first one h alf and at .

a later time one third the height of a man ; the ratio of its height

to its breadth is about 1 0 7 In the 1 4 th centu y shields straight : . r

at the top and rounded at the bottom (we may term them h lf a

ro d) began to appear ; and after them shields pointed at the bottom


(fig. T his Shape and the l 6 th ce t y shapes whi,

ch were deve '

n ur

loped from it (figs 4 were probably n v r actually borne ; but

. e e

are merely heraldic At the end of the i 4th cent y the Tilting
. ur

Shields begin to make their appearance their shape being based on ,

that of the Shields used in tournaments (figs 7 Th indenta . e

tions in the sides of these are suggested by the bouche or place “ ”

for the lance on Shi elds intended for actual use Th Tilting . e

shield is considerably smaller than the Triangular shield ; it is about -

one fifth the height of a man At the end of the 1 5th centu y
. r

the old Shapes disappear and make way for the German or strap ,

work shields Th ese latter were never in actual use but are orna
mental inventions mostly based on the Tilting shi eld Figs 1 9 —26

. .

give a number of such shields belonging to diff rent periods of the e

Renascence epoch Shap s like figs 1 1 and 1 2 are very comm on in

. e .

Italy at that time Elliptic circ lar and almond shaped shi elds
u ,

are not rare especially in the Barocco period a time in whi ch

, ,

Heraldry was treated in a somewhat arbitrary fashion Of shapes .

that are Specifically modern we may mention figs 1 6 and 1 7 the ,

: .

former of which was used for the Arms of Great Brit in Ireland ; a

and of France ; whi le the latter is the best adapted for the blaz oning
of comp licated coats Th Loze ge shape (fig 1 8 ) is especially the
. e n -

Shield of ladi es ; in France wher it has been common since the ,


1 3 th century it is frequently surrounded wi th a knotted twisted


girdle .
hap e
S s of the Shie ld . Ordinarie s .

PL ATE 28 2 . TH E S H AP E on TH E SH I E L D .

1 —3 T riangular pointed and half round -

, ,
. .

4 Simple shapes Renascence

. .

7 10 S imple shapes Tilting s hi elds -

. .

11 12 Italian Renascence
1 3 —1 5
. .

Elliptical almond and circular

—1 7
, .

16 . Modern .

18 . Lozenge shaped -

19 . German Mi chel Milll 1 5 6 4

er , .

20 . German unknown master of the l 6 th century

, .

21 . German Daniel L i dtm i 1 5 9 5

n a r, .

22 . German Jost Amman end of l 6 th century

, , .

23 . German school of Holbein 1 6 th century

, , .

24 . German Hans W agm ,

1 5 6 5 (Warnecke) an n , , .

25 . German l 6 th century ,

26 . German 1 6 th century (Formenschatz)

, , .

(Pl a t e

Heraldic represent tions may be divided into Ordinaries and a ,

Charges .

Th Ordinaries are the geometrical figures whi ch are formed


when the Shield is divided into different fields by straight or curved

lines whi ch extend to the margin of the shield Th number of . e

such figures is infinite Plate 28 3 contains a collection of the ordi .

naries whi ch most commonly occur We shall not discuss each figure .

in det il Th following blazoning or description of the figures on

a . e

the Plate will no doubt give the reader all he req i res to know

, ,
u .

Th bla z o ing begins from the upper dex ter angle of each hield
e n S .

PL ATE 28 3 . TH E OR D I N ARI E S .

1 . Per pale sable and or ,


2 . Paly of four argent and sable , .

3 . Argent the dexter tierce gules


4 . Gules a pale or ,

5 . A gent a pallet (narrower than a

r ,

6 . Per fesse or and gules ,


7 . B arry of five a zure and argent ,


8 . Or a chief a zure

9 . Argent a base g les ,

u .

10 . A rgent a base vert ,

O di nari es
r .

Or a fesse gules

A gent a barrulet sable

r ,

Per pale ; the dexter half argent the Sinister half per fesse zu ,
a re

and or .

Per fesse ; the upper half per pale sable and gules the lower ,

argent .

Quarterly or and a zure ,


Ch ky of nine vert and arg nt

ee ,
e .

Checky of twenty or and gules ,


Quarterly the l st and 4 th per pale argent and g les ; the


2 d and 3 d or
n r .

P erfesse gules and argent a pale counterchanged

, ,

Per p l ba y of five or and azu e counterchanged

a e, n


Paly of six argent and sable a fesse counterchanged

, ,

Or a cross gul es
, .

A rg nt a dexter canton sable


A zu e a c hi ef point vair

Per bend or and vert ,


Per bend sinister argent and a zure ,


Or in the dexter chi ef a triangle sable

, .

A rg nt in the sinister base a triangle g les

e , u .

Or a bend gules
, .

B endy Sinister of six azure and argent ,


Per saltire vert and argent ,


Per bend the dexter half argent the sinister per bend sinister
, ,

v ert and or .

Per bend sinister bendy of six sable and argent count r , , ,


changed .

Lozengy argent and azure ,


F silly argent and azure

u ,

Or a pile azure

A zure a pile argent iss i ng from the sinister side

, ,
u .

Gyronny of four argent and g les issuing from the dexter hi f ,

u ,
c e

poin t .

Or a chevron vert

Chevronny of six azu e and argent ,

r .

Party per pale and saltire gules and argent ,


Gyronny of eight or and azure ,


A gent a gyron a z ure moving from the dexter Sid


r e .
, ,

Per pall Sable argent and g les , ,

u .

Per pall rev rsed or argent and az ure e , ,


Arg nt a pall gules

e ,

Pily barwise argen t and a zure ,


Per fesse angled argent and g les ,

u .

Per fesse t ly azure and or e sca r e ,


O dir i
n a r es .
P l at e 28 3 .
Ord i arie n s . Charge s .

Or a pile indented sable also Per chevron indented or and sable

, , , .

Per bend indented , a z ure and argent .

Per pale pot t d argent and azure en e , .

Per fesse p ot t d or and gules en e ,


Per fesse d tilly gul s and eg t en ,

e ar n .

Per fesse nebuly azure and argent , .

