2nd Quarter MDAT

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Republika ng Pilipinas

Kagawaran ng Edukasyon
Sangay ng Quezon
Catanauan II
Name: School: Grade Level: 8 Subject: English
Chumacera, Cheziel R. San Isidro NHS
Quarter: 2nd Week: 1 - 2 No. of Days: 8
MELC: Explain visual-verbal relationships illustrated in tables, graphs, and information maps found in
expository texts
Skills/Thinking Skills: Writing accurately, Developing ideas
Context: Personal
Domain and Dimension in the RBT
No. of % of
R U App An E C
Items Items
Factual Conceptual Procedural Procedural Metacognitive Metacognitive
25% Item no. Item no. Item no. Item no. Item no. 2, 9,
3 1, 4, 8, 10 7, 5, 6

1. Your English teacher asked you to define graphic organizer. Which of the following descriptions
will you choose to respond to?
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
A. Graphic organizer is D. Graphic organizers B. Graphic organizers C. Graphic organizers
pleasing to the eyes of increase structured make data easy to are the crucial
readers. thinking. understand and component in
eliminate language and understanding and
literacy barriers. identifying patterns and
trends in the increasing
flow of data.

2. If your teacher assigns you to present the history of Catanauan, what is the most effective
visual material you will use?
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
C. Videoclip D. Map B. Pictograph and A. timeline chart or
map flowchart

3-4, your Science teacher asked to study the graphic organizer below and answer the questions that follow.

3. What graphic organizers are used to present the data?

I. Bar Graph
II. Line Graph
III. T Chart
IV. Venn Diagram
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
A. III C. II D. I, II, and IV B. I and II

4. Is the given data true and reliable? Why?

Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
D. Yes. The data A. Yes. The data B. Yes. The data C. Yes. The data
were researched by have a complete effectively were taken from
the teacher for this detail. presents COVID- the website of the
test. 19 cases. Department of
5-6, your teacher in health showed the infographic to the class and asked the questions that follow.

5. Which among the statements should you NOT do if you have the symptoms of the coronavirus?
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
C. Inform your doctor B. Maintain close
A. Isolate contact with your
D. Take medicine family.

6. In what way can you reduce the risk of getting the coronavirus infection?
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least Mastered) (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
D. Spend time with B. Be updated with A. Wash your hands C. Get vaccinated and
your family and friends latest news about with soap and water follow the health
to feel loved in midst coronavirus. protocols.
of pandemic.
7-8, study the line graph below and answer the questions that follow.

7. Your mother is concerned about your family business and is having difficulty analyzing the annual
report prepared by her staff. As a result, she requested that you teach her how to interpret the
provided line graph. Which of the following explanations will most likely assist you in explaining the
graph to your mother?
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
B. Mother, line graph is C. Mother, line graph D. Mother, line graph A. Mother, line graph
a kind of graph that used in annual report has horizontal data, used in the annual
characterizes categorial presents information vertical data, title, report in our business
data with rectangular using dots and connected straight line segments, shows that in month of
bars of equal width. by straight line and label that we need December we earn the
segments. to interpret. highest while in month
of March we earn the

8. Based on the given data in the graph, what will likely happen to your family business?
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
A. The online business D. The online business B. The online business C. The online business
may be sold or closed. will just break even. will start to fail. will boom.
9-10, study the table below.

9. What is the most likely title of the table you will provide?
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least Mastered) (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
B. Internet C. Social Media A. Data of People who D. Preferred Social
Platforms like Social Media Media by Age

10. What can you infer from the table?

Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
C. Using social media D. Facebook is the most B. Some people enjoy A. People from different
makes someone healthy. popular social media social media while ages had different
platform. others do not. choices for social media.
Name: School: Grade Level: 8 Subject: English
Chumacera, Cheziel R. San Isidro NHS
Quarter: 2nd Week: 3 - 4 No. of Days: 8
MELC: Use opinion-marking signals to share ideas
Skills/Thinking Skills: Writing accurately, Developing ideas
Context: Personal
Domain and Dimension in the RBT
No. of % of
R U App An E C
Items Items
Factual Conceptual Procedural Procedural Metacognitive Metacognitive
10 25% Item no. Item no. Item no. Item no. Item no. Item no.
11 13, 14, 15, 19,20 12, 17, 18,

11. How will you define opinion-making signals?

Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
A. They are words that C. They are words that D. They are words that B. They are words that
state a fact. show opinion. show emphasis on will add information
someone’s stand and to personal thoughts,
belief. perceptions, or
judgments about

12. Analyze the statement below and select which shows opinion.
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
D. Cigarette smoking is B. Juan is the best C. Chocolate milk taste A. I believe they are
dangerous to my health. student in the class. better than regular happy because they love
milk. to swim.

