Syllabus - Lexicology - 12 Weeks
Syllabus - Lexicology - 12 Weeks
Syllabus - Lexicology - 12 Weeks
Course Syllabus
This syllabus is designed for the third-year students majored in Business English of the
Faculty of Foreign Languages, NEU. The course provides students with basic knowledge of lexis
study, which can be divided into five branches: Word Structure and Formation, Semantics,
Phraseology, Etymology, and Lexicography. Through various practice tasks given in the book and
also by lecturers, students will understand the subject matters not only theoretically, but practically.
The course gives students insights into English vocabulary, and thus assisting them to apply it
effectively and reasonably in other skills such as speaking, writing, reading, translating…
The course is aimed at equipping students with fundamental understanding of the English words:
how the words are composed (Word Structure and Formation), what types of meaning there are
(Semantics), how to deal with set expressions (Phraseology), what to know about the origin and
history of words and their meanings (Etymology), and what are problems related to dictionary
compiling (Lexicography).
Students are expected to understand and apply their learned knowledge in doing exercises and in
their later use of the language. At the end of the course, they will be able to:
understand what lexicology is, its essential branches, and its relation to other areas of
know the structures of words.
form words with means of Affixation (Prefixation and Suffixation), Compounding,
Shortening, Conversion, Back formation, Sound imitation, Words from names.
identify types of meaning of words, especially their lexical meanings.
understand Homonymy, Synonymy, and Antonymy.
identify and use Metaphor and Metonymy.
use set expressions correctly and initiatively.
understand the origin and history of words.
know how words and phrases are compiled in dictionaries.
Hoang Tat Truong. 2004. Basic English Lexicology. Hà Nội: Đại Học Ngoại Ngữ, Đại Học
Quốc Gia.
Reference books:
Ingo Plag. 2002.Word formation in English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Thomas B.J. 2010. Advanced Vocabulary and Idiom. Harlow: Longman.
Carthy M.M & O'Dell F. 2001. English Vocabulary in Use, upper-intermediate. Cambridge
University Press.
Hurtford. J.R et al. 2007. Semantics - a coursebook. Cambridge University Press
The course is made in 12 sessions of 2 hours each. The class meets once a week.
Materials Abbreviations:
Basic English Lexicology BEL
2 Word formation
Affixation: BEL P15 – 27
- Prefixation
- Suffixation
9 Semantic change
12 Final Review
Homework fulfillment 20% Fulfill all the homework given by the teacher.
Assignment 20% a mini-research
Final Test 50%
Total 100%
Notes: students are eligible for the final test if they attend at least 80% of class time, do the written
assignment, have mark 5 or over for "participation and homework fulfillment" (20%).
1. Final test: a 60-minute test which consists of some exercises of varied types such as Gap filling/
Multiple Choice/ Comprehension questions/ Identifying types of subjects/ Matching, etc. The Final
test can be done online or on paper.
2. Assignment
The assignment will be done in groups of 5/6. Each group will select one small area of lexicology
and write a mini research into it (about 3000-words), which will be sent to the teacher via email (to prior to the in-class presentation of that research. Some topics are
- analyze the use of certain prefixes or suffixes.
- analyze the use of compound words in a certain text (types of compounds, their functions)
and evaluate its effectiveness.
- Denotational meanings vs connotational meanings of some words in certain contexts.
- Find pairs of homophones and homographs; what problems they may cause and how to
overcome them.
- Analyze the use of synonyms or/ antonyms in a certain text and evaluate its effectiveness.
- Find metaphor and metonymy in English proverbs/ sayings.
- How to deal with set expressions in translation.
(you should find topics of your own interest) Detailed instruction on how to write the assignment
will be given later.
The instructor may make changes if deemed necessary. Changes will be announced in class.