Bbdm2023 Business Ethics
Bbdm2023 Business Ethics
Bbdm2023 Business Ethics
Copyrights Liability Piracy
It is an important aspect of ethical issues in information
technology. IT facilitates the users having their own hardware,
operating system and software tools to access the servers that
are connected to each other and to the users by a network.
Due to the distribution of the network on a large scale, data or
information transfer in a big amount takes place which leads to
the hidden chances of disclosing information and violating the
privacy of any individuals or a group. It is a major challenge for
IT society and organizations to maintain the privacy and Personal
integrity of data.
Accidental disclosure to inappropriate individuals and provisions
to protect the accuracy of data also comes in the privacy issue.
The second aspect of ethical issues in information
technology is access right.
Access right becomes a high priority issue for the IT and
cyberspace with the great advancement in technology. E-
commerce and Electronic payment systems evolution on the
internet heightened this issue for various corporate Access Right
organizations and government agencies. Network on the
internet cannot be made secure from unauthorized access.
Generally, the intrusion detection system are used to
determine whether the user is an intruder or an appropriate
Harmful actions in the computer ethics refers to the damage
or negative consequences to the IT such as loss of important
information, loss of property, loss of ownership, destruction
of property and undesirable substantial impacts.
This principle of ethical conduct restricts any outsiders from
the use of information technology in manner which leads to
any loss to any of the users, employees, employers and the
general public. Actions
Typically, these actions comprises of the intentional
destruction or alteration of files and program which drives a
serious loss of resources. To recover from the harmful
actions extra time and efforts are required to remove the
viruses from the computer systems.
It is more difficult to deal with these types of ethical issues.
A patent can preserve the unique and secret aspect of an
idea. Obtaining a patent is very difficult as compared with
obtaining a copyright. A thorough disclosure is required with
the software. The patent holder has to reveal the full details
of a program to a proficient programmer for building a
program. Patent
Patents protect the novel features, processes, and
design of a system that powers an “app” rather than
just the underlying source code.
Airbnb. Automated determination of booking availability
for accommodation listings.
The information security specialists are to be familiar with
necessary concept of the copyright law. Copyright law works
as a very powerful legal tool in protecting computer
software, both before a security breach and surely after a
security breach. This type of breach could be the
mishandling and misuse of data, computer programs,
documentation and similar material. In many countries,
copyright legislation is amended or revised to provide Copyright
explicit laws to protect computer programs.
copyright only protects the “exact” source code, and a
competitor may be able to circumvent the legal
protection of a copyright registration and avoid
infringement by making even minor changes to the
code they employ.
Trade secrets is also a significant ethical issue in information
technology. A trade secret secures something of value and
usefulness. This law protects the private aspects of ideas
which is known only to the discoverer or his confidants.
Once disclosed, trade secret is lost as such and is only
protected by the law for trade secrets. The application of
trade secret law is very broad in the computer range, where Trade secrets
even a slight head start in the advancement of software or
hardware can provide a significant competitive influence.
One famous example: Google’s search algorithm.
One should be aware of the liability issue in making ethical
decisions. Software developer makes promises and
assertions to the user about the nature and quality of the
product that can be restricted as an express warranty.
Programmers or retailers possess the legitimate to
determine the express warranties. Thus they have to be
practical when they define any claims and predictions about
the capacities, quality and nature of their software or
Every word they say about their product may be as legally
valid as stated in written. All agreements should be in
writing to protect against liability. A disclaimer of express
warranties can free a supplier from being held responsible
of informal, speculative statements or forecasting made
during the agreement stages.
Piracy is an activity in which the creation of illegal copy of
the software is made. It is entirely up to the owner of the
software as to whether or not users can make backup copies
of their software.
As laws made for copyright protection are evolving, also
legislation that would stop unauthorized duplication of
software is in consideration.
The software industry is prepared to do encounter against
software piracy. The courts are dealing with an increasing
number of actions concerning the protection of software.
ISMS stands for “information security management system.” An ISMS
is a documented management system that consists of a set of
security controls that protect the confidentiality, availability, and
integrity of assets from threats and vulnerabilities.
By designing, implementing, managing, and maintaining an ISMS, an
organization can protect its confidential, personal, and sensitive data
from being leaked, damaged, destroyed, or exposed to harmful
The point of an ISMS is to proactively limit the impact of a data
security breach.
Under the Ministry of Multimedia and Communications (MCMC), CyberSecurity
Malaysia is established as a cyber security specialist agency to provide a broad range of
services and strengthen Malaysia’s self-reliance in cyberspace.
The organisation assists enforcement agencies in cyber forensics and analysis, such as
analysing evidence and providing expert witnesses for relevant cybercrime cases.
It also aims to establish a culture of security through awareness programmes and best
practices among children, teenagers, parents and organisations.
Besides CyberSecurity Malaysia, there are also multiple sub-organisations
and services provided to cater to Malaysia’s growing need for online security.
There also exist many cyberlaws and policies such as the Computer Crime Act
1997 and the Communication and Multimedia Act 1998 that act as a
safeguard against cyber-criminal activities in the country.
That said, with the rise in cybercrime cases, there is an urgent need for
proactive steps to tackle the crime.
CyberSecurity Malaysia for example has highlighted the shortcoming of its
agency in the lack of cyber security professionals. Hence, universities are
urged to offer more courses and programmes to educate the public and
create awareness on cyber security.