13. Analyze the statement below and select which shows opinion.
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
D. Your heart pumps A. Banana is the best B. Face-to-face classes C. I prefer using
blood through your fruit for your body. is helpful than modular Facebook to Twitter
body. distance learning. because Twitter has
limited characters per

14. Distinguish the appropriate opinion marking signal to complete your opinion about Filipinos.
“_________________ Filipinos are hospitable because they are very welcoming and accommodating.”
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
A. It is true that D. In my experience
B. Research says
C. Undeniably
15. The following set of words are opinion marking signal EXCEPT one.
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
A. In my perspective … C. According to
B. I take the view that research …

D. I am confident that

16. You are deciding with your friend where to go for a snack. Then, you said “It is claimed that
drinking coffee is not good for you. Therefore, we will have fruit shakes instead.”
Which word/words from your line is an example of opinion-marking signal?
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
B. therefore A. It is claimed
C. drinking
D. for your

17. You disagree with your classmate’s statement with a line, “I am convinced that eating a lot of
processed foods isn’t good for health.”
Which word/words from your line is an example of opinion-marking signal?
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
B. eating a lot C. I am convinced
D. for health
A. isn’t good

18. Which of the sentences below does not show an opinion?

Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
A. Many says that he D. 1 liter of water
deserved to be an honor weighs 1 kilogram.
C. I love watching
B. I could say that I
am the best.

19. Using opinion marking signal, write an opinion about the topic below.
True friendship
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)

20. Using opinion marking signal, write an opinion on the question below.
“Should we trust online sources?”
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)

Name: School: Grade Level: 8 Subject: English

Chumacera, Cheziel R. San Isidro NHS

Quarter: 2nd Week: 5 No. of Days: 4

MELC: Compare and contrast the presentation of the same topic in different multimodal texts
Skills/Thinking Skills: Writing accurately, Developing ideas
Context: Personal
Domain and Dimension in the RBT
No. of % of
R U App An E C
Items Items
Factual Conceptual Procedural Procedural Metacognitive Metacognitive
5 12.50% Item no. Item no. Item no. Item no. Item no. Item no.
24, 25 23 21, 22

21. Teacher Venus a SPED teacher from Catanauan, Quezon was recently featured in one of GMA’s
award-winning TV programs--- I-Witness. What type of viewing genre is I-Witness?
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
D. Documentary because it B. Documentary A. Documentaries C. Documentary because
is a program which have because it is a non- because it is a non- it is a TV program that
coherent set or sequence of fictional TV fictional Tv program documents real life
educational activities program. that provides factual events whose purpose is
designed and organized to records of report on to educate, inform,
achieve pre-determined various issues. communicate, persuade,
learning objectives or raise consciousness, or
accomplish a specific set of satisfy curiosity
educational tasks over a instruction.
sustained period.

22. Lola Berta wants to watch her favorite soap opera on TV plus. What other soap opera can she
scroll when tick the soap opera button on the TV plus?
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
D. Super Inggo, B. 100 days to Heaven A. Ang Probinsyano and C. Mara Clara,
Encantadia, Voltes-V, Agua Bendita Flordeliza, Be Careful
Krystala, Darna, Pedro with my Heart and 100
Penduko, Naruto, Days to Heaven.
23. You want to watch a movie on Netflix, but you can’t decide what to watch. What can you do to
choose a movie?
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
C. Watch trailers so A. Watch trailers B. Look for some D. Trailers can help you
that you can be because you can trailers because you to decide watching you
entertained with their preview the highlights can see the short clips can view the movie
varied performances such of the film. of the movie that can highlights, see short
as acrobatic feats, help to attract viewers. extracts of the film
dance, skits and songs. and the conjunction with
another feature film.

24. Lanie plans to go to EDSA today, but she witnessed the traffic jam in EDSA in the live coverage
of GMA FLASH REPORT this morning. What viewing is GMA Flash Report?
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
B. News Flash because D. News flash because A. News Flash C. News Flash because
it is a program which it can report what is because it is an it is a single item of
have coherent set or happening around like informative show important news that is
sequence of educational that if Health, regularly shown that separately broadcasted
activities designed and Education, Economy, brings relevant and often interrupts
organized to achieve politics and other issues information about the programs to bring the
pre-determined learning affecting community. current news and public latest news and public
objectives or accomplish affairs. affairs.
a specific set of
educational tasks over a
sustained period.

25. Jayvee is an event organizer and she wants to know how is the weather like tomorrow because she
will be having an event. What weather report program is the best for her to determine the weather
for tomorrow?
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
B. GMA Flash Report, D. TV Patrol C. News Flash, A. GMA Flash report,
Brigada, CNN, ABC News Mornings, Balitanghali, 24 Oras,
Reporter’s notebook, TV Patrol Weather Update ng
Matanglawin, AHA!, Bayan, ABS-CBN News
Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho

Name: School: Grade Level: 8 Subject: English

Chumacera, Cheziel R. San Isidro NHS
Quarter: 2nd Week: 6 No. of Days: 4
MELC: Compare and contrast own opinions with those presented in familiar texts
Skills/Thinking Skills: Writing accurately, Developing ideas
Context: Personal
Domain and Dimension in the RBT
No. of % of
R U App An E C
Items Items
Factual Conceptual Procedural Procedural Metacognitive Metacognitive
5 12.50% Item no. Item no. Item no. Item no. Item no. Item no.
29 28, 30 26 27