Sable a chief engrailed or also Per fesse engrailed or and sable


, , , .

A gent a pale raguly

r ,

Or a bend indented
, .

Argent a bend sinist r wavy a z ure

e .

A zure a cross engrailed or

, .

Gules four wolf s teeth argent moving from the sinister side

, .

A zure a g ge issuing from the S inister base

, ur .

(Pl a t e s 28 4

second class of heraldic representations are Charges We

Th e .

disting sh natural imaginative and artificial charges according as

ui , , ,

they belong to the kingdoms of nat e the heavenly bodies phe ur , ,

no men a of nature or to fantastic forms ; or again to art trade

, , ,

mecha i cs &c Contrary to the Ordinaries whose outlines usually


, ,

touch the edge of the shi eld the charges usually stand free in the ,

field at any rate on two or three sides

d fill the field as much
, ,

as possible Th charges are all more or less convention lised ; d

. e a an

Show conventional forms agreeing with the style of the times Atten .

tion m s t be paid to this point so that the unity of style may be


preserved between shield and charges They are mostly shown in profile ,

an d vigorously drawn and outlined Th tinctures at least in older . e ,

heraldry are not those of ature but one of the nearest heraldic n ,

tinctures so that the idealisation extends not o ly to the form but


also to the colour Complicated objects are often comparatively sim


p lified ; trees for example appear with

few leaves and fr i ts 8 0 ,
u ,
5 .

S ome charges such s the lion and eagle are of extremely f

a ,

q uent occurrence ; others the following are rarer .

Among a i mals the following are represented


PL ATE 28 4 .

1. Th Lion (rampant) wi th Open jaws and protrud ing tongue


the body lean especially t owards the hinder q arters ; the tail ,

curled upwards natu al or split but not arbitrarily ; the teeth ,

r , ,

claws & are gules on metal or and argent on colors ; the

c .

entire fig e is generally or or g les more rarely sable and

ur u , ,

still more rarely a zure .

Charges .

Th e L eopard a lion walki g (passant) the head frequently


tu rned to the spectator (guardant) ; the tail curled over the

back (see also Plate

Th Ibex jumpi g (salient) the horns large and (like the

e n
, ,

claws) of a different colour to the body which is usually sable ,


Th Horse (rampant) mostly without saddle and harness ;

e ,

mane and t il flying ; gener lly sable argent or gules

a a ,

Th B oar (rampant ) bristles er ect and (like the tusks and

e , ,

claws) of a different tincture to the body .

Th D og (rampant) generally with a collar wi th ears erect

e , ,

Th Eagle (displayed) the talon sp read ; the he ad usually tur


ned to the dexter side the beak open ; the tongue prot di g ; ,
ru n

frequently barbed ; the tail is sometimes ornamentally t eated ; r

generally sable gules or or (see also Plate

, , ,

Th G oose (like the swan) with reverted neck generally ar

e ,

gent o sable,
r .

10 . Th Martlet (whi ch is a Swallow without beak a d feet ) the

e n ,

two upper are passant the lower one is displayed ,


11 . Th Dolphin (rising) often with dorsal crest and orn mental tail
a .

12 . Tw o Dolphins (rising and respecting each other) wi th Open ,

m ouths .

13 . Th Serpent (nowed) generally arge m a z e or vert

e , ,
ur ,

Oth er animals of frequent occurrence are the Stag B ear Wolf , , ,

Fox Bull Cock Raven D ove Stork Crane

, , , , , , ,
Pelican Crab Whelk 8 0 , , ,
5 .

Parts of animals are also not infrequent ,

such as the wings head , ,

and claws .

Both the entire human body and its several members are used
in heraldry ; we may mention as examples
14 . Th e Triquetra 3 legs with bent knee conjoined and regu
, , ,

l ly disposed ro
ar d a point ; a badge on antique Shields in

Greek vase painti gs and the A ms of Isle Of M

n ,
r an .

Th Moor s head with ear rings and crown

15 . e -

16 . Th Monk with extended arms the Arms of M chen

e ,
un .

In addition to the above arms hands legs trunks clasped : , , , ,

hands &c ; also angels saints deities fools maidens knights kings
, , , , , , ,

savages &c ,

Am ong plants are

17 . Th Lime uprooted with few leaves (also fruit trees the oak
e , , ,
, ,

18 . Th Oak branch gnarled with few fruits and leaves
e -
(also , , ,

withered branches or logs , ,

Charges . 51 3

19 . Rose idealised as a rosette single or double in five to

Th e , , ,

eight parts .

20 . Th Lily or Fleur de lis conventional consis ting f three petals

e - -
, ,
O ,

with or without stamens ; us ed in art long before the birth

of heraldry ; com mon in French coats .

In addition to the above Clover Nettle Water lilies Grapes Pome : .

, ,
, ,

granates Fir cones &c


P L ATE 28 5 . CH AR GE S .

Th e most frequent imaginary fig es and monsters are ur

Th Griffin (rampant) with eagle s head and wings lion s body ’


. e
, , ,

tail curved upward or downward the upper and lower halves ,

often of different colors .

2 . Th Panther s imilar to the griffin

e but without wi ngs us ually
, , ,

spitting flame (turned towards the sinister side ) .

Th Dragon a winged reptile with two lion s paws or eagl s ’ ’

3 . e ,

claws (Th wivern is similar but with hinder feet )

. e ,

Th D ragon with wolf s jaws serpent s body and fi h tail

’ ’
4 . e ,
s -

5 . Th two headed Eagle (an ordinary eagle wi th two heads turned

e -

away from each other each with nimbus) the coat of the Holy , ,

Roman Empire .

6 . Th eS eiren (an eagle with the bus t of a virgin) the arms of ,

Nuremberg .

7 . Th Mermaid (a naked female figure terminating below the breast


in a fish tail) the figure is als o found without arms and lso ,

symmetrical with two tails curved upwards ,


8 . Th S e lion with the fore part of a lion termina ting in a fish

e a- ,

the heavenly bodies there occur


9 Th S
. ewith face and Sixteen rays straight and wavy alternately ;
un , ,

always gold .

1 0 Th Moon waxing or waning with or without face (in the first

. e , ,

case the crescent is argent and the face or) .

1 1 Th Star with rays of five to eight points ; or

. e ,

Less common are Comets and the Earth with the lines of latitude : , ,

an d longitude .

Among the phenomena of nature we have

1 1 Th Cloud ve ry conventional argent or azure

. e , ,

1 2 Th Rainbow g ules
. e or and a zure (shown in the Plate above a
, , ,

triple hill) .

M ey er, H a n db oo k of Orn a m en t .

Pl ate 285 . Charg es .

Cha ge r s . Form of the
s H elm w

statant when all four feet of an animal touch the ground

: .

semé or powdered when an arbitrary number of one fig e is : ur

scattered over the shield .

2 d 1 three figures placed thus

an :

2, 2 and 1: five figures placed thus ,

1, 3 and 1: five fig es placed thus ur


2, 1 and 2: five figures placed thus ,

and so on .

(Pl a t e

In the earliest days of Heraldry the shield by its lf formed the e

coat ; and it is down to the present time sufficient for the presentment
, ,

of the bearings To a complete coat however belong further th

, ,

Helmet and the Crest Sometimes particulary on seals the Helmet

, ,

a nd Crest are used alone as a badge B ut just as we saw that all .

shields are not suit ble for heraldic purposes so here too there are
a , , ,

only a few helmets whi ch have found acceptance in heraldry ; such

as the Tilting helmets We have to consider four forms The oldest
. .

is the Salade (fig Th Heaume the lower half of which is

. e ,

c ylindrical and the upper half a truncated cone rests on the sho lders ,
u ,

(figs 2 . Th Tilting helmet (figs 6 eis more elegant than -


the hea m e ; it fits better t o the form of the head and has a slit for

the purpose of vision (fig 5 shows an intermediate form between the


Heaume and the Tilting helmet) Th latest form is that with the -
. e

barred Visor (figs 1 0 This fits closer to the head than the

Tilting helmet ; the slit has been enlarged to a broad pening guarded
O ,

either by vertical bars or by a grating Th Armet (fig and . e .

other helmets like the B rgonet are u h eraldic ; and are seldom seen
u ,

in Arms .

Speaki g generally the Salade belongs to the 1 3 th ; the Heaume

n :

to the 1 4 th ; the Tilti ng helmet to the i 5 th and l 6 th centuries ; the -

Vi z or also belongs to the two latter centuries Th first three helmets . e

are known as closed the Vizor helmet as Open “ -

“ ”

PL ATE 28 6 . TH E H E L ME T .

1 . Salade fi st half of 1 4 th century Armory B erlin

r , , ,
ins .


2 . Heaume front and side view 1 4 th century

, ,
HERAL DRY . 5 17

F orm s of the H lm t
e e . Pl ate 28 6 .
F rm
o s of th e H lm t e e . He m l et Trap pi g n s .

Heaume second half of the 1 4 th ce nt ry fr om the ll

u , co ec

tion of Gustav von Decker Berlin ins high (Warnecke) , ,

, .

Heaume approxi m ating to the form of the Tilting helmet


1 4 th century

6 Tilting he lmets
1 0— 1 1
. .

. Helmets with barred Vizors .

12 . Armet .

(Pl a t e s 28 7

Plates 28 7 and 28 8 show the Helmet in co junction wi th the n

coat of Arms As the Helm et was only worn by knights it belongs

, ,

strictly peaking only to the coats of knightly famili es ; towns and

S ,

corporations the clergy and ladies do not bear the helmet although
, , , ,

there are exceptions .

A regards style the Helmet should match the form of the Shield
s ,

Th Salade and the Heaume belong to the Triangular shield

e the : ,

Tilting helmet also belongs to these and still more to the Tilti g n v

shield Helmets wi th barred Vizors are most suitable to Half round


shields Th size should also be in proportion to that of the Shiel d :

. e

Th e height varies between and the height of the Shield ’

Th usual position is over th

e centre of the upper margin of th e e

shield and resti g upon it (not free) so that it covers a little of

n ,

the field (Plate 28 7 If the shield is represented in a slanti g


attitude ; the helmet rests on the highest angle (Plate 28 7 6 7 .

, ,

When the coat is composite several Helmets may be placed upon the

Shield ; they are then proportionately smaller in size When the .

number of Helmets is 2 4 they turn their profile to each


6 , ,
or :

other ; when the number is uneven the central one is shown in full ,

face Only one helmet c be placed on a slanting shield Helmets

. an .

may als o be placed at the side of the shield or borne by the sup ,

porters Th helmet is coloured as if made of polished iron frequently

. e ,

with decorations of silver or gold ; or the entire helmet may be gilt :

or silvered If the bearer was entitled to wear any Collar he might

show it on the Helmet (Plate 28 7 but these appendages are non .

essential ; and are not met with before the 1 5 th century The Helmet -

is usually depicted as lined with red cloth .

Th essential trappings in a complete coat of Arm s are

e 1 the : .

Crest 2 the Mantling

. .

Th Crest probably originated from the custom of painting


heraldic figures on the helmet At a later date plastic ornaments .


were added to the helmet ; they have some figurative connection with

coat I f the coat is bl . d with heraldic figures : these are a z on e .

repeated either wholly or partly in a simple manner as a crest , , ,

Helmet Trapp ings . C ow r n s, &c .

PL ATE 28 7 . TH E H E L M E T TR A PPI N GS .

1 . T ilting helmet with rich Mantling and Crest of double wings

, , ,

Al brecht D urer coat of arms of D eath 1 5 03 , ,


2 . Coat wi th Tilting helmet rich Mantling and Crest of a virgin

, , ,

Germ an Renascence (Formenschatz) ,


3 . Half rou d shield with Vizored helmet Mantling like ribbons and
n -
, ,

Crest two swans necks ’

4 . Tilting shield inclined to the sinister side Vizored helmet M tl

, ,

ling like ribbons d Crest two horns decorated ,

an .

5 . German Shield with Vizored helmet and Crest a C p f main

, a -
o -

ten a n ce .