26. Annie wants to write on her blog how she wants to compare her new and former teacher. Which
grammatical markers is the best options for her?
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
C. although, same as, B. As well as A. Also , like D. resemble, likewise,
both, whereas also

27. What is the most appropriate transition signal to be used for comparing in the sentence below? You
thought his cat might be killed ________ what happened to his chickens.
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
B. different to A. similar to
C. opposite to
D. in contrast to

28. Before expressing your opinion based on a text that is comparing and contrasting, what should be
done first?
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
A. identify the author D. identify similarities
B. identify how it is and differences
C. identify the source

29. In order for the you to write your own opinion based on any topic or issue, the opinion should be
based on __________.
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
B. hearsays A. evidence
C. numbers
D. texts

30. In stating an opinion showing comparison or contrast, what should you consider?
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
C. Draw a diagram A. Analyze only one D. Analyze a diagram B. Make sure that
showing similarities and picture being shown showing similarities and there is evidence as
differences differences basis

Name: School: Grade Level: 8 Subject: English

Chumacera, Cheziel R. San Isidro NHS
Quarter: 2nd Week: 7 - 8 No. of Days: 8
MELC: Recognize positive and negative messages conveyed in a text
Skills/Thinking Skills: Writing accurately, Developing ideas
Context: Personal
Domain and Dimension in the RBT
No. of % of
R U App An E C
Items Items
Factual Conceptual Procedural Procedural Metacognitive Metacognitive
10 25% Item no. Item no. Item no. Item no. Item no. Item no.
40 35, 36 39 31, 32, 33, 38 37

31. Choose your positive response or reaction to the given issue.

“Education must continue despite the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
C. Academic freeze D. Time would be A. There are B. With the distance
now! wasted if there will be alternative ways among learning, students can
academic freeze. students who cannot still learn and be
understand the topic in productive despite
the self-learning COVID-19 pandemic.

32. Choose your positive response or reaction to the given issue.

“Some public schools are implementing face-to-face classes in the second semester quarter this school
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
A. Who will be B. This is good news!
accountable if there will We are all vaccinated
be cases of Covid-19 and we can have formal
due to face-to-face classes safely.

C. I will rather choose

distance learning. I
don’t want to take the

D. I don’t want to be
vaccinated. Online
learning is still the
safest way to study.

33. Write one sentence with negative message.

Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)

34. Write one sentence with positive message.

Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
For item no. 35, study the situation and choose the word that conveys negative message.
35. My brother said that Mr. Scrooge was such a stingy man, and he never bought his friends
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
A. bought B. stingy
C. Anything
D. never

For item no. 36, analyze the situation and choose the word that conveys positive message.
36. According to my history teacher, the ruins of the castle were abundant in historical evidence.
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
B. ruins A. abundant
C. according
D. castle

For item no. 37, study the message conveyed in the picture and answer the given question.
37. What would likely to happen if all user of mobile devices registers their Subscriber Identity
Module or SIMs?

Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
A. Sim registration can B. Sim registration will D. Sim registration will C. All users or
be implemented for entail massive collection help law enforcement customers will be
cases such as banking of personal data find those who commit shielded from unethical
the unbanked and nationwide. crimes using phones by practices like fraud on
providing government making those who use mobile devices and the
services to the SIM cards accountable. internet, smishing, and
underserved, it restricts other forms of fraud.
the space for free

38. Your Korean classmate has been a student here in the Philippines for two years. In studying a
formal essay, you are given by your teacher to react on the first paragraph of Carlos Romulo’s I Am a
Filipino. The first paragraph goes like this:

I am a Filipino, inheritor of a glorious past, hostage to the uncertain future.

As such I must prove equal to a twofold task –the task of meeting my responsibility
to the past and the task of performing my obligation to the future.
You cannot help but discuss pertinent characteristics about you, being a Filipino and your classmate,
being a Korean and the challenges of modernity that somehow affected you both as Asians. What would
be the best lesson of the paragraph that you can present to your teacher and classmates that
somehow will be true to you both as Asians?
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
D. We should let things C. We should accept A. We need to B. We have to
happen because we that whatever we will recognize where we acknowledge that as
cannot control become in the future, really came from and Asians we exist because
everything. it will always be the that we should also of our past and
product of what we prepare ourselves for because society is
decide for our present. the uncertainty that constantly evolving, we
the future will bring. must keep up and see
the positive
things brought about by
these changes.

39. Filipinos are well-known for being optimistic in life. How can you apply being positive in the
situation below.

Troublemaker in the school always come to you for no specific reason. You were verbally bullied almost
every day and insulted your looks continuously.

Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
B. Ask your friends to D. Avoid situations A. Tell them to stop C. Talk to someone who
come back at them for where bullying can and make friends with can provide you with
revenge. happen. them instead. the support you need
such your teacher and
guidance counselor.

40. How can you identify the positive and negative message in the sentence?
Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational
(0 point) (1 point/ Least (2 points/ Nearly (3 points/ Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
A. I will evaluate the B. I will identify the C. I will look for D. I will identify the
author’s background. mood of the author. negative and positive style, word choice,
words. tone, and voice utilized
by the speaker.

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