6 . S hield inclined to the dexter side with Vi z ored helmet Mantling

, ,
, ,

and Crest a cushion .

7 . Triang lar Shield inclined to the dexter side with S alade Mant
u -
, , ,

ling and Cres t double wings


8 . Half round shield inclined to the sinister Side with Vizored helm et
- -
, ,

and hi gh Crest and Mantling (Dietz) ,


(Figs 3 to .8 are from S i bm ch s Wappenbuch ) e a er


1 . Tilting Shi eld with Vizored helmet Mantling and Crest an

, ,

eagle .

2 . Tilting shield with Vizored helmet Mantli g and Crest f a

n ,

naissant figure G erman Renascence (Formenschatz) , ,


3 . Tilting shield inclined to the dexter side with Tilting helmet

, ,

and naissant bull as Crest Italian Renascence palace in Florence , ,


4 . Tilting shield inclined to the dexter side with Tilting hel

, ,

met Mantling and crest of horns

—6 ,

5 . Coats by Hans S ebald Beham 1 5 4 4

, ,

7 . Modern coat on seal by A von Werner , ,

. .

CROW Ns, &c .

(Pl a t e

principal heraldic badges of rank and dignity are the Crow

Th e : n,

Hat Cap f maintenance Wand Sword Key &c

o -
d the insignia of , , ,

the various Orders of Knighthood .

Th Crown of rank whi ch is not to be confounded with th

e - -

crown of the shield is placed above the shield in the place of the

Helmet ; the same holds good of the Coronets and Caps (figs 1 1 ,

These latter have partly a conventional form appertaining to the ,

dignity ; and they have Special forms for special cases .

5 21

Hel m t Trapp i g
e n s . P l ate 28 7 .

P l ate 288 . Helmt Trapp ing

e s .

Pl ate 289 . Crow n s, Coronet s, &c .


He aldic Acc
r i
es sor es .
Pl ate 29 0 .
Her ldic Acce rie
a ss o s .


(Pl a t e

nder this title we group such decorations as form do not an essen

U ,

tial pa t of the Coat but rather give an artistic finish to it Th prin

r , . e

cip l area Supporters Tents Mottoes &c

: , , ,

Support rs are figures of human beings o e animals angels ,

r :

knights ladies savages lions g iffi & On old tombstones d


, , , ,
r ns , c . an

the seals of knights the possessor of the coat appears as the bearer ,

of it Supporting angels are usually placed behind the shield (figs 1

. .

and L adies knights savages & stand at the side of the , , ,

c .

Shield either ingly or in pairs ; and the same rule applies to ani
s ,

mals (figs 3 and .

Tents are draperies in the form f a B ldacchino serving as a o a


background for the Shield Th outside is generally p ple the i . e ur ,


side of ermi ne and they are hung w ith golden tassels and fringes
, .

S uch accessories are only suited to the coats of S ove reigns d St ,

an a

t s ; and are of comparatively Modern introduction

e .

Mottoes War cries &c are written on fillets or bands beneath or


round the shield (fig Examples of such mottoes are the English .

Honi soit qui mal y pense the Am erican E pluribus unum or ”

the W ttemberg Furchtlos und treu

“ ”

There are also de finite rules for the heraldic composition of a

number of coats in one (for example in a double coat the figures ,

must be affront d but we need not enter into the details of

e , ,

these Th artistic execution is very various and a bitrary (fig

. e r .

PL ATE 29 0 . H E R AL D I C A CC E S S OR IE S .

1 . An gel as Supporter by H J G ti 1 6 28 (Warnecke)

, ,
. . an nn, ,

2 . Angel as S upporter Italian l 6 th century (Formensch t z)

, , , ,
a .

3 . L ady as S upporter ,
H B km i Triumphal Procession of th , .
. u rc a r

Emperor M ximilian (Observe the repetition of the tinctures on

a ,

the lady s dress the crest and the banner)

, ,

l Griffins as Supporters b y Hans B ckm i (Formenschatz)
, ,
ur a r, .

C Coat with Mottoes 1 5 29
, ,

C Composite coat within a quatrefoil D s school (Formenschatz)
, ,
u r er


Q Modern Tent .

C Coat of Arms of the Artists designed by L L sk In couse ,
. e er .

q c
u en of an a ffronte o ffered by t h lords of R pp ltst i to the e a o e n

artists employed in the building of Strassburg minster it is said ,

that the Emperor Sigismund granted the artists called the Y k ,

un e rs

of Prague perm ission to bear the same coat of arms

or three ,

escutcheons azure (Martin Crus ii S ch w abi ch Chronik ) ,

s e .
Writi g Printing
n , , &c .

brought with it the decadence in the forms of letters whi ch is most ,

clearly seen in the middle of the 1 8 th cent ry Since then and u .


especially in recent days a gratifying progress has been made to some


thing better although it cannot be said that every attempt at im


provement has been successf l It must not be forgotten that p

u . ra c

tical needs sho ld be considered quite as much as aesthetic aspirations

u , ,

especially in a domain of such great and general import nce as letters a .

It should always be borne in mind that the first req i ement is easy u r

reading ; and that this is dependent on simplicity and characteristic

shape in the letters .

As regards the decorative e ffect for in this work we have chiefly ,

to deal wi th decoration it has first to be observed that the Antique


did not recognise the principle of ornamental writing either because ,

no one thought of the possibility of ornamenting writing or because ,

they intentionally preferred the greater legibility or f r some other ,


now unknown reason At a later date almost ll civilised nations

. a

and periods have occupied themselves more or less with the decorative
e ffect of writing This may take two different directions either the
. :

letter may be decorated in its component parts which eventually ,

leads to the extravagance that fishes birds human forms &c , , ,


in all imaginable contortions form the outline of the letters ; or


the letter in its ordinary form may receive a decorative finish by

means of decorative accessories by being set in a frame which theen

appears as a free ending or a s a picture Th second treatment is

. e

especially suitable for Initials ; and has led to very ingenious com
hi mations ; e g the background wi ll frequently be an illustration of
. .

th subject of the chapter which the initial begins (F ig 2 Plate

e ,

Both kinds of decoration may be combined The first mode of .

d ecoration frequently leads to the loss of the real character of the

letter ; in the second mode it not infrequently happens that the letter
cuts the picture or vice versa in an unpleasant manner Colour is
, ,

a n important factor in the decoration of writing Gold Silver and .

, ,

a great variety of colours but ab ove ll gold and red along with
, ,

bl ck play an important part in writing in the miniat re painting of

a ,

t h e Calligraphists as well as in Typography In the present work


we are unhappily compelled to leave this aspect out of consideration .

In the Middle Ages it was principally monks and nu s who

: n

d evoted themselves to the art of Writing ; from the i 3 th cent y ur

onwards it was also practised by laymen A long series of celebrated


C alligraphists might be named Calligraphy retrograded gradually


with the introduction of Printing ; but on the other hand the best
artists of the Ren scence such as Holbein and o thers did not disdain
a , ,

to design Initials and other letters for printers as may be proved ,

from a countless number of old books As Christianity was intro .

d ced into G ermany by the Irish

u northern influences may also be ,
Writing , Printing ,
&c . 5 29

traced in writing Up to the 1 0th century the decorations of


Writing have almost exclusively the character of interlaced work and -

fantastically interlaced figures of anim ls ; but from this period a


vigorous plant decoration begins to be developed eventually ter ,

m i ti g in later Gothic in the endless int rlacing f confused lines

na n
, ,
e o .

Th Renascence period prefers to set its initials in square frames ;


and these creatio s are among the most beautif l that writing has
n u

ever produced The interlaced and artificial ornaments which after


wards became so common in Typography especially in the 1 7 th and ,

1 8 th centu ies (Plate 29 4 2 3 and

r are either the invention of .

th e Calligraphists of this period or are the transfer of their chie ,

ar ve

ments to Typography Here too as in so many other things .

, , ,

Modern times revert to the models of the most different older periods ;
rightly when good is selected and wrongly when the objectionable is ,

re i ed Over those sins of Modern Writing which c lminate in

v v .

deforming our houses and the titles of our books wi th rows of shaded
letters in all manner of possible and impossible places and positions ,

it is best to draw the charitable veil of silence Compared with these .

S ins of style those sentimental garlands of roses and forget me nots

- -

into which the last century formed its lines are tolerable ,

As regards the te chnical names of the kinds of letters now in

general use we c only say that they are so arbitrary that we sh ll
: an a

do best to refrain altogether from attempting to enumerate the m

Whoever wi hes for inform ation on this point may be recommended

to consult the Specimen b ook of some good Typ e fou dry - -

n .

A ttempts were early made to construct Alphabets on a definite

system ; to base them on network to determine the height and breadth ,

of the entire letter the dimensions of its component parts &c ; among
, ,

others D urer devoted himself to this task Space has not permitted .

us to reproduce all these constructions ; but as a specimen we have

given on Plate 3 00 the constructions of a few .

Th notation of Numbers was introduced at the end of the Middle

e :

A ges . Our Numerals are an Arab ian invention when e their name ,
c .

Plate 3 00 shows two collection of numerals of old times which are

not sensibly different from those now in use It is well known that .

be fore Numerals were generally employed recourse was had to the ,

Latin letters (Roman numerals) for the indication of num bers It is .

really remarkable that thi s latter apparatus in Spite of its unprac tical ,

character has remained in use down to the present day


Finally we may say a word or two bout the Monogram This a .

name is given to letters and i t l i g of letters intended to replace n er a c n s

or to indicate a name It may be formed either by Single ornamented


letters usually the initials of the first and family name (Plate 3 00

5 or by all the letters contained in the word (Plate 3 00 .

It is not imperative that all the letters should be of the same Si z e

M eye r , H a n d b o o k of Orn a m e n t .
R m o a es que L etters n . Gothic Uncial L ett e r s .

or style ; and if necessary some of them may be reversed A Mono .

gram hould be well arranged and clear so that it need not require
S , ,

to be guessed t like a riddle A good e ffect is produced by adding

a .

attributes and badges of dignity to monogram s Artistic sense and .

feeling must here supply the place of rules Numerous and excellently .

ornamented monograms will be found in G erlac h D a s Gewe bemono : r

gr a mm .

here are various books on Writing as well as numerous col

T ,

lections of Initials and Alphabets Prof H howi s I nitia len ‘

. . ra c na


A lp ha bete a n d R a n d leis ten (Vienna G raeser) will be found very useful

in teaching D Lamprecht s I itia l O n a men tik des 8 —1 3 J h hun
. r . n r . a r

d a ts (Leip z ig
r A D ii ) is an exhaustive study of the older styles
: . rr

of writing .

TE 29 1 . R OM AN E S QU E L E TT E R S .

A lphabet beginning of the 8 th century S Cuthbert s evan

, ,

g liei m B ritish
ar u Museum (Shaw )
, ,

Al phabet l 0th century MS British Museum (Shaw)

, ,

Initial 1 2th century Berlin Museum

, ,

Initial 1 2th cent y B reviarium Cassinense B ibliotheque Ma

ur , ,

zarine Paris (L art pour tous)

, ,

Initial 9 th or 1 0th century

. .

Initial 1 2th century B erlin Museum

, , ,

Initial 1 2th century (A nold Knoll)

, ,
r .

Initial 1 2th century


Initials 9 9 0 Echternach, g li m G otha

, (L amprecht) ev a n e a ru , ,

L E TT E R S .

Al phabet 1 3 49 S Margaret s King s Ly n England (Shaw)

’ ’

1 n


, ,
, , ,

2 Ini tials 1 4 8 0 Rouen

, ,

6 7 .
Letters stalls of S G eorge s chapel Windsor end of 1 5 th

, ,

century (Shaw) ,

8 G othic initial .

9 G othic initial 1 4 9 4


10 17 .
Initials 1 4 8 0 P o tific l of J ohann IL Archbishop of
, ,
n a e ,

Trier (Shaw) ,



1 phabet 1 4 th century (John Weale)

—3 Initials 1 5th century (H h wi )
, ,

2 ra c o na

4 —7 Initials 1 4 th century 1 3 3 0
, ,

, ,

8 Initials end of 1 5 th century (F ormenschatz)

, ,

Pl ate 29 2
. Gothic U ncia l L etter s .

Gothic Un cial L etter

s . Pl ate 293 .
5 34 O ld English Letter s . O ld German L etter s, &c .

P L ATE 29 4 . OL D E N G L I S H L E TTE RS , &c .

1 Old English text tomb of Richard H Westminster

, , A bbey ,
about 1 4 0 0 (Shaw)
— , .

2 4 Initials 1 6th century Plantin Museum Antwerp (Y s en dyck


, , , , .

5 8 Initials 1 6 th and 1 7 th centuries (Ra g e et)

, ,
u n .

9 Modern initial Di G ot z Carls he ,

r .
ru .


. .

1 . German text 1 4 6 7 (H chow i ) , ,

ra na .

2 . German text alphabet composed from several documents , .

P L ATE 29 6 . MOD E R N TEX T .

1 S . chwabach type .

2 G . utenberg Gothic .

3 . Fr Thiersch (M le j o l)
a r u rn a .

4 . Ribbon ornament as Typographical Tail piece ,


. R E N A S CE N C E .

1 Roman Renascence alphabet

. 1 5 4 7 specimen book of J ohn of , ,

Y ci D ango B iscaya
a r, ur ,

2 Renascence alphabet lower case Roman letters specime book of


Wolfgang Fugger Nuremberg 1 5 5 3 (H ch w in ) , , ,

ra o a .

Renascence initial 1 5 3 1
c ,

a Renascence initial 1 5 0 0 (Formenschatz)


e Initial 1 5 3 4 Lucas Cranach the elder (F orme n schatz)

, , ,

m Renascence initi l Ged uckt Z A gSp g Durch J ost D e Ne cker a ,

r u u ur

(Wessely ) .

- R enascence initial Italian (Formenschatz)

, ,

Initial i 7 th cent ry El z e vi r printing office (Yse dyck)

c ,
u , ,
o Initial 1 7 th cent ry Specimen book of Paul Furst of Nuremberg
u ,

(L art pour ’
tous ) .

1 0 Initi l B arocco period French (H chow i )

. a , , ,
ra na .

1 1 Modern initial by P Koch

. .

1 2 Modern i tial by Dir C Hammer

i n ,
. . .

PL ATE 29 8 . R OM AN I N I TI AL S .

1 . Renascence ,
1 5 3 7, (H ra ch ow in a
) .

2 . Renascence ,
1 7 th cent ry Plantin printing office
u , ,
A t n werp,
n dyck
(Y se ) .

3 Mod ern F ench r »


4 13 . Modern Paris ,

Pl ate 29 5 . Old German L etter s .


M d ern Text
o . Pl ate 296 .

Pl ate 29 7 . R enascence L etters .


P l ate 29 9 .
R oman L ett r
e s .

C tructi n Num eral and Mon g am

on s o s, s, o r s . Pl ate 3 00 .
542 o an L etter
R m s . Co tructi n
ns o s, N m u eral an d Mon g am
s, o r s.

PL ATE 29 9 . R OM AN L E T TE RS .

1. Modern .

2. Modern .

3. Renascence italic G ottlieb Munch Ordnung der S chrift 1 7 4 4

, , , .

4. Renascence lower case italic Michael Bauernfeind Nuremberg

, ,

H a ch ow in a )
1 7 3 7, ( r .


Roman capitals .

G erman text and large G othic uncial letters


Arabic numerals i 5 th and 1 6 th centuries


Modern monograms of two and three letters (R gu e et) ,

a n .

Modern monogram Dir G otz , . .

Monogram of a name Laugier (R g e t) :

a u ne .

Monogram of Christ ; formed of the Greek initials of

the name of Christ found in the Catacombs It is ,

frequently combined with the letters A Q in llusion .


to Rev X X I I 1 3 I am Alpha and Omega (compare

. . :
“ ”

Plate 21 3 Of later date is the monogram IHS


the first three letters of the name J esus I H EOYE , ,

when written wi th Greek letters which was afterwards ,

selected by the Jesuits as the badge of their order It .

has been variously explained as meaning J esus :

h om i m salvator (J es s th saviour of men) ; In H oc

nu u e

S alus (in Him is salvation) ; Jesus H b mus Soci m

” “ ”
a e u

(we have J esus for companion ) ; or In H c S igno

our :


vinces (in this sign thou shalt con quer)

544 In d ex .

Cap it l (p il a t r an d anta )
a ,
s e ,
: 21 4 . Crown Cor net & 520 , o , c : . .

Caryati d 242 : . Cr zier 3 8 4

o : .

Cen er 3 8 2
s : . C ucifi 3 8 4
r x: .

Centaur 1 06 : . Cruet 3 1 6 : .

Chain Band 1 29 : . Cup 345 : .

( J E W ELR ) 4 8 6 Y : . Cyathu Kyathos s: s ee .

Chair 4 22 : . Cylix Kylix : se e .

Chali ce 3 45 : . Cym a Enrichment of 1 55 , : , (1 64 .

Chand e lier 3 73 : .

Charge (Heraldic) 51 0 , : . Dagger 394 : .

Chate l aine 499 , 4 04 : . Dam a k eni g (Heraldic) 503 s e n , : .

Cherub hea d 1 09 -

Che t 451s : . De k 451 s : .

Chim aera 70 : . Dia d em 499 : .

(hea d ) ( 7 8 : . D ER 27 7
I AP S: .

Circl e Diap er 278 28 3

, : , . p atte n 9 r s: .

Pane l 256 (1 1 5 6 : , . Dip hr os Okla dia s : 4 34 .

Subdi v ision 27 : . Di h 308 see 4 76

s : , .

Ci t 3 1 8
s : . Dog hea d (79 , : .

Cla p 4 9 2
s : . Dolp hi n 8 6 : .

Cl aw foot (220
: . 1 (Hera ldi c) (51 1 : .

Cl ock ca e 4 53 (475
s : , . Do r K ocker 408
o -
n : .

Clu ter of Fruit 59

s , : . Dorm er (463 : .

Coat of Arm (525 s: . 1 Dre s p in 4 8 0 s -

: .

Co k (tap) 4 1 7
c , : . E agl e (N at ra l) 8 0 (4 54 . u : , . 1

C ll ar (Herald ic) 51 8
o ,
: .
(H eraldic) 8 0 512
: . .

Column S RT : see UP P O S .
(hea d (3 43
: .

Com b 49 9 : . Ear ri g 49 6 -
n : .

Com p a e 41 7 ss s : . Ea el 4 53 s : .

Con ol e 235
s : . Egg and tong e & 1 55
- -
u , c : . .

Co truction of L ett rs
ns e Ela p h os : 3 4 2 .

Con v o lv lu 52 u s: . E LEME NTS OF DECORATIO N : 3 .

Corn 52 : . Ellip e Con tr ction an d S

s ,
s u , u bdi

Cornucop ia 1 24 : . v i ion 30 s : .

Coronets 520 : . Pane l 267 : .

Cothon K th : see o on . Enamel 28 1 s: .

Couch 438 : . EN C L E O RN M EN T 246 OS D A S: .

Cra dl e 4 57 : . E v olute p iral B n d 1 51 -

s a : .

Crat r see Krater

e : . F an : 412 .

Cre t (Heraldi c) 5 1 8
s , : . Faucha d 3 9 6 r : .

Cre ti g B d 1 61 1 72
s n or er z .
, . FEATURE S of Objects : 1 25 .

C ocket 1 8 5
r : . Fe toon 59 (221
s : , .

Cro 1 7 2ss : . Fibul a 480 : .

(Herald ic) 5 1 5 : . Fini l 1 75 a : .

Panel (275 : . Fl wer Natur l 56

o s, a : .
I dxn e . 5 45

Fl ower p ot -
: 315 . Ham m e 4 1 7 r: .

va e -
s : 31 2 . Hanap 3 47 : .

Fly fl a p p er : 4 1 4
. Ha d b e ll 404
n -
: .

F old ing chair : 4 38 -

. Hand mirror 4 1 2 -
: .

Foliage Artifici l 39 ,
a : . Ha gi g cab i et 449
n n -
n : .

Natural 3 4 : . Hat (Cardinal & Heral di c)


s, c .
, : 5 23 .

Font 320 : . . Hea d dress (J EW ELR ) 4 99

Y : .

F oot (220: . 1 Hea ds of Anim al 7 6 s: .

Fork 400 : . Heaum e 39 0 5 1 5 : , .

Fox, hea d (7 9 : . He lm et 3 90 51 6 : , ,

FR E 4 61
AM S: . Tra pp i g 51 8 n s: .

(architect ra l) 4 6 2 u : . H R L R 500
E A D Y : .

(m irror) 46 5 : . Herm es Term i us : se e n .

n (strap Hexagon Subdi v i i 1 8 , s on : .

(ty p ogra p hica l) 47 1 : . Hinge 1 8 6 : .

F R EE RN M N T 1 59
O A E S: . H ipp otra gela p h os : 3 4 2 .

Fret Ban d 1 28 : . H ly water Stoup 3 20

o -
: .

Frieze (104 : ( )
1 6 2 . Hop l eaf 52 , : .

Fringe 1 88 : . H orn Dri king 3 42 ,

n : .

Fruit in Fe toon 59
, s : . Hor e hea d (79
s , : .

F nel 3 24
un : . Hum an b dy 93 , o : .

F RN T R E 4 20
U I U : . Hyd ria 3 20 : .

L e g : 23 0 . Hyacinth gl a 3 1 5 -
ss : .

G abl e or am ent 1 6 6
n : . I m pl ement Tr p hy Sym b l s: s ee o , o .

Gargoyl e 1 8 5 : . I itial
n L etter : se e s .

Garl and see in (8 2 : . I k tan d 3 1 6

n -
s : .

Gate :Grill s ee . I chair (4 26

nn -
: .

O E I A S: 3 . In trum e t
s Tro p hy Symb l n s: s ee ,
o .

German Drinki g gl a e n -
ss s : 3 52 . Interl acem ent Band 1 3 5 : .

Girdl e 49 2 1 8 8 (48 7
: , , . 14 I y l e f 51 (203
v , a : , .

Gl a diator H lm fi 3 90 ’
s e : . Ja r : 3 1 8 .

Gl a s Drinking 35 5
s ,
: . J EW EL R 4 78 Y: .

Stai e d Gl ass
s ee n -
. Jug Pitcher
: s ee , P ot .

G bl et 3 45
o : . Kal athos (3 44 : .

Gothic Tracery 30 : . K alp i (323 s: .

Griffin 7 0 (51 4 : , . K an p hor s 242e o : .

Grill 29 4 : . K antharo 340 s: .

G tt q
ro Ani m a l 1 00
es u e : . Ka p ros : 3 42 .

Fig re 1 01 u : . Key : 4 1 0 .

Ma k 9 5 s : . K ettl e : (33 5 .

Gryp s : 34 5 . Kli mo 4 22 s s: .

Guilloche Interl a ment Ba d : se e ce n . K ife 400

n : .

H ai p in 4 80
r- : .
K b (finial) 1 7 9
no ,
: .

H al f fig -
1 01 u re : .
Knocker 408 : .

H alb erd 3 9 4 : .
Kn ot ee Ribb on : s .

M ey e r . H an db oo k of Orn a m en t .
Koth on : 3 40 . Me maid (514
r : .

Krater 3 08 : . ME T L O C T 3 59
A B JE S: .

Ky atho 3 40 s: . Mi erv a hea d (108

n , : .

Ky l ix 34 0 (3 1 1 : , . Mi ror frame 46 5
r -
: .

L ab el 1 20 : . Mirror Hand 4 1 2 , : .

L ace : 1 90 . Miserere eat 43 1 -

s : .

L a chrim a tory : 3 1 2 . Mitre (524 : . 11

La dl e : 3 24 . Monogram 542 : .

L am p : 36 4 . Mon trance 3 8 4
s : .

Pe d ant 3 73
n : , (3 1 4 . Morion 3 90 : .

Tabl e 3 7 5 : . Mosaic 278 : .

L ance 394 : . Motto 526 : .

L a tern 3 7 3
n : . M uldi gs E i hm t of 152 1 6 1
o n , nr c & 1 s : , .

L a re l 4 3 (3 44
u : , . Mug 3 53 : .

L azy tongs 404 -

: . Mural Painting 28 6 : .

L eaf Ban d 1 45 : . N T R L F RM
A U 34 A O S: .

(Natura l) 52 : . Nautilu he ll (9 1 ) s-s : . 1

L ectern 4 53 : . N e k l ace 48 8
c : .

Le tus C bi l i
o 43 8 u cu a r s : . N eck ri g (4 8 9-
n : .

L g (Furniture) 23 0
e , : . N ee dle case 4 9 9 -
: .

L ekythos 3 28 : . N etwork 4 : .

L etters 5 27 : . Num eral s 54 2 : .

L ink Bord er 1 60 : . O k l eaf (55

a , (1 50 ( 56
1 : . . .

L ion (Heral dic ) 510

, : . OBJECTS DECORATE D 295 . : .

(N atu a l) 63 r : . O bl ng Pane l 262

o , : .

hea d 70 (233 : , . Subd i v ision 1 8 : .

L izard (9 2 : . O tagon Sub di v ision 1 8

c , : .

L ock escutcheon (4 7 5
: . Oin och oé : 326 .

L otus 48 (1 62 : , .
(208 . 2 O l iv e 4 3 : .

(28 8 .
(3 27 . O lp e 3 26 : .

L ozenge Pane l 272 (88 , : , .

(464 . 3 ) Ord er (Heraldic) 523, : .

Sub di v i ion 21 s : . Ordinary (Heraldic) 506 , : .

Lunette Pa e l 268 , n : . O RNAME NT APPLIE D TO FEA

L ynx head (7 7 , : . TU RE S 1 25 : .

I lla ce : 3 9 6 . O v a l Con truction

? 33
s .

Maeand er see Fret : . O v ol o E i hm ®t of 1 55

nr c : .

Mantling (Herald ic) , : 519 . Ox hea d (79

, : .

Ma pl e l eaf (55 , : . P ainting see Mural p ai ti g : n n .

Margi see 4 7 7 n : . P lmette Ban d 145

a : .

Mar hea d (1 08

: . Palm leaf 48 , : .

Marte l axe 39 4 -
: . P EL 246
AN S: .

Ma k 94 s : . Panther (Heraldi ) (51 4 s) , c : .

Match hol d er 41 7 -
: . h ad 73 e : .

Me d allion 1 09 (49 5 : , . 1 2, Pap er knife 402 -

: .

Me dusa hea d 1 00 , : . Papyru 48 s: .

Ind ex .

S quare Subdivi ion 1 4 ,

s : , (252 . 1 Tong 4 1 7 s: .

Staine d Gl a 283 ss : . Too l 4 1 7 al o Trophy

: , see s , S
Stall 428 : . Torch 1 24 : .

S tanda rd 523 : . Toru E ichment of 1 55

s, nr : .

Star Pane l 249

, : . Tracery 2
(8 8 (29 : . 1 . 1

Subdi v i i n 1 3 s o : . (259 .
(275 .

Ste l e cre t 1 6 7
s : . Tra g ela p h os : 3 42 .

Stoo l 4 3 1 : . Tra p ezium Panel 276 , : .

Stoup 3 20 : . Subdi v i ion s : 21 , 26 .

Stra p Hi ge 1 8 6 Tra p ezoi d Pane l : 27 6


n : .
, .

S t a p work Bord er 4 77
r -
, : . Tr a p e z 0 p h oron : 231 .

Fram e 4 68 : . Tri ngl e Subdi v i i n

a ,
s o : 18 .

Pane l (260 .
(26 4 . Pane l 27 6 : .

(27 1 . 6 Tri p o d 3 79 : .

abl t 4 74 T e : : T o p hy 1 10
r : .

Margi 4 77 n : T li p t ee l af (55
u -
r e :

Subd iv i ion of Shap es see 1 4 —

, .

s33 : . Tum b ler 3 52 : .

SUP P OR T 1 94 S: . Typ o g a p hical Fra m er : 47 1 .

Supp orter (Her ld ic) , a : U ncia l L etter s: see s .

S w ord 3 9 2 : . Un dul ate Ban d 1 4 6 : .

Sym b ol 1 1 1 : . Uraniscu 14 s: .

T abl e 4 40 23 1 : , Urn : 3 06 .

Tabl et FR M E : se e A S . T EN L 3 59
U SI S: .

Tab oret 4 3 1 : . V a l e ce 1 8 8 n : .

Tankar d 3 55 : . Va e forms Chart of 304

s -
, : .

T p a : C ck see o . V E 29 7 (1 23
AS S: (1 80 , . ,

Ta e l 1 8 8
ss : . Vertebrate Ban d 1 4 5 : .

Te l amon 242 : . Vine 43 : .

Tent (Hera ld ic) 526

, : . Vip er see Serp ent : .

Term inu 225 s:


. Vi or helm et 3 90 5 1 6
: , .

Text L ett r
: S ee e s . W all p a p ers 28 6 -
: .

Textil W a vi g
e: se e e n . War cythes & 3 9 4
s , c : . .

Three centre d Arch Co truc tion 3 3

, ns : . Water p ot 334 -
: .

Throne 4 25 : . Wa v e scroll E v o lute p iral B

: s ee
s ar

Thyrso (1 07 s: . Weap n 3 86 o s: .

Tiara (524 : . Weav i g 289 n : .

Tiger hea d (77 , : . Wings 8 1 : .

Tiles 28 3 : Wreath (Heral dic) 51 9 ,

: .

Til ting He lmet 3 90 5 1 6 : , . WR G 527 IT IN : .

Tinctures (Her ldic) 502 , a : . Writi g tabl e 443 n -

: .

Toil et tan d or ca b inet 45 5

s , : . Wrought i on 1 75 -
r : .

P rin t e d in Ge rm a n y by R AMM 8: S EEMA N N , L EI P Z I G .